Request for the Indication of Interim Measures submitted by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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NOliTkiEI<N IRELAND 1. 1liii\,c Ille IIOI~OLII ~O tk) Applici\tii~~i siit>i~iiti~el 10 111~ C'<)lii.t OII
14 ,II>I.II IO72 i~i~tiititiiig ~~roicecliii~sin (lie ii;iii~e of [lie Uiiitcil Kiii~d~iii 01.
(;i.c;ii I3i.ii;liii ;iiiiI No1.11ic1-1IIi.C~;IIII~;~g;~ili\i Iccl;ii~d. ;iiiciIO siibiiii~, iii iii-

c~~~i~<I;lll \\~1c11 ~Il~lle.lc41 01.111cs1;11111;c lil~i ;Il-ticle 0 l of tI1c l<lllc\ 01. 'Otll~l,
;I I.~LILI~\I 11i;it illc ('OLII.~\I~oLIIL~iii~iic;itc tlic ~i~ici~iiiiiiic;isiii~c\ ~\li~~.lO i LI~I~Ito
I>c 1;)h~-ti 10 pi.c\crt.c tlic i.i~Iii\ 01.[île p;~i.iic\ pciiilii~g ilic tiii;tl ilcc~i~ioi~ 01'

tlic.\c 13i.oc.c-cxiliiig\.

1. 3'hc I-iglit\ of tlic L;iittcJ Kiiigdoiii (0 bc ~~rotcc~cd;II-c tlic riglilb 10

ciisiir.c tliiit\*c>icli rc_ciitcr~ccliii (lie Uiiiicd Liilgdorii hho~ild be pcriiiittccl
Iic~~ct~~I'oit~ oct;ihc li\h 011 tlic Iii~li 5c;is 111 tlic iiciylit~iii~rlioc~clol' Icclitii~i L)LII-
\ide tlic 12-iiiilc Iiiiiit 01- Ii\lic~~ic\.ji~risiiictioii iigi.ccci tip~ii III tlie I~xcliitii_c~01.

Koic\ Iwi\iccii tlic (~~\~I.IIIIIL'III 01' tlic Cjiiiteil Kirircloiii ;irici iIic (il)\ crri-
lilclll 01.lL~c1;ill~< i l;ltc<l l l hl; 1901 (ils 3ct 0111 il1 A1111c\ tl [O tI1c ;I~~~II-
c,itioii i1i\t11i~ti11y I>I'~)L'CC~II~~\) ~'\ccpl 111 \O {-;II;I\ 11i;i!~\>L! l>i~~)\~d~c 1l.01.l>!'

;ii.~~;iiigciliciit\ ; I~ct\\ccii tlic C;c)\~c~.iiiiiciitol' tllc L'liitcd Kiiiyiioiii iiiicl
11ic(;i~\~ci~ii~iiciitof Ic~cl.ii~dh~lcli II\ ;11,eret'c~~rcc Il in ~~;\r;lgriil~h21 111: 01' tlic

\;11i1:l ~~~~l;c~;lti~~ll.

(;I.oIII/~/.of' :Il~l~/i(~~ifiotl

4. 'flic gi,oiiiiil\ oii \\ liicli tlic iiiilic;riioii of (lie 3;iici iiitci.iiii iiic;i\iii.c\ i4
i~ci~i~c\tc~ ;IY tli;~~tlic (io\crii~iiciii ol' Ic~cl;i~~ilil;i\.c i>si~ccli~cgtiI;iti~~i~\p111.-

po~.ti 11s tti ~.iii.r), irito cll'cL.t tlici~. ~iccl;~rc~li~itciit ioii OSt~~iil;itci~;~Il~ c\~tCii~i~ii~
ilie liiiiit\ 01' tlicii. lihlici.ic\ jlir.i\ciiitioii 11);i ~iiht;iiicc cil'50 iiiilc\ 1'1.0111\>;i\~liiic\
I.Oll11~i l~~cl,lllcl 011 1 sc.~~tc.lill>cl~ IO72 ;11ici tllcl~c;ll-tcl~\\ IIOII)~c\clL1lllllg 111c

II\\I~II? \c\\cl\ 01' ot1ic.1.11,11ioii\.ii~c~l~~~iiitiIy iti\c ol' tlic l~iiiic~l Kiii~~Ioiii. 1'1.o1)i
11i;it p;ir.t 01' Ille IiigIi \c..I\ \\Ii~cli i4 iiiil~iiic~l \\itl~iil flic 4;iid e\1c11iic~1III~~II\.

.l'lic.\c;iti~~ii\ \\c~.cI\\\ICLI 11iit\1i~Ii\(;~iicliiiy tlic 1>ciid~iic.y 01' iIic\c
cccllii~y~ ;iii(i 110t\i it1i~t;iii~iiii~ ttic iii\e.~i\\ioii\ ~~cl~ci~i~ 10ci 111 p;\i.;~y~.;tpli 2 1
I>clir\\. Ii~lil lici\\ecii tlic 13;ii.lic\ iii ;III;ittciiipl tii 1-~;1ilt 5;ltisl';lctory ;\i.l';illgc'-

iiiciit\ l~c~idiiiy ;i iicci\ioii 01- tlic ('oiii-t. Tlic ~~c~til;itio~i\.tllc l'~111 tc\t i\l.
\\ ii \CI 0111 111 ,~Iiiiic\ :\ Iic~~cto.\\ci.c ~~~~l~li~lic \>ci ,(lie (~io\c~~ii~ii~~ 0~1t
1~~I;tiiiI 01) 14 Jtil) 1972 ;i11i1;II.C C\IJIY\\L!<I 10 it.)iiic ilito ~1T~e. (311 l SCI>ICI~~-

!>t:!.1072. 5. If such iinilateral excliision, which, in the subiiiissioii of thc Uriitcd
Kingdom Governiiicnt, is wholly unwrirranted by international Iriw, wcrc
carried into cffect for any siibstaritial pcriod, it woiild, for tlic rciisons sct oiit 7. Iri 1971 thc1.c \wrc 194 Lliiitcd Kirigduiii vcsscls wtiicti fislicd in ttic
Iccliiiicl iircii. Tlicsc ciiiiic frciiii tlie ports of tl iill, Griiiisby, Fleetwood, Nortli
bclow, rcsult in i~iiiiicdiiitc and irrenicdiahlc dariiiigc to tlic I!iiitccl Kiiigcloiii Sliiclcls iiiid ~1t~crdcci-iS .oilie of tticsc ncrc rcliitivcly si~iallvesscls tliiit iisii;illy
iishing and iissociatcd industries. Siich cliiiiiagc coiilci not bc iiiiidc gootl 1))' fis11closci. to ttic Unitcc1 Kiiigcto~iiiiiid oiily visit tlic grounds around Iccl;iiiel
thc priynicnt of niorictiiry coiiipcnsiit ion by thc (;ovcrniiiciit of Iccl;iiid slioiild
l'roiii tiliic to tiiiic. OtIicrs \\crc l'rcc~crtr-;i\ilcrs- -thcrt' arc 37 of thcsc iri the
the Coiirt dccidc ttiat tlie cscliisiori \i.iis iiiilii\r fiil. Accordiiigly, the L'iiitcd tlcci of' tr.liicti 2 visitcd tlic Iccliiiid iircii iii 1971--which arc also iiiriirily
Kingdoni \vould bc dcprivcd of riiiicli of the bciicfii of aiiy ordcr iiiiide 1,y the iiitc'rriiitlcril visitors Io Ilic 1ccl;iiitl ;ire;\, Iiii\,iiig tlic cripricity to stay at scii for
Court in piirsiiancc cif siich ii clccisioii hy it. I:iirtlieriiiorc, siicli iiiiil;itcriil
exclusion diiring the pciidciicy of thc siiit cciiilci c)iily iiggriiviitc tlic di\ljiitc loiig lwriorih iiiid to li\li iiiiy of' tlic gi-viiiitls in tlic North Atlantic. Ovcr 04
ci' cciit. II?,\\.c'iglit01'(lie c;itcti in 1971 \\.iis tiiiicn by "fresher" tra\r.lcrs, tliiit
~vhich has bccii siibiiiittcd for tlic dccisioii of ttic C'oiirt. 'l'licsc rire coii\id- i\ io siiy. \.ccscl\ \r,tiic.ti ti;ivc rio fiicilitics l'or l'rcczing fish at scii riiici ;ire
crritions which, in the siibiiiissior~ of the Cinvcrniiiciit of the ~!nitctl Kiiigcloiii.
makc it eriiiiicntly just iiiid cspcdicnt that tlic Coiirt shc)iild iiicliciitc ;iliprci- iic~i~orcliiiglcyoiiliricll (1) vo>.iigcsof iio~iii1)i.c tliiiri3 ~rccks. Tlic yciir 1971\\.;is
iii il~c\c i.c\pccts ii iioi~iiiiil?,crir, slioiii~ig ~7crIiiips ii sliglitly liiglicr cll.ort
pririte intcrini iiicasurcs to prcscrvc the rigtits of tlic Utiiicel Kiiigdoiii \i'liilc tlcplo!cd iii tlic Iccl;iiicl ;ircii tliiiiiiii soiiic rccciit yciirs. It will tliiis bc wcii
this suit is pcnding. tliiit,l~;i\,t~igii\~r!~ (110s~\esse!\ t1i;itci<)1101 rcgii~iir~yfis11in tIlC ~~~~iiiiidirCiI,;ii~i IJCI\\C~I IO0 ;iiiei 170 \.esscIs tliiit relj. on the 1ccl;iiid iircii yciir
tjy >.c;ir1.0r ilIl01. risi~llificiillt 11;irtof tt1cir ciiic11.

O. Thc cxcl~ision of Unitcd Kingdoil1 fisliiiig vcsscl\ thrit is t1irc;itciicd 1iy
tlic said rcgiilatioiis \\,oiild Icavc opcii only iiiiiii\igiiitic;iiit pirt of tlic ti\liiiig

grounds in the Iccliinci iirca 1 (scc iiiiip iitAiiiic~;131 1.Tlic \t.;itcrs iiiilic Iccl;iiid
arca constitiitc by far tlic iiiost iiiiportitnt of tlic Uiiitcrl Kiil_ctloiii cli\tiiiii- S. .l'lie dciiici.siil lisliiii_c gr.oiiiids \\iiliin rcricli of the Uiiitcci Kingdoiii
watcr fishiiig groiiiids iiiid one of thc loiigest cstiiblislietl. I.Jniied Kingtloiii fi\liirig llcct iirc iridic;iictl oii the iii;i~~;il Ariiiex 132:tlicy are as folloii*s:
vesscls fish irithc Iccland rircii only for dciiicrsril or "hottc)iii" lisli. 01'thcsc

by für tlic most important arc cod (75.9 pcr ccnt. of tlic c;itch in 1071 ). Oilicrs
include saithe (1 1.7 pcr ccnt.),haddock (4 lier ccnt.) and rcdfisli (2 pcr cciit.).
Pclagic (or siirfricc) fish siich ris herrings. capcliii. etc.. which ;ire foiiiid in tlic I3iirciits Sca I >

leeland arca, and somc spccics of whicli rire fciiiricitlicrc in ;ihiintf;iriec, iirc
, not fished for by Unitcct Kiiigcloin vcssels thcrc. Ovcr tlic pcriod 1900-1069
ttic Unitcd Kingdom's avcriigc iinriiiril deiiicrsal ciiich 2 froiii the 1ccl;irid :ircri

wris abolit IX,000 met rie toris. (Sec Anncx Ci.I) t ~viisv;iIiicd iitCl2 iiiillion
-.ri. iiiadc 1111 45 pcr cent. by \i.cight aiid 49 pcr cciit. liy ~iilii~ of iiIIUiiitccl
Kingdoin clistarit-water Iriiidiiigs oi tiicse spccich. L.iii;kc<l i:! i!? !c.r!u?;of tlic
total Iandings of frcsh and frozcii fish (i.c., ;il1 the cc~iiiiiicrciiilly iiiil>or-

tant deniersiil rinci pclagic fis11 cscliidiiiç shcllfisli) by U iiitcd Kirigeioiii
fishing vcssels, thc Iiindiiigs froiii the Iccliirici iircii hiivc riccoiiiitcd for 10.2
pcr ccnt. by \vciglit niid 21.7 pcr cent. by viiliic ovci- tlic yc;ir\ 1000-1009. (Sec

Aiiiicx C.) O\/cr tlic haiiic pci-iod tlic Iiiiidiiigs by U iiitccl Kiiiycloiii li\liiilg
vcsscls froiii the Iccliirid iircii accoiintcd for 1h.l pcr cciit.'by tbeiglit iiiiii I0.h
pcr ccnt. by valiic of tlic totril Unitcd Kiiigciom siipplics of fi\li I'rorii ;il1
soiirces. (Scc Arincx D. )

1 Kcfcrcnccr;to sca areas are rcfcrcnccs to tlic iirc;is slio\rm ori the iiiiip ati:iclicd
licrctc)ai Anncx 137.

2 Wcights of fis11arc givcn wl~crcpossihlc. in accordaricc tvitlitlic ~~r;iciic;cidoptecl
by tlic lritcrnaiionril Coiincil l'ortlic Esl>lor:itionof'(tic Sca ("IC.I:S") ~iiiiorlier iriicr-
tiational fisticriesorgani~aiions. as "catch" wciglits, iliat is IO sa'.. tlic \\cigllt(ilii\li
actiially ca~iglii.In other cases tIic>.arc giwn as "l;inilings", tIi;iiis Io sa!.. tlic i\cigtii
of tisli landcd. l'hc Ilittcr iba siiiiillcrligiii-csiricctlic lisliarc ligliicnctlh! bciiiggiiitcil
at sca. In practicc tlic fidi arc \\cigllcclon l:iritlingriitlicr tliiin oii Iiciiigc;iiiglit;incltlic

catch wcight is obiainccl froiii ~Iic1;indcd~\ciglit by iiplilyirig;i hricj\+.rI'ii~toiIijr c;icli
spccics of fisli dcpcndiiig on itx ;in;itoriiic:ilclinrnctc.risiic\. Vcry ii~~~~i-o\;iiii:irc l'Io',~
iiiost dci~icrsalspccicscatcii \vcigiiisaic i X j;<ï cc::!.-7!) :-c!-cent. Iiiglici-iliiin 1;iiiilctl
wcights. 13. (ii\cii tliis 1;ic.k of iili~i.iiiiti\.~ fi\liiiig oplicirtiiiiity. tlic t1irc;itciiccl
9. It is net pvssible for thc fishing elfort froni thc Iccliiiicl arcs Io bc
at cconoinic lcvcls t» otlier fisliing gro~inds. Tlic reiiiaiiiing gro~1111iisn tlic c.\cIiisioii 01. ~~iiitcelKiiiglio~ii li\Iiiiig \,c\\cls ïroiii tlie lcclii~icliircii \i~oiiIil
Ii;i~c vei.!.~ei~io~i;sieI\~cr\c ~OI~\C~IIICII~C\, \i,i[li iriiilic~lii~l~rcs~~ltsfor tlic ;iII;'ct-
Nortli-Eiist Arctic (Riircnts Scii. Nor\i.cgian Scii. 13c;ir Islaiid. Spit/hcrgciii cil \ c\\cl\ ;11ic1\\ itli e1i111i;i~~c(e~id~iig o\'cr ;I \i.iilc riirigc 01'siipportiii~ ;ilid
are ;iliproachi~ig tu.icc tlic dist;iiicc nway Croiii tlic CJiiiicil liiiigd~iii. \\,ilIl
harsli (;ind during loiig licrioils of tlic yeiir entrciiicly 1i;irsli) \r.c;itlier iiiid sc;i ~~~Iiil~~Iiil~I\~\tri~\. .I.IIcI.c\\ ~iil~l ~ltii~hl~ liii\'~10 1~ ii \i~itlicir;i\\~iil1' SOIIIC
\,c\\clh 1'1.01ii\cr\.icc. II i~iii~Iihcl>. tIi;~l iii;iiiy o\\,iicrs \\~OLI lI~i~~c tlic ricccss;iry
cllnL{itil)1is. 11 is liiisafc l'or trii\vlers not cupiiblc of \iitli~tiiiidiiig ~ii~li ~011-
diiioiih to opcritic oii thcsc gri>iiiids. Catch r;itcr in thii iircn Iiiivc olrc:id>~ 1iii;iiici;ili.e\i)iii.c.c\Io ii>iiiiiiii~ ol3ci.;itiiig ;il ii loss fc>riiiorc tliiiii;i fc\v riioiiili\
il1 the I~o\w tIi;~t tIi~>, \i~~liIcI r~~~;iiiii1ccCSs 10 tli~ l~~lii~iel ii~ii. b10~t of ~IIOW
faIlci1 f.roii1the higli lcvcls rccorclcd irithc liilc sixtics ~iiidthc 1-iaiso~i('oiii- \,c\\cl\ il()\\ olici.i~ti~ig ;IIor 1iciii.Ille iiiiii-:iii01.profit;ihiIity \iuiiId 1i;ivcIo />c
iliiltcc's Kcport 11.) the 10t11 klcciiiig of the Nortli-Ihst Ai1;iiitic I'i\licric\
i\ilIiil~-;i~i~i iil>, ioiilci iiot 01icr:itc l~rotitiit>ly 011 ;iriy 01'11ic
Coiiiiiiissioii prcrlictcci :i coiitiniiii~g f;ill in ciitch Icvcl\ for 1972 iiiici 1973. 111 ~l~o~lll~o l~l1eli Io tlic111. 13tlt otI1c13 \\O~lIll ll;l\~eto follo\i illliltI1c lltllllt~cr 01.
nny case, nily siih\(nlitial divci.sioii ti) tliis IYoi.ih-l-l:isiArctic iircii 11). ii';i\i.Ic~-\
(bol11 Uliitcd Kiiigdoiii and othcrs) displnccd fi.orii IIic 1icl;iiiJ iirc;i \\oiilet ic\\cl\ \\i~Iiili~;~\iii \\o~~Iii iiicrc;~\c ri~piclly :iii~i iiiiliii~c tlic riio~*ciiioclcrii
\ L.\~I\ i.ehei~iii~ iiitili riitc\ ilcpi~c\\cel i.c[iiriii l~cIo\i,opcr;iliii~ costh IIItlic
still fiirthcr dc~rc\s ciitch r;itcs bclo\v cconoiiiic Icvcls. Tlic ~iri~iiniliiirity of ili.cii\ IO \\li~~.ltilic>, Iiiici l~ccii~11~~crtc e1l iiiiglit otlicr\\ i\c lie cli\~ertcel.O\\ 111s
liliiii>~ trii\\,Ici- skjii1ic1-s \\.itli tlic\c ~i~oiiiicI\\+,oiiIil clil ilIo tlic iliIlici~l~ic\01'
scctiriiiy il11 ~I~ICC~L ~i~tIi C10 iiiiihc [IIC \,O>';I~C lliiy. 10 tlic liiyli L.o\[01'~ii;~iiitiii~iiiig II.;I\Ici-\ \ ;ire 1101 iii lise, a Iiirgc ~~rc)poi.-
IIOli ~\01ilcI ll;l\~clo l3c hc,l~ill~~~1c1 ~.llIic1.\\il\ 110 cc~~t;llll~ll~l~h~~o cfct[licir rc-
10. l'licrc ih 110 lir~h~icct ol' the c~is1i~;iici~ "l.r~\Ii~i~" ti.ii\i~I~i.~iiii~k~iig i111 c~iipIo> III~I~I ~i 111iiiiil \,ci.>,l'c\i iiioiitli~. '1Iici~c ib 110 rci~clyiii;ii~kctl'or~cco~icl-
tlicir Ivss iiiciitcli hy fishiiig tlie groiinci~ of lhc Nort II-W'e\t :\tl;~iitic \IIIL.C (lie
loilpcr voy;igc tiiilc (roiiglily 2 1 , tiiiics tiic di\t;iiicc I.ioiii Iccl;iii<l)i\i)iiId Ic;i\,c II~III ~~II\I~II~I-\\;IIc~ II.~I\\IcI.\. '1.11~ \ii~;il~piiig01. tli~\~ \,chhcli \\~~iiIcI ~~ii\titiit~
t11c l(b\\ 01. ;I c~o~i\~~lc~~;~ ~il~ltcio~iii;l~\\ct.
tlic~ii \vitIl a11 ~iiipi-e)lit;ibI>~ sliort pcrii~i 01. fisliiiig. 111 cll'cct, oiiI>, I.i~cc/ci~ 14. \~'II lltl~.iiiil 01. \.CS\CI \ O~I Id i;iii\c \+ icIe~l>i~~; iii~iii~>I~~iii~iit iiiii~ii~\t
trn\\ 1ci.sCali opcrutc ()il tlicse clistiiiit-\i,:itcr gr0~111111s'1.011 \\1hicIl tllc C:111tciI
KijigJ«iii to~k ;i c;itcli of 7.052 1011s iii 1971 . 1-\u\iJ~vcr. ili~~ï VCS\C~\ iii~OiIiii :III\ce.toi~\01.tlic t ~iiitceltiiiig~lo~ii ti\Iiiii~ iiiciiistry. At lirciciit tlicrc ;ire iil>oi~t
1S.000li\lici-iiicii iiitlic [ 'iiitctl tiiiiyiloiii : of tlic\c ;ipliroxiiiiiitcIy 3.500 iirc
fr>roiily 6 pcr cciit. of tlic totiil ILiiiitccltiiiigcloiii c;itcli iii tlic Icc1;iricl;ii.c;i
(sec ~~ürii.7 a(>Ovc)aiid thcir up~iortuiiitics to iiicrc;isc tlicir ;;ilclic\ iii tlic c~ii~~lo~c O~l~ (lie IO0 to 170 \,c\\cl\ rcl~cr~~ctcol iii 1iiiriiyr;ipIi7 iil~ovc iih lihlii~ig
I~c~~II;I 11) tIic Icclii~icliii.eii. 111 :icielitioii it 15 cstiiiiiitccl tliiit ;i fiirtlicr 40- Atl;lntic \i,jllhi: scvci.cI~ liiiiitccl />Yschciiiei of qiic)t;i liiilit;iti~ii. 50.000 \ioi.hcl.\ cI~.;i\i tlicii. Ii\~iiiy f1.0111 tlic iiiiciIliir>~iiicIi~\trics (c.g., sliil>-
rccclitly ;ii>provccl hy 11" Iiitcr~;iti~iil Coiiiiiiiisioii for Ille T'401.tli\\cht
Atliiiitjc [-.i\hcrics ( I('N:\ fi), \i.IiicIi\\ il1bccoiiic opci-;itive fr~iii J;iiiii;~i.y107! I~iiltliriy iiiiel>ciii-iiiy.1);iihiiig, ii.;iii<~or.t iiiiii iii;irketiiig). T1ii.c~ 11oi.i~
11III. ( r i I I Ilcc oc\~~~~i;iIIs rcIi;iiit on tlic 1c.cliiii~l;ircii,
il1 I;O~I~ of tlie {ive hii[>-:~rcii\iiito \\liicl~ tlic Coiiiiiii\\io~i's i~rcii 15 ~iivicicel. 111 \\ i~c~iollli~c~ 11~1. cciit.. -l'),O [ICI. cc~it. iiiid 00.2 pcr celit. rcs-
tlichc siit>-arcas the Uiiitcil E;iiig~loiii's ciitcli \+,il117e liiiiiîcd to jii\t i)\,cr.
pc~~~i\cl> 01' I;i~iii~iiy\ ;ittlic\c lioi.t\ iii IO71.(Sec ?\iii~c\ l:.) ;\t 1-Iiilliiloiic it i\
24,000 tons. arid ;iltIioii~li 1lici.c i4 iio lii1iit;itioii iii i;it~lic\ iii tlic rciii;iiiiiiig eb\~~~ii;~le tciIt 7.000 \ior.hc[.\ (ollici. ttiiiii li\I~cr~~iiciid )ci.i\.c tlicii. li\~clil~oocl
b~~li-iircii (iilicrc tlic \..Jiii~cctKiiigcloiii c;itcIi \+ils 2.73 1 toiih 111 107l 1 11 i\
cviclciit 1Ii;itiiicrc;iseci ciiiciic\ ;ii[tic Ni?t-!!?-L"~>tAtliiiitii ;\\;i \\Iii)l~ ci111 ;~t111~ cl~~~cc~ 1.l011) [tic li\liiiig iiilIt~\~i~>. .l-lic l~i~i~I~lc\1 i1iiil~t tic iiiiiclcuoi.\c l>e~.;ii~hc
tIic i.c\iil(;~~it iiiiciii~~Io>~iiic~ \\toiilci i)c'iiir iii tlio\e :ii.ccih ( t1iiiiil~cr\idc ;iiicl
bcht rcplacc oiily :isiiiall 1'r;iitic)riof tlic iaiili iiitlic licliiiid ;irc;i ;iiilIol1c.i.iio \\'c\I ~.illl~'~i~~li~~~)\\ll~r~ tli~i'~ ~i ;i \C\Ci.C hiio~i~~gc t;!';i<;i./;ii!?~!!!!!!c .x-f.)!>t:
sol1itioi.i to the difiiciiltics of the "l'rcshcr" triiulcrh \\liicli coiislil~~tctlie gi.e;it
iiiiijority of tlic \fcsscls ii liicli \io~ilelsiiIYcrby cxcl~is~oril'roi11Iccliiii~l~cgi.oi~iiiI\. l'ai. ;~Ilei'ii;~l~\eciiiliI0>~11iciil:iieitlicr ;ire tlic i~~cii;ili/ccl \bills of fi\Ilcriiic~i
;~plii~o~~i~i i0 ~\\oi.k 011 hlioi-c.
I 1. 1)istiiiii-\\iitcr ir;i\t Ici-\cli\l>l;ii~J fro111IccIii~i~c Ioiilcl 11o1prolit;il3ly li\li 15. I.tii-11ici.iiiiii.ct.o tlic c\tciit tli;it\c\\el\ Ji~~~liicccIl'roiiitlic Iccl;iiitl iir.cii
011 iic;ir-\viitcr or ~iiidCIIc-\i~;itcy~-~ oii~iets.Tlic c;itcIi riitcs I>crlieur in flic Koi.tIi
i11.c I.~~IcIII oc1 iil IIC;\I.-\\~I~CI. ;111c1 ~iiicIelI~-\ ;\~CI- ;II-c,\';tli~ COllSCilliCiit rc-
Scii, ior ex;iiiiplc. arc orily oiie-sixtli ol' tliosc iii tlic Iicl;iiiJ itrca (one-[liir'd iliictioii iii ilic c;itcli i-;~fc1.~1'ei.i.c O ;II>o\c\\III Iio\.c iti cITcct ~11ie)iitlic 11ro-
\\jlieii cxprcsscd ai ciitc.11pcr dii). ;ibsciit fre~iii port). 1~'~irtlicriiioi~'t.Iic\c
fisIlcric\ ;ire ~iii~cll,i11iIikctlic c\wiiti:illy siiiglc \I>CCIC\ gi~~iiiiel\ 111 c~~\l;1111- ~i~~il~~lit ~1. [lie \,c\\cl\ ;~IIY;I~ Ii\iiii~ tlicrc ;iii(l 111 ti~rii l~orcc tlic iiior-c
c~~oiioiiiie~~~l \li~~l~~c~~~~ oliiitlc01' \ci.\ icsc\\ ilIl ioii\cqiicIit i~ii~iii~ilo~~i~ic itt
\i.:ltcr rcgj~)ili. iiii~l thii l'iictoi.\\oiild :il\() hcrit)liiIy i11ip;iirli\lii~lg ()~CI.~IIIOI~\ lIio\c poi.[\ (cb.y., 1.o\\c\toft \\;ire coiiccrricil \\ 1111 tlic iie;ii--\i;~[ci~ ;iii~I
iiiid thcir 1iii;iiici;il rcti~rii\. -I'Iic\c gi~c~iiiicls IIC;II.~I. I1ii111e ;II.C iil ;III! c,;~\c
iil~.eiiilj~l'iillycxploitcd: iiiiy ii~lclitio~~iiclITiii-t 13). ~;~iitcclKiiigcloiii ~II~ oLtIici. iiii~lcllc-\\.ilci. li\lii~ig :Ililiii~iyli ilic iiii~iil~cr\i~i\,ol\.cd \i ot1Ic1Iw \~ii;iIIc~..
11 i\ c~\~icc~tc~( Iicit ~liciiiipi~~.t\\oiiId IV ~~~~o~io~~tioii;iytc r.I;iIcr t>cc;i~i\c~lic\c
\,c>hclh iii\,crtc~! 1.r0111(lie ~ic~iiiic~;~reii \\oiiIcl i.eeIii~'~c;itili r;Ilc\. !'LII'~~~cI' \iiiiiIl~~ito\i II\ ~II.Lc\,cii le\\ i11)Icto ;il\\ il\iiclilc11ce~oiioiiiic~ c,Ii;~iigc01.thi\
clcplctc jihll ht~ch\ iilicl clc\i~~c\\tilt prcilit\ 01' 111~ t~~;icIi~i~~iiilii~;~r-\\;~t~i \ilil
iiii~y~iit~ielc~ 1..1)~ciii1~Io>~1iic1\ilt[-~i~.[iii.c ;I[ ;III li\tiiiiy poi.t\ l>otli 1;ii~~c ;iiicI
iiiicl~llc-u.;rtci.\cetor\ of tlic Lliiitccl tiiiigcloiii Ilcct ;ii~cl, iii iiii-il,the ciii.i.ciil \lli&lIl\~OllIil lx \c\cl.el~ cil\l~li~~lc~l ,111d lliilll> \\Il0 11ii\c 110 ~lil~cclcollllcL~lioll
retiil.iis ol'tlic Cinircd Kiiiyiloiii iii3Iiiir-cIlcet.
12. 111 gciicriil. tlicrcl~~rc,iiioitcrii cIist;iiit-~\;itc~~ li.;~\\Icrs, hiici1 il\ ;ire ti\ciI \\iiIi ilic lislii11y II~~~LI\II.> .ioiiId I>ei~i\oI\c~I.
10. Il' t 'lllle~l ~illy~l~~llltri1\\ICI.\\\ci.c c\cllllic~i l-rolil tI1c 1ccI;ill~l;tl.c;i LI\
by 111~ [Jiiitcd K iiig~tc>ili[islii~igIlcct in tlic l~c1;iiieliircii. ci~liip~~c~ \l 1111 c\- tlirc~~~ciicil.tlic cllkit\ iio~eil ;113o\~c\ioiiIii l'ollo\\~rcl;iti\~cly c~iiickl>~: iri ;I
pciisivc ;iiicIso~~Iiis~ic;itc~tc lcIiiiic;il gc;~r ;iiiiI11;1viiiyiiillc\il~Iy liigli ~)p~i.;~tiiiy
co~ts, cc,cild il\?:. if csc!~!c!c:d fr-0111 the 1~cl;iiid ;ii.~;i, Iicipc IO giiii, ICI iili~ii~ ~~ci.iocI 01' 12 ~iioii~Ii\ tllc Ilcet ;iiici \Iiorc-li;~\cd I',ieilitiçs \iot~lll Ii;i\.c heeii
ili\rcil~~cil ;iiitl i.c~liic.ctl10 iiii c\tciit :1iic1 iii ;i \\ii>. 11i;ii\iotiltl iii;ihc ;III
siistiiiii. fish yicld\ \\liiili \iolild kccp Iliciii iii hlisiiicsi. rcturii to thc stcrtrmqr~ocrntr iinpossiblc. Tlic repl~icciiiciit of scriippcd vcsscls hiiss:idor Haris Ci. Aiidcrsori to the Cornmittee on thc Peaccful Uses of the
woiild bc a vcry iiiiicli more costly iind slo~vcr process tliiiii the coiitiiiiiccl Scii-i3cd and tlic Occaii Floor Rcynnti the L.iniits of National Jurisdiction set

operation and grridiiiil rcplaccii~cnt of agcing vcsscls, iirid the rc-cstiililisliiiieiit out iii Ericlosiirc 2 to Aiiiicu 14 ter thc Application ilistitiiting procccdings in
of shore-bascd cntcrpriscs would also takc tiiiic. 13cciiiiscof tlic lociil scarcity tliis siiit. Whilc tlic (iovcrniiiciit of (lie Uriitcd Kiiigd0111do nut conccdc itiiit
of cnîploynicnt thiit is rcfcrrcd to in pariigriiplis 14iiiid 15 aboi,c, iiiiiiiy of the Linysiicli iiitcntion csists ancl coritcnd ttiat any fclirs which the Ciovcrnriicrit of

employees who tiad bccii dischiirged aiid whc) coiild do so \r,criild iiiovc to Iccliiiicj iii;iy hiive as to fii~iirc d;i~ii;igcto fiiitistocks shuilld bc dcalt ii,ith bjl
othcr arcas in sciircli of jobs. Oncc tlic laboiir force. p;irticiil:irly of listicriiicri, siicti arriiiigciiicrits t3ct\iccii g~)vcrii~ncritsas ;ire rcfcrrcd 10 iiipar;igr;ipli II
liad bcen thils dispcrscd, thcy woiild bc iiidiiccd oiily with clilliciilty iiiid to ii (1)) of thc siid Apl>liciitioii. tticy iicvcrthclc~s acccpt that the Coiirt iiiay

liiiiited cstcnt to rctiirn to thcir fciriiier occupiitioris. C'oiilieic~icc iiitlic [iitiirc coiisidcr it iipprolir-iatc tliiit these fcars, \vhctticr well foundcd or not, should
of tlic iridiistry as :iivliolc \soiilci bc dcïtroycd iiiid it woiild bccoiiic 1-cliiti\.cly bc iilliiycd liciicliiig firi~iljiidgriiciit of the Coiirt in tliis siiit. If the Coiirt docs
iliorc diliiccilt ttiiiiiiit i7rcsent 10 iittra~t iiivcstriiciit. No iiicliislry coiild cii\ily so coiisiclci~.tlic (;ovcriiiiiciit of ttic Uiiitccj KiiigJoiii siiggcst thiit the C'oiirt
rccovcr, if it rccovercd iit:III. froiii siich :i I>lo\r iis \s~oiilcltic iiillictcci OII tlic
~lic~iilcl iiicliciitc ;is part of tlic pi.civisioiia1 iiiciisiircs tliat the Govcrriiiiciit of
Uiiited Kiiigdoiii fishing iiicliistry by the cscliisiori of thc clisiiiiit-\i.iitcr flcct tlic Iliiitcd Kiiigdoiii shoiild ciisur-c thiit. iintil such fiiiiil judçriicni, Unitcd
from thc principal fistiirig groiindi on \\.liicli it lias triiclitioiiiilly rclictl iiiid Kiiigdoiii \.ci\scl\ clo iiot tiikc iiioi-c li\li iri tlic lecland iirca than tlicir avcriigc
\vhicli providcs linlf iis ciitcli. ciitcli iiitliiisc \riiter-iiii tlic >ciii.\ ItlCiO1 -909, iiiiiiicly, 155.000 iiictric tons pcr

17. Tlic lliiitcd Kiiigdorii iiiiirket for fisti is ctiiii.;ictci.i/cd hy ii Iiigli dciii;iiirl aiiriiiiii (\cc t1iiric.s Ci). 1 ii iii;ikiiig tliih \iig~cstioii tlic C;o\~criiriiciit crf ttic
for dciiicrsiil spccics (piirticiiliirly cod. hiidil~cli iiiid pliiicc). .l'lici.c\i~oiiIclIw ;I ~jiiiiccl Kiiigcioiii \iisli (O iiiiikc il clciil- tliiittl~cyclo iiot ;iciiiiit tliiit iiny iiicli
siidden scvcre stiortiigc if siipplics froiii I.iiiitcc1Kiiigdoiii \~ci\cls tiiheii f'roiii liiiiitiitioii ii jii?;tificciiiicl ftill>,r-c\cr\c iiII thcir righti iii tlic i1iiittcr iigiiiri\t tlic

the Iceland areii \i.crc ciit 011'in the niLiriiicr tlircaiciiccl. At bc\t, tlicrc coiilcl ~;o\~crlllllcllt of'lcclilllcl.
thcrcaftcr bc ;i piirtiiil repliicciiiciit as priccs iircrc fiircccl iili011 tlic Oiiiictl 20. liivie\\. of the coiisideriitioiii sci oiit iibovc 1have ttic hoiioiir to rccliicst
Kiiipioiii ni:irket iind :ittr;ictcd iiltcrnativc siipplics. I'riccs coiilet iicvci-tliclc\\ ori t~etiiill'of tlic (;~)ver~i~i~cii0 t1'ttic I.jilitce1Kiiigdoiii tliiitthe Coiirt sh~~iiIci
bc expcctcd to rciiiiiiii Iiigh, rcflecting rcliitivc scarcity iiiicl ii fil-111 \vcii-ltl
iiidiciitc tliiit.pciidiiig tlic liiiiiljiidgii~ciii ol' tlic Coiirt iii the suit siibiiiittcd
dcniand. The scarcity iiiiclgcncriilly Iiiçlicr lcvcl ofpriccs oii the L!iiitceiKing- by tlic Apliliciitioii iiistiiiitiiig prrrcccdiiigs of 14 April 1072:
doin niarkct woiild, as \i.cll ils caiising hard\hip to iiiciny coiiiiriiicri, Iciid to
a stabilizcd rcdiictioii iii tlic cc)nsiiiiipiioii of fisli niid tlic ~~tiihliiliiiiciii of' (tr I (Iic (iovcr~i~~ie~itof IceI;~~idshoiilcl iiot scck 10 eiifurcc the rcgii-

dilTerciit consiiiiiption p:itterns iiiid tastcs: it is doiibtfiil \r~lietlicr siicli ii Iiiticiiis rclCri.cclto iii piii-iiyriilili 4 iibovc iiguinsi. or othcr\visc iiitcrtèrc or
nntioiiiil tciidt'ii~y coiild hc casily or \+*hollyrcvcrsctl if iiiicl Ir hcii \~iliplic\ tlirciitcii to i1itcrli.r.c \sitli, ve\\cli 1-csi\tercd iii tlic Uiiitccl Kiiigclorii
froiii thc Iccltii~darcii wc1.c rciiiiiicct. To tliiit cstciit tlic iiiilik~Ii1ior)tl (il'itic fi\lli~igoii~\icic (lie l2-iiiilc Iiriiitiigi.ccct 011 hy (lie 1x11-(ic i11 tlic Exc1i;iiigc

Uniteci Kiiiçdoiii jistliiig iiiciiiitry bciiig iililc to iiiiikc a11ciirly rctiirii to il\ ot' bote\ I>ct\\ccii ttic (;o\.ci.iiiiiciit 01'(lie Clriitcd Kirigdoiii iiiid tlic
prcscrit positioii if tlic C'oiirt dccidcd ttii.ciisc iii fiivour ol' (tic I Jiiitc~l Kirig- C;c~\~ci.iiiiiciiiof Iccliiiitl diiiccl 11 hliircli I1lO1(ils set oiit iii Aiiricl 11
doiii wucild bc iiicrciiscd. to (lie siiill A1~pIic;itioii);
tlic (.;ovci-niiiciit of Iccl;incl stioiilri iiot tiikc or- thrciitcn 10 takc
iritlicii [ciritory (iiicjlidiiig rlicir ports iind tci-ritoriiil \c,atcrs) or insidc the
siiid I2-iiiilc Jilllt or cIsc\\ Iicrc III~;~SLI~CS of iiny kind agiiinst aiiy \rcsscls
icgi\1crcci il, i:i< ?!;:::c:! Kirly,cloiii. or iigiiiiist pcrsuns conncctcd ~\,itli
IS. Vcssels froiii the 13riiish Islcs have lislied iri tlic Iccliind iircii I'or iiiiiiiy
yciirs and I3ritish trii\vlci-s hiivc olwr:itcrl thcrc siiicc 159 I. Set oiii iii Aiinc.s (; s~icli vcs\cls, t~ciiig ii1c.asiii.c.\\\.liicli tii~\~ciis thcir plirposc or ciic~i ihc
iiiil~;iji.iiiciiOS tlic:l'r.ccd~iiio i f siicli ~CSSC IS fisti c~i~tsicItelic siici 12-iiiiIc
tiercto arc deiiiils of Unitccl Kiiigdoiii iincl Iccliiiidic ciitclics of dciiicr\,il liiiiit;
spccics iii the Iccliiiid iirca ovcr thc ),cars 1950-1971 aiid of (lie prcil~or.iiciii\
which tticsc coiistitiitcd of tlic tvtiil ciitclics iii tliiit arcii in ciicli of'tliir\c .ciii-5. (ci iii confoi-iilit~. \\ iiti \iibl~;ir;igrill711 j abovc. V~SSCI
iiithe Iliiitcel Kiiigdc,iii sliciiild I,c frcc. siivc iiiso fLiriis niay bc prosidcd
Givcii tlic iiieviti117ilityofsoiiic iiiitiiriil sciisoii:il tlirctiiii~ioii,\ ;I iioi:ifilc' l'or bv :ii.riiiigciiiciits bet\\.ccri tlic Gc,\~criiiiiciit of tlic U nitcd Kirigdciiii
loiig-tcriii stiihili ty iii tlic ciitchc:, of'both coiintries antl iii tlic ~ii.iil~)i.tioiiof'
tlicir ciitclics 10 (lie tutiil. Tlic prol>ciscclcxclii.;ion of tlic Iliiitctl Kiiigdoiii iiiid tlic (;ovcrniiiciii of Iceliiiicl \iicli iis ;ire rcfcircci to in pliragrapti 2 1
vcsscls \soiild clisriilit tliis Ioiig-cstiibli\licd :iiid stiitile sitii;itioii iiii11. iii tlic (/BI of tlic ciiitl Apl>liciitioii. to fiih ii.;1icrctol'oi.c iii iiIIpiii-ts of tlic high
sciii oiitiirlc ttic siii~l 12-iiiilc liiiiit.hiit itic (;c,vci.iiinciit of the United
siibiiiissioii 01'tlic (:iiitctl K iiigcloiii (;ovci~iiiiiciii. stioiil~l iiot Iw ~>ci.iiii~~ctl
iiiitil(lie riglils of*tlic piii.tici 11ii1.c1)cciiIiiiii!ly \cttlccl l>ytlic c'o~iri. L~iiytto~ii\tioiiIcl eil\tii.c 1Ii;ii<tic11\,c\\cl.; (10 iiot tiikc iiiorc tlliili IS5,OOt)
iiicti.1~toii\ of' fisli iiiaiiy triic >.c;ii-1'1-oritilic scii iircii of' Iccliiiid. tliiit i\
10 \iiy. tlic iircii clctiricd 1,. (tic Iiitci~ii;iticiri:ilC'uiiiicil for tlic Esplvratiori
01'tlic ~cii iii-cii Vit iiiid ho iiiiirkcd oii tlic iiiitp attachcd hcrctu at

A Iiies 132 ;
19. The Ciovcrniiicnt of Iccliiiid hiive stiitcd thiit tticy ICiir 11i;it ilic I.!iiitctl (tli ttic (;O~C~IIIIICIIo~f tlic \!iiitccl Kiiigdoiii anci thc Govcrnnicnt of
Kiiigdoiii lishing inlcrcsts intcnd to incrciisc tlicir fisliiiig cl foi.^\ iii tlic Iccliiiid Iccliiiicl~lioiilelscch to iivoid circiiiiii\t:tnccs arising ~vhichLireinconsistciit

arca in the iicar fiiiiirc 10 ~iii cstciit wliicli will bc liiir-cilfiitc) tlic lihli 111 \\itti the I'orcgoiiiy riie;i\iii.~i ;111c1 wich ;ire ~ii~iibl~ of aggra\.iitiiiç 01'
that area--sec. for c~aiiiliic, ili~ Sia:ci::en! c!:!!cc! !O Aiigiiht 1071 17'. ;1iii- c\tcridiiig tlic cliil7iiic siihiiiittcd to ttic ('oiirt; and (e) in conforniity with the foregoing measures, the Government of
the United Kingdoni and the Governnicnt of lceland shc)iildcach cnsurc

that no action is taken which niiglit prcjudicc the rights of tlic othcr piirty
in respect of the carrying out of whatevcr decision 011 thc iiicrits tlic ANNICSES TO ?'HI': KICQUICSTFOR TH13 INDICATION
Court iiiay subsequcntly render. 01: INI'I<KI31?tll~~riSUKI-SOF PR0TIi:CTION

21. In their aide-niénioire to the Governnicnt of Icclaiici datcd 14 Miircli
1972 (which is rcfcrrcd to in para. 19 of the Applicatioii iristitiiting pro-
ceedings in this suit and is set out in fiill in Anncx J thcrcto) tlic (iovcrniiicrit
of the United Kingdoni expressed thcir \villiiigncss to continiic ciisciissioiis Tris-1 ()i1.tii:Krit;rii..~~~ior\sSIJEII3Y TIIE GC)VEHNME ONT
with the Government of lcclrtnd in ordcr te)iigrcc satisfiictory priictical ari.iin- I~.I:I.ANIo)~ 14 JL:L.Y 1972
gements for the period while tliesc procccdings arc bcforc tlie Coiirt. Siiicc ttic
institution of proceedings such discussions li:ive bccn hcld at bot11o1lici:iliiiici I<EGULATIONS CONCl!KNING THE FISHERY LIMITS OFF
Ministerial levels in Reykjavik and in London oii varioiis dates in April,
May and July 1972. On 12 July 1972 itbecaiiic clcar thiit it\\loiild riot tic
possible to agree satisfactory arrangeiiicnts and that the Govcriiiiicnt of icc-
land then intended, notwithstiinding thc pcndcncy of thcsc procccdings, to
issue the regulations referrcd to in paragraph 4 abovc. As is tlicrc stiitcd, tlic The fisliery liiiiits off Iccliiiid shall hc drawn 50 nauticiil riiilcs oiitside
regulations were made on 14July 1972in thc forni set oiit in Anncs A hcrcto. b~iscliiicsclrii\\,iibctwccn the follo\\~irigpoints:
The text of the regulations was transniitted or1that date tc)tlic Hritisti 1Jiiih;rssy
[Tlic rc~iil;itioiis Iierc s~iccif31 points by nüiiic iiiid by rcfcrcricc to gco-
in Reykjavik under cover of a Note froiii the Ministry for 1:'orcignAlfiiirs of grüpliiciil eii-ordino tes. Tticsc are not rcproduced in his Annex but the
the Governrnent of Iccland, the text of whicli is sct oiit in Anncs 1-1hcrcto. (-oiirt's :ittcntion ihirivitcclto the Notc at thc cnd of this Anncx.]
Though it will be seen that the Govcrniiicnt of Icclaiid siiggcst in tliiitNotc
that further discussions should be hcld in orcicr to reach "il pr;ictic:il soltiticiii 1-iriiits sliiill ;ilso bc di-;iwn J-oiiii~ithe follo\ving points 50 niiutical niiles
of the problenis involvcd" and though the Govcriiiiicrit of the Uiiitcd Kiiig- sc;i\\iird:
doni stand ready at al1 tirnes to considcr uny rc;isoniiblc proposiils which [Tlic rcgii1;itioris ticre spccify2 points by naine and by refercncc to gco-
miglit lead to an agreement providing sucti iisoltition, the Govcriiiiiciit oftlic
gr;ipliiciil eu-ordiii~itcs. Tliesc ;ire iiot rcprodiiced in this Annex but tlic
United Kingdoni do not consider that thcy can Ltnylonçcr dclii~ iiirccliicstiiig (.c)iirt's iittcritio1'invitcc1 10 the Note at the CI~C~of this Aiincs.]
the Court to indicate interim nieasures for thc protection of the 1';irtics.Uiiitcd
Kingdom vessels will not be ablc to continue fistiing iri the I~clitiid iircii oii
and after 1 Septcrnber 1972 iinless certain prcparations arc iiiadc by tlie
fishing industry in the vcry near futiirc. If thcsc prcp:ir;itioris iirc net iiiiidciii Witliiii itic fiblicryliiiiiüIIfisliiiig iictivitics by forciyn vcsscls shall bc pro-
tinie or if, once thcy are put in hand, thcy have to bc revcrsc~i 01-si1t~stiiiitIyil liibited in accordancc witli the provisions of Law No. 33 of 19 Junc 1922,
âI:cred, indüç:;, n:uy suse: c=nside:zb!:: !or,i:in:! !?ard';!>ip..A.ccc>r.Ji!~gly. coiiccrnirig 1:isliiiiginsidc tlic k.isIicry 1,iriiits.

the indication by the Court of interini iiicasurcs for the protcctioii of tlic
interests of the parties has, in thc subinission of flic Govcrririicnt of the
United Kingdoni, now becornc a inatter of iirgcncy. ln this corincction [tic 1ccl:iiidic vcsscls iiirig bottoiii triiwl, iiiid-watcr trawl or Danish seinc-
attention of the Coiirf is respectfully drawn to thc provisions of Article 61 (7) ncttiiig iirc ~iroliihitcd froiii fisliiiig iiisidc the fishcry liiiiits in thc fc>llo\ving
of the Rules of Court which providcs that siicli ;ln ap~liciitioii sIi;iII bc
given priority over üllothcr business of thc Court. iirciisiiiicpcriods :
1. 011' thc iiorth-e;ist ceiast diiririg the pcriod I April to 1 JUIICin ;in
:irc;i \vhicl111 tlic \rcst is dciiiiircatcd by a liric drawn truc north froin
( .S.I.EI:L, 1<1j-b1ii1l(gl]iabl>c)i~l4) iin~lin tlic ~~1st\>y iiIiiie whicli is driikvn truc
Agent for the Govcriiiiicnt of iioi-tli-c;if1.0111l2iiiig;iiic~(13;ihcI'oirO).
tlic Unitcd Kiiigdoiii.
2. Olt.tlic solitli coiibt ciiiriiig tlic pcrioci 20 hlarch to 70 April in a11arca
dciiiiii-catctl t>ylincs iirarit~ctuccn thc following points:

(A) 03 dcgrccs 32' O biII dcgrccs 75' O W
(B) 03 dcgrccs 00' 0 - 21 deyrccs 25' O
(C) 03 dcgrccs 00' O - 37 dcgrccs 00' O -
(11) 63 dcgrecs 32' O -- 27 dcgrccs 00' O - 80 FlSHERlES JURJSDICTION REQUEST

Prohibition of Fishing with Trawl and Mid-water Trawl. Cf. Law No. 21 of
10 May 1969, or special provisions made before thesc regulations bccornc

Article 4

Trawlcrs shall have al1 their fishing gcar propcrly stowcd abo~ird whilc
staying in areas wherc fishing is prohibitcd. [Silo A1rtir.v20toi/ic,4lo,riori(oiithe A1rrit.of the Dicpr<tc,
p. 402, itifr<~]
Article 5

Fisheries statistics shall be forwarded to the Fiskifclag Lslands (Fishcrics
Association of Iceland) in the nianner prcscribcd by Law No. 55 of 27 Junc
1941, concerning Catch and Fisheries Reports. If the Ministry of Fisticries

envisages the possibility of over-fishing, the Ministry iiiay liiiiit tlic riiiiiibcr of
fishing vessels and the riiaxiiiicinicatch cach vcsscl.

Article 6

Violation of the provisions of thcse regulations shall bc sut?jcct to tlic
penalties provided for by Law No. 62 of 18 May 1907,coriccriiiiig I'roliibitiori
of Fishing with Trawl and Mid-water Trawl, as aiiicndcd. Law No. 40 of Anncx U2
9 June 1960,concerning Liniited Permissions for Trawling within tlic Fishcry
Limits off Iceland under Scicntific Supcrvision, Law No. 33 of 19 Junc 1932,
concerning Fishing insidc the Fishery Liniits, as aincndcd, or if thc provisions

of said laws do not apply, to fines frorn Kr. 1,000.00 to Kr. 100,000.00.

Article 7

, These regulations are proinulgated in accordance with Law NO. 44 of
5 April 1948, concerning the Scientific Conservation of the Contii-icntiil Shclf
Fisheries, cf. Law No. 81 of 8 Decenibcr 1952. Wlien thcse regiilations
become efrective, Rcgulations 3 of 11 March 1961, conccrning tlie I-islicry
Limits off Iceland shall ceasc to bc efictivc.

Article 8

These regulations becomc effective on 1 Scptcrnber 1972.

Ministry of Fisheries, 14 July 1972.


The baselines indicatcd in the abovc regiilations appcar to diIlCr in ccrtairi
respects from those provided for by the Exchangc of Notcs of 1901. To tlic
extent that they involve, as they appear to do, a claim by the Ciovcrniiicnt of
Iceland to draw fishery limits from baselines iiiore favourablc to thcnisclvcs
than those established in 1961,the Governmcnt of the Unitcd Kingdoiii fiilly
reserve al1their rights in respect thereof and specifically rcservc thcir riglit to
address submissions relating thereto to thc Court at a latcr stagc of this suit.] AnnexC


Landirigof Pish other thanShellfish

Total Pelagic Landingsfrom Landingsfrai Landingofrom Lindi- of
ToLindingosal Landings Tota'LLandings IcelanArea IcelandAreCU Sof TotalDemerual Shellfish
5 of TotalLsndings Landinp

Weight Value Veight Value Weight Value Weight Velue Weight Value Weight Value Veight Valu*
'000 ietric L. 'OOOmetric 'OOOmetric '000 metric '000 ietric
tom tons tons tons 16 % % tons
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

,1960 693.4 43.2 121.9 2.8 815.3 51.0 153.4 10.3 13.8 M.2 22.1 21.4 28.0 2.1
61 654.1 46.6 101.0 2.6 755.1 49.2 163.3 11.6 21.6 23.6 25.0 24.9 .r.4

1' 62 687.7 45.7 1W.l 3.1 796..8 48.8 178.4 11.8 22.4 24.2 25.9 25.8 9.0 2.5
63 674.2 47.9 147.2 3.1 821.,4 51.0 187.1 13.4 22.9 26.3 27.8 28.0 28.2 2.5
64 687.7 51.1 142.4 3.2 830.1 54.3 184.7 14.5 2.3 26.7 26.9 28.4 28.4 2.9
164.6 3.6 898.4 5a.o 195.7 15.4 21.8 26.6 26.7 28.3
65 733.8 54.4 8.8 3.0
66 715.7 54.4 zoO.2 3-7 915.9 58.1 147.4 11.6 16.1 20.0 20.6 21.3 34.1 3.6
67 710.8 53.7 151.3 3-3 862.1 57.0 161.6 11.7 18.7 20.5 2 21.8 42.2 4.0
68 729.5 54.1 140.9 5.2 87c.4 57.3 136.1 9.2 15.6 15.1 18.7 17.0 41.8 4.8

69 727.9 55.9 175.5 4.0 905.4 59.9 117.0 8.5 t;.u 74.2 16.1 15.2 50.6 6.0
,960-69 7°1*5 51.2 145.4 3.3 846.9 54.5 162.5 11.8 19.2 21.7
1970 731.0 64.0 187.6 , 5.5 916.6 69.5 142.6 13.2 15.5 19.0
71 715.1 72.9 , 206.0 6.2 92.1.1 85.1 130.9 22.4 19.6 25.3

,Votes: 1. Quantities shoibn in trrms of landccl eqiiivalent ueiçht, i.e., hrad on. gutted, pl~isIirers.

2. Source: Colunins (7) io (9) and (14)and (15) fron-iSea Fisherics Statistical Tables 1960-71.
Cc)liinins (10) to (13) by calculation.
3. In coliinins (S) and(9) a sniall adjut;tnicnt has bcen made to take account of the fact that in the Statistical Tables the figures

for landings fron-iditkrent arcas of origin do not includc, iihcrcas thc figlircsfor total landings do. The li\.crs represent
approsiiiiately ?.7",, of landings h'. \tcight, and 0.5",, b! value.
4. :\Il \+eighis hii\c bccn conrcrtcd friliii criis. ro nictric tons.

* Figiircs not a\.ailîblc.


Supplies of Pieh (excluding ~hellfish) to the United Kingdom Landings from Iceland Are6
(i.e. Landings by United Kingdom and Poreigc Vessels, and by United Kingdom Vessele
Imrorts of Freah, Prozen, and Semi-preserved piah)
Landings fron ' Of
Tsar Landings from Iceland drea Shellfish
Total Demersal Total Pelagic Iceland hea by UK Vessele
Supplies Supplies Total Supplies by üK Vessels as a 9 of
Total Supplhs

Veight Value Value Ueight Value Vsight Value
Veightt Value Yeight Va:Lue Ueight
'000 aetric £, '000 metric '(XjO metric '000 metric J 'ûûûtonsric
tons tons tons tons
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (72) (13)
(1 ) (2) (3) ('0 t5)
137-7 3.4 958.1 63-9 153.4 10.3 16.0 16.1 33.7 3.1
1960 820.4 a.5 17.6 18.1 , 4.5
61 808.6 60.9 117.7 3.1 926.3 64.0 163.3 11.6 'A
120.0 3.5 950.7 62.6 178.4 11.8 18.8 18.8 36-5 5.3
62 830.7 59.1 187.1 1 4 19.3 20.7 34.3 5.2
53 806.5 61.1 IW.9 5 971.4 6
64 852.1 68.6 150.7 2.5 1002.8 72.1 164.7 14.5 18.4 20.1 36.5 6.6 5
195.7 15.4 18.2 19.7 35.8 6.6
65 905.4 74.4 170.5 3-9 1075.9 78.3 43.8 8 .O
66 866.4 72.6 207.9 4.1 1074.3 76.7 147.4 11.6 13.7 15.1
163.4 3.7 1026.0 74.3 161.6 11.7 15.8 15.7 48.9 8.2
67 862.6 70.6 12.8 12.0 49.0 IO.?
68 902.6 73.0 162.4 r3.7 1065.0 76.7 136.1 9.2
19.4 .4.4 1068.4 78.7 117.0 8.5 11.0 10.8 57.5 11.8
69 878.0 74.3
1960-69 67.5 158.6 3.7 1011.9 71.2 162.5 71.8 16.1 16.6 41.4 6.9
Average 853'
888.6 86.5 197.1 5.9 1085.7 92.4 142.6 13.2 13.1 14. 63.9 13.6
1970 1059.1 108.8 180.9 22.4 17.1 20.6 63.2 15.2
71 046.1 102.3 213.0 6.5

Quantities shown in terms of landcd cquivalcni rvcight. i.e.. hcad on. glitted. plus livcrs.
hUte~: 1.
2. Source: Colurrins (7) to (9) and (12) and (13) from Sca F-ïsheriesStatisticiil Tahlcs 1960-71.
Colunins (IO)and (I1) by calciilation.
3. In c~iliininr(8) and(9)a snlall ailjiistnicnt has been niadc to take accc-cootf the firiciihat in the Statistical Tables the figures

f<irIîndinyc froiii dilTcrentarcas of origin do nui incliidc livcrs. rihereas thc tigurcs for total landingr do. The livers represWnt
approsiinatcl 2.7",, of landinçs by ncight anci0.5",, hl ral~ic.
4. Al1 iicights harc bccn conrcrtcd fror1-c\+1';tn nlciric t~>iis. AnnexE

'000 trrcfriclotis

Barents Sca 50.0
Norwcgian Coast 42.0
Iceland 3.1
Bear lsland/Spitzbcrgcn 2.3
West Grecnland
Newfoundland 4.3
East Coast of Greenland ...

Faroes 30.8
North Sca 303.7
Rockall 07.2
West Scotland 13.0
Irish Sea
English Channel 5.2
Bristol Channel 2.9
West of Ireland and Porcupirie Bank ...
0. I
South of Ireland -- .

Sour<rrSca ~;~k~~i~,.~yorj.slj<-(iT11blv. s971.Quantitics sliown arc in tcrlns of Iün<lcd

equivalcnt wcight, i.e., head oii, giitied, llllflivers.
adjustiiien< Ilas bccn Iil;lJe 10 {11>fcigilres ohi;iincij froill 111~.Yf(irirri('lllhll'.~.
whicti do incliiJc livcrs, 30 as prcsclii tlic t;lhlc on tlic saiiic b~isis tllo*~ 111
------s C anci D.
Al1wcights have been convcricd irolii cuis. iu iii~iiicions.FISHERIESJURISDICTION KEQUEST

Annex E-l

Tlic Ministry for Foreign i\tf;iirs prcscnts its coriiplirnerits to the British
Eiiibiissy itiiclhiis tlic hono~ir to enclose 5 copies of regulations conccrning the
f'ishcry Liiiiits c,tf Iccliiri~i. diitcd14 Jiily 1972. Under the provisions of
Articlc 1 of ttic rcg~iliitioris the fislicry liiiiits otT lccland shall bc drawn 50

riaiitical riiilcs oiiisidc basclirics and iindcr Article 2 al1fishing activitics within
the fislicry liiiiits by forcigri vcsscls sliall be prohibitcd in accordancc with the
provisions of Liiw NO. 73 of 19 Jiinc 1922. conccrning Fishing insidc tlic
1:ihhci.y Liiiiits.Iiiriecordiincc ~vth Article 8 these regulations bccoriie etTcc-
tivc on IScptciiibcr 1972.

As spccilicci iriArticlc 7 of the rcgiilritioris thcy arc proniulgated in accor-
diiiicc ivitlLaw No. 44 of 5April 1948, concernirig the Scientific Conservation
ol' Ilic (.cintiiicrit;il Sliclf l..i~licries. Arti2lcof the 1948 Law provides that
tlic rcgiilirtions proiiiiilgiitcci iindcr that Law shall be cnforccd only to the
cstcri t coriipatiblc ksith agrccriicrits with othcr countrics to whoiii iccland is

or iii;iy bcco~iie a Party.
/\ltlio~igli clt'ortstc)rcacli a soliition of tlic problciiis conriccted witli the
cxiciisiori tliroiigh disciissions with thc C;ovcrniiicnt of the United Kingdoiii
li;i\c iiot a.; yct bccri s~icccssfiilit is still tlic hopc of the Governincrit of lccliiiici
tliiitcoritiniicci clisciissions \vil1as svvri as possible lead tu a practical solutioii
of tlic pri~blciiis invulveci.

Document Long Title

Request for the Indication of Interim Measures submitted by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
