Letter dated 26 January 1994 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

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Letter dated 26January 1994 from the Ministerfor Foreign

Affairs of the DemocraticPeople'sRepublicof Korea (Translation)

Pyongyang, January 26,1994


I have the honour toreply to your letterNo.89648 addressed
to me concerning the request of the Director- General of the
World Health Organizationfor an advisory opinion.

1 would like to infonn you that the Government of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea considers that the use of
nuclear weapons by a State in a war or other armed conflict is
a clear breach of its obligations under the international
internationallyrecognizedlaw includingthe Constitutionof theand

world Health Organizationaimed at the attainment by al1 peoples
of the highest possible level of health, the Charter of the
security, thesStatute of the International AtomicEnergy Agencyd
which seeks that the atornicenerqy should only be used for
peaceful purposes including world peace and prosperity and
improvementof healthand the Conventionon Biological Diversity.

1 would like to express my expectations that the
International Court of Juscice will pay due attention to the
common desire of human kind for a ban on the use of nuclear
weapons in any case and act effectivêly to ensure that nuclear
weapons will never be used.

Yours sincerely.

Kim Yong Nam Signed)

Minister O: Foreign AffairS
Democratic People's Republic of

Mr.Bernard Noble
InternationalCourt of Justice
The Hague

Document Long Title

Letter dated 26 January 1994 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
