Letter dated 20 June 1995 from the Permanent Representative of Lesotho to the United Nations

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Lettedated20June1995b.t.he Permanen tepresentatiefLesotho
totheUnitedNations THEl'l~.k\lAN~.~'Ih'llSSI<lN<Il"l'lit KIS<;I>OM

<:AlIlll>KI:\S T~lcphunc(Yi¶iur>l~lCW
,Al,AA June 20th, 1995 I..iti(219)689-438b

Mr. Mohmed Bedjaoui
Presidentof the InternationalCourt of Justice
Peace Palace
2517 KJ, The Hague

Your Excellency,

The Kingdom of Lesotho has thepleaeureto submitthe
following inresponse to the invitation of the International
Court of Justice to make statements on the question
requcstcdby the United Nations General Aesemblyi

"1s the threat of nuclearweapons in any circumstance
permittedunder internationallaw?"
The Kingdom of Lesotho is concerned about the
continuingthreatof nuclearwcaponsand thereforesupported
the United Nations General AssemblyResolutionrequesting
the advisoryopinionon this issue.

The Kingdom of Lesotho isresolutelyoppoeed to the
threat or use of nuclcar weapone, and will supportthe
various international and regional initiative6 for
prohibiting nuclear weapons. These include the
establishment of a nuclearweapons free Africa and United
Nations resolutions calling for a conventionon the threat
or use of nuclearwcapons.

The Xingdom of Lesothobelievesthat any threat or uee
of nuclear weapons violates Article 2(4) of the United
Nations Charter, whichprohibitsthe threat or use of force
oxcept in self defenseas provided in Article 51. Any use of nuclear weapons, even in self defense, would
violate international humanitarian lüw, including the Hague
and Geneva Conventions, which prohibit as practices of war,
indiscriminate killing; the use of poisonous gases, liquida
and analogous substances; the v5olation of neutral
territory; causing longterm or severe damage to the
environment; causing unnecessary or aggravated suffering or
responding ta provocation wiCh a disproportionate rceponse.

Moreover, there is a gcncral principle that the threat
to commit a particularly serious crime ie iteelf an offense.
Since the use of nuclear weapons is illegal, the threat of
use of nuclear weapons is a390 illegal.

The Kingdom of Lesotho reserves the right to submit
further argument in the rcsponse phase of proceedings or at
thc oral hearings.

Document Long Title

Letter dated 20 June 1995 from the Permanent Representative of Lesotho to the United Nations
