Written Statement of the Government of Greece

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The Hague, 8 October 1998

Dear N!r. Secretary-General,

Upon request of the Centre for the Independence of Judges and

Lawyers (CIJL) and relevant instructions of the Greek govemment to this
Embassy; please fmd attached hereto a written statement of the Hellenic
Republic affinning the immunity of Mr. Param Gumaraswamy, UN
Special Rapporteur on the lndependence of Judges and Lawyers.

I avail this opportunity to renew you the expression of my
highest consideration.


InternationalCourt of Justice
Attn:N!r. Eduardo Valencia-Ospina

Camegieplein 2
2517 KJ The Hague~-



The Greek Govemm.ent welcomes the submission to the ICJ of a

request for an advisory opinion conceming the immunity ofMr.
Cumaraswany, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights

and is confident that Mr. Cumaraswany did indeed enjoy such immunity
as he was acting in his official capacity according to Article VI Section

22 of the Convention on the Privileges and Im.munities of the United
Nations of 1946.

Document Long Title

Written Statement of the Government of Greece
