Judgment of 25 March 1948

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File
Bilingual Document File









JUDGMENT OF MARCH25th1948 Le présent arrêt doit êtrecité comnie suit :

«.A#finiredzr détroitde Corfou, Arrtit szdrl'excfpfion firéliminaire
C. 1. J. Recueil 1948, p. 15. »

This Judgment should be cited as follows

"Corfu Cltanftel case, Judgment on Preli.ilzinary Objection:
I.C. J. Reports 1948, p. 15."

NO de vente :


YEAR 1948. General L:st
Mareh 25th, 1948.




Proceedings instituted by application alleging a case of compulsory

jurisdictiospecially prol~z'dedfor iCharter of United Nations
(Article 36, paragra1,of Statut;Articles 25, 32, 36, paragraph 3,
of Charter).-PreliminaryObjection to admissibilitfounded on an
alleged procedural irregularity,well as on alleged want of juvis-
diction (Articl40, paragraph 1, and 36, paragraph1, of Statut;

Article 32, paragrap2,of Rules).-Jurisdictiofounded on voluntary
acceptance by respondent.-Waiver of objection to admissibi1ity.-
Form of acceptance of jurisdiction.--4cceptaby Parties by means
of separate and successive steps.- Recovnmendation of Security Council
to submit a dispute to the Court (Article 36, $aragraph 3, of Charter

of United Nations).-Reservationupon acceptance of jurisdictzo?~.


Present : President GUERRER O Vice-President BASDEVAN ;T


M. DAXNER,Judge ad hoc.

In the Corfu Channel case,

the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northem Ireland, represented by :

Mr. W. E. Beckett, C.M.G., K.C., Legal Adviser to the Foreign
Office, as Agent, assisted by
The Right Honourable Sir Hartley Shawcross, K.C., M.P.,
Attorney-General ;
Dr. H. Lauterpacht, Professor of international law in the
University of Cambridge ;
Mr. C. H. M. Waldock, Professor of i~ternational law in the
University of Oxford ;

Mr. R. O. Wilberforce,
Mr. J; Mervyn Jones,
Mr. M. E. Reed (of the Attorney-General's Office), members
of the English Bar, as Counsel,

the Government of the People's Republicof Albania, representecl
by :
M. Kahreman Ylli, Minister Plenipotentiary of Albania in Paris,
as Agent, assisted by
Professor Vladimir VochoE, Professor of international law in
Charles University at Prague, and

Professor Ivo Lapenna, Professor of international law in the
University at Zagreb, as Counsel,

composed as above,
delivers the following judgment :

By an Application, transmitted to and filed in the Registry of
the Court on May zznd, 1947 under Article 40,paragraph 1,of the
Statute, and Article 32, paragraph 2,of the Rules of Court, the
Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland instituted proceedings before the Court against the Govern-
ment of the People's Republic of Albania. These proceedings
concerned the incident which occurred i3 the Corfu Channel on
October zznd, 1946 , hen two British destroyers struck mines, the
explosion of which caiised damage to these vessels and heavy loss
of life.


1t is stated in the Application that the subject of the dispute and
the succinct statement of the facts and grounds on which the claim
of the United Kingdom is based are to be found in a note dated De-
cember gth, 1946,transmitted by theGovernment of theUnited King-
dom to the Albanian Government, a copy of which is attached to the
Application. It is alleged in the Application that the Court has
jurisdiction "under Article 36 (1)of its Statute as being a matter,
which is one specially provided for in the Charter of the United
Nations, on the grounds : (a) that the Security Council of the

United Nations, at the conclusion of proceedings in which it dealt
with the dispute under Article 36 of the Charter, by a Resolution,
decided to recommend both the Government of the United Kingdom
and the Albanian Government to refer the present dispute to the
International Court of Justice ; (b) that the Albanian Government
accepted the invitation of the Security Council under Article 32
of the Charter to participate in the discussion of the dispute and
accepted the condition laid down by the Security Council, when
conveying the invitation, that Albania accepts in the present case
al1 the obligations which a Member of the United Nations would
have to assume in a similar case ; (c) that Article 25 of the Charter
provides that the Members of the United Nations agree to accept
and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance
with the present Charter."
Finally, it isstated in the Application that therpose of the claim
of the Government of the United Kingdom is to secure a decision of

the Court that the Albanian Governrnent is internationally respons-
ible for the loss and injuryresulting from the fact that two destroyers
of the Royal Navy struck mines in Albanian territorial waters in the
Corfu Channel, and to have the reparation or compensation due
therefor from the Albanian Government determined by the Court.
By a telegram of January 24th, 1947, the Albanian Government
accepted the decision of the Security Council inviting it, in accord-
ance with Article 32 of the Charter, to participate, without a
vote, in the proceedings with regard to the dispute, on condition
that Albania should accept, in the present case, al1 the obligations
which a Member of the United Nations would have to assume
in a similar case.
The Resolution of the Security Council of April gth, 1947, to
which the Application refers, is as follows :

"The Security Council having considered statements of repre-
sentatives of the United Kingdom and Albania concerning a
dispute between the United Kingdom and Albania arising out
of an incident on zznd October, 1946, in the Strait of Corfu in
which two British ships were damaged by mines with resulting
lKingdom and Albanian Governments should immediately refer United
the dispute to the International Court of Justice in accordance
with the provisions of the Statute of the Court." THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 18

Notice of the Application of the Government of the United
Kingdom was given on May zznd, 1947, by the Registrar of the
Court, to the Albanian Govemment by telegram md by letter.
On the same day, the Application was transmitted by the Registrar

to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for communication
in accordance with Article 40, paragraph 3, of the Statute.
On Juxe qrd, 1947, the Registrar received from the Albânian
Government, following upon a reminder addressed to the latter,
a telegram acknowledging receipt of the letter and telegram of
May zznd, and announcing the despatch of a reply to these
On July qrd, 1947, the Deputy-Registrar received from the
hands of M. Kahreman Ylli, Albanian Minister in Paris, a letter
from the Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, dated at
Tirana, July znd, 1947, which confirmed the receipt of the Applic-
ation, and, after referring to the contents of that docume~it,

requested the Registrar
"to be good enough to bring the following statement to the
knowledge of the Court :
The Government of the People's Republic of Albania finds itself
obliged to observe :
I. That the Government of the United Kingdom, in instituting
proceedings before the Court, has not complied with the recom-
mendation adopted by the Security Council on 9th April, 1947,
whereby that body recommended 'that the United Kingdom and
Albanian Governments should immediately refer the dispute to the
International Court of Justice in accordance with the provisions of
the Statute of the Court'.
The Albanian Government considers that, according both to the
Court's Statute and to general international law, in the absence of
an acceptance by Albania of Article 36 of the Court's Statute or of
any other instrument of international law whereby the Albanian
Court, the Government of the United Kingdom was not entitled tohe
refer this dispute to the Court by unilateral application.
2. It would appear that the Government of the United Kingdom
endeavours to justify this proceeding by invoking Article 25 of the
Charter of the United Nations.
There can, however, be no doubt that Article 25 of the Charter
relates solely to decisions of the Security Council taken on the basis
of the provisions of Chapter VI1 of the Charter and does not apply
to recommendationsmade by the Council with reference to the pacific
settlement of disputes, silice such recommendations are not binding
and consequently cannot afford an indirect basis for the compulsory
jurisdiction of the Court, a jurisdiction which can only ensue from
explicit declarations made by States Parties to the Statute of the
Court, in accordance with Article 36, 3, of the Statute.

3. The Albanian Government considers that, according to the
terms of the Seciirity Council's recommendation of 9th April, 1947,
the Government of the United Kingdom, before bringing the case

before the International Court of Justice, should have reached an
understanding with the Albanian Government regarding the con-
ditions under which the two Parties, proceeding in conformity with the
Council's recommendation, should submit their dispute to the Court.
The Albanian Government is therefore justifiedin its conclusion
that the Government of the United Kingdom has not proceeded in
conformity with the Council's recommendation, with the Statute of
the Court or with the recognized principles of international law.
In these circumstances, the Albanian Government would be within
its rights in holding that the Government of the United Kingdom

was not entitled to bring the case before the Court by unilateral
application, without first concluding a special agreement with the
Albanian Government .
4. The Albanian Government, for its part, fully accepts the
recommendation of the Security Council.
Profoundly convinced of the justice of its case, resolved to neglect
no opportunity of giving evidence of its devotion to the principles
of friendly col labo ratio^^between nations and of the pacific settlement
of disputes, it is prepared, notwithstanding this irregularityin the
action taken by the Government of the United Kingdom, to appear
before the Court.
Nevertheless, the Albanian Government makes the most explicit
reservations respecting the manner in which the Government of the
United Kingdom has brought the case before the Court in application
of the Council's recommendations 2nd more especially respecting the
interpretation which that Government has sought to place on Article 25
of the Charter with reference to the binding character of the Security
Council's recommendations. The Albanian Government wishes to

emphasize that its acceptance of the Court's jurisdiction for this case
cannot constitute a precedent for the future.
Accordingly, the Government of the People's Republic of Albania
has the honour to inform you that it appoints as its Agent, in
accordance with Article 35, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court,
M. Kahreman Ylli, Minister Plenipotentiary of Albania in Paris,
whose address for service at the seat of the Court is the Legation of
the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia at The Hague."

A copy of this letter, which had been handed to the Registry
by the Agent for the Albanian Government, was transmitted, on
July 24th, to the Agent for the Government of the United Kingdom.
On July 31st, 1947, the President of the Court, as the Court
was not sitting, made an Order, in which, after ascertaining the

views of the Parties with regard to questions of procedure, it was
stated :

"Whereas on July 23rd, 1947, a note signed by the Deputy-
Minister for Foreign Affairs was filed with the Registry on behalf
of the Government of the People's Republic of Albania, in response
to the Application of the Government of the United Kingdom;

Whereas, in this note, the Aluanian Government declares inter
alia that the Government of the United Kingdom, in bringing
the case before the Court by unilateral application, has not

proceeded in conformity with the recornmendation of the Security
Council of April gth, 1947, or with the Statute of the Court or
the recognized principles of international law, and that, accord-
ingly, the Albanian Government would be within its rights in
holding that the Government of the United Kingdom was not
entitled to bring the case before the Court without first con-
cluding a special agreement with the Albanian Government, but
lvhereas the Albanian Government, fully accepting for its part
the recommendation of the Security Council, is prepared, notwith-
standing this irregularity and in evidence of its devotion to the
principles of friendly collaboration between nations and of the
pacific settlement of disputes, to appear before the Court ;
Whereas the note above mentioned gives notice of the appoint-
ment as Agent for the Albanian Government of M. Kahreman
Ylli, Minister Plenipotentiary of Albania in Paris, and of his
address for service at The Hague ;
Whereas, having regard to the Resolution of the Security
Council of Apnl gth, 1947, the said note of the Albanian Govern-
ment may be regarded as constituting the document mentioned
in Article 36 of the Rules of Court ;"

In the Order, the time-limits were fixed as follows : the 1st Octo-
ber, 1947, for the presentation of the Memorial of the United
Kingdom, and the 10th December, 1947, for the presentation of
the Counter-Memorial of Albania.

The Memorial of the United Kingdom, presented within the
tuile-limit fixed by the Order, contains statements and submissions
with regard to the incidents which occurred on October 22nd,
1946, in the Corfu Channel. These statements and submissions
develop the points indicated in the Application as constituting
the claim of the United Kingdom.
Within the time-limit fixed for the presentation of the Counter-
Memorial, the Agent for the Albanian Government, by a document
dated December 1st and filed in the Registry on December gth,
submitted a Preliminary Objection to the Application on the

ground of inadmissibility, based upon the following statements :
"1. The facts :

(1) The Security Council, in a Resolution adopted on April 9th
last, recommended that the United Kingdom and Albanian Govern-
ments should imrnediately refer the dispute between them arising
out of an incident on October zznd, 1946, in the Strait of Corfu,
to the International Court of Justice, in accordance with the
provisions of the Statute of the Court ;
(2) contrary to this recommendation, the United Kingdom
Government, alone and without any agreement with the Albanian
Government, approached the Court on May 13th last. By
proceeding thus unilaterally, the Government of the United
Kingdom brought an Application before the Court ;
(3) on July 2nd last, the Albanian Government made to the
Coirrt most explicit reservations respecting the manner in which


the Government of the United Kingdom had brought the case
before the Court, but, subject to these reservations, stated that
it was prepared to appear before the Court ;
(4) on the other hand, the Albanian Government, in its letter
of July 2nd last addressed to the Court, fully accepted the Security
Council's recommendation of April 9th last, as far as it was
concerned, and observed that, to bring their case before the
Court, the two Governments should have reached an understanding

in conformity with the Security Council's recommendation and
in accordance with the provisions of the Court's Statute.
II. The Law :

(1) According to Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Court's
Statute, its jurisdiction 'comprises al1 cases which the parties
refer to it and al1 matters specially provided for in the Charter
of the United Nations or in treaties and conventions in force'.
According to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the Statute, 'cases are
brought before the Court, as the case may be, either by the
notification of the special agreement or by a written application....'.
The Albanian Government not being bound by any treaty
or convention in force to submit its dispute with the United
Kingdom Government to the Court, it follows that, in accordance
with the provisions of the Statute of the Court, only both parties

to this dispute can validly do so.
If this is so, the case must be brrdght before the Court by the
notification of the special agreement, and not by an application.
(3) In its Application of May 13th last, the United Kingdom
Government invokes no treaty or convention nor does it claim
that the parties are submitting their dispute to the Court in
accordance with the provisions of the Statute.
The United Kingdom Government maintains that this is a
'matter, which is one specially provided for in the Charter of the
United Nations, on the grounds : (a) that the Security Council
of the United Nations, at the conclusion of proceedings in which
it dealt with the dispute under Article 36 of the Charter, by a
Resolution, of which a copy forms Annex 2 to this Application,
decided to recommend both the Government of the United King-
dom and the Albanian Government to refer the present dispute

to the International Court of Justice ; (b) that the Albanian
Government accepted the invitation of the Security Council
under Article 32 of the Charter to participate in the discussion
of the dispute and accepted the condition laid down by the
Security Council, when conveying the invitation, that Albania
accepts in the present case al1 the obligations which a Member
of the United Nations would have to assume in a similar case.
(A copy of the invitation of the Security Council and of the
Albanian Government's reply thereto form Annex 3 to the present
Application) ; (c) that Article 25 of the Charter provides that
the Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry
out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the
present Charter.' (See letter from the Agent of the Government
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

dated May 13th, 1947.) THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 22
As regards these reasons given by the United Kingdom Govern-
ment, the Albanian Government has the honour to make the
following observations :
Ad (a) The Security Council, in its Resolution of April 9th
last, only recommended 'the .United Kingdom and Albanian
Governments' to refer their dispute to the International Court
of Justice in accordanie with the provisions of the Statute of
the Court.
Such a recornmendation certainly cannot ipso facto constitute
a matter specially provided for in the Charter of the United
Nations to which the Court's jurisdiction extends. Nothing in
the Charter of the United Nations provides for such a case ;
ad (b) In complying with the invitation given by the Secretary-
General ad interim of the United Nations on January 20th last,
the Albanian Government only accepted 'in the present case all
the obligations which a Member of the United Nations would
have to assume in a similar case', within the meaning of Article 32
of the Charter.
As it was a recommendation, the obligations cannot ipso facto
constitute a matter specially provided for in the Charter of the
United Nations with a view to the Court's compulsory jurisdiction.

As a result of rights and obligations assumed by them in the
Charter, Members of the United Nations are never bound to
appear before the Court without any other procedure, namely,
without having duly and expressly accepted the Court's juris-
diction in conformity with the provisions of its Statute ;
contains a recommendation which, in conformity with the Charter
of the United Nations, has no binding force for the Governments
of Albania and the United Kingdom without their consent and
acceptance. Moreover, according to the very tenns of the
Resolution, the two Governments must proceed in conformity
with the provisions of the Statute of the Court in order that
they may submit their dispute to it.
The said Resolution of the Security Council cannot, in con-
formity with the Charter of the United Nations and with the
provisions of the Statute of the Court, be considered to be a
decision of the Security Council, such as would on the one hand
oblige both parties, ipso facto and without any other step, to
appear before the International Court of Justice, and such as
would, on the other hand, authorize them to approach the Inter-
national Court of Justice without regard to the provisions of
the Statute of the Court.
To sum up the foregoing observations, the Albanian Govern-
ment asserts that neither the said Resolution of April 9th last,
nor the said declaration of the Albanian Government of
20th January last, nor yet Article 25 of the Charter, can, whether
taken separately or conjointly, be relied on as imposing the Court's
compulsory jurisdiction on the Albanian Government in the
present caîe.
III. Conclusions :
......*............. . .

May it please the Court to proceed in conformity with Article 62
of the Rules of Court,
to place on record that, in accepting the Security Council's
recommendation, the Albanian Government is only obliged to
submit the above-mentioned dispute to the Court in accordance
wiand to give judgment that the Application of May 13th last
addressed to the Court by the Government of the United Kingdom
against the Government of the People's Republic of Albania, is
inadmissible, the United Kingdom Govemment having subrnitted
the said Application contras. to the provisions of Article 40,
paragraph 1, and of Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Statute of
the Court."
The Albanian Preliminary Objection was transmitted, on
December gth, to the Agent for the United Kingdom and was
communicated on December 11th to the Members of the United
Nations, pursuant to the provisions of Article 63 of the Statute.
By an Order, made on December ~oth, 1947, the,President of
the Court, as the Court was not Sitting, fixed January aoth, 1948,
as the time-limit for the presentation by the Government of the
United Kingdom of a written statement of its observations and
submissions in regard to the Preliminary Objection.
This statement, dated January ~gth, 1948, and received in the
Registry on the same date, contains, in addition to a number of
arguments, the following statements and submissions :
"9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) It [the Government of the United Kingdom] has fully complied
with the recommendation of the Security Council imniediately
to refer the dispute to the Court. It did so in its Application
of 13th May, 1947, which fully and clearly indicated the
subject of the dispute, and the parties, in accordance with
of the Rules of Court.Statute of the Court and Article 32 (2)

(b) The Government of Albania, after delivev of the United Kingdom
Application, stated in its letter of and July, 1947, that it
fuliy accepted the recomrnendation of the Security Council,
and that it was prepared to appear before the Court and to
accept its jurisdiction in this case.
(c) ThCouncil ofn 9th April, 1947, was accepted by the Presidenturity
of the Court as a document which satisfied the conditions
laid down by the Security Council for the appearance before
the Court of a State not party to the Statute. (See Resolution
of the Security Council of 15th October, 1946, under which
a State not party to the Statute may make a 'particular
declaration' accepting the jurisdiction of the Court in respect
(d) In these circumstances the jurisdiction of the Court to make
the Order of 31st July, 1947, and to proceed with the trial
of this dispute is fully established. Under Article 36 (1) of
the Statute, the jurisdiction of the Court comprises al1 cases THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 24

which the parties refer to it, and there is no dispute which
States entitled to appear before the Court cannot refer to
it.... The parties have clearly referred the present dispute
by the above-mentioned documents (namely, the United
Kingdom Application of 13th May, 1947, and the Albanian
letter of 2nd July, 1g47), which, whether or not they constitute
a 'special agreement', at least constitute a 'reference'. A
special agreement is not necessary....

(e) Article 40 of the Statute mesely defines the forma1 basis for
action by the Court in a case where jurisdiction is established
by Article 36 (1). There is nothing in the Statute or the Rules
of Court which prevents the proceedingsbeing formally instituted
by application, even though the jurisdiction of the Court is
established by a 'reference' by the parties or by a 'special
agreement'. Accordingly the Government of the United
Kingdom, in bringing this matter before the Court by applic-
ation, has, it is submitted, proceeded correctly ....

(f) Further, there has been, in fact, an agreement between the parties
constituted by the acceptance of the jurisdiction on the part

of the Government of the United Kingdom in compliance with
the Resolution of the Security Council of 9th April, 1947 (as
evidenced by its Application of 13th May, 1947). followed by
an acceptance of the jurisdiction on the part of the Govern-
ment of Albania in its letter of 2nd July, 1947, to refer
(without prejudice to the A1bania:i Gcivernment's view as to
the interpretation of Article 25 of the Charter) to the Court
the issues defined in the Application. This agreement pos-
sesses al1 the essentials of a 'special agreement' and conforms
fully with Article 40 of the Statute ....
(g) Even if (which is not admitted) there was any forma1 irregularity
in the mode of the corniilencement of the present proceedings,
this irregularity has been cured, because the Albanian Govern-
ment by its letter of 2nd July, 1947, has waived any possible
objection and has consented to the jurisdiction of the Court.
An irregularity in the manner in which a case is introduced
may be cured by subsequent events ....

(12 )aving once consented to the jurisdiction, the Albanian Govern-
ment canno-t aftenvaràs vii:hdraw its consent ....
(i) The President's Order of pst July, 1947, clearly proceeded upon
the basis that the Albanian Government had definitely accepted
the jurisdiction, as was, in fact, the case. It is not competent
for the Albanian Government to reopen the question of juris-

12. In view of the circumstances above referred to, which con-
stitute, inthe submission of the Government of the United Kingdom,
a clear acceptance by Albania of the jurisdiction of the Court, the
Government of the United Kicgd~rn has not, in these Observations,
set forth arguments on the apciicability of Article 25 of the Charter.
However, the Government of the United Kingdom must reserve the
right, if necessary, to invoke the jurisdiction of the Court on the
grounds set forth in its original Application."

2 5
In conclusion, the Government of the United Kingdom

"subrnits to the Court :-
(a) that the preliminary objection submitted by the Government
of Albania should be dismissed,
(b) that the Government of Albania should be directed to comply
with the terms of the President's Order of 31st July, 1947,
and to deliver a Counter-Memorialon the merits of the dis-
pute without further delay."
As the Court did not have upon the Bench a judge oI Albanian

nationality, the Albanian Government availed itself of the right
provided by Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Statute, and designated
Dr. Igor Daxner, President of a Chamber of the Supreme Court of
Czechoslovakia, as judge ad hoc.
In the course of public sittings, held on February 26th, 27th
and z8th, and on March ~st, 2nd and 5th, 1948, the Court heard
oral arguments on behalf of the respective parties :M. Kahreman
Ylli, Agent, and Professor VochoE, Counsel, for Albania; and
Mr. W. E. Beckett, Agent, and Sir Hartley Shawcross, Counsel,
for the United Kingdom. On being questioned by the President
before the close of the hearing, the Agent for theAlbanian Govern-
ment declared that the submissions presented in the Albanian
Preliminary Objection of December gth, 1947, were final submis-

sions ;a similar declaration was made on behalf of the Agent for the
Government of the United Kingdom with regard to the submissions
in the Observations of the United Kingdom of January ~gth, 1948.
Documents in support were filed as annexes to the Application
and Memorial of the United Kingdom Government, to the Prelim-
inary Objection of the Albanian Government and to the Observ-
ations of the United Kingdom Government in regard to this
Preliminary Objection, as well as in view of the oral proceedings l.
The above being the state of the proceedings, the Court must
now adjudicate upon the Preliminary Objection raised on behalf
of the Government of the People's Republic of Albania.
* *
In the written submissions, which it confirmed orally at the

hearing on March 5th, 1948, the Albanian Government requests
the Court
"to place on record that the Albanian Government, in accepting the
Security Council's recommendation, is only obliged to submit the
above-mentioned dispute to the Court in accordancewith the provisions
of the Statute of the Court",

"to give judgment that the Application of May 13th last, addressed
to the Court by the Government of the United Kingdom against the
lSee listinAnnex

Government of the People's Republic of Albania, is inadmissible,
the Government of the United Kingdom having submitted the said
Application contrary to the provisions of Article 40, paragraph 1,
and Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court".
The first submission relates to the Resolution of April gth, 1947,

in which the Security Council recommended "that the United King-
dom and Albanian Governments should immediately refer this
dispute to the International Court of Justice in accordance with
the provisions of theStatute of the Court". The Albanian Govern-
ment accepted this recommendation and on the basis of its accep-
tance recognizes its obligation to refer the dispute to the Court
in accordance with the provisions of the Statute. It is true that
this obligation could only be fulfilled in accordance with the pro-
visions of the Statute. In recognizing this fact in accordance with
the request of the Xlbanian Government, the Court points out
that that Government subsequently contracted other engagemen Is,
the date and exact scope of wl-iich will be established later.

The second submission of the Albanian Government, which is
disputed by the Government of the United Kingdom, appears to
constitute an objection on the ground of the inadmissibility of the
Application. The intention of the Albanian Government, hourever,
seems to be somewhat lacking in precision in this respect. When it
refers, in its submissions, to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the
Statute of the Court, the Albanian Government appears merely
to have in mind a procedural irregularity resulting from the fact
that the main proceedings were instituted by means of an applic-
ation instead of by a special agreement concluded beforehand.
The Albanian Government, however, also refers to Article 36,
paragraph 1, of the Statute, a provision which relates exclusively

to the jurisdiction of the Court ; and the criticisms which are
directed against the Application of the United Kingdom in the
text of the Preliminary Objection, relate to an alleged lack of com-
pulsory jurisdiction as well as to the forma1 admissibility of the
This argument may be explained by the connexion which the
United Kingdom Government, for its part, had made between the
institution of proceedings by application and the existence, alleged
by it in this case, of compulsory jurisdiction.
In support of its Application, the Government of the United
Kingdom invoked certain provisions of the Charter of the United
Nations and of the Statute of the Court to establish the existence

of a case of compulsory jurisdiction. The Court does not consider
that it needs to express an opinion on this point, since, as will be
pointed out,the letter of July znd, 1947, addressed by the Albanian
Government to the Court, constitutes a voluntary acceptance of
its jurisdiction.
The letter of July znd, 1947, in spite of the reservation stated
therein, the exact scope of which will be considered later, removes


opportunity of accepting the jurisdiction of the Court. This
acceptance was given in the Albanian Government's letter of
July and, 1947.
Besides, separate action of this kind was in keeping with
the respective positions of the parties in proceedingswhere there is
in fact a claimant, the United Kingdom, and a defendant, Albania.

Furthermore, there is nothing to prevent the acceptance of
jurisdiction, as in the present case, from being effected by two
separate and successive acts, instead of jointly and beforehand by
a special agreement. As the Permanent Court of International
Justice has said in its Judgment No. 12, ofAprilz6th, 1928,page 23 :
"The acceptance by a State of the Court's jurisdiction in & partic-
ular case is not, under the Statute, subordinated to the observance
of certain forms, such as, for instance, the previous conclusion of
a special agreement."
The Security Council's recommendation has been relied upon to
support opposite conclusions. But, in the first place, though this
recommendation clearly indicates that the bringing of the case
before the Court requires action on the part of the parties, it does

not specify that this action must be taken jointly, and, in the second
place, the method of submitting the case to the Court is regulated
by the texts goveming the working of the Court as was pointed
out by the Security Council in its recornmendation.
The Court cannot therefore hold to be irregular a proceeding
which is not precluded by any provision in Ihese te its.
The scope of the reservation formulated in the letter of July and,
1947, has still to be considered. The reservation is as follows :
"Nevertheless, the Albanian Government makes the most explicit
reservations respecting the manner in which the Government of
the United Kingdom has brought the case before the Court in
application of the Security Council's recornmendation and more
especially respecting the interpretation which that Government has
sought to place on Article 25 of the Charter with reference to the

binding character of the Security Council's recommendations.
The Albanian Government wishes to emphasize that its acceptance
of the Court's jurisdiction for this case cannot constitute a precedent
for the future."
This reservation is the only limit set by the Albanian Govern-
ment either to its acceptance of the Court's jurisdiction, or to
its abandonment of any objection to the admissibility of the
proceedings. It is for the Court to decide, with binding
force as between the parties, what is the interpretation of the
letter of July znd,1947. It is clear that the reservation contained
in the letter is intended only to maintain a principle and to preveiit
the establishment of a precedent as regards the future. The
Albanian Government makes its reservations-both as to the
manner in which the United Kingdom Government has instituted


the proceedings, and as to the interpretation which that Govern-
ment claimed to give to Article 25 of the Charter with a view to
establishing the Court's compulsory jurisdiction-not for the pur-
poses of the present proceedings, but in order to retain complete
freedom of decision in the futuie. It is clear that no question of
a precedent could arise unless the letter signified in the present
case the acceptance of the Court's jurisdiction on the merits.
The reservation in the letter of July 2nd, 1947, therefore does

not enable Albania to raise a preliminary objection based on an
i~.e.ularity of procedure, or to dispute thereafter the Court's juris-
diction on the merits.

while placing on record the declaration contained in the first

submission of the Albanian Government, but subject to the explicit
reservation of the obligations assumed by that Government in its
letter of July end, 1947,

by fifteen votes against one,

(1)rejects the Preliminary Objection submitted by the
Albanian Government on December gth, 1947 ;

(2)decides that proceedings on the merits shall continue
and fixes the time-limits for the filing of subsequent pleadings
as follows :

(a) for the Counter-Mernorial of the Albanian Government,
Tuesday, June 15th, 1948 ;

(b) for the Reply of the United Kingdom Government,
Monday, August znd, 1948 ;

(c) for the Rejoinder of the Albanian Government, Monday,
September zoth, 1948.

The present judgment has been drafted in French and English,
the French text being authoritative. THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 30

Done at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twenty-fifth day of
March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight, in three copies,
one of which shall be placed in the archives of the Court and the
others delivered to the Governments of the People's Republic of
Albania and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland respectively.

(Signed)J. G. GUERRERO,




BADAWIPASHA,KRYLOV,whilst concurring in the judgment of
the Court, have availed themselves of the right conferred on them
by Article57 of the Statute and appended to the judgment a state-
ment of their separate opinion.
M. DAXNERJ ,udge ad hoc, declaring that he is unable to concur
in the judgment of the Court, has availed himself of the right
conferred on him by Article57of the Statute and appended to the
judgment a statement of his separate opinion.

(InitialledJ. G. G.

(Initialled) E. H. ANNEX.


A.-In the courseof tlzewritten proceedirtgs:
Admiralty Chart No. 206 showing the Corfu Strait.
Section of German Mine Information Chart.
(This is a chart which was captured Ey the Allies showing the
North Corfu Channel and the position of mines laid by the Axis
there, and the original chart has been filed with the Registry.)
International Agreement between the Governments of the United
Kingdom, France, U.S.S.R. and the United States, setting up the
Mine Clearance Boards and dated eend November, 1945.
Affidavit by despatch clerk at the Admiralty proving despatch of
Medri Charts to Albania.
Section of Medri Index Chart showing North Corfu swept channel
and the international highway established therein together with
Medri pamphlets for use with the Index Chart.
(Asingle copy of the entire Chart and of the complete pamphlets
numbered 5, g and 12 have been filed with Registry.)
Diplomatic correspondence between the Government of the United
Kingdom and Albania regarding the right of navigation in the
Strait of Corfu.
Admiralty tracings showing the North Corfu swept channel and
the position and tracks of H.M. ships Orion, Superb, Leander.
Saumarezand Il.Iauritizrsp,assing through the North Corfu Channel
on 15th May, 1946, and on zznd October, 1946.
Photographs of H.M.S. Saumarez (below water line) and Volage
(bowsblown off)taken shortly after the explosion on zznd October,
Admiralty tracing showing position of H.M.'s ships at the time
of the explosion.
IO. Report on damage to H.M.S. Snunzare:.
II. Report on damage to H.M.S. Volage.
12. List of sailors killed with statement of pensions, etc., payable to
Statement of cost of repairs to the Volageand cost of replacement.
of the Saumarez.
Minutes of Mine Clearance Boards.
Reports of Capitaine Mestre.
(There were two reports, both in French. The reason wliy tliere
were two reports was because Capitaine Mestre wished to niake THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 47

certain corrections in his secondreport of certain statements which
he had made in his first report.)
Reports on Operation "Retail".
(The minesweeping operation of 13th November, 1946.)
Chart showing position in which mines were found on
13th November, 1946.
Photographs of the mines.
Report on mines examined at Admiralty Mining Establishment,
Leigh Park House, Hants.
Chart showing the defences of Saranda.
Affidavitof Skipper Bargelliniregarding the incident ofU.N.R.1I.A.
barges on 29th October, 1946.
Documents and records of the Security Council, etc., re1ati;e to
the dispute.
Letter from the Deputy-Minister for Foreign Affairsof the People's
Republic of Albania to the Registrar of the Court, dated July znd,
1947 [attached as annex to the Observations and Submissions of
the Government of the United Kingdom of January ~gth, 19481.

B.-During the oral proceedings:

Several extracts from the Records of the Security Council (Second
of New Members (16th, 17th and 18th Meetings, 1947).dmission

A.-f)uring the ze~ritteproceedings :

Resolution of the Security Council of the United Nations adopted
on April gth, 1947.
Cable from the Acting Secretary-General to the President of the
Council of Ministers of the People's Kepublic of Albania dated
20th January, 1947, and reply dated 24ih January, 1947.

B.-During the oral proceedings :

Extracts from the publication :Documents of the United Nations
Confereme on International Organization, San Francisco, 1945,
photo-lithoprinted from original documents, Vol. XI, XII, XII1
and XIV.
Extracts from the publication :Permanent Court of International
Justice. Advisory Comnzitteeof Jztrists. Procès-verbaztxof the
proceedi~gsof the Committee, Jzme 16th-July 24th, 1920, with
annexes. The Hague, 1920.
Extract from the publication : League of Nations. Report to the
Second Assentbly of the Leagzreon the Work of tlzc Col~nciland on
the Measures taken to executethe decisions of the First Assenibly.
A. 9. 1921, Geneva, 18th August, 1921.
Extract from the publication :Report to the Preside~rlof the resltlts
of the Sar~Francisco Conjerenceby the Chairnzan of the United
Ndions Delegatiolz,the Secretaryof State, Jurte 26,1945. Depart-
ment of State Publication 2349, Conference Series 71.
Extract from the publication : Department of External dffairs,
ConferenceSeries 1945, .Vo.2, Report on the United Nations Con-
ference on International Organizatiom held at San Francisco,
25th April-26th June, 1945, Ottawa.
Extracts from the publication : Heuriltg beforethe Committeeon
Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Seventy-ninth Congress
First Session, on the Chnrterof fhe United Natio~zsfor the main-
tenanceof internationalpeaceand secztrity,sztbmittedby thePresident
of the United States on July 2, 1945 (Unrevised), July 10, 1945.
Printed for the use of the Committee on. Foreign Relations.
(United States Government Printing Office, Iliashington : 1945.)
Extract from the article The Jzrrisdiction of the Seczirity Cozincil
overDisputes (American Journal of International Law, Volume 40,
No. 3, July, 1946), by Clyde Eagleton, Professor of New York
University, Expert of the Delegation of United States of America
to the San Francisco Conference.
Extracts from the publication :Docz~mentsof the United h'ations
Conference on Inter'itationnl Organization, San Francisco, 1945.
Photo-lithoprinted from original documents, published in coopera-
tion with the Library of Congress by United Nations Information
Organizations, 1945, London-New York, Voi. XI.
9. Extract from the Publication : Republic of Chile, Ministry for
External Affairs :Chile and theSan Francisco Conference, Santiago,
IO. Extract from the publication : The Recordsof the First Assembly,
Meetings of the Committees,Geneva, 1920. Minutes of the Meet-
ings of the Third Cornmittee (Permanent Court of International
Justice). Fifth Meeting, 8 December 1920.
II. Extract from the publication : Leagzie of Nations, Tlze Records
of the First Assembly :Meeting of Committee I, Geneva, 1920.
12. Extract from the publication : Permanent Coztrtof I.ltternntio~zal
Justice, Series D, Acts and Documentsconcerningthe Orgawiztltio~z,
of the Court.
Addendum to No. 2.
Revision of the Rules of Court.
Extract from the publication : Th.e Britisl~,1-earbookof 17ztena(z-
tz'onalLaw, 1930, Oxford.
Decisions of the Permanent Coztrt of Interrtational Jzrsticc o7r
Points O/ Law and Procedztre of Gefiernl Applictrtion, by
W. E. Beckett, M.A.,Formerly Fellow of Al1Souls College, Oxford.
(Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office.)
Extract from the publication :Permalient Coztrt of I~der~tntio~tal
Justice. Series D. Acts and Docztmentsc~ncerningthe OY~LE~L-
ization of the Cozwt. Thini Adde?Cdftmto NO. 2 : Elabor~ztio~o~f
the Rztlesof Cozsrtof Marciz th, 1936. Leyden, 1936.

Bilingual Content









JUDGMENT OF MARCH25th1948 Le présent arrêt doit êtrecité comnie suit :

«.A#finiredzr détroitde Corfou, Arrtit szdrl'excfpfion firéliminaire
C. 1. J. Recueil 1948, p. 15. »

This Judgment should be cited as follows

"Corfu Cltanftel case, Judgment on Preli.ilzinary Objection:
I.C. J. Reports 1948, p. 15."

NO de vente :


Le 25mars.
Rôle général ANNEE 1948
25 mars 1948.




Instance introdupar voie de requêtesur la prétendue base d'un cas
de juridiction obligatoire spécialemedans la Charte des Nations

unies (article 36, paragraphe premier, du Statut ; article? <y, 32, 36,
paragraphe 3, de la Chart-).Exceptionpréliminaire d'dI:*rcmabilite'
fondée tant sur l'existence prétendue d'un vice de forme que sur un
prétendu défaut de juridict(articles 40, paragraphe premier, et 36,
paragraphe premier, du Statut ; article 32, pa2,du Règlement).

- Juridictioétabliesur base d'une acceptation volontaire de la partie
citée- Renonciationà faire valoir une exception d'irrecevabilité. -
Forme de l'acceptatiode juridiction- Acceptationpar actes
séparés et successi-s. Recommandation du Conseil de Sécurité de
soumettreun digérend à la Cour (article 36, paragrap3, de la

Charte des Nc:ions unie-).Réserves à l'acceptation de la juridiction.

Présents :M. GUERRERO P,résiden; M. BASDEVANTV ,ice-Prési-


juges; M. DAXNERj,uge ad hoc.

YEAR 1948. General L:st
Mareh 25th, 1948.




Proceedings instituted by application alleging a case of compulsory

jurisdictiospecially prol~z'dedfor iCharter of United Nations
(Article 36, paragra1,of Statut;Articles 25, 32, 36, paragraph 3,
of Charter).-PreliminaryObjection to admissibilitfounded on an
alleged procedural irregularity,well as on alleged want of juvis-
diction (Articl40, paragraph 1, and 36, paragraph1, of Statut;

Article 32, paragrap2,of Rules).-Jurisdictiofounded on voluntary
acceptance by respondent.-Waiver of objection to admissibi1ity.-
Form of acceptance of jurisdiction.--4cceptaby Parties by means
of separate and successive steps.- Recovnmendation of Security Council
to submit a dispute to the Court (Article 36, $aragraph 3, of Charter

of United Nations).-Reservationupon acceptance of jurisdictzo?~.


Present : President GUERRER O Vice-President BASDEVAN ;T


M. DAXNER,Judge ad hoc.
4 Dans l'affaire du détroit de Corfou,

le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et
d'Irlande du Nord, représentépar :

M. W. E. Beckett, C. M. G., K. C., jurisconsulte du Foreign
Ofice, comme agent, assisté
du très honorable sir Hartley Shawcross, K. C., M. P., Attorney-
General ;
de M. H. Lauterpacht, professeur de droit international à l'Uni-
versité de Cambridge ;
de M. C. H. M. Waldock, professeur de droit international à
runiversité d'Oxford ;
de M. R. O. Wilberforce,
M. J. Mervyn Jones,
M. M. E. Reed (du Bureau de l'Attorney-General membres
du Barreau anglais, comme conseils,

le Gouvernement de la République populaire d'Albanie, repré-
senté par :
M. Kahreman Ylli, ministre plénipotentiaire d'Albanie à Paris,
comme agent, assisté
de M. Vladimir VochoC, professeur de droit international à
l'U11i:~ersitCharles, à Prague, et
de M. Ivo Lapenna, professeur de droit international à l'univer-
sitéde Zagreb, comme conseils,

ainsi composée,

rend l'arrêtsuivant :

Par requête, transmise et enregistrée au Greffe de la Cour le
22 mai 1947, conformément à l'article 40, paragraphe1, du Statut,
et à l'article 32, paragraphe 2, du Règlement, le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord a intro-
duit devant la Cour contre le Gouvernement de la République
popdaire d'Albanie une instance concernant l'incident survenu
dans le détroit de Corfoule 22 octobre 1946, au cours duquel deux
contre-torpilleurs britanniques heurtèrent des mines dont I'explo-
sion causa des dommages àces navires ainsi que de lourdes pertes
de vies humaines.


In the Corfu Channel case,

the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northem Ireland, represented by :

Mr. W. E. Beckett, C.M.G., K.C., Legal Adviser to the Foreign
Office, as Agent, assisted by
The Right Honourable Sir Hartley Shawcross, K.C., M.P.,
Attorney-General ;
Dr. H. Lauterpacht, Professor of international law in the
University of Cambridge ;
Mr. C. H. M. Waldock, Professor of i~ternational law in the
University of Oxford ;

Mr. R. O. Wilberforce,
Mr. J; Mervyn Jones,
Mr. M. E. Reed (of the Attorney-General's Office), members
of the English Bar, as Counsel,

the Government of the People's Republicof Albania, representecl
by :
M. Kahreman Ylli, Minister Plenipotentiary of Albania in Paris,
as Agent, assisted by
Professor Vladimir VochoE, Professor of international law in
Charles University at Prague, and

Professor Ivo Lapenna, Professor of international law in the
University at Zagreb, as Counsel,

composed as above,
delivers the following judgment :

By an Application, transmitted to and filed in the Registry of
the Court on May zznd, 1947 under Article 40,paragraph 1,of the
Statute, and Article 32, paragraph 2,of the Rules of Court, the
Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland instituted proceedings before the Court against the Govern-
ment of the People's Republic of Albania. These proceedings
concerned the incident which occurred i3 the Corfu Channel on
October zznd, 1946 , hen two British destroyers struck mines, the
explosion of which caiised damage to these vessels and heavy loss
of life.

5 La requête énonce que l'objet du différend et l'exposé succinct
des faits et motifs sur lesquelsse fonde la demande du Royaume-Uni
figurent dans une note en date du 9 décembre 1946, remise par le
Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni au Gouvernement d'Albanie et

dont copie est jointe à la requête. Il est exposédans la requête que
« la Cour est compétente en vertu de l'article 36 (1)de son Statut,
attendu qu'il s'agit d'un cas spécialement prévu dans la Charte des
Nations unies, et ce pour les motifs suivants : a) le Conseil de
Sécurité des Nations unies, à l'issue des débats au cours desquels
il s'est occupédu différend en vertu de l'article 36 de la Charte, a
décidé,par une Résolution, de recommander tant au Gouverne-
ment du Royaume-Uni qu'au Gouvernement albanais de porter le
présent différenddevant la Cour internationale de Justice ;b)leGou-
vernement albanais a acceptél'invitation qui, en vertu de l'article 32

de la Charte, lui avait étéadressée par le Conseil de Sécuritéde
participer à l'examen du différend et il a accepté la condition
qu'avait poséele Conseil de Sécurité, lorsde l'envoi de son invita-
tion, à savoir que l'Albanie accepterait dans le cas présent toutes
les obligations qu'aurait à assumer dans un cas de même ordre un
Membre des Nations unies ; c) l'article 25 de la Charte dispose que
les Membres de l'organisation conviennent d'accepter et d'appli-
quer les dscisions du Conseil de Sécurité, conformément à la pré-
sente Charte. ))
Enfin, la requête énonce la demande du Gouvernement du

Royaume-Uni qui est de faire décider par la Cour que le Gouver-
nement albanais est internationalemen t responsabledes aornrnages
et pertes résultant du fait que deux contre-torpilleurs de la Marine
royale ont heurté des mines dans les eaux territoriales albanaises
du détroit de Corfou, et de faire fixer par la Cour les réparations
ou indemnités dues de ce chef par le Gouvernement albanais.
Par télégramme du 24 janvier 1947, le Gouvernement albanais
avait déclaré accepter la décisiondu Conseil de Sécuritél'invitant,
conformément à l'article 32 de la Charte, à participer sans droit
de vote aux discussions relatives au différend, à la condition que

l'Albanie acceptât, dans le cas présent, toutes les obligations
qu'aurait à assumer un Membre des Nations unies dans un tel cas.

La Résolution du Conseil de Sécuritédu 9 avril 1947 à laquelle
se réfèrela requête est ainsi conçue :
«Le Conseil de Sécurité,ayant examiné les déclarations des
représentants du Royaume-Uni et de l'Albanie au sujet d'un
différendexistant entre le Royaume-Uni et l'Albanie à la suite
d'un incident survenu le 22 octobre 1946 dans le détroitde Corfou
et au cours duquel deux navires britanniques ont étéendommagés
par des mines, ce qui a fait des morts et des blessésparmi leurs
équipages,recommande aux Gouvernements du Royaume-Uni et
de l'Albanie de soumettre immédiatement ce différend à la Cour
internationale de Justice, conformémentaux dispositions du Statut
de la Cour. ))


1t is stated in the Application that the subject of the dispute and
the succinct statement of the facts and grounds on which the claim
of the United Kingdom is based are to be found in a note dated De-
cember gth, 1946,transmitted by theGovernment of theUnited King-
dom to the Albanian Government, a copy of which is attached to the
Application. It is alleged in the Application that the Court has
jurisdiction "under Article 36 (1)of its Statute as being a matter,
which is one specially provided for in the Charter of the United
Nations, on the grounds : (a) that the Security Council of the

United Nations, at the conclusion of proceedings in which it dealt
with the dispute under Article 36 of the Charter, by a Resolution,
decided to recommend both the Government of the United Kingdom
and the Albanian Government to refer the present dispute to the
International Court of Justice ; (b) that the Albanian Government
accepted the invitation of the Security Council under Article 32
of the Charter to participate in the discussion of the dispute and
accepted the condition laid down by the Security Council, when
conveying the invitation, that Albania accepts in the present case
al1 the obligations which a Member of the United Nations would
have to assume in a similar case ; (c) that Article 25 of the Charter
provides that the Members of the United Nations agree to accept
and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance
with the present Charter."
Finally, it isstated in the Application that therpose of the claim
of the Government of the United Kingdom is to secure a decision of

the Court that the Albanian Governrnent is internationally respons-
ible for the loss and injuryresulting from the fact that two destroyers
of the Royal Navy struck mines in Albanian territorial waters in the
Corfu Channel, and to have the reparation or compensation due
therefor from the Albanian Government determined by the Court.
By a telegram of January 24th, 1947, the Albanian Government
accepted the decision of the Security Council inviting it, in accord-
ance with Article 32 of the Charter, to participate, without a
vote, in the proceedings with regard to the dispute, on condition
that Albania should accept, in the present case, al1 the obligations
which a Member of the United Nations would have to assume
in a similar case.
The Resolution of the Security Council of April gth, 1947, to
which the Application refers, is as follows :

"The Security Council having considered statements of repre-
sentatives of the United Kingdom and Albania concerning a
dispute between the United Kingdom and Albania arising out
of an incident on zznd October, 1946, in the Strait of Corfu in
which two British ships were damaged by mines with resulting
lKingdom and Albanian Governments should immediately refer United
the dispute to the International Court of Justice in accordance
with the provisions of the Statute of the Court." La requête du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni a éténotifiée
par le Greffier de la Cour le22 mai 1947 au Gouvernement albanais,
par dépêchetélégraphique et par lettre ; le même jour, elle a été
transmise au Secrétaire général des Nations unies pour communi-
cation conformément à l'article 40, paragraphe 3,du Statut.

Le 23juin 1947, le Greffier recevait du Gouvernement d'Albanie,
àla suite d'une nouvelle démarche auprèsde celui-ci, un télégramme
accusant réception de la lettre et de la dépêchedu 22 mai, et
annonçant l'envoi d'une réponse à ces communications.

Le 23 juillet 1947, le Greffier-adjoint recevait des mains de
M. Kahreman YLli, ministre d'Albanie à Paris, une lettre du
ministre-adjoint aux Affaires étrangères d'Albanie, en date de
Tirana, 2 juillet 1947, qui confirme la réception de la requête et
qui, en se référant au contenu de celle-ci, prie le Greffier

« de bien vouloir porter à la connaissance de la Cour ce qui suit :

Le Gouvernement de la République populaire d'Albanie se voit
obligé de constater :
I. Que le Gouvernement britannique, en introduisant l'instance
devant la Cour, n'a pas observé la recommandation du Conseil
de Sécurité du 9 avril 1947, par laquelle celui-ci recommanda « que
ttles Gouvernements du Royaume-Uni et de l'Albanie soumettent
ccimmédiatement ce différend à la Cour internationale de Justice
« conformément aux dispositions du Statut de la Cour ».

Le Gouvernement albanais considère que, d'après le Statut de
la Cour, aussi bien que d'après le droit international général,en
l'absence de l'acceptation par l'Albanie de l'article 36 du Statut
de la Cour et de tout autre texte de droit international par lequel
le Gouvernement albamis aurait accepté la juridiction obligatoire
de la Cour, le Gouvernement britannique n'a pas pu porter ce
différend devant la Cour par voie de citation directe.
2. Il semble que le Gouvernement britannique voudrait justifier
ce procédé en invoquant l'article 25 de la Charte des Nations
Il est cependant hors de doute que l'article 25 de la Charte se
rapporte uniquement aux décisions du Conseil de Sécurité prises
sur la base des dispositions du chapitre VI1 de la Charte et ne
s'applique point aux recommandations du Conseil dans la matière
du règlement pacifique des différends, ces recommandations n'ayant
pas d'effet obligatoire et par suite ne pouvant pas servir de base
au fondement indirect de la compétence obligatoire de la Cour,
compétence qui ne peut découler que des déclarations expresses
des États parties au Statut de la Cour, faites conformément à
l'article36 (3) du Statut.
3. Le Gouvernement albanais considère que, suivant la recom-
mandation du Conseil de Sécurité du 9 avril 1947, le Gouvernement
britannique, avant de saisir la Cour internationale de Justice, THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 18

Notice of the Application of the Government of the United
Kingdom was given on May zznd, 1947, by the Registrar of the
Court, to the Albanian Govemment by telegram md by letter.
On the same day, the Application was transmitted by the Registrar

to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for communication
in accordance with Article 40, paragraph 3, of the Statute.
On Juxe qrd, 1947, the Registrar received from the Albânian
Government, following upon a reminder addressed to the latter,
a telegram acknowledging receipt of the letter and telegram of
May zznd, and announcing the despatch of a reply to these
On July qrd, 1947, the Deputy-Registrar received from the
hands of M. Kahreman Ylli, Albanian Minister in Paris, a letter
from the Deputy-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, dated at
Tirana, July znd, 1947, which confirmed the receipt of the Applic-
ation, and, after referring to the contents of that docume~it,

requested the Registrar
"to be good enough to bring the following statement to the
knowledge of the Court :
The Government of the People's Republic of Albania finds itself
obliged to observe :
I. That the Government of the United Kingdom, in instituting
proceedings before the Court, has not complied with the recom-
mendation adopted by the Security Council on 9th April, 1947,
whereby that body recommended 'that the United Kingdom and
Albanian Governments should immediately refer the dispute to the
International Court of Justice in accordance with the provisions of
the Statute of the Court'.
The Albanian Government considers that, according both to the
Court's Statute and to general international law, in the absence of
an acceptance by Albania of Article 36 of the Court's Statute or of
any other instrument of international law whereby the Albanian
Court, the Government of the United Kingdom was not entitled tohe
refer this dispute to the Court by unilateral application.
2. It would appear that the Government of the United Kingdom
endeavours to justify this proceeding by invoking Article 25 of the
Charter of the United Nations.
There can, however, be no doubt that Article 25 of the Charter
relates solely to decisions of the Security Council taken on the basis
of the provisions of Chapter VI1 of the Charter and does not apply
to recommendationsmade by the Council with reference to the pacific
settlement of disputes, silice such recommendations are not binding
and consequently cannot afford an indirect basis for the compulsory
jurisdiction of the Court, a jurisdiction which can only ensue from
explicit declarations made by States Parties to the Statute of the
Court, in accordance with Article 36, 3, of the Statute.

3. The Albanian Government considers that, according to the
terms of the Seciirity Council's recommendation of 9th April, 1947,
the Government of the United Kingdom, before bringing the case

devait s'entendre avec le Gouvernement albanais sur les conditions
dans lesquelles les deux Parties, agissant conformément à la
recommandation du Conseil, devraient soumettre leur différend à
la Cour.
Il est fondé donc de conclure que le Gouvernement britannique
n'a pas agi conformément à la recommandation du Conseil, au
Statut de la Cour et aux principes reconnus du droit international.

Dans ces conditions, le Gouvernement albanais serait en droit
de considérer que le Gouvernement britannique n'a pas pu saisir
valablement la Cour internationale par voie de citation directe,
sans compromis préalable avec le Gouvernement albanais.

4. Le Gouvernement albanais, pour ce qui le concerne, accepte
pleinement la recommandation du Conseil de Sécurité.

Profondément convaincu dans sa juste cause, résolu de ne négliger
aucune opportunité pour témoigner de son dévouement aux prin-
cipes d'une collaboration amicale entre les nations et du règlement
pacifique des différends, il est prêt, malgré cette irrégularité com-
mise par le Gouvernement britannique, à se présenter devant
la Cour.
Toutefois, le Gouvernement albanais fait des réserves les plus
expresses sur la façon dont le Gouvernement britannique z saisi
la Cour en application de la recommandation du Conseil et surtout
quant à l'interprétation qu'il a voulu donner de l'article 25 de la
Charte, par rapport au caractère obligatoire des recommandations
du Conseil de Sécurité. Le Gouvernement albanais désire souligner
que son acceptation de la juridiction de la Cour dans l'affaire
présente ne peut pas constituer un précédent pour l'avenir.
Par suite, le Gouvernement de la République populaire d'Albanie
a l'honneur de vous informer qu'il désigne comme agent, confor-
mément à l'article 35, paragraphe 3, du Règlement, M. Kahreman
Ylli, ministre p!énipotentiaire d'Albanie à Paris, et comme adresse
de service au siège de la Cour la légation de la République fédé-
rative populaire de Yougoslavie à La Haye. ))

Copie de la lettre ainsi remise au Greffe par l'agent du Gouver-
nement de l'Albanie a ététransmise, le 24 juillet,à l'agent du
Gouvernement du Royacme-Uni.
Le 31 juillet 1947, le Président de la Cour, celle-ci riesiégeant
pas, après s'être renseigné auprès des Parties sur les questions de
.procédure, a pris une ordonnance s'exprimant ainsi :

« Considérant qu'à la date du 23 juillet 1947 a étédéposéeau
Greffe de la Cour, au nom du Gouvernement de la République

populaire d'Albanie, une note, signée du ministre adjoint des
Affaires étrangères, en réponse à la requête du Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni ;
Considérant qu'aux termes de cette note le Gouvernement
d'Albanie déclare notamment que le Gouvernement du Royaume-
Uni, en saisissant la Cour par voie de requête unilatérale, n'a THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE I9

before the International Court of Justice, should have reached an
understanding with the Albanian Government regarding the con-
ditions under which the two Parties, proceeding in conformity with the
Council's recommendation, should submit their dispute to the Court.
The Albanian Government is therefore justifiedin its conclusion
that the Government of the United Kingdom has not proceeded in
conformity with the Council's recommendation, with the Statute of
the Court or with the recognized principles of international law.
In these circumstances, the Albanian Government would be within
its rights in holding that the Government of the United Kingdom

was not entitled to bring the case before the Court by unilateral
application, without first concluding a special agreement with the
Albanian Government .
4. The Albanian Government, for its part, fully accepts the
recommendation of the Security Council.
Profoundly convinced of the justice of its case, resolved to neglect
no opportunity of giving evidence of its devotion to the principles
of friendly col labo ratio^^between nations and of the pacific settlement
of disputes, it is prepared, notwithstanding this irregularityin the
action taken by the Government of the United Kingdom, to appear
before the Court.
Nevertheless, the Albanian Government makes the most explicit
reservations respecting the manner in which the Government of the
United Kingdom has brought the case before the Court in application
of the Council's recommendations 2nd more especially respecting the
interpretation which that Government has sought to place on Article 25
of the Charter with reference to the binding character of the Security
Council's recommendations. The Albanian Government wishes to

emphasize that its acceptance of the Court's jurisdiction for this case
cannot constitute a precedent for the future.
Accordingly, the Government of the People's Republic of Albania
has the honour to inform you that it appoints as its Agent, in
accordance with Article 35, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court,
M. Kahreman Ylli, Minister Plenipotentiary of Albania in Paris,
whose address for service at the seat of the Court is the Legation of
the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia at The Hague."

A copy of this letter, which had been handed to the Registry
by the Agent for the Albanian Government, was transmitted, on
July 24th, to the Agent for the Government of the United Kingdom.
On July 31st, 1947, the President of the Court, as the Court
was not sitting, made an Order, in which, after ascertaining the

views of the Parties with regard to questions of procedure, it was
stated :

"Whereas on July 23rd, 1947, a note signed by the Deputy-
Minister for Foreign Affairs was filed with the Registry on behalf
of the Government of the People's Republic of Albania, in response
to the Application of the Government of the United Kingdom;

Whereas, in this note, the Aluanian Government declares inter
alia that the Government of the United Kingdom, in bringing
the case before the Court by unilateral application, has not

8 pas agi en conformitéde la recommandation du Conseil de Sécurité,
en date du g avril 1947, ni du Statut de la Cour ou des principes
reconnus du droit international, et que, partant, le Gouvernement
d'Albanie serait en droit de considérer que le Gouvernement du
Royaume-TJni n'a pu valablement saisir la Cour sans un compromis
préalable avec le Gouvernement d'Albanie ;mais que le Gouver-
nement d'Albanie, acceptant pleinement pour ce qui le concerne
la recommandation du Conseil de Sécurité, est prêt,malgré cette
irrégularité et pour témoigner de son dévouement aux principes
d'une collaboration amicale entre les nations et du règlement
pacifique des différends, à se présenter devant la Cour ;

Considérant que la note précitée notifie la désignation comme
agent du Gouvernement d'Albanie de M. Kahreman Ylli, ministre
plénipotentiaire d'Albanieà Paris, ainsique sonélection de domicile
à La Haye ;
Considérant que, eu égard à la Résolution du Conseil de Sécu-
rité du g avril 1947, la note précitéedu Gouvernement d'Albanie
peut êtreconsidéréecomme constituant l'acte mentionné à l'arti-
cle 36 du Règlement de la Cour; »

Ladite ordonnance fixe les délais suivants : leroctobre 1947 pur
le dépôt du Mémoire du Royaume-Uni, et IO décembre 1947

pour le dépôt du Contre-Mémoire de l'Albanie.

Le Mémoire du Royaume-Uni, présenté dans le délai prescrit,
contient un exposé et des conclusions relatifs aux incidents sur-
venus le 22 octobre 1946 dans le détroit de Corfou, exposé et
conclusions où sont développés les points indiqués dans la requête
comme constituant la demande du Royaume-Uni.

Dans le délai prévu pour le dépôt du Contre-Mémoire, l'agent

du Gouvernement albanais, par un document daté du ~erdécembre
et enregistré au Greffe le 9 décembre, a présenté une ((exception
préliminaire de non-recevabilité de la requête »,laquelle est exposée
comme suit :

((1. En fait :
1) Le Conseil de Sécurité a,par sa Résolution adoptée le 9 avril
dernier, recommandé aux Gouvernements du Royaume-Uni et
de l'Albanie de soumettre immédiatement le différend existant
entre eux, à la suite d'un incident survenu le 22 octobre 1946
dans le détroit de Corfou, à la Cour internationale de Justice,
conformément aux dispositions du Statut de la Cour ;
2) contrairement à cette recommandation, le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni seul et sans aucun accord avec le Gouvernement
de l'Albanie, s'est adresséle13 mai dernier à la Cour. En procédant
ainsi unilatéralement, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni a intro-
duit devant la Cour une requête ;
3) le Gouvernement albanais a formulé dès le 2 juillet dernier
devant la Cour des réserves les plus expresses sur la facon dont THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 20
proceeded in conformity with the recornmendation of the Security
Council of April gth, 1947, or with the Statute of the Court or
the recognized principles of international law, and that, accord-
ingly, the Albanian Government would be within its rights in
holding that the Government of the United Kingdom was not
entitled to bring the case before the Court without first con-
cluding a special agreement with the Albanian Government, but
lvhereas the Albanian Government, fully accepting for its part
the recommendation of the Security Council, is prepared, notwith-
standing this irregularity and in evidence of its devotion to the
principles of friendly collaboration between nations and of the
pacific settlement of disputes, to appear before the Court ;
Whereas the note above mentioned gives notice of the appoint-
ment as Agent for the Albanian Government of M. Kahreman
Ylli, Minister Plenipotentiary of Albania in Paris, and of his
address for service at The Hague ;
Whereas, having regard to the Resolution of the Security
Council of Apnl gth, 1947, the said note of the Albanian Govern-
ment may be regarded as constituting the document mentioned
in Article 36 of the Rules of Court ;"

In the Order, the time-limits were fixed as follows : the 1st Octo-
ber, 1947, for the presentation of the Memorial of the United
Kingdom, and the 10th December, 1947, for the presentation of
the Counter-Memorial of Albania.

The Memorial of the United Kingdom, presented within the
tuile-limit fixed by the Order, contains statements and submissions
with regard to the incidents which occurred on October 22nd,
1946, in the Corfu Channel. These statements and submissions
develop the points indicated in the Application as constituting
the claim of the United Kingdom.
Within the time-limit fixed for the presentation of the Counter-
Memorial, the Agent for the Albanian Government, by a document
dated December 1st and filed in the Registry on December gth,
submitted a Preliminary Objection to the Application on the

ground of inadmissibility, based upon the following statements :
"1. The facts :

(1) The Security Council, in a Resolution adopted on April 9th
last, recommended that the United Kingdom and Albanian Govern-
ments should imrnediately refer the dispute between them arising
out of an incident on October zznd, 1946, in the Strait of Corfu,
to the International Court of Justice, in accordance with the
provisions of the Statute of the Court ;
(2) contrary to this recommendation, the United Kingdom
Government, alone and without any agreement with the Albanian
Government, approached the Court on May 13th last. By
proceeding thus unilaterally, the Government of the United
Kingdom brought an Application before the Court ;
(3) on July 2nd last, the Albanian Government made to the
Coirrt most explicit reservations respecting the manner in which

9 le Gouvernement du Royaume-Unia saisi la Cour, tout en déclarant
êtreprêt, sous ces réserves, à se présenter devant la Cour ;

4).d'autre part, le Gouvernement albanais, dans sa lettre du
2 juillet dernier adressée à la Cour, a accepté pleinement, pour
ce qui le concerne, la recommandation du Conseil de Sécuritédu
g avril dernier et a fait observer que pour soumettre leur différend
à la Cour, les deux Gouvernements devaient s'entendre suivant
la recommandation du Conseil de Sécuritéet conformément aux
dispositions du Statut de la Cour.

II. En droit :
I) D'après l'article 36, paragraphe 1, du Statut de la Cohr, sa
compétence « s'étend à toutes les affaires que les parties lui sou-
« mettront, ainsi qu'à tous les cas spécialement prévus dans la
« Charte des Nations unies ou dans les traités et conventions en
« vigueur ». D'après l'article 40, paragraphe 1, du Statut, «les
« affaires sont portées devant la Cour, selon le cas, soit par noti-
« fication du compromis, soit par une requête ....1).

2) Le Gouvernement de l'Albanie n'étant liépar aucun traité
et convention en vigueur de soumettre son différend avec le Gou-
vernement du Royaume-Uni à la Cour, il s'ensuit que, confor-
mément aux dispositions du Statut de la Cour, seules les deux
parties à ce différend peuvent valablement le faire.
Si tel est le cas, l'affaire doit êtreportée devant la Cour par
notification du compromis, et non par une requête.
3) Dans la requête du 13 mai dernier, le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni n'invoque aucun traité et convention et ne prétend
non plus que les parties soumettent leur différend àla Cour confor-
mément aux dispositions de son Statut.
1.e Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni soutient qu'il « s'agit d'un
« cas spécialement prévu dans la Charte des Nations unies, et ce
« pour les motifs suivants : a) le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations'
« unies, à l'issue des débats au cours desquels il s'est occupédu
« différend en vertu de l'article 36 de la Charte, a décidé,par
« une Résolution dont copie est jointe en talit qu'annexe 2 à la
« présente requête, de recommander tant au Gouvernement du

« Royaume-Uni qu'au Gouvernement albanais de porter le présent
« différenddevant la Cour internationale de Justice ; b)le Gouver-
((nement albanais a acceptél'invitation qui, en vertu de l'article 32
« de la Charte, lui avait étéadresséepar le Conseil de Sécuritéde
« participer à l'examen du différend et il a accepté la condition
« qu'avait poséele Conseil de Sécurité,lors de l'envoi de son invi-
« tation, à savoir que l'Albanie accepterait dans le cas présent
((toutes les obligations qu'aurait à assumer dans un cas de même
« ordre un Membre des Nations unies. (Copies de l'invitation
« envoyéepar le Conseil de Sécurité ainsique de la réponsefaite
((à cette invitation par leGouvernement albanais figurent en tant
((qu'annexe 3 à la présente requête) ; c) l'article 25 de la Charte
« dispose que les Membres de l'organisation conviennent d'accepter
« et d'appliquer les décisionsdu Conseil de Sécurité, conformément
« àla présenteCharte. »(Voir lalettre del'agent du Gouvernement
du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord du

13mai 1947.)

the Government of the United Kingdom had brought the case
before the Court, but, subject to these reservations, stated that
it was prepared to appear before the Court ;
(4) on the other hand, the Albanian Government, in its letter
of July 2nd last addressed to the Court, fully accepted the Security
Council's recommendation of April 9th last, as far as it was
concerned, and observed that, to bring their case before the
Court, the two Governments should have reached an understanding

in conformity with the Security Council's recommendation and
in accordance with the provisions of the Court's Statute.
II. The Law :

(1) According to Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Court's
Statute, its jurisdiction 'comprises al1 cases which the parties
refer to it and al1 matters specially provided for in the Charter
of the United Nations or in treaties and conventions in force'.
According to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the Statute, 'cases are
brought before the Court, as the case may be, either by the
notification of the special agreement or by a written application....'.
The Albanian Government not being bound by any treaty
or convention in force to submit its dispute with the United
Kingdom Government to the Court, it follows that, in accordance
with the provisions of the Statute of the Court, only both parties

to this dispute can validly do so.
If this is so, the case must be brrdght before the Court by the
notification of the special agreement, and not by an application.
(3) In its Application of May 13th last, the United Kingdom
Government invokes no treaty or convention nor does it claim
that the parties are submitting their dispute to the Court in
accordance with the provisions of the Statute.
The United Kingdom Government maintains that this is a
'matter, which is one specially provided for in the Charter of the
United Nations, on the grounds : (a) that the Security Council
of the United Nations, at the conclusion of proceedings in which
it dealt with the dispute under Article 36 of the Charter, by a
Resolution, of which a copy forms Annex 2 to this Application,
decided to recommend both the Government of the United King-
dom and the Albanian Government to refer the present dispute

to the International Court of Justice ; (b) that the Albanian
Government accepted the invitation of the Security Council
under Article 32 of the Charter to participate in the discussion
of the dispute and accepted the condition laid down by the
Security Council, when conveying the invitation, that Albania
accepts in the present case al1 the obligations which a Member
of the United Nations would have to assume in a similar case.
(A copy of the invitation of the Security Council and of the
Albanian Government's reply thereto form Annex 3 to the present
Application) ; (c) that Article 25 of the Charter provides that
the Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry
out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the
present Charter.' (See letter from the Agent of the Government
of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

dated May 13th, 1947.) En c? qui concerne ces motifs alléguéspar le Gouvernement
du Roqaume-Uni, le Gouvernement de l'Albanie a l'honneur de
faire les observations suivantes:
Ad (a) Par sa Résolution du g avril dernier, le Conseil de
Sécurit~ n'a fait que recommander «.aux Gouvernements du
« Royarime-Uni et de l'Albanie » de soumettre, conformément
aux dispositions du Statut de la Cour, leur différend à la Cour
internationale de Justice.
Une telle recommandation ne saurait constituer ipso facto un
cas spécialement prévu dans la Charte des Nations unies auquel
s'étend la compétence de la Cour. Aucune disposition dans la
Charte des Nations unies ne prévoit un tel cas ;
ad (b) En déférant à l'invitation adressée par le Secrétaire
générala.i. de l'organisation desNations unies le20janvier dernier,
le Gouvernement de l'Albanie n'a fait qu'accepter « dans le cas
« présent toutes les obligations qu'aurait à assumer un Membre
« des Nations unies dans un tel cas »,au sens de l'article 32 de
la Charte.
Étant donné qu'il s'agit d'une recommandation, les obligations
ne peuvent pas constituer ipso facto un cas spécialement prévu
dans la Charte des Nations unies en vile de la compétence obli-
gatoire de la Cour.
Il n'incombe jamais aux Membres des Nations unies, à la suite
des droits et des obligations assumés par eux dans la Charte, de
se présenter devant la Cour sans d'autre façon de procéder, à
savoir sans avoir dûment et expressément accepté sa juridiction
conformément aux dispositions de son Statut ;
ad (c) La Résolution adoptée par le Conseil de Sécurité le
g avril dernier contient une recommandation qui, conformément
à la Charte des Nations unies, n'a pas la force obligatoire pour
les Gouvernements de l'Albanie et du Royaume-Uni sauf leur
consentement et acceptation. En outre, il faut, aux termes mêmes
de la Résolution, que les deux Gouvernements procèdent confor-
mément aux dispositions du Statut de la Cour pour pouvoir lui
soumettre leur différend.
Ladite Résolution du Conseil de Sécuriténe saurait donc être
considérée, conformément à la Charte des Nations unies et aux
dispositions du Statut de la Cour, comme une décisiondu Conseil
de Sécuritéqui d'une part obligerait les deux parties ipso facto
et sans autre façon de se présenter devant la Cour internationale
de Justice et qui, d'autre part, les autoriserait de s'adresserà la
Cour internationale de Justice sans égard aux dispositions de son

En résumant les observations qui précèdent, le Gouvernemenf
albanais affirme que ni ladite Rbsolution du g avril dernier, ni
ladite déclaration du Gouvernement albanais du 20 janvier dernier
ainsi que non plus l'article 25 dela Charte, ces actes et dispositions
invoqués pour imposer la compétence obligatoire de la Cour aue
Gouvernement albanais dans le cas d'espèce.

III. Conclusions :
As regards these reasons given by the United Kingdom Govern-
ment, the Albanian Government has the honour to make the
following observations :
Ad (a) The Security Council, in its Resolution of April 9th
last, only recommended 'the .United Kingdom and Albanian
Governments' to refer their dispute to the International Court
of Justice in accordanie with the provisions of the Statute of
the Court.
Such a recornmendation certainly cannot ipso facto constitute
a matter specially provided for in the Charter of the United
Nations to which the Court's jurisdiction extends. Nothing in
the Charter of the United Nations provides for such a case ;
ad (b) In complying with the invitation given by the Secretary-
General ad interim of the United Nations on January 20th last,
the Albanian Government only accepted 'in the present case all
the obligations which a Member of the United Nations would
have to assume in a similar case', within the meaning of Article 32
of the Charter.
As it was a recommendation, the obligations cannot ipso facto
constitute a matter specially provided for in the Charter of the
United Nations with a view to the Court's compulsory jurisdiction.

As a result of rights and obligations assumed by them in the
Charter, Members of the United Nations are never bound to
appear before the Court without any other procedure, namely,
without having duly and expressly accepted the Court's juris-
diction in conformity with the provisions of its Statute ;
contains a recommendation which, in conformity with the Charter
of the United Nations, has no binding force for the Governments
of Albania and the United Kingdom without their consent and
acceptance. Moreover, according to the very tenns of the
Resolution, the two Governments must proceed in conformity
with the provisions of the Statute of the Court in order that
they may submit their dispute to it.
The said Resolution of the Security Council cannot, in con-
formity with the Charter of the United Nations and with the
provisions of the Statute of the Court, be considered to be a
decision of the Security Council, such as would on the one hand
oblige both parties, ipso facto and without any other step, to
appear before the International Court of Justice, and such as
would, on the other hand, authorize them to approach the Inter-
national Court of Justice without regard to the provisions of
the Statute of the Court.
To sum up the foregoing observations, the Albanian Govern-
ment asserts that neither the said Resolution of April 9th last,
nor the said declaration of the Albanian Government of
20th January last, nor yet Article 25 of the Charter, can, whether
taken separately or conjointly, be relied on as imposing the Court's
compulsory jurisdiction on the Albanian Government in the
present caîe.
III. Conclusions :
......*............. . .


Règlement de la Cour, procéder conformément à l'article 62 du
de prendre acte que le Gouvernement albanais, en acceptant
la recommandation du Conseil de Sécurité,ne s'est obligéque de
soumettre le différend précitéà la Cour conformément aux dispo-
sitions du Statut de la Cour,
et de dire et juger que la requête en date du 13 mai dernier
adressée à la Cour par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni et
mettant en cause le Gouvernement de la République populaire
d'Albanie, n'est pas recevable, le Gouvernement du Koyaume-Uni
ayant introduit ladite requête contrairement aux dispositions
de l'article 40, paragraphe 1, et de l'article 36, paragraphe 1, du
Statut de la Cour. 1)
L'exception préliminaire de l'Albanie a éténotifiée le g décembre
à l'agent du Royaume-Uni, puis communiquée, le II décembre,
aux Membres des Nations unies, conformément aux dispositions
de l'article63 du Statut.
Par ordonnance du IO décembre 1947, le Président de la Cour,
celle-ci ne siégeant pas, a fixé au 20 janvier 1948 le délai pour la
présentation, par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, d'un exposé
écrit contenant ses observations et conclusions sur l'exception
Cet exposé, daté du 19 janvier 1948 et reçu au Greffe le même

jour, fait, sur la base de diverses considérations,valoir ce qui suit :

" 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
a) Ce Gouvernement [le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni] s'est
pleinement conformé à la recommandation par laquelle le
Conseil de Sécuritéa invité les parties à soumettre immédia-
tement leur différend à la Cour. Il l'a fait en déposant sa
requête du 13 mai 1947, dans laquelle étaient clairement et
complètement indiqués l'objet du différend et les parties,
conformément à l'article 40 (1) du Statut de la Cour et à
l'article 32(2) du Règlement de la Cour.
b) Le Gouvernement d'Albanie, à la suite du dépôt de la requête
qu'il acceptait pleinement la recommandation du du Conseil de7,
Sécuritéet qu'il était prêt à se présenter devant la Cour et
à accepter dans l'espèce la juridiction de celle-ci.
c) La lettre du Gouvernement albanais, examinée conjointement
avec la Résolution du Conseil de Sécurité, en date du g avril
1947, a étéconsidéréepar le Président de la Cour comme un
document se conformant aux conditions mises par le Conseil de
Sécurité à l'accès à la Cour d'États non parties au Statut. (Voir
la Résolution du Conseil de Sécurité, en date du 15 octo-
bre 1946, et selonlaquelle un État non partie au Statut peut faire
une déclaration « de caractère particulier )) par laquelle il
accepte la juridiction de la Cour pour un seul différend.)
d) Dans ces conditions, la compétence permettant à la Cour de
connaître du présent différend est pleinement établie. Aux à
termes de l'article 36(1) du Statut, la compétence de la Cour

May it please the Court to proceed in conformity with Article 62
of the Rules of Court,
to place on record that, in accepting the Security Council's
recommendation, the Albanian Government is only obliged to
submit the above-mentioned dispute to the Court in accordance
wiand to give judgment that the Application of May 13th last
addressed to the Court by the Government of the United Kingdom
against the Government of the People's Republic of Albania, is
inadmissible, the United Kingdom Govemment having subrnitted
the said Application contras. to the provisions of Article 40,
paragraph 1, and of Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Statute of
the Court."
The Albanian Preliminary Objection was transmitted, on
December gth, to the Agent for the United Kingdom and was
communicated on December 11th to the Members of the United
Nations, pursuant to the provisions of Article 63 of the Statute.
By an Order, made on December ~oth, 1947, the,President of
the Court, as the Court was not Sitting, fixed January aoth, 1948,
as the time-limit for the presentation by the Government of the
United Kingdom of a written statement of its observations and
submissions in regard to the Preliminary Objection.
This statement, dated January ~gth, 1948, and received in the
Registry on the same date, contains, in addition to a number of
arguments, the following statements and submissions :
"9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) It [the Government of the United Kingdom] has fully complied
with the recommendation of the Security Council imniediately
to refer the dispute to the Court. It did so in its Application
of 13th May, 1947, which fully and clearly indicated the
subject of the dispute, and the parties, in accordance with
of the Rules of Court.Statute of the Court and Article 32 (2)

(b) The Government of Albania, after delivev of the United Kingdom
Application, stated in its letter of and July, 1947, that it
fuliy accepted the recomrnendation of the Security Council,
and that it was prepared to appear before the Court and to
accept its jurisdiction in this case.
(c) ThCouncil ofn 9th April, 1947, was accepted by the Presidenturity
of the Court as a document which satisfied the conditions
laid down by the Security Council for the appearance before
the Court of a State not party to the Statute. (See Resolution
of the Security Council of 15th October, 1946, under which
a State not party to the Statute may make a 'particular
declaration' accepting the jurisdiction of the Court in respect
(d) In these circumstances the jurisdiction of the Court to make
the Order of 31st July, 1947, and to proceed with the trial
of this dispute is fully established. Under Article 36 (1) of
the Statute, the jurisdiction of the Court comprises al1 cases s'étend à toutes les affaires que les parties lui soumettront,
et il n'y a aucun différendque les États admis à ester devant
la Cour ne puissent lui soumettre ....Il est clair que les
parties ont soumis àla Cour le différendactuel par les documents
ci-dessus mentionnés (à savoir la requête du Royaume-Uni en
date du 13 mai 1947 et la lettre du Gouvernement albanais
en date du 2 juillet 1947);cesdeux documents,qu'ils constituent
ou non un « compromis »,constituent tout au moins un (renvoi
((devant la Cour ». Un compromis n'est pas nécessaire ....
e) L'article 40 du Statut se borne à définir la base formelle sur
laquelle repose l'instance, dans une affaire où la compétence
de la Cour est établie par l'article 36 (1). Rien dans le Statut
ni dans le Règlement de la Cour n'interdit d'introduire for-
mellement l'instance par voie de requête, mêmesi la compé-
tence de la Cour est établie, en vertu soit d'un ((renvoi devant
((la Cour ))du différendpar les parties, soit d'un ((compromis 1).
En conséquence, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, en intro-
duisant la présente affaire devant la Cour par voie de requête,
a, de l'avis de ce Gouvernement, agi correctement ....
f) En outre, un accord est, en fait, intervenu entre les parties :
cet accord est constitué par le fait que le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni a, ainsi qu'il ressort de sa requête du 13 mai
1947, accepté la compétence de la Cour, en exécution de la
Résolution du Conseil de Sécurité en date du g avril 1947,
et que le Gouvernement de l'Albanie a ensuite, dans sa lettre
du 2 juillet 1947,reconnu la compétence de la Cour et accepté
de soumettre à celle-ci- sous réserve de la manière de voir du
Gouvernement albanais relativement à l'interprétation de l'arti-
cle 25 de la Charte - les questions litigieuses exposéesdans la
requête.Cet accord, qui contient pleinement l'essentiel d'un (com-
((promis », est entièrement conforme à l'article 40 du Statut ....
gj iviEiliesi- ce qui est contesté par le Gouvernement britannique

- la méthode adoptée pour introduire la présente instance
comportait une irrégularité quelconque de forme, cette irré-
gularité a étéréparée,parce que le Gouvernement albanais,
par sa lettre du 2 juillet 1947, a renoncé à toute objection
éventuelle et a admis la compétence de la Cour. A une irré-
gularité, quant à la manière dont une affaire est introduite,
les événementsultérieurs peuvent porter remède ....
h) Ayant admis la compétence de la Cour, le Gouvernement albanais
ne peut ultérieurement retirer son consentement ....
i)L'ordonnance rendue par le Président de la Cour, à la date du
31 juillet 1947, s'est évidemment fondée sur l'acceptation
nette de la compétencedela Cour, par le Gouvernement albanais,
ce qui, en fait, était le cas. Il n'appartient plus au Gouver-
nement albanais de rouvrir la question de compétence.
12. Étant données les circonstances mentionnées ci-dessus, circon-
stances qui, de l'avis du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, démontrent
clairement que l'Albanie a accepté la compétence de la Cour, le
Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni n'a pas, dans ses présentes Obser-
vations, exposé d'arguments quant à l'applicabilité de l'article 25
de la Charte. Mais ce Gouvernement doit se réserver le droit d'invo-
quer, s'il y a lieu,à l'appui de la compétence de la Cour en l'espèce,
les motifs énoncésdans sa requête initiale. »


which the parties refer to it, and there is no dispute which
States entitled to appear before the Court cannot refer to
it.... The parties have clearly referred the present dispute
by the above-mentioned documents (namely, the United
Kingdom Application of 13th May, 1947, and the Albanian
letter of 2nd July, 1g47), which, whether or not they constitute
a 'special agreement', at least constitute a 'reference'. A
special agreement is not necessary....

(e) Article 40 of the Statute mesely defines the forma1 basis for
action by the Court in a case where jurisdiction is established
by Article 36 (1). There is nothing in the Statute or the Rules
of Court which prevents the proceedingsbeing formally instituted
by application, even though the jurisdiction of the Court is
established by a 'reference' by the parties or by a 'special
agreement'. Accordingly the Government of the United
Kingdom, in bringing this matter before the Court by applic-
ation, has, it is submitted, proceeded correctly ....

(f) Further, there has been, in fact, an agreement between the parties
constituted by the acceptance of the jurisdiction on the part

of the Government of the United Kingdom in compliance with
the Resolution of the Security Council of 9th April, 1947 (as
evidenced by its Application of 13th May, 1947). followed by
an acceptance of the jurisdiction on the part of the Govern-
ment of Albania in its letter of 2nd July, 1947, to refer
(without prejudice to the A1bania:i Gcivernment's view as to
the interpretation of Article 25 of the Charter) to the Court
the issues defined in the Application. This agreement pos-
sesses al1 the essentials of a 'special agreement' and conforms
fully with Article 40 of the Statute ....
(g) Even if (which is not admitted) there was any forma1 irregularity
in the mode of the corniilencement of the present proceedings,
this irregularity has been cured, because the Albanian Govern-
ment by its letter of 2nd July, 1947, has waived any possible
objection and has consented to the jurisdiction of the Court.
An irregularity in the manner in which a case is introduced
may be cured by subsequent events ....

(12 )aving once consented to the jurisdiction, the Albanian Govern-
ment canno-t aftenvaràs vii:hdraw its consent ....
(i) The President's Order of pst July, 1947, clearly proceeded upon
the basis that the Albanian Government had definitely accepted
the jurisdiction, as was, in fact, the case. It is not competent
for the Albanian Government to reopen the question of juris-

12. In view of the circumstances above referred to, which con-
stitute, inthe submission of the Government of the United Kingdom,
a clear acceptance by Albania of the jurisdiction of the Court, the
Government of the United Kicgd~rn has not, in these Observations,
set forth arguments on the apciicability of Article 25 of the Charter.
However, the Government of the United Kingdom must reserve the
right, if necessary, to invoke the jurisdiction of the Court on the
grounds set forth in its original Application."


En conclusion, le Gouvernement du Royaume Uni
(demande à la Cour:

a)de rejeter l'exception préliminairesoulevéepar le Gouvernement
b) d'inviter le Gouvernement albanaià se conformerà l'ordonnance
rendue le 31 juillet1947 par le Président de la Cour et à
déposer, sans autre délai, un Contre-Mémoireportant sur le
fond du différend. »
La Cour ne comptant pas sur le siège de juge de nationalité
albanaise, le Gouvernement de l'Albanie s'est prévalu du droit
prévu à l'article 31, paragraphe2, du Statut, et a désignécomme

juge ad hoc M. Igor Daxner, Dr en droit, président de chambre à
la Cour suprême de Tchécoslovaquie.
Au cours des audiences publiques, tenues les26, 27 et 28 février,
et les ~er,2 et 5 mars 1948, la Cour a entendu, pour l'Albanie,
M. Kahreman Ylli, agent, et M. VochoE,conseil, et pourleRoyaume-
Uni, M. W. E. Beckett, agent, et sir Hartley Shawcross, conseil.
Interrogé par le Président avant la clôture des débats, l'agent du
Gouvernement albanais a déclaré que les conclusions formulées
dans l'exception préliminaire de l'Albanie du g décembre 1947
étaient finales;semblable déclaration a étéfaite au nom de l'agent

du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni en ce qui concerne les conclu-
sions des Observations du Royaume-Uni du 19 janvier 1948.

Des documents justificatifs ont étédéposés, en annexe à la
requête et au Mémoire du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, à
l'exception préliminaire du Gouvernement albanais et aux Obser-
vations du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni. sur cette exception,
ainsi qu'en vue de la procédure orale l.
C'est en cet état de la procédure que la Cour est appeléeà statuer
sur l'exception préliminaire présentée au nom du Gouvernement

de la République populaire d'Albanie.
* * *

Oans ses conclusions écrites qu'il a confirmées verbalement à
l'audience du 5 mars 1948, le Gouvernement albanais a demandé
à la Cour
((de prendre acte que le Gouvernement albanais, en acceptant la
recommandation du Conseil de Sécurité,ne s'est obligéque de sou-
mettre le différendprécité à la Cour conformémentaux dispositions
du Statut de la Cour )),

de dire et juger que la requête,en date 13 mai dernier, adressée
à la Cour par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni et mettant en cause

1Voir bordereaà l'annexe.

2 5
In conclusion, the Government of the United Kingdom

"subrnits to the Court :-
(a) that the preliminary objection submitted by the Government
of Albania should be dismissed,
(b) that the Government of Albania should be directed to comply
with the terms of the President's Order of 31st July, 1947,
and to deliver a Counter-Memorialon the merits of the dis-
pute without further delay."
As the Court did not have upon the Bench a judge oI Albanian

nationality, the Albanian Government availed itself of the right
provided by Article 31, paragraph 2, of the Statute, and designated
Dr. Igor Daxner, President of a Chamber of the Supreme Court of
Czechoslovakia, as judge ad hoc.
In the course of public sittings, held on February 26th, 27th
and z8th, and on March ~st, 2nd and 5th, 1948, the Court heard
oral arguments on behalf of the respective parties :M. Kahreman
Ylli, Agent, and Professor VochoE, Counsel, for Albania; and
Mr. W. E. Beckett, Agent, and Sir Hartley Shawcross, Counsel,
for the United Kingdom. On being questioned by the President
before the close of the hearing, the Agent for theAlbanian Govern-
ment declared that the submissions presented in the Albanian
Preliminary Objection of December gth, 1947, were final submis-

sions ;a similar declaration was made on behalf of the Agent for the
Government of the United Kingdom with regard to the submissions
in the Observations of the United Kingdom of January ~gth, 1948.
Documents in support were filed as annexes to the Application
and Memorial of the United Kingdom Government, to the Prelim-
inary Objection of the Albanian Government and to the Observ-
ations of the United Kingdom Government in regard to this
Preliminary Objection, as well as in view of the oral proceedings l.
The above being the state of the proceedings, the Court must
now adjudicate upon the Preliminary Objection raised on behalf
of the Government of the People's Republic of Albania.
* *
In the written submissions, which it confirmed orally at the

hearing on March 5th, 1948, the Albanian Government requests
the Court
"to place on record that the Albanian Government, in accepting the
Security Council's recommendation, is only obliged to submit the
above-mentioned dispute to the Court in accordancewith the provisions
of the Statute of the Court",

"to give judgment that the Application of May 13th last, addressed
to the Court by the Government of the United Kingdom against the
lSee listinAnnex
14 le Gouvernement de la République populaire d'Albanie, n'est pas
recevable, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni ayant introduit ladite
requête contrairementaux dispositions de l'article 40, paragraphe
premier, et de l'article, paragraphe premier, du Statut de la Cour1).
La première conclusion se réfèreà la Résolution en date du
g avril1947, par laquelle le Conseilde Sécuritéa recommandé « aux
Gouvernements du Royaume-Uni et de l'Albanie de soumettre
immédiatement ce différend à la Cour internationale de Justice,
conformément aux dispositions du Statut de la Cour )).Le Gou-

vernement albanais a accepté cette recommandation, et, sur la
base de cette acceptation, reconnaît son obligation de soumettre
le différend à la Cour conformément aux dispositions du Statut.
Il est exact que ladite obligation ne pouvait êtremise à exécution
que conformément aux dispositions du Statut. En donnant acte
de ce fait au Gouvernement albanais, la Cour relève que ce Gou-
vernement a contracté ultérieurement d'autres engagements dont
la date et la portée exacte seront établies plus loin.
La deuxième conclusion du Gouvernement albanais, contredite
par le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, se présente comme une
exception d'irrecevabilité de la requête. Toutefois, la pensée du
Gouvernement albanais est restée assez imprécise à cet égard. En

se référant,dans ses conclusions, à l'article 40, paragraphe premier,
du Statut de la Cour, le Gouvernement albanais semble ne viser
qu'un vice de forme qui résulterait du fait que l'instance princi-
pale a étéintroduite par voie de requête au lieu de l'êtrepar la
voie du compromis préalable. Mais le Gouvernement albanais s'y
réfère égalementà l'article 36, paragraphe premier, du Statut,
disposition qui concerne exclusivement la juridiction de la Cour ;
et les critiques que, dans le corps de l'exception, il adresse à la
requêtedu Royaume-Uni s'attachent à un prétendu défaut de juri-
diction obligatoire aussi bien qu'à la recevabilité de la requête
en la forme.

Cette argumentation peut s'expliquer par le lien que le Gouver-
nement du Royaume-Uni, de son côté,avait établientre l'introduc-
tion de l'instance par voie de requêteet l'existence prétendue par
lui, en l'espèce, d'un cas de juridiction obligatoire.
A l'appui de sa requête, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni a
invoqué certaines dispositions de la Charte des Nations unies et
du Statut de la Cour pour établir l'existence, en l'espèce,d'un cas
de juridiction obligatoire. La Cour estime n'avoir pas à prendre
position sur ce point, attendu que, comme il va êtredit, la lettre
du 2 juillet1947,adresséepar le Gouvernement albanais à la Cour,
constitue une acceptation volontaire de sa juridiction.

La lettre du 2 juillet1947, malgré la réserve qu'elle énonceet
dont la portée exacte sera examinée plus loin, lève toute difficulté

Government of the People's Republic of Albania, is inadmissible,
the Government of the United Kingdom having submitted the said
Application contrary to the provisions of Article 40, paragraph 1,
and Article 36, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court".
The first submission relates to the Resolution of April gth, 1947,

in which the Security Council recommended "that the United King-
dom and Albanian Governments should immediately refer this
dispute to the International Court of Justice in accordance with
the provisions of theStatute of the Court". The Albanian Govern-
ment accepted this recommendation and on the basis of its accep-
tance recognizes its obligation to refer the dispute to the Court
in accordance with the provisions of the Statute. It is true that
this obligation could only be fulfilled in accordance with the pro-
visions of the Statute. In recognizing this fact in accordance with
the request of the Xlbanian Government, the Court points out
that that Government subsequently contracted other engagemen Is,
the date and exact scope of wl-iich will be established later.

The second submission of the Albanian Government, which is
disputed by the Government of the United Kingdom, appears to
constitute an objection on the ground of the inadmissibility of the
Application. The intention of the Albanian Government, hourever,
seems to be somewhat lacking in precision in this respect. When it
refers, in its submissions, to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the
Statute of the Court, the Albanian Government appears merely
to have in mind a procedural irregularity resulting from the fact
that the main proceedings were instituted by means of an applic-
ation instead of by a special agreement concluded beforehand.
The Albanian Government, however, also refers to Article 36,
paragraph 1, of the Statute, a provision which relates exclusively

to the jurisdiction of the Court ; and the criticisms which are
directed against the Application of the United Kingdom in the
text of the Preliminary Objection, relate to an alleged lack of com-
pulsory jurisdiction as well as to the forma1 admissibility of the
This argument may be explained by the connexion which the
United Kingdom Government, for its part, had made between the
institution of proceedings by application and the existence, alleged
by it in this case, of compulsory jurisdiction.
In support of its Application, the Government of the United
Kingdom invoked certain provisions of the Charter of the United
Nations and of the Statute of the Court to establish the existence

of a case of compulsory jurisdiction. The Court does not consider
that it needs to express an opinion on this point, since, as will be
pointed out,the letter of July znd, 1947, addressed by the Albanian
Government to the Court, constitutes a voluntary acceptance of
its jurisdiction.
The letter of July znd, 1947, in spite of the reservation stated
therein, the exact scope of which will be considered later, removes

15tant sur la question de la recevabilité de la requête que sur celle
de la juridiction de la Cour.
Sur le premier point, le Gouvernement albanais, tout en énon-
çant d'une part qu'il «serait en droit de considérer que le Gouver-
nement britannique n'a pas pu saisir valablement la Cour inter-

nationale par voie de citation directe, sans compromis préalable
avec le Gouvernement albanais », déclared'autre part qu'« il est
prêt, malgré cette irrégularité commise par le Gouvernement
britannique à se présenter devant la Cour ». Ce langage du
Gouvernement albanais ne peut s'entendre que comme une renon-
ciation à faire valoir ultérieurement une exceptiond'irrecevabilité
fondée sur un prétendu vice de forme de la requête.

La lettre du 2juillet 1947n'est pas moins décisivesur la question
de la juridiction de la Cour. Non seulement le Gouvernement
albanais, qui avait déjà assumé certaines obligations envers le
Conseil de Sécurité,par télégramme du 24 janvier 1947, déclare
dans la lettre qu'il ((accepte pleinement la recommandation du
Conseil de Sécurité » tendant à soumettre le différend à la Cour
conformément aux dispositions du Statut de celle-ci, mais, après
s'être dit profondément convaincu dans sa juste cause », il y
accepte, en termes précis, «la juridiction de la Cour dans l'affaire
présente ». La lettre du 2 juillet comporte donc, de l'avis de la
Cour, une acceptation volontaire, indiscutable, de la juridiction

de la Cour.
Alors que le consentement des parties confère juridiction à la
Cour, ni le Statut ni le Règlement n'exigent que ce consentement
s'exprime dans une forme déterminée.
La thèse albanaise selon laquelle la requête serait irrecevable
comme ayant étéintroduite contrairement aux dispositions de
l'article 40, paragraphe premier, et de l'article 36, paragraphe
premier, du Statut de la Cour, repose essentiellement sur le postulat
que la voie de la requête n'aurait place que dans le domaine de la
juridiction obligatoire, la voie du compromis étant seule ouverte
hors de ce domaine.

C'est là une pure affirmation qui ne trouve de fondement ni dans
l'un ni dans l'autre des textes invoqués. L'article 32, paragraphe 2,
du Règlement, en n'exigeant pas impérativement, mais seulement
« autant que possible »,la mention, dans la requête, de la dispo-
sition par laquelle le requérant prétend établir la compétence de
la Cour, paraît bien impliquer, par lui-mêmeet par les considéra-
tions qui ont inspiré sa rédaction, que la voie de la requête n'est
pas exclusivement réservéeau domainede la juridiction obligatoire.
En recourant à la voie de la requête, le Gouvernement du
Royaume-Uni a fourni au Gouvernement de l'Albanie l'occasion d'accepter la juridiction de la Cour ;cette acceptation a étédonnée
dans la lettre du Gouvernement albanais du 2 juillet 1947.

Du reste, une telle action séparée correspondait aux positions

respectives des parties dans une procédure où, en fait, il y a un
demandeur, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, et un défendeur,
le Gouvernement de l'Albanie.
Au surplus, rien ne s'oppose à ce que, comme dans le cas présent,
l'acceptation de la juridiction, au lieu de se réaliser conjointement,
par un compromis préalable, se fasse par deux actes séparéset
successifs. Ainsi que l'a dit la Cour permanente de Justice inter-
nationale dans son Arrêt7n0 12 en date du 26 avril 1928, page 23 :
((L'acceptation, par un Etat, de la juridiction de la Cour dans un
cas particulier, n'est pas, selon le Statut, soumise à l'observation
de certaines formes, comme, par exemple, l'établissement d'un

compromis formel préalable. ))
On a cherchéà argumenter en senscontraire du texte de la recom-
mandation du Conseil de Sécurité. Mais,d'une part, si cette recom-
mandation indique bien que l'introduction de l'instance devant la
Cour exige l'action des parties, elle ne spécifiepas que cette action
devait être conjointe; d'autre part, il appartient aux textes gou-
vernant le fonctionnement de la Cour de déterminer comment
celle-ci doit être saisie, ainsi qu'il est énoncé dans la recom-
mandation du Conseil de Sécurité.
La Cour ne peut tenir pour irrégulière une voie qui n'est exclue

par aucun texte.
Il reste à examiner la portée de la réserveformuléedans la lettre
du 2 juillet1947. Cette réserve est ainsi conçue : «Toutefois, le
Gouvernement albanais fait des réserves les plus expresses sur la
façon dont le Gouvernement britannique a saisi la Cour en appli-
cation de la recommandation du Conseil de Sécurité,et surtout
quant à l'interprétation qu'il a voulu donner de l'article 25 de la
Charte, par rapport au caractère obligatoire des recommandations
du Conseil de Sécurité.Le Gouvernement albanais désiresouligner
que son acceptation de la juridiction de la Cour dans l'affaire
présente ne peut pas constituer un précédent pour l'avenir. ))

Cette réserve est l'unique limitation apportée, par le Gouverne-
ment albanais, tant à son acceptation de la juridiction de la Cour
qu'à sa renonciation à toute exceptiond'irrecevabilité. Il appartient
à la Cour d'interpréter la lettredu 2 juillet1947 avec force de droit
entre les parties. Or, il est manifeste que la réserve qu'elle énonce
ne vise au'à maintenir un ~rinci~e et à em~êcherla création d'un
précédentpour l'avenir. C'est non pour la présente instance, mais
afin de réserver sa complète liberté de décisionpour l'avenir, que

le Gouvernement albanais fait ses réserves tant sur la façon dont
le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni a saisi la Cour que sur l'inter- THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 28

opportunity of accepting the jurisdiction of the Court. This
acceptance was given in the Albanian Government's letter of
July and, 1947.
Besides, separate action of this kind was in keeping with
the respective positions of the parties in proceedingswhere there is
in fact a claimant, the United Kingdom, and a defendant, Albania.

Furthermore, there is nothing to prevent the acceptance of
jurisdiction, as in the present case, from being effected by two
separate and successive acts, instead of jointly and beforehand by
a special agreement. As the Permanent Court of International
Justice has said in its Judgment No. 12, ofAprilz6th, 1928,page 23 :
"The acceptance by a State of the Court's jurisdiction in & partic-
ular case is not, under the Statute, subordinated to the observance
of certain forms, such as, for instance, the previous conclusion of
a special agreement."
The Security Council's recommendation has been relied upon to
support opposite conclusions. But, in the first place, though this
recommendation clearly indicates that the bringing of the case
before the Court requires action on the part of the parties, it does

not specify that this action must be taken jointly, and, in the second
place, the method of submitting the case to the Court is regulated
by the texts goveming the working of the Court as was pointed
out by the Security Council in its recornmendation.
The Court cannot therefore hold to be irregular a proceeding
which is not precluded by any provision in Ihese te its.
The scope of the reservation formulated in the letter of July and,
1947, has still to be considered. The reservation is as follows :
"Nevertheless, the Albanian Government makes the most explicit
reservations respecting the manner in which the Government of
the United Kingdom has brought the case before the Court in
application of the Security Council's recornmendation and more
especially respecting the interpretation which that Government has
sought to place on Article 25 of the Charter with reference to the

binding character of the Security Council's recommendations.
The Albanian Government wishes to emphasize that its acceptance
of the Court's jurisdiction for this case cannot constitute a precedent
for the future."
This reservation is the only limit set by the Albanian Govern-
ment either to its acceptance of the Court's jurisdiction, or to
its abandonment of any objection to the admissibility of the
proceedings. It is for the Court to decide, with binding
force as between the parties, what is the interpretation of the
letter of July znd,1947. It is clear that the reservation contained
in the letter is intended only to maintain a principle and to preveiit
the establishment of a precedent as regards the future. The
Albanian Government makes its reservations-both as to the
manner in which the United Kingdom Government has instituted

17prétation que ce Gouvernement a voulu donner de l'article 25 de
la Charte en vue d'établir une juridiction obligatoire de la Cour.
11est bien clair qu'aucun précédent ne pourrait se concevoir si la
lettre ne comportait l'acceptation,en l'espèce,de la juridiction de
la Cour pour statuer sur le fond.

La réserve contenue dans la lettre du 2 juille1947 ne permet-
tait donc pas au Gouvernement albanais de faire valoir ultérieure-
ment une exception préliminaire fondée sur un vice de forme, ni
davantage de contester par la suite la juridiction de la Coq pour
statuer sur le fond.

et tout en prenant acte de ladéclaration contenue dans la première
conclusion du Gouvernement albanais, mais sous l'expresse réserve

des obligations que ce Gouvernement a assuméespar sa lettre du
2 juillet1947,

par quinze voix contre une,

1) rejette l'exception préliminaire présentéepar le Gouver-
nement albanais le g décembre 1947 ;

2) décide que la procédure sur le fond sera poursuivie et,
fixe comme suit les délais pour le dépôt des piècesultérieures :

a) pour le Contre-Mémoire du Gouvernement albanais, le
mardi 15 juin 1948 ;
b) pour la Réplique du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni, le
lundi 2 août 1948 ;

c) pour la Duplique du Gouvernement albanais, le lundi
20 septembre 1948.

Le présent arrêta étérédigéen français et en anglais, le texte
français faisantfoi. THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 29

the proceedings, and as to the interpretation which that Govern-
ment claimed to give to Article 25 of the Charter with a view to
establishing the Court's compulsory jurisdiction-not for the pur-
poses of the present proceedings, but in order to retain complete
freedom of decision in the futuie. It is clear that no question of
a precedent could arise unless the letter signified in the present
case the acceptance of the Court's jurisdiction on the merits.
The reservation in the letter of July 2nd, 1947, therefore does

not enable Albania to raise a preliminary objection based on an
i~.e.ularity of procedure, or to dispute thereafter the Court's juris-
diction on the merits.

while placing on record the declaration contained in the first

submission of the Albanian Government, but subject to the explicit
reservation of the obligations assumed by that Government in its
letter of July end, 1947,

by fifteen votes against one,

(1)rejects the Preliminary Objection submitted by the
Albanian Government on December gth, 1947 ;

(2)decides that proceedings on the merits shall continue
and fixes the time-limits for the filing of subsequent pleadings
as follows :

(a) for the Counter-Mernorial of the Albanian Government,
Tuesday, June 15th, 1948 ;

(b) for the Reply of the United Kingdom Government,
Monday, August znd, 1948 ;

(c) for the Rejoinder of the Albanian Government, Monday,
September zoth, 1948.

The present judgment has been drafted in French and English,
the French text being authoritative. Fait au Palais de la Paià,La Haye, le vingt-cinq mars mil neuf
cznt quarante-huit, en trois exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposé
aux archives de la Cour et dont les autres seront transmis respec-
tivement au Gouvernement de la République populaire d'Albanie
et au Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et
d'Irlande du Nord.

Le Président de la Cour :


Le Greffierde la Cour :


BADAWIPACHA, M. KRYLOVt,out en souscrivant à l'arrêtde la
Cour, se prévalent du droit que leur confèrel'art57du Statut,

et joignent audit arrêt l'exposé deleur opinion individuelle.

M. DAXNER,juge ad hoc, déclarant ne pas pouvoir se rallier à
l'arrêtde la Cour et se prévalant du droit que lui confèrel57rticle
du Statut, joint audit arrêt l'exposd de son opinion individuelle.


Done at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this twenty-fifth day of
March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-eight, in three copies,
one of which shall be placed in the archives of the Court and the
others delivered to the Governments of the People's Republic of
Albania and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland respectively.

(Signed)J. G. GUERRERO,




BADAWIPASHA,KRYLOV,whilst concurring in the judgment of
the Court, have availed themselves of the right conferred on them
by Article57 of the Statute and appended to the judgment a state-
ment of their separate opinion.
M. DAXNERJ ,udge ad hoc, declaring that he is unable to concur
in the judgment of the Court, has availed himself of the right
conferred on him by Article57of the Statute and appended to the
judgment a statement of his separate opinion.

(InitialledJ. G. G.

(Initialled) E. H. ANNEXE


A. - Au cours de la grocédureécrite :

I. Carte de l'Amirauté no 206, indiquant le détroit de Corfou.
2. Section de la carte allemande montrant le placement des mines.
(Cette carte, qui a étésaisie par les Alliés,indique le chenal du
nord de Corfou, la position des mines qui y avaient étéposéespar
les Puissances de l'Axe ; la carte originale a étédéposéeau Greffe.)
3. Accord international conclu le 22 novembre 1945entre les Gouver-
nements du Royaume-Uni, de la France, de 1'U.R. S. S. et des
Etats-Unis et instituant les Comités de déminage.
4. Affidavit du fonctionnaire de l'Amirauté, chargé des expéditions,
attestant l'envoi à l'Albanie des cartes Médri.
5. Section de la carte index Médriindiquant le chenal déminédu nord
de Corfou et la route internationale établie dans ce chenal, et
brochures Médridestinées à êtreutilisées avec la cartc index.
(Un exemplaire unique de la carte tout entière et des brochures
co~p!~te~numérotées 5,g et 12 ont étédéposéesau Greffe.)
O. Correspondance diplomatique échangée entre le Gouvernement
du Royaume-Uni et l'Albanie au sujet du droit de naviguer dans le
détroit de Corfou.
7. Calques de l'Amirauté indiquant le chenal déminé du nord de
Corfou, la position et la route des navires Orion, Sufierb, Leander,
Saumarez et Mauritiz$s,lors de leur passage par le détroit du nord
de Corfou, les 15 mai 1946 et 22 octobre 1946.
8. Photographies des navires Snumarez (en-dessous de la ligne de
flottaison) et Volage (avec l'avant emporté) prises peu de temps
après l'explosion du 22 octobre 1946.
g. Calque de l'Amirauté indiquant la position des navires britanniques
au moment de l'explosion.
IO. Rapport sur les dommages causés au navire Saumarez.
II. Rapport sur les dommages causés au navire Volage.
12. Liste des marins tués et indication des pensions, etc., à verser aux
ayants droit.
13. Liste des marins blessés et exposé des dépenses, pensions, etc.
14. Exposédu coût des réparations à faire au navire Volageet du coût
de remplacement du navire Saumarez.
15. Procès-verbaux des Comités de déminage.
16. Rapports du capitaine Mestre.
(Il y a eu deux rapports, l'un et l'autre en français. Le motif
pour lequel deux rapportsfurent présentésest que le capitaine Mestre



A.-In the courseof tlzewritten proceedirtgs:
Admiralty Chart No. 206 showing the Corfu Strait.
Section of German Mine Information Chart.
(This is a chart which was captured Ey the Allies showing the
North Corfu Channel and the position of mines laid by the Axis
there, and the original chart has been filed with the Registry.)
International Agreement between the Governments of the United
Kingdom, France, U.S.S.R. and the United States, setting up the
Mine Clearance Boards and dated eend November, 1945.
Affidavit by despatch clerk at the Admiralty proving despatch of
Medri Charts to Albania.
Section of Medri Index Chart showing North Corfu swept channel
and the international highway established therein together with
Medri pamphlets for use with the Index Chart.
(Asingle copy of the entire Chart and of the complete pamphlets
numbered 5, g and 12 have been filed with Registry.)
Diplomatic correspondence between the Government of the United
Kingdom and Albania regarding the right of navigation in the
Strait of Corfu.
Admiralty tracings showing the North Corfu swept channel and
the position and tracks of H.M. ships Orion, Superb, Leander.
Saumarezand Il.Iauritizrsp,assing through the North Corfu Channel
on 15th May, 1946, and on zznd October, 1946.
Photographs of H.M.S. Saumarez (below water line) and Volage
(bowsblown off)taken shortly after the explosion on zznd October,
Admiralty tracing showing position of H.M.'s ships at the time
of the explosion.
IO. Report on damage to H.M.S. Snunzare:.
II. Report on damage to H.M.S. Volage.
12. List of sailors killed with statement of pensions, etc., payable to
Statement of cost of repairs to the Volageand cost of replacement.
of the Saumarez.
Minutes of Mine Clearance Boards.
Reports of Capitaine Mestre.
(There were two reports, both in French. The reason wliy tliere
were two reports was because Capitaine Mestre wished to niake AFFAIRE DU DÉTROIT DE CORFOU
désirait apporter certaines corrections dans son seconcl rapport i
certaines allégations faites par lui dans son premier rapport.)
17. Rapports sur l'opération ((Retail )).
(Opération de déminage du 13 novembre 1946.)
18. Carte montrant la position dans laquelle furent trouvées les mines,
le 13 novembre 1946.
19. Photographies des mines.
20. Rapport sur les mines examinées à l'Institut spécial del'Amirauté,
Leigh Park House, Hants.

21. Carte montrant les défensesde Saranda.
22. Affidavit du capitaine marchand Bargellini relatif a l'incident du
29 octobre 1946qui s'est passé pourles chalands de 1'U.N. R. R. A.
23. Documents et comptes rendus des séancesdu Conseil de Sécurité,
etc., relatifs au différend.
24. Lettre adressée par le ministre adjoint des Affaires étrangères de
la République populaire d'Albanie au Greffier de la Cour à la date
du 2 juillet 1947 [jointe en annexe aux Observations et Conclusions
du Royaume-Uni du 19 janvier 19481.

B. - Au cours de la procédure oral e

I. Divers extraits desprocès-verbaux du Conseilde Sécurité (2mc année)
et du Comité du Conseil de Sécuritéchargé d'étudier l'admission
de nouveaux membres (16mc,17meet 18meSéances, 1947).


A. - Au cours de la procéduyeécrite :

I. Résolution du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations unies adoptée le
g avril 1947.
2. Télégramme du Secrétaire généralad in,terim au Président du
Conseil des rilinistrer de la République populaiïe d'Albanie en date
du 20 janvier 1947,et réponse endate du 24 janvier 1947.

B. - Au cours de la firocédureorale.

I. Extraits de la publication :Documentsde la Conférencedes Nations
unies sur l'Organisationinternationale,San-Francisco, 1945 (photo-
lithographie des documents originaux), vol. XI, XII, XII1 et XIV.

2. Extraits de la publication :Courpermanente deJustice internationale.

Comitéconsultatif de Juristes. Procès-verbauxdes séanced su Comité,
16 juin - 24 juillet 1920, avec annexes. La Haye, 1920.

3. Extrait de la publication :Sociétédes Nations. Rapport à la Deuxième
Assemblée sur l'czuvre du Conseil et sur les mesures prises pour
exécuterles décisionsde la Première Assemblée.A. g. 1921,Genève,
le 18 août 1921.
4. Extrait de la publication : Report to the President of the resul2sof
the San Francisco Conference by the Clzairmanof the United Nations
Delegation, the Secretary of State, June 26, 1945. Department of
Statc Publication 2349, Conference Series 71. THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 47

certain corrections in his secondreport of certain statements which
he had made in his first report.)
Reports on Operation "Retail".
(The minesweeping operation of 13th November, 1946.)
Chart showing position in which mines were found on
13th November, 1946.
Photographs of the mines.
Report on mines examined at Admiralty Mining Establishment,
Leigh Park House, Hants.
Chart showing the defences of Saranda.
Affidavitof Skipper Bargelliniregarding the incident ofU.N.R.1I.A.
barges on 29th October, 1946.
Documents and records of the Security Council, etc., re1ati;e to
the dispute.
Letter from the Deputy-Minister for Foreign Affairsof the People's
Republic of Albania to the Registrar of the Court, dated July znd,
1947 [attached as annex to the Observations and Submissions of
the Government of the United Kingdom of January ~gth, 19481.

B.-During the oral proceedings:

Several extracts from the Records of the Security Council (Second
of New Members (16th, 17th and 18th Meetings, 1947).dmission

A.-f)uring the ze~ritteproceedings :

Resolution of the Security Council of the United Nations adopted
on April gth, 1947.
Cable from the Acting Secretary-General to the President of the
Council of Ministers of the People's Kepublic of Albania dated
20th January, 1947, and reply dated 24ih January, 1947.

B.-During the oral proceedings :

Extracts from the publication :Documents of the United Nations
Confereme on International Organization, San Francisco, 1945,
photo-lithoprinted from original documents, Vol. XI, XII, XII1
and XIV.
Extracts from the publication :Permanent Court of International
Justice. Advisory Comnzitteeof Jztrists. Procès-verbaztxof the
proceedi~gsof the Committee, Jzme 16th-July 24th, 1920, with
annexes. The Hague, 1920.
Extract from the publication : League of Nations. Report to the
Second Assentbly of the Leagzreon the Work of tlzc Col~nciland on
the Measures taken to executethe decisions of the First Assenibly.
A. 9. 1921, Geneva, 18th August, 1921.
Extract from the publication :Report to the Preside~rlof the resltlts
of the Sar~Francisco Conjerenceby the Chairnzan of the United
Ndions Delegatiolz,the Secretaryof State, Jurte 26,1945. Depart-
ment of State Publication 2349, Conference Series 71.
5. Extrait de la publication :Department of External Agairs, Confer-
ence Series 1945, NO. 2, Report on the United Nations Conference
on International Organizationheld ut San Francisco, 25th April-
26th June, 1945, Ottawa.
6. Extraits de la publication : Hearing beforethe Committeeon Foreign
Relations, United States Senate, seventy-ninth Congress, Fzrst
Session, on the Charter of the United Nations for the maintenance
of international peace and security, submitted by the President of the
United States on July 2, 1945 (Unrevised), July IO, 1945. Printed
for the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations. (United States,
Government Printing Office, Washington :1945).
7. Extrait de l'article The Jurisdiction of the Security Council over
Disputes (American Journal of International Law, Volume 40, No. 3,
juillet 1946), par Clyde Eagleton, Professeur à l'université de
New-York, Expert de la Délégation desÉtats-Unis d'Amérique à
la Conférencede San-Francisco.
8. Extraits de la publication :Documentsof the United Nations Confer-
ence on International Organization, San Francisco, 1945. Photo-
lithoprinted from original documents, published in cooperation
with the Library of Congress by United Nations Information
Organizations, 1945, London-New-York, Vol. XI.
g. Extrait de la publication : Republica de Chile, Ministerio de la
Externe : Chile y la Conferencia de San Francisco, Saritiago,
IO. Extrait de la publication : Actes de la Première Assemblée, Séance
des Commissions, Genève, 1920. Procès-verbaux des Séancesde la
Troisième Commission (Cour permanente de Justice internationale).
Cinquième séance,8 décembre 1920.
II. Extrait de la publication : Sociétédes Nations, Actes de la Première
Assemblée : Séance desCommissions I, Genève, 1920.
12. Extrait de la publication : Courpermanentede Justice internationale,
SérieD, Actes et Documents relatifs à l'Organisation dela Cour.

Addendum au no 2.
Revision du Règlement de la Cour.
13. Extrait de la publication : Académiede Droit international, Recueil
des Cours, 1932, 1, tome 39 de la Collection.
Les questions d'intérêt généralau point de vue juridique de
la jurisprudence de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale )),
par W. E. Beckett, Conseiller juridique au Foreign Ofice.

14. Extrait de la publication : Courpermanentede Justice internationale.
Série D. Actes et Documents relatifs à l'Organisation de la Cour.
Troisième Addendum au no 2 : Préparation du Règlement du
II mars 1936. Leyde, 1936. THE CORFU CHANNEL CASE 48
Extract from the publication : Department of External dffairs,
ConferenceSeries 1945, .Vo.2, Report on the United Nations Con-
ference on International Organizatiom held at San Francisco,
25th April-26th June, 1945, Ottawa.
Extracts from the publication : Heuriltg beforethe Committeeon
Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Seventy-ninth Congress
First Session, on the Chnrterof fhe United Natio~zsfor the main-
tenanceof internationalpeaceand secztrity,sztbmittedby thePresident
of the United States on July 2, 1945 (Unrevised), July 10, 1945.
Printed for the use of the Committee on. Foreign Relations.
(United States Government Printing Office, Iliashington : 1945.)
Extract from the article The Jzrrisdiction of the Seczirity Cozincil
overDisputes (American Journal of International Law, Volume 40,
No. 3, July, 1946), by Clyde Eagleton, Professor of New York
University, Expert of the Delegation of United States of America
to the San Francisco Conference.
Extracts from the publication :Docz~mentsof the United h'ations
Conference on Inter'itationnl Organization, San Francisco, 1945.
Photo-lithoprinted from original documents, published in coopera-
tion with the Library of Congress by United Nations Information
Organizations, 1945, London-New York, Voi. XI.
9. Extract from the Publication : Republic of Chile, Ministry for
External Affairs :Chile and theSan Francisco Conference, Santiago,
IO. Extract from the publication : The Recordsof the First Assembly,
Meetings of the Committees,Geneva, 1920. Minutes of the Meet-
ings of the Third Cornmittee (Permanent Court of International
Justice). Fifth Meeting, 8 December 1920.
II. Extract from the publication : Leagzie of Nations, Tlze Records
of the First Assembly :Meeting of Committee I, Geneva, 1920.
12. Extract from the publication : Permanent Coztrtof I.ltternntio~zal
Justice, Series D, Acts and Documentsconcerningthe Orgawiztltio~z,
of the Court.
Addendum to No. 2.
Revision of the Rules of Court.
Extract from the publication : Th.e Britisl~,1-earbookof 17ztena(z-
tz'onalLaw, 1930, Oxford.
Decisions of the Permanent Coztrt of Interrtational Jzrsticc o7r
Points O/ Law and Procedztre of Gefiernl Applictrtion, by
W. E. Beckett, M.A.,Formerly Fellow of Al1Souls College, Oxford.
(Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office.)
Extract from the publication :Permalient Coztrt of I~der~tntio~tal
Justice. Series D. Acts and Docztmentsc~ncerningthe OY~LE~L-
ization of the Cozwt. Thini Adde?Cdftmto NO. 2 : Elabor~ztio~o~f
the Rztlesof Cozsrtof Marciz th, 1936. Leyden, 1936.

ICJ document subtitle

Preliminary objection

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Judgment of 25 March 1948
