Public sitting held on Wednesday 12 May 1999, at 3.05 p.m., at the Peace Palace, Vice-President Weeramantry, Acting President, presiding

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Bilingual Document File
Bilingual Content


International Court Cour internationale
de Justice
of Justice


YEAR 1999


held on Wednesday12 May 1999,ai 3.05p.m, ut the Peace Palace,

Vice-Presidenteeramanty, Acting President,presiding

in the case concerningLegal* of Useof Force

(Yugosiaviav. Belgium)

Requestfor the indicationof provisionalmeusures


ANNEE 1999

Audience publique

tenue le mercredi 12mai 1999,15 h 5, au Palaisde la Paix,

sous laprésidencedeM. Weeramntry, vice-président
faisant fonction deprdsident

dans l'affairerelatàla Licéitde l'emploide laforce

(Yougoslavie Belgique)

Demande en indication de mesuresconservatoires

COMPTE RENDUPresent: VicePresident SchwebelntryA, ctingPresident

Judges Oda
ParraA- ranguren

Judgesad hoc KreCa

Registrar Valencia-OspinaPrésents: M. Weerarnantry v,ice-présidentf,aisantfonctionde préstn l'affaire
M. Schwebel,présidente la Cour
MM. Oda

Mme Higgins
MM. Parra-Aranguren

Duinslaeger,juges ad hoc

M. Valencia-Ospina,greffierThe Governmentof the Federal Republic ofYugoslavia is represented by:

Mr. Rodoljub Etinski, Chief Legal Adviser in the Ministry-of Foreign Affairs, Professor of
International Law, Novi Sad University,

as Agent;

H. E. Mr. Milan GrubiC,Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Yugoslaviato the Netherlands,

as Co-Agent;

Mr. Ian Brownlie, C.B.E., Q.C., Chichele Professor of Public International Law, Oxford,

Mr. Carlos Casillas Velez, Vice-President of the Mexican Academy of International Law and
Professor of Law at UNAM University,

Mr. Olivier Corten, Lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the Free University of Brussels,

Mr. Stevan DjordjeviC,Professor of International Law, Belgrade University,

Mr. Pierre Klein, Lecturer at theFaculiy of Law of the Free Universiw of Brussels,

Mr. Miodrag MitiC,Assistant Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia (Ret.),'

Mr. Eric Suy,Professorat the CatholicUniversityofLeuven, formerUnder-Secreta~y-Generaland
Legal Counselof the United Nations,

Mr.Paul J. 1.M.deWaart,ProfessoremeritusofInternationalLaw,FreeUniversityof Amsterdam,

asCounsel and Advocates;

Mrs. Sanja MilinkoviC,

as Assistant.

The Governmentof the Kingdom of Belgium isrepresentedby:

Mrs. RaymondeFoucart-Kleynen,Director-GeneralLegal Matters attheMinistryofForeignAffairs,


Mr.JohanVerbeke,DeputyDirector-General,Directorate-Generalfor MultilateralPoliticalRelations
and Special Matters at the Ministry of ForeignAffairs,

as Deputy-Agent;

Mr. Rusen Ergec, Advocate at the Brussels Bar and Professor at the Free University of Brussels,

Mr. Patrick Geortay, Advocate at the Brussels Bar,

Mrs. Colette Taquet, Counsellorto the Minister for Foreign Affairs.Le Gouvernementdela Républiquefédéralede Yougoslavieest représenté par :

M. Rodoljub Etinski, conseiller juridique principal au ministèredes affaires étrangèresde la
République fédérale de Yougoslavie et professeur de droit international à l'universitéde

Novi Sad,

comme agent;

S. Exc. M. Milan GrubiC,ambassadeur de la République fédérad le Yougoslavieaux Pays-Bas,

comme coagent;

M. IanBrownlie,C.B.E.,membre du barreaud'Angleterre,professeurde droit international public,
titulaire de la chaireichele à l'universitéd'Oxford,

M. Carlos Casillas Velez, vice-présidentde l'AcademiaMexicana de Derecho International et
professeur dedroit international l'université nationaleautonome du Mexique(UNAM),

M. Olivier Corten, maître de conférencesà la faculté de droitde l'universitélibre de Bruxelles,

M. Stevan DjordjeviC,professeur de droit internationàll'universitéde Belgrade,

M. PierreKlein, maître de conférences à la facultéde droit de l'universitélibre de Bruxelles,

M. MiodragMitiC,ancienministre fédéral adjointdes affairesétrangèresd leRépublique fédérale
de Yougoslavie,

M. Eric Suy, professeur à l'université catholiquede Louvain (K. U. Leuven), ancien Secrétaire
généraa ldjoint et conseillerjuridique de l'organisation des Nations Unies,

M. Paul J. 1.M. de Waart,professeur émérite de droit international à la Vrije Universiteit

comme conseil et avocats;

Mme Sanja MilinkoviC,

comme assistante.

Le Gouvernementdu Royaume de Belgique est représenté par :

Madame Rayrnonde Foucart-Kleynen,directeur général des affairesjuridiques du ministèredes
affaires étrangères,

comme agent;

M. Johan Verbeke, directeur général adjointde la direction générale desrelations politiques
multilatérales et des questions thématiqudu ministèredes affaires étrangères,

comme agent adjoint;

M. Rusen Ergec, avocat au barreau deBruxelles et professeur à l'universitélibre de Bruxelles,

M. Patrick Geortay, avocat au barreaude Bruxelles;

Mme Colette Taquet, conseiller du ministre des affaires étrangères. - 6 -

The VICE-PRESIDENT,acting President: Pleasebe seated. The Court meets now for the

secondroundof hearings inthe cases concerning Legalityof UseofForceinstitutedbyYugoslavia

against ten respondent States.

In the lightof the new basesofjurisdiction invokedtoday by Yugoslavia inthe casesagainst

Belgium and the Netherlands, the Court wishes to inform the Parties that it will give its

considerationto any observationsof Belgiumandthe Netherlands in regardto the admissibilityof

the additional grounds invoked.

1 now have much pleasure in calling upon the distinguished Agent of Belgium,

Mrs. RayrnondeFoucart-Kleynen.


Mme FOUCART-KLEYNEN :Monsieurle président, Madame,Messieurs les Membres de

la Cour. A l'effetde répliqueraux moyens allégués par la Républiquefédérale de Yougoslavie,

MeErgec, le conseil du Royaume de Belgique, examinera en premierlieu le moyentiré d'une

prétendue compétence prima facie de votre Cour fondéesur la convention de conciliation de

règlementjudiciaireet d'arbitrageentre leRoyaumede Belgiqueet leRoyaume deYougoslaviedu

25 mars 1930.

Monsieurle président,la Belgiqueauraitpu solliciterun délai supplémentairepourrépondre

à l'argumentsoulevéin extremisd'unefaçontout à fait déloyaleet de mauvaise foà laRépublique

fédérale de Yougoslavie.

Nous n'allonspas le faire par respect à l'égardde votre Cour et dans le souci de ne pas

retarder outre mesure une procédurequi, selon 1'Etatdemandeur, revêu t n caractèreurgent.

MeErgecrappellera également l'argumentdéjàdéveloppé dansnotredéfenserelatif à licéité

de l'interventionarméepour des motifs humanitaires impérieux.

Enfin, en ce qui concerne la prétenduequalitéde Membre des Nations Unies de la

République fédérale de Yougoslavie, la Belgique estime pouvoir se référer aux décisions des

organes desNations Unies, ainsi que des organesdes institutions internationales spécialisées', que

'Troisièmerapport supplémentaireconcernant le deuxiéme tu bureau du conseil d'administrationdu Bureau
international du Travail, 19993 ,55'session «Revue des décisionsdu conseil d'administrationdu Bureau
internationalduTravail»;deuxiémerapport suppléeu bureauduconseil d'administrationduBureauinternational
duTravail, mars9994,ZS session((Revuedesdécisionsduconseild'administrationduBureau internationalduTravail,
comptesrendusinextensdes séancespléniésud3 mai19993de l'organisationmondialede la Santé))r;ésolutiondu -7-

je cite dans ma note de plaidoirie, suffisamment claires et explicites et notamment la

résolution48/88 de l'Assembléegénéraledu 20 décembre1993. Plus spécifiquement, le

considérant19de cette résolutionréaffirmeexpressément la résolutio47/1du 22 décembre 1992

et demande instammentaux Etats Membreset au Secrétariat,dansl'espritde ladite résolution, de

mettre finà la participation de fait de la Serbieet du Monténéaux travaux de l'organisation.

Si vous le permettez, Monsieur le président,je vais maintenant appelerbarre le conseil

du Royaume de Belgique, MeErgec. Je vous remercie de votre bienveillanteattention.

The VICE-PRESIDENT,acting President: Thank you. Yes please.

M.ERGEC :Monsieurleprésident,Madame etMessieurslesjuges, leRoyaumedeBelgique

entend d'abordprotester contre la nouvelle manŒuvre procédurièree la République fédérale de

Yougoslavie qui a consistéen l'occurrence, aujourd'hui mêmpe,u avant la clôture des débats,

soumettre à votre Cour un nouveau chef de compétence.

En outre et surtout, il convient ici de citer l'article38, paragraphe2, du Règlementde la

Cour, qui énonce : «La requêteindique autant que possible les moyens dedroit sur lesquels le

demandeur prétend fonder la compétence de laCour.)) Il s'en déduitclairement qu'il est

inadmissible,comme en l'espèce, decompléter,surun point essentiel, l'argumentationrelaàila

compétence primafacie de votreCour, parun nouveau moyen proposéin extremis. D'ailleurs,l'on

peut se demander pourquoi la Républiquefédérale deYougoslavie, qui estcensée connaîtreles

traitésauxquels elle prétend aujourd'huiavoir succédé, 'a pas cru devoir, comme l'exigeaitle

principe debonne administrationde lajuste et l'article38 précité, formule oyen au stadede

l'introduction desa requête.

Elle avait pourtant tout le temps pour le faire.

Cela révèleclairement le mépris dontla Républiquefédérale de Yougoslavie témoigne à

l'égardnon seulement des Etats défendeurs,mais égalementà l'égardde votre Cour.

Le Royaumede Belgiquevousdemandedèslors, enordreprincipal, d'écarterce moyendes


conseild'administranu20 octobre1998de l'Unionpostaleuniverselle. -8-

En ordre subsidiaire, je tienà rappeler à votre Cour que la convention de 1930 donne

compétence,non pas à votre Cour, et pour cause, mais à la Cour permanente de Justice


Monsieur le président, cetteCour permanenten'existeplus à l'heure actuelle. Il est certes

exactque l'article37 de votre Statut permet votre Cour de succéder,dans une certaine mesure,

à la Cour permanente de Justice internationale,mais cet article 37 indique clairement que cette

succession n'estpermise quedans la mesure où les Etats parties au différendseraient également

parties au Statut de votre Cour, de la Courinternationalede Justice(voir Charles Rousseau,Droit

international public, t. 5, p. 445).
Or, Monsieur le président, Madameet Messieurs les juges, comme cela vous a été

abondamment démontré, la République fédérale Ydougoslavien'estpas partie au Statutde votre

Cour. Il en résulteque la convention bilatéralede 1930ne constituepas une base de compétence

suffisante, mêmeprima facie.

En ordre toutà fait subsidiaire, en ce qui concerne la conventionde 1930 invoqupar la

Républiquefédérale de Yougoslavie,leRoyaumede Belgiquevousrappelle qu'aux termesdecette

convention, le recoursàla Cour permanentede Justice internationaleest subsidiaire,

L'article énonceen effet :

«Tousdifférendsau sujet desquels les Partiesse contesteraientréciproquement
un droit seront soumispourjugement à la Cour permanentede Justice internationale,

à moins que les parties ne tombentd'accord, dans les termesprévusci-après,pour
recourirà un tribunal arbitral.)) (Les italiques sont de nous.)

D'ailleursles articles 5, 6 et 7 de la conventiondécriventde manièrepréciseuneprocédure

préalabled'arbitrageet de conciliation.

Or, la Républiquefédérale deYougoslavie n'apoint entaméles démarchesprévuespar les


Ne l'ayantpasfait,ellen'apas épuisé lsoiesprocéduralespréalables, dontseull'épuisement

peut donner lieuà une saisine de la Cour permanente deJustice internationale.

Vous ne puisez dèslorsprima facie aucun chef de compétencedans cette convention.

Nous sommes en fait en présence d'unnouvel artifice de procédurepour contournernos

exceptions préliminaires irréfutableset irréfutées concernantl'invalidité manifeste dela -9-

reconnaissancepar laRépubliquefédérale de Yougoslaviede la compétencedevotre Cour surpied

de l'article36, paragraphe2, du Statut.

Monsieur le président, j'enviensà présent à la réfutation faitepar mon distingué collègue,

le professeur Brownlie, concernant notre argumentationrelative à la licéitet à la nécessitéde

l'interventionarméede l'OTAN.

Je constate d'abord que pasun seul motn'aété prononcé au sujet dela doctrine de nécessité

que le Royaume de Belgique a développée.

En ce qui concerne la notion d'interventiond'humanité,M. Brownlie a dit que nous nous

étions abstenusde citer des sources doctrinalesà l'appuide notre thèse.

En voici deux, à ce stade de la procédure:

- Mario Bettati, ((Intervention, ingérenceou assistance)) (Revue trimestrielle des droits de

l'homme, 1994,p. 300 et suiv.);

- SilvioMarcus-Helmons,«Ledroitd'intervention,uncorrolairedesdroitsde l'homme?»(idem,

1992,p. 470).

Je vous remercie de l'attentionde votre Cour, Monsieur le président.

The VICE-PRESIDENT, acting President: Thank you very much. That concludes the

submissions of Belgiumby way of reply, andthe Courtwill now proceedto hear the submissions

in the case ofYugoslaviav. Canada. Forthis purpose,the distinguishedad hocjudge for Belgium

will be replacedby the distinguishedad hocjudge forCanada. The distinguishedad hocjudge for

Belgium will be escorted from the dais and the distinguished ad hocjudge for Canada will be

ushered in. The proceedingswill commencein a few minuteswhen the necessaryarrangementsat

the desks of counsel have been made.

TheCourtrose ut 3.15p.m. 12:01 DGJ A
32 2 5112259

f: . . :-.
1 S1inepirriit der hrureiaee relrtiona d 'uiti6 gui iinis.iit
t hm nrtionr rrspaotirem;
ΠSinabruent dhireuz dd'rsstuer. pr 'e8 proo6drpem poi fi..

gara, Ir rb&ric+t des diffdrendn qoi riendnient L aureir .ntr6 leur8
Pro: .
Coaststrn pur Ir respect des droit= 6trblis ptr lestrd-

1 inte- tisruiu:
I1eoonnrissa qutle8 droits eppertenaat ii ahque hrt ne
muniant 8tre nadifid8 que de Êon ~oa66nt6~eit: CI

Conaid4rua quo 18 sinoare observation, soaa lesaoepiae8 .

d. la Sooidt6 dei ttiors. ées proo6dures psoifiguca permet dtarrire *. .:
i su rbdement de tous les diffdrrnds interostionstu;

Apprdciaat hautemen la reoomnende tionfuite pr 1'laeem-
bl4ede Is Sooi4td dre Hetiona, den8 am reeolution en dete du 23 sep-

! tembre 1928, k tous les Ptats de oonolure des ooztventiozm de rbgltmrat

! paaifique des diff6rer;de internetioaeux;
l Cnt decide [lerealiser darrsure oorveztiorr leur intestion
! cornunc et ont cI~si~s6'?cur leu* pldni-otezt isires: [aii~rir ADHEAZ D!?LCCIG1; S3,n Za)oy6 dxtreordineire et aini~tre mg,
!ipet9ntiri rr rnTougoarvir ;
; -, A&.A~~&.#U
..., e. 4:,

lesquels, eprlisavoir d6posd laure ?le ins pouvoirs
r.ouvdsen bonne et duc forme, eont COEVCPU~ des diopositions suivas-

drt icle premier.
1.- ha dif-'6rer;8ade totite nature gui vienZraient b 3'6-

lever entre le8 HbuteaParties contrtiotsrrtes et qui n'auraient pu ê-

tre r68afue par 'le voie diplomatique seront aouais, dars les co~diti-
m8 fh6ee par le prdaente aonventio~, L un rb~~enient judiciaire ou

dtral, pr(lcdd6, sslor les caa, obligatoireir~t ou faoultc tivement.
d'un reooore B le prooidure da ooaailia tion.

2.- Cet enpgemest os stappliaue ose:

- -
._ le prdeente Conrsatian;
....: b) crindiff4rsnde portant LW de9 questio~a que le
.eest istem tiaId Isisee h la confltence erolusicre dea Stats;

0) eu difierende eyent trait eu statut territorial

3.- S'il et61eve une contestation entre lez Parties sur la
qoestioa de srvoir ei un differend rentre dene une des trois excepti-

an8 auf!mentiom6e8, cette question pr6judicielle sers, sa33 touc?.er

au fond, aur la requste de ltue des deux Parties, souruiee 6 la déci-
8ioa de le Cour pemceate de Justice ir teroatiorale .

Article 2.

Les differendv pour la ~olution desauels uue proïdàwe 12-MRY-199912:82 DGJ A
7 32 2 5112L59-

temenait pai par applicatio dnecette proa6dure, le8 dirpositiana de

1. présente ~onrention relative8 h Ir proddure irbitrilr ail r)&- -
ment jrdioiairr teortraien appliution.

Attido 3. -..-
1 .- S'il s'agit d'un difflroad dont 1'objet, dtrpr&s Ir 16-
giUa tion int4rieturc de 1'me der butea. Rtties contrrotmatea nlh. .

de la comp/te~c ee8 autorit68 judialairen OU admini8tr8tivo witte
Partie pourra a'ogposer irce que ce diffdrend eoit eonia rrrrdiversas

definitive ait Bt6 rendue dbks ciea ddlaie rrisonnable psarl'aatoritb

2 .- Le hrt ie qui, dane ce cas, roudru reocprir aru proce-

- dures prhuea ptr le pdeeate Canventioo devra notiiier B lwiintre
psrtie son irtrntion dans un d41.i d'un an i pmrtfr de Ir d(ciaian

brtiala 4.

Toua diffdrmds ri eujet -desquele les hrtics se oo~trmte-
raient r5oiproqwient un droit 8eroct soinie pour juqeme rP Ir Cour

pernrnente de Jirstia ieternationale. L moine que les hrtieo ae toi-
bent d'eooord, dana les tannes prdvua oi.apr38, pour reeourir B -

tribunel arb itrsl.
Il est entendu que la8 diffdrr~d6 oi-deseue risde aampren-
' rblt notement oeux que mentionna l'srtiole 36 du Statut de la Co= .
pemene~te de Justice izt~rnationele.

Si les Parties BGS~ dVtiç~ordpour soumettre les diffdrsnda

vie4a bl'article pr6oddsnt L u~ tribuns1 srbatrsl, elle8 rCdiqront
...a... MQY-1999 12:02 DGJ I

m onprmia danalequel elles fixeront l'objet da litige. le ahois

Ira 'irbitrem tt 1. proddwe h anivre. A ddfaut d'i~dicrtions *II da
r6oirioor iuffiaaot r ena Ir aaiproiir. il sera fait application

la'meme ndaesmire deo diaporitiona de le convention de La
18 oatobn 2901 pour le rbqlrrot poi fiqne tics conflits in-
,.6a.tiomm. barn 18 ri1enor du~ooiproi qwsnt aux ritac8 de fond
k&Ztpnrr par Ira arbitrea. Ir tribunal appl ipucra lei, rPghs de
to..m.hr4r(rr dina l'rrtiole 9e du Ytttut Ge Ir :par yt~ri;czte 3e

SGttm interni otnalo.

b dbfaut d'roeord entre le8 Parties sur le compromis vie6 w
t'ltmrtiole pr6o6dent ou h d6fnut de d8sisatioo d'irbitres et aprhi

m pdavir dmtroir mois, l'me ou l'autre d'entre elles &tira la fa-
mît6 de porter direotriient, par voir de rrql?8tr. le diff6rerd devant

lm.00~peprrunonte de fustioe internationale.

1.- Pour le8 diffbrenda prdvue à l'ertiçle 4, avant toute
lp~ddiue devant 1. Cour prnamente de Jwtiee izterre tiorale, ou e-

..l' tonte proddtwe arbitrale. 1eePmrtiea ~ourrort. aBun o-m rc-
&ka, hooprit i la prèddun de oanoilistion pr6vue par la pr6eente
.@ &w. ation. 1
.,;-' 2,- b crsada reGours 8 le oonoiliatio en d'Aohec de cet-

k prtiddipe, aiiounr der Partie8 ae pourra porter le diffirrnd devant
h -& p~nrnfr de Jmtior interna tiozals ou de~~~,ad~Irr ïonstitu-
tloii du Trib-2 arbitral riid a l'artiulr 5 avant 1'expirstion du d§-

de- mois 8 oomptst de la Q8t-e tee travaux de le Coiomissforr de

brtiole Y,

Toua difflre~de entre lesPertiea, outres que ceux .?rijvua
B l'srtiole 4, seront soumie obl~,ptoireme~t i~une riroc4dur de am- 12-MRY-1999 1.---3 -.--J-.- ------ * .- 32 2 5112259 P. 06
. 32 2'5112259-
-8- . ....

oiliation rvmnt de pomoir faitr l'objet d'un rbéement hfigt~.~ e-
. e-6

.. --
Ira diffbrende vie6i L lgertiole prôddent eeid partdm
1.2 "
devant mie Coiissioa de ocncilirtion pommaante ou'ap(oir1r oruti-
tuBe par 1438Partieo.

Artide Eh
Sur Ir deman&, 8dre86da prr aria de8 butas Olrtir8 eoa-

aoie, une Coniraion penemnts de oon~ilirtioo,

listion eere atmatitti6e wmme suit: ,e .

1,- La Cai~ie asi oorprendta oiaq membres. La6 8.ntau ~r-
tigeoantrmotantca ennommeron t h.aunr u~ qui 8tm .ohaiai par-
Π':. '
ai leur6 natiomux resgeotif6. Le8 troim ratreo uanirmlres ;e-t
at:oieis d'un aoaipiiaacord 'panai le8 reesortiesrnte de tisraes Puis-

âeoueli .OB daniire devront 8trr de oationalit(lr iiff6tentsr. ne p.

avoir leur rdsideooe habituelle eut le territoire de8 Ebrtiee, ni as
trouver B leor 8errioe. Parnri eux, lm Haute8 Farties ooatrsataatee

d8eigieroat 10 prdeident de la Caamisriaa.

2.- Les aonnatomireeeeront noiiaabspur traie anm. Os se-
! ront rldligiblra. Loo aoriiruireir noaa6r en oomm pourrant Otn m-
$au68 su ooura de leur mandat, de l'aaoord dee 'Plrtiss. Qaeune des
'ieutee Psrtiea on tract an teepourrir taujoura, d'autre part, proe6der

; 'au remplaoament du oommiawire nomm4par elle. Hoaobstant laur rcmpïa-

oement, le8 uammiaeeiree resteront en fonot ions pour 1'aubbremeat de
leurs tretaux ea OOUT~.

3.- 11 aera pourvu,dans le plus delai, aux vawta~eb
qui viendraieilt k se produirepar suite. du d6&s au de d6rniasioa OU

(L quelsue autre cupâckeraezt, eu suivent le mode fixé !jour les nomila- 12-MQY-1999 12:03
. . DGJ A

Artide 12,
Si, lorrqo'i sfé'lbvr un difiArend. il n'eri~te pe rine cm.
iiraian parunente de oanolliation n-60 pr log parties, me Gomie

rlon 8P(oiale meri aonetitnée porv lDruien du diffdrrnd dans un délai

di-troir noie i wmptrr de- la deunde adrerede par 1 'une des Rrt?rs
& lQrutn. Lrs oomiaatioar er feront confohdmrnt aux dirpositiam de

lia,rtiole prl)o6dent, itmoine que le8 parties n'en diuident autrement.

bQintrnioat pi6 dma les ddlsie pdoae aux ~rtidee 10 et 12, le soin
-CI. proo6&; ru noiin~tion n6oesmircs *rra oonfid h une tierce Ria-
....frroΠabaairi4 d'un eoamm sooord pmr108 Artier ou, ai crellea-ci le
1.:.derrrrdent,au Prduidarrt ex:exeraica du Conseiî de 1s Socidte des %tic.

. . '2,- Si l'aocord ne r'étiblit pi8 au sujet d'aucm de ce6
.prdd6., obqin Rrtir d6ri@ers une Muronor diffdrente et les no-
.. .
irtartioaa seront faite8 de conoert pet les Raiesanoes sissi choisies,
.. . 3,- Si, dass ua ddlai de troie moie, Ge8 deux PtZiei~Zt~ceI!

n'ont pu tonber dmrocord8 cboime d'e1l.a prdsentsr aes csndibts en

- arribrade1 & 001~1 de8 membres i)d4si~er. Le sort d4teminera les-
&.- der orndiàati, .inri. pr(unt6ri serist admim.

...-.. 1,- Le Cauissiorr da aonoiliatia eqra saieis par voie de
,..qata .e&eie6a au R6eide~t. par 1ea deux Parties s&sssnt d'-a coi-

2.- Le .requ8te8 aprir avoir erpos6 etammairement I'objet de

Iifigii, oatfendra 1'intftetior: B la Comrniseion de procdder L tcutee

3.- Si la requ8ts Bmara d'uns reule deta.hrties, elle aere

notifide par oeL10-<ri 'aaaa daai lmeutre Artis. 12-BQY-1999 12:04 DGJ A 32 2 5112259 P. 08

. ,. .S.:--=
Ltiolr 18; .....r.--<',<;:.,a-4
. . ,,>d :.-:!u
1 .- ana un daai de quhm joire & prrtir -& .& .f"..=r,y*.
I'ar de8 Pbrtiea aura port( CP dîff6rkd demat tma
~~sj'sa .. .- -.-.-<&-Ts.,
unente da oonoiliat ion. &06e der hrtfer peu-, po.r 1i o-i .....&,-:..
oi diffdrend. ripîaoer son orrimmitr pr .iPr prao91La poddt. -..'..:
oo~pdtenoa ophiale dm) 1. ~ltibra. .. .!.-...,....';..~~:;-.
..-. -'
2.- La prtie gui irrti de oe droit en fa- ~dirtbit'.:if
. .
la notification i l'autre hrtir; -Ife-oi aura, danr w in; 1.fa,

odt6 d'rgir de nhe dans un dQai de quinu 3o.n i campter a@ Ir d...
te OP 1. notification iui sera prveaue.

oontteire de8 Pettiea, ou eibge de le .Saei5td de6 Eatioaa au rn toirt

autre lieu ddsip6 par 803 Plt3aidest.

2.- La ~o&isaion pourre. en toute uir~ons~n~., 4emander

au Secrt3taire rgBn4ralde la JoaiBt4 dee Urtiona , e asaia-
tance L eea traoeux.

Artide 17,

lae travaux de 1. ~-18sion de aomiliatian ne seront
blhe ou'en vertu d'-me d4cieia nria0 par 1s Commissio anveu l'aasen-

timeat dea Parties.

Article 18,
1.- %uf acoord co~treire des Pertie8, la Coa~~i~sicm de b~ b

oilietion r6glers elle-me'me su proddure qui, dqns tous lei mis, derir

8tr.e ccntrtidictoire. 5 motibre dterqu8te ,e Commis~io?~,ai elle n'en

d€cide eutrewe~t b 1 tua3i~itdm 80 ~o~fozmera aux à3spoaitSons du ti-
tre III de la Conventio~ de La Haye du 16 oetobre lm pour le rbgle-

mest pacifiaue des conflits inter- tionaux.

2.- ?,es h;ties seront reprllscrt6eo rupras de Ir Commiaaion
^ de canoilistion prnr des t:y;its .-gs?;t mfssioo de servirdViatermbdiairea 12-MRY-1999 12:04 DGJ A
1 32 2 5112259

antre aller etla Coamiseioa ellee pourront, en outre, se faire 06-

--:.d-l.crpr dee conaeilr et erpsrtrno=éapr el1ea.B aet effet et de- .

~<..:+.-.d..l!i~'&ition de toutes prionne. dont Ir témoiqege id= *p.fat-

+a-.*,,:,""'''- * -.
,,C';-;..:.:..,..a.- h OOP~SS~O~ 8W.9 de 60n dt6. le feol~ltd de deirndar
- ....-<!'
--....e...:p~ia~tioné oralru rtu -apntr. aonaeil~ et experte da8 dem. ?sr-
p.'P.. , riart qu'à toute6 personne8 qu8ei1 eug-mit .utile de faire GO&
:.$=pn$trr .no 3 nassantii t eae lem.Oomrrnrme tn.

..ez..,..-. ûd rooord iontraire dru hrtica. les ddciei~n ac 1. UOIP-

~?'-traioa ne 20- se prononcer le fond du diff6rend oue si toua

ter Phrtira agerp~ct à faoiliter le8 kruux de 18 Coi-
rimeLon de ~oa~iliati ot, en partioulier, irlui fournir, dans la

large aesuie poii8i51eB tous àoo~ests r t i=+orir tionr utiles,
aiorri QU'& user des moyac8 dont ellue dispoecrrt pour lui permettre de

piradda? 6- leut territoir et eelon leur ld~ielstio Lo lt cits tiolr

et 8 Igsuâition de thoins ou d'experte st ir 6ee trasaports sur les w

. Articl e . .
chacun des comuis-
1.- Pendant Ir durde de leurs trareuï,
*ire8 reaavre me indomaitd 6orit le montant serasrrtt6 du uommulac-

.'bord de8 Parties, qui en supporteron utheoirrstune part 6-10.
2.- Lee frais gdndraurt oaoreioan6a par le fonotioaneinerrt dq

Article 22.
1 .- SB Comauiaeion de oonailiati oura nour têcheàv41uçi-

ber 100question oec litige, de'reuuaillir à wtte fin toutes Ica in-
..L ..
. . ... . 12-BQY-199912:05 DGJ -.-7.- -.--y
32 2'5112259.. m!-. .
- 9-

informations ut ilras par vole d'onqdte. otlao
de onc ci lier les Partice, B110 poprn, rprér
picr aux krtiim Ica teries de lq.rr.n(lnrnt q

tenable etleu imprti? un d6l.i po~r ae,proa
2.- A la fin de aee travrrit,la C

drqrrb81 oonstmtant. auitmt le ma. soit

atraag4cr et. a'il y r lieu. les condition drl'rrilrgemeat, &tt .. .
les Parti18 n'ont pu être conci1il)or. Le proois-verbal namrntt&& -.

p8 si les d6cisions de la Co=iaaion ont 6t6 prise6 &l'ipu&it6
à le majotit6 . ..
3.- Les travaux de la Coi~~riueiar drevront, h roior qua le6
hrt tes a'en aonrisans tneut r0~103t~ftro te~i~608' tana 9n dilri de
six moi8 à conpter du jour où la Cammiisio aura 6t6 aiaie dmdif-
fclrend. . -

Artide 23.
?ie proche-verbe1 de la Cmuiusicn sere porté irnr délai h
le cosasi=~azce des Pettica .1 apprtiaat rux Rrtiee d'en d6oider 1i

c!:!I&PIT%IVs.- 53 ?3..XZT;T EtBTTOgL.

Lrtitalo 24. 0
1 .- Si, dans le moisqui suivra 18 clEtprr des tramin da

la Co~iniseion de conoiliatioa, les Parties ne se aott pas entendues,
le ouestion. eiles deux Parties se ~ettebt d@aooard ,OM~ 8tre por-

th dorant ua ?ribuna1 .crbitral.
2.- tans ce ïa8, asuf aooord contraire des hrtiea, 10 bri-

bunel arbitral YCCB coasti tu6de le meaibrg indiqde ai-apr88.

Brtiole- 23.
1.- 1s Tribunal arbitral oomprerdre cinq membres. Ire hr-

tiea e= nommeront chacune un qui Fourra 8tre choisi parmi leurs nsti- &oiaia d'un a-un aaoord peni les reaaortiasintr de tierces Pair-*

ora. Cor dernieta devrontttra de aatismlit6. diff6rrnte8, ne ps 8..
mir 1iur r6aideao hoabituelle ear le territoir des Rrtiea, ai ec

trouver i leur aerrioe,

1,- Si le nomima tion desmembre8 du Tribmal arbitral rrtin-
.tamient pe8 dane un délai 3e trois nais à oompter de le denande adtes-

.a&e par 1@u1 de8 Partie8 k llautre de coaztitue rn Tribune1 ~rbitrol,
le aob da proa6der aux nominstion ndoeasairee sera confie à une tier-

; .a Pnfeaanea ohaiaie d'un oomuza rcroord per le8 hrties. J
2,- 8i lleoaord ne st(5teblit pae b,oe sujet, chaque Partie
--U8î. .r une R1I11anca difierente et le8 n0mtinaticn8 seront faite8 de

oonoart par leu Aii88ançes ainai ohoisiei.
3,- Si, de26 im déloi de trofa mois,les Puissances oiaai

d4rimbes r'-t pu tomber d'rooord, les nomiaoticns r4reseaires seront
faite8 par le Rdeident de le Cour perm~rent ae Justice iatcrnatianale.

Si orlui-oi set sn?8ahl, ou, s'il est reaacrtiaron de l'use des Par-
ti~~, 1ee naiimtiorre seront faites par le Vicc-pr6ai8ert Si celui-ci

est emp8oh6 OU s'il eet reeeortissen dte 1'une $08 Pertics, Ica nomine-
fione earoat faitos par 10 membrele plue €+ de le Cour cui n'est res-

Artiole 27,

Il eers pourvu, dene 10 pina bref dBlei, aux vacancrs qui
viendraient i se produir~ par euite de d4cke ou de dhiusion, ou as

"qwloae rutre apiobement. en ouirant le mode iix6 pour lesnoninations

Lee hrties rddigeront UP ooapromi a4tsniiinsnt l'objet du
litige et le pro~6dure h euivre,

Article 29,
A defaut d'izdication au de prdoieionv suffiasctes d~ne 18
.... 12-NRY-199912:85 DGJ A
- . 32 2 5112259.
- 11 -

comprorni~, relet itewnt au point8 indipu68 dini, 1'mrtiole pt6o(d,nt,.;

il sers fait applimtion. dana 1. meaux0 n6~08uir0, dam dimbii(i=r, .--
de 1~ Convention de Li, Biyr da 18 oatobra 1961 pocv Ir rbgmdit p.@&
fique des conflit8 ioternationrax.

4rtiole 30.
Faute de wnolwion d'ta8aompromiidan8 tm daai de trof'
prtit de 1. conrtitutio du Tribunal. celui-oi srri moimi
requête de 1 'une ou 1'autre dee Pertiea.

Artielo- 31.

Bra le ailerke du oompromis ou i ddfaut de oonprnia, le
Tribugal epnliqu?ra iee rb.ylea de fond BnumBr6esdsne Xtartiale 38 du
statut de 18 Cour pswsccntc de Jwtiuc intcrnation al3r tani qu'il
n'existe pas 6e pbreill@s r2.rlesappliablss au difierend, le Tribn-

ml jwre ex aequo et boao.

Article 32,

Si, a l'ary,irction du mois oui suivra la dature des trs-
vcux de la 'Iamzissio~ de con~ili~tio~, le8 Partiez ::e ee sont 388 +i-

ses c'accord, ccaf'ormiiht~t l 'ertiole 14 ci-dessus ,our porter le
diffbrezd devant rn Tribual arbitral, le tiiff4send sera rBq16 confor-

menent aux dis~ositioc ae l'erticle 15 du Peote de le Sacidt8 de8

Artiole 33.

1.- hna toua les cos oL le differcnd fait l'objet d'une
oroc6dure arbitrale ou judiciaire, nottinment, si IB question su sujet

6e leauelle les Parties sont divisees rdsulte d'çctes d6jh affectuee
OU BUr le point de 1'être, le Cour permanente de Juetice int~rnationa-

le, statuent co~for1~5rnertL li~rticle 41 de son Stetut, ou le Tribunal
srtitrril, jndicuere dt~s la plus bref delsi possible les meeure"- ?rO-

vieoircs qui daivent être prisce. Les purticsseront tenues Je s'y
conformer. ....... 2.- 5i la Corniraiod ne conciliatio ae trouve iuirfe da
difNrend, elle pourra raoommander au Rrti.8 lesmesures prorisoires

esttasre utilee.

Les hrtiea a'enggent irs'abstenir de toute mesure surcep
tible d'avoir une r8percuasio pr8j~diuisbl ae1'erdcnt ion de la d613i-

aion jadicirir eU arbitrale OU aux afraaiamat8 prop016a par 1. ?orni
aiasion de conciliation et. en +nBrel, ne procdder i: au=u acte. de

qnel~ue nature qu'il soit, eueceptible ~'a,~avcr ou d'étendr? le aif-


Artide 34.
Sila rcntenae judiciaire CU crbitraie ddclsrait qu'une dB-
.oiiioa prise ou une mesure ordorath pr une autorit8 fudfciair oeu

toute entre autorit6 de llu~e te8 Partieu es liti- se trouve cati&-
remont on prtielleme~t en oppoeitioe arra le droit internatio~el et

ai le droit ooaetitutio~el de ledite partir ne permettai tes ou ne
permettaiq tr'imperfsiterneat d'effacer le8 oonebouerueade cette ddci-

siao ou de oette msaure, le8 %utes Artior cottracttntas oasirieraent

qu'il devra 8trs aooord4 per le sentence jucliçisireou arbi tralc, B la
Partis 16stIe. une setieieotioa Iquitrble.

Petticscorrtractantea eacore ou'une tierce Puiosancis ait un iatAr6t

2.- Dens la proc4dure de conciliritioa, les Parties pourront
d'na aaa~~~riaooord inviter uce tierue Puiseance.

3,- Denala proc6dure judioisire ou arbi trele.,yi une tier-
ce Puiaeanca estime que, dane un diff6read. un intdrtt d'ordre juri-

dique est pour elle en cause, elle peut edresaer la Cour permanente

de Jrietioe interaetia~de ou su Ttibun~l brbitrol uc? ruouôte & fin

fa Cour ou la Tribunal ddoide. DGJ A
32 2 5112259--
- 13 -

4.- Lorqulil etagit da l'interprb tton d'mie Wventfon L

laquelle auront prtiaip6 d'autrei hi ta que le. -Rrtirr en aiurne, 18 .-
sram de 1s Cour prunente de Justice inter~tionala ai Ir trib-1

srbitrel 1k evcrtit aan8 d6l.i.

Chrom dteiux'anra 'le -droit d'interrenir, et, #@il exeroe
cette facPtB, l'interpréta t iox contenue dane Ir rrntenoe rat ))lig-

taire a son d~rd*

Attiole 36,
Les dif f6rende rrlrtifa à 1 'i~trrpr4tstion ou & pa3plim-
. . '-..
tien de 18 prdaente Coarertioa . oomprir ceux relatif8 &fr'~-gfi-
ostien des litiqc~. 6er0nt so=i# L la Cour pc-atr da,~&t~m;--:-+.
. ... ,.r+; -b-.
teraa tionale . -......
'6 . ...-
Articl e'7. -
Le pr6sente Content ion. conforme eu Roto da 10 Sooi4t6 de$

a l!atians, ne sera pas iaterprdt4e corne restrri~r,ant 18 misriian de ml-
le-ci de rgensrc, Lttout noncnt, ire reauree prtpres i ecnregardar ef-

ficecenent 16 paix du molde.

Article 3..

1 .- Le gresonte Sonventio acre rstifiee et 1'6ahanqe de8
ratifics tiansaura lieu à Balqade.

nie sere enrc.qistr4e au Secret~ri~t de le Socidte des

2 .- La Conve3 toa est çonclue pour une durde 6e uioq sas b

compter de le dcte 6e llbol~o~~e da3 r~tific~tions.
3.- Si elle 3'eet pcs ddnonode six nioie su moinaavant l'ex-

pirationde ce terue, elle deaelirei-ae3 vigueur pour xe nouvelle '6-
riode de ciq us8 et ~i~si de suite,

4.- !iosobetrnt la d6uonrtietion ptir l'me des ??autes Partiea

contrectantes les pro&durcs eiic~ep5es au monent de l'exniretio= du 12-NQY-1999 12:07 DGJ A
- LL 32 2 5112259
# 14 -

tene de 18 Conventio continueront juquià lem eI&vment nen.1

1 NJoI le8 pliaipotintiafr auamnou(iaont aiqn(
r la prclsente CCIWIRIOII.

! FAW 1 %elpide. le .25. i.a.r.e... mil neuf rit that.,
..: double exemplaire-.Non- Corrigé Traduction

Uncorrected Translation

CR 99/26 (traduction)

CR 99/26 (translation)

Mercredi 12 maià 15 h5

Wednesday 12 May at 3.05 p.m. Le VICE-PRESIDENT, faisant fonction de président : Veuillez vous asseoir. La Cour se

réunit maintenant pour ledeuxième tour d'audiences dans les affaires concernant la Licéit deé

l'emploi de la force institutées par la Yougoslavie contre dix états défendeurs.

En fonction des nouveaux moyens de compétence invoqués aujourd'huidans les affaires

contre la Belgique et les Pays-Bas, la Cour tient à informer les Parties qu'elle va donner sa

considérationà toutes observations de la part de la Belgique ou des Pays-Bas quant àl'admissibilité

des moyens additionnels invoqués.

C'estavec grand plaisir maintenant queje donne la paroleà l'agent distinguéde la Belgique,

Mme Raymonde Foucart-Kleynen.

Mrs. FOUCART-KLEYNEN: Mr. President, Members of the Court. In order to respond to

the grounds relied on by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Maître Ergec, counsel for the

Kingdom of Belgium, will first consider the argument that the Court allegedly hasjurisdiction under

the Convention on Conciliation, Judicial Settlement and Arbitration of 25 March 1930 between the

Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Mr. President, Belgium could have asked for additional time to reply toan argument raised

in extremis in a way that is completely unfair and in bad faith on the part of the Federal Republic

of Yugoslavia.

Out of respect for the Court, and not wishing to delay unduly proceedings which, according
to the applicant State, are urgent in character, we shall not do so.

Maître Ergec will also summarize the arguments already presented in our defence relating to

the legality of armed intervention for urgent humanitarian reasons.

Finally, as regards the claimed status of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as a Member of

the United Nations, Belgium would refer you to the decisions of organs of the United Nations and

0 7 of organs of specialized international institutions1,which 1have cited in my written submission;

'Third supplementary report conceming the second report of the secretariat of the Governing Body of the

International Labour Office, March 1993, 255th Session "Review of the decisions of the Goveming Body of the
Intemational Labor Office"; Second supplementartf the secretariat of theGoverning Body of the Intemational
Labor Office, March 1994, 259th Session "Review of the Decisions of the Goveming Body of the International Labor
Office"; verbatim transcriptsof the plenarys of the World Health Organizationon 3 May 1993; resolution ofthe -3-

these are sufficiently clear and unequivocal, in particular resolution 48/88 of the General Assembly

of 20 December 1993. More specifically, recital 19 of that resolution expressly reaffirms

resolution 47/1 of 22 December 1992 and requires member States and the Secretariat, in the spirit

of that resolution, to bring to an end the defacto participation of Serbia and Montenegro in the

work of the United Nations.

With your permission, Mr. President, 1will now cal1on counsel for the Kingdom of Belgium,

Maitre Ergec, to speak. Thank you for your kind attention.

Le VICE-PRESIDENT, faisant fonction de président : Je vous remercie. Je vous en prie.

Mr. ERGEC: Mr. President, Members of the Court, the Kingdom of Belgium wishes first

to protest against this latest procedural manoeuvre by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which

today, shortly before the close of the hearing, submitted to the Court a new ground of jurisdiction.

What is more, and above all, 1would refer you here to Article 38, paragraph 2, of the Rules

of Court, which provides: "The application shall specify as far as possible the legal grounds upon

which the jurisdiction of the Court is said to be based." It follows clearly that it is unacceptable,

as has happened here, to add a new ground in extremis supplementing an essential point in the

arguments on the prima facie jurisdiction of the Court. Moreover, we may ask why the Federal

Republic of Yugoslavia, which must be familiar with the treaties to which it claims to have

succeeded, thoughtit unnecessary - contrary to the principle of the sound administration ofjustice

and the provisions of Article 38 which 1have just cited - to include this ground when filing its


Yet Yugoslavia had ample time to do this.

This illustrates clearly the contempt shown by the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia not only

for the respondent States but also for the Court.

Council of Administration of the Universal Postal Unionof 20 October 1998. The Kingdom of Belgium therefore asks the Court, primarily, to strike this ground from the

O 8 proceedings. In the alternative, 1 would remind the Court that the Convention of 1930 confers

jurisdiction- obviously - not on this Court but on the Permanent Court of International Justice.

Mr. President, the Permanent Court no longer exists today. It is quite true that Article 37 of

the Statute allows the International Court of Justice to substitute itself, to a certain extent, for the

Permanent Court of International Justice, but thisame Article 37makes it clear that this is possible

only where the States in dispute are also parties to the Statute of the Court, i.e., the International

Court of Justice (see Charles Rousseau, Droit international public, Vol. 5, p. 445).

Now Mr. President, Members of the Court, as has been amply demonstrated, the Federal

Republic of Yugoslavia is not a party to the Statute of the Court. It therefore follows that the 1

bilateral Convention of 1930 does not constitute a sufficient ground of jurisdiction, even prima


In thefurther alternative, in relation to the Convention of 1930 relied on by the Federal

Republic of Yugoslavia, the Kingdom of Belgium would remind you that, under the terms of that

Convention, the role of the Permanent Court of International Justice is a subsidiary one.

Article 4 provides:

"Al1 disputes with regard to which the Parties are in conflict as to their
respective rights shall be submitted forecision to the Permanent Court of International
Justice, unless the parties agree in the rnanner hereinafter provided, to resort to an
arbitral tribunal." (Emphasis added.)

Moreover, Articles 5, 6 and 7 of the Convention describe in a precise way a preliminary

procedure of arbitration and conciliation.

Yet the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has instituted none of the procedures laid down by

the Articles cited above.

Having not done so, it has failed to use the preliminary procedures whose exhaustion is a

necessary condition for seisin of the Permanent Court of International Justice.

You can therefore derive no ground of jurisdiction, even prima facie, from this Convention.

We have here yet another procedural device, intended to overcome Our irrefutable and

unrefuted preliminary objectionsto the manifestly invalid character ofthe recognition by the Federal -5-

Republic of Yugoslavia of the jurisdiction of the Court on the basis of Article 36, paragraph 2, of
O 9

the Statute.

Mr. President, 1come now to the reply by my distinguished colleague, Professor Brownlie,

to Our argument relating to the legality and the necessity of armed intervention by NATO.

1note first that he has said not one word about the doctrine of necessity, as developed by the

Kingdom of Belgium.

In relation to the notion of intervention on humanitarian grounds, Mr. Brownlie said that we

had failed to cite any doctrinal support for Our stance.

Here, at this point in the proceedings, are two:

- Mario Bettati,"Intervention, ingérenceou assistance" (Revuetrimestrielledes droits del'homme,

1994, p. 300ff.);

- Silvio Marcus-Helmons, "Le droit d'intervenir, un corollaire des droits de l'homme?" (idem,

1992, p. 470).

Thank you for the Court's attention, Mr. President.

Le VICE-PRESIDENT, faisant fonction de président :Je vous remercie. Ceci termine les

conclusions de la Belgique par voie de réplique et la Cour va maintenant procéder à entendre les

conclusions dans l'affaire Yugoslaviec. Canada. Lejuge distingué ad hocreprésentant la Belgique

sera accompagné de la tribune et lejuge distinguédu Canada sera installé. La séanceva reprendre

dans quelques instants lorsque les aménagements nécessaires à la barre seront terminés.

L'audience est levéeà 15.15. ', ,-
" 1930 Lame of Nations - -Tteaty Series. 345



Frenchoficiat te&commzcnicatedy thePermanmtDelegateoftheKingdomof Yzcgoslaviaamedted .
to theLeagueofNations and the Bdgian Mànisterfor ForeignAgaiys. The registrationoftkis
Conventiontookplace Sefitember8, 1930.

view of the friendlyrelations happily existing betweentheir respective ;ations
Beingsincerelvdesirousoensuringby peacefulprocedure the settlement anydisputeswhicb
may arise between their countr;es
Noting that rights establishedby treaties or arising out ofinternational law mustberespected
by international cour;s
Recognisingthat the rightseach State cannotbemodifiedwithout its consen;

procedure allows ofthe settlementallinternational disput;softhe Leagueof Nations, ofpeacefal
Highly appreciating the recommendation made by the Assernblyofthe League of Natioin
itsResolution of September 26, 1928, to all States, to conclude conventions for the peaceful
.settlement of international disp;tes
Have decided to achieve their'commoaim by means of a convention'andhave appointed as
their Plenipotentiaries :

M. Kosta KUMANUD DI,octor of Laws, HisMinister for Foreign *adaiiwim ;

M. Adhémar DELCOIGNH E,isEnvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in
Who, having deposited their full powers,found in good &d due form, have agruponthe
ii foilowingprovision:

., . ..ArticlI.

k 1. Disputes ofevery kind which may arisebetweenthe High Contrading Partie asd which
ithas not been possibleto settle through the diplornadqmel shaiibe mbmitted, under the
Traduit par le SecrBtariat laso&td des 1 Transiated bythe Seu&riat of theLeague
?jrNations,Atitred'information. ofNations f,r information.
O The exchange ofratifications taok patBelgrade, September3,1930.
tY. League of Nations - Treafy Series. .

conditions laid down in the present Convention, for judicial settlement or arbitration, preceded,
conciliation.ircumstances, as a compulsory or optional measure, by recourse to the procedure of

2. Thisundertaking shallnot apply to :
(a) Disputes which arose prior to the conclusion of the present Convention;
(b) Disputes concenllng questions which by international law are solelywithinthe
domestic juriçdiction of State;
(c) Disputes concerning the territorial status of the High ContractinParties.
Should a merence arise between the Parties as to whether a particular &pute cornes
under one of the three above-mentioned exceptions, this prelirninary questioshallat the request ,
ofeither Party be submitted to the Permanent Courtof International Justice forits decision,without
prejudice to thesubstance of the diçpute.

Disputes-for the settlementof which a specialprocedure islaid down inother conventionsin
force between the High Contracting Parties shall be settled in conformity with the provisions of
those conventions. If, however, the dispute isnot settled by application of thi procedure, the
provisionsof.the present Convention concerning arbitration or judicial settlement shdl apply.

,. I. In the caseof a dispute the occasion ofwhich, accordingto themunicipal iaw of one of the
High Contracting Parties,fallswithin the cornpetence ofthe judicial or administrative authonties,
the Paity in question may object to the dispute being submitted for settlement by the various
~rocedureçlaid down inthe present Conventionuntil a decisionwith finaeffecthas beenpronounced,
@.thin a reasonable time, by the comptent authority.
2. In such a case,the Partywhich desiresto resort to the procedureslaid downin the present
Convention must notify the other Party of its intention within a period of one year from the date
of the above-mentioned decision.


AUdisputes with regard to whichthe Parties are in confiict as to theirrespective rights shaU
. &;Submittedfor decisionto the Permanent Court of International Justice dess the Partiesagree
' in the mannerhereinafter provided, to resort toan arbitral tribunal.
It isuoderstood that the disputes referred to above indude in particdar tho& mentioned
in Article 36 of the Statutl of the Permanent Court of International Justice.

1 Vol. VI, page379 ; V.1.XI, page 404 :Vol.XV, page goq ;Vol.XXIV. page i52;v&; XXVII,
LXIX,416page70 ;XVol,LXXII, page452l.;Vol. LXXVIII, ;Vpage 435g;Vol.LXXXVIII,V. page272';;Vol.
XCII, page 362 ;Vol. XCVI, page180 ; Vol.C, page1'53 ;and Vol.CIV, page 492,ofthis Series: EF '. .. .,. .

El93 O League ofNations - Treaty. Sqjes. 349

If the Parties agree to submit the disputes mentioned in the precedingArticle to an arbitral -
L tribunal, they shall draw up a special agreement in which they shd Specifythe sabject of the i
J dispute, the arbitrators selecterl,and the procedure to be followed. In the absence of saffi6ent<,
i'indications or parîiculars in the special agreement, the provisions of the Hag;ue Conventione of ,
t October 18, 1907. for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes shaii apply so far as iS-=
, necessq. If nothing islaid downin the special agreement as to the des regarding the substance
of the dispute to be followed by the arbitrators, the tribuna shaii apply the substanti~e des
enumerated in Article 38 of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. -.

- -
Article 6.
. -...<.
i If .theParties fail to agrLeceoncernhg the sped ageement referred to in the preceding ~rticle:
,:or fail to appoint arbitrators, either Party shall have the nght, on giving three months' notice, to '
bring the dispute direct before the Permanent Court of International Justice by means of
application. ..
Article 7.

I. In the case of the disputes mentioned in Article 4, before any procedure before the
Permanent Court of International Justice or any other arbitral procedure, the Parties may by
commonconsent,have recourseto the conciliationprocedureprovidedforin the present Convention,

2. In the event of and failure of conciliation, neither Par@may bring thedispute
before the Permanent Court of International, Justice or caii for the appointment of the arbrtral
tribunalreferred to in Article5 before the expiration of one month from the termination of the
proceedingsof the ConciliationCommission.

Article 8.

AU disputes between the Parties other than the disputes mentioned in Article 4 shall be
.'submittedobligatorilyto a procedureof conciliation beforethey canfotm the subject ofa settlement
by arbitration.

Article g.

The disputes referred to in the precedingArticle shali be submitted to apermanent or special
Conciliation Commission constituted by the Parties.
Article IO. . . . ._.

On a request being made by either High Contracüng Party to .the. other, a permanent.
ConciliationCommissionshall be constituted within a periodof six months.

British and Foriiign State Papers, Vol. roo, page 293. 4
r-1930 L,eague of Nations - 'Treaty Series. 35 1

Artide II.

Unlessthe Parties agree otherwise,the ConciliationCommissionshalbe constituted asfollow:
(1) The Commissionshall consist of five members. The High Contracting Parties
shall eachnominate one cornmiçsioner,who may be chosen from arnong their respective
nationals. The other three commissionnersshall be appointed by agreernéntfrom among
the nationals ofthird Powers.These three commiss;onersmut be of dinere na*nalities
and must not be habitually resident in the territory nor inthe semice-ofthe Parties.
The High ContractingParties shall appoint the President of the Commissio-rom among
(2) The commissionersshall be appointed for three years. They shalbe re-eligible.
The commissioners appointed jointly may be replaced during their term of officeby
agreement between the Parties. Either High Contracting Party may, moreover,at +ny'
time replacethe cornmissionerwhom it has appointed. Even ifreplaced,the cornmissioners-
shall continue to exercisetheir functions until the termination of the work in hand.rlr
(3) Vacancies which may occur as a result of death, resignation or any other cause:
'shallbe fiiiedwithin the shortest possibletirne in the manner fked for the appointments.


If, when a dispute ariseno,permanent Conciliation Commissionappointed by the parti& is
inexistence, a special Commissionshall be constituted for the examination of the dispute within
a period of three months from the date on which a reqiiest is made by one of the Partiesto the
other Party. The a pointments shail be made in the manner laid down in the precedingArticle,
unless the Parties$ecide other\NiSe.

Article 13.

I. If the appointment of the commissionersto be designated jointly is not made within the
periods provided. for in ArticleIO and 12, the making of the necessary appointments shallbe
entmted to a third Power, chosenby agreement between the Parties, or on reqtieçt of theParties,
to the President of.the Council of.the League of Nations. J
2.If no agreement isreached on either of.these procedures, each Party shall designate a
differentPower, and the appointments shall be made in concert by the Powersthus chosen.
3. If,within a @od of ,three mon*, these *O Powers have been unable to reachan
aFeement, each of them shall subrnit a number of candidates equal to the number of members to
.be appointed. It shaUthen be decided by lot which of the candidates thus designated shall be

I, Disputes shaUbe brought before the ConciliationCommisSionby means of an ap lication
addressed to the President by the two Partie asting in agreement, or in defadt. therPo by one
or other of the Parties.

containthe invitation to the Commissionto taka31aeasureslikelyto lead to an amicablesettlement.

.'. 3. If the application emanates from only one of the Parties, that Parshailnotifythe other
Partythereof without delay.t-

5 I. Within fifteen days from the date on which a dispute has been brought by either Party
- before a permanent Conciliation Commission,either Party may replace itsown commissioner,for
the examination of the particular dispute, by a person possessingspecialcompetencein the matter.

' 2. The Party making use of this right shall immediately notify the other Party.; the latter
shai in such case be entitled to take similar action within fifteen days from the date on whichit .
received the notification.

r- Article 16.
1. In the absence of agreement to the contrary between the Parties, the Conciliation. :
Commissionshail meet at the seat of the League of Nations, or at any other place selectedbyitS .
. President.

of Nations to afford it his assistance.mstances request the Seaetary-General of the I.eagne';._,l...
Article17. . .

The work of the ConciliationCommissionshallnot be conducted in public des a decisionto .
that effect is taken by the Commissionwith the consent of the Parties.


I. In the absence of agreement to the contrary between the. Parties, the Conciliation
beingheard. shIn regard to enquiries,the Commission,uniesnyit decidesdouslyovide fto the contrary,
shallact in accordance with the provisions of Part IIIof The Hague Convention of October 18,
1907,for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes.

shallbeto act asintermediariesgtween themand thehe CocommissionCo;they -y,y amoreover,obedassisted
by counsel and experts appointed by them for that purpose.andmay request that aipersonswhose
evidenceappears to them desirable, shal be heard.

3. The Commission, for its ,shall be entitled to request oral explanations from the
summon with the consent of their weii as from aiipersans it may think desirable to

In the absenceofagreementto the contrary betweenthe Parties, the decisionsof the Conciiiatim
Commissionshail be taken by a majonty vote and the Commissionmay only take decisions on .
the substance of the dispute if al1 itsmembersare present.

Arttcle 20. . .

The Partie usdertake to facilitate the work ofthe Conciiiationcommision and in parfidaf
to supply it to the greatest possible extent with allrelevant docnments and information, aswell League of Nations - ,Treaty Series.

asto use the means at their disposal to allowit to proceed inthei remttosr and in accordancewith
their law to the sumrnoning and hearing ofwitnessesor expertsand to visit the localitiesin question.

Article 21.

I. During the proceedings'of the Commission, each of the Commissioners shall receive
emoluments the arnount of which shall be fixed by agreement between the Parties,each of which
shall contribute an equal share.

2. The general expenses arising out of the working of the Commissionshail be divided in the
sarne manner.

I. The task of the ConciliationCommissionshall be to elucidate the questions in dispute, to
collectwith that object al1necessaryinformation by means ofenquiry or otherwise,and to endeavour
to bring the Parties to an agreement. It may, after the case has been exarnined,inform the Parties
of the tenns of settlement which seemsuitable to it, andlay dawn the period within which they are
to make their decision.

2. At the close of its proceedings, the Commissionshd draw up a procès-verbalstating, as
the case may be, either that the Parties have come to an agreement and, if need arises,the tms
of theagreement, or that it has been impossibleto effect a settlement. No mention shall be made
vote.e @ocès-verbal of whether the Commission'sdecisionsweretaken unanimously or by a majority
. 3. The proceedings of the Commissionmust, unlessthe Partiesotherwiseagree, be tenninated
within six months from the date on which the Commissionshd have been given cognisance of
the dispute.

Article 23.

The Commission's procès-verbal shali be cornmunicated without delay to the Parties. The
Parties shaildecide whether it shall bepublished.


I. If the Parties have not reached an agreement within a month from the tennination of
the work of the Conciliation Commission,the question may, if the Parties agree, be brought before
an arbitral tribunal.
2. In such case the :arbitral tribunal shd, in the absence of agreement to the contrary
between the Parties, beconstituted in the manner indicated below.

The arbitral tribunal shall consist of five members. The Parties shall each nominate one
member,who rnay bechosen from among their respective nationals. The other two arbitrators and
the umpire shaiibe chosen by common agreement fromamong the nationals of third Powers. They
No. i.+55 . . -
League-of Notions -i~.~r~at~-.~nie .s.~-.- 357.

....L...-..._._ .
must beof different nationalities and must not be habitdy.r&iden t .m,tk territory nor be in the
'. serviceof the Parties. .. .......5:.;; , . ....
. ,.,... .... . \
Article 26.

I. If the appointment of the members of the arbitral tribunal isn.ot,xna.dewithin a periodof
- threemonths from the date on whichone of the Parties requested the other constitute as
arbitral tribunal, a third Power, chosen by agreement between the Partiës, requested to-
make the necessary appointments. - -.: - .. .-.
2. If no agreement is rea+ed on this point, each Party shail-dWt+ a different Power,
and the appointments shall be made in concert by the Powers thus chosen. --., - -.

3. If, within a period of three months. the Powers so chosen have been unable th rd an
agreement, the necessary appointments shaU be made by the President of the Permanent Cou$ of
International Justice. If the latteriçpreventedfrom acting oris a national of oneof.the Parties, the
appointments shd bemade by the Vice-President. If the latter isprevented fiom-ading or is ar
national of one of the Parties, the appointments shall bemade by the oldest member of the Court
who is not a national of either Party. ,.. -
Article 27.
Vacancies which may occur as a result of death, resignation or any 0th- cause shall be fille

within the shortest possible lime in the manner Gxed for the appointments. .,
. .

The Partie ssall drawup a specialagreement determining the subject of -the dispute'and the
procediire to be followed.

Article 29.

In the absence of sufficient indications or particulars in the s cial agreement regarding
the points referred to in the precedmg Article,the provisions of the 8 ague Convention of October
18, 1907, for the Pacific Settlèment of International Disputes shall apply so far as isnecessary .

Faiiing the conclusionof a special agreement within a period of three rnonths £rom the &te
on which the Tribunal was constituted, the dispute shall bebrought before the Tribunal by an
application by one or other Party.

Article 31.
If nothing is laid down in the specialagreement or no special agreement has been made, the
Tribunal shall apply the rules in regard to the substance of the dispute indicated in Article 38 of
the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice. If there are no suchrules applicable
to the dispute, the Tribunal shd decideex aequoet bw.

If,upoii the expiration of the month followingthe termination of the work of the Conciliation
Commission, théParties have not agreed, m conformi9 with Article 24 above,to bringthe dispute
before anarbitr tarlibun ahe,dispute shallbe settledin confonnity withthe provisions of Article.15
of the Covenant of the League of Nations.

No.-2455 League of Nations - ~Laty Series.

Article 33.

I. In allcaseswhere a dispute foms the object of arbitration or iudicial procedure, and in
~articularif the question on which the Parties differ arises out of acts already committed oronthe
)oint of being committed, the Permanent Court of International Justice acting in accordancewith
irticle 41 of its Statute, or the arbitral tribunal, shall indicate within.the shortest possibletune the
?rovisionalmeasures to be adopted. The Parties shaU be bound to comply therewith.
2. If the dispute isbrought before the Commission,the latter may recommend to the Parties
:he provisional measures it considers suitable.
:xecutionof the judiciai or arbitral decision or upon the arrangements proposed by the Conciliation
:omrnissionand, in general, to abstain from any sort of action whatsoever which may aggravate
)r extend the dispute.

If, in a judicial sentence or arbitral awGd, it is stated that a decision given or a measure
njoùied by a court of law or any other authonty of one of the Parties to dis ute iç whollyor
n part contrary to international law, and if the constitutional law of thatcoaesnot permit or
inlpyartially permits of the consequencesof the decision or measinquestion being annuiied.the
3gh Contracting Parties agreethat the judicial sentence or arbitral awaçhallgrantthe injured .
'arty equitable satisfaction.

hough a third Power hasenanointerest in the dispute. between the High Contrackg Partieseven
2. The Parties may, by commonconsent, invite a third Power to intervene in the conciliation
3. In the judicial procedure or arbitration, if a third Power considers thatcan claiman
iterest of a legal nature in a dispute, it may submit to thePermanent Court of International
ustice or to the arbitrai tribunal aquest to intervene as a third party.
The Court or the Tribunal shaiidecide.
4. Whenever the construction of a convention to which States other than those concernedin
hecase are parties is in question, the Registrar of the Permanent Court of International Justice
r the arbitral tribunal shaUnotiiy asuch States forthwith.
le construction given by the decisionwilbe binding upon it. proceedi;but if iuses this nght,


Disputes relating to the interpretation or application ofthe present Convention,includingthose
mcenùng the classification of disputes, shailbe submitted to the Permanent Court of International
.,1930 League.of Nations - Tr&ty iSeries. 36 1

Article 37: . I .

- The present Convention.whîch isin confoxmitywith the Covenimt~of:the League of Nationi;
shallnot be interpreted as rdding the duty of the League to take at any @mewhatever action.
may be deemedwise and effectuai to safeguard the peaceof the world. -' . .
-. . ..

1. The present Convention shallbe ratified and the exchange of ratifications shall take pl-.
at Belgrade. - .. .
It shailbe r-gistered at the Secretariat of the League of Nation-.
2. The Convéntion dwll be concluded for a periodof £ive years datingfrom the exchange of
3. If it has not been denounced at le& six months before the e iration ofth iesiod,it
shd remaib in force for aMer periodof five y-, andsimilarly thers*:
4. Notwithstanding denonûation by either High 6ntradiq Party, allproceedingsbegun at
the time ofexpiration ofthe ment period ofthe Convention shallbe pursued unta they reachtheir
normal conclusion.
In faith whereof, the above-mentioned Plenipotenüaries have si& the iresent Convention.

Done in duplicate at Belgrade, on Marchthe twenty-fifth, 'one thou;apd nine hundred and
. (L. S.) (Signed) A. DELCOIGNE.

(L. S.) (Signed) Dr. K. KUMANUDI:

Document Long Title

Public sitting held on Wednesday 12 May 1999, at 3.05 p.m., at the Peace Palace, Vice-President Weeramantry, Acting President, presiding
