Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of the initial written pleadings

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péaêe PaWaz-. ~517 :::,'lixsHague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague

@no (Picial
for ~mmediaterelease

No. 86/13
24 October 1986

---der aad Transborder Arned Actions
(Nicaragua v. Costa ~ica)

The followlcg iaformation is communicated to the press by the

Kegistry of the Ir,tcisnationah Court of Justice:

By an Order dated 21 Octsber 1986 the Court, taking account of the
views expressed by the Parties, nas fixed the following time-limits for

the writte~ proceedings.

- Mernoriai of Nicaragua: 21 July 1987

- Counper-Mernoriail. of Costa Kica: 21 April 1988

The Memorial an.d Counter-Memorial will deal with the merits of the
case. Costa Kica ha.s made no objection to the jurisdiction of the Court.

The grder reserves the scbsequent procedure for furtlier decision,
including the date for the beginning of the oral proceedings.

On 28 July 1986 Nicaragua tnstii~ted proceedings against Costa Kica
by means of an Application referrrrg $:Osyecikic border incidents and
armed attacks, of 1ncreas2ng frcquency and intensity since 1982,

organized by c--tras its terrirêtry from the territory of Costa Kica.

On the kasis oI the facos se" chi- in its Application, Nicaragua
holds that Costa Kica is Legally rer:,~a:sible for breaching various
obligations arising under i~ternaric::al Law, and requeçts the Court to

find accordingly. Ir 2 130 7-equestç tt*:: Court t O state that Costa Kica
has a duty to ceaçe a11 s,ich ~cts es may constitute those breaches, and
that if is under al:, ot?b.bgatior toviords idicaragüa to make reparatiori for
al1 injury caused ta r-11~latrer ?y t-he violations of which it- is accused.

Kicaragua. .. Nicaragua and Costa Kica have each appointed Agents pursuant to the
Kules of Court. The Agent of Nicaragua is His Excellency Mr. Carlos
Argüello Gomez, the Ambassador of Nicaragua to the Netherlands; the
Agent of Costa Kica is His Excellency Mr. Edgar Ugalde hvarez,

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of the initial written pleadings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Border and Transborder Armed Actions (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) - Fixing of the time-limits for the filing of the initial written pleadings
