United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Hearings held on 18 to 20 March 1980

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Peace Palace, 2217 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables Intercourt,The Hague

, Telex 32323

United States Dfplomaticand Gonsular Staff in Tehran
(United States oP America v. Iran)

The fallow-in~~information is nizde availableto the press $y the
Registry of the LnternatiahaC lourt of Justlce:

At public sittii-s on 18, 19 and 20 March 1980 the Court heard oral
arment on the auestion of its jurisdiction 2nd on the merits In the
a&-mncerning ~ilted States ~i~lomakicand Consular Staff in Tehran
(iUriitedStates of America v. Iran) presenteq, on behalf of the Govvermexit of
the United -tates bv the Honor~bleRoberts~B'. ben, as Agent of the
unitid States, and ÏW. Stephen !il.F,&~~ebel, as Dep~ty Agent anclCounsel.

Duringthesehearings,questionswere put by Fresident

Sir Hümphrey Waldock as welL as by Suaes Gros,Morozov,Taraziand Oda,

The Goverment of the United States was represented as Îollows:

Agent : The HonorableRoberts B. &tien,
- The Legal Aàviser, Department of State; '

Deputy- Agent and Counsel : i&. Stephen M. SchwebeT,
DeputyI;egaP Adviser,Depnrtment of State;

Deputy -Agent XI?. Thomas J. Dwlnfgan,
Chargé d'affaires a,i,,
Embassyof the United States of America;
Advisers : FrlrD.avid H, Small,
AssistantLegalAdvfser,Department of State;

MF. Ted L. Stein,
Attorney-AdviserD ,epartment of State;

Mr.Hu&$ V. Simon Jr.,
Second Secretary,Embassyof the United States
of America

The Goverment of Iran ilras not represented at the hearings.

The Court wLL1 now proceed to its deliberation. As thfsdeliberation
is secret tatu tu teArt, 54* para. 31, no îurther informatio onn the case
will be given, whether orally or in turi-ting,until a press communiqué is
issued ta announcethe date of the public sitting at whichthe Judgmentwibl
be delivered,

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings held on 18 to 20 March 1980

Document file FR
Document Long Title

United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Hearings held on 18 to 20 March 1980
