Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague

Telex 32323


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No. 85/18
23 September1985

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against
Nicaragua (Nicaraguav. United States of America)

-rogress and conclusion of public hearings

The following information is made availableto the Press by the

Registryof the InternationalCourt ofJustice:

The hearing-held by the Court on the merits of the case concerning
Military and Paramilitary Activities i annd against Nicaragua
(Nicaraguav. =.ted States of America)were concluded on20 September.
They beganon 12 September1985.

During thelast four hearings, held between18 and 20 September 1985,
counsel for Nicaragua statedthe contentionsof Nicaragua inthe case.

Speakers were: H.E.Mr. CarlosArgüello,Agent andCounsel;
Mr. Abram Chayes,Mr. Paul Reichler,Mr. Ian Brownlieand
Mr. Alain Pellet,counseland advocates. Questionswere put by two
Members ofthe Court, Judges Rudaand Schwebel.

At the conc:Lusion of the lasthearing, the Agent of Nicaragua
read the final submissions of his Government.

Nicaragua flrst presenteda number of witnesses;in the course or
the£ivehearings,,heldbetween 12 and 17 September,the Court heard
in turn statementsby:

- on 12 and 13 September,CommanderLuis Carrion, First Vice-Minister
of the Interior, who wasexaminedby Mr. Ian Brownlieand to whom
questions wereput by President Nagendra Singh,
Vice-Presidentde Lacharrière,Judge Lachs, Judge Schwebel,
Judge Sir Robert Jenningsand Judge Colliard.

- on... - on 13 and 16 September,Mr. David C. MacMichael,who was examined
by Mr. Abram Chayesand to whom questions were put by two Members
of the Court, JudgeSchwebeland Judge Ni;

- on 16 September,Mr. Michael J. Glennon,who was examinedby
Mr. Paul Reichler,and to whom questions were put by one Member of
the Court, Judge Schwebel;

- on 17 September, Father Jean Loifon,who was examinedby

Mr. Alain Pellet,and to whom questions wereput by Judge Schwebel;

- on 17 September,Mr. WilliamHupper,Ministerof Financeof Nicaragua,
who was examinedby H.E. Mr. Carlos Argüello, Agent of Nicaragua,
and to whom questionswere put by Judge Schwebel.

The oral arguments onbehalf of Nicaragua being now completed,
the Court will nowbegin to considerits Judgment.

A press communiqué will announcethe date onwhich the court's
Judgmentis to be read at a publichearing.

ICJ document subtitle

- Progress and conclusion of public hearings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - Progress and conclusion of public hearings
