Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt, The Hague
Telex 32323
Communiqué -
for ~mmediaterelease
No. 8412
1 February 1984
Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab JamahiriyaIMalta)
(Request by ~talyfor permission to intervene)
--osure of oral proceedings
The following information is made available tu the press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:
At public sittings held on 25, 26, 27 and 30 .Januarv 1984 the
Court heard oral argument in the Continental Shelf case between the
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Malta on the application siibinitted bv the
Government of Italy for permission to intervene in the case under
Article 62 of the Statute. Representatives of Italy, the 1,ibyan Arab
Jamahiriya and Malta addressed the Court.
The persons named below addressed
the Court in the following order:
For Italv:
H.E. Mr. Koberto Gaja, Agent; Mr. Gaetano Arangio-Ruiz, Advocate and
Counsel; Mr. Kiccardo Monaco, CO-Agent; Mr. Giuseppe Sperduti,
Advocate and Counsel; Mr. Marcello Conti, Advocate; and
Mr. Michel Virally, Advocate and Counsel.
For the Libyan Arab Ja---iriya:
Mr. Abdelrazeg El-Murtadi Suleinian, Agent; Mr. Claude--1Zlbert Colliard,
Sir Francis Vallat and Mr. Etienne Grisel, Counsel and Advocates.
For Malta:
Dr. Edgar Mizzi, Agent and Counsel; Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht, Counsel
The Court requested tlhe Agents of the Parties to remain available for the
provision of any further ilnformation that it might require. Tt will now
proceed to deliberate in private. The press will be informed when, in due
course, the Court is about to deliver judgment.
The.. . The Governmentof Italywas representedas follows:
Agent: H.E. Mr. RobertoGaja, Ambassador;
Co-Aeents: Mr. Riccardo Monaco, Dean of theFacultyof
Political Sciences, Universityof Rome;
Mr. Arnaldo Squillante, SectionPresidentin the
Councilof State,Head of the DiplomaticLegal
Service atthe Ministryof Foreign Affairs;
Advocatesof the Mr. Giuseppe Manzari, StatA edvocate-General;
ItalianState: Mr. Marcello Conti, State Advocate;
Advocatesand Counsel: Mr. GaetanoArangio-Ruiz,Professorat the University
of Rome;
Mr. Giuseppe Sperduti, Professorat the University
of Rome;
Mr. Michel Virally,Professorof Law, Economicsand
SocialSciences atthe Universityof Paris;
Counse1: Mr. GiorgioBosco,MinisterPlenipotentiary
assistedby: Mrs. CristinaAntonelli,Counsellor inthe
Diplomatic LegalService.
The Governmentof theLibyanArab Jamahiriya was represented as follows:
Agent: Mr. Abdelrazeg El-MurtadS iuleiman, Professorof
International Law at the Universityof Garyounis,
Counsels: Mr. YoussefOmar Kherbish,Counsellorat the
Secretariatof Justice;
Mr. IbrahimAbdul Aziz Omar, Counsellorat the
leople'sBureau for Foreign Liaison;
Counseland Advocates: Mr. Claude-AlbertColliard,HonoraryDean, Professor
of International Law at the Universityof Paris 1;
Mr. EtienneGrisel,Professorof Law at the University
of Lausanne;
Sir Francis Vallat, G.B.E., K.C.M.G.,Q.C.,
ProfessorEmeritusof InternationalLaw at the Univer-
sity of London;
Consultants: Mr. DerekW. Bowett,C.B.E.,Q.C., LL.D.,
IhewellProfessorof ~nternational Law in tfieUniversity
of Cambridge;
Mr. Gunther Jaenicke, Professor of International Law
at the Universityof Frankfurt-am-Main;
Counsels: Mr. RodmanR. Bundy
Mr. Richard Yeese
Mr. Henri-XavierOrtoli
Mr. WalterD. Sohier The Governmentof Malta was representedas follows:
Agent and Counsel: Dr. Edgar Mizzi, SpecialLegal Consultant;
Counse1: Mr. Elihu Lauterpacht,Q.C., Directorof the
Research Centrefor InternationalLaw and
Reader in International Law, Universityof
Professor Prosper Weil, Professorat the
Universityof Law, Economicsand Social
ProfessorIan Brownlie,Q.C.,D.C.L.,F.B.A.,
ChicheleProfessorof Public International Law,
Universityof Oxford;Fellowof Al1 Souls
College, Oxford.
- (Request by Italy for permission to intervene) - Closure of oral proceedings
Continental Shelf (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/Malta) - (Request by Italy for permission to intervene) - Closure of oral proceedings