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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague Tel. 92 44 41 Cahles Intercourt, The Haqile
Telex 37.773
- - Cornmuniqui
<- uno f ficial
-/ ,JL>. "/;LT J -,:7 4 for lrnmediate release
1 ,.-J"~ I.,c-ad4- S r , ,,i,4
2 1 No. 84/31
, ,,,,; <. . y !,/ ,/ .-,,. 5 O(-tober 1084
[Y-nr. fiC. I
Delimitation of the Maritime Koundai-y- - i- the-
Gulf of Maine Area
(CanadaIUnited States of Aineric~i)
Judgment to be delivered on Frjdav 12 Octobcr 1984
The following information is made available to tlie press hy the
Registry of the International Coiirt of Justice:
The Chamber of the Court constituted in the c-rise. coricerning
Delimitation of the Maritime Roundary in the Ciilf of blniiie Area
- - -- -.-- -- - - - - - -
(CanadaIUnited States of America) wi 11 hold 3 pril7l it- si t tirig on
Friday 12 October 1984 for the piirpose of cleliverini: ils jiidgmcnt.
1. The public sitting will be held in tlit. Grcat Ha1 1 of .Justice of
the Peace Palace. Members of the Press wi 11 be eriti t l tld to attend i t
on presentation of an admission card. which may be obtained i~pori
application. The tables reserved for tfiem are si tii;jtcd on the far
left of the public entrance to the courtroom.
2. Pliotographs may be tnkeri before the operiirig and duri ng tlie f irst few
niiriiltes ol the sitting; and also a few miniites townrds i lie end. Filniing Ftlr
cinemri or ielevision purposes is howevcr siil),ic>c.~ tn :;l)c.c-ial aritlio~-izntioti.
3. In the Press Room, located on trie groiirid l 1ont- of tlic T'e;~c.e
l'a lace (Roorn 5), the reading of the (:Ilamber 's .Irid~yric~titwi Il l~c. rclnyed
tliroli gh a l oiidspea kcr .
4. Af ter the close of tlic si ttj ng, Prcss f'urnirii~riii is qrinirnnri;iing
tlie deci si on wil 1 be dis tribii ted i ri t tic Pr-c.;s I:n<~l~: IO. 5) .
5. Flcmbers of Lhe Prcss m;iy use (lrily the piihljc tcl(~1,iiones in tlie
Post Office in the basenient of tlie f'.tlnt.e.
6. Mr. C. Poux, First Secretary of tli~ ('oiir t (I( 11plic>nt> ~~rterisiori .'3 11,
or, in his absence, Mr. Noble (<.xteiision 248) wi 1l 13r.:iv,ii l~~hlc~ Io d~.i 1
with any requests for information bv memhcrs of tlic I'rt~~;.;.
- Judgment to be delivered on Friday 12 October 1984
Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America) - Judgment to be delivered on Friday 12 October 1984