Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Hearings to open on Thursday 19 March 1981 at 10 a.m.

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Peace Palace, 2517 X4 The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt,The Hague

Telex 32323

-- Cummuniqu8
uno fariciai
for rmmttdiato releass

Iiearin~s Uo open or? 'CilurnCtt-f19î2.991 aC
--- ---- - ---

The f'oll-~viiig irifoI6niation 5s mrde r,va;l:ible fo the FI-esç by the Regictry
of the lnternation~l Cour; of Jl~stic,+:

The Court vil1 hold public henrings br.giï?ning on 'i'hursday 19 Ma.rch 3-981
c.k 10 û..m, i:i th:? ------------ Sheïf case 3etweeri Timisia ar?d the Libyai? kitb
c7azr,311iriyn. Zt vlll hnai srqu~?ilt Or: the !i?pli?r;licn f'cjr permj.ssion to
intervene ir~ the CCS~ presenteil Fy tFe i;rver~aent of :da.lta. Thc Court will
i>e i~diires~e~ by ïcp::c-:;tsrice.t:i.vecf' &lr.l+;a, Tzz?isi.a and zlle Tiibyan firrsb Ja~lzhiriy~.

In -krit. rase r:c,iîccruin.l;tht: dispu.?, set~:-een 5?-Lmir;iz u.yldth- Libyeq A~-eilj

Jmailiriyc. r;:latiïig, 1;o; :,: Y;.-.cec,r, bettleen the
L.+G States, the Age!!-LF OS th13 Fnrtie s 'n~iv-efileL --';;lie;::P4i?,no-la,.s ~~n(;1
Cc>il rr-&:ezn3risiu 1:it;hTrl t'le tir:. e ..!-<tnii'.u.,-d. 3:. 313 ,!:i2:lziry1981 , the
;~overmen t of :iiiiltc?fi.lcC; 2.3 i'.p'pl.ics.ciorf ,:)Ype...;n:ssloc 'CO inte rverie in the
case ünder Artic1.e 62 of' i;:îc:;t;t*.t,i,of tac Criur;;. Thut a;-i;?'.c;le reads as

follows :

, kïc-rmi'nt ~f î;s i.i;dicrz',& Ir, tts .A~glicat,ion t,hak ahe object of
j.ti i-lterventioii j-r. rase j.::ta ciiaa~)le ii; to s1lbnj.t itç vicwu to the Court

oil legal issues rz? :;cc?klierein. .3c::~r.e thc Co~il-t ~roci'eds tc judgnierit, snd
net to obta:ln. sny forr;o il Cecxsion :t'-conthe: Ccui--l; concziniiîg :dslt;a' s cont inenta1
shëlf 'rc'unrio,~ies vit?: cit,iier 019 t~otil oi' t:it:22rt-i.i;~.

The Pal-ties h3.7~:fil,?< WT itt;en ~bsei~~tions, lifii/irlfg bec11 iuvited .to do

so i.n accordance tri.-th drtlc!.e 85. ~i.i t,l;.e :iolrs. Sincc objection has becn ~ade
-i;oibr;ltâl ç s?~licat iorï fo:i ~errri:;:;~o~, tr, intcrvene ! the Court ;;il1 Fear the.
.Zt-tti? seeki~ig to ii-t%c.r.rrezle ~ndkhe ;'s,x't:i~:befo.'e deciding (firt . 84 of tSe
~ulcs ) At th? beginnizg of the henrisg ~f 19 !d,zrch j.,.idges avensen and
Jim61le z de Ar$cJia,grc=, chosln 3;. thii Gove,r;mrnt of 'i'1in.izs ~iià the Goverrment
of Libya respecti~~cly to s:.5 ~LZ judge~ ---.ho-c in tile ras;e, will n!%ke.the

soleewl declaratiori i; for i1-S..lrticle 2iI 9f tTic.5t,ztute of th? Coilrt,
Biographical Cet~il:: of t,i?est t~ro ;;uüg,is are at-tt~cbc?.,

1. 'The public slttings wi91 be held in .the Great 2~11 of' Uustice of
the Peace lillrxr!bers of tkie press will be er!titled to attend tllern
on presentntion of an admission cz~d, ifhich inay be obt.ained upon application.
The tables reserued for t.herr, are çituated. on the fsr left of the public
exitrance to the courtrooc.

2. Photogrrl~hs rriy te takcn before the oper-ifig 2nd durine the first five
minutes of the sitting. Filmlng for cinés:? or Lelevision r)urposes is
however suoj ect tc syecial ~~~thorization.

3. In ttie r-'raess Room, located on the grnuilLi floor of thc Peace Palace
(~oom 5), the pr?cet!di~gs xi11 hc relrqired t%rouy-;h a loudsper3;ker.

>;, Meabers cf tht Press isny use c,nly the four ~ublic t,ele:?hones j.n
the Post Office in the basement CL the P~~ïacc.

5. Mr . C. F.Gw:, Fir:;t Çecrete.ry of -the Cugrt (tel~~hone extension 233),
or, in his ai:,çence. 14s. Xoble (e>~,ension vil1 be z~rail3ble tc des1 arïj re.~uests for ~.nfc>rrii:<,tio'!, yric?rc'uersof'the Fres~, Com,.el fo~ 33rway ?>efc,?e I~lte.rna?,ion~Ll C~,urt of Justice In
the -.---!lt?ri-?sCEG (:ertai.r, --rwe%arl.---Lcans cescTs ; re2:-eseri-l~?,t~'v3of
~~J~r~,r~~,~inthsca:;c'co??r:i:rilf-ng~~f~i;~~~~.~xp~?~~e ,:ie I?i?i-Le? Nd~i__~:~~
. .
a,crer:tand coui;sei .f'or Nci-,r?-ji.!tr<o-, -:!: e:;ïcpe?>n Cc,m7i:.r s2.~11ol Iiu~.?~iî
Righis (1362-. :6j 1'367-6;9 ) znn 1n.xinur: ini,err.a.i;; b~*ïba1=~1~ . Doctor o:f Law, University of Uruguay ( 1942).

Professcr of 1:nternationsl Le~,r nt tke Montevideo I,nw Schocl

Kenber of the Iriternztionizl Law Com?iission of' the United Nations
( 1961-1369) 2nd Chrzirmlzn of it s Pifteenth session (1963). Delegate of
Uruguay to the tsio se:;sioils cf the Ucllted M:ttionç Conference on the
L~.;.of Treatioç 2nd r\a~pûrteur sf the Coimittee of the Whole (Vienna,
1968=1 -969) .

I\r,ent-,cr cfthe Curatorim of the Iiague P.ctlilemy of International
Law. Menber of the Institute of International Law. Manley O. Hudson
~::?e,lallistcf the Jinerican Society O-? International Law (1978).

Coxnst.1 for Spin in the Barce1011.a~Tracti(x2 Light and P -.ver
case before tne Internatlonel Court of Justice

Unciel--Secretary cf State for Foreign ,2-r'fr.irs 1950.-1952).
Secretnry cf the Xation-xl Coüncil of Governinent (1952-1955). Minister
cf the Interior (1368).

Mecîticr of the Inter~atinn~l Court of Justice (1970-1979);
President ( 1976-7979) .

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings to open on Thursday 19 March 1981 at 10 a.m.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Hearings to open on Thursday 19 March 1981 at 10 a.m.
