Peace Palace,2517 KJ The Hague.Tel.92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt,The Hague
Telex 32323
----tinen---- ------ -('ïuni-ia- -_--n --- -----_-nm---- -. --
..--ue--.--y Yel ta for permissix. ---. --tervenc.) -
The fcllcwine infqrr~cion iç m232 3vsila?-t?e to the press by the
Re-istry of t!le International Court ~f Justice.
At gublic sittin.9~ held 3n 19: 20, 21 \?nd 23 Yarch 1991 the
Court heard. ors1 ar,.:ur^,ent in the --c- .nen--.. ---elf-- case hetween
Tunisia and the Libyan Ara.?~Tamahir~y,n on the app1icntL.m sub~itted
by the Govercment of Yalta fcr permission to interv-ne in the case under
Article 53 of the Statute, Represectatives of Malta, the :,il.y.?n Ar25
Janahiriya and Tunivip- addresse? th2 Cmrt.
The persons nnwd below edc?rcssed th2 Court
For Malta
---- ?Ir, Flerrz lLalive A232: ?TI-iX,auricel" bathurstEli, Couns.21.rpacbt,
For the Libyen ---5
-amai~iriya' 1 3%. el 1, El r A . Sir Francis tnllat,
Mr . Kt?it!l Hi :+et 2r,d Yr , iintonio ?lalintop?i Counsel ,
For Tunisin
-- -- CoucselIr,2nl "Ir,EcnSadok LieIn?"nt: C~o-P~zenLbeand Counsel,,
The Goverment of Yalta was represzntéd AS follows:
--ect and C~unsel : Dr. Ecisar ?(:.7z ;iAttorney-General of Mal ta,
Co-Arent . R.E* Mr. Esanuel Bezzina, ibbassridor of Elalta tc the
Co--or?inat,--- Sir Gerald Litzaauriçe, V,C .II.B,, <!,Cm ;
Counsels...----nsels Lrofessor "icrre Lnlivc, Profcssor in tYe Faculty of
LF,Wat ths 1hive~si;y of f.enei:a. and at the Gra4üate
Iss ticute or Tn: erri-itiannl ?+ri?:es iTem5er of the
C-ç_r.evî Bar
and by : I!r, :",i?,.T;~?an, Z::?ic!.cor (9ischoffand Co .).
Thc Government if the Libynn Arab Janahirfya wns rêyrzsented 2s follcws:
Coucsels --- and Cir ?rancis 2. Jrnllnt, K.C.M.G., ^.C.-
----- ?rr>fessor Antopio 713lintomi, Professor in the Fecultv uf
Law ar_ th^ !!nivt.rsity of P.ore:
4, K i t Xc7-c~ 05 the District of Colu'iSia and
Nêw Y3rk Bars,
Counsels - : Er. Walter D, Sohler; ?.c?nqn R , -7ui1y
Vr. Riti-izrJ E.feese
Plr, $ficil21 Vprjc:
The Government of Tirnisin tJns represerted 3s frjllovs
-..~. 2-r. Slim f5egnhazj- i..~5as~a?3r r,f Sunicia to the
Cc-Acent ?ni .crcf essor Sadok Rcl.îïd, T'rofcsseur .anreç:e, in the
---Couzse 1 : :..?c i:>of l,;?wj Pclit-icc?l .--Science .- and f;c~)n~nics 2t the
---- -
Gniversity of Tunis.
Cnunsel: Lrcfessor R.Y. Jennir;;;~ .,Q,C., i'?h?w,?ll I'r~fessor of
-- saternational L3w5 3t ;PL? 5rLivêrsity 05 C,ml~rid:;e;
assisted %y: Mr . J .P. Ccrver, Solicitor (CSW~L~~ Chance) :
Kr, l?-,lrlwnhn': ChErif, C-ilrisellcir ît th' Tunisian
E~d, y tr:tlic rie tl,erl-lnis
Efr, Snnir %?fini Secret2,ry 2t the iunisisn Enb~.assy
to the VPtherl 2nGs .
The Anents have h-en i2qücstri ?-y the r~ust tc> remain at the dis~osa3.
of the Court foi any inf~rmatio~ wb.ich it nay wish tn ii--ve. The Court
will xow sit in ~rivati te d~.liF~crntc~ It wil: rive its
decisicn ir, due course anri, th? ~rf-çs vil1 bc- L~forne?.
- (Request by Malta for permission to intervene) - Closure of oral proceedings
Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - (Request by Malta for permission to intervene) - Closure of oral proceedings