, h
Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt. The Hague
Telex 32323
uno tficial
for ~mmediate release
No. 84/15
19 April 1984
Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area
(C,snada/United States of America)
Hearing in Progress
The following information is made available to the press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:
At public sittings on 11, 12, 13, 16, 18 and 19 April 1984 the
Chamber formed by the Court to deal with the case roncernine.- Delimitation
of the Maritime Ëou-dary in the Gulf of Maine Area between Canada and
the United States heard argument presented on behalf of the Government of
the United States.
The following took part in this first oral presentation of the
United States case: Mr. D. Robinson, Agent of the United States;
Mr. J. Stevenson, Counsel; Mr. D. Colson, Deputy Agent of the
United States; Messrs M. Feldman and R. Lancaster, Coi~nsel;
Mr. B. Rashkow, Sperial Counsel. The United States çalled an expert.
Mr. R. Edwards, who was questioned first by Mr. R. Lancaster, Counsel
for the United States, and then by P4r. Y. Fortier, Coiinsel for Canada.
The oral proceedings were opened by Canada, wliose first presentation
of argument was made between 2 and 10 Apri 1 1984.
The date of the second oral presentation by Carinda and the
United States of America will be announced in due course.
- Hearing in Progress
Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary in the Gulf of Maine Area (Canada/United States of America) - Hearing in Progress