Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - The President of the Court appeals to both Parties

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File


Peace Palace, 251'7 KJ The Hague Tel 92 44 41 Cables Intercourt, The Haqiie

q k Tefex 32323

- C~rnmuniguti

for tmmediala reieasa

No. 54:; 3

Ih Apri ! !984

Proceedings ins tituted by Ni cnragua agains t
the United States of hierica

The President of-- the Court appeals to ~otll Parties-

The following information is m.i~ic nvc~ilc+b itJ L - tiic. "ri-. LI!:
Regis try nf the Internat ionn 1 Coiirt >t Iiis tiP:

In excrcise of the power confei r~d iipon the Presideït -f tht,
International Court of Justice by Arti tlt 74, par<agraph L, cl tlic, Pules
of Court, and pending trie meeting of tlir Court, hc has ;inpcl 'cc' t~. fi,,
Government of Nicaragua and the Government PL tht United 'i LC- ,'

Amerira in the following tcrms:

"1 draw the attention of botti Parties tn the necri :,: -1: iit
such a way as will enable any Order the Court may makc , i ~~hc

reques t for provis ional measures to have it s appropri it~ cl!:C'Ltr.."

The Court will meet in privnte on 17 April 1984

ICJ document subtitle

- The President of the Court appeals to both Parties

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v. United States of America) - The President of the Court appeals to both Parties
