Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - The Court will deliver its Judgment on the question of its jurisdiction on Tuesday 19 December 1978

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File


Peace Palace, 2517KJ The Hague. Tel.92 44 41 Cybles:Intercourt,The Hague

No. 78/8
14 December 1978

Aegean Sea Cohtinenta 1 Shelf
l~reece V. Turkev)

The following ini'ormation is c~~municated. to the Press by the
Registry of the Internaticna1 Court of Justice:

At 10 a. m. on mesday 19 December 1978 the Court will hold a
public sitting for t'ne purpose of delivering its Judgment on the
question of its jurisdictian in the Aegean Sea Continental SheLf case,


1, The public sitking will be held in the Great Hall of Justice
of the Feace Palace. Members of the Fresswill be entitled ta attend
e it on presentati~n of an admissioncar& which riay be obtained upon
applicatior~. The tables resersred for themare sitüated on the far
left of fne public entrance to the courtroon.

Phcitographs may be taken bef ore the opening and during the first
five minutes 01 the sitting. Filrning frr cincma or television
Furposes is horvever subject te special authcrization.

Ir! the Press Room, located on the graund floor of the Peace Palace
(Room 5 ), the reading of the Court's decisionwill be relayed tnrough
a louds peaker .

2. After the close of the sitting,Press Communiqués summarizing
the decision will be distributed in the PressRoom (plo. y),

Flembers of the Press rnay use only the four public telephones in

the Post Office in the basement of the Palace.

3. G. Pou2 First Secretary of the Court (telephone
extension 233), or, in tis absence, !W. Noble (extension 248) will
be available to deal wïth any requests for information by members
of the Press.


ICJ document subtitle

- The Court will deliver its Judgment on the question of its jurisdiction on Tuesday 19 December 1978

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - The Court will deliver its Judgment on the question of its jurisdiction on Tuesday 19 December 1978
