Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt - Closure of oral proceedings

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: lntercourt, The Hague

·Telex 32323


/(J"immediatlJ TBIBBS8

No. 80/12
·24 October-· 1980

.Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951
between the.WHO and.Egypt

Closure of oral,proceedings

The following ~nf.ormation i:::i made available to,the Press by the
Fegistry of the International Court of Justice:

;At public sittings on 21., 22 .and 23 October 1980 the Cou.;rt:
heard the· oral statements of the.United Areb Emirates, Tunisie,
t.he United.States,. SyrÎa and Egypt on· the request for advisory
opin:i-on which .the World He.alth Organization· submitted to the Court

concerning the WHOFegional Office for"the Eastern Mediterranean.
. ' - . .
Questions wère put by President Sir Humphrey Waldeck and by
Jtl.d.ges Mosler, Oda and Sette-Crunara., and ans:i,ered by the Legal Adviser
of the World Health Organization and bY the representatives of Egypt,

the United States and the United Arab Emir ates .

The persons ..named below adçlressed the Court in the f'_ol1owing

For the United Arab Emirates: Mr. Mustafa Kil'Il.1Yasseen;
For. Tunisia::.·
Mr. Abaelh~wab r'.i,.,.•f
For the United States : Mr. Stephen· 111_ °.chwebel; ·
- .. -.
For Syria: Mr. Adna,n Nachabé;

For Egypt: His E:i-:cellency Mr. .Ahmed Osman;

For the World Health Organization:. Mr. Claude-Henri Vignes.

The •••1

- 2

The governments participating in the oral proceedings were
represented as follows:

Egypt: ILE. Mr. Ahmed Osman, Ambassador to .A.ustria;

H.E. Mr. Alaa Eldin Khairat, Ambassador ta
the Netherlands;

Syrian .Ar·~b~P·epublic: Mr. Adnan Nachabé, Legal Adviser to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
Mr. Mohamad Izzat Habbal, Chargé d'affaires

a,i. in Brussels; Minister
' ,, ;.•• t ,- ,• '.. ~ '' '
:Mr. Abdelhawào Cherif, Couns·ellor · at".the
Embas·E.yin -The··Hàguè,; ·
Mr. Mondher Jemail, Second Secretary at the
Embassy in The Hague;
Samir Chaffai, Second Secretary at-·the
Embassy in ·The IÎagÛe

United .A.rabEmirates : Professor Mustafa Kamil Yasseen,
.Speci~l Counsellor of the Mission of
the United. Aràb Emirates at ·Gene-ira;

United States of
America: Mr•· M. Schwebe 1 ;;Toputy Legal Aà.v.i s er ,
Iepartment of State;
'Mr. Stèph~n Bond, Légal Àdvis er·, United States
Mfssion to International Organizatiohs,

Mr. ï:alph Martin, Attorney Adviser, I:epartmept
of State; : · ·· ·... ·
.Mrs• · Lcri Th.mros <;h,.Atto1·ney Adviser, .
·;D2partment of state ·

The following delegation from the World Health Organization attended
the hearings:

Mr. ciaude-Henri Vignes, ni.rector; Legal
Mr. H.J. Schlenzka, Senior Legal Officer

The Court Will now procéed to ,its deliberatibh ln priva:te. As this '
deliberation rmnai..l"J:secret Cstatüt.e •. Art. 54·, 9ara. 3), no further ·in:ràrmàtion
on the case will be given, whether orally or in writing, :t.Rtil a press

communiquè is issued ta "announce the date of the public' sitting at :.,
the Opinion will be delivered;

ICJ document subtitle

- Closure of oral proceedings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt - Closure of oral proceedings
