United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Public hearing to be held on 10 December at 3 p.m.

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Wace Palace, 2517 K J The Hague.Tel .2 44 41 Cableat

- Communiqué
fur tmmediutereleese

No. 79~5
3 December 1979

United. States Diplornatic and Consulas Staff in Tehran
(United States of Americav,-Iran)

- Public hearing to be helç!on 10 Decembet-

The foilowing information is cormnunicated to the press by the
Regiç try of the International Court of Justice :

The public hearing at which the International Court of Justice, as
ioreshadowedin Press Comuniqüé No. 7914, is to hear oral argument on
the requsstfor provisional neasuresfiled by the United States wilL
open at the Peace Palace in The Hague at 3 p.n, on Monday
10 December 1979.

The Court wiFl meet in private at 10.3Q a.m. tomorrow,
4 December 1979, to enable the judges to hold an exchange of viewson

the case ana make practical arrangements.

The public hearing whichwill open at 3 p,m. on 10 Decetaber will be
devoted to arguments and çubmissions concerning the request for

The hearing nay compriseone or more sittings,depending on the

lengthof the argumentpresented. On the close of thesepublic proceedings,
the Court,in accordance with its Rules, will retire to deliberate in
privatesessionand to prepare its decisionon the requestfor provisional
measures. That decisionwill be deliverea a £ex days later, at a date of
which the press will be informed. Annex to Press ComnuniqugNo. 79/5


1. The public hearing wilf be held in the Grzat Hall of Justiceof

the Peace Palace. Kenbers of the Presç t:ill be întitled tu attend it
on pxesen~ation of an admission card, whichrnay be obtained cpon
application.'Thetables reserved for chen are situa te^ on the far left
of the publicentrance to the courtroom.

2. Phatographs may be tskenbefore the o;ening znd d,uring the first
Filoing for cinemaor television purpos'es
few minutesof the sitting.
is howeversabj 2ct CO special authorization.

3, In the Press Roon, located on the gr~und Eloor of the Peace
Palace(Rooa51, the or21 proceedings wfll be relayed through a
loudspeake .r

4. Members of th2 Press may use only the public telephonasin the
Post Officein the basement02 the Palace.

5. Mr. C. Poux,First Secretarg of thc Court (teTephon2
extension 2331, or, In his absence, :IL. . Noble (extension 248)will be
availableto deal with any requests for infornation by menbers of the

Press, '

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearing to be held on 10 December at 3 p.m.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States of America v. Iran) - Public hearing to be held on 10 December at 3 p.m.
