Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Filing of Counter-Memorials by the Parties, and of an Application by the Government of Malta for permission to intervene

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Peace Palace, 2517 KJ The Hague. Tel. 92 44 41. Cables: Intercourt,The Hague

Telex 32323

II Communiqué

Last comuniqu6 in 1980
NO. 81/1
series was No. 8~/14 9 February 1981

Continental Sht?lf ('Tunis ia/Libyan Arab Jamaliiriya)

Iiilixig of Counter-!uiemcria;Ls by the Parties, an6 of an !Application by
the Goverment of b!slto, for perniuçioil to intervenr

The following inforniation is nade a~~i~ilable to the press by the
Registry of .bile 1nternati.onsl Court of Justf.ce:

In the czse concerning the dispute bètwecn Rnisia md the Libyan

Arab Jamzhiriya relating to the delimitaticn qf ti~e continental shelf
between the two States, the rgents of the Parties have filed their
Counter-liemoriâir withliz the ti ine-lixtts fixed by .m Order of 3 June
1980, i.e., 1 Decerritjer 19FIO for Tunisia and 2 Febru~try 1981 for the
Libyan Arab Jar,iahiriya. The Co1uter-lvîemorials wera exchanged at a

meeting with the President of the Court 9n 2 February.

On 3C January 1981 the Governn~ent of I"k1ta filed. an Application
for permissior, to inter?jr~:7;.e in thecase urider Article 02 of the Statute
of the Court. This Article reccds as foliows:

"1. Eht:uld a Stste consifier that it hao an of 3,legal
nature wliich "XI$ -GC ?ffectcd by the decision cf the case, it nay
subrxit a reyut+s% to the Caurt tc? be prrnitted to intervcne.

2, It sh~li be for t,hr Court tc, dccidd upoii this request ."

The Gjvernmeilt 3f Maltri indicaten in its Applicatic11 thst the
purpose of its intervention in the cese between Tunisia s,nd the LiSyan
Arab Jemahirlys, woiild be to end~le it ti- subrilt Its views th the Court
on le;-:al issiics raiseci therein bef'cire the Court proceeds to judppent.

Urlder Article 53 of the R~leç of Co-~rt, th< Appl-ication for
perczission to intervene is cornriunicated fortkl~~iti- to the Parties, and
a tinle-liciLt is fixed Tcr the12 tcj ~resect vriitt-11 r~bservations. The
Presidellt has fixeci 26 Fcbrilary 1961 3s this time-linit .

It vil1 bc for the Court to decide zs :3~atter of priority whether
the interveiltion is allowed. Should wt ob,jectiori be filed, it will hear
the Parties 2nd hlal+.s before dersiding.

ICJ document subtitle

- Filing of Counter-Memorials by the Parties, and of an Application by the Government of Malta for permission to intervene

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Continental Shelf (Tunisia/Libyan Arab Jamahiriya) - Filing of Counter-Memorials by the Parties, and of an Application by the Government of Malta for permission to intervene
