Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt - Advisory opinion to be delivered on Saturday 20 December

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File


Peace Palace, 2517 Kd Thé Hague. Tel. 92 4443. Cables:tntercourt,'TheHague
Telex 32323


No. 90/13

16 December 1980

Interprctatkon of the A2rzement of 25 flarch1351

between the WHOand Egypt

Advisory Opinion to be delivered on Saturday 20 December

a The followinginformation iç communicated to the Pressby the
Registryof the International Court of Justice:

The Court will hold a public sitting at 10.30 a.m. on Çaturday
20 December 1980 in the Peace Palace, for the purpose of delivering its
AdvisoryOpinion in the case.


1. The public sitting~7111 be held in the Great Hall of Justice of
the Peace Falace. llembersof the Press will be eatitled to attend it
on presentatlonof aa admission card, whlch may be obtriined upon

application, The tables reserved for thm ere situated on the far
left of the public entrance to the courtroom.

2. Photographç may be taken before the opening,during the first
m fivc minutes of the sitting;and also for a fewrainutes towards
the end. Filmingfor cin~maor television purpDçes is however
subject to special authorization.

3. In the Fress Room, located on the ground fluor of the Peace
Palace (Roorn51, the reading of the ~ourt's decision willbe

relayed through a loudspeaker .

4, After the close of the çitting, Press CnmuniquEs sirmmarizing
the decisionwill be distributed in the Press Room (Mo. 5).

5. Piembers of the Press rriayuse only the publictelephanes
in the Post Officein tkiebaserncnt of the Palace.

6. Mr. C. POUX,First Secretary of the Court (telephoneextension2331,
to deal
os, in his absence, Hr. Noble (extension 248) will be available
with any requestsTor infornationby rnembersof the Press.

ICJ document subtitle

- Advisory opinion to be delivered on Saturday 20 December

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Interpretation of the Agreement of 25 March 1951 between the WHO and Egypt - Advisory opinion to be delivered on Saturday 20 December
