Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - The Court extends time-limits for written proceedings

Document Number
Document Type
Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File


Peace Palace,The HagueTel. 92 44 41 Cabtes:intercourtThe Hague

ccmmuniuuti ----
un0flcial 7--

No* 77/2
18 April1977

Aegean 3ea Continenta lhelf

(~reece -v. Ttirkey)

The Court Extends Time-Limits for Irlrittsn ?roceeding ds

rke following information is comminics-ted to the Press by the
Registq of the International Court of Justice:

On 18 A~rii 19'77the lnternztional Court of Justice, respondfng
to a requestby Greoce, made an Order by which, hwing regard to
negotiations refcrred to b37 both Greece and Wrkey, it extended the
tire-llmlts for the filing of written' pleadings on the subject of

the Court 's jurisdiction to entertain the dispute.

Origlnally fixed et 18 ~?ril am3 24 Octobzr 1977, respectively,
the tirne-limits for z Nernorial by Crreece and a Counter-Mernarial by
Turkey have now been s.:t at 18 J~ly 1977 and 29 April 1978.

ICJ document subtitle

- The Court extends time-limits for written proceedings

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Aegean Sea Continental Shelf (Greece v. Turkey) - The Court extends time-limits for written proceedings
