Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Sittings of September 27th, 1957

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Comïuniqué no 57/25
(!',Ioofficiel) '

Les renseignenent5 suivants, 6nanant d.u Greffe de la Gour ini,er-
nationale de Justice, ont et& nis à 12 disposition de la Tresse:

L3.Cour intcsna'cionale de J2stice a tenu aujourd'hui deux au-
diences en llaffaire du droit de -assage sui- territoire lndien or-
tugal c. ~nde).

Sir Frai&' Soskice, ancienAh-ttornvy-General d'Angleterre et
Eii.P. Guggenhchn, professeur de Croit international à la 7aculté de

Droit de ligniversit de Gen&ve, ont terminé lbexpos& de la these du
2-ou-vernemvnt de 1 Inde . Shri 1 C. Yetalvad, Attorney-kneral de
1 Inde, a ensuite dom& lecture des conclusions de son G0~vernerri.ent.

Ir.Gour tiendra sa procheine audience le lundi 30 septembre 1957,
5 16 heui-es. Elle entendra alors les e,qosés\qui seront pranonc; OS au
nom du Gouirernement du Fortug~il,

La ;L:zye,le 27 septembre 1957.

Thi following information £rom the Registry of the Inici rnational
. Court of Justicv has been coirünwic~-ted to the Press:

To-day the International Court of Jus-bicc held two sittings in
0 tl-e cuse of the RigM of lassngc aver Indiar, Territory (IJo&ugal v.

Sir Frmk Soslricc, forr11c~Attorney-knerd or' dngl~nd, and
Professor P. Guggenheim, Trofossor of Intsrnatiansl Lat in the Law
Faculty of the University of Gencvz, concluded the present?tion of the

case for the Goverment of Indla. ShriI4.C. Sctalva.d, Attorney-
General of Indie, 5n~r-iread oui the sübnrissions of his Gavermnent.

The Court will hold its ndxt sitcing zt .!p.m. on Monde;r,
Soptembr 30th. It h517 then hcer st?.temiits on isd3~X of the
Eo~rernr-lent af Portuga .

The Hague, Septcrnk r 27th,9957.

ICJ document subtitle

- Sittings of September 27th, 1957

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Right of Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v. India) - Sittings of September 27th, 1957
