Minquiers and Ecrehos (France/United Kingdom) - Hearings of October 8th, 1953

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
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Les rcnseignomnts suiv~~nts, Bm2nant du Grcffe de la Cour
int~rn?,tion~lc dz Justice, ont 6t6 lais & la dis2osition de 1~~ lwessc.

kujowd'hui, jeudi 8 octoSre 1953, la Cour intermtionale dc
Justicc 3,tenu d¢u: ?,ucEences en lTz,ffnire dès Einquiers des

EcrGhous mire Ic Ro3-zms-Uni et le Fr~~ncc.

M. An&+ Gros, Agnt du Gouvcrnenent fs?.nc:.is s terdnb sa
;.?laidoirie zn du:iliquc au nom de son Gouvcrncmcnt.

Le Vice-Présidenf t~.iscnt fonction dc PrQsidcnt prononce la
clôture des déb~ts ornu: on cette affairc. '

Lz Haye, le 8 octobre 1953.

Thc follol-ring infom7tion frorizthe Re gistry of the In'vernntioml
Courtof Justice has bcen communiccted to the Press:

Todsy, Thursday, October 8th, 1953, the Intcrnztiaml Court of
Justicclzeld two henrin~s in the ccçc af thc PIinquicrs and the
2crohos Pctwcon thc United Kingdom and France.

Profdssor -lindr6Gros, kgmt of tho Frcnch Gov~rnmcnt, tcrinimtcd
his or21 rùjoinderon hehalf of his Govorimnt.

The Acting Presidcnt doclared the crz.1 hszrings closed.

The Hquc, Octobcr Bth, 1953.

ICJ document subtitle

- Hearings of October 8th, 1953

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Minquiers and Ecrehos (France/United Kingdom) - Hearings of October 8th, 1953
