Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 26 October 1951(Bilingual version)

Document Number
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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Communiqué No 51/51

(non officiel)

Les renseignements suivants émanant du Greffe de la Cour
international de Justice ont ét&commur,iquCs à la Presse :

La Cour intern2tionalc de Justice a tenu aujourd~hui,
26 octobre, deux audiencespour entendre 12 suite de la duplique
orale du Gouvernem2nt de la ÏVorvGge cn lieffeire anglo-norvégienne
des pecherie s ,

a M. Bourquin, conseil de ce Gouvernement, a pris la parole.
11 continuera son expose demain 2'7 octobre, à l'audience qui s'ou-
vrira h 10 h, 30.

La Haye, IB 26 octobre 1951,

The follawing information from the Segistry of the International
Court of Justice has baen communicate tdo the Press :

The Intcrnati~nal Court of Justice to day (26th ~ctober) held
two sittin~sin the course of bhich it heard the continuntion of the
Norwegian Government 1s oral Re joinder in the Angle-Norwegizn Fisheries


Professor Bourquin, Counsel for thc Norwegion Governiaent,
addresçed the Court. He uill rcsume his address to-rnorrm (27th
Qctober) at th2 hearing which will begin nt 10.30 2.m.

Thc Hague, October 26th, 1951

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 26 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Fisheries (United Kingdom v. Norway) - Public hearings of 26 October 1951<i><small>(Bilingual version)</i></small>
