Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France v. United States of America) - Filing by France of an Application instituting proceedings against the United States

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Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File

Comuniqu6 No, 50/41.
(~nof ficial) .

Th,@following informtion Eromthe Regis'cry of the Zntcrnational
Court of Justice bas be~n comrmnicatad to the Press :

To-dny, 28th Octobcr, 195G, the Charg&'diaffaire osf France at
Tho Hague filed vdth the Registry of the International Court of Justice,

on behalf of tha Covomment of the French Rcpublic, en Application
instituting proceadlngç beforc the Courtagainst; the C-overmcfit of the
United States of' funerica concernkig the rights of: United States mtionals

Thc Ap~l'cation statas th& the Covernmcnt of th United 5tztcs of
herica kas protestcd to the French GovernmenC agakst measures takcn in
Decemkcr' ,94&, by thc Shereeflan Govsrnrncnt za:l,jectingto licence such
imparts to Pbroeco which do not Involve an official allocation of
currency and limiting these imports to cortainproductsindispensable to
the !foroccar econow' 'i~ystem. The Governinent of thc &United States
has pointed out that thcsc measurcsw ,hich had becn takcn under thc
systemof exchange control set up in 1939, affected, in an csscntial
point, the rights which the iherican Governxent regards as pertaining to

itundzr its treaties with Korocco; involving tbc treaty of 16th
September, 1836, it contends that no Moroccal laws or replations cm
be appliad ta .horicm nationalstho out it~ previous consent.

In its Application, the ~renchC-overnment asksthe Court £0,declare
that the Govermznt of the Unitcd Statesis not within its right in
making such a claim. .herican nationals are not entitled to enjoy a
proferential treatnent, and should be subjzct ta the laws md rcgulatlons
O in forcc wiihin the Shereefian'bpire, Un particular as regards imports
not involvinfi currency ,

The Application of thc Frsnck Gsvernrnent, whi.ch tnvakes thc declara-
tions by whichthe Fr~nch and Amcrican Goverments have acc2ptedthe
compulsory jurisdiction of the Court, has bcen notiffed to :!?Mshirigton
to-day by the Begistry.

The Hague, 28th Oc'i,ober,1950,'

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Rights of Nationals of the United States of America in Morocco (France <i>v.</i> United States of America) - Filing by France of an Application instituting proceedings against the United States
