Gon~uniqud lb * 59/40 !,
The following information from the 2e~stry of the
International Court of Justice has been coma.micate6 to the Press:
The lntcrnstiona lourt of Justice, at a public sitting
held in the Peace Palace, The KagucJcn thc morning of ~ctobér 9th,
1950, heard the oral Bejoinder of Professor Georges Scelle, Cowisel
for the Government of Peru in the Colordhian-Pcruvian Asglurn case.
In concluding his staterizent, Prof essor Scclle, on behalf
of the Agei-it of the Goverment of Perü, rraintaned the subnissions
alraadypre sented Qr that Goverment which askcd the Court :
or^the one hand,. to disidss the submissions prescnted by
the Cawrment of Colombia,
and on the other, to declarc thut the asylum grznt~d
by the Colonzbim Ambasçador at Lima ta Victor Raul H~ya de
la Torre was contr~r;~ to the relevaizt articlds of the
1926 Convention on Asy1uri.1arid that the nain-tenance of
asylum at thc presenttiïx canstituteç a violation of
The Presidcnt thcn pronounced the closurc of the arzl
proceadii~gs in the cas¢ but ststcd that the Court reacrves
ie si&t to re-openthe proccedings 'ifit should coi~slder it neccssary
to ask the Parties for further clarification.
The' Hagus, 9th Octobci-, 1950,
- Public hearing of 9 October 1950
Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearing of 9 October 1950