Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearings of 26 to 29 September 1950

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Cojn~uniqué No. 5OJ37

The foLLordng infornation froni the Registry of the International
Court of Justice h2s been comunicated to the Press :

At the public heorings of the International Court of Justice
held fl-on Tuesday,September 26th, to Friday, September 29th,- in the
Colonbian-PcruviA anylum Case, the reprcsentztive os the Goverment
of Colombin, Professor Yepesand Minieter Vasques,presented their
armnent s In support of their country stcase, They arguedthat
the Governrnent of fcru was bound, under international lzw 2nd
psrticularly under the different multilstera reaties to which
the two contesting States are parties, to dsliver a saf ecanduct
for M. Victor Raul Haya de la Torre, a Per~vian nationalwho was
grant ed asyluinin the Coloinbian Ehbassy at Lirna,

During subsequent hearings which will begin on Monday,
October md, at 4 p,m,, the representative s9 Pcru will argue
the case for their Gaverment,

The Kague, Septanber 2%h, 1950.

ICJ document subtitle

- Public hearings of 26 to 29 September 1950

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Asylum (Colombia/Peru) - Public hearings of 26 to 29 September 1950
