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Date Admission
Date Declaration

20 March 1952

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Liberia, I, Gabriel L. Dennis, Secretary of State of Liberia, subject to ratification, declare that the Republic of Liberia recognizes as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other State, also a party to the Statute pursuant to Article 93 of the United Nations Charter, which accepts the same obligation (i.e. subject to reciprocity), the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in all legal disputes arising after ratification concerning:

a. the interpretation of a treaty;

b. any question of international law;

c. the existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute a breach of an international obligation;

d. the nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an international obligation.

This declaration does not apply:

a. to any dispute which the Republic of Liberia considers essentially within its domestic jurisdiction;

b. to any dispute in regard to which the parties have agreed or may agree to bring before other tribunals as a result of agreements already existing or which may be made in the future.

The present declaration has been made for a period of 5 years as from the date of deposit of the ratification and thereafter until notice of termination is given.

Done at Monrovia this 3rd day of March 1952.

(Signed) Gabriel L. DENNIS,

Secretary of State.
