Volume VII - Annexes

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Document File

ANNEXES 163 - 184
25 APRIL 2019

ANNEXES 163 - 184
Annex 163 DCL-001 Witness Declaration No. 001 , dated 13 March 2019, and
Annex 164 DCL-002 Witness Declaration No. 002, dated 3 April 2019, and
Exhibits A-F
Annex 165 DCL-004 Witness Declaration No. 004, dated 4 February 2019, and
Exhibits A-J
Annex 166 DCL-005 Witness Declaration No. 005, dated 24 March 2019, and
Exhibits A-B
Annex 167 DCL-006 Witness Declaration No. 006, dated 21 March 2019, and
Exbibits A- F
Annex 168 DCL-009 Witness Declaration No. 009, dated 4 April 2019, and
Exhibit A
Annex 169 DCL-010 Witness Declaration No. 0 10, dated 25 March 2019, and
Exhibits A-C
Annex 170 DCL-011 Witness Declaration No. Oll , dated 31 March 2019, and
Exhibits A-D
Annex 171 DCL-012 Witness Declaration No. 012, dated 28 March 2019, and
Annex 172 DCL-013 Witness Declaration No. 013, dated 28 February 2019, and
Exhibits A- C
Annex 173 DCL-018 Witness Declaration No. 0 18, dated 27 March 2019, and
Exhibits A-B
Annex 174 DCL-020 Witness Declaration No. 020, dated 17 April 2019, and
Annex 175 DCL-021 Witness Declaration No. 021 , dated 4 April 2019, and
Exhibits A-B
Annex 176 DCL-022 Witness Declaration No. 022, dated 15 March 2019
Annex 177 DCL-024 Witness Declaration No. 024, dated 20 March 2019, and
Exhibits A-F
Annex 178 DCL-025 Witness Declaration No. 025, dated 2 April 2019, and
Annex 179 DCL-027 Witness Declaration No. 027, dated 17 March 2019, and
Exhibits A- B
Annex 180 DCL-028 Witness Declaration No. 028, dated 14 March 2019, and
Exhibits A-B
Annex 181 DCL-029 Witness Declaration No. 029, dated 19 March 2019, and
Exhibits A-D
Annex 182 DCL-030 Witness Declaration No. 030, dated 30 January 201 9, and
Exhibits A-H
Annex 183 DCL-031 Witness Declaration No. 03 l , dated 1 April 2019, and
Exhibits A- C
Annex 184 DCL-033 Witness Declaration No. 033, dated 18 March 2019, and
Annex 164!
DCL-002 Witness Declaration No. 002,
dated 3 April 2019, and Exhibits A-F

Annex 164
amc: Abdulla Ahmed J M AI-Jofairi
'.'larionalily : Qatari
Domicilie: Doha, Qatar
Date of Birth: 4 December 1986
1, Abdulln Altmcd J M AI-Jofairi, of Doba. Qatar. ATTESTAS FOLLOWS:
My full namc is Abdul la Ahmcd J M AI-Jofairi; I was bom in Doha, Qatar, and have lived in Qatar
my entire life. My parems and g,randparents were also born in Qatar. and likewise lived in Qatar
their encire lives.
1 am a Qatari diplomat, cmployed by ihc Minisrry of Foreign Affairs in Qatar ("MOFA"). From
2012 until 5 June 2017, 1 was Second Secretary al the Qatari Consulate in Dubaï ( the "C011sulate")
in the United Arab Emirates (the "UAE"). ln that capacity, 1 reported to the Consul General of atar
to the UAE. H. E. Abdul Aziz Al 1-lammadi the ·'Co11s11f' . 1 am rnarried with
1 filed a complaint with the Compensation Claims Commitlec (the "CCC') in 2017, and was
subsequently cor~tacted by the CCC to discuss my claim. 1t was in tbis contex.t that I decided to make
this declaration on my own behalf.
The facts and matters set out in this declaration are within my own knowiledge. and are true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
ln support of 111)' witness dedaralion. and as referred to below, 1 auach the following documents
consisting o f1wec1s and rc1wee1s issued by 1he Consulatc on 5 June 2017 in response 10 the measures
announced by the UAE:
a) Retwcet of fivc twcets frorn the account of the Qatari Embassy in the UAE- Abu Dhabi
(the ~Qatari Embassy i11 tire UAE's Twitter acco1111f') providing Qataris in the UAE wilh
information on the content of the UAE's 5 June announcement, that they could travel via
Kuwait or Oman ifno direct flighls were availab lc, ways LO contact the Embassy i fthey
had questions and that the Embassy would provide assistance with booking and paying for
0 ights (IExhibits A-El; and
(stamp of the Ministry of Justice of the State of Qatar- Department of Documenta1ion) (signature)
Annex 164
b) Original 1wcci from the Consulatc's twittcr accoum providing rwo phone numbcrs for
Qataris who had any questions and wished 10 talk to the Consulale IE1hlbit FJ.
6. The UAE was my lirst posting as a diplomac. ln 2012, 1 was as.signed to work in the Consulate. 1
was 1hereforc in Dubaï during 1hc d iploma1ic rift bcrwecn Qatar and Lhe UAE in 2014 (we callcd it
"'the Fi.rst Crisis"). Rcl;itions bctweeo the UAE and Qalar nevcr fully rccovcrcd and, since then and
leading up to the events of 5 June 2017, became increasingly strained. 1 would see cxamples ofrhis
tension in my daily work: sometimes we would write to the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office
in Dubaï, and it would take three months 10 receive a response. It was a w'l!y of sending an implicit
message of disrespecc.
7. As of23 May 2017, the day oflhe cyber hacking of Qatar 'ews Agency ("QNA"), many of the
major Emirati TV channels, such as Dubai TV, Abu Dhabi TV, Sharjah TV and Ajman TV, aired
negalive slories about Qalar, re-playing the fabricated comments of the Amir and associating Qatar
with te1Torism. They aired analY5is of why Qatar would want to te.am up with Iran and why it did
not back its brothers in 1he fight against terror. Radio stations did the samc I would hc.ar shows on
my way to work. This appearcd to be a dramatic shitft in relations. The Qatari Amir had visitcd
Mohammed bin Zayed a couple of months prior to the hacking. To an oulsidc observer, the
relationship between lhe rulers had seemed fine. This was one of five or six v isits 1ha1 the Amir had
made 10 1he UAE over the previous one and a halfto 1wo years.
On 5 June 2017, 1 was in Du bai with m)<
1 was wokcn up a1 aroun a.m w o was 1ystenca ::m m
a stale o pamc. had jusl phoned her 10 tell her abou1 the UAE's 5 June 2017 directive.
Tbal is how we leamed tha1 we had 48 hours Lo leave the count . Jl seemed like a ver short lime
frame in which 10 pack up our home and our lifc, 1 callcd our
driver and asked him to bring somc boxes to the housc so tha1 could pack. Sbe packcd for
the next eigbt hours while I was al work.
1 also spoke 10 - scveral lime-s on 5 June 2017. She phoned me. as shc was very upset. 1 told
her to )cave tha a ernoon. but she did not wam 10 leave without me. She said that she was scared
that some1lùng might happen to me in the few hours thm J was not with her.
1 O. On the morningof 5 June 2017, the Diri.:clor of the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs Office in Dubaï
(the "UAE Director") called the Qatari Consul in for a meeting. This was at around 9:30 a.m. The
Consul told me tnat the meeting was straightforward: short and direct. There was no excha11ge of
the normal pleasantrics. The UAE Dircctor askeo the Consul whelhcr he had seen the news that
morning. to which the Consul responded that he had seen the news and that he understood the order
[stamp of the Ministry of Justice of the Stace of Qat.ir - Department of Documentation] [signature]
Annex 164
1ha1 Qatari diplomats in the UAE had 48 hours 10 !cave the coun1ry. The Consul also dcscribcd the
meeting 10 me as "stric1 and tem", which was unusual because the two men had known each other
for four ycars aJtd were friends. They did not ever, cxcha11ge goodbyes. The Consul !en the UAE
la1er 1ha1 day to retL1m 10 Qa1ar. According 10 the Consul. the U AE Direc1or only con1ac1ed him one
more 1irne. by calling him 1he next day. on 6 June. This tirne he askcd for tJ1e 12 diplomatie eards of
the diplornarie staff at the Consulatc. and their family rnembers. The Consul told the UAE Director
lllSI, as be bad not askcd for the IDs when he had visited his oflicc the previous day, he could not
now provide them because be was in Qatar. Thal was the end of the contact between thern.
11. On the moming of 5 June, the Consul told me that MOFA called and instructed him to publish
tv,ects informing, Qataris in the UAE that the UAE had given thc111 14 days to leave the UAE, and
that all diplomats would leave the IUAE within 48 hours and that Qatar could no longer provide
consular assistance a fier that time. The Consul had also bcen instructcd to publicize a phone number
for Qalaris to cal! in case they needed help. The Consul and Qatar's Ambassador to the UA E had
also 8!,.'Teed upon lhc guidance that should be given to Qataris in the UAE early on 5 June, which
the Consul then explained to me.
12. The Consulatc's twitter acconnt re-posted live twcets that had been disscminated by the the Qatari
Embassy in ù1e UAE's Twiner account:
a) A rweet explaining thar the competent Emirati authorities had given ail Qamris in the UAE
14 days 10 leave the country [Exhîbit A]:
b) A rweet explaining that the competent Emirati authorities had announced that all oorders
and airvons would be c)osed to Qataris withi11124 hours [Exhibit B);
c) A rweet expfoining 10 Qa1aris in the UAE that i f they could not travel direcl ly 10 Doha from
the UAE, the Embassy advised them to travel via Kuwait and Oman IExhibit Cl;
d) A twecet providing a phone number in case Qataris in the UAE had any questions. This
UAE phone number belonged to a diplomat a t the Qatari Embassy in the UAE I E-xhibit
Dl; and
e) A tweet s tating that ifQata ris in the UAE did not have the resowces or the capability to
buy plane tickets back 10 Doha. the Qatari Ëmbassy would purchase lhe tickets on thcir
bchalf. The tickets would be purchascd through Oman Air ifQataris could not leavc be fore
direct fiighrs ended (J<:xhibir El.
13. The Consulate a lso tweeted from its own twiner accou Lli the persona! phone numbers (Emirati and
Qatari numbers) of the Consul in case Qataris in the Ut\ E had questions and wantcd to contacL him
[E:thibil F]. Wc kncw rrom Qatnris who had already callcd us that moming that m:my wcre afraid
and confused as a result of the U/\E's mcasurcs. We wantcd to pro.,,îde as much assistance .is
possible to protect them and their families as they fled the UAE in response to the UAE's orders.
[stamp of1he MinisLry of Justice of the S1a1c of Qatar- Dcparuncnt ofDocumentalion) [signature)
Annex 164
As far as I know. the UAE phone numbers that werc listed in these twccts wcrc suspcndcd in the
days afler the diplomats lell the UA E. The Qatari phone numbers continued to be contactable, and
MOFA continued to rcccive and answer calls and questions from Qataris i11 the UAE or who had
lefl the UAE.
14. Tbc office was bedlam on 5 June 2017. My tasks were to dcstroy ail of tlte sensitive and other
consular documents that we kcpt at 1he Consulare-we did 1101 have cime 10 an·nngc for thctu 10 be
shipped securely back to Doha -and to detennioe whether to keep 011 as employees the Consulate·s
local staff, who we understood wcre nol being cxpelled. The Consulate's bank accoum was with a
branch of Doha 13ank in Dubai. There were so man y questions left unanswered. 1 wnndcred \\<hether
Doha Bank would be forced to clos.e and exit the UAE market. Would we be able to ke-ep paying
salaries? Would the Consulate building be accessible•l We simply did not know. We ultimately
decidcd to kcep on most of the non-Qatnri Consulate employccs until February 2018. 10 give them
lime to find altemative employment The Consulate ~tilt employs limited statîin order to maintain
the nmning of the building, for example, make bank payments and pay utility bills. As far as I lmow,
these employees go to the Consulnte once or twice every week. 1 keep in touch with Consulate
employccs via lhe phone in the Consulatc.
15. My dut>' was 10 keep Qataris safc. Afier the UAE ordered Qataris 10 leave the UAE, 1he atmosphcre
within the UAE became hostile towards Oataris. The UAE's 5 June 2017 statement ordering ail
Qamris 10 lcavc the U AE in 14 days was being broadeas1 widely by the Emira1i media, in a tone and
maaner as if it was a thrcat of war against the Qatari people. 1 and other Qataris lhat I spoke 10
undcrstood it in the samc way- why elsc would Lhey have asked Qataris to leave?
16. ln addition to the phone numbers published on the Qatari Embassy in the UAE's Twiner accoum
and the Consulatc's twce1, some Qataris called MOFA direc1ly to cnquire about the UAE's 5 June
2017 directive and how to deal with tflc ordcr to lcavc. If therc wcrc questions that MOFA cou Id not
answer, these calls were diverted to the personal numbers of vorious diplomats in the UAE,
including my phone number. Qararis in the UAE also called me directly- for the first few years of
living in the UAE my business card had my mobile number on it, so the number was relatively wellkno\\~
l in ù1e Qarnri community in Dubaï.
17. Qataris who were in the UAE called me throughout Sand 6 June 2017, andl evcn a fier I had rctumed
to Doha. 1 rcceived many calls over the course of the füst day (5 June 2017), which was stress fui,
as I was packing up my li rc and mak:ing arrangements to !cave lhe UAE. as well as completing my
tasks. at the Cons\llate. Over the course of the ftrst 1hrcc or four days, it seemed like my phone was
ringing ail of the Lime. By the end of1he 14-day period, 1 had spoken 10 many Qataris: many of1hc
calls wcrc reccivcd during the first two days (Sand 6 June 2017), when I fclt like my phone was
ringing so mach lhat it was difficult Lo get any1hing else donc. Most ofthcsc catis wcrc from Qatari
studcnts in the UA E or Qataris who wcrc pan of mixcd Qatari-Emirati familics.
[stamp of the Ministry of Justice of the State of Qatar- Dcpanment of Documentation) [signature]
Annex 164
18. Our approach was to inform Qataris thai the UA.ë had given thern 14 days to !cave the UAE, and
tha1 ail diplomats would leave the UAE within 48 hou.rs. Given that some Qa1aris had established
their whole lives in the UAË- with children and làmilies- it was very diflicult for them to leave. 1
obviously couJd not advise Qataris to leave their children and rerum to Qatar, but J did explain that
we could nol guarantee their safety ifthey remained in the UAE.
19. 1 f Qatari sn1denrs in the UAE had exams wilhin the 14-day pcriod. thcn I adviscd thcm that thcy
would be safe-this fell within the "grnce period". Otherwise, 1 could not gi,re any such guarantee.
For Qataris asking how to leave, 1 advised chem 10 take a direct flight to Doha wh ile this was still
possible, as I did not know how easy it would be to travel once dire.et flights stopped. lt was one of
these students who called me at around 8:00 a.m. on 5 June 2017 who told me that Qatari property
and c;ars were being vandalized. He cold me chat that his car had been keyed and the tires shredded.
20. Most Qataris who called me were panicked and stressed, particularly the students. Of the Qataris J
spoke to on 5 June 201 7, possibl)' hal f of those were students, the majority of whom !Old me that
they had one course or one exam left to graduate. Some srude11ts 1old me that their university had
blockcd rhcir onlinc smdent accoum and refused to help them. Qararis from mixcd Qatari-Emiratî
fam ilies expressed concem about the safety oftheir fainily. They told me that they felt like the UAE
was forcing the1n lO leave their fami lies. The majority of families wanted to rerum to Qatar.
2 l. After 19 June 20 17, until a round the end of June 2017, when I was back i11 Doha, 1 received just 10
calls from Qataris asking for advice. most ofwhom were pan ofmixed Qatari-Emirati families. Tbe
number of calls reduced as Qataris renarncd to Qatar.
22. Very rew of the i11dividuals I spoke 10 followed up with me taler. Howcve,, 1here were a few Qatari
women who wene part ofmixcd Qatari-Emirati familic::s who callcd me in the first few days aller
the 5 June 2017 announcemcnt and subsequently calledi me aga in a couple ofweeh later. They told
me that they had rerurncd to Qatar and so wcrc scparatcd from thcir làmilics.
23. 1 leamed from a- who ■■■■■■■■■■■ in Qmar witl- Emi.rati colleagucs
who happened t~ ried to Qatc1ris that all ofthese Emirati colleagues had received a call on 5
June from the UAE Embassy in Qatar lelling them to leave Qatar and return to the UAE. After
gening these calls. they ail stayed in Doha. A week later tbe Emirari colleagues received a cal] from
the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs telling them again to ]cave Qatar. 1 kuew that the UAE
Governmental amhorities had records on ail Qataris living in the UAE, and 1 wondered ifQataris in
the UAE would receive a similar call from UAE authorities. although I am not aware of any who
did. ln the UAE, evcry Qatari resident goes through a rcgistration process, cvery hotel registers each
gucst's nationality, and cntry and exit is logged at ail the airports and the land border and ù1ai
[stamp of the Ministry of Justice of the State of Qatar - Depanment of Documentation] [signature]
Annex 164
informalion is passcd 10 the UAE Ministry of lnlcrior on a daily basis. ln this way, ail Qa1aris arc
tmcked by the UAE Govemmem. The Consulate had .asked the UAE Ministry of lnterior for this
informalion once in 2 015, so I am aware thar these records are kept.
During the 14-day "grace period'" that 1he UAE afforded Qataris to leave the UAJ!. the C. was ctosed to Qataris and could only be accesscd by the Consulate's non-Qatari cmployees
ifneeded. The Consu late was blockaded by [he Emirari authorities at 12:01 a.m. 0 11
19 June 2017-the day the 14-day ·'grace period" e nded. TI1~ called my colleague to tell
bim, and my colleague subsequeotly called me. My understanding is that t be UAE authorities have
not rakeo anythi11g from the Consulillle: but, it is ouly accessible on foot. no cars can go in or 0,11 and
nothi11g is supposcd to !cave. T11ereforc. cvcn thoug,h the cars that J storcd at 1hc Consula tc arc
owned pcrsonally and are 1101 consular property, 1 bave 1101 becn able to retricve them to this day.
The Consulate is patrolled by UAE policemen. Towards the end of June 2017,
- uses t,o manage allàirs and also to cal! us to updalc us on these incidents.
26. Following 23 May 20 l 7, rhe d isscmination of a nti•Qatari tweets in the UAE inereased
exponenrially. The tweets targeted Qa1ari people as mnch as the Qa1ari Governmenc. For exa mple,
tweets blamed the Qatari people for the Qatari Govemment·s policies. They said that Qataris are
spineless, ignorant, blind and short-sighted, beeause we could not see how negative the Qatari
Govemment's pôlieies were towards our neighbors. The rweets blamed Qatari people for eatering
10 foreign governments, by which they meam Qatar's relationship with non-Gulf Cooperation
Counc il (1he "GCC') power·s like Turkey (which was reported to be "anti--GCC"). The stories were
very derogatory. This included t\vincr accounts linked to 1he UAE Oovernmcm. including the Head
of the Dubai Police.
27. Most ot'what I saw about Qatar on the UAE stale and private medîa was fuise. I do not blame the
Emirati people for repeating the stor ies that the regime: told them. Emirati people act the way their
Govemment tells !hem to act because they are afraid of Government authorities. If the Govem ment
says it does not like people from Sweden. then Emiratis would say that they do 1101 like people from
Sweden. What I do not understand is why the UAE Govemment has taken out its animosity against
the Qatari Government on ail Qata ris including people who did not have any connection to the
Govemmcnt. There were many twects from private individuals targering Qatari people (a.s I have
described). 1 also remember several eo,wersations on Snapehat th3t cailled Qataris "idiots" for
[stamp of the Ministry of Jl.lStice of the State of Qatar - Department of Documentation] [signature]
3 1.
Annex 164
catering to Turks and lranians and giving up our sovcrcigmy by flying through lranian air:spacc.
Qatar nceded to lbe able 10 take ad11antage of existing fiigh1 roures to access basic foodstulTs and
medical supplies, as wcll as remain co11nec1ed to the res1 of the world.
1 have also felt the l1ostility on a persona! level. Two days after the May 2017 hacking of QNA. 1
posted something patriotic on my persona! lnstagram accoum abo111 the inciden1. Almost balf of my
Emir.ni friends rhen '·unfollow«I'' me. After the 5 June 2017 directive. 9()0/4 of my Emirari friends
eut tics with me. lt was hurtful. They were my friends. Maybe it's because J'm a diplomat and they
do not want to be associated with me for fear of reta lia1ion from the UAE Governmenl.
While in the UAE, 1 had three cars, o ne ofwhich had d iplomatie plates. 1 heard that Qatari property.
~ as bein_g vandalized. At about 10:00 a.m. on 5 June 2017, 1 therefore asked the
----to take my cars lo d1e Consulate car park, as I thought thal this would be the safest
place to store them. 1 also asked him to collect theivio cairs iof f!!who vr.is on holiday, and
to drive them to the Consulate car park. One of cars had diplomatie plates. They
were both perso11ally owned by him.
At that lime, 1 sti Il had a Joan from Doha bank on one of rny cars. 1 asked lhe
to payolTthe Joan and gave him the equivalent of250,000 Qatari Rials ("QAR , a
QAR to ship the cars and my household contents and fümiture from Dubai to Doha
called me ro tell me tlmt tbe loan had becn paid offwitbi11 a weck or so. The bank a so ca
tell me it had been paid off.
- and I continucd to ask th
around September 2017,
~ a111d I also had some trouble shipping ou.r belongings from 1he UAE once we had
~ oha. We had to leave so fast that there was no way 10 orgarnize shipping in advance.
Once I returned to Ooha, 1 could nor find a Oubai company 1ha1 was willing 10 ship goods 10 Qatar.
1 pcrsonally called ovcr 15 companies. Sorne hung up as soon as I explaincd my rcqucst. Others
told me that they had instructions from the UAE Govemment to stop ail direct shi
Thereafter, we stopped trying to gel a c-0mpany to ship our items. We used our
numbers 10 book a company to pack our things -
then contactcd a ifrieod in Oman witJ1 a shipping c o.: o.: ~
our things from Du bai and drove them via Oman to Doha. 1 did not expecl trouble from the neighbors
as l lived in a compound. and ail my neighbors were expalS. We had hoped to include the five cars
in this shipment. but they remai11«t inaccessible.
[stamp of the Ministry of Justice of the State of Qat.ir - Dep:mment of Documentation] [sii,,rnature]
Annex 164
Ve iad dcstr ycd ail of the documents,
bm had 1101 had a chance 10 remove all of our belongings subsequenily tried Lo find
again 10 sec ifhe could remove our cars from the Consulate grounds. He could not
find him. He to ld us over a year later that hc had seen
for the /irst rime.
On a material level, 1 am unable to access my cars lhal are at tl1e Consulale, or those of ..
and friend. in order to ship them to Doha. 1 owne<l 1he cars personally, but I cannot
1hem, The}' ..ire wortl1 .ipproxima1ely 1.4 milhon QAR, .ihhough 1he v.ih•e of çars depreçi.ites
quickly ovcr rime. 1 also lost 60.000 AED in rem and spe111 arotmd 8.000 AED just 10 find a company
that would pack my tbings. lt c-0s1 me 25.000 AED 10 ship my belongings to Doha. lt should have
cost around a third ofthat amount.
f w 1c are st1 m t e process of
opened an account with the
to facilitate transactions rclating to the properties uch as receiving rents.
On 5 June 2017, 1 went to the bank to withdraw the money frorn that ac-0ount. The bank staff treated
me with suspiclon and a lack of rcspec1. The bank tcllcr would not cvcn look me in the cye. 1 had
prcviously gooe to the baok once or iwicc a month an.d had never rcceived this kind of treatment
before■■■■lunsuccessfully tried 10 scll the apartments for over a yc-ar .• then o tTercd 10
tradc the apartments for apartments in Istanbul, but~ fused. Rcnts m s anbul are far less
than in Dubai. Shc ultimately rcached an agrccmcn~ to rcnt ouc the finishcd property on
her behalfam.1 tu c.lu the same fur the mher 1wu apal1mcms once they are linishec.l.
37. On an emotional level, the entire experience ofbeing uproote<l in a day was very traumatic for me
and■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l■■■■■r was hurtful wmching so many friends turn away for no reason. 01her 1han be~ause I am Qatari. 1 also resent tbe
way that I was not respected and made to feel intimidated. 1 will never set foot in the UAE again. 1
used to fecl like Dubai was a second home. The a1mosphere felt similar to Doha. Now it's
completely the opposite. lt makes me sad to think about the change. ln my opinion, the provisional
[stamp of the Ministry of Justice o f the Statc of Qatar - Department of Docume ntation] [signature]
Annex 164
measurcs ordcr did nol change the a tmosphcre and pol itical climate. h's 11ot safc for Qataris in the
UAE anymore.
38. 1 con.firm that I bclievc the faclS con1aincd in this witncss statcmcnt to be crue. l contirm that I make
Lhis Dcclaration volumarily and on my O\Vll behalf.
Abdulla Aluned J M Al-Jofairi
April 3. 2019
Dôhn. Qatnr
l\t:in~try or Fe,n,îp Al&.in
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Drp-■rin-1 ofOocu111l'nt11don
Annex 164
Annex 164
Annex 164
OCL-002 ~J .lAIW.11 ~
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Annex 164
Annex 164
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Annex 164
Anncx 164
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Annex 164
Annex 164
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Annex 164
Annex 164
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ln: b,wf :"13
Date: 09/04/2019 i!.1WI
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2019 Ji.>113
Annex 164
Annex 164
.J.t'J- iGEOTEXT Translations
Annex 164
tref'\sleitionsOgeota><t eom
w ·ww.geotext.com
This is to certify that 1he atwched translation is, to Lhe besi of my knowledge and belief. a true
and accurate translation from Arabie int0 Englisb of the atrnched Witncss Declaration DCL-002.
Sworn to and subscribcd bcfore me
Jeffa1reton, SeniorManaging Edi!or
Geotext Translations, lnc.
this /J~yof ~ ,2oi'j._.
New York
t · ♦1 .212 831.7432
110. 01 Dus, 2 1852
QuelihE>d 1,, Ooeens County
My Comm,ssion Expires 01-31-2021
Washington. D.C.
t : .. , .202.828. 12.67
t: +44.20 .7 553.4100 t: +33. 1.47
1: ,1.312.242.3756
t: +46.8.463.11.87
t: +1.713.353.3909
t : .ag.69.?6Q3.8434
San Fl".anclsco
t: +1.415.576.9500
Hong Kong
t; .352 2 159.9143
Annex 164 ExhibitA
t Qatar Consulate in Dubai Retweeted
Qatar Embassy - Abu Dhabi @qatarembassyUAE - 5 Jun 2017
Qatari citizens must leave the United Arab Emirates within 14 days according to the
statement issued by the competent UAE authorities.
0 2) 1. 119 78
Annex 164 Exhibit A
~.J/1 - .J;HJ.i-, @qalarer1tassvUAE 5 Jur 2017 V
tl. 119 CÎ 78
Annex 164 ExhibitA
rranslations@gaotoxt .com
TI1is is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and bdieC a truc
al)(! accumte translation from Arabie into English of the attached social media message.
Sworn te and subscribed before me
this 11~ day of fi\)/Lll
New York,
t : +1 .212.631. 7 4 32
t : +44.20.7553.4100
W;,~hlng1Qn, (l.Ç.
t: +1.202.828.1267
t: +
, 20-12. ....
Ethan Ly, Managing Editor
Geotext Translations, foc.
No. 01 MU6386791
Qualified in Queens County
My Commission Expires 01-28-2023
t: +1 .312.242.3756 t: +1.713.353.3909
Sto<:kholm Frankfort
l: +46.8.463. 11 .87 l: +4-9.o9.-/l:i93.8434
Sen Francisco
t: +1.415.576.9500
Hong Kong
t: +8!52.21 !59.9143
Annex 164 Exhibit B
Qatar Consulate in Dubai Retweeted
Qatar Embassy - Abu Dhabi @qatarembassyUAE • 5 Jun 2017
The competent UAE authorities pointed out that land, sea, and a ir ports will be closed for
traffic coming from or leaving to Qatar within 24 hours.
Q 11 B (J 68
Annex 164 Exhibit B
~~ - _)ai SJ.l- @qataremras~yUAE S Jun 20H v
t.ill!J 4S~ μ iJ!a:...lr-~~, ~~., ~.H1 .::M..wi J: ...A} -•)'1 4.lr ~ t......:.......i ~...., ~,
l.i.J... l ~ J:b _μ • J-~ .J
0 11 t.l. va 0 68
Annex 164 Exhibit B
rranslations@gaotoxt .com
TI1is is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and bdieC a truc
al)(! accumte translation from Arabie into English of the attached social media message.
Sworn te and subscribed before me
this 11~ day of fi\)/Lll
New York,
t : +1 .212.631. 7432
t : +44.20.7553.4100
W;,~hlng1Qn, (l.Ç.
t: +1.202.828.1267
t: +
, 20-12. ....
Ethan Ly, Managing Editor
Geotext Translations, foc.
No. 01 MU6386791
Qualified in Queens County
My Commission Expires 01-28-2023
t: +1 .312.242.3756 t: +1.713.353.3909
Sto<:kholm Frankfort
l: +46.8.463. 11 .87 l: +4-9.o9.-/l:i93.8434
Sen Francisco
t: +1.415.576.9500
Hong Kong
t: +8!52.21 !59.9143
Annex 164 Exhibit C
l1 Qatar Consulate in Dubai Retweeted
Qatar Embassy - Abu Dhabi @q atarembassyUAE · 5 J un 2017
If Qatari citizens were notable to travel directly from the UAE to Qatar, the embassy
advises them to travel through the State of Kuwait or the Sultanate of Oman.
0 16 Ll 0 V J o
Annex 164 Exhibit C
~ H • J.1.HJL. (g}qataremoassyUAE 5 Jun 201f' v
~ ~~•)à...:I fl . ;liÏ ;.!~ ~>"~ ).ia .) ~ )..'-li V'" ~ >,JI~~.)
,J-L U-1... il ~:S,!l .1.1_,.;
0 163 Cl , 09 C) J10
Annex 164 Exhibit C
rranslations@gaotoxt .com
TI1is is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and bdieC a truc
al)(! accumte translation from Arabie into English of the attached social media message.
Sworn te and subscribed before me
this 11~ day of fi\)/Lll
New York,
t : +1 .212.631. 7 4 32
t : +44.20.7553.4100
W;,~hlng1Qn, (l.Ç.
t: +1.202.828.1267
t: +
, 20-12. ....
Ethan Ly, Managing Editor
Geotext Translations, foc.
No. 01 MU6386791
Qualified in Queens County
My Commission Expires 01-28-2023
t: +1 .312.242.3756 t: +1.713.353.3909
Sto<:kholm Frankfort
l: +46.8.463. 11 .87 l: +4-9.o9.-/l:i93.8434
Sen Francisco
t: +1.415.576.9500
Hong Kong
t: +8!52.21 !59.9143
Annex 164 Exhibit D
't.l. Qatar Consulate ln Oubai Retweeted
Qatar Embassy - Abu Dhabi @qatarembassyUAE · 5 Jun 2017
If you have any questions about other issues, please call this number: 00971562796555.
Cl 99 0 71
Annex 164 Exhibit D
~-"" •Jai 5.Ji..., @qalarenbassvUAE :::i Jun 2017 v
00971562796555 :.;i:ii ~jJ ~ .J...-,~1 ,r.J;J~ ) - 1 .:.F- .,:L...:......11 ~ -.....:. _>1 ..:i ..... _;
Ç) 23 tl. 99 Q 71
Annex 164 Exhibit D
[email protected]
TI1is is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and bdieC a truc
al)(! accumte translation from Arabie into English of the attached social media message.
Sworn te and subscribed before me
this 11~ day of fi\)/Lll
New York,
t : +1 .212.631. 7432
t : +44 .20.7553.4100
W;,~hlng1Qn, (l.Ç.
t: +1.202.828.1267
t: +
, 20-12. ....
Ethan Ly, Managing Editor
Geotext Translations, foc.
No. 01 MU6386791
Qualified in Queens County
My Commission Expires 01-28-2023
t: +1 .312.242.3756 t: +1.713.353.3909
Sto<:kholm Frankfort
l: +46.8.463.11 .87 l: +4-9.o9.-/l:i93.8434
Sen Francisco
t: +1.415.576.9500
Hong Kong
t: +8!52.21 !59.9143
Annex 164 Exhibit E
l"l Qatar Consulate in Dubal Retweeted
Qatar Embassy - Abu Dhabi @qatarembassyUAE - 5 Jun 2017
For the Qatarri citizens who cannot afford to buy the tickets, the embassy will pay for their travel
via Oman Air in case of leaving within the prescribed respite.
Q .J \.}
Annex 164 Exhibit E
tl ,,, _ · 1..,. Hert. oe:ea
..,lô.JJ • .,hi 5j.i,... @qatarer,bassyUAE · 5 Jun 2017 v
..... ~ ~.,lloi.l ~ i"">-~_...,....;w.,JS•~ .1..,.:.,)L • .,,.,,a ~~._j:J _,w ;JJ,l ~.,.
~ l ~ J.k:.. • ..>=......J ,= ~~
0 !13 t1 342 0 204
Annex 164 Exhibit E
~GEOTEXT ,,0 Translations
translation [email protected]
This is to certify that the attached translation is, lo the bcst of wy kuowledge and belief: a tn1e
and accurate translation from Arabie into English of the attad1ed social media message.
S'wom to and subscribed before me
this 16 day of i\9/1..IL
i : +1 ,212,631 ,7432
l: +44.20.7553,4100
Washln!)lOI), D.C.
i: +1 ,202,628,12§7
t: +33.1.42,6 8 .51.47
, 20-1.Î_.
Ethan Ly, Managing Editor
Geotext Translations, Inc.
No. 01 MU6386791
Oualified in Queens County
My Commission Expires 01 -28-2023
1; t 1.312.242,3756 t: • 1-713-3i;i3,300!:1
Stockholm Frankturt
1: -t-46.8.463.11.87 t: +49.69.ï69:Ul434
SF¼n Fntrdsco
1: + 1,415-5?6-\âl500
Hong Kong
t: +862.2169.9143
Annex 164 Exhjbit F
Qatar Consulate in Dubai @QatarCons_Dubai · 5 Jun 2017
Qatari citizens can contact the Consulate on the following numbers to get answers to their questions:
ü :z t.1 5 8
Annex 164 Exhibit F
0 2
Annex 164 Exhjbit F
rranslations@gaotoxt .com
TI1is is to certify that the attached translation is, to the best of my knowledge and bdieC a truc
al)(! accumte translation from Arabie into English of the attached social media message.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 11~ day of fi\)/Lll
New York,
t : +1 .212.631. 7432
t : +44.20.7553.4100
W;,~hlng1Qn, (l.Ç.
t: +1 .202.828.1267
t: +
, 20-12. ....
Çhiç~9 0
Ethan Ly, Managing Editor
Geotext Translations, foc.
No. 01 MU6386791
Qualified in Queens County
My Commission Expires 01-28-2023
t: +1 .312.2 4 2.3 756 t: +1 .713.3 5 3.3909
Sto<:kholm Fran kfort
l : +46.8.463. 11 .87 l: +4-9.o9.-/l:i93.8434
Sen Francisco
t: +1.415.5 7 6.9500
Hong Kong
t: +8!52.21 !59.9143

Document Long Title

Volume VII - Annexes
