Written testimony of Witness Paula Milić (pseudonym)

Document Number
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Il Il
Second Witness Statement of PAULA MILIĆ*
(Original Statement at Memorial Annex 259)
Address: ...
Date of Birth: …
Place of Birth: …
Occupation: HOUSEWIFE
Date of statement: 11.09.2010.
Location: GLINA
I have been shown a copy of a statement dated 16.11.1994. the first sentence of which states: "I
lived, together with my husband and three daughters, in the village of Joševica near Glina." The
statement contains 3 pages.
I confirm that the statement I have been shown was made by me. I confirm that its contents are true to
the best of my knowledge and belief. I confirm that I gave the statement voluntarily, and was not
subjected to any threat, force or inducement in making it.
Ibelieve that the facts stated in this witness statement are true.
Paula Milić* 11.09.2010.
…………………… ………………
Signed Date
Witnessed by (Authorized official):
Ljubomir Briševac 11.09.2010.
…………………… ………………
Signed Date
Il I
Wl'fNf:$SSTA1'EMEN'f OFPAlJLA Mtl.lé*
Tl!!'!:~~t~rit of .i~aula Mili~ regarding events in the village Ji;J§cvica. muuii::ipality. of
Gliiili, (bitfug;iJie pet.iod from June 26ih 1'9!J.I until Oeeeml,er 18111 J9.9l.
PA:!]i,.A:·~rè, .4nyg~t~9f, .. , bC!lll ... ,liv.cd witb her lmsbnn4 anil [ ... ]in the
·V~Il~g~ J.Q~~yl.~~ na~i(mallty: Croal,. occ:upalion: n housewife, presen~ residence: ... : numbcr
ll.~t~e ~lf~.QJi,ty-card: •••• , glvcs llle following:
'!1 . .l~v~d. togct&.\lr with my husbnnd· and [ ... ], in the village of Jo§evicrt ncnr
On J:une.-~61'1 1~91. th~ f'mi atti\Ck 011thc Police station in Glina·look place. We saw people,
mostly s~:rb$, r.unni~g away from Olfua by snylng tl1at mcmhers ·of spr::oial police for\Zès
~e.~· &<?.Ïl."..B to a.lfac~ tb~m. \~e liaw women and children lcavi~g for nl'!ighboUiing ~~rbian
vsli~gcsltov!~ka; Gtlnska Po~nna, towards Dvor nnd othcrs, wJuJc ali men were·mobdiscd.
T4~ :Ppl,lc~ stijdoit tèU a coqple of dày$ aller tbat. Aftcr the pQiice retreatëd t.o Vld.IJ~evac~
pea:ée·lës.t~4.t'Qr il w~k·nnd Ùltm Chetniks brougbt their forces from Banja t..uka. Buses .. and
Ç.Opy.gy~i.r.!U~S.f1.otfe9'.*~;~ nrmy and çquipmctllforone wcck. Vlduseva~ was undçr attack for
011~ ru~.ntii,
WQ W.cftdn .~hë vUiagc, just old. people, just.us a!}d the ·smur famlly togè.l11er with obildr-cn.
lt WWï.;f.O.mid'detr f.br.iis .tô inpvé lii'pund, espeeially my husb"Jid. During thal lime, ÎJ llii!!Q to
1-Jnpp:ew.1hl\t :e:v{fli l'l.v~cè ~ <,Jn.y -cliffcrenr. per.soJ.îs c.~me loqldug for weapons ilnd the)' slo.le
l~~~.S~~~\l!lS ~ltl.l~àU~~~·
··U'iéitl S.èrbs :from. n'ëiglto.ourîng· vîliMe~ cam~. lloi:ôw Mirosla\1 Millobabié ( 18 years O.ld).
BtaitRo· l?Jrobn]ak .(:23 years oid), Siui§n Gn'llmni6 (l6 yeai'S old) and theîr Jcadër Shû§a
Mnlê!::(l!J.yê.ilrs o(~} ani9ng them. Ali ~;~t'them werearmlid. A group, wbolie members '\v~re
pîji:$.9if!i liéiwooïi 2·s nnd ~0 years old, nl~o elime· co tM villngo. They came and they blow up
t1:ch!lP,~l,,!lcthl1~;~:Se.s··otl'·fir.e nnd robbed.l'hcy carried things away from bi:iuse.s where ther~
·wasrl1t nr,.yb·pdy !ID~ from ho!Jses whcrc thcre were peo,,lc still living t·here. It wos
~.l'P,t~ffi~~f.llXtd 9c.t~~!'r. \YD· went frpm tho beg{nning of the v!Jiugc IO the end of'tbe VfUf!gC
to·,tne·ttçJUse.of [",:.] .•. wherc we slept.
_pn· !Nï:Wém'b:ër sU.l :19-9 I, nt 7;'p,m.~ 1 heard shootiilg nntl cars arrlving. r \Vent OUI (rom the·
ho~se.to 50~ w.hat WÙS goijlg 011. J hcnrd·shouiS coming rrolillhc bQUSe ofNikola Krc~Jiica
nil~ f>url) ~re!taUca. 1. beard a quarre!: they demanded a car, gold and moncy. Th~y sfayed
nroun~ tll~' llotl!j~ lJn~il the. CJttlre housç WIJS on tire. A fier that theY left Gina Kr~slalica (50
,r.e.n,t:s-<dp) and ID.u.ro Krc~ttilica (.58 yea.r.s old) were consumcd by fire nliYe in the bouse. We
hc.ard·scr~;nms and ho.wls. Nikoln, Oinn's husbnnd, jumped from a wïndow und wos shot in·
., ·'.
the fqreb'ead. We diiJn•te~a!ltly sec who lhc meiubers (!fthat.group'.w~re1 b.ui \l(~:'llli~.~m~
th~t M;ilan Cangdl fro~ Ro:vi~~~ (30. J'enrs old, wor~\lq in. the Si.sak lr~?,n.\~f~).·. w~~.Q~~:
membcr bccause he. had ·threatèned U1osc ·people :befare. He said tl)i!t he· ~~d' t4eir.
c·rowns (the· mnn workeél lh S\vedèn) lin.!! a oar. Later \Ve saw tlmfsàme'èllf!ge{ i:'lfiV.îi.t~~~~i·
car. ·
Aftlir 'llmt g'ra~p. lllilf·nn-hour"lnter,.an~ther gi'Ollp,.of..S.•6Jleopic Olll))e'; l rc~g~i$~~ :Nlk0.11l
S'Oiar - he was 11. lèndar, Mi1nn Lnl.iâ, l)eliè,. Mika· S'olar. junior :and ·s~nior and· tw~.
n'cighlîours from Slbin. They came to sce what was going 01) in the Vill\'ig~;· b.ui'tlicy'·~qtew:
cifu:tly tl1at-ihls was ~oi'1!ktO hnppen becnusè,.two dnyùt:iibre; tliey:were' ~.à,YÏitg:iri G!Jri~
t)\ut Ji:l~e\iicâ \VOU lit be oit lire.
Nikola Salanmid thal be would put nU of us in a cement mixl'.!t i!tld 1hllt fié Woflld. (jl)llicq.un.
in concrete.
r rcrnnn1Qér tln)t in August Damfr Skrin,iar and Vlado l<restalica wi.'lre siopp·ed: ori:.tlié.·
Glina•s btidge, scarchéd, srripp,ci;l to th'e wnist and taken to ·oJinn's prison; Tlley. ·\V!ire:
interrogated for 3-4 dnys and tlten they wcre: rolen~ed.
Right after thal, Vlado .Krégtalica escaped to Vidu§evac whcre he joined tb~·oro~tltm Â'lJij.y;
Sc.irbs came to the. house of his faUter Eluro, wh ile lie was still àllve, and •they to'ekèèl fof
Vlado. Lntcr-, theY werë S'a)'ing ali thé timo tlint· He dit:d. 1. rérh'i:rhbëf t&'iit:; .·,;. wiis.
impr{sqned on!! more time and thot he was b.attilred in. Glinil. I romcJnb.er.·tluïlne wiiS blué.,
Aftêr tliiit.incident~ si.nce Novetnbêr 511'· wu stoppcid goîil~.OUt·fJbni the:ho.'!Jsè; ~U.d'.west~y~il:
inside. W:e- sa\v .thnt ir mis dan~et.ous êverywhere. There was no ellictridty. ~hcr:.\w ~afby
cttndlelight.It·was cold. Wc hl!nrd mllchine-gim bursts; We S!i\v-a.ffiimè.·nt d'nfnéig~t:ui\'ir~:::...
Sile wa!inrt at llomc 'tl1cn. She spent the nlgllrnt •. ·licouusë they' cmnè 1o,:tooR foi. flèr son·
and hu~bl\ltd ·nU the ti me, Wc g9t s!intcd-'ve Hioug1Jt thal it 'was rin 'litbick.an(J .,ve t:arf'f()'~he
basernent thal wc had dug up und er il hay-batn. \Ve hid 'Ïlie'ra.sevcral t.Ï!ht:S. !:Jetnt!ité tllè. rost·
ofthe night was pcaceful, wc wèrlt back. til ~he ho.usc to slcep. 111 the nior~jilg, Wb'W~nt:léi:·
the nciglibeur to see what bad happcncd, but wc didn't notice anytbii'lg tli.!)ô. M.l'el" 2: (!t·3
dnys, the nèighbour .•• came anc~ s~c snid that her rao~l burned do.wn to the,.gtOtJO~. Olt ys
passcd. Ali t.he tiine they werc coming for the control ofweapon.s:
Early ln November, 5 or 6 policemen came te our yard. Théy warried my fiilhëi' llJa~ liq
wasn''t allowed to go nnywhcre und 11n:y told us thnt wc l1ad to cnrol chilciNil in. silQ\lQl. ·1
cnrolled my dnughter ... ln the 3111 grade of[ ... ] school. There were nq Ci'.oal$ !lin.(!ng
the childrel'l in the scliooL Ali profcssors were Scrbs and there werc prof~;~sers frol'lt Serbi!l
and Novi Snd from wh~rc· note books and books were recelveù. My daughter· weilt to s.qhl)ol
for. one week nnd a fier th at she didn ·r go nny more. Womcn thal worked in a co~on~piî!.!,in
Glinn, when ther.e was eleètiicit.y, wcrc obliged to go to work without any compe'nsaiien,.
Tht} plant of Sisak lronworks in Cilinil didn'l work. Il wns convertcd inlO .'a milh.!IIY
wareheuse for tanks and cannons. Unlts of the ortny were ruso placed 1here:. ·
We ulso snw) from the village, Serbs burying corpsc~ with a bulld~zer in .the villël'gc of
Rovi.§ka, which is in n plain. \'\le nssuitted !hat they were burying pcrs.ons,. wllttt::nm~ .from
Scrbia and Montcne~ro, ûtnt feil în·action.
On Decemb'ur ré 1991, it W~ll·tt cold lnomlng. 'l'en of us liclpcd llijn.~t.ajd.!lh\lf sliltlg{ltet
pigs. We not'lced thal·a military jeep pllSs\ld by. A fier n white, wc snw l'a\Jul'i S'fft!lr goiilg
and shouting: "Run. pcoplu, a carnage in Lbc village!" Wc nskc~.liim what :carn~ge a11d h.c
s!lid: 1'Thcy lire going from one Ji.ot1se IO another and they nre killing."
J r.;m.tQ. m,y lt~ustt, 1 gatl~et~d my èbildren, my husbillld IUid my mother·in·lnw and we wcnt
le my hu~b.Mfll sister in·OIIna.
'ijlnt sBine niglit we héittd thal the ranowing persans were massnt::r!!.d thnt mornlng in the
vîiJ~~: ·M#n Sift.àr âQdluu childrell Luk!'! (21 years. ald), Pajo ( 13 yeuts old), Ljubica.( 19
yëat/il·.old), mC:i.ther-tn·J~w, anolher Mlltil nnd l~an Siftar (60 yenrs oid). Mara's sisler and
~1ii.t;al-l!.~XO~tl.er.;;Jil-!~W (60 years. oli:l) wcre ldlle.d in th.eir house, Ana ~krlnjar (llO .,year.s ~Id),
Ma$\'IP~~ Ant~~MO.:ilr.o.njl! 'lllld. a dnughter Marija .from Maja, f .•. ] (21 ;yenrs old;,
s~~ w~·rn,De~ q~d, .În'.~e end1 kl!lcd), Ljuba Skrinjar l!n~ a neigl1~ow: Marljn St;t.jtluhnr.(
they -W'dte.dt.i'nking. t9Ï'Îèe 4Dd-tliey wer~ ldllcrllikc thnt), P.avao Skrilijar (60 years ofd)y
·~ru)iil'$t~j~!i~ar ~11d ·IÏ.er molfier-in~law, Mate K~telica, his wife Mllka. and his moiher
Two days ~fi:e,r·.W~ rece[ved a permit nnd we went out tltrough ~anja Luka tQ Z'!lgrab.
v:ülq,gérs thnt: ~tâycd alivo in the vlllligl!- got 11 bus and ari t:scor.t to BO'ilanski Novi, Thàl is
hiiw tTté~·.Qlûn~ fn:nn Bi:Jllnîn an if Hen.egcivinn to Croatili.
Wh.iie we were.,lwd diiy.s i.n GLina,·we only beard Serbs snying, tbat members oflhe Minislt}'
of1~~ in~rio.rp·li~~ (trid tha~ du!;y h11d co111mitted n massacre m Jo~evlca. ''
With .. h~r·signtttUI'e.'on ~very page of this testlmony, hcr giver- Paula Milië -coniirms ltsll!
ItherttiÇih'; t~t. tlte teslimony wasn't given under cocrcion and thal the wrl!tcn testlmony
is an~egqus lo the giveu tesiimony •
. In Kitl'lovac.· N'ovém:P.er 1. 6lh t-994.
$.tatÇ~:~~t gtV.~ri:!iY.;:~AYLA M~è

Document Long Title

Written testimony of Witness Paula Milić (pseudonym)
