Annexes volume II

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(Marshall Islands v. United Kingdom)





Volume II

16 March 2015 ANNEX44
ANNEx44- R.Norton-Taylor, "Trident more effective with US arming deviee, tests

suggest", The Guardian, 6 April 2011,
http:/ apr/06/trident-us-arming-system-test

reinforctngourteclmica1,po!lti.;;ùandnnandalnuclear dependencyandafuzzy,at
best,notionofbeingardml€p!!lldentnudear power."Anew USanning,fusing.and
lirinsystem thatconttolsme detonati<mof me,.,'athi!ac,ombinedwith thehi,gh
accuracy ofBritalnTridentwarheads will ;illowtIJlto tlueatenhardtargetssuclt

He saidme US programmewouldertend theservicelûeol'Trldentwarbeadsby 30

The govemment was fustquestionedaboutthenew US romponents forlltitain's
TridentnûSi!ile_in2007 by NicHarvey,theLibenliDemocrat defence~polœsman
andnow atmed forŒsminister.DesBrownce !:bendefencesecretaty,toldhlm1'1am
notpreparedtodiscnssme det<illedperfonnanŒclw:aderîsticsof!lurnuclear

The government isparticn1arlysensitiveaboutme Tridentnuclearwarheadupgrade
asitcould beseizedonbynon-nuclear statesinany forthcomingintematinnal

The disdosurescome ata timewhcndiscnssionsabout how toreplaŒtheemting
Tridentsystem iscausingseverestrainswlthlnthe govmu:nem.

LiamFox,the defeneesecretary,lnsîststhee:xlstlnglieoffuursubmarlnesmustbe
replaŒd Jike.for-likeanBrita m ust perslswîthacontinuonsat-seadeterrent
{CASD) -thatis,havlngonenuclearcarmedsubmarineon patroleverydayoftheyear.

Harveytoldth" Gnatdianearliertbîsyear!hatalternativedid not.seemtohave been
givendet<illedorobjectiveassessments.•!hedebate basbeenverymuehyesorn!lto
tbîssinglenotionofhowa crt!dibledeterrentcanbeprov:ided,hesaid.

Nodate basyetbeenfhed for the "initial gadecisionon the desigofthe new
Tridentsulnnatinelleet.TheMoD fustsaidîtwouldbeannouncedinDecember.One
of meproblemsiswhatkindofnuclearreacrorwouldpropelth;:submatines. The
ehoîce ibetweenmeexistingpressutisedwater (PWR2) reactoofthe klndusedln
thenavy'sAstnte-classconvention<illyrmedsubmarinesandanewPWR3 reaetor!lf

Adecisionaboutthennalrnakeupofasuccessorto theexis!lngTridemsystem bas
beenputoff untilafterthigeneralelection,duein 2015. 'l'MoD wasunableto


Defence policy

Nudeat weapons ANNEX45

ANNEX45- Hansanl, HC, 8 December 2009, col. 214W,


Trident !vlissîles

Angus Robertson: ·ro ask the Secretaty OfState tor Del'encewnat plahàshto modifthe gas transfer s-,stofthe Trident wamead as
partofthéMk.4Arei'urbfshmentprogramme: i!Itd which COUrltrythe gas.transfer syswillbe rnaoufactured. (3043401

Mr. Quentin DaVIe$: I rnfer the hon. Membtôthe answer gWen by my rlght hori. Friertd, the Secretaty of State foé.!3fêi'IC

Deœm~r 2009, Official R.ep&t, column 911W. Asfur :a!'lymodifications p!anned fur this system, it !s Mlnlsuy of Oeta.eè pollcy not
ttlmrnent on details of UKwal'head desigrt .asto do so wouId, or woulto,prejUdice national serur!ty and defenŒ ln théUK.

8 Dec 2009 : Column 214W

Angus Robertlion: To ask the SecretarofState tor Defence what the projecied is ofthe Mk4A refurbishment p;ograll\1l'le fof Trident
warheads; and what ptQportlon of this experulitUrt! hito!be !ncurrelnthe United States. (304.3411

Ml'. Quentin Davles: The overall cost to the UK of pro<:uringthe Mk4A tomwasean element of the estlmatMure C:Ostorthe
Atomlc Weapens Est.ablîshméht as Set out ln chapter fthéWhite Paper 'The Futuré of théUnited l<lngdom's NtiDe~err eCmtd'

6994), :puhfishedln Oecember 2006.

1 am wlthho!dlng furthet details on the costs of the Mk4A programme as their release wouid, cr wouto,prejudice national security
and defenceinthe UK.


Angus Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for OefenŒ for what reaS()a(a) the dassiflcatiolî guldeilnes-Ctheexcharor ot~
material be-tweênthe UK and the us were pi'OduŒrlln 2006 artd (b} the new!dellnes CG-U5-UK·NUC·l wete produŒd io
2008. {303887}

Mr. Qu~tln Davies: Both of these documents were producen }oinbyythe UK and US ln an effortharmt~n slsulty classitlcatlolî
guidance relatlng to sensitive nudear Information. ANNEX46

ANNEx46- Hansard, HC Deb, 28 November 2012, coL 353W,

http://www.publications.parliament. uk/palcm20 1213/cmhansrd/cm 121128/text/12112

28 Nov 2012: Column 353W

attack submru:inandHercuks C130andE-3 Seuiryain:r.>ft,àudto seekasslsiawhere


Angus Robertson:Toask theSecretmyof State for Defen<:epursuanthe"""'"''"of 13July

2lH2to thehon.Memberfor lslingtooNorth,Officia!Reptm, colunm411\V,whmthetillesareof
ollproje<:tséurrentlyuuderwathe AtomicWeaponsEslablishrnenttoioformthederbion on
wbethertc refurbis.r replatheexlstingUK Tridentwàtbe-.ul.!129581]

Mr Dllnne:The Nude'.rrWellJl"ll'CàpàbilitySustainmentl'rogrdeasbeennnder waysince
2005.ft isa programmeat the Aiomk Weap<>ssiablishrnentto maintainand wboreneŒssoryto

developscienceandlechnnl<>gy-~pab iolivtk>pinfràS.tructllrfeacilit$!afcapnbilities
toensu:rtbattheUK bastheabilitytoundetpinanydecisiononà futureUKnuclearwarhead.

Paul Flynn: To ask theSeeretaryof State for DefenΠhowmany staff aremployed on the
Tridentmplaeémentdesignprogtannne al (a)BAE Systems,(b) BabcockMarine,( c}Rolls-RoyŒ

and (d}elsewhere.{i3002l!

Mr Donné: l referthe hon. Memberto the answer 1gave on 19Novembet2012.•Offidal Report,

colum:n239W,in whkh 1stated llrathere are appro:timately l ,100BAESystemsand 100
BahcockMarine personnelemployed on the SucŒssot submarine progtamme.Workon tbe
Soccessorprognunmeis also sustaininamund600 jobs àtRolls-Royce.

lol:Omialionon"""""""! employeddrewbete is nol beld in the fortrullteqllaudiedwould
refurthe hon. Member w the answer l gave on 19Novemher2012, Ofjiâal Report.eolumn235W,
in whîchI stated !bai there approxirnately130Ministty of Defenéepersonnelemployed solely

on!heS!.ICCesS sotmarineprogr.m:une. ANNEX47

ANNEX47- T. Postol, 'How the Obarna Administration Learned to Stop Worrying

and Love the Bornb,' The Nation, 10Decernber 2014




How the ObamaAdministration

Learnedto StopWorryingand Love

the Bomb

US nuclear poliçy îs underminîng our safety and national securlty.

The-moveupdatesa conceptthatgained curren:cyunderthe aîlîngleadOf'Leoriid
Brezhnevln the 1910s. M.that time.Soviet lead$0sterrifof Amerlcannuclear

Intentions ttheydesigneda"dêadhand" system to guarantee retalinthe event of a
successfutUS attack. ln 2006,morethanthreedecadeslater,SergeiSobyanin,chief of staff

of theRussianPresldentîalExecutiveO~resse imilarconcems.

As describedeariler,the USmodernizationprogramincludeseffortsto împrollêthe relîablflty

of fuseson bal!istic-earheads.Thlsclaim disguises.animportanttact: the:fuseshave
beenmodîffetoincreasethe kllûngpowerof the warheads.Pafnstakingeffortshavealso
goneinto improvingtheirdeliveryaccuracy.Whenthe resuitsof thesecombinedateivltles

summarizedfor Russlanpolittcalleaders, hardto=understandthe1ralarm.

Theupgradedfuseson the MlnutemanlUballis1icwarheads,tor exampJe,greatlyenhance

theUS stricapacrty. hentrajectoryerrol'$piacethe redesignedwarheadssllghtlytoo
hlgh,theywiildetonatesooner1han planned.ln etherwordwildetonatedirectlyabave

thetarge·ratherthan flyingtartherdownrange,assuringthemaximumchanceof destroying
theirtarget. techniq cule~;'burstheight compensation," is onlîthe precisîon
ofdelîveryls alreadyenormousiyhlgh.

Theimplieationsof other apparentlyminertechnlcaldetal!sareslmilartyprofound,
Enhancementsta the-lnertlalmeasurementsystemin the MmutemanIll warheadslmprove

the accuracyof the locandove!octtydathatareneededta placethe warh-eads00
lethaltrajectories. Engineerintothe Mînutemanilpropulsionsystem give mllîtary

commandersgreatercontroloverthedeploymentof weapons.Upgradesto thesubmarine­
taunchedTridentIl dramaticaltyimpmvethe UScapacdestroyRussiansi!O-based
ICBMs.,andwith less wamlngtime.

2 of5 ANNEX48

ANNEx48- France No. 01 (2010):



The Parties,buildingon the exisiingstronlinksbetWêe i cirespèctivedefenee
and security cllmmuulties and anned fmees, uru:lértaketo bulld a long-lerm


1. mmdmismg theit capacities through eoordmating develllf>inellt,
acquisition, deplnyment and maintenance of a nmge of cl'lpàbilities,
làtilities, equipmem, materials and servicesil)petfonn 1he full

2. reinforcffig the defencemdnstty of the two Parties, fostering
coopetation in research and iedmology and developffigëooperntive

3. deployingtogetherintlltheatresin Whicooth PartieshiDieagreein be
engaged, in operations oonductedu:nderthe auspi<:eof 1he United
Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisa otitheJEnuropean
Union's Common Secilriiy and Defence Policy or rn a toalition ot
bilàtetal fuunework,ns well ns$Uf>jl(lrgs, agreedon a enseby case
basis, one Party whenii iengaged in opetationsin which theO!bet

Partyis noi part;

4. éll$urtnthe viabilityand safety of their nationaldeîerrents.oonsisteni

5. ensurlng their s!lpport for action in the United Nations, the North

Atlantiè Treàty Organisation and the EiltOpean Union undet the
Common Secilriiy and Defunte Poliey as well ns compiernentarity
between thè North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the Enropean
Unionin allrelevantareas. ANNEX49
ANNEx 49- http://ww•


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nortbem Ireland and the French

Republk hereinafterreferredas"The Parties",

1\;findfulof their common defence interests and of the importance of nuclear
deterrence, core element of thcit national and Allied defenee strategies, and
bearinginmind that theydo not see situationsarisingin whivitalinterestsof

èitherPartycould be threatenedwithoutthe vital interestso:fthe other also belng

Being determined to malntain only à tmmmum credible mll:leaçapability,
consistentwith the strateglç and secnrlty tuntext of their tommitments under

ARTICLE 5 of theNorth AtlanticTreaty,done at Washingtonon 4 Aprill94and
ronslderingtatthelrnudear forces rontributeto Europe'sset:urityas a whole,

Reaffltlllingthelr rights and obligationsunderthe Treatye Non-Proliferation
of Nudear Weapons.(NPT), done on 1 July 1968, and tommitrnents ttnder the

ComprehensiveNuciear-Test-BanTreaty,doneon 10September1996,

Reltemtîngtheir mutilaiinteres.tin keepingtheir independentnudear forcesat the
highestlevetof safety and reHabiüty,at least cosi,and detenninedtu co-opem.teto

this endin theindustrial,technolt>glndsdenlilit fields,

Seeking to improve further the effediveness uf taÏrrmed forcîn,acçordaru:e
\ViththeTreaty hetweentheUnitedKingdomof GreatBritlin andNor!hemIreland
and the FrenchRepublit fot Defence:mdSecurityCo-opemtion,signedat London

on 2 November2010,

Haveagreedon thefoliowing:


General C<~-operation

1.1 The Parties shall c!Hlperate, induding thrmtgh the exchange of relevant
classified information, in the follo\\--ingareas:

a) safety and security of nuclear weapons;

b) stockpile certification;

c) counter nuclear or radio!ogical terrorism. ANNExSO
ANNEX50- data/file/277167
/France-UK Summit-Declaration on Security and Defence.pdf

DefeneeNuclear Cooperation

30.We are maklngexcellentprogresswith the developmentof world classscienlîfic
facilitEpure in Valduc to underwritethe safe and assured performanceof our
respectivenuclearweaponstockpiles. Fînalnaoonallnvestmentapprovalswere
recenllygranted by the two Govemrnents:a slgnlncant step that deepens our
comrnltmentin accordancewlth the was agreed today tooptimlzethe
efficiencyof the Teutatesproject by taklng beneficeof the refurbîshmentof a

facîlity located in Aldermaston. We also have agreed to subject more of the
technîcaland scientificdatathal underpinswarheadcertlficallonto peer revlew;

to work togetherondevelopingenergeticmaterîalsfor the future:andto conduct
joint researehat the laser facîlitiestocatedat AWË Orion and CËA/DAM - LMJ.
There îs no greater evidence of the value we both attach to the bilateral
lùsmOstsensîtive_àrea, ANNEx51

ANNEX 51-­

UK andFranceextendwarheadresearchcollaborationintonewhttp:l/nudearinfo.Qrg/articldetvelopment-a,,..ld.a

nuclear NISis anot-for·pr,dependenitnformation
semee, which works to promote pUblic
disannainent and related andety
service environrnenilsues

The new co-opètatlon arrangements will assist AWEin work on deve!oping a successor to the current Trident

nuc!ear warhead and may al!ow the establishment's scîentists to benefit from recéntwork in déveloping
F'rance'n-ewTêteNlldéaite Océaniq(~ hrtp;}/en:wlklpèd!a ..oro/wHd/T%C3%AAte htoci3AA99ak!Uèl

(TNO) nuclear warhead, which is scheduled to enter into service next year. No formai decision has yet been
takenby the UK government on whether the existing Trident warhead design will bè refurbished or replaced.
However, workis currentiy under way at AWEto inform the decision and up to 30 November 2012 a sum of

E54.6 million had been spent on such studies.
AWE'sOrîon laser became tully operational in April 2013 and in December CEAannounced that the Laser

Megajoule had conducted its flrst experiment. High powered supèrlasers such as Orion and tM Laser
Megajouie a!low researchers to conduct experiments which subject warhead materiais and components to
immense temperatures, with the results used to mode! how a nuc!ear warhead would behave as it exploded.

Such experiments have become increasingly important to nuciear-armed states foliowing agreement of the
Comprehensive Nudear-Test-Ban Treaty, which prohibits the underground 'live' testing of nuciear weapons.
Non-government organisations have raised concerns that the experiments provide away for nuclear-armed

states to side-step their obligations under the Treaty.

The Laser Megajoule and Orion operate under different temperature and pressure regimes, meaning that
co-operation between the UK and France will allow the two governments to collectively conduct experiments ANNEx52

ANNEX52 - "Interim Agreement between the United States of America and the

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Certain Measures with respect to the

Limitation of Strategie Offensive Arms", Unilateral Statement by Minister Semenov,

May 17, 1972,

tlerim Agreement

iaklng tnto atcmthamtidern baltistk mtsstlecsubniartrtli:S.ihepcss-es-sifnot onlinaUnited.Stai:e5-b.utttNATOoi
alitedti5ov!.tinl aore~that fer thépêrlcdofetf'ea'.:the il'lterimfteeze Ag-rte UnltédStates and i.tsNA1oallieshave

up to50 suchsubmarineswlth ·atotal oi'up to &CDb.lil!aunchstje.lonindud"lfl94i 'US.s:ubm<uine·swlth656 baitistk mhslle.
btim.:hers).However,lfduring the period oi'esfthe Agretili':.S.aiUesln NATOshould int!lll: tlto~teit mOO"i!m

Siibinlitit.él<c:eh"'numbi!ts ofsu:bmarl:nestheYwouiop-~ra- o.tionaWltri'Ud:ioroln ihêdastgrt; o~tMure

Agre.ement,the Sovll!:tUnionWitherlght-a torresponditiflJntrthenumoortli its 5ubmarlnth~~pîNo ofthe :Sovietskie.,
the soJutionof the quértf mndam bail!st!(.rttlnih!: s'ubmarfo!n the Intil gr-aemante-nlyjlartiatlytotnpt!h!at-es forthe

st:rtlte!Jtcimbal:and~pioym oetinudear~Po .isWlsibmiilines Ofthe USSRand tM OStatM.There: tfe:o>A..-es:ltrle
btli-evesthat this q~stie ondabove_althé(tuastil)liquidattheAtnèriGlnmissile submarlnè-bases outslda the U-nltedStates, Will

be ilppf'opflate-irytsolved ln thi! course of foiiow.-oonegotlations,

On May24, Ambassador .Smithmade tM fo.lioWingreply S~i!:ln"étWV:

The Unit-edStates sirlehas studied the -s-taŒmentmadesidthf lyittttOtlt:l!mingèbmpèitforsubmarinéb.ning and SLBM
!ubmarint5 OOiongingto rhttd c.ountrie'ST.M Unitednotac:ce.ptthe vaiidityof the tottslde:ratirulsln th:atstatam-ent.

On May 26 Mln!stef semenov répeatunilat sar!~ent made.oMa~17. Amb.assadot Smith also te.peated the iJ.S.rejectio-rion May'26. ANNEX53
ANNEx53- "The Future United Kingdom Strategie Nuclear Deterrent Force",

Defence Open Government Document 80/23, Ministry ofDefence, July 1980,
3f71dOfe2b653c4fOOD2175760e96e7 .r87.cfl.rackcdn. com/800710%20MT%20to%2
0Giscard%20%28417-181%29.pdf ANNEX54
ANNEx54- "The United Kingdom Trident Programme", Defence Open Government
Document 82/1, Ministry ofDefence, Cm 8517, March 1982

Wittrmpli~ orie9ntsottridtDJt
aL A$nôwd~1fltheriet,osrltt wJl'~~
m.:~ ,'antrd)Ct~t ïhbll'!(:~nçy~~v~
D' th .btlto wck tam:~. milltmh.,atc11oo
$il tt. ~Mofll\ilt~t\Wi .td>YasaOO''it~r~
ttrlk~;· m~ul,Pn~.,lwnl'~-h~ ~~
lbto~!îr ~QçP®~tl 'lsnd> ~t~r~jertl~l~
t:V m,d'tllharlf ~J®desol,•hll~banœ·tQ
11"Ûllltl1G~ovllm wm~thtmalltt~tutitly
~!l lath!illGf ~JUJ'\YH~ TtidlDJBY~em
fllioWpartitt•ets wi~>ttt~~.~ ••n
$)'~ lerêl11vInaUnitedKîngG®ll't falm~t
anythntigbbof a flr~abllilitylâl"ithmetk
de~~IDn tatitUtnatybeyoodi~· ~ firo
powerotilBrimtoraWilmaximum.5 FtYioaŒ
wouldb$Ufr~e aeeonty.WiYsma.fYi'l:liJDrtlon

of tht SoviètICSMsi..mbeClSàid,Tti(;4lt
to b'etr\boti$,stncethe ~binSd~tiniŒd
diffiit.hro~ fnr ochtA·.tnoS~tout in
this docum;nt~nt~lyatlme® .·t~e~nt·ofon
<:.ommoootyiththe.USt:tNtvyhe pu~()f
tht UniSta~in deploîe lll~uratTrid<mt
OSrt.istomalît t\W t~titM.abiltus·itJ
nutltltr wc.apinwlntrable.S!Ji1atf~,
~aindîteronurnbèsndty~ sftarpts im;:rudlng
spèÇifJmilitarytargeJ&made~te bvthe
incre accuraofUli..Qrmodernmbsî}e,Thû
policy.b des. utlderieAW'staplibi.for
ne,.lJ'êSIWshtehb entlrèlydeltisnoin
any wayprovlae''ttrlki:"eap:orto malte
"limitednur.~··asier. o.lîkêrtèltthe
UnltStates,the UKingdonorNATOasa'1\ihore
6 SUbstibetso cithert:ontept. ANNEX55
ANNEX55- "Progress of the Trident Programme", 422 of 1987-88, HMSO, May 11



<:ltrii/Jml~tw bthtü~!<>Wl'Jœ~ilYUJ:&W~tim<~~.At

..~OIII)'Spet..m ...tlftlltpte~\\'lillfiDilS~itt»lle!!lillelâ~
tJI.t!J..}w~m.~·~-~ ...~~ll)-~
inl.l!i:UK of~f'M ~~-~ m l',
C111mtl$bmtoa~~ Sldll)c.·_.y·•ta·.ïMb*>l

at.AWE~tt. WllWed~m~·1$.t,o!Z~, t..'llle
!lliilll~ ~p~ammlit·~'ll~-Wi'f~)'t1!lliillisttl!t
~t~t.R oti•Œ ~·lii3Y'.~l ·m•bll f•u.·~:ad.UiSM
~ ih:lt$>1k~.·flct·è!iltil~o~~--*-'l"lllilllt ANNEx56
ANNEX56 - Statement by Ambassador David Broucher, NPT Preparatory Committee
2004, Cluster I, May 3 2004,
http://ploughshares. ca/wp-contentlupl oads/2009/05/UK 04-1.pdf


Ambusador DavidBroncher R!l'fl~ i;~fliietlldoOrlBril!NM~~



26April2004 Mr Chairman,

Let me begin by saying how pleased we are to see you presiding over this Third Preparatory Committee. I wish

you every success. Y ou have our full support and co-opemtion for the challenging task that lies ahead.

I would like to record at the outset our endorsement of the statement made by Ireland on behalf of th<:European
Union. ·

The past year will go dO'h'liln the NPT history books for many reasons: sorne good, sorne bad. It wî.llbe

remembered for Libya's historie decision to acknowledge and renounce its VlMD programme. It •vill be
remembered for Iran's decision to sign the Additional Protocol. But many will also remember itas the year that
AQ Khan admitted selling Pakistani nuclear technology over a number ofyears to a series ofnon-nuclear

weapon states. And the year that Iran was found not to have declared significant elements of its nuclear
programme to the IAEA.

Events over the year have shown that multilateralism can pay great dividends in the field of counter­
proliferation. But they have also demonstrated how much remains to be done. L<:Jopholesin the international
machinery are being sought by states to develop clandestine weapons programmes. Terrorists are see:king
nuclear materials. These threats are not receding. Information from Pakistan thal North Korea was pursuing an

undeclared uranium enrichment programme reinforces the importance of the 6 Party Talks process under way in
Beijing. We fully support !hat process. We must redouble our counter-proliferation activities and work to
strengthen the international machinery that supports them.

The NPT is the comerstone of the nuclear non-proliferation regime. lt retains the wholehearted support of the
United Kingdom and the vast majority of the international community. Over the past year the UK has strongly
supported NPT objectives. We have worked in co-operation with the US to faciiitate Libya's decision to

acknowledge and renounce its WMD programme. We have facilitated Libyan engagement with the appropriate
international bodies, the IAEA and the OPCW, and in co-operation with these agencies we have provided
assistance with dismantlement ofLibya's programme. Together with our EU partners, France and Ge~man wey
have encouraged Iran to resolve international concerns about the purpose ofits nuclear programme through

active co-operation 'hith the IAEA. In conjunction with the IAEA Board of Governors, we have secured Iranian
agreement voluntarily to suspend development ofits uranium enrichment-related and reprocessing activities.
We believe that Iran needs to allay the concerns of the international community about its programme, :md pave

the way for a sustainable Jong-term agreement.

There have been calls recently from sorne quarters to introduce new NPT mechanisms, including Annual
Conferences to replace the Prepcoms and a standing bureau ofthe Treaty. The idea is thal such measures would

strengthen theNPT process. We disagree. Mechanisms to tackle proliferation and non-compliance already
exist within the IAEA and the UNSC. Let's concentrate our efforts on strengthening those rather thau tinkering
with core elements of the Treaty.


The UK remains a staunch supporter ofthe IAEA's work in all areas. We particularly congratulate 1tfor its

work over the past year. The IAEA's work on safeguards underpins the entire NPT; it is the front line of
defence against states who would cheat on their international obligations. We continue to cali upon ali states
which have not yet done soto agree, bring into force, and comply with Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements
and Additional Protocols to those agreements. We should aim for these to become universal in the sh011estlime

possible. No country thal is developing nuclear technology for purely peaceful purposes should have anything
tofear from such a step.

2Within the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Urûted Kingdom has actively promoted the principle 1hat Participating
Govemments adopt the Additional Protocol, as a condition of supply for the most sensitive ofnuclear items­
the so-called Trigger List goods. Last year States Party agreed a package ofmeasures thal effective.'ysets the

Agency's budget for a 4-year period. This included a sigrûficant increase in resources for 1heAgeJl(:y's
safeguards activities. Recent events have highlighted how vital1he Agency's work is in this area We must al!
continue to ensure that the Agency has the funding itneeds. For our part, the Urûted Kingdom has wherever

possible paid its contributions in full and on time and has made voluntary contributions to the Agcncy in the last
year worth over half a million dollars.


The IAEA's work alonewill not solve today's problems. A broad range oftools is required that will necessitate
action by other international bodies and by national governments.

We should expand the work of the Proliferation Security Irûtiative (PSI). Through improved inform<tion
sharing and enhanced operational readiness, PSI has created the practical basis for co-operation among states in
interdicting shipments of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems and related materials. Since its

launch last year PSI has gained the support of over 60 countries and the number continues to grow. We hope
eventually to involve ail countries that have the v.ill and capacity to co-operate.

The Global Partnership is a genuinely multilateral effort to tackle the dangers posed by the weapons l·egacyof

the fonner Soviet Union. We are now seeing results on the ground. Work under the Partnership includes
programmes for the security and disposition of fissile material, improving border security, controlhng
radiological sources, and redirecting scientists and other specialists with weapons ofmass destruction expertise
employment, including commercial ventures. The UK is a strong supporter cf the Global
into peaceful civilian
Partnership. We have committed up to $750 million over 10 years.

The UK has put domestic legislation in place to give effect to our international commitments. The An.ti­

Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 makes it an offence to aïd or abet the overseas use or development of
nuclear, biological or chemical weapons. The Export Control Act 2002 extends current end-use controls to
inelude the provision oftechrûcal assistance and the transfer of technology by any means.

We would ask other national governments to enact and enforce effective domestic laws and contrais !:1at

support non-proliferation and criminalise proliferation: there must be stiffpenalties for those that do not
comply. The United Nations Security Council is currently negotiating a resolution to advance these goals. We
hope that it v:illsoon be adopted and stand ready to help states meet the obligations contained within it.

Peaceful Uses

The United Kingdom strongly supports the principle that States Party should have access to the bencfit> of

peaceful uses ofnuclear energy as described in Article IV of the NPT. But the right to enjoy such bene:'its
should be couditional on compliance with Articles f-l!I as the Foreign Secretary said in his statement to
Parliament of25 February. States Party thal have failed to comply with their safeguards obligations Josethe
confidence of the international commurûty. We should consider whether such states should not !ose the right to

the nuclear fuel cycle, particularly the enrichment and reprocessing capabilities which are of such proliferation
sensitivity. This does not mean the states concerned could not construct and run civil nuclear power st2.tions.
These could still operate with fuel supplied by countries honouring their safeguards obligations. The fuel would

be subject to Agency monitoring while in the receiving country, and would be returned to the country of supply
when spent. This would prevent a seemingly civil programme masking a weapons programme.


India, Pakistan and Israel remain outside the treaty. We cal! on them to adhere to the treaty as non-nuclear

weapon states. We would be against any rnove to arnend the Treaty to give them formai status as nuclear
weapon states. We belîeve that ali three should sign and ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and join us
in a moratorium on the production of fissile material and the negotiation of a Fissile Material Cut O;'fTreaty as
the next steps towards nuclear disarmament. We welcome recent efforts by India and Pakistan to work together
to reduce nuclear tensions in the region through confidence building an

essenùal step to avoid the risk of escaiation to a nuclear exchange. It is vital thal the two sides geta realistic
understanding each other's decision-rnaking processes and red !ines. Pakistan has been a source of nuclear
proliferation through the activîties of AQ Khan, and lndia bas developed its domestic technological base to the
extent thatuld be an attractive target for procurernent networks. We need to find effective ways in which to
work with both in the future.

1\'uclearWeapon Free Zones

The UK continues to support the principle ofNuclear Weapon Free Zones and is playing a constructi'te raie as a
Nucleareapon State in their development. The UK has continued to engage in talks with the five Central
Asian and theth East Asian states. We hope for progress on bath the Central Asian and South East Asian

nuclear weapons free zones saon.

TheUK also continues to support the objective of establishing an effectively verifiable Middle East zone free of
nuclear weapons as weil as other weapons ofrnass destruction. We have submitted a report to the UN

Secretariat outlining the UK's contribution on Middle East issues, including our contribution to the realisation
of the 1995 Resolution on the Middle East, which the UK co-sponsored.

Negative Security Assurances

Our position on NSAs has not changed. We rernain conunitted to our negative security assurance as we gave it

in 1995, as noted in UN Security Council RInaddition, the UK has given NSAs through the
Protocols it bas signed to NWFZ Treaties. Since 2000 the UK has signed and ratified the relevant protocols to
the Treaties ofRaratonga and Pelindaba, which established the South Pacifie and African Nuclear Weapons
Free Zones, respectively. We believe that these cornrnitments already give Non-Nuclear Weapons States the

assurances they seek.


l would now like to turn to the third pillar of the NPT: disarrnarnent.

The L'K.continues to support the disarrnament rneasures listed in the 2000 Final Document and the 1995
Review Conference decisions. We value ail reductions in nuclear weapon levels whether ach1eved through
lni!aterai, bilateral or multilateral rneans.

The1998 Strategie Defence Review and 2003 Defence White Pathe ar~n:ai~o~mat to tted
'IOrkincrtowards a safer world in which there is no requirernent for nut:i· goalpofns. We bke!tJeveard
;trengthening the international non-pro 11erat10nbegimlear dt'sannament ob!iaations
d b t · 1 rogress on our g o a nue "
)ver the past decaDI<hs rna e ~antt~i ~nddsmantlgnof our maritime tacticai nuclear
mder the NPTArt VI). Thlmclus te ed. , nuclear bornb; and the termination of the
:apability; the withdrawal and dismantlmg't17UShnuclear weapons held under dual-key
mclear Lance missile and roles t~ed ;ur:t~ eunon!vuclear weapons system.
.rrangements. This left Polans, latY nsup'rse e "

4Since 2000 we have completed the dismantling of our Chevaline (Polaris) warheads. We hold less than 200
operationally available warheads. This amounts to a reduction of 70% in the explosive power of our nuclear

weapons since the end of the Cold War, taking the UK from four nuclear roles to just one. We have announced
that our nuclear forces patrol on reduced readiness; only a single Trident submarine is now on deterrent patrol at
any one time, normally at severa! days "notice to fire" and with its missiles de-targeted.

These measures build on actions previously taken by the UK to build confidence and increase transparency in
Article VI related issues. Among others, we have signed and ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban
Treaty (CTBT). In 1995 we announced that we had stopped the production of fissile material for nuclear

weapons and othernuclear explosive deviees. In 1998 we were the fust NWS to declare the total size ofthese
stocks. We thenvoluntarily placed all our fissile material no longer required for defence purposes under
international safeguards where they are liable to inspection by the !AEA. In 1998 we also înitiated a .fissile
material "historical accounting" programme. The first stage of this work concluded in 2000 with the publication

of our Plutonium historical accounting record at the tirne of the t-"Review Conference.

We continue to work for the re-commencement ofnegotiations at the Conference on Disarmament on a Fissile
Material Cut-OffTreaty (FMCT) and cali upon others to join us in a moratorium on production. We ·Jelieve

that global nuclear disarmament is a process, and that an FMCT is the next step in that process.

Last year we held a lunch-time seminar to introduce sorne of the work that we have been doing to develop UK

expertise in verifYingthe reduction and elimination of nuclear weapons internationally. We have continued
with this work and we invite you to see for yourselves what we have been doing at a presentation on Friday
]unchtime. We will also be publishing a second working paper entitled: Verification ofNuclear Disarmament:
Second Interim Report on Studies into the Verification ofNuclear Warheads and their Components." There is

an information leaflet about the serninar in the UK information pack at the back of the room.

1'\uclear Terrorism

It would be wrong to conclude this speech without mentioning the threat ofnuclear terrorism. Recent events in
Madrid, Turkey, Afghanistan and Iraq have dernonstrated ali too clearly that there are individuals or groups in
the world that are determined to wreak havoc on society and kill hundreds or thousands of innocent civilians in

the promotion oftheir cause. The threat ofterrorist use ofnuclear weapons concems us ail. We welcome the
work that is being carried out to reduce this risk: by individual nations, by the counter-terrorism committee in
New York, by the !AEA, the G8 and other organisations. We also welcome work to tackle the root causes of


ln conclusion, Mr Chairman, let me repeat. The UK is fully committed to the NPT, is meeting its commitments

under it, and will continue to work nationally, bilaterally, regionally and multilateral!y to further strengthen its
regime. We want to see a universal, verifiable instrument that guarantees a world free from nuclear dmger, and
so provides the security thal ali us here today are looking for. The NPT offers the best hope of achieving !hat


Thank you Mr Chairman.

ANNEx57- 10 Downing Street, Press Notice, Speech on NuclearEnergy and

Proliferation, 17 March
files/Politics/documents/2009/03/109.pdfl guni=Article:manual­

toaon~ ovreb~w ~ ê~ ·tw•r ~ht~, eff~ ande

unwen;alme®all.toJlfè~ V~~fer. to~oonwtu~r~ m•
andt~êWseJ)byn~ W.apt.~s towardt~~ent

NO'ISthll~M fiorî~nt toboth

SotM otheco~ambll;ooftne~Raato201trpr~a' w.W lpll.bliSh
thtsSumn'!ra Citedroadflïp-rds dl~~ byaUthenudear
'WtaJ»ssatê.ttv~h meawrt&thiltWlli•mafIle~nœm ali

Of®\If$Wê h!Jalread$éefbU$eut$l~pont Wy!rntot40,4l00
watheadde$tfôy$lt'lthee:lldof ~.IWdatBut-~ Wé ~· 15

matetba:thisa forwam.plato:m~teta tment ..à ]Oint
eomrrutmentarebynucter ndliotN'IuweapoM~ allke

We mustbeQ1nbreWe tmegnJmbeon~r w.aponewn0t1~ln
thewol'ld,~nnd themthe andRU$$tattllatôun$5ptr~nt

TM SlartTreatthemamstayOftne.rbilatarm!eontreffor•Wllt
eXJ»taler ibyear Jwet~e the~mmnme otYloffoa ~'Y
blndlâ!J~f Vfh!hhopeWillpavtheW&yfor9..-r«<~M to

Foroupart~as§(lOa$1~s \itefuiforourmserramdWee on


'Thnuctearcht.llle!ngmadetôdaw~letem'!me h•t we faea
futurea.mrace or a futof:llt·eonttAveffirlg•forme r.d
·promott~nspar teheeyttrtell«VItaoour~mon fWltè

So tM rec<lgnlnIdclearw•l\$ :statmustnow show urm.and
leadei'Sl'ld!ttrrel tw olona lifôtJraef<:onfldebuîk!lng

1WlUglad!ysharefor benefof an,thepwfleewgorthaWl&haw

belndomg 1the UKon thesCteolv~ngwa~ de$\rUd!OOur
AtomwWeapons êstabllshmwnorktwgltpattnéwom N~ t1aw ANNEX58

ANNEX 58- Hansard, HC Deb, 6 July 2010, col. 159W,
http://www.pub1ications.parliarnent.uklpa/cm1011/cmhansrd/cm 100706/text/1 0070
6w000 l.htm# 10070652000026

wU l!lsby2020.IamveryawarehowunsettllgmoveSu(hasthiscalibe,Iamtonftden!thatthedlofcomman wdil anagthe

Triden Mt issiles

MarkLazarowic z;a>ktheseaetarofStatlorPef~ nheweiundertakeottoseeanupdatoftheTrideotssystedurtnthe
perloofdiscussinstweenhinaF,rance,ussl,n\I{andtheUSonMurenudeardisarmamelnot!lowtgUN Revîewothenudear

DrFox:The2010revletOnlerenweasanImportamtllestfertheUK'1on11·tvisllfoa wondwithoutodear eaponTs.heUhas
madeltcîeathat,assoonasbe~o msefullotrheUtolnduditnucleasrtoekplsbroaderisarmemenntgoti;ttws,standready


weaposntateundthenuciearon-proliferonaty.herefort,eUKwlicontineoprogresslnepladgurexî;tlnudea reterrent ANNEX59

ANNEX59- Statement by Ambassador John Duncan to the 2010 Non-Proliferation
Treaty Review Conference:
http:!/ 10/statements/pdf/uk: en.pdf

\jjliiê~èm<;;;.;;-...; ·i-ië;ùi;i;i,p9p.;:;ïrït;i~;.:.,i''~mt;;i;ctoéncrli·iâs'·'·'­
cftheltnudurwüp·N · · ats•••ll•-~ I>Og<>t)aiions-.ltwi!l

. ..~.... -.-~.b.y-cOI clei'eoœ~'!'l-.nts.ltido<!fnco.l-of~
1tl..nolonptnqu~diormllltai'y. ~Undder!AE1A1$j>la<èdl!ù$-Ulider
....,,. lhat."'""Iem>ùlenlly...,l--'A-EMiJYAcOn<Y.'I"MIJ!(OI>o
mili'lary~ ~lnUllS!hatltw<>uld-~lts

U.ll .. !!hathe u!èl!ieoth..,flmts ofUI(-tclhls~andlltiostro<IC
st.minttreàfmaj)ttS""'*Jiid rêcotdoffvllllllne115.........a..r/(ellml~

~l'é';lowpr.W.,l>yallstatespart!ea.ciment pThelpJOVl-loi'"li101s
Dedsio">llncs.Ob]-. iorNuc!WNOfl.
Oplooftllntema!oIncf-. ofSJuly19!16.

JmilntenaJiUcluf..wè\irld. ~-lndu<l<sDI~nl..rhml~l!ood
Secority. ANNEX60

ANNEX60 - http://www.reachingcriticalwill.onr/images/documents/Disarmament­
forallcom/lcoml2/eov!L46 France-UK-US.pdf

67th session ofthe United Nations General Assembly
Firsi Committee

Explanationof vote by

Mr.Guy Pellard,
Deputy PermanentRepresentative ofthe

UnitedKingdomof GreatBritainand Northernlreland
to the Conference onDisarmamefli

on behalfofFrance,the UnitedKingdomandthe UnitedStates

L46 "Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations"


We continuetoholdgraveconcemsasto theprepar:atorayspectsofthismeetingf,tsl'Uofs

procedureandolherWorkingrnethods. lnaddition,giventhestringentfinancialclimatewe
currentlareexpèriencingw,earealsoconcemed a-tanyadditiontudgetaryimpactthis


lisforthesereaSonsthatweare unableto.supportthisresofutlhé establishmentfthe

OEWGandanyoutcorneil mayproduce.

ThankyouMrChairman. ANNEX61

ANNEx61- Hansard, HL Deb, 15 July 2013, col. WA93,

http://www.oublications.parliamentuk/pa!ld20 1314/ldhansrd/text/130715w000 l.htm#


15July 2013: ColumnWA93

Nudear Dîsarmament


Asked by Btirone.$S!tliller of ChilthiJFneDomet

Toask HerMajesty'sGovenimentwhetherAmbassadorJo Adrunson,United King_dom Petrnartent
Representative theConference on Disannament, will beattending meetings of the United Nations

Open-EndedWoikingGroupon TakingForwatdMultilateral NuclearDlslitiiiamentNegoriations.

TheSeniorMJnisterofState,Department for Commnnitiesand Local Government & Foreign

and Commonwealth Office (Bàroness \Varsi): The UK voted against theResolution in the United
Nations Genetàl Assembly (UNGA) First Committee lhatptoposed the Open Ended Working Group
(OE\VG),hasnot attendedp-.tteetingsof the OEWG,Md does notintend to attendco.min,g


The Govemtnentconsidersthatthe Conferenceon Disarrnameni,not the OEWG. providesthè

correctforumfor iaking forwardtnu1ûlater.linudeat disatnlliinentnegotiations.

The Govemment considersthat àpractical:siby step àpproochîs needed. u.singexisting
mechani1:."1chSas theNonProlifetaùonTreatyandtheConferenceonDisârtrlameni.TheUKwill

continueto workwith other nucle.arweaponsstates(the P5) and non-nuclearweapQnSstates io

22of29 lJi03120l5 12:16

Lords Haru;ardiextfor 15July1013 (ptOOOl) http~/www.pub1ications.pmi l1at<l:anr.le,!pal1d20

strengthenmutnal confidenceand funher disannament efforts. ANNEX62

ANm:x 62- Statement by Susan le Jeune d'Allegeershecque, UK Permanent

Representative to the UN in Vienna, at the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian
Impact ofNuclear Weapons, 9 December 2014,


UK inten·ention at lM-ViennaConferenceon the HumaJÙ:tllrili..,n,

TheUK'sviewis thatthe utmostimportance-must·ogivento avokflnganyuseof
prev-enti-he spreadof nuclearweaponsand nuclearweapontechOOogy,andtakeepingnuclear

weaponssafeandsecure. TheUKisveryactivein ali theseareas.Thatis why we areworkinghard,
andwilfcontinueto workhard-toensurea successfutNuclearNon-ProliferationTreatyReview

Conferencenextspring.Wecall on ail otherStatesPartyta dothe sarne.

TheUKagreesthatwemustalsopursuethegoal of aworldwithoutnuclearweapons,andwe are


Sornehavearguedthat thewayto thisgoalisto bannuclearweaponsnow,orto fix atimetabletOr


TheUKconsidersthalthisapproachfailsto take accountof, andthereforejeopardîses.the slabîrtty

andsecuritywhichnuclearweaponscanhelp ta ensure.

A declaratoryban. or a timetablenotÎJnderpinnedby the necessarytrust,confidenceandverification

measures,wouldjeoparrlises1rateglcstabUi. oneofuswoutdgainfro-ma Jossofthatstabîlity.

TheUKbelieves!hatthe step-by-stepapproaohthrough the~.t i:!h.onlywayto combine!he

imperativesof dlsarmamen!andof maintainingglobalslability.Progressis difficuh,butpossible.The
USandRussiahavereducedtheîrweaponsstockpilesmasslvely.The UK hasreducedits numberof
warheadsfromaround460at itpeak. Ourcurrenl commitmenlis toreduceto 18by the mid-2020s.

Wewill worktocreatethe conditionsin whichnuctea.rweaponsarenolongerneeded.Wewillafso
maintainaminimumcrédiblenuc!eardeterrentfor as long itisMcessary.

Letmeunderlinethal the UnitedKingdombelieves!hatthe!JlDisarmamentMachineryandthe

tak.ingfull accountnot on!yof thedevastatinghumanîtarianimpactwhlchcouldresultfromause of
nuclearweapons,but alsoof thestabilityand seculitywhich nuclearweaponsprovlde. ANNEx63

ANN:Ex63- Written Question 907116, answered on 20 January 2015,
www. parliament. uklbusiness/pub lications/wri tten-guesti ons-answers­

statements/written-guestion!Commons/20 15-01-14/907116/

Nudear Weapons:Written question • 907116 · UK Parliamhnp:/},v'"'-w.parliameni,uktbusini:sslpublicati.on5/written,ques.t.î.-cn

Q Asked by Dame Joan Ruddock (Lewisham, Deptfotd) [NJ

Foreign and Commonwealth Offtee Commons 907116

Nuclear Weapons
To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwea'lthAffalrs, what
steps he plans to take în response tc the conclusions of the Vienna
Conference on the HumanîtarianImpact ofNudear Weapons, hetd ln
December 2014.

A Answered by: Mr Tobias Ellwood .Answered on: 20 January 2015

!The UKwas represented at the Vîenna conf-erenceby our Permanent
!Representative to the 'International OrganJsatlcns in Vtenna, Susan te leun-e.
;As the Vienna Conference w.asa discussion platform there were no format
::follow-up outcomes agreed. However as stated at the Conference,th-eUK
lwilcontinue- to foiJow the step·by-step approach to disanTiament through
:the existîng UN dlsarmament machlnety and the Nudear Non-Proliferation
;Treaty. ANNEX64



TaSt~ Treat-t. adlievémentfP5tot1$énsu os.aŒmmon h?porlinram&norkandthé
Glo~" il'eyNl.lcle1<~r mhichhaw aliŒi1:1riblrle<lwwatdslhiefi1l'lémanlanocnl the2010


At lheir2015C<lnlér<ce1'5reolalethElbelielhallbNU<;!éaNton-PtclilertrŒtyoremains

thé~sénf icr.letstof~fu-nooearnon-ptoifsr.worngimeartd-tf3ur.d•n kirtheJ:n.i:uftt
nucleàrdisalmain<!nlisan essenlicon1ribuliloinlém..1iol ctiralldstahilThi>Y

ta'-JlBedENPT Pr~pat atonm ft.&etès$ oYelhèŒurs etthisReviSWCycleand
tl<il1Sidhlèllp!:;Qn2015RavleWConferer.ce,"""'th"P5 inlenfumal<eajomlsl-nl
ThePSlookadltHwatdlQw<>rl<Wgilhlill StatesPartieslo !he NPT10lOnSIJt! Uk<>i'loI

llléReYleC<lnt-lha! isb~ '"""""the- muluallyI'Einpi ilot. cm~

The P5 reafli.rmadtsleJJ·bf""oppt<>a<hlnuol disatmatnettt lhal pn)'""'"" in!emali<lnal
&1abüepeace andtmdimlnimadand~saclséCur lolaiternaire theornyreàfandptacëcal
rpUféto-achièW !g-..v~dNfthnuculatWeapanaT. othis-ethePS-t:fisc iS~uSretaledîo

intematior,silecandstrategistabitay-athei'ucléaroctrinènmdetIDenhanté 1nilttiâ
~ndeman dnthelégtea'.hisindudad~'"' iJh NestART impleinlmtalîilhand the

Wlrilicaûèl<perienal baththe RuS$ianFacle<aànd lllUniledStateirela!lc10lM New
$TART Trealy.was no-tedlhàl,oinceen!rînU>icrŒo!lllNPT.Ihestep.lly-<!epapproachhas
alreadydrai!!a11è!I!WédthehUmberof rn.ielo>•a"r'*'!><msheldby !heNtheil CcWat

peak.Thé P5alireaffirme.limpo~e olfulcompHance w~nexisling.làgoJ!y-biumsn
Œn!Tol,nonprolilerlillon,and <ilol greemen!andobfigali<lns"" ansssefllialelemental


aétounaliat:!olhàtcouldell.glcbal sbatè1SlabllI\ dcinw lll!ly•ltessed lll!llmpor!ance
<JIngagmgin lrànl<àconslrticldialngile 10<md.

Thé PSte"it$l'a'tersfletu~dierstandiabOutthésevereconsaquemc Dfsi..tcareapon-tisa
and-UrideitinheiTé~o ovpaevanaucharittCCUti'efromhappénln lg. y-Sl:eaffirrntileir

rommilméc o e»sttngis$Wi'assuranceregatdintheuse,m tttracluse of~ucleaYi>èB.pOOS,"""'*'""wlthUNSCR9ll4(1005),lll!lirreadii<"""isnon-nudear-opcn $tales
ParliesiO!he NPT!hal maYbeccimlthe vicfimsol a natlâ<:lerrt>rot clhe'!Wis~)-

the P5 diacu.s.edi;!llorisfuachieintolorce ollhe C<lmprehenewNticleat·Te<tte;.!y

{CTBT)and<ecalledlheirŒtm'rlilmènlin the20llfl"""'wConle$lce FinélD!WtimènliO
pi'DffiD!eandlacoocreiolejlsi<>lvearlyenirylnlo fcr,lllCTSTand IltJnivsrsa>zatlon.
They calledu;>ooal!sl;toup!lolnali<li\alintlratooaiJh CÇ<ldllctingèl<plx)sionli. 'lias

notaclhafaUnie'mh o~trsPShaveaUCha volunŒrtyoraJoriUn plac P5ac~n On
ifi1l'(<>andmàintainin11>lntemalionalMoollntsystemwas ré'llié'd.e PSinlento

teléa.Sejoinslatemènl on -imizinthe Impactol rtmdicalisotopepr<idu!helnlèrna!ional
MonitorinSy.lem. Ftirlhar,parüculaw.slmade ofthesuè«>sslule<Jmp!aticonf the ln!égtated
F"'ldExe<<is2014in Joroan,10\\'hienalimainoitheP5 contr;blrl quipinenl.personneland

a~cr T h.PSdeoided10conlinueregulai<>chnicl ""tîngs aimeanhancing!ha verîli<:ali<ln
T-égiltèd taholdaW'Orksho-Onda4aQUaityobjectiveSfuttadioOOcmé-àSl.Jrement~site

iri5pectk1rtS. ANNEX65

ANNEX65- "The United Nations and Security in a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World," 24

October 2008, full.asp?statiD=351

Address to !bEas t~c:st lnsthute: u'Ihe Unired NatioSe~u•.;u bttp:tlwww.un.orgl.apps/ncwslinfOcuslsg':>Jl(\::ChW'SC'art:h_fulL

Tlie!'l!a-re a~nœmstn& a "lllJ&!renal:ss Œul" oon také pbce, with tiUdl!ar ênergybcing
Silên3.1dean,~missi-on -ifnMJtlv!! at a ti-n'!èof lnto!ruJlt'ylngeffuru to ètlmbat d!Mat.! chang:<!.
tM malttWOfr'l ~that this l~litathe production \!!l'of mot!nud~rmat~ti taitn',ube

prtJtt;;:Œdagalnst prollferatlon aru:lWTorlst-thr.eats.

i:.. and l~nt:l:!'l'lé1\

~ obstadè:!ldlsar~.~ .tueot rllbie. Suthé eŒ'and rlsks oîtalti'!"riatives rt~.Vérg'@!

attèntkln lhoey de:!H!l"Yè,But o:.ns!rlî!i"Ü\è tremèr!e-<lofhl.iijè mliit3f)' budgets.
Consfd!.ltth-èvo&Srtesuurtea~tennsumll!:dhtM eridléspUMltl-ofmll!tatv supe:riQrity.

Ai:COI'diftuoJ the Sttid:Mim Int!!rJmtc'Rr!~t'Pl-sttti!!g)baimilltaty expen-d!tur'èlSMt
'fèilé!«:!Hl.d1.3 trlllior!. TBi yeats Srot~ke rstigtott ptibllshéda swdy that tstimated

thil Mtat l:ll:Otsof w~poos"lln juM~ counttyfthe UnitStat~? bèllve- $5.8 trliUoo,
indudmg futut-e'-eyany defll'litltm, &ils W ttugeinv~t af flnaildal and
technlalll'l!SâU(eéSthat amtd ha'i-èhad many othÈJ'pus~.ctive

Cont:ll!OS"~'suth c:osts<!l'Idthe tnMrel'lt: f ruJdeafweapohall'l!dto a giobal outpouàng

otideas to br-é' ltMè-cal&! of nudedisatmam~ W-tha:VS~l!!!nthe W-com~l1Slt~n
led byHansSH:x,thè-NéwAg-ètlCo-alitio-nartd Norway's ~v-en-natlav!!.. Austn;lla and :Japan
haV'IjUS\i:!Undtad ttntematl tomnmisloonn Nudé01" lln~Proli nd O~a!'imllmê dvll.

sndetY groUp$ anntid.ear~w sattspavna~ made propQsals.

Thm--i$,alsôthe Hoové-iafi am piea!.:étd.o-note thèprnhMi:todayofsomê oln,at ialfort's
authoB. Or. Kissinger, l<an'lpeimcl!cwinéw thank you félryuur commitm;mt andtMogreat
wH:dl::lr'lhi!V!<~ht to thl~ort.

Stidtinitîa ddbf'h!g:~at $tpp!r. Mth!!woilrf.a(JSrt:sln tha ètOMmk<1~ edVirtmml!nta!
ah'lrtas, thére ls growh'lfl ao-théfragllîty of our planet ane~~f:tglobal solutitos.
gfobilî chatk!;ngèS. This changlng cons:I\Salso help us ri!'Jital!zè tM int:disatmami!rtt

tn thal':spirit,. 1oi'tat-let:pùint prôposaL

Flrst, lurgè ail NYf"parties, ln pàrtfculai"the nùdè.ar-weapotl·:rt•Ut!St,o fulfllthclr obllgaikli'liJi'ldertM_
tre:aty -toulldérn~otiati onnsffèd: n'~éasure.lséMtngnud~ad rl~rmam~IDt.

They eou1dpUt"SUtIh!.isgocl byagrumetrt on a fl-amésepara mllu,llyt-einfcrclng:
IMtNiru!ntsOt tfu!i:c!.lld eonsJderMgotianudéar·Wèô!JlQ!0'11W!!tlticn, badt-i!d bY a-$tron.g
$ysti'!l'n (lf Vtltitkhas1ot1b1llP,r-!)ô$edÙ'lèUrtiŒd N.atlons. Vponre~ueèsf C~a Rica
and Malaysia,haY ~rcutatew all UNmembér rotéS a dtaft of wctt~nv~n wthioorft,~a~

QOO:Pd!lintof departuré.

1ht nude:M poW<>-s-htsould .1tdvdy ·e lthothl:statOl'thf:si:Ssueàttont~r(Olfin(é.
Dlsatmamént ln GMJe:va,Ul-e-World's:.single'l'l'l.Uitillltèt-aldillfnrum. ïhé Mlrldilig
wouid alswelct~ amttin'lpt!tJfbil-atè.f311'i'ègiM;tWéetlhlt! Unlted Stati!!Sand Rli:sslan

f-edèrtltlona1med at d. d Vt!t'iil"abll'eésJ~ir~&tiv-e 3tSen!Ms.

GoV!!i't'li'nèrsthtsclulda.i$olnvest E"t'tOlrnl!v:eritd~ilopmenS-éThe.U11itêid<ingtlotn's
pi'Q.jN}tohost: a to:tll'ofnudcllr·W!!apost'.ltRS lin Vt!:isa c:ot~clstepenthorlght

di~ctfon. ANNEX66

ANNEx 66- NuclearDisarmamentandtheNPT: TheResponsibilityof theNuclear­
WeaponStates, at "Global Summit for a Nuclear Weapon-Free World: Laying the

Practical, Technical, and Political Groundwork", Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
and Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy, London, February 2008,!HomePage/HRJ docs/2008/2008F eb16 London.pdf


dursi>lepu~Uj>p t:ratlmeir'othoncxp<:rl<ln'v·lIlllnnSb<!mof ""~po woh""

!msl" momllty, kgaaruUlilils "'idely oinnqu~rlo N....,w.t:,~pColls0dcrer
catl!St ir"J lrh:c>,or~· theyllkdtsen,-anyfundion '""P" tos"ohl!ltlli::b.Yet
thdr p<IJ'l'lneJJcraresnew17ohorrarist ris.ksrdotilut•.rea or "lllJw"""""
or relamaien or~ attaekson nuckŒrflreiŒl•r<h.idotr.mpruiinll•neh istms. Physicat

~urlte-·):nill-eni~of4lr-r~duc scn_ig:butncverasfa~ Qis~1:l!i(nf._

Withrcspecll ,.,_..ooetionl"llli:reill!$"!"thoare cootra<thc~u fc

• lherl:ieulaûooofltmg-t.mnp!tîm-"1thtimr hmiZOil!multipledeŒd11<etain
orimprove:ri stdln,j~nai<,«>llpwlttheloek tuyopcrmloozdplam
\1.-iw ~oimpl~m nlntidL-n!r.~t
• !lw d<vd"ffm•ntoityp<nfnucl--wnapondelivé"'"!"""';
• thf'l"OO' ofUud,otm<>tttinetsh•t t!en~nW !lwtooUS<otn,.,tW~11po!IS,

evenai!!fnsoln-nueicor-""'"PortopŒempta p0$Sib!ùllaita<inwh-mg<>thcr
W\..oanst~f~ds-c~ioMn .e\<>:~:O<nvw L-nû~:ll
• the<"J'<'lt<nd:-affirmatioruof nllla<'1toîtn:nai"'--curand;
·• ete-efut1'IWgotlot~uss t'Y~"mootlinescnud~-weap con:enian.

ln Ibis1lgb: ll.en-llearthonud<'lltstock=lkatth"minim l;ll""lt~ID
$USllld<:iur ieoo~rl>.Ssur<sp<>emi!.tite.~t _hnit<>flb"a mndd mtional set'Uiity
posiuref1>t hu~rtrl.,l!tlll!llndltcd!lu:yh•Thedaim by!lw o:ur~mt thol
lhoylllltStrdain nue!- ""''"'hhe.:ausellllo oolrncwha.tthreourilloris" 1h<

fuw:rotould e""ily'hbyanywt>uld-benuclcormte.

Nudcar doetrin.,.,!ta>r,<:someweon!a~ aodŒsrultp<<>ljf<thialufl1 Jlh
lhw~11p to""dws. The prosp«t "fwurid "Stai e~ s.ilhil""' ~m~mimu moll.'a<

deti! ooln!U:ar.:dys<1hinter<stoflnte:matinnaandsê<u< Anidîü.slt>I<O<h<:s
us onything,lh" prospectilfpeu'<'Zln)n:mher$lUtwlthsuchadct~r i1t.bright,
rel!<ljilhat m>i! l~c~ have nowspr<odtsom ~~<j'!nite staiSÎruthewae lirst

A> for my fourth qu<:~onctm :la>i!~ arpuo.<ie<l_lb:tmbsmntiaipr<inrcss
<lis:rn any1mwvnmtnt away fromtl>eprevioofitmitaworenh:mdng ootiosccuri~
througltnon-nuclm"""wuuldodvmce fuipl ThU>,"""P" "'l:wlltdproz~ wou!d
projlr<$igivewayta ;lisnnnam.mts:tew1mtlativ<>,whkh wooldineludesuch activillcsos
..,elopi"nh~nc m emsof verifjdng'<<>mplçcill:!disa""":"'""'lcom,<runptlyand
relil!blyd<tcgos:sîbloviolations,prot«!lt!er<:Ven!biof<lis~t obll!\l'Û"""·

and~nsml thg<~vai1 Jfthlll$it<m'cans{botdipk!~ rnu~ tioy! o.ddi:ruling
l~giti -n-uriy nt.ew1lt~uuslng·ukat-w~pons.

lt t. also lmpotrulilpublic Md 1he wurid conmwnlty to wùtheJmll,>nofS

disan:nam<nt,ll>>nUjy~ll "''""'utts mvolvingranj~~unlltcrnationaded:uations
ofr~dw:tbi illn;l;,f ttalièrnhcwori<toconc!ud-etllll-&pl<>~~"" areinfa-t
'hemgtai•por•ndd<Stroyr<L ANNEx67

ANN:Ex 67- Foreign and CommonwealthOffice, Lifting the Nuclear Shadow, 2009,


There iswidespread support fm a ME.ast
Zonefreeofnudeat .aswellasothet Weapons

ofm.:d ~ssstruc thiswouldreqüiref.sra:el
to renouncenudeat weapon-s,alistatesinthe
regiotojointhe globalbansonchemkat
and blologkalweapons,.and fullconfidenc-e


Weapon States to give etrect to théstated
desire Non~Nud eeapon States ftréaty~
ba:sednegatlve s«:urity assurtham.lcl-ea-r

weaponswillnot bused a-galn.stthem.


Ariotherproposaito achleveaglobalban
{mentionedinthe lntrodoction)lsforthe
international communtobegin îmmedîate

prevarication.on a univ,erifiableand
legallyabîndingagreement t-oban-alin:uclear
weapans.Thisapptoachichampioned by

m.ânyoftheNon~Nod eaerponStatesan-d
hasbeen tabled atthe UNto illustrate howthe

maln is5.uesmigberesolved.

Butmostofthe stateswtihnudear 'Weapans,

induding the UK,while accepting that some
fonnofsuchan agreement islikefbeo
necessarylndue courseto ès.tathe final
ban, conier thaîtwoutdbepŒmature and

potenti'altycounteraproductiveto focu.seffDrt5
onitnowwhen the manyothè.rtonOitlons
necessaryto enable aban haveyetto be put

fn·place.WOrdsalonewtnotridthè Worldof
·:n~e,i~itt: -_w-~?· Poni::-- ANNEX68

ANNEx68 -Hansard, HL Deb, 9 June 2010, col. 641, 1011/ldhansrd/text/1 00609-


9 Jun 2010 : Column 641


LordHowell ofGuildford: amgratefutothenobleLord.PartoftheactionpianfurtheexinudearpowerslstohwolvetheUN Setretary~

Generaml u.moredoseiyand tQseekhisco-operatiin therl!tecthatthenobielordhasdescnbed1cannotvoucnfortheprecise
patternswhlchhéwilltollowb,uthisfuJilnvolvt thesemàtteSsamajorintentiooftheslgnatorietsothenewconclusions.

BaronessWlllfams:of Crosby!MyLor1stheMlnlsterdescritheexcellet ukomeof theNudearNon~Prol lreetR ettlwon
ConferenŒH.oweve rthegreatbulkonon~n.u pde arreddedtcpressfoa nudearweaponstotwentîontoabol!shnuclearweapons

completeiyby2025.ltheUghtofthatwmthenuc!eap r osturereview,whlchhasbeenwe!come:adndmentibythecoalitionGovemment,
iookintohowf.arwecanmakeprecisethefuturestetowardsdlsannamenthatweshaitake·asaGovemmentW ? Ullt afsoiookatfutt~re
ofthéBrlttshdet-errent? ·

lord HowellofGuildford:t-lylor, amgratefutotheMbieaaroness,whoobvlouslyasenotmousknowiedgoefthisubject.Theideaofa

n!ldearweaponconventfoisafineone,but wetakethvlew ,s1thlnkdoetherGovér!'ll'nes,tîlslnpractlcequestionoonestep.ata
time.Wewanttofry tomovetowards-theComprehensrT-estBanTreatyandtheFlssiieMateltut~ Orefty.Awholeseriesofthingsneed
tobedon.ebeforeonet:Oi'to thehal)sîtuatlnherethe nudearwortisdlsal'lTeddaconventiotou!dtheng:etfullsuppIfwe try

to rustoa conventlMflrstofaH,wernlghtendupdelaythedeta!lêdorkthat1sneededonthepathtogetthefe.

3ofS 13/03/2011 52:47 ANNEX69
ANNEx 69http://vvww.reachingcriticalwilLorg/images/documents/Disarmament­
fora!HLM/26Sep UKUSFrance.pdf[accessed on 1March 2015].

OJ!w A:nroames.&ousmllisJrmalii!\1!
FmallMr l'resit-feworoonlbeotlapproàè tN.lcletiisamtàlnéllt.

We tullUnders,tdeserlOmnseqt!elosf ni!Crpon us mdw' i{l()lltegivthe
lùg!lprioétytavoilisûldlJ»nrillse·luel'tonl~~ ~lfeta!Î ann,
1!\iciyatè aûned1ltavotigûseofniid~s.!;Ûlll:analreadyMficlentfotl_ .pe byd.he,N~~al- -~•-·on
P~lUll l~17t,fotd.~!I oSieoessne, lçludihet1NOAFit~e, •U!eiN
l)i$Ulll;Cô!nnlÎ$i,ndtheontereno:I>i$annif w1dl~cattn<..utabythe
Jnereadeaerandeutl' !~undthnncledlsamlŒtntdebl!t.di$fbliti~S iS
beindittttcdwwiil'litîses<astJù.1-n..evMeetinghe hlnnanill~c:es
(l;lllipiO~n·EnUè Wotl<lg()rand!hepusl:floraNWeapom~tien.

We li1Qilbd1evt-h•tbeletgy_•wodavemucl\ltltte. ifçl..l~ -~.~
pr~se hc,io10ladd~lodt .agndsfnpr~ok~ioonep~ ~by-st ~!îP U!at
îooludaistalllSthalponue!eweapoi!S1.1îsclud~s S~epf s:ptontthNP'f
ACtioPlath;wu a~ hyl»î!Serin 201'11rûsadn olatîoloff ehtsstroufor
mlildptogrmonmultilatnlndead!SatmânlcWerenia~;~d ttlû$ compn:~,
sttp-b .Nppoaclto~ea~rent :anwîlll:lon~ ~lh #vils~ #11aiUN
m~:m batest.otdsend.

Mr Presidentt.Js.npâltla worlwlt.ho.ncteWreaplotl'tr,4aüy•biooW·o!k
m~ sltJ~war tdultendthi· equ ~ ·btl~d. hl·tliJitenll~!­oni
envWilX!liia'!steâYpurSotptâeûêstepWileadlsŒ p îlditrillast. Wé.mnam
c:QriŒm.tâi·fuefserWilt·Sllhe-~ away·fromtl~e 11ueaJl(ibydthno.
c01nplialleeandPttJlifurntio.ncball@gesfaclngns. ·

Tbàiyon,MrPresident. ANNEX70

ANN:Ex70- Article 36 para. 2 Declarations of The Republic of the Marshall Islands

and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northem Ireland



Reference: C.N.261.2013.TREATIES-14 (Depositary Notification)




The Secretary-General of the United Nations, acting in his capacity as depositary,
communicates the following:

The above action was effected on24 April2013.

In accardance with paragraph 4 of article 36 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice,
the authentic English text of the declaration and the French translation are transmitted herewith.

30 April2013

Attention: Treaty Services of l'vfinistriesof Foreign Affairs and of international organizations concemed.
Depositary notifications are issuinelectronic forrnatonly. Depositary notifications are madeavailable to
the Permanent Missions to the United Nationsin the United Nations Treaty Collection on the Internet at, under "DepositaryNotifications (CNs)".dition, the Permanent "Missions,as well
as other interested individuals, can subscribe to receive depositary notifications bye-mail through theTreaty

Section's "Automated Subscription Services", which is also available at - 2- (1.4)

"His Excellency Ban Ki-moon

760 United Nations Plaza
United Nations
NewYork,NY 10017

Your Excellency:

Declaration of Consent to the Jurlsdiction of the International Court of Justice

I have the honorto declare on behalf of the Government of the Republic of the Marshall
Islands that

1) The Government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands accepts as compulsory ipso facto and
without special convention, on condition of reciprocity, the jurisdiction of the International Court of
Justice, in confonnitywithparagraph 2 of Article 36 of the Statute of the Court, until such time as

notice may be given to terminale the acceptance, aver ail disputes arising after 17 September 1991, with
regard to situations or facts subsequent to the same date, ath er than:

(i) any dispute which the Republic of Marshall Islands bas agreed with the other Party or
Parties thereto to settle by sorne ether method of peaceful settlement;

(ii) any dispute in respectf which any other Party to the dispute bas accepted the
compulsory jnrisdiction of the International Court of Justice only in relation to or for

the purpose of the dispute.

2) The Govemment of the Republic of the Marshall Islands also reserves the right at any time, by

means of notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and with effect as from
the moment of such notification, to add to, amend or withdraw either of the foregoing reservations or
any tbat may hereafterbe added.

Done at Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands this 151hDay ofMarch, Two Thousand


(Signed) The Honorable Tony A. deBrum

?vfinisterin Assistance to the President and
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs"

Attention: Treaty Services of ?vfinistries of Foreign Affairs and of international organizations concemed.

Depositary notifications are issued in electronic formatonly. Depositary notifications are made available
the Permanent ?vfissionsto the United Nationsin the United Nations Treaty Collection on the Internet at, onder "Depositary Notifications (CNs)". In addition, thePermanentlvlissions, as well

as other interested individuais,can subscribe to receive depositary notifications bye-mail through theTreaty
Section's "Automated SubscriptionServic ehsih is also available at http:/! Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Declaration Recognizing

the Jnrisdiction of the Court as Compulsory

5 July 2004

"L The Govemment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northem Ireland
accept as compulsory ipso facto and without special convention, on condition of
reciprocity, the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, inconformity with
paragraph 2 of Article 36 of the Statute of the Court, until such time as notice may be

given to terminate the acceptance, overall disputes arising after 1January 1974, with
regard to situations or facts subsequent to the same date, other than:

(i) any dispute which the United Kingdom has agreed with the other Party or

Parties thereto to settle by sorne other method of peaceful settlement;

(ii) any dispute with the govemment of any other country which is or has been
aMember of the Commonwealth;

(iii) any dispute in respect of which any other Party to the dispute has accepted
the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice only in
relation to or for the purpose of the dispute; or where the acceptance of the
Court'scompulsory jurisdiction on behalf of any other Party to the dispute

was deposited or ratified less than twelve months prior to the filing of the
application bringing the dispute before the Court.

2. The Govemment of the United Kingdom also reserve the right at anytime, by

means of a notification addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and
with effect as from the moment of such notification, either to add to, amend or
withdraw any of the foregoing reservations, or any that may hereafter be added."

(Signed) Emyr Jones Parry ANNEX71
ANNEX71- Statement by Hon. Mr. Phillip Muller, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the

Republicf the Marshall Islands, 26 September 2013,

~isjN ~I1~-~r<..k~.\ùt·i--gft\-ç_i,!:t~_~ülJ:todnn1üdi.;_~~
nciy.hb~uppù-~~tpifyr~m1d\.f .;tnanlm1ttm:"ivhlim~rrnilh."ltlal


Oi_sar tül~lthp·niw(_._ndaffri~1d..~~bbl!e)ii'Qgt$regard~
indu_ ùi_wt~c:nitiffi_StmeSusi.rge_a _H__vuca_~i1i_s.fortS

i't.r:sh{\:tskh~~)_,i'u1m~f0_!pllth~t1tN·aüo~_ U!!l~t~~r)Qtj~

- thfllà_tiori_atvuld;:vcC,.brVilÜlhè_r~nOf_xposü_h~O
de'\·u ip-àünnch:ùri.v<.hUNtanno.undrtluIt_r;e,pç-atsS;h riilstakt::>
itlrh<Uia(ith·-clm fhtrri.ù~n\ir·;l~~- ANNEX72
ANNEX72 - Marshall Islands Statement, Second Conference on the Humanitarian

Impact ofNuclear Weapons Nayarit, Mexico, 13-14 February 2014,


MarshalI lslandsStatement

&lt:ondConferenco en the

l-lmnanitarialmft<tc tfNudear \\'eapons

Thànkyl>,>!.bn1nna. 'iltm e~!i!lr<\1~'-p'illr'!tteth!G!'•<el'l>l'!t
M:"xi<Pflt«utl n\Y<lndem!l)n host h~!imlpnrb.ntœn ~1e$olm t.,
>l5$ol;eumel v thth >tlltem®tliwr e~th!dls~h'ld glull$l<~mdh:ll

l«icptl<1Kiribatinl!behalfnJ the l'adllc hrlanilsalld tn-f\u'theu,ardfflnwj.,dg"
sptarn<bythiAm"'~•d fomrthKlng<lnnf'l'<>nl!ll. · llIrv\lP'<'lil<nrinsme'141î!h-v!!lli1i!ûdelir
Piilatlllàmenlt,heNlatlnmu.sllt!:helôpf"artlldw~ilpe w~hl$!11:\lring
peçe in awor!dwitllnnud~r Wei!Jl W-eu)r~~nl:ely'vluti!ll tn~>tales

fl')~m numl!arèajlît4irttel!e!fi:t""ddr ehel~<>ns.ih iimll'lt!ell
t;~wa ar~dsfuç td$r~eudi!allllllllent

lt hl!> bi>en lllm~"'~SÎ~ he;:ejll~As$emlhlm i~ ·~ llrsfiOS\l'luti<ln
establi:r<1mecbàn o~tm!el\nt!n;tfrom !Ull<Î'l>l!$fnncl!i\Viii~pl>l!S
and nthweaj~ <tldllp$"flàlsdlii:ru.:t!;;nbeen m<f!an4$ yem 1>'ili<:e

me ttl!>d\Wpi ~freaty !>nNi>!hPr<lll!fNucloW~eilor V~tt~' we ~till
fear the daywh!!tllwo""" fqtté<lto téllwS,1dn-nnwan'<1th!j)l;ftnf!Ïi>

flkèhuMmantl!Mar$balll.'licQnvtl!ctbamultllaten~ntia! onnDlilllwing

StJitJiô$$eJ>!ldl!aif:Sell'fatnl!<1\Jlhl'lletaohl~û! l~ll eptÔ,
lmm~dl taltèencérnen~n .çnoqclusof~um .ne!loW!tlon~éd> t;,y·lepl
obligationu~: tlialma-lrest ipn~eliil!<!1<1)un.mder Micle Viofl;lŒ
Ncn l'rnlifenttionTrea€i1.1Stllomlnrtm1alaw. lt iilsn Wami-d th!!
nbjedîw <fnclw di:sarrn.arrumltong ami tnniil$théUniteN~m.y i.m<l
MlîllllYmJ!î>ns lnpl.lill!îuituroJl!!!!l\$nlleh<>MrglilPJit>nés,

Mr.Chainm.m,li!tme remlPdtil!s foitwas und"' the 'l'rusi tàtehllhip
l>brshalslnmls wu~ al' atemng grt>T<ldaywe feel ahand<!tu!dby the very
institl thtweteest~hl inphrtctus. Whüt\t®tisioo tn Pkllll~(tinns
tnwards a nudeâr fr;.e~~very împi1'rb.nt,methanîsm.sln àddrei;$edout$mnding
isl!ue~ pJtlu'oattest; elju,.nyill1pWe'vewî!:nmsefartmany hnman

suffmng, ANNEX73

ANNEX73- T. Graham, Correspondence, "The Origin and Interpretation of Article

Vf', 15 NonproliferationRevie 7,v9(2008), available at

qti!!iliogrt-torufrdei~~" aite.ètf~ iflOf;:f;p Ûea3; 5e~te of

-...nt <>!'Mtip t"OOijooi""on "'!Uoli!m<:<!liliportienoor.!y"'
Honpr~r-~~ ~h i!!"IhirW~~n hà'Y'itj?-~ à~ t~-mtni. ~W~
~ whi!t ae ~ ~ on tm: tt,.~ m:atti-1ap.®'Stamé~.~:en~

eüent1 m~..~ ~ ~ p:otc~ Mucl~ d5:!t141mnt bu~ -tMh~
1hav.~' a!lat the: ln!a--e-atii ;,pecistep!,·!hat~ inthe~:WS
~~ n.,.,a .n11,.., û>mptoh<m?ieThe NP!isit-ogfftitu:mttmMy'-s

Nu~ Test-e.;, TtmOfor<#ollilng1!1 nm..m~M ~ ·thru;~
bitS Wè~-pene~ <! fli!g~~ ;ait-<{;
"""""""~" _,.,.it l•pon~ ~œnd
!>ruile l&t!Cuwff T""'tyTh~ me -egi<: ~n. ·;:neMidi> \<1>lWo<iot.
'iuid"'-Itr~M!ilmn~ r\j)t ~i'r;usiol!>:~r1-d lnliOigMinat<!«
inén.ori -wetm.uwr~ m~af~i m e:ont c beif:~ttt~r avemc

"'Yir,gthirt tbè)i"'""Id '"'' u:;e '"'""'"'!>T.
~aj:Mm is:gll1il_wMn~;,r NPr rnmhnW::imlw~n 5JiL~ Amlfa<.ado~ ~ Jr.

w>lll«l111mmbele~ bindlng,btr... ~~ Thmimi-mm w
,uŒ.tW!!aj:>l>ilpr-.h ""~l"iq ~!O,'INgmit>

~t~m~ mw~;. the nnlona'PO'"
ki"'cl ~<> U>r!ne me NPT lwdollr
Wièilptil tthcl~en the optfuof

u<islgtrud~rn again.Nf'mm~
nudear~~~n -stirtYW~. tt-1U1 An Argument out of Balane~
~;:ermedkl~t ·hidàt ~ Tr~tj·A~ ~"'ma~· tt4:~.,...
..0!nel!ét STARptl:lr'~ti<'!~in-ber :100'P·51l'·- .~~22>).>!ril•
n~r vmap~ butt~ie~ b~enno 8!WITatJ,;,:her.o..of~ii> ond
(ti!~ n~:e":g~e-d~:tti: ilm®di
crwr.mrrnlfth~Sttat. r.~rœ sl!b­
Wt3pG< Sin:~t~sit:utH:s.tme~2 c<m~ al 1liJ .,_At!r.Smi<~•
Mma:!NTreaty, *'""flh vnlclinot Cotrtmi i~nclm Πtl.':l~g~la

'"""M otial ~<11\o>fm""'i!"lnlf i>lthe&.!;il!<riiUclpdid""i>l tllé
~ra m tM n~J: ~f ""'opt:ratklhJJ'it;tniwati, rudm>tŒm .t
"'*..,. .d 'pm>.met i;, 1t <nmd :newnud'twtea~ ariaii~h of

i«!, he~mtNttian èf any$! thos:'"" i1:af ..,dea< ~"'·­
wenptm~ lbU~ith rn:pm.9JiJtt~; IÎTM-cl1eh~ b~- aniti-4:0t.tite
ihat the »Pl t·.rriea s~ biwe tre'"onlthe~-~ .aior~of

d~·~ -enlh~t -ruxfs~ tt:~MI lOpri>i>3ijf<l>o!Ul!llr·Iforte "
œcrnnlt~ ~wt.oMe repre;mted:t;ytundatrn ·œnr~cf '-th:e:mlS5îonsof
Mi.;. VI.
""""""woa~ to ...!< odr>! nuci&a
Givfnup f~r thim~tp~û ~atxm~i fm'"
\r.reilpooc-~vd at}:!inl~tr~m:y ··r~ prtimcié>lmtu.i~lt

thnenmrme thi:.prmclple in<Mtif~idtW:W ~.d.e<t~rnlt m~~
.bc-foa ià!ler-~.gnàr'..dtM NPT """""""'""'",...,pfim.d deviolap­
p~rn# ~man nl:Ja'.il~~ ·r:na·~ rn.,i>il!hlfiilbl"lŒj:llac.mi!irtWail»<-;:;:!

'the!o;A·«~ fi momy ~arttntotb! l'!lRA}V<>tbl(o~ inl)e<..,Œt
futurttÎ$ poUù.-:ocl::e~6~i'riu:ù:1007o!iminmd '""':Willl!fundingl<>ltM ANNEX74
ANNEX74- W. Porter, et al, "The 2010 NPT Review Conference: Deconstructing
Consensus", CNS Special Report, James Martin Center for Non-proliferation Studies,

June17,2010, p. 8, http:l/ 2010 summarv.pdf

jliDOCi<lnfl!'e 2014jo!k.-gint01climinatinuekllarn1"withln"'!"'<!ilii<d

timctrllmrThc~perop~nd <>lheri!<:m<lgrunsupportîfut ideaa~l!y­
hirulln!c.~l kiit:frmen dis~ - \'\'tea1:;dytheUnlfudStm.,.,fnm.;:e,and
Russia,wboal'Œsp<>lincoo~ m.eUnî1edKit!!!jt>înln onîyinthe lwl>custhe
<lekgati(twaltcînstn~ 'ooiil~o Isl~ ll'l~"r whluChinitn<le10~
mot<$}mpatbeli1<NAM dis~t propGsais.futtunlî:Œnee'"iÙ3J15,eque,;1ion

\\1!whcl.bhe 1'1.".S,kuiarFmll..>e and~ <<>ud r<:c~mpromis.,3n~l!
stmingtba"'ùll:ï~ol oflhnrrel!ÙÎSllmlantentprocanoll te~mdme~
shouldhepursuewithma legî'romewm kilhspedirtlmetines.~

the :amountof tcan~lù:d dliatedcvG!!0 lcquesriofIID!dîn\!$ld'g~wmk$

alih ~lll!)ltevèon înmem:cslhatl;ni!Ùis;uehasmov.:âf'lliJidfi!v.!Éltes
';rltheid.:aafa tlmc-boundfr;a.liJk<mlll!l'nlj)talci~mel_ ddlDefl!ÛMS,
many Nl\o'W(c.gNi~é r iSio,andCbile)madecl<:Mthfue;;
strictdm<!lisutl"ilrnugllidearcommit•nmw ôillilllmltn-t!'1.'\Vut 2QHJ
Ji1oDoet!m" ènntl'lon:mdRl:cammmdationtorFoltow-o-~~. state!lgi'tod

lan_gua~e o<:'îîuleînag:r-S~l~<!ieunpde~rca~li: m-tnameot e!Wrts"and
lha'"'lltatil!!ta maki'>pcéc!tiirl<:ia!iiillne;:e.•~IvMk 10lll!rueveand
maîntaîna wm11.>itbntudeaw~apoo nstn"''thfh·e-popro~l fuxnucle:M
~m<:nt oflheS..'Cl'Nt)'-Gend>eUnit ~at.m.w'bkhprDftO.IS,tera!ia,

consid<mt!::f ne$<)tlasoalroeléar"""ap<<>nv;mûoo1lr'!Jif<enta fmmewoi!Î
gpil!l!~tU~t dmalriy$În!ilnlll~:l.l

Cbl.,, for \;,blociwapropnllili"'"'u~ba caleedome firnudctrWéapo n ù:t..:J
hattailproduetlonol'11nrk!Jedurnniuman4plotoniom{!érl:îsslmat®! tt< •:a~y

.,'mlleChina!Jelî teha~est<wed .JWdndn:;;uehmat<!twalnotpul>!lll!UlOtllltoo
iproductionmarJ:tori,n!lk.etheot!JerfourllQ>:k"in es.Thedraftectioofrom
Chinato"coosida"' one.ll<>W,meÎpresidétlînaÛOI.1Jlnt,etexona fi.%ile
ma~rl pa:lkl.:m<>ratori"t"~" fromlhelbrward-toot:n~io mnd


A propoSllfromUN Secr~ener nlni(J-Mo!lhatr<e~l lvO>deoslpport
suzg<t!idat ifId!eeru!< d~-'Io'C1hf<!!eru:va C-nflrml:J~~dment
{CD}con1i>tuuntildûsfull,lhcSecretary-G;houl~'vO~n ami:nl~ mrietlst;o

help··maperojl ools.'ln'w>belngconsldeby Ibmforum,iooludiflFMCTandso­
Œlkd ·~ativ Stcuri~rn!>t~l<~- J 'léeyNW Snottulllor.tme.atlUlléu
nru:k.lrW!!mpooa;;;'t WS.ThisideWtireeo!l'liinlll!l:Îoi1and15 nhhe I'inttl
D~t. Hnwl:'>·ear,proposallhai~balvne~OOI lh!UN!GeneralAssémblt'l'

''<:xanûb.,., eiliss:> ît1h.ybédn~movédtorwardhytheendof lh3
CO's2011 ~e on,dfi!Ctivtl!klnJll:heFMCTne!<Vtistoflhe CDmct witllppllsitlm
notoolyfromlhe N\VS(pllrlîcularly:mdFrance!rualrd>emajŒltyor'NAM,.andw-as
droppcdfromme finult::xt. .

ln ilSNud<!llrl'ol!cview,tbe UnitedSindlcllf1r1hJ:in;ttimo.ilwoulnot
klu:neha nt!<t"aratiaekagairutNNWS11>heNPTingooostanding;;mht.hcirnud""' ANNEx75
ANNEX75- H. Blix (Chairman), 'Weapons ofTerror: Freeing the World ofNuclear,
Biological and Chemical Arrns", The Weapons ofMass Destruction Commission,
(2006), p. 94, entleducation/wmdcommi ssion/files/W eapons of Terror


Russiaandthe United statestapossesslngyother
19 nuclear weapons, should publishate holdings of
nutlear weaPQM on active and reserve status as a baseline fot
future dlsarmament efforts. Ttoincluded also agree

specifie provisions disarmament agreements telating to
transparençy. irrevetsit>Ulty,verification and the physlcal destruc·
tion nuclear warheads.

Irîs ofren fothNl'Tnudear disl!nnament commîtment applies
to a1lstates parties. The 'package deal' that enabled the îndefinîte extènsion

ofthrrea199înduded a<:aliforthisgoal to be'fulfilledwith determina­
tion'and unudear~w eatronake systematk and progressive
efforts ro reclute nudeat weapons globally.
This in îthathe nudear-W<:!aponstates parties to
the Nl'T havelatgdy failed toimplementthis commltment and failedto 'pur­

sue negotiations in good faith' on nuclear disarmament as requîred of them
U!J<!etrhe NPT.lndthhave nudeat weapons are still seeking
to modernize theîr nudeat capabilities.
Tbeisan urgent nted for a change ofinthisude and for ptogress

an~Waether or not parties to the Nl'T, sratésthat have acquîrèd nudear
we.apons must decide wîthout furrher delay how they can èontribute tu the
nudear disa.rmament process.The UnitedStatesan.dRussia havehugenuclear
atsenalst nolonget servethe original purpose ofmutual deterrence. They

have also not engaged in any serîous bilateral dîsàtmament talks since con­
duding SORT in 2ooin implementîng the deep reductions pro­
posed ahoveld encourage so111edownwthsize otent in
nudear arsenals în other states. lndivîdually or jointly, ali st.arepossessing
su.;:hweapons must participate În this global effon. Havîng unil.atetally

dedded longéntethe nucleàr club, ali nudear-weapon states must
naw recognizÎtheir duty to exit.
Franee and the UKwill have to decide whether it will be meaningful to
retain costly nudeat arsemds thatweredeveloped for anenemythatno longer

exîsts, in orclet to meet hypothetital threats against wh.lchsueh wèaponsare
of questionable value. Both coumries are now at a crossroads: going clown
....•~•·\.r{o)adljèsh?\Y \th"e-ir eesry~S~~t~ 1glmthat1l~Fleat
··f9tJh.m~ -!~?t"eUiJt1!cy\:Y,~'i-\~·lhi·~•~•II19!'Stl:<\re;ç0.~119rhl:i~i!t~~a ANNEX76

ANNEX76- G. Mukhatzhanova, "Implementation of the Conclusions and
Recommendations for Follow-on Actions Adopted at the NPT Review

Conference: Disarmament Actions 1-22", 2014 Monitoring Report, James Martin

Centerfor Non-proliferation Studies, (2014), p. 1,
htt:/www.nonproliferation. org/wp-content/uploads/20 14/04/CNS-Moni toring­

Report 2014 web.pdf


11w nln~ n:vk'Wge!< t>fTm>')\'oo théN'ü•H'"'fifinf Nud.ear Wcj><(.'FI!.<
otlti!iotfur:r-.On Apti!28,11l1!)14,NPT """p~rt "i''"ilfurt!et~ir&'"'>tl<>n
of the-Prepanttri'J r.nm(PûpC.t>rh))\l'iY<>tli•J:o~ ~ dis~;: ûf~h'\i<>n

impl,.,r ut~t~"'""']an<!de""'Mnpa.Rè\,W.(.ot>.~ {<~C.<n)1,>wpŒvi\o,,;;<
Rk~t. C(Wmf~<et:t;~rt er!:f uJ&!ùl~'i hestdépW:ty>tt::iôt1Ct_mclu.iwWsd,
Rt.~cmm~bt )ttœ(ll'..wAt~n~ m:rwJm~n~ the·Thè:ottitu~n~

l!ri-Re~t.~dàti titil.M,Kti~i,t;n ~ th~-thrc_i)tilüb~,-NP.r:nud~
di.4à.i1 ï'tiJli~ro~l;ù_fudê~i·®~~~ anmdr~tSe: oni#'ofi'
jltit'l"""1~ ~ impl.:m<.-toothél!l'"""-~ an th;tiit:ll>N~t..""'"

ftii:et>fn~ms,.tMd ~u,,~ ~,'."'"uf ""'-"".le<tiUetluin tlw :lEir;;cdl~

Thisi. .""thinAçti 'l.>mt>nltt,rrept>±tpnl<l"by~"!J- Ml!<.ŒCi!ntrot

Ni_)tip~~l Slud:i(CîNShi'~~Vii !eW~mpÙjtnèfltlJ:ihli$t21 âetk)-~5ioo
rtuêbtdl,.mt ~:"'l,c~,.t,!!~OOD$ oo tlwMlt!cè-""11w t.:!'<"""''b'~'
d..'V<:Iopm>t!!:.2l:1{!"'" '<l<lif<!:iwlw.."ipr<lil1l,bliglu pn:tti<'ub
pttk>&ütnApn12illli> Ap~il14.

1"htAcrfirtkmi.e:tpécte-~~ a!ithb.if~! tviwVttth~;X :PT RL"Viiwi:~:rtk~t­
Htrwev du~: to gn,;~dwilnF_gt-t"~~fW'8n\t-bttn.-n~ ti tU~ttipttaç1i1f

irnpli$tn patt<ui<ln,tht<lii<~< """lioot:~ Ptle>l;~gho.ho~ """'"a.<!
Sèrit:tùrtf:Nrnhnl20l.'S~e ili:~i~~~ cnti{t\\S)hiltak~ta'til'img.,.nvi~·
of thA<.'btnlon,$ml in sit-tttn>ouwg<th>tth<A<ti<thul tr..!i>Œ$ tbê$"'f>·h]·•otl:!'

llii'!'Mthl$~ >fthhk ?-""i<nûd<:'iri"-""' t ndheNPT. l1n <;;h~;ui!mw
pt<~ <1ndi.'ll!ffi"ii~di""'rttnrn<>ng ""'n·Mt:~·" ~'"l(N"l;nt~i
~<imul tiil:èlÎ<>\>"i»' jlti!r"'"a";:lisThl.~$,NN'II>ltii<.:aŒd
rob&.t-1'tWtiitvein-tp.;~.~-ys~'Whkhb:i${itt;th~ôrtV~ ofiWo-ttinf~ ooiitw::i\5

thoh~ttl'i- lfnzdof rtûii:w<apoo>:md a Higlt<!.c~th\ of th~UN Ge~
A""""'hr<>rN~>d< Pi-u'rt, itwcli» tlwe:~r.Ù> !finbO]>i;t.EhtW~

Gt(>il'.t>kinf<>" mu'!bter,dnlicro~"'""n '<"'!"!'P(tkW~G}'.l'l>eNWS"'""'
Œii:ti!dtl<!g:<>ii~·l .de.-.;..lpMdmilim>tptcttidpi't~ ~ lrnpm
~ün!ll' n;~nctOEWG. B~<>ik&lvib<~rt~ mitlô:m<lMn·n~
~:ï:! sJtt.}wlmd:e~:ù U1tthetru±coï>the2015RevkvtCerr!u-tt,'s,\itht1-U·ifûtttt

mb~w~ti pr~~rwt_mtiilrJ.fux:liPltlma:rulô itiW~'e-- -NvctW;tittn
ihèltt\iti1!mn.imt: nsé-ùhfi~1shtatü in:tiipt.

Ov;:rJJlpn;gn:ssir\mlplegn"'"itl """''.itti!in1:01bah<;m'"'1~>' md'!u.
""'imtm-·•·tn! tlw21l1l'rt:p('.1\ü~f them"""" "'j>lett"!"'.gihii:.nipi•ding
pt.,iW;!:inh<:tinitk <pl:!tl<'Ibl~fntuk'!"in>th~ t'lionPwb,_J ~.~:Ùwtl!.~


P-te;'k1h~H-Ht-~ .t-ék':ît.";t~ki!ÙtJ~œl~ ~ thk_..;Coo. ANNEX77

ANN.Ex77- G. Evans, T. Ogilvie-White and R. Thakur, Nuclear Weapons: The State
of Play 2015 (Centre for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, February



§Ll Oven<lew

§12 ObjectiVesand GenèralStrategy
§1.3 Disarmament Prindples
§1.4 Redudng Weaparts Numbers

§1.5 Nudear Doctrlltè
§1.6 Nudear Force PMture

§1.7 Parallel Seeurlty Issues
§1.8 MobJH:tingPolltkal WU!

§1.1 Overvîew

Llln 2014,unhapplly, thete were still an estimated 16,372 nudearwdistrlbuŒd
among niue nudear-armed stams.M<~r tan 90 percent oftbesa.reln Russlan and US

arsenals. There are many fewer nudéar weapans today than during the Cold War, and
the risk of deliberate nudear weaporu byethe United States or Russla may w.;Ube
neglîglble. Yet, paradu:dcaUy, the ari.sksofnudear war have grown - as more
cC>untrieln more unstable reglons baveacqulredtbesédeadly weupons, terrorlstS

continue to seek them, and as ccmmand and control systems in even thé most
sopb!stkated nudear-armed states remaill vulnerable not tôsystem and human
errol'but, intteasingly,yber attack Even a 'linüted" reglomll nudear Warcould hi!ve

camsttophk global consequences.
1.2 Whl!e thé need for total midear dlsarmament ls more urgent thàn ever, its

achievement tèmains lltder no doser, hotb among the nncleat-weapon states (NWS)
asdelined Ill the Treaty on the Non-Pro!ifeofNudear Weâpôns (NPTJ,vlz. China,
France, Russlâ,he United Kingdom and the United States; tbree nudear-astams

outsidethe NPT.viz. !ndiâ, Israel, and Pakistan; and North Kotèà,théworid's anly NPT
hreiknut >-tate.There has been sorne progress ln tèdnclng tbe overall USand Rl.issian
nudear weapons stockpiles and the number of depleyed strategk weapons, and ln
improv!ng transparency among seme NWS.But there bas been only rnlnlrnal progress ln

sbif'tingnudear doctrines and postures, and no progress in elther tal<ingweapons off
hlgb-a!ert !auncb status, or ln addressing thé issues of halllstlc missile defence and
conventlonai arrru;lmbalant:èS,differences overàl'ptèsently serlously înhlbltlng

further d!sannament mowment ln 2014 thé Russl:HVest stand-off aller the crls!S
ln Ukraine made early :prugress ln the nudarms...ontroagenda even .less Ukely. ANNEX78
ANNEx78- Hansards, HC Deb, 27 November 1968, vol. 774, cc501-5501,

http:/!hansard.millbanksystems. corn/commons/1968/nov /27/non-proliferation- treatv

Air.i.Uulle• am obligecl.One of the imponant aspectscf theTreaty is tfum -commitment to-further measuresofênT Lbereisgenertùagreement,I think, thatàcompr-ehensive testbanshould be Ql.'of theearly

measures. ~:! hyn. Frieild wm k:nowthnt1made an initiativein thisregard inJuly at Geneva. I hope that -wetan make

1310312015 15:14

lUFERATION TREATY (HanSàrd,27 November 1968) http://hansard.millbanksystetni<.romlcùmmonsll968/nov/271non ..,

progress shzyrtlwhen tho,sdiscussionsT?$Ume in the new y.ear.

Mr E!dmtGrf[fitlu SinΠ!Ourmemben of the United Nationsvoied a,oalns heTrelli:yand22 absiained, and the

Pr-esiden.t.Elect of the United Statesbas gràve doubts o"·e:ts-igningit whileSovi-etttoops ar-ein CzecbQslovakia,how
soondoes therighi hon. Gentlemanexp«:t thatit will take effect"!ln vofthefact tlwi, on lhe very day that

invasion.the.United States andtheStwietUnionwere -abouttogo further in talks onoffensive ballistk: missiles. and
this.was stopped by theevents inCzechoslO\'àkîa,d-oesthe-nghthon. Gentlemannot agree.thatMr. Nixon baSg{)od


}dr.Sveak:erOrder. Qu-estions·mustbereasortablybrie[ ANNEX79
ANNEx79- International Panel on Fissile Materials, Global Fissile Material Report

2013, p. 3,

1he United States, Unitediüngdo mussia, Fr.an_-ed China have -all st-opppro~

ducing HEUforwe-àporuas well as any other putpose, in :son:ase:sdetades ago.The
first fout of these states have made official dedatatb thieffe Ccti~a has done

sa irtfotittally. ln 20i2, Rili-slaanntrunt:ed that it was :resuming lhnited production of
HEUfo-tnaval and fastrex tor fuel.lnd.îal'iat-mproductng HEUfot naval fuel. Pakistan
is produt:inHE-U fot · b possible that North Kotea aho may be producing

HEU fot weapons.

The. glùbal swckpUeof sepa.rated plutonium In 2012 was about 49± iOtons A~most
halfof thisstockpile.wasproduted forw-e.apon:w hHe -most of the rest has bepro.
duc-ed in dviliart prDgtants in rttilJo--eaptatEs. As"a-ter auout 98% of all se­

parated plutonium biin the nudeat weapon states. MOstof the -untmaîntyisdue to a
lack of officia! înfortnatiort about RU5Sia'sp.lutoniUm production history

In 2012 the United States jnOVidedtm update ofitshistory ofproductionand me of
weapons plutonium and on îH plutonium stockpile as of:S~ptem 2b0e9.Its earHer

dedax:ation-tvasi1996.The United lGngdom alsohas dedared the -sizeolbweaports
plutonium stockpile. but onJy on-te, ln 2-000. The othet nucleat weapon states have
marle _publit riOinfortnatiort on tct.trreholdings or productîori of weaporu. plu...

tonh.im1other thim announcmg an end to -pioduttion for weapon purposes. Again,
-Cflinabas indkated this only inf-ormally.

Israel,'akistan continue to produce plutonium fo:rweapons. hi Septernber
2013,North Kor-eaappears to have ttosumédproduction initSpr-eviou:sd1sabledreac­

tOr at Yongbyon,Nnnetheless, there has be-.eni1etd-etrease in the global plutonium
-stockp:HavaUab or~wea.pons in recent yeat.!the United States has reported send·
ing 4.-torts of plutonium dedared excess fo-rnational returîty need.s for dl:;posal as

wa.<rtn the \Vaste b:olatîoPilotPlant.irNew :Me..xkoT. hls disposai hM not beert
verified independently by internationinspect horever.

1'hefotus of this report is increasing transpatency of nwarhead and fissile mate­
rialstockpilesUnder the tenus of the 2010 ''Action-Pianon Nudear Disarrnament,"

the NPT nudein weapon states agreed to cooperate on st-epsta intrease transparency
and develop verification capabilities related to nudear disannament and in particular

to report information that can further openrtess and verification. The nuclear weapon
states are expec-ted report to the NPT Preparatoty Conunittee in 2014 on progress
towards meeting these obligations.

Chapter 2 of Global Fis.sileMaterial Report2013 lays out proposais for step.Stowards

greater t.tanspatencyhat cou!d be adoptedby the NPT weapon states as part of this
process. These proposais \\r-eresentedby IPFMin Vlenna in May2012 and in April
2013 in Geneva at the meetings of the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the 2015

N'PTReview Conference. These are summarlzed brieflbelow.

GlobaiFissileMaterialRep-rt21li33 ANNEXSO
ANNEx80- Statement by H.E. Mr. Edi Yusup, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent
Representative of the Republic oflndonesia in Geneva, on behalf of the Group of

Member States of the Non-Aligned Movement Parties to the [NPT], Cluster 1
Specifie Issues, Nuclear disarmament and seèurity assurance, 25 April2013, Geneva,
pp. 1-2, http://www.reachingcriticalwill. org/images/documents/Di sarmament­

fora!npt/prepcom13/statements/25Apri1 NAM.pdf

6. While noùng reductionsof nuclearweapousdeclaredby rome N\VS,the
Groupstresses !hatany suehrèduètîons àni undermined by !be.modernizatiouof

nuclear Weapons,al1d!beir delivery systems, and relate<!înfniStrilctilieby !be
N\VS.ln orderto complywi!b theitobligationsunderArticleV1of !be'freaty,as
weilâs wlth theircomr11itmenttmderthe 13 practicastèpsànd2010ActionPlan

on nucleaidisarl1lamentt,he NWS mustimmedialelyCeàSètheirplans tofar!her
invest in medemizing, ùpgrnding, returbisbing, oextending the lives oftheir
!inclearWeaponsàrtdrelatedfacilities. ANNEX81
ANNEx81- J.Ruzicka and N.J. Wheeler, "The Puzzle ofTrusting Relationships in

the Nuclear Non-Proliferationeaty", International Affairs, Vol. 86(1) (2010),!The%20puzzle%20

TÎ1cNNWS iusumed ;apotentiallygreatvulnernhibty,beeauby forsaking

th<po>$îbilîtofgetdnguude:arweapons,tl1eyexpose.:t!hetusdvesto theàt:Ûons
of th,:N'WS ",,.r~sultof.~ w.h:ioemhtdit.efyueen~g~tiYee\>n$~\:!ene~$.$neh.~~
•nude;UblackmaiLTheba!icbrttg:ùoftheNPT thusr~:pt atsttingtelati011-.

>oif they thoughtthey couldnotttUstheotherpd!ties.Tobe suresotnestates

;mlghthll•becu pt~;. insorcceprtngthetreàtybythesnpetpowersthrough
.atnixof sticksa1cattot>(e.a.!fY>temf vetiil<:atsecutityguarallt!!a,ild
the detctmînatinnto keepGernunyandJapandenudeari:tedthatwouldgerternte

? favourablkt ofpay~o w l!iso,herstnîghthavesignedtheNPT beeauscoef
,eradonof nueleatweaponsweretaboo).But ptobably 1\0n:ne thar sljznedthe'

., For most sta the~dsd,i01to euter inthetteatyrelleettdnuxof iuterem

a11dvaluesh1 acceptingthe treaty,tbeyexhibitedtrMstinattethowwell.k.ln
fact,the reluctanceof a llUmberstates-both NWS (e.g.Ftance,China)and
NNWS (e.g.lndia, Bn:zll,WestGenna11y ,apa-1Sp:ûn)-to slgnand/or ratif,v

thê trenty eve~ft itetame inw elfecin 1970showstharthesestates weteto
varyingdegrees,u11willlngo acceptthebatgain.'"lothet wotds,theydidnot

havetrust in the tre:ttyarefusedtoenter intthe ttnstiurelationshipwlth
The basi;:bargainofthe NPT ha$oftenbeendeseribedasunequalanddttrided

for creatingtwoda~s ocstates."'The NWSareuid ro have gotamueh hettet

l# s_~.H-.JoRtn:i'lnüldGlennM:oopc'-t..t.W; {_-çnun·;prollftnaty'..1nùr_rw­
"..""14Q41:Jm.\1}7l'7.;-;jQbIl.Emll«>n'Pl1Y7<M,.M« rnti! Pl<hN'11~n
J>!"lA;; 11jMoreh1977.•1'1'·>1$•'9... ...
l:U..\v•'1-'Douh Jitob!k.hmlAtollttôUth ~t.'t:Pt-\"tlî:oe;rt, tntitfi(!titd
Aff4 -j~Jdy.î!Pl'4l'J"!.m< OBl~tî,),'Nud<.r•pmtdw<>r~d,,!l«,(•,fi$1:

75 dealtlmnthe NNWS. Whc:reas d1elatter are coobligeimmediatdy and not t0
pill'1>ludear weapons, the fottner ntak<a ratherv:.guefmure col!Jlnitment.

h\\veernereinto attustingtdationshipBy agreeingto theright<Jallsignatories
of theNP1' to pu1'1>Uclv.illannucleprogt.'lltlntŒi,llbcit$tlbto safegl.lams
adrtûnistetebythe ruternàrlolll torniehergy Agency{IAltA)t ,heNWSh\\ve

ac:eepte(along~'i teNh NWS,tobe sure)du:poteilrlalvulnernbilityinherentin
the possibiiityota snrnaster:inthefuel-cycleaM therebybecon1înga'virtual'
nudeat we:tpon state/' ThusaUstatesrhatlitpanyw the NPT, itrespectiveof
!theirMdear stàtl.:lse,nterintoatrustmgrelationshipwîeadt orher,The differ­
lenceisinthedegreeofvulnetabilltyto whi<:hthet\>tgroupsofstatesareexposcd

Aswe atgued above,theiniti'lxpressionoftrustn]j\nifestbyenteting lntoa
trustlugrelationshipcaubeeithernrengrht11edorweilined. TheNWShàvehad
theoppottunîty tostréJ1gthetrustbymakingprogréllt> oW:ttdstlUdeardisarnm·

ment,while the NNWShavebadthe opponunity to dosobyagreeingto tnore
mingem measuré lf verification.Cottversely,littleomo~·em ileithetof
thesetwo are:ts,orltewrsal hithe Îo:tlof growing nùdcar atmarnenu by thé
NWS:md/or abuîlduptowards nudeat wcaponc:tp:tbilitbytheNNWS, would
leadtothe erosionofthelnitîaltm;ting reladonshipor, atbest,itsstabilizationat

averylow level ANNEx82
ANNEX82- A Cassese, The Israel-PLO Agreement and Self-Determination, 4
European Journalof International Law 567 (1993),
http://www ANNEx83

ANNEx83- UN Secretary-General,Messageto the Vienna Conferenceonthe
HumanitarianImpact ofNuclear Weapons,Vienna, 8December 2014.
http:/www. bmeia. upload/ZentralelAussenpolitik/Abruestung/HI
NW14/H1NW14 Message from UN Secretary General.pdf

fundamentinlabiliyfouremergencresponsseystetocopeT. hemorewe
undersianaboutthehumanitarianpactt,emoreitbecomec sleartbatwemust
pursudîsarmamea nsianurgenitmperative.

Nocountry disputetshedesirabtfachievingnudear-weapon-fw reerld.
Afteral!,thiswastheveryfrrstobjedentifidytheUnitedNationGs eneral


Ihopealiparticipatomeaway withnewresolvtopursueeffectie easures

P!easaccepmt ybestwishefoasuccessfuclonference. ANNEX84
ANN:Ex84- Hansard, HC Deb, 19 June 1989, vol. 155, cc.31-3W,
http:/w>v-publications.parliarnent. uk/pa/cm 198889/ cmhansrd/1989-06-19/W rittens-
4.html .

NuclN eaorn·proli Tfereaation

MrF.l:noasilSecrearytfor reancommonA wfeaihha sscertrothGovetnomtePteoplës

Mr. a!degralh:owhhavegulprysted ovemomtePteoR~ee·uC~htoacceoehnudearn·
proliftrtiyh,yaneotlunsayndicatheterowhithlyoublprepardoso. wffirelsawrthconditiotArgenbteutheat

Mr. aldegrathebeooukrnowledgeovemomengtetisotpednClndiindwerncrgentîoau~

MrF.lyn:asthSecretaytafrooriel~ommonA wffIrewilthlastgcoutntlelshnudear
non·pr oeatwflgdaaesigtal~eachase. ANNEx85
ANNEX85- Yearbook of the International Law Commission. 1966, Volume TI,p.

211: commentary on draft Article 23 (Pacta Sunt Servanda), para. 4,!Ybkvolumes%28e%29/ILC 1966 v2 e.


Commentary with thenullityot matiesand with tbeir terminalion.
(1) Pacta.-: ~the rule!hat lteatîll$11lnd· Consequcntlyf,roma draftingpoint ô! view,.iseemed
ingonthepartiesandmustbeper!omedlngoodthlth--­ anceswiththeprovisionsofthe presentarticlesto wlûch
is thefondamentalprlnclp!eô! thelaw ô! treaÜ!llts thepactit.ril111-da ruleapplleS. hewol'\i"lnforce"
!'rtperta!!s ondel'lineby thefaèt!hatitiseilllhr.ineof coUrsecovo:ttreatiin foreepro~ onderarti­
m theheamble to the Charto:tof theUnited'Nalioilll.cle22as wd1 astrealilwhlchènto:lntofol'Cèellnitivety
As 1<t;eCharter itselpata!!faph2ofArticle2express!y undètatticlè21.
prQv!desthatMembo:tsare to "fultllin good faiththé
obllga!lonsmumed by Weiththé (4)Somemèmher elt tbat therwould be àdvantage
presentCharter". in aJ$Q$tàting tbata party lllUSabstaln from acts
S:%> he! .ism,\1\ a:uthority inthe juri;;prudenceof treaty. ThèCollmlission.,howevo:r,onsideretbat this
mtertla!.ionatlribubalsfothepropositiontbat ln the was clèllrlîmplidt ln tht obligationto pertorm the
presentcontexttheptinclplof goodfaithisa legaprin· treatyingood faith andprtferteto uate thepacta.ril1f1
cîplewbichformsan integralpart oftherule pacta.runt Btfffl»>dulein as sintplea formàS pOSBible.
strWJndaThus,spealdng ofcertainvaluationto bemade

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Annexes volume II
