volume II

Document Number
Parent Document Number
Document File

ANNEXES 1 - 43

SECTION 1: Documents relating to the Applicant's claim
Anne x 1: Exemplary list of the Serb victims who se nam es appear on the
Applicant's List ofmissing persons submitted as Annex 41 to the Reply .. 9
Annex 2: Exemplary list of the Serb victims whose names appear on the
Applicant's Lists of exhumed bodies submitted as Annex 43 & 44
to the Reply ................................................................................................ 13
Annex 3: Exemplary list ofthe Croat victims registered in Annex 41 to the
Reply who went missing on the territ ory of Bosnia and Herzegovina ....... 21
Annex 4: Exemplary list of the Croat victims registered in Annex 41 to the
Reply who went missing in the Croatian towns that were under
the control ofthe Croatian Government ..................................................... 25
Annex 5: Military Medical Centre, Novi Sad, Report no. 2840-2 dated
31 December 2002: "Medical treatment of persons arrested
in the Republic of Croatia 1991-1992" .... ............ .. ...................... .............. 29
Annex 6: Letter of the Federal Secretary for National Defence, Army General
Veljko Kadijevié to Lord Peter Carrington, dated 27 September 1991 ..... 41
Annex 7: Letter of the Federal Secretary for National Defence, Army General
Veljko Kadijevié to Lord Peter Carrington, dated 21 October1991 ........... 4 7
Annex 8: Letter of Colonel General Andrija Raseta to the Persona! Representative
of the UN Secretary General, Cyrus V ance, dated 9 April 1992 ............... 53
Annex 9: Command of the 1st Military District, Strictly confidential
no. 1614-162, 16 November 1991 .............................. ...... .......................... 57
SECTION Il: Documents relating to Chapter VII of the Rejoinder - Factual
background of genocide: massive crimes committed against Serbs in Croatia
Annex 10: Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Milan Crnkovié, dated 2 May 1997 (Situation in the
town of Karlovac) ............ ......................................................................... 77
Annex 11: District Court in Zrenjanin, Serbia, Minutes of the witness hearing of
Lazo Stojié, dated 27 November 1996 (Situation in the town of Sisak) .. 89
Annex 12: OSCE Report: "Unaddressed-for war-time killings of civilians
in Sisak in 1991-92", April 2009 .................. ........................ .................. 101
Annex 13: Statement of Sasa Mirkovié given to the Expert Team for Collecting
Evidence of Crimes against Humanity and International Law,
dated 25 April 1994 (Situation in the camp in Slavonski Brod) ............ 141
Annex 14:
Annex 15:
Annex 16: Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of
the witness hearing ofNenad Kanazir, dated 30 April 1997 (Situation
in the town of Zadar; Camp Lora, Split) ............................ ............... ..... 173
Anne x 17: Excerpt from Dusan Starevié, "Abridged information about the
sufferings of the Serbian people in Croatia (in the area ofNorthern
Dalmatia) from March 31 to May 10, 1991", pp. 1-3, Published in
Dabié, Lukié, Perovié & Salié, "Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie
Cleansing in Croatia 1991-1998 - Documents and Testimonies",
Belgrade, 1998, pp.46-4 7 ...................................... ........................... ... ... 183
Annex 18: Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Marko Dragas, dated 29 June 1998 (Situation in
the Town of Sibenik) ......................................... ........................ ............. 187
Annex 19: Excerpt from the Letter by Ante Karié, Chairman of the Emergency
Headquarters for the Municipality of Gospié, to Dr. Fran jo Tudman,
President of the Republic of Croatia, Published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié
& Salié, "Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia 1991-
1998- Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade, 1998, pp. 109-111 ..... 195
Annex 20: District Court in Belgrade, Serbia, Minutes of the witness hearing of
Jovo Krajnovié, dated 1 June 1998 (Situation in Western Slavonia) ..... 201
Annex 21: Threatening Letter Addressed to Radovan Radosavljevié from
Daruvar, Published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié & Salié, "Persecution
of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia 1991-1998 -
Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade, 1998, p. 25 ..................... ....... 213
Annex 22: District Court in Belgrade, Serbia, Minutes of the witness hearing
of Milka Buncié Kukié, dated 24 September 1996 (Situation in
Western Slavonia) ......................................... ......................................... 217
Annex 23: Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Durda Vujasin, dated 2 May 1997 (Situation in
Western Slavonia, Masiéka Sagovina Village) .............................. ........ 229
Annex 24: Centre for Peace, Non-Violence and Human Rights Osijek,
Croatia, Monitoring war crimes trials: crime in Virovitica" .................. 239
Annex 25: Tracing request for Milos Grrnusa who went missing in the
town of Petrinja on 19 July 1991 .......................................... ..... ............. 245
Annex 26: List of non grata Serbs posted on several hundred places in Podravska
Slatina on 15 January 1992, published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié &
Salié, "Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia 1991-1998
-Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade, 1998, pp. 26-29 ................. 251
Annex 27: Military Court in Belgrade, Serbia, Minutes of the witness hearing
of Smilja Ivkovié, 27 January 1993 (Situation in the village of Satin) .. 257
Annex 28: Municipal Court in Vukovar, Croatia, Minutes of the petitioner
hearing ofNada Nikolié, 21 November 2006 (Situation in the
town of Vukovar) .................... .................... ........................... ... ..... ........ 267
Annex 29: Excerpt from the letter by Helsinki Watch to Dr. Franjo Tudman,
President of the Republic of Croatia, concerning crimes committed in
Vukovar and Sisak, published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié & Salié,
"Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia 1991-1998 -
Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade, 1998, pp. 91-93 ..................... 275
Annex 30: Statement ofVlatka Stepanovié from Borovo, received by the
Federal Assembly of the SFR Yugoslavia on 7 April 1992 ........... ........ 281
Annex 31: Letter of Bogdanka Radovié from the Village of Sarvas to the
Federal Assembly ofthe SFR Yugoslavia, dated 2 August 1991 ..... ..... 285
Anne x 32: List of the Serb Victims killed on 2 August 1991 in Sarvas,
prepared by the Local Community of Jelenovo, Municipality ofDalj .. 289
Annex 33: Receipt for the explosives received by the HDZ ofVinkovci,
Zupanja and Vukovar on 21 November 1990, published in Dabié,
Lukié, Perovié & Salié, "Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing
in Croatia 1991-1998- Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade, 1998,
p. 45, according to D. Topié & D. Spisié, "Slavonian Blood,
Chronology of a War", Osijek, Croatia, p. 254 .................... .................. 295
Annex 34: Examples of dismissals of Serbs from jobs in Croatian State
Companies, Documents published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié & Salié,
"Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia 1991-1998
-Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade, 1998, pp. 30-35 .................. 301
Annex 35: District Court of Zagreb, Ademi & Norac case, excerpt from
the Judgment of29 May 2008 (Medak Pocket) .................... .......... ....... 307
Annex 36: Documents about crimes committed by Croat Armed Forces during
the military seizure of the Medak Pocket, published in Dabié, Lukié,
Perovié & Salié, "Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in
Croatia 1991-1998 -Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade, 1998,
pp. 201-215 ...................... ....................................................................... 323
Annex 37: Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Andelko Durié, 1 July 1998 (Operation Flash) ....... 333
Annex 38: Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of
the witness hearing of Mil ena Milivojevié, dated 22 September 1995
(Operation Flash) ................. ...... ............................................ ......... ....... 341
Annex 39: Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Dusan Bosnjak, dated 22 September 1995
(Operation Flash) ................. ................................ .................... .............. 349
Annex 40: Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of the
witness hearing ofDusan Kovac, dated 1 July 1998 (Operation Flash) 359
Annex 41: Basic Court in Gradiska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of the
hearing ofRadojica Vukovié, 20 September 1995 (Operation Flash) ... 367
Annex 42: Basic Court in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Branko Mudrinié, dated 1 0 April 1997
(Operation Flash; Camp in Varazdin) .................................................... 377
Annex 43: Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Minutes of
the witness hearing of Zoran Malinié, dated 27 June 1998
(Operation Flash; Camp Lora, Split) .. .......... .. ....................................... 389
Documents relating to the Applicant's claim

Exemplary list of the Serb victims wh ose nam es appear
on the Applicant's List of missing persons submitted as
Annex 41 to the Reply

Annex 1
Exemplary list of the Serb victims wh ose nam es appear on the
Applicant's List of missing persons submitted as Annex 41 to the Reply
1. 81 BOGUNOVIC NENAD NI KOLA 01.01.1957 30.09.1991 VRAN A
2. 125 CICVARA MIRKO JOSIP 22.08.1940 13.10.1991 PAKRACKA
3. 148 CUBELIC MILE ANTE 01.01.1941 17.10.1991 GOSPICSMILJAN
4. 149 CULIBRK BLAGOJA ILIJA 20.06.1955 07.11.1991
5. 150 CULIBRK BRANISA ILIJA 13.03.1961 07.11.1991
6. 191 DUBAJIC RADOSLAV MILAN 27. 10.1959 26.05.1992 GOSPIC
7. 294 HARAMBASI LJUBOMIR DURO 01.01.1932 08.10.1991 ANTUNOVAC
8. 302 HINIC GOJKO STEVO 06.05.1949 17.10.1991 GOSPIC
9. 319 IGNJATOVIC MLADEN JOSIP 10.12.1955 20.10.1991 PAKRAéKA
10. 331 JAGIC IVAN SLAVKO 01.01.1940 15.11.1991 VUKOVAR
11. 414 KOMOSAR DUSAN PETAR 15.05.1927 19.10.1991 SISAK
12. 490 LAZIC PETAR MILAN 10.07.1949 16.10.1991 KARLOBAG
13. 519 LOVRIC BRANKO MILE 16.05.1950 26.11.1991 OSIJEK
14. 540 MALETIC MIRKO PAVLE 08.08.1935 23.12.1991 PAKRAC
15. 555 MARIC BORISLAV BRANKO 12.03.1945 17.10.1991 GOSPIC
16. 628 MUDRINIC BOGDAN MILAN 15.05.1952 11.12.1991 VIROVITICA
17. 644 NOVAKOVIC MILAN DRAGOLJUB 01.01.1953 06.09.1991 MIKLEUS
18. 651 OPSENICA PAVLE ZIVAN 12.01.1937 04.12.1991 ZADAR
19. 659 ORLOVIC IVO IVAN 21.08.1914 OI.OI.I991 VUKOVAR
20. 660 ORLOVIC VUKOSAVA RADOVAN 06.09.1924 01.01.1991 VUKOVAR
21. 666 PAJAGIC PETAR MIRKO 10.07.1932 20.09.1991 SISAK
22. 691 PA VIC MILJENKO VLAJKO 19.09.1958 23.09.1991 SISAK
23. 693 PA VIC RADOSLAV- PETAR 01.01.1906 20.02.1993 SMOKOVIC
24. 696 PAVLICA JANKO DURO 03.09.1933 I6.10.1991 KARLOBAG
25. 714 PETKOVIC DORDE VOJIN 06.04.1946 07.09.1991 OSIJEK
26. 744 POZNIC ZIVKO RADE 01.11.1957 15.08.1991 MALI
27. 745 POZNIC RADE STANKO 17.08.1935 28. 10.I991 GRUBISNO
28. 762 RADIC PANTELIJA RADE 09.03.1930 01.10.1991 KARLOBAG
29. 771 RAJCEVIC PERO STANKO 20.08.1947 11.10.1991 KUTINA
30. 774 RAJSIC DRAG AN DURO 31 .05.1927 26.08.1991 SISAK
31. 821 SMOLJANIC GAVRO GAJO 10.08.1950 13.1 2.1991 V OC IN
32. 837 STOJANOVIC NI KOLA MICO 19.12.1927 17.10.1991 GOSPIC
33. 841 SUND AC DRA GAN SAVO 26. 12.1932 04.02. 1992 SISAK
34. 910 TATOMIROVI RADE DU SAN 08.06.1956 07. 11.1991
35. 9I8 TOMICIC BOZIO AR MARKO 07.10.1953 17.10.199I GOSPIC
36. 927 TRESNJIC NEBOJSA MILE 01.09.1954 17.10.I991 GOSPIC
37. 928 TRIVKANOVI BERISLAV NI KOLA 08.03.1973 25.08.1991 SISAK
NI KOLA 29.01.1969 25.08.1991 SISAK
39. 957 VELEBIT BOZO NI KOLA 25.08.1942 21.10.1991 KUTINA
40. 959 VICANOVIC KONSTANTIN Ml LOS 03.06.1935 20.08.1991 VINKOVCI
41. 981 VUCKOVIC LJUBICA RADE 10.08.1930 20.10.1991 PAKRACKA
42. 987 VUNJAK BOJA STEVO 01.01.1954 30.10.1991 GOSPIC
43. 988 VUNJAK NEBOJSA MILAN 21.11.1948 30.10.1991 GOSPIC
Exemplary list of the Serb victims whose names appear
on the Applicant's Lists of exhumed bodies submitted
as Annex 43 & 44 to the Reply

Annex 2
Exemplary list of the Serb victims whose names appear on the
Applicant's Lists of exhumed bodies submitted as Annex 43 & 44 to the Reply
Annex 43 to the Reply
1. 697 BABIC Nikola SAVO 17.4.1956 VUKOVAR. NOVO 27.04.· MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
2. 752 BINGULAC Maksim Tl HOM IR 18.9.1951 VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
3. 2102 BIRAC Stojan Sa va 14.02.1921 HRVATSKA DUBICA 95 20.05.2004 INDIVIDUAL
4. 1729 BOSANAC MARA 1. 1.1910 KUSONJE 7.4.2001 INDIVIDU AL
5. 783 BULAJIC llija ILINKA 13.07.1925. VUKOVAR. NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07. 1998
6. 784 BULAJIC Vidak MILOSAV 22.01.1914. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07. 1998
7. 809 CEéAVAC Miroslav GORAN 25.01.1990. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
8. 810 CECAVAC Cedo MIROSLAV 14.03.1 966 VUKOVAR. NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
9. 811 CECAVAC Josip SLAOANA 29.10.1972. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
10. 83 1 CIRIC Oorde PRE DRAG 6.2.1951 VUKOVAR. NOVO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
GROBUE 3.07.1998
12. 2222 CURCIC llija NI KOLA 14.12.1921 OTOCAC, GRADSKO 15.1 1.2006 INDIVIDUAL
13. 836 OEKié Stevan VOJISLAV 29.09.1947. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
14. 859 DUDAS Miron VLADIM IR 24.03.1949 VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
15. 860 DUDUKOVIC Du san JOVAN 14.10.1930 VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBUE 3.07. 1998
16. 2223 DUGANDZIJA Mirko MILORAD 16.10. 1964 OTOCAC.GRADSKO 15. 11.2006 INDIVIDUAL.
17. 867 OURANEC Tomislav GORAN 2.8. 1969 VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
18. 2404 IVKOVIC Luka ANTE 02.06.191 O. RODAUICE 30.4.1996 INDIVIDUAL
19. 2453 JOKIC Lazo STEVAN 16. 12.1934 ZEMUNIK DONJJ. FAMLY 3.6.2003 INDIVIDU AL.
20. 977 JOKIC Mile STOJAN 0101.1939. VUKOVAR. NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07. 1998
22. 19 15 KONJUH Ivan ANA 28.9. 1924 PETRIN! A, 12.10.1995 INDIVIDUAL
23. 1726 KOZLOVIC Petar PETAR 30.7.1950 KUSONJE. LOCAL 7. 12.2000 INDIVIDU AL
24. 276 KRNIC Antun JELKA 8.10.1914 TOVARNIK, LOCAL 27.1.1998 MASSGRAVE
25. 214 LALIC llija STOJAN 06.10.1923 ILOK, CATHOLIC 7.9. 1999 MASSGRAVE
26. 1101 LUKIC Dragoljub BOSKO 8.011952 VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBUE 3.07. 1998
27. 1129 MARKOV Veljko JOVAN 25.07. 1933. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
28. 2224 MILEUSNIC Stojan NEDELJKO 15.011967 OTOCAC. GRADSKO 15.112006 INDIVIDU AL
29. 11 81 MITIC Stojan JOVAN 23.011952 VUKOVAR. NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
30. 1200 NEDUCIC Arso UROS 12.05.1943. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
31. 1216 ORESCANIN Pavie MIL KA 08.02.1911. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
32. 1217 ORESCANIN Ni kola MIRKO 1302.1913. VUKOVAR, NOYO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
33. 1786 OSTOJIC Zivko MILAN 15.3.1963 DONJE JAME. LIVADA 22.4. 1996 INDIYIDUAL
34. 1235 PAVLOVIC Ni kola ZORICA 15.08.1976. YUKOV AR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07. 1998
35. 1238 PETKOVIC M ilan MILOJICA 1.9.1969 VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1998
36. 1987 PULJIC Petar MILOV AN 6.6.1933 PETRINJA, LOCATION lA 12.3. 1998 INDIVIDUAL
37. 1663 RADOVIC Du san MIHAJLO 4.6.1933 VUKOVAR, OLD 14.9.1999 INDIVIDUAL
38. 2003 RAJACIC Bogoljub ZVJEZDAN 25.12.1966 DYOR 30.8. 1995 INDIVIDUAL
39. 1317 SIMIC Jo van GORAN 4.8.1969 VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBUE 3.07.1 998
40. 1319 SIRET A Jovo SIMO 10.12.1936. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBLJE 3.07. 1998
41. 1724 SKORIC STAN A 70 years old KUSONJE, KBR 1-3 02.4. 1998 INDIVIDUAL
42. 1330 STANKOVIC Jovo RANKO 13.11.1934 VUKOVAR, NOYO 27.04.- MASSGRAVE
GROBLJE 3.07.1 998
44. 1406 TOSKOVIC M i1os TOSO 07.01.1950. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBLJE 3.07.1998
45. 1409 TRAJKOVIC Stojan VELIMIR 01.04.1930. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBLJE 3.07 1998
46. 1410 TRAYAS Milan MILAN 29.10.1944. VUKOVAR, NOVO 27.04.- MASS GRAVE
GROBLJE 3.07.1998
47. 213 VOJNOVIC Nenad ILIJA 11.11.1927. ILOK, CATHOUC 06.9.1999 MASS GRAVE
48. 2454 VU KAS Branko MILORAD 23.10.1963 ZEMUNIK DONJI, FAMLY 3.6.2003 INDIVIDU AL
49. 1831 ZLATOVIC Mil os MOMIR 24.2.1972 GUNA, NOVO CEMETERY 21.5.2004 INDIVIDU AL
Annex 44 to the Reply
1. 802 ALEKSIC Dmitar MILKA 12.4.1906 SLOVINCI83 20.5.2004 INDIVIDUAL
2. 1138 BACKONJA Voj in MILAN 1.1.1940 STRMICA, HAM LET 27.1 0.2005 INDIVIDUAL
3. 1113 BAJ1C Lazo JOVO 8.1.1932. GORNJI RADLJEYAC, 14.6.2004 1NDIVIDUAL
4. 1137 BJEDOV Niko1a DORDE 25.03.1956 RADUC1C, DISTRICT 26.1 O. 2005. INDIYIDUAL
5. 542 BJELIC Marko ZELJKO 10.09.1963. DONJI HRASTOVAC 08.06.1999 MASSGRAVE
6. 1055 BOBIC Ni kola RADE 15. 10.1936 U èKO PETROVO SELO 12.12.2002 IN DIV !DUAL
7. 720 BOGDANOVIC Stojan SIMO 7.4.1933 KOMORA, LEFT SI DE D-6, 24.1 0.2006 INDIVIDU AL
8. 128 BOJANIC Mi1oja MELANIJA 24.06.1927. SARVAS, ORTODOX 3.11.1999 INDIVIDU AL
9. 455 BOKAN Stevan NI KOLA 21.9.1934 OKU( ANI. LOCAL 30.08.2005. MASSGRAVE
10. 1044 BOR TC Da ne V ES NA 6.9.1973 DONJI LAPAC, CEMETERY 23.9.2004 INDIVIDU AL
12. 498 BOSANAC Marko GAJO 26.8.1903 BATINJANI43 11.6.2004 INDIVIDUAL
13. 499 BOSANAC Lazo SA V ETA 02.04.191 8 BATINJANI 43 11.6.2004 INDIVIDU AL
14. 984 BOZIC M i los NI KOLA 11.10.1967 TUSILOVIC, ORTODOX 29. 10.2003 INDIVIDU AL
15. 771 BUCAN Vladimir BRANKO 14.6.1964. PEDALJ, LOKAL 5.5.2005. INDIVIDUAL
17. 1056 CARIC Branko ZDRAVKO 12.10.1955 LICKO PETROYO SELO 12.1 2.2002 INDIVIDUAL
18. 717 CURCIJA Si mo MIRKO 23.10.1947 KIRISNICA 29.9.1 998 INDIVIDUAL
20. 540 CVETIC Savo RADE 22.02.1949 DONJE KUSONJE 3.7.2007 INDIVIDU AL
22. 456 DANOJEVIC Djuro ILIJA 1910. OKUCANI, LOCAL 30.08.2005. MASS GRAVE
23. 695 DMITROVIC MILORAD 13.8.1963 GVOZD 16.5.1996 INDIVIDU AL
24. 1190 DRAGICEVIC Jo van DU SAN 1.10.1966 VELEBIT 22.8.2002 INDIVIDUAL
25. 1134 DUBAJIC Sima LAZO 25.3.1920 PLAVNO, HAMLET 27.10.2005 INDIVIDUAL
29. 129 JERENIC M ilcnko LAZAR 15.10.1954. SARV AS, ORTODOX 3.11.1999 INDIVIDUAL
30. 497 KABLAR Petar NI KOLA 15.06.1922. BATINJANI 89 7.122000 INDIVIDUAL
3 1. 780 KLJAJIC Petar Ml LADIN 2.8. 1930 RUJEVAC2 20.5.2004 INDIVIDUAL
32. 1059 KNEZEVIC Spase MILAN 2.4.1 938 LJUBOYO, CULUMOVKA 5. 11.2003 INDIYIDUAL
36. 4 18 KOROV Karlo PETAR 14.3. 1966 PACETIN, DISTRICT 25.10.2002 INDIVIDUAL
37. 1046 KRTINIC Mane JOVO 10. 1.1946 DONJI LAPAC, CEMETERY 23.9.2004 INDIVIDUAL
38. 522 KUTIC Savo VELJKO 1.3.1967. Seovica, forest BJEGOV ACA 8.2.2002 INDIVIDUAL
39. 124 LAPCEVIC Petar MILKA 1.1.1910 OSIJEK, CENTRAL 17.6.2005 INDIVIDUAL
40. 1114 LEZAJIC Luka GOJKO 25.8. 1930 GOSIC, FAMILY CRYPT 17. 12.2003 INDIVIDUAL
41. 952 LEZAJIC Petar NIKOLA 08.02.1954. MALI KOZINAC LOKAL 19.3.2003. INDIVIDUAL
43. 457 MARIC Nikola JULA 30.4.1923 OKUCANI, LOCAL 30.08.2005. MASS GRAVE
45. 458 MARKOVIC Mato KATA 25. 11.1 9 19 OKUCANI, LOCAL 30.08.2005. MASS GRAVE
46. 986 MATIJEVIC Mil os CV !JAN 30.11. 1924 TUSILOYIC, ORTO DOX 29.10.2003 INDIVIDUAL
49. 831 MILJANOV IC Stojan SIMO 23.9.1948 TOPUSKO, KLINSKA bb 10.5.2005 IND1VIDUAL
51. 1068 MISCEVIC Petar NI KOLA 27.9.1941 SMIUANSKO FIELD. 22.9.2004 INDIVIDUAL
52. 244 PANENIC Mijo ALOJZIJE 17.7.1946 STAR! JANKOVCI. 19.02.1998 MASS GRAVE
53. 246 PANENIC Alojzije VJEKOSLAV 5.6. 1970 STAR! JANKOVCI. 19.02.1998 MASSGRAVE
54. 357 PAP Vladimir MIROSLAV 9.6.1948 MARINCI, LOCATION 4C 17.2.1998 INDIVIDUAL
57. 487 PO PIC PA VLE 29. 1.1 941. SEOCE 4.12.2006 INDIVIDUAL
58. 1047 POSMUGA Nikola BRANKO 9.8. 1955 DONJI LAPAC, CEMETERY 23.9.2004 INDIVIDU AL
59. 512 PRODANOVIC Jovo STAN A 15.06.1915. GA VRIN ICA. LOCAL 7. 12.2000 INDIVIDUAL
60. 526 PROTIC Du san DRAG A 1930 Snjegavié, raad to ccmctc1y 11.12.2000 INDIVIDUAL
61. 523 PROTIC Ml aden LJUBOMIR 10.6.1938 Snjegavié, road to cemetery 11. 12.2000 INDIVIDU AL
62. 525 PROTIC Jovo MILAN 19.9. 1982 Snjcgavié, road to cemetery 11.12.2000 INDIVIDUAL
64. 530 RADMILOVIC Stojan ANA 9.7. 1927 Snjegavié, road to cemetery 11.12.2000 INDIVIDUAL
65. 528 RADMILOVIC Stanko ILIJA 2.8.1951 Snjegavié, road to cemcte-ry 11.12.2000 INDIVIDUAL
66. 994 RAKIC Mane DRA GAN 1968. GOLUBNJAèA 1 16. 10.2001. MASSGRAVE
67. 993 RAKIC Bu de MANE 1933. GOLUBNJACA 1 16. 10.2001. MASSGRAVE
68. 995 RAKIC Mane MILOVAN 196 1. GOLUBNJAèA 1 16. 10.200 1. MASSGRAVE
69. 996 RAKIC Mane RADMI LA 1963. GOLUBNJACA 1 16.10.2001. MASSGRAVE
70. 529 RANOSAVLJE Dra gan ZELJKO 23.2.2965 Snjegavié, road to cemetery 11.1 2.2000 INDIVIDUAL
71. 679 RUDIC Sa va EV ICA 15.7.1918 GORNJI KLASNIC. ACROSS 5.5.2005 INDIVIDU AL
72. 415 SERDAR Stcvan DRAGAN 11.4.1941 OPATOVAC, CATHOLIC 9.9.1999 INDIVIDU AL
73. 1148 SKARIC llija STAN A 18. 1.1922 VRBNIK, FAMILY CRYPT 15.12.2003 INDIVIDUAL
74. 1 157 SOVILJ Nikola MARA 20.6.1923 KIJAN I. FAMILY HOUSE 12.8.2002 INDIVIDUAL
76. 527 STANKOV!C Nikola ANE>A 1921. Snjegavié, road to cemetery 11 .12.2000 INDIVIDUAL
77. 1191 STOJSAVLJEVJ Jovo MAR!JA 18.11.1909 VEL.IKA POP INA 1.6.2007. INDIVIDU AL
78. 185 TOLIC Mirko MARKO 14. 1.1932 CELIJE, BEHIND CATHOLIC 14.10.1998 MASS GRAVE
79. 300 TOPALOV!C Pero TOMAS 05.0 1.1 977. CELIJE. LOCATION 6 25.2.1998 INDIVIDUAL
80. 1160 TRAVICA Mi los STEVAN 9.8. 1922. KRUPA, DISTRICT 1 0.3.2003. INDIVIDU AL
81. 693 VEJNOV!C Lazo NEDELIKO [ 9.4. [ 953 GREDANI, LOCATION 4 13.3.1998 INDIV!DUAL
82. 1057 VESELICA MARIJA 1.1. 1908 Llè KO PETROVO SELO 12.12.2002 INDIVIDUAL
83. 816 VJSNJIC Mirko SLAVKO 07.09. 1936. SVIN ICA 131 6.4.2001 !NDIVIDUAL
84. 830 VOJNOV!C Savo STOJAN 17.03.1938. TOPUSKO. SKOLSKA 45 5.4.2001 INDIVIDUAL
87. 460 VUJAKL!JA Vaso M!L!JA 7.2.1915 OKUCANI. LOCAL 30.08.2005. MASSGRAVE
88. 122 VUKAJLOVlC Milivoj SVETlSLAV 24.05.1929. OSIJEK, CENTRAL 27.2.2002 INDIVIDUAL
90, 513 VUKOVlC Jeremije JELENA 1.1.1907 GAYRINICA, LOCAL 7.12.2000 INDIYIDUAL
91. 502 ZABRDAC Marko BLAGOJE 21.4.1943 BATINJANI, LOCAL 11.6.2004 INDIVIDU AL
92. 1049 ZAGORAC Mihajlo BOZ! DAR 1.1.1935 DONJILAPAC, CEMETERY 23.9.2004 INDIYIDUAL
93. 649 ZDJELAR Mile MILAN 12.5.1921 CRNI POTOK 8 12.9.2002 INDIVIDUAL
94. 507 ZEC Petar PETAR 12.8.1941 BATINJANI, LOCAL 6.12.2005 INDIVIDUAL
95. 524 ZIVKOVIC Janko NI KOLA 25.10.1950 Snjegavié, road to cemetery 11.12.2000 INDIVIDUAL

Exemplary list of the Croat victims registered in Annex
41 to the Reply who went missing on the territory of
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Annex 3
Exemplary list of the Croat victims registered in Annex 41 to the Reply
who went missing on the terri tory of Bos nia and Herzegovina
Family name First name Father's na me
Date of Date
No Place missing No. birth missin2
1. 83 BOKULIC IV ICA 23.05.1974 01.07.1992 ZVORNIK
2. 89 BOZièEVIC BRANKO IVAN 15.01.1951 17.06.1992 PELAGIC CERIK
3. 100 BREKALO LUKA ILIJA 14.04.1961 30.09.1992 BiH
4. 140 CELIK AVDO ESEF 31.01.1955 20.05.1992 VISEGRAD
5. 161 DAMJANOVIC MATO MARKO 04.04.1960 15.07.1992 BOSANSKI SVILAJ
6. 183 DOS EN JOSIP LUKA 06.04.1958 17.08.1992 RAMI Cl
7. 192 DUGANDZIC DRAG AN STIPO 13.08.1963 01.10.1991 BOS. KOSTAJNICA
8. 200 DUPLISAK RUDOLF ANTUN 01.04.1954 05.07.1993 BUGOJNO
9. 202 DUVNJAK STJEPAN IVO 28 09.1972 14.08.1992 BRElAN!
10. 209 EJOMLIJA ZELJKO MILE 01.03.1958 04.10.1992 BOSANSKIBROD
11. 224 EFENDIC MIRSAD DZEMAL 17.02.1955 28.06. 1992 SELO LUG
12. 253 FURAC MARIJAN IVAN 25.02.1958 19.09.1995 BOSANSKI NOVI
13. 290 HADZIC ESREF BEG AN 06.04.1946 21.09.1991 KOZARAC
15. 295 HARCA MIROSLAV IV ICA 01.07.1975 05.05.1995 CRNI BUNARI
16. 311 HORVAT BOZIDAR AUGUST 04.06.1956 11 .05.1992 HADZICI
17. 312 HORVAT BELA BELA 04.04.1950 22.09.1992 DER VENTA
18. 322 ILOVIC DRAG! MATE 16.04.1948 13.08.1995 BOSANSKO
19. 340 JAMAN DANKO DRA GAN 24. 11.1969 30.08.1992 KORACE
20. 368 JURKIC MIKA JURO 25.04.1967 30.09.1992 BOSANSKIBROD
21. 379 KARALIC NEDZAD HASAN 17.0 1.1970 01 .04.1992 BOSANSKIBROD
23. 435 KOVACEVIC LJUBOMIR MILAN 24.01. 1971 01.05.1992 MODRiéA
24. 437 KOVAéEVIC ILIJA JURE 11 .06.1967 30.09.1992 KOLIBE
25. 440 KOVACIC MARIO JOSIP 08.05.1975 19.09.1995 RIJEKA UNA
26. 446 KRESO SILVIO STIPE 30.09.1970 25. 10.1992 JAJCE
27. 474 KUKURUZOVIC NI KOLA ANTUN 12.11.1963 31.08.1992 BIJELO BRDO
28. 479 KUSIC RATKO STJEPAN 30.01.1951 27.04.1992 BIH
29. 487 LANDEK DRAZEN VLADIMIR 07.01.1968 26.05.1992 PODNOVLJE
30. 489 LAUC GOJKO ANTE 11 .06.1957 06.04.1992 BOSANSKIBROD
31. 493 LE NIC MATO EJURO 11.02.1972 23.04.1992 GREBNICE
32. 557 MARIC STIPO IVAN 11 .08.1964 01.01.1992 KOTOR VAROS
33. 563 MARINOVIC KRUNOSLAV PERO 06.04.1946 14.04.1992 DRAGOCAVAC
34. 570 MAR TIC ZELJKO STJEPAN 27.04.1963 27.06.1992 BOS. POSA VINA
35. 573 MARTINOVIC DRA GO MAR !JAN 21.07. 1948 11 .06.1992 DOBOJ
36. 575 MASINOVIC SAFET MEHMED 16.11.1958 12.10.1991 BOS. KOSTAJNICA
37. 665 PAHOR BRANKO DRA GO 06.01.1963 05.07.1993 GRACANICA
38. 682 PAULIC VLADIMIR ILIJA 21.12.1973 26.05.1992 BUKOVICA
39. 684 PAUSIC ZELJKO IVAN 03.04.1959 15.07.1 992 DONJI SVILAJ
40. 689 PAVIC1C KRESIMIR NI KOLA 07.09. 1965 12.09.1992 KOSTRES
41. 695 PAVLAK VLADIMIR FRAN JO 01.01.1964 12.07.1992 VIDOVICE
42. 701 PAVLOVIC STJEPAN ANTUN 26.01 .1968 30.06.1992 DERVENTA
43. 728 PILIPOVIC PETAR ABRAHAM 08.05.1964 06.08.1992 BOSANSKIBROD
45. 748 PRANJIC SRECKO ALOJZ 17. 11.1969 11 .09.1991 BOSANSKA
46. 779 RAUZAN MARIJAN LAZ AR 20.05.1952 18.11.1991 KLJUC
47. 783 RICHTER BOZIDAR IVAN 08. 12.1943 19.06.1992 KORACE
48. 784 ROMAN ESEN DRAG ICA MIHAJLO 15.08.1951 20.07.1992 BOSANSKA
49. 787 ROZANKOYIC MILAN 20.03.1961 01.01.1992 BIH
50. 845 SANTIC Y LA DO DUJO 29.10.1952 09.03.1995 BIHAC
51. 867 SIM UNAC GORAN MILE 13.06.1973 30.08.1992 KORACE
52. 885 SPI SIC IV ICA TOMO 11.09.1972 10.04.1992 KUPRES
53. 901 STRK LUKA JOSIP 20.09.1956 18.05.1992 BOSANSKIBROD
55. 958 VELETANLIC JASMIN HALID 26.05.1969 24.07. 1992 POPOVO POLJE
56. 966 VISTICA MAR !JAN FRA NO 21.09.1941 02.09.1992 BOSANSKA
57. 973 VRANDUKLIJA MUSTAFA SALKO 27.06.1950 25.06.1992 KORNICA
58. 1000 ZECEVIC NIJAZ NUS RET 17.05.1966 03.05.1992 DOBOJ
59. 1008 ZORIC DUSKO JOSIP 14.03.1963 09.06.1992 GREBNICE
Exemplary list of the Croat victims registered in Annex
41 to the Reply who went missing in the Croatian towns
that were un der the control of the Croatian

Annex 4
Exemplary list of the Croat victims registered in Annex 41 to the
Reply who went missing in the Croatian towns that were under the
control of the Croatian Government
5 AIHINGER ANTONIO IVO 23.04.1976 02.06.1992 ZAGREB
76 BLAZEVIC BISERKA PETAR 13.10.1951 04.11.1992 ZAGREB
84 BOL UN MILAN FRAN JO 14.04.1932 30.09.1991 KRIZ
92 BOZIC BRANKO DANE 12.01.1953 20.07.1993 VINKOVCI
133 CRNJAK STANKO FRA NE 07.07. 1965 10.10.1992 SKRADIN
166 DE LAC MILAN MILAN 13.05.1951 01.05.1991 ZAGREB
234 FABRIC IV ICA FRAN JO 27.12.1970 13.07.1992 DUBROVNIK
280 GRGIC BOGDAN NI KOLA 02.05. 1958 23.11.1991 ZAGREB
284 GRUBIC EDO ANTUN 29.03. 1972 21.10.1990 SISAK
346 JELéiC NI KOLA 19.04. 1934 27.08.1993 VINKOVCI
350 JOKIC MLADEN BRANKO 18. 10.1960 20.10.1992 SLAVON SKI BROD
371 JURSIC VALTER MARIO 10.01.1964 19.09.1991 RAZANJ
403 KLINOVSKI MARIJA DURO 27.04.1920 15.01.1992 VINKOVCI
414 KOMOSAR DUSAN PETAR 15.05.1927 19.10.1991 SISAK
483 KUTROVAC DAM IR IVAN 17.12. 1959 18.11.1991 VINKOVCI
601 MIHALIC DRAZEN NI KOLA 04.04.1968 07.12.1991 KAMENICA
645 NOZIC ARNOLD FEJSAL 28.06.1969 23.10.1991 OTOK SIPAN
646 NUIC-ZORiéiC INA PETAR 17.08. 1960 03.10.1991 ZAGREB
666 PAJAGIC PETAR MIRKO 10.07. 1932 20.09.1991 SISAK
674 PARADINOVIC JOSIP FRAN JO 10.01.1949 04.03.1992 SISAK
691 PA VIC MILJENKO VLAJKO 19.09.1 958 23.09.1991 SISAK
721 PETROVIC MICO MICO 10.11.1939 05.09.1991 VIROVITICADU
729 PILSEL ANDRES ADOLF 24.07.1 968 23.10.1991 OTOK SIPAN
761 RADESIC SOSTEN ANTON 07.09.1935 24.04.1992 DOLASKE DRAGE
771 RAJCEVIC PERO STANKO 20.08.1947 11.10.1991 KUTINA
774 RAJSIC DRAGAN DURO 31.05.1927 26.08.1991 SISAK
788 RUKAVINA DRA GO ANTUN 07.04.1967 22.11.1991 PAKLENICA
814 SIMIC STEFICA MATO 04.1 0.1 930 16.09.1991 KRIZ
815 SIMIC DINO PETAR 28.07.1966 14.10.1991 JASENOVAC
841 SUN DAC DRAGAN SAVO 26.12. 1932 04.02.1992 SISAK
884 SPIRANEC PREDRAG MATO 26.05.1973 24.09.1991 ZRINSKA NA
908 TARBUK NI KOLA ILIJA 12.01.1956 25.03.1992 VINKOVCI
42. 922 TOMLJENOVIC STJEPAN MARTIN 01.01.1932 05 .07.1992 SISAK
43. 928 TRIVKANOVIC BERISLAV NI KOLA 08.03.1973 25.08.1991 SISAK
44. 929 TRIVKANOVIC ZORAN NI KOLA 29.01.1969 25 .08.1991 SISAK
45. 957 VELEBIT BOZO NI KOLA 25.08.1942 21.10.1991 KUTINA
46. 959 VICANOVIC KONSTANTIN Ml LOS 03.06.1935 20.08.1991 VINKOVCI
47. 1004 ZEMLJARJé BRANKO FRANC 07.03.1960 16.05.1992 SLANO
48. 1022 ZUPA NIKSA FRA NO 09.01.1953 31.07.1994 PULA
Military Medical Centre, Novi Sad, Report no. 2840-2
dated 31 December 2002: "Medical treatment of
persons arrested in the Republic of Croatia 1991-1992"

REF: 2840-2
Novi Sad, 31st December 2002
Reference: Medical treatment of persans arrested in the Republic of Croatia in 1991-1992
- Logistics Sector
Medical Corps Department
Y our ref. 3287-4 of281h November 2002
1. TOMASIC (father's name Aleksandar), JOSIP
Born 281h November 1951, Vukovar, ZNG sol dier; address: Bratstva i Jedinstva 7,
Vukovar. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 24 November 1991; discharged on 28
November 1991 for further treatment. Diagnosis: Vulnus sclopetarium haemithoracis
l.dex. Vulnus punctumfossae poplitei !.sin. Main Protocol records No. 4109. Injuries
suffered most probably by a hand grenade at Martinci on 191h November 1991 around
11:00 a.m.
2. KOVALKO (father's name Ante), IVAN
Born 21 51 January 1960, Derventa, prisoner of war (ZNG); address: Proleterska 145,
Vukovar. Admitted to Intern Ward from th January- 1 th January 1992 and again on
291h February 1992; discharged on 201h March 1992 with an administered therapy.
Diagnosis: Myocardiopathia dilativa decompensata. Athesiones pleurae bas. l. dex.
Sy. wpw. Main Protocol records Nos. 77 and 656. The patient was readmitted for the
second time (from KPD Sremska Mitrovica prison) because of cardiac decompensation
3. BRNJETIC (father's narne Andrija), ANDRIJA
Born 2th September 1954, Kesinci - Djakovo; ZNG soldier; address: Aleja
Oslobodjenja 89, Borovo Naselje. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 241h February 1992,
discharged on 181h March 1992 for further bandaging and check up. Diagnosis:
Appendictis acuta perforativa. Abscesus cavi douglasi. Main Protocol records No. 599.
4. MALCIC (father's name Miroslav), SASA
Born 141h February 1972, Split; prisoner of war; address: Kralja Petra Svacica 66,
Osijek. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 141h February 1992; discharged on 141h February
1992 to contact the relevant doctor. Diagnosis: Vulnus sclopetarium dorsi et
haemitoracis !.sin. Main Protocol records No. 390. Wounded on 1 February 1992 near
Bezdan (Kolut Forest) where he was a member of subversive group.
5. GEOSIC (father's name Milan), IVICA
Born 1 th July 1946, Vukovar; ZNG soldier; address: Ive Lole Ribara 20, Vukovar.
Admitted to Surgical Ward on 1 January 1992; discharged on 81h January 1992 with an
administered therapy. Diagnosis: Pyelonephritis acuta. Main Protocol records No. 2.
Brought in from Sremska Mitrovica prison, complaining of severe abdominal pains.
Born in 1969; ZNG soldier; address: Trpinska Cesta. Admitted to the Surgical Institute
of the Medical School in Novi Sad from Vukovar Hospital on 21 st November 1991 and
discharged on 31st December 1991; admitted to the Surgi cal Ward of the Military
Medical Centre in Novi Sad on 31 December 1991. Diagnosis: Vulnus sclopetarium
capitis. Haemiparesis l. dex. st.post. tracheothomiam. insuff. respiratoria. Main Protocol
records No. 4106. After a coma, he died on 1ih January 1992.
7. CRNJAC (father's name Blago), PAVO
Born 16 December 1961, Listica; ZNG soldier; address: Hercegovacka 53, Borovo
Naselje. Admitted to Surgi cal Ward on 24 th November 1991; discharged on 13 th
December 1991 and readmitted on 21 st December 1991 for further treatment and
discharged on 1 ih January 1992, to report for further treatment and check-ups.
Diagnosis: Vulnus Sclopetarium reg. cruris dex. cum fracturam comminutiva. Fixiatio
cruris cum "fixateur externae ". Main Protocol records Nos. 3622 and 3995. Injury
sustained on 13th November 1991 around 7:00 a.m. in Novosadska Street, Borovo
8. PLECKOVIC (father's name Luka), MARKO
Born 5 August 1953, Vukovar; member of Croatian MUP (HOS); address: Ulica
18.12.1944 (Neznanih Junaka), Vukovar. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 241h
November 1991; discharged on 8th January 1992 for further treatment. Diagnosis:
Vulnus sclopetarium reg. perinei et scroti. Main Protocol records No. 3620. He was
wounded on 14th November 1991, around 9:00a.m, in Budzak- Vukovar.
9. BUNIC (father's name Stjepan), IVAN
Born 14th October 1969, Plemenscina; member of Croatian MUP; address:
Plemenscina 33, Ivanjica. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 241h November 1991 ;
discharged on 29th November 1991 from the Military Medical Academy Hospital.
Diagnosis: Vu/nus perforans oculi sin. endophthalmitis purulenta post. traumatica.
Main Protocol records No. 3624. Wounded at Borovo Naselje as a result of an
exploded mine a week ago and sent to this institution from KPD Sremska Mitrovica.
10. BRAOVAC (father's name Marijan), JOSIP
Born 20 February 1941, Vukovar; ZNG soldier; address: Neznanih Junaka 231 ,
Vukovar. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 241h November 1991 and discharged on 28th
November 1991; to receive further treatment. Diagnosis: Vulnus sclopetarium reg.
abdominis et cruris sin. Main Protocol records No. 3623. He was wounded on 13th
November 1991 around 3:00p.m. at Borovo Naselje factory.
11. UGARKOVIC (father's name Josip), ZVONIMIR
Born 15 July 1953, Stari Jankovci; prisoner of war (Central Prison); address:
Nustarske Baste 15, Ceric. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 6 October 1991; discharged
on 10 October 1991 for further treatment and check up. Diagnosis: Vulnus
sclopetarium pedis sin. Main Protocol records No. 1991. He was wounded in the heel
on 1 st October 1991 at the village of Ceric.
12. PAJTAK (father's name Josip), VLADO
Born 21 August 1961, Ladanje Gornje; ZNG soldier; address: Vubulja 103, Marcan.
Admitted to Surgical Ward on 2ih November1991; discharged on 13th December 1991
and readmitted on 161h March 1992 and discharged on 23rd March 1992; to receive
further treatment. Diagnosis: Vulnus sclopetarium brachi dex. et fracturam
communitiva humeri. Fixatio humeri dex. cum « jixateure externae ». Main Protocol
records Nos. 3669 and 837. He was wounded on lOth November 1991 at Borovo
Naselje as a result of a grenade explosion, where he was treated until 19th November
1991, wherefrom he was sent to KPD Sremska Mitrovica.
13. JURCAN (father's name Andrija), IVICA
Born 17th July 1970, Vukovar, ZNG soldier; address: Vladimira Nazora 133,
Bogdanovci. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 2ih November 1991; discharged on 8th
January 1992. Readmitted on 16th March 1992 and discharged on 23rd March 1992; to
receive further treatment. Diagnosis: Vulnus sclopetarium reg. brachi at geni sin.
jixatio humeri sin. cum "jixateure externae ". Amputatio pedis sin. Main Protocol
records Nos. 3665 and 836. He was wounded on 101h November 1991 at Marinci; he
stepped on a landmine.
14. JANJIC ~father's name Mijo), PETAR
Born 291 September 1963, Vardiste - Visegrad; ZNG soldier; address: Neznanih
Junaka 8/2, Vukovar. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 241h November 1991; discharged
on 131h December 1991; to receive further treatment. Diagnosis: Vu/nus sclopetarium
reg. fe maris dex. cum fracturam comminutive fe mo ris. Fixatio fe maris cum "jixateure
externae". Main Protocol records No. 3625. Injury sustained on 111h November 1991
between 1:00 and 2:00p.m.
15. PODURESKI (father's name Rudolf), SLAVKO
Born 7 September 1951, Ples, Ivanec; frisoner of war; address: Ljudevita Gaja 3,
Ceric. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 61 October 1991; discharged on lOth October
1991; to receive further treatment. Diagnosis: Vulnus sclopetarium reg. fe maris sin.
Main Protocol records No. 2847. Injury sustained by a firearm on 1 st October 1991 at
Ceric Village.
16. DOROGHAZI (father's name Silvester), VLADO
Born 28 June 1948, Piscurevci, Djakovo; prisoner of war; address: Svetozara
Markovica 42, Vukovar. Admitted to Intern Ward on 17th December 1991; discharged
on 201h December 1991. Diagnosis: injiltratio pulmonis dex. Main Protocol records
No. 3930.
17. MARKUS (father's name Franjo), BORIS
Born 4 April 1965, Stubicke Toplice; ZNG soldier; address: Strmec 281, Stubicke
Toplice. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 24th November 1991 (Main Protocol records
No. 3621) and readmitted on 14th December 1991; discharged on 181h December 1991.
Diagnosis: St.post amputatio traumatica dig. III et IV manus sin. Main Protocol
records No. 3881. Injuries sustained on 191h November 1991 around 10:00 a.m., near
Marin ci.
18. PRCE (father's name: Ivo) ZORAN
Born 6 April 1973, Vukovar; ZNG soldier; address: Vladimira Nazora 119,
Bogdanovci. Admitted to Surgical Ward on 141h December 1991; discharged on 161h
December 1991 with a plaster cast; to report for further treatment. Diagnosis: Vu/nus
sclopetarium brachi et fracturam comminutiva humeri dex in sanationem. Main
Protocol records No. 3879. He was wounded on 11 th November 1991 at Nuster.
19. PA VIC (father's name Bozo), IVICA
Born 12 January 1960, Vukovar; ZNG soldier; address: Pionirska 10, Vukovar.
Admitted to Surgical Ward on 271h November 1991; discharged on 131h December
1991; to receive further treatment. Diagnosis: Vu/nus explosivum reg. talocruralis dex.
in sanationem. Main Protocol records No. 3670. Injured on 2nd November 1991 in
Vukovar where he was treated. He was driven to the Surgical Ward from KPD
Sremska Mitrovica.
20. PINJUH (father's name Stanislav), BOZO
Born 10 July 1965, Vukovar; civilian; address: JNA 260, Vukovar. Admitted to
Surgical Ward on 141h December 1991; discharged on 20th December 1991. Diagnosis:
Fracturam cruris dex. in sanationem. Main Protocol records No. 3878. Hit by a car on
301h August 1991 in Vukovar where he received treatment.
21. MESELJEVIC (father's name Stjepan), JAKOV
Born 24 June 1934, Absevci; civilian; address: Tomislava 11, Vinkovci. Admitted to
Surgical Ward on 141h December 1991; discharged on 161h December 1991; to receive
further treatment. Diagnois: Vulnus sclopetarium pedis sin. in sanationem. Main
Protocol records No. 3880. He was wounded on 15 November 1991 by a grenade at
22. NEDUCIC (father's name Lazar), ALEKSANDAR
Born 19th January 1959, Vukovar; civilian; address: Ive Lole Ribara 106, Vukovar.
Admitted to Surgical Ward on 21st November 1991, discharged on 131h January 1992
and sent to the Rehabilitation Institute; Diagnosis: Vulnus sclopetarium cruris dex.
Amputatio. Main Protocol records No. 3633. He was injured by a sniper on 141h
November 1991 and treated at Vukovar Hospital wherefrom he was transported.
ZNG soldier; admitted on 2ih April 1992; Main Protocol records No. 1222. Medical
history is missing.
Col. Vladimir Petic, M.D.
'Avl . " ~ ,? ~ J - ~ --Djt. ".{) .._
')1 · 1· .~. . ' 1lt9ç8;.;.:?:: ; r..,
Jie'le~&e mm:a xoja cy 5BJTa
xanmem y P.XpBaTOEoj
1991!92.r., ~ocraBJba.-
B~3a: Baw JJcr HnT.6p.3287 -4 OA ~.11..2002.r.
1. TOMAIDWB. Ane~tca.Bllpa JOCHTI
rrn BJ- CeKTop sa )JOfHCTHJcy
- C.amrreTcx:a yupaBa -
. ~-
Pol)cu 28.11.19Sl.r . .ByKoaap,npnna,AHHX 3Hr, élA~~~ Epa:l'\.'TBa li jgAli.IIC'l:Ba 7, By !loaap.
ITpK!rUheH Ba XapypwKo OAe..'leac 24.11.l99l.r., omyll.l'reH 28.11.199l..r. aa. Ha.Jl:oc
JteqcH>c!. Dg: Vulnus sclq_)etarijum baemithorads l.dex:. Vulnus punctum f,'lisae pcçlitei
l.sin. Eipoj rnaaaor opo-ro.:o.;la 4109. Tioapep;a uacra.na HajBepoaaTRHje py,u:oM 6oM6oM y
~fapniB~JIMa 19Jl.1991.r. OKO 11 'l"aCOBa.
Po~c:u .::l.01.1960.r., ,q~ paëHTa, par.:JapoÛ;"belHfK (3IIT), a,!l,p~ca.: ITper~I~Icp~h.a. 145,
By&tlsap. f!pnM.1hcR na HRTepHo oge.neH.e 07.01.19~ . ~o 17.0119(}~. il ~'HJ2 g-:2.r.,
oTrrymTe& 20.03.1992.r. ca opp;BHBpauoM TepaoBjow. Dg: Myocardicpat~ia dilllt'3tiva
deccrnpensata.. Athesiooes pleurae bas. l.dex. Sy. wpw. Bpoj maaaor upOTOEOJia 77 B
656. Bo.nccaa:r.: npaMJLea no ~pynt ayr (B3 KIT~ CpeMCU MBTpoaa~a) 36or 3BaKOBa
cpqa.&e ~e.K.oMDe.S3a..q&je.
3. BP!bETiffi AH7J;pBj~ AJWRT A
Po~ea 27.09.1954.r., KemHB~R -'BaxoBo, npan~RRK 3Hr, ~peca: Ancja oCJto6o~cJJ.;t 89,
Bopoao Bacc.n.e. llpBMJLCB aaXapypmxo OJleJieiLc 24.02.1992.r., arnylllTCu 18.03.1992.r.
sa Aa.Ibe upeaaja.H.e a KOHTpone. Dg: Appemicitis ~uta pexfarativa.. Absoessus cavi
Douglasi. Eipoj rJiaaHor npO'l'oK.o.aa 599.
4. M.AJI't.fKB. MBpocna.Ba CA ill A
Pol)eR 14.02.1972.r., CllllRT, pa-r. sapo6~t.eHBK., ~peca: Kpan.a ne-rpa (CaaqHha)66,
OcHjex. llpHMn.CH ga X.!t:pypmK.o O;!].eJieH.e 14.02.1992.r., o"Inyu.rrea 14.02.1992.r. ca
x.oHTpOJiü:-.-1 x.o~ Ha.;+ne::.JOEor ~1eKa.p.1. Dg: Vulum sch:;petiliijum dorsi ~t lla2mithvrxis
I.sio. Epoj L'laEHor nporc&.ona 39U. I"u.H.e.::! 01.02.1:?92.r. KJA E~~a.u~ (K~"lfi~~ ar::\ie)
~e je 6ao no opBnap;&BK p;Baep3a&TCU rpyne.
6. rEOmHB. MB.lla.Ba HBHIJ;A
Po~eu 17.07.1946.r., Byxoaap, npan~ax 3Hr, ~peca: Hae J1one Pa6apa 20, Byxoaap.
Ilpawn.ea BaXBpypmxo o~eneHte Ol.Ol.l992.r., OTDYWTeB 08.01.1992.r. ca op~BBBpa&oM
Tepa.oajow. Dg: Pyeloeephritis acuta. Spoj muuor npOTOxona 2. ~oae~eB &3 Kil~
CpeMCU MBTpoaa~a s6or jaux 5o.noaa y -rp6yxy.
Po~eB 1969.r., npan~BBJt 3Hr, ~peca: TpDBHtc::u ~ecra. IlpaMJLeB Ba HBCTBT)"l' :Ja
xapyprajy Me;q.~uyJJTCTa Hoa• Ca;q B:J Byxoaapc::n 60JIBB~e o;q 21.11.1991. ~o
31.12.1991.r. Ha X•pypmxo o~e.neHte BMI.J;-a Hoa• Ca;q npaMJLeB 31.12.1991.r. Dg:
Vulnus sclq>etarijum capitis. Haemiparesis Ldex. St.poet. trache<tbaniam. Insuff.
respirataria Bpoj rnaaBor uporoxona 4106. Ilocne xowe ywpo 12.01.1992.r.
8. I.zyiDA~ SJiare IIABO
Pol}eB 16.12.1961.r., JlBillTB~a, npau~BBK 31IT, ~peca: Xep~eroaaqu 53, Bopoao
Hac::e.IDe. TipaMnoe& aa XBpypmxo o~eneHte 24.11.1991.r., OTDYWTCB 13.12.199l.r. a
DOBOaO 21.12.1991. p~B BaCTaJIU JieqeHta, a OTJIYIIITCB 17.01.1992.r. &a ~aJDC JieqeHte H
&:o&Tpo.ny. Dg: Vulnus sclopetarijum reg. cruris dex. cum fracturam ccmminutiva.
Fixiatio cruris cum •fixateur extemae •. Bpoj rnaaaor DpOTOKOJia 3622 a 399S. Iloape~a
aacraJia 13.11.1991.r. oxo 07/Xj qaoeaa y Hoao~cmj yna~B Bopoaa Bac::cJba.
Po~cu OS.08.1953.r., Byxoaap, upau~BJIJt MYTI·a XpaaTCJte (XOC), ~peca: yn•~a
8.12.1944. (He:Jaa&BX jyaau), Byxoaap. IlpaY.IheB Ba XBpypmxo o;qe.neHte 24.11.1991.r.,
OTDYillTCB 08.01.1992.r. Ba ~an.e neqeHte. Dg: Vulnus sclopetarijum xeg. perinei et scrcti.
Spoj rnaaaor DftOTOKOJia 3620. Pa~~teB 14.11.1991.r. oxo 09,00 qac::oaa By11ax.- Byxoaap.
10. BYHlfll. Crjena.Ba HBAH
Po~cB 14.10.1969.r., IIneweumhaaa, upBII~BBJt MYil XpaaTCJte, ~pec::a: Il.neMeamh&Ba
33, Haa.H.a~a. IlpBM.1bCB BaX•pypmxo o;qeneHtC 24.11.1991.r., OTJIYWTeB 29.11.199l.r. ua
BMA. D : Vulnus rla:ans oculi sin. Endophthalmitis puru~nta poet.. uaumatica. Bpoj
rnu&or npMO~ona 3624. Ilpe &~elLy ~aRa pme& y .Sopoay aaceJLy o~ eiCIIJIO:JIJC
MilHO a y a amy Y CTaaoay noc::naT B3 KTI~ Cpewa:a. MB'rpoaa~a.
11. EPAOBAU l\fap&jaHa JOC!'i:TI
Po~eH 20.02.1941.r .. Byxoaap, npH~'RHJt 3Hr, ~peca.: He9H<lRliX jyaaKa 231. ByxoBap.
Tipawn.ea aa Xapyponco o~OJtos.e 24.11.1991.r .. O'l'JTYD.rreR 28.11.1991.r. Ra ~a.Jbo
JleqeH.e. Dg: Vulnus sclopetarijum reg. abdaninis et auris sin. Epoj r.11aaaor oporo&OJia
3623. Pa.H.ea 13.11.199l.r. o~o 15 qa.roaa y Eopoay Haoe~1:.y - q>a6pau.
12. YrAPKOBHn. Jocana 3BOHHMHP
Pol}oa 15.tJ7.1953.r., Crapa JaBJCOB~B, paT. 3apo6JJ.OBBK (u;3), allpeca: HyWTapc~te
ÔàJ.UI-e 15, .U.Qpath. ilpaMJJ:ao& aa Xapypw~t.o OACJJCH.e 06.10.1991.r., O'royw~H
l0.10.199l.r. aa ~.an.e n~qeH.e a Jt.ORTPWIY. Dg: Vulnus sclopetarijum pedis sin. Epoj
ma.aaor npo-roJto,1a 1991. PaJbeH y oe-ry 01.10.1 991.r. y cCJl)" ~~p•ha.
Po~.:a 21.08.19til.r., ll~a:H.o ropH:.o, npan~HHJt 3Hr, é!AP~"-1; By6ynja 103, M.ap'faa.
llpuM.'b~u aa Xapypw~o ~e.ne~~ae 27.11.1991.r., OO'nyW'l'ea 13.12.199l..r. uo u
16.03.1992.r., OTDYWTCB 23.03.1992.r. aa ~albe JJe'leu.e. Dg: Vulnus sdopetarijum brachi
dcx. et fracturam canmunitiva humeri. Fi:utio humeri dex. cum "fixat.eure e::ttemae •.
Bp<>j rnassor nporoxoeta 3669 H 837. Pnt.eH 10.11.1991.r. y Bopoay aaceJLy op&
eKCDJJO:JBjB rpaaaTe ~e joB neqea ~o 19.11.1991.r. o~aue je npe6aqea y KTI}4 CpeNclta
14. n'"PLIA.H Aa~puj~ HBH~A
Poi)~!R 1".07.1970.r .. ByKoBJ.p1 npun~HHK 3Hr, JJJ:peca.: B.!lJliHMnpa H;nopJ. 133,
DOI1JaHOBqR. npwW&eR na Xapypwxo o~e.neH.e 27.11.1991.r., o-rnyUJTeH 08.01.1992.r. ft
16.03.1992.r., OTnymTea 23.03.1992.r. aa ;Qan.e neqe~~ae. Dg: Vulnus sclopetarijum reg.
brachi et geni sin. Fixatio bumeri sin. cum ·.fixateure extemae •. Amputatio pedis sin.
Bpoj rnasaor npor"<~&OJia. 3665 H 836. Pa~~tG.B 10.11.199l.r-. y l'vlapKs~awa, crao Ha aaraaay
Po9ea 29.09.1963.r., BapABmTC-Baworp~, npan~BBit 3HT, ~pe"-1: Hessaawx jyau:.a
8/2, ByJtoaa.p. IlpaloUbes aa Xapypwx.o o~eneH.e 24.11.1991.r., OTDYWTeH 13.12.1991.r.
aa .J,a.:be n~qeH>e. Dg: Vulnus sclopetarijum reg. femoris de.x:. cum fracturwi1
cormrJ nutha fern oris. Fixa ti o femoris cum • fil: at eu re externa.e •. Epoj UIJ.Eli~•r
i!pO'I'oKona 3625. Tiospc;Qa naara:ta 11.11.1991 .r. oKa 13-14 ucoaa.
:PotJea 07 .09.19Sl.r., Il.JieW, :1-lBaHel.(, pa-r.aapo6.11:tOHiiK:, a.Apoca.: Jb~gBJlTa faja 3, IJ;epHà.
ilpu~cB aa XupypwKo o~e.neH:.c 06.10.1991.r., on:rywTea 10.10.19~1.r. xa ~a.1.:
.rreq~Jb.:. Dg: Vulnus sclcpetarijum reg. femaris sin. Epoj rnaBHor uporoK•JJTa 184'7.
IToBpe:na Ha~aJTa na'I'peHR:..I op;ACjeM01.10.1991.r. y ce.rry ~epwha.
17. ;QOPOIXA3H CB.naecrepa BJ1A~O
Po~eB 28.06.1948.r., namxypea~:a. 'Suoao, paT. 9apo6JbCBHK., ~peca: CaeT03apa
Ma.pK.oaBha 42, ByK.oaap. llpHMnaea Ba HBTCpao OAeJicHte 17.12.1991.r., aruyurres
20.12.1991.r. Dg: Infiltratio pulmoois dex. Bpoj rnaaaor npOTOK.OJia 3930.
Po~ca 04.04.1965.r., Ory6aqu TonnBqe, upBDaABBK. 3liT, ~peca: Crpt.oeQ 281 1
Ory6aqJtc ToDJI:a~c. llpaMn:.ea aa XapypmKo OACJJCHoe 24.11.1991.r. (6p.npOTOK.OJia
3621) a 14.12.1991.r., aruymna 18.12.1991.r. Dg: St.poet amputatio traumatica dig. III
et IV manus sin. Bpoj maaaor oparo&ona 3881. IIoapcAa aacra.na 19.11.1991.r. oK.o 10,00
qacoaa KO~ Ma.paaaqa. ·
- 19. IIPu;E Hae 30P AH
Po~ea 06.04.1973.r., ByK.oaap, npan~BBX 3Hr, ~peca: BII~BMBpa .Ha3opa 119,
Bo~auoaqw. I1paMJDc& sa XapypmJto OJ:(eJICHte 14.12.1991.r., OToynrres 16.12.1991.r. ca
rancoN sa AaJ'bc neqeHoe. Dg: Vulnus sclopetarijum brach.i et fracturam canminutiva
humeri dex in sanatioeem. :Spoj rnasaor uparoEona 3879. Pa.H.Ca 11.11.1991.r. y
Po~ea 12.0l.l960.r., Bymaap, npBDaABBX 3Hf, ~peca: I1Boaapcu 10, ByK.oaap.
I1pBM1bCB aa X•pypwK.o OAeJiea.c 27.11.1991.r., OTuynrrca 13.12.1991.r. aa ~an.e
ncqeHoe. Dg: Vulnus exploeivum reg. talocruralis dex. in sanaticcem. Epoj rnaBaor
nporoKona 3670. IIoapel)es 02.11.1991.r. y Bymaapy, ~c je neqeB, a aa Xspypmx:o
o~e.nc~~oe ~oac}KCB &3 KTI;Q Cpewcu. MBTpoaaqa.
21. llH:ffiYX CTauBCllaBa EOXO
Po~ca 10.07.1965.r., ByK.oaap, ~BBBJI, aApcca: JHA 260, ByJtoaap. llpBMJbeH aa
XapypwEo OACJiea.e 14.12.1991.r., OTDyWTCB 20.12.1991.r. Dg: Fracturam cruris dex. in
sanaticcem. Epoj rnaasor nparoKOJia 3878. Y~apao ra ayro 30.08.1991.r. y ByJtosapy,
rne je B JlC11CB.
22. MECRJbEBH'B. Orjeuaaa JAKOB
Pot)cB 24.06.1934.r., A5wea~B, ~BBBJJ, ~peca: ToYBCJiaaoaa 11, B&BEOB~H. IIpBMJLeu ua
XapypmKo OAeJICH.c 14.12.199l.r., aruyu.rreB 16.12.1991.r. Ba AaJbC Jic1lcHoe. Dg: Vulnus
sclopetarijum pedis sin. in sanatioeem. Bpoj rnaaaor npOTOK.OJia 3880. PaH.cB
15.11.199l.r. y AnweaB~B OA rpaaa-re.
23. HEgyqKB. Jlaaapa AJIEKC~AP
Po~ea 19.01.19S9.r., ByKoaap, .. BBBJI, ~peca: Hae none Pa6apa 106, Byxoaap. ITpBMJhCB
aa Xapypwxo o~cneHoc 21.11.1991.r., OTnymTea 13.01.1992.r. y 3aa~ 3a
pexa6BJIBT~ajy. Dg: Vulnus sclopetarljum cruris dex. Amputatio. Bpoj rnasaor
npOTOKOJJa 3633. Iloape~eB oeajuepcuw MeTKOM 14.11.1991.r. Jleqea y ByKosapcx:oj
60JlB11~B ~a.KJJe je a ope6a11ea.
TipaD~BBJt 3Hr. IIpaMJLea 27.04.1992.r., 6p.rnasaor npOTOK.ona 1222. 3ary6IbeBa
acropaja 60JleCTB.

Letter of the Federal Secretary for National Defence,
Army General Veljko Kadijevié to Lord Peter
Carrington, dated 27 September 1991

Rt. Hon. Lord Peter Carrington
Chairman of the Conference on Yugoslavia
Via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
25000 EB The Hague
Y our Lordship,
Belgrade, 27 September 1991
Y ou know that after the Statement that we jointly signed on 1 ih September 1991 at Igalo, as a
result of non-adherence to the agreed terms by the Croatian Armed Forces, no ceasefire has
been achieved nor anything understood by it. For this reason, at my own initiative, the three
signatories of the Statement met again on 25th September 1991 with very concrete and
constructive results.
Taking into account the situation on the ground, specifie practical measures were agreed upon
with the view to establishing a ceasefire and keeping the peace. It was also agreed to mutually
announce and localize every incident so that, as earl y as 26th September 1991 , lists of issues to
be resolved and expert teams charged with their further elaboration be exchanged. We also
agreed to work at an accelerated pace.
The Federal Secretariat for National Deferree immediately sent a summary of issues to be
discussed and the names of the members of working groups, that 1 am enclosing with this
letter. It was only today that we received a summary of issues from the Republic of Croatia,
which is also attached with my letter, so that you can see for yourself that it contains a number
of elements that go beyond the framework of the Statement. That proposai in effect amounts
to the condition of surrender of the Yugoslav National Army and consequently, reflects the
lack of readiness for a peaceful settlement of the crisis.
In cooperation with Ambassador Wijanaendts, we are making efforts to find ways and means
of overcoming the current situation, including by an urgent and more intensive engagement of
the Observer Mission.
Nevertheless, 1 feel bound to draw your attention to the fact that the endurance of the
blockaded JNA units in the Republic of Croatia is at an end and that the time for further
negotiations is very limited indeed.
Y ours sincerely,
Federal Secretary for National Deferree
Army General Veljko Kadijevic (Signed)
Beograd, 27. septembar 1991.
Posredstvom Ministarstva inostranih poslova
25000 EB HAG
Postovani Lor de,
Poznato Vam je da, nakon Izjave koju smo zajednicki potpisali 17. septebra
1991. u Igalu, zahvaljujuéi nepridrzavanju dogovorenog od strane hrvatskih
oruzanih formacija, nije ostvaren prekid vatre i sve sto se pod tim podrazumeva.
Zato je na moju inicijativu 25. septembra 1991. ponovo odrzan sastanak
trojice pot pis nika Izjave, koji je bio veoma konkretan i konstruktivan.
Polazeéi od realnog stanja, dogovorene su konkretne prakticne mere, s ciljem
uspostavljanja prekida vatre i odrzavanja mira. Takodje je dogovoreno da se
svaki incident odmah medjusobno najavi i lokalizuje, te da se veé 26. septembra
1991. medjusobno razmene liste pitanja koja bi trebalo resavati i strucnih
timova za njihovu dalju razradu. Postignuta je i saglasnost da se radi ubrzano.
Savezni sekretarijat za narodnu odbranu odmah je poslao pregled pitanja koja
bi trebalo resavati i clanova radnih grupa kojî V am dostavljam. Od strane Republike
Hrvatske tek smo danas primili pregled pitanja koji Vam takodje dostavljamo
kako biste se i sami uverili da on sadrZi niz elemenata koji izlaze iz
okvira Izjave. Taj predlog, u sustini, predstavlja uslove predaje Jugoslovenske
narodne armije, a samim tim i odsustvo spremnosti za mirno resavanje
- krize.
U saradnji sa gospodinom ambasadorom Wijanaendtsom nastojimo da iznadjemo
nacin za prevazilazenje stvorene situacije, ukljuèujuéi i putem hitnog i intenzivnijeg
angazovanja Posmatraèke misije.
- 2 -
Ipak sam duzan da skrenem paznJu na cinjenicu da je izdrzljivost blokiranih
jedinica JNA u Republici Hrvatskoj iscrpljena i da je vreme za dalje
pregovore krajnje ograniceno.
Sa osobitim postovanjem,
general armije
Vel]·ko Ka di]. evié 1 t 'l ,-/<)
-· , !' ( l -: .-
' .:: '?"- " .

Letter of the Federal Secretary for National Defence,
Army General Veljko Kadijevié to Lord Peter
Carrington, dated 21 October 1991

Rt. Hon. Lord Peter Carrington
Chairman of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia
The Hague
Y our Lordship,
In the letter to you, dated 19th October 1991, you were informed that the President of the
Republic of Croatia departed from the obligations undertaken at The Hague on 18th October
1991. At the same time, you were asked to use your influence on the work of the tripartite
working group in Zagreb so that it began promptly and on a priority basis dealing with most
essential issues, as indicated in the said and previous agreements, namely ceasefire,
unblocking of ail JNA barracks and facilities in Croatia and evacuation of personnel,
armaments and equipment from the blocked installations.
According to The Hague decision of 18th October, the lifting of the blockade should have
been done instantly and the evacuation of the barracks under siege and other installations
should have been completed as soon as possible by complying with the timetables to be
agreed upon by the tripartite working group in Zagreb.
However, none of the above commitments have been fulfilled.
The ceasefire has not been honored by the Croatian Armed Forces. In the nineteen attacks on
JNA units during the course of20th October 1991, there were many killed and wounded JNA
soldiers, more than on any other day before the ceasefire came into force. No siege of any
barracks or military installations has been lifted. On the contrary, the siege of sorne garrisons
has even been intensified.
The tripartite working group in Zagreb is conducting its business very slowly and it appears
that no timetable for the evacuations of besieged barracks and JNA facilities will be agreed
upon in due course. Discussions in the working group move away from this priority task to
the issues that have not been identified in The Hague document at all.
An example of this is the draft evacuation plan for JNA forces which was submitted to the
tripartite working group by the Croatian side, which is attached hereto. It can be seen from it
All units outside the territory of Croatia are primarily requested to be relocated,
which is not mentioned in the decision of 18th October. It is well known that these
units were brought in exclusively with the aim of lifting the siege of beleaguered
garrisons and to ensure that they be taken out before the Croatian side carries out
ali the assumed commitments, which is absolutely out of question;
The timetable for the evacuation of personnel from all garrisons and JNA
installations in the territory of Croatia is given, although the Hague decision
specifically called for the evacuation of only besieged garrisons:
The pull-out is made conditional upon leaving the combat assets and other JNA
property, which was not provided for by any of the documents signed so far.
Overall, the situation has not changed at all in comparison with the situation existing prior to
181h October 1991, whereas the living conditions of JNA soldiers in the besieged garrisons
have deteriorated and the movements and a build-up of the Croatian Armed Forces indicate
immediate preparations for fresh attacks.
In my previous letters to you, your Lordship, I have pointed out that the personnel blocked in
garrisons is exposed to utterly inhuman pressures and conditions that are no longer bearable.
I consider it my duty to warn you once again that, unless a headway is made urgently in the
work of the tripartite working group in Zagreb and unless the Croatian side immediately lifts
the blockade and ensures the evacuation of the besieged garrisons under The Hague
Agreement, the JNA will be forced to renew its rescue operation to save the units under
threat, by all available means.
21 st October 1991
Y ours sincerely,
Federal Secretary for National Defence
Army General Veljko Kadijevic
postovani Lord CARRINGTON P.C., C.H., K.C., M.G., M.C.
H a g
Veoma postovani Lorde,
Pismom koje Vam je upuéeno 19. oktobra 1991. upoznati
ste sa odstupanjem predsednika Repub1ike Hrvatske od obaveza preuzetih
u Hagu 18. oktobra 1991. Istovremeno, zamolili smo Vas da
ispo1jite svoj uticaj na rad tripartitne radne grupe u Zagrebu,
kako bi hitno i prioritetno poèela da resava najbitnija pitanja
utvrdjena tim i ranijim sporazumima, a to su, pored prekida vatre,
deblokada svih kasarni i objekata JNA u Hrvatskoj i evakuacija
ljudstva, naoruzanja i opreme iz objekata koji su b1okirani.
Deb1okadu je, prema od1uci iz Haga od 18. oktobra, treba1o
izvrsiti momenta1no, a evakuaciju iz b1okiranih kasarni i
objekata sto je moguée pre, prema dinamici koja ée biti dogovorena
na tripartitnoj radnoj grupi u Zagrebu.
Medjutim, nijedna od navedenih obaveza nije rea1izovana.
Prekid vatre oruzane formacije Hrvatske ne postuju. U
19 napada na jedinice JNA tokom 20. oktobra 1991. bila je vise poginu1ih
i ranjenih pripadnika JNA nego bi1o kog dana pre U$postavljanja
prekida vatre.
Nije izvrsena deblokada niti jedne kasarne ili vojnog
objekta. Naprotiv, u nekim garnizonima blokada je pojacana.
Rad tripartitne radne grupe u Zagrebu odvija se izuzetno
spore i bez izgleda da ée u dogledno vreme dogovoriti dinamiku
evakuacije blokiranih kasarni i objekata JNA. Rasprava na
radnoj grupi skreée se sa ovog prioritetnog zadatka na pitanja
- 2 .-
koja uopste nisu spomenuta u dokurnentu iz Haga.
Jedan od primera za to je i predlog plana evak~aclje
jedinica JNA, koji je tripartitnoj radnoj grupi dostavila hrvatska
strana, a koji prilazem ovom pismu. Iz njega se vidi:
- da se, pre svega, trazi premestanje svih dovedenih
sastava van teritorije Hrvatske, o cemu u odluci od 18. oktobra
~ l . · ' ( •< .l., ~• • \... '· """"'-... nema ni pomena. Poznato je da su ti sastavi dovedeni ~~tno
s ciljem deblokade ugrozenih garnizona i da njihovo izvlacenje,
pre nego sto hrvatska strana izvrsi sve preuzete obaveze, ne dolazi
u obzir;
- daje se dinamika izvlacenja ljudstva iz svih garnizona
i objekata JNA na teritoriji Republike Hrvatske, mada je
odlukom iz Haga precizno utvrdjeno da se evakuisu samo blokirani
- povlacenje se uslovljava ostavljanjem borbene tehnike
i druge imovine JNA, sto nije predvidjeno ni jednim do sada
potpisanim dokumentom.
U celini uzeto, stanje se ni u èemu nije promenilo u
odnosu na stanje pre 18. oktobra 1991, dok su uslovi u kojirna
zive pripadnici JNA u blokiranim garnizonima pogorsani, a pokreti
i koncentracija oruzanih formacija Hrvatske ukazuju na neposredne
priprerne za nove napade.
U rnojim ranijim obraéanjirna ukazivao sam Varn, postovani
Lorde, da je ljudstvo u blokiranim garnizonima izlozeno
krajnje nehumanim pritiscima i uslovirna koji se vise ne mogu podnositi.
Srnatram svojom duznoséu da i ovom prilikorn upozorim da,
ako se hi~no ne ucini pomak u radu tripartitne radne grupe u Zag-
14 •
reb~ ~ hrvatska strana odmah ne izvrsi deblokadu i ne ornoguéi evakuaciju
blokiranih garnizonat u skladu sa Sporazumom iz Haga, JNA
ée biti primorana da obnovi operacijJ spasavanja svojih ugroienih
jedinica svim raspolozivim sredstvima.
S osobitim postovanjem,
general armije
Veljko Kadijevié
Letter of Colonel General Andrija Raseta to the
Personal Representative of the UN Secretary General,
Cyrus Vance, dated 9 April1992

Belgrade, 9 April1992
To the Persona) Representative of the
Secretary General of the United Nations
Mr. Cyrus Vance
New York
Dear Mr. Vance,
I informed you in my letter of 5 April about the most flagrant violations of the Sarajevo
Agreement so far by the armed forces of Croatia, on 3rd and 4th April in the territories of
Baranja and Osijek.
In the last few days, the Croatian side frequently breeched the ceasefire in these territories.
Only on 7th- gth April and during gth April there were twenty incidents related to the violation
of the ceasefire terms. Until 2:40p.m., the JNA command posts demanded by telephone to
hold fire and not to fire back. However, at 3:15 p.m., the Croatian armed forces staged a
massive attack from Cepin, Jovanovac, Tenjski Antunovac, Belisce and Baransko Petrovo
Selo. After repeated and failed intervention to halt the attack, JNA units were forced to open
fire and take defensive action.
The Croatian side is obviously resorting to the use of ali possible means to prevent the arrivai
and deployment of UN peacekeeping forces and to most grossly violate the ceasefire in the
territories of Baranja and Osijek where the segments of the Belgian-Luxembourg battalion
and other UN peacekeeping elements are coming and being properly deployed.
Having ail this in mind, we are of the opinion that it would be necessary to take measures to
ensure that the Croatian side halted ali operations to prevent the development of the UN
peacekeeping operation and to pose a direct physical threat to UN peacekeepers.
c/c- Lord Carrington
Minister Joao Deus Pinheiro
Mr. Golding
Sincerely yours,
Col-Gen Andrija Raseta (Signed)
Lt.Gen. Satish Nambiar
Ambassador Joao Guera Salgueiro
Geograd, 9. aprila 1992 . god.
r1 j u j o r k
Po~tovani gospodine Vens,
Pismom od 5. apr·ila oba vestio Sù lll Vas o do SiJd,l n.ljt.e 2elll
narusav<Jnju Sarajevskog dogovora od strane OI'UZilnih fü lïllùCÎJil ,,, .. , ,,t.ske ,
3. i 4. aprila, na pod r ufju Baranje i Osijeka.
[ protek l ih nekoliko dilnil hrviltskèl str·,1n.1 j f~ n<1 l.o111 po iir·ur":ju
uéestalo nar·usavùlil primir·je, tako da jelsamo 7/e. i tokom i\. .1prilo bila
20 slucajeva k!·senja dogovor·a o pr imirju. Svc do 111.110 éoso vèl kOIII.lnde
JN/\ tclefonom su trùzilc da se vatr·a obustavi i nisu oduovilr<Jl'}. t·1r:dji J~.illl,
u 15.15 ca·;ova oruzone fonllacije Hrva t ske preduzclc su ow';ti lliJp;J rl pr .wcima
s. èepin- Jovanovac- Tenjski Antunovac i Eel is ée - 8aranjs ko Petr·o•1o
Selo. rlakon ponovljene i bezuspesne i ntervencije clil sc nùpad obustrJvi, jr::dinice
JNA bile su prisiljene da otvore vatru i preduzmu odbra111bene mere.
Ofigledno je da hrvatska strana vise ne bira sreclstva da
onemoguéi dolazak i razmestaj mirovnih snaga Url i da nùjdr·ilstiéni je rJ,lr·usava
primirje na podntcju 8aranje i Os i jeka, gde ''Jl'·,1vn i 11 11 i1jholjr:111 r·r: du
pristizu i r·azmcstaju se delovi belgijsko-luksellrhu l ·~ko'J h.1 1.1lj on .l i
drugi elementi mir·ovn ih snaga Url.
Imajuéi u vidu izneto, smatr·amo da bi . bilo neophodno pr<::duzeti
mere kako bi se hrvatska strana pr·ivolela dél obus tavi dejstva ~ ojima
sprecava razvoj Hir·ovne operacije Url i neposr,edno fizifki ugro zavtJ pr ipadnike
mirovnih snaga.
S osobitim po~tovanje m,
Lordu P. Karingtonu
- ministru Zoao de Deu~ Pinjeiro
- gospodinu M. Goldingu
- Lt.Gen. Sati~ Nilmbia ru
- ambasadoru Zoao Guera Salgueiro
OP Ut iOi·iDC: Etll f~ OS SfRJ
gene ral -puk ovnil:
1\ il dr i j ù Ra sr~ t a
l 1 ' 1 .
1- l i . 1 " \ J l . . . ~ . ~ .
Command of the 1st Military District, Strictly
confidential no. 1614-162, 16 November 1991

/handwrillen: 5
StJ·ictly confidential numbcr 1614-162
16 November 1991
List of units.
- 1 /?upr/ /? 1 '1 Administration/
- /?zn/ /expansion unknown/ GS /of/
the General Staff
- OC /Operations Centre/
SFRJ /Socialist Federative Republie of
Yugoslavia/ OS /Armcd Forces/ GS
/General Staff/
- 1 '1 Administration -
Based on y our verbal request, we are enclosing a list of the units of the 1 '1 VO
lM ilitary District/, a tahular overview of the numerical strength of the personnel and
TMS /technical equipment and personnel/ by units and a list of SR /Soeialist
Republic/ of Serbia TO /Territorial Defcnce/ units.
l ,ieutenant General
/signed and stamped/
0345-0008-0345-0011 -I<:DT/Drafl lmnslalion
SP /Strictly Confidcntial/ No. 2-1879
1 R Novcmhcr 19911
/handwritten: 5142/
03450008.tloc·/asl 2
03-15-0008-0345-0011-FDT!Draj/ rranslalirm
Table 1
of the 1 st Military District units organised in h/d /combat operations/ in Eastern
Slavonia up to and including the leve) of battalion- division
·-- - - - ·-
l" pgmd /Infantry l2lll K të:orps/ OG /Operations TG n'actical Group/ OG
Mechanised Guards Group/ SOUTH NORTH BARANJA
2mb 2 okb 2mth l okb 2 okb
/motorise /motorised
d battalious/
baU ali on, , l okb; 2
~ 2okb bVP
01) ·c:: /armour:cd /Military c::l .....
"' <1) ] hattalion/ ""' Police ::l ·~"=": ' ......
0 c::l <1) " "Cl " "' hallali ons/ ...... ......
<1) <1) 01) u .,
"' "' ·c
~ "Cl
<3 ·a c::l "' jg 122-mm jg l mb " PVO lsad,
<1) ·c ·c 1mb
u () "' :Il a:: <1) ~ ·c
::;E g "Cl " had ha cl 2 1 pozb 1;1 s s 0 ::;l ::;E 0 ·~
Cl .3 8 <!S /howitzer ""' 155/lgmap 'ü ....
Cl t:ê .... ~
~.... g3 .... ·~ ,D battalionl 1> Q /expansion :!2 ,_
8 8 .... 0 .c
01) o. ,D -" E
o. -" 8 unknown/ .......
- <..-..-..t. 0 ....... \c ('1 <":
03-150008.doc/a.l'/ 3
03-15-0008-0345-0011-F:OT/Draft rranslarim•
1 mpoad l mad had 1 mad, l 1 mad,
/mixed /mixed 1 05/ROth in7.h 1 in7.h,
anti-tank artillery mt br 1 pozb
artillcry battalionl /Motorised
hallali on/, 1 PVO nrigade/,
1 PVO Isard pozb
/anti- /light self~
ain.: raft propclled
defence/ artillery
!sad llight and rocket
self- hattalion/
1 inzb 1 inzb 122-mm 1 PVO Isard IPVO
/cnginccrs 1 mpoad had /453rd Isard
battalion/, mthr
1 pozb
hallali on/
2 mh, 1 okh 1 parth 1 mh 1 gh
2 okh /partisan
-= battalious/ 0 ·o;
1 122-mm 2mb '> .....
Ci .!=2 had = ~ 0$ ·ë 0$
"' çC
1 mpoad, 1 mad. ~ ""2' " .... .... t:: .&:> :":0' .&e:> l PVO ..0... 1 PVO "c'. . e c ~ .....
0.0 8 ~ ~ ,r;
c.. ::!
...., 0.0
"é'- -.1 Isard Isard :0 "' .-,., 0 e ('f or.
03-150008.doc/as/ 4
0345-0008-0345-0011-FDT/Draji translation
1 inzb, 1 pozb,
1 pozh 1 mpoad
2mb. 2 okh 1 mth 1 mh
2 okb
1 122-mrn 1 mh 1 inzb
1 mpoad, 1 mad, 1 PVO lad
1 PVO PVO Isard !Iight
Isard artillery .s
battalionl, a
;-;; pozb .
,,., -.
.D a
... .D 1 inzb, :fj 1 inzb .s 1 mpoad a 0 e ~ ~
J pozb 'E - b "' i ,,N , ' 00
2okb, 1 okb 1 okb
1 mad, 1 2mtb
mpoad d
1 PVO 1 inzb ..e
:=::> = had, .sa
="' 1 inzb ... Q, -:: ~
0 ... ... a -.D. -:: 1 pozb .D 1 mad, -=..,. Q, e ë 0
""' "0
-=o ~ .,., ~ ,.., "' 1 mpoad :0 ';o 0 .. - .,., ~ 0 "'
2okb, 2 tad /gun 1 dod
.... " 0 .. ~ 1 mh Q, artillery " ';:, ëi 0 8 """ ~ ~ = (-.1 ~ • balla lion/ .,., -:; ~ "8 .:!
('.) ~ 0 """
03450008.dt)(o/asl 5
1 shad 1 dSVLR bYl' (-1) 1 omlb
/?self- /selfpropelled
howitzer multiple
hattalion/, rocket
1 PYO launcher
Israd hattalion/
1 inzh. 1 pozh Cl .s
1 pozh -.;
II'YO .<::: ::;
Isard è: ...
1 partb 6 bi'VO BG 2 pionb
/Combat /pioneer
Group/! battalionl
1 120-rnrn I3G-2 lprnb
-- MBb d 0 /infantry
0 mechanised " battery/
~ battalionl
< BG-3 1 but
1:: -- 00 ;;...
ô ;;! ;">' /expansion
~ 0.. z
.$ .0.. . .... "0 0 ;.. .D unknown/
t:: ~ >N
8. > .9
0.. t..:., BG-4 ~ pozb .;;10 ~ ...,.,
~~ " 0
"1' - " <">
03-150008.doc/asl 6
l SVLRd 5l'VO
3 ad 1 rib
/artillcry !?rocket
battalions/ support
1 aid "" .E. ..,
....._, /artillery '~il ".0.. -u"' reconnais 8 0() ï::: "8
c::l 1l
è sance Q..
~ battalionl, ]
13 E ·= ~ 1 PYO "8
~ .€
..0.. ~ ... lad s 0
> -g l pozb Il.
.N,. , 50 - M
1 ad 1 bYl'
""""' ~ - 1 SVLRd
"' ë
~ ~ :!
·â >
8 1 pozb
~ 0"<: ~
c. ~ - E"co ë3
~ ~
4 batteries 3 mpoad
""S' ... "0 /mixed :::1 ..,
0 ~ è
!<:::: è ~ ~ anti-tank
... ~ 15 <~: bb ï:: ... 0 ..lool artillery 0 <t: c.. > :c s -~ c.. 0() ~ \o ~ battalions/
...... ~ -
03450008.dodas/ 7
0345-0008-0345-0011 -FDT/Draft tratHlatinn
1 J>VO
/handwritten: 6/42/
03450008.doc/asl 8
0345-0008-0345-0011 -TWT!Draft rranslation
of the numerical strength and the quantity of combat equipment of 1 '' VO units
cngagcd in combat operations in Eastern Slavonia
Unit Numerica1 strength NOTE
Personnel Tanks OT Support PO PA
/armoured artillery /anti- /antipersonnel
tank/ airera ft/
~:amers/ artillery aflillery
lsl pgmbr 1,731 72 71 17 18 18
2nd pgmbr 2,745 65 71 13 18 18
3" pgmbr 2,081 71 76 18 18 18
l" gmap 870 - - 35 - -
1'1 gmpoap 515 - - - 36 -
1'1PVO giap 375 - - - - 26
l'' ginzb 219 - - - - -
~'JO /Guards ·;;:
i5 Egineers 'JO ]
8 Dattalionl
·â l" pozb 675 - - - - -
.! u
~ 130111 mtbr, 2,068 57 - 18 36 20
] part ofS01h
mt br
0.. 25200 okbr 939 55 27 14 - 18 - L~-
03450008.doclast 9
03-15-(}()()R-03-15-0011 -FJJT/J)rajllrrmslation
4ü' ' partd 350 - - 6 - -
(- 20'11 parthr)
152,. mahr 1,720 - - 63 - 24
1211 pmbr 2,560 59 35 15 - 12
51" mbr 2,739 52 53 14 4 17
211'" okbr 2,649 43 47 14 - 18
505'' mthr 1,470 30 - - - -
1211 map 1,522 - - 42 - 7
12'" PYO lap 127 - - - - 32
..._ bYP 351 - - - - -
."o..'. .
\,! 310'" I'VO 886 - - - - 32
Ï"-1 ssrp
OG SOliTH and 5,149 52 13 80and 22 40and
RRF and 135 9 50
OGRARAN.TA 3,228 60 57 14 6 18
OGNORTHand 1,900 60 55 56 - 12
the 305'h inzbr and 609
/illegihlc/1 '1 VO 20,325 6/illegi 505 426 158 370
03450008.d(}(/(J!>'/ 10
0345-000S-0345-0011-FW7ï0mjl lmn.llaTinn
Attachment no. 1
of engagement of the Republic of Serbia TO units belonging to the 1 st VO on 15
November 1991
Combat reaùy TO unit Place Number of
OG Baranja Panonija TO partbr
/Partisan Brigade/ Banjska Kosa 790
Central Backa TO
part br Kopacki Rit 780
Detachment Kamenac village 422
Kikinda TO Od
/Detachment/ Kopacki Rit village 422
Total: 2,614
1 i" K /Corps/ Leskovac TO Od Aimas village 236
KulaTOOd Borovo Nasclje 408
Subotica TO Od Orlovnjak village 264
NisTO Od Luzac village 258
Srcmska Mitrovica
TOOù Luzac village 390
Apatin TO sc
Company/ Dalj village 97
Sombor 37-mm
bPVO Batina village 133
Zrenjanin bPVO Bogojevo village 120
Lazarevac TO pdc
/?an ti -sabotage
company/ Bogojcvo village 118
Total: 2,024
ls1 pgmù 3/601' TO part.br. Jankovci village 318
Senta TO Od Tompojevci village 359
Beecj TO Od Lovac village 430
V aljevo TO Od Bogojevci vi liage 214
Uzicc TO Od Martinci village 287
Vrsac TO Où Il ok 370
Srbobran TO Od Deletovci village 482
Sid TO sc Bapska village 120
Sremska Mitrovica
03450008.doclas/ I l
03-15-0008-0345-001 1-FWT/Drajllmn.darion
TO sc
Sid vVP /Military
Sarcngrad 103
Police platoon/ Il ok 39
Total: 2,722
Mandara Group Apatin 120-mm
hMB /mortar
batlery/ 13oùani village 120
Becej 120-mm
MBb Bodani village 120
Srhohran 120-mm
MBb Boùani village 120
Backa Palanka
hB-1 /B-1 hattery/ Bodani village 133
Total: 493
Fruska Gora BG FruskaGora TO Morovié Jamina
/Combat Group/ part. br. village
(2 spc /expansion
unknown/, 1 PVO
blap /expansion
unknown/ and B-1 1,063
QG SOUTH Kragujcvac TO Od Vukovar 373
TOTAL: 9,289
/handwritten: 8/42/
03-150008.dotlasl 12
. _;..-·
0 1

;' .
\ _ .
.. . ,
.:.. .... . ,
0 r ::.:0 ·
t'· 1
'0 0
, o
.;~i]i~-~-~-~:·· -
. . . •'· .. -~ .
l6.novembar l99l.godine
P.regled sastava
.snaga, odostavlja.-
1 ·16-·~ . ................. . .
.'. ov?-<0
ÏïvJG rf'
I Uprava
Na csnovu vaiég usmenog zahteva u prilogu vam dostavlj~o pregled
. . .
sastava snagaol.VO, tabelarni preqled broja ljudi i TMS po jedinicama
kao i p~egled anga!ovanja jedinica TO SR SRBIJE •
. .. .. . ·· .·· .
· - ~ ..... .
~. :--.,-. • . "'"'W'·: · Q 3 4 5 Ü f' r 9 Tabela 1.
' ,;;[ P R E G L B D - ~
~-· jedinica l.vojne oblasti orqanizovanih u b/d u istoënoJ Slavoniji
ukljucno ranqa bataljon - divizion
J e d i n i
~~?.1--p~artb_--1 ~ 16 b:PVO 11.r.:- 1 l ~ 2 pionb_ 1---+----ll
t ~~ MBb l20mm~o ..t-----11 r.. ~G-2 ~~ l pmb
~·~------tl ~ ~G-3 ' tn l but
1-1~-+------1 ~ !Be-4 l~ lpo:~:b
Svt..Rd ~ 5 ssrb PVO ,.....-r---~---1 i ad ~ 1 .. ,.._
....j ~ &i.d.l la4PVC ~1------tl
!:: 1 pozb ~
o. ad lbVP
.. -. ;1 ~
· ..
SVLRd. ..Q
.--! pozb ~
~~ bat:erije t ,3.oepoad
o. 1 lsad PVO
ri "' ..-!
brojnog stanja ljudstva i borbene tehnike jedinica l.VO angazovanih u b/d u istocnoj Slavoniji ~
4 ... . . . ..... .......... •• --;~ •• ~ .. ~::1·· -· _ ..... - ......... :- .... "'":. -=~.:·: ... . .:-::"- ·.:· - :·.: :'::: ·· .. :· • -:_ -.. ·. · __ : . .. .• ·.. .. ... :- . •. ~~.:: : ·~--~ ... · .:-.::~":::-.~ :-.:~
.. B r <;>. j · n o·. · s t a n j e
J e d i n i c a PRIMEDBA
1judi 1 .. t;~k~v~··· r ·- ···a~T.. .. :·_:j~r.~. z~ p;;d~ ~ PO art. PA art.
---1----~~31_ l ____ -__!_2_ ____ l __ - ~~ ~---- --t;:... .. 1_~ ·--- -----·-
2.745 1 65 1 '71· . . 13 ;
~ --·--:--·--- --··· -·-·--
· ···-·-
- r. .. . --~-~
----.--·+--·· ·~
36 '';J •• "5""'--.. ·- ---+--- ---·--4--·--·---l--- 1
'li\ l.q~~p PVO 1 375
t l.91 n~h 219
57 16 36 20
~~l.pozb - 1 675 1 - 1 - .. 'l - 1 - 1 - ~30.mtbr_~~tBr80 -;. 2.068
t14 12 .map . .._ __
~ 12.lap
310. ss~~ l?VO
2.739 ./
i 135
55 7:
43 .47 -
... 14 lB
63 24
14 4 17
- l 1
7 ~
.. 1 ·---
--- 3-2-
-.. ---· - -
··--- 32
1 êo i 9 -TI
40 i 50
_.. 3.228 57 ~IIOG -J:Iia..J:"i:&BJA 6 1
~~ ';)lloY~ Î 55. . , .. 5_6 12
.. - .. ~....!~-:=:::1
,• -~t~_yo ~Q ilS
~ ;;,. - ( ~1- ~:-.,o.: • .-..~~ ......
'»4&'4LW ' t ....
... ,_ .. -=· - ·--···
! ; .... .
! .
' '
)JG •
.pgmq ..
~ru pa
aora" ..
.pG "JUG''
-- -
angazovanja jedinica TO R.S~bije u
sas ta vu L VO na élan 15 .ll.l99l.q.
TO -
Pri1og b:~;c:;>j 1
.. --·------ ................ .
· Panons ka part. br. 'l'O Banjska kosa 790 . Centralno Baë.part~br.TD Kopaèki ..
rit 788
dclrad 'l'O sombo.r s.Kamenac 422 ~ .
Od 'l'O K.ikinda s.Xopaë.rit 422
svega; 1 ,2.614
Od TO Lesko~c s.AJ.mes 236
Od TO Kul.a :Borovo nas. 408
Od TO Subotica s.Orlovnjak 264
Od TO N:i.S ·s.Luiac 258
Od 'l'O S.Mitrovica s.Luza.c 390
sëro Apatin s ·.neJ.; . 97
bPVO 37mm Sombor s.:satlna 133
.·bPVO Zrenj~ s.Bogojevo 120
pdë TO Lazarevac s.Bogojevo liB
Sve.ga: . . 1
: .
_, . ;;:·- 3/60 .·part-.br·.To .. s.J'a.nkovci ..
Od Tb Sentâ. ~-TOMJ?Ojevci
Od ·TO Be.ëej: .s .• Lovac 430.: :.
Od' !1'0 . V'a1jevo s~~ogojevc.i . . . 2l~ . .
·od .'!'o Vzice : s.Marti..nci 2a:Y
Od 'l'O vrsae Il ok 370
Od TO Srbobran s.,E)aletcy-ci 482
së TO ~id s . .Ba'l)aka 120
sè TO S.M.itrovi.ea; ~are~grad 103
vVP §id Il ok . 39
,2. 722
bM.B 120mm Apatin s.Bodani 120 '
" Beëej " l20
" Sr.bo.bran .. 120
.bB-1 B.Palanka " 133
Svega: 493
Fruskoqor-partbr TO s.Morovié /2.spë.l • .blap PVO i jamina -l~Q63 b .B-:-:lf ..
. -
od TO Kragujevac jVukovar 373
UXOPNO: l •'
.. ' . -
.. ~::_. .
Documents relating to Chapter VII of the RejoinderFactual
background of genocide: massive crimes
committed against Serbs in Croatia 1991-1995

Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness hearing of Milan Crnkovié,
dated 2 May 1997 (Situation in the town of Karlovac)

Kri- 114/97-14
Taken on 2 May 1997 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Banja Luka in
the criminal case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable under Article 142 of the
Criminal Code
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic
Court Recorder
Mirjana Misie
Milan Crnkovic
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
No one
No one
Defence Counsel
No one
The Court rose at 11:30 a.m.
The witness was warned that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also warned against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names: Crnkovic, Milan
2. Father's name: Dusan
3. Occupation: technical designer
4. Address: Banja Luka, 13b Brace Potkonjaka St., Tel: 078/62-230
5. Place ofbirth: Karlovac
6. Date ofbirth: 24 January 1973
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the onset of this war 1 lived with my family and parents in Karlovac, 11 Medocic
Street. Karlovac was a majority Serb town. Croats were the second largest population there.
At the beginning of 1990, despite the fact that the Serb population was in the majority, the
HDZ party won the local elections and its representatives came to power. Immediately after
the elections, the Serbs holding positions in vital services were dismissed from their jobs like
the police and judicial authorities. Only Croats remained in these positions. Even the Serbs
who held other executive posts were dismissed, so much so that these positions became ali
Croatian. Subsequently, the campaign of harassment and intimidation of the Serbian
population began in the media, whether the radio or the newspapers. They claimed that ali
Serbs would be driven out of Karlovac and that there was no life for them there. They be gan
planting mines in the cafes and shops owned by Serbs. Serb bouses and flats were searched
and all their valuables, money and possessions were confiscated. Serbs were called names and
they were all referred to as Chetniks. They were also branded as Croatian Orthodox Christians
or the Milosevic insurgents and similar names. However, during 1990, for all the threats and
actions by the Croatian authorities, life in Karlovac was still bearable. Nevertheless, it
deteriorated day by day. Threats were mainly issued on a daily basis and local Serbs were
restricted in their movement around the town. A curfew was enforced so that the Serbs were
not allowed to go out of their homes and flats, over night, nor were they allowed to consort
with their Serb neighbours, either. In 1990, more precisely in the latter part of that year, the
local Croatian population created military units, which armed themselves and marched
publicly through the town, singing Ustasha and other songs. All actions taken by the Croatian
authorities caused concern and scared the Serbian population. The culmination of it was when
the created Croatian units started to besiege the barracks housing JNA forces. Those Croatian
units even attacked the JNA barracks, but bad first eut them off from electricity, water and
other supplies. Having been encircled from all sides, the Serbian population noticed that the
JNA were not able to be of any assistance to them. So the Serbs left their homes and fled to
the Serb-inhabited territories that were not yet occupied by the Croatian army. All Serb
bouses and flats were marked and when the Serbs left them, the Croatian army and police
blew them up, especially at night, so that the Serbian population was intimidated and
frightened by such actions as well.
Serbs were frightened and concerned in particular when the Croatian army and the police
forces perfidiously ambushed a unit of Serbs who bad been called up as JNA reserves, at a
bridge over the Korana River, and massacred 13 reservists by slitting their throats. That came
as a shock to the Serbian population, which realized that they could not survive in the area of
In Karlovac itself, the Croatian police and army, as well as the civilians who were part of the
police force, looted commercial and other stores owned by enterprises from Serbia and
elsewhere. They stole the goods and took those items away because those shops had not been
guarded and physically protected. I am not aware that Serb civilians were killed in other parts
of Karlovac, since neither I nor other local Serbs were allowed to leave our bouses or flats.
The Croatian soldiers and policemen often wore masks or stockings over their heads and other
things they bad at band in order to prevent being recognized by their neighbours. They
instilled fear as soon as they came to a bouse or flat to ransack them. Every time they burst
into Serb homes, the Croatian soldiers or policemen allegedly looked for arms, although they
were much more interested in finding valuables or money, to take them away. Each time they
called the Serbs Chetniks; they cursed their Chetnik mothers and threatened either to kill or
expel them.
1 remained with my parents in Karlovac until earl y August 1991, when we ail left for the
village ofKljucar in the municipality ofVojnic, which is my father's birthplace.
That area bad already put in place organized defences against the onslaught of the Croatian
army and it was within the Republic of Serbian Krajina and, as such, free until 4 August 1995.
At that time, the territories of the Serbian Krajina came under attack by the Croatian army in
the operations codenamed "Flash" and "Storm". The Croatian army overran and convoys of
refugees began coming from those territories. On 6 August, the area of Vojnic was
relentlessly shelled so that my parents and 1, together with the other population, sought refuge
in the direction of Vrgin Most, Glina and Dvor-upon-Una, all within the territories of the
Republic of Srpska. We left in a car driven by my father Dusan Crnkovic, while I drave a
tractor which had a trailer and in which we carried the essentials from my father's family
home. While a long convoy of motor vehicles, trucks, horse-driven carts and tractors with
trailers was moving slowly, ali the way from Vojnic to Glina, it was bombarded by the
Croatian army. The shells hit home every time so that there were always sorne victims in the
The shells feil one after another, as the convoy reached Glina. There were many dead
civilians, including women, children and elderly people. Even the camp housing the UN
compound with the Jordanian contingent was also shelled in Glina. I saw it with my own eyes
when a grenade feil down on the camp and the shrapnels wounded me in my bottom and right
shoulder areas. After receiving medical assistance, I continued the journey to Zirovac,
although ali that time we were under mortar attacks. As we moved on, I saw abandoned and
destroyed vehicles on the road or beside the roadway. There were even the bodies of dead
civilians. The convoy moved very slowly and made frequent and lengthy stops, and then
moved again. Around Zirovac, in the direction of Dvor-upon-Una, the convoy was attacked
by the Muslim army and eut off in two. Then, the Muslim soldiers dragged sorne 200 Serbs,
mostly men, out of the convoy.
In my conversation with Ilija Trbojevic from the village of Vojisnica near Vojnic, I found out
that those Serbs taken prisoner by the Muslim army were first taken to Bihac and then handed
over to the Croatian army. Afterwards they were detained in prisons in the territory of Croatia.
From that group of arrested Serbs, six men were recently released and they are now
somewhere in Yugoslavia.
Ilija Trbojevic now lives someplace in Jagodina. Ilija was born in 1970 of father Marko and
mother Draga, in Vojnic. Ilija could explain everything about the group of arrested men from
the convoy heading for Dvor-upon-Una.
I saw a lot of corpses of dead civilians, of elderly men, women and children, lying on the road
or by the roadside next to their abandoned or destroyed vehicles, on our way from Zirovac to
Dvor-upon-Una. Most of the corpses lay in the square on entering Dvor-upon-Una. The
square was full of dead bodies of civilians. That stretch of the road was about 200 meters
long. Even after we had left Dvor-upon-Una and headed for Novi Grad, we still came across
very many destroyed vehicles and dead civilians. I found out that the Croatian army eut off
the convoy into two on that section of the road, when it took control of Dvor-upon-Una, and
that they killed ali the civilians who happened to be on that road at the time. After that, the
forces of the Republic of Serbian Krajina army repelled the Croatian army, thus enabling the
refugees to get through in the direction of Novi Grad and the territories controlled by the
Republic of Srpska.
On entering Dvor-upon-Una, I was particularly shocked to see the pigs eat away at the bodies
of killed civilians,. To be more precise, it was sorne place between the entrance to Dvor and
the exit to Novi Grad. In most cases, the bodies of dead civilians were torn to pieces by a
precision of artillery fire of the Croatian army. It took me three da ys to travel from Vojnic to
Novi Grad, so that we came to the Republic of Srpska on 9 August.
As we travelled to Prijedor from Novi Grad and after we had left the village of Svodne, I
found out that the Croatian war planes bombed that convoy of refugees immediately after I
had passed it, and that there was a considerable number of civilian victims, but 1 don't know
1 also add that, beside the bodies, there were also killed cattle lying around. There were
scattered parts of bodies: arms, legs, heads and other ripped off body parts. Even children
were given birth to in the convoy and their mothers threw the children away, because they
were unable to look after them. 1 remember that a certain Radojka from Slunj gave birth to a
child and that she threw it away. I don't know any other details about her. A great many
refugees who could walk, abandoned their vehicles and ran through forests, to reach the
terri tory of the Republic of Srpska.
That is allI had to say.
I am willing to testify before any state or foreign authorities in connection with what 1
experienced during my stay in Karlovac and the events during the Croatian operation
1 have been advised to read the minutes and I declare that I don't want to, because it was
dictated out loud.
The hearing was adjoumed at 1:00 p.m.
Court Recorder
Mirjana Misie (Signed)
Milan Crnkovic (Signed) Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic (Signed)
Epoj KH ...................... .
cacTaBJbeH .nna __ .Q?_~_Q?..~. . J.:2.~1..~------------- 199........... ro,liHHe npe.u. ----·-------·-···--·-·-·-·~~!~-~~~-~~----·-·--·--·-··--·---·-·--------·--·---·-·------
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142 ' 36or xpBBII'IHor .u.ena Hl 'IJWI& .... : ....................................... : K3.
Milan Crnkovié
CacJiymaH.y CBe.li.OKa npRCYCTByjy H:
jo.- yYliCIIJJaq
'-P•••a aq
3ano'leTO y --~~.'}~ ....... ucoaa
C&e.U.OK je ODOMeRyY .118 je .IIYZ8JI .ll.8 roaopH RCTRHY H .ll.8 Re CMe HBUITa npehyraTH, YIIOlOpeR je R8 DOCJIC.li.R~e ,ll.a!laH.a J18liCHOf
RCK838, JCaO R .ll.8 IIJije .QYJr&ll .118 O.llfOBapa R8 uoje.IIRR8 IIRtaiLa, 81:0 je Bepoi&TRO .ll.8 OR TRMe RlJIOmiO ce5e RJ1B CBOr OJ(IICKOr
cpo,li.BBKa TeUO:oj CpaMOTII, 3R8TROj M8TepRjaJ1HOj ID'l'CTR HJ(II J:PHBB'IROM fOILCBoY ('1J18R 229. 3*R), 118 Ha ODWTa IIHT81L8 CBe.li.OK
.naje o.u.roaope:
) Me R npe3RMC -------------------------------·-----...................................................................................... .
Dusan Crnkovié
2) HMe oua ---------------·--·------------------------·------------------------------·---------------··----···----··--········-----------------·--··
tehnicko-eehnoloski crtac
3> 3aHHMau.e ·-------------------&maTL:üka:·:--·uL .. ï3ï~acë---?ëti<ën}aka--·6r;·~---I:r.:o·;·---tel. 018152-230
4) EopllBIIIIITe __________________________ ______________ : ______________________________________________________________________________________ __
5) MecTo pol)eiLa -------------------------------------------------------------------------------·-----------------------------------------·
6) roABaa pol)eiLa ________ ?_~-=-~~-=-~?..!.~_: _________________________________________________________________________
7) ÜAHOC ca OKPRBJbCRRM R OJDTeheRRM ........... nesrO.datl .................................................... .
3a OBBM CBC,li.OK 0 CaMOM Dpe,li.MCTY R3HOCR CJIC.li.Che:
u Ul. >!edov:~.cevo: b1"1 .. 12. .. U :ca21 voeu su 2ive~_i k<::o v(; ( insko ~: ·C.::1novni :~;·L>JD .::~ ~,b ~
a na dr u;(.:Ol:: mestu .. 3u o:..LJ.. H.rvat:L. PoCet kom 19-Jq . !~~-:od:.ne posle :i_·;boec-. na ~(o.~_;~;_!. ;.s
bez obzJ.ra :Jt.o .~;e b:i J.o St'()SkO stnaovni.Stvc Ver\ ].nsko r.. oi::;-eèj_::t·:_ St!-.3.ruca ?Dl ~·:. ~ïd
vlast su dosl i predstavn~_c.i te stranke. Od!l13.h pos].e S?t'ovedeni.t :i.zbora sv:i. .S:r·b :_
lm,]:i. su .:;e n2.laz.i.H u vit::.ünim slucbams. otpu3teiü su s2. Dosla tako dP. su u co --
1~.c~. j ). ::~ pr~8.vcsudju osta:..i samo Hrvati ~ 3v5. Scbi otou~.ten~~ su kojj_ su ob.:l~ilj-3.: ~:· ..
oc,DCÔêle su sa unué:i.vanc~em or~t.nji. m~psl<O~ stnaov:l}_; tvu. Tvrdô.L su à:t '~'" .'Ni. S·:'t
b~~-t :7. nroter'2ni. '2.1. Ka.:~lovca _ d~. za nj ill nern.a ~ivota. Ot·~oéel ~~.. su s:1 m:Lr~5. :--anj ~=:.:1
;z::;j":\_r~z l. :-c.dn,ii koje su biE v}asni(tvo S·c-ba , pretn~szal : SU Sl'DSke !mée :'_ s t:t!10Vt
· :z :Lstih odnosil.i sve Ôl'a<?:ocensoti novae i stN8.ri ver~e v~~edncstj_ . 2::-'bi su m.-
:r~. van 5_ po~Pdni:n in1eni.n12.. ~ a svi.ma je bio ze.jeèn5.Ct<i nazi v ôetnici. SPbe su n~zj_ v::.::.l. ·ï
-~ .. hr .. vats~<e ::>ra vos lavee~ pobunjen::.c :~ . l·t1.l.oS-8v6evc~1 ~~- sJ_ ~.Cno. Z-i\Tot u · :ar~J.cvcu ~s ·-1
;:.·, ><u :LS90.r::od ine be;-:: obz:~ra na sve pê~etn::e i Dostu;:>:ze h:nvacskü v:!.as t.~ podno;::J ::j:·i _
;>d,~ut:crë;. }.0 ôan2 u àan zi.vot J3e por::ol~i::avao. Pretnje su uqlavnom svakoF d3.r<a U:JL'.-
''.;3.ko àJ ::'rb:i. nisu smeE u coku noéd. iûaz.iti. ü~ svojih ~<Ué:a !L stanova :1itl. su se
::;c,;;l :_ dru~~:. ti sa lwmsijama Srbima. U toi<u l990.godine :L to u dru~o~ polvo: n: J"C: ,' ·"
;_,·sn•2 su od raesrK><: stnaovnii:ltva l1rva.tske vojne jed:i.nice i<o.je su se nao:·uLJ :Le i
:~:.::_ Vi":O ~:·;a~'"'~~:i.l~ale kr .. oz :iCarlovs_e peva:juéi usta .. Ske i drugeç pesme. Sve l.,ac:r .. \:; l(O ~~ e
..: ;u ):'e:duz_irnale ht~-v"atske v1ast:i :1.zazivale su uznernirenost :;_ stra.h kod f:.t-.:Jskorf·
::;t.':'novT<~. .: :c.va. a Sr'o:i. su kuln1i.naciju sti'aha i uzemirenost:i. dozj:.;eli kac ie. .su fe:•~;,> ,'
o.r:e iwvats:oe ~;ed'in:i.ce pocele 09~<0l javati kasa1'ne u lwjiti.'Ô. su bile sme~ tene jed::.-
11 :.ce .HL\. 5'o;:•c:~ "~2ne lr:"vatske 5edinice vr-i,:i.le su i napaàe na te kasarne . a=-~- su
o;·ethoclr:o jed:1.nj cama Ji-iil. uskrat:Lle mo:r,uénost !-<ac'd.iéen,4a vode , struje :'. snabü.ev'
3 n, :::J. S3. ~ctt·ebr.".m ~;:ot::.klir:a. Po6to su te jedinice _bile opko.ljene sa svih stran<"i
::cn~l(o -'~ts.novn:;_:)tvo j e uol\ilo da :i.ste n5.su u mop:u.insoti da u.\za:~.u pomoé: civ:'cl:-:torr:
-;,-- j rc; i ti". 1~2.dn.i2 Koà s~~a;1ovn~J tva srps'<:~ iHciom.J.nsoti izaz.i.vala strah ~- uzne~ i -:"
2n,~ie .
- 3 -
U Karlovcu su brvatska policija i vojska, a i civili koji su angazutaai u pol:i.cij1
obijali t!"govinske i druge radnje koje su bile vlasnistvo preduzeéa iz Srbije i
drugih mesta, pa su pljackali tu robu i odnosili jer istu niko nije obezbedjivao
i stitio. Nije mi poznato da li je umdrugim krajevima grada Karlovca bilo ubistava
Srba civila ili nije zato sto se ja i ostali SRbi nismo smeli udaljavati
iz kuéa ili stanova. Hrvatski vojnici i policajci veoma ceste su stavljali maske
na lice; navlaceéi carape i druga prirucna sredstva ve~ovatno zato da ih mi ne
bi prepoznali jer su to bHi nase komsije. Strasno su idelovali prilikom upada u
kuéu i prilikom vrsenja pretresa istE:7r Prilikom svakog ·1upada hrvatski vojnici i
policajci trazili su navodno oruzje ' -~da im je bilo vi \se stalo da pronadju neste
vredno ili novae i da to odnesu. Prti svakom susretu na~ivali su Srbe cetnici ma .
psovali majku cetnicku i pretili da ée svi biti poubijani ili proterani.
Ostao sam sa svojim roditeljima u Karlovcu do pocetka avgusta 199l.godine, a tada
smo svi otisli u selo Kljucar opstina Vojnié, gdje je m~j otac i rodjen.
Na tom podrucju veé je bila organizovana odbrana od najezde hrvatske vojske , a 1 •
to podr·ucje je uslo u sastav Republike Srpske Krajine i 'bilo slobodno sve do
G4.avgusta l995.godine. U to vreme podrucje Srpske Krajine napadnuto je od strane
hrvatske vojsek u ofanzivi "Bljesak" , odnosno "0luja11 • Hrvatska vojska je zauzela
Knin i tada su sa tog pravca pocele pristizaté kolone izbeglica) a 06.avgusta
snazno je granatirano podrucje Vojniéa pa smo ja i moji foditelji sa ostalim nar odom
sa tog podrucja krenuli u izbeglistvo u pravcu Vrgin :Hosta, Gline , DVor ana
Uni, u pravcu ter~torije Repbulike Srpske. Krenuli smo s~ putnickim automboil~~
koji je vozio moj otac Dusan Crnkovié , a ja sam upravljaq sa traktorom koji je
lmao prikolicu 1 na kome smo poneli najosnovnije stvari f,z roditeljske kuée rnoga
oca Dusana. U toku kretanja kolone koja je bila izuzetno duga i koju su sacinj a-
~ala putnicka vozila, teretna vozila, zaprezna vozila i traktori sa prikolicama
kolona se kretala vemaa spore i ista je neprekidno od Vojniéa prema Glini praéena
granatiranjem od strane hrvatske vojske. Granatiranaj su bila veoma precizna, t ako
da je svakog t;-enutka bio izvestan broj zrtava koje su se '.kretale u koloni .
Granatiranje je bila veoma gusto na ulazu u Glinu, gde je :bio veliki broj poginulih
civila medju kojima je bila zena, dece i starijih l judi. U Glini granatiran je
i logor u kome su bili smesteni vojnici Ujedinjenih nacija iz Jordana. Licno sam
video kada je jedna granata pala u taj logor, a od te granate geler i pogodili su
i mene u predelu debelog mesa i desnog ramena. Posle ukaz~e pomoéi mm smo dalje
krenuli u pravcu Zirovca, s tim sto nas je neprekidno pra11ilo granatiranje. u
toku daljeg kretanja-video sam na putu i pored puta uni steria i osteéena vozila,
a pored njih bilo je i tela stradalih ci vila. Kolona se k~ietala veoa.rn sproo, a
veoma cesto je stajala duze vreme na opet nastavljala put. Nesto dalje od
Zirovca prema Dvoru na Uni kol ona je napadnuta od strane mu~limanske vojske i
presecena. Tom prHikom muslimanski vojnici su odveli oko 200 srba koji su se
nal azili u kol oni , a to su uglavnom bili muskarcL
- 4 -
Iz razgovo~a sa Ilijom Trbojeviéem iz sela Vojisnica kod Vojniéa saznao sam da
je tu gr•upu uhapsenih S~ba muslirnans!Dq.a vojska ·najpre odvela u Bihaé, aposle
toga svi su oni predati hrvatskoj vojsci i ista je tu grupu drzala u zatvorma
na pqd~ju Hrvatske. Iz te grupe uhapsenih pu~tena je jedna grupa od sest u.Y}af
senih sa(j nedavno i isti se nalaze negde na .poclrucju Uugoslavije.
Ilija Trbojevié stanuje sada negde u Jagodini. Ilija je rodjen 1970.godine od
oca Mar}$ i majke Drage u Vojniéu. Ilija bi mogao da objasni sve o grupi zarobljenih
muskaraca iz kolone koja se kretala pream Dvoru na Uni.
·· u daljei)l loeetanju od Zirovca ~rema Dvoru na Uni video sam mnostvo tela ubijenü:
civila, starijih ljudi, zena i dece koji su se palazili na putu i oko puta pore
unisten~~ i osteéenih vozila,. Najveéi broj telaiprimetio sam na skveru na ulazu
1 u Dvor' ~- uni. na tom ter-enu . t.elima ubiejnih c~_yila .put je bio potpuno prekrive
u duzin:f Od oko 200 m. Po pro1asku pored D'lora ~ Uni i kreéuéi se prema Novom
Gradu i qalje je bilo strahovito mnogo unisteni~ vozila i tela ubijenih civila.
Saznao Séim da je na tom delu puta hrvatska vojs~a prilikom zaizimanja Dvora na ·
presekla kolonu i da je poubijala sve civile koji su se zatekli na tom delu put:
1 Posle ovQga jedinica Vojske Republike Srpske Kra,jine odbacila je hrvatsku vojsk1
i ta:mll ,je• omoguéila prolaz izbeglicarna prema Novom Gradu i teritoriji Republikt
\ Posebno if!ticem jer sam- bio strahovito frapiran kada sam video da svinje kida@u
\ tela ubijènih ci vila na ulazu u Dvor na Uni. To \je bilo precizno negdje izmedju
ulaza u Dvor i izlaza puta OEK prema Novom Gradu. Tela stradalih civila na celom
putu u naj veéem broju slucajeva bila su raskomad~na jer je artiljerijska vatra o
strane hryatske vojsek bila veoma precizna. Putovao sam od Vojniéa pa do Novog
Grada tri dana~ tako da smo 09.avgusta dosli .na ~eritoriju Repbulike Srpske.
i Prilikon'l ~tarl.ja kolone . od p~avca Novog Gracia p~ema Prijedoru, a_ po prolasku
sela SV~ saznaosam da je rteposredno posle~ prolaska hrvatska avijacija be
bardovalla tu kolonu i da je tom prilikom ubijelUII (izbestan broj civila, ali ja ne
znam koliko.
Isticem i to da je pored puta kojim sam se ja kr~tao bilo mnostvo tela ubijene
stoke: da je bilo razbacanih delova ljudskog tel~, otkinutih ruku ~ nogu,glava i
u koloni $\1 se u toku kretanja radjala i deca pa ip su perodi tel je bacale tu dec
jer nisu ±male uslova da im obezbede noramlan zi~ot. Seéam se da je neka Radojka
iz Slunja roditai dete i da ga. je bacila, ali za nju stvarno ne znarn ostale poda
Veliki bro.j izbeglica koji su mogli da se kreéu peske napitali su svoja vozila i
bezali peske preko suma da bi se sto pre dokopali' teritorije Bepublike Srpske .
av~ ~:xV'-t ·.u
un.n&:HWil "~-""'1
r~-"6- -"-6e0>
- 5 ...
To .je sve sto j~ ~ sada imam da izj~vim.
Ja sam spreman •Ü2). · ·~ izjavu pred bilo kojim drzavnim il~ straNim organom
' u vezi sa onim Sto .sam doziyeo za vt"eme boravka u Karlovdu i u vezi dozivlj aja
za vreme trajâlî~a hrvatske ofanzive 110luja".
Poucen sam da itrt•Wvpravo da proeitam zapisnik, pa izjavljlljem da ne zelim ;
jer je isti glaSrtOdiktiran.
•l Dovrseno u 13,00 casova.

District Court in Zrenjanin, Serbia, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Lazo Stojié, dated 27 November 1996
(Situation in the town of Sisak)

KRI. 87/96
Taken on 27 November 1996 before the investigating magistrate of the District Court in
Zrenjanin upon the request of the Committee for the gathering of information on crimes
against humanity and in contravention of international law
lnvestigating Magistrate
Bogoljub Stankov
Court Recorder
Vesna Mrkic
Lazo Stojic
The hearing also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
Defence Counsel
The Court rose at 8:34 a.m.
The witness was wamed that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also wamed against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names:
2. Father's name:
3. Occupation:
4. Address:
5. Place ofbirth:
6. Year ofbirth:
Stojic, Lazo
Jo van
Melenci, 7 Dragoljuba Zarkova Street
Dabrina, Municipality of Glina
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: .......... .... ... .
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
The witness was wamed, pursuant to Articles 229 and 231, paragraph 2, of the Criminal
Procedure Code and declares the following:
From 1954 until August 1991 I lived in Sisak, with sorne interruptions, together with my
family, that is, my wife and two children.
Immediately after the Croatian elections in 1990, like in other places in the Republic, Sisak
was the scene of rising Croatian nationalism, which was previously also manifested in various
veiled forms.
This brand of Croatian nationalism began to bloom as early as the mass movement (in the
1970s). 1 remember that I worked for the Danube Lloyds and that in 1971 1 was dismissed
together with 33 other Serbs as victims of the policy of national chauvinism. The dismissed
Serbs were mainly highly educated people.
I was dismissed from work in 1971.
In 1990, as I already said, and again in 1991 following the Croatian elections, discrimination
against Serbs by Croats was increased: Serbs were dismissed from their jobs and a real
campaign of harassment against them began in their places of work. The harassment was
reflected in the fact that Serbs were not allowed to work on certain cases and, in other words,
Croats by-passed them regarding the jobs that were their responsibility.
This fonn of nationalism was intensified every day to tum into the booby-trapping of shops
and locals owned by Sisak Serbs. Alongside, there was maltreatment by machinegun fire
against the windows and fronts ofhouses owned by Serbs.
I remember a few such cases very vividly. For instance, mines were planted in the local of
Ilija Kacar severa! times. I believe that he now lives in Belgrade. His local was blown up on
severa! occasions.
I also remember the mining of the local meat shop owned by a Serb entrepreneur named
Also mined was the shop of Mirko Gavrilovic in 1991. At that time, detonations could be
heard ovemight across Sisak, mostly in the quarters inhabited by Serbs and the next day, we
found out the names of the owners of those shops or houses. I can't recall at the moment ali
the names of people whose shops or homes had been blown up, but I know that there were
many such instances.
AU this created great fear among Serbs like me, living in Sisak, so much so that a Serb could
literally not meet another Serb in the street. I too experienced a lot of embarrassment in the
street. Vahida Karic, who was not a medically sane person, openly branded me as a chetnick,
in the street. She was obviously manipulated and exploited by the Croatian police and
civilians who worked for the Croatian police and they waited to see the reactions of local
Serbs in order to step in.
In August 1991, while I still worked at the medical centre, a neighbour of mine was ki lied by
the police. His name was Jovan Cmobmja, who used to work at the Sisak Police
Headquarters, while his wife Dobrila worked with me. The day before he was killed, Jovo
Cmobmja went to see his wife at work and saw me too. I leamed from his wife that the
Croatian police killed him in front of her in their home and I know that his wife Dobrila
suffered a nervous breakdown because of it and was rushed to hospital. I know that after Jovo
Cmobmja was killed, the newspaper "Vecemji list" reported on its pages the next day that
Jovo Cmobmja had ambushed a police patrol and that he was killed in the fire with
policemen, which was not true. He was killed purely and simply because he was a Serb. He
was a very honest man and was not a rabid or nationally coloured man. All this went on
through the night when the police and civilians killed Serbs and one could not get hold of any
name of tho se Croatian police officers.
In August 1991, Dragan Rajsic went missing. I heard this from local Serbs.
In 1991, also killed were Marko Vila, his wife Evica and their three sons, who were ali of age.
One of the sons was named Zeljko, the other Dusan and I don't know the name of the third
son. Ail that happened in their home at night.
I also heard that a Serb by the surname of Bozic was killed. I know that he was a driver at the
company "Slavija Trans" in Petrinja. l heard that, white driving between Sisak and Zagreb,
his bus was stopped and the Croatian police officers dragged him out and killed him in the
village of Odra. I heard it from Sisak Serbs.
I heard also in 1991 that the daughter of Jovo and Vera Solar, whose name 1 don't know, was
killed in their flat. Jovo Solar was a Serb and his wife Vera a Croat. Having heard and seen ail
this and fearing for my own and my wife' s li fe, 1 fled on 28 August 1991, together with my
wife, to Belgrade, leaving my Sisak flat behind. 1 can also say that Mirko Ljubisic, also a
Serb, who had a Croatian brother-in-law in the police force, told me that there was a hit list
for local Serbs. Ljubisic told me that his brother-in-law had information that the police hit list
included Mirko Ljubisic, my wife and l, Mirko Vlaisavljevic and Petar Prica, and a number of
other Serbs who lived in the same residential quarter which was predominantly Serb. I don't
remember the names of the other Serbs from the list. Having received this piece of
information from Ljubisic, I decided to flee, because my own and my wife's life was in
jeopardy. We were on the hit list. While I was in Belgrade with my wife, I read in a daily
newspaper that my workmate Dragan Sundac was killed. I also read in the same paper and
saw pictures of the Vila family who tragically died.
On 15 November 1991, I left for the Republic of Serbian Krajina to stay with my brother at
Dabrina, which is near Glina.
Meanwhile, in January 1992, wishing to know if the news of the death of my workmate
Dragan Sundac was true, 1 called from Banja Luka the Sisak medical centre, asking for
Dragan. An employee by the name of Mirjana Kovacic replied and told me that she could not
give away any information. However, she gave me the telephone number for Dragan's wife
Vera who is incidentally a Croat. 1 then telephoned to Vera and she immediately recognized
my voice and began to cry, saying that there is no Drago any more. 1 to1d her that at 1east she
had people who could trace him, but she replied to me "he is no more" and that "there are no
more people". By the way, as 1 said, Vera is a Croat who lives at the village of Crnac near
Sisak and is related to Janko Bobetko who is a senior Croatian Army officer.
1 failed to mention the name of a Serb who also used to work with me at the medical centre.
His name was Spiro Kostic. He is still alive and I know that he had been severely mistreated
by the Croatian police. His typist wife told me that the Croatian policemen arrested Spiro and
that he was detained for a while. His wife also told me that he was released upon the
intervention of higher judicial authorities and that he was immediately rearrested a few
hundred meters from the prison in the presence of his wife and lawyer. I la ter heard that Spiro
Kostic was taken to the Jodno camp in Sisak and that he was subsequently exchanged. 1 have
heard that the Croatian police officers and Army submitted the Serb detainees at that camp to
torture and mistreatment. 1 don 't know the nam es of the camp prisoners. Incidentally, Spiro
Kostic was later the health minister in the Republic of Serbian Krajina. I don't know where he
lives, but his mother resides in Belgrade.
On 4 August 1995, the Croatian and Muslim forces began shelling Glina and the surrounding
villages. They also dropped bombs on my village and the nearby village of Dragotina. 1
remember that parts of the aircraft missiles fell in the garden of my brother's house. The
houses of Slavko Zrakic and Milos Badric in the village of Dragotina were destroyed in this
areal bombardment. Because our lives were threatened, my brother and 1 left on tractor in a
convoy on 5 August 1995 with other fleeing Serbs, leaving our village which is 30 to 40
kilometres from the border with Croatia. As my brother and 1 moved on tractor in the convoy,
we were not under attack, but I later heard that the Croatian and Muslim forces used MIG jets
to hit the refugee convoys, mostly between Zirovac and Dvor-upon-Una.
1 later heard that my cousin Mirko Slijepcevic was killed in the convoy by the Ustashi. The
convoy in which Mirko was killed also contained my cousin Milka Slijepcevic and her
husband Dusan, who now live somewhere in Serbia, but I don't know the name of the town.
1 also found out that Radovan Vujaklija, who now lives in Belgrade, but previously resided in
Sisak, while he lived there, was ill treated by the Croatian police as a result of which he had
his kidney removed and was on dialysis. He had a kidney donated by his mother. I don't know
his address, but I only know that he lives in Belgrade.
I have nothing else to declare.
There are no objections or questions to be asked.
The witness asked that the travel expenses amounting to 40.00 dinars be paid to him, as he
was accompanied by his wife Mara because he had suffered three heart attacks.
The Court reaches the following
The witness has been granted 40.00 dinars for the travel expenses.
The witness was wamed in accordance with Article 82 of the Criminal Procedure Code that
he had the right to read the minutes before signing; therefore, he declared: "1 don't wish to
read the minutes because 1 heard it dictated out loudly; The minutes contained ail I had said
and 1 have no objections and only wish to sign it''.
The hearing was adjoumed at 10:00 a.m.
Bogoljub Stankov (Signed)
Vesna Mrkic (Signed)
Lazo Stojic (Signed)
KRI . 87/t6
:&poj KH . .. ................ .
cacTaBJbeH- ,llaHa ··········"·······'····'·_g_r.__~JJ. .•.. 199. ....9 .. ,. ro11.1OEe npe)l ..... ,.,, .............. J.1?,.t,r.~.~!1. . t.ll_l.~.,-, ...c • •, ._.. , . , ..••.•••.• ••• ""'~:··········--···--
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po zamol:nici Komiteta za prikupljanje poqatâ.ka o izvrsenim
y XpHBR'fî'6è!~anp~~bt-i-v---·e(Ween'O'S't·i··--i-·--m-ecd·juna·r-odn'(}g···p1"-a-Va·--·----······----··--·--··----·•--'···········c··--------
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Cac>:~ymaa.y cseAo~a nqHcycn~yj~ H:
~llHHH T)'l!OOIIlU
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lipaHHJl B !l
• 3anO'ICTO Y ....... ~.!-.d.~ .... 'JaCoBa
CBC,!IOI(. je ODOMC~YT )!:a je , .!IYJKaH )!:a f~!'!)l:llf _IICTHHY H ,!la He, CMC. llHWTa npe~yTaTlf, )!II03opeh je Ha ·no c rrep,llue .llaBaH>a :Ta.JKllOf'
HCKa3a, :itao H ,!la HHje )l)!JICliH 11.11 om:ollapa Hll noje,!IliHa nRTl!:lMl, llKO je BeposaTJjO )la OH THMC H:l;'IOlKHO ceoo -Hil1i Cl!Or Qi!I!CKOJ'
CpO,liHHKa. reuhi()j cpaMOTH, 3HaTHOj MaTepHjaiHIOj mren! H!IH lCPHBH'IHOM rCilbCH>Y ('IJiaH 229. ·3Kfi.), ni aa Onmrà nliTiilha CBC,!IOK
n;aje o,~:~roBOpe ;
1) MMe H ·npe3l!Me ............................................................................................................................... -
2) MMe oiJ,a .... c ................................... !l..Q}fêJ:L .......................................................... : ..................... .
3) 3aHHMaH>e ...................... , ................ n.er..e:s,~:n ... s.tat.us .......... ,: ... : ........ , ... , .......... c .............. ... .
4) BopaBHIIIre ................... , __ ,_;_~,:.M~.!-~.n~i ... ,~l-~.,J2r.~.g;Qlj.u.9.9..'"_Z.a.r.k.o.v.a 7
5) MeéTO·_.pol)eH>a ............................ l?.~P.~-~-l'!~.L .. ~.Q.:~QJ.!.~~------·--·--------·--········----··--······-
6) ro,!IHHa pol)ea,a ., ................ ,.,: ..... 12.?.9 .................... ( ..... : ........................... ;.,, ..... ~ .................... ..
7) Û,!IHOC ca OKpHBJbeHHM H oWTeheHHM .......................... :: .......... . ............................................... .
3a OBHM CFe)IO!(. 0 caMOM O.pCl\MCT)! H3HOCH CJIC)lCJie:
- 2 -
Svedok upozoren u smislu clana 229. i 231.
stav 2. ZKP izjavljuje:
Od 1954.godine do avgusta J991.godine ja sam
ziveo \L._§i§kld sa manjim prekidimà·; ··sa -svoJom porodicom, odnosno
sa svojom suprugom i dvoje dece .
Oàmah pesle izbora u
kako u ostalim mestima HPvatske, tako
hrvatski nacionalizam, koji je inace
u raznim vidovima i u latentnom stanju.
i u Sisku
i ranije
narastao je
mani fest iran
Ovaj hrvatski nacionalizam u Hrvatskoj poceo
je jos da buja za vr•eme. mas. pokreta. Seéam se da sam radio
u dunavskom lojdu i 1971.godine sa JOS 33 Srbina otpusten
sam sa posla, kao zitvra nacionalisticke politfk·ë-;- a -otpusteni
Srbi su uglavnom bill sa 'UJ;l_olç_Qm ,J .. Y.tê2J!L~~-r'.U9I1Q!Jl §Pr..~om.
Sa posla sam otpusten 1971.godine.
1990.godine, kao sto sam rekao, kao 1 1991.godine,
pesle izbora u Hrvatskoj, pojacana je diskriminacija prema
Srbima od strane Hrvata, Sr bi su otpustani sa posla i prema
njima je pocelo pravo sikaniranje na sposlu. To sikaniranje
se ogledalo u tome da Srbima nije dozvoljeno da rade pojedine
predmete i jednom recju Hrvati su ih zaobilazili u poslu koji
je bio u njihovoj nadleznosti.
Taj nacionalizam se pojacavao iz dana u dan
i onda se presle i na miniranje radnji .i lokala koje su posedova-
11 Srbi u Sisku, pocefo··-Je Ïnirtal.)iran'jè' iz automatskih oruzja,
prozora i fasada kuéa ciji su vlasnici Srbi.
Seéam se dobro vise takvih slucajeva miniranja.
Tako je recimo, miniran lokal i to vise puta ~-~c_a!:' _ BJ.Je,
mislim da isti sada zivi u Beogradu. Njegov lokal - srusen je
vise puta sa eksplozivnim napravama.
Takodje se seéam da je m~n~ran lokal - mesnica
jednog pri vatnika Sr bina koji se prezi va !'iQY:çtko.v:.ié.
Isto tako miniran je lokal i .9_~_y_dl_g_yj,Q ___ MJ..rl<a
a to je bilo 1991.godine. U to vreme ~o celom Sisku odjekivale
su detonacije iskljucivo no§_':l i to u predelima grada gde su
ziveli iskl j ucivo Srbi , a ~ s utra dan bi se veé znalo ciji je
1okal ili kuéa minirana. U ovom trenutku ne mogu da se setim
imena 1 ica C l.Jl. su lokali i kuée minirani, ali znam da je
bilo dosta takvih slucajeva.
Sve ovo izazvalo je veliki strah kod nas Srba
koji smo zi veli u Sisku, tako da se Srbin sa Srbinom presto
nl.Je smeo sastati na ulici. I sam sam doziveo na ulfci velike
neprijatnosti . Kari é Vahida koja nija bas bila osoba zdravstveno
zdrava, me je otvoreno na ulici nazi val a cetnikom. Primetilo
se da je ona izmanipulisana i iskoriséena od strane hrvatske
policije i civila koji rade . u sluzbi hrvatske policije i oni
su sam ocekali da vide reakciju Srba da bi i ntervenisali.
- 3 -
I 8. mesecu 19891.godine j os dok sam radio
u Medicinskom centru, u mom komsiluku u kuéi je ubijen od
strane hrvatske policije CJ"f19J:rrnJ~ ~QYé'J.n koji je inace radio
u SUP-u Sisak, dok je njegova supruga Dobrila radila isto
gde i ja. Dan rani je pre ne go s t o je u bi j en Crnob!'nja Jovo
je bio kod svoje supruge na poslu, pa je svratio i do mene.
Od njegove supruge sam saznao da ga je hrvatska policija ubila
pred nom u njihovoj kuéi i znam da je Jovina supruga Dobrila
zbog toga dobila ziv~ani slom i preba~ena u bolnicu. Znam
da nakon ubistva Crnobrnja Jove, sledeéeg dana u casopisu
"veéernji list" objavljeno je da je Crnobrnja Jovo presreo
patrolu MUP~a Hrvatske i da je ubijen u obracunu sa rdnicima
MUP-a Hr-vat~ke sto ni je bilo tacno. Crn.obrnja Jovo je ubijen
iz prostog rai.loga sto je Srbin. Bio je izuzetno post en covek
i nije bio nacionalno zagrizen 1 obojen. Sve ovo se inace
desavalo .. noéu i ~glavnom ilrvatska policija i civili su vrsili
llkvidacijl.l Srba, a ni jedno ime od tih hrvatskih policajaca
prosto se nije ~ogl6 saznati.
U .8 • . mesecu 1991.godine nestao je Rajs_ié_Dr~~n
i to sam cuo od ijudi ., Srba iz Siska.
Te 199Lg()dine ~bijeni su Vila Marko, njeg()va
supr1.1ga Ev ica i njihova tri aina, koji ···sa---b-m--; ,punoletni,
znam · da ~-]ed<l,l'l · zva.o Zel,j!ço ', drugi Dusan, a treéi ne znam
kak<Lse zva.o i '():vô se desilo .. filocu u nihovo.f"kuéi.
Cuo sam tako.dje, da je ubijen jeoan Sr'bin koji
se . prezivao BoziÇ, ne znam njegovo . ime, znam da je radio kao
i6fer u pred~zeé~ "Slavija~rans" iz Pe~rinje i 5uo sam da
je on. prili~om voznje na relaciji Sisak - Zagreb z~ustavljen
je aut6bus koji je vozio Boii6, njega su izvukli hrvatski
P()licajci i ubijen je u selu Odra.. To sam cuo .od Sr ba iz Siska.
Te i 1991.gociine takodj!=l sam cuo da je u stanu
ubijena 6~~k1?: _ _ ~Q_!,.ar__~-~Y~~ --J .. X~re, ci je imè ne znam, Solar Jovo
je bio Srbin, a -)era •. Hrva ti ca. Posto sam za sve ovo cuo i
video sam da se . desavaju ubistva Srba zbog straha za svoj
s 0pstvèni iivot l 2iyot m()je supruge, ja sam ~8.8.J_9_9._1_.godine
sa radnog mes ta g_obegao . zajedno sa suprugom u Beograd . i ostavio
sam svoj stan u Sisku. Mogu da kaiem da je meni LJubisié Mirko
koji je takod.je Srbiry, a koji ima zeta Hrvata koji radi u
~UP..=J;L~H.rvatsJ!:e . d~ .. postoji spt~a~ --- ~-- !iiit::1L .. Za .. l.ikx.ica.cijJL __ §r::_ga.
Ljubisié mi je rekao da je · oq zeta dobio saopstenje da se
na spisku MU P-a <?.a likvidaciju nalaze on Ljubisié Mirko, ja
i moja supruga, Vlaisavljevié Mirko i Prica Petar .. i jos neki
Srbi koji su iiveli . . u kvartu gde su uglavnom iivell Srbi,
a Cijih imena se sada ne seéàm. Posto sam od Ljubisiéa dobio
ove podatke ja sam odl ucio da po~_egnem jer mi je H vot bio
ugroien kao i moje s\ip1:;uïië ·:re-r-·-smo- se nalazili na spisku za
likvidaciju. Za vreme dok sam bio u Beogradu sa suprugom u
jednom dnevnom lis tu ja sam proci tao da je ubijen moj kolega
sa posla Sundaé Dragan, u tom istom listu procitao sam i video
sam slike tragj_cno nastradale poro,dice Vila.
- 4 -
15.11.1 99 1.godine ja sam oti~ao u Srpsku republiku
Krajinu i kod mog rodjenog brata u mestu Dabrina a to je mesto
blizu kod Gline.
U medjuvremenu u januaru mesecu 19 92.godj_ne
ja sam zeleo da se uverim da li je isti na da je moj kolêga
sa posla ~t!.!!2~<l Pr.agan..:_ __ stvarno ubijen, pozva.o -sam iz Banja
. Luke teleFonom - Medicinski centar Sisak i trazio sam Sundaé
Dragana. Na tele fon se '"javila sluzbena Kovacié MirJàna k6ja
mi je rek1a da. ne moze da mi . da nikakvu informaciju ali · mi
je dala broj telefona<od Draganove supruge Vere koja je inaèe
Hrvatica. Ja sam onda telefonom pozva·o Veru i ol'la mi . je odmah
prepoznala glas i pocela. je •• da plàée i rekla je "nema vise
mog Orage". · Ja sa.m joj rekao da bar ona _ ima ljude kqji KÔgù
da ga pronadju .. ali- mi _je- ona odgovorila "nje'gà . visè_nema ~
nema ,. vise .•ljud·i "· Inace <J kao st·<> sa:m rekao_ Vera: jè lit'!~ ti ca
hvi u selu Cv.nac . k.()d. fSi.ska . i -nM.-aii' •: se' èo~f&.fns~o-j · ~~z i
sa- Jankom Bob::etkom" koji je 'vis<>ki afi'ciir hrvat~:!'ke> V'<;>J.Ske" · '> · ·
. Napominjem da sam prapustio .. da sapstim ime
jednog Srbtn,!l kqji j.e talC:od'je radio samnom :tl ' _Medicins~o~ .eentru
~o je S_piz:~~j.é, koji Je ziv, a poznait:o ~ mi ·-· Je .·dà · :3e~ : on
zestoko maltr·etira:n od strane hrv.~tske J.?.plicije. Nj~~<>va zena
koja:. - ·Je t>ii~''' inaee· moj a dakti.!lagrà fldn;Ja, 'mi _·je ___r~ le:la d;a,_ s l.l
hrvat·s_ki: pol'i~àjci _ uhvatil-·i < · Spir\.l.' _·_--.- <ta ... Ae_ an •. <izv,~n<r ... vg~ÎJÏ~
proveo<• u .· zatv-oru. Qd njegove suprug;e --- ~am ••. saz~~o ~~'· je •. g~~·~e
izv:esnag. vremena on pus'teri na slobôdu ·na · in't'~rven'eiju "Vfs:i.il
prvosudni~ organa, ~li da je od';!ah · nako~ pustanja na slobodu
ponovo': uhaps'è'lia ·;na stotlnak met~ra od zatvora' 'i tp u .• prisustvu
njegov'e ' ':l!Up.ruge Ï '''~dvokata. · Kas~ii.je sam cuo (la J ·e S,piro Kosié
odveà:en .u lagor 'l.Jodna" k·o·j i : èje bti:o ~u Sis ku' · 'a 'da j~ kas ni je
razmenjen.: Ja '~am samo e ue_ da su U toDI l~goru hrvatS'kj:. p<.lltcajqi
i vojska vrsiili _ mueenja •i maltretj:ranja Srba _.· koji • su' b:i,Ïi
u t 'Om l<>goru. Imèna Hca koj'B su bila u logoru ja ne znam.
Ina ce · Spiro KOstié je kasnije _bio ministar zp.ravlja RS Krajine,
ne znam gde on zfvi, ali zhàm âa il!la·· ma~~.ku kOJ.a -;;;z;i.vt ., '\1 ~eo.s,r~du~
. . ' "., , ,, 'o :~ >
4. 8~ 1995 .gcr<rine h'rvatsko.::futisü.manske ·s 'nage
su poèele da vrse &C~natit_cirJj_e G""l..,.in~ . i . akolrüh : se la .. è>si:m
toga iz aviona .~u . tukli. i moje ~el:a ...•. 1 suse(Îno_, selo ... a> ~q sg
~eJ._o., DragctJ:I.~a, :!. seéam se da su u bas ti kuée ·moga braga pad~lf
delovi- ---od _ra keta iz ~viona. Pr.ilikom tih ·• napada iz avj,ona
srusène . su kuée . Zrak_ié Slavlé'a i _. Badrié Mqosa · i z ' sèla·. l'r'~gotinâ: ;
s · obzire>m da ·nain Je ~1vot - bio ugrozen ja J b'r:àt . 'smo: tr~k~prom
krenu'l i ~,: __ "zR:e.g'~.,.J:t~JL~ 1;9.9.5_~,i.odiné , . kao i . dst_a~li · Sçb'l , ~"ojt' su
tu ziveli i mi smo med.ju · prvima bili ù zbegu_ j er j e nase s~ l o
udà1jeno od grànice prema H rvatskoJ.30-40 < ~m. Za yreme p<;>it
smo se brat i ja kretali u koloni sa traktorom nije bio nikëtkav
napad na nas, a ka sni je sam cuo da su hrvatska-llluslimanske
jedinice . iz . aviona "Mig" gad_jal~ kolonu izbeglica i to najvise
ha r~iaciji !iroyac - Dvor na Uni.
~' \.13p,aje; .V!Wfl ·ca~. e~ a,qMH~HCTI)a4Mj.1~ P,.P,
1 V13,QaB8~ ceKï0p - SeorpSA {.:ti'/E5;
,_,;; <)~~;;.<a_ 33 noc:rofu4HY: o6p_ 6p; 23/276
l!,ITa~o~:na: HWfl "Cat~peMeHa QAM~otiMCTpa4"'ja~ A·A·
rP"_1""" ~P "S. l'"""''""'"-6eorpa,o
- 5 -
Kasnije sam cuo da je u ovoj koloni poginuo
i sin oct moje seste od tetke i to od ustasa koji su presekli
kolonu, koji se zvao Hir~g _ ?_! :i:_j~ps_ ê.'Lt.é i koji je bio moj neéak.
U toj koloni kada je-p-oginuo Mirko b i l a je i mo j a sestra od
tetke Slijepcevim Milka i njen muz Dusan, a oni zive negde
u Srbiji, ali ne znam ime tog grada.
v. Saznao sam t akodj e , da j e ~uj~~ ~~j_§: ... « .. B.â.QQ.YA.n
kOJl sada Zlvi u Beogradu a koji j e r anije ziveo u Sisku,
za vrem dok je ziveo u Sisku bio maltret i r an od hrvatske pol i c ije
tako da mu je izvadjen jedan bubreg i bio je na hemo dijalizi
i bubreg mu je da la majka , adresu ne znam, samo znam da zivi
u Beogradu.
Nemam vise sta da izjavim.
Primedbi i pitanja nema.
Svedok na ime putnih troskova trazi da
dosudi 40,00 dinara, posto je dosao u pratnji svoje
Mare, s obzirom da je i mao tri infarkta.
Sud donosi
mu se
Svedoku se na ime putnih troskova dosudju j e
iznos od 40 dinara.
Svedok upozoren u smislu clana 82. ZKP da ima
pravo pre potpisivanja procitati zapisni k, pa nakon upozorenja
izjavljuje:"zapisnik ne zelim citati jer sam slusao glasno
diktiranje, u zapisnik je uneto sve onako kako sam j a to izjavio,
na zapisnik nemam primedbi i zelim da ga potpisem".
Dovrseno u 10, 00 casova.

OSCE Report: "U naddressed-for war-time killings of
civilians in Sisak in 1991-92, April 2009

Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
OSCE Office in Zagreb
Unaddressed war-time killings of civilians in Sisak in 1991-92
Updated as of April 2009
As oftoday, hundreds ofkillings from the early years of the conflict in mid-1991 and 1992 in the Sisak area remain unaddressed. Regarding the
extent of crimes committed by both sides to the conflict during the war in the Sisak area, the Head of the Sisak Police Administration informed
the OSCE that since 1991, 650 persans were reported missingi and 684 bodies were exhumed (128 of which unidentified).ii The Chief State
Attorney informed the Office that in the Sisak County in 270 war crimes cases investigations are pending against yet to be identified suspects; in
addition, investigations are pending against 103 persans; while 56 persans were indicted and proceedings are pending.
Severa! war crimes proceedings have been conducted before the Sisak County Court. To the Office's knowledge,iii the Court has convicted 101
former members of the Serb forces (90 of whom were tried in their absenceiv) for war crimes committed against Croat victims in the Sisak area.
The Sisak County Court has never convicted a member of the Croatian Armed Forces for war crimes against Serb victims committed in the
period between 1991 and the present time.v One Croatian Force member was indicted before the Sisak County Court in April 2009 and
proceedings are pending. vi The seven cases identified as priorities for prosecution by the Sisak County State Attorney in earl y April 2009 indicate
that the focus will continue to be on Croat war victims. vii
The Office compiled a sample list of 35 yet unaccounted-for war-time killings of Serb civilians in the Sisak area. The list is based on data from
civil compensation claim files, forensic reports, interviews with relatives, NGOs and media information. Data available to the Office indicates
that evidence warranting investigation into these cases exists.
Most listed killing incidents seem to form part of more extensive crime patterns which remain unprosecuted. As part of the attack on the Serb
civilian population in the town of Sisak (22 listed victims), five members of the Vila family were killed in August 1991. Unaddressed war
crimes cases include the detention, mistreatment and killing in the ORA detention facility (five listed victims), the abduction and killings of
Serb employees of the Sisak oil factory (four listed victims) and the 22 August 1991 "Thunders" operation in surrounding villages viii (nine
listed victims ). Re garding the latter, not even forensic examination of the bodies was undertaken.
The available sample data demonstrate crime patterns. Seventeen of the listed victims were killed by gunshots. Eleven victims' bodies indicate
serious ante mortem mistreatment. The bodies of thirteen listed victims were disposed of in the river following their killing, the bodies of another
three in Sisak's old town.
The lack of criminal prosecution also frustrated civil compensation in these cases. Regarding nineteen listed victims, relatives failed to obtain
civil compensation. ix Most of them had to bear the costs of the proceeding.x
No. Name of
victim &
year of birth
1. Vaso Jelic,
Date of
of incident
Forcibly taken
from his home
in Sisak by masked
sol di ers and brought to
ORA detention facility
Body recovered
on 10/0211992
near Stari Grad
in Sisak:
with tied hands;
of death:
wounds to the
head and chest;
indicate that the
was subjected to
ante mortem
report on externat
made on
10/02/92, Kir
3 eyewitnesses
to forced
found in
Cri minai
report filed by
Sisak police
dated 03/04/92
Sisak County
Court dismissed
the complaint
filed by widow
Ana Jelic on
06/ 12/2005
( obsolete case &
links with
appeal dismissed
on 22/03/2007;
costs of the
45,700 HRK
Report on
examination of
the body;
with Ana
2. Ni kola
Sisak, Zeleni
Forcibly taken
with two sons
from his Sisak home
by HV soldiers and
brought to ORA
facility (see the next
two cases)
Body found
on 28/0811991
on the Sava
River bank;
cause of death:
gunshot wounds
to the head and
body; report on
extemal forensic
Kir 356/91
2 eyewitnesses
forci ble
Criminal report
by Sisak police
of05/09/ 1991;
special report
of 06112/2006;
(wife) filed
cri minai
complaint on
and on
conducted in
January 2008
Sisak County
claim for
Zoran and
Sisak County
with Stojanka
3. Berislav
Sisak, Zeleni
Forcibly taken
with father and brother
from his Sisak home
by HY soldiers and
brought to ORA
facility (see the
previous and next
Body was not
pers on 1 de ad on
2 eye
forci ble
fi led criminal
complaint on
14/0711993 &
special report
of 06/12/2006;
conducted in
January 2008
Sisak County Sisak County
Court dismissed Court
the request judgment
filed by mother P-1300/06-12
Stojanka concerning
Trivkanovic on compensation
02/05/2007 claim for
(lack of evidence Zoran and
on the Berislav
participation of Trivkanovic;
Croatian Sisak County
Soldiers in the Court
incident); Judgment
appeal IY-P-188/05
proceeding concerning
pending; costs Zoran
of proceeding Trivkanovic;
15,600 HRK OSCE
with Stojanka
ICRC tracing
JUB-1 01804-01
4. Zoran
Frcibly taken
with father and
from his Sisak home
HV soldiers and
brought to ORA
facility (see the
two cases)
Body not
declared dead
while missing
on 22/07/2004
Twoeye Stojanka
witnesses Trivkanovic
to forci ble (mother)
detention fi led criminal
complaint on
14/0711993 &
special report
of 06/12/2006;
conducted in
January 2008
Beside Sisak County
Stojanka Court
Trivkanovic, judgment
compensation P-1300/06-12
claim also conceming
filed by Dragica compensation
Ferencak claim for
(wife) and by Zoran and
Aleksandar and Berislav
Robert Trivkanovic;
Trivkanovic Sisak County
(sons), which Court
were dismissed Judgment
by the Sisak IV-P-188/05
County Court conceming
( obsolete/lack of Zoran
evidence on the Trivkanovic;
participation of OSCE
Croatian soldiers conversation with
in the incident) Stojanka
on Trivkanovic;
04/ 12/2007 ICRC tracing
appeal request J U Bproceedings
pending; costs of
the proceeding
71,480 HRK
5. Milenko Sisak, oil 22/08/1991 Employee of Sisak
Djapa, 1951 factory Sisak oil factory;
forcibly taken
away from his Sisak
flat by Croatian
sol di ers
6. Petar Sisak, oil 20/0911991 Senior employee of
Pajagic, factory Sisak Sisak factory;
1932 forcibly
rounded up on the
street in Sisak by
either HV or police
Body recovered
in the River Sava
ne ar vi liage of
Lukavac; cause
of death: gunshot
wounds to the
belly; autopsy
report dated
Body recovered
from the Danube
near Novi Sad;
identified by the
state authorities
filed a criminal
complaint to
the State
Prosecutor in
Sisak on
claim for nonmaterial
filed by Evica
Djapa (wife) and
by Mirjana and
Desi (daughters)
to the Zagreb
County Court on
Sisak County
Court dismissed
motion to settle
amicably the
claim filed by
Dijana Pajagic
(out of court
because of nonrecognition
of official
documents for
the victim
issued by the
Nacional (08-0 1-
"406 murderers
walk free in
(30107 /2002)
"We have been
convicted because
they hate me";
''responsibility for
the killings
of Sisak Serbs
complaint; OSCE
conversation with
Dijana Pajagic
7. Petar
Kusic, 1956
8. Nedeljko
Kusic, 1928
Sisak, oil
Sisak, oil
factor y
Employee of Sisak oil
factory; missing from
the part of the city
called Zeleni Brijeg
together with his brother
(see next case)
Retiree; went missing in
the part of the city called
Zeleni Brijeg
together with his brother
(see previous case)
Body recovered beside
that of his brother
between the villages of
Zircica and Martinska
Ves by the River Sava
on 06/02/1992; cause of
death: gunshot wounds
to the head and belly,
shot through the head,
arm and chest at close
range; report on
extemal forensic
examination Kir 81/92
Body recovered
beside that of his
brother between
the villages of
Zircica and
Martinska Ves by
the River Sa va on
cause of death:
gunshot wounds
to the head and
belly, shot through
the head, arm and
chest at close
range; report on
extemal forensic
Kir 81/92
Report on external
(30/07/2002) " We
have been convicted
because they hate
Report on external
(30/07/2002) "We
have been convicted
because they hate
9. Jovo
10. Ljubica
Solar, 1972
Croatian Army
soldiers forced
their way into
Buried at the civil
cemetery in Sisak
his Sisak home
(Zeleni Brijeg);
shot by firearm;
two hand grenades
thrown into his
ho use
Shot by a sniper
through the
window of her
(JNA member)
to the chest;
medical and
report dated
Eye witness
to the killing
Cri minai
complaint by
the Sisak
police dated
24/ 10/1991
referred to
Sisak State
County Prosecutor
on 21 /1111991
against two suspects
suspended on
2611 1/2004
(K-D0-58/01) and
against unidentified
On 18112/2008
Sisak County
Court dismissed
claim filed by
Vjera (mother),
J ovan ( father)
and by Djordje
(brother) Solar
on 16/03/2003
lack of evidence
on the
soldiers; appeal
pending; costs of
the proceeding
HRK 74,580
(30/07 /2002)
"We have been convicted
because they hate me";
OSCE conversation with
Vjera Solar and lvanka
Uze lac
Sisak County Court
judgment III P-1323/04;
OSCE conversation
with Vjera Solar; letter
from Sisak State
County Prosecutor to
Mrs. Solar
dated 19/07/2005
11. Stanko
12 Branko
Oljaca, 1955
Komarevo 23 or
Forcibly taken
from his Sisak
home (Novo
Selo) by
Croatian soldiers
Police officer
brought to the
village church by
order of deputy
police commander
in Sisak
Body recovered
from the Ri ver
Bosanski Samac
(BiH) on
Body recovered on the
Sava River bank near
village of Lukavec on
27/08/1991; cause of
death: gunshot wounds
to the chest and pressing
of the head, stab wounds
around the neck and
chest; report on externat
forensic examination
dated 29/08/1991; about
five years ago the
exhumation of the body
was not allowed
On 03/05/2007
Sisak County Court
dismissed nonmaterial
claim by Zahida
(wife) and by Radivoje
and Dobrivoje
Martinovic (sons)
(obsolete/lack of
appeal proceedings
pending; costs of the
HRK 23,000
Sisak County Court
judgment IV P-482/06
report on externat
examination; OSCE
conversation with Vjera
Solar and Ivanka Uzelac
13. Stojan Miodrag, Sisak
Si mo
Zlokapa, 1921
Vranesevic, 1965
Employee of Sisak
steel works;
forcibly rounded
up following the
visit by the Croatian
health insurance
employees regarding
child allowance, and
later ki lied. Only a day
before his wife
questioned about
husband's participation
in Serbian paramilitary
Killed in 1991
Sisak policeman,
after having been
stopped at the
check point "Odra"
in Sisak where he
was subsequently
allegedly killed.
Body recovered on
cause of death:
gunshot wounds to
the head; report on
extemal forensic
examination dated
30/09/ 1991; during
identification of the
body, widow noticed
many mutilations on
the body of the
Body recovered from the canal
near Stari Grad in Sisak.
Cause of death: gunshot
wounds to the head; injuries
indicate possible torture.
Report on extemal forensic
examination dated 20/09/1991.
Body recovered near Stari
Gradin Sisak on 27/08/1991;
cause of death: gunshot
wounds to the chest and head;
report on extemal
forensic examination dated
28/08/ 1991 .
eye witness to
the killing
Report on extemal
forensic examination;
OSCE telephone
conversation with
widow Zorica Miodrag;
Amnesty International
"Stone Walling"
http: ''www. voutube.corn1
~!1~&b?v=gH51 gTOUNa8
Report on extemal
forensic examination;
Naciona/ (30/07/2002)
"We have been convicted
because they ha te me".
Report on external
forensic examination;
Nacional (0810 1/2002)
"406 killers wa/k free in
Croatia ";
Nacional (30/07/2002)
"We have been convicted
because they ha te me ".
Vlado Bozic,
Ljuban Lovric
Vergas, 1959
near Sisak
Dragged out of a bus
driven by him and
beaten to death in the
village of Odra by a
group of armed
reserve policemen.
Died in an ambulance
on the way to a
hospital in Sisak.
Employee of the
Croatian railways;
Cause of death: shock
due to trauma and
bleeding; numerous
injuries compatible
with injuries intlicted
by beating; autopsy
report dated
Kir. 298/91.
dragged out of his car at the
petrol station in Sisak by
members of the so-called
anti-terrorist "Odra" group
Body recovered on the
Sava River bank in Sisak
on 28/ 11/199 1; cause of
death: gunshot wounds to
the head; report on
externat forensic
examination dated
Janitor of the "Brodokomerc"
company in Sisak;
brought in by police and killed
Body recovered in a
village east of Sisak;
cause of death: gunshot
wounds to the head and
body; report on
externat forensic
examination dated
Kir. 652/91
comptai nt
filed by the
Sisak police
Petrinja County Court
on 06/04/2005
claim filed
by wife Mirjana Bozic,
Bozica Perkovic
and Branislava Bozic
(daughters) on
15/02/2005 (limitation);
appeal dismissed on
11109/2008; costs of
the proceeding
15,400 HRK
Autopsy report;
Petrinja County
Court judgment
1 P-95/05-5;
(30/07 /2002) "We
have been
convicted because
they ha te me ··.
report on
externat forensic
(30/07 /2002)
"We have be en
because they
ha te me ".
Report on
externat forensic
(30/07 /2002)
"We have been
because they
hate me".
Evica Vila,
Makro Vila,
Mladen Vila,
Zeleni Brijeg
Sisak, Zeleni
Killed together with her
husband and sons in Sisak in
August 1991 ( see the next four
Ki lied together with his wife
and sons in Sisak in August
1991 (see the previous and
next three cases)
Killed together with
parents and brother
in Sisak in August
1991. Taken forcibly out of
his home to the ORA
detention facility (see the
previous two and the next
two cases)
Body recovered in the
River Sava on
26/08/ 1991. Cause of
death: gunshot wounds
to the head; report on
externat forensic
examination dated
Kir. 355/91
Body recovered in the
Ri ver Sa va near the
village ofGusce (east of
Sisak) on 09/0911991;
cause of death: gunshot
wounds to the body and
stomach; report on
externat forensic
examination 10/09/1991
Body recovered in the
River Sava near the
village of Lukavec on
30/08/1991; cause of
death: gunshot wounds to
the head; injuries
consistent with injuries
inflicted by torture:
broken nose, haematoma;
report on externat
forensic examination
dated 02/0911991
Cri minai
complaint fi led
by the Sisak
police to the
State Prosecutor
(K-831 /91)
Criminal complaint
filed by the Sisak
police to the State
(K-831 /91)
Report on
externat forensic
(30/07 /2002)
"We have be en
because they
hate me··.
Report on
externat forensic
(30/07 /2002)
"We have been
because they
hate me··.
Report on
externat forensic
(30/07 /2002)
" We have been
because they
hate me''.
Zeljko Vila,
Dusan Vila,
Sisak 08/1991
Sisak 08/1991
(Zeleni Brijeg)
Ki lied
together with parents and
brothers in Sisak in
August 1991
(see previous three and
the next case)
Ki lied
together with parents and
brothers in Sisak in
August 1991
(see previous four cases).
Body recovered alongside
the body of his brother
Dusan in the River Sava
on 28/08/1991; cause of
death: gunshot wounds to
the head; report on
externat forensic
examination dated
30/08/ 1991
Body recovered
alongside that of brother
Zeljko in the River Sa va
on 28/08/1991; cause of
death: completely
destroyed head and stab
wounds in the neck and
chest areas, injuries
consistent with those
intlicted by torture;
report on externat
forensic examination
dated 30/0811991
Cri minai Report on
complaint filed externat forensic
by the Sisak examination;
police to the Nacional
State Prosecutor (30/07 /2002)
(K-831191) "We have be en
because they
hate me".
Cri minai Report on
complaint fi led externat forensic
by the Sisak examination;
police to the Nacional
State Prosecutor (30/07 /2002)
(K-831191) "We have been
because they
hate me".
24. Stevo
Sisak 06/10/1991 Disappeared
after having been stopped
by members of the Croatian
Army at the check point in
the village of Odra. Later
Body recovered
13 days later; cause of
death: stab wounds in
the neck and chest area
and gunshot wounds to
the head; autopsy report
dated 18/l 0/l 991
Criminal complaint
dated 11 / 11/1991
filed by the Sisak
police (K-844/91)
County Court
dismissed on
the non-material
claim filed by
Jasenka Borojevic
(wife), Edita Mihic
and Lahorka Marie
(daughters) for lack
of evidence on the
participation of
Croatian Army
(limitation); appeal
dismissed on
10/05/2007; costs
of the proceeding
30,800 HRK
Sisak County
Court judgment
XII P-187 /05;
(30/07 /2002)
"We have been
because they
hate me''.
25. Zeljka
in the
village of
Trnjani on
22/08/1991 During the attack on the
village by ZNG
"Thunders", shots were
fi red at the Voj inovic
family home in the
village of Trnjani,
killing the victim. The
same soldiers offended
the victim's mother
because of her
Body recovered
from the family
immediate! y
after the attack
Two witnesses to
the shooting who
found the body of
Zeljka Bojinovic
Criminal complaint
filed to the County
State Prosecutor
against lvica
Kovacic et al. for
the criminal act of
war crime on
Sisak County State
Prosecutor refused
the criminal
complaint on
11/12/2006 (lack of
grounded suspicion
that the suspects
committed the
crime and that the
victims died in the
rally of gunfire)
Sisak County Cri minai
Court accepted complaint;
the complaint on Sisak County
07107/2006 and Court
established judgment
responsibility of P-745/05-13
the Croatian
Army and
awarded nonmaterial
compensation to
Milja and Petar
amounting to
200,000 HRK
each; the Court
found that case
had ali the
characteristics of
a war crime (no
statute of
pen ding
26. Petar Military 22/08/1991 Criminal complaint Milos, Nada and Criminal complaint;
Crljenica, operation fi led to the County Dragica Crljenica complaint against RH
1941 staged State Prosecutor filed a non-material for compensation.
by "Thunders" against Ivica Kovacic at compensation claim P-1387/05.
in the village of al for the cri minai to the Sisak County
Kinjacka on act of war crime on Court on
22/08/1991 24/05/2006, 06/07/2005.
SA (K-D0-29/06).
Sisak County
the criminal complaint
on 11/12/2006 for lack
of reasonable suspicion
th at the suspects
committed the crime
and that the victims had
died m the rally of
27. Nenad Military 22/08/1991 At the ti me 4 witnesses Criminal complaint filed to Sisak County Court Criminal complaint;
Pajic, operation staged of the attack the County State Prosecutor dismissed on Sisak County Court
1951 by "Thunders" on his village, against Ivica Kovacic at al. 17/04/2008 the judgment
in the village of ZNG "Thunders" for the cri minai act of a war complaint filed by P-754/05
Kinjacka on members burst crime on 24/05/2006, Radojka Pajic (wife)
22/08/ 1991 into the family SA (K-D0-29/06). and by Damir and
home of Nenad Sisak County Prosecutor Jovica (sons) for
Pajic and shot refused the criminal non-material
him dead as he complaint on 11/12/2006 for compensation
tried to escape. lack of reasonable suspicion (limitation);
Cause of death: that the suspects committed appeal proceeding
gunshot wounds. the crime and th at the pending; costs
victims had died in the rally of the proceeding
of gunfire. 61 ,600 HRK
28. Milan
operation staged
by "Thunders"
in the village of
Blinska Greda on
22/0811991 Killed during Witness found the
the attack of ran-over body of
ZNG Vucinic next to the
"Thunders" bodies of Kladar
members and Kragulj
on the village.
Body ran
across by
(see next case)
Criminal complaint
fi led to the County
State Prosecutor
against lvica Kovacic at
al. for the cri minai
act of a war crime on
SA (K-D0-29/06).
Sisak County
Prosecutor refused the
cri minai
complaint on
11/12/2006 for lack of
reasonable suspicion
that the suspects
committed the crime
and that the victims had
died in the rally of
Sisak County Court
dismissed on
05/02/2004 the
complaint filed by
Ruzica Vucinic (wife)
appeal dismissed;
costs of the proceeding
7,600 HRK
Criminal complaint;
S isak County Court
29 Milan
"Thunders" on
the vi liage of
Blinjska Greda
22/08/ 1991 During the attack
on the vi liage by
ZNG "Thunders"
members, they
forced Milan
Kladar and his
wife out oftheir
home, separated
them and
shot Milan dead.
His body was
recovered, ran over
by an armoured
personnel carrier
(see previous and
the next cases)).
Witness found Witness to the
his body run attack on
over lying next the village
to those of found the
and bodies
Criminal complaint
filed to the County
State Prosecutor
against lvica
Kovacic et al. for the
criminal act of a
warcrime on
SA (K-D0-29/06).
County State
refused criminal
complaint on
11/12/2006 for
lack of
suspicion that
the suspects
committed the
crime and that
the victims
died in the
rail y of gunfire.
Sisak County Court
dismissed on
the complaint filed by
wife Dragica Kladar
(limitation/Jack of
evidence on the
participation of
Croatian Army
members/ criminal
case pending appeal;
costs of the proceeding
15,000 HRK. Sisak
County Court dismissed
on 13/02/2008 the
criminal complaint filed
by daughter Dusanka
Miljevic for
(limitation/lack of
evidence of
participation of
Croatian Army
proceedings pending
appeal; costs of the
proceeding 45,000
Criminal complaint;
Sisak County Court
P-243/07/9 and
XII P-186/05-32
30. Radovan
Military operation by
"Thunders" on
22/08/ 1991 a gai nst
the village of
Blinjska Greda
22/08/1991 During the ir
on the village,
ZNG "Thunders"
insulted the
victim. Later on
killed him;
body recovered
run over by an
armou red
carrier ( see
previous two
Witness found his
body run over
lying next to
th ose of Vucinic
and Kladar.
Witness to the
attack on
the village
found the
Criminal complaint
fi led
to the County
State Prosecutor
against lvi ca
Kovacic et al. for
cri mina! act of a
war crime on
SA (K-D0-
County State
refused criminal
complaint on
Il 112/2006 for lack
of reasonab le
suspicion that the
committed the
crime and thal
the victims
died in the
rail y of gunfire.
Sisak County
dismissed on
the complaint
filed for nonmaterial
compensation by
wife Mara
Kragulj and
children Milan,
Milena, Dragan
and Ruza
of evidence on
the participation
Army members)
on 05/02/2009;
costs of the
44,040 HRK.
Criminal complaint; Sisal
County Court judgment
XII P-5/05
31. Ranko
Military operation 22/08/1991
by "'Thunders" on
22/0811991 against
the village of
Blinjski Kut
Killed in the
attack by ZNG
members on his
Cri minai complaint
filed to the County
State Prosecutor
against 1 vi ca Kovacic
et al. for the cri minai
act of a war crime on
SA (K-00-29/06);
Sisak County State
refused cri minai
complaint on
11 /12/2006 for
lack ofreasonable
suspicion that
the suspects
committed the
crime and that
the victims
died in the
rail y of gunfire.
Sisak County Criminal complaint;
Court dismissed on formai complaint
30110/2007 P-81107
the complaint
filed for nonmaterial
compensation by
wife Kata
Martinovic and
children Branka
Jelic and Branko
of evidence on
the participation
appeal proceedings
costs of the
44,400 HRK.
32. Dragan Bekic,
staged by
"Thunders" on
the village of
22/0811991 Victim was at
the rear during
the attack on the
village by
body found
immediate! y
after the attack.
Criminal complaint filed
to the County
State Prosecutor
against lvica
Kovacic et al. for the
cri minai act of a
war crime on
SA (K-D0-
29/06).Sisak County State
refused criminal
complaint on
11112/2006 for
lack of reasonable
suspicion that the suspects
committed the crime and
that the victims died in
the rail y of gunfire.
Sisak County Court
dismissed on
the complaint fi led for
compensation by wife
Milka Bekic and sons
Dusko, Dunjo and
Danijel (limitation/lack
of evidence on the
suspended/ci vi lian
losses); appeal
dismissed on
Sisak County Court
also dismissed
on 23/03/2006 the
complaint fi led by
mother Sofija Bekic
(Jack of an effective
civilian !osses); appeal
dismissed on
1611 0/2008; cost of
the proceeding
14,370 HRK
Criminal complaint;
Sisak County Court
VI P-189/05-14 and
33. Stevan Simic,
34. Nikola
staged by
"Thunders" on
against the
village of
Brdjani Kosa
22/08/1991 Killed during the
attack on the
village by ZNG
Kinjacka 23/09/1991 Disappeared
after having been
intercepted by
Army soldiers.
Body recovered
in the village of
Blinjski Kut together
with the body of
Milan Cakalo
(see next case).
One witness
to the victim's
by Croatian
soldiers after
which he went
Criminal complaint filed
to the County State
Prosecutor against Ivica
Kovacic et al. for the
cri minai act of a war crime
on 24/05/2006,
SA (K-D0-29/06). Sisak
County State Prosecutor
refused cri minai complaint
on 11112/2006 for Jack of
reasonable suspicion that
the suspects committed the
crime and that the victims
died in the rail y of gunfire.
Sisak County Court
dismissed on
04/12/2008 the
complaint fi led by wife
Anka Simic and son
Djordje (limitation/Jack
of an effective
proceedings pending;
cost of the proceeding
18,200 HRK
Criminal complaint;
Sisak County Court
VI P-1716/05
Criminal complaint Sisak County Court Criminal complaint;
filed to the County dismissed on Sisak County Court
State Prosecutor 1011112008 judgment
against lvica Kovacic the non-material XVII P-1823/05-18
et al. for the cri minai compensation claim
act of war crime on fi led by wife Danica
24.05.2006, Todorovic and children
SA(K-D0-29/06). Marija and Nikola
Sisak County State (limitation/ Jack of
Prosecutor refused evidence on war
the criminal damage/ Jack of
complaint on sentencing j udgment/
11112/2006 (Jack of Jack of evidence on the
grounded suspicion participation of
that the suspects Croatian Army
committed the crime members); appeal
and that the victims proceedings pending;
died in the rail y of costs of the proceeding
(JllnfirP.) 41 7'i0 HRK
35. Milan Cakalo,
Kinjacka 23/0911991 Disappeared a
month after the
attack on the
village by ZNG
Body recovered in
the vi liage of
Blinjski Kut
together with the
body ofNikola
(See previous
case). According to
media sources, the
victim was
Criminal complaint
filed to the County
State Prosecutor
against Ivica
Kovacic et al. for
the criminal act of
war crime on
Sisak County State
Prosecutor refused
the criminal
complaint on
11112/2006 (lack of
grounded suspicion
that the suspects
committed the
crime and that the
victims died in the
rail y of gunfire)
County Court
dismissed on
the complaint
filed by
son Veljko
Cakalo (lack
of evidence on
members/ lack
of an effective
judgment/ lack
of connection
with armed
pending; costs
of the
21,250 HRK
Criminal complaint;
Zagreb County Court
LXVI PN-5591/05.
Boris Raseta:
" That is how HTI does il",
published on 30/11/2002
(bt~~''v_\\~ it i eg_QmJjs: ~j_çi!J_,L<lg_ç_,L~!QÇ.lJtm
i This includes persons reported missing to the Police, data from the Government Office for detained and missing persons, and the ICRC.
ii The data provided to the OSCE during a meeting on 7 April 2009 with the Head of the Sisak- Moslavina Police Administration Mr. Marko Rasic, Head of the War Crimes
Department Mr. Nikola Vidie and the Head of the Criminal Department Mr. Mile Jurcevic.
iii The OSCE Mission, predecessor oftoday's Office, started to monitor war crimes proceedings in 1997.
iv The eleven individuals convicted by final decision in their presence are: Rade Vrga (sentenced to 7 years), Zoran Obradovic (sentenced to 5 years), Jovo Begovic (sentenced
to 5 years), Dragan Djokic (sentenced to 12 years), Milan Stanojevic (sentenced to 15 years), Vlado Sladovic (sentenced to 9 years), Slavko Drobnjak (sentenced to 20 years),
Mirko Vuckovic (sentenced to 5 years), Goran Pasic (sentenced to 5 years). Convicted by not final decision in their presence: Brnislav Miscevic (sentenced to 20 years), Rade
Miljevic (sentenced to 12 years).
v The Court's only conviction ofthree former Croatian Army members is for a war-time killing related to a Roma victim. Ali three were convicted for murder pursuant to the
Criminal Code and not for a war crime: RH vs. Haso Mahmutagic, Ivan Pavicic andDragutin Mravinac (Sisak County Court), the defendants were convicted to 7, 4 and 4
years respectively. Other trials against Croatian Army members ended with acquittais: eg. RH vs. Ivan Kube/ic and Stanisfav Gavron (Sisak County Court).
vi RH vs. lvica Miric, lndictment of 1 April 2009.
vii ln an interview published on 7 April 2009, Stipe Vrdoljak, Sisak County State Attorney announced thal the following cases would be prioritized: Glinska Poljana (21
murder victims), Kraljevcani (5), Glinsko Novo Selo (32), Kostrici ( 16), G. Jarne (12), Gornja and Donja Vucica (15) and Don je Jarne (12); see: Vecernji List of 7 April 2009,
Sisak Edition, Primjenom ::apmjedne odgovornosti ka::njavaju se nalogodavci i planeri (According to command responsibility, those giving orders and planners are being
viii Blinjski Kut, Kinjacka, Blinjska Greda, Bestrma, Tmjani, Cakale, Brdjani.
ix Regarding victim Zeljka Bojinovic, the compensation claim was granted, the decision is pending appeal.
'Regarding Vaso Jelic (45,700 HRK); regarding Zoran Trivkanovic (71,480 HRK); regarding Berislav Trivkanovic (15,600 HRK); regarding Ljubica Solar (74,580 HRK);
regarding Stanko Martinovic (23,000 HRK); regarding Vlado Bozic (15,400 HRK); regarding Stevo Borojevic (30,800 HRK); regarding Nenad Pajic (61,600 HRK);
regarding Milan Vucinic (7,600 HRK); regarding Milan Kladar (45,000 HRK); regarding Radovan Kragulj (44,040 HRK); regarding Ranko Martinovic (44,400 HRK);
regarding Dragan Bekic (14,375 HRK); regarding Stevan Simic (18,200 HRK); regarding Nikola Todorovic (41,750 HRK); regarding Milan Cakalo (21,250 HRK).
r;Jr;] C ~ Organization for Secunty and
Co-operat1on 1n Europe
. OSCE Office in Zagreb
Unaddressed war-time killings of civilians in Sisak in 1991-92
Updated as of April 2009
As of toda y, hundreds of killings from the earl y years of the conflict in mid-1991 and 1992 in the Sisak area re main unaddressed. Regarding
the extent of crimes committed by both sides to the conflict during the war in the Sisak area, the Head of the Sisak Police Administration informed
the OSCE that since 1991, 650 persons were reported missing1 and 684 bodies were exhumed (128 of which are unidentified).2 The Chief State
Attorney informed the Office that in Sisak County in 270 war crimes cases investigations are pending against yet to be identified suspects; in
addition, investigations are pending against 103 persons; while 56 persons were indicted and proceedings are pending.
Severa! war crimes proceedings have been conducted beforc the Sisak County Court. To the Oftice's knowledge,3 the Court has convicted
101 former members of the Serb forces (90 of which were tried in their absence4) for war crimes committed against Croat victims in the Sisak area.
The Sisak County Court has never convicted a member of the Croatian armed forces for war crimes against Serb victims committed in the period
between 1991 and the present ti me. 5 One Croatian force member was indicted be fore the Sisak County Court in April 2009 and proceedings are
pending.6 The seven cases identitied as priorities for prosecution by the Sisak County State Attorney in early April 2009 indicate that the focus will
continue to be on Croat war victims. 7
The Office compiled a sample list of 35 yet unaccounted for war-time killings of Serb civilians in the Sisak area. The list is based on data
from civil compensation claim files, forensic reports, interviews with relatives, NGOs and media information. Data available to the Office indicates
that evidence warranting investigation into these cases exists.
Most listed killing incidents seem to form part of more extensive crime patterns which remain unprosecuted. As part ofthe attack on the Serb
civilian population in the town of Sisak (22 listed victims), five members of the Vila tàmily were killed in August 1991. Unaddressed war crimes
cases include the detention, mistreatment and killing in the ORA detention facility (five listed victims), the abduction and killings of Serb
employees of the Sisak Oil factory (fo1..1r listed victims), and the 22 August 1991 "Thunders" operation in surrounding villages8 (nine listed
victims). Regarding the latter, not even forensic examination of the bodies was undertaken. ·
The available sample data demonstrate crime patterns. Seventeen of the listed victims were killed by gunshots. Eleven victims' bodies
indicate serious ante mortem mistreatment. The bodies of thirteen listed victims were disposed of in the river following their killing, the bodies of
another three in Sisak's old town.
The lack of criminal prosecution also frustrated civil compensation in these cases. Regarding 19 listed victims, relatives failed to obtain civil
compensation.9 Most of them had to bear the costs ofthe proceeding. 10
Lista primjera neprocesuiranih ubojstava srpskih civila u vrijeme rata u Sislm i okolici u 1991192.
No lmc htvr i Moguéa Datum Opis dog:ulaja Obdukcijski podaci Moguéi dokazi lstraga G radanski postupak za Vrclo 1
godina rotlenja povcznica ubojstva 1 ubojstva 1 nestanka naknadu stcte izvor informacija
uboistva ncstanka
1. Yaso Jcliè 1931 ORA 15/11/1991 Prisilno odveden iz Ti_jclo pronadcno 3 oèevica prisilnog Kazncna pri_java polici_jc 06/12/2005. Opéinski sud u Presuda Opéinskog sud a
Prit var Sisak svoje kuée u Sis ku po 10/02/1992 u blizini privodenja. Sisak [K-422/92] od Sisku odbio tuzbu udovice Sisak P-307/03:
maskiranim Starog Grada u Pronalazak zrna 03/04/92. Ane Jelié (zastara/ncdokazana Zapisnik o van_jskom
vo_jnicima, te Sisku: vczanih oèi_ju i metka u tijelu povezanost stctc sa pregledu tijcla: OESS-ov
sproveden u pritvor ruku: uzrok smrti zrtve. djclovanjcm hrvatskc vojskc); tclcfonski razgovor sa
na prostoru ORA. strijclnc ranc glave i ialba odb\jena 22/03/2007; Anom Jclié.
grudnog kosa: lroskovi poslupka 45.700
povredc ukazu_ju da IIRK.
je i.rtva bila muècna
prije ubojslva:
Zapisnik o vanjskom
prcglcdu 10/02/1992.
l Nikola Trivkanovié ORA 25/08/1991 Prisilno odveden Tijclo pronadcno 2 oèevica prisilnog Kaznena prijava policijc Presuda Opèinskog Sllda li
1942 l'rilvor Sisak. zajedno sa dva si na iz 28/08/1991 11<1 privodenja Sisak od 05/09/1991: Sisku P-1300/06-12 u
Zeleni brijeg njihovc kuée u Sisku na,;ipu rijckc Saw: poscbno izvjcséc svczi naknadc stctc za
po vojnicima HY-a: liZrok smrti strijcln~ 06/12/2006: Zorana i 13crislava
sprovedcn u prilvor ranc tijda î giavc: Slojanka Trivkanovié Trivkanovié: Prcsuda
na prostoru ORA Zapisnik o vanjskom (supruga) podnijcla Opéinskog suùa u SiskLI
(vidi narcdna dva prcglcdLI kazncnu prijavu IY-P-188/05 u svczi Zoran
prcdmcta). Kir. 356/91. 14/07/ 1993 le Trivkanoviéa: OESS
13/12/2006: razgovor sa Slojankom
daljnjc istraznc radnjc LI Trivkanovié
prosincu 2008 .
. 1 Bcrislav OR/\ 25/08/1991 l'risi ina odvcdcn Tijclo nijc 2 oèevica prisilnog Slojanka Tnvkanovié 02/05/2007. Opéinski sud li Prcsllda Opéinskog sud a li
Trivbnovié 1973 Prilvor Sisak, zajcdno sa occm i pnmaûcno. privodcnja. (111<\ika) podnijcla Sisku odbio luzbcni zahljcv SiskLII'- 1300/06-12 LI
Zcleni brijeg bratom iz nj ihove proglascnjc ncstalc kazncnu pri.1avu majkc Stojankc Trivkanovié svezi naknatlc Stcle za
kuéc u Sisku po osobc Llmrlom 14 /07/1993 le {zaslara 1 ncdoslalak dokaza o Zorana and Berislava
vojnicima HY-a: 22/07/2004. 13/12/2006: poscbno sudjclovanju hrvalskih l·rivkanoviC: Prcsuda
sproveden LI prilvor izvjcSéc oû 06/12/2006: vojnika u slclnom dogadaju): Opéinskog suda li Sisku
na prosloru OR/\ daljn.JC islra'-nc radn.JC li ! l.albcni pnstupak u tijcku: IV-P-188/05 u svcti
(vidi prelilodni i prOEincLI 200X. troskL>V i postupka 15.600 Zorana Trivkanovié: OESS
naredni prcdmcl} IIRK . razgovor sa Stl~Îmlkom
Trivkanovié: MOCK br.
zahljeva trai.cnc osobc
'· Zoran Trivkanovié ORA 25/08/1991 Prisilno odveden Tijelo nije 2 o~evica prisilnog Stojanka Trivkanovié Pored Stojanke Trivkanovié, Presuda Opéinskog sud a u
1967 Pritvor Sisak, zajedno sa ocem i pronadcno, privodenja. (majka) podnijela tuzbu za naknadu Stete Sisku P-1300/06-12 u
Zeleni brijeg bratom iz njihove proglaSenje nestale kaznenu prijavu podnijela je i Drag ica svezi naknade Stete za
kuée u Sisku po osobe unulom 14/0711993 te FercnCak (supruga) te Zorana i Berislava
vojnicima HV: 22/07/2004. 13/12/2006: posebno Alexandar i Robert Trivkanovié: Presuda
sproveden u pritvor izvjcSée od 06/12/2006: Trivkanovié (sinovi), a kojeje Opéinskog suda u Sisku
na prostoru ORA zadnjc istrazne radnjc u Opéinski sud u Sisku odbio 1 V -P-188/05 u svezi
(vidi prethodna dva prosincu 2008. (zastara 1 nedostatak dokaza o Zorana Trivkanovic: OESS
predmeta) sudjelovanju hrvatskih razgovor sa Stojankom
vojnika u Stetnom dogadaju) Trivkanovié: MOCK br.
04./12/2007: zalbeni postupak zahtjeva traZene osobc
u ti.Jcku: troSkovi postupka YUB-101807-01
71.480 1-!RK.
' Milenko Dapa Ra!incrija Sisak 22/0811991 Zaposlenik Ralinerije Ti.Jclo pronadcno u Tuzba za naknadu Tuzba za naknadu ste tc.
1951 Sisak u Sisku, prisilno rijcci Savi kod scia ncmatcrijalne stete po Nacional 08/0112002 -
priveden po Lukavac: uzrok smrti tuzitcljicama Evici Dapa ··.to6 ubojica slohodno
hrvatskim vojnicima strijelnc ranc trbuha; (supruga) i Mirjani i Desi Seée Hrvatskom ·.
iz svog stana u Sisku. Zapisnik o obdukciji (kècrkc) podnescna na
od 27/0811 99 1. Opèinskom sudu u Zagrebu
,, 08/03/2006. Petar Pajagiè 1932 Ra!inerija Sisak 20/0911991 Vise pozicioniran Tijclo pronadcno Dijana l'ajagiè (kécrka) ZDO Sisak odbio prijedlog za Nacional od 30/07/2002 --
Sisak zaposlcnik Ralincrijc 2002. u Dunavu. kraj podnijcla kazncnu mirnim ~jcscnjem spora za .. Oswleni smo )er ment!
u Sisku prisilno Novog Sada: prijavu putem naknadu nematerijalne stete mr=e ": Vjesnik ol' 04/0:i/
privcden na ulici u idcnti!iciran po Zupanijskog drZavnog podncscn po Dijani Pajagié 2004 "l=bjegnu/a
Sisku po drzavnim tijelima odvjctnistva (ZDO) u (izvansudska nagodba- odgovornost ::a uhryst\'U
pripadnicima Rcpublikc Srbijc. Sisku 14111/2000. odbijcna zbog nepriznavanja sisackih Srba "; kazncna
hrvatskc vojske iii li sluzbcnih dokumenata o prijava: OESS-ov
policijc (.Yukovi "). idcnti!ikaciji zrtve po tclcfonski razgovor sa
drzavnim tijelima Srbije) Dijanom Pajagié. 7 Petar KuSié Ralinerija Sisak ncpoznat Zaposlcnik Ralincrijc Tijclo pronadcno do Zapisnik o vanjskim
1956 u Sisku. nestao sa tijcla brata, izmcdu prcgledima. Nacional od
dijela grada Zekni sel a Zirtica i 30/07/2002- "Osucll'lll
Brijcg. zajcdno sa Martinska V es na smojer mene mr::e
bratom (vidi naredni nasipu rijckc Save
predmct). 06/02/1992:
Uzrok smrti strijelnc
ranc glave i trbuha.
prostrijcli glavc.
ruku, prsa nancscni iz
blizinc: Zapisnik o
vanjskim prcglcdima
Kir. SI /92
' Ncdeljko Kusié Ralincrija Sisak ncpoznat Umirovljenik. ncstao Tijclo pronadcnn do /.api snik o vanj skim
1928 sa dijela grada Zcleni tijcla brata. izmcùu prcglcdima. Nacinnal ml
Brijcg. zajedno sa scia Zir~ica i 30/07/2002 ··osuclem !
bratom (vidi Martinska V es na smo jer mene mrze "
prethodni predmet). nasipu rijekc Save
06/02/ 1992;
Uzrok smrti strijelne
rane glave i trbuha,
prostrijeli glave,
ruku. prsa nancseni iz
blizinc; Zapisnik o
vanjskim prcglcdima
Kir.81 /92
" .Iovo Crnobrnja Sisak, Zeleni 27/08/1991 Hrvatski vojnici mu Pokopan na Oèevidac ubojstva Nacional od 30 srpnja
1936 brijeg Sisak, proval i 1 i u kuéu u gradskom groblju 2002 - "Osudeni smojer
Zeleni brijeg Sisku (Zelcni brijcg). Sisak. mene mr=e . OESS-ov
ubijen hicima iz razgovor sa Vjcrom Sol ar i
vatrenog oruzja; lvankom Uzclac.
baéenc dvije ruène
Ill. Ljubica So1ar 1972 Sisak 17-18/09/ l'ogodcna vatrcnim Strijclnc ranc Kazncna prijava po 18/12/2008. Opéinski sud u l'rcsuda Opéinskog sud a u
1991 Sisak hicem snajperiste grudnog koSa; policiji Sisak od Sisku je odbio tuzbeni zahtjcv Sisku Ill P-1323/04:
kroz prozor stana mcdicinski i 24/10/1991 pros1ijcdcna za naknadu nematcrija1nc OESS-ov razgovor sa
njenog dcèka balistiéki izvjeStaj Zupanijskom drZavnom Stete Vjere (majka), .lovana Vjcrom So1ar. pismo ZOO
(pripadnik JNA). 04/11/2002. odvjctniStvu Sisak (Z.DO) (otac) i Dorda (brat) Solar. Sisak gospodi Sol ar od
27/11 / 1991 IK-908/91]: podnesen 16/03/2003 (zastara 19/07/2005.
islraga protiv dvojicc 1 nedostatak dokaza o
osum11jiècnih prc.:kinuta sudjclovanju hrvatskih
2611112004IK-DO- vojnika); za1bcni postupak u
58/0 Il tc otvorcna istraga tijeku: troskovi postupka
protiv ncpoznatih 74.580 HRK.
poèin itclja IKN-DO-
li Stanku MartinoviC Sisak (Novo 23109/1991 Prisilno privcdcn po Tijclo pronadcno u 03/05/2007. Opcinski sud Prcsuda OpCinsk{lg suda u
1939 selo) hrvatsk im vojnicima rijcci Savi u Sisak odbio tuzbcni zah\icv Si sku IV P-482106.
iz svojc kuéc u Sisku 13osnakom Samcu za naknadu nematerijalne
(Novo Selo). (8iH) 27/10/1991 ste tc Zahidc (supruga),
Radivoja i Dobrivoja
Martinovié (sinovi). (zastara 1
neposto.Janjc osudujuée
kazncne presudc); zalbcni
postupak u tijcku: troSkovi
pnstupka 23 .000 HRK. Il llranko Oljaéa 1955 Komarcvo 23. Iii l'olicijski djclatnik Tije!D pronadeno na Zapisnik o vanjskom
24/0S/1991 po narcdbi zamjcnika nasipu rijckc Save prcgkdu ti.Jcia: O[SS
zapovjcdnika policijc hlizu scia Lukavec razgovor sa Vjerom Sol ar i
u Sisku. upuccn u 27108/1991: uzrok 1 vankom Uzclac.
crkvu u sclu smrti strijelnc rane
Komarevo. na putu u prsnog koSa i
z.asjedi bi va ubijen. gnjetenje glave/
ubodi u podn•Cju
vrata i prsa.; Zapisnik
o vanjskom pregledu
tijela 29/08/199 1;
prije otprilikc 5
godina iskapnnje
tijela nije dozvoljeno.
" Stojan M iodrag Sisak 24/09/1991 Zaroslenik Zcljezare Tijelo pronadeno Zapisn ik o vanjskom
1950 Sisak. prisilno 28/09/1991; uzrok pregledu tijela; OESS·ov
privedcn nakon smrti strijclne ranc telcfonski razgovor sa
posjcte HZZO-u radi glave; Zapisnik o udovicom Zoricom
djetjcg doplatka tc vanjskom pregledu Miodrag: Amnesty
potom ubijcn. Samo 30/09/1991: prilikom Internat ional video ?.apis
dan prije. njcgovu identifikacijc tijcla 'lid sutn;e ·:
suprugu su suprugaludovica !mn:iiwwu:.)'Q!!\!Lh.~..f.!.lJ!lb.Y
propitivali o z.amijctila brojna atcll''v':w.l!L[{!J.i..t'I.Jl.~-
prikljuCenjunjena osakaCenja lijcla
supruga srpskim pokojnika.
" Si mo Zlokapa Sisak ncpoznat Ubijcn 1991. Tijelo pronadcno u OCcvidac ubojstva Zapisn ik o v;mjskom
1921 kanalu u blilini preglcdu tijcla: N:1eional
Starog Grada u od J0/07nOo2 - "Osudeni
Sisku. Uzrok smni smo Jer mene mr:e ··.
strijelne ranc glave 1
povrcde ukazuju na
moguéc mu~cnjc.
Zapisnik o vanjskom
preglcdu 20/0911991.
o; Zoran VrancScvié Sisak nepoznat llivSi djclamik Tijelo pronadcno u Zapisnik o vanjskom
1965 policije Sisak, nestao blizini Starog. Grada prcgledu tijela: Nacional
nakon zaustavljanja u Sisku 27/0811991: od 08/0112002 - ·· -106
na kontrolnom uzrok smrti strijclne uboj1ca slobodno fiei:e
punktll "Odra" li ranc grlldnog koSa i 1/rvmskom "; Nacional od
Siskll. gdjc je glave: Zapisnik o 3010112002- "Osudcni
nak nadtw navodno vanjskom prcglcdu smo )t!r liU! IN! mr:e "
bio i uhijcn. 28/0811991.
'" Vlado l3o'-ic 1953 Odra- selo kra.i 04/0811991 Kao VllZaè autobusa Uzruk sm ni: Sok Kaznena prijava policijc 06/04/2005. Opcinsko , uJ u Zapisnik o obdukciji.
Siska prisilno izvedcn te uslijed trauma i Sisak (K-538/91) Pctrinji odbio zahtjev ta PrcSllda Opcinskog Sllda li
prctliCcn do smrti u krvarenja. hrojne naknadu ncmatcrijalnc ~tete Pctrinji 1 P-95/05-5:
sclu Odra od grupc tjelcsne ozljcde kojc su podnijcle Mirjana Naci<>nal od 30/07/2002 -
naoru?.anih kOmpatibilnc 13o~ic (supruaa). 13ozica "Osucfem smo Jl!r mene
pripadnika rezervnog ozljedama uslijed PcrkoviC i Branislava Batie mr=e ..
sastava MUP-a. prctutenosti: (kécrkc) dana 15/02/2005,
Prcminuo na putu za Zapisnik o ohdukciji (zastara); zalba odhijena
bolnicu Sisak. od 05/08/1991, 1 1 /09/2008; troSkovi
Kir. 298/91. nostunka 15.400 HRK
17 Ljuban Lovrié 1946 Sisak 25/11/1991 Zaposlcnik Hrvatskih Tijelo pronadeno na Zapisnik o vanjskom
zcljcznica, prisilno nasipu rijeke Save preg1cdu tije1a;
priveden u svom 28/11/1991 u Sisku: Naciona1 od 30.07.02-
osobnom automobi1u, uzrok smrti strijc1ne .. Osudeni smo jer mene
sa benzinske crpkc u ranc g1avc: Zapisnik mr=e "
Sisku po o vanjskom preg1edu
pripadnicima tzv. od 30/11/1991.
grupe "Odra" .
IR Vatroslav Verga; Sisak 29/11/1991 Zaposlcnik Tijelo pronadeno u /.apisnik o van1skom
1959 "Brodokomerca" selu istoèno od Siska: pregledu tijcla: Nacional
Sisak, kao port ir na uzrok smrti strijclnc od 30/07/2002- "Osude111
duznosti prisilno rane glavc i tijela: smo Jer mene mr::e "
priveden po policiji Zapisnik o vanjskom
te ubijcn. preglcdu 02/12/1991,
,., Kir. 652/91. Evica Vila Ze1eni brijeg 08/1991 Ubijcna zqjedno sa Tijelo pronadcno Kaznena prijava po Zapisnik o vanjskom
1933 (Sisak) suprugom i sinovima 26/08/1991 u rijeci policiji Sisak podnesena prcgledu tijcla, Nacional
u Sisku u kolovozu Savi. Uzrok smrti drzavnom odvjctniStvu od 30/07/2002- "Osutfeni
1991 (vidi narcdna4 strijelne ranc glavc: (K-831/91 ). smo ;er mene mrze ..
predmeta). Zapisnik o vanjskom
pregledu 28/08/1991,
Kir. 355/91.
111 Marko Vila Zelcni brijcg 25/08/1991 Ubijcn zajedno sa Tijclo pronadcno Kazncna prijava policijc Zapisnik o vanjskom
1928 (Sisak) suprugom i sinovima 09/09/1991 u rijcci S isak podncscna prcglcdu tijela, Nacional
u S isku u kolovozu Sa vi blizu sela Guscc drzavnom odvjetniStvu od 30/07/2002- "Osudeni
1991. (istoèno od Siska): (K-831/91 ). smo 1er mene mr=e "
(vidi prethodni 1 i uzrok smrti strijclnc
naredna 3 predmcta) rane tijcla i trbuha:
Zapisnik o van,1sknm
preglcdu 10/09/1991
" Mladen Vila 1951 ORA 25108/1991 Ubijcn zajcdno sa Tijelo pronadeno u Zapisnik o vanjskom
l'ritvor roditcljima i bracom rijcci Savi (li blizini prcglcdu tijcla, Nacional
li Sisku li kolovozll sela Lllkavcc) ol'dJ0/07/2002- "()sudeni
Sisak (Zelcni 1991 30/0811991: llzrok " smo p!r mene mr::e
brijcg) Prisilno odvedcn iz smrti strijclnc ram:
svojc kuée tc glave/ povrcdc
priveden li pritvor na kompatihilnc
prostoru ORA (vidi povredama muèenja:
prctlwdna 2 i nareùna prijelom nosa, krvni
2 predmeta). podljevi; Zapisnik o
vanjskom pregledu
22. Zeljko Vila 1963 Sisak (Zeleni 08/1991 Ubijen zajedno sa Tijelo pronaâeno uz Kaznena prijava policije Zapisnik o vanjskim
brijeg) roditeljima i braéom tijelo brata DuSana Sisak podncsena prcgledima t(jela. Nacional
u Sisku u kolovozu 28/08/1991 U ri.JCCi drzavnom odvjctniStvu of 30/07/2002- "Osudeni
1991 (vidi prcthodna Savi; uzrok smrti (K-831 /91) smo jer mene mrzc ..
3 i naredni 1 strijelne ranc glave;
predmet). Zapisnik o vanjskim
n DuSan Vila Sisak (Zelcni 08/1991 Ubijen zaicdno sa Ti jclo pronadcno uz Kaznena prijava po Zapisnik o vanjskim
1959 brijcg) roditcljima i braéom ti,(clo brata Zcljka policiji Sisak podncscna preglcdima tijcla. Nacional
li Siskll li kolovozu 28/08/199lll rijcci drzavnom odvjctniStvll of 30/07/2002- "Osuclcni
1991 (vidi prethodna Savi; llzrok smrti (K-831 /91 ) smo jer mene mrzc ..
4 predmcta). potpuno uniStcnjc
glavc i ubodno rcznc
ranc na vratu i
grudnom koSu/
povrcdc kompatibrlnc
povrcdama mu~cnja:
l.apisnik o vanjskirn
H. Stevo Borojcvié Sisak 06/10/1991 Ncstao nakon T ijclo pronadcno 1 3 Kazncna prijava policijc 23/ 12/200 ~ Opcinski sud u Prcsuda Opi:inskog. suda u
1946 zaustavljanja od dana poslije. liZrok Sisak od 11 / 111199 1. (K- Siskll odbio je zalnjcv za Sisku Xli P-187/05:
pripadnika HV na smrti ubodno rcznc 844/91 ). naknadu ncmatcrijalnc Stcte Nacional od 30 srpnJa
kontrolnorn punktu u ranc u podnr~ju vrata koji su podni.Jclc .lascnka 2002 - "Osuclem snw ;er
Odri. Naknadno i prsa tc strijclne ranc Borojcv ic (supruga). Edita mene mr:e
ubijcn. glavc; l.apisnik o Mihiè i Lahorka Marie
obdukciji (kccrkc) (ncdostatak dokaza o
18/1 0/1991. sudjclovanju pripadnika HV/
zastara): 7.alba odbrjcna
10/05/2007: tro~kovi
postupka 30.800 1-IRK
" Zcljka 8o,1inovié Vojna opcrncUa 22/08/1991 U vrijernc napada na Tijclo pronadcno u 2 svjcdoka Kazncna prijava po ZDO 07/07/2006. Opéinski sud u Kazncna prijava. prcsuda
1969 .. Gromova ..
selo pripadnici obitcljskoj kuéi. pucanja. koji su RH protiv !vice Kovacic Sisku prrhvatiojc lui.hu. Opéinskog sud au SiskLr P-
22/08/1991 . ·'Grornova" 1 ZNG ncposrcdnn nakon prona~li tijelo i dr. zbog kazncnog djcla utvrdio odgovornost RH tc 745/05-13.
selo Tnrjani pucali su po napada. i.djkc llojinovié. ratnog zloèina dosudio ncmatcrijalnu
obiteljskQi kuéi 24/05/2006 SA (K-DO- nak nadu Mi lj i i l'ct ru
obitelji 13ojinovié u 29/06). Sisak ZDO Bnjinovié (roditcl_ii) od
sclu Trnjani tc tako odbacilo kamcnu prijavu 200.000 IIRK svakome. Sud
ubili zrtvu. lsti su 1 11 12/2006 ( ncdostatak je utvrdio da djelo irna
vojnici vrijcdali osnovanc sumnjc da hi obil jcZjc ratnog zloèina
zrtvinu majku radi osumnj iteni potinili (zastara iskljutena); la! beni
njene nacionalnosti. kazneno djelo te da su postLipak LI tijeku.
o~teèene osobe stradale u
izmjenjivanju ubostrane
vatre u oruzanom
26 Petar Crljenica 1941 Votna operaci1a 22/08/1991 Kaznena prijava po ZOO M i l o~. Nada i Oragica Kaznena prijava. tu7ha
"Gromova" RH protiv !vice Kovaèié Crljenica podnijeli su tuzbu protiv RH za naknadu ~tete
22/0811 99 1' i dr. zbog kaznenog djela za naknadu nematerijalne P- 1387/05.
selo Kinjatka ratnog zlotina ~tete na Opèinskom sudu u
2410512006 SA (K-00- Sisku 06/07/2005.
29106). Sisak Zoo
odbacilo kaznenLI prijavLt
1 1112/2006 ( nedostatak
osnovane sumnje da bi
OSLimnj it cni poèinili
kazneno djelo te da su
o~teèene osobe stradale LI
izmjenjivanju obostrane
vatre u oruzanom
)1 Nenad Pajié Vojna operac ija 22/0811991 U vrijt:lllt! napada na 4 otevica Kaznena prijava po ZDO 17/04/2008, Opèinski sud Kaznena pri.tava. preslida
1951 .. Gromova .. selo pripadnici RH protiv !vice Kovaèiè Sisak odbio je tLilbeni zahtjev Opéinskog Sliùa li Siskli P-
22/0811 991. ·'Gromova·· - ZNG - i dr. zbog kaznenog djela Radojke Paj ié (supruga) te 754/05.
selo Kinjaèka upali suu obiteljsku rnlnog zlotina Dam ira i Jovice (si novi) za
k uèu tc upucal i 24/05/2006 SA (K-DO- naknadom nematerijalne Stete
Nenada l'aJica koji je 29/06 ). Sisak ZDO (zastara): ~albeni postupak u
pokusao pobjeèi. odbacilo kaznenu pri.tavu tijeku, troSkovi postupka
Uzrok smrti strijelne 11112/2006 (nedostatak 61.600 1-IRK.
rane. osnovanc Slirnnje da bi
osurnnj i~en i po~in i li
kazneno djelo te da su
o~teèen e osobe stradak li
izmjenj ivanju obostranc
vatre u oruZanom
- SlikObli).
~s Milan V u ~ ini<.:: Vojna opcracija 22/0811991 Poginun prilikom Svjednk prona.~ao Kaznena prijava po ZDO 05/02/2004, Opéinski sud u Kaznena prijava. prcsuda
1944 ··Gromnva·· napada pripadnika pregaZcno tijdo RH pmtiv !vice KovaCiè Sisku odbio je tui beni zahtjev Opcinskog suda li Sisku r-
2210811991 . .. Ciromova .. 1 ! NG. Vu~ in iën. u blizini i dr. zbog kaznenog d1ela Ru7.ice Ylièiniè (suprliga) 1182/03-6.
selo na selo . Tijelo tijela Kladara i ratnog zlotina (zastara): ~al ba odbijena:
Blinjska Circda pregaZeno vojnim Kragtdta. 24/05/2006 Si\ (K-DO- tro~kovi postupka 7.600
transporterom (vidi 29/06) Sisak ZDO HRK.
naredni 1 prcdmet). odbacilo kaznenu prijavu
11 /12/2006 (ncùostatak
osnovane sumnje da bi
osumnjiteni potinili
kazneno djelo tc da su
o~teéenc osobe stradale u
izmjcnjivanju obostranc
vat re u orul:anom i
'" Milan Kladar 1940 Vojna operacija 22/08/1991 Prilikom napada na Svjedok prona~ao OCevidac napada Kaznena prijava po ZDO 04/03/2008, Opéinski sud Kaznena prijava. prcsuda
"Gromova" selo, pripadnici pregateno tijelo, li na selo, prona~ao RH protiv !vice KovaCié Sisak odbio Dragicu Kladar Opéinskog suda li Siskli
22/08/1991' "Gromova·· 1 ZNG. blizini tijela Vuèiniéa tijcla i dr. zbog kazncnog djela (supruga) sa tuzbenim P-243/07/9 i Xli P-186/05-
selo prisilili Milana i Kragulja. ratnog zlo~ ina zahtjevom (zastarafnedostatak 32.
Blinjska Greda Kladara i suprugu da 24/05/2006 SA (K-DO- dokaza o Slidjelovanjli
iziâli iz kliée. 29/06 ). Sisak ZDO pripadnika HV 1 prckinut
razdvojili ih pa nakon odbacilo kaznenli prijavu kazncni postupak); prcdmct li
toga liStrijelili 1 1/ 12/2006 ( nedostatak zalbi: tro~kovi postupka
K ladara. Pronadeno osnovane sumnje da bi 15.000 HRK.
tijclo prcgûcno osumnjiècni poèinili 13/02/2008, Opéinski sud u
vojnim transportcrom kazneno djelo tc da su Sisku odbio tuzbcni zahtjev
(vidi prcthodni 1 i oStcéenc osobe stradalc tl Dusanke Miljevié (kéerka) za
naredn i 1 predmct ). izmjcnjivanju obostranc naknadu nematerijalnc stcte
vat re u oruZ.anom (zastaralncdostatak dokaza o
sukobu). sudjclovanju pripadnika
HV/prekinut kazneni
postupak): zalbcni postupak li
ti.1cku: troskovi postupka
45.000 HRK.
"' Radovan Kragul.1 Vojna opcracija 22/0811991 Prilikom napad~' na Svjcdok pronaSao Oècvidac napada Kazncna prijava po ZDO 20/ 12/2007, Opéinski sud Kazncna prijava, prcsuda
1955 ··Gromova'" selo. pripadnici pregazcno tijclo. u na selo. pronasao RI! protiv !vice Kovaèié Sisak odbio tuzbcni zah\icv OpCînskog suda u Sisku
1 22/0811991 , ·'Gromova" 1 7.NG. blizini tijela Vuèiniéa tijcla i dr. zhog kazncnog djcla za naknadu nematcrijalne Xli P-5/05.
selo vrijcdali zrtvu. i Kladara. ratnog zloèina Stcte koji su podnijeli Mara 1
Blinjska Greda Nakon toga ubijcn. 24/05/2006 SA ( 1<. -DO- Kragulj (supruga). Milan.
Pronadcno tijclo 29/06). Sisak ZOO Mi lena. Dragan i Ruza (djccal
prcgazcno VO.Jllim odbacilo kazncnu prijavu (zastaralnedostatak dokaza n
transpnrtcrom (vi di 11 / 12/2006 (ncdostatak sudjclovanju pripadnika HV):
prcthodna dva osnovanc sumnjc da bi 05/02/2009 zalba odbijcna: i
prcdmcta). osumnjiècni p1..1èinili troskovi postupka: 44.040 1
kazncno djclo tc da su HRK ..
oStcècnc osobc stradalc u
izmjcnjivanju ohostranc
vat re u oruZanom
,, sukobu). Ranko Martinovié Yojna opcracija 22/08/1991 Poginuo prilikom Kazncna prijava po ZDO 3011 0/2007. Opéinski sud Kazncna pri.Java. tui.bcni
·'Gromova .. napada pripaùnika RI! protiv !vice Kovaèic Sisak odbio tuzbeni zah\icv zahtjcv 1'-81/07.
22/0811991 . "Gromova" 1 ZN<i. i dr. zbog kazncnog djcla za naknadu ncmatcrijalnc
selo na selo . ratnog zloèina Stctc koji su podnijeli Kate
Blinjski kut 24105/2006 Si\ ( K-DO- -~ctrli nov iC (supruga). Bran ka
29/06). Sisak ZDO Bjelié i Branko Martinovié
odbacilo kaznenu prijavu (djeca), (zastaralnedostatak
1 1/12/2006 ( nedostatak dokaza o sudjelovanju
osnovane surnnjc da bi pripadnika HV/civilni
osurnnjitcni potinili gubitci); zalbeni postupak li
kazneno djclo tc da su tijcku; tro~kovi postupka
oStcéenc osobe stradale u 44.4001-lRK.
izrnjenjivanju obostrane
vatre u oruzanom
n Dragan Bekié 1952 Vojna operacija 22/08/1991 Zrtva se nalazi la u Kaznena prijava po ZDO 22/05/2006. Opéinski sud Kazncna prijava. prcsudc
"Grornova" pozadini za vrijerne RH protiv !vice Kovaèié Sisak odbio tuzhcni zahtjcv Opéinskog sud au Sisku VI
22/0 811 991 ' napada "Gromova" i dr. zbog kaznenog djela za naknadu nematerijalne P-189/05-14 i P-1244/03.
selo na selo. Tijelo zrtve ratnog zloCina Stete koji su podnijcli Milka
Kinjaèka pronadeno 24/05/2006 SA (K-DO- Bekiè (supruga), Dusko,
ncposredno nakon 29/06). Sisak ZDO Dunjo i Danijcl (sinovi)
napada na selo. odbacilo kaznenu prijavu (zastaralnedostatak dokaza o
11/12/2006 (ncdostatak sudjelovanju pripadnika HV 1
osnovane surnnje da bi prekinut kazneni postupak 1
osurnnjièeni pocinili civilni gubitci): zalba
kazncno djclo te da su odbijena 12/02/2009.
ostcèenc osobc stradale u
izmjenjivanju obostrane 23/03/2006. Opéinski sud u
vatrc u oruZanom Sisku odbio je i tuzbeni
sukobu). zahtjcv Solïjc Bckié (majka).
(nepostojanjc pravomoéne
osudujuéc prcsudc 1 zastara 1
civilni gubitci): zalba
odbijena 16/10/2008:
tro~kovi postupka 14.375
.n Stcvan Simiè 1937 Vojna opcracija 22/0811991 l'oginuo prilikum Kaznena prijava po ZDO 04/12/2008. Opéinski sud u Ka1.11ena prijava. prcsuda
"Gromova" napada pripadnika RH protiv !vice Kovaèié Sisku odbio tuzbcni zah\icv Opcinskog suda u Sisku Vi
22/08/1991' ··Gromova·· · ZNG. i dr. zbog kazncnog djcla Anke Simic (supruga) i Darda 1'-1716105.
selo na selo. ratnog zlotina (sin) (zaslara 1 ncpostojanJC
Brûani Kosa 24/05/2006 SA ( K-DO- pravomoénc osudujuéc
29106). Sisak ZDO prcsudc); zalbcni postupak u
odbacilo kaznenu prijavu tijcku: troskovi poslupka
1 1/12/2006 (ncdostatak 18.200 HRK.
osnovanc sumnjc da bi
osumnjiècni poèinili
kazncno djclo le da su
o~teëcne osobc straUale u
izmjcnjivanju ohostranc
vatre u oruZ.anom
.u Ni kola Todorovié Kinjatka 23/09/1991 Nestao nakon Sto su Ocevidac Kaznena prijava po ZDO 10111/2008 Opéinski sud u Kaznena prijava, prcsuda
ga presreli pripadnici presretanja HV. RH protiv lvice Kovacié Sisku odbio tuzbeni zahtjcv Opéinskog suda u Sisku
HV. Tijelo nakon kojeg je i dr. zbog kaznenog djcla za naknadu ncmaterijalne XVII P-1823/05-18.
pronadcno u selu :trtva nestala. ratnog zlotina Stete koji su podnijcli Danica
Blinjski kut sa 24/05/2006 SA (K-00- Todorovié (supruga). Marija i
tijclom Milana 29/06). Sisak :Loo Nikola (djcca) (zastan1 /
éakalo (vi di naredni odbacilo kaznenu prijavu nedostatak dokaza da sc ne
prcdmct). 1 1112/2006 ( nedostatak radi o ratnoj Steti 1
osnovane sumnje da bi ncpostojm* osudujuéc
OSU11111iiècni poèinili presude 1 ncdostatak dokaza o
kazneno djelo te da su sudjelovanju pripadnika HV);
oSteéene osobe stradale u zalbcni postupak u tijeku:
izmienjivanju obostrane troSkovi postupka 41.750
vat re u oruzanom HRK.
,l.~ Milan Cakalo Kinjacka 23/09/1991 Ncstao mjesec dana Kaznena prijava po ZDO 25 / 10/2007, Opéinski sud u Kaznena prijava. presuda
(1930) nakon napada na selo RH protiv !vice Kovatic Zagrebu odbio tuzbcni Opéinskog suda u Zagrcbu
Gromovi 1 ZNG. i dr. zbog kazncnog djela zahtjev Vcljka éakalo (sin). LXVI PN-5591 /05.
Tijclo pronadeno u ratnog zloèina (ncdostatak dokaza o Boris RaSeta: .. Tako 10
sc lu 131injski kut sa 24/05/2006 SA (K-DO- sudiclovanju pripadnika IIV/ rad1 HTI'"- objavljcno
tijelom Nikole 29/06). Sisak ZOO ncpostojanje pravomocnc 30/1 1/2002
Todorovié (vidi odbacilo kazncnu prijavu osudujuée prcsudc 1 (http://www.gcocities.com/
prcthodni predmet). 11 /12/2006 (nedostatak nedostatak povczanosti sa ljcvica 13/dok/dok.htm).
Prcma izvorima iz osnovane sumnjc da bi oruzanim sukobom) zalbcni
medija glava Zrtvc osumnjitcni potinili postupak u tijcku: tro, kovi
odsjcü:na. kazncno djclo te da su pnstupka 21.250 Ill( K.
oStcécnc osobc stratlalc u
izmienjivanju obostranc
vatrc u oruzanom
sukobu). --
1 This includes persons reported missing to the Police, data from the Government Office for Detained and Missing Persons, and the ICRC.
2 The data provided to the OSCE during meeting on 7 April 2009 with the Head ofthe Sisak-Moslavina Police Administration Mr Marko Rasié, the
Head of War Crimes Department, Mr Nikola Vidié and the Head of Cri minai Department Mr Mile Jurcevié.
·' The OSCE Mission, predecessor of toda y 's Office, started to monitor war crimes proceedings in 1997.
4 The eleven individuals convicted by final decision in their presence are: Rade Vrga (sentenced to 7 years), Zoran Obradovié (sentenced to 5 years). Jovo Begovié (sentenced to 5
years), Dragan Djokié (sentenced to 12 years), Milan Stanojevié (sentenced to 15 years), Ylado Sladovié (sentenced to 9 years), Slavko Drobnjak (sentenced to 20 years), Mirko
Vuèkovié (sentenced to 5 years), Goran Pasié (sentenced to 5 years). Convicted by not final decis ion in their presence: Branislav Misèevié (sentenced to 20 years), Rade Miljevié
( sentenced to 12 years ).
5 The Court's only conviction of three former Croatian army members is for a war-time killing related to a Roma victim. Ali three were convicted for mUJ·der pursuant to the
Criminal Code and not for a war crime: RH vs. Haso Mahmutagié, Ivan PaviCié and Dragutin Mravinac (Sisak County Court), the defendants were convicted to 7, 4 and 4 years
respectively. Other trials against Croatian Army members ended with acquittais: Eg. RH vs. Ivan Hubelié and Stanislav Cavron (Sisak Couny Court).
6 RH vs. lvica Mirié, lndictment of 1 April 2009.
7 In an interview published on 7 April 2009, Stipe Vrdoljak, Sisak County State Attorney announced that the following cases would be prioritised:
Glinska Poljana (21 murder victims), Kraljevcani (5), Glinsko Novo Selo (32), Kostriéi (16), G. Jarne (12), Gornja and Donja Bucica (15) and Donje
J ame (12); see: Vecernji list of 7 April 2009, Sisak Edition, Primjenom zapovjedne odgovornosti kainjavaju se nalogodavci i planeri.
8 Blinjski kut, Kinjacka, Blinjska Greda, Bestrma, Trnjani, Cakale, Brôani.
9 Regarding victim Zeljka Bojinovié the compensation claim was granted, the decision is pending appeal.
10 Regarding Vaso Je lié ( 45,700 HRK); regarding Zoran Trivkanovié (71 ,480 HRK); regarding Berislav Trivkanovié ( 15,600 HRK); re garding Ljubica Sol ar (74,580 HRK);
regarding Stanko Martinovié (23,000 HRK); regarding Vlado Bozié (15,400 HRK); regarding Stevo Borojevié (30,800 HRK); regarding Nenad Pajié (61 ,600 HRK); regarding
Milan Vucinié (7,600 HRK); regarding Milan Kladar (45,000 HRK); regarding Radovan Kragulj (44,040 HRK); regarding Ranko Martinovié (44 400 HRK); regarding Dragan
Bekié ( 14 375 HRK); regarding Stevan Simié ( 18 200 HRK); regarding Ni kola Todorovié (41 ,750 HRK); regarding Milan Cakalo (21 ,250 HRK).
Statement of Sasa Mirkovié given to the Expert Team
for Collecting Evidence of Crimes against Humanity
and International Law, dated 25 April1994 (Situation
in the camp in Slavonski Brod)

of hearing witness Sasa Mirkovic, former soldier from Anny Post Office 7036-6, Vranje, of
father Milos and mother Mileva, maiden name Bugaric, born 20 June 1973, in the village of
Ranilovic, Municipality of Arandjelovac where he currently resides; security guard at the
Hotel "Izvor" in Arandjelovac; completed secondary school of mechanical engineering, a
Serb, Yugoslav nationa1ity, not married.
The Minute was taken on 25 April 1994 by Lt. Col. Niko1a Petkovic, as a member of the
expert team collecting information and gathering evidence conceming crimes against
humanity and in violation of international law.
Recorder: Commission Member: Witness:
Zagorka Davidovic Nikola Petkovic Sasa Mirkovic
The hearing be gan at 10.30 a. m.
Asked about the taking prisoner of a group of soldiers in the village of Donje Ko1ibe, the
I was doing my mi1itary service at the Army Post Office 7036-6 Vranje when the conflict with
Croatian armed forces in the territory ofBiH esca1ated.
Within the assignments of my military unit, we were transferred to the area around the village
of Zboriste in BiH, on 5 April 1992. We came to that village on 7 April 1992. As soon as we
arrived, we joined the fighting in that area against Croatian Muslim armed forces. I was part
of the anti-tank squad of the second company. Private Radomir Gavrilovic was with me in my
squad. So was Sasa Kostic. Bratislav and Dusan Belobrk, Rade Uzelac, S1obodan Jaksic,
Dejan Ilic and Dragan Dulie were in the squad commanded by Second Lieutenant Nebojsa
Pra1ica. That squad was a1so part of my company commanded by Cap. Veroljub Simovic.
After severa! days of ail-day fighting, on 2 May 1992, in the moming, we began attacking out
of the village of Zboriste against the villages of Gomje and Don je Kolibe. Our counter attack
lasted until 6:00 p.m. on 2 May 1992. We took control of the villages of Gomje and Donje
Kolibe. Since it was getting dark and because of the fact that strong Croatian Muslim forces
were in front of us, we halted our ad vance after having overrun tho se villages.
My company took the positions on the way out of the village of Don je Kolibe in the direction
of Ribnjak or wetlands west of the main road leading to the village of Struga and Bosanski
Brod. My own position was a couple of meters from those wetlands which halted our
movement forward and to my right, there was a road leading out of the village of Donje
Kolibe to the surrounding villages and the Ukrinac canal. A T -55 tank was positioned on the
roadway. The squad commanded by Second Lieutenant Pralica comprising father and son
Belobrk, Uzelac, Jaksic, Kostic, Ilic and Dulie, was on my left-hand side and somewhat
forward based, on the edge of a forest.
As we were taking our positions, it was already dark and we could hear from the direction of
the positions held by the squad commanded by Pralica, gunshots fired individually and then a
burst of small arms fire. Because of undergrowth in the way, 1 couldn't see what was going
All of a sudden, 1 was surrounded by soldiers wearing guns. 1 realized only too late that they
were HVO members. They wore camouflage uniforms without any insignia on their caps or
shirts. Ali they had was a red band on their shoulder pads that our soldiers also wore. There
were five or six of them and only when they pointed guns at us and told us to surrender did 1
realize who they actually were. Velimir Radovanovic was taken prisoner together with me.
The Croatian soldiers made me and him crawl to their positions. So 1 couldn't see what
happened to the other soldiers from my own and Pralica's squads. 1 could only see that ensign
Dragan Dulie from the village of Zednik near Subotica was killed. He died of gunshot
Radovanovic and 1 had to crawl un til we left the area of combat operations. When we came to
a stone paved road, we were searched thoroughly and I could see then that Dusan Bjelobrk,
Bratislav Bjelobrk, Rade Uzelac, Slobodan Jaksic, Sinisa Fris and Sasa Kostov had already
been taken prisoner. I didn't see that Radomir Gavrilovic and Dejan Ilic had been taken
prisoner. 1 don 't know what happened to them. They most probably died fïghting with the
Croatian forces.
The eight of us who were taken prisoner were walked to a bridge which, 1 guess, was a bridge
over the Ukrinac canal. They held us there at )east 40 minutes deciding on our fate. Sorne of
them were in favour of executing us straight away, while the others wanted to take us to
prison in order to exchange us later for their own captured soldiers. They argued among
themselves, but they didn't mistreat or harass us in any way. The worst thing was the
uncertainty which one of the two groups would prevail. Fortunately, they eventually agreed to
take us to the prison in Slavonski Brod.
In Slavonski Brod we were held at the firehouse, in a room which was below the staircase
leading upstairs. 1 suppose that it was used as sorne kind of a handy warehouse or a storage
room. We were brought to that prison on the evening of 2 May 1992. We were manhandled;
they took the money and ail our belongings from us, including ID documents. After the
search, they took us to another room at the firehouse where they interrogated us.
During the interrogations, 1 was struck by a local guard and after that, they left me alone.
However, I know that Rade Uzelac, Dusan Bjelobrk and Bratislav Bjelobrk were seriously
beaten. 1 could hear their screams when they interrogated them. When they came back into
our room, we could see the consequences of it: they were completely exhausted and they had
scars on their faces left from the strikes they had received. 1 suppose they were beaten because
Dusan Bjelobrk was originally from Knin and Rade Uzelac because they found an audio
cassette containing Serbian songs on him and a letter that he wrote to his family, but had
failed to post. Besides those three guys, Slobodan Jaksic was also beaten because they found a
notepad with the Serbian coat-of-arms, containing four s's. However, Jaksic was treated
somewhat better, because they only slapped him.
On the night of 2-3 May 1992, we were handcuffed to one another. It was on! y in the moming
that we had the handcuffs taken off.
Sorne time before dawn, on 3 May 1992, they brought in Sasa Kostic whose left arm had been
amputated above the elbow. He had also been taken prisoner in the village of Donje Kolibe,
but was brought to the prison later because he had to be medically attended to in a hospital for
his arm injury. They couldn't hospitalize him in Slavonski Brod since he was in danger of
being killed by the wounded Croatian soldiers who were treated there. Another territorial
army soldier taken prisoner around the village of Donje Kolibe was brought in together with
Kostic. He was also in our battalion. I don 't know his na me, but 1 know that he was from a
village near Bosanski Brod.
The prison guards were military police members from Osijek and, generally, I could
distinguish two groups among them: one group was made up of mostly elderly military police
members who treated us properly, and the other group was made up of younger MP members
who were, by and large, tasked to mistreat us. I don't know their names. 1 only remember one
name Kruno Centner, but he was fair to us and 1 be lieve that those of us who were exchanged
survived only thanks to him. The worst thing 1 experienced in that prison was that 1 was
forced, on the moming of 3 May 1992, to drink up a 2 dl glass full ofunrefined motor oil. The
others were forced to do the same. On one occasion, they also forced us to pour cold water on
one another and soaking wet as we were, we had to stay in the basement. On another
occasion, 1 believe it was on 5 or 6 May 1992, they tied Radovanovic, Kostov and me to a
radiator for two days and two nights. We could neither sit nor stand up properly.
1 think it was on 5 May 1992 in the moming when a freezer truck came to the firehouse and
they loaded Bratislav Bjelobrk, Dusan Bjelobrk, Rade Uzelac, Slobodan Jaksic, Sasa Kostic
and that territorial whose name 1 don't know, and who was brought in, together with Kostic,
into the freezer truck. 1 saw when they were bundled into the freezer truck and 1 have not seen
them ever since. We were told that they were driven to Bosanski Brod and handed over to the
Muslim military police members. On several occasions 1 asked the guard, Kruno, what
happened to that group of my comrades-in-arms and he replied that 1 shouldn't inquire about
them any more, because they were no longer living. 1 know that a policeman nicknamed
"Britva" (razor) came to Slavonski Brod severa! times and asked questions about the three of
us who remained, because he had beard that Branimir Glavas wanted us to move to Bosanski
Brod. He simply bragged in front of the prison guards at the firehouse that he was going to do
the same to us as with the previous group. When the guards asked him what he had done to
the previous group, he said that he first eut off their ears, then slit their throats and then
disposed of them in the River Sava. That was what 1 beard with my own ears, because 1 was
present when he bragged to his colleagues from the Croatian military police.
Up to the moment when they were taken away, father and son Bjelobrk, Rade Uzelac,
Slobodan Jaksic, Sasa Kostic and the territorial soldier were much more mistreated than
Kostov, Radovanovic or I. I know that they beat Rade Uzelac to the tune of Serbian melodies
which they played from the audio cassette found on him, while they forced Sasa Kostic to eat
grass and make the "baa" sounds like a sheep, in front of the firehouse.
After having spent twenty days in Slavonski Brod, Kostov, Radovanovic and 1 were moved to
Osijek: first to a school next to the cathedral where we were detained for two days and then to
the District Prison in Osijek. There, we were re-interrogated, but we were not physically
We were detained at the Osijek prison until the end of May 1992 when we were transferred to
Slavonski Brod for prisoner exchange. After two exchanges had failed we were finally
exchanged in the village ofDragalic, on 9 June 1992.
After we had been brought to the prison in Slavonski Brod, we were filmed by a TV crew
which caused anger of the prison warden. He was angry with his subordinates for having
allowed filming, because, once filmed, they could no longer execute us. This crew came
before my comrades were led away to Bosanski Brod.
In the end, I wish to add that, during the ad vance of my unit from the village of Zboriste to the
village of Donje Kolibe, we came across no people in the houses. They had obviously
abandoned their houses before that. The houses contained the traces of the stay of the
Croatian soldiers in them and nothing else. Only in the village of Gomje Kolibe did we find a
Muslim elderly man in a house whom 1 tumed over to Second Lieutenant Jocic. 1 would also
like to mention that we were specifically told to pay particular attention to the civilian
population when searching the houses.
The giving of statement was over at 1 :25 p.m.
1 don't want to read my statement because I heard it dictated out loudly. The minute contains
my own words which 1 am willing to repeat even in a court of law.
Zagorka Davidovic
Member of Commission
Nikola Petkovic
Statement given by:
Sasa Mirkovic
o uzirnanju izjave od MIRKOVIé SASE, bivseg vojnika iz VP 7036-6
Vranje, od oca Milosa i rnajke Mileve, devojacko prezirne Bugarié,
rodjenog 20.06.1973. godine u s. Ranilovié, SO Arandjelovac, gde i
prebiva, po zanimanju radnik obezbedjenja Hotela "Izvor" u Arandjelovcu,
zavrsio srednju rnasinsku skolu, Srbin, drzavljanin SRJ neozenjen,
Sastavljen od strane potpukovnika Petkovié Nikole, clana strucnog
tirna za prikupljanje podataka 0 izvrsenim zlocinima protiv covecnosti
i rnedjunarodnog prava, dana 25.aprila 1994. godine.
Davidovié Zagorka Petkovié Nikola Mirkovié Sasa
Zapoceto u 10,30 casova.
Upitan u vezi sa zarobljavanjem grupe vojnika u s. Donje Kolibe,
Ja sam se nalazio na osluzenju vojnog roka u VP 7036-6 Vranje u
vrerne kada je doslo do eskalacije sukoba sa pripadnicirna hrvatskih
oruzanih forrnacija na teritoriji BiH.
u sklopu dobijenog zadatka maja jedinica je 05.04.1992. godine prebacena
u rejon sela Zboriste u BiH. U to selo smo dosli 07.04.1992.
godine. Odmah po dolasku bili smo ukljuceni u borbena dejstva koja
su se vodila na torn prostoru sa pripdnicima hrvatsko-rnuslimanskih
oruzanih forrnacija. Ja sam bio u sastavu protivoklopnog voda II cete.
Samnorn u vodu je bio i vojnik Radomir Gavrilovié. I vojnik Sasa
Kostié. Bratislav i Dusan Belobrk, Rade Uzelac, Slobodan Jaksié,
Dejan Ilié i Dragan Dulié su bili u sastavu voda kojirn je kornandovao
potporucnik Nebojsa Pralica. Taj vod je takodje bio u sastavu rnoje
cete kojorn je kornandovao kapetan Sirnovié Veroljub.
Posle vise dnevnih borbi, 02.05.1992. godine, u jutarnjim casovirna,
iz sela Zboriste srno krenuli u protiv napad pravcem prema s. Gornje
i Donje Kolibe. Nase napredovanje je trajalo negde do 18,00 casova
02.05.1992. godine i torn prilikorn smo ovladali selima Gornje i Donje
- 2 -
kolibe. S obzirom da je padao mrak, a na nasem daljem pravcu je
bila organizovana jaka odbrana hrvatsko-muslimanskih snaga, mi smo
se po ovladavanju navedenih sela zaustavili.
Moja ceta je zauzela polozaje na izlasku iz sela Donje Kolibe, u
visini zadnjih kuéa gledano u pravcu Ribnjaka, odnosno jednog mocvarnog
terena zapadno od glavne komunikacije koja vodi za selo
Strugu i Bosanski Brod. Moj polozaj je bio na oko stotinjak metara
od tog mocvarnog terena koji je zaustavio nase napredovanje, a sa
desne strane je neposredno pored mene prolazio asfaltni put koji je
iz sela Donje Kolibe koji je vodio prema narednim selima i kanalu
Ukrinac. Na tom putu je bio postavljen tenk T-55. Polozaj voda potporucnika
Pralice, u kome su se nalazili otac i sin Belobrk, Uzelac,
Jaksié, Kostié, Ilié i Dulié, nalazio se levo od mene i nesta napred,
na ivici sume.
U vreme dok smo uredjivali polozaje, a vec Je pao mrak, iz pravca
polozaja koje je drzao Pralicin vod, prvo se cula pojedinacno puskaranje,
a zatim i snazna pesadijska vatra. Ja od rastinja koje me
okruzivalo nisam mogao da vidim o cemu se radi.
Od jedanput sa ledja su mi prisli naoruzani vojnici, za koje sam ja
tek kasnije shvatio da su pripadnici HVO. Bili su u maskirnim uniformama,
bez ikakvih oznaka na kapi ili bluzi, a jedino su oko naramenice
imali crvenu obelezavajuéu traku, koju smo i mi koristili. Njih
je bilo oko mene pet-sest i tek kad su uperili puske i rekli da se
predamo, shvatio sam o cemu se radi. Zajedno samnom zarobljen je i
Velimir Radovanovié. Hrvatski vojnici su mene i njega naterali da
odpuzimo u pravcu hrvatskih polozaja, tako da ja nisam video sta se
desilo sa ostalim vojnicima iz mog, kao i Pralicinog voda. Jedino
sto sam video to je pogibija desetara Dragana Duliéa iz s. Zednik
kod Subotice. On je pogodjen iz pesadijskog naoruzanja.
Mene i Radovanoviéa su naterali da puzimo sve dok nismo izasli iz
rejona neposrednih borbenih dejstava. Kada smo dosli do jednog kamenog
puta, nas su detaljno pretresli, a tada sam video da se tu veé
nalaze zarobljeni Dusan Bjelobrk, Bratislav Bjelobrk, Rade Uzelac,
Slobodan Jaksié, Fris Sinisa i Kostov Sasa. Radomira Gavriloviéa i
Dejana Iliéa ja nisam video da su zarobljeni, a sta se sa njima dogodilo,
ja ne znam. Najverovatnije je da su poginuli u toku barbe
sa hrvatskim snagama.
Nas osmoricu zarobljenih su zatim peske sproveli do jednog mosta za
koga pretpostavljam da je bio preko kanala_ Ukrinac. Tu su nas drzali
najmanje:40 minuta_ veéajuéi o nasoj sudbini. Jedna grupa je bila za
to da nas odma likvidiraju, dok su drugi hteli da nas odvedu u zatvor
kako bi nas kasnije razmenili za njihove zarobljene vojnike.
Oni su se medjusobno zucno raspravljali, odnosno svadjali, ali nas
nisu dirali niti maltretirali. Najgora je bila neizvesnost koja ée
od te dve grupe da preovlada. Na nasu sreéu, na kraju su se dogovorili
da nas sprovedu u zatvor u Slavonskom Brodu.
U Slavonskom Brodu smo bili smesteni u zgradi Vatrogasnog doma, u
jednoj prostoriji koja se nalazila ispod stepenista koje je voàilo
- 3 -
na sprat, a ja predpostavljam da je ta prostorija nekada sluzila
kao neki prirucni magacin ili ostava. U taj zatvor smo dovedeni
kasno uvece 02.maja 1992. godine. Tu su nas detaljno pretresli, oduzeli
novae i sve licne stvari koje smo imali, ukljucujuéi i dokumenta .
Nakon pretresa su nas vodili na ispitivanje u jednu drugu prostoriju
Vatrogasnog dama.
Tokom ispitivanja mene je udario jedan od tamnosnjih strazara, i
sem toga vise me nisu dirali. Medjutim, znam da su Radeta Uzelca,
Dusana Bjelobrka i Bratislava Bjelobrka dobro pretukli. Prilikom
njihovog ispitivanja ja sam cuo njihove jauke, a kada su ih vrati1i
u nasu prostoriju na njima su se videle posledice-bili su potpuno
malaksali a na licima su im se videli tragovi od udaraca. Pretpostavljam
da su ani pretuceni zbog toga sto je Dusan Bjelobrk radom
iz Knina,a Radetu Uzelcu su pronasli kasetu sa srpskim pesmama i
pismo koje je pisao kuéi, a nije stigao da posalje. Pored navedene
trojice batine je dobio i Slobodan Jaksié, kome su na jednom notesu
nasli.ucrtan srpski grb sa cetiri slova "S"~ Medjutim, Jaksié je
nesto bolje prosao, jer su ga samo samarali t
Tu noé 02/03. maja 1992. godine proveli smo vezani lisicama jedan
za drugog. Tek ujutru su nas odvezali.
Negde pred zoru 03.05.1992. godine, u zatvor je doveden i Kostié
Sasa koji je bio bez leve ruke do iznad lakta. Njega su takodje zarobili
u s. Donje Kolibe, ali je u zatvor kasnije doveden jer mu je
prethodno, zbog povrede ruke, ukazana pomoé u bolnici. U bolnici u
Slavnskom Brudu nisu mogli da ga zadrze jer je pretila opasnost da
ée ga likvidirati ranjeni hrvatski vojnici koji su tamo takodje lezali.
Sa Kostiéem je doveden i jas jedan teritorijalac koji je zarobljen
negde u okolini Donjih Koliba i bio je u sastavu naseg bataljona.
Ime njegovo ja ne znam, a samo znam da je iz nekog sela kod
Bosanskog Broda.
Strazu u ovom zatvoru su drzali pripadnici vojne policije iz Osijeka
i generalno gledano, rnedju njima mogu da izdvojim dve grupe-jednu
koju su cinili uglavnom stariji pripadnici vojne policije i cijije
odnos prema nama bio korektan, i drugu, koju su cinili mladji pripadnici
vojne policije koji su mahom bili zaduzeni za zlostavljanje.
Ja njihova imena ne znam. Jedino mi je poznato ime Cen!~r-Ex~~p,
no on je bio korektan prema nama i moje misljenje je da smo mi, koji
smo razmenjeni, preziveli samo zahvaljujuéi njemu.
Najgore sto' sam ja licno preziveo u tom zatvoru je sto su me 03.05.
1992. godine, u jutarnjim casovima naterali da popijem casu od 2 dl
od nepreradjenog motornog ulja. To su bili prinudjeni da ucine i
ostali .. Takodje su nas jednom terali da se medjusobno polivamo hladnom
vodom i tako mokre nas drzali u podrumskoj prostoriji. Takodje,
jednom prilikom, mislim da je to bila 05.i 06. maja 1992. godine,
mene Radovanoviéa i Kostova su dva dana i dve noéi drzali vezane za
radijator u polozaju u kome nismo mogli ni da sednemo niti da se
potpuno uspravimo.
- 4 -
Mislirn da je to bilo 5. maja 1992. godine u prepodnevnirn casovirna,
u Vatrogasni dom je dovezena jedna hladnjaca za rneso u koju su utovarili
Bratislava Bjelobrka, Dusana Bjelobrka, Radeta Uzelca, Slovodana
Jaksiéa, Sasu Kostiéa i onog teritorijalca cije ja irne ne znarn,
a koji je u zatvor doveden zajedno sa Kostiéern. Ja sam video kada
su oni ubaceni u hladnjacu i posle toga ih vise nikad nisarn video.
Narna je receno da su odvezeni u Bosanski Brod i predati pripadnicirna
rnuslirnanske vojne policije. U par navrata ja sam pitao strazara
Krunu sta je sa torn gruporn nasih drugova, a on mi je odgovorio da
za njih vise ne pitarn, jer nisu vise rnedju zivirna. Znarn da je u
Slavonski Brod vise puta dolazio policajac po nadirnku "Britva" i da
se interesovao za nas preostalu troicu, jer je cuo da Branirnir Glavas
hoée i nas da prebaci u Bosanski Brod. On se prosto hvalio pred
cuvarirna zatvora u Vatrogasnorn dornu da ée i sa narna uraditi isto kao
i sa prethodnorn gruporn. Kada su ga strazari koji su nas cuvali pitali
sta je to uradio sa prethodnorn gruporn, on je odgovorio da je prvo
sekao usi pa onda klao i da ih je odnela Sava. To sam ja licno cuo
jer sam bio prisutan kada se hvalio svojirn kolegarna iz hrvatske vojne
policije. 1
Do rnornenta dokada su odvedeni, otac i sin Bjelobrk, Rade Uzelac,
Slobodan Jaksié, Sasa Kostié i vojnik teritorijalac su bili daleko
vise rnaltretirani od mene, Kostova i Radovanoviéa. Znarn da su Radeta
Uzelca tukli u taktu rnuzike srpskih pesarna koje su pustali sa kasete
pronadjene kod njega, a Kostié Sasu su terali da ispred Vatrogasnog
dorna pase travu i da bleji kao ovca.
Posle dvadeset dana provedenih u Slavonskorn Brodu, ja Kostov i
Radovanovié srno prebaceni u Osijek-prvo u jednu skolu pored nove
katedrale, gde srno proveli dva dana, a zatirn u Okruzni zatvor Osijek.
Tu srno ponovo podvrgavani ispitivanju, ali nas nisu fizicki zlostavljali.
U Osjeckorn zatvoru srno bili do pred kraj maja 1992. godine, kada srno
ponovo prebaceni u Slavonski Brod radi razrnene. Posle dve neuspesne
razrnene, konacno srno razrnenjeni 9.6.1992. godine u selu Dragalié.
Nakon dovodjenja u zatvor u Slavonski Brod, nas je snirnila jedna
televizijska ekipa, sto je izazvalo gnev zapovednika zatvora. On se
ljutio na svoje pocinjene sto su dozvolili snirnanje, jer sad kad
srno snimljeni ne rnogu da nas likvidiraju. Dolazak ove ekipe je bio u
vreme dok jos rnoji drugovi nisu bili odvedeni u Bosanski Brod.
Na kraju, zelim da napornenern da u toku napredovanja moje jedinice
od s. Zboriste pa do s. Donje Kolibe, u kuéama nisrno nailazili na
stanovnistvo. Oni su ocigledno pre toga napustili kuée. U kuéarna su
bili tragovi boravka hrvatskih vojnika i nista vise. Jedino srno u
s. Gornje Kolibe u jednoj kuéi pronasli starca rnuslirnanske nacionalnosti
koga sam ja licno nasao i predao potporucniku Jociéu. Takodje
naporninjem da nam je izricito bilo naredjeno da pri pretresu tere-.
na vodimo racuna o civilnorn stanovnistvu.
- 5 -
Zavrseno u 13,25 casova.
Izjavu ne zelim da citam jer sam slusao glasno diktiranj e. U zapisnik
su unet~ moje reci koje sam spreman da ponovim i na sudu.
?,a,":~~?Y ~ ~.1-z~,~o r ka
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Petkovié Nikola
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~c it/.i" ' " '
Mirkov ié Sasa
J(L. rr >f/!~ lv. :.:l (>~re,

Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness hearing of Nenad Kanazir, dated
30 April 1997 (Situation in the town of Zadar; Camp
Lora, Split)

Kri- 114/97-6
Taken on 30 April 1997 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Banja Luka
in the criminal case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable under Article 142 of
the Criminal Code
lnvestigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic
Court Recorder
Mirjana Misie
Nenad Kanazir
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
No one
No one
Defence Counsel
No one
The Court rose at 12:00 p.m.
The witness was warned that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also warned against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names: Kanazir, Nenad
2. Father's name: Bogdan
3. Occupation: worker
4. Address: Banja Luka, 47 Ljevcanska St., Tel: 078/54-495
5. Place ofbirth: Djakovo
6. Date of birth: Il July 1953
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the outbreak of the war, 1 lived with my family in Zadar, 40 Knez Draskovic Street. In
addition to the Croatian population, about 35% of Serb inhabitants lived there. Before the war
broke out, the relations between Serb and Croatian residents were good. However, in the
second part of 1991, tho se relations were disrupted. The Croats stopped making friends with
Serbs. At the same time, Serbs were dismissed from their jobs and removed, in particular if
they held executive positions. Children of our Croatian neighbours threw stones at the
windows of Serb houses and flats, probably prompted by their parents to do so. Also, when
Croatian children went outside on the street, they threw stones at Serbs and cursed their Serb
mothers, threatening that all Serbs would be driven out of Zadar. Sorne Croatian neighbours
wore uniforms with Croatian police symbols. They came to Serb houses, made searches and
confiscated their possessions and money, at their will. Day after day, those relations got worse
and this situation came to a head in particular in October, when the Yugoslav Army left
Zadar. The Serb residents remained unprotected at that point, so sorne of them began leaving
Zadar and fleeing to Serbia, as they were constantly exposed to provocations and threats that
gradually became a reality. Believing that I was not to biarne for anything, I stayed at my
home up until27 December 1991. That day, five Croatian policemen came and told me that I
had weapons in my house. I explained that I had no arms and invited them to make a search
and see for themselves. However, one of the policemen held seven hand grenades in his beret
and told me that those were my hand grenades. I tried to explain to him that I had nothing to
do with those hand grenades, but the policemen ordered me to go with them and escorted me
to the district prison in Zadar and detained me there.
After they had locked me up, they started to investigate me, allegedly for illegal possession of
arms and for preparing hand grenades to overthrow the constitutional system of Croatia. They
took me out to be interrogated by the investigating magistrate. So, I tried to explain that I had
nothing to do with those hand grenades that the policemen had brought with them, but that
was in vain. I was held up at the District Court Prison up until 9 May 1992, more specifically,
until 7 May 1992 when I was taken to the District Prison in Split. When I came to Split, I was
taken out of prison in order to be exchanged on 9 May at Zitnic. However, I was actually not
exchanged and was returned to the same prison in Split.
I was brought before a military court for trial on 12 May 1992 and was sentenced to two years
in prison for possession of illegal weapons. Once the sentence was passed on me, I was taken
to Lora to do my tem1 there, where I was subjected to severe physical and psychological
mistreatment. When they put me into a room at Lora, where there were already 15 other
arrested Serbs, the guards began ill-treating me, as well as the others. My first mistreatment
was when they brought me sorne mudded water for breakfast, which I refused to drink. The
guard came up to me and spat into the dish, and ordered me to drink it. When I drank up that
water with the guard's saliva, he beat me up. He first punched me and then hit me with the
baton and when I feil, he kicked me with his boots. I can't tell how long he had been kicking
me, because I passed out. When I regained my consciousness, 1 was bruised, covered in blood
and swollen from the strikes that he gave me. The next day, the other measure of my
mistreatment was when he tied my arms on the back and then ordered me to kneel down in
the yard in front of that room. Then they put a metal barrel above my head. After that, two
policemen held sorne kind of long and thick pieces of wood and started to hit the barrel. The
noise produced by the strikes across the barrel made me lose my consciousness, because it
had a terrible effect upon my eardrums and all the other organs. From that day on, 1 was
placed under that barrel at the Lora camp at least once a day, and after I came out, there were
moments when I was completely disoriented.
From the room where I was held at Lora, other detainees were taken out to the basement
premises where they received electric shocks in various parts of their bodies. I beard such
stories from the prisoners who shared the same room with me. They told me that the
electricity had caused terrible aches and pains across the whole victim's body.
Aside from being beaten and receiving electric shocks, the Croatian police officers at Lora
used to hang the prisoners and myself by handcuffing us 1 0 cm off the ground and tying us to
the metal bars on the doors, so that we were hanging by our arms. They beat me, and others
on the back and other parts of our bodies, with batons. I don 't recall how long we were
hanging like that, but I know that every time I lapsed in and out of consciousness, I was taken
off and they poured water ail over me. I still have scars on my arms from those door hangings.
The Croatian police officers at Lora had a routine to barge in during the night and severely
beat all the detained Serbs. They beat every part of our bodies; they punched and kicked us,
most frequently around our kidneys and in the chest area. They ordered us to stand up against
the wall and then came up to us running and kicking us in the chest severa! times with both of
their legs at the same time. They kept on asking us how we had voted and when I said that 1
had voted for HDZ they cursed my Chetnik mother and told me that it would not help, and
that they would kil! ail of us, ail the same. 1 had been detained at Lora for approximately three
months and was then transported to Sibenik. While I was at Lora, I shared the room with the
following Serb prisoners:
1. Dusan Parpura, a JNA colonel who now lives in Split;
2. Nedjo Bojbasa, a salesman from Metkovic; 1 believe that he now lives at
3. Nikola Bojbasa, a mill worker at Metkovic;
4. Vaso Arnaut, a salesman from the department store at Metkovic, who was
exchanged, and now probably resides at Nevesinje, because his wife was originally
from that town;
5. Simo Arnaut, a worker from Metkovic; I think he is now at Metkovic;
6. Marko Utrzen from the village of Uniste, municipality of Bosansko Grahovo;
7. Jovo and Dane Vukovic from Metkovic;
8. Jovo Strbac from the village of Rastevic, municipality of Benkovac;
9. Milan Skaro from Solin near Split;
10. Dane Dopudj, general manager of the company "Trio" from Obrovac;
11. Nikola Milosevic, a JNA captain from Zadar.
They had ail been subjected to the same torture as 1 was. 1 have no contacts with these persons
at this time and 1 don't know their current whereabouts.
I was taken out of prison to be exchanged at Nemetin, on 14 August 1992. However, 1 was not
exchanged and was only moved to the Kerestinac camp, near Zagreb. 1 was held up at
Kerestinac for 14 days and ali that time, the other detainees and 1 were severely beaten every
day. The Croatian police officers made it a daily routine, especially at night. They played us
the Croatian national anthem at night and we had to get up and stand still. Afterwards, they
made us do push-ups and other physical exercises. They made us spread our legs and punched
and kicked our testicles and heads. Eight days later, a medical team of the International Red
Cross visited Kerestinac and doctors examined me, on that occasion. My testicles were
terribly swollen and the doctor asked me via an interpreter what had happened and 1 told her
that she should put that question to the guards. That same day, a TV crew from Spain visited
Kerestinac and asked sorne questions to a man from Lika near Karlovac. He replied that it
didn't matter whatever he said because no one would pay any attention to it. A guard
responded to these words by saying that he would not live to see another day, which was what
actually happened. During the night, that Lika guy was beaten to death. 1 saw with my own
eyes his dead body being carried out of the room. From Kerestinac I was taken with a group
of prison ers to the Sibenik District Prison. I spent about a mon th and a half there, and we were
not beaten at all. After that, they took us back to Lora and I was detained there until 24
November 1992 when I was exculpated by the decision of the Croatian Supreme Court and
released to return home in Zadar.
While I was at Lora for the second time, I was beaten and mistreated in various ways, like the
previous time.
I stayed in Zadar until 28 February 1993 when I managed to get to Serbia through sorne
friends. Afterwards I came to Banja Luka where I stilllive today.
I point out in particular that I went through a terrible ordeal during my first and second time at
Lora. The Croatian police officers forced me and the other detainees to drink urine and to beat
each other to the point of unconsciousness. They forced JNA soldiers to have an intercourse
with each other. In particular, the police officers tortured us with food rations. They brought
us a little water and two beans, and when they handed it to me, they threw out the beans and
forced me to drink that water which tasted more like salt that water. After that, they didn't
allow us to drink any water and we terribly thirsty. Every three or four days they would give
us sorne water by drowning fifty detainees in a litre and a half pool of water. Throughout our
detention in Lora we received food once a day, consisting of a couple of spoons of warm
water and a small slice of bread. That slice of bread was no more than the size of a matchbox.
They forced us to eat it in two minutes and if we failed, they would beat us. They took us
outside every day for two hours to be in a dogs' kennel and to bark like dogs.
There were many other ways of torture to which the Croatian police officers subjected us
during our detention at Lora, but I don't recall full details any more.
I don't know the names of those Croatian police officers who beat me, because they had not
given us their names. They referred to each other as Bimbo, Djoni, etc.
That is ali I had to say for the time being.
I only add that I still have terrible pain in my chest and back. Therefore, I would like to be
examined by a consultant specialist in this field of medicine.
I am joining the criminal prosecution of persons who had beaten and mistreated me.
I have been advised to read the minutes and I declare that I don 't want to, because it was
dictated out loud.
The hearing was adjourned at 2:00p.m.
Court Recorder
Mirjana Misie (Signed)
Nenad Kanazir (Signed) lnvestigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic (Signed)
J>poj KH ...................... .
cacraB.JbeH 11aua ..... .3Q.,.9.lf.,.J..9.9.7............. 199 •........... ro)IHHC npeA ...•......... ISTRAZNIM .................. - ................................................. .
···················-·--················-···· cy)IHjoM _____ , ____ Q;?. _ NQYNQQ....................................................... cyAa y --~ANJAWCJ .............................. .
NN ,' . '
y xpHBH'IHOM noCTynxy nponoe ············································+ ························'················································--··············································---·
:~6or xpBBH'Illor AeJia HJ 'fnaua 142 11<3.
•.. ~: ...................................................................... - CYAJIÏB Cae)lOK

Nenad Kanazir
Cacnymalby CBe,llOKa npHCYCTByjy H:
6 -tlaHHJI an
3ai!O'ICTO y ...... 1.2.,.00.... ~acoaa
Cae,llOK je OIIOMeHyT )18 je )lylKBH )13 TOBOpH HCTHHY R /lB HC CMe HHIIITB npehyraTH, YD030peH je H8 UOCJie)IHqC ,llaBalbB JlBlKROT
RCKaJa, KaO R .tJ.a HRje )IYJI[aH ,ll8 O)ITOB8p8 &a IIOjC)IHHB l!RTalbB, aKO je Bep083THO ,lla 611 mMe H3JIOllCRO Ce5e HJIH CBOf OllRCKOr
CpO)J.Hil)(a TCiliiCOj cpaMOm, 3HaTHOj MaTepHjaJIHOj WTCTH HllR KPHB~HOM I"OibCibY ('IJlaH 229. 3Kfi"), ll8 Ha onmra nHTalbB CBC,llOK
,naje O,llTOBOpe:
1) lfMe Il npC3HMC ----------------~~-~)?.---~~~-~!-~---------·--·---------------------------------------------------··--------·
2) HMe ou.a ---------------------------~~~!_l:--~~~-~~-~-----------------------------------·--··--···--····----------------···-
3) 3aHBMaHoe radnik
4) bop8BHIDTC .................... ............................................................................................................. ..
S) Mecro poljeHoa ................................................................................................. ............................. .
6) ro,nHHa pol)eHoa ............... J1_,_Q1.,J.95.3_, ______________________________________________________________________________ 7) Û,llHOC ca OKpRB.lbCHHM R omreheHHM ........................ ~~-~f:~.g~!?; ....................................... .
'l o "'l:ta•• ,....,."""' n ,..gu na• n"""'"U""TV v,vnl".a ~nl'!.nll'!.'hP.• .1 1/'_ -
- 2 -
Ja sam pre pocetka ovog rata sa svojom porodicom ziveo u Zadru u Ul. Kneza
Draskoviéa br. 40. U Zadru je pored stanovnika hrvatske nacionalnosti zivelo
oko 35% stanovnika srpske nacionalnosti. Odnosi izmedju srpskog i hrvatskog
stanovnistva pre pocetka rata bili su dobri, medjutim u drugoj polovini 1991.
godine ti odnosi su naruseni. Hrvati su prestali da se druze sa stanovnistvom
srpske nacionalnosti, a Srbi su otpustani sa posla i udaljavani narocito sa rukovodeéih
mesta. Deca komsija Hrvata vervatno po nagovoru roditelja gadjali su
kamenjem prozore na srpskim kuéama i stanovima. Prilikom izlaska na ulicu
hrvatska deca su takodjer gadjala Srbe kamenjem i psovala majku srpsku, preteéi
da ée svi Srbi biti proterani iz Zadra. Pojedini Hrvati kooeSije oblacili
su uniforme na kojiam je pisalno 11hrvatska policija" pa su oni ulazili u
srpske kuée, vrsili pretresanje istih i oduzimali stvari i novae koje su im
se svidjale. Iz dana u dan od~psi su sè pogorsavali, a narocito je doslo dokulminacije
kada je u o~tobru ~esecu Zadar napustila Vojska Jugoslavije.
Srpsko Ra stanovnistvo ostalo je u tom trenutku bez zastite, pa su izveani
srbi zbog neprekidnog provociranja i pretnji koji su se poceli i ostvarivati
napustali Zadar i beZali u pravcu Srbije. Smatrao sam da nikome nista nisam
kriv, pa sam ostao kod svoje kuée sve do 27.12.199l.godine. Toga dana dosla
su petorica hrvatskih policajaca i saopstili mi da ja u kuéi posedujem oruzje.
Objasnio sam policajcima da ja nemam oruzja i pozvao sam neka izvrse pretres
i neka se uvere. Medjutim, jedan od policajaca drzao je u beretki sedam bombi
i rekao meni da su to moje bombe. Pokusao sam da objasnim da ja sa tiro nemam
veze, medjutim policajci su mi naredili da ja podjem sa njima i sproveli me
u zgradu Okruznog zatvora u Zadru i tamo zatvorili.
Posle zatvaranja otpoeela je istraga protiv mene navodno zbog nelegalnog posedovanja
oruzja i zbog pripreme bombi za napad na drzavno uredjenje Hrvatske.
Izveden sam na ispitivanje kod istraznog sudije i ja sam tamo pokusao da
ob~asnim da ja nemam v~ze sa tiro bombama koje su doneli policajci, ali mi to
nist anije pomoglo.Zadrzan sam u Okruznom zatvoru sve do 09.maja 1992.godine,
tacnoje do 07.05.1992.godine, a tada sam sprveden u Okruzni zatvor u Split.
Posle smestaja u Splitu izveden sam 09.maja u Zitnié na razmenu, medjutim nisam
razmenjen pa sam ponovo vraéen u Split u isti zatvor.
Izveden sam 12.05.1992.godine na sudjenje u Vojni sud i tom prilikom osudjen sam
na dve godien zatvora zbog nelegalnog posedovanaj oruzja. Posle izricanja presude
sproveden sam u Loru na izdrzavanje kazne i tamo sam bio podvrgnut strahovitom
fizickom i psihickom aaltretiranju. Kada sam smesten u jednu prostoriju u
Lori u kojoj je bile jos 15 uhapsenih Srba cuvari tog logora otpoceli su da
mene i ostale maltretiraju. Prvo maltretiranje doziveo sam kada su mi doneli
za dorucak neku toplu mutnu vodu koju ja nisam hteo da pijem, pa je strazar prisao
i pljunuo u tu posudu, a potom mi naredio da popijem. Kada sam popio tu
vodu i pljuvacku strazara on me je tada dobro izuzdarao. Udara me najprije pesnicama,
zatim palicom koju je imao pa kada sam ja pao od tih udaraca on me je
udarao nogama na kojima su bile cizme, ali koliko je to udaranje trajalo ja to
ne bi mogao da objasnim jer sam se onesvestio. Kada sam se osvestio bio sam
sav modar, krvav i otecen od udaraca koje mi je naneo taj policajac. Sutradan
kao drugu meru maltretiranja doziveo sam tako sto su mi vezali ruke na ledja ,
zatim naredili da kleknem u dvoristu ispred prostorije, a potom mi odozgo stavil:
jedno roetalno bure. Pesle ovoga dva policajca su drzeéi nenakve duge i debele ko·
made drvet aotpoceli sa udaranjem po tom buretu. Od te buke koja je nastajala zbc
udaraca po telu bureta ja sam se onesvestio jer je to strahovito delovalo na
usne bubnjiée i na sve druge organe. Od tog trenutka pa u toku daljeg boravka
u logoru Lora svakog dana sam stavljan pod bure bar jedanputa i posle izlaska
bile je roomenata kada uopste nisam znao gde se nalazim.
Iz prostorije u kojoj sam se ja nalazio u Lori izvodjeni su drugi uhapseni i
vodjeni su u neku podrumsku prostoriju gdje su im prikljucivali struju za
razne delove tela, a potom ukljucivali induktor. Meni su to pricali zatvorenici
koji su bili u isto@ prostoriji. Govorili su da je strtuja izazivala strahovite
bolove po celom telu uhapsenog.
- 3 -
Pored tuca i koristenaj struje za nanosenej bo1ova hrvatski policajci u Lori
su mene , a i ostale uhapsene vesali za ru~ tako sto bi nam stavljali na
svaku ruku po 1isice, a potom nas podizali desetak cm od patosa i lisice
zakacinjali za metalne resetke na vratima, tako da sam visio na rukama.
Udarali su me tom prilikom za vreme dok sam visio palicama po ledjima i drugim de:
vima tela. Ne znam koliko je dugo trajalo xto vestanje, ali znam da sam se
svaki put kada su me vesaliki za rke onesveeéivao i da su me pesle toga skidali
i polivali vodom. Meni se na rukama i sada vide oziljci koji su nasta1i us1ed
vesanja na vrata , kako sam to napred objasnio. Hrvatski policajci u Lori prakti kovali
su da u noénim casovima upadaju u prostorije gde se nalaze uhapseni
Srbi i tamo su nas strahovito tukli. Udarali su nas po svim delovima tela , pesnicama
i nogama, a najcesée u predelu bubrega i 8rudnog kosa. Naredjival i su
da stanemo uza zid i onda su trceéi pr~lazili i udarali obema nogama i stovreroeno
u predelu grudnog kosa po nek~liko puta. Neprekidno su nas pitali za koga smo
glasali pa kada bi rekao da sam glasao za HDZ oni su psovali majku cet nicku i
govorili da nam ni to neée pomoéi pretééi da éemo bit i i pored tog aubijeni.
U Lori sam zadrzan oko tri meseca , a posle toga sam odveden u Sibenik. Dok sam
se nalazio u Lori u istoj prostoriji bili su sledeéi uhapseni Srbi:
l.àrDusan Parpura pukovnik JNA koji se sada nalazi u Splitu,
2.- Nedjo Bojbasa, trgovac iz Metkoviéa, mislim da se on sada nalazi u Metkoviéu,
3.- Nikola Bojbasa, radnik u mlinu u Metkoviéu,
4.- Vasa Arnaut, trgovac iz Robne kuée u Metkoviéu, razmenjen, sada se najverovatnije
nalazi u Nevesinju jer mu je zena bial odatle
5.- Sima Arnaut , radnik iz Metkoviéa , mislim da s enalazi u Metkovuéu ,
6.- ~arko Utrzen iz séla Uniste, opstina Bosansko Grahovo, ·
7.- Jovo i DAne Vukovié iz Metkoviéa,
8.- Jovo Strbac iz sela Rasteviéa, opstina Benkovac
9.- Milan Skaro iz Solina, kod Splita,
10. Dane Dopudj direktor firme "Trio" iz Obrovca,
11. Nikola Milosevié kapetan JNA iz Zadra.
Svi oni su presli istu torturu kao i ja. Sa navedenim licima ja stvarno sada
ne kontaktiram i ne znaro gde se oni naalze.
Izveden sam na razmenu u Nemetin 14.avgusta 1992.godine, ali tamo nisam razmenjen,
pa sam sproveden u lagor Kerestinac kod Zagreba. Zadrzan sam u
Kerestincu 14 dana i za to vreme ja, a i ostali uhapseni cija sam imena napredRX*l
nabrojao strahovmtm sroo tuceni svakog dana. Hrvatski policajci su u nas u Kerestincu
strahovito tuk1i svakog dana , a najcesée u noénim casovima. Pustali su
nam hrvatsku himnu u noéniro casovima ~ pa sroo mi morali da ustajemo i da je sl usamo
u stavu mirno, a pesle toga terali su nas da radimo sklekove i druge vezbe .
Naredjivali su da rasirimo nage pa su nas udarali u predelu testisa nogaro i
pesnicama u predelu glave.Posle asam dana boravka u Kerestincu posetila nas
je neka roedicinska ekpia Medjunarodnog crvengo krst ai ja sam toro pr ilikom pregledan
od strane lekara. Meni su tom prilikom teststi bili strahovito oteceni ,
pa me je préko prevodioca pitala lekarska koja roe pregl edala i ja sam joj
rekao da ona to treba da pita straiare koji nas cuvaju. Istog dana Kerestinac je
posetial neka TV ekipa iz Spanije , pa su postavljali neka pitanja jednoro Licani
nu iz oko1ine Karlovca , a on je odgovorio da nista ne vredi sto on prica jer
se njegovo nista neée uvaziti. Na te reci reagovao je strazar i rekao ot voreno
da on neée docekati drugi dan, sto se i ostvarilo. U toku noéi toga Licanina su
toliko tukli da je on od tih udaraca umro. Video sam tacna mrtvo telo t oga
Licanina kada su ga iznesli iz prostorije. Iz Keresti nca ja sam sa grupom
vraéen u Sibenik i smesteni u prostorije Okruznog zatvora u Sibeni ku. Zadrzan
sam u Sibneiku oko mesec i po dana i za sve to vreme niko nas nije tukao.
Pose1 ovoga ponovo smo sprovedeni u Loru i tamo sam zadrzan do 24 .11.1992.
godine , kada sam na osnovu od1uke Vrhovnog suda Hrvatske oslobodjen odgovornosti
i pusten kuéi u Zadar.
u toku boravka u Lori kao i u prvoro slucaju svakog dana sam tucen i ma1tretiran
na sve rooguée nacine.
- 4 -
Ostao sam u Zadru do 28.02.1993.godine, a tada sam preko prijatelja uspeo da
odem u Srbiju, a nakon ovog dosao sam u Banjaluku gde se i danas nalazim.
Isticem i to da sam posebne teskoée preziveo za vreme prvog i drugog boravka
u Lori. Hrvatski policajci su mene i ostale uhapsene u Lori terali da pijemo
mokraéu, da se medjusobno udaramo do onesveséenja, a terali su vojnike JNA da
medjusobno polno opste. Posebno hrvatski policajci su nas mucili sa hranomz
Donesu u posudi malo vode i dva zrna pasulja, pa bi kada mi preda tu porciju
izbacivali taj pasulj , a mene terali da popijem tu vodu koja je vise so nego
voda. Posle ovoga nisu dozvoljavali da pijemo vodu pa smo se strahovito mucili
zedju. Davali su nam svakih treéi ili cetvrti dan po malo vode tako sto su na
50 uhapsenih dvali l,5lvode . Za sve vreme boravka u lori dobijali smo jeanput
dnevno hranu i to nekoliko ka~ika tople vode i malo parce hleba. Parce hleba nije
bilo veée od kutije od sibica:r Tèralis .u nas da tu hranu moramo pojesti za 2 minuta,
a ako ne bi neko uspeo da !to pojede bio je tucen. Izvodili su nas svakog dana
po 2 casa da boravimo u kuéici za psa i da iz te kuéice neprekidno lajemo kao
Bilo je jos mnosto metoda mucenja koje su hrvatski policajci primenjivali za
vreme boravka u Lori, ali ja se sada vise ne seéam detalja.
Ne znam imena hrvatskih policajaca koji su me tukli jer sa oni nama nisu predstavljali.
Policajci su se medjubosno nazivali Bimbo, Djoni i drugo.
To je sve sto ja za sada imam da izjavim.
Dodajem samo to da ja i sada oseéam strahovite bolove u predelu grudnog kosa i
ledja i da bbg zele0 da budem pregledan od strane sturcnjaka iz oblasti
Pridrueujem se krivicnom gonjenju lica koja su me tukla i maltretirala.
Poucen sam da imam pravo da procitam zapiusnik, pa izjavljuja~ da ne zelim
jer je isti glasno diktiran.
Dovrseno u 14,00 casova.
WTBMna: HWn "CaapeMeHa 8AMMHMCTpa4Mia" A-Arpa$
M<.tKM oeKTop "6. DoHoe..m·- 6eorP8A
Excerpt from Dus an Starevié, "Abridged information
about the sufferings of the Serbian people in Croatia (in
the area ofNorthern Dalmatia) from March 31 to May
10, 1991", pp. 1-3, Published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié &
v Salié, "Persecution of Serbs and Eth nic Cleansing in
Croatia 1991-1998- Documents and Testimonies",
Belgrade, 1998, pp.46-4 7

Pavle rvré ·
Vasilije KRESTié
Presidency of
Serbian Council and
Information Center:
Pavle IVIé, President of the Serbian Council
Vasillje KRESTié, President of the SCIC Council
Miroslav PANTié
Miodrag JOVIèJié
Milorad PAVIé
Millca GRKOVIé
Mihajlo VOJVODié
Jovan !Lié
Borivoje LAZié
Nedeljko PLAVSié
Drago]jub SLOVIé
Vojin DABié
Vojin S. DABié
Ksenija M. LUKié
Natasa T. PEROVIé
Milomir P. SALié
Doc. No. F 111-2.
Zagreb, May 10, 1991.
Dusan STAREVIé, president ofthe Serbian cultural society 'Prosvjeta 'in Zagreb
supplied information on the ordeal of the Serbian people in Croatia betlveen March
31 and May 10, 1991. An excerpt is given hereunder ji-am this voluminous and well
documented text about the plunder, spoliation and demolition of Serbian homes and
indus trial facilities in the area of the Municipalities of Zadar, Biogr ad and Benkovaç:.
The long and systematic anti-Serbian campaign, deception of the public,
covering up of Serbian truths with lies and Serbian loves with hatreds, the blaming
of Serbs for al! Croatian problems, for terrorism and cbetnik activities, being
conducted from the Croatian ethnically pure parliament througb party spokesmen,
to the powerful pressure exerted by television, press and radio, hàs led to a massive
outburst of intolerance by the majority Croatian people towards the Serbs.
Between May 2 and May 7, more than 10,000 Serbian cbildren, old wornen and
old men left their bearths, their hornes, apartrnents and farms, fleeing before the
infuriated mob which is contra !led by the official authorities in the rear.
Here is a brief description of the ir persecutions in the area of Zadar, Biograd and
From March 31 to May 10, 1991, during a systematic destruction and plunder of
the property of the burghers of the Serbian nationality, in the town of Zadar al one,
according to still unsystematized data, 97 shops, 45 kiosks and 25 bouses have been
demolished, burnt down or blown up, baving previously been plundered.
Motorcars have also been set afire and destroyed.
Here are the names of a few citizens of Serbian nationality from Zadar whose
property was plundered and destroyed: 1. SARié Zivko (restaurant destroyed), 2.
GNJIDié Vojin (café plundered and destroyed), 3. BUKARICA Nedeljko (café
destroyed), 4. STRBAC Nedeljko (barber shop plundered and demolished), 5.
STRBAC Vladimir (café destroyed), 6. PUPOVAC Sofija (pedicure service
destroyed), 7. MATié Petar (shoe shop plundered and demolished), 8 STRBAC
Stevo (motorcar destroyed), 9. KUDRO Nikola (motorcar set frre to), 10.
POKRAJAC Toma (apartrnent burnt down) and 11. NEDié Tomislav (bouse
plundered and demolished).
Serbian property has also been destroyed in the peripheral settlements around
Zadar. As a sample we have taken the suburb ofBibinje, where 37 bouses suffered
destruction (according to insurance sources). Here is a partial list: 1. VUJATOVIé
Mirko (bouse plundered and burnt down), 2. KOVAC MiloS (bouse plundered,
burnt down and blasted), 3. SAMOLOV Stojan (bouse burnt down), 4. ROKNié
Pero (house burnt down and plundered), 5. dr. zoné Zivorad (bouse plundered and
burnt down), 6. dr. RAJAK DuSan (bouse plundered and burnt down), 7.
OZEGOVIé Strahinja (bouse plundered and burnt down), 8. ZUNié Sirno (bouse
plundered and burnt down), 9. KRESOVIé MiloS (house burnt down and
plundered), 10. PAVLOVIé Vlado (bouse plundered and burnt down), 11.
Sequestering of Apartments, Setting on Fire and Blowing ùp Serbian Houses
OZEGOVIé Mirko (bouse plundered and burnt down), 12. PAVLOVIé Milan
(bouse plundered and burnt down) ...
In Biograd-on-Sea, the well-known tourist centre, the property of the
townsmen of Serbian nationality was also destroyed. Here is a partial list: 1.
UZELAC Stevo (butcher shop plundered and destroyed), 2. TUBIC Milan (bouse
destroyed), 3. UZELAC Branko (bouse demolished), 4. STEVIé UroS (café
destroyed), 5. PAVLICA Milan (bouse demolished), 6. MATié Slobodan (bouse
blasted by explosives), 7. AJDUKOVIé Nikola (café destroyed), 8. KNEZEVIé
Jovo (house destroyed), 9. DRACA Petar (bouse blown up), 10. DUBROJA
Momcilo (bouse demolished), 11. BUKARICA Mirko (bouse blown up), 12.
KARDUM Mile (bouse blown up) ...
Destruction of Serbian bouses and property was also resorted to in Starigrad,
Krmcina, Petricani, Turanj, Zaton, Filipjakov, Vir, Pakostani, Razanac,
Drage, Sukosan, Vrana, Karin, VukSié and other places in area of Zadar and
Biograd. Here are a few names ofproprietors: 1. BOGUNOVIéAleksandar (bouse
blown up), 2. VONODié Konstantin (bouse blown up), 3. JAKOV Radmilo
(bouse burnt dawn), 4. PUPOVAC Jovo (bouse demolished), 5. KRESOVIé
Branko (bouse blown up), 6. ALAVANJAMile (bouse burnt down) and 7. MEDAK
Mladen (bouse burnt down). A complete list shall be obtained later.
Following these persecutions, plunders, setting off of explosives and arson to
property owned by the Serbs, when they were shot at from firearms and threatened
with a massacre similar to th at of 1941, thousands of people started fleeing to
Krajina. In the search of refuge went not only the Serbs of Zadar but also the
villagers from the western part of the Municipality ofBenkovac ...
Sere, D. Starevié, Ahridged information about the sufferings of the Serhian people in Croatia
(in the area ofNorthern Dalmatia) from March 31 to May 10, 1991, pp. 1-3.
Doc No. F 111-3.
Zagreb, February 14, 1992.
Commission for Temporary Accommodation of the Croatian Ministry of Defense,
orders the survey and takeover of the apartment owned by Dubravka IVSINOVIé
of Zagreb. The proprietor of the apartment is required ta hand the apartment a ver
to the Commission 'clear of persans andjùrnitun(.
Commission for Temporary Accommodation
Class: 370-01/92-02
No.: 512-22-92
Date: February 14, 1992.
Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness hearing of Marko Dra gas, dated
v 29 June 1998 (Situation in the Town of Sibenik)

Kri- 249/98
Taken on 29 June 1998 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Banja Luka
in the criminal case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable under Article 141 of
the Criminal Code of Yugoslavia
lnvestigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic
Court Recorder
Mirkica Pejakovic
Marko Dragas
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
Defence Counsel
The Court rose at 9:00 a.m.
The witness was wamed that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also wamed against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names:
2. Father's name:
3. Occupation:
4. Address:
5. Place ofbirth:
6. Date of birth:
Dragas, Marko
Mil os
PTT employee
Banja Luka, 29 Jovice Savinovica Street
Djevrske, municipality of Knin
2 November 1948
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what she knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the outbreak of the war 1 lived in Sibenik at 1 Put Gvozdenova Street. 1 worked at the
main post office at Sibenik. When the war started in Croatia, 1 was still employed. However, 1
was assigned to sorne minor duties and my salary was reduced. 1 was prevented from
delivering mail to the surrounding villages, ostensibly because the Croatian population of
those villages were against it, saying that they would not allow Chetniks to deliver their mail.
In 1990 and early 1991, there was a sentiment of a hunt for Serbs in Sibenik. Serbs were
harassed in all places and, in April and beginning of May 1991, Croatian civilians, police and
army took part in smashing the windows of Serbian shops and private stores. 1 saw myself
many such incidents when the goods were taken from the smashed shop windows. But what
struck me in particular was the completely demolished building of the former JNA centre in
Sibenik. This was an act ofCroatian civilians, army and police, at the beginning of May 1991.
At that time, weekend cottages of Serb owners from Sibenik were destroyed, as weil as their
interiors. Ail this pointed to the Serbs of Sibenik facing a particularly difficult situation. I was
stiil in my place of work at the post office up un til the beginning of 1993. At the end of
February 1993, I received the cail to join the reserves of the Croatian Army. I tried in ali
possible ways to persuade the Croatian authorities that I don't want to serve in the army,
which fought against the Serbian people. However, on 8 March 1993, the Croatian military
police came in and arrested me. They took me to the former JNA barracks and placed me in
the premises of the military prison. The day after my arrest, a Croatian military officer - I
guess he was major by rank - came to the room I was in and asked me wh y I refused the cali
up notice. He wrote down ail my answers and, as I later found out, he wrote there that I didn't
want to fight against "Chetniks" and gave it to me to sign it. I did that. Two days later 1 was
told that I was punished with 15 days in prison and that I would have to put on Croatian army
uniform and go to the battlefront. After that, a prison guard by the name of Ivica Zeljak would
come to the room severa! times a day and immediately hit me with a police baton and kick me
with his boots. After a while, I was called to the other room allegedly for interrogation, but
when 1 came in, 1 saw a Croatian police officer sitting at the table, as well as a number of
other Croatian military policemen. The one sitting at the table started to interrogate me. At
one point, he asked me if I knew what was on the table and 1 replied that it was a field
telephone. He then gave me two wires from that telephone and forced me to take one wire
with one hand and the other wire with my other hand. He cursed my Serb Chetnik mother and
then began turning the inductor handle on the telephone and 1 felt electric shocks ali over my
body causing excruciating pains. 1 dropped occasionally the wire from one hand, but 1 had to
take it and hold it again. Having dropped the wire from my hand repeatedly, that policeman
who interrogated me told me to turn towards the back of the chair and sit like that, and then he
handcuffed my hands to my back and connected the wires of the field phone to both of my
ears. He turned the inductor and I felt terrible pains in my head. I twisted and twitched from
those electric shocks and feil from the chair to the floor, at one point. The policemen present
began kicking me and hitting with batons and narrow sacks filied with sand across my back,
ribs and other parts of the body. They beat me like that for a few minutes and the blood
dripped down my face and they returned me to my cell, beaten and in blood. The next few
days, Croatian military policemen frequently came to the room at night. They kicked me and
punched me, and once a policeman pointed a gun at me and threatened to kill me. Every time
they beat me, they cursed my Chetnik mother and threatened to kill me for certain. One day,
they ordered me to strip naked and took me to the bathroom. Then they turned on cold water
and 1 got pneumonia because of the cold and cold water 1 had to shower with. 1 was detained
in that prison for 15 days and then they told me that 1 was free to go home. Because of the
strikes that I received ali across my body, especialiy in the area of my right leg, 1 moved with
difficulty. Nevertheless, I had to report to the Croatian army command. However, 1 asked to
be examined by a physician. There, they told me that 1 was spared from military service for a
month. So, during that period I managed, through my connections, to exchange my house in
Sibenik for a house in Banja Luka, after which I left with my family for Slovenia and from
there to Banja Luka where I stililive today.
In other words, 1 spent 15 days in total in Croatian prisons, but I got, during that time,
fractured ribs on my right hand side; 1 was ali black and blue, in blood and swolien as a result
of the strikes 1 was subjected to. I was medicaliy assisted first in Banja Luka, as soon as I got
there. However, 1 don't possess the documents on that, at present. 1 have terrible pains in the
area of my chest and head, and 1 have visible scars in the face at the base of my nose and the
right side of my ribs, which healed the wrong way due to a lack of medical assistance. I would
like to be examined by a medical expert.
That is all I had to say for the time being.
I am joining the criminal prosecution of persons who had beaten and mistreated me during my
time in Croatian prison.
I have been advised to read the minutes and I declare that I don't want to, because it was
dictated out loud.
The hearing was adjoumed at 10:00 a. m.
Court Recorder Marko Dragas (Signed)
Mirkica Pejakovic (Signed)
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic (Signed)
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6) r OAHDa 2.11.1948 g. pol)ea.a ·•·······················-······-······························-·-········--········-·-·······························-····
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- 2 -
Ja sam pre pocetka ovog rata ziveo u Sibeniku u Ul. Put Gvozdenova
br. 1. Radio sam u glavnoj posti u Sibeniku. Kada je rat
u Hrvatskoj otpoceo ja samvi dalje ostao da r~dim!vm~djutim, rasporedjivan
sam na ni~e duznosti, smanjen mi Je l~cn~ dohodak,a
nisam mogao da obavljam poslove dostavljaca u ob1iznjim selima
zato ~to su se navodno stanovnici tih sela hrvati, bunili protiv
toga, isticuéi da neée dozvoliti da im cetnici dostsv1jaju postu.
u toku 199o i pocetkom 1991 godine, u Sibeniku se osetilo prisustvo
hajke na SRbe. Srbima se preti1o na svakom mestu, a u toku
apri1a 1 pocetkom maja 1991 godine Hrvati, civili i hrvatska po-
1icija i vojska ~cestvova1i su u razbijanju izloga na sppski~
1okalima, privathim radnjama. L,icno sam video ml_lostv~ ~ih obJekata
~lupanih iz kojih jF ~oba o~nesena a naroc~to rn~ Je bilo.
upadljivo kada je potpùho slupana zgrada bivseg Doma JNA u S~beniku.
u'tome su ucestvbva1i Hrvati civ11i, hrvatska vojska
1 policija, pocetkom maja 1991 ~odine.
u to vrePme rusene su vikendice ciji su vlasnici bill Srbi iz
Sibenika i unutrasnjosti i sve to je ukaziva1o da sé SRbi U Sibeniku
nalaze u veoma teskoj situaciji. Radio sam i dalje na svom
radnom mestu u posti sve do pocetka 1993 g<;>di-J:a~. ~ Dobio sa.m poziv
krajem februàra 1993 godine, da se javim u rezèrvni sastav hrvatske
vojske. Pokusao sam na sve nacine da ubedim hrvatske vlasti
da ja ne ~elim da· idem u f vojsku koja se bori protiv srpskog
naroda, medjutim 8.3.1993 godine dos1a je hrvatska vojna po1icija
i uhapsila me. Odveli su me u bivsu kasarnu JNA ~ smettili u prostoriju
vojnickog zatvoraT Sutradan pos1e hapsenj'a u prostoriju
ukojoj sam se ja nalazio, usao je hrvatski bojnik, mis1im da je
po cinm bio major; 1 pitao me zastb nisam hteo da se odazovem
na poziv za mobiliziaciju. Pisao je sve moje odgovore i u tu
izjavu, ja sam kasnije saznao, napisao je da ja nezelim da se borim
protiv "cetnika", i dao mi da ja to potpisem, sto sam ja i
ucinio. Posle dva dana saopsteno mi je da sam ka~njen sa 15 dana
zatvora i da éu posle toga morati da obucem uniformu hrvatske
vojske 1 da odem na ratiste. Posle ovoga u prostoriju je ulazio
po nekoliko puta dnevno strazar u zatvoru Ivica Zeljak i odmah
po ulasku udarao me je po1icijskom palicom, nogama na kojima
su bile cizme. Posle izvesnog vremena pozvan sam u drugu prostoriju,
navodno na saslusanje, i kada .sam dosao u tu prostoriju
video sam da je za stolom bio jedan hrvatski policaja, a da je
u istoj bilo nekoliko hrvatskih vojnih policajaca, pa je taj
koji je sedeo poceo da me ispituje. U jednom trenutku pitao me je
znam li ja sta je to ~to se nalazi na stolu, i ja sam rekao da
je to poljski telefon, a on je tada meni dao dve zice iz tog
telefona i naredio da uzmem jednu ~icu jednom rukom a drugu
zicu drugom rukom. Psovao mi je majku srpsku i majku cetnicku,
a potom je poceo da okreée induktorsku ru8cicu na telefonu i
ja sam osetio elektricne udare po celom te1u, koji su izazivali
strahovite bolove. Pustao sam povremeno ~icu iz jedne ruke ali
sam je morao ponovo da uzmem i da dttzim. Posto sam nekoliko puta
ispustao iz ruke zicu taj koji me je ispitivao naredio mi je
da se okrenem prema naslonu stolice i tako sedem na stolicu a
potom mi je vezao ruke na ledja sa>lisiceama, i oko oba uha zavezao
~ice od polj~og t~le;f.ona, Okr:etao je induktor a ja sam
u predelu glave oseêao strahovft-è bo1ove. Trzao sam se od tih
strujnih udara a u jedno.m ·momentu pao sam zajedno sa stolicom na
patos. Prisutni policajci poce1i su u tom trenutku da me udaraju
nogama, ~ali~ama i uskim .d!akovima napunenim sa peskom po ledjima,
rebr~ma ~ drugim delov1ma tela. Tuca je traja1a neko1iko
- 3 -
minuta i ja sam osetio da mi curi krv iz lica, a oni su me
tako pretucenog 1 krvavog vratili uéeliju. Narednih par dana
veoma cesto u prostoriju su u noénim casovima ulazili hrvatski
vojni policajci, pa su me udarali nogama i pesnicama, a jednom
prilikom mi je je jedan policajac stavio cev od pi~tolja i pretia
da ée me ubiti. Svaka tuca popraéena je bila psovkama majke
cetnicke 1 pretnjama da éu s1gurno biti ubijen. Jednog dana su
mi naredili da se skinem potpuno gol, i odveli su me u kupatilo
pa su pustili hladnu vodu i ja sam usled op~te hladnoée 1 kupanja
tom hladnom vodom dobio upalu pluéa. Zadrzan sam u tom zatvoru
15 dana, a tada mi je receno da mozem da idem kuéi da sam
slobodan. Od udaraca koje sam zadobio po svim delovima tela a
narocito u predelu desne nqge, ja ,sam se veoma te~ko kretao, ali
sam se i po red toga morao 'Ida odem u komandu hrvatske vojske, pa
sam ja od istih zatrazio d~ idem na lekarski pregled. Upuéen sam
na lekarski pregled i tamo mi je receno da sam mesec dana oslobodjen
od odlaska na vojnu sluzbu, pa sam ja u toku tog vremena preko
veza uspeo da zamenim kuéu u Sibeniku za kuéu u Banjaluci a nakon
ovoga otisao sam sa porodicom u Sloveniju a potom dosao u Banjaluku,
gde se i danas nalazim.
Prema tome ja sam bio u hrvatskom zatvoru ukupno 15 dana ali za to
vreme imam prelom rebara sa desne strane 1 bio sam sav modar, krvav
i otecen od udaraca koje sam tamo zadobio. Ukazana mi je lekarska
pomoé, prvi put u Banjaluci, kada sam dosao, ali ja tu dokumentaciju
o tome sada ne posedujem. Oseéam strahovite bolove u predelu
grudnog kosa i glave, a imam i vidne oziljke u predelu lica, korena
nosa i u predelu rebara sa desne strane koja su bez ukazivanja
lekarske pomoéi pogresno prerasla. Zelee bih da budem medic1nski
pregledan od strane strucnjaka iz oblasti medicine.
To je sve sto ja za sada imam da izjavim.
Pridruzujem se krivicnom gonjenju 11ca koja su me tukla i maltretirala
za vreme boravka u hrvatskom zatvoru.
Poucen sam da imam pravo da procitam zapisnik, izjavljujem da ne
zelim, jer je isti glasno diktiran.
Dovrseno u lo casova.
Excerpt from the Letter by Ante Karié, Chairman of
the Emergency Headquarters for the Municipality of
Gospié, to Dr. Franjo Tudman, President of the
Republic of Croatia, Published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié
'V & Salié, "Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in
Croatia 1991-1998- Documents and Testimonies",
Belgrade, 1998, pp. 109-111

Pavle IVIé.
Vasiljje KRESTié
Presidency of
Serbian Council and
Information Center :
Pavle IVIé, President of the Serbian Council
Vasilije KRESTié, President of the SCIC Council
Miroslav PANTié
Miodrag JOVICié
Milorad PAVIé
Milica GRKOVIé
Mihajlo VOJVODié
Jovan ILié
Eorivoje LAZié
Nede]Jko PLAVSié
Drago]Jub SLOVIé
Vojin S. DABié
Ksenija M. LUKié
Natasa T. PEROVIé
Milomir P. SALié
Mass Liquidations of Serbs in Gospié
Doc. No. F VI- 1.
Gospié, end November 1991
An excerpt from the letter by Ante KARJé, Chairman of the Emergency
Headquarters for the Municipality of Gospié, to Dr. Franjo TudPnan, President of
the Republic of Croatia. lnforming him that many irregularities are happening in
Gospié, and citing faets on the 'disappearances' of various Serbs of Gospié,
demands the taking ofmeasures to bring arder into this town. Among other things
he suggests that dealing with this problem should be entrnsted to the Service for the
protection of~he constitutional arder, because he suspects that Croatian army and
sorne ofits services are involved in those 'disappearances'52
52 The total number of the Serbs killed at Gospié end of 1991 bas still not been established, but it is
reliably known that the murdered people in elude: Mane BAJié ( around 1925), Todor BANJEGLAV
(around 1948), Radovan (Miéo) BARAé (1951), Danica BARAé (1920), Dane BULJ
(1936), CUBELié Milan (age about 42), Pajo éOPié, Radmila DIKLié (around 1946), Dragan
DJAKOVIé (around 1950), Branko DRAGINJé (age about 47), Nikola GAJié (1933), Gojko
IDNié (around 1945), Nedeljko IGRié (age about 40), Nikola IVANISEVIé (age about 50),
Djordje KALANJ (1939), Mira KALANJ (1945), Perica KALINié (around 1915), Simo KRAJNOVIé
(age about 53), MilicaKRAJNOVIé (age about 53), Nedjo KRAJNOVIé (age about
30), Miso KUPRESANIN (around 1961), Simo KLJAJié (age about 60), Branko KUZMANOVIé
(1938), Petar LAZié (1949), Jovo LEMAié (age about 56), Boro MARié -
'Macak' (age about 50), Ankica MARié (age about 50), Pajo MATié (around 1910), Milan
MASJé (age about 67), Soka MASié (age about 65), Nikola MISCEVIé (1941), Ze1jko MRKié
(age about 40), Milorad OBRADOVIé, Milo~·ORLOVIé (1940), Mileva ORLOVIé- 'Mi/a'
(age about 50), Milan PANTELié (age about 57), Mirjana PANTELié (age about 22), Koviljka
PALCié (age about 37), Ljubica PANJEVIé (around 1925), Milorad PAVLICA, Nada
PEJNOVIé- 'Miéo' (around 1948), Milan PEJNOVIé (around 1920), Milan PLEéAS (around
1947), Milka POCUCA (age about 76), Boja POTKONJAK (age about 63), Milica
POTKONJAK (1950), Gojko RADMANOVIé (around 1947), Mica RADMANOVIé (around
1950), Petar (Gojko) RADMANOVIé (age about 45), Milica (Ise) RADMANOVIé (age about
45), Dragan RADOVIé (around 1932), Anka RADOVIé (around 1934), Stanko Sl\-ULJANié
(1938), Milan SMILJANié- 'Baja' (1947), Radmila STANié ( 1939), Nikola STOJANOVIé
(age about 65), Jelena STANié (age about 86), Branko STULJé (1937), Bogdan SUPUT (1937),
Dragan RAKié. (age about 29), Nebojsa TRESNJié (age about 30), Milan UZELAC (around
1937), Dusanka VRANES (around 1937), Bork~ VRANES (age about 65), Milan VRANES
(1947), Nada VRANES (1949), Djuro VUJNOVIé, Milan VUJNOVIé - 'Combe', Mile
VUJNOVIé (around 1925), Milan VUJNOVIé- 'MiSa' (age about 20), Milan VUNJAK (age
'Mr. President, my proposa! is as follows:
1. A commission should be set up to look into the disappearance of the citizens
of Serbian and Croatian nationality53. We understand that sorne Croats have also
disappeared. I heard from IvicaMarkovié that a certain Martin PECINA has been
missing for more than twenty days. I request that the Service for the protection of .
the constitutional order54 should examine this case of people 's disappearances, and
not having it done from the Ministry of Defense, especially not by Perkovié's55
men. I think they have a part in this business. I am informed that SteduJ56 fully
cooperates with Perkovié's agency.
2. It should look into the funeral of a guardsman at Senj. He had !ost his !ife
somewhere in Slavonia and his funeral was at Senj. It was attended by a company
of HOS57 which was stationed at Klanac in the area of Gospié, and at the funeral
they swore that a lot of heads would fall for the deceased. After a few days a
decapitated head was found on the Senj cemetery, and this head belonged to a driver
of Serbian nationality from Gospié.58 The chief of the constabulary of Senj, TUS,
is acquainted with this matter.
3. The composition of the military police should be examined and checked into.
What are the criteria for selecting men for the military police? Is that within the
competence ofTihomir ORESKOVJé59 or of the Croatian army headquarters? With
whose approval has Ore~kovié set up a military intelligence service in the brigade,
is that in his competence and has he been appointed to this post? As far as I am
about 69), Nebojsa (Milan) VUNJAK (1949) and Boja VUNJAK (around 1952) from Gospié and
Jovanka BOGié (age about 43), Milica BOGié (age about 20), Tomo JERKOVIé (age about
70), Iso OBRADOVIé (around 1905), Mile PLEéAS (1947), Dusan RADAKOVIé (age about
65), Jovo VUJNOVIé (age about 50), Soka VUJNOVIé (around 1910), Iso VUJNOVIé (age
about 65), Anka VUJNOVIé (age about 60) and Ilija VUJNOVIé- 'Kardum" (around 1917)
from Divoselo. See: SCJC, War crime file No. A-22-1.
SJ It has been substantiated thal two Croat women married ta Serbs were murdered - Marija
MISCEV!é (1939) andAndjelka PANTEL!é (about 55 years old).
54 Service for the protection of the constitutional arder, a Croatian security service which is only nominally
a part of the Ministry of Internai Affairs of the Republic of Croatia. During the lime of the
liquidation of the Serbs at Gospié, it was directed by Josip Mano lié. Later this service changed its
name into the Office for National Security (UNS), control over it being taken in 1992 by Hrvoje
SARJN!é, Smiljan RELné and Miroslav TUDJMAN.
ss Josip PERKOVIé, a high functionary of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, in
charge of intelligence affairs and military security. He played crucial role in the creation of the
Security Intelligence Service (SIS) which, in addition to spying, also received an important politica!
function - ta serve as the eyes and ears of the ru ling Croatian Democratie Union within the
National Guards Corps, later the Croatian arrny.
" Nikola STEDUL, founder of the Croatian Commonwealth Movcment (HDP), one of the most
extreme Croatian nationalist parties.
" ROS - Croatian Arrned Forces, the military fraction of the Croatian Party of Rights, the extreme
right-wing Croatian political party which was created in 1990 by Dobroslav PARAGA.
" His name was Milan VRANJES (born in 1947).
59 Tihomir ORESKOVIé, nominally secretary of the Emergency Headquarters for Lika and Gospié,
but in fact the warlord of Gospié, and with Mirko NORAC, the most responsible for the crimes
against the Serbs in the Municipality of Gospié.
• . ....... · ,1~-~
A photo of the prison camp for Serbs in Zablate, reprinted from the Croatian
opposition paper The 'Fera! Tribune', which published this p hoto with the
following caption: 'Shacks of the prison camp in Zablate near Gospié, where
bath civilians and POWs have been detained The photo was takenfrom a car
window. When they wanted to get cl oser to the shacks, Feral's reporters ha.ve
been threatened with an ax. '
aware, I nominated him to be the secretary of the headquarters which was aboJished
cfoolmJomwainngd othfe t hfeo ramrmatyio.'n of the General headquarters of Croatia which took over
SepZte.m Dbaesrk 2a2l,o v1i9é9, 7O, preps.k o16vi-é1 9O. rganized Liquidations of Serhs, ,,Fera/ Tribune", No. 627, Split,
Doc. No. F VI- 2.
Zagreb, December 1991-January 1992.
List of nam es and surnames of 63 killed or 'disappeared' inhabitants of Gospié
which was sent ta the Croatian police early in January 1992 by Dobroslav
PARA GA, leader of the Croatian Party of Rights (HOS), demanding an inquiry to
be carried out. 60
SCIC in Belgrade received by telefax on December 20, 1991, an identical list of the murdered and
rnissing Serbs at Gospié, but without any explanation and information about the sender. On the same
occasion, a list was received of 87 persans killed in the camps at Pakra~ka Poljana and its surroundings,
but with evidence about the perpetra tors of th ose crimes. Following subsequent investilll

District Court in Belgrade, Serbia, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Jovo Krajnovié, dated 1 June 1998
(Situation in Western Slavonia)

Kri. 858/98
Taken on 1 June 1998 before the investigating magistrate of the District Court in Belgrade in
the criminal case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable under Article 141 of the
Criminal Code ofYugoslavia
Investigating Magistrate
Ilija Simic
Court Recorder
Stana Mitric
Jovo Krajnovic
The hearing also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
Defence Counse1
The Court rose at 10:00 a.m.
The witness was wamed that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also warned against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himse1f or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names:
2. Father's name:
3. Occupation:
4. Address:
5. Place ofbirth:
6. Year ofbirth:
Krajnovic, Jovo
wall painter
Morava Motel, Aleksinac
Village ofKip, Municipality ofDaruvar
8 December 19 54
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: ................. .
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
I used to live with my family in the village of Kip in the Municipality of Daruvar and my
village was predominantly Serb. There were a few Czech and Croatian homes. Up until the
first multi-party elections in Croatia or more precisely, unti1 the creation of the HDZ (Croatian
Democratie Union) party, we ali by and large lived in harmony and without any major interethnie
frictions, whether at work or in the community. 1 went to work as usua1 up to 15
November 1991 when at 6:00a.m. Croatian military police encircled my house in the village
(No. 35) and arrested me and my father, and the other Serb villagers.
That moming, 1 was ali dressed up and 1 waited for a colleague of mine to give me a ride to
Daruvar for work at the machine factory "Dalit" when the Croatian police came to the house.
One of them hit me and my father Mijo: they tied us and forced us into the yard. There, a few
military police members (MPs) that 1 didn't know beat us.
La ter on, they put us into "Zastava 101" car without any number plates and drove us in the
direction of the house of Branko Buncic in Kip, who had been arrested the day before, 14
November 1991. They searched his house looking for arms and when they did not find any,
they retumed us to the crossroads. 1 sat in the car ail the time with my hands tied with wire
and blindfolded.
During the arrests made on 15 November 1991, at the village of Kip, Military Police members
killed, in the garden of Nevenka Krajnovic, Dusan Popovic ( 1931) who started to run away.
The same day, on 15 November 1991, my neighbours discovered Zeljko Popovic (1953) from
Kip hanged in his home.
They brought me to the crossroads at Kip where there were ali Serbs arrested that day: Mijo
Krajnovic (1930), Jovo Popovic ( 1934), Pero Novkovic ( 1938), Branko Stankovic ( 1954),
Nikola Gojkovic (1927), Filip Gojkovic (1934), Mijo Gojkovic (1928) and Jovo (Simo)
Popovic (1920).
They put my father Mijo and me into the car and the other Serbs were loaded onto an army
truck. We ali had our hands tied and we were blindfolded in order not to see where we were
heading. They drove us for a long time and when they untied us, we didn't know where we
were. Water was ali around us and a hotel called "Ribarska Koliba" (Fisherman's Tavem).
We were standing in front of the hotel for about 20 minutes when there appeared Pero
Popovic (1944), Milan Popovic ( 1927) and Nikola Krajnovic (1927), ali from the village of
Kip, who were arrested on 13 November 1991. They were arrested while working in the field.
Together with them was Branko Buncic (1954) from Kip, who was arrested on 14 November
1991. The latter was arrested by a military police member as he travelled on the road. A1so
present were: Jovo Zestic (over 60) from Pakracka Klisa, Savo Gojkovic (aged about 40) also
from Pakracka Klisa and a certain Cicvara, 1 don 't know his name, who was an elderly man
from Pakracka Klisa and Nikola lvanovic (aged between 38 and 39) from Pakracki Batinjani,
Milka Buncic (55) from Pakracka Klisa and Jela Zestic (70) also from Pakracka Klisa.
Ali the arrested Serbs were escorted by a number of armed ZNG members and were headed
from the fishpond singing the song "Rise up, Jelacic Ban". Ali men were black and blue from
beating and Pero Popovic had bruises across his stomach and around his eyes.
1 understand that women had not been beaten; they had to work and clean. We were not
allowed to speak to them or approach them, although they were only a few meters away from
A few ZNG members came up tous and took away Mijo Gojkovic, Jovo (Tadija) Popovic,
Filip Gojkovic and Nikola Gojkovic leading them to the basement of the building. There they
beat them viciously as we could hear the strikes and their screams. When they had beaten
them up, ZNG members came out, followed by the beaten Serbs who could barely walk. Filip
Gojkovic, who was severely beaten, told my father: "Mijo, let us run away and let them kill us
while fleeing". However, the Croatian soldiers bundled them into the truck and drove them to
an unknown destination.
Twenty minutes later, we heard a burst of gunfire followed by four more shots fired one after
another. The truck with Croatian soldiers came back empty. Meanwhile, we piled up sorne
lumber. Then, they put us into a basement room where we were detained ali the time. We
were taken out one by one to be beaten. That night, we were beaten with metal bars ripped out
from the army bunks, wooden clubs, army boots, and they punched and kicked us. On the
second moming, on 16 November 1991, they put Pero Novkovic, Branko Stankovic and
Nikola lvanovic or Branko Buncic, 1 don't know which one of them, into a truck and drove
them off. They came back after a while. They were not allowed to tell us anything. The rest of
us were outside piling up again sorne lumber. The truck and the vehicles left that moming and
got back only in the evening. W e were detained in the basement and the room in which we
were was back to back to the room in which ZNG members beat arrested Serbs. So we could
hear that they bad brought in sorne more people. When they beat them up, one ZNG member
threw Mijo Danojevic in. Mijo sat on a chair. After sorne time, a Croat came in and said to
Mijo: "Come on, it's you, bloody Chetnick that l'rn looking for" and bit him with a metal bar
across his neck. Mijo who was a blacksmith in the village and weighed about 140 kg stayed in
place. It was then that we realized he was dead. Fîve or six men dragged his body outside. The
truck was already waiting in front of the doorway; · they put him into the truck and the
Croatian soldiers carried the body sorne place, but 1 don't know where.
Branko Stankovic, my father Mijo Krajnovic, Nikola Krajnovic, Pero Popovic and I were
forced to wash clean the truck in which Mijo's body was driven away. We also had to wash
their boots. After that, they put us into the basement and took us out in order to beat us in
another room.
On Monda y, 18 November 1991, having seriously beaten us, they took us in front of that
hotel, stripped us of ali our clothes and sprayed us with cold water. While spraying us, Rade
Gojkovic of Pakracka Klisa died from high fever which he previously bad. The ZNG
members drove his body someplace.
They beat Branko Buncic and Jovo (Tejo) Popovic so severely on 19 November that they had
to take them to Popovaca to see, as they said, a doctor. We have not seen them any more.
On Wednesday, 20 November 1991, the Croatian soldiers brought me into a hotel room where
they interrogated prisoners. They told me to sit on a chair and tied my hands on the back; they
took off my shoes and tied my legs to the chair. They tied each toe with one piece of wire to
the inductor and began rolling it. 1 shook ali over from those electric shocks. When this
treatment of theirs was over, I rolled down the stairs into the basement.
They took Nikola Krajnovic out of the basement after me and severely beat him, because he
had no Deutsch Marks that they asked him to give them. They punctured his earlobe with a
knife and put a bullet into the puncture and connected it with the wire to the inductor. They
eut off his other ear. They subjected him to torture by electric shocks until he collapsed from
the chair. They dumped him out. The next one to be taken out was Milan Popovic. They eut
offboth his ears. They did the same to Pero Novkovic and Savo Gojkovic. One ZNG member
threw Savo Gojkovic's ear before my father Mijo Krajnovic and forced him to gulp it down.
That evening, on 19 November 1991, they took Milan Popovic, Savo Gojkovic, Nikola
Krajnovic and Pero Novkovic outside and walked them to the River Ilova. We beard the
The following moming, on 20 November 1991, Branko Stankovic, Nikola Ivanovic and 1 had
to bury them. W e found the ir bodies with gunshot wounds by the River llo va. We buried
Nikola Krajnovic, Rade Gojkovic and Jovo Zestic, who were ali killed during their beating on
20 November 1991, at the part of the fishpond from which water had been released. We didn 't
mark their grave in any way. We buried Pero Popovic by the River Ilova near the bridge. We
didn't mark his grave either. We buried those three bodies in the moming. In the aftemoon,
we buried Milan Popovic, Savo Gojkovic and Pero Novkovic, about 150 meters from the
bridge. We placed a bottle on the grave in order to mark it at !east in sorne way. We laid their
bodies in the grave, next to each other. They had no coffins or anything else.
A ZNG member nicknamed "Poleto" asked for my last wish. Then they bundled us into a
truck and drove back to the camp at Marino Selo.
On Sunday, 24 November 1991, a ZNG member nicknamed "Eki" came to the cell and beat
us. He literally walked over us; beat us with a police baton and iron bars. ZNG member
named "Drago", I don't know his sumame, could no longer listen to our screams, so he came
in and took "Eki" out. They stopped beating us. The next moming came a truck and a ZNG
member walked in and took out my father Mijo Krajnovic, Branko Stankovic and me. They
handcuffed us and drove us, as we thought to kill us, but actually they drove us to Daruvar to
count Jankovic's castle which used to be a primary school, then tumed to ZNG headquarters.
From there, they drove us to the Daruvar police station and put us into the basement. The
three of us shared one room. We were detained there for three days, between 25 and 27
November 1991. On Wednesday, 27 November 1991, in the aftemoon, they drove us to the
outpatient medical centre housed in a "The 161h Rujan" school for children with special needs
There, they examined us and sent us to hospital in Bjelovar.
Once in Bjelovar, I was medically examined and x-rayed. I was on the surgical ward and my
attending physician was Dr. Sipovsek. In Marino Selo, the Croatian soldiers had smashed ail
my teeth, broken three ribs, injured my spine and broken my jaw at three places. My father
Mijo and Branko were detained in the Bjelovar prison. 1 was hospitalized until 10 December
1991. Hospital staff treated me properly, but the other patients made occasional provocations.
On the evening of 9 December1991, one ZNG member told me that I would be exchanged
together with my father.
Branko Stankovic, my father Mijo and 1 were exchanged on 12 December 1991 at a village
near Karlovac. From there, we reached Belgrade via Bosnia.
The food we ate in Marino Selo was very bad. Sometimes we had only one meal a day and
sometimes no meal at all. Food rations were poor. Sanitary conditions were non-existent. In
Daruvar, they treated us properly and did not beat us.
I still suffer the physical and psychological consequences of torture and beating 1 was
subjected to. My medical condition caused by the treatment I received at the Ribarska Koliba
camp for Serbs and in other detention places can be documented by my medical records
which 1 attach hereto. 1 also wish to be examined by a consultant specialist who could make a
report on my current health status.
1 listened to the minutes being dictated out loudly and I don't wish to read it. I accept it and
sign it as my own statement.
The hearing was adjoumed at 2:00 p.m.
Court Recorder
Stana Mitric (Signed)
Jovo Krajnovic
Investigating Magistrate
Ilija Simic (Signed)
6P0i KV1 ___ .l<_p~_ ._B_5.B./98
cacTaBJbeH ,[laHa 1.06. 19 98. ro,[l!f1He npe,[l .':'l?."!:P.é!.)f(~~-1111 ............... __ -··-····-········
-···· -·· CYAf..1jOM .9~py~_H_a_~. ····· ··· ··· ····· ···-·· ····
y KPif1BW-tHOM nocTynKy npoTf..1B --~-~ .. _.. . __ .. __ .. . __ .. ____________ ______ ____
36or KPif1BW-lHor ,[le11a 1113 411aHa 1A1_. ______ __ -··· ·· ·········· ·· ·· K3J
__ lf1_c_Tp_~H.Io1 .. ···· ··---·· ····· ·· ···· ·- .. - cy,[l!f1ja
--~-J!!'li~_ ç!'l~~ti ......................... .. ....... .. ... .
KpajHas1111ï Jasa
3anJIICHIII4ap Cac11ywal-by cseAOKa np111cycTsyjy f..-1:
jaBHif1 TY)I(If111a4
-~-Ta_H_a_~lii!PI-1~ .. .... .... ... ....... ·-·········-- ······· ··
3ano4eTo y 10.00 4acosa
Cse,[lOK je onoMeHYT Aa je AY)I(aH ,[la rosop111 lf1CT!f1HY 111 ,[la He cMe H111WTa npe1iyTaTIII, yno3opeH je
Ha noc11e,[lllll.1e AaBal-ba 11a)I(Hor 111CKa3a, Kao f..-1-;EJ,a -Hill je ,[ly)l(aH ,[la O,[lrosapa Ha noje,[lii1Ha n111Tal-ba,
aKo je seposaTHO ,[la 6111 n1Me 1113110)1(1110 ce6e 11111111 csar 611111cKor cpoAHII1Ka TewKoj cpaMOT111,
3HaTHOj MaTepllljaJlHOj WTen1 f..-111111 Kp111BII1'-lHOM rOI--b91-bY (411aH 229. 3Kn), na Ha onwTa nii1Tal-ba
Aaje owosope:
1) V1Me 111 npe31!1Me ~.P.CIÏ_f-l()E!!'li; JQE!() _ ... --····-- ···· ... .
2) V1Me 01.1a ~-I-1Ï() _ _ ..... ........ ... ...... .. ...... ..... .. .. .. .. . .
3) 3aHIIIMal-be MOHep ---·······-·- ____________ ·-·· ··-····· _
4) 6opasll1wTe MaTen "Mapasa" , AneKCit1HaL\
5) MecTo poljel-ba cena K~<m , anwTit1Ha Aapysap
6) IO,[lii1Hapolje!-ba .. ~ : 1~_._1~E)4J()A!'l':i.9. ... ..... ..... .. ... . .. ...... .
7) Ü,[lHOC ca OKp111BJb9HIIIM 1.1 OWT91i9HII1M
3a,DBII1M C89,[lOK 0 CaMOM npe,[!M9TY 1113HOCIII C119,[le1ie:
1 • 1•/ ./) r' c..·. l ;; ~r c, ,. ,,. -·-
Ja caM ca csojoM nopo.nH~HOM :ti<HBeo y ceny KHny y ÜnlllTHHH .IJ:apyBap
KOje je 6HJTO HaCTai-beHO yrJTaBHOM Cp6HMa. bi1Jl0 je H HeKOJTHKO YelllKHX H jep;Ha
xpBaTcKa Kyha. CBe ,n:o BHurecTapHaL!KHX H36opa y XpBaTcKoj - HJTH - Ta•mwje. ,n:o
CTBapal-ba xpBaTcKe ctpaHKe X.TI:3. ymaBHOM ce )!OEBeJTo CJIO:ti<HO H 6e3 Belïwx
Mel)yHa~HOHaJTHHX Tp3aBH~a. KaKO Ha nillOCJly. TaKO YI y J(pyroj cpe,n:HHH. Ja CaM
HOpMaJTHO HlUaO Ha nocao CBe J(O 15. HOBeM6pa 1991. fOJ(HHe. KaJ(a cy, OKO 6.00 caTH,
yjyTpo. npHnaJ(HH~H BojHe nonHqHje Peny6JIHKe XpnaTCKe onKOJJHJTH Mojy Kylïy y
ceny (6poj 35)H yxanci1JII1 MeHe 11 MOr 01.1a Kao 11 .n;pyre MewTaHe y ceny- Cp6e.
Ja caM Tora jyTpa o6yL~eH H cnpeMJbeH YeKao jeJ(HOr Konery J(a ce
llOBe3eMO 3ajeJ(HO y .IJ:apyBap Ha llOCaO cpaÔpHQH MaWHHa ".IJ:aJTHT" KaJ(a cy XpBaTCKI1
llOJ1111.1aj~11 ynaJTH y Kylï.y. JeJ(aH O,Il; l-bi1X je yJ(ap110 MeHe. a llOTOM H MOr 01.1a MHjy,
3aTHM cy HaM Be3aJJH pyKe YI HCTepaJHI HaC y ,Il;BOpHlUTe. TaMO cy HaC - HeKOJIHKO
np11naJ(HHKa BojHe noJTHQHje Peny61111Ke XpBaTcKe Koje HHCaM l103Hasao - T)'KJIH.
HaKor Tora, MeHe cy CTpriaJTH y LIHBI1JIHH ayToMo6HJT MapKe "3acTaBa 101"
6e3 perHcTapcKHX Ta6nHQa 11 OJ(Be3JTH npeMa KyhH EpaHKa EyHYHha y KHny. KOjH je
6110 yxanllleH J(aH npe. 14. HOBeM6pa 1991. roJ(HHe. Ko,n: 1-bera cy Tpa)IOEJTH opy)!(je. a
KaJ( ra HHCY Hawmr. BpaTHJTH cy HacHa pacKpurhe. Ja caM CBe BpeMe ce,n:eo y ayry.
pyKy Be3aHHX )!(HQOM H ca noBe30M npeKo OYHjy.
IlpHJTHKOM xanruel-ba 15. HOBeM6pa 1991. rop;HHe, y KHny. y 6aWTI1
HeBeHKe KpajHOBHh. npHnaJ(HHLIH BojHe noJTHQHje Peny6n11Ke XpBaTCKe. y611JTH cy
.TI:yrnaHa Ilonos11ha (1931.) jep je OH noYeo 6e)!(aTH.
llcTora .n;aHa, 15. HOBeM6pa 1991. roJ(HHe, KOMlliHje 113 cena. HalllJTH
cyo6ellleHor y 1-beroBoj Kyhw, )KeJbKa IIonoBwha (1953.) H3 KHna.
lloBe3JTH cy Me ,n:o pacKprnha y Kwny. rJ(e cy ce HaJTa3HJTH CBH Cp6H
yxanllleHH Taj J(aH: KpajHoBHh MHjo (1930.). Joso IIonoBHh (1934.), Ilepo HoBKOBHh
(1938.). EpaHKO CTaHKOBHh (1954.), HHKOJTa fojKOBHh (1927.). <f>HJTH!l fojKOBHh
(1934.). M11jo f ojKOBHiï (1928.). H Joso (CHMe) IIonoBI1h (1920.).
Ty cy Hac pacnope,n:HJTH - MeHe 11 Mora 01.1a MHjy KpajHOBHha - cTaBHJTH cy
y ayTo. a oCTaJie yxanllleHe Cp6e y sojHH KaM!WH. Cm1Ma cy HaM pyKe 11 OYH 6HJJe
Be3aHe. ,n:a He 6HCMO BHJ(eJlH KYJ( HaC B03e . .IJ:yro CMO ce B03HJ1H, a Ka,n: CMO CTHfJJH
OJ:(Be3aJTH cy Hac. aJTH MH HHCMO 3Ham! rJ(e CMO. CBy):(a OKOJJO je 6HJTa BO,n:a, CaMO je
6HO jeJ(aH XOTeJJ "PH6apCKa KOJTH6a". bHJJH CMO HCnpeJ( TOr XOTeJla OKO 20 MHHyTa.
KaJ( cy ce nojaBHJTH Ilepo Ilonom1h (1944.). MHJJaH IIonoBI1h (1927.). HHKOJJa
KpajHOBHh (1927.). CBH 113 K11na. yxanure1m 13. HOBeM6pa 1991. rop;.HHe. ÜHI1 cy
yxanllleHH Ha J-bHBH. Ca 1-bHMa je 6110 EpaHKO Eywmh (1954.) 113 K11na. yxanllleH 14.
HoBeM6pa 1991. rOJ(HHe. y ceny. lbera cy npHrraJ(H11UH BojHe nonHL.IHje Peny6n11Ke
XpBaTcKe yxancHnH Ha nyT)'. TaKol)e. TY cy 611n11 11 : JoBo )Kecnü'l (c-rap rrpeKo 60
r o,L(HHa) H3 TiaKpa'IKe Kn11ce. Caso fojKOBHh ( cTap oKo 40 r o):(HHa) HCTO 113
TiaKpa•!Ke K JIHce 11 HeKH UHqnapa. He 3HaM My HMe. aJIH c1ap11jH YOBeK H3
TiaKpa•IKe KnHce 11 H11Kona l1BaHOBHh (cTap 38-39 roJ(HHa) 113 IlaKpa4KHX
EaT.HI-baHa. MHJTKa EyHYHh (cTapa 55 ro,n:~<ma) H3 TiaKpa'IKe Kn11ce VI lena )KecTHh
(cTapa 70 roJ(HHa), TaKol)e Y!3 TiaKpaYKe KnHce.
TH yxanllleHH Cp6H HWJTH cy. y npaTI-bH HeKOJlHKO Haopy)!(aHHX
npHnaJ(HHKa 36opa HapoJ(He rap):(e Peny6nHKe XpBaTcKe. H3 npaBI.(a pH61-baKa 11
rresam1 necMy ftYcraHH 6aHe JenaYHhyft. CsH MYWKap~H cy 6HnH nnaBH op; 6anma,
IJepo ilOITOBHfï. 61!10 je MO)J;ap no CTOMaKy, OKO OYHjy cy HMaJll!l MaCHH~e.
)KeHe KOJlHKO 3HaM HHcy TyKJlH, oHe cy Mopane pap;HTH H '-IHCTHTH, MH
HHCMO CMeJlH ITpH'-IaTH ca 1-bi!IMa 1!1 HHCMO HM CMeJlH npHfiH, a 6HJle cy yp;aJheHe
HeKOJli!IKO MeTapa O)J; HaC.
HeKOJlHKO rrpHnap;HHKa 36opa Hapop;He rapp;e Peny6nHKe XpsaTcKe
npHlllJlH cy HaM H o.n;senH MHjy .rojKOBHha. Josy (Ta.r~Hje) ITonosHha. ci)HJlHrra
.rojKOBHha H H11Kony fojKOBI1ha y nop;pyM 1rpap;e. TaMo cy HX jaKo TyKnH. c1yn11 CMO
yp;apa!-be 11 jayKe. Kap; cy HX npeTyKJll1 rrp11nap;H11~H 36opa Hapop;He rapp;e
Peny6nHKe XpsaTcKe cy H3alllnH HanoJhe. a 3a I-b11Ma cy ce HaKaKo ftBYKJlH ft
Hcrrpe6Hjam:l Cp6H - <P11nHrr fojKOB11h. KOjH je 6110 y)KacHo rrpeTy'-leH, peKao je MOM
o~y: ft AjMo. M11jo. 6e)KaTH. HeKa Hac rro611jy p;oK 6e)KHMO ft. Me~yTI1M, xpsaTCKH
BOjHI1~11 cy I!IX ITOTpiTaJll1 y KaMI10H 11 O)J;Be3Jll1 - He 3HaM Ky.n;a.
HaKOH p;sap;eceTaK MHHyTa YYJ111 cMo jep;aH p;yra'-IK11 pacpan. a oHp;a jow
'-!eTHp11 llYL\1-ba, nojep;I1Ha'-!HO. KaMHOH ca xpBaTCKHM sojHI1L\HMa BpaTHO ce npa3aH.
MH cMo 3a TO speMe cnaranH HeKa p;psa. 3aTI!M cy Hac CTpnanH y jep;Hy rrop;pyMcKy
rrpOCTOp11jy. r.n;e CMO CBe BpeMe 6opaBI1Jll1. Ü,n;aTJle cy Hac BO)J;I1JlH nojep;HHa'-IHO Ha
6aTHHe. Ty Hoh cy Hac TyKJlH MeTaJlHI1M WHnKaMa. OTKHHYTHM ca BOjH11'-IKI1X
KpeBeTa. p;pBeHHM ITaJll1~aMa. BOjHH'-IKHM '-1113MaMa. pyKaMa 11 HOraMa. L(pyro jyTpo,
16. HOBeM6pa 1991. rop;HHe, ITepo HoBKOBI1h. EpaHKO CTaHKOBHh 11 HHKona
l1saHOBI1h HJ111 EpaHKO EyHYHh . He 3HaM KOjH, an11 jep;aH op; Te p;soji1L\e. rroTpnaHH
cy y KaMHOH H HeKy.n; op;Be)!(eHI1. BpaTHJll1 cy ce HaKOH 113BecHor speMeHa. HaMa
HI1WTa HI1CY CMem! pehH. MM OCTaJlH CMO 6HJ111 HaiTOJbY 1!1 cnaraJlH orreT HeKa p;pBa.
KaMHOH 11 ayToMo611n11 cy OTHWJ111 Tora jyTpa. 11 spaTHJll1 cy ce TeK yse'-!e. M11 cMo
6HJlH 3aTBopeHH y rrop;pyMy, a co6a y Kojoj CMO 6111111 Ml1 611na je pa3p;BojeHa o.n; co6e
y Kojoj cy rrp11nap;HHL1H 3Hf Perry6JlHKe XpBaTKe TyKJlH yxarrllleHe Cp6e. TaKo p;a
cMo YynH p;a cy p;ose3JlH jow HeKe Jhyp;e. Kap; cy 11x rrpeTyKJlH. jep;aH rrp11rrap;HHK 3Hf
Perry6n11Ke XpsaTcKe y6a~Ho je y co6y MHjy UaHojes11ha. M11jo ce ceo Ha jep;Hy
CTOJll1l\Y· HaKoH HeKor speMeHa jep;aH XpsaT je ywao y co6y 11 o6paTHO ce MHjH
pe'-IHMa: ft Ajp;e. Te6e -rpe6aM. MajKy TH YeTHH'-IKy" H yp;ap110 ra MeTaJlHOM WHITKOM
riO Bpary. M11j0. KOjH je 6HO KOBa'-1 y ceny 11 11MaO OKO 140 Kr. Hl1je ce H11 nOMaKaO.
Ta,!:(a CMO cxsaTHJll1 p;a je MpTaB: Hac 5-6 MYWKapa~a ra je 113ByKno HarroJbe.
KaM>iüH je seh 6110 npe.n; spaTHMa. cTprraml CMO ra y KaMI10H. a xpsaTCKH sojHHl\11 cy
ra HeKyp; op;se3JIH. He 31-laM Kyp;a.
EpaHKO CTaHKOBI1h. Moj oTa~ M11jo KpajHOBHh. HHKona KpajHOBHh.
flepo florros11h 11 ja Mopan11 CMO rrpaTI1 KaMI10H KOji1M je MHjo op;Be)KeH. MopanH
CMO HM np<iTH 11 '-IH3Me. 3aTHM cy Hac CPp'flaJJH y nop;pyM. !la cy !-laC oneT 113BO)J;I!IJ111
HanoJhe. y oHy p;pyry co6y 11 TaMo TyKJJH.
Y ITOHe,!:(eJhaK. 18. HOBeM6pa 1991. ~·rO)J;HHe. HaK0!-1 TeWK11X 6aTHHa 1!13BeJll1
cy Hac HCnpep; TOr XOTeJia. CK11HYJJI1 ,1:(0 rona H TylUHpaJlH XJla)J;HOM BO)J;OM. I1p11Jl11KOM
TyWHpa!-ba YMPO je Pap;e fojKOBI1h 1!13 rr~~a'1Ke KnHce. KOjl1 je 11Mao BHCOKY
TeMnepaTypy npe Tora. fberoso MpTBo Teno npimap;HHl\11 3Hf cy HeKyp; op;Be3JJI1.
EpaHKa EyH'-IHha 11 Josy (Teje) flonosl1ha cy 19. HOBeM6pa TOJlHKo
HCTyKJIH ga cy 11x MopanH op;secTH y ITonosa'-!y. TaKo cy 6ap rosopHnH. neKapy. ÜI-111
ce ITOCJ111je B11We H11CY BpaTI1Jll1.
Y cpegy, 20. HOBeM6pa 1991. rop;HHe MeHe cy XpBaTCKH BOjHHJ.\11 !13BeJIM y
jep;Hy cany y TOM xoTeny, rge cy BpWM1111 cacnywal-ba. PeKnM cy Ml1 ga cegHeM Ha
CT011111.\Y, pyKe cy Ml1 Be3aJ111 Ha nel)a, 113YJIH cy Me 11 HOre Be3aJ111 3a CTOJIHI.\Y- 3a
CBaKH nanaq Ha H03H 11p11Be3aJ111 cy 110 jep;Hy )fOEI.\Y 0,[( MHAJ'KTOpa 11 110'-IeJlM ga ra
BpTe. Ja caM ce cas Tpecao op; THX CTpyjHMX ygapa. Kag ce "TpeTMaH" 3aBpnmo,
CKOTpJbao caM ce gone y no.n;pyM.
l-b nogpyMa cy H3a MeHe o.n;seJJH HHKony KpajHOBI1ha M jaKo ra
11cnpe611janH. jep HHje 11Mao HeMa'-!Ke MapKe. Koje cy Tpa:>KI11111 ag I-bera. Ho:>KeM cy
MY npo611Jll1 yWHY WKO.fhKy, Ha aTO MeCTO CTaBI111!1 11Ylll'-IaHI1 MeTaK 11 CflOj1111H ra 3a
:>KHI.\OM 3a 11HAYKTop. ,Upyro yxo cy MY ogceKnH. lbera cy MY'OEJll1 cTpyjoM, cse goK ce
Hl1je npeBpHyo ca cTonm~e. l136aljHJlH cy ra HanoJbe. 3a I-bi1M cy H3BeJlH MnnaHa
ITonOBHha. KOMe cy ogceKJII1 o6a yxa. I1ep11 HoBKOBI1hy 11 CaBI1 rojKOBHhy HCTO
TaKo. Opep; Mor Ol.\a M11jy KpajHOBHha jegaH np11nap;HI1K 3Hr Peny6nHKe XpBaTcKe
je 6al.\110 yxo Case rojKOBI1ha. KOje je OH Mopao nojeCTH.
M11JlaHa I1onOBI1ha, Casy rojKOBHha. HHKOJIY KpajHOBHha 11 ITepy
HoBKOBHha cy TO Be'-Ie. 19. HOBeM6pa 1991. rogHHe. H3BeJll1 HanoJbe 11 ogseJIM npeMa
pel\H HnoBM. qyJIH CMO flYJ.\1-be.
,Upyro jyTpo 20. HOBeM6pa 1991. rogHHe CMO EpaHKO CTaHKOBMh, HHKona
HsaHOBI1h 11 ja 11lllJIH ga 11x 3aKonaMo. HalllJIH CMO MX noy6HjaHe Kpaj peKe Hnose.
HHKOJIY KpajHOBMha. Pagy rojKOBHha 11 Josy )KeCTHiïa. KOjl1 je y6HjeH 11p11JII1KOM
6aTMHal-ba 20. HOBeM6pa 1991. rogHHe, 3aKonanH CMO y geo pH61-baKa M3 Kara je 6Mna
11CI1YlllTeHa saga. fpo6 HI1CMO HH'-IHM 03Ha•-mnH. ITepy ITonoBHha CMO 3aKonanH
HM:>Ke MOCTa. Kpaj peKe HJioBe. HH 1-beroB rpo6 HHCMO 03Ha'-IHJIH. lhHx TpOjHI.\Y CMO
3aKOI1aJ1H npe nop;He. no nop;He CMO 3aKonanH MHnaHa ITonOBHha. Casy rojKOBHha
11 ITepy HoBKOBI1ha, OKO 150 M HH.:>Ke MOCTa. Ha 1-bHXOB rpo6 CMO CTaBHJIH jep;Hy
clJIIarny. ga HM ce 6ap Ha HeKH HaLfHH, 3Ha rp;e cy caxpa!-beHH. lhHXOBa TeJia CMO
cTaBHJII1 jep;Ho nopeg gpyror, y 3eMJby. Ee3 caHgyKa. 6e3 HLiera.
JegaH npHnagHHK 3Hr Peny6JIHKe XpBaTcKe. 3BaHI1 "IToJieTo" Me je
flMTaO KOja MM je I10CJiep;!-ba :>KeJJ:,a. 3aT!1M cy HaC CTpflaJlH y KaMMOH M O)J;Be3J111 Ha3ap;
y Map11HO ceJio y Jiorop.
Y HegeJby. 24. HOBeM6pa 1991. rogHHe y hem1jy je gowao xpBaTCKM
rapp;Mt.ïa. Kora cy 3BaJII1 "EK11" 11 ryKaO HaC. fa3MO je 110 HaMa. ryKaO HaC
neHgpeKOM 11 W11nKaMa. JegaH rapg11CTa. 3BaHM ".Uparo ". npe3MMe MY He 3HaM. KOjH
BHWe HHje Mo rao cJiylllaTM HaUle jayKe. ylllao je y co6y M 113ByKao "EKMja" HanoJbe.
BHwe Hac HMCY TYK11M. YjyTpy je gowao KaMHOH. y co6y je ylllao jegaH npMnagHMK
3Hr Peny6JIMKe XpBaTcxe 11 H3Beo HanoJbe Mor oqa MHjy KpajHOBHha. EpaHKa
CTai·JKOBHha 11 MeHe. B e3aJIH cy HaM pyKe Jli1CI11.\aMa 11 nose3JIH: MH cMo MI1CJ111JH1 -
y611he Hac. Mel)yTI1M. op;Be3JIH cy Hac y .Uapysap. y p;Bopal.\ r pocpa JaHKOBI1ha. rge je
HHacie OHJia OCHOBHa lllKOJia. a Ta):\ je TO 0110 UlTa6 3Hr. Ü):laTJle cy HaC npeBe3JIH y
Do.'lHJ.\HjcKy CTal-1111.\Y y D:apysapy. y HeKH noApyM. Hac ·rpeoj111..1a CMO 6HnH 3ajep;Ho y
jegHoj co61-1. Ty CMO 611JHI TpH gaHa. op; 25. ):IO 27. HoseM6pa 1991. ro.[II1He. Y cpegy.
27. HOBeM6pa 1991. ro)J.I1He. nocne flO.[IHe. O):IBe3JIH cy Hac y D:oM 3.IJ:paBJba. cMewTeH y
Cneljl1jaJIHoj WKOJIH "16. pyjaH". Ty cy Hac rrper ne)J.anH 11 ynyTHJII1 y 6onHI11.\Y y
Ejenosap .
Y Ejenosapy caM Mwao Ha npernege 11 CHHMal-ba. 6110 caM cMewTeH Ha
xHpyprHjl1. KOA gp llhmosweKa. jep cy MH y MapHHOM Ceny xpsaTCKH sojHHI.IH
' "")
, " '::; \...... ~
Ha TpH MecTa. ÜTal\ MHjo H EpaHKo 6HJIH cy cMeuiTeHH y 3aTBopy y EjeJioBapy. Y
6oJIHHQH caM 6Ho ~o 10. p;el\eM6pa 1991. ro~HHe. Mep;HQHHCKO oco6Jbe ce KopeKTHO
YBe<.Je, 9. ~el\eM6pa 1991. ro~HHe MeHH je jep;aH npHnap;HHK 3Hr peKao p;a
Hp;eM Ha pa3MeHy, 3aje~Ho ca Ol\eM.
EpaHKO CTaHKOBHh, Moj oTa'-\ MHjo H ja pa3MeJ-beHH CMO 12. ~el\eM6pa
1991. rop;MHe y HeKOM ceJiy H3a KapJIOB'-\a. Ca pa3MeHe CMO, npeKo EocHe, p;olllJIH y
XpaHa y MapHHOM ceJiy je 6HJia jaKo JIOllla. HeKa~ cy HaM p;aBaJIH je~HOM
p;HeBHO, HeKap; HaM HHCY ~aBaJIM HMlllTa. KonM<.JMHe xpaHe Koje cy HaM p;aBaJIM 6Hne
cy MaJie. XMmjeHa HHje ÔMJ1a HHKaKBa. Y ,IJ;apyBapy y 3aTBopy cy ce KOpeKTHO
Üp; My<.Jel'ba M 6aTMHal'ba H ~aHaC MMaM ITOCJle~Ml\a ITCHXM<.JKe H cpH3H<.JKe
npMpop;e. Û MOM 3paBCTBeHOM CTal-by· npoy3pOKOBaHOM pap;!-baMa M3BpllleHHM
Hap;aMHOM y Jioropy 3a Cp6e y "PH6apcKoj KOJlMÔH" H Ha ~PYrMM MeCTHMa,
nocep;yjeM neKapcKy p;oKyMeHTal\Mjy Kojy rrpHJla)KeM y3 oBaj 3aiTMCHMK. TaKolje,
)KeJlHM p;a 6yp;eM npemep;aH M op; CTpaHe neKapa crreL\HjaJIHCTa Koje 6M
KOHCTaTOBaJie MOje cap;allll'be 3p;paBCTBeHO CTal'be.
CJiylllao caM rnacHo p;MKTMpal'be 3aiTHCHHKa, He )KeJ1MM ~a ra <.JHTaM, Kao
CBOj ra ITpHXBaTaM M ITOTITMCyjeM. , , r 7
1! ! / ~)J'{- T /l C (/ ( c ' j cc c
1 ' ·'
3aBpweHo y 14.00 <.JacoBa
Threatening Letter Addressed to Radovan
Radosavljevié from Daruvar, Published in Dabié,
v Lukié, Perovié & Salié, "Persecution of Serbs and
Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia 1991-1998 -Documents
and Testimonies", Belgrade, 1998, p. 25

Pavle IVIé
Vasilije KRESTié
Presidency of
Serbian Council and
Information Center:
Pavle IVIé, President of the Serbian Council
Vasilije KRESTié, President of the SCIC Council
Miroslav PANTié
Miodrag JOVICié
Milorad PAVIé
Millca GRKOVIé
MihaJlo VOJVODié
Jovan ILié
Borivoje LAZié
Nede]jko PLAVSié
Dragoljub SLOVIé
!! -2TFiJ2-
Vojin S. DABié
Kseillja M. LUKié
Natasa T. PEROVIé
Milomir P. S.ALié
Threats and Lists of Non Grata Serbs
za tebe nema mjesta 1,1 Hrvatskojl
Idi kod ~ilose~,éa za koga si. glasao (~o te prima)
. . ~ . . ;
Imas kratak rok[ ta ~dlazak jer .ée te pojesi mrak>
a kuéa t_i . :!,.de 'il'\'irak. Prvi . si na nasem spis ku a za . . !'
ostale imamo r~zli~djen plan ak~ ne uspiju prije
toga ODG!·!IZATI .. ~\!CO SU I DOG!1IZALI (kao i ti) 1
L-~~~::~:::j Facsimile of a threatening /etter addressed to
Radovan RADOSAVLJEV!é in Daruvar (See: Doc. No. F 1-5)
Doc. No. F 1- 5.
Daruvar, 1992.
The threatening letter addressed to Radovan RADOSAVUEVIé of Daruvar,
short/y before he was murdered together with his wife and children.26
There is no room for you in Croatia! Go to Milo~evié for whom you voted (if he
will have you). Y ou have a short time left togo, because you will be swallowed up
in darkness and your bouse will be blown up. Y ou are on the top of our list, and for
the rest we have a plan unless they manage to CREEP OUT THE WAY THEY
CREPT IN (like yourself). Take this seriously.
· Committee for struggle against the chetniks and the fifth column.
SCIC, file No. A-12.
UR . adovan (1953), Jovanka (1955), Dejan (1978) and Nenad RADOSAVLJEVIC (1982), Serbs
from Daruvar, Kranj~eviéeva 17, were murdered in the evening ofFebruary 25, 1992, in their house
which was subsequently b1own up and heavily damaged. Their liquidation was preceded by the
publication of the brochure 'Who Js Who in Daruvar' fèaturing a list of the Serbs who had voted at
the referendum for Serbian cultural autonomy in the Republic of Croatia, held between August 19
and September 2, 1990. The names of Radovan and Jovanka Radosavljevié were listed under
, numbers 462 and 463 for the town ofDaruvar. Identical threatening letters were received by at !east
another dozen Serbian families ofDaruvar. See: SCIC, War Crime file No A-12-5.
District Court in Belgrade, Serbia, Minutes of the
witness bea ring of Milka Buncié Kukié dated 24
September 1996 (Situation in Western Slavonia)

Kri . No. 1200/96
Taken on 24 September 1996 before the investigating magistrate of the District Court in
Belgrade in the criminal case .................. for the criminal act punishable und er Article ........... .
of the Criminal Code
Investigating Magistrate
Ilija Simic
Court Recorder
Stana Mitric
Milka Buncic
The hearing also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
Defence Counsel
The Court rose at 1 :30 p.m.
The witness was warned that she was bound to tell the truth and that she should not hold
anything back; she was also warned against the consequences of giving false evidence and
that she should not respond to certain questions if she would thereby embarrass herself or any
next of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the
Criminal Procedure Code), so she replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names: Buncic Kukic, Milka
2. Father's name: Vaso
3. Occupation: housewife
4. Address: temporarily resident of Belgrade, Slobodana Aligrudica 5/1
tel. 500-918
5. Place ofbirth: Grdjevica, Municipality ofPakrac
6. Yearofbirth: 27 July 1938
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: ....... .......... .
Asked to state what she knew about the case, the witness declared:
1 was born in the village of Grdjevica, Municipality of Pakrac. 1 got married in 1963 to Milan
Buncic from the village of Mrkoplja, Municipality of Slavonska Pozega and I have a daughter
Valenka by him. She was born in 1967. In 1971, I moved with my family to the village of
Klisa, Municipality of Pakrac, where we built our family home.
The village of Klisa is an ethnically mixed community with about 60 houses, including sorne
10 Croatian and the rest all-Serb ho uses. This village is surrounded by Croatian villages:
Lipik, Matkovac, Batinjani, Dobrovac and other villages.
In March 1991, Croatian police came to Pakrac. They tried and failed to fly the chequered
flag in the middle of the village. We were all against it. After this abortive attempt, until
August 1991, there were provocations by Croats towards Serb villagers. For instance, they
introduced religious instruction as a school subject; Croatian slogans were scrawled as graffiti
on Serb homes; Serbs were dismissed from their jobs; there were rumours that Croats are
arming themselves, which ail caused great anxiety and fear among Serb villagers. Croatian
villagers began guarding their houses, as weil as the meetings of the Croatian Democratie
Union party. So Serbs also organized guards around their houses. There were also rumours
that Croats were stacking their weapons in the weekend cottage of Djuka Ivicek on the
outskirts of the village. As a result of these events and pressures, many young people left the
village for the Serb villages of Kusonje and Buc je.
In August 1991, great many Pakrac Serbs were forced to leave that town. After that, Croats
began putting pressure and cleansing the surrounding Serb villages. That was why many
people from Serb villages fled: my daughter left for Kusonje in August and her husband in
October 1991, while 1 stayed behind alone in my home.
On 15 November 1991, HVO (Croatian Defence Council) soldiers came to the village and
rounded up all villagers that they found in their homes, including myself. After we were
arrested, they brought us to the hotel "Ribnjak" (Fishpond) in Marino Selo, Municipality of
Pakrac. They put us into a room in the basement. I remember that alongside me arrested were:
Je la Zestic ( died in 1995), Rade Gojkovic, Josip Cicvara, Slobodan Kukic, Sa va Maksimovic
and Jovo Zestic. There were 15 other arrested men from the village of Kip, Municipality of
Daruvar, in the basement. 1 remember that among them there were: Milo Krajinovic, his son
Jovo, Branko whose surname 1 don't know, Pero whose surname 1 don't know either, and 1
don't remember the names and surnames of the other arrested people.
Those remaining Serb villagers who were not arrested together with me were all killed, as far
as I know, in December 1991. However, 1 was not witness to these crimes. I know that those
killed then were:
1. Slobodan Gojkovic, born around 1969
2. Milka Samardzija, my sister-in-law, born in 1930; with her husband Pero she fled
to the forest during my arrest and they hid there, but as Pero was ill and they had
nothing to eat, he died in the forest, after which Milka returned to her home in the
village and was slaughtered there.
3. Dragica Bosanac, born in 1935, was also massacred with her throat slit in front of
her home.
4. Pela Kukic, born in 1945
5. Jela Kukic (Pela's mother) born in 1914
6. Pava Cicvara, an elderly woman whose year ofbirth I don't know.
7. Nada Zestic.
Ali of them were dragged out of their houses and killed in the Kresovina forest above the
village. I am not aware of their burial site because there corpses were taken away to an
unknown destination from the scene of the massacre.
During this event, Bogdan Markovic and his wife Jela went missing. Their home was torched,
soit is not known whether they were burnt alive in their house or not, or if they were led away
to an unknown destination, since no one has heard from them ever since.
In the above mentioned prison at the hotel "Ribnjak", 1 was detained until 30 March 1992.
Mijo Krajinovic and his son Jovo were released after six or seven days, in a prisoner
lmmediately after 1 was brought to the prison, HVO members began beating men in the
presence of Jela Zestic and me. They beat them with metal table legs; they connected them to
power supply sources and subjected them to other forms of torture. Men from the village of
Kip, who were detained at the prison, had been previously beaten up. Among them, there was
Nikola lvanovic from Batinjani near Pakrac. He showed me the burns on his body and chest.
He now lives in Croatia and 1 am not aware of his whereabouts. The third night after our
arrest, a group of four drunken Croatian soldiers came in. They were "Ante", "Kec", "Eki"
and "Poleto", whose real names and sumames 1 don't know. They beat men and connected
them to electric conductors in power. They eut off the ears of Pero from the village of Kip and
forced him to eat up his own ear.
Rade Gojkovic, Savo Maksimovic and Pero, ali from the village of Kip died in our presence,
as a result ofbeating. The others, who had been beaten up by Croats, were taken the following
evening out of the basement, killed and dumped into the fishpond. So, Jela Zestic, Mijo
Krajinovic and his son Jovo, Branko and Nikola lvanovic were the only ones who remained.
They were also beaten up. Jovo Krajinovic had his jaw completely smashed. Two days later,
the corpses of those killed drifted on the water released from the fishpond. Therefore, Mijo
Krajinovic, his son Jovo and Nikola and Branko lvanovic had to rebury the bodies.
As I already said, about a week later, Mijo Krajnovic, his son Jovo, as weil as Branko, were
released thanks to a prisoner exchange, white Nikola lvanovic from Batinjani stayed at the
prison with Jeta and me. On the same day when the Krajinovics were released from prison,
arrested and brought to the same prison was Branko Grujic from the village of Batinjani. And
the four of us remained in this prison until the very end. Nikola lvanovic and Branko Grujic
stayed behind in Croatia.
They forced Jelena Zestic and me to clean up the hotel, to pile up lumber and do other jobs.
Food was more or Jess edible, but when the Croatian guards were ill-willed, they gave us no
food at all. They often beat Nikola lvanovic and Branko Grujic in my and Jela's presence, and
they forced them to fight against each other. A guard nicknamed "Dida" was particularly
brutal to them.
Because of the unbearable conditions existing in this prison, in February 1992, between 7 and
9 p.m. when the Croatian so1diers paid Jess attention, 1 managed to escape from the prison,
cross the River Ilova, intending to flee. Since 1 could not find my bearings, 1 got lost in the
villages around Daruvar. Four days later 1 was found by Croatian police officers and they
retumed me to the above mentioned prison. They beat me up on that occasion.
As far as 1 recall, in March 1992, we were visited at the prison by the delegates of the
International Committee of the Red Cross and our situation improved since them. At the end
of that month, we were released from prison and 1 went back to my village. My house and the
adjoining facilities were bumt down. 1 intended to repair the house and continue to live in it,
but a month later, in April 1992, it was blown up by the Croats. 1 heard that this was the job of
Mirko Markovic of the village of Klis.
1 found six more surviving Serbs in the village and we ali had to be accommodated in the
house of Milo Milosevic. In June, my brother-in-law Stjepan Jercic came from Rijeka and
took me with him there, where I stayed until the end of 1992, when I moved to Serbia.
1 would also like to mention that when J came to Serbia I heard that the crimes and killings
committed in my village in December 1992 were perpetrated by Zlatko Markovic and lvica
Poleto, two Croats from the village of Klis. J don 't know the nam es of the other perpetrators.
1 am ready to stand as witness to what 1 have said, in any court of law.
That is all 1 had to say; the minutes was dictated out loudly and it contained all 1 have said. 1
don't wish to read it and recognize it and sign it as my own statement.
The hearing was adjourned at 2:30 p.m.
Court Recorder
Stana Mitric
Milka Buncic
Investigating Magistrate
Ilija Simic
__. --___.,: _ ___________._
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------------------------------------------- cy,IIHjoM ----------------------------------------O----k---r---u---z--n----o---g--- -----------·-------·--·- cy,IIa y ·-------·-·------B----e---o---g----r--a---d---u--- ·--------·-----
Jôor xpnsn~or )lena H3 qnaHa K3 .
................... .f._U_j_~ ___ :?..~.J!l-~-~------····-·······- cy)Uija Ca e 11 o..:
Milka Buncié • JanHCBH'lap
CacnymaH.y csenoxa npncycTsyjy H:
ja&HH TYliOIJiaQ
Mitrié Stana
opauHJI 3Q
----·------------------------------------------------------------·---·---------------·----- • 3ano'!eTo y .... 13..,:3.0.: .. qacoaa
CaenoK je OROMeHyT na je nylKaH )la roaopH HCTHHY H )la HC CMe HHUITa npel\yTaTH, YR030pCH je Ha llOCJIC)IHUe ;Ia~alha JialKHOr
ncKaJa, xao H na HHje nylKaH na o)lroaapa Ha nojeJlHHa nHTaH.a, axo je aepoaarHo na 5H THMe HJJIOlKHo ceôe HJIH csor 6JIHcxor
cpO;IHHKa TCJllKOj CpaMOTH, JHaTHOj MaTepHjaJIHOj JllTCTH HJIH KpHBH'fHOM: ro!he!hy (qJiaH 229. 3Kfl ), na Ha onmTa nHTaH>a CBC)IOK
;;:aje onroaope:
1) l1Me H npe3HMe ................................ N.U.~.ê: .... J?..~_!!§~-~--'-----~.U..Js.~.( ............................... .
:!) J1Me oua ........................................... Y..é!:.f!':.r:! .................................................................................. .
3) 3aHHMaH>e ........................................... 9.S'.!!!.'?..~-~-~-~--------------------·-------------------------------------------------
~) EopasHmre .P.:C..~_y_r:_~-~-~-0.':: .... ?..::.~-~E.0:.~ .. : ..... ~-~--:----~-~-~-~-~-9.=-~-~----~-~-~-~-r.-~-~ i é a 5 / l , tel · 5 00-91 8
5) Mecro pol)eH.a Grdjevica, Opstina Pakrac
6) roJUtHa pol)eH.a
27.07.1938. godine
Rodjena sam u se lu Grdjevica, Opstina Pakrac.
Udala sam se 1963. godine za Milana Bun~i6a, iz sela Mrkoplja,
Opstiri.a Slavonska Pozega i -sà njim imam 6erku Velinku, rodjenu
1967. godine. Od 1971. godine zajedno sa porodicom preselila
sa~ se u selo Klisa, Opstina Pakrac, gde smo sagradili porodi~
nu ku6u.
Selo Klisa je bilo nastanjeno mesovitim stanovnistvom,
sa oka 60 ku6a, od ~ ega oka 10 hrvatskih, a ostalo su
bile srpske. Ovo selo okruzeno je hrvatskim sel ima: Lipik,
Matkovac, Batinjani, Dobrovac i drugim.
Marta meseca 1991. godine pripadnici hrvatske
policije upali su u Pakrac. Pokusali su u centru naseg sela,
na zgradi ~kole, da postave sahovnicu, ali u tome nisu uspeli
jer smo se mi pobunili. Nakon ovoga sve do avgusta 1991. godine,
bila je, od strane Hrvata, provokaci j a prema nama Srbima u
selu, tako sto su u skolu kao predmet uveli veronauku, po
srpskim ku6ama pisane su hrvatske parole, Srbe su otpustali sa
radnih mesta, pronosile su se pri~e da se Hrvati naoruzavaju i
sli~no, sto je unelo veliko uznemirenj e medju srpsko stanovnis
tvo u s elu . Hrvati u selu po~eli su oka svojih ku6a da drze
straze, kao i sastanke Hrvatske demokratske zajednice, pa su i
Srbi organizovali straze oka svo.jih k u 6a. Culi s mo da Hrvati
donose oruzje i smestaju ga u vikendicu Djuke Ivi~eka, na
periferiji sela. Zbog ova:wih dogadjaja i pritisaka ve6i dea
mladjih napustilo j e selo i -- otis lo u srpska sela Kusonje i
Dobar broj Srba iz Pakraca, avgusta 1991. godine
bio je primoran da napusti _ g rad, nakon cega su Hrvat.i poce li
da vrse pr i tisak i ~iste okolnp srpska sel a. Zbog toga su
rnnogi i z srpskih sela pobegl i - maja 6erka otisla j e u Kusonje ,
avgusta, a suprug oktobra 1991 . god~ne, dok sam ja ostala sama
u kuéi.
Dana 15. novembra 1991. godine pripadnici Hrva t skog
ve6a odbrane ( HVO) usli su u selo i pokupil i sve koje su
nasli u svojim kuéa ma , a medju n jima i mene. Po hapsenju
odveli su nas u hotel "Ribnjak" u Mar:i.n.Q.IIL_selJJ, Qp_S_t_in.a_.P.akr:ac,
gde su nas smestili u podrum u jednu prostoriju. Seéam se da
su zajedno samnom bili uhapseni: Zestié Jela, ( urnrla 1995.
godine), Gojkovié Rade, Cicvara Josip, Kukié Slobodan, Maksimovié
Sa va i Zestié Jovo. U podrumu smo zatekli , jas 15 uhapsenih
muskaraca iz se la Kip, Opstina Daruvar. Seéam -se da su
medju nj ima bil i Mi Jo Krajinovié, - njegov sin Jovo, Branko,
kome ne znam prezime, Pero, kome takod j e ne znam prezime, - a
imena i prezimena ostalih se ne seéam.
Preostali Srbi u mom selu, ko ji nisu bili uhapseni
zajedno samnom, ubijeni su, koliko mi je poznato, d~cembra
1991. godine, ali ja nisam bila ocevidac ovih zlocina. Poznato
mi je da su tada ubijeni sledeéi:
1. Gojkovié Slobodan, rodjen oko 1969. godine
2. Samardzija Milka, moja zaova, rodjena 1930.
godine, zajedno sa svojim muzem Perom, pobegla je u sumu
prilikom mog hapsenja, gde su se skrivali, a kako je Pero bio
bolestan i nisu imali s ta da jedu, umro je u sumi, nakon cega
se Milka vratila svojoj kuéi u selo, gde je, zaklana.
3. Bosanac Dragica, rodjena 1935. godine, takodje
je zaklana ispred svoje kuée
4. Kukié Pela, rodjena 1945. godine,
5. Kukié Jela, (Pelina majka) rodjena 1914.
6. Cicvara Pava, star ija zena, ni je mi poznata
godina rodjenja
7. Zestié Nada
Svi su ani bili izvedeni iz svojih kuéa i
iznad sela u sumi Kresovina poubijani. Nije mi poznato gde su
sahranjeni jer su njihovi lesevi sa lica mesta odvezeni u
nepoznatom pravcu.
Ovom prilikom nestali su Markovié Bogdan i
njegova zena Jela, cija je kuéa zapaljena, pa se ne zna da li
su i oni zapaljeni u svojoj kuéi, ili odvedeni u nepozna tom
pravcu, jer se o njima od tada gubi svaki trag.
U napred navedenom zatvoru u hotelu "Ribnjak"
os ta la sam sve do 30. marta 1992. godine. Mi jo Krajinovié i
njegov sin Jovo su otpusteni iz zatvora nakon 6 do 7 dana,
Odmah po dovodjenju u zatvor pripadnici HVO su
poceli da tuku muskarce u prisustvu Zestié Jele i mene. Tukli
su ih metalnim nogarama od stolova, prikljucivali i h na struju
i drugo. Muskarci iz Ki pa ko je smo zatekli u zatvoru bili su
prethodno pretuceni. Napominjem da je medju njima bio i Nikola
Ivanovié, iz Batinjana kod Pakraca, koji mi je pokazi vao kako
je bio paljen po telu, odnosno po grudima, pa sam videla
opekotine. On se sada nalazi u Hrvatskoj, ni je mi poznato u
kom mestu. Treée noéi po nasem hapsenju videla sam kada je
dosla grupa od cetiri pijana hrvatska vojnika i to "Ante",
"Kec", "Eki" i "Poleto", cija mi prava imena i prezimena nisu
poznata. Oni su tukli muskarce, prikacinjali na njih elektricne
provodnike u na ponu, a Peri iz Kipa su odsekli usi i naterali
ga da pojede jedno svoje uho.
Od posledica ovog premlaéivanja u nasem prisustvu
podlegli su Go j kovié Rade, Maksimovié Savo, kao i Pero iz
Ki pa. Preostale pretucene Hrvati su sutrad9.n uvece izneli iz
podruma preostale pretucene i poubijali ih u i bacili u ribnjak .
Ostali smo samo Zestié Jela, Mijo Krajinovié, njegov sin Jovo,
Branko i Nikola Ivanovié, koji su takod j e bili pretuceni. Jovi
Krajinoviéu bila je potpuno razbijena vil ica. Nakon dva dana
voda iz ribnjaka je izbacila leseve pobijenih, pa su napred
navedeni muskarci - Krajinovié Mijo, njegov sin Jovo, Ivanovié
Nikola i Branko , morali ponovo da zakopavaju leseve.
Kao sto sam napred navela, nakon oko nedel ju
dana, Mijo Krajinovié, njegov sin Jovo, kao i Branko, su
otpusteni razmenom, a u za tvoru zajedno samnom i Jelom os tao
je Nikola Ivanovié iz Batin j ana. Istog dana kada su Krajinoviéi
otpusteni iz zatvora uhapsen je i doveden u isti zatvor Grujié
Branko iz sel a Batinjana, pa smo nas cetvoro ostal i u ovom
zatvoru do kraja. Iva novi é Nikola i Grujié Br9.nko su ostali u
Zestié Jelenu i mene terali su da cistimo hotel,
slafemo drva i obavljamo druge poslove. Hrana je bila ugJavnom
podno~ljiva, ali kada hrva t ski st r afari nisu bili dobre volje,
danima nam !'lisu davali n ista da jedemo . U prisustvu Jele i
mene cesto su tukli Ivanovié Nikolu i Grujié Branka, a terali
- ~ .. : :_·..:...~
~ V13,0,aje: V1Wn · ca.soeMe~a a.QMHHli'ICTpaUHta" ~.,q
I.1:1Aaaa"'KH ceKTop- 5eoroaA (48/96)
O:J~-taKa Ja nopyuo~o~HY: o6p. 6P. 23/276
~-;~•.• -~a: t ;u..;~ ·-:aece!l.!eHa a.AI•U'I!1HCTpa4Hja" A-A:-
pa\DH'-IKI'! C@KTO~ "6. 'FJOHOBKl\•- 6eorp8,A
su ih i da se medjusobno udaraju. U tome se posebno isticao
strazar pod nadimkom noidan.
Zbog nepodnosljivih uslova u ovom zatvoru februara
1992. godine izmedju 19.00 i 20.00 casova, kada je paznja
hrvatskih vojnika popustila, ja sam uspela da pobegnem iz
zatvora, predjem preko reke Ilove, u nameri da pobegnem, ali
nisam imala najbolju orijentaciju, pa sam lutala po selima oka
Daruvara. Nakon cetiri dana pronasli su me pripadnici hrvatskog
MUP-a i ponovo vratili u napred navedeni zatvor. Tom prilikom
su me i pretukli.
Koliko se seéam marta meseca 1992. godine u ovom
zatvoru su nas posetili predstavnici Medjunarodnog komiteta
crvenog krsta, nakon cega se nasa situacija poboljsala. Krajem
istog meseca otpusteni smo iz zatvora i ja sam se vratila u
svoje selo. Moja kuéa, kao i pomoéni objekti, bili su zapaljeni.
Imala sam nameru da popravim kuéu i da nastavim u njoj da
zivim, medjutim, nakon mesec dana, u aprilu 1992. godine,
Hrvati su mini ra li moju kuéu, a cula sam da je to ucinio
Markovié Mirko, iz sela Klisa.
U selu sam zatekla jos sest prezivela Srba i svi
smo bili primorani da se smestimo u kuéu Milosevié Mila. Juna
meseca dosao je moj zet Jercié Stjepan iz Rijeke, i odveo me
kod se be u Rijeku, gde sam bila do kraja 1992. godine, kada
sam presla u Srbiju.
Napominjem da sam po dolasku u Srbiju cula da su
ubistva i zlocine u mom se lu decembra 1992. godine, navodno
izvrsili Markovié Zlatko i Ivica Poleto, Hrvati iz sela Klise,
a imena ostalih ucesnika u zlocinu nisu mi poznata.
Napred navedeno spremna sam da svedocim pred
To je sve sto sam imala da kazem u vezi prednjeg,
zapisnik je glasno diktiran i u njega je uneto sve sto sam
izjavila, ne zelim da ga citam, priznajem gaza svojeg i kao
takvog potpisujem.
Saslusanje je zavrseno u 14.30 casova

Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness hearing of Du rda Vujasin, dated
2 May 1997 (Situation in Western Slavonia, Masiéka
v Sagovina Village)

Kri - 114/97-12
Taken on 2 May 1997 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Banja Luka in
the criminal case against NN persons for the crimina1 act punishable und er Article 142 of the
Criminal Code
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic
Court Recorder
Mirjana Misie
Djurdja Vujasin
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
No one
No one
Defence Counsel
No one
The Court rose at 8:00a.m.
The witness was warned that she was bound to tell the truth and that she should not hold
anything back; she was also warned against the consequences of giving false evidence and
that she should not respond to certain questions if she would thereby embarrass herself or any
next of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the
Criminal Procedure Code), so she replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names: Vujasin, Djurdja
2. Father's name: Dusan
3. Occupation: cook
4. Address: Laktasi, Tm, 41 Mose Pijade Street
5. Place of birth: village of Ljubacevo, municipality of Banja Luka
6. Date ofbirth: 20 April 1950
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what she knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the out break of this war I lived in the village of Masicka Sagovina in the municipality
ofNova Gradiska. There were only three Croatian families at the village and all the rest were
Serbs. There were around 150 Serb families there. The village of Masicka Sagovina bordered
on the village of Cernicka Sagovina, which is incidentally inhabited by the Croatian
population. Before the onset of the war, the relations between Croats and Serbs were O'K. We
made friends with Croats, participated in each other's family festivities, so that one can say
that these relations were good.
In early 1990, the relations began to cool off, because the Croats stopped consorting with us
in the village and started to issue threats that all Serbs of Masicka Sagovina should leave.
They threatened that they would come to the village and that not even Serb cats would remain
there. In the first half of 1991, the Croats of Cernicka Sagovina put up roadblocks in the
direction of our village and thus prevented the Serbian people from going to Nova Gradiska.
So the Serbs were in a kind of detention. On many occasions during 1991, they used small
arms or artillery fire against the homes in the village of Masicka Sagovina, causing even
ci vi lian deaths. This situation lasted until 19 December 1991 wh en the Croats from the
neighbouring village of Cernicka Sagovina, led by Zvonko Butina, who was born in 1968, of
father Jure and mother Kati ca, attacked the village of Masicka Sagovina. They had previously
opened strong fire at the village and torched ali Serb bouses and other facilities, killing the
inhabitants who happened to be in their homes. On that date, they killed 60 Serb civilians,
including women and elderly men. The Croats arrested 18 Serb men and women on that date,
took them to Nova Gradiska and held them up at the barracks.
During the Croatian attack on the village, the following residents were killed: Branko
Brdjanin, born in 1957 of father Milenko and mother Draginja; Milorad Mijakovic, born in
1951 of father Dragan and mother Stojka; Svetomir Panic, born in 1960 of father Branko and
mother Jovanka; Milan Stojcevic, born in 1975 of father Bosko and mother Savka; Mladen
Ozegovic, born in 1968 of father Marko and mother Draginja; Branko Miletic, born in 1960
of father Sveta and mother Ankica, and many others. 1 can't recall the other names now, but 1
know the ones 1 mentioned very weil, because they were ail my neighbours.
That day, the Croatian soldiers arrested civilians and brought them to Gradiska: Petar Delie,
born in 1938 of father llija and mother Bosiljka, who is currently at the collective centre in
Smederevska Palanka, in the Hotel "Kiseljak"; Petar's daughter Ruzica Delie, born in 1969,
who now lives in exile with her father. Also arrested was Draginja Brdjanin, an elderly
woman who now lives someplace near Bijeljina and 1 don't know her exact address; Stojka
Mijokovic and her daughter Nena who had lost both her legs. 1 know that Nena was born in
1941 of father Dragan and that she now lives with her mother in Belgrade, in the Sremcica
suburb, although 1 don't know the name of the street and the number of the building. Nena
and Stojka were detained at the Kerestinac camp in Zagreb together with Jovica
Milosavljevic, of father Mile and mother Cvetanka from Masicka Sagovina. Jovica spent five
months at Kerestinac and he now resides at the Hotel "Kiseljak" in Smederevska Palanka. 1
also remember that Savka Stojcevic, an elderly woman of over sixty, was arrested on 19
December 1991 and detained for about two months in Nova Gradiska. Savka now lives in
Belgrade, but 1 don't know her address nor do 1 know other details about her. I am not aware
wh ether any one has a list of tho se killed in the village of Masicka Sagovina on 19 December
1991, but I know full well that 68 civilians were killed on that date and 18 civilians were
arrested and taken to Gradiska.
After the attack, I fied to the village of Ratkovci near Okucani and stayed there until 1 May
1995. That day, the Croatian army launched its offensive operation codenamed "Flash" and
attacked the area of Western Slavonia. The Croatian army, in the morning of 1 May 1995,
opened a cannonade from ali guns and weapons in Western Slavonia. They obviously
intended to occupy that region. The Serb population in Pakrac and other areas left in the
direction of Okucani for Bosanska Gradiska, intending to cross into the Republic of Srpska.
Very long convoys were formed on 2 May 1995. They consisted of mo tor vehicles, tractors,
freight vehicles, horse-drawn carts and people walking on foot. The convoys moved from
Okucani to Bosanska Gradiska while the Croatian army unrelentingly fired at the convoys
from all directions. 1 was in the convoy and saw with my own eyes the bus full of children,
which also moved in the direction of Bosanska Gradiska being hit by a grenade after which it
burst into flames. All the children on the bus burnt to death. The children alighted the bus at
Pakrac and there must have been 60-70 of them, because the bus was full. On the way to
Gradiska 1 saw very many burning and overturned vehicles, horse-drawn carts and dead
bodies of civilians lying around those vehicles. I guess that there were so many bodies lying
along the road that one could not get through. 1 saw the largest number of destroyed vehicles
and dead civilians between Pustare and Strug at an 8 kilometre stretch of the road where there
was not a single spot to stand on, because of the dead bodies. The dead included elderly men,
women, children and young people. 1 can't tell how many bodies I saw, because I didn't count
them. It was a terrible sight to see, since all the bodies were dismembered from artillery
detonations and fire from other weapons. I managed to reach the Sava Bridge and to cross into
the Republic of Srpska where I still live now. My brother Ostoja Vujasin, born in 1960, of
father Dusan and mother Boja, maiden name Tamamovic, was also in the convoy, on 5 May.
My brother became a reservist of the Republic of Srpska army after this operation, and was
killed at the Vozuca battlefront. He was buried at Ljubacevo near Banja Luka.
I gave an account of what 1 saw and experienced during 1991 and 1995 before the
representatives of the Hague Tribunal on 5 December 1996. 1 explained to them ali 1 endured
and everything 1 said in this court today.
1 only add that I watched on television last night the tragedy that the Serbs went through on 1
and 2 May 1995, shown on Croatian national television. All 1 watched on the TV reminded
me of that event and I wondered when the Croatian cameramen filmed those pictures, but I
am sure that they depicted the event in an unbiased manner. They were not ashamed of their
crimes against the Serbian people.
That is all 1 had to say for the time being.
I have been advised to read the minutes and I declare that I don't want to, because it was
dictated out loud.
The hearing was adjourned at 10:00 a. m.
Court Recorder
Mirjana Misie (Signed)
Djurdja Vujasin (Signed) lnvestigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic (Signed)
ll'fJo A. !-4: et,..,.r>, "'If<:!.
v K..A:7 ,_,..'> ._.o.. If- f' .
Kri - J.l4/97-l2
lipoj KH ...................... .
cacTaBJbeH ,~~au _____ Q?.:.9.?. .. :.~~9.1.:........... 199········:···. r'I:)AJ~He npe11 •.•.•.•.....................••.•.••.. ~~I~A~-~,m~t ............................................. .
·····················---···················· CYAHjOM -···~··g-~~?.~~---···························· cy)la y ............ 1?.~~-!.~~_I!.~~---··········
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Y KpRBHIIJIIOM DOCT)'JIII:Y npoTRB ···················-·····'········; ..•.••• :) .•...•••.•.••..•••....•..••.••..••••••••••..••.••••..•••.••.••••••••••...•....•.....•...•..................•...............••••
35or KpHIIII'IIior ·)lena Jl3 'lllallll -·······1_1:!2 ........................... : j K3.
-·····································'·--·--·--·-······················ ja
Durda Vujasin
Cacnymlllby CIICAOKa npscycTByjy a:
·-----------~-----------------------·--------------------·------.. ·--·---··"··--·-·-····- nika
-----------------------------·--------------------.. ---------------------------------------
3auo'leTO y Q~zQQ ......... 'lacoaa
CBCAOK je ODOMCH)'T Aa je ~ )lB fOBOpR IICTIIHY R A& Re CMC DUITa opellyrara, YD030peR je Ra DOCJIC.!llllle AaBaiWlllaJCROf
BCKa3a, KaO R A& BHje ~ A& OAfQJapa Ra DojeARRa llliT&IWl, &ICO je aepoJaTRO A& 5B TRMe B3JIOZIIO Ce5e BJIH ClOT 6JlaCKOT
cpoARBU TeDIKOj CpaMOlll, 3RaTROj MarepRjallJIOj IUTeTB BJIH JtpJIBBIIJIIOM fOHoeii>Y ('IJJllll 22~. 1JEJT), "- Ha OnBITa IIHTaiWl CBC,li;OK
A&jC O.lU'OBOpe:
1) MMe B Dpe3RMC ....••••.~ ~?..~__,_~~~~!. .............. -··················-··············
2 H Du3an Vujasin
) Me O!Ul ·--···········-··············-···········--·--··-·-·-············-········································- ············· ·····
3) 3aBBMau.e ..........•....•.•• .KY __ @ygr _________ ·---·····------------------········-······------------·-------········---
4) IiopaBIIIJITe --·----·---·~K!!s!§.~.:• ...r r?.~~;u~. ..r .rn. .. Y.~L.!:l9.~~----~~-J?.~~--J?.r..~. ..! ±b. ..
5) MecTO pOI}eii>B ······---~~~-~• •• !:-.J~~~~~Y..?..:. ...~ _E~~.!_~---~-~J-~. .. !=~---············-········
6) roABHa pol}eiWl ., •••••. ~?..:.?..~.:.~-~.?.~.: _________________________ ................... ·-·····-·-········
7) O,~~;~~oc ca o~~:pBBJbCIDIM H omtebeBHM .••• cnes.codruL_ ......... ·---·-··-······-·-··-·················
- 2 -
sam p:['e :oocetl<a ovog r·ata z7.vela u selu t-Jaijiéka .Sagcvi.:na opi::t:Lna Fov&
Gradii§!ca. U selu i'-lasiéka Sagov~.m bile su sa:.iJlO tri oorodice :wvatske nac~;_onalnostj
. a sve os tale su bile srpske . U se lu je bilo oko 150 poroài ca srpske na-cionalnosü.
Sa seJ.om Hasié!<a ,jag;ov5.na granicilo se se1o Cednicka Sag;ov:;_na ko,~e
je inace naseljeno stnaovni.:Stvom hrvatske nacionalnosti. Pre pocetka ovog :~a ta
odnosi izmedju stanovnistva furvats\oe 5. sprske nacionalnsoti bil:L su km~etknj ..
Dr·u~.:i.E s:no se ss. hrvatsk5.rc stanovn.istvom. ucestvovaJ.i u noroàicnim i dcuo;i.m
svecv aoos t·•~: .ma - te.:w da se moze re;~:i da su odnosi bili dobri.
Po::ei:,1:.om 1990.godine osetilo se:zahladjenje odnosa jer su Hrvati prestali d2 se
· l
::t'·,,ze sa stanovnJ.stvom iz naseg: sel a - a. otpoceli su i sa upuéi vanjem p~~etnj :L da.
-.:e sv:i_ .Srb:l. iz sela :Via3iéke Sagovine mora ti da se sele. Pretili su da ée on~
l'éi U selo (·1asiéku Sagovinu i da taoeo ni .. Sl'pSlOE. tuacka neée ostat i U zivotu
D ·:-_o;<u pt've poJ.ovine l99l.godine !lr-vat:L :i..z sela Cednicke Sagovine postav:LE su
ùa:'.;ka.àe prerna nasem se::..u i na ta.j nacin onerr.ogu6:l.U srpskom stanovnj_stvu da ruo~e
da ode u Novu Gradi.~ku. tako da su Srb:L bili u svojevrsno~n pr·itvo~u.. :'lnostvo oute.
u toku l9SLgod:lne otva:Pali su vatru iz pesadi~skos :i. a.r•tiljerijskog oeuzja po
kuéam. u selu r"iasiéka sagovina. oct cega je biJ.o i. zl·tava ci vilnog stano'mi.~tV2_.
'':ai.<vo stanje trajalo je sve do l9.12.l99l.godine kada su Hrvati iz susednog sela
Cednicke Sagovine koje je predvodio J~vonko But:iJ!a_ rodjen 1968.godine: od oca
Ju:·e ' majke Katice , izvrs:U.i napad na srpsko selo tviasiéku ,Sagovinu. Prethodno
su otvori.U snaznu va tru po selu . a priU.kom upada u :l.sto palili su sve s1•pske
cuc,e i dl"U>-ëe objekte i ubijaH zatecene stanovnike kod svojth kuéa" Ub:li su to:-.·a
J:::n2 63 c:.v:'.la Scba medju \co jima je bUc ze~a i star:i.j:i.h ljudi . Hrvati su le
3 t?X•OVl'Ül<a SJ"DSÏ<e nacionalnost5. medjU kojima je bilo i zena isto~ dana Uhô.DSÜi.
"~ odve::.:'. u Novu Graà5.sku :i. zatvor:i.li ih u kasarnu.
D . 1 .1 d l' J... l b. . . ""R nk B ' . . ' . 1 ar7 .. ~ t": ... L<ora nap2. a .~rvava na se o u :t.}em. su: ~ orcJanln .. roGJen .-./) ,;:::od::.ne
:Jô oc s. J:-;;:i..::..enka i majke Draginje , "t'lHorad HijakQ.Yié , rodjen l95L ?Odien od oca
i}:·a~:~.an?. :\. ma.,jke Stojke , 1 Syetomj r Pa ni 6 t•odjen 1960 .godine od oca Branl<a i
:re._:ike Jovanloe 'lt-·1-il-an- S-t-o-jc-e-vié. rodjen 1975 .godine od oca Boska i majke Savke .. HJ.:oden Ozegov:"é . rodjen 1968 .. godine od oca trJarka .:t. majke Drag:Lnje "Bcanko ;>1:i.'.et:!.6 .
r~oct::en 1960. god:Lne od oca Sv ete i. rnajke Ank5.ce i drugih .. Osta1ih ~.mena ::a se
aada t1·enu'cno ne seéam aE imen2. nabrojan:lh poznajem dobl~o jer su to büi sve
n:.o.~~ kornStje.
I si~oç- dana h1·vatsk~ vo,jnic:. su uhapsiE c:i.vüe i odve1i u Gradisl<u: Pet1·a Delié:è.
t'odjenco l 938 .godine od oca IJ.ije i majke Bosiljke koji se sada nala.zi u sabL··nom
centcu u Smede!"evsko,~ Pa.J.ancj_ u !--lotelu 11Kj.seljakH Petrovu kée1~l<U Ruzj_cu Deli.é
:··oèjena l ::;6g. :;oMne l<oja z.tvi sa svoj:i.rn ocem u ~.zbj eglistvu. Odvedena je
D~"ar~5.nja 3:-d.jantn st2r·:i.ja zena koja se sada nalazi negde oko B:Lje:l.jine
tacnu adresu ja ne znam , Sto:ka i''i:;.jokovi6 takodjer je ul1apsena. 2- njena kée;:-·ka
Uen2. tèkc je ranjena odbijene su joj obe noge. Zna:n da je Nena r•oàjena :L 94J .
/) J __fi. , _,,__ , ·w. .
7.:0d:i.ne od oca Dragana i ona se sada na.lazi sa majkom u Beogcadu u nasel ju
Sremcica , s tim sto ja ne znam ulicu i. broj. Nena i Stojka b:l..le su u logoru
u Kel'estincu u Zag1~ebu , a sa njima j e bio i Jovica Milosavljevi6, od oca 1·1ile
l majke Cvetanke iz !1asiéke Sagovi ne . Jovica je bio u Kerestincu pet meseci .
a isti se sada nalazi u Smederevskcj Palanci u Hot elu "Kiseljakn. Seéam se
takodjer da je i Savka Stojcevié star i ja zena preko 60 godina bH a uhapsena
l9 .. 12.199l.godine i zadrzana u zatvoru oko dva meseca u Novoj Gradisci. Savl{a
se sada nalazi u Beogradu, ali ne znam njenu adresu niti znam ostale nodatke
za nju. Ne znam da li neko poseduje sptsak ubijenih u selu Hasi éka Sagovina
l9.12.199l.godine. ali pouzdarip znam da je toga dana ubijeno 68 ci vil a i da je
18 civila uhapseno i odvedeno h Gr adisku .
Ja sam oosle napada na selo pcbegla u selo Ratkovci kod Okucana i tamo sa:n
bila sve do OLmaja J.995.godine. Toga dana hrvatska vojsi<a u svoj oj ofanziv::.
pod nazivom 11Bljesak11 izv:rsila je napad na podrucju Zapadne Slavonije. Hrvatska
vojska je pomenutog datuma u ranim jut arnjim casovima sa svim strana otvor i la
uraganslru vatru i z svih orudja i oruzja na podï"UCje Zapadne Slavonije i oc~cgledno
je bilo da ée ista okupirati to podrucje. SPpsko stanovnistvo s apodruc_:ia
Pakraca i drugih krenulo je u pravcu Okucana prema Bosanskoj Gradisci u na~e~i
da predje na teri toriju Republike Srpsloe. Formirale su se 02 .maja izuzetno duge
l<ol one koje su sacinjavali: putnicka vozila ' tl~aktrori ~ teretna vozila zapl"ezm
kola i pesaci . Sve se k1,;etalo putem od pravca Okucana prema Bosanskoj Gradisc~L .
a hrvatska vojska neprekidno je tukla tu kolonu iz svih pravaca. Bila sam u t oj
koloni i licno videla autobus pun dece koji se takodjer kretao prerr~ Bosanskoj
Gradisci kada je isti pogodjen granatom, posle cega se zapalio . Sva deca u t om
autobusu su izgorel a . Deca su usla u taj autobus u Pakracu a bi lo je izmedju
50 i 70 jer je autobus bio pun . Vi dela sam u toku kretanaj prema Gradisc:L
i zuzetno mnogo zapaljenih i prevrnutih vozila, zapreznih vozila i te la ubj.j erü h
civila oko tih vozila. Po mojoj proceni i onome sto sain ja videla b:i.lo je toli.l(o
te la ubijen:i.h da se ni je moglo proéi od njih jer je ceo put bio pokri ven sa
telima. Najveéi broj unistenih vozila i bela ubijenih civila videla sam od mest3.
Pustare do mosta Strug,na duzi ni puta od oko 8 km nigde se nije moglo stati na
zemlju a da nije bile telo ubi jenog. l·1edju ubijenim videla sam da j e bilo staLU.î
ljudi , zena: dece i mladjih osoba. Ne rnogu uopste da se opredelim koliko S3.W
vi. dela te la ubijenih jer to ni sain brojala. Bio je prizor sve to v:Ldeti jer· su
tela bila strahovito raskomadana i iskidana od eksplozija artiljerije i dej stva
d>·ugog naoruzanja. Uspjela sam da dodjem na most na Savi i da predjem na te:~i tOE"
iju Republike Srpske gde se i danas nalazim. U i stoj koloni pr esao je j_ moj
brat Ostoaj Vujasin , rodjen 1960.godine 05.maja od oca Dusana i majke Boje
rodjene 'I'amamovié koj i je posle ove ofanzive bic u rezemvom sast avu Vojske
Republike Srpske na ratistu na Vozuéoj gde je i poginuo. Njesovc telo sahmnjeno
- 4 -
u mestu Ljubacevo kod Banja Luke .
U vez:i. sa onim sto sam videla i prezj_vela u toku 1991 . i l995.godine ja satn dala
izjavu pred predstavnicima haskog suda 05 .12.1996 . godine . Objasnila sam pred
nredstavnciima Haskog suda sve ono ste sam dozivela i cvo o cemu sam se danas
Dodajem samo to da sxam sinoé gledala tu tragediju koju su Srbi doZiveH Ol .. i 02 .
05 . l995.goàine na hrvatskoj te1eviziji koju su onj_ prikazalL Sve je to sto je
pdkazano na televizj_ji podsetilo me na taj dogadjaj, a kada su to snimatelji
hrvatske televizije ja to scvarno ne znam ali sam sigurna da su vrlo objektivno
or j_kazali ceo tok dogadjaja. Niku se stideli nista svojih zlocina koje su uciniL
nrema srpskom narodu.
!.'o je sve sto imama za sada da izjavim.
Poucena sam da imam pravo da procitam Z3.pisnik , pa izjavljujem da ne zelim jer
je :.sti glasno dlktiran.
Dovrseno u 10,00 casova.
WTaMI'18: HWn •CaapeMeHa a,qMMHMCTpa~ja~ A·A· r--"6. T>oHoBMII"- 6eorp""

Centre for Peace, Non-Violence and Hu man Rights
Osijek, Croatia, "Monitoring war crimes trials: crime
in Virovitica"

Monitoring war crime trials
~:t::atomontc ::artiuitioc: n11hlir::atinnc mnnitnrinn tri:::. le::
Crime in Virovi tica
Trials in Croatia :: Verdict after appeal
The Panel of the Supreme Court of the RoC, at its session held on 24 March 2009, rejected
the appeal lodged by the State Attorney's Office as unfounded and upheld the verdict of the
War Crime Council of the Bjelovar County Court which, in the repeated proceedings,
acquitted Zeljko !haros and Luka Perak who were charged with committing a crime in
ln the indictment No. K·D0-62 / 01 dated 15 January 2001, the defendant Zeljko !haros, the
defendant Ivan Vrban, the defendant Andelko Kasaj and the defendant Luka Perak were
charged that, in the time period between 1 November and 17 December 1991, in Virovitica,
during an armed conflict between the armed forces of the RoC and the JNA (Yugoslav
People's Army) and associated paramilitary formations, with the intent of forcible bringing,
torture and killing of civilians, contrary to Article 4, paragraph 1, item a of the 2nd Protocol
Additional from 1997 to the 1 st Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilians in
Time of War dated 12 August 1949, the 1st defendant Zeljko !haros, as commander of a
military police platoon , ordered military policemen to forcibly bring, inter alia, civilians
Bogdan Mudrinié, Ranko Mitrié, Rade Svorcan and Ouro Svorcan. Having interrogated the
injured party Bogdan Mudrinié, the 1 st defendant handed him over to military policemen,
the 2nd defendant Ivan Vrban , the 3rd defendant Andelko Kasaj and the 4th defendant Luka
Perak, who beat him up in front of and inside the prison, as a result of which beating the
injured party sustained serious injuries and died, alter which his body was removed. Ranko
Mitrié was forcibly brought from his work post, subjected to interrogation, beaten up and
abused on severa[ occasions, alter which ordeal he was taken out of the prison and killed ,
and his body was thrown into the waste pipe by the trunk route No. 16. Ouro Svorcan and
Rade Svorcan were forcibly brought, without legal grounds, by the military policemen to the
military prison where they were interrogated on severa[ days, threatened to be killed and
abused by masked military policemen; on severa[ occasions they were hit all over their
bodies with rifle butts, rifles, truncheons, hands and legs, due to which ordeal the injured
parties sustained numerous injuries with permanent consequences, of which the 1st
defendant Zeljko !haros was aware, but did nothing to prevent it.
Bjelovar County Court
Case: war crime against civilians, Article 120, paragraph 1 of the Basic Criminal Law of the
Republic of Croatia (hereinafter: the OKZ RH)
lndictment: issued by the Bjelovar County State's Attorney's Office, No. K-D0-62/01 dated
15 November 2001
The defendants: Zaljko !haros et al.
War Crime Council: Judge Milenka Slivar, Council President; Judge Bozidar !verac, Council
member, Judge Davorka Hudoletnjak, Council member
Prosecuting attorney: Oarko Zegarac, Bjelovar County Deputy State's Attorney
Defence counsels: Mirko Petras , a lawyer practising in Virovitica, Boris Kozjak, a lawyer
practising in Virovitica, Silvije Degen, a lawyer practising in Zagreb,
Stjepan VoSéak, a lawyer practising in Virovitica
· died as a result of abuse: Bogdan Mudrinié
- abused, then killed: Ranko Mitrié
- abused: Rade Svorcan and Ouro Svorcan
Il Ongoing tria!
Ill Verdict bef ore appeal
Ill Verdict alter appeal
Il Trials in Bosnia and
a Tria!s in S(~rbia
Il Trîals in Montenegro
Il List of ali triais
Il Other Trials
8 Tr"ials News Archive
• National monitoring team:
Veselinka Kastratovié
Mladen Stojanovié
Robert Adrié
VIatka Kuié
Jelena Ookié Jovié
Maja Kovacevié Boskovié
Marko Sjekavica Martina
Klekar Ti no Bego Milena
Calié Jelié Melanija Kopié • Regional monitoring team:
Veselinka Kastratovié
Mi rjana Lazié
Eldar Jahié • ln cooperation with
Documenta Zagreb
Citizens Committee for
Human Rights Zagreb
Humanitarian Law Centre
Research and
Documentation Centre
Sarajevo • Monitoring of War Crimes
http://www.centar-za-mir.hr/index. php?page=article sudj enj a&tria!Id= 1 7 &article_ id=4 ... 6/8/2010
Centre for non-violence :: Osijek
Attorneys-at-tact: none
Summary of the proceedings:
The Bjelovar County State's Attorney's Office issued the indictment No. K-D0-62/ 01 dated
15 November 2001, against the defendants charging them with a war crime against civilians.
The Bjelovar County Court passed the verdict No. K-55/01 dated 24 January 2002, which
convicted the 2nd defendant, the 3rd defendant and the 4th defendant and sentenced each
of them t o one year in prison, wh ile the 1 st defendant was acquitted of charges.
The Supreme Court of the RoC, in its ruling No. 1 Kz-238/02 dated 6 November 2003,
quashed the aforementioned verdict and reversed the case for a re-trial due to erroneously
and incompletely established tacts.
The repeated proceedings commenced on 19 October 2005 and concluded on 7 March 2006.
• Virovitica - reports (in Croatian)
At the court hearing held on 19 October 2005, monitors noted the following problems:
1. The defendants were not detained, despite the tact that they were charged with a
war crime against civilians, which is contrary to the provision of Article 102,
paragraph 1, item 4 of the Criminal Procedure Act (hereinafter: the ZKP);
2. Evidence procedure: contrary to the provision of Article 238, paragraph 1 of the
ZKP, which stipula tes that witnesses are heard individually and without the presence
of other witnesses, two witnesses, M.M. and N.B., monitored the hearing of ot her
witnesses in the court room before they provided testimonies about the same
circumstances as the previous witnesses;
3. The court records from the main hearing did not record the absence of t he 3rd
defendant's defence counsel from the last section of that day's hearing, or who
replaced the absent defence counsel, which is a direct violation of the provision of
Article 306 of the ZKP. This particular case involves trial for a war crime, for which
a prison sentence in t he duration of at !east l ive years or a prison sentence in t he
duration of twenty years is prescribed and where, pursuant to the provision of
Article 65, paragraph 1 of the ZKP, the defendant must have a defence counsel;
4. Neither the Council President nor the Bjelovar County Deputy State's At torney
reacted when the 4th defendant verbally attacked the witness M. K. during the
evidence procedure;
5. Neither the Council President nor the Bjelovar County Deputy State's At torney
attempted to stop the hearing of witnesses in a manner that was incriminating
towards the vîctims and witnesses - injured parties, but such incriminations were
entered into the court records;
6. There were no members of the judicial police in t he courtroom who could react in
case of need.
On 7 March 2006, the War Crime Council published the verdict in which the defendants
Zelj ko lharos and Luka Perak were acquitted of charges t hat they had committed a war
crime against civilians referred to in Article 120, paragraph 1 of the OKZ RH.
The Panel of the Supreme Court of the RoC, at i ts session held on 24 March 2009, rejected
the appeallodged by the Stat e Attorney's Office and upheld the first inst ance verdict.
Y ou can see the verdict of the Supreme Court here. (in Croatian)
ln t he repeated proceedings, charges against Ivan Vrban and Andelko Kasaj were dropped
because the Bjelovar County State's Attorney's Office abandoned further criminal
prosecution in this case. The acquitting verdict was passed against the defendant Zelj ko
lharos and Luka Perak, which the War Crime Council explained with the impossibility to
establish, without reasonable doubt and on the basis of evidence presented, command
responsibility of the defendant Zeljko lharos, i.e. individual responsibility of the defendant
Luka Perak. Neither the Council nor the prosecuting attorney insisted on re-hearing sorne of
the key prosecution witnesses, which required internat ional cooperation on war crime
Page 2 of3
Annual report for 2009.
Report for the period january-june
Regional report 2004-2008.
Annual report for 2008.
Report for the period january-June
Annual report for 2007.
An nuai report for 2006.
Annual report for 2005.
• Contact Katarina Kruhonja
This project is funded by the
European Union. The contents of
these documents are the sole
responsibility of the Centre for
Peace, Nonviolence and Human
Rishts and can under no
circumstances be regarded as
reflecting t he position of the
European Union.
http://www.centar-za-mir.hr/index. php?page=article sudjenja&trialld= 17 &article_ id=4 ... 6/8/2010
Centre for non-violence :: Osijek
issues with Serbia. Apart from that, they did not warn or question the circumstances of
possible pressure by the defendants· supporters or by the defendants themselves (they
defended themselves at large) on those prosecution witnesses who changed t heir
testimonies claiming that they had been placed under pressure during the investigation ·
daims which the Council rejected.
• Analysis of the proceedings against the defendant !haros et al. doc (in Croatian)
Page 3 of3
http://www.centar-za-mir.hr/index.php?page=article sudjenja&trialld= 17 &article id=4... 6/8/2010

Tracing request for Milos Grmusa who went missing in
the town of Petrinja on 19 Joly 1991

Commission for War Crimes of Genocide
for killed, murdered, missing and wounded citizens in the
territory of the Republic of Serbian Krajina
Name and surname: Milos Grmusa alias: ............... .
Date of birth: 2 April 1948 Place of birth: Bosanska Bojna
Father's name: Petar; Mother's name: ................. .
Municipality:..................... Republic: ................... . .
ID Ca rd No. . . ..... .... .. ...... ........... Issued in: Petrinja
Personal ID No ................ ........... .
Occupation: postman
Last known address: Petrinja
Address: III Ratkovicev Odbojak bb
Marital status, names and ages of children and next of kin:
wife Milka ( 1954 ); son Milan ( 1970) and son Miroslav ( 1978)
Nationality: Serb; Service unit: .......... .... ............ .
Loss of life
1. Killed in battle: .............................. ..
2. Murdered: ....................... .
3. Location:................ Date: .......................... .
4. Executed, slaughtered, hanged, burned to death, strangled: ...................... .
5. Perpetrator: .................. Unit: ................. Individual: .................... , Non known,
Address of killer: .............................. .
6. Killed by a landmine, band grenade, mortar or otherwise: ....................... .
7. Not known method of death ....................... .
8. Missing: 19 Joly 1991
9. Wounded: ............................. .
10. Inflicted disability: ....................... .
Provide brief description of the way of dying and the names of
witnesses: ................ .
11. Indicate whether the body was forensically or medically examined. Y es/ No
12. Place of burial: ...................... .
Request submitted by Danica Vukmanovic
Date: 17 February 1993
Requesting person 's signature
D. Vukmanovic (Signed)
Address: V. Spanduljaka 7,
Other comments:
On 19 July 1991, he went to the post office for work as he did for so many years bef ore and
never came back. Ali inquiries by the family to the police were to no avail.

poginulih,. ub1.1enih t ~~ i ranjenib
gradana, ~odrucja Republ1ke ·srpake Krajine
Ime i prezime fttf/16/f/ r?NV!.//1\ nadimak -----------
., •7/· t"-.--;;· ;;. ~- ~ ~ _,.. ..... roden-a ~~ · '-•'if· ' :; --r SI u 0 ::..Jl / ' .o 0 ï H.q
ime oca --~~~~~~-~~-~~?_ ________ majke ------------------------------
opstina -------------------- republika
~roj licne karte izdane u --~~~~~~~r~rw~~~~6A~~---------
ma tic ni broj gradanina -----------------------------
zanimanje t7"0 Ll!TA P
rojesto po~ljednjeg boravka
adresa stanovanja .!Li P.4FJ..:o8t/fïé_C/ :')/l/30 JA. ,e 6B
ozenjen, udata, imena i starosna dob Jjece 1 blize rodbine:
n<'lcionalnost C P5 ~tH
pripadnik jedinice
~ubita!'iivota ~~ • . ,
~: :~~:la u borbi
3. gdJ~ ---------- kada ---------~------------
l!. strijeljan-a, zaklan-a, vjcian-a, spaljen-a, zadavljen-a
5. ko je ubica? . jedinica -------------------------------------
pojedinac _ , · nepoznat, adrezsa ubice ----
6. -p-o-g-i-n-u-o---lm-- -o-d- -m--i-n-a-, --b-o-m-b~e-,- -g-r-a-n--a-te-- -i·l i na drugi nacin ---
1. nepcznnt nac1n smrt!
.- "'
( _~ .. ; nostso-15- 19.-o ;; 1.93 ( r~CJ uf-lt:
?· ranjen-a
10. steol!na invalidnost ____________________ - ~·
lratak opla oa61na .aartl 1 ko au . ••J•cl~la
11. da li je lei audaki 11.1 mediainaki ft · 1 d
12. gdje J• aahranj~n-a . . .ros o an1 DA - ME
Anke tu popunio ~§·~A~it_J.l_t_1J- ....;.-7..:..+!.-B.::;,:_Y.:.::K.;.:..H.:.,:l' h~f-1:.:_', ::t7:::_.8::_I~r.i71: _---------ka
da 1''-L~'·V .v--"<\'_' , 1r./0J,'.:..J., u--: L
.. . Potpis lioa koje je popunilo
s::@:ft<4ur...C..to e%-;{.
Ostale napomenea
{3.o?" 1 qq 4 . "ro4 WE . orU U/1>0 HA ?.4-AH 0 i'JéC7V .)' 1T tJiUCJ r4} E
J iÇ ?/!.fi li [ "ft121 i/f/ PJ'f ..( U 8 VI i.1l E C € 1/. 'é7 t' 8 f!?)."! 0, C 8 ,q 7 P/) ;J>Cé-..04
rro P::J-'1110ll CJ (;,' w.JN' j' .::;A llj!A Kt? .li ;y t!.fl>f .IJ 11) 6)' 17c r pwl-i>it.
List of non grata Serbs posted on several hundred
places in Podravska Slatina on 15 January 1992,
v published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié & Salié,
"Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia
1991-1998- Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade,
1998, pp. 26-29

Pavle IVIé.
Vasiljje KRESTié
Presidency of
Serbian Council and
Information Center:
Pavle IVIé, President of the Serbian Council
Vasillje KRESTié, President of the SCIC Council
Miroslav PANTié
Mtodrag JOVICié
Milorad PAVIé
Milica GRKOVIé
Mihajlo VOJVODié
Jovan ILié
Borivoje LAZié
Nedeljko PLAVi'llé
Drago]jub SLOVIé
n -z1-1u ./
Vojin S. DABié
Ksenija M. LUKié
Natasa T. PEROVIé
Milomir P. SALié
Doc. No. F l - 6.
Podravska Slatina, January 15, 1992
The /eajlel bearing the names and surnames o/341 Serbs 27, which was posted
on severa/ hundred places in Podravska Slatina on January 15, 1992, warning the
population thal the war would not be ended unlil all those named on the list have
been annihila led. Having stated thatthey had '1efl our land', and laken refuge elsewhere,
il demanded thal their retum should be prevented 28.
17 The list cnds with ordinal numbcr 339, but numbers 312 and 313 have been given twice, so that it
really contains 341 names.
n The Ica flet was a Iso distributed to interested citizens, and its facsimi lo wns later publishcd in the
local newspaper (Glas S/avonije, May 7, 1992, p. 9). This invitation 10 lynch, which was approved
by the state govemment, did not go without an e<:ho- after its publication the bouses of many Serbs
from the list were beavily damaged or blown up with explosives, irrespective of wbether they were
abandoned or anyooe lived in them. For example's sake, berc are the namcs and ordinal oumbers on
the list of just a fcw Serbs whose hou ses and facilities were theo mined: Nikola Cmobmja (Ord. No.
1), llija S~ié (2), Milun Karadtié (3). Veljko Vukelié (4), Nikola Dopudja (9), R.adovan Budalié
(22), Milan Borotié (23), Nikola Ojkié (24), Milan Stulié (28), Ratko Vukclié (31 ), Stevan Vujanié
(32), Savo Trbojcvié (35), Stevan Maljkovié (36), Milan Dejanovié (51), Milan Subotié (56).
Dragoljub LjubiSié (59), Radovan Bogojevié (76), Stevan DreZ8ié (83), Rajko TomaSevié (88).
Bo!ko Momeilovié (110), Milcnko Stefanovié (139), Djuro Jorgié (193), Milan Drezgié (212),
Jovan Grkinié (259), Milo! Kaurin (265), Radivoj Simié (266), Pero Jagodié (268), LjubiSko
Subotié (292). Brane Radosavljcvié (312), :l.eljko Cvijetié (3 17), Milan Dra~a - 'Bato' (319), Vojo
Kosanovié (324), :l.eljko Stepanovié (329) and Vlado Stepanovié (330). Sorne Scrbs, wbose namcs
wcre on this list, wcre a Rer its publication forced to leave Slatina and move out of the Republic of
Croatia and to agree at their detriment to ex change the ir propc.ny with the Croats from the Republic
of Scrbia. Thus. for example. Stojan Mom~ilovié (Ord. No. 29) and Veljko Rajdukovié (Ord. No.
326) exchanged tbeir propcny at the ir detriment with the Croats from Golubinci as they moved from
the Rcpublic of Croatia to the Rcpublic of Setbia. After the publication of this leaOet severa! Serbs
who ditl not lcave the territory of the Municipaliryc ofPodravska Slatina were murdcred - thus, for
cxample, on Orthodox Good Frida y, on Apri1 24, 1992, the membcrs of the Croatian National Guard
killed with n knife at the market place at Podravska Slatina Milo§ OBRADOVlé (Ord. No. 49),
bom in 1934 or 1935. According to witnesses, bis eyes werc gougcd and his dead body was !cft on
the site of the murder un ti liate aftemoon. Sce: SCIC, file A- 60.
Threats and Lists of Non Grata Serbs
1. Cmobmja Nikola, 2. Sa~ié llija, 3. Rado$evié Radivoj, 4. Karad~ié Milun, 5.
Vukelié Veljko, 6. Boj~ié Jovao, 7. Juri~ié Milan, senior, 8. Juri~ié Milan, junior, 9.
Dopudja Nikola, 10. Guzina Cedo, Il. Turudija Milorad, 12. Simpraga Vlado, 13.
Gajié Rade, 14. Novakovié Gojko, 15. Dra~a Nikola, 16. Kosanovié Tihomir, 17.
Subotié Stamenko, 18. Subotié Lazar, 19. Koval!evié Moml!ilo, 20. Subotié
Moml!ilo, 21. Sijan Zdravko, 22. Budalié Radovan, 23. Borotié Milan, 24. Ojkié
Nikola, 25. Bratié Branko, 26. Lazarac Sreéko, 27. Skundrié Mirko, 28. Stulié
Milan, 29. Moml!ilovié Stojan, 30. Lukié Milorad, 31 . Vukelié Ratko, 32. Vujanié
Stevan, 33. Radmilovié Pane, 34. Vujil!ié Zoran, 35. Trbojevié Savo, 36. Maljkovié
Stevan, 37. Maljkovié Pero, 38. Obradovié Lazo, 39. Stanivukovié Milorad, 40.
Stanivukovié Marko, 41. Jovié Vladimir, 42. Katié Dragan, 43. Markovié dr Pero,
44. SamardZié dr Slavko, 45. Scgrt Luka, 46. Bukva Mirko, 47. Cmogorac Jovo,
48. Tubié Nenad, 49.,0bradovié Milo~. 50. Bosanac Lazo, 51. Dejanovié Milan, 52.
Pje~l!ié Milan, 53. Pje~l!ié Vlado, 54. Plati~a Rajko, 55. Ul!ina Branko, 56. Subotié
Milan, 57. Dopudja Stanojla, 58. Stepanovié Snje!ana, 59. Ljubil!ié Dragoljub, 60.
Jankovié Djordje, 61. Avirovié Milan, 62. Djurdjcvié Zarko, 63. Are~na Cedomir,
64. Gojié Pero, 65. Lukié Borivoj, 66. Vojnica Branko, 67. Cupovié Milan, 68.
Aleksié 2:eljko, 69. Bosanac Bogdan, 70. Bosiol!ié Gojko, 71. Aleksié Gojko, 72.
Pavlovié Stana, 73. lvankovié Marica, 74. Sljubura Slavko, 75. Kragujevié Pero,
76. Bogojevié Radovan, 77. Habu~ Miroslav, 78. Tom~evié Velibor, 79. Djurdjevié
Zivko, 80. Bosanac Zoran, 81. Vlaié Djordje, 82. Savkovié Stanko, 83. Drezgié
Stcvao, 84. Segan Milan, 85. Mila~inovié Boro, 86. Krilovié Ljubi~ko, 87. Radié
Pero, 88. Tom~evié Rajko, 89. Are~a Cedo, 90. Todorovié Radomir, 91. Starué
Milivoj, 92. Kutié Boro, 93. Mihajlov Goran, 94. Ba~ié Momir, 95. Brankovié
Boris, 96. Lazarac SiniSa, 97. Desan~ié Sin i~a, 98. <'::ovié Nikola, 99. Pu~karié
Petar, 100. Bojl!ié Milan, 101. Lazarac Savo, 102. Li~ina Borko, 103. Jagodié
Milan, 104. Pavlovié Darko, 105. Mi~lié Goraoka, 106. Keleuva Dragomir, 107.
Grahovac Milan, 108. Kulié Mladen, 109. Popadié Jovan, llO. Moml!ilovié Bo!ko,
111. Perlié Jovan, 112. Petrovié Moml!ilo, 113. Rado~evié Savo, 114. Dral!a
Zdravko, 115. Maksimovié Milorad, ·116. Radovanovié Miéo, 117. Milo~evié
Bogdan, 118. Moml!ilovié Milorad, 11 9. Pelengié Rajko, 120. Buzanl!ié Mirko,
121. Kekié Ratko, 122. Dragojevié Nedeljko, 123. Kusikié Borka, 124. Alavuk
Vlajko, 125. Kliska Jovan, 126. Skrobié Pero, 127. Kuzmié Marko, 128. Savié
Milan, 129. Cvjetié Vid, I 30. Matié Milisav, 131. Matié Zeljko, 132. Tanovié
Milo~. 133. Filipovié Damir, 134. Matié Marko, 135. Kosanovié LjubiSa, 136.
Raduka Goran, 137. Grabié Jovan, 138. Grgur Pero, 139. Stefanovié Milenko, 140.
Bosanac Milivoj, 141. Ivl!ié Tomo, 142. Pantelié Bogdan, 143. Baljak Pajo, 144.
BuzadZié Mladen, 145. Keéimovié Slobodan, 146. Golubovié Velislav, 147.
Bosanac Milan, 148. Vranjcl Milovan, 149. Prstojevié Milan, 150. Guzina
Moml!ilo, 151. Radulovié Mirko, 152. Jorgié Nenad, 153. Gojié Milorad, 154.
Bukvié Miroslay, 155. Rajal!ié Slobodan, 156. Mihaljevié Blagoja, 157. Bosanac
teljko, 158. Pantel ié Stcvo, 159. Ostojié Goran, 160. Matié Mirko, 161. Zivkovié
Zlatko, 162. Petrovié Pavie, 163. Marinkovié Zoran, 164. Plati~a Zdravko, 165.
Jorg'ié Slobodan, 166. Pra~é Djordje, 167. Lavrnié Stevo, 168. Tep~ié Ncnad, 169.
Nelié Zeljko, 170. Tepsié Stevan, 171. Radojcit Boro, 172. Kesié Slobodan, 173.
Radovanovié Bogdan, 174. KulunMié Milan, 175. Novakovié Miodrag, 176. Bo1ié
Nikola, 177. Bolié Goran, 178. Bolié Borislav, 179. Stupar Vlado, 180. Bosanac
Rajko, 181. BuzadZié Milan, 182. Radonié Dragié, 183. Kokié Milivoj, 184.
Jovanovié Marko, 185. Dobrié Jovan, 186. Dorkovié Predrag, 187. Jorgié Boro,
188. Loncarevié Jovan, 189. Vasiljevié Slavko, 190. èopié Pero, 191. Kovcié Pero,
192. Vasiljevié Marko, 193. Jorgié Djuro, 194. Vasiljevié Miros1av, 195. Loncarevié
Pero, 196. Borcié Zarko, 197. Ilisevié Bosko, 198. Dobrojevié Sveto, 199.
Mladjenovié Vid, 200. Kesié Mladjo, 201. Milinovié Jovan, 202. Sakié Branislav,
203. Bosanac Djordje, 204. Todorovié Ranko, 205. Sakié Momir, 206. Dragojevié
Nebojsa, 207. Mladjenovié Nikola, 208. Dobrojevié Pero, 209. Bosanac Tihomir,
210. Vukovié Milenko, 211. Stankovié Darko, 212. Drezgié Milan, 213. Jovanovié
Zoran, 214. Jovanovié Stevo, 215. Peterko Goran, 216. Mandié Milorad, 217.
Orozovié Goran, 218. A1avuk Dusan, 219. Bozinac Rajko, 220. Bozinac Pajo, 221.
Batkovié Ncbojsa, 222. Bojanié Miladin, 223. Bratié Milan, 224. Manjak Branko,
225. Radojcié Savo, 226. Milakovié Branko, 227. Gak Stojan, 228. Todorovié
Milan, 229. Kolarié Dragoljub, 230. Bogatié Miéo, 231. Kesié Dragisa, 232.
Mladjenovié Zoran, 233. Spanovié Branko, 234. Jorgié Nikola, 235. Zubovié Tomo,
236. Zubovié èedo, 237. Majstorovié Zoran, 238. Jorgié Djuro, 239. Dzavid
Bekim, 240. Saulié Milan, 241. Skorié Radoja, 242. Radzié Milenko, 243.
Mi1inkovié Branko, 244. Milakovié Branko, 245. Katanié Tihomir, 246. Milakovié
Rajko, 247. Mirkovié Milos, 248. Bukvié Bosko, 249. Zivkovié Predrag, 250.
Kovacevié Dragan, 251. Maravié Radovan, 252. Trifunovié Slobodan, 253. Zunié
Ljubomir, 254. Arbutina Nikola, 255. Radmilovié Pane, 256. Krneta Branislav, 257.
Skorié Milan, 258. Grkinié Jovan, 259. Marinkovié Mile, 260. Trbojevié Dusan,
261. Milkovié Stevo, 262. Buzancié Lazo, 263. Relié Sinisa, 264. Petrovié
Njegovan, 265. Kaurin Milos, 266. Simié Radivoj, 267. Mihaljevié Tomislav, 268.
Jagodié Pero, 269. Vuletié Milenko, 270. lvkovié Branko, 271. Pokrajac Darko,
272. Petkovié Dusko, 273. Djurié Jovan, 274. Filajdié Jovan, 275. Djurié Sasa, 276.
Zitkovié Branislav, 277. BoliÇ Damir, 278. Grubac Rajko, 279. Zubié Damir, 280.
Stojanovié Pero, 281. Bajié Miladin, 282. Borotié Ratko, 283. Bosanac Milorad,
284. Radosevié Jelena, 285. Teodorovié Marko, 286. Jaksié Aleksandra, 287.
Mihajlov Milena, 288. Jagodié Zivana, 289. Popadié Jovan, 290. Bogatié Bratislav,
291. Ojkié Milorad, born in 1953, 292. Subotié Ljubisko, 293. Puskarié Mile, 294.
Boscié Goranka, 295. Tanovié Milijana, 296. Dobrojevié Rajko, 297. Novakovié
Milorad, 298. Bosanac Vladimir, 299. Mihaljevié Milan, 300. Boscié Miladin, 301.
Ostojié Gojko, 302. Lazarac Milan, 303. Popovié Petar, 304. Jankovié Ljubinko,
305. Balaé Nenad, 306. Srdié Momir, 307. Vasiljevié Gojko, 308. Savrljuga Dusko,
309. Pantelié Milivoj, 310. Bosnié Mile, 311. Pantelié Milan, 312. Loncarevié
Zeljko, 312. Radosavljevié Brane, 313. Vukié Goran, 313. Vranesevié Djoko, 314.
Obradovié Ljubisav, 315. Popovié Ljubisav, 316. Subotié Sreten, 317. Cvijetié
Zeljko, 318. Cmobrnja Mile, 319. Draca Bato, 320. Poznié Goran, 321. Puaca dr
Vojin, 322." Buljié Veljko, 323. Vojnica Svetozar, 324. K-osanovié Vojo, 325.
Kosanovié Savo, 326. Hajdukovié Veljko, 327. Dragicevié Ljuban, 328. Matié
Threats and Lists of Non Grata Serbs
Slavko, 329. Stepanovié Zeljko, 330. Stepanovié Vlado, 331. Jurisié Rajko, 332.
Jurisié Srdjan, 333. Trbojevié Radovan, 334. Trbojevié Joco, 335. Popovié Nikola,
336. Guzina Veljko, 337. Jovanié Dragan, 338. Jorgié Predrag, and 339. lvosevié
SCIC, file No. A-60.
Doc. No. F 1-7.
Vukovar, November 15, 1997.
An unsigned threatening /etter, multiplied on a photocopying machine and
addressed to severa/ hundred Serbs in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srem
immediate/y prior to the cessation of the UNTAES in these areas, that is, prior to
the ir full reintegrati(},n in the Republic of Croatia on January 15, 1998. The /etter
warns the Serbs that as from December 1, 1997, wh en the Croatian police should
take over fol/ control in these areas, the Serbs will be cordoned off and murdered
quiet/y, slowly but not very tender/y. The letter ends with the greeting which the
Croatian ustashas used in the Independent State ofCroatia 1941- 194529.
SCIC, file No. A-87.
29 Because of their fear for their safety, and according to the incomplete data available to SCJC,
between December 1, 1997, and January 15, 1998, more than 12,000 Serbs left Eastern Slavonia,
Baranja and Western Srem and look refuge in the Republic of Serbia. The ir flight is still continuing.
Also, sorne 2,000 Serbs from these areas have gone to the countries of European Economie
Community and asked for political asylum.

Military Court in Belgrade, Serbia, Minutes of the
witness hearing of Smilja Ivkovié, dated 27 January
1993 (Situation in the village of Sotin)

on witness hearing
Taken on 27 January 1993 before the investigating magistrate of the Military Court in
Belgrade in the criminal case against Franjo Kracak and others for the criminal act punishable
under Article 124, paragraph 2, in conjunction with Article 139, paragraph 2, of the Criminal
Code of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and other laws.
Vojislav Medic, Cap. 1 st Class
Jadranka Koncar,
civilian employed with the VJ
Smilja Ivkovic
The Court rose at 10:20 a.m.
The hearing was held in Belgrade before the Military Court.
Pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 2, of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), the witness was
Pursuant to Article 227, paragraph 2 of the CPC, the witness was wamed:
Pursuant to Article 229 of the CPC, the witness was informed that she was not bound to
answer certain questions if that could seriously dis grace her name or that of any of her next of
kin or cause damage or result in criminal prosecution.
Pursuant to Article 231, paragraphs 2 and 3 of the CPC, the witness was wamed that she was
bound to tell the truth and that she should not withhold any evidence and that giving false
evidence shall be regarded as a criminal act.
The witness replied to the general questions as follows:
Family and given names: IVKOVIC, SMILJA
Father's name: Savo
Occupation: housewife
Address: Sotin, Ul. Vuka Karadzica 80
Place and date of birth: village of Gomje Meljane, municipality of Podravska Slatina
Date of joining the JNA:
Date of discharge from the JNA and current address:
Relationship to the defendant or injured party: nor related; not having quarrel with
Asked to state what she knew about the case, the witness declared:
1 am the wife of late Joco Ivkovic from Sotin.
On 1 October 1991, around 9:00a.m., I came out of the house to fetch water from the water
lorry which drove along Vuka Karadzica Street. As 1 came out, I saw six or seven ZNG
soldiers from Sotin, in camouflage uniforms. They were all armed. 1 recognized among them
Franjo Kracak, who is a short man, wearing a beard, as well as our neighbour Stipe Popic. As
1 was about to enter, Stipe Popic asked me where my Joco was and 1 said to him that he was
not home, although he was. Popic told me to move out together with my Joco. 1 closed the
gate behind me and took cover behind the wall by chance, not expecting that Popic will shoot
at me. The minute I closed the gate, he fired two bursts of gunfire and riddled the gate with
bullets in several places. Because he immediately fired shots at the gate, he definitely
intended to kill me but 1, by pure chance, ducked down behind the wall and stayed unharmed.
After this shooting, 1 ran to the courtyard where Joco was with his sister Smilja, who is deaf
and mute, and told him torun away because there were too many Ustashi and that Popic shot
to kill me. Joco only said tome that 1 and his sister should run away, while he stayed behind
in the yard. The two of us ran through the maize field. After a while, the U stashi entered the
yard and probably found Joco there. 1 could not see that, but I heard a burst of gunfire
immediately after that.
The two of us went to the "Ovcara" wasteland in the direction of Negoslavci where our
soldiers were stationed. From there, we went to Sid and onto Starcevo near Pancevo to stay at
my brother-in-law's place. I retumed home on 21 October 1991 and the local people had
already buried Joco the day before, on 20 October 1991. They told me that Joco was found
dead in the maize field beside our house. 1 knew that he was dead as soon as I heard all that
gunfire. However, I am not aware who exactly killed Joco, but I am sure that all the Ustashi
present there fired shots, because the fire was so intense as if they were in a hand-to-hand
The day he was killed, Joco wore a revolver which was not found later on. From his bag, the
Ustashe took three gold coins, 18 billion old Dinars, 7,000 Hungarian Forintas, a flash lamp, a
knife and a wrist watch. All these items were packed in a small bag in case of leaving the
ho use.
I later on found out from my neighbour Mate Urukalovic that, before the gunfire, he heard the
cry: "Stop" and that Mate then took cover and could not see what happened.
Joco did not have any radio transmitter on him nor was he in any contact with JNA orTO
(territorial defence) soldiers. Ustashe had always teased Joco saying that the JNA was his
army and things like that. He used to reply to them that the JNA was their army, too. That was
probably the reason why they hated him and eventually killed him. Besides, on one occasion,
Joco asked the accused Borislav Vukojevic and his father why they planted anti-tank mines
next to our house, but they swore at him vulgarly and chased him away.
I later on found out that, apart from Kracak and Popic, the group of U stashe which was
involved in the killing of my Joco, there were also Marinovic, the accused Kusic, Rogic, the
accused Vukojevic and Brzenkovic.
I know that ZNG soldiers from Sotin, including all the accused, were in Vukovar where they
attacked JNA and TO forces. I know that in one of these battles two or maybe three days
before the Assumption of Our Lady feast the ZNG soldier Drazen Luketic got killed. He was
buried on the very day ofthe Assumption of Our Lady, 28 August 1991. Ivica Hasanovic told
me that Perica Culjak was wounded in that battle and I saw with my own eyes that he had
bandaging around his leg and head. First aid assistance to him was given by the Ustashi nurse
Dragana Jovic there in the home oflvica Hasanovic. He (Ivica Hasanovic), who fought battles
in Vukovar, recounted that the accused Vukojevic and Perica Culjak had hidden in the
bathroom of a building where two JNA soldiers entered and when they left the bathroom the
accused Vukojevic shot them both dead. I do not know exactly where this incident took place.
I know Zeljko Kusic, Zeljka Radie and Damir Ivancic by sight, but I know that they were all
ZNG soldiers in Sotin. However, I do not know more specifically what they did.
Branko Ivkovic is the late Joco's cousin, but he was not in Sotin when Joco was killed. He
was not in Sotin for a longer while after that, either. So, he is not aware of what went on at the
time. Anyway, he is drunk almost all the time and one can hardly speak to him.
That is what I had to say about the accused.
The witness asked to be reimbursed the expenses of travel to attend the hearing and the
investigating magistrate renders the following
The witness should receive the amount of her retum bus fare Sotin-Belgrade and BelgradeSatin
or 16,200 Dinars, including the costs of local transportation amounting to 2, 700 Dinars,
which totals 18,900 Dinars.
The witness was wamed of her right to read out the minutes and to make comments, but she
said that she was illiterate and that she could not read.
Instead of the witness, the minutes were read to her out loud and the witness declared that she
had no objections.
The Court adjoums at 12:05 p.m ..
Signature illegible
Signature illegible Fingerprint, Smilja Ivkovic
. , \./ •· _.:- ~· _L
0 saslusa'nju svedoka ,_ ·. .. .. ~;: .
o,..~P.az.aé vs. 42
}?tf?.;'~ ;~+: ,•. -.i · ..
.-;-·>-". ZAPISNIK
2 7 0 01 . 9 3 0 Beogr~dû: ____ ::.:.·.:..::~:.-,·~-~-~-·:,-~.~·, _
Sastavljen délil1.a ...... 19 ......... gocline kod ·istraznog .sudije Vojnog suda u ....... : .. ··-······-······-··· ··-·--·· ~
u kriviénom predmetu protiv --'~~~~~--~~J:-:l~~,~~--<:ll=.l?:9._~~
124. sto2. u vezi cl.139o st.2.
iz èlana . ..... ............................ KZ SRJ i drugiho
kJ~Tlf~ffl ~Ulf8~se
Vojislav Medié
CL na sl. u VJ
-Jadranka Koncar
zbog kriviènog dela
t 1;aslusanje se vrSi u ........? ..~.9.9:.:r.'9,.9.Y. ..........' !.?.).~-~-----~Y.<:l,::. . ,.. . _... ......................................... :.. .. _.. .... :.. ........................: . ................................. .
U smi:slu èl. 7. st. 2. ZKP svedok je -poucen: .............................................................................................................................................. .
•••· --••••••"'"'""'"'"-•••••••••h<•••'"'' "'"""-""'''"'--· '"- • "": ··••"'''"••••"'-•""'"''"'" ...... , ... .,,.,,.,.,,,,_, .. _,,.,,.,.,,,.,.,,., .. ,_,._, .......... -:"''" .. '"" ''-"'"'"':'""'"""''••"•'"-''""'"-' ''- "''"''"'"""''a'"""'"'"" '
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U smis1u Cl. 22 7. ·st. 2 .. _ZKP, .svedok je upoZO!ren: ....... a ............... - ......................... - . .... .......................................................................... - .. ... _ .................. .
............................ ...... ,_ .. ··-"····-···"' ............ _. ........... _.. ....................... _.. ................ -.................. .
1 ...... _ .... ........ ,_ ............ ····-·· -----··· ...... . .. ....._ . ............. -• ...... ,_.. ............ -.............- .......................... _.. ....- ...... -............ -.... -................................... .. ................ .
VS - Split, 3ll/H~81.
U smislu ël. 229. ZKP svedak je upiO.zmat: . . 9.9: .. Pi.j~ .... 9.1,l;~!}9.: . .299:9..Y.~.~~.:t:J.: ... D.."l. .. P.Qj~_<:lJ.D.~ . u •• ; • •
· Pitanja,ako bi tirne sebe ili svog bli~kog srodnika izlolila
·······-······-··· ... ···t-e·s·koJ· ·····sramoti·········zn·a:tno·j···-ma·ter·i·j·a·lnoj···s·tet±····il·i ··kri-v-icnom
. . -. . 1- . . .
·······-······ .. ··············- ················-······················~······~-................. -..•............................... ................. ·······-··""-"'''''''''''''- ················-······ .. ·····--·· ····-····-~---·-·:.··:.-······-·· ··;.·· ·························
U smislu ëlana 231. st. 2. i .3. ZKP svedak je opomenut: da .je ... duzna ..... g.o:v:ori.ti: ... is.t.;Lnu
i 9a ne~me nista preéutc:-ti s~o.~oj je poznato te da davanje
............. lazno.g ..... J.ska.za .... preds tavlJa .... kr.J..v.J.c.no .. d.elo ~···· ··· .... .......... ...... .
Sved'ak na QPsta pitanja daje sledeée odgDvore:
· Porodieno li r-odeno '.llme ... .... }.~9V:J:Ç. §~_r.:r,.g~
Ime oca:
············. •.Q
Zau'li.i.mall'l.je: .......................................... -.............. -...... -............. -............... -.... . ....................... ....................... .
.. Sotinu, Ul. Vuka Karadliéa br.BO
Bora VIl ste: ·······················-··············-·················::.·················-········································ ............................... .
Mesto i datum rodanja: s.Gornje Meljane, SO Podravska Slatina
Datu.m stupamja u JNA:
Datum otpustanja iz JNA i ad~esa: ..
Odnos sa okrivljenim i osteéenim: . f.l~~~-()9:r19.:t . f.l~j~ u .2:.9..Y.9..9 .. :L. .....
P.ozvam da izmese sve sto mu je o _ p.redmetu poznato, svedok oizj0;vi:
Ja sam supruga pokojnog Joce Ivkoviéa îz. S~tina.
Dana 01.10.1991. godine oka 09,oo casova izisla sam iz kuée da
donesem vodu iz cisterne koja je prolazila ulicom Vuka Karadziéa.
Kada sam izisla ispred moje kuée videla sam 6 odnosno ï pripadnika
ZNG iz Satina u maskirnim uniformama i svi su bili naorulani
puskama. Medju njima sam prepoznala Kracak Franju, koji je nizi
rastom i nosio je bradu, te Popié Stipu, koji nam je bio komsija.
Kad sam ulazila u kuéu Popié Stipe me je pitao gde mi je Jaco,
a ja sam mu odgovorila da nije kod kuée, iako je Joco bio u kuéi.
Popié mi je rekao da se i ja sel.im kao i Jaco. Ja sam zatvorila
kapiju i slucajno se sklonila iza zida, neocekujuéi da ée Popié
pucati, ali je on ciro sam z-atvorila kapiju ispalio dva rafala i
izbusid kapiju na vise mesta. $'obzirom da je odmah pucao po kapiji,
sigurno je nameravao da me ubije, ali sam se ja slucaj no sklonila
iza zida i nisam pogodjena. Nakon ove pucnjave otrcaia sam u dvoriste
gde je bio Jaco i 1;1jegova sestra Srnilja, koja je gluhomena
i rekala sam ~cci da beli jer da ustasa ima dosta i da me je Popié
hteo ubiti. Jaco mi je samo govorio _da ja i njegova sestra belimo,
a on je ostao u dvofistu. Nas àve smo pobegle kroz kururuze, a
nedugo zahtim ustase- su ussle ~ dvoriste i t u verovatno zatekle
Jocu, sto ja nisam videla, ali sam odmah zatim cula rafalnu paljbu.
Nas dve smo otisle na pustaru "Ovcara" u pravcu Negoslavaca, gde
se nalazila nasa vojska. Odatle smo otisle u Sid, pa u Starcevo
kod Panceva kod mog devera. Ja sam se kuéi vratila 21.10.1991.
godine, a messtani su Joci veé bili sahranili i to 20.10.1991.
godine. Od mestana sam cula da je Joco nadjen mrtav u kukuruzima
pored nase kuée. Ja sam znala da je on ubijen ovom prilikom cim
sam cula onoliku pucnjavu" Medjutim, ja neznam tacno ko je Jocu
ubio, ali sam sigurna da su svi koji su bili prisutni od ustasa
pucali, jer je paliba bila takva kao da se vodi borba.
Tog dana kada je ubijen, Joco je sa sobom nosio pistolj, koji
kasnije nije pronadjen~ Iz jedne torbe ustase su odnele tri zlatna
dukata, 18 starih tadasnjih milijardi, 7.000 madjarskih forinti,
baterijsku lampu, noz i rucni sat. Sve ovo bilo je spremljeno u
jednu tasnu u slucaju nap~stanja kuée.
Od komsije Mate Urukaloviéa kasnije sam cula da je on pre pucnjave
za Jocom cuo povike "Stoj", a da se Mate nakon toga sklonio ida
nije video sta se desilo.
Joco nije kod sebe imao nikakvu radio-stanicu niti je imao bilo
kakvih kontakata sa pripadnicima JNA i TO. Ustase su Jocu uvek
izazivale, govoreéi mu da je JNA njegova vojska i tome slicno,
a on im je odgovarao da je JNA i njihova vojskao Verovatno su
ga zbog toga zamrzeli i na kraju ubili. Pored toga, jednom prilikom
Joco je pitao okr. Vukojevié Borislava i njegovog oca zbog
cega postavljaju protivtenkovske mine pored nase kuée, a oni su
ga grubo psujuéi oterali.
Kasnije sam cula da su pored Kracka i Popiéa u ovoj grupi ustasa
prilikom ubistva Joce bili Marinovié, okr. Kusié, Rogié, okr.
Vukojevié i Brzenkovié.
Poznato mi je da su pripadnici ZNG iz Sotina, medju kojima i svi
okrivljeni, isli u Vukovar, gde su napadali jedinice JNA i TO.
Znam da je u jednoj takvoj borbi na dva ili tri dana pre Velike
gospojine poginuo pripadnik ZNG Luketié Drazen, koji je sahranjen
na Veliku gospojinu 28.08o1991. godine. Od Ivice Hasanoviéa cula
sam da je u toj borbi ranjen Culjak Perica, a ividela sam ga da
ima zavijenu nogu i glavu, a prvu pomoé mu je pruzala ustaska
bolnicarka Dragana Jovié i to upravo u kuéi Iv~ce Hasanoviéa.~
Ivica Hasanovié, koji je bio u ovoj borbi u Vukovaru, pricao mi je
da su se okr. Vukojevié i Perica culjak bili sakrili u kupatilo neke
zgrade, gde su bila usla dvojica pripadnika JNA i kada su napustali
kupatilo okr. Vukojevié je obadvojicu ubio. Nije mi poznato tacno
mesto gde se ovo desavalo.
Ja iz vidjenja poznajem Kusié ~eljka, Radié 2eljku i Ivancié
Damira, i poznato mi je da su svi bili u ZNG u Sotinu, ali neznam
konkretnije nista 0 tome sta su radilio
- 4 -
Ivkovié Branko je brat od strica pokojnog Joce, ali on
nije bio u Sotinu kad je Joco ubijen, niti je izvesno du~e
vreme posle toga bio u Sotinu, tako da on nezna mnogo sta
se desavalo o Inace, on je gotovo stalno pijan i sa njim se
tesko moze razgovarati.
To je sve sto mogu reéi u vezi okrivljenih.
Svedok potra~uje troskove za dolazak na sud, pa istrazni
sudija donosi
Svedoku se priznaju troskovi dolaska na sud i to na ime
prevoza autobusom od ~otina do Beograda i nagrag, u iznosu
od 16.200 ina ime GS.u iznosu od 2.700 dinana, sto ukupno
iznosi 18o900 dinara.
Svedok je upoznat o pravu da mo~e procitati zapisnik i
staviti primedbu, pa izjavi da je nepismena i da nezna
cita ti.
Umesto svedoka zapisnik je glasno procitan i svedokinja
izjavi da nema primedbi.
Zavrseno u 12,o5 casova.
.~~ .~ (
,. . ., -., 4-·
; · . .. .
Ivkovié Smilja

Municipal Court in Vukovar, Croatia, Minutes of the
petitioner hearing of Nada Nikolié, dated 21 November
2006 (Situation in the town of Vukovar)

XII No. P-2097/04
Taken at the Municipal Court at Vukovar
21 November 2006
Court officiais:
Judge: Tatjana Kurevic
Court recorder: Snjezana Barba
Litigation case
Petitioner: Nada Nikolic, Vukovar
Respondent: Ministry ofDefence,
Republic of Croatia
Case: compensation claim
The Court rose at 10:00 a.m.
The Court has established the following parties to the case:
For the petitioner: in person, accompanied by counsel Marin Kordic, apprentice lawyer acting
for Tomislav Filakovic law offices in Osijek;
For the respondent: Deputy District State Prosecutor in Vukovar Biljana Zigic Kalember.
The Court renders the following
Today's hearing will be held.
The main hearing shall be public.
The petitioner stands by her claim in its entirety.
The respondent stands by its response to the claim and the objections raised along with the
motion to decline the claim.
The judge issues
Evidence taking order
A hearing for the taking of evidence from the petitioner shall take place.
NADA NIKOLIC, of father Nikola, nee Vorkapic, born 5 July 1964, Djakovo, resident of
Vukovar, Federal Republic ofGermany 201, shoemaker, unemployed, declares as follows:
From August 1991, 1 was in a basement ofKolonija housing estate, Kudeljara No. 2, together
with my husband and my five-year-old daughter Danijela. An older couple, Soka and her
husband Milan Panic, were with us and they died later on. Also with us were Jelka Tufajevic,
Branko and Karolina Saric, as well as Julka Markanovic. On 2 October 1991, the city was
relentlessly shelled until dusk and, as soon as the shells stopped falling, my husband, daughter
and I, in the company of Branko and Karolina Saric, went out of the bomb shelter. A few
minutes later, a private car stopped in front of us and two sol di ers in khaki uniforms, wearing
guns, came out and called my husband and me to be interviewed at the Main Staff. My
daughter, who was five years old at the time, was very scared. She cried and pushed me
towards the entrance to the bomb shelter, at which point one of the soldiers told the other to
leave the woman and her child alone. His accent was that from Zagorje region. The other
soldier told him to mind his own business. I went down to the basement with my daughter. I
was in a state of shock with the child in my lap, while my husband and Branko and Karolina
stayed up with the soldiers. After a while, Karolina walked into the basement and took a
bottle from a shelf. She took it outside and we heard a bottle cracking a few minutes later,
followed by the sound of an engine being started and the vehicle being driven away. I went
out. My husband was gone and led away in a car by these soldiers. Branko and Karolina told
me that they narrowly saved my life. I had not heard anything about my husband until his
body was recovered from the Danube River near Novi Sad. Before this event, about five days
prior to it, the two uniformed individuals searched our flat under the pretext of looking for
weapons. We had no weapons and they confiscated then our private Fiat 1300 car and drove
offin it.
Asked by the counsel for the respondent, the petitioner said that the car in which her husband
was driven away was a red Zastava 101 car, but she did not notice any registration numbers or
the insignia on the soldiers' uniforms.
She added that her husband was found on 24 November 1991 and that he was buried at
Rujkovac near Leskovac on 27 November 1991. She also stated that the body of her late
husband was identified by his cousin from Belgrade. She further stated that she herself had
not filed any criminal complaint concerning the killing ofher husband.
There were no further questions to the petitioner.
No other objections were raised. The counsel for the petitioner stands by the motion to take
evidence by confronting the witness Branko Saric and the witness Jelka Tufajevic, as moved
in the motion of 17 May 2006, including the taking of evidence from witness Julka
Markanovic whose address would be made known within the period indicated by the Court.
The counsel for the respondent does not object to the proposed evidence taking.
The Judge issues the following
Or der
The petltloner undertakes to provide within five days the exact address of the witness
proposed toda y, to be heard.
The evidence shall be taken by confronting the witness Jelka Tufajevic and witness Branko
The Judge issues the following
Or der
The property status of the petitioner is established as follows:
NADA NIKOLIC, of father Nikola, nee Vorkapic, born 5 July 1964, Djakovo, resident of
Vukovar, Federal Republic of German y 201, shoemaker, unemployed;
I am a shoemaker by occupation; I am unemployed and live with my daughter who is a
student; I have no income and my daughter receives a monthly scholarship of 500.00 Croatian
Kunas. I have no immoveable property or any moveable property of greater value, either.
That petitioner Nada Nikolic is exempt from payment of court charges in this case.
Today's hearing is being postponed and the next one will be subsequently scheduled, in
The Court stands adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Sudac: Tatjana Kurevié
Zapisnicar: Snjezana Barba
sastavljen kod Opéinskog suda u Vukovaru
dana 2~. studenoga 2006. godine
XII Broj: P-2097/04.
Tuzitelj: Nada Nikolié, Vukovar
Tuzenik: RH, Ministarstvo obrane
Radi: naknada stete
Zapoceto u 10,00 sati.
Utvrduje se da su sudu pristupili:
Za tuzitelja: osobno uz punomoénika Marina Kordiéa, odvjetnickog vjezbenika iz ureda
odvjetnika Tomislava Filakoviéa iz Osijeka
Za tuzenika: zz zamjenik ODO u Vukovaru Biljana Zigié Kalember
Sudac donosi
danasnje raciSte ée se odrfati.
Raciste za glavnu raspravu je javno.
r je se nj e
Tuzitelja ostaje kod tuzbe i tuzbenog zahijeva u cijelosti.
Tuzenik ostaje kod danog odgovora na tuzbu i istaknutih prigovora i prijedloga da se tuzbeni
zahtjev od~ije. ,-
Sudac donosi
D o k. a zn o r j e s e nj e
Provest ée se saslusanje stranke tuziteljice kao dokaz.
NADA NIKOLié od oca Nikole, r. Vorkapié, rod. 05. srpnja 1964. godine u Dakovu, s
prebivalistem u Vukovaru, SR Njemacke 201, obuéar, nezaposlena, iskazuje:
Od 8 mjeseca 1991. godine bila &am u podrumu Kolonije, Kudeljara br. 2. zajedno sa svojim
suprugom i nasom kéerkom tada petogodisnjom Danijelom. S nama u podrumu bila je jedna starija
zena i njezin supru_g- Soka i Milan Panié koji su kasnije umrli.J3ila je s nama i Jelka Tufajevié te
Br o i Karolina Sarié te Julka Markanovié. Da a 02. listopada 1991. godine grad je bio granatlran
sve do predve e, a nakon sto su granate prestale padati moj suprug, kéer i ja zajedno sa Brankom i
Karolinom Sarié izasli smo pred vrata sklonista. edugo zatim zaustavio se jedan osobni automobil iz
~su izasla dva vojnika u siva maslinastim o orama naoruzam puskama te .su•odma 1zav 1 JZ
~pro.zva!j moga 'supruga i mene radi razgovora u stabu. Maja kéi koja je tada imala 5 godina se
jako uplasila, plakala i gurala me prema ula nt~- - tku je jedan od vojnika
drugome rekao da ostavi zenu i dijete na miru a n'e ov na lasakje bio za orski Drugi vojnikje rekao
da to nie njegova stvar. Ja sam zajedno s kéerkom siS!a u podrum, bila sam u soku, dijete mi je bila u
krilu, a moj suprug Branko i Karolina su ostali gore s ovim vojnicima. Nakon nekog vremeria Karolina
je si1Ha u podrum s jedne police uzel a bocu i,_iznÎjela Je van a nakon kraéeg vremena zaculo se kako se
boca razbija, zatim se zacuo zvuk paljenja motora i odlazak vozila. Ja sam izasla van mo ga supruga su
ÛVivojnici odvezli a Branko i Karolina su mi rekli da su mene spasili za dlaku. ~a supruga nisam~d
.!ada nista znala sve dok njegovo tijelo nije izvadeno iz Dunava kod Novoga Sada. Prije ovog dogadaja
negdje 5 dana ove dvije uniformirane osobe izvrsile su pretres nasega stana i rekli su da traze oruzje.
Mi nismo imali oruzje, a tada su uzeli nas osobni automobil Fiat 1300 i odvezli ga.
Na upit LZ tuzenika tuziteljica iskazuje da je automobil kojim je njezin suprug odvezen bio
marke Zastava 101 crvene boje, no nije....zamijetila g~nake na vozilu njtj na odorama vojnika
'-, Nastavno iskazuje moj suprug je pronadèn 24.11.1991. godine, a sahranjen je u mjestu
Rujkovac kod Leskovca 27.11.1991. godine. Nastavno iskazuje da je identifikaciju tijela njezina pok.
supruga izvrsio njegov bratié iz Beograda. Nastavno iskazuje da ona osobno nije podnosila nikakvu
kaznenu prijavu u svezi s ubojstvom njezina supruga.
Daljnja pitanja tuziteljici se ne iskazuju.
Da1jnjih primjedbi nema.
Sudac donosi
od 17. svibnja 2006. godine
ée adresu dostaviti u roku u
Obvezuje se tuziteljica u roku . a .. ~ iti tocnu adresu danas predlozene svjedokinje
radi njezina saslusanja. · .· · . · ·
Provest ée se dokaz suocenjem svjedoka Jelke Tufajevié i Branka Sariéa.
Sudac donosi
Uzima se izjava o imovnom stanju od tuziteljice:
NADA NIKOLié od oca Nikole, r. Vorkapié, rod. 05. srpnja 1964. godine u Dakovu, s
prebivaliStem u Vukovaru, SR Njemacke 201, obuéar, nezaposlena
Po struci sam obuéar, nezaposlena sam zivim sa svàjom kéerkom kojaje studentica, nemam
nikakvih primanja, a kéi prima stipendiju u iznsu od 500,00 kn mjesecno, u vlasnistvu nemam
nekrtnina, niti pokretnina veée vrijednosti.
Sudac donosi
Tuziteljca Nada Nikolié oslobada se plaéanja sudskih pristojbi u ovoj pravnoj stvari.
Danasnje rociSte se odgaâa, a sljedeée ée biti zakazano naknadno pismenim putem.
Dovrseno u 11,30 sa ti.

Excerpt from the letter by Helsinki Watch to Dr. Franjo
Tudman, President of the Republic of Croatia,
concerning crimes committed in Vukovar and Sisak,
v published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié & Salié,
"Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia
1991-1998- Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade,
1998, pp. 91-93

Pavle IVIé
Vasilije KRESTié
Presidency of
Serbian Council and
Information Center:
Pavie IVIé, President of the Serbian Council
Vasillje KRESTié, President of the SCIC Council
Miroslav PANTié
Miodrag JOVICJié
Milorad PAVIé
Milica GRKOVIé
Mihajlo VOJVODié
Jovan ILié
Borivoje LAZié
Nedeljko PLAVSié
Dragoljub SLOVIé
-~- 2Tf?J2
Vojin S. DABié
Ksenija M. LUKié
Natasa T. PEROVIé
Milomir P. SALié
Examples of Deliberate Liquidations of Serbs
good to se!l ali their property there and for this money to buy a house in Novi Sad
or surroundings. Authorized official: Uro~ SIMICEVIé (signed).
SCIC, file No. A-53, copy of the dossier No. KIR 399/91 at the District Public Prosecutor's
office at Novi Sad
Doc. No. F V-3.
New York, Febmary 13, 1992
An e.x:cerpt from a letter written by Helsinki Watch to Fran jo Tudjman, President
of the Republic of Croatia, dated February 13, 1992, citing sorne instances of the
liquidation of the Serbs in the territory und er full control of the Croatian authorities
during1991, and demandingJnvestigation on those cases.
Helsinki Watch ha~ received reports of Serbs who were killed shortly after being
arrested by Croatian forces or whose bodies were found in Croatian-controlled
territory. In sorne cases, the circumstances of the deaths remain unknown. In other
instances, the available evidence implicates members of the Croatian
police-particularly in Sisak-as having played a role in the deaths. Helsinki Watch
calls upon the Croatian government to conduct thorough investigations of the
deaths of the following individuals and to prosecute those found guilty of their
• The corpse of Milenko DJURICié, a 38-year-old Serb from Borovo
Naselje, was found in the Dunube River, near the village of Begec, on July 17.
According to the district prosecutor in Novi Sad, DjuriCié was thrown into the
Danube while still alive and his body-which had been in the water for two to four
da ys bef ore it was discovered-bore signs of torture. Djuricié had been arrested on July
13 by the Croatian police. and interrogated. He was released on July 15 but was not
seen alive thereafter.
• Evica and Dusan VILA and their sons Marko and Zeljko were shot and
their bodies discovered in Sisak.
• Vlado BOSié, a tmck driver for 'Slavijatrans' from Petrinja, was reportedly
beaten to death. Reportedly, at a press conference, Djuro Brodarac, the Sisak police
chief, claimed that the person who committed these crimes went beyond his orders
but that hewas not aware·what type of-if any-disciplinary measures had been taken
against the perpetrator.
• Milenko DJAPA, a worker-at the Sisak oil refinery, was murdered.
• Branko OLJACA, a Serb who worked for the Croatian police force in
Sisak, was murdered.
• Zoran VRANESEVIé, a Serb who worked for the Croatian police force in
Sisak, was murdered.
• Miéo CALié was a worker at the Sisak steel plant; his body was discovered
in the Brezoviéi forest.
- --·~· ..• ~ ""!.' '"'.2 'r''~r·; ... ·.· ":.' · 1
The body of Mi/enlw DJURISié, a Serb from Borovo Naselje in Vukovar, on the
autopsy table at the Medical School in Novi Sad. Croat soldier Nebojsa HODAK
arrested Djurisié on 13 July 1991 and, after brief torture, threw him severe/y
wounded, wrapped in blanket and tied, into the Danube (See: Doc. No. F V-3)
One of the persona/ documents (sailing permit) of Milenko DJURISié and a piece
of rope he had been tied with before being thrown into the Danube.
Examples of Deliberate Liquidations of Serbs
• Ilija MARTiéwas reportedly killed at the entrance of a restaurant in Sisak.
• Nikola ARBUTINA, a worker at the 'Graditelj' flrm in Sisak, was murdered.
• Milos Grubié, a retiree from the village of Blinjski Kut (population 500,
municipality of Sisak), was reportedly held in .the jail in Sisak; h(s body was
subsequently found on the outskirts of the village Komarevo.
• Damjan ZILié was a manager at the Sisak oil reflnery; his body was
discovered in the Jakusevac section of Zagreb.
SCIC, file Helsinki Watch.
Doc. No. F V-4
Milan GRKJNJé, testifies how on Dec~mber 17, 1991, his father was killed and
his mother grievouslY., wounded.
I, Milan GRKINié, ofPodravska Slatina, village ofPoljska No. 17, Republic of
Croatia, provisionally living in Belgrade, am making the following
On December 17, 1991, at midnight, members of the Croatian police broke into
the house of my father, Stanko GRKINié, born on May 10, 1924 at Lisicine, the
Municipality ofPodravska Slatina, in the Poljska street No. 17, and killed him with
shots into his head while he was sleeping. On the same occasion my mother, Marica
GRKINié, born in 1926, was shot seven times with a burst of machine gun flre
across her chest and arms.
Prior to these events, a psychological pressure was brought to bear upon my
parents: they were frequently called by telephone and asked when they were going
to leave Podravska Slatina. Immediately prior to the killing, they were again called
by telephone by unknown persans. Done in Belgrade, April 21, 1992.
Milan Grkinié (signed)
SCIC, file No. A-60.
Doc. No. F V-5.
Belgrade, April 21, 1992
Ignjatija ZRNié testifies to being arrested and tormented in the police station at
Ogulin, where he was present when a Croatian policeman ki/led with a burst of
machine gun fire on Nov. 19, 1991, three detained Serbs, grievously wounding one.

Statement of VIatka Stepanovié from Borovo, received
by the Federal Assembly of the SFR Yugoslavia on 7

Commission tasked to collect information
on the crime of genocide and other crimes against
humanity and in violation of international law committed
against Serb and other populations in the am1ed conflicts
in Croatia and in other parts of the fonner Yugoslavia
Belgrade, 7 April 1992
Taken from VIatka Stepanovic, Borovo Naselje, Ul. Aleja oslobodjenja A-1 112,
describing how her common law husband, Milenko Djuricic, 38, was killed in July 1991.
VIatka Stepanovic currently lives with her daughter Dragana at the Hotel Toplice in Belgrade,
where she has been put up by the Association of Serb Expatriates.
VIatka Stepanovic says that her husband Milenko was taken away at 5.00 p.m. on 13
July 1991 by two individuals wearing ZNG uniforms. One of them was Nebojsa Hodak, who
lived in the same quarter and who knew the decedent Milenko from early childhood.
From then until the notification received from the Novi Sad Police Headquarters, on
18/19 July 1991, that a male body with a na me card was recovered from the Danube near
Begec, the family had not heard from or seen him.
Asked by the Djuricic family on 14 July 1991 where Milenko was, Nebojsa Hodak
said that he needed nothing any more and that he had brought him cigarettes.
On 20 July 1991 , the brother of the decedent and wife VIatka recognized his body in
Novi Sad where he was buried, later on.
VIatka Stepanovic came across Hodak's name again in the daily newspapers in
January regarding the murder of the Zee family in Zagreb, in which he was also involved.
She is submitting the documents related to her husband's killing, requesting that this
case be fully investigated and the perpetrators be brought to justice.
There were no obvious reasons for killing Milenko, except that he was a member of
the Serbian Democratie Party, which was probably why he was arrested in the first place.
The Statement made by:
VIatka Stepanovic, Signed
KoNHCMja :~a npHJ:Yilllo&lloC no.aaTUA pamt Y'TliP~HIWfo& li!O"'HH&
reHOUHJUI H llP}'niX:IliO'IHH& npama 'IOBe'IHOCTH H Md)}'H&POIIHOrnpllll&
c:rH y Bpc:Me op}'liWIHX cyJt06a y Xpi&TCitOj H llP)'I"HM lleiiOIIIIMII3eMJI.e
bp. ---------
Scorpa.a. ----"7~·;....._4;..;•;_-19 .2 ?o.~~.
I Z J A V A LI!. -04 -a.~rr -r-' , ' ''S"-t;~ -ofi 9 - ~frSC-l1P. '{1
V~at~e c ~tepanovié iz Borova sela ~lJ Aleja Oslobod~enja_A-ll/21
o ubistvu njenog nevencanog supruga Milenlïw.Djuriciéa, starog
38. godina jul~ 1991. godine. Vlatka Stepanovié sa kcerkom
Draganom momentalno zivi u H<:_telu Toplice u Beogradu gde ib
je smest::i,la l"'âtica iseljenika Srbije.
Viatka Stepanovié izjavljù.je da je 13. jula 1991. godine
njenog suprugaMilénka ' oko 17. casova, odvela dva lica u uniformama
Zbora narodne garde od kojib se jedan zove Nebojsa
Hodak i koji je stanovao u istom reonu i poznavao iz detinjstva
pokojnog :n!ile_!lka..
Od tada do prijave GSUP-a Novi Sad 18. ili 19. 7. l99t.
godine da je pronadjen u Dunavu kod Begeca les muskarca sa
karticom na kojoj je stajalo ime pokojnika,. porodica nije znala
gde je pokojni m~:t&nk<i, sta mu se desilo.
Na pitanje porodice Dt}.uriciéa , 14. 7. 1991. Nebojsi
Hodaku gde je ~iLenk~vaj je odgovorib da l"'llanu nista viSe -
ne treba i da mu. je on odneo cigarete.
Dana 20. 7. brat ubijenog ; .;' ' 9. l"'ilorad i su,pruga Vlatka
Novom Sadu prepoznali su telo Nilenka i on je posle sahranjen
Nov.Sadu. \
Ylatka Stepanovié je tokom januara u dnevnoj stampi,poYodom
stva _porodice Zee u Zagrebu, na:itsla na ime Nebojse Hodaka
ji se pominje u vezi ovog ubistva.
Vlatka Stepanovié prilaze dokumentaciju o ubistvu supruga
ovaj slucaj rasvetli i krivci privedu pravdi.
lnil'enk:a Djuriciéa ni je bilo razloga sem ,mozda,
demokratske stranke, i verovatno je
Izjavu dala
Letter of Bogdanka Radovié from the Village of Sarvas
to the Federal Assembly of the SFR Yugoslavia, dated 2
August 1991

sarvas - Drgvska 'no.27
5~2o~ Bijelo Brdo
Friday, 2.o8.1991.
On that day, an act pf genocide was committed hy the Us-:ashi
movement or blackshirts.
In this act of genocide, the oarried couple Adamovié Gc~pava
and Veselin were killed. The Ustashis entered the house, t~smpled
and broke everything, 9earching for "something". 'dhen the:r iid not
find anythin~, they killed t[?.e couple in their b::~ckyard. Veselin
was shot in the head, in the forehead and Gospava in the chest,
d:irectly in the heart.
It was raining on the day when the act of genocide was
c0~mitted a~a:inst the mentioned persans.
Gospava s mo~her found the coupl~. She took a tableclo~h
ar..d sheet fro!ll the rankoacked house and covered her dau~hter a.nd
On onlo0ker stated th3t the c0uple lay on the ~round, side by
side, covered in blood for about three hours.
The mother went in search of help to get them to a hosr-ital
or to the mor";ue. i/hen she returned, as she approached the ..;.damovi
house, she saw the bodies being bundled into a red Coobi. 2~e
recognised the Combi driver by the name of Igor Far~ié - the son of
Antun and Ruza Farcié of Sarvas. Then the mentioned ~ar~:ie~
cou~le were driven off in an unknown direction. The mother Qf
-~e deceased couple has beeti searching for fhem in vain. Ti:l
today she has had no success whatsoever. Therefore we request
your help.
Yours sincerely
Bèreaved farnily Radovi6 (father and mother)
Grozdanovié (sister, brother-in-law and c~ildren~
and only dau~hter Jasminka Petrlié, who are
' '
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List of the Se rb Victims killed on 2 August 1991 in
Sarvas, prepared by the Local Community of Jelenovo,
Municipality of Dalj

Temporarily relocated to Vukovar (Dalj)
Ref: KTR-P-63/92
Dalj, 11 August 1992
To the State Genocide Commission
Cio Prof. Dr. Milan Bulajic
Re: Information on genocide victims
Please find enclosed herewith the list of Serb victims killed in various ways by
Ustashe at the village of Sarvas, now Jelenovo, on 2 August 1991.
Enclosure as indicated above
Milorad Trosic (Signed)
Jelenovo, 26 June 1992
This is to inform you that the Croatian Ustashi authorities committed a crime against
the innocent Serb population of the village of Sarvas on 2 August 1991 . Sorne of the victims
were massacred by having their throats eut and the others were killed in a most brutal way.
Please find full nam es of the victims listed below and other known details about them:
1. Bojanic family, Dravska 10
Melanija (father's name Miloje) Bojanic, born in 1927, Bijelo Brdo, housewife,
beneficiary of survivor's benefit, mother;
Dusan (father's name Milos) Bojanic, born 22 May 1950, Sarvas, turner by profession,
married, father oftwo daughters, Jelena, 16, and Sladjana, 18;
Branka (father name Ljubomir) Bojanic, born 12 June 1952, Bijelo Brdo, worker, married,
mother of two daughters Je lena and Sladjana, daughter-in-law;
2. Adamovic Family, Dravska 9
Veselin (father's name Lazar) Adamovic, born 28 August 1944, Majdanpek, Serbia,
construction worker, married, father of daughter Jasminka, born in 1968, married to
Petrlic, husband;
Gospava (father's name Gojko) Adamovic, born 19 March 1949, Sarvas, housewife,
married, mother of daughter Jasminka, wife;
3. Lazar (father's name Milenko) Jerinic, born 15 October 1954, Sarvas, Ze1eznicka 1,
locksmith, divorced, father of two sons, Dalibor, 15, and Sasa, 12;
4. Zorka (father's name Steva) Petrovic, born in 1926, Ceremosnjak, municipality of Nasice,
beneficiary of survivor's benefit, widow, mother of Lazar Petrovic, born in 1949, 1 ih
September Street 60;
5. Svetislav, alias Sreto, (father's name Dobrosav) Sandic, born 14 November 1939, Osijek,
wallpainter, no other particulars on him available, 1 ih September Street 83;
6. Dusan (father's name Mitar) Milojevic, born in 1964, Sarvas, tractor driver by profession,
married, father of two rn inor sons, 1 ih September Street 27.
Yours sincerely,
Vitomir Petrovic, Signed
President of the Executive Board,
Jelenovo Local Community
C npMBpeMeHHM C e ~ MW TeM y
ByKoBapy (.Ua JSy)
Epoj: KTP-P-63/92
.UaJb , 11. aBrycTa 1992. ro ~M He
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- ITpo ~ • .Up . EynajMh MMnaHy
ITPEJUv1ET: 06aBeCT o :lKPTBaMa reHOUM~a
cpncKe HBUMOHBTIHOCTM Koje cy rrory 6MTIM y cTarne H8 pB3He HBqMHe
~aHa o2. aBrycTa 1991. ro~MHe y ceny CapBarn, c a ~ a JeneHoBo.
- CITMCBK :lKpT8B8 y ceny CapBarn
CPITCKA · UD.I1A\.•·.J.·
EAPA$A .. i;~·'• . -
Receipt for the explosives received by the HDZ of
v Vinkovci, Zupanja and Vukovar on 21 November 1990,
v published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié & Salié,
"Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia
1991-1998- Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade,
v 1998, p. 45, according to D. Topié & D. Spisié,
"Siavonian Blood, Chronology of a War", Osijek,
Croatia, p. 254

Pavle IVIé .
Vasilije KRESTié
Presidency of
Serbian Council and
Information Center:
Pavle IVIé, President of the Serbian Council
Va.silije KRESTié, President of the SCIC Council
Miroslav PANTié
Miodrag JOVICié
Milorad PAVIé
Mllica GRKOVIé
Mihajlo VOJVODié
Jovan !Lié
Borivoje LAZié
Nedeljko PLAVSié
Dragoljub SLOVIé
Il- t flOt-
Vojin S. DABié
Ksen:ija M. LUKié
Natasa T. PEROVIé
Milomir P. SALié
Doc. No. F 111-1.
Osijek, October 21, 1990.
Presidents of the Municipal Committees of the Croatian Democratie Union
(HDZ) of Vinkovci, Zupanja and Vukovar, acknowledged with their receipt dated
October 21, 1990, that they received on behalf of HDZ in their municipalities a
total of 275 kilograms of explosives, 1,000 metres of cable and 99 detonators.
I declare having received from HDZ Osijek-represented by Branimir GLAVAS,
explosive VITEZIT 60 for the requirements of the HDZ in our municipalities.
1. Ante GILJA ofNustar for the Municipality ofVinkovci-75 kg of explosives
with 500 rn of cable and 33 detonators.
2. Ivan ZOVAK of Zupanja for the Municipality of Zupanja-100 kg of
explosives with 250 rn of cable and 33 detonators.
3. Tomislav MERCEP of Vukovar for the Municipality ofVukovar-100 kg of
explosives with 250 rn of cable and 33 detonators. ,
1. Ante Gilja (signed) 2. Ivan Zovak (signed) 3. Tomislav Mercep (signed)
Osijek, November 21, 1990, Branimir GLAVAS (signed)
SCIC, file No. A-53, copy of the receipt. 33
n ,
The facsimile of the receipt for the explosives was published in a Croatian propaganda book, whose
printing was sponsored by Branimir GLAVAS, a leader of the Croatian Democratie Union in
Osijek, in a desire to demonstrate and document his contribution to the Croatian state in the war of
1991. See: D. Topié and D. Spisié, Slavonska krv. Kronologija rata (Slavonian Blood. Chronology
of a War), Osijek, p. 254. .
lan Zivkovié
likovanje ovilka
r und Umschlag
over by
oris Malesevié
nglish by
d and T.V. Brlek
je, Osijek
~a :
Da rio Topié
Davor Spisié
photographs by
Zoran Jaéimovié cv
Zdenko Pusié <r>
I zjavljujeoe de e61ro. od BllZ Osijek - Br-~ ni odra Clava Se , preuzeo
eksploziv VlTEZ.IT 60 r.a potrebé RDZ nai\ib. opéiM .
L. Antë Gilja i1t NuStrt9 zs op6inu Vink:ovei - 75 kg oksplo~ive, a
t;(C., koblom i ~ kom iuiciJalnih k•pioli.
2. I1Ten ·Zovak iz Ï upeoje zs opéinu ZupenjD - lOO kg ekoplozivll , a
;sç~ keblom i ~ kom in1ci j8lnih kapiali.
1. s-o ,J• Tomlslev Her~ep 1z Vukovera M opé inu Vukovsr - 100 kg eknplozive
s kablooe 1 ~:\ kooe i nieijslnih k:apislî.
1. 2.
/~ 4-N i!Gv;d JC (1")/-ftlt.._l.l rE~~tr'DA
-~-'-[-'{-;-.-'---"-'-t-'+--'-?7. .. ..- -,;'-a"3, . i~L ·
U Odjeku, 21. llstopeds 199o. Bo:ii no ·s l~·vv_:;
Broni~ i r Glav6~
ZACECI OBRANE: Gotovo pet mjeseti nakon izbora, poc!mznice HDZ-a iz
Nnstra, Zupanje i Vukovara snabdjevaju se eksplozivom u osjeckoj stranaC:koj
centrali. Uktlpno 275 kg vitezita. nadi seo mjestima oc! kojih su neka i rlanas
najistoëniji bastioni istocnoslavonske obrane. Pravci agresije na Hrvatsku
denlistificirani su veé tada. U jeku postizbome opijenosti poje.dinci nisu trosili
rijeëi veé sn se dokazivali djelima. No, istocnoslavonske ptipreme za obranu
tadajos nvijek, na2alost, nisu nailazile na tvrda uporista u repuhliCkom okmzjtL
early as that. ln the ~lmncnhor•
·of the pOSt·eleètor
\ sorne people weré
, ·drunbih success,
;'\·workiiiifhard. But
â ,;
::w IC:~ " f";;.DLüV C
Cr hov icw
?t;.l0 .1"'90
i-' t.. 1l'VRD ;...
~ojom oe potv-rdjuje èlf' Je u iae Se-kret arijBt" SI\ aarodn1
obronu Ce.iJek prtl'.l1!CO 5(:0 \tg a '.aploziY"' vitedtl !SC , 10 1
nrorop-oreéerr ;:.t. <pinn l OGO ~ detonir-;juéeg :Cte.,l)in<' i 2(
in1c 1.1·•lnih k•nieli ) jJ, 1 {t.., ·1 (f-<.411(
r5~ ~ulkr 1. c/h'~"'~ fV.,\.·L':' 0/)'0i~ ·cu. 2 J. ;o. 1&
l ---- ···-·-·-·----···-··--- ---··- - ··-- ·-
U svojstvu sekrctara Sekretarijata za narodnu obranu opéinc (
Glavas izuzima eksploziv iz spremista OP IGM .. orahovi'
dokmnentlt vidi se ela je orahovicka jcdinica branitclja zaduzen;
6 sanduka municije. No, hez obzira na svojevrsnu premanj
daluma 11 zaglav!jn, ne trcba zaboraviti r!a Sll kasnije faz.e agr~>.sij•
put a dokazale da su srpske ekstremne enklave n ovo vtijeme bil
opremom opskrbljene 11 potpnnosti.
Examples of dismissals of Serbs from jobs in Croatian
State Companies, Documents published in Dabié, Lukié,
v Perovié & Salié, "Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie
Cleansing in Croatia 1991-1998- Documents and
Testimonies", Belgrade, 1998, pp. 30-35

Pavle IVIé.
Vasilije KRESTié
Presidency of
Serbian Council and
Information Center:
Pavle IVIé, President of the Serbian Council
Vasilije KRESTié, President of the SCIC Council
Miroslav PANTié
Miodrag JOVICié
Milorad PAVIé
Mllica GRKOVIé
Mihajlo VOJVODié
Jovan ILié
Borivoje LAZié
Nedeljko PLAVSié
Dragoljub SLOVIé
Vojin S. DABié
Kseillja M. LUKié
Natasa T. PEROVIé
Milomir P. SALié
Doc. No. F II -1.
Zadar, May 7, 1991.
Following the decision of the Workers' Council, the highest management
committee in the State Company 'Adria' in Zadar, director Ivan PETRI CA informed
15 workers of the Serbian ethnie group that in view of the po/itical and security
situation, they were suspended and removed from their jobs. The reason for their
suspension is because they failed to sign the text of support for the Croatian
govemment by 16,00 hours on May 3, 1991.
State Company 'ADRIA' ZADAR
Zadar, May 7, 1991.
SUBJECT: Information on the decision of the Workers' Co un cil at its meeting
of May 6, 1991.
On the strength of the decision of the Workers' Council of May 6, 1991, and on
account of the po1itical and security situation in the enterprise and in general,
workers who on May 3, 1991, failed by 16,00 hours to signify by their signatures
the approval of the text of support for the Government of the Republic of Croatia
shall be removed from the enterprise.
According to the list of' signatures' and records, the following workmen are to
be dismissed: 1. OLUié SRBOLJUB, 2. VUKCEVIé LJUBICA, 3. BUDIMIR
Remarks: The length of suspension and the payment of wages shall be decided
at one of the next meetings of the Workers' Council. Director of the public
company: Ivan Petrica (signed).
SCIC, file No. A-91.
Dismissa/ of Serbs from Jobs in State Cm;zpanies and Establishments
Doc. No. F II- 2.
Sibenik, May 7, 1991
Petar Rajevié, Managing Director of the Electrode a~d Light Al/oys Factory
(TEF) at Sibenik, dismissed the driver GliSo Gardijan because the latter did ~ot
sign the 'declaration of loyalty to the Republic ofCroatia'.
Electrode and Light Alloys Factory (TEF)
Date: 07.05.1991
Pursuant to Article 119, paragraph 1, of the Labor Relations Regulations of the
TEF Company, Sibenik, on 7 May 1991, we have adopted a
Decision on termination of employment
1. Employee GARniJAN GLISO, son of late PAVLE, staff No. 865, unit 251,
employed on the post of 'C' AND 'D' CATEGORY, DRIVER ceases to be an
employee of the TEF Company of Sibenik on 7 May 1991, because he refused to
sign a written Declaration of Loyalty to the Republic of Croatia.
2. An appeal for the protection of rights shall not postpone the execution of this
decision. EXPOSITION
The above employee refused to sign the declaration which ali company
employees were obliged to sign according to the decision adopted by the
extraordinary general meeting of company staff and the Workers' Council of the
company of 3 May 1991, as a persona! pledge of allegiance to the sovereign and
integral Republic of Croatia.
Given that the failure to sign this declaration also means that the employee in
question does not recognize the govern.;nent system and legal order of the Republic
of Croatia, its Constitution and laws, and accordingly regulations goveming labor
relations, the said person ceases to be a company employee.
Such behavior also promotes intolerance among company staff, endangers
regular production processes, threatens employee safety and company assets, and
therefore a decision has been adopted as noted above.
Advice on legal remedy: The employee may file an appeal for the protection of
tabor rights against this decision to the company Workers' Council within 15 days
from the day the decisions has been served.
Delivered to:
1. l:he Addressee
2. Personnel Department
3. Department Manager Managing Director,
4. Managing Director Petar Rajevié, B.Sc. (Eng.)
SCIC, file No. A-75.
Doc. No. F II- 3
Daruvar, January 8, 1992.
Branko MAJCEN, assistant commissioner of the Government· of the Republic of
Croatia in Daruvar, authorizes the dismissal of Mile na MIHAJLOVJé, an employee
of the Municipal Council of Daru var, for having allegedly laken part in 1990 in the
'referendum' on Serbian autonomy in Croatia.
Class: 112-01/92--01/08
No.: 1111--07--01-92-1
Daruvar, January 8, 1992.
Pursuant to Article 5 of the decision on the taking of special measures in the
Municipality of baruvar and the decision on the nomination of the Commissioner
of the govemment of the Republic of Croatia in the Municipality of Daruvar
(Narodne novine RHNo. 44/91) and Article 350, alinea 1, item 10 of the amendment
on the Law on Administration (Narodne novi ne RH No. 53a/91 ), having carried out
disciplinary proceedings against the worker, the Commission er of the Govemment of
the Republic of Croatia in the Municipal Council of Daruvar adopts the following
MIHAJLOVIé MILENA, born on December 22, 1949, resident at Radiéeva 9,
Daruvar, employed in the Economy Department of the Municipal Council of
Daruvar as statistician, bas been found guilty of having, on an indeterminate date
between August 19 and September 2, 1990, by supplying ber persona! data and
signature to the demand for the devolution of the Municipality of Daruvar to SAO
Krajina (Serbian Autonomous Region of Krajina) following the decision of the
Serbian National Council of July 31, 1990, shown enmity towards the Republic of
Croatia whose breakup and transfer to Serbia was sought in the said demand.30
In other words, she expressed a hostile attitude, flying in the face of morais and
good behaviour, causing insecurity and ill feelings on the part of other workers.
30 After the Croatian Parliament ado~Cted the amendments to the Constitution ofthe Socialist Republic
of Croatia which denied sovereignty to the Serbian people, the Serbian National Council (founded
at its Convention in the town of Srb on July 25, 1990) passed on Ju1y 31, 1990, the decision to call
for a referendum at which ail the Serbs, citizens of the Republic of Croatia, could state whether or
not they support the demand for an autonomy within the common state. The Croatian state
authorities banned the holding of the referendum, which was nevertheless held between August 19
and September 2, 1990, whereby ali the Croat citizens of Serbian ethnie backgound, who had the
right of vote and supportcd the demand for a cultural auto no my, signed what could be described as
petition and with their signatures approved the Declaration on the Sovereignty andAutonomy 'of the
Serbian People, passed at the Srb Convention.
Dismissal of Serbs from Jobs in State Companies and Establishment
She bas thereby committed a serious infraction ofher duties asper the amendee
Law on Administration, whereupon the DISCIPLINARY MEASURE of dismissa
shall be imposed on ber as from January 8, 1992.
The offender Mihajlovié Milena was an employee in the Municipal Counci1 oJ
She was charged with having signed the demand, under No. 994 for the town oJ
Daruvar, for the devolution of the Municipality of Daruvar to SAO Krajina. The
respondent states that she bas never signed any petition and that it was the first time
she beard about it. My home is in Croatia, I was born here and this is where I wish
to live. Throughout the war against Croatia I have lived and worked in Daruvar.
Petar MIHAJLOVIé is my husband, and LjuMa and Slobodan MIHAJLOVIé are
my sons. They were born in 1969 and 1971. I do not know whom I could suspect
of having supplied my name to be inscribed in the petition on behalf Of my entire
Her plea is not admissible.
The aècused is an educated person who was employed in the administration of
the Croatian state from whom she received a salary, and as such she must have
known that she was living in the Republic of Croatia, that this Republic bas its
Constitution and positive rules and regulations, and that no one other than legal
govemrnent agencies is authorized to run a referendum. To ask for the secession of
the Municipality of Daruvar from the Republic of Croatia, any normal person
would realize that such things cannot be obtained without violence and bloodshed.
For this reas on she is responsible for ali tho se consequences which the Croatian
people and the other peoples in Croatia have gone through in the past months.
No credence can be lent to the accused's claim that she was not a signatory and
that she did not know who signed ber name with tho se of ber hus band and children
with exact years of birth, which no third person could have done without ber
knowledge and consent.
It is obvious that such an act by the accused bas caused bitterness and distrust
among the employees in the state administration and the public at large.
In éonsequence of the above, the Comrnissioner of the Govemment of the Republic
of Croatia for the Municipal Council of Daru var bas passed the above decision.
Legal remedy: The employee is entitled to appeal against this decision to the
Ministry of Justice and Administration of the Republic of Croatia in Zagreb within
eight days of receipt thereof The appeal is to be submitted in two identical copies
to this organ, but can also be registered with the Municipal council ofDaruvar.
1. Mihajlovié Milena, Daruvar;
2. Accounting;
3. Persona! file;
4. Notice board;
5. Public records.
Branko Majcen (signed)
SCIC, file No. A-12.
Doc. No. FIl- 4.
Dezanovac, .January 13, 1992.
Vlado HODZié, headmaster of the elementary school at De'lanovac, and
Tamis/av STEFANOVIé, chairman of the Emergency Headquarters in Daruvar, dismissed
from her job the teacher Nada ALAVANJA, for having participated in 1990
at the referendum on Serbian cultural autonomy in Croatia.
Elementary school 'Brotherhood-Unity' , Dezanovac
Dezanovac, January 13, 1992.
Class: 112-01192-01/04.
No.: 2111-29-01-92-1.
In pursuit of Article 5 of the Decision on the taking of special measures in the
Municipality of Daruvar, and the decision on the nomination of the Commissioner
of the Govemment of the Republic of Croatia in the Municipality of Daruvar
(Narodne novine RH No. 44/91) andArtic1e 106, alinea 10, of the Rules conceming
labour relations, and having carried out disciplinary proceedings, the headmaster of
the elementary school 'Brotherhood-Unity', Dezanovac, passed the following
ALAVANJA Nada, born on July 15, 1952, resident at Imsovac 89, employed in
the elementary school 'Brotherhood-Unity' at Dezanovac as teacher, has been
found guilty for having on an indeterminate day between August 19 and September
2, 1990, supplied her persona! data and signature to the petition for the devolution
of the Municipality of Daruvar to SAO Krajina (Serbian Autonomous Region of
K.rajina) on the basis of the decision by the Serbian National Council of July 31,
1990, expressing hostility towards the Republic of Croatia whose breakup and
devolution in favour of Serbia was sought.
The employee has thereby committed a serious infraction of her duties under
Article 106, alinea 10, of the Regulation concerning labour relations, whereupon
DISCIPLINARY MEASURE of dismissal is imposed on her as from January 14,
The accused ALAVANJA Nada was employed in the elementary school
'Brotherhood-Unity' at Dezanovac.
She is indicted ofhaving signed under No. 168 for the village lmsovac a demand
for the devolution of the Municipality of Daruvar to SAO Krajina (Serbian
Autonomous Region of Krajina). The accused declared: 'l have also voted for
Yugoslavia. 1 would never deny the Croatian people their right, but would also beg
th~ Croatian people not to deny the Serbian people their own right to culture and in
the last resort to a bare existence. I never have been nor shall I ever be in favour of
Dismissal of Serbs from Jobs in State Companies and Establishments
any armed struggle, nor would I kill anybody. As a result of this I shall now be
without a job and without everything th at I have earned in this Croatia. If this is the
way trials are carried out, they should not humiliate us and present themselves to
the world as a great democracy; let them just line us up and shoot us. I know that ·
my children are also stygmatized and I am sure that I never wanted to threaten
anybody. If Croatia believes that this kind of democracy will make her the most
eminent state in the world, then 1 have nothing more to say. 1 am aware that this
statement will not exempt me from the charges but I cannot be other than what I am.'
Her plea is not admissible.
The accused is an educated person who was employed in the elementary school
of Dezanovac, from which she received wages and as such she must have known
that she was living in the Republic of Croatia, that this Republic has its Constitution
and positive legislation, and that nobody other than the legal govemment organs
can set up a referendum. lt is clear to any nàrmal person that the secession of the
Municipality of Daruvar from the Republic of Croatia could not be carried out
without violence and bloodshed. She is therefore responsible for ali the
consequences which the Croatian people and the otherpeoples in Croatia have gone
through in recent months.
In consequence of the above, the headmaster of the elementary school
'Brotherhood-Unity' at Dezanovac adopted the above decision.
LEGAL REMEDY: The dismissed teacher is entitled to appeal against the
above decision to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports in Zagreb within
eight days of the reception thereof. The appeal shall be submitted in two identical
This decision has been approved by the Municipal Emergency Headquarters of
Hodzié Vlado (signed)
Tomislav Stefanovié (signed)
1. Alavanja Nada
2. Emergency Headquarters ofDaruvar
3. Elementary School Fund
4. Persona! file
5. Records
SCIC, file No. A-12.
District Court of Zagreb, Ademi & Norac case, excerpt
from the Judgment of29 May 2008 (Medak Pocket)

Business No. II K-rz-1106
The County Court in Zagreb, .......... .
Reached the following verdict
Second co-accused Mirko Norac, alias Kevo,
is found guilty of
5. In the period between 10 and 17 September 1993, during and after the end of the
operation "Pocket '93", as weil as after the signing of the Agreement on the Withdrawal of
Croatian Forces from the Liberated and Occupied Territories to the initial positions of 151h
September 1993, during the ceasefire, in his capacity as Commander of Sector 1 and of ali
adjoining units subordinated to him, although he knew, since he saw it first hand during his
frequent visits on the ground, because frequent detonations were heard, detonations that were
not typical for the on-going operations and since there was a lot of smoke, of which he was
informed by the representatives of UNPROFOR and other persans, that the territories
occupied in the operation by the units subordinated to him within the operational Sector 1 (91h
Motorized Guardian Brigade, Domobran Regiment of Gospic, Domobran Regiment of
Lovinac and the units of the 111 th Brigade) torch and des troy ho uses, and other farm
facilities; that they loot and destroy other property, and that though he knew, because he saw
it first hand on the ground, that the units subordinated to him kill Serb civilians, he had done
nothing to prevent such inadmissible acts or to suppress and punish them acquiescing in
continuing such acts by the units subordinated to him and acquiescing also to the
consequences of such acts and to the possibility of the Serbian ci vihan population intimidated
by such developments leaving these territories, which was what actually happened and
therefore, the until now unidentified members of the units subordinated to him on the ground,
have killed by either gunshots or cold arms:
Between 12-14 September 1993, Nedeljka Krajnovic and Stana Krajnovic (the
Krajnovic's) in Citluk 70, and that they ultimately set their bodies on fire;
On an unspecified date in the period from 10-17 September 1993, Djuro Vujnovic
in the ham! et of Potkonjaci;
On an unspecified date in the same period, Stevo Vujnovic (the Vujnovic's) at
Also, in the period between 10-17 September 1993, the until now unidentified
members of the units subordinated to him planted explosives and destroyed by fire:
32 bouses and 41 farm facilities at the village of Rajcevici;
20 bouses, 28 farm facilities and contaminated 4 wells at the village of Krajnovici;
6 bouses and 10 fann facilities at the village of Potkonjaci;
20 bouses, 17 farm facilities and contaminated 3 wells at the village of Strunici;
7 bouses and 9 farm facilities at the village ofDonje Selo and
at least 40 bouses and an unspecified number of farm facilities at Divoselo;
Furthermore, with the assistance of civilians who were allowed to come to the
battlefield, they committed the following acts in the above mentioned villages,
including Citluk, Pocitelj and Rogici:
Stole valuable tangible property from the civilians who left those territories, and
killed sorne of the animais roaming in the fields;
In other words, by violating the rules of international law in time of armed conflicts,
even though he was bound to, he failed to prevent and thus aided and abetted the
killing of the civilian population or inhuman treatment of civilians, the looting of
private property, as well as the unlawful and arbitrary massive destruction of property
unwarranted for military purposes;
6. In the period from 10 to 17 September 1993, during and after the end of the
operational part of Operation "Pocket '93", as weil as after the signing of the
Agreement on the Withdrawal of Croatian Forces from the Liberated and Occupied
Territories to Their Initial Positions of 15 September 1993, during the ceasefire, in his
capacity as Commander of Sector 1 and of the gth Motorized Guardian Brigade and of
all adjoining units subordinated to him, even though he knew, because he saw it first
hand during his frequent visits on the ground, that the units of the Croatian Army
subordinated to him in the territories occupied during the operation, within the
operational Sec tor 1 (9th Motorized Guardian Brigade, Domobran Regiment of Gospic,
Domobran Regiment of Lovinac, and the units of the 111 th Brigade) commit unlawful
acts by subjecting to torture and killing Serb prisoners of war, he has done nothing to
prevent such inadmissible acts, to suppress and punish them, acquiescing thereby in
continuing such acts by the units subordinated to him and also acquiescing to the
consequences of such acts, as a result of which the un til now unidentified members of
the units subordinated to him on the ground, have killed by gunshots or otherwise:
On 10 September 1993, in the area between Pocitelj and Citluk, soldier Nikola
Stojisavljevic who was taken prisoner by first wounding him by a firearm and
tying him up with a cord and hanging him by a tree and targeting him by knives;
On 10 September 1993, in the area of Citluk, they humiliated in various ways
soldier Nikola Bulja, who had been taken prisoner, by hanging him by his arms,
flogging his back and pouring salt over his bleeding back and putting on a boat
shaped cap on his head and degrading him;
In other words, by violating the rules of international law, even though he was bound
by them, he failed to prevent and aided and abetted in the described manner the killing
of prison ers of war, torturing them and inhumanly treating them;
He has thus committed criminal acts against humanity and international law partly on
count 5 - a war crime against the civilian population - as described and punishable
under Article 120, paragraph 1, in conjunction with Article 28, of the Basic Criminal
Code of the Republic of Croatia and partly on Count 6 - a war crime against prisoners
of war - as described and punishable und er Article 122 in conjunction with Article 28
of the Basic Criminal Code of the Republic of Croatia;
Therefore, the second co-accused Mirko Norac is sentenced for the criminal act
described on count 5, under Article 120, paragraph 1, of the Basic Criminal Code of
the Republic of Croatia to
For the criminal act on cou nt 6, under Article 122, paragraph 1, of the Basic Criminal
Code of the Republic of Croatia is sentenced to
Therefore, the second co-accused Mirko Norac, alias Kevo, is sentenced under Article
43, paragraph 2, subparagraph 2, of the Basic Criminal Code of the Republic of
Croatia to
Poslovni broj II K -rz-1/06
Zupanijski sud u Zagrebu, u Vijeéu sastavljenom od suca mr. sc. Marina Mrcela,
predsjednika Vijeéa, sudaca Jasne PaviCié i Sinise Plesea, clanova Vijeéa, uz sudjelovanje
zapisnicarke Drazenke Mraovié, u kaznenom predmetu protiv I optuzenog Rahima Ademia
zbog krivicnog djela iz clanka 120. stavak 1. i dr. Osnovnog krivicnog zakona Republike
Hrvatske C,Narodne novine" broj: 31/93, 53/91, 39/92, 91/92, 108/95 i 28/96; dalje u
tekstu ,OKZRH"), povodom optuznice Zupanijskog drzavnog odvjetnistva u Zagrebu od
22. studenog 2006. broj K-00-349/05, nakon glavne i javne rasprave odrzane 18., 19. i
20. lipnja, 10., 11., 12., 16., 17. i 18. srpnja, 03., OS., 06., 11., 12., 19., 24., 25., 26. i 27.
rujna, 01., 02., 03., 09., 10., 16., 22., 23., 24., 25., 29. i 30. listopada, 12., 13., 14., 15.,
19., 20., 21., 26., 27. studenog, 10., 11., 12., 13., 17., 18. i 19. prosinca 2007., 16., 18.,
29., 30. sijecnja 2008., 11., 12., 20., 21., 22., 28., 29. veljace, 04., 11., 17., 18., 27., 28.
ozujka, 07., 08., 09., 17., 18., 23., 28., 29. travnja, 16., 19., 20., 21. i 26. svibnja 2008. u
prisutnosti zamjenika glavnog drzavnog odvjetnika Antuna Kvakana, I optuzenog Rahima
Ademia i II optuzenog Mirka Norca-Keve, branitelja I optuzenika odvjetnika Cede
Prodanoviéa i odvjetnice Jadranke Slokovié, branitelja II optuzenika odvjetnika Zeljka
Olujiéa i odvjetnika VIatka Nuiéa, dana 30. svibnja 2008. objavio je, a dana 29. svibnja
presudio je
1 optuzeni RAHIM ADEMI, sin Redzepa i Raze rodene Sadiku, roden 30. sijecnja
1954. godine u Karacu (Karaqe), Vucitrn (Vushtrri), Kosovo, s prebivalistem u
Splitu, Antuna Mihanoviéa 37, Albanac, drzavljanin Republike Hrvatske, zavrsio
vojnu akademiju - VSS - smjer topnistvo, general HV, s plaéom od 12.700 kn,
vlasnik stana povrsine 120 m2 na adresi stanovanja, ozenjen Anitom koja je
zaposlena u Hrvatskom telekomu s plaéom 5000 kn, otac dvoje punoljetne djece,
sluzio JNA od 1976. do 1991., od 1991. pa do danas djelatnik oruzanih snaga
Republike Hrvatske, vodi se u VE Split, odlikovanja: Spomenica Domovinskog rata,
Red bana Jelaciéa, Spomenica Domovinske zahvalnosti, Red Hrvatskog trolista, Red
Hrvatskog pletera, Red kneza Domagoja i Red Nikole Subiéa Zrinskog, neosudivan,
ne vodi se drugi kazneni postupak,
Na temelju (lanka 354. tocka 3. Zakon o kaznenom postupku ("Narodne novine"
broj 110/97., 27/98., 58/99., 112/99., 58/02., 143/02. i 115/06, dalje u tekstu: ZKP)
oslobada se od optuzbe
- 2- Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/06
da bi:
u razdoblju od 9. do 17. rujna 1993. u okolici Gospiéa i predjelu zvanom Medacki
dzep jugoistocno od Gospiéa, za trajanja medunarodnog oruzanog sukoba na teritoriju
Republike Hrvatske izmedu regularnih oruzanih snaga Hrvatske vojske i postrojbi
Specijalne policije Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova s jedne strane te naoruzanih vojnih i
paravojnih formacija pobunjenih hrvatskih Srba potpomognutih snagama i logistikom
bivse JNA i dragovoljcima iz Srbije i Crne Gare s druge strane, izazvanog njihovom
agresijom, kao visoki casnik Hrvatske vojske s Cinom brigadira i na polozaju zamjenika
zapovjednika Zbornog podrucja Gospié, odgovoran za primjenu propisa medunarodnoga
prava o ratnim zarobljenicima, sigurnosti i zastiti civila i njihove imovine na tom podrucju i
ovlasten za izdavanje zapovijedi, sa zapovjednom ovlaséu nad svim podredenim i
pridodanim vojnim postrojbama i formacijama toga zbornog podrucja, pa tako i onih iz
sastava Sektora 1, kao posebne operativno-takticke grupe ustrojene specijalno za potrebe
provedbe vojne operacije ,Dzep '93", kojim je na temelju njegove zapovijedi od 6. rujna
1993. zapovijedao II. okr. Mirko Norac, nakon sto je prethodno zajedno s II. okr. Mirkom
Norcem i drugim, visim casnicima Glavnog stozera Hrvatske vojske i Ministarstva
unutarnjih poslova sudjelovao u planiranju, razradi i uvjezbavanju ogranicene vojne
operacije "Dzep '93", s nakanom da tom operacijom snage Hrvatske vojske i Specijalne
policije Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova iz vojno-strateskih i sigurnosnih razloga oslobode
dio okupiranog teritorija Republike Hrvatske u predjelu zvanom Medacki dzep, sto je Cinilo
sire podrucje Divosela, Ôtluka i PoCitelja, kako bi se zaustavilo kontinuirano topnicko
teroriziranje zitelja Gospiéa od okupacijskih snaga, postupio protivno odredbama cl. 3.,
16., 27., 32. i 53. Zenevske konvencije o zastiti gradanskih osoba u vrijeme rata od 12.
kolovoza 1949., cl. 3. st. 1. t. a) i c) :Zenevske konvencije o postupanju s ratnim
zarobljenicima, od 12. kolovoza 1949., a napose protivno odredbama cl. 51. st. 2., 4. i st.
5., cl. 54. st. 2., cl. 57. st. 1. i st. 2., ali. III., te cl. 86. i 87. Dopunskog protokola
:Zenevskim konvencijama od 12. kolovoza 1949. o zastiti medunarodnih oruzanih sukoba
(Protokol I od 8. lipnja 1977.), time sto - iako je znao i bio svjestan da pri planiranju
cjelokupne akcije i u donesenim zapovijedima za napad i za povlacenje te za druge
borbene aktivnosti nisu ni formalno ni stvarno razradeni elementi postovanja ratnog i
humanitarnog prava o postupanju sa zarobljenim neprijateljskim vojnicima, ranjenicima i
bolesnicima, zatecenim civilima, njihovom imovinom i ratnim plijenom - kao zapovjednik
nije osigurao da pripadnici njemu podredenih postrojbi budu na nedvojben naCin upoznati
i poduceni sa svojim obvezama iz medunarodnih ratnih i humanitarnih konvencija i
protokola, da nije ustrojio prikladan nacin izvjeséivanja od strane podredenih casnika 0
moguéim protupravnim radnjama na bojistu, znajuéi da za zastitu reda i sigurnosti na
oslobodenim podrucjima, a time i za sprjecavanje moguéih nedopustenih postupanja, nije
osigurana odgovarajuéa podrska Vojne policije, to vise sto su postrojbe angazirane za tu
akciju, posebice domobranske bojne, bile sastavljene mahom od domaéih ljudi iz okolice
Gospiéa pogodenih dotadasnjim ratnim stradanjima, spremnih na osvetu, zanemarujuéi
napose cinjenicu da u selima i zaseocima na crtama planiranog napada prebiva nekoliko
stotina civila srpske narodnosti, pristavsi tako i na njihova smrtna stradanja i osteéenja
njihovih kuéa i drugih objekata zbog planiranog djelovanja topnistva, i na ubojstva tamo
zatecenih civila srpske narodnosti, kao i na razaranje i palez kuéa i grabez njihove
imovine, pa je tako najprije:
1. svojom zapovijedi za napad, klasa 8/93-01/04, ur.broj 1043-03/1-93-89 od 6.
rujna 1993., zapovjedio takticki pocetak vojne akcije ,Dzep '93" za 9. rujna 1993. u 6,00
sati, kojom akcijom je u operativnom smislu s izdvojenog zapovjednog mjesta u Bilaju
- 3- Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/06
zapovijedao II. okr. Mirko Norac u svojstvu zapovjednika Sektora 1. i 9. gardijske
motorizirane brigade kao i svih njemu pridodanih i podredenih postrojbi te postrojbi
Specijalne policije Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, koja je tada doista i zapocela s
planiranom snaznom topnickom, raketnom i minobacackom paljbom po neprijateljskim
vojnim polozajima razmjestenima u neposrednoj blizini samih naselja kao i medu civilnim
objektima, i po naseljima na glavnim crtama napada prema Divoselu, Ôtluku, PoCitelju i
Metku, znajuéi da u tim selima i zaseocima na crtama topnickih napada prebiva i civilno
stanovnistvo srpske narodnosti i da postoji iznimna vjerojatnost da ée takav napad
izazvati nepotrebnu pogibiju, ranjavanje i bijeg tih civila u smjerovima napadnih
djelovanja, razaranje njihovih kuéa, gospodarskih zgrada i ostale imovine, pa usprkos
tome, iako je imao moé i ovlast zaustaviti takav topnicki napad, to nije ucinio, veé je
njegovom provedbom pristao na takve posljedice, pa su tako zbog nasumicnog topnickoraketno-
minobacackog djelovanja:
- na podrucju Ôtluka 9. rujna 1993. smrtno stradali Pera Krajnovié, Soja Vujnovié,
Marko Potkonjak i Janko Potkonjak,
-na podrucju Divosela 9. rujna 1993. smrtno je stradao Nikola Vujnovié,
a osim toga zbog granatiranja:
- razrusena je kuéa u izgradnji te zapaljena drvena kuéa vlasnistvo Boska Pjevaca u
Ôtluku 43,
- razrusena je kuéa vlasnistvo Pere Krajnovié u Ôtluku 20,
- razrusena je kuéa vlasnistvo Boje Vujnovié u Ôtluku 28,
- razrusena je kuéa vlasnistvo Boje Pjevac u Ôtluku 26,
- razrusene su dvije kuée vlasnistvo Bogdana Krickoviéa u Citluku 63,
- razrusena je kuéa zasad neutvrdenog vlasnika i adrese u Joviéima,
dakle, krseéi pravila medunarodnoga prava za vrijeme oruzanog sukoba naredio da
se izvrsi napad na naselja posljedica kojeg je smrt i teska tjelesna ozljeda ljudi i napad
bez izbora cilja kojim se pogada civilno stanovnistvo,
2. u razdoblju od 9. do 17. rujna 1993., tijekom i nakon zavrsetka operativnotaktickog
dijela operacije ,Dzep '93", kao i nakon potpisivanja Sporazuma o povlacenju
hrvatskih snaga s oslobodenih i akcijom zauzetih podrucja na pocetne polozaje od 15.
rujna 1993., tijekom obustave vatre, iako je znao, jer se u to osobno uvjerio za cestih
boravka na terenu, gdje su se cule ucestale detonacije netipicne za trenutacni karakter
operacije i vidjelo se mnogo dima, a o tomu je bio obavijesten i od predstavnika
UNPROFOR-a i drugih osoba, da na akcijom zauzetim podrucjima dijelovi njemu
podredenih postrojbi u sastavu operativnog Sektora 1 (9. gardijska motorizirana brigada,
Domobranska bojna Gospié, Domobranska bojna Lovinac, postrojbe 111. brigade i
postrojbe Specijalnih snaga Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova) ubijaju, okrutno zlostavljaju i
masakriraju civile srpske narodnosti, pale i ruse kuée i gospodarske zgrade te pljackaju i
unistavaju njihovu ostalu imovinu, kako bi se opisanom uporabom sile postiglo njihovo
trajno iseljenje, sto se doista i dogodilo, nije poduzeo nista da se takva nedopustena
postupanja sprijece, suzbiju i kazne, pristajuéi na to da njemu podredene postrojbe
nastave s takvim radnjama i pristajuéi na njihove posljedice, kao i na moguénost da
preostalo civilno stanovnistvo srpske narodnosti zastraseno tim dogadanjima napusti ta
- 4- Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/06
podrucja, sto se doista i dogodilo, pa su tako za sada nepoznati pripadnici njemu
podredenih postrojbi na terenu, vatrenim iii hladnim oruzjem lisili zivota:
- 9. rujna 1993. ispred njezine kuée u Ôtluku 84-godisnju slijepu staricu Bosiljku
-na podrucju Rajceviéa 9. rujna 1993. Ankicu Vujnovié,
- istoga dana u podrumu njihove kuée u Ôtluku (Krickoviéi) Ljubicu Krickovié-ZivCi(
a potom i njezinu sestru Saru Krickovié, prerezavsi joj vrat,
- istoga dana ispred njegove kuée u Ôtluku (Krajnoviéi) Duru Krajnoviéa,
- istoga dana u Ôtluku Mile Savu Rajcevié koja je hodala sa stakama,
- istoga dana u Divoselu Nikolu Vujnoviéa, MomCila Vujnoviéa, Ljiljanu Jelaca
Milana Matiéa,
- u vremenu izmedu 10. i 11. rujna 1993. u Ôtluku Nikolu Jerkoviéa,
- 11. rujna 1993. u Lazinu gaju nedaleko od Ôtluka Andu Jovié,
- 12. rujna 1993. u Ôtluku 70 (Krajnoviéi) Nedeljku Krajnovié i Stanu Krajnovié, a
na kraju njihova tijela zapalili,
- u vremenu izmedu 12. i 14. rujna 1993. u sumi uz rijeku Sasinu nedaleko od
Ôtluka Milku Bjegovié,
- 16. rujna 1993. na stazi u blizini brda Bungovac vatrenim oruzjem Milu Pejnoviéa,
- tocno neutvrdenog dana izmedu 9. i 17. rujna 1993. nedaleko Ôtluka sakatog
Dmitra Joviéa i njegovu suprugu Maru Jovi(
- tocno neutvrdenog dana u istom razdoblju u zaseoku Potkonjaci Duru Vujnoviéa,
- tocno neutvrdenog dana u istom razdoblju u Divoselu (Vujnoviéi) Stevu
- tocno neutvrdenog dana u istom razdoblju u dvoristu jedne kuée u PoCitelju
(Miséeviéi) Boju Pjevac, kojoj su nakon toga odrezali tri prsta desne ruke te
- tocno neutvrdenog dana u istom vremenskom razdoblju u Rajceviéima
retardiranog Milana Rajceviéa vezali izmedu dva stabia i u njega bacali nozeve, da bi ga
na kraju i zapalili,
- tacna neutvrdenog dana u istom razdoblju nedaleko od kuée u Ôtluku, Ôtluk 43,
u Donjem Selu Branka Vujnoviéa,
- 9. rujna 1993. nedaleko od Ôtluka pucali na Anku Rajcevié hrvatske narodnosti u
namjeri da je lise zivota, ali u tome nisu uspjeli, pa je zadobila prostrijelnu ranu kuka i
slabina, koja ozljeda je bila teske naravi,
- istoga dana u Ôtluku 26, u namjeri da je lise zivota, bacili rucnu bombu u kuéu u
kojoj se nalazila Ivanka Rajcevié, medutim ona je napad prezivjela zadobivsi brojne teske
tjelesne ozljede;
te, u vremenskom razdoblju od 9. do 17. rujna 1993., zasad nepoznati pripadnici
njemu podredenih postrojbi podmetanjem eksploziva i vatre unistili su:
- u selu Rajceviéi 32 kuée i 41 gospodarski objekt,
- u selu Krajnoviéi 20 kuéa, 28 gospodarskih objekata i oneCistili 4 bunara,
- u selu Potkonjaci 6 kuéa i 10 gospodarskih objekata,
- u selu Drljiéi 5 kuéa i 10 gospodarskih objekata,
- 5 - Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/06
- u selu Struniéi 20 kuéa, 17 gospodarskih objekata i oneCistili 3 bunara,
- u selu Veliki Kraj 11 kuéa i 8 gospodarskih objekata,
- u Donjem Selu 7 kuéa i 9 gospodarskih objekata te
- u Divoselu najmanje 40 kuéa i neutvrden broj gospodarskih zgrada;
uz to su kako u svim gore navedenim selima, tako i u Ôtluku, Sitniku, PoCitelju i
Rogiéima uz pomoé civila kojima je dopusten ulazak na bojiste:
- otudili vrjedniju pokretnu imovinu civila koji su napustili to podrucje te
- pobili dio zatecene stoke,
dakle, krseéi pravila medunarodnoga prava za vrijeme oruzanog sukoba, iako je bio
duzan, propustio sprijeCiti i time tako podrzavao i ohrabrivao da se civilno stanovnistvo
ubija, muci iii da se necovjecno prema njemu postupa, da se pljacka imovina stanovnistva
te protuzakonito i samovoljno unistava u velikim razmjerima imovinu sto nije opravdano
vojnim potrebama,
3. u razdoblju od 9. do 17. rujna 1993., tijekom i nakon zavrsetka operativno -
taktickog dijela operacije ,Dzep '93", kao i nakon potpisivanja Sporazuma o povlacenju
hrvatskih snaga s oslobodenih i akcijom zauzetih podrucja na pocetne polozaje od 15.
rujna 1993., tijekom obustave vatre, iako je znao, jer se u to osobno uvjerio za cestih
boravka na terenu, a od predstavnika UNPROFOR-a i drugih osoba je bio obavijesten da
se na akcijom zauzetim podrucjima od strane njemu podredene postrojbe HV-a u sastavu
operativnog Sektora 1 (9. gardijska motorizirana brigada, Domobranskç:J bojna Gospié,
Domobranska bojna Lovinac, postrojbe 111. brigade i postrojbe specijalnih snaga MUP-a)
Cine protupravne radnje tako sto se izlazu mukama i ubijaju ratni zarobljenici srpske
narodnosti, nije poduzeo nista da se takva nedopustena postupanja sprijece, suzbiju i
kazne, pristajuéi da njemu podredene postrojbe nastave s takvim postupanjima i pristajuéi
na njihove posljedice, pa su tako za sada nepoznati pripadnici njemu podredenih postrojbi
na terenu, uporabom vatrenog oruzja i na drugi naCin sto lisili zivota:
- 10. rujna 1993. na podrucju Debele Glave zarobljenog vojnika Stanka Despiéa
kundacima pusaka i drugim tupo-tvrdim i siljatim predmetima u tolikoj mjeri pretukli da je
- 10. rujna 1993. na podrucju izmedu PoCitelja i Ôtluka zarobljenog vojnika Nikolu
Stojisavljeviéa najprije ranili vatrenim oruzjem, a potom ga vezali konopcem i objesili na
drvo te ga zivoga gadali nozevima,
- 11. rujna 1993. u Lazinu gaju nedaleko od Ôtluka zarobljenog vojnika Milana
- u vremenu izmedu 15. i 16. rujna 1993. u Planinama zarobljenog vojnika Danu
- takoder u vremenu izmedu 15. i 16. rujna 1993. godine u Planinama zarobljenog
vojnika Dragana Pavlicu,
- 9. rujna 1993. na podrucju Debele Glave zarobljenog vojnika Vladimira Divjaka
tesko ranili tako sto su prema njemu bacili rucnu bombu, a potom su ga, jednako kao i
zarobljenog vojnika kodne oznake zastiéeni svjedok br. 4. i pretukli kundacima pusaka,
gasili cigarete na njihovim ledima,
- 6- Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/06
- 10. rujna 1993. na podrucju Ôtluka, zarobljenog vojnika Nikolu Bulja ponizavali
na razne naCine i to vjesanjem za ruke, udaranjem bicem po ledima, nakon cega su mu
posipali sol po krvavim ledima te mu na glavu stavili sajkacu i ponizavali ga, te mu
udarcem bajunete slomili nogu,
dakle, krseéi pravila medunarodnoga prava, iako je bio duzan, propustio sprijeCiti i
time tako podrzavao i ohrabrivao da se ratni zarobljenici ubijaju, muee i da se prema
njima necovjecno postupa,
pa da bi time radnjama pod tockama 1. do 3. pocinio krivicna djela protiv
covjecnosti i medunarodnoga prava, i to djelom pod tockom 1. - ratnim zlocinom protiv
civilnog stanovnistva - opisano i kaznjivo po clanku 120. stavak 1. Osnovnog Krivicnog
zakona Republike Hrvatske (Narodne novine broj 31/93, 53/91, 39/92, 91/92, 108/95 i
28/96; dalje u tekstu ,OKZRH"); djelom pod tockom 2. - ratnim zloCinom protiv civilnoga
stanovnistva - opisano i kaznjivo po clanku 120. stavak 1. u vezi clankom 28. OKZRH te
djelom pod tockom 3., - ratnim zloCinom protiv ratnih zarobljenika - opisano i kaznjivo po
clanku 122. u svezi s clankom 28. OKZRH, a sva djela kaznjiva jos i primjenom odredbi
(lanka 43. OKZRH.
da bi:
II optuzeni MIRKO NORAC-KEVO, zvan ,Poki", ,Noki", sin Ante i Nede rodene
Radman-Livaja, rodenog 19. rujna 1967. godine u Otoku, s prebivalistem u
Zagrebu, Bukovacka 27, sada u Lipovici-PopovaCi, Hrvat, dr-Zavljanin RH, dipl.
kineziolog - prof. fizicke kulture, umirovljenik HV-a - mirovina 6000 kn, vlasnik
automobila ,Passat" proizvedenog 2007. i stana povrsine 100 m2 na adresi
stanovanja, neozenjen, nema djece, vodi se u VE Zagreb, odlikovan ordenom
Kneza Domagoja i mnogim drugima, osudivan, ne vodi se drugi kazneni postupak,
Na temelju clanka 354. tocka 3. ZKP-a
oslobada se od optuzbe
u razdoblju od 9. do 17. rujna 1993. u okolici Gospiéa, Bilaju te na podrucju
zvanom Medacki dzep, jugoistocno od Gospiéa, za trajanja medunarodnog oruzanog
sukoba na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske izmedu regularnih oruzanih snaga Hrvatske vojske
i postrojbi Specijalne policije Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova s jedne strane te naoruzanih
vojnih i paravojnih formacija pobunjenih hriatskih Srba potpomognutih snagama i
logistikom bivse JNA i dragovoljcima iz Srbije i Crne Gere s druge strane, izazvanog
njihovom agresijom, kac casnik Hrvatske vojske s Cinom pukovnika i na polozaju
zapovjednika 9. gardijske motorizirane brigade unutar Zbornog podrucja Gospié te
zapovjednika Sektora 1, posebne operativno-takticke grupe formirane upravo za potrebe
operacije ,Dzep '93" koju su Cinile 9. motorizirana gardijska brigada, Domobranska bojna
Gospié, Domobranska bojna Lovinac, postrojbe 111. brigade i postrojbe Specijalnih snaga
Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, odgovoran za primjenu propisa medunarodnoga prava o
ratnim zarobljenicima, sigurnosti i zastiti civila i njihove imovine na tom podrucju i
ovlasten za izdavanje zapovijedi, sa zapovjednom ovlaséu nad svim podredenim
postrojbama i formacijama iz sastava Sektora 1, nakon ste je prethodno zajedno s I. okr.
Rahimom Ademijem i drugim, visim casnicima Glavnog stozera Hrvatske vojske i
Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova sudjelovao u planiranju, razradi i uvjezbavanju ogranicene
- 7- Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/06
vojne operacije uDzep '93", s nakanom da tom operacijom snage Hrvatske vojske i
Specijalne policije Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova iz vojno-strateskih i sigurnosnih razloga
oslobode dio okupiranog teritorija Republike Hrvatske u predjelu zvanom Medacki dzep,
sto je Cinilo sire podrucje Divosela, Ôtluka i Pocitelja, kako bi se zaustavilo kontinuirano
topnicko teroriziranje zitelja Gospiéa od okupacijskih snaga, postupio protivno odredbama
cl. 3., 16., 27., 32. i 53. :Zenevske konvencije o zastiti gradanskih osoba u vrijeme rata ad
12. kolovoza 1949., cl. 3. st. 1. t. a) i c) :Zenevske konvencije o postupanju s ratnim
zarobljenicima, od 12. kolovoza 1949., a napose protivno odredbama cl. 51. st. 2., 4. i st.
5., cl. 54. st. 2., cl. 57. st. 1. i st. 2 ali. III, te cl. 86. i 87. Dopunskog protokola Zenevskim
konvencijama od 12. kolovoza 1949. o zastiti medunarodnih oruzanih sukoba (Protokol I
od 8. lipnja 1977.), time sto, iako je znao i bio svjestan da pri planiranju cjelokupne
akcije i u donesenim zapovijedima za napad i za povlacenje te za druge borbene
aktivnosti nisu ni formalno ni stvarno razradeni elementi postovanja ratnog i
humanitarnog prava o postupanju sa zarobljenim neprijateljskim vojnicima, ranjenicima i
bolesnicima, zatecenim civilima, njihovom imovinom i ratnim plijenom, kao zapovjednik
nije osigurao da pripadnici njemu podredenih postrojbi budu na nedvojben naCin upoznati
i poduceni sa svojim obvezama iz medunarodnih ratnih i humanitarnih konvencija i
protokola, da nije ustrojio prikladan naCin izvjeséivanja od strane podredenih casnika o
moguéim protupravnim radnjama na bojistu, znajuéi da za zastitu reda i sigurnosti na
oslobodenim podrucjima, a time i za sprjecavanje moguéih nedopustenih postupanja, nije
osigurana odgovarajuéa podrska Vojne policije, to vise sto su postrojbe angazirane za tu
akciju, posebice domobranske bojne, bile sastavljene mahom od domaéih ljudi iz okolice
Gospiéa pogodenih dotadasnjim ratnim stradanjima, spremnih na osvetu, te napose
zanemarivsi cinjenicu da u selima i zaseocima na crtama planiranog napada prebiva
nekoliko stotina civila srpske narodnosti, pristavsi tako i na njihova smrtna stradanja i
osteéenja njihovih kuéa i drugih objekata zbog planiranog djelovanja topnistva i na
ubojstva tamo zatecenih civila srpske narodnosti, kao i na razaranje i palez kuéa i grabez
njihove imovine, pa je tako najprije:
4. svojom zapovijedi za napad, klasa 8/93-01/01, ur.broj 3178-03-93-218-1 od 7.
rujna 1993., zapovjedio operativni pocetak vojne akcije ,Dzep '93" za 9. rujna 1993. u
6,00 sati, kojom je akcijom u operativnom smislu s izdvojenog zapovjednog mjesta u
Bilaju osobno i zapovijedao u svojstvu zapovjednika Sektora 1. i 9. gardijske motorizirane
brigade kao i svih njemu pridodanih i podredenih postrojbi te postrojbi Specijalne policije
Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova, koja je tada doista i zapocela s planiranom snaznom
topnickom, raketnom i minobacackom paljbom kako po neprijateljskim vojnim polozajima
razmjestenima u neposrednoj blizini samih naselja kao i medu civilnim objektima, i po
naseljima na glavnim crtama napada prema Divoselu, Ôtluku, PoCitelju i Metku, znajuéi da
u tim selima i zaseocima na pravcima topnickih napada prebiva i civilno stanovnistvo
srpske narodnosti i da postoji iznimna vjerojatnost da ée takav napad izazvati nepotrebnu
pogibiju, ranjavanje i bijeg tih civila u smjerovima napadnih djelovanja, razaranje njihovih
kuéa, gospodarskih zgrada i ostale imovine, pa usprkos tome, iako je imao moé i ovlast
zaustaviti takav topnicki napad, to nije uCinio, veé je njegovom provedbom pristao na
takve posljedice, pa su tako zbog nasumicnog topnicko-raketno-minobacackog djelovanja:
- na podrucju Ôtluka 9. rujna 1993. smrtno stradali Pera Krajnovié, Soja Vujnovié,
Marko Potkonjak i Janko Potkonjak,
-na podrucju Divosela 9. rujna 1993. smrtno je stradao Nikola Vujnovié,
- 8- Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/06
a osim toga zbog granatiranja:
- razrusena je kuéa u izgradnji te zapaljena drvena kuéa vlasnistvo Boska Pjevaca u
C:itluku 43,
- razrusena je kuéa vlasnistvo Pere Krajnovié u Ôtluku 20,
- razrusena je kuéa vlasnistvo Boje Vujnovié u Ôtluku 28,
- razrusena je kuéa vlasnistvo Boje Pjevac u Ôtluku 26,
- razrusene su dvije kuée vlasnistvo Bogdana Krickoviéa u Ôtluku 63,
- razrusena je kuéa zasad neutvrdenog vlasnika i adrese u Joviéima,
dakle, krseéi pravila medunarodnoga prava za vrijeme oruzanog sukoba naredio da
se izvrsi napad na naselja posljedica kojeg je smrt i teska tjelesna ozljeda ljudi i napad
bez izbora cilja kojim se pogada civilno stanovnistvo,
pa da bi time pocinio krivicno djelo protiv covjecnosti i medunarodnoga prava, -
ratnim zlocinom protiv civilnog stanovnistva - opisano i kaznjivo po clanku 120. stavak 1.
Nasuprot tome,
II optuzeni Mirko Norac-Kevo
kriv je
sto je:
u razdoblju od 10. do 17. rujna 1993. u okolici Gospiéa, Bilaju te na podrucju
zvanom Medacki dzep, jugoistocno od Gospiéa, za trajanja medunarodnog oruzanog
sukoba na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske izmedu regularnih oruzanih snaga Hrvatske vojske
i postrojbi Specijalne policije Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova s jedne strane te naoruzanih
vojnih i paravojnih formacija pobunjenih hrvatskih Srba potpomognutih snagama i
logistikom bivse JNA i dragovoljcima iz Srbije i Crne Gore s druge strane, izazvanog
njihovom agresijom, kao casnik Hrvatske vojske s Cinom pukovnika i na polozaju
zapovjednika 9. gardijske motorizirane brigade unutar Zbornog podrucja Gospié te
zapovjednika Sektora 1, posebne operativno-takticke grupe formirane upravo za potrebe
operacije ,Dzep '93" koju su cinile 9. motorizirana gardijska brigada, Domobranska bojna
Gospié, Domobranska bojna Lovinac i postrojbe 111. brigade, odgovoran za primjenu
propisa medunarodnoga prava o ratnim zarobljenicima, sigurnosti i zastiti civila i njihove
imovine na tom podrucju i ovlasten za izdavanje zapovijedi, sa zapovjednom ovlaséu nad
svim podredenim postrojbama i formacijama iz sastava Sektora 1, nakon sto je prethodno
zajedno s I. optuzenim Rahimom Ademijem i drugim, visim casnicima Glavnog stozera
Hrvatske vojske i Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova sudjelovao u planiranju, razradi i
uvjezbavanju ogranicene vojne operacije ,Dzep '93", s nakanom da tom operacijom snage
Hrvatske vojske i Specijalne policije Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova iz vojno-strateskih i
sigurnosnih razloga oslobode dio okupiranog teritorija Reeublike Hrvatske u predjelu
zvanom Medacki dzep, sto je cinilo sire podrucje Divosela, Citluka i PoCitelja, kako bi se
zaustavilo kontinuirano topnicko teroriziranje zitelja Gospiéa od okupacijskih snaga,
- 9- Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/06
postupio protivno odredbama Clanka 3., 16., 27., 32. i 53. Z:enevske konvencije o zastiti
~radanskih osoba u vrijeme rata od 12. kolovoza 1949., clanka 3. stavak 1. tocka a) i c)
Zenevske konvencije o postupanju s ratnim zarobljenicima od 12. kolovoza 1949., a
napose protivno odredbama clanka 54. stavak 2., clanka 57. stavak 1. te Clanka 86. i 87.
Dopunskog protokola Zenevskim konvencijama od 12. kolovoza 1949. 0 zastiti
medunarodnih oruzanih sukoba (Protokol I od 8. lipnja 1977.),
pa je tako:
5. u razdoblju od 10. do 17. rujna 1993., tijekom i nakon zavrsetka operativnotaktickog
dijela operacije ,Dzep '93", kao i nakon potpisivanja Sporazuma o povlacenju
hrvatskih snaga s oslobocJenih i akcijom zauzetih podrucja na pocetne polozaje od J 5.
rujna 1993., tijekom obustave vatre, u svojstvu zapovjednika Sektora 1., kao i svih njemu
pridodanih i podrecJenih postrojbi, iako je znao, jer se u to osobno uvjerio za cestih
boravaka na terenu, gdje su se cule ucestale detonacije netipicne za trenutacni karakter
operacije i vidjelo mnogo dima, a o tome je bio obavijesten od predstavnika UNPROFOR-a
i drugih osoba, da na akcijom zauzetim podrucjima njemu podredene postrojbe u sastavu
operativnog Sektora 1 (9. gardijska motorizirana brigada, Domobranska bojna Gospié,
Domobranska bojna Lovinac i postrojbe 111. brigade), pale i ruse kuée i gospodarske
zgrade te pljackaju i unistavaju njihovu ostalu imovinu te iako je znao, jer se u to uvjerio
za cestih boravaka na terenu da njemu navedene podrecJene postrojbe ubijaju civile
srpske narodnosti, nije poduzeo nista da se takva nedopustena postupanja sprijece,
suzbiju i kazne, pristajuéi na to da njemu podredene post~ojbe nastave s takvim radnjama
i pristajuéi na njihove posljedice, kao i na moguénost da preostalo civilno stanovnistvo
srpske narodnosti zastraseno tim dogadanjima napusti ta podrucja, sto se doista i
dogodilo pa su tako za sada nepoznati pripadnici njemu podrecJenih postrojbi na terenu,
vatrenim iii hladnim oruzjem lisili zivota:
- izmecJu 12. i 14. rujna 1993. u Ôtluku 70 (Krajnoviéi) Nedeljku Krajnovié i Stanu
Krajnovié, a na kraju njihova tijela zapalili,
- neutvrcJenog dana u razdoblju izmecJu 10. i 17. rujna 1993. u zaseoku Potkonjaci
Duru Vujnoviéa,
- neutvrdenog dana u istom razdoblju u Divoselu (Vujnoviéi) Stevu Vujnoviéa
te u razdoblju od 10. do 17. rujna 1993., zasad nepoznati pripadnici njemu
podredenih postrojbi podmetanjem eksploziva i vatre unistili su:
- u selu Rajceviéi 32 kuée i 41 gospodarski objekt
- u selu Krajnoviéi 20 kuéa, 28 gospodarskih objekata i oneCistili 4 bunara,
- u selu Potkonjaci 6 kuéa i 10 gospodarskih objekata,
- u selu Struniéi 20 kuéa, 17 gospodarskih objekata i onecistili 3 bunara,
- u Donjem Selu 7 kuéa i 9 gospodarskih objekata, te
- u Divoselu najmanje 40 kuéa i neutvrden broj gospodarskih zgrada;
uz to su kako u svim gore navedenim selima, tako i u Ôtluku, PoCitelju i Rogiéima
uz pomoé civila kojima je dopusten ulazak na bojiste:
- otudili vrjedniju pokretnu imovinu civila koji su napustili to podrucje te
- 10 - Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/ 06
- pobili dio zatecene stoke,
dakle, krseéi pravila medunarodnoga prava za vrijeme oruzanog sukoba, iako je bio
duzan, propustio sprijeciti i time tako podr:Zavao i ohrabrivao, da se civilno stanovnistvo
ubija iii da se necovjecno prema njemu postupa, da se pljacka imovina stanovnistva te
protuzakonito i samovoljno unistava u velikim razmjerima imovinu sto nije opravdano
vojnim potrebama,
6. u razdoblju od 10. do 17. rujna 1993., tijekom i nakon zavrsetka operativnotaktickog
dijela operacije ,Dzep '93", kao i nakon potpisivanja Sporazuma o povlacenju
hrvatskih snaga s oslobodenih i akcijom zauzetih podrucja na pocetne polozaje od 15.
rujna 1993., tijekom obustave vatre, u svojstvu zapovjednika Sektora 1. i 9. gardijske
motorizirane brigade kao i svih njemu pridodanih i podredenih postrojbi, iako je znao, jer
se u to osobno uvjerio za cestih boravaka na terenu, da na akcijom zauzetim podrucjima
njemu podredene postrojbe Hrvatske vojske u sastavu operativnog Sektora 1 (9.
gardijska motorizirana brigada, Domobranska bojna Gospié, Domobranska bojna Lovinac,
i postrojbe 111. brigade) cine protupravne radnje tako sto se izlazu mukama i ubijaju
ratni zarobljenici srpske narodnosti, nije poduzeo nista da se takva nedopustena
postupanja sprijece, suzbiju i kazne, pristajuéi da njemu podredene postrojbe nastave s
takvim postupanjima i pristajuéi na njihove posljedice pa su tako za sada nepoznati
pripadnici njemu podredenih postrojbi na terenu, uporabom vatrenom oruZja i na drugi
naCin lisili zivota:
- 10. rujna 1993. na podrucju izmedu PoCitelja i Ôtluka zarobljenog vojnika Nikolu
Stojisavljeviéa najprije ranili vatrenim oruzjem, a potom ga vezali konopcem i objesili na
drvo te ga zivoga gadali nozevima,
- 10. rujna 1993. na podrucju Ôtluka zarobljenog vojnika Nikolu Bulja ponizavali na
razne naCine, i to vjesanjem za ruke, udaranjem bicem po ledima, nakon cega su mu
posipali sol po krvavim ledima te mu na glavu stavili sajkacu i ponizavali ga,
dakle, krseéi pravila medunarodnoga prava, iako je bio duzan, propustio sprijeciti
te na opisani naCin podrzavao i ohrabrivao da se ratni zarobljenici ubijaju, muee i da se
prema njima necovjecno postupa,
Cime je poCinio krivicna djela protiv covjecnosti i medunarodnoga prava i to djelom
pod tockom 5. - ratnim zlocinom protiv civilnoga stanovnistva - opisano i kaznjivo po
clanku 120. stavak 1. u svezi s clankom 28. OKZRH i djelom pod tockom 6. - ratni zloCin
protiv ratnih zarobljenika - opisano i kaznjivo po Clanku 122. u svezi s clankom 28.
te se II optuzenom Mirku Norcu za krivicno djelo opisano pod tockom 5., a na
temelju (lanka 120. stavak 1. OKZRH utvrduje
za krivicno djelo pod tockom 6., a na temelju clanka 122. stavak 1. OKZRH mu se
- 11 - Poslovni broj II K-rz-1/06
pa se II optuzeni Mirko Norac-Kevo na temelju clanka 43. stavak 2. tocka 2.
OKZRH osuduje
Na temelju (lanka 122. stavak 4. ZKP-a II optuzeni Mirko Norac-Kevo u odnosu na
osudujuéi dio izreke presude oslobada se obveze naknade troskova kaznenog postupka iz
(lanka 119. stavak 2. tocka 1. do 6. ZKP-a u cijelosti, dok u odnosu na oslobadajuéi dio
presude, a na temelju (lanka 123. stavak 1. ZKP-a troskovi kaznenog postupka iz clanka
119. stavak 2. tocka 1. do 5. ZKP-a te nuzni izdaci optuzenika i nuzni izdaci i nagrada
branitelja padaju na teret proracunskih sredstava ovog suda.
1. Optuzba
Zupanijsko drzavno odvjetnistvo u Zagrebu podnijelo je ovom sudu uvodno
navedeni optuzni akt broj K-D0-349/ 05 protiv I optuzenog Rahima Ademia i II optuzenog
Mirka Norca-Keve stavljajuéi na teret svakom pocinjenje tri krivicna djela i to: iz clanka
120. stavak 1., iz clanka 120. stavak 1. u svezi s clankom 28. te iz clanka 122. u svezi s
clanko 28. OKZRH.
Na glavnoj raspravi zastupnik optuzbe djelomicno je, u manjem opsegu, izmijenio
Cinjenicne opise krivicnih djela. Ostajuéi kod pravnih opisa i pravnih kvalifikacija, zastupnik
optuzbe predlozio je da oba optuzenika budu proglaseni krivi i osudeni po zakonu.
2. Ocitovanje o optuzbi
I optuzeni Rahim Ademi je, oCitujuéi se o optuzbi, izjavio da se ne smatra kriv za
krivicna djela stavljena mu na teret optuznim aktom.
II optuzeni Mirko Norac-Kevo je, oCitujuéi se o optuzbi, izjavio da se ne smatra kriv
za krivicna djela stavljena mu na teret optuznim aktom.
3. Provedeni dokazi
3.1. Svjedoci
U dokaznom postupku sud je ispitao svjedoke:
- Ivana Jarnjaka - predlozenog na okolnosti zadaéa Specijalne policije MUP-a,1 je li isao
i zasto u Gospié, s kim se tamo sastao, koja je tema razgovora bila, a poglavito sto je
vidie u selu Ôtluk (dana 16.07.2007., listovi 4323-4326 spisa),
- Mladena Markaca - predlozenog na okolnosti uloge SP tijekom akcije, koji su bili
njihovi zadaci, koja je bila linija zapovijedanja i opéenito koja su njegova saznanja
vezano uz akciju (dana 16.07.2007., listovi 4326-4330 spisa),
1 Za Specijalnu policiju Ministarstva unutarnj ih poslova Republike Hrvatske dalje u tekstu bit ée koristena
kratica: SP.
Documents about crimes committed by Croat Armed
Forces during the military seizure of the Medak Pocket,
v published in Dabié, Lukié, Perovié & Salié,
"Persecution of Serbs and Ethnie Cleansing in Croatia
1991-1998- Documents and Testimonies", Belgrade,
1998, pp. 201-215

Pavle IVIé .
Vasmje KRESTié
Presidency of
Serbian Council and
Information Center:
Pavle IVIé, President of the Serbian Council
Vasillje KRESTié, President of the SCIC Council
Miroslav PANTié
Mlodrag JOVICié
Milorad PAVIé
Millca GRKOVIé
Mlhajlo VOJVODié
Jovan ILié
Borivoje LAZié
Nedeljko PLAVSié
Dragoljub SLOVIé
~ -ZTf?JZ
Vojin S. DABié
Ksen:ija M. LUKié
Natasa T. PEROVIé
Milomir P SALié
B]lLGRADE, 1998
Doc. No. F XI-1.
September 16, 1993.
Security o.fficer ··of the Canadian battalion within UNPROFOR, who on
September 16 entered the 'Medak pocket' with his assistants, gives his impressions
about the cpnditions in this region at the moment when control over it was laken
from the C~oatian armed forces by the forces of the United Nations. He finds thal
the Croatian army had caused terrible destruction.
On 16. September 1993. D Coy ofCanbatt responsible for security went into the
Medak Pocket. It was the first UNPROFOR Team to enter the pocket.
The bouses, barns, baystacks were still on fire. The beat was so intense that it
was difficult to stay in the area. He estimated that the fires bad been on for almost
two hours before their arriva!.
Bags full of looted property were found on positions which were held by the
Croatians prier to the arrivai ofUNPROFOR.
He observed almost 50 carcasses ôf animais ( cows, pigs and sheep) ali with
bullet wounds lying in the area.
On the first day be saw a corpse of one man with a bullet wound through his
right eye. The body was removed on the second day i.e. 17 September. The medical
team estimated the time of death to be not more than 24 hours.
Four more bodies were seen on the fust day. Ali had bullet wounds. One had two
shots through the back of the head. The second bad six ballets and his bell y had
been torn apart. The third bad been tortured and had a bullet wound in the leg. Ail
had bullet wounds in the head. The medical team estirnated that they bad been shot
eighteen hours before their examination.
One body was found buried in a shallow grave of about six inch es with six
bullet wounds.
Ail the ho uses' roofs were destroyed, animal feed was destroyed, agricultural
machinery, cars and wagons were bumt and tumed over.
There were lots (hundreds) of rubber gloves thrown all over the place.
About fifteen wells in Chitluk bad oil, daed animais and dirt thrown into them.
About two platoons of 60 Croatian special police (he bad previously seen them
in Sector West) were seen about 200 hundred metres from his position.
Most of the villagers bad cars which were left behind. All were riddled with
bulets, sorne were bumt and others were tumed over.
SCIC, file Medak poeke!, photocopy of the original.
Doc. No .. F XI-2. .
Gracac, September 16-19, 1993.
A part of the report by investigating teams of the Canadian battalion within
UNPROFOR about the destruction wrought in the 'Medak pocket' by the Croatian
army between September 9 and 15, 1993. Details are given about the corpses of the
murdered Serbian civilians and soldiers73
File No S06-4160.12/1993.
DATE: 160993 AT 15.05 HRS. TO 170993 AT 12.15.
The patrol was sent to Medak on the 160993 at 13.00 hrs., where we were joined
with the rest of the CAN-BAT 'Sweep-team ', wich were un der command by Major
King, CAN-BAT.
At that time severa! explosions was beard from the area around Donje Selo. We
also see smoke from that direction.
15.05 hrs. the 'Sweep-team ' left Medak and went to the cease fire 1ine, where
UNPROFOR have established a check-point. At that time, there were still Croatian
soldiers in the area that we entered.
At 15.45 hrs. the 'Sweep-team' entered Donje Selo, where a commando post
was establish. CIVPOL entered the village together with CAN-BAT.
73 Appended to these reports are the sketches of various settlements in the 'Medak pocket' with
bouse numbers written in. The numbers follow the arder in which the UNPROFOR teams
out their inquest.
The Medak Pocket 1993
No local people was met in Donje Selo, at the time of our arriva!. It seemed
clear, that Croatian soldiers just left the place, shortly before we arrived. The
villages was searched, but we did not find any persons- dead or alive.
The village bad 7 bouses, severa! sheds and outhouses . Sketch was drawn apd it
is enclosed.
At the time of our arrivai al! the bouses etc. were destroyed. Sorne building were
still on fire, while sorne other bouses were smoking. It seemed clear that the bouses
were bumed down/blown up earlier today. Each bouse were inspected carefully.
Following damages were made to the bouses:
House No 1: Destroyed totally.
House No 2: Destroyed totally, outhose destroyed too.
House No 3: Destroyed totally, garage and outhouse destroyed too.
House No 4: Destroyed. On the bouse somebody bad written in croatian: 'We
will be back Wiht Love 'U'.
House No 5: De*oyed totally, so were the sheds and garage.
House No 6: Destroyed totally, so was the outhouse.
House No 7: Destroyed totally, so were the sheds.
It was not possible to get into the bouses, while they still were buming.
Photo were taken of ail the buildings. They will be enclosed at a later time.
When we were in Donje Selo, Croatian soldiers and special police passed the
place in vehicles. Sounds of shots were also beard in area south of Don je Selo.
One civilian person from Citluk, who bad escaped to Medak, was taken into the
village. He was taken out of the Medak Pocket, when we got aware of, that there
were no civilians left in the village.
We left Donje Selo at 17.45 hrs.
The 'Sweep-team' went to Drljici, where we arrived at 18.00 hrs. We were met
by sorne canadian soldiers, who were located at the cease tire line.
In the hamlet we also found appr. 15 Croatian soldiers, who were waiting on
transport out of the area. They had informed the canadian soldiers, that they lived
in Zagreb and Rijeka.
There were 5 bouses in the hamlet, and sorne sheds, outhouse etc. Ail the
buildings were destroyed totally. Smoke was still co ming from some of them, so it
was clear, that they were destroyed earlier this day.
The hamlet was searched, but we did not tind any civilians in the area. Al! the
animais were dead, except sorne chickens. No dead persons were found in the area.
A sketch of the hamlet was made, and it is enclosed.
Photos of the area were taken, .and they will be enclosed later.
An investigation of the buildings were made, but it was not possible to get into
the ruins, while they still were on tire.
House No 21: Totally destroyed, so were the sheds. Around the buildings sorne
dead animais were found.
House No 22: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds, outhouses etc.
House No 23: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 24: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 25: Totally destroyed.
During the investigation, we could hear explosions from the direction of Citluk.
The 'Sweep-team' left the area at 18.30 hrs.
The 'Sweep-team' arrived at Citluk at 19.10 hrs. We were met by soldiers from
No civilian people were met in the village, and it seemed clear, that the village
was burned down!blown up earlier this day. Sorne of the houses were still smoking
and/or burning. We were not able to get into ali the houses, because they were still
on fire. A lot of dead animais were found in the sheds or laying in fornt of the
ho uses.
A lot of Croatian soldiers were passing us on trucks, on the way back form the
The village was searched and no civilian people were found.
A sketch was drawn and enclosed.
Photos were taken, ant they will be enclosed later.
All the buildings in the village were destroyed totally, though sorne still had
walls standing. In the village had appr. 30 living houses and appr. 32 sheds,
outhoused, garages etc. A damage assesment was made:
House No 31: large building, maybe a school. Totally destroyed.
House No 32: large building. Totally destroyed.
House No 33: Totally destroyed.
House No 34: Totally destroyed.
House No 35: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds. Sorne dead animais were
in the sheds.
House No 36: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 37: Totally destroyed.
House No 38: Totally destroyed, and so was the shed.
House No 39: Totally destroyed.
House No 40: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds. Dead animais were lying
on the ground.
House No 41 : Totally destroyed, and so were the 2 sheds.
House No 42: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 43: Totally destroyed.
House No 44: Totally destroyed.
House No 45: Totally destroyed.
House No 46: Totally destroyed.
House No 47: Totillly destroyed.
The Medak Poeke! 1993
House No 48: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 49: Totally destroyed, so were the shed and garage.
House No 50: Totally destroyed, so were the sheds.
House No 51: Totally destroyed.
House No 52: Totally destroyed, so were the sheds.
The houses above are located in the eastern outskirt of Citluk, and investigation
were stopped at 20.00 hrs., because it was getting to dark.
The rest of the village were investigated on the 170993 at 07.00 hrs.
House No 50B: Totally destroyed.
House No 5IB: Tbtally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 52B: Totally destroyed.
House No 53: Totally destroyed and so were the sheds.
House No 54: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 55: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 56: Totally destroyed, and so were the shed. Sorne arnmonition were
found in and around the house.
House No 57: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 58: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds.
House No 59: Totally destroyed, and so were the sheds. Around the house, we
found military bunkers.
In the no them part of Ciltuk we could see sorne houses, but we were not able to
investigate that part of the village of security reasons.
So only sorne parts of Citluk have been investigated, and the sketch is also
uncomplet for the moment.
It have to be noted, thil! the 'Sweep-team' passed sorne hamlet and single house
in the area, because the 'Sweep-team' had a strict time schedule. These area.must
be investigate at a later tirne. So far as we could observe, ali the house were totally
The 160993 at 20.30 hrs. CIVPOL and Major King were sent to a hou.se in right
outside Citluk. The were located on GRID 315-249. French soldiers had discovered
2 bodies.
Special report about this incident FILE: 'SITE l' . The report is enclosed.
The 1700993 at 07.15 hours Canadian soldiers discoveied a body on a field in
the western outskirt ofCitluk. The body were located on GRID 320- 241.
Special report about this incident FILE: 'SITE 2'. The report is enclosed.
The 170993 at 09.00 hrs. Canadian soldiers informed us, that they have
discovered a body lying in outskirt of a wood. The body were located on GRID
335-217. .
Special report about this incident FILE: 'SITE 3'. The report is enclosed.
The 170993 at 10.15 hrs Canadian soldiers informed us, that they have
discovered 2 bodies of serb soldiers. They were located on GRID 310-215. It was
in the mountains, so it was difficult to reach the site.
Special report about this incident FILE: 'SITE 4'. The report is enclosed.
The 170993 at 10.15 hrs. Canadian soliders informed us, that they have
discovered 1 body. The body was located on GRID 333-217. It was also in the
Special report about this incident FILE: 'SITE 5' .The report is enclosed.
The 170993 at 12.15 hours we left the Medak Pocket, and we were replaced of
other police monitors. Klaus Byrjalsen, Adm. Off. Gracac station.
2.3 09-17 13 57 hours
Sweep-team accompanied CANBAT to the village of KRAJINOVICI, Grid
Reference 316247.
House No 60: Totally destroyed (burned and dynamited). Outbuildings
associated to the res were also destroyed.
No 61: Building appeared to have been a barn or similiar structure that had been
burned with the livestock still in it. There were five (5) carcasses of cattle (burned)
located in the building. The roof to the building was gone but the concrete walls
were still standing.
No 62: Unable to determine use of the building prior to it's destruction. The
building had been bumed and dynamited and was still buming on our arriva!. Total
No 63: This building appeared to have been used as a garage prior to it's total
destruction. Located within the remaining portion of the structure was an
umixploded anti-tank mine but it was missing the fuse.
No 64: House was totally destroyed. Appears to have been dynamited and
No 65: Workshop totally destroyed. Bumed and exploded containing the
remains of one (1) dog and one (1) chicken.
No 66: House totally destroyed. Burned and exploded.
No 67: Shoplbarn structure totally destroyed. Burned and exploded. One (1) cow
carcass located behind this structure.
** There were no survivors or sings of bodies located by the search teams, in
The Medak Pocket 1993
** Teams exitted this portion of the village at 14.16 hours.
'Sweep-team' accompanied CANBAT into second portion of the village of
KRAJINOVICI. Grid reference 317249, at 14.48 hours.
No 68: House total! y destroyed. Appears to have bean bumed and exploded. The
associated barn was also bumed and one (1) cow carcass was located inside.
No 69: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion.
No 70: Garage appears ta have been used to store ammunition and also as a
resting spot for troops. The building consisits of black walls, dirt floor and a ceiling.
No 71: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion and nothing is left but
No 72: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion.
No 73: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion.
No 74: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion.
No 75: Barn associated to No 74 destroyed by fire. Black walls still intact but
nothing more. Carcas"ses of two (2) cows, one (1) horse, one (1) sheep inside.
Garage on the property totally destroyed.
No 76: House destroyed by fire and explosion. There is no roof and the interior
floors have collapsed to the lowest leve!. There was graffitti on the exterior walls
which translated in English reads 'this ih Croatia V' and the second portion ofthe
graffitti reads as follows (could not be translated as it was unrecognizable) 'U
SKLOBOT BOJNA MUGY'. The outbuildings were still smoldering.
No 77: House with the interior completed gutted and bumed. The exterior walls and
the roof are still intact. The garage in front of the residence was burned to the ground.
No 78: House consisting of two storeys which had ail the interior floors
collapsed into the basement. There was also an attached room on the outside of the
residence with an exterior entrance that was completely charred on the inside from
fire. In the charred room there were a number of burned chicken carcasses. This
house is also known as Site 1.
No 79: House with attached barn totally destroyed by fire and explosion.
No 80: Garage associated to the house numbered 79 was totally destroyed by
fire and explosion. ·
No 81: House totally destroyed by frre and explosion. Ali that remains is
fundation walls. There are a number of sandbags in the area that would indicate that
the house may have been used for troops for sorne prupose.
At the start of the driveway into House No 81 there was indications of fresh
excavation and a recent motor vehicle crash. Indications in the destroyed vehicle at
the scene point to the fact that the crash occurred in the recent past. Blood in the
vehicle was still moist and there were remnants ofhuman hair on the ground around
the site. Bullet ho les in the body of the vehicle suggest that the crash did not occur
as a result of driver error but more so of possible bad judgementas evidenced by the
presence of an empty but smashed ammunition clip from an automatic weapon
(assault rifle) (driver probably came under attack and ran out of ammunition to
defend him!herself).
lt was decided that as a result of all the above noted factors that the appropriate
course of action would be to bring in a backhoe and excavate around the area of the
previous excavation and also to assist in turning ·the crashed car bacle onto it's
wheels to allow for a more thorough examination of the vehicle interior.
Examination yielded negative results as did excavation of the area around the crash
No 82: House totally destroyed dawn to the foundation by fire and explosion.
Two (2) storey garage to the rear of the house also destroyed to the point were the
walls were partially collapsed, there was no roof and the floors were gone from the
second level.
No 83: Shop consisting oftwo (2) rooms damaged. The roofwas collapsed and
burned, walls still standing and ashes contained inside.
No 84: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion. The associated garage
behind the house is missing the roof but the walls are still standing. Barn totally
destroyed and contained the skeletons of two (2) sheep.
No 85: Barn sustained damage causing the loss of the roof but the walls are still
standing. Contents of the barn consisted of the burned carcasses of one (1) cow, one
(l) horse and one (1) sheep.
No 86: House damaged by fire and explosion causing charring within the
structure and the second storey too collapse into the first.
No 87: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion causing the total collapse
of the building to the foundation. ·
No 88: House destroyed by explosion. House consisted of two (2) storeys with
one (1) room on each floor. Damage consisting of one side of the roofmissing and
one wall also.
No 89: House damaged by fire and explosion. The roof was missing and the
inside of building was charred. The walls of the building are still intact. The
associated outbuilding was destroyed, the chicken coop was still intact but the
garage was burned to the ground.
At approximatley 18.28 hours the 'Sweep-team' accompanied CANBAT into
the village of POTKONJACI, Grid reference 305264.
No 90: House consisting of onè room totally destroyed by fire and explosion.
The building was gutted and was missing the roof.
No 91: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion. The only part left standing
was the chimney. The metal roof was collapsed dawn onto the foundation and
everything between was reduced to ashes. The associated combined garage/ham
was burned. The building in the rear of the res was totalled and may have been used
as a possible shop. It's roof and walls are gone.
No 92: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion. Outbuildings also
The Medak Pocket 1993
No 93: House totally destroyed by fire and explosion. The damage consisted of
the roof missing and the second floor of the two (2) storey house having collapsed
onto the main. The associated garage in the rear was bumed and missing the roof.
Other structures such as the chicken coop were still intact.
No 94: House and outbuildings destràyed by frre and explosion.
No 95: House and outbuildings destroyed by fin! and explosion. Two (2) storey
res with the second floor collapsed onto the first. Roof missing as weil.
No 96: Double garage and attached barn behind No 95 destroyed by fire.
Carcass of cow found behind. It has been skinned, gutted and dismembered but not
burned. Structure next door to the northwest burned to the ground.
The 'Sweep-team' participating from 13.57 hours on 93-09-17 through to the
completion of the da ys activity at 18.53 hours consisted of Cst's S. MARISSINK
and D. SMAWLEY of the Canadian contingent and Insp. F. JACOBSEN of the
Danish contingent.
On 170993 at 16.;40 hours Canadian soldiers advised that they had discovered
one (1) body. The body was located at Grid 316 246. The body was located near
house No 61.
A special report about this incident is prepared and identified as Site 6. The
report is enclosed.
File No 806-4160.12/1993.
DATE: 18.09.93. FROM 07.15 HOURS TO 18.00 HOURS
The patrol departed Gracac for the Medak area on the 19.09.93 at 05.30 hours
and arrived that point at 06.30 hours. At that location the patrol was joined with the
CanBatt 'Sweep-Team', which was under the command of Major King.
At approximatley 07.15 hours this same date a 'Sweep-Team' which included
monitors Floyd and Nielsen departed the Canadian staging area and arrived at the
village of Strunici, Grid Reference 275 268. Once at this village the 'Sweep-Team'
commènced a building to building search in an attempt to locate local residents and
also survey the damage caused by the retreating Croatian Military. The following is
an account of what was observed by the above mentioned monitors. These
properties are identified by numbers as outlined on the corresponding diagram.
House lOO-Main house was destroyed by fire. Second or summer house was
destroyed by obvious explosion as a rocket launcher was located outside of same.
Three burned mattresses were located inside of this summer home. Loaves of bread
were scattered throughout the yard at the rear of the house. Also the hay stacks were
bumed completely.
House 101-All buildings were obviously blown up by explosion. lt would
appear that this property was utilized as a defensive position for military troops as
bunkers were made in the yard.
House 102-Main house and four outbuildings were destroyed by explosion and
burning. There is a welllocated at the front of this property.
House 103-Property consists of a long Jane way, approximately 40 meters.
There is a well in front of the main house. Main house blown up and cmpletely
destroyed. Two outbuildings were also blown up by explosion. There were three
sheep hides lying in the rear yard. The insides from one of the sheep were located
behind one of the out buildings and did not appe_ar to be very old. The hay stacks to
the left of the main house were bumed complete! y.
House 104-Partially constructed brick house was not damaged.
House 105-Red briek house with red tile roof which looked as if previously
uninhabited. This house was bumed inside.
House 106-Main house totally destroyed as it was blown up. One out building
located immediately behind the main house was complete! y burned.
106.2-0ne house at the rear of the property was left completely destroyed.
House 107-Main house which was grey stucco construction was blown up and
bumed. Out building to the rear left of the property was blown up and destroyed.
The adjacent house to the rear right was blown up and bumed. There was a well on
the right si de of the road in front of the property.
House 108-The main ho use which is of stone/brick construction was completely
blown up by explosion. There was a well to the front left side of this main house.
There was a military stretcher beside this well and it appeared to have blood stains
on same. Inside the well at a leve! of approximately 8 meters, the re were numerous
buckets, pails etc. on top of the water. There was a water trough to the right of this
weiL Green stucco outbuildings to the rear left were in a deteriorated state. These
buildings had obviously been abandoned for sorne time. Another bouse which was
believed lived in and located to the left of the property was complete! y destroyed.
There was evidence/smell of dead turkeys in the rear yard.
Ho use 1 09-Grey brick bouse which looked like it was not lived in. There was a
foundation of another old house in front.
House 11 0-Main house completely destroyed. There was an outhouse to the
right which had the insides of an animal on the toilet. Two other buildings to the
rear were completely destroyed. A smaller house behind the outhouse was also
competely destroyed.
House 111-A grey stucco over red brick main house was complete! y destroyed.
A newer red brick construction to the rear right was a1so complete! y destroyed. An
outbuilding to the right was destroyed.
House 112-The main house was comp1etely destroyed by explosion. Two
outbuildings to the rear were completely destroyed:
House 113-Stone house completely destroyed by explosion.
TheMedakPocket 1993
House 114-A grey stucco building had the roof blown off and was bumed.
At approximately 09.00 hours this same date sa 'Sweep-Team' whicli included
monitors Floyd and Nielsen departed the village of Strunici and patrolled to the
village of V. Kraj, Grid Reference 274 257. Once at this village the 'Sweep-Team'
commenced a building to building search in an attempt to locate local residents and
also survey the damage caused by the retreating Croatian Military. The following is
an account of what was observed by the above mentioned monitors. These
properties are identified by numbers as outlined on the corresponding diagram.
House 120-The house to the left of the road was completely destroyed.
House 121-House to the right of the road was completely blown up.
Outbuilding was totally destroyed.
House 122-The main house was completely destroyed. Outbuilding to the rear
left was bumed. Builèling at the rear of the property was bumed. A log cabin to the
right of the property was destroyed and a hay stack at the back was bumed.
House 123-House completely destroyed. Outbuilding to the left was destroyed.
Two outbuildings to the rear were destroyed by frre. A building to the rear right,
which was believed to be a house, was completely destroyed.
House 124-Main house on the left of the road was completely destroyed.
Building to the right of main house was completely destroyed. Small light green
house on the property was totally damaged inside.
House 125-House completely destroyed.
House 126-House located up a long laneway wac completely destroyed.
House 127-House totally destroyed.
House 128-House completely destroyed.
On 19.09.93 at approximately 12.50 hours one female body was located by
Canadian Battalion 'D' Company engineers at Grid 340 229 which is just to the
south od Donje Selo. This victim was situated 4 meters off-shore in a marsh area
and submerged in approximately 30 cm. of water.
Special report about this incident FILE: 'SITE 7'. The report is enclosed.
On 18.09.93 at approximately 16.40 hours one male body was located by
Canadian Battalion 'C' Company at Grid 333 214. This victim was located 10
meters downhill from previously identified as Site No 4. Due to the very difficult
terrain no Ci v Pol personnel could attend.
Special report about this incident FILE 'SITE 6'. The report is enclosed.
sere, file Medak pocket, photocopy of the original.
shot at an earlier time and that the remains were then ignited prior to the arrivai of
UNPROFOR troops in an attempt to destroy any evidence. Cst. MARISSINK,
sere, file Medak pocket, photocopy of the original.
Dok. br. F XI-4.
/Zagreb/, September 17, 1993.
K. MAKHETHA of the UNPROFOR command at Zagreb, sends Jane Peterson
in the regional headquarters at Knin (Sector South) a memorandum with
information that the Croatians had identified on/y 6 out of a total of 52 bodies of
Serbian victims in the 'Medak pocket'. At the same time he reports that according
ta the information obtained from European observers, there are six women from
Divoselo and Ôtluk in the camp at Gospié.
74 The Croatian armed forces, in an attempt to cover up the traces of their crimes, carried away during
their withdrawal from the 'Medakpocket' on September 15, 1993, in refrigerated tmcks to Gospié 52
bodies of the murdered or killed Serbian civilians and members of the Serbian territorial defense.
Later, they werc forced by UNPROFOR to hand these bodies over to the representatives of the
Rcpublic of Serbian Krajina and these subsequently underwent autopsy and identification.
Furthermore, UNPROFOR teams found a total of 22 bodies of ki !led Serbs, of whom 3 could not be
The Medak Pocket 1993
sere, file Medak pocket, photocopyof the original.
identified. ldentified as Serbian victims in the ,Medak poeke/' were: Milka BJEGOVIé (1947),
Nikola (IIija) JERKOVIé (1961), Mara (Branko) JOVIé (1939), Dmitar (Mile) JOVIé (1938),
Milan (Mile) MATié (1949), Danica OBRADOVIé (1932), Grujo (Nikola) PAJié (1924), Mile
PEJINOVIC (1935), Janko (Stevan) POTKONJAK (1931), Marko (Milan) POTKONJAK
(1939), Djord~e (Stevan) POTKONJAK (195ll, Pet~r (Lazar) POCUCA (1946), Vlado (Branko)
RADAKOVIC (1938), Desimir (Vujo) TRESNJie (1964), Djuro· UZELAC (age about 60),
Branko (Stevan) VUJINOVIé (1948), Nikola (Stevan) VUJINOVIé (1947), Nikola {Djuro)
VUJINOVIé (1954), Nikola (Jovan) VUJINOVIé (1947), Djuro (Maksim) VUJINOVJé {1918)
and Momcilo {Dmitar) VUJINOVIé (1936) from Divose1o, Pera KRAJINOVIé (1907), Djuro
(Tome) KRAJINOVIé (1907), Nedeljka KRAJINOVIé (1921), Stana KRAJINOVIé (1936),
Boja (Dane) PJEVAC (1925), Sava RAJCEVIé (1930), Mile (Nikola) RAJCEVIé (1962) and
Boja (Jovan) VUJNOVIé (1908) from Ôtluk, Dragan PAVLieA (1968) from Pocitelj, Branko
(Sava) ALAGié (1950), Milan (Luka) BUDIMIR (1956), Nikola (Dane) DIMié (1961), Zeljko
(Ranko) GLEDJA (1957), Jure (Nikola) IVEZié (1962), Ljiljana JELACA (1956), Zdravko
(Rajko) KLINÇOV (1957), Dane KRIVOKUéA_(l964), Dusko (Milan) MARICié (1964), Du~an
{IIija) MILJUS (1966), Nemanja (Mile) MRKIC (1938), Marijan (Marko) PETROVIe (1962),
Djoko (Milan) PRODANOVIé (1963), Ilija (Svetozar) SEDLANJ (1963), Mirko (Jo.van)
SOVILJ (1954), Stevo (Slavko) SURLA (1955) and S1avko (Mirko) SURLA.(l957) from Graëac,
Dane (Jandro) BABié (1956), Nikola (Ilija) BIBié (1951), Rade (Milan) BURSAé (1973),
Stanko (Risto) DESPié (1952), Nikola (Milan) DURAKOVIé (1955), Dragan (Ilija) ILié
(1971 ), Dra go mir (Milan) KLJAJié (1966), Dusan (Petar) LJUBOJEVIé (1962), Milo rad
(Niko1a) PAVKOVIé (1957), Nikola (Milan) POPOVIé (1950), Nikola (Ilija) POPOVIé (1949),
Ilija {Djuro) RASETA (1967), Zoran (Mile) RASETA (1970), Jovan (Mile) RASETA (1959),
Niko1a (Spasoja) STOJISAVLJEVIé (1952), Luka (Dusan) TIZié (1955), Milan (Mane) TIZié
(1950) and Stevan (Bosko) VIGNJEVIé (l965).from Donji Lapac, Dusan (Jovan) POTKONJAK
(1959) from.Oto~ac, Mirko (Dane) BRUJié (1961) from Medak and Marko (Milan) MATIJEVIé
(1968) of Srb. See: SCIC, file Medak poeke!.
Members of the UN CIVPOL, a part ofUNPROFOR, found 1ater in the Repub1ic ofCroatia another
eight Serbian civilians whom the Croatian army had captured and carried off from the Serbian villages
in the ,Medak pocket'. However, 13 civilians and 5 soldiers were never found, and are listed as
,missing', although they are thought to have been killed between September 9 and 15, 1993. Their
names and sumames are: Bosiljka BJEGOVIé (1919), Gojko (Djuro) BJEGOVIé (1917), Milo~
(Avram) JOVANCEVIé (1924), Djuro (Niko1a) VUJNOVIé (1927) and Stevo (Dmitar) VUJNOV!é
(1922) from Divoselo, Nedeljko BJEGOV!é (1936), Andja (Dobrosav) IOVIé (1933), Milan (Janko)
IOVIé (1940), Stefica (Lacko) KRAJNOV!é (1928), Ljubica (Trivun) KRICKOVIé (1929), Sara
(Trivun) KRICKOVIé (1922) and Stevo (Dane) PJEVAC (1925) from Citluk, Du~an (Bogdan)
LJUBOJEVIé (1919) from PoMelj, Djuro (Nikola) ZUTié (1953) from Graëac, Zeljko (Milan)
CBlAGSAANROAV (1Ié9 7f1ro),m R Dadoen j(iM Lialapna)c .B URSAé (1973), Zeljko (Milan) éOPié (1958) and Miodrag (Mile)
Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness bea ring of Andelko Durié, dated
1 Joly 1998 (Operation Flash)

Taken on 1 July 1998 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Banja Luka in
the criminal case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable under Article 141 of the
Criminal Code of Yugoslavia
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic
Court Recorder
Mirkica Pejakovic
Andjelko Djuric
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
Defence Counsel
The Court rose at 9:00a.m.
The witness was wamed that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also wamed against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names: Djuric, Andjelko
2. Father's name: Lazar
3. Occupation: driver
4. Address: Banja Luka, 3 Srpskih Branilaca St., Tel: 078/756-053
5. Place ofbirth: Village of Jaruzani, municipality ofLaktasi
6. Date of birth: 11 September 194 7
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the outset of this war and ali the way to 2 May 1995, I lived at Okucani. Okucani was
free and was within the Republic of Serbian Krajina from the outbreak of the war. The
Croatian Army carried out an attack on that area, namely on the entire region of Western
Slavonia, on 1 May 1995, at 5:30 a.m. The attack began by heavy shelling followed by the
push of the Croatian army into this region.
Attacked by the Croatian army, the Serb population fled not only the Okucani area but also
the other areas in the direction of Bosanska Gradiska, in the territory of the Republic of
Srpska. After the refugee convoy, moving out of Okucani to Bosanska Gradiska, had been
attacked, the convoys of motor vehicles, trucks, tractors with trailers and other agricultural
machinery became longer. There were also many people on foot who were not able to travel
with others in motor vehicles. The convoys moved very slowly and I left my home only on 2
May in the moming and joined the convoy in my passenger car. The convoy moved slowly ali
the way to Nova Varos across the bridge over the Sava River. That section of the road was
shelled by the Croatian army and shot at close range by the Croatian forces. There were many
dead bodies lying on the roadway and beside the road, as well as destroyed and damaged
tract ors, damaged or destroyed mo tor vehicles and trucks. A large number of vehicles were in
flames and they were burning, which was why the road was clogged and unrelentingly
attacked by a small arms fire out of Prasnik. 1 can't tell how many dead civilian bodies 1 saw,
however, 1 am pretty sure that part of the road was covered with dead bodies of women,
children and elderly people, and that there were bodies also by the roadside. lt was very
difficult to drive on that part of the road without being hit by small arms fire or shrapnels
from exploded shells, falling on the road.
While driving on the road, 1 saw parts of human bodies flying in the air, severa! times,
following an explosion of a mortar grenade. 1 know full well that on 1 May, Croatian jets
bombed the refugee column, which moved from Okucani to Bosanska Gradiska, because that
sight could be seen from Okucani. lt was awful, but the convoy moved on in spite of the
Croatian artillery fire and despite short-range small arms fire.
1 moved from Okucani to the Sava bridge for seven long hours because the convoy was
relentlessly hit and the road was full of damaged, burnt or other vehicles. Actually, 1 covered
14 kilometres in four hours, which illustrates the difficulties the convoy had to face along the
road. In my car, there were three other persons and when we came to the Save bridge 1
dropped off only one woman while the other two friends remained behind. One of them was
Milan Jovic, who was wounded and had a gunshot wound below his left knee. The other one
managed to cross the River Sava into Gradiska the same day, around 7:00p.m. His name was
Nikola Saratlic. The woman with whom 1 drove to safety was Djuja Djurasinovic.
As the convoy moved, Dado Ostolucanin from Okucani, a salesman; Andjelko from Okucani,
whom we nicknamed "Migel" and Zoran Vukadinovic, born in 1971 of father Bogdan and
mother Dara, were killed. 1 also saw priest Savo from Okucani being wounded. He drove a
woman in his car and that woman got killed. All the refugees from the convoy thought that no
one would get to the other bank of the River Sava safely, because they were under heavy
artillery and small arms fire all the time. That was a terrible sight that all the survivors will
remember for the rest of their lives. I would like to stress in particular that the road from
Okucani to the Sava bridge was covered in blood and that 1 had never seen in my life so much
human blood as on that road. Even now, when 1 think of that sight and the time the convoy
needed to cover the distance, my heart goes weak because of the sorrow and grief over so
many lives lost there.
This is all 1 had to say for the time being.
1 was warned that 1 had the right to read the minutes, but 1 declare that it was dictated out
The hearing was adjourned at 1 O:a.m.
Court Recorder Andjelko Djuric (Signed) Investigating Magistrate
Mirkica Pejakovic (Signed Djordje Stojakovic (Signed)
C3CTaBJLeH ,nana ___________ g_~-~-g_z_:_______________ 199, __ ~---- I'Oil,HHC npe.n -------- __ _______ -----------------r.-~-~~~ z.~-~!Tl ........................... .
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-----------------~~-~E-~~~-~----------------------------- - cyAJ~ja Cae.noK
_______________ p_,J_Q.RDJE ___ QT..O.JAK.Q.Y_H~------------- Andjelko Djurié
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Cacnymalby cse.noxa npucycTayjy u:
jun TyliCJIJiau
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.n;aje o.n;rooope:
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selo Jaruzani, opstina LaK~as~,
5) Mecro pol)elba ------------------------------------------·······------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
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6) roil,HH3 pol)elba -·---------------------------------------------------------------·-·····-······-··-------·-·········-·---------------------·
7) OiJ,Hoc ca oxpnan.eBHM H oJIITeheBHM ------------~-~-~-!'-~9.-~-~------------------------------------------------
3a OBBM CBC.[(OK 0 caMOM OpeJlMeTY H3KOCH CJI~_)J;elie:
- 2 -
Ja sam pre pocetka ovog rata pa sve do 2.maja 1995 godine,
ziveo u Oku~anima. Okucani su bili od pocetka rata slobodni i
usastavu podrucja Republike~Srpske Krajine. Hrvatska ~~jska izvrsila
~e napad na to podrucje, odnosno na celo podrucJe Zapadne
Slavonije l.maja 1995 godine u 5,~o ~a~ova. Na~ad je ~tpoceo snaznim
granatiranjem, a posle toga JedlnlCe hrva~ske VOJSke krernule
su u okupaciju tog podrucja.
Srpsko stanovnistvo pred naletom hrvatske vojske bezalo je ne samo
sa podrucja Okuzana, veé i sa drugih podrucja u pravcu Bosans~e
Gradiske na teritorijuRepublike SRpske. Posle napada kolone lzbeglica
koje su se kretale iz pravca Okucana prema Bos. Gradisci neprekidno
suisle a te kolone sacinjavala su putnicka i teretna vozila,
traktori sa prikolf~ama i druge poljoprivredne masine. Bila
je i mnostvo pesaka koji !nisu bili u moguénosti da_idu sa nekim
od motornih vozila. Kolona se veoma sporo kretala a Ja sam tek
2.maja u ranim jutarnjim casovima napustio svoju kuéu i ukljucio
se u kolonu sa svojim putnickim vozilom. Kolona se kretala veoma
polako, a usporeno kretanje kolone bilo je od Nove Varosi pa do
mosta na Savi. Taj deo puta prilikom kretanja kolone granatiran je
oà strane hrvatske vojske, a isto tako tueen je iz neposredne blizine
i steljackog oru!ja od hrvatske vojske. Na kolovozu i pored
kolovoza bilo je strahovitomnogo tela stradalih civila unistenih, i
osteéenih traktora, unistenih i osteéenih putnickih vozila i teretnih
vozila. Veliki broj vozila bio je u plamenu i goreo tako da je
put bio dosta zakrcen a neprekidno tucen izpjesadijskog oruzja iz
Prasnika. Ja ne bih mogao da kazem koliko sam video tela stradalih
civila, ali pouzdano znam da ih je oko kolovoza bilo i da je ceo
taj teren odnosno deo puta bio pokriven sa telima stradalih civila
medju kojima je bilo . zena, dece i starihljudi. Veoma se tesko moglo
proéi tim delom puta a da ne bude pogodjen bilo iz vatrenog pesadijskog
oruzja ili parcetom eksplodiralih granata koje su padale na
taj put.
U toku kretanja ja sam ispred vozila u nekoliko navrata video
kako lete delovi ljudskog tela uvazduhu pesle ekspoeozije mmmobacacke
granate. Znam pouzdano da je prvog dana maja, i hrvatska
avijacija bombardovala kolonu izbeglica koja se kretala od Okucana
prema Bosanskoj Gradisci, jer to se videlo iz Okucana. Prizor je
bio strahovit ali kolona se i dalje kretala bez obzira na dejstvo
hrvatske artiljerije na dejstvo iz pesadijskog naoruzanja sa veoma
kratkog odstojanja.
Kretao sam se od Okucana pa do mosta na Savi punih sedam casova
zato sto je kolona neprekidno tucena a put zakrcen sa osteéenim
zapaljenim i drugim vozilima. Za sedam casova ja sam dakle presa;
put duzine 14 km, ste ilustruje na kakve jesve teskoée nailazila
kolona izbeglica u tokusvog kretanja. U vozilu sa kojim sam ja
upravljao bila su jos tri lica, a kada sam dosao do mosta na Savi.
Dovezao sam samo jednu zenu a ova dva prijatelja su ostala uz put
Jedan od njih.je Milan Jovié, bio ranjen i imao prostrelnu ranu '
predelu pdkolJenog dela leve noge, a drugi je istog dana oko 19,oo
casova_~speo da s: prebaci preko Save u Gradisku, to je bio Nikola
Saratl1c. Zena koJu sam prevezao zove se Djuja Djurasinovié.
U toku kretanja kolone p~ginuli su Dado Ostolucanin iz Okucana.
tr~ova~.Andje~ko iz Oku~ana, koga smo mi zvali "Migel '1 i Zoran vu~ adinO~
lc, ro~J· I9?lg. od oca Bogdana i majke Dare. Video sam tkodj e
kada Je pop 1z Okucana Savo, vozeéi jednuzenu sa sobom ranjen a ta
- 3 -
zena je poginula. Svi izbeglice koje su bile u toj koloni, i ja
li~no bili smo ubedjeni zbog neprekidnog dejstva artiljerije po
koloni zbog guste vatre iz pesadijskog oruzja, da niko ziv na drugu
obalu Save neée ziv stiéi. To je bio strahovit prizior koga ée se
preziveli seéati dok su zivi. Posebno isticem da je kolovoz od
Okucana pa do mosta na Savi bio sav krvav i ja nikad u zivotu
nisam video toliko ljudske krvi kao sto je bilo na tom putu. I
sada kad pomislim na tu situaciju i vreme provedeno u kretanju
kolone srce mi se sledi od zalosti i uzbudjenja koliko je tamo
ljudi ostavilo svoje zivote.
To je sve sto ja za sada imam da, izjavim.
Poucen sam da imam pravo · ~a pro~itan zapisnik, pa izjavljujem
da je isti glasno diktirah.
Dovrseno u lo ~asova.
ISTRAZN fJwu '/ c/hdtR .ft/a

Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness bea ring of Milena Milivojevié,
dated 22 September 1995 (Operation Flash)

Kri. 316/95-4
Taken on 22 September 1995 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Banja
Luka in the criminal case against NN persans for the criminal act punishable under Article
142 ofthe Criminal Code
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic
Court Recorder
Milka Rokvic
Milena Milojevic
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
Defence Counsel
The Court rose at 10:00 a.m.
The witness was warned that she was bound to tell the truth and that she should not hold
anything back; she was also warned against the consequences of giving false evidence and
that she should not respond to certain questions if she would thereby embarrass herself or any
next of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the
Criminal Procedure Code), so she replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names:
2. Father's name:
3. Occupation:
4. Address:
5. Place ofbirth:
6. Date ofbirth:
Milojevic, Milena
Banja Luka, 146 Viktora Bubnja St., Zaluzani
Kotor V aros, Republic of Srpska
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what she knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the outbreak of this war I lived at Okucani, 150 Milan Stanivukovic Street. Okucani
was majority Serb. However, besides Serbs there were a number of Croatian families there. In
early 1991, after the HDZ party had won the elections, local authorities in Okucani began
persecuting Serbs: they dismissed them if they held senior positions; they also lost their jobs
in the police and they were replaced by Croats. Relations between Serb and Croat residents of
Okucani got worse because local Croats kept saying that the Serbs would be either expelled
from the area or killed. The tension existed between them until the Republic of Serbian
Krajina (RSK) Army liberated Okucani and other towns and villages, and established its own
authority in these territories.
I remained with my family in Okucani till 1 May 1995 when the Croatian army attacked this
territory of the RSK in the earl y morning. The Croatian forces fired at ali places and I drove
my daughter's sister-in-law Mila Kojic and her 8-month old child to Gradiska on that day,
around 7 p.m. On my way back, I met a long convoy of Serbs leaving Okucani and other
villages trying to cross the Sava River into the Republic of Srpska. I returned to Okucani at
about 9 p.m. 1 could then hear shooting nearby and stories were rife that the Croatian army
advanced, killed and massacred all Serbs. At that point, Okucani was heavily sheiled and we
could not go out. Nevertheless, I put in my car my sister-in law Petra Gatic, wife of my
brother-in-law Jovan Milojevic, and his son Dragisa Milojevic, aged 14, and Jovanka
Milojevic. We set off to cross the Sava into Gradiska, in the Republic of Srpska. The con voy
of vehicles was very long as it contained tractors with trailers, horse-drawn carts and motor
vehicles. Serbs, with their families, mainly elderly people, women and children were in that
refugee convoy.
The convoy crawled and was constantly incessantly targeted by the Croatian army ail the way
until it reached the Sava bridge. The sheil-fire became very heavy when we got near the
village of Nova Varos, which is half way through and farther on to the village of Kanalstruk.
The road wound through the forest there and the Croatian army opened fire at the convoy
from both sides of the road, hiding in the forest. People driving in tractor-trailers, horse-drawn
carts feil on the road or by the roadside, and their bodies lay in the trailers or horse-drawn
carts or below them. There were very many dead bodies of women, children, elderly people
and others.
There were abandoned tractors along the road; sorne of them were on fire and the convoy
moved on to cross the Sava River. The convoy, where I was, moved along that road at night,
from 9:00p.m. until the next morning, and later.
I don't know how many Serbs were killed there. I only know that there were great many of
them. The fire opened by Croatian soldiers was lethal, as they fired at close range. 1 don't
know who buried the dead, because these territories are now under Croatian army control. I
later on watched on Banja Luka television or on Croatian television a completely clean road
between Okucani and Gradiska: there were no tractors, no tractor-trailers, no horse-drawn
carts nor other vehicles. I know for certain that, when I drove in the convoy along that road,
that it was clogged with vehicles and bodies of dead Serbs. The abandoned vehicles were all
riddled with bullets, since the Croatian soldiers opened relentlessly deadly fire at all vehicles.
This means that everything was wiped clean in very short time, to cover up the traces of
I also add that the convoy of Serbs fleeing to the Republic of Srpska was also bombed by
Croatian warplanes. They dropped bombs on the convoy and fired from their guns and
machineguns. In other words, the convoy was under attack from both the air and both sides of
the road. It was a real miracle that anyone managed to stay alive in that hell. Screams and
cries could be heard after explosions and use of ail kinds of weapons. The noise was
unbearable. I know that my neighbours, Gordana Gojic's two children, son Nemanja, age nine
and daughter Diana age seven, died that night in that very convoy. Their father 's name is
Drago. Their mother Gordana was seriously injured and hospitalized in Belgrade. Rumours
were around that the Croatian soldiers piled up bodies of dead Serbs and poured petrol over
them, and set them on fire in order to cover up evidence of crime. They also washed the
roadway to remove blood and the other debris. The Croatian army didn't ailow access to that
road until it was fully clean. I know that there were sorne surviving Serbs who hid in the
forest and who swam across the Sava to the territory of the Republic of Srpska. I don't know
the names ofthose Serbs who managed to get to Gardiska in this way.
That is ali 1 had to say for the time being.
I was warned that 1 had the right to read the minutes and 1 declare that 1 did because it was
dictated out loud.
The hearing was adjourned at 11 a.m.
Court Recorder
Milka Rokvic, Signed Milena Milojevic, Sgd.
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic, Sgd.
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Kotor Varos - Republika Srpska
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- 2 -
Ja sampre :pocetka ovoga rata zivgela u Okucanima u ul. Milana
8tanivukoV2éa br. 15o. U mjestu Oku~anima bilo je veéinsko
stanovnistvo srpske naciona1nosti. A!.l.ed;jutim, pored srba bi1o
je izvjestan broj hrvatskih porodica. Pocetkom 1991 godine
na podrucju opstine Okucani, a posli;je pobjede .naizborima
stranke HDZ hrvàtske v1asti su otpoce1e sa progonom srba
udaljava1e su srbe sa rukovodeéih po1ozaja, a iz milicije su
istjera1i sve koji su bili tamo na sluzbi i doveli na njihova
mjesta hrvate. Odnosi izmedju stanovnika srpske nacionalnosti
i stanovnika hrvatske naciona1nosti u Okucanima poce1i su da
se pogorsavaju jer su hr·vati prica1i da -6e svi srbi biti
protjerani sa toga podruèja ili poubijani. Takvo stanje napetosti
trajala je sve dot1e dok vojska Republike Srpsk:e --
Krajine nije oàlobodi1a Okucane i druga mjesta i uspostavila
Osta1a sam sa porodicom da zivim u Oltucanima sve do l.maja
1995 godine k:ada je u ranim jutarnjim casovima hrvatska vojska
napa1a teritoriju Republike Srpske Krajine. Hrvatska vojska
je otvarala strahovitu vatru sa svim naseljima i ja sam saga
dana sa putnickim .automobilom oko 19 casova odvezla u Gradisku
na podrucje Republike Srpske, zaovu od moje kéerke Mi1u Kojié
i njeno mldb. dijete staro ~ mjeseci • Kada sam se vraéala iz
Gradiske putem prema Okucanima susrela sam strahovito dugu kolonu
srpskog stanovnistva koje je napustalo podrucje Okucana
i ostalih mjest-a i . kretalo se prema Savi da bi presle na pod.rucje
Republike Srpske. Stigla sam oko 21 cas u Okucane i tada smo
veé culi pucnjavu u·neposrednoj blizini, a prica1o se da hrvatska
vojska nastupa i da ubija i ko1je sve srpsko stanovnistvo.
Okucani su u to vrijeme strahovito granatirani tako da se nije
moglo uopste kretati. Medjutim, ja sam stavila u automobil
Petru Gatié, moju zaovu~ suprugu od moga djevera Jovanku M.i1ojevié
i sina. od djeV:è"ra Dragisu Milojeviéa starog 14 godina i Jovank:u
Milojevié pa smo krenuli putem u pravcu Save da bi presli u Gra
disku na teritoriju Republike Srpske.Kolona je bila izuzetno
duga jer su se u istoj kretali traktori sa prikolicama, zaprezna
vozila, automobili. U koloni su bi1i srbi sa svojim porodicama
veéinom stari ljudi , starije zene i djeca.
Ko1ona se kreta1a veoma sporo, a na kolonu je od samog polaska
pa sve do dolaska do Savskog mosta neprekidno pod vatrom hrvatske
vojske. Najzeséa vatra bila je kada smo dosli do ub1izini se1a
Nova Varos koja se nalazi na po1ovini put~ i dalje o~ sel~
sve do Kanala Strug. Put pro1azi na t~m d1je1u kro~ sumu v1 ~rvatska
vojska je i sa jedne i sa druge strane puta b11a u sum1
i nemisosrdno ia svih oruzja tukla po koloni. Ljudi su koji su
bili na traktorim;a, prikolicama zap:reznim vozi1ima pada1i na
kolovozu ili pored kolovoza i nji,hova su tijela ostaja1a na
-oriko1icama ·n.a traktorima na zapreznim vozi1ima ili su padala
ispod njih. Na putu je bilo izuzetno mnogo tijela poginulih
zena ' djeca' staraca i sl.
- 3 -
.~...a . . . ne ki su paljeni pa. ~u goreli putu su ostaJal~ trakÎ~r1da predje u pravcu r1Jek~ S~ve •.
aT imn aproudte mje k noalosntaav lsJea O da Je k . j sam i ja bila nocu 1zmedJu kre~ala ~ OJO
21- pa sve do sutradan 1 dalJe. .
.. .. v. . su tijela ostala Ja to stv~rno Koliko je tamo ub~_jeno ~rba a~1~: ih je bile mnog?. .. V~tra koJu
nebih mogla da kaze~ al~ ~n. bila ·e veoma ubitacn~ Jer su
su otvarali hrvatsk1 vo~U1C1 a ~atkog odstojanJa. Neznam
hrvatski vojnici g~djalJ. .sa ~eo~o podrucje sada pod k?n~rolom
ko je sahranio pogJ.nule.Jer.Je. sno vremena ja sam V1dJ:la na
hrvatskem vojskom. Posl1jeH~~v~~lov~z puta od pravca.~kuc~na
banjàlucko~VTY odno~n~ ~~io otpuno cist i na ko~e D.1Je b~lo
prema Grad1sc1, koj1 J~k: l"c~ z preznog vozila 1 dr. voz1la
ni jednog traktora, pr1 o ~ ' ~ zila u koloni tim putem da
jer znam sig~rno kada samkJ~ pro avozilima i tijelima ubijenih
je taj put b1o.potpuno za rc~n s:u sva izresetana jer su
srba.Vo~ilajk9gÏ ~~ooit~~ad~~~im vozilima tukli ub~~acnom va~;~:~
s~~ j~ ~e znaci sklonjeno za.veom~.kratko Vrl.Jeme da
bi se na taj nacin uklonili tragov1 zloc1na.
Isticem i to da su kolonu sDga koji su ?jez~~i ~a te~itoriju
Republike Srpske . bombai'~ovali.i.hrv~tskJ..aVl.J<;nJ., on1 s~ na
tu kolonu bacali bombe 1. tukl1 1~ mJ.tralJez~ 1. topova. rema
tome ko_lan.a je bila ugrozena i iz ~azduha. i s~ o~~ strane p~ta ·
Pravo je cudo kako je bilo .ko USpJeO da 1ZVUce Zl.VU glavu 1Z
toga pak:la. ~ to~u kre:tanja ~eprekidno sE.se krici.cul~ i jauci,
a od eksploz1ja 1. dejstva sv1h vrsta oruzaa. liSuka Je b1la nepod
nosljiva. Znamda je te noéi u istoj koloni poginulo 2 djece
od mojekolllsinice Gordane Gojié, i to njen sin Nema,nja star 9
godina i kéerka Dajana stara. 7 godina.Dgeca su od oca Drage.
Majka od djece Gordana je tesko ranjena i nalazi se na 1jecenju
od nek:e od boln:i,ca u .Beogradu.Pricakè>.se da su hrvatski vojnici
da bi ukloni~i tragove tijela ubijenih srba sakupljali na gomile
i polivali benzinom i palili i da su prali kolovoz da se ne vidi
krv i drugi odstaci. Hrvatska vojska nije dozvolila pristup
tome putu dok isti nije oc;séen. Znam da je izvjesan broj iz
te kolone dio prezivjelih ~rba, ali oni nisu bili u moguénosti
da pr~djj~ ~ome put~ ve?.su se kr~li po sumama, preplivavali
Savu 1 dosl1 na ter1.tor1JU RepublJ.ke Srpske. Neznam imena G~ircaad.J.~sokjui. su uspjeli da na naprijed navedeni nacin dodju u
To je sve sto ja za sada imam da izjaVim.
PouCena sam da imam pravo da proCitam zapisnik pa izjavljujem da ga citam jer je isti glasno diktiran.
P.P s u
Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness bea ring of Dusan Bosnjak, dated
22 September 1995 (Operation Flash)

Kri. 316/95-3
Taken on 22 September 1995 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Banja
Luka in the crimina1 case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable under Article
142 of the Criminal Code
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic
Court Recorder
Milka Rokvic
Dusan Bosnjak
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
Defence Counsel
The Court rose at 9:00a.m.
The witness was warned that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also warned against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names:
2. Father's name:
3. Occupation:
4. Address:
5. Place ofbirth:
6. Date of birth:
Bosnjak, Dusan
construction worker
Banja Luka, 121 Blagoje Parovic St.
Slavicka- Bronzani Majdan
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the outbreak of the war, 1 lived in the village of Trnava in the municipality of Nova
Gradiska, in the territory of what is present-day Croatia. The village of Trnava and the
surrounding villages were entirely Serb populated. In earl y 1991, after the electoral victory of
the HDZ Party, the Croatian authorities be gan persecuting and maltreating the Se rb
population. The first thing they did was to dismiss all Serbs who were employed in the police
force and replace them by Croats. Then, they started to dismiss Serbs who worked in
enterprises, mainly those who held executive positions. The Croatian authorities and Croats
looked suspiciously at Serbs and issued threats against them by saying that they would all be
driven out of Croatian terri tories or that they would all be killed. This caused concern and fear
among the Serb population since those threats were carried through.
In mid-July 1991, the Croatian police stormed into the Serbian village of Trnava. They killed
my neighbour Milan Dzakula, aged about 80, in his home. In the same incident they fired at
and wounded my neighbour Dusan Strbac, aged about 70, who died of sustained injuries. The
body of Milan Dzakula and the wounded Dusan Strbac were driven by Croatian police
officers to Nova Gradiska and they were buried at the civic cemetery there.
On the same occasion I was arrested and taken by them to the centre of the village of Trnava.
They took me to the house of Bokan Djukanovic, which housed the headquarters of the
Croatian army and police, and ordered me to dig my grave on the other si de of the road across
that house. While I was digging my grave, 1 believed that 1 had dug deep enough, but the
Croatian police officers who were by my side demanded that I continue digging, cursing my
mother and saying that my body would stink if 1 was buried not deep enough. When I nearly
finished digging my grave, a Croatian army or police commander came and told me to get out
of that grave, taking me to their headquarters across the road. He gave me sorne water and
told them not to kill me. At one point, shells began falling down on the building where I was
and the Croatian soldiers and police officers let me go. They told me not to leave my house. I
stayed home for 10-15 days, and they re-arrested me and took me to Nova Gradiska. While
arresting me, the Croatian police officers kicked me and punched me. They used weapons to
beat me all over my body, mostly across my bac k. One of the officers fired a shot next to my
ear from a pistol or a rifle, which is why my hearing in the left ear has been damaged. As a
consequence, 1 have no hearing in it.
1 spent about a month and a half in detention, in Nova Gradiska. During that time, I had to
report every day to the police station. They interrogated me severa! times always asking me
where the Chetniks were located, where their positions were or what their intentions were,
although 1 knew nothing about those things.
Since I knew sorne doctors in Gradiska, I went to see them. They referred me for a check up
in Zagreb. When I came there, I managed to go to Bosanski Samac to the liberated Serbian
territory, through a driver. I came to Banja Luka from Samac via Doboj. The village of
Trnava had already been liberated by the Republic of Serbian Krajina Army so I went to my
village and stayed there until 1 May 1995.
That day, we heard heavy gunfire from the direction of the highway, early in the morning.
The fire lasted almost till noon. Grenades fell down on the village of Trnava and surrounding
villages. At one point, we realized that we were under the attack of the Croatian army. We
began getting ready to leave for the village of Smrtici. When we arrived there, we continued
on to Okucani and it already got dark. As we approached Okucani, we heard gunfire from all
sides and the gathered Serbs rumoured that we should leave for Gradiska in the territory of the
Republic of Srpska. The convoy of tractors and horse-drawn carts left on the morning of 2
May. When we came to the village of Nova Varos, which was halfway through between
Okucani and Gradiska, we were attacked with the heaviest gunfire from both sides, by the
Croatian army. About 3.5 kilometres of the road were covered by so many bodies of dead
Serbs that it was difficult to walk without stepping on them.
The Croatian soldiers overturned tractors and set them relentlessly on fire, killing elderly men,
women and children. Their bodies lay on the road or by the roadside. 1 recognized many men,
women and children among those killed. They were all from the village of Medare. I saw the
Croatian soldiers killing Milan Daic and wounding his namesake father Milan in the back. I
also saw when they wounded Milan Daic's cousin Aco, in seven places. As I drove in my
tractor with a trailer, I managed to load many of those wounded who were still alive. I don't
know their exact number, but the trailer, which could carry a load of 5 tons, was full of
wounded people. I managed to drive the tractor to the Save bridge and to cross to the other
bank of the river into Gradiska, in the Republic of Srpska. I was shot, together with my tractor
and trailer, and those pictures were shawn on the Banja Luka television.
I also add that I and all the people who moved in the convoy from Nova Varos to the Sava
bridge were unrelentingly and heavily fired upon by the Croatian army. People were killed
and fell from the tractor-trailers and lay on the road or beside the road. I can't tell how many
Serbs were killed there, but I know that the Croatian army fired upon Serb convoys leaving
the terri tory of the Republic of Serbian Krajina and fleeing across the Sava into Gradiska, the
following days. Therefore, there were many Serbs killed there. I don't know who buried those
bodies, because that territory is now in Croatian army bands. However, I know that the
Croatian army didn't allow access even to UNPROFOR and that they collected the dead
bodies, piled them up and set alight by using oil.
My wife managed to cross into the Republic of Srpska with sorne neighbours on 1 May, but
my son and I stayed behind at Tmava. She received the news from sorne people that they had
seen my son and me hanged from the tractor. She got a stroke and died a few years later, even
though that piece of news was not true.
That is ali I had to say for the time being.
I was wamed that I had the right to read the minutes and I declare that I don't want to,
because it was dictated out loud.
The hearing was adjoumed at 10 a.m.
Court Recorder
Milka Rokvic, Signed Dusan Bosnjak, Sgd.
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic, Sgd.
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- 2 -
J a sam pre pocetka ovo~a ;rata zi v~q u se lu Trnava SO-e Nova Gradiska
na podrucju sadasnje -Hrvatàké .• Selô" Trnava :i,. sala lçoja ga okruzu
ju naseljena su iskljucivo Srpskè. nacionalnosti. Pocetkom 1991
godine poslije. pr,gV:e~eD:Ht . izbora i pol,)je~e HDZ stf'~!lk~ u Hrvatskoj
hrvatske vlast1 otpocele su sa progonom 1 m~~tre~iranJem stanovni~
stva Srpske nacionalnosti. Prvo sto su preduzeli otpustiii su sve
Srbe ko'ji. su se nalazili na sluzbi u Ïliifeiji i ·na. n~ihovo mjesto
angazovali su hrvate. Drugo otpoceli su sa otjil'ustanjem Sr ba koji
su bili zaposleni u preduze~ima, , a najcesée ~ue koji su bili na
rukovodttéim mjestima. Pr~stavn1ci v1asti hrvâtske i stanovnistvo
hrvatske '"nael:"oi:ialnosti. ·potozrlji vo su gledali na sr be upuéi vali
im prijetnje, govoreéi da ' ée svi bi ti pr.otjerani sa podrucja.
hrvatske ili da ée biti svi poubijani. Te cinjenice izazivale s~ .. ,._
uznemireno~t i strah kod srpskog stanovnistva jer su se .te prijetnje
pocele i ostvarivati. ·
Sredinom jula mjeseca 1991 godine Hrvatsk:a policija upala je u
s;-psko eelo Trnav.a .. Tom prilikom ubili su mog koms:Î.ju :M:ILANA
DZJ.KULU, starog ok.e eo godina u njegoYoJ kuéi. Istom prilikom
pucali su i ranil~_moga komsiju Dusap,a Strbca starog àko 7o @ilina
ko~i je~od tih povreda umro, tijelo Milana Dzakule i ran~enog
Dusana Strbca hrvatski policajci odvezli su u Novu Gradisku i
tamo sahranili na groblju. ·
Istom prilikom mene. su uhvatili i odveli u centar sela Trnave
i doveli do kuée B,t.cana Djukanoviéa gdje se nalazio stab vojske
i polieije hrvatske i na:redili mi da seb;i. preko puta te kuée
iskopam grobnicu. Prilikom kopanja ja ~am po procj~ni iskopao
dovoljnu dubinu medjutim, hrvatski policajei koji S!l bili pored
mene zahtjevali sù da kopam dul)lje psujuéi_mi _Jilajku i govoreéi
mi da éu sm.rditi ako na toj dubini budem zakopan.Kad sam.ja veé
bio pri kraju da zansiJD. kopaJ?.jem. naisao jè" neki rtikovodilac
hrvatsk:e vojske ili policije i. naredi9 da ja izl!ldjem iz te grobnice
odveo me u njihov stab prek:o puta, dao mi vode i .naredio im da me
ne smiju ubiti. U jednom trenutku .P?qeln. s~ da p~d~ju . g~anate oko
zgrade u kojoj sam ja bio i hrvatsk1 voJnici ~ pol1cajc1 su mene
pustili. S tim da se ne smijem udaljav~ti .od .. ku6e. Bio sam kod
kuée lèi-~5.dan~ a poslije toga pono!'9 f3~JD. u~api$ell oci ~t;r~ne },lrva
tske pol1c1je 1 odveden u NGV"U Gradl.sku~ ·:!fr~likc:>m ll,~psenaa me~c::
su hr~atski polieajci uQ.arali no~a, _. :ru}[~JD.a, c1jenma od oruzJa
~~lf~!j!!~ ~~:!:'l~a j!i,~6;:da. uh!jî:~~~s~~Î~~~l~~i:~ f e~:~e~d toga
mi je osteéen sluh na lijevom uhu, pa ~~da na isto nista ne eujem •
Zadzran samu Novoj Gradisci .oko mjesee ipo dana.i Za to vrijeme
bio sam smjesten ·u jednoj k:uéi ali sam.~yak<?ga,_dan~ morao da idem
u policiju i da se prijavljujem·~ _' Safllus~v~I:i ~ii-:·w.e rl:~e P';lta i
svakoga dana. pita).i ,, ~q.je se nala;e , c~t1UC1 , gdJ~ S\;1 na1hov1 polo
zaji sta ndjeràvaju 'i ' àl. iako Jâ _o tomé nista ll1sam znao.
' . . '(\.:"'..' - . '/
~ "; ffd~c~/ 7' ~<'.
- 3 -
Posto sam imao u Gradisci poznatih ljekara ja sam se javio
radi preglelda i pr.e~o , ist:i~ ... Sa!Jl, up~éen. na . nekakvu kontrolu
ü Zagreè pa sam ;}~ k~d!! ~P . do~o thZagre» · uapje~ da pre~o
je.d.n og J.. oz@èa . Q.d é.m:-. ~. :.B. o.•a_.,n.. · .s lçi . ~all.... a e... . na·· sl.·. c .bo~n.u. :srpsk~ . ~·eri-"- .
torijt! î~ S~mca ~aJQ. :pr~ko:: :Pf>~()&Jf. do~ao~: u Banija·:~~ku~. _Poste ..
je selo Trnava vëé b1.lo os],.Qbo~jenoJod strane·.VoJsk:e Repuèl1ke
Srpske Krajine ja sam otisao u selo Trnava i bio sam sve do
l.maja 1995 godine •.
Toga dana u r-anim jutarnji11 ca~ovima ~u;l,~ se snazna.pticnjava
sa :Pravca: autop~t~ koJ" : j~; ~-:-'~-j',lJa _sve :d,o 'bl~zu 12. eas<?T!i, · ·. ·
po selu Trnava ·l. okoln1.m ~e.ll.ma ,padase •u gr~nate 1. .u Jednom
trenutku nii smo saznali da je napad: ,~~ t,Q ~ P.Od;l;',l,l~j~ ~~vrsila
hrvatska vojska i pocel:i, )!mo da se spre11.amo , a potom krenuli
u pravcu sela Smrtiéi. Kada smo st,igli u to selo pr()d~ili
smo .kretanje u pra~u Okucana, a "to su bili veé kasni\ 'ncténi
casovi. Posto se i dalje c·ula pucnjava i pribliz~ vala se Okuca
nima sa svih strana pronio se glas ltroz ok:upljem srpsk:i narod
da trebada krenemo u pravcu Gradisk:e na terit()riju Republike
Srpske. Krenuli .smo u jutarnjim casovima .2.aaja i kolona je isla
veoma sporo sa trak:torima, zapreznim kolima, pa kada smo s~igli
?-o sel~ ... liova Varos k:oja se nalaz:i,.na polovini puta izmedju Okucana
1 Gradis}te i.~a je~n: i sa 4!'u~~ strane ~apala je tu kolona hrva
tska ... yo~ska ... l. tukla 1stu 1?-aJz~scom !at~om: Na tom dijelu puta
u duz1n; od oko 3,5 km. lulo Je toll.ko leseTa od ubijenih srb
~fj~= c1jela ta duzi_na mogla preéi da se u opste ne stane na :e
Hrr~tsti vojniici s.u prevrtali tr kt · · . .
':lb;Jali a taree ' zene i djec . ..... a ore P )>alil1 1ste neml.losrdno
l.l1.pored.puta. Video sam ve~m~l.~a su tl.Jela. ost~ja~a ~- putu .
Ml?fJenih l:~ . sela ~dara. Video saz!o~o dpoznat1h lJU~h' zena ' d~ece
V~ ana DaJ1éa, a ·n.aegovog oca isto M~ a su hryatski vojnici Ubl.li
l.deo s .am takQ.tj . da je ran;jen lül l~a.-ranl.~i u predjelu ledj
~r:· v~Îi~ro~ecyéi .se. sa trattoro!ni - ;~l.ca. B1novac Aco na 7 mj!.:
~ utvoareno aÎÎ ~~îi:fih koji su:jos bÎlÎk~f!famNuspe() ~a l;ltova~
e PUna utovaretll.h rajca1 je nos1 vosti od. .5 t . • · ezn'm kol1ko ih
do ~avsk:og mosta a .. n en ia. Uspea sam d . Olla Tel11f:a, a bila
p~fi:!ig=m Gradistu f::g:j:aR.f;::je.. m k na dr::!e of:1:o;~~emk trak:tor
. ...mene je neko trriim1o 111 e. S~D..ske • .Me . 1Je e Save i .
na banJaluckoj televiziji. to Je l:tiTo pr:ilPa:h.Jd:'aktor sa
i~~~cl:r~sÎ0d~apte 8:~~~0~ ~vetkofti su se kretali u koloni od
sa zestokom ubitacnom vatr::~L;ud~v:tsk~ vo~s~a nepeekidno pratila
i traktora i ostajali na pht . .. il" u gl.null. l. padali sa prikolica
kazem koliko · . t · . . ... . . . w u. . 1 pored ·p uta • Ja ne b"h 1 · mogao da
. Je amo ostalo nastradali s b .
VOJska tukla i narednih d . - . . r a al1 znam da je hrvatska
~=~~b~ike Srpsk:e K.rajine ~n~J!~!~:upsr:a koja je napustala podrucje
hr . Je ost~o veliki broj ti}tela ubi ~e ?h Save u Gradisku.Prema tome
an1o ta t1.je1a jer je t , . . Jell.l srba • Nez nam ko .
ali znam d h . . . .. . . o sada pod Ok:up . .. . .. Je sa
i «a su taatij!!!s!!k~ot~k:a nije dozvoli~;Jom.hrvats~e vojske
~ P Jana na gomile poliv~~l.stuftn~ ~nproforu
Ô t'-~~~ ~ "::::::' ~ 'V-. a na om ~ spaljena.
1 '·
- 4-
Posto je moja.supruga l.m.aja veé-uspjela sa· J,toD1~:Î.jama.da :predje
na podrucje Republike S.rpske , . a. u ~rnavi SJl() _ çsta;l.i, ;jai lll9il
sim. obayt}~~vena ·odn.lçih lica da _su vidjeli men~ i si'Q.a ·da.smo
objë.Se!li Q.a t;raktoru onac ~e slogirana ï posli,je pa~.Jlàna umrla,
iako ·ta oba~:i,jest .nije b:tla ta~na·. ' ._, · ~- .,
To je sve sto ja za àada imam da izjavim. · " ··
.dà imam ;pravo da: :Procitam zapisnik izj.vlju~elll da
li:U: ci·t:atii jer -je gla.snc dikti-ran. ' . ...; '
! ,. ; ~ - ' . ,_ ---:: -) .. ' --- ,,,;
' !j lo sati \ L
' f'
-_p·~p .·. :~ .,
; ~'~ ''t'- '4-i·t> ~
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' , • .
. )';
. 1 ·,.

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WTSMna: J~~Wn ~cagpeMeHa a.AMMHMCTpal!Mia~ A-A
r~ 08KTOP ·s. "FA>t4CI8Mi\" - 6eorpa.A

Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness hearing of Dus an Kovac, dated 1
Joly 1998 (Operation Flash)

Kri. 242/98
Taken on 1 July 1998 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Banja Luka, in
the criminal case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable und er Article 141 of the
Criminal Code of Yugoslavia
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic
Court Recorder
Mirkica Pejakovic
Dusan Kovac
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
Defence Counsel
The Court rose at 12:00 p.m.
The witness was wamed that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also wamed against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names:
2. Father's name:
3. Occupation:
4. Address:
5. Place ofbirth:
6. Date of birth:
Kovac, Dusan
39 village ofDebeljaci, Banja Luka, Tel: 078 751 665
Agino Selo, municipality of Banja Luka
20 October 1954
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the outset of the war until 1 May 1995, I lived at the village of Trnava in the
municipality of Nova Gradiska. In the middle of 1991, the Croatian army co ming from
neighbouring Croatian villages stormed the Serb villages of Trnava and Medare, plundering
Serbian property and going back to those Croat villages. At that time, Serb villages organized
territorial defence units in which I also took part. During the attack by the Croatian army on
the villages of Tmava and Medare, on 14 August 1991, the Croatian sol di ers arrested me in
my home. During that attack on the village of Medare, Croatian soldiers killed Milan Zakula.
They massacred him in his home. They also killed my neighbour Dusan Strbac. They beat me
severely and took me to Slavonska Pozega, detaining me at the District prison. 1 was held up
there for 28 days and, during this time, they interrogated and beat me severa! times. They
fractured my lower jaw on the left side of my face; they damaged my left kidney as weil.
They mostly kicked me with their shoes or punched me. 1 still feel the terrible consequences
of those beatings in the form of kidney pains or aches and pains in other parts of my body.
During my time in that prison I also became a nervous wreck. They ill-treated me in various
ways; they cursed my Serbian or Chetnik mother and threatened to kill me for sure.
After having spent sorne time at this prison, the Croatian soldiers retumed me to the village of
Tmava and ordered me to feed the cattle of Serbian families who had fied the village. I did so
till the beginning of October 1991 when the Croatian soldiers led me to the Sava bridge and
told me that I had to cross into the Republic of Srpska, which I did.
During the month of October, after the demarcation line was put in place, Medare and Trnava
became Serb villages once again, and the demarcation line was manned by UNPROFOR.
After the Republic of Serbian Krajina was created, that territory became part of the Serbian
Krajina and was free till 1 May 1995. The Croatian army frequently shelled that region from
nearby positions.
The Croatian army carried out an attack on 1 May 1995. They first shelled and th en occupied
this area, because the UNPROFOR forces manning the demarcation line had withdrawn. That
day, I watched long convoys of Serb refugees leaving Okucani and moving to the Sava River
in order to cross the bridge into the terri tory of the Republic of Srpska. The refugee convoys
were bombed by Croatian fighter planes and shelled by their artillery on their way from
Okucani to Bosanska Gradiska, on 1 May. The refugee convoys were also fired upon by all
available sources of the Croatian army, including from the Prasnik forest. A great many
vehicles were on fire on that road and many dead civilians were lying beside those vehicles.
The victims were mostly women, children and elderly people, who had no other choice but to
try to get to the liberated territories.
The refugee convoy moved very slowly despite the fact that the road was relentlessly shelled
by guns and from other small arms used by the Croatian army. Civilians were killed in the
convoy and they stayed on the road while the convoy moved on. It was an awful sight to see
the vehicles burning and civilians dying beside those vehicles, as the convoy moved along
that road. I saw parts of human body flying around after explosions and detonations of
explosive deviees. I also saw dead bodies burning in the vehicles on fire. That was the sight
l'li remember for the rest of my life and those pictures will never fade. The largest number of
dead civilians was from Nova Varos to the Sava bridge, and that road was blood-splattered
and covered with dead bodies. There were scattered bodies and parts of bodies on the left and
right sides of the road. I managed to cross the River Sava into the Republic of Srpska, in the
aftemoon of2 May.
I am not aware what the Croatian army did with so many dead people, but I know that 1
watched on Croatian television a few days later, only a couple of dead bodies on the exit from
Nova Varos in the direction ofBosanska Gradiska. The rest of the road to the Sava bridge was
completely clean and covered with a new coating of asphalt. It was only then that they invited
representatives of the United Nations who could see just a few bodies of civilians and the road
leading to the bridge over the Sava, where there were no dead bodies or damaged vehicles. 1
don't know, to this day, what happened to those bodies and where they were buried. 1 can't
tell how many civilians were killed on that road, but judging by what I had seen, it was an
awfully large number. That part of the road was full of dead bodies and blood was
That is all 1 had to say for the time being.
I am joining the crimina1 prosecution of Croatian soldiers who had beaten me badly and
mistreated me.
1 would like to be medically examined.
1 am willing to testify before any state or foreign authorities in connection with what 1
experienced during my Croatian detention or what 1 saw during the attack and occupation by
the Croatian army, on 1 May 1995.
1 have been advised to read the minutes and 1 declare that 1 don't want to, because it was
dictated out 1oud.
The hearing was adjourned at 1 :00 p.m.
Court Recorder
Mirkica Pejakovic, Signed Dusan Kovac, Sgd.
lnvestigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic, Sgd.
----------- ~-----------------------·--------· 199.?......... ro.!OO!e npe.n: •.. ---·-- ....... ~-~~E-~-~-!'_1~_11! .. --··----- ···--- _____ --------------------·--·-·---
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ju• 'l)'lKBJJBQ
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Cse.n:OK je OIIOMCHYT JJ:B je .ll)'Jr8H ,!la roaopR HCTHHY R ,!la He CMC HHIIITa npehyT&TH, ynoJOpeH je Ha DOCJIC.IIHQC .n:a&aH>a ;JaJKHOr
RCK83a, xao R .n:a HRje .llYlKllJI )la O,IITOBapa Ha IIOjC.IIHR8 IIRTali>&, &KO je aepOBaTHO .n:a 5K TKMe K3JIOlKHO ce5e HJIH CBOr ÔilliCKOr
.n:aje oro-osope:
1) MMe H Dpe3HMC ------------------------Qg_~~~----!5:QY.~_Ç _________________ ·-----·- ---·--··-----·----- -----··-· ·--
2) MMe oua -----------------------------------!?.9.~-~-~-~-----------------·-------·---------------------------------·-·------·--------------·
3) 3aHKMaH>e ------·---------------------------P.~-~-~~-9.~.:.:::.!....................................................................... ~ h
selo Debeljaci, br. 39. opstina Banjaluka , tel.o78 751-oo
4) Eopasmnre ---------------------·----·----------------------------------------------------·---------------------··---------------------------- selo Agino Selo, opstina Banjaluka
5) Mecro pol)eH>a ----·---··------------------·--------------------------------------------------------------------·--------·---------------·-·
6 r 2o.lo.l954 g.
) OJl]IHB pol)eH>a -·------------------------------··---------------··---------------~-----------------·-----·---------------------------------
7) OJJ.Hoc ca oxpKBn.el!liM H omrelleHHM .. D&ê.~.QQ?._~---------------------------····-----·- ·----------·------·
- 2 -
Ja sam pre pocetka rata, pa sve do 1.maja 1995 godine ziveo
u selu Trnava opstina Nova Gradiska. Sredinom 1991 godine hrvatska
vojska iz susednih hrvatskih sela povremeno je upadala u
srpska sela Trnavu i Medare i p1jackala srpsku imovinu, a potom
se vraéala u hrvatska sela. U srpskih selima u to vreme bile su
obrazovane jedinice teritorija1ne odbrane u kojima sam i ja
bio. Pri1ikom uoada hrvatske vojske u selo Trnavu i Medare
14.avgusta 1991- godine mene su hrvatski vojnici zarobili kod
moje kuée. Tom prilikom u selu Medarima, hrvatski vojnici su
ubili Milana Zakulu- zakla1i u njegovoj kuéi,. Ubili su kom~
iju Milana Zakule, Dusana Strbca. M~ne su.tom pri~i~om strahovito
tukli i odveli u S1avonsku POzegu 1 zatvor1l1 u podrumsku
prostoriju Okrufnog zatvora. Zad~!an sam u t~m ~~~var~
28 dana a za to vreme izvodili su me v1se puta na lSPl~lvanJe
i tukli. Polomili su mi ddarci ma donju vilicu sa leve strane,
a ostetili su mi udarcirna i levi bubreg. Udarali su me hrvatski
vojnici uglavnom nogama i pesnicarna a na nogama su bile
cipele. Od tih udaraca ja i danas oseéam strahovite posledice
u vidu bolova ububf.egu i drugim delovima tela. Izgubio sam i
zivce za vreme boravka u tom zatvoru, jer su me tarno maltretirali
na razne nacine, psovali su i rnajku srpsku i majku cetnicku,
i pretili da ée me sigurno ubiti.
Pesle boravka u torn zatvoru, mene su hrvatski vojnici vratili
u selo Trnavu, i naredili su mi da rnoram da hranirn stoku srpskih
porodica koje su pobegle iz sela. Ostao sam u selu i hranio stoku
sve do pocetka oktob~a 1991 godine, a tada su me hrvatski vcJnlcJ
odveli do mosta na Savi i saopstili da moram da predjem na podru c ~
Republike Srpske, sto sam ja i ucinio.
U toku oktobra meseca Medari i selo Trnava nakon obrazovanja
linije razdvajanja vraéeni su u sastav srpskih sela, a liniju
razdvajanja obrazovao je UNPROFOR. Posle forrniranja Republike
Srpske Krajine, to podrucje uslo je u sastav Srpske Kraji ne
i bllo je slobodno sve do l.maja 1995 godine. To podrucje je
veoma cesto granatirano sa obliznjih polozaja koje je drzala
hrvatska vojska.
Napad na to podrucje hrvatska vojska izvrsila je l.maja 1995 g.
granatiranjem, a posle toga i zauzimmnjem od strane hrvatskih
jedinica, jer su se jedinice UNPROFORA u to vremm sa linije
razdvajanja povukle. Istog dana , ja sam video ogrornne kolone
izbeglica srpskog naroda koje su dolazile od pravca Okucana
i kretale se prema reci Savi, da bi pre~li preko mosta na podrucje
Republike Srpske. Kolone izbeglica !.maja pratila je
hrvatska avijacija i artiljerija granatirajuéi i bombardujuéi
put Okucani - Bosanska Graàiska. Kolona izbeglica tucene su i
iz sume Prasnih iz svih raspolozivih sredstava s kojima je
raspolagala hrvatska vojska. Na tom putu goreo je izuzetno ve:
iki br~~ ~ozi~a, a por:ct.tih_voz~la bile je izuzetno mnogo
~ela UblJenlh C1Vila. NaJV1Se Je b1lo ubiienih zena dece i
starih,ljuHi, koji nisu irnali drugog izbo~a veé su ~orali àa
se krecu u pravcu slobodne teritorije.
~olo~a izbeglica se kretala veoma sporo bez obzira na cinjenicu
sto Je put bio pod neprekidnim dejstvom artiljerije i drugih
vrs~a naoru~~nj~ s~ ~o~ima j~ raspolagala hrvatska vojska. u kolonl
su UblJenl c1v1l1 ostaJali na putu, a kolona je i dalje
- 3 -
nastavljala sa kretanjem. Strahovito je bilo videti taj put i
kolonu koja se kretala po istom jer su vozila gorela a civiii
u koloni pored vozila ginuli. Video sam posle ekspQozi;e
granata i drugih eksplozivnih naprava kako tela ubijenih Ïete
kroz vazduh, kako delovi tela lete kroz va~duh, i kako pojedina
tela gore u zapaljenim vozilima. To je bio prizor koga éu se seéati
do kraja zivota i on mi je neprekidno pred ecima. Najvise
tela ubijenih civila bilo je od Nove Varosi do mosta na Savi i
taj deo puta je bio prekriven sa krvlju i sa telima ubijenih.
Pored ivica sa leve i desne strane kolovoza takodje su bila razbacana
tela i delovi ljudskog tela. Uspeo sam 2.maja u popodnevnim
casovima da predjem reku Savu i dodjem na teritoriju Republike
Ne znam sta je hrvatska vojska ucinila sa izuzetno velikim
brojem ubijenih lica ali znam da je posle par dana prikazano
na hrvatskoj televiziji koju sam ja gledao, samo nekoliko tela
ubijenih na izlazu iz Nove Varosi prema Bosanskoj Gradisci, i os tali
deo puta do mosta na Savi bio je potpuno cist i presvucen sa
asvaltom. Tada su tek pozvali predstavnike Ujedinjenih nacija i oni
su mogli da snime nekoliko ubijenih civila i put do mosta na Savi
na kome vise nije bilo ni tela ubijenih niti unistenih vozila.
Ne znam ni danas gde su tela stradalih sahranjena i sta je bilo sa
njima. Ne mogu da se izjasnim koliko je bilo tela ubijenih civila
na tom delu puta ali po onome sto sam ja video tvrdim da je to
bio uzasno veliki broj. Taj puta normalno je bio prekriven sa ljuà skim
telima a krv je na tom putu presto plivala.
To je sve sto ja za s~da mogu da izjavim.
Pridruzujem se krivcnom gonjenju hrvatskih vojnika koji su me
strahovito tukli i mucili. Zeleo bih da budem medicinski pregledani
Spreman sam da o svemu onome sto sam doziveo za vreme boravka
u hrvatskom zarobljenistvu, i o svemu onome sto sam video u
toku napada i okupacije hrvatske vojske l.maja 1995 godine, dam
izjavu pred bilo kojim stranim drzavnim organima.
Poucen sam da imam pravo da procitam zapisnik, pa izjavljujem
da ne zelim, jer je isti glasno diktiran.
Dovrseno u 13,oo casova.
Basic Court in Gradiska, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness hearing of Radojica Vukovié,
dated 20 September 1995 (Operation Flash)

Kri. 64/95
Taken on 20 September 1995 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in
Gradiska in the criminal case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable under Article
142 ofthe Criminal Code
Investigating Magistrate
Momir Cikic
Court Recorder
Mira Kusic
Radojica Vukovic
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
no one
no one
Defence Counsel
no one
The Court rose at 3:00 p.m.
The witness was wamed that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also wamed against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names: Vukovic, Radojica
2. Father's name: Stanoje
3. Occupation: retiree
4. Address: Gradiska, 9 Dositeja Obradovica St.
5. Place ofbirth: village ofKostici, now Knezevo (formerly Skender Vakuf)
6. Date ofbirth: 1947
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the outbreak of this war 1 lived and still live in Gradiska, at the above indicated
address. I have two brothers: Milutin Vukovic and Ranko Vukovic, who are both family men
and live in the village of Medare, which is in the municipality of Nova Gradiska. The village
of Medare and the surrounding villages were in the territory of the Republic of Serbian
Krajina. I used to visit very often my brothers and their families. So I happened to be in one
such visit on the night of 30 April 1995 and 1 retumed home to Gradiska around 10 p.m.
While 1 was on a visit to my brothers, I saw the movement of UNPROFOR vehicles because
there were two UNPROFOR-manned checkpoints at Medare. The village of Medare and the
nearby villages are all inhabited by Serbs. As a matter of fact, this village was within a UN
protected area (UNP A) and had checkpoints manned by UNPROFOR personnel. I saw
UNPROFOR troops leaving their checkpoints, but 1 didn't know where they were heading.
The following day, on 1 May 1995, heavy gunfire around Medare and the other villages could
be heard early in the morning. At the same time, the Croatian army coming from Nova
Gradiska and the Prasnik forest shelled the Gradiska area, too.
In the afternoon, Serb people kept coming from those villages and I realized that the Croatian
army had occupied the village of Medare and the other villages formerly controlled by the
RSK (Republic of Serbian Krajina) Army. The refugees fleeing that area told stories of how
the Croatian soldiers had massacred the Serb population in Western Slavonia and the
UNPROFOR-controlled territories.
Actually, I heard one such story from Rade Bujinac, who was next-door neighbour to my
killed brothers, that he saw my brother Ranko and his younger son Goran dead in front of the
gate to their front garden. He then saw my sister-in-law Andjelija and niece Gordana. They
were also dead. He explained tome that Ranko and Goran had gunshot wounds and that little
Gordana had a slit throat and blood was still running from the wound. He also told me that
one of Andjelija's legs had been ripped out and that she was lying on her belly next to the
My borther Ranko Vukovic was born in June 1955, of father Stanoje and mother Andjelija,
maiden name Radie. Ranko's wife Andjelija was born on 18 February 1959, of father Jovan
and mother Jelena. Her maiden name was Stokanic. My nephew Goran was born on 11
October 1984. His sister Gordana was born on 2 August 1987.
Rade went on to tell me that he entered the other gate and saw my brother Milutin also dead.
He lay on the very edge of the roadway. His legs were turned to the road and his head to the
dit ch.
In the yard of Milutin's house, he noticed the dead bodies of his wife Cvijeta and daughter
Milutin was born in April 1955 and his wife Cvijeta in 1951. I don't know the other
particulars for her. Little Dragana was born in 1987. Furthermore, Rade told me, on walking
from gate to gate, he also saw Rade Canak and his sister killed on their doorstep. Rade Canak
was 80 years old and his sister 70 years old. He further saw grandma Ninkovic whose first
name he didn't know. She was killed at the age of 90. Rade also told me that he saw Joco
Grmus and his wife Ruza killed in the yard in front of their home. Joco was aged 60. He also
saw Milo Burojevic and his stepmother. They also lay dead in the courtyard. He told me that
he saw Zeljko Dicak from Medare slaughtered in the yard of his home.
Apart from ali those people Rade saw many others killed, but I can't recall their names.
Rade saw ali this because he had been arrested by the Croatian soldiers in Okucani. The
Croatian soldiers took him to the village of Medare tied up and showed him the killed Serb
civilians in the village. They told him: "See, you Chetnik, what you are doing to your own
people". They demanded that he admitted he was a Chetnik. Rade told him that the Croatian
soldiers kept saying to him that the massacre of the civilian population had been perpetrated
by Serb Chetniks and when they came to the massacred child Gordana Vukovic, they told him
by pointing to her body: "Why on earth did you have to kill this child?"
After a period of time, Rade saw a grave where the dead bodies of all killed Serbs from
Medare were buried at the graveyard in the village of Trnava, which incidentally borders on
the village of Medare. He told me that the names of all those killed and buried in that mass
grave were written on sorne kind of board resembling a cross. I didn't see it for myself
because the village of Medare and the other villages are now occupied by the Croatian Army,
but 1 heard the same stories also from Nedeljko Knezevic, who is from the neighbouring
village of Trnava, and who now lives sorne place near Banja Luka. 1 think the place is called
Bronzani Majdan, but I am not absolutely sure.
The fact that the Croatian soldiers killed so many entire Serb families who lived in Western
Slavonia, i.e. the Republic of Serbian Krajina can be seen also from the notification of the
International Red Cross, the photocopy of which 1 am enclosing with this Minute.
The newspaper "Vecernje Novosti" reported on this massacre and I got a copy of it from the
Red Cross and I also enclose it.
I am also in possession of a photocopy of the newspaper "Slobodni Tjednik" which I am also
going to enclose with this document.
This is all I had to say for the time being.
I have been advised to read the minutes and I declare that I don't want to, because it was
dictated out loud.
The hearing was adjourned at 4:00p.m.
Court Recorder
Mira Kusic, Signed
Radojica Vukovic, Signed
Investigating Magistrate
Momir Cikic, Sgd.
', ,
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CacJtymBHoY CBeAOKB npHcycTByjy K:
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CBCAOit je ODOMCRYT AB jo I!)'KRR )l.a roiiOpB RÇTBRY H AR BC çMc KR~ DpehyYaTH, YDOlOPCR je R8 ROCJTe.QH~e Jl&BaH.a JTa:tiOEOr
cpOJIIIIIKa TCWXOj . CpBMOTR, 3DTHOj . MBTepRjaJTHOj brrerH BIIB, KPHBII'IKOM fORoeii>Y ('IJiliH 229. · 3Kll), RB Râ OOWTa nRTaHoa cae,noK
ABje o)lroaope:
1) HMe K. npe3KMC ..... _Rado.jiC~ ... JT.Uko:viÇ. ............................... ! ....... : .......................... .
2) HMe oua ..................6 .:taltllj.a ............................: .. ...... ,. .................. :. .......... !. ........................... .
3) 3aHHM811>C ~ ............ _;..P.~ tlZ i.QJ.\~~ ......... - ......................... , ........ +·"·~'--· ·-'---·--·--'---........ .
4) };opaBBDITC ............ QP.!~.;-~~-l-~-*-! .. J;?_Q~j_-~~.J?.. .. 9..1?.~.?.-~Q .. }:,§.~ .... 9. .......... ..
• (' 1 i
S) Mecro po~a.a ----s-el:Q---Kee-t-:i.é-i---e-a-&aa-t-t.je--KHe-4&- ... (Sl!;etl-der V a ku.f )
6) roJlHHB po~IWI ··--~...S-0-6~-:-;:--·:-·--~-;~-----------------:.~J. ... ·-:----------:---
7) ÛJlHOC ca OJ(PRBJJ.CBBM H OmTeheBBM .. IlesD!O.d.alL..c. ... ~1 .........
Ja OBHM CBe)lOK 0 caMOM RpeAMeTy H3HOCB CJie,llè!le; v • '
Ja sam pre pocetka ovo;g ra.ta z1 veo a i dauas zi vim u Gr a dis ci
ua uapred uavedenoj ad'resi. Imam dva brata Hilutiua Vukoviéa i
Rattke Vukoviée koji BU porodicni i zi ve u selu Jl'ledarima 'koje
pripada Opstini J:lOVa Gradiska. Selo I1edari i okolnn sela nal8ze
se na teritoriji Republike Srpske Krajine. Veomn ceste odl8zio
sam u posjetu kod svoje braée .i ujiho,rih porodica, pa sam tako
bio u vecerujim casovima 3o.~prila 1995.goditle kor:t njih, i uec;cl,
oko· 22· casa vratio sam se u Gradisku svojoj 'kuéi. Sa vreml'l do~:
sam se nalazio kod moje braée ja sam primetio kretanje vozilo
Umpro.fora, jer su se u selu l1eclari nalazilo dva puukto koje je
drzao Umpro.for. Selo l1edari i ;okolna seln ~u naselenn ~tono·vtdc:
srpske nacionalnosti. .Iuace, sélo Hedari bili su izmedju, u
Ulil?J~ zoni, po su se ·.zboe; tog13 u istima nalazili puukto:Vi llJTlpofr•
Vojska Umpro.fora napustala je rJvoje puulttov~, a kuda ~u odls:';il:
ja to uezuam.
Sutra dan l.ma ja 1995.godine, u rattim jutarujim ;~Ds ovimo è::ule rir>
strahovita paljba na podrucju ·r-Hüa Hedarn i ostolih sPLJ. :r:r:t·J-vremeno
h.rvatsltiJ voj'sJ;;,g nn prnvco n.Gr.<1rliü~~e i ~·mme 11 l:t.·n,; ·i1c1
granatiral<; je i po drue je, U.:rn dis lee.
U popodllevui;n i;asov5.ma srpski u~oeod dcLJ~~i, , ;j "' nd p:r-~':c: ' r ''l ·H~l1".·
till Rel:· :i_ ·: Ilé! l'..1 r:L':~ 1 i :' . .';.U , . ;. ' !':';llO') S:)}il t~:d:O.: rb :Ïr:! ]P'"';";]!;r-: 1:.·1
vojska okupirnlo poè~?ncje ~:;ela j He dora i ontnlih r:ei.-:t ln.';je je
ranije d!'z<:Üa IJr)jsi~n H~publike'Srpske :Rra~jinP.. Izbee;lic~ knje
su dolazile sa to~ podru~ja pri~ali su kako je vojska hrvatske
izvrsila pokolj srpskog stanovnistva us podru~ju Zepéldne 'Ho-vonije
i teritorije ~oja je bila pod kontrolom Umproforn.
Konkretno , rneni je iRpricno H~.de Bujinac koji je 7,iven 1.1. JfPdo-rir.
aa i b:i.o komsija moje pol:.br~J6e, da je video 1:ocla jr; nf;o': nt1
kapiju dvoristn kuée. mogo brats Rrmka njega mrtvoc; i n~jec,voc
mldb.sina Gornna ispred kapije sa lijeve strane. Video je dol~je
suprue;u moga brata Ranka Andjeliju i kéerku Gordnnu. Hade mi je
dalje objasnio da je video da su Ranko i Goran ubijeni iz vatrenog
oruzja, a da je mala Gordatla zaklana i da joj je jos curil8
krv iz rane na vratu. Dalje je objasnio da je video kod Andj~?li~
da joj je jedna noga otkim.ita i cta je lezala na f!tomaku u blizj
ltakpije •
.Moj brat Hanko Vukovié rodjen J~ 1955.eodine u junu mesecu od
oca Stanoje i majke Andjelije ~bdj.Radié. ~jecova supruga
Andjelija rodjena je 1959.godio~ 18.2.1959-~odine ad oca Jovana
i majke Jelene. }!jeno devojacko 1 prezime je Stokanié. Gor an Vukovié
je rodjen 1984.godine ll.oktobra. Gordana je rodjenn 2.8.
1987.godine. ·
Rade m~ je dalje ispriceo, cia je usao u drugu kapiju i da je
tamo VJ.deo mog pok.brata .Miluti:nat. De je lezao pored same i·t.rice
kolOVOZ8' tako sto SU IDU tlOge b:i,.le o'krenutE'! premA kolOVOZU, iB
glava prema kanalu.
.-3- ·,
Primetio je dalje da je u dvoristu ispred Hilutiniove lruée
vidie ·mEtve l'lilutinG>vu suprugu Cvijetu i kéerku DraGanu.
Nilutin je rpdjen u aprilu mesecu 19,55.godine, a Cvijeta ~je
rodjerta 1951.godine~ a nsta~e njene.podatke ne~n~m •. Mal~v
Dragana je rodjena.~987.god1~~-mD~lJe ~ ~ade m1 J~ 1~pr~cuo
da je iduéi od kap1Je do· kap1Je v1deo JOS Ha dcta Gan t;;;<J 1
njeGOVU ses~ru ubi~ene na stepenicama ~ée. ~ade ~anak ~e
imao 8? god~~av~.nJ~gova sest~a ?~ god1na~ V~de? Je dnlJe
ba bu lhnkov1c c1Je :une n~zna, 1ub1Jenu, koJa Je 1mala 9o
go dina. Rn de mi je dolje ispricao da je video Ülpre d lruée
u dvoristu ubijene Joèu Grmusu i n,jegovu suprugu Ruzu. Joco
je star,oko 6o god~na.Video je dn~~e Hilu B~~ojevté~ i nj~govu
macehu, taltodJe m:r;''tve u dvor1stu. Ispr:tcao m1 Je do Je
video Zeljka Diéka iz l'1edara zaklanog u dvoristu ispred njegove
kuée. · '
Jlorecl t.wvedenih po imenu iprezimenu lica, Hode mi je JT!i!kao
da je. vidie mnostvo ubijet'lih, ali se t.tjihovih imena ne sjeémn.
Rade je sve to video zato, sto je on pre toGa lùlapsen od straue
hrvatske vojske u Okucauima i onda su e;a hrvatski vojnici vodili
u selo Hedare vezauog i pokazivoli ubi~ane ci vile srbe u I !edGrima.
Govorili su mu prilikom i[Odjenja 'vidite cetnici sta vi
radite od svog uaroda'' a od ttjee;a zahtevali da prizna da je
on cettdlt. i
Hadetu su prema njegovom kazivauju vojnici koji su e:a vodili
~ovorili da su taj masakr nad :civilnim stanovuistvem izvrsili
cetuici-srbi, pa kada su dosl jj do zaklane mldb.Gordat•e,Vukovié
ottda su pokazujuéi na nju rekli "eto zasto ste to dete zr:~kl8li 11 •
Rade je posle izvesnog vremeua video t•a groblju u selu Gorujn
Trttava ltoje se iuace grauici sa Hedarima, grobtticu u kojoj ~ u
sahranjena sva tela ubijenih Rrba iz Hedara. RPkao je da ~u tto
nekom - uekoj dasci slicno krstovima, bila napisaHa im~na svih
ubijeuih i sahranjenih u toj grobtüci. Ja sve to ni:'=-1.'Jm virleo
jer se selo l'ledari j. ostnla sela sada nnlaz~ pod okupacijom
hrvatske vojske, ali da su meni pored Rade tta isti ua c itt obj!v~nili
l~edeljkn Knezevié iz susedt•og sel a Trnave, a sn da zi vi
uegdje u blizini Banjaluke.Mislim da je u Bronzonorn Ma jdanu
ali nisam sie;urau. ·
Da su hrvatski voJnici ubili veliki broj kompletuih srpsld.h
porodica na podrucju Zapadne Slavonije, tj. Hepublike ~)rpske
Kra ji ne' to se moze vi'djeti i iz' obavestenjn lledjuuarOdliO(:,
crveuog krsta, cije .fotokopije 1 rilazem u spis •
. . .
... 4-
o tom mnsakru pisale su Vècernje uovosti, ciju sam .fotokopiju
dobio u Crveuom krstu i istu prilazem uz spis.
Posedujem takodje i .:f'otokopiju t1ov:ina Slobodni tjeduik, lwji éu
takodje donijeti i, priloziti u spi/3. t
To je sve sto za sa da imam da izjavim.
·Pouceu sam da imam pravb da procitam zapisuik, pa izjavlujem
da ne zelim, jer som slusao diktat .•
( VI
Dovrseno u 16 cbsova
WTauna: HUJn•CMpeMeHa &,AMMHMCTPalf!'ia" A A
r~~·&. ~· -Seow-pa.Q

Basic Court in Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness bea ring of Branko Mudrinié,
dated 10 April1997 (Operation Flash; Camp in

Taken on 10 April 1997 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Prijedor in
the criminal case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable under Article 142 of the
Criminal Code
Investigating Magistrate
Zivko Dragosavljevic
Court Recorder
Dragojla Kvocka
Branko Mudrinic
Public Prosecutor
no one
no one
Defence Counsel
no one
The Court rose at 11 :00 a.m.
The witness was warned that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also warned against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names: Mudrinic, Branko
2. Father's name: Milan
3. Occupation: technical officer (economy)
4. Address: 16 Kozarusa Street, municipality of Prijedor
5. Place ofbirth: Pakrac
6. Date ofbirth: 20 June 1947
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the outbreak of the war I lived in Pakrac. In the area of the municipality of Pakrac the
population was 65% Serb and the rest were Croats. After the elections held in 1990, the HDZ
party won in Croatia. However, the SDS party was in power in Pakrac.
In August 1990, Croatian soldiers were seen in the area of Pakrac. They wore black uniforms
and had chequered flag insignia. Among them were those who had HOS symbols or they
belonged to ZNG (Croatian National Guard). Croatian soldiers threatened the residents of
Pakrac that they would be expelled and killed. They also arrested sorne Pakrac Serbs. Those
arrested were taken to Bjelovar; they were detained there and sorne of them were even killed
in Pakrac. They brought those arrested to trial and summarily sentenced them to three or more
years in prison. Radio Daruvar aired every day, for several hours, the Croatian news
supposedly explaining how a decision was taken to expel all Serbs from the territory of
Croatia. The radio invited the Croatian army units to treat the Serbian population in a most
brutal way; to arrest them; to kill and persecute them. They said on the radio that Serbs could
not stay on the Croatian land. Via the media they, in fact, caused fear and apprehension
among the Serbs. So the former JNA Army came to that area and drove the Croatian army and
Police from the area of Pakrac municipality. Before they left, the Croatian army torched sorne
ho uses and villages inhabited by Serbs. After all these events, during 1991, Croatian army
units penetrated this area severa! times and each time they brutally treated the local Serbs,
killing everyone they found in their homes.
When the JNA units withdrew from that area, the inhabitants of the municipality of Pakrac
were forced to defend themselves and formed guards at first and later on they created Serb
army units, which were positioned on the front line facing the Croatian villages and they
maintained those positions ali the way until 1 May 1995. The Croatian army from the
surrounding villages very frequently attacked the area of Pakrac. However, they couldn't
overrun and occupy it.
On the early morning of 1 May 1995, the Croatian army started its operation against Western
Slavonia, which was within the Republic of Serbian Krajina. Since the municipality of Pakrac
was encircled, most inhabitants left their homes and fled in the direction of Okucani to reach
the terri tory of the Republic of Srpska. I know that the Croatian army intercepted the Pakrac -
Okucani road and prevented the convoys of fleeing Serbian people from leaving.
1 am aware that the Croatian army stopped a truck carrying between 15 and 20 civilians,
women and children, who were trying to get to Okucani, near a place calied Bijela Stijena. Ali
of them were killed by the Croatian soldiers in that incident. These civilians came from the
village of Japaga and the Cvijanovics were among them. I can't recall their Christian names. 1
remained behind as a civilian in Pakrac. Immediately after the arrivai of the Croatian army,
they started with arrests. Croatian soldiers arrested ali male civilians aged 15 or over. While
they made their arrests, they cursed our Serb mothers and calied us Chetniks, while beating
us. They carried us to Varazdin and held the group I was in at a handball stadium. Among the
arrested civilians there were no Serb Krajina soldiers, because they had been taken to other
places or camps. From that stadium, they took us out one at a time, to interrogate us and they
severely beat us during these interrogations. They would put a pencil between our fingers and
squeezed them hard; they cursed our Serb mothers or Chetnik mothers and threatened to kill
us ali. They beat me and they did the same to other arrested people; they used pieces of
wooden boards about one meter long and 4-5 cm thick. In addition to beating us with the
board, they kicked me with their boots and punched me. They only wanted to know our
names and surnames, and if we were in the army of the Republic of Serbian Krajina. They
paid no attention to our replies, but just went on beating us. They ordered us to stand up
against the wall with our arms up and beat us across our backs and loins.
The Croatian soldiers beat us during the night by coming to the stadium where we slept. They
ordered us to get up and sing the Croatian anthem. As we did so, they approached us and beat
us. They woke us up every 15 minutes and would come by night selecting groups of ten
detainees; then 1 0 to 15 sol di ers or policemen took us into the corridor and beat us until we
lost consciousness. After the beatings, most of us could not stand on our feet and had to be
carried or dragged by others on the way back to the stadium. The same treatment was repeated
every hour during the night and also during the daytime hours.
There were between 500 and 600 arrested Serbs from the municipality of Pakrac in that
stadium and ali of them were beaten in the same way as 1 already described. Many of them
had fractured ribs, arms, legs, injured heads, broken teeth or other injuries. After the beating,
we were ali bruised, in blood or swollen.
1 was held in that stadium for 29 days and, during ali that time, we slept on the bare concrete.
At first, we were given no food and on the fifth day, they started giving us food once a day
consisting of a small slice of bread and a small pack of marmalade or something like that, and
nothing else. There was no toilette in the stadium where we were detained, so we had to ask to
go to a place outside to relieve ourselves. We were beaten by Croatian police stewards every
time we went there and on our way back.
After spending 29 days in that stadium, 1 was released with the group of sorne other arrested
Serbs from Pakrac. We were told not to leave our homes without approval. Upon release, we
were told not to leave Pakrac and that normal living conditions would be provided to us like
ali other citizens in Croatia. When I came back, I noticed that my home was looted and that
everything was taken away. I couldn't leave the bouse because the Croatian policemen
patrolled outside my home and the other Serb bouses. Should anyone venture to go out, the
policeman wamed him that he should go back, saying that Serbs were not allowed to walk the
streets or move around the city.
In the evening hours, Croatian policemen regularly came to Serb bouses and flats saying that
we should leave them in the shortest possible time, threatening that if we didn't do so we
would be taken to prison camps and executed there. They did that every night and every day.
We were forced to tum to UNPROFOR whose contingents were stationed in Pakrac. They
told us that we could leave Pakrac with their assistance. Many Serb inhabitants of Pakrac and
its surroundings left it. So, 1 seized that opportunity myself on 13 July 1995 when 1 came to
the Republic of Srpska, where 1 still live. 1 did that because the Croatian authorities ordered
the Serbs to leave that territory and because 1 felt unprotected there. Ali my property remained
behind in Pakrac, as weil as that of my late mother who used to live in the countryside. My
mother owned a bouse and a large plot of land, but I really can't tell how much it is worth
no w.
That is ail 1 bad to say for now.
I joined the criminal prosecution of persons who beat and mistreated me. I also add that very
many Serb inhabitants fleeing Western Slavonia during the operation "Flash" were killed on
the Okucani - Gradiska road. However, I didn't see it for myself, because 1 was in prison in
Varazdin at the time when it happened. I know for certain that 1,300 Serbs from the
municipality of Pakrac were missing and unaccounted for. There were rumours that most of
them were either killed or dumped into the fishpond near Pakrac. That area is now within
Croatia and these rumours would have to be investigated and the remains of those killed,
1 have been advised to read the minutes and 1 declare that 1 don 't want to, because it was
dictated out loud.
The hearing was adjoumed at 1:00 p.m.
Court Recorder
Dragojla Kvocka, Signed
Branko Mudrinic, Signed
lnvestigating Magistrate
Zivko Dragosavljevic, Signed
J, r - ; J
Kri-58/9 Epoj KH ........................ .
. "
cacraslbeH llaBa 10.04. 199 .... z... ro}lHHe npe}l ...... . . .. ~~-:t.~~Z.ni.m .. ........ .
_ .................... , ......... : .............. CYABÎOM ____ _QSII.O~-.. ;;-···· ........................... ..................... CYila y J?:I:'~J~<i.c:>~ ......... .......... .
.. .y _KpHBH'IHOM noc-cymcy D~TIIII ...........: ..J i,-lf.,. .. ... ... M . . . ... :~ ...... . .... .... c:·'·•·_--........ : ... : .... ~ .............................................. , ................................... .
_ 36or ~pHsii'Dior lle_ila H3 '!Jili&a .......... : ....... J~~ ... :.:............ I<}.
C • - e Il o 1<
.................. ; .. ~ ....... ~-~]!;Q __ ~g~j._gi_é_., ........ .
Dragoj1a· Kvocka
Cacnyma~~oy CBC/lOKa npKCyCTByjy H:
jaaa TiiiCJina,.
3ano'll:eTo y ...... 1~1,.00 __ 'facoaa
Cae.n:oK je onoMe&yr .n:a je .n:yzaa }la roaopa BCTHHY H .n:a He cMè lfa~ra npeÏiy'rara, yaoJopea je na nocrre.n:1111ê .n:aaan.a rra:amor
H~JnJa, Kao a }la BBje .n:yza~r -.n:a o.n:roaapa aa"noje)IJ!Ha narau,a, 1!.~0 i5 aepoaarno AA oa THMe amolkllo ce& HJIR csor oJJHcKor
CpO}lHHKa r eiUI<Oj cpaMOTH, 3HaTHoj MaTepBj aJJHQj· IOTeTH.. HJIH KpHBH'IBOM TOif>eH.y ('iJ13B ~29. }~fi k na .Ha ~rJWT~ mnan.a CBe,n:OK
}laje Oli.TOBOpe:
1) MMe R npeJHMC ... --·;·_---------------, .................... Br.an.Ifo. . .I'#,.drini.é ....... ...................... .
2) HMe oua ......................................................... ml~ .. .-............................................................ ..
3) ~HHM~H.e .............................. , .. _, ..................... ~~~~~-~----:t.~~~-~-~~--,.: ................ ..
4> liopaBHmr e Ko.zarnsa 16. Opstina Prijedor ---------··-·-----.-,·-······-----------·-------------------·-···--------------------.-----------------------·------------.------------
5) Mecro poljeH>a .......................................... ~~-~~----------..................................................... ..
6) roJJ.HHa poljeH>a ., ........................................ 20_.0.6 .. 1.9.47-.agOdine .......................... ..
:: ::~ c::ll.::p:B::: :~:::::OC~--:~=:~fl.@;;th«5ft;f,i:--e:'---78 r ~~;( 4 r
"" "' Ja sam pre :pocetka ovog r4ta ziveo 11 Pakracu. Na p4
druëju Op~tine P•krae ziveco je 65% stanovnika srpske naciona:
nos ti a ostalo su bi li ·b.rTati. Posle sprovedenih izbora "na poe
Hrvatske 1990 .godine pobedila je stranka Hl>Z a , Pakracu je bj
na vlasti s tra~a SDS-. :.. :.
"" tT augnat, .'ll'lesecu -1990.gddine na po<irl'1cjn Pa:kraca po
viti st; se- hrvatski ~ojnici koji s,, -i:~li' erne uniforme a na r
vima stt imali oznake sahovnica. Medju tim vojnicima bilo je i
koji su nosili oznake ROB-a i zengio Hrvatski vojn±ci su preti
stanoV!liei'ma Pakraca da ée svi"'biti proteralU. i poubija.ni ' a i :
siU--s, pojedine Srbe u Pa.krae,,. tlhap~ene su tsdvodili u Bj~lov•
i taT"O zatvarali a"'neke s·n i ,,bija1i n Pakract,_. Izvod.ili s.,, po;
dine nhapsene na sndjenja pa s~, im po kratko'l'! izricali kazne oc
tri na--na vise godina zatvora. Radio Da.r,var svakog dana"po vii
p,ta emitovao je hrvtttske vesti i prikazivao kako je ·odluceno c
se svi Srbi puoters=ju sa podrucja Hrvatske. Prozi•ao je hrvtttsk
jedinice da se ·prema srpsko'lft"'Stano'Ynistvu ponasaju ·na najgr,blj
nacin, da hapse Srbet' da ih "-'bi:jaju i progone. Govorili Sn prek
radia da Srbi ne mog" da o~tan,, na hrvatskoj "'zem:tji. Pre ker sred
stava inf'orn,isanja dakle, unosen je strah i "f'fznemir~nost medju
Srbe pa j~ vojska bi vsa JNA dtssla na to po<irl,cje i ndaljila hrv
s'kt, vojsk"'- i polieij,, sa podrucja Opstine Pak:rac."Pre odlask~ s
tog po~cja hrvatska vojska je palila~pojedine knée i sela u
kojima sn ziveli Srbi. Posle"'ovoga, a ~ to~, 199l.gddine hrvatske
vojl1e jediniee ·npadal@J s"' nekoli.ko p,,ta l1a pod.1'ncje Pakraca
sTaki PUt slocinacki postupali pre~a srbima nbijajuéi iste koje
su pronasli kod GVojih kttéa. .
Kada "'s"1 se jedinice JNA povukele sa tog podrucja stanovnistvo
podrucja Opstine Pak:1'ac bilo je- prinudjeno da se s-a~o
brani pa su obrazovane straze n ~rvo vreme a posle"toga·-formira
s, j-eàinice- srpske vojske --koje · su .,ob~azovali--liniju pre-ma hrvat
ski~ mestima i tu linijn z~zale sVJ do Olémaja 1995.godine.~
- -
Hrvatska vo~ska_ iz okolBibm:sta yeoma ~esto je napadala podruc
Ops~ne _Pakraca ali nia,_, 'lftog1~ da 1,ya-dnu n~ to podr,_~c. je i da ga
okopl.raJn• ~~-( .(_Jvl {_ fJ rd-L-'V b
- 3.-
. Ol.l1aja l995.goc:Ù.né 11 ranim j'!1.tarnji1!'1 ~casovi-ma hrvat~
ka vojska ()tpocela--~e · ofanziv~ na po~~je Zapadne Slavonije'"'koje
je bilo u sastavu Re];)tlblike ~ske Krajin! i posto se podrt,cje
op! tine Pa'krac nalazilo uokt'nzenjn veé_~na ~t~ovni~tva sa "tog"'podrncja
napu.stala je svoje k.uée i--stanove i bezala ff' pravcu Okuéana
d.a -bi-dotli na po~cje Re:Îmbllke Srpske. "'Znam da je hrvatska--
vojska tom priUkom jrese-kla Prit Pakrac-Ckttéani i na tl!j naci
~nemë5guéila."'d~lji PUt kolonam~ srps1tog stanovnistaa koje s,, bezal
,., tom praye·u. .. · ~ -·
Zna1i'!""da je tom~ prilikom hrvatska vojska za,,stavila jeda
_ ka~ion- na kojem j~ bllo izmedju t5· 'i 20 ci vioa, · lena i de ce ""koji
se kretao n pravcm Oknéana, kod +!!esta Bi3ela Stijena i da sn svi
civili koji s,., se tla.la~ili na tom kami onu •bijn:i ~d strane "hrvat·
skih vojnik~. Civili . sn bili:_ iz sels. Japage··a medjn nji"!!'la sn bi li
. .
.. 11eki Cvi...j al1ov..i ~i cijill se imena ja D~·- saeéam. Ostao _sam kao civil ' - - .../ . . ..
u Pakraçn '\1 koji je neposredi:Loposle npada ll;'vatske·Yoj·ske pocelo -· ' . -· - -· ' - -·
hapsenje. Hrvatski v.ojniçi sn sv~ z-atecene civi.le tnnsk!U'ce~ -od 15"'
pa _nadàlje_ godina_ hap~il~-~- ~likd11! hap~e~ja ps~vali"'su natrt majk-rt
srps~, l!aZi -.al~ D.aJ? e~cima i u~ar~li. Spr!>veli _ Su"'nd ,~ -varaz·
din i ~pn,., . ktj~o~ sam"'s,_ ja na1a~~o _ Z!i"t!'Orili "' ~elen rt1kometnu
sport'skn dvoran11• - ~dj, ci~li"!lla"'nije pilo z~oblj~nih vojnika
SÏ:-pske tcrajine jer- s-n n. j±hodvel~ t'"'drr.Jga m~st~ i . dr,ge prostorije . - -
Iz te dvorane izvodili S't~ nas tt druge prostorije pojedinalno na n~
-ka ispitivanja a pri to~ nas"'s, S'trahovî.to tnkli. Prilikom ispiti·
vanja stà"'VljKli sn· Uam ·b-lovku · iz'I!Jedj,'1 prsta a·'potom stiskali prat~
P•~vali majltn srpskt, :t 't!laj~ cètniékn i pretili da ée.,.,o svi bi tipou
bi jan±. Udarali su rne•e- ~ primetio·sam da ~'tl to cinili - ~ pre~a
ostalim nhapsenima' komadima drvènih letava duzine ok~ r metar i
debl·jine u prê'Cnikn od 4· -cio 5 'em. Pored udaraca letvom ""ene su-
11dars:li i nogaT!'fa Da kojima--sn bile"'ciz"'e i peslÛ.cama. Pi tali sn Sc
za~ ±'?le i prezime· i da li-' s.,() bi li n vojsci· :Re:pt~blik:e Srpske Krajir
N:i.s., --se obJ:i:t'ali na nikakvé CJdgovore às: pi:tanja veé s,, sa-mo ngsta-ç
ljali"'da tuk1.1e Ifaz'edjivali s1'1 dà--stme.,;,o .üza"'zid sa· pod.ignutim .I'n·
ka't"'a_uza zid pa su na.s ta.ko ud~ali n :predeln...,Iedja· i slabina.
"' " HrTa.tski VOjniei S'M. né..s tnkli -i .. '!1 nocSni!ll casovima tak
S to Stl upadali n 'dVoran,, gde S~O ~o~mi spavali • Na:redji vali sn da ustane'll'!
o i ·da pevamo hrvatsk,,"'himn~,~ a tada--·su nam---prilazil:i i udaral
:a~dili s,, nas svakih 1c:; ""~n ... ~ +:~"' "" , .. ,..,..,.,..,.,...; __ -.- .. ~ " ·
je po le do "15 vojnika i polica;jaç_a pa s't~ izmedju nl!ls odabi1
po··jed.ÎL't, gr,,P:., od 10 ;;hapsenih i izvodiii van sale ,, hodnik
tamo prebij~li do bes~e~ti. Posle tuc; B~jv~éi broj t~cenih
ni je moga~ vise da se kreé.e -PB.-_ 8;1 ga drngi nosili i vukli p:
povratkt:~ .,_, halu8
"' "" To sn_ !il:P.li svakog casa u tokt, noéi a tako s,, p~
_t tipa1 l.. ·J.. -n dne vn:t.: m q:.; asovl:. ma.,.. - .,j_
..,_ u hali je bilo iz'ftedjü ,00ri..,60é_;1;hapsenih Srba :
pottrt,cja Opstine Pa.krac i svi od--reda s1)vt.,ceni na nacin-kal
sam upred to -ob~at~nioo ":Silo je •~ostve nllapsenih koji Sti i1.
prelo~ rëbàrtr, t'Ubti ntrgn, razbijem.th- glaYa, izbije'llih zuba
d_rr,go.< Svi s~o ,,glavnom· p::ri povratku sa. tuee bill modri, kr,
i -- oteèeni..; : r·.
Zadrzan sa:m ,- toj sttli 29 della i za sve vre,e ja'
ostali Srbi tezàli Sl'IO ria golom· betonu. P.rv:th dèa boravka 1
hrrli nismo dobijali -:iiista za,.hranu a·pt1sle "iozd~ 5 dana poe!!
smo dbbi;jati ~-jedan:put diiev.ao po jed~o malo p~èe -hleba i po
: . . ... . : r ~ ,.. . - . ··. : ~ .
âed.n, 'k:oé'k:u m~elade i dri1o"1litta. 1f hali gde"'"SmO bill z-at1 • .. . . . ~ ï •.
nije b~lo pi"ostorija·wc- pa·smo 1ttorali da·trazi~o da bi s,.,o c
li u j;>rostortju."ko;ja" j~ bila van sal~ radl zà~o~oi~en:a fizj
potrèl>a. Brtki -,Pl.1t &tt- nas :tirVatski ï>~lic~jci"redari tukli d<
iaska ,_ tu proÉitorij~ i nazad •.
"' Posle prov~denillt .29 da11a u hali. ~a_;sa" i izv-esna
grupa ,,_hapsenih,_SI.'ba-~2':. Pak:raca pnste;r-ua slobodn e ti'!'! sto
je ~e~;jeno ~a _ ne ~· smem da s~ t'ldat~avam.-~ $voje k:née bez n,
_ vogo odborenja • . · Saopiteno nam- je·-p~ilikem pnstap.ja da mi tr•
da ostanemo -n Pakrac .. ,-"i da_ ée n~:m, bi ti · .. ob~zbtrdjeni nor""alni
lovi zivota--kao i syim gradjani'll!a-n~- podrncju :arvatske. troc
sa'm kada !!am se_ vratio kuéi Cfa je sve opljackano i o!neto.
smeo iz ko~e nigd.e"~a- izlazim jer •n hrvatskî policajci nep
no setali ü bl:i:zinu '!T'oje Jrnée i d.rn_gi.hsprsld.h ktléa. Ako bi
±zasa~ na "u.lieu policajci Sff ga opo'!!!in~a:li da '!"'or a da se vr
~ knétt i u_pozora~o da Srbima nije -dozvolàeno nikakvo kreta
nlicom ili gradom.
- _: T:r vecerJ;ljim èasovima hrvatska polieij-a je redovno
5 ..
lazil~ u srpske h,ée i st&nove i saopstavaia da ~ora~o n ~to
kraée"' vremen,, d~ nap,sti:"mo te stanove i R,,é~ preteéi da ïi'koli~
o to ne ncinimo da éemo svi bitiodvedeni ,, logore i tamo
likvidirani. To __ je cinjeno svake noéi i s:v.akog dana.
Bili s"'o prittndjeni da se ttbraé~o nNPROF..,or Cije-·su
se jed:i:nice- nalazile ,, Paloeac, i tamo nam je receno damozemo
da napnsti"'o Pakrac~i _to ,,z Jljihov, po"'oé. Veliki broj stanovnika
Pa~raca i pod~,c~a Opstine Pakrac iica srpske nacionalnosti
nap,,stila je Pa~ac pa sam i ja ,og,,énost nap,,stanja isker
tio 13.07.1995.goctine. i dttsao na podrncje Srpske R~,blike gd'
se i danas nalazim. Ovo sa"' ,,cinitssa razloga sto sa,~video da
z..-anicne vlasti HrvatS'ke naredj,,j, da Srbi nap;;ste t•'f teri teri·
j, i zrto sto'"'niSa11'1 i'!llao nikakve za~i te na tom podrl,C'j,,. Sva
Moja i"!ovina ., Pakrac,, ostala je ta"'o a ostala ~e i i"'ovina
mo je sada poko~ne "'ajke 'koja se· nalazila na sel,. Moja majka j '
posedovala k'nén i j,,tro i po ze"'lje ali ja stvarno sada ne zna·
kolika je vrednost.
To je~sye ato ja za sada i"'a"' da~izjavi"'•
Pridr,,z,,jem S'e kri vicnom gonjenj,, li ca koja !1.,, me tn·
i "'altretirala. Dodajem samo to da se pricalo da je iz,,zetno V·
lild broj stanovnika srspke nacit5nalnosti koje je nap,.,stalo po·
d.r,,eje 3apadne Slavonije prilikom ofanzive "Bljesak" stradalo
p,,t, Ol{'néani-Gradiska ali"' js. to stvartto nisa"' Video jer sa, se
to vre""e nalazio ,, zatvorn ,, Varazdin,, kako sa-m to napred obja
nio. zna, ponzdano dae sa opstinskog podr,,cja Pakraca nedtssta
je 1.300 stanovnika srpske nacionalnosti za cijn se à,,dbin,, no
ste nista ne zna. Pricalo se da je veéina od tih l:i:ca ,,bijena
bacena ,, ribnjak kod Pakraca. To podr,,cje je sada , sastav, Hr
Yatske i to bi trebalo da se istrazi i da se pronadj,, ostaci
-- Pa,,cen sa"'·"da i"'H'I"'t pravo da proci ta, zapisnikt pa iz
javljT1jem da ne zeli"' jer "'i je isti glasno digtiran.

Basic Court in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Minutes of the witness bea ring of Zoran Malinié, dated
27 June 1998 (Operation Flash; Camp Lora, Split)

Kri. 251198
Taken on 27 June 1998 before the investigating magistrate of the Basic Court in Banja Luka,
in the criminal case against NN persons for the criminal act punishable under Article 143 of
the Criminal Code ofYugoslavia
lnvestigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic
Court Recorder
Mirkica Pejakovic
Zoran Malinic
The hearing was also attended by:
Public Prosecutor
Defence Counsel
The Court rose at 11 :00 a.m.
The witness was wamed that he was bound to tell the truth and that he should not hold
anything back; he was also wamed against the consequences of giving false evidence and that
he should not respond to certain questions if he would thereby embarrass himself or any next
of kin seriously or cause damage or be prosecuted as a result of it (Article 229 of the Criminal
Procedure Code), so he replied to the general questions as follows:
1. Family and given names:
2. Father's name:
3. Occupation:
4. Address:
5. Place ofbirth:
6. Date ofbirth:
Malinic, Zoran
Banja Luka, 15 Milan Toplica St., Tel: 078 50 188
village of Verici, municipality of Banja Luka
30 March 1961
7. Relationship to the defendant or injured party: not related
Asked to state what he knew about the case, the witness declared:
Before the outbreak of this war 1 lived in Banja Luka and 1 was engaged in the war as a
reserve policeman of the Republic of Srpska. In early May 1995, my unit was stationed in
Pakrac. The Croatian army attacked Pakrac on 1 May 1995 and the attack started by heavy
shelling along all defence lines of Western Slavonia, which was, at the time, within the
Republic of Serbian Krajina.
1 was arrested on 4 or 5 May 1995 by the Croatian army. The Croatian soldiers showed an
intense hatred of all prisoners. They beat me with their boots, rifle buts and barrels of guns.
After we had been taken prisoner, we were brought to Varazdin and detained in a gym.
Djordje Ristic from Teslic, who now lives sorne place in Belgrade, was taken prisoner
together with me. Slobodan Karas from Slavonia, who is now in the Croatian prison of
Lepoglava serving his sentence, was another prisoner of war. I know that Slobodan Karas was
sentenced to 18 years in prison by a Croatian court.
Wh en we were detained in V arazdin, Croatian sol di ers brought us one by one for
interrogation and beat us to the point when we !ost consciousness. During those
interrogations, they gave us a piece of paper with an already written text, but they didn't let us
read it and demanded that we sign it. Of course, after having been beaten so badly, I had to
sign that text, even though I still don't know what was written in it. After being beaten and
interrogated, we were returned to the gym where we had to stand up every five minutes as
they played the Croatian anthem "Our beautiful country" through the loudspeaker. The
Croatian military policemen who guarded us ordered us to go to the toilette to relieve
ourselves orto drink water, and they waited for us there to beat us. They prevented us from
drinking water, even though we had terrible thirst.
l was detained in Varazdin till 12 May 1995 and during that time I was repeatedly
interrogated and beaten. I was then taken to Bjelovar to a sports arena from where I was
brought before a court, where we had to bow to the chequered flag, every time. I refused and
was badly beaten because of that. At court, l was also given a piece of paper on which
something was written and I was told to sign it. I did that under threats and blows I received.
1 was detained in Bjelovar for two days and was driven, together with 17 captured Serb
soldiers, to Split and put in a room at Lora camp. At Lora, I was guarded by the Croatian
military policemen belonging to the 72nd MP in Split, commanded by Mihajlo Budimir from
the village of Ricice, near Zadar. He was from the same village as Veljko Kadijevic (SFRY
Defence Minister). At least that was what he said. As soon as we came to the camp, the MPs
told us that they bad prepared for three months a welcome to the "worst Chetniks" fighting in
Croatia. They lined us up against a wall and began beating us with whatever was at hand.
Each of them had various objects in the ir hands, such as pieces of steel bars, pieces of electric
conductors, iron bars, pieces of wood, batons and other objects. There were many prisoners of
war who feil into a coma from the first blow they suffered. On the other band, there were
many of them who stood up on their feet for long even though they had suffered terrible
blows. We were beaten ail over our bodies. In my group, there were Andjelko Teodorovic,
who now lives in Banja Luka at Debeljaci suburb; Milan Kleut, a serving JNA captain 1 st
class, who now lives in Banja Luka as weil; Milan Gelic, who lives sorne place in Banja
Luka; Ignjat Nikic, a lawyer from Banja Luka; Zeljko Gajic from Gradiska; Sasa Keser from
Gradiska; Dalibor Moravac also from Gradiska, who had been previously interrogated.
Besicles these men, there were also Dragoslav Ristic from Teslic; his twin brother Dragan
Ristic; Pero Jokic; Vaso Ristic and Zeljko Jokic. 1 can't recall the names of the other Serb
prisoners, but I know that we had come across two captured Serb soldiers when we came to
Lora. One of them is a certain Miro from somewhere in Belgrade and the other was Slavisa
Malesevic from Prnjavor, who is now in Split.
Having received the welcome described above, the whole group that came from Bjelovar was
placed in separate rooms and the Croatian military policemen beat us severely while we were
walking to those rooms. They told us, after we had entered the rooms, to stand without
interruption and that we were not supposed to lean against the window at all or sit on the
pieces of wood that were in the room. I spent five long days in that position and I was not
given anything to drink the whole time or to go to the lavatory or make a single movement.
Whoever tried to lean against the wall or sit down was severely beaten. Sorne prisoners could
not endure standing, so they sat down. The Croatian soldiers would beat them to the point of
During the rest of my days at Lora, the Croatian military policemen used all methods of
torture that are very difficult to describe. They took us out at sweltering beat and forced us to
look at the sun for several hours, to dig and to move heavy stones from one place to another
with bare bands, and then to put them back again. As we did so, we were terribly beaten all
over our bodies. They used a water hose to shower us while we were all dressed up, and we
had to walk back to our cells soaking wet. They made us beat each other until we slipped into
a coma or something like that. They ordered us to do the things that no normal human being
would think of, such as being cruel to animais. They forced us to put our fingers into each
other's anuses and then to lick them; and they invented a lot more ways of humiliating us that
I can't recall at the moment, even less to recount them. I was detained in Split for about
fourteen months and during that period I was beaten and maltreated. All the time, they
threatened us that we would not leave the camp alive. After fourteen months, they took us to
Knin where we spend about six months. We were held in the premises of the military police
in a sort of wooden shed. In Knin, we were somewhat less frequently beaten, but we were
taken out every day to do physical work for more than ten hours. While I was at Lora, 1 was
given food once a day and we had very limited time for eating. For instance, I had to gulp
down a hot soup in three seconds and the other food in a minute. As a rule, the food was very
hot and that was one of the ways of torturing the prisoners. No prisoner ever managed to eat
all the food brought to him in the time allotted by the Croatian military policemen. We were
brought the same food also the day after, and so the time passed.
After my detention at Knin, 1 was taken again to Lora and from Lora to Zagreb. I spent sorne
time in Zagreb, perhaps four to five months, and I was taken out for prisoner exchange and
eventually exchanged on the River Sava on 4 August 1997. All in all, 1 spent two years and a
little more than three months in Croatian detention. During all that time, 1 received no
decision by the competent authorities, although I was registered by the International Red
Cross after my capture in Bjelovar. While I was in detention, I lost sorne twenty kilos because
of everyday beating and mistreating, doing of hard physical work and poor nutrition. When 1
was taken prisoner I weighed about 85 kg and when I was released I weighed only 62 kg.
1 reiterate that I can't describe all the methods of my torture and ill treatment or the treatment
of other prisoners used by the military police.
As a result of the beating I suffered I still feel terrible pain around my kidneys, in my chest,
spine and back, but by far the most serious consequences that I suffered are almost incessant
aches in my head. I would like to be examined by a consultant specialist and to get a proper
I am willing to make a statement before any foreign authorities in connection with what I
experienced during my Croatian detention.
I join the criminal prosecution of persons who beat and mistreated me at Lora, namely
Miroslav Buzov, camp commander; his deputy Vanja Uljevic, a military policeman; Tomo
Dujic from Vukovar; Tadija Bokanovic who interrogated and beat me; lvica Bratic alias
Bobby and others whose names 1 don't remember at the moment. I have a list ofpersons who
beat and mistreated me and I will make a photocopy of it, and submit it when 1 come for
medical examination.
This is all I had to say for the time being and I will recall, if necessary, many other details
conceming the ill treatment of me and other prison ers by the sol di ers and policemen.
I have been advised to read the minutes and I declare that I don't want to, because it was
dictated out loud.
The hearing was adjoumed at 2:00p.m.
Court Recorder
Mirkica Pejakovic, Signed
Investigating Magistrate
Djordje Stojakovic, Sgd.
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Zoran Malinié ---··················-·········-·--···························-·-·-····-··········-------··
Cacnymalby ciieJ:IOKa npncyCTsyjy n:
jaau T)'lKJIJJall
llpaann a11
3aDO'ICTO y --·----·--------------· '13COBa
CBe.liOK je onoMeByT ):la je .eyx:an .11a roaopR BCTIIBY B .11a ne cMe HHUITa npel\ynTH, ynoJopen je na nocneJIH~e .llaDalba naJKnor
HCKaJa, Kao H ):la BBje JI}'JltaB )la O)lfOaapa sa nojeJ~HHa nBTalba, aKO je sepOBaTifO .D:a OB TBMe H3!IOJKHO ceoe lfJlH CBOr OJIIiCKOf
CpOJIHHKa TemKoj cpaMOTH, 3HaTHOj MaTepBjallHOj mTCTH BllH KpHBII'IHOM fO!bC!bY ('lllaH 229. 3Kfl'), O;j- Ha OnWTa nlfT3HXI CBC)lOK
;uaje o.nrooope:
1) liMe H npeJnMe -----------·-·----------------------~QB.~-~---~-~-~-~~-r._ç ________________________________________________ 2) liMe 01.1a -----------------------------------------------J:)-~-~~~-~-~------·---------------------------------------·----------------·--·-·
3) 3aHHMalbe ············--------------------------~-~~-~-~-:--~---------------·------------------------·--······-----------·-·
Banjaluka, Ul. Milana Teplice
4) EopaonnJTe ----------------------------------------·------------------------------·--·-------------------------·--·---------------------------
selo Veriéi, opstina Ban'aluka
5) M ecro pol)e~~oa -------------------------------------------------------------------------·-------------------------------- ______ -·-------
3o.3.1961 g.
6) roJIHHa pol)eHoa ------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------- _____ ----------------
br. 15, tel. o78 5o-l88
- 2 -
Ja sam pre pocetka ovog rata ziveo uBanjaluc~ ~-u toku t~ajanja
rata angazovan sam u rezeruni sa~~~ _p _9_!_:t,_Ç.J:.~Iê, .:R.~J1ubl:Lk.e:-.. ,
Srp~ _ (>ocetkom maja 1995 godine jed~n~ca u. koJ~~ sa~ se Ja
naTazio bila je U Pak,r~_ç'\Ç. Hrvatska VOJSka lZVrslla Je naea~
na Pakrac'"'i.InaJâ 1995 gôëline a taj napad je otpoceo ~~ snaz~1m
granatiranjem sa svih linija p~druzja Za~adne SlavonlJ~: koJe se
u to vrijeme nalazilo na podrucju Republ1ke Srpske KraJlne.
zarobljen sam 4.maja odnosno 5.maja 1995 godine, od strane . .
Hrvatske vojske. Hrvatski vojnici su ispoljili prema zar~bl~en1m
svekoliku odnosno strahovitu mrznju. Udarali su me sa sv~m ~
svacim a najcesée nogama na kojima su bile cizma, te kundac~ma
i cevi~a od oruzja. Posl~ zarobljavanja sprovedeni smo u Varazdin
1 zatvoreni u neku spor~sku dvoranu. Zarobljen je pored mene i
Djordje Ristié iz Teslié~ koji se sada nal~zi ~ -negd~_uBeogradu.
Dalje zarobljen je Slobodan KaRAS, negde ~z Slavon1Je, a sada
se isti nalazi negde u hrvatskom zatvoru u Lepoglavi na izdrzavanju
kazne. Znam da je Slobodan Karas osudjen na 18 godina
zatvora od strane hrvatskog suda.
Posle smestaja u Varazdinu hrvatski vojnici su poceli da nas pojedinacno
izvode u druge prostorije na saslusanja,a prilikom saslusanja,
udarali su nas do onesve~éenja. Na saslusanjima su nam davali
papir na kome je veé tekst napisan a nisu dozvoljavali da mi
citamo taj tekst, veé su zahtevali samo da ga potpisemo. Naravno
pod uticajem batina ja sam morao da potpisem taj tekst, mada i
danas neznam sta je na njemu pisalo. Posle saslusanja i dobijenih
batina vraéali su nas ponovo u dvoranu u kojoj smo neprekidno mezda
svakih pet minuta morali da ustajemo jer su tamo preko razglasne
stanice svirali hrv~tsku himnu "Lepa nasa". Cuvari hrvatski vojni
policajci, naredjivali su nam da podjemo u prostoriju WC-a, da bi
obavili fizioloske potrtebe ili pili vode, a tamo su nas sacekivali
i tukli. Nisu dozvolili da pijemo vodu iako smo za to imali
strahovite potrebe.
Zadrzan sam u Varazdinu do 12.maja 1995 godine i za to vreme mnostvo
puta izvodjen sam na saslusanje i tuêen. Odveden sam pesle
toga u Bjelovar u sportsku dvoranu a odatle sam dva dana izvodjen
na sud i svaki put pri ulasku terali su nas da se poklonim sahovnici,
ali ja na to nisam pristao, pa sam zbog toga strahovito tuean.
U sudu su mi takodje davali papir, na kome je napisan tekst i terali
da to potpi!em, sto sam ja pod uticajem pretnji i nanosenia
udaraca potpisivao. u
Boravio sam uBjelovaru dva dana a posle toga sa jos 17 zarobljenih
vojnika srpskih, odvezen u Split i zatvoren u prostoriju logera
"Lora!'· Posle dolaska u Split u uLoru" hrvatski vojni policajci
koji su pripadali 72-goj Bojni vojne policije u Splitu, ciji je
komandir bio Mihajlo Budimir iz sela Ricice kod Zadra_ . Tz
_t_o.g se la ,3-e b,iQ i VelJka Kag;üevié, bar je tako pricao tHhajlo.
Odmah pesle ulaska u taj logor·;- pôli~jci su nam saopstili da
su.~e oni pripr7mali tri ~eseca za docek "najokorelijih cetnikaE
~OJ~ s~ r~toval~ na podrucju Hrvatske. Postrojili su nas uza zid
~ otpocel~ da nas udaraju svim i svacim. Imali su svaki u rukama
razne predmete kao sto su komadi celicne sajle, komadi elektroprovo~
nika, komadi metalnih cévi, komadi drveta, palice 1 sve drugo:
~~lo _je.dosta zarobljenih koj· u od prvih udaraca pali u komu.
al~ ~10.Je 1zv~stan br~j koji s d go odrzao na nogama. Udarci su ·
nanosen1 po sv~m delov. ma tel . toj grupi bio je Andjelko Teodo397
- 3 -
dorovié koji sada zivi uBanjaluci, naselje Debeljaci. Pored
Andjelka bio je Milan Kleut, aktivni kepatan r klase bivse
J~A, s~da ziv~,u Ba~jaluci,Milan.Gelié, koji zivi negde u Ba~
Jalucl , Nik1c IgnJat, advokat 1zBanjaluke, zatim Zeljko Gajié
1zGradi~ke, Sa~a Keser iz Gradiske, Dalibor Moravac izGradi§ke
koji je ranije saslu~an. Pored navedenih bili su iz TEsliéa
Dragos~av ~istié, .njegov.~rat blizanac Dragan Ristié, Pero jokié,
Vaso R1stic inZ~l~ko Jok:c. Ostalih imena zarobljenih srba ja se
sada trenutn~ ~Jec~m, a~1 znam.da smo zatekli u Lori zarboljena
~va sr~ka VOJnika 7vto Jeda~ M1~0 negde iz Beograda, a drugi je
12 PrnJavora Slav1s~a Malesevic, koji se i sada nalazi u Splitu.
Posle doceka koji je priredjen na napred opisan nacin cela
grupa koja je dosla izBejlovara rasporedjena je u zasebne prosto~
ij~, a prilikom kret~nja do tih prostorija hrvatski vojni
pollCaJCi su nas strahovito tukli. Naredili su nam nakon ulaska
u zasebnu prostoriju da moramo neprekidno stajati u toj prostoriji
i da ne smemo uopste nasloniti se na zid ili sesti na daske
koje su bile u toj prostoriji. U takvom polozaju bio sam punih
pet dana i za to vreme nisu dozvoljavali da pijemo vode, da idem
u prostoriju WC-a, ili uopste da se maknem. Onaj ko je pokusao
da se nasloni ili sedne bio je strahovito tucen. Bio je po neki
zarobljeni koji nij~ mogao da izdrzi stajanje pa je seo~ medjutim
hrvatski vojnici su postupili i prema njemu na najgruplji nacin
strahovite udarce do onesveséenja.
U narednim danima boravka u "Lori" veoma je tesko opisati koje
su sve metode mucenja primenjivali hrvatski vojni policajci.Izvodili
su nas po dajjacem suncu, i terali da gledamo u sunce po
nekoliko casova, da .kopamo i prenosimo kamen sa jednog mesta na
drugo golim rukama, a potom da vraéamo isti odakle smo ga i adneli.
Te radnje bile su rpopraéene neprekidnim nanosenjem udaraca
po svim delovima tela. Kupali su nas mlazom vode pod pritiskom
iz vatrogasnih ~mrkova, obucene pa smo tako mokti. isli u éeliju.
Terali su nas da se medjusobno tucemo, nanosimo jedan drugom
udarce sve dok ne padnemo u komu i slicno .. Naredjivali su nam
da radimo ono ~to nikada normalnom coveku ne bi padalo na pamet
da muci zivotinju a kamo li coveka. Terali su nas da jedan drugom
stavljamo prst u cmar pa da ga pesle lizemo i jos mnostvo nacina
ponizavanja kojih se ja sada i ne zelim da se seéam, a i da ih
pricam. Zadrzan sam u Splitu oko 14 meseci i za sve to vreme
tucen i maltretiran. Neprekidno su nam upuéivane pretnje da niko
ziv iz tog logara neée iziéi. Posle 14 meseci odvedeni smo u Knin,
gde smo zad]'zani oko 6 meseci. Smesteni smo u prostorije vojne
policije u neke barake. U Kninu su nas neste manje tukli, ali smo
izvodjeni svakog dana na izvodjenje fizickih radova po vise od
lo casova. 'Dok sam se nalazio u nLori" dobijao sam hranu jedanput
dnevno, a vreme za jelo je bila ograniceno. Naprimer, morao
sam da pojedem vruéu supu za tri sekunde, a os~al~ hran~ z~
jedan minut. Hrana je po pravilu bila vrela pa_Je 1 t~ _blO J:dan
od sistema mucenja harobljenih. Niko od zaroblJenih nlJe u~p7o
da oo~ede svu hranu koja je doneta u vremenu koje su odred1l1
hrv~t~ki vojni policajci. Tu istu hranu donosili su drugog dana
i tako je vreme prolazilo.
Pesle boravka u Kninu odveden sam ponovo u "Loru~ a ~z Lore u
Zagreb. u !agrebu sam bio jedno izvesno vr:me, moz~a Jedno 4_do
pet meseci ~on·da 2 :-om d en na razmenu 1 razmenJen na Savl
4.avgusta i997 go · e. erna tome ja sam proveo u hrvatskom
4~ '~
- 4 -
zarebljenistvu dve gedine i neste vise od tri meseca. Za sve
to vreme nisam doble n1kakvu odluku nadleznih vlasti, iako sam
pesle zarebljaaanja u Bjelevaru registrevan ed staane Medjunaredneg
crveneg krsta. Za vreme boravka u zarobljenistvu ja sam
izgubie eke 2e kg u telesnej te!ini zbeg svakodnevni h tu~a i
maltretiranja, obavljanja teskih fizi ~kih posluva i slabe ishrane.
Prilikom zarobljavanja imao sam oko 85 kg telesne tezine
a kada sam izizsao imao sam 62 kg.
Penevo isti~em da ja stvarno sada ne mogu ni da epi~em sve metode
mucenja 1 maltretiranja keje je prema meni 1 estalim zarobljenim
primenj1vala vojna policija.
Od udaraca koje sam zade~ie i danas oseéam strahovite bolove u
predelu bubrega , grudn~g kosa, kicme i ledja a najveée posledi ce
su ml skoro neprekidni bolovi u glavi. Zelee bih da budem
pregledan od strane strucnjaka iz oblasti medicine i da dobijern
pravu dijagnozu. •
Ja sam spreman da o svemu enom sto sam doziveo u hrvatskem zarobljenistvu
dam izjavu pred bilo kojim stranim organima.
Pridruzujem se krivicnom genjenju lica koja su me tukla i maltretirala
u "lori" i to Miroslav Buzeva , upravnika zatvora,
njegovog zamenika · Vanje Ujeviéa, vojnog policajca,Tome Dujiéa
iz Vukovara, Tadiju Bokanoviéa keji me je ispitivao 1 tukao ,
Ivice Bratiéa zv. "Bobi", i drugih cij ih se imena ja sada
ne seéam. Posedujem spisak lica koja su me tukla i mucila i
ja éu fotokopi ju tog spiska predati kada budem pozvan na medicinski
pregled. ·
To je sve sto ja za · sada imam da izjavim, a ako bude trebalo
ja éu se prisetiti jos mnostva detalja kojl su primenjivani
prema meni i ostalim zarobljenim vojnicima i policajcima.
Pou~en sam da imam pravo da citam zapisnik, pa izjavljujem da
ne zelim, jer je isti glasno diktiran.
~ """"''" "wn ·ea-_....,-'*""·A-A·
- oeo<TOI> - 6oa<pa,q (50/97)
Û3HBKII >8 - : o6p. 6p. :J.l/276
Dovrseno u 14,oo casova
WTaMna: Hwn ·caapeMeHa 3AJIIII4Hio1C"Tpa4"ia- , r_.,.._ ·s.-.,-·-Geo<pa,q

Document Long Title

volume II
