
Document Number
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:[,s~~l\r~ ~.J~n'-".r~(i-)~JJs:it·l·s··~'
~-!t.-. _:-t~·l .."') 'o.J. - L·"'R~·J

·c§,N'.li lfl~J~'-.I{Rz'HLLA;.~'.IJ;,·~~.-Pli.I"'


:::ALGUST201 1 Deuxièn1eConférence {ntcmationa.kde .l.aJ\ri,.aH:tyr!5 Juin--18

Oct.uhre 1907, Acte:;et Doçument:;, Tome Hl, LDHaye lQ07,247

Anno; 2 Tlw Proct~ed oit<::s::tguePen-.:eConferences, T(\)nî'! o:f~ren>X'

1907. Acisand Doc:umcnt:;,Volume IlL.Nt~ Ywotk 19:21.139

Fcdc~ Cmolrt Riode Jan<.:iJudgt~m or:9;u!i:2008,. rdin::H'Y


Di~tr Ciout1Tel !\vivYaùl, Lkcision of 3!Decern(Jt2T009.Ca~(·

2143--07,Orirh Zemoch et al v. Fi'cieralRejnd;~~(Gennany

Pohsb Sup:r< (ou~r,l.cisi(m of29 October ?0 lO.File ref. est::,_

,l_(:,\ '~/(09,'t( ·',•f·JÎP,J.•ü!h'~'.(··'o'-"'··,··">l:
1-J·-~~ ~.. .~• .__,a...,\ <...1.1,.--,..•>~tt. ... rl;/that tdocmnt· cntaincd th~a~nexes arc çop[o :;~!urH~gidn<~mlnents

and thtilt<ns!utitin:an:v üi:tieiill or!h:ourtpnwi(kd b}


Bt~rl2i nugus20lJ Annex ]

DeuxièrrCotrfàc nncn~ticmak cb Paix, LHnytl~Juin··18Ocwbn::1907.
:'\ct;;;s ct L>o·rom.HL~La Haye !907. 247 i \_ •, .:;. T) '



Y·:·,·;·:~, /\nnex2

TIKPmu~edin of;:H aue j)e<Cnn~crençe·1h i~nk:rencc of 1907,

Act:'aI)oemm~n Voh1, elTLNe"v)'o!9:t;~W')1. ·'-

:::.·~:·'_.Federal Court Rio ck J;rneiro, Judgcrw::n1 of9 July 2008,

Ordinary Pnlc\.:edings Numlwr :.?006.5l0l0l69·:l4" l.

Barreto v. Federal Republic (?fGennanyTr;m::.hliion

·rr i:~-K~(eroald.:s
;:~dt.:.il0 .JtK}r lc·sta~~:-::t

Ordinar~·l'ioc,~e.-~-:. 0?!, 5lOJOl694't-·l

Phin1llf: A.nH·iFhrt::!o

Dài:udant:Fe;:.k!l1~~:pH oGhçcnany


Cl\rH :)

'Htc:,_.~;î,-~o'nc;nmnt:ton broughi. by :\raci Barrdo agaiust tF::d~ ·fpu3lc. of

Cli:'f inl'<imhin br[; ~·[\•Ya~~:::ç ckmpt::;tin f(,!os a~:d;;,mag'caw;<:dhyÜt(:


Th~ plainlil:it:ilcs sl!,Was t.hd;J.ngbt< .nd sste--vl·nwof î'\\ru<.:m obf•h~r.:;

Clï~ ofWth>::fîshing vessd 0-L\NGRf ..Li\ \.\·hichw::s tütptJulo:~9'3 by a Gè.Tnl<UI

:-;uhmarÎ!h\'Nhilstin i·kvil1,m krriional wa.J(:r:;.

l- n',1~''·Vlt~.._(1--XY...,_,•-'•••_.~·.;.Jf_~'_~•''~-~-,~·.~i_,r_,..,,,...:,_·.,.;

rub! --Ülrny opinwn com:c!ly .,folkl'l\':·;:

Ordinary apptl<tlNo. 66 -c:wog.·oo,nn:>"J'l

R;~ppc. ::itiiuor-tîil!lGonçaivcs

/\.ppdbm: ,\ntôniü Apùlin ..:'1guia(r\mtinho <mdo!hcn:

Coun:~ h;i::R]ierio L·:::S\aiH):mdnnot!Jçr:otlt~::r;;

Rcspou;__knt:r:d, R~<Talllicof Genn.aJty .~.l



1. Imnu.mityfi·jmi~dic<H:t[(:ijureimp~· 1:.abt;olland does

nol~dio of :·::;;,:pP.reo.~~ i·tbkn,ha~;eof-le:nup:tc•rCourt of Justice and !he

[Fdc:ral Snprçrm:·C.Suprem-.:,J,wwt F'i::âemf.

?..l.\tfàtnnatlheN ar;::Jtli:.(>fbrin tg:Fn,~~deR~apubl olcJern1<mbd'orth~:.·

tmt[onaC<)U1i:sionh:ihJ r·;~:; tpanndninn ::>,:d;,:ùm!k:(iMtl(()makrial and

imnmtc:riallos:dama~ :1.!n~su oilpubtiaçt bythacountry., ç(msis'-"> sntig::~

,)<ïf)shiu;·ç·;;üfth;,~_:üoa ~>bo Frio ···Rio (k .hnei~N ~rô'-:Ubrnarn 1943

during!.h: ççond Wodd \\'ar.

3. OrdiuHryappei:c.X: :~druotndmi:dd

Con:::cqt t1iaenonlÜ;,whicidamag~ :m~:bdng :sougis n publit and it 1Jwrdilre

ba:-t:o ~tcc>; taltlcddd~:ndi .:Imtjmmyl:;y }hmljnri;;dic:ti<m.

()jCOUïS<t!Jç d:::kndam couJd in(!;;;·:.0 ,:d]oW pr.:::('J't(;<t18pn..)C <.~~:d

>'-'<Ù\'iitttsgptcrogaiivc;; as StnlvHO\\.Vd·,w'bnvc no lmorvlc:dgçtlmt düs ha:;

('V<occurr..::d,ihHn \.\\<rnmt condtH:k th::ttf;:.demRqmhlic of G<.~rm h'nsy

NF.VER rh:.rnJiHü:Brar.ibaC•)Urto hcam1ydaim !brn~p;J;' f:r<it('ftar_

Fo{ <:'\arnin,additi<ùJthç ,::::d~~r !o'edtheabo1 Su\~unary\-V>VüDlda(sodt,;.

Cn:: ·:~:o:06.:,11.01.:~()..[ :md \Jo. 2J.(.0003)\Yhkh.. ith<:-;::way.

Hw d<.\Ü:·nçtho~nùtW: snhmit lü ljurisdkiion oftiK Brazîlinn court: >'l'J!J;.·;,:]aîm

çornp,msnüonwasilkdin;:onw.xtîwith thsinkinof th0-L\;\Gi-<!J.J..A..:\~~i procc:ssL -::ruincntpurpo~ i:rwtnre-C'ow.~~qt k'ATlylih,ngoints !o !hhct

that an :3pplü:ationo;<:,;l!carly dot:s ::H\:1he shg!Jh':j1üssihility ·,a_: cs·ic·he ~:~:>,.

cas,; l.Hlc;:GHrtÎHi!Lltt:ishonld not be a<.huitkti.

Atkr consid,;.ri·wh,cspt)Înb .and h:•r,+cat the Dbvim....l •.:onsHkrthat ii is wucasonabk

i.o~nlbm lihtplaini.ii.nth ~·moti oud flÜ::n-::losts of pt'•)CŒdingswlndtwill':imply

n;,~ inh di::.appointingdc,:ii;ion_'"WT:'aln::ad[()n::s rom <Ühl:;hrh[~lh(.:vol

On ilwba~; oÜ ;-wahoYc, [ hcr;;·bylcrmiml!c1htc:1 pt~C·;u:uÜ) Artick ).f;(JV) t)til<::

lC.~"-. ---J..-{-...\..~(•l .:~:·.-·-..__...-.'..~..J-'...'·"'·-~..•. ,;

As iht:i.i lmit J~1the .:c.ubmi:1:of pkas has dap:;,;.d v.:it!ïontany pka:; bciug suhmiited

1·il!bisJI no\V -;::l'>:':acan;:r~mi i;;pn}('fedings.

And Œ\kr ihis D~::ci losiKonul}hsJwd.plac:ttdoth ~>;.:ordund notiii,;;d.

Hudson TargiiJCiurg;:·l

l:kptrtf(:d· Jurg::'!

in :nyo..~ilpaci1y

agf(dHi o.;..:o.2JudietaiDi.strid 7
(. ....~... ···-·..._.···• _........ . .. \.',r......... "'.~... , J(;_,."··,,•:l',·Tr::m;-;ialion

ProhMe c~~~ 2U~·nn Orith z{~lm~ dds~t

y. Ff:dt•r:;IlHl!fl.lfGt·rn'l>m~~i

rm· th.:·:itAHonNy--Ge::n<:'n::\!d,\:ï)ÇélB~:n--EU ~emd,dVcrak Tit11EJùtpbn .tt·ont

th::::\Iini,:try of J\ùair~

ln vinv otiNi'ad tlmth~J."çtkr::l .G çnJapu hlnoc;:or~: :;ovn:rçîgntyinnnunity, it

wiî1 <wibe possîbh: tc- cons.idc:r the d•.mib trl'ol mtlr~ ::s an ordinnry o:r 11


Tho;;:rdorc,the plaintif[*'shallJwcr;•t1drc)pthe dmm and!.ln::r:-p.ilc:atiotno

conJînn t!a:J(ll:':}rpr,:s:;ntataç'ccsha!l b:::râWlii.oth"mti:a;~,;ordmK<:

'i''Üh n:g·n!!Jtio:l:.i.

Th::\2·i ml~l:c;<gc:ha:; lx::::;:1it,:.m.:x:mi.n(b·o5., i..Hythat tirrth;pbintiJTs

sha!l ,:nbmitt~lppE>pa rpinlki<~diou>.hs1wd and an.tHHHH'Nihl!d,~) 14,T~vd· 5770,.~H/ll/!O lWJth·pn~scue oethost~

at·kndlng,Polh:b Supt<:-me ComL Lkcision of29 Ocloher 2010,

Fit r(~ .~LC SK 465/09,


File nà. JV CSK 465/09


:.?Cktolx:20 l0

The ~~nprc Co:rtcot:pt>s>.df;

Th~ P~n~si( oftJt Supî\'\!1.'ourradt:USZErvdùski (Chain

Supn:: CourtJustict.:VIinda\>\Vysock::t
'·~t ..•-..·' .>._...-,._ !.'..J •\, ..f.·'.t-.•l•)•7

Ht:conkr: Tzabda Czapovvsk<3

in the dalm focotnp,~n: b;ta\IiU~y~Vvt'ini c'jiJ.W;zi<:\v:;ki

again:>theFederal Rq:mbiicof'{-::i<~n n<tJhFn~yral Ch::icdk1r(Berlin).

after }warinth Elaintif!'\ appeal !'orrassatiun

of the Gdaù:ù .:\ppeal Coun s decision of\-'l2008,

nie-rer. noT AC1..595/08.

i.tht (~vil Cllamber on :Oc:to b~!1r Grmmcl:;

In his kg;Jl action of 29 ()çtober 2007th<F~ck:ml Republic GcrnnnyiOO.!ct}
. "[· :j. l 'l '"! \' .. . .-~; . 1 ' t "[ !j' ! {'t
ol !h~te\era.L.-!ance.:o,,:Jl11CJ.,Llü.lnH~ ouSnl pa~ymt::rytlE~(c:c:nanto !ne
su1nofl .000.000 z..!ocump:;.~i i<:s\my ;utYeredinth-c:u:;c otb~pD:iJ!çatiunnf

S;r:czt.:.vvilü n:te(r\)'iiÎ!of Lublin. th ~inmm a.î.Tit'oreesdu.rimxthe S(:cond
~· '•' .~. . .. .'
World \Vnrln !l:c\ntrse of the sapacilic:ati,..,·!tonkplaee OH ·:F~~:~b 1r44ary

pcopk \Vere dcpon<.:d;:xe;;:uii\.WJ arr~d out. tH.tildi\.Verbumçd and propçn;-·

tDOlCG,,evemi. _·mnür<xol::l!agt: s mla lltant:> os.i.!Y;ecc~c mg !o::nrerms m'

tht h~~a cdst and n.rrns nsre~; of :.=ush.:'rp hytte:ante~dt~J!\ wite:ai;t1!

conseqU{ 'rnl Vtbc~.besu:tier$lhis day.

By ded:';tOor g November 200'?ÜK' R~gion Cour!dism[~;'withOllt

servingiton the defendanton thegrcn:mh thattlic rnatdid not corne \Vithin national

JurisdictioRecogni:ling Council Rt:gntmi(FC} No 44/2001 of T2 Dccemb(T :2000t.m
iurisdiçtion and tlw Œcogn:l.tioncnforn~r ofejdgrucn1.·::in civil and t:ClnmKrdül

rnatü:rs (OJ !).·:~l0p. i .ht~rein a'thgl~ton>-Jo44/0 l"Œ;th~b~asi ~r jttdging

nationajurisdictioinÜh~1natt n:~:iby;tt~plaintifandacc:cping,withn~f(:ï \(the~:,~

judgment (t'thCourt ofJustice of tEuropean Union of 15 Februnry 2007Li'{/!(lflril ou

N ul.-~ ·detal f?epuhli(G·eti.IW(Eun\pcan CourR:;.~ p00r,ps(..{)l:;lh~~rdnall.~r

'''judgnwntiLe::·holl!'etal. "deiiv· =u~rsed~tmthe Conv{;ntion o.h.u:i~ ;ddiction

th>:E.nJr'ir of(J~idncrnt~intCÏ\'tnnd (.\Jmmc-rcirvla! iene~~at Brussds on

27 S(.:ptembc968 (cou:;olidakdV<~rsi OJ C.27, 1998, p. l ... hcl'e[nafter '"tbt:Brusscb

C.\mvention"butcon:1i vittc:rrntkgishtîonas ~~mhod iu~R·:~gn! ]-J4o/n1,thaL
the rn;1tter in hand, lthematter on vvhicb ihe aiàr(·mcntioned Coujudgrm~ \ns

dd)q~re Id.Vl(t:Scivil 1natter witb~nre:ming of Artick l.l Rt~guL: noio40JJ.

tb(:R(~gio Cnaul involŒd th<· absence oF any kgal provisiogl\ïnga Poli:;h court

coinpctem:to tkai tvith m:rt!<~r.

Th>.J-<.~:g iouralttemptcd toservt ,;~-ci5!nn ofl~Novcn1bcr::~0 an7 tlw

ptaînl ipffa~>gaimtthat cküii<Dilthè defendanintlKrnanner prcscribC!yCouocll

Rq(tdation (EC) No ~HS/20 00 29 \lay 2000 on thservi in~tl:i\·kuJber Staks of

judk:iaand e:;trujudidocwnents in civil com!n<~ mrctes (OJ L 160.20CH p.~7 ··

bt~n~in i'l.?.!birnNo 1348/00"). 1-Io>.va,ften<Jtinthai: attempü:dsen·içtbad ..}•-

bt~d iindJt.: h(;lCo~r~,uhandon ny:xJu:thcr action aiJn;lt:,;:. ~wrrdnnügt

doc:wnent:-;un llw c:kfendaut.

!.'h:.l:ainti.ff$ appcal against tiK:Rq)onal Conrt's decision of'8 Novr:rnber 200? was

dismiss(:d bÜK' Appea! Courtb::dcd:;Î(Iil of 1:1\tay ?OOH.The !\pCNlr! sharcdtbt:

vinv l.mdedying th\: contcstcd ckt:i:;ioitsopinion,. thai: vk:w 'vns suppottcd hy the
t!lk:rpretntconta1r'!1t'!'.lU(gment r.;ecJwurttouw.'

The .'\ppeal Court atkmptcd s;;~ ÜJ·d(,~ci ~:LJo\lay20\J ald~the p!aîutiJT\

ap]x:ul foC~\S!' .fttatdccni:)Îonin the manner prescribcdth<.('onvc-.ntion the

Sen:icc Ahmad ot' .Tudidal and [.<:iTaJndkial f)üçunwnt:> in CC~ommr:r \1itel.

signed al ·nw liagLK':onJj Novt:mb 19r5 (Journal ol' LŒ.,vsNo 87/200CL iü.:Jn968).

1-Jmq~ vhtn thi èt~rnpti~1. bcl'ud:1heantiwritie,1il1deü~nda:n~na tc:ümcdthar

the nwtter!ay outside t1w scope naione ;noteriae thesaid Cnu\'(·:ntas dei1nc':in

Artide !.llhet\ !.e Appcal Cmn attcmpt<x!lo :-;;;.-:doeunh~- inlqt:x~sî oiote!! st<·1:hrough the diplonwtic cbannd, i.e. il tnmsmittcd them to th<::l\-·1inistryof

For6gn A.Œlirsof ih.: h:deral RepuMlGennany hrough the intcrmediary of Li:wEmbassy

oftlle kepubbc oFPoland in Berlin. Th(:}'vi,(n.l.'e-r:,-(urnedthe correspondt:ncc with

a v;;·rJ}alnote th<JLnot\Yiih:.;üxndcorr(~c ofetb;~:p.eal Court's decis(o~arch

serv1ce)rea.ctJ!:te.JUnsmcttonunmnnrty o ·Lle·•t.:c!x.':}YtcM ·.xenmmy .:;meett1e

rnattcr fd! withi.n t!w spik:n:;of acta hwe ilnperii, i.e. acts of'siate soverc!gnty.

[n hi:;Dppeaf~cassation ot'tbe Appl \)urt's decision o~,:~l2ay0tReplnintiff

put Hnv,';:trdtt[)lJO\\'grounck breach of'/\nickl iuc:oJ~ju' n"çt iotnC:"5.:3 of
Regulation T\io44/(J:thb<~ling tha1n~üt a .k:ga1action brought by a natural

p~.~r sgam:;t a· orc1gu stor c:o:mpf.C·nslnc.:JmagerestUmg rom ~letrsrpelrateu ùY

the anncdtî:l of·bœ~sak:are not eivnlatt <vithnhe;meaning of the saül H.egulation;

breuc.h of ,:\nic·k 1096 of the Polish Codt of C!vll Pr(hen:inaih:"C('}Y')b)' 1he

ru!ing, that the pmvision:->of tbe CCP didapply·to the ç;:tse in ha~md;brc~< of:ch

Anick :iR5 incm~jun. Cv!hAitile ll03 pt 3 CCP by th~tn(:orrt:inteq::: rht :.~tation

n;ltîonal jurisclic:tionex(;;in the rnaî.terand the const:.mjn:: ditm::;lkft(·

pbintiff's appeal aga::.ustthe Regional Court's zkcNov~~m ofb?007.In the pl;Üirdtr's
opinion.1h~exis!cuŒ of m1tiond jurisdictiin the rnatt i~~hrrwn spècificaily by the

SuprcnK·Court':; ckci:;ion of 7 l\ovember 20Cfl. TCO 29/07 (unpoblisbed). 'Tbat (kc[:;ion

de::.ignatt}dthe coun comp(·:kbt:aran arw.l:)gocas ag~in;;t thFtxleraTü;public of

G<:.:nnapurstwnt to Article 45 CCP, and a <:ont<x!he applic<Hionof Anick'CCP i~

thecxist( of nçtonaljuri~;(hclion.

Ddiver!ng an opinion on thec.:1st::[R!rtnaA.ti:i398;) § 1 CCP, the Altorney

Gencnü (~xpn: ls see-t!nt the appeaJ for cassHtion:;hoili:~missed. ...4 ·-

R..:·spc;ndingto Supren Cohr":;ckeision of 2l)tzYrnhe2009 illil\\·tittcn

cŒrunonk!Hioni.l26 Ft:hnmry 2010, the l\-linistry pnn--i:tdk1~nwtion, pursuanl

w Arii 116.~CP..ç.cmcern~...nternation·~ ln?a! a~mKtk>.()!': ~udateccas·;~

lav,orlm;;tnation,:Nlrt$ \Va vlt''""to cktennining ihe norms of c;u:;;tonmrytutc·:rnation;Ü

l:rw).....~..stk i:rn~ni,..


ln cxamining th(;':lppeal ii:l!·caSupr"~n,Co-r.:ais of1sdO\Vnmoiiontb<~
quc:slÏ\.lBof Jî\·aiic!ity of th<:prw:(/\rtic398 Q·l CCP). ()ne rensofi)the
inv(didity of proct:edings .isthat a pnny ha:; beeUK~fKlS;>ibioftdet~~n ibing

ri~~( hü\;rt37~,(::CCP.L Surh c!r~pri v.atn-snh, inkr aHa, from negligence m

rcgatd ithe ::.erofjudi.r:îal or proced<mildocuments.

1-lavingregard to th;;·()bligatiobyiArtkk 39&1.S1 CCP tu raise of ow11

!notiothtqu~~st ofioen!nvalidi~rte rmx.eedingsihe fiissut\Vhichthe Court bad to

con~id icrhisC<l$(Vi:'Xhdht_;,rthi; dekndant b·x~ckprived oC the: !)l)8:übility of

(k~lt:n idirni~~ lrat~r't. ~fsuelt<:k of prope~;c~r ofijdic;: or procedural

docunJi :~enp.t:stithaineeck t~dK'am;\v:.:;red,above aivvhet ervie on the

dd~:nd ofnÜH:Appenl Coutt\; decision dismissinpp~~e adL.f the::plnintiù ..s appeal

fàrcassation of !hat ckd.lhrou~ th:diAlomatic çhannecon-::t dit~utdÎ~~\·~~n·ke.
1.1eocugatto!l sc~rvtec nt::ClSJOri. nlsm~mgppea C:i?.rrH"Cln:.:-,r,olc:~t-.1)
v.=hereastbr?.obligat~;e treapp:a:fr çassatickri Ü\l i\icc~ySg:-'C"CP.

Polaodü:not apm:JytothiE.~urop (::ve:~Gm on Stn:c Immunity sigmalBasd

on 16~la y9?:2.(!\rmex lbtb~Minil)' oJustic çoJ~nunicatioof26 febnmry 20lu

h<·reinaf"Base Cotv<:nüon"). \Vhich pnt',.·tbtservicx of :;pccidocunJçntin

proceediugs agaîu:;t a f~;!e:hough the.:diplommie c.ha\Vith tresult !.hat:scrviz:e

1)such doçuntentide;;.rncdto tmve bdfi:~ çtthcirec;eipt by the m!ni:;try of foreign

ai'fhirsof the defendant stak (Art!de !6.) and 163)l)nithNtto:~ donven!ion of

2 De::.: 20:4rnnJuriricriorwlmrmmJt oÎSt~ts ~rn'dheir Propcrty (Annc:x:ih~~o

I\.·-IinisJustic om':~nication of 26 FebrD::t!y2010 ···lwreinaü\ionvcnüon.'),

\Yhîcheontain:;:>î.mipn:lvi ~Axiceo22.l.and 22.2), haJwt yeentct\Xinto t'ore(·:.
The CCP, on the ol.her hand, c:ornains non"·hnkver1.::onçeHwrnanncr DfS(:n:icG

oJ judicial a.nd procedocwnent:on a fon:: sak.~Antti:phe3tmttirne§28.Jof tb~~

l'Ainistry,h.IS!Jregulation ·: ~mumry 2002 on court action in !nkrnationnl civil and

crimina.l procecdingsink!T\aJtonal rcbtions .. in th:;fbr~s~xdnc23eDecc:mber

2009 (Jonrnalf Lt:t<>o P .. i!çrn 164amt~ndd 1;uuldçonstitulhelegal bn:;is J{n·

:>i}!Yofsuch adocument bya Pol:lc:ourthrougtlwdiplomatie ç.hanneL but neitiwr thaiprovision noany(lthcpruvi :ftiesaitregulation spedJithl~.::(l!l~ ofi~f.tauçrHx·~

1>yt.Kmm;stry o 0!\~1a.atrsota tle~üant :;tataccçpltn;;;<.:rcHx·urnent.

fhç servir;;;:<dekndant pÏ th: pcaJ Court'ckd~; dh:mnsingtf appea:lilnd

tbç piaintiJC's app,}al f()r cassation of ümt dt:CJsiondipkmurgh ctince~must

tK:v~:~ brd<l::cteoh(l;e~:.;eil:n:ive upcm nxcipttbL<mnsmittcddoc1.unetby:s

th<::tvlini:->Fon~i AŒn~irofstheF:.:~ H~kpnabloiCcnnany. Tu ülk t{~oppc1sitc~

v:i.n\'\holmak: <:nünuaticmnfttKjudic:iaprücei~ depnnent un u ck:~: :fî·h;;~ion

deténdnni~;ia ad\that îunaçc~.~ hpe~a~aatth;pei·c- tsm<~lnt:s arac:con te:~d
protection immunity J:!-1he uri:~d kt:ir1nncou:rls-·disc:u i:~..::~·lni---

not m itr.:ascsont ynm a :::pec;tcah~go rJ·cas.c~D<:transnJl~' ;ta:(n~ttert K:

defendantstak: them~mne driscus :lyefdlfi[s the a(!the ittstiwt:iothf>~rvicc

ofdocume nt:...~rivcieed i publlaw as~;;te's minister of üw;;·ign

nfl'aiha~fil pm:veï:on.:prc'·scnt:::titiht~'_tnwlrelations (.:'\nick7.2of the

Vienna Convention ou!J:Lg...o·rt\:aties sigon 23\'lal969 (Journnt ot'La\:\'s l<NO,

No i'-4,ite:r~9 Th.i:r~nn~;mi o<:sictnh1 the rninistry of foreign aU:ii.:.-rcbn:.­

çu:;urcs ttht tfendant~;t eceees knowh::dgeofproce~: unikr \sy<mdIs abk to

iak acto~ to detend itsri!; ·1nhut b;i..:.'ln tpahths h:v,c~dof judicial <md

procedurai docuruents odd(~nd ~a;ftarD<g)ihe diplomatchamH i~\lÜk1ya<:u-:pted

in inten1i3i:Ïpracticeas continncd. nol onby the international agrec::onn~;wte

irrnnunü:y·reü·oto above(Ba:;tCcm''"~ adt ionC!.m\\:nthm) but also by national

legislati(c.g. Scc·tion orBri1ain':;Si.::m:munAyct1972- ·AnncxL:t~tht.'Vhnistry

of Jusi:iccomrnnnic:alioof'~-Fe6ruary 2010, Sedion 24 oAustral Fiari~nStHles
lrnrnun /ctH1:~5---Anncx 1-:-the \1inisof Jw;tice~:ornn:lL t):k~6tbnwry

201D..:mdSeclto13.JofSouth Afi;ica's Foreign SImmunit Ace1981 ---pointII oi'th(·

Tvrinistryof Justice'·;;cornnn.m:u1f-'dxuar~~010).

The nextissutohe :;~~ ntcnneclionv.itbthcourt\obligatiotu rai:fits1nvn

motion the questiontheinvaiic!ityof t!Jc procc;.~~x~mliinthnanppc ~wde-a:;:mtioil

!.,.•.·.•..•···"....1._..t ,_.·"\...~1(.,•._,,{. .tv..-.c:~,_..' ,.-k~·,,.~__._(il'(}

ü'i';ovemoer _,,1.snu:;stw ac:twnanc.tnepam!J.1 s app<::tgawwat.cecTS1Prl.

Tbt}vi•~ c<pre·;;:in the!iteraturthat a statc:e::ntitknlto jurisdietioual

immunity doe:>not prcclucsc~rv ok (~copy of the kg<d ;:tc:honon tbnt stüte s.hould be

accept<:'d(preci.;;dy in the light of int;;·rnv.-n the:matler, as foHo,vs from the

argument sd out beln:.>\1or>:~ aopton~ro,the oppo:;i\·iew -as happen<:d ln tht:

presentCH:>---tha kgal actiohroughtunckr Arück 1099 CCPcan be disrnis:1vithout

being::>t. on~nb·dei.m~dantdinot rdea: tl,R~gionalCourt !î:oilsobligation und<::-r

,:\.ni357 §) CCP to :;erve a cofthe \kcisiodisJJIÏ:>Lh~a~tion oboth parti{SC(~ -6~

Suprer Com~i.iud~~ c1nK;~dtatcl55. I CO l:-i.OSNCiK 195\ No 4, item 66). The

obligaüonto:;t~ treplainiifCappt~ naanst the ckcisi(H1the ckkndanderi\ fnn~;

:\nick:~9 ~î'CCP.
·rhe aitempl :'}( thrJcison or 8 Novemb<.:r200di:~mi: tt:a'onin:1dthe

plainü!Ts ::tp}x:alagiün:;î.tlut decision on thpursuanto Eeguhtion >SlJ4g/OO

wns incorrec11t :;idn.:~~~ appleioonly in àvil and commercruatr (.rirl:;.! ),

legal m:tiort brobyhnamralpcrsons in an EU [\/kmbr;;rSi.ak Hn<1LbeEU \kmb>:r

Swte :tc:ompen8::ùÎ(lnin resoflo~or;;nÜ( as:rn:dultoactsperpd:rateby


Thus th e~g[onul Coml faiid'ft:ctivto serve on the dr:;fi;:ndantnot ouly the kgnl

<ll~ tdfobut also the ded:sion disnJÜ;singthe nçtion and the pl:üntiffc-sappeal <:gains!thal

decision, and thAD~..alC:ourlacce.),dthis. There are nevcrthdeno .....ltfor

main1aining ththtd~fendantv,\ eprved uf the possibilitck:ft~n idrihts <.\·)thin
ttKrw~ani ongctide 379 {5) (:CP. A judgment as to whelher ·as iwcch:privcof

the possibil0r de!èuding righ18 !XHbe based on t:; pii.(:cnmstances. Thcre can

bt o~qw~sti ofohe itrvnlühtyproce~xl oinbtsgn.mndtlllleth(:re b~x) ;bn::èich

of proçedural la:>lJas to subst:Jntiaily th(p~o:~sib ofilctty ot'a :pany iJH~

proi:'ecdings in th'' spcircun1~: ofatt:ta:s.This rule:; ouÎll\'Hliof the

proeeedings on th(: ground rdèrred to th<:partyconn:rucdf~1î;of~an
availabk possibilitycldî~nd itiight:(sce,fc1rexampk, Suprerne Court judgmcnts of

23 June 2004, \' CK 6\))'/()l, LEX No l9,·JJ03. <lnd8 .\UlCKN 461/99, u:npub­

l!shed). Tndmor the dekndant\behaviour in the instant çcannolbe maintained tbat

the~;bortcoc.....nintQ:..Hi:3~n:iccof documents \Vbkh htrve bc·cndiscu:;sÜK':ere

renl caus.;.:odeü~ndan t:i"seto act in !he procŒdingn1l!o\vuncquivocally fro.m

the abovcmentinn<Vi~r uotlof the Mii1istryof .Foreign ; f t!JcFederal Rrpub!i(: of
Gr;~nm thyi in suc(tn:> as~se pre:; ih·~mut servkt.: judkia1and ptonxlnntl

documents on the ckféndaut stak h consid-ercciFt::ce ReprblJcof Gc·rm;::as a

breachor:~U jur.dktionalimmurtity, The:conkof the said note pennit::: the assmnption,

vvithnprohability bordering on ccrtainty, fHl(R(q::ionCourthad crtixü·:;crv:ice

tbrougbthe diplomat(:hanndtbe docnmcnts tromsmitli:d\VOuldb'~ee\turncand the~

ckft:.ndant\.Ynot have taken part in the pmcc:(::dil)g;;.
Sincctber \r:no basis fàr declm:ing îhc proc1.:txJitms!he ground thal the

dd~:nd ad been deprivcdorthe possibilitydd~:nd tn ights,thtSnp!ÇH)(Court

wcm on to examine the grounds for cassation put :t{mvardby the plaintiff. -'1
! -

Pursuant to Ar1kle 9J.<llttH Const!iui.ioR(·gu!at!nn No ·-1-4/l0 invokcd in !he

app<:al f'oC<!SSi'tttak(:prccedf: ovtncn<to~al lavv:;_N;rtnra.lly,pri~ced etnc<·

Rq;:ulaiicHt Io4-4/0! over nati.onal lm,;s c:omcs itno consideration only wb<mthe rnatler in

hand :üllb~sith thns.o~t: oft!h sid Regulation, Tts %:ope rntionc mat:ci.:::cktimxl

posilivdy by thefhsts:;::nknofAnkk L J, \>..·hpnrvidesthattb~ R~-:gu!ati:~b apply

in ci-;;il:t:omrnerdalmattersThi ·r~visimtrditnrtcs tlw fi:;.im t'·: m~of::

the Bru:~: C oeventionand iothus•lik mo~;i-Cthe 1,ovîsionof R<·~-:m l}a440•lnan

c:<pr<.:Ssnf contirruity vvilhthe p!uvü;ions ~-;~('lndc::nti(sn re~i1ah:5and 19 of

the-prearn abdkArtic:k 68 of tbC"I<".(:guF.or that r;;;!hencas,l~n ovth('Court of

Justice of thç Europçan UnionCOIIC<~ A.tiDl:.g or ÜlCBru'3·3d:;Conventioremain:;

f'u,..-1-[iç;:.i\(i'VO ,..,...ttnornousdefinition otl1ll)hms''~iv:;tnd;;ornnrt~rc·iaJ

nw.ner:-;'i'n<kpendt.:ntum<:--~ ;triutedsloii in individu),:let Sate, trt.:C'nurt

of Justi ocrÜ~l(European Lhüon holds that the ([U(~S vvhtthcr a matter:it:vil or

çon:nnercial is (k:cidedthe natun;: of th:::kgal relotionship which bas givcn rise to th.:

d!spus t~txjudgrŒ ~fn2l April[993 in f/(;lkerSonntog v I:hmHiàidmmm, Flisobeth

!faidmann ond S'tejàn n·aidtlunm, EuropeCouTlJ:kport:; 1993, p. HJ1963 and the ruling:;

invok(·dbyP. Cirz~~:~ ~.R:ysklundcIykW,eiv in•·[)J7s;:orz:::~~ .::1r.npiectsvvi-a:~go

Tribuualu Sprav,·ù·:d ;!zkn:·,neur~jj:.kgo prav\aproœsovv q '\inego (200:t.

2008)" ~--R.( -fl'e1/DÏ<(<1\(- h' Europcau Couri of Justice in the fordEuropean
civil procedm-:11!:r..,;·lvomihPrawa Prywamego (PriY Lalw(~uartcrly):;~( ~)0o9,,

p. 755. Startithm1 !hat pre!nÎS<.\the judgnh:nin Lechouritoel al. to which reier(:nc<.:

J"'"~~ll' ·)-'''tllV ;1n·-pJ il t'~l'l't·ivt,.l'llF"'i·l·.,)rt1'tl·(!ro',"·l)fil·~li:Jfr
.,<~•.,.,J"·._.Jt••-{."'-{_.•. '.1.l.·~. <01.c -"''•.·'-"',.·t.),.\-. ..,·-r·•-.. ·
court rdating to a Ckrn:\V<JrtinJ<lSS :dK:trll;.eof Kalavri1a'-t.\>.:hcChrctions

tlx c:.orutx v<nhc:at:ib•n,.:htlwnatural1;ersous twainsaddcndant :>taas be!ns:.
...... . J . '-· ....
lL1hk·uuder civllv!'ürr nets ur ornis;;ions of its armcd f!:m:c:;fÜtcs<:operationc

lnatçria( the Hru:;:;eCoJ:tV~ ~vnürohose acts oonüssiüu:; occ:urn}dduring n military

occupationM1Jh ~lninrd'Estalof domicik' folli)v,'inga \.varof aggrcssioparlof the

defénJanL at\manif(~ Cill·v 10the h::c1fwar and rnav aiso :onsidcr\:d tbtcrirne:;
v'. . •. .' . /
againsl hurnanüy. Thus t!KEl.trojK:Court of Justic".:-did uot C'onsider;;.uehaction::: for

...ornpcnsation to l>c civil matter:; \'•:ithin the meaning of Artof tbt.: Brussel:;

(\nwcntion, norby t!J :a~;;:t:o};.:en\,viim,:aningof :\rtide !.of Rf:soluti"~4 .(J

i.e. amnttt .d~rgspreviously \Vitlr!ntlK scopt.:rat:ione mmenaBmssd:;eConvçntinB

and no\:<' ithin 1hat oRc~gu!a 4'iOJnTn tb: yi(~ of ü1ç Courl oC JHsti:.,nilitary

operations cünducted hGt~rmn dnying lhe Second \Voi'!d\Var vveemanati ofnw:~c;

SIW>:n::Jgnnmsmucn <b LWY -..,.eeci(Œu upon m a WHcrt<.:anu CJlrHJtmanner oy t 1c

competent pubiiç authotiüc:; Wi:~ !nked to th::;ürl(oreign polie;:: given >vording - g ..

Gf th (ovision iqtK'$tion. tk:.wfn1ntoruni<nvfùltK:ssof su.ctü>!msno b~~;n oing
this inteqm.:tadon. The Conrt of !ünher.grmtodcd its judgnwnt on otk;, ~ds in

tiKHcid cdf.Urt)p c:vl pn(>Ux!.uthm:. narnel:v Regulat)(1Jl \E80:\:')00ofÜK~

Europeün Par!Luw ndnof th~CounciJ of 21 April 20cn:ang ;1r::uropcau Etr({)rç(:mcnt

Order i~ )rconte:;;tcdclairn:; (OJ J4.3,p. 1) and Regula(LC) No 18(.16!2.6f the

Europc Palinmenl nnd of the·Ccmnci.lofDtc~:m 2006i'J"eatlnga Europcaordtf(·~rr

p;1ymcntprucedure (OJ -:!006L p.1\ both ofwhic.h (in the::s;;_:nttoef /\.rilçle 1.!

and th(:·sc.:se;.îl o<A:tilX)J n.:spedively) cxplicitly exli~lh of1hcstme ürr

ai.:ls ano:missionin the excrcise o;)tak autfwri(dclo


Tht :ppeal Court ':vastlri~ to·t)lO\tinth~foobtc·ps of tR(~gin Cnar1and

hol.dihailw intnpn:.g ~tvai~ihe_iudgr n<L.:frmrtnu etal.n.:maincapplicable ··

al.soon the basis ()id~t1.Jof Rq;:ulalion No ,_p/(}1..cîrcum~;t aftcçi;;tnt
c::~ Tue;eoJttS of the Munber Stas:houlapply Europc:m Unionlnwin conthnnity ·'-'vith

1--"--..... •.' ••.•...- ''·~',.1.-._·'••..J_,.n......l>._.-\_,\.·,)-""'J'~-~·o..

breach !(nc~d Jin conjtmction with Article :R~~~nla Noi4tOl by n:ling that tht;:

matterinvok bydthe plaint\Vasnota L>ivl thhrine~m inbgt l.<.eguhlliunis

theref uofn"t~dt:d.ln this n.:spect, the a('m;~;focait1osnno argmnçnts \·Vlratcvt:r

that mighincline tSuprerrw CourtG requestheCourt oJu~;t prcuanl tArtü. 27lof~

ttm Treaty on thh.Hlctiun:iof thtEDropcan Union (hc.:rçi.n<likTF[ll"''to givx.'a

ru!î.ng.on a furth(:r questionint(~rpr efthetemo."civil and eonmlt::matter:~··

used in th:îrsetttnç(::of Arti!!. of R,_.lation No 44./0l..

From ils corrr;i;ul_.rhh~(ü....tion Nn 44/0\V<Iin::t{1}:J1iolthe rnirtin

hanc!..1he i\ppConrl, th(:'Regi;:malCdt\'Wibe \:-,•C<)ndüsion. to wit th~t
said rnling it~;(:]fpr a(yj:rsJit.lnloedoli:collriinÜ1<nw~tter. Sinkq~ubtiun

No 44101 wa:; inapp1kab.klO this mattt.:c the :>upüfrnationül juti::;clic:lion f()r the

internationagn~emc wéantlso irn::h:qmt, and nmuined tolx:cunsidercwas vv!n;tilcr

nationnl jurisdiccxis it h; tnatter hy viof national kgislation. The ba.;;î:;ürr a ruling

on thi:pointruustnc'n~s: be 1ieC)od~l;f.:vil Procedurc.:in V\::rsprcŒding tbt::

La\\'of S Dcc:cn12008 on Rcvisi(>[)tihCo(lç of CivjProœdo and OtherLegislal(on

(Journal nLa\VSNo ::u-t(i:;:ml57l~vhi< chnte ino :f(m;conJ July 2009. Pur:;nant to

Artiek~Ll of that Law, pro\'Î;)Japply to Pl'OCe<.xsstitutan,d hr dHk of ic:Irtry

into HJrçc,\\.'!Jhe procedings iÜi:i.s:.t~a:;w1~ in-ttuted befon:: l July 2009.

According totb~ Cock of Civil ProŒdure in th<JÜ)cemcnt iion~r.nidonal,

jurisd.ici\va:composi itnaure, \Vbiclnotthe caseinÜ;ri~nrnftexisJ(~mx:lhen dc~pcn frsld on t~stab1 i~soninn,g~\Vilitk'Po!.îshh:g,al<:reavi.omli.::cüng

fildorwith rwticma! jurisdictio(}XtSÎli\condition) and se;..:ondon the :::.b: ~);f~;.:ncc

juri:;dictional i:rnmu(!lq~< c!nditvn).TlK·provisiom; of i\rti>:ks lll 5-lll ()CCP dealt

<,vithimmunity._as indicated th~Ü lltl)tt1r:.section romprising tlwrn: "e:-;em.ptionfrom

nationai_jnctsdic!ion·'.!\from d1phmlatiimruuuity(i\rlick1Jl \::tlçonsukr ÎUllYPJUity
· \· r JrJ'' })l 1 l · t • ·• ·· 1 · - · !'j' · · ' ..1 ·{
V rt!Cü~\ .:.\_o_mx: so <H.:cc ~!;_l!Sü!CtlOO<JnmJutllty •.on.~1:lacs,trans!ëlu:JY
1-l"::<;'l'·i·{Jr'Y '"Yttt'"!•--·lr·•·rt'.}L1l'[·rt·\'.[<"!-•·tl''-ttT':'tYC<~v i_ ikd
-"·....{J.I1....""~·~-·.·,:..,.~,'l(-•1••• ,).---~~.,._,._lJ~----1•}'.~·-.t'.·"-
Polisjuri.spr uwdkenit in!luenceorlhe litera:ure is ümt~H;ÇO!' \1·-.chde 9

of 1J:ieCom;.titurion,~;our ofçeuch inmmnity is gc:n'-:rallyat:(x:pü:dinkmatpfactk:e

cSupremc Coun ck;.::ision of !3 !\·larc·h2008, lll CS:!( OSNC~ZD, 2009, No B.

JtenJYi).This vtc's is iththe ruling:sthe co1.1rsf'many st~l lt~e.griürin,

Ital S~iterh, .!, Cir(·cend Cknnany) and ofth: F.,u~rop (ourtof lTwnan Righ :;t::e.

tor <:·xanlp.c, Vie~;·:m .c,:n:-icn·emtK/OUt Hl .t-.csmu-·v. t1e Untwc,K'mguom ··

Armex 63 \0the(V{inistof .h.ts- tkO:icn~'usnkofat6FGohruary 20 l0). Tht: bori!he

juri:::dictiona.limurunity of lstateis thpdncip olhe.?qualilyors_u: (rarel:parent

non haheJ imperiwnl,Th(· purpose oi'thi:; ptin;·,,·hi:;~(·<pressionof respt.:ct~il:'l.k

snvereignty·isfo maintain fi-iendlyŒ!miobGh-VC>:ün<:s.

nati~ .gishüon, it'k<ttherek>t\' ncce:;:;~;trk :t~py,:a only ttw

·'·1visionof the CCP c:one.~ .'-•J'mn.\n,,r.ct.: with national .....!at.otL but tl~t~

ruks of customa1y public intenmtion:ü lal.vconcenüng <>tateimmunity ;Js a <::(mditionfc;r

~.:x;;; lmHntnaionaljmi~>dictiotL

Tntht: iight of Artide 1103 pt J CCP invoked iapp:e or assation. thenç~wbç

no doubt as tthe t:;xisteoftlw posiüvt:·conditifM natio nr~sil:tion in tc:1s<Th;;:

pbintiff is S(!ddng t.mlbrcenhmt of an obligari~ i!omngn unlawful act comn1ititd in

Pohnd. Tbcr ac~ofdinglyt.~x Üi:c:ousecting i'actorvvir.hnatir>nHllegis~;tipu n ated

ümt p:·, the Ù)n:.::lainol.1bgationin Pol::tnd.

Th( ~1nlissueof rnajopr::u;ti:;iprificann!herefore. is \\·hdlwdc!C~mi aa nL

shü<;t.~r uoixsictional immunity, i's!Janc•:xlsth.r~c~.ol j,ttedinc<:1inpambnJor\~

dinJçullqut:nion ···mpktcly p:_:tssO\.-erby tiov,·ccourts !nvo!vein tl!case .or 1he

t'ulft!rnentnon-fülfihnentof the negative condition :t()rnajud:;diGtioin tbç hmi! of

the abs·~~ on u(idictional !nJn1lH!ity (e:<;.->rfrom national jurl<;c!iction. not as

rtlent1c)nein Artkk:3 1111 and JI! 7. CCP but as <lflS i1[o;~gcnçralty ac:ccpted

The content of the cuo::ton1aryruk of public in1ecnaüona1!Hw c:onçerning the

jurisdictional imrnunity of statesb:u~letenn aicnc!indi\tb:;;crikria v;,-p,ursu:mt 1o i\nick: JS.l.b tb<:Statut:;,:of the InternatCotrn of Ju:::tie('(.louof Law:>!947.,
-, ·T' . •('J . t 1' l • ' , ' ' " 1 - . t'
No.-.). tte~.. as amene,;.:;~t ü<~'C:: lostve~~.::-oste)tcustomary :1w as a source o·

public in1ernionniLn\''fhose criteria angenernlptntliccand a ldt legal oblig;:Llo ücl
in the spccifü:rnnnner.Tlw d-=.~ mta iralÜlr dt:ternüningsuch cm1knt.çonsists ofihc

prQvision:; of tb<.:Ba(\;J1\'l;;ntand the UN Cotrvcntion, the c:a..Ja,·foint:;,~nmtio:nal

c:matsthe decision:; nationaJ c·.ourthetc·xtof foreign legam:tsand rd:;.:\<ttaternents

intb<liera lure.

Jn vievv ofth( erher em.phasison theconnediorl b:;;i>'>tb~Ui~st<mtcase nnd th;~

judgm(;n:in Leclwuriloticial., imust be: sixesst:d !hat r,:krcto tbat _judgmcnt cannot

tcplac:mwly~b ;ai~:;on:t:;abov(·mentÏI)llimaterin1 ·rhejudgruentin Ln:ht~ie rtaü.ou

contain:;an intçrpŒt<Iiionn::kvantto th(' :;IJb:;Lnitiv":sçopt.: of appliof Regulation

No ·~4! 0niclo(·snottouch upon sute jurisdictionimmnnîty. 'The Coun of Jusli•of the

E.uropem1 Union ddib~;ru ltd h(:qu~.~: o>tsidon[mmunity ocns:.dethe:~co üf:i;

ckliberarions.Unck:r Anicl<.267 TFE.l.) (ex :\rticle 2of the TreHiy establîshing the

European Community). ih:: Court of Justiceh<~ j:rsdiction tcgive prehminary tuHng~;

eoncerning thE iterpretatioof th< Teatks and the validity andint(~l'j ofJaettaftteon

institutionbodie:,of:i:icesag~:~m ofti.eEu;opean Union. ltÎ~ierd('ll'enot eorupe!cn1 to

interpret rulcs ogen~~ ircmlaliomü (:nstornar;la\.(see point'78of tJg:Gpin[nn ot Lbe

;\"-._:\t,':·11_:ntrLlecl-t!T- '.('(-~J·-"'"'~..(-.•(~ ,;,1•·'- •- .o... \~. -'--•-,.:•:··

that tht: ad:üm brouglngain:na state in thîs c1:;.noa civilmaHer y,.)thithe nh,;;aoior

the fîr::».:·nt<:'f Artick l. 1 of Hcgulntion 44/01 donol pc:nnii lbç~mdusi towt the

matkr i:c~vered. b:)tat_jurisdic1iomüimmunity.
·n''j 1 , } "~, • , ' , , . j' 1 ,. ,, 1:
y>He t,Kextsknù ~s sucJ ottOf<.::stmes· tnmîumty m procce(Jnw; )èTGt mnwnai

coung is beyond dnuht,the p~obkm. isth· pn:~, scnpt of thatirnmunity.This problern,

\-vbjchis a sübjecni'grea! :i.nterin tlw litcratuisc!osely int~:~r i.itd.e:i6;uedf

access totl-c~>u and the ckJi:ncorothçr bask buman rights.

Until W\>unctlhe !950:; st:rnrnunit\Vasgenendly recognîzcd asahsc>lutcH çxisted

ccmcept of absc1lut:stateürununity fi:Hine:-;pr( as~1ae a.o2.6Scplc~m h990~rin a

Resoluticn of the S<:ven Judgcs oftheSuprt.:rne Cour(T!IPZP 9/90 ,OS\iC 199! No:l·-·3,

ü:.:.J7j.At thtj)t'tsetinh\as H re:mll ogradua!rk:patture Ï!'t>m!hat conc:ept. in Pa:_;,

in otlwr ~;tat itCî'$on:üdered a general1yacc<~p ptid ple thd: a t~:>r seaig·n~T~jc,ys

j misdk:lional immunitonly innJiüte:r:; rdarwrtw1c;:~-:, of :cttam h=r-y" i.e. acwÙ-ilY!

unperii, but ntJi mattt r~ltig to pan:lcipmion iordinary civil and conJnJÇJTiai affairs,

t.<a.era hll'e gestionis (see Supreme Cowt}udgmeof 11 ?vfarcb )(lOg, LUCSK 293/07). - l! -

()n th~t>:;.um !ep-f:rltha!t(,pli:ri nctitue'ae~. i~lCt.:o vàdhanKce

Ykvvç;;:q)r:;::JLhincl~meBt i.nLc·choun!Uïiet u!, lo acof thedct':;::na.l.lî\:Vith

tlt ~t;p~hcon:actu Jure jmperii1h0 d~;;ndant would tlmknlbtedly enjoy jurü;dinional sorne t'nJc. ho>vcvcr..!hcre havstïo.~-l:n~.icndeto>Vilrdün:!ht.:r

.._..··~".L·t..i.-3~_..•t~•___~-...,_.•...~:. ..,.-,.l•-.,.t~...·f-o.-:'-~·~•)·.J·_·\.'i)'(;.~

th>:>.t:endt:nrnu~ çonsidc't\:cL

Thz:main puint at i::i:the c-;dnsion !;l<:innnunitin proceedings rdnlin:;: to

red!\ fr ijury or dmnagcsntli ~saere~. oulnbwful act:;comn:Iitted--aÜiipresent

t.< <Snt;ef:rum stak, i.e. stateoftheconrtgi'ving,~u (tn -n~~n.\.C Tb;eepation).

deq) t::~Jeo grou:ds:t:ideoylngmate irnmunityin tllar"~ Tal:strongco1m(~~ o~tion

the (!J::ttkr\th-lgai ordeor !httbrum siate isargmù( ~in:tourof such deniai. The

on~m· o~asstate ittK k~~uit or\:hich :::um~h artcomrnitledmust bv vinue .of its
'-· .. -..' - - . ' "' .
juri:·;dictionover the.geogr<rphicaqui:~sin h\n(the possibili1y ofjudgfh~kgnlil)'

oJ thosac t.~

Wiih one ï.:':\Ce(Pakistan':; Sttrnrmtnity Ordinanee 198! ), in all\Vhichs

bave }Xls: b;v-:uvd.:rningth:}inununity of to:;i;n hos~ msvsr::xc inumucüy of a

dd'cndantJ:on~ :ag nn cases rebting to \;r::ommitkd in the t>.:-y:i:the !hstat<:~

~§ !60S(a)(i) oCthe United StnF~.m} iognrcignlmm.w:titiAct of'i9Î6 ·--Anne:<l1 tu
the I\'Hnisof ,lusÜc\t;UirllrH.micaof :.Ft~bnm :r[fl S\;ctionof thBeitish Act of
" .. ... ' ,

1978. Section ofLh Si~gaporeStat Tom:.nil:V Aof 1979r. ··HlkX D to the i"vlinistryoC

.ius:tice's conunnnication of 26 Fehruary 2010, Fa5(lfth<Canadi:J.Stnt lm :nunîty

Act of 1982 ..:\n B{1~ to th\tinistrof Ju:;ticccommw1katiun of 26 Fdmm:ry 2010,

Stxtioo 13 of!he ~ustrahan Ad of :l9R5, Sectit)u6 Ü!ç South African Act of !981,

Article }{eof!he Uti\· of !995 ontheJ.rsdlctiona{ [n:uxHJnityof Foreign Stbc:fcn·\:~

Argen!inian Courts Arme~ l6.w the TvfinistryJustic</~~ommunica oti2{FH1~bnm:r.y

2010, Article 6?/E. pm<l l(th(: Hungarian L1\.v-Dccof 1979 on Priva:e Intem;Hjonal

La\v ·-·\vcb:;itc of tüu~;mnti onm~missionon Civil Swtus: hHp:/!, and

Article 10 o!·ibe Act on the (Ï\'il Jurîsdiction of Japan .(J'verForeign Statt.::s--·ac:cording to

iirf(mrwtion;;'tV<nknüŒ !nternd ..tJil\V ~:nti;tn;'dm:.;; 1/'>:.l010).

Sin!ilar!y, !\nidJ or the Basel Conv;;.~ pnehak:u H de!'i;;nda~;ta f·om

dliming juri>::dktional:imnum.i!)'in provrdntingto reclres:;Îl~\ or iumrge ifthe

acts YviJillcea:;ioncd the i(ldamage occurred in the tc·:n:it!K'stat.t:.of the..'orum

and t"tîwauthor of the injury or cbm\V<pt!\~s icthat krr!lory thttcm~<.vhentbosc:

acts oc..T~ ~.\rtic:k:12 th< UN Convt.~ nnkeonan analogons prz_,vi as~joio~n,

Anick 3F of the DrafiCom"t~n tnithn.Jmî::.dictioImtnlmi tfStt~stan:.T~hsir

Protx~ adottyd by thehrtcrna:tionLaw Association a:r·vJc in!!82 .(nernationalLrwal \bterials !98:;, voL XXJT, pp. 28.:s.q.). <;,vhikin the rewlution adoptb~ 'w/

[nstitdC'Droit lnternati(ma(n:·;Ü ifInt~rnational L.mvatitsc:.ont( ~rBcad cen

!991 Uns!ftuterf !nternatiorwl la1v 1992, vol. 64·pp,267 <::~:t~ iJ.BY or d1n:nagc

resu!ting hom. a crir C:~lmmitkd in the l'oruru state m<::titionamoug: the c:rikria

indicating that i:h(:cDurihalsuneh<ùt~juri~; ditpt::oCnae..

The vie>xth<Ia ck:kndant stak doe:>not enjoy ünmnnity in procecding:; tdatklg

redŒss !<xirUur-,·r damag(: sntTeasda result of !Jnl;::.wihl;lc:hcc)rHh~ifi:H·usült<::

i:;aho :mpportcby jndici<llpn.wtin:. Tvt~ V\lvtakcn, fof'exampkby the L'S(:ourt of

Appe;d::;ili:decision o~~I 9kn~mb. !;89 in llden Uu}~Nepub!ù:t!l.C'hi;w!Annex ) to

the iv{inistr:;of .fwaiee's c:omtnunk:mion oi'26 February 20 lDCin:S ~uekn~: Courl

ln ils decision o\day :~00 i0Pn:/{'('i(~.O'! iFeoteaa Repuhlic(iC)ermany.;known

as the Di.to1nocas .•,nex 19 to the .'vti...trvof Justic·om.i'nunicatn. :~ 6ehrua~·

20l0), :md by theIratiaCour!. ofCa~;sa !niisdecision oïi1 ~:!a rUd04in Férriniv.

Federa! Republh· of Germany (Annex 3Jb to thel\'linistof Justicc'communication of

26 F<~bru 201ry).


The matcrial011Î111ernaliolegal acts ::~tat practke adduce.d abov(:a5\vella~

tht.:pinions of sdw.brs,ves gnn.mdsto Dssethaiai th-:pŒs<.ttimt"h~c~dree.nott:~ mjsr

obhgatîun underinlc:·rnatioualJa·wto gram a fo:Œ[gnimrnunityin proce;:~ ratinggo s

nxlr<:ssfo.r injury or damage re:::u!tingh:Dmtmiavd\difcth(a~ts whichocca~:i tened

irtjury dnm~1 gct.U~lTitt.~ldrritory of the :stak of tiw f(mtheaauthor oth(injury

or damage vv;bpn;~s ienbt territoty at the \vb; t:osnacts oct;.umxl.

Tha.ta:<.sertioho\vever, chx:s not çondnck the matter. ln c:on~;id cering
<"Î)TH'1'S '.',~'!J,i'''~~{>l1.;'\c')l'li.T'}lfJl">t (1'l'lh'Jjl··· h·l'i'~r'tl'l·',.!;çJ
...,.~•·._...-..,tl~o,J·.'!.( ~·}.ll~·_(....., t-·.·.') .·-·..< .\..J.•.;t,\... ~. ·'-·

)s \\:bdher the norrn of cu:::tomary public inkrnationai lavi/in tl)rce at the pn:scm lime: iJuu

jwü.clktional immuniti:n;.c!uded in proccçdixtf?SHgaist;a :d~tne loredrcs-f(H· ir~jïE)'

Of d~~m~ stuf<t::~:a;n::udt oan unla\.vfulact committ::d in the forum state is Hp:plicnbk

whcre th(un~hnv-fulat(lCCUJTüds~;c myca~s ago ... when thnt nor\Vasnot yetin {\)rc:e.

The accep!(:cprinciplof pnblic internatiolavvthatih<:legal signiflcancc aas:>CS'3T!Jcnt

of c~v-~ ck.psendo~ he ruk~ is force at thti.hof~Ü!<~.oTl.HT<::ncould ~iven~aso tn

COriCCt :b~<dJ)i:Sç(t:('VentSlB tl:sphen; of public interna\i{1J1U]!mWhcrCWi St;Jti:~

immun:ity,although ainstitutioof publi<:intanalîcmal b-.v,is of a ckarly proeedura! nature:

itallix:ts the possihility of passing judgclnthe :;nbslançc ntb~c~se, ln the field of

proc~xtma .ho\'evvr. the inlcrtemporal prinçi:ditlerent: proc:eedings institutcd under

a new·Ja,,arecon(htctdaceording to that l(principlof the immediate applicatwn of ne>.v .. !3 ..

t1w grou.uds br the Supremc: Cotd::cî~• (J2-+Jun~ 1~99, 1CKN 269/99, (>SNC::.:ooo.
-~;.-,• •"1 •• • ! 1" • • .' t ., 1"~ . l".·, ., j' ]f..,
,-,o ;., H.:9auntorth~rZesoluoonothiCSt:w~ .uog;~oi:tï:SupŒm<::t..<.Jmto.1an1mry

200 1 on a Legal Priuctplm CZF ,l9/00, OSNC 2l)i No 4, itt·mJ),'v!Jt. um.s:cblc>

drcum~;t ~buinslinite'pn::senca:; F:;tk. ent to smte im.mtmity musttK~td (C'e

(:>:aminedl\!htlight of t!lOll!ortiltC:'mationail11f(WC(Hlthetirn \]~n th:CU;.rt~

d~t:î onktH.::dmi:>:>ibilityof the proceedings. and not the noratithe tim<.:i'·/hen

th ~n1mvfül au tJ-wtis th(: subjcct ol"!he pddtonîw;;com.tni Aisitni~rpohkm

arising în rr;.g:mdto the app!ication Dt'th(: LS r:(;m:ignSovercign\\'üsettkd inct

thalmanntr by th<tS Supn:mc Court j''gnent of 7 JuBe 2004 in Ahman·1Rcpublic o/

Au.~t (rùüpl lJ.9b of thrvlini o~.lllylstcimc<un·ction of 26 February 2010 and

.Anni;.); n the opinion of that Cmut therc is no impcclimeut to applicntioo of the

exemption from irnrnunity provided ün· in the Ac:: in pïClCt:edingstboccurr<.~nces

1NhicltookJ"lhKbet<;rits en~·v iii)\ i'du(iu~...-nts that occutduri ....{Sec(ïDd

World Wur. A t'urt ahrg~urn n Sn.pml of the podti<:>nadopted is provitkd by the UN

Convt::nii.on.\Vhik i\rticstipul !:attsh(C~rrvemion s.hani."apply in procc-eding:;

im;tüu:tcclpr·o itt::ntÜlt1forçt.:;no prc.•nonT:>poncl:ingAxtick35.3 oït}wBm;el

(•)J_'•_•ot1<·..-... ~-.n-l--·:...._·.t:·..•, {..Jo._"-!-_o,!<-_~v..-'·~~·.;< "· lj.l_lrl":':

instiH.ttedatit(~nt irtyforce but rtla:tt:to prim ev<::nts.
-. • . . • '. 1 • ..., .••1'l' !' l ! . ..
(:r1vena posmve~U:!SV l}tn<que-::t!nt1ne app.l!caoJioytw ru.~llGustomary

publk: imernationa!nw in Ù)î"c(:at t:r;:senrime:the m::xtqnes!i(m th!h~< t:dbe;

mlswered in corme-ction \'ex;;Tnptio11-oms.tate jmisdic:tiona! i.mmn procteding:;

relating to redress for injury or damage a~a>resuit ounb~.- as cornrnitted in thC'

ibnun swte îs -v,-lFsruciJ exemption aJ::tpp i!peroc~xdi cnon:c~;rn(in\g't;h;:;·~.tts

oc:cnr in i.imes of anned contlict, and Spt}Cifically:mcvcnisas the pacification of

/\:rikk 31 of the Basd Convention, in stipulatiug tlwt notbing in t1K:~h:.=dlntion

affi ;:y~drnnH.r oriJtiir:i~njo;cd:by a Contrac:tSratcinre~;p of<m ybing dont:

or omiHcc!to be donc: by. or in rebtiit ~r,;d fl:m Y.:'<m~:t>ltcnitory of unolhcr

Corurm~ Stit.gruk~ o;télpplicationof te-:-;;, :~'mn:;tljoHis:itionnimnnmity

provükd Ü)rin Article i1 in proceedings rc1atingto redress üwd:n:mry:.:f:g<~dt~;

result or unl:rac:1ctninitk'd in the fùn~:; n ~t:iitu miingooUsof arrmxl Gonn!ct

(se i(~hiCŒ}ŒX:tionp!)int ll6 of t:~xpia mnaoroortl1Cor~·cntion ---Ann:2to the

\-linistryf htstice'scomrnunicationof :26Febrvary 20 l0). The lnternntionaiTA:t\V

Cornmis:;ion'corm:nŒHs on Article L?.of theu; correspondto ..l4 .,

..:\r!i<:kJ! of HilS(:CO!JI,'(TÙl(pp.·44-·46.. Anne:'to ÜJ<t\JinistrorJustic(:'s

comrmmicaüoo of 26 Febn.wry 2Ul0)like\v eilc:ss~.bvicv~thathis phwis!on doe:; not

apply in~dluut arsinsout of arrncd con.!!ict and it \Va.:;that vie'v whieh prc.vailed in the

negotiations on the Convention.A s!rnilar pnsitinboibeld hy th:utl:ors (HuFo:-;

and David P.Steward)\:VJ :,Hhet~ntsarequokd in Ann<:K<::and 7 toÜK'\fini:·>'t)o

Justic(:'s cornn1nnkmio26oFcbnwry 20 1O.

At the .samei:ln iiis~h\rd to Jlnd at''CH<lpof a rnling bya national coun

rc~cogni wzkyq ;.U:v;;nsis cd:t·h(ex~~cpi teoam,isslbllily of actions kH·redŒss

a'--· afiùl.__ta~:i~r:l<îÜo.oev<. ~no. ...;;se•'\Vari .ondud.~d in!be terr~·Ol'\'
!rthe fonn:n si:ai(:.

In vië>v of !he :;pc·citle nmilitury~xmfli stLee!ritkro<::mto jtuüdi("tiona!

inmmuity a;Jpem·:;mosJustif pnt:~dciiserayion m mattcrs cnconrpass;by:\var[w~;,

I\nm~ cnflict.. and large-s CciltSu;ahGncnn~us,estntclion and sufkring [nvo!v,;d,

cannot be ïeducixl to rtJation:; b::state (the nuthor ofÎl\iuror damage) :md~rn

injured imhvidual: \1/m:ake:; piacprinmrilyb,~tv, sttesnFor tharn::asonmat(~rial

d:dm:; rebting to anned connic::t ü'tc!itiom1Ht.:gul;:\ted h>,.peace !.n::atlt:s:wn\::-dat

re::;o o..,.i;n:n•~3C'C oithe nçii~tSin iheir ent.;etboü1 tlinlcrna!:lomd and the

individ lev!.:!tate jurisdictional ürununit:· in such ~~nsurstiatg

matt:rial claims resultingwar!':::rrd~at \vith by an internatla\NprocedureTiK

purpose n!'exduding judicial sC'ttledispuf tbo.ts~ch chdrns i:>to prevent a si1uaüon

in whi(·hthnorm~!li sf1luuolrelations hetw(::<::sntheend of a\Yarihampcrcd

by mmh~rou csurt('<FidcnJing \Vith n:wit-r(alcrt..~~ fom lhaln\var. Such cm;e:;

couldconstitut:-füctsu~;ta .olltanconflicts and ünotnc:.~-. kad}tssdernily
scttkrnent otb( cairns in question. Tafon;m~~nt itonuliJJH! law proccdtu\: tor

settin~ laims 1\'Sulting fro>..vmJ ornnied. vv~i :hh::ignstat0s(~ntitkm We:nt

iudsdict<:nniv,:rsnl natTbi'~nctbocl dt.~; \Jthcnar.stntim;
.. ... - -.~· '··

of n::Iations betwPolandand Cîenn:1ny, i.e. :hep<::r:· ofptt~.:,iav<;~ndw.n·d

J-.1t.u;to.._• ...t\t.~....,..·"',:::...•

.. ' . . 1 } •. ' t . l ' . . ..}
o anotnt::.rstaw t1up t1e essencOt :;tate :mvcre1gnty am: mv~;cnsii l~>esuesJ1

implic:athtm: for diplomatie relations and national(sccuegrnent (Ythe Eqrop,~an

C'ourtofHurn<m .Rights of 21'-~c~v :2mh)ir.-fcElhirme_yire!wui, .LEXNo 758~0,

cünŒrning anin~:: iid\\'ithBritish soldopen<xlfino~ lTisKTritory).

Nev(~tthe aksou,h --u:alrend:m,entioncci ... it ls hard k1 fînd anoraample
rulin:by a national r:ourt rtc(lgnizing, soteh.- on the bth(:tort exception, theadmissihdity or actions redœ~ a~ain..atùrdgn statc: t'~.b toe\··ntscncompas:::<:d

by w:;u· co\ci;c-.cnlthe krritorof !lw1hru:m:;la ttee~do (:xist coudccisi andm~

swtt~m nntU;lîteralure that admit hlaü:ns on othn1oreg.enl:raLgrounds. 1hn<x~d

to ex;;-tmth~~ othcr !;":i\His(~>:.c<~ ~mptrintinJrewci!umslançc::; of the instant

çasc beca.u:;e a .st<tleof <JJTairsin \vhich individual injury tort Œmains outsid;;·the !imit:; ol'

:>tate inm::vnity can raÜ;c-t:\rndünwntalo:·<Hlmüo!ogiculm:tur m~d rnas:tl~tnnc-~;

ln ils jndgment in Distomo çu~ kh\Gret:kSupH.::me(\luexprcs thcv~dt hat,

<iltboughd;:rmag.:esu.l üumiu~~:n:çdc:onHkt should in pr!nciple 3ettleby \Vil)of

internai:lonal. agr~~cc:ncltd~datkr the end of the '<a, statC'lil!be prokc! b-.-~d

imrnunityin cases w!Je<~;pt.a {î Vl:nùt c:ommitted aga:iih~civiJiapopuia:tim; a
\vholebut was dinx:teata su•;;ç·i: dividuannt direulnr ·iodirect!Yinvc,]vtxlin armed
J -· . .- - --.- ..-.- . .. - - .
uctivities. Tbat vie\v'~xpres inJXlrluJar,inregard!o actcon:;t[tut<.:ri aaiut

lmmanity and abus:::of po\ver- contrary to gtmeraliy ac:cepinJ(~tnati of nntellH\V.

af(m:nK'nti.onedjudgmcnc~ar ! ingr of US c:uurts\VtiJTI/Ol-ln t!w:;ruhn~ h~:d-~

on theUnitedSf;JWSForeignSovcï('Îfü:nn:ll .\toft19~6··wteraliainthejudgrnentof

15 (ktob~ 1r85 inVon Darde! v. U11ion(~/Sov i/cia!i:Rqn.thlics (1\nntJlto the

Jvlinistryof justiconmwnicm10n of26 Februm:y20 l0)<Hldthejudgrnen!in Helen Liu v.

Repnblic 1:/Chin--!lwcourthdd Üt<:a (kfend ~teiJns.tatdi)(notsenjoy î.mmunit.yin

matt- rzlatrgto obvious brcaches og<~rwr aclepee! rules oint<~rna hnivlnat.:

Dh.:tunwcasetht Gr~ek Suprem Court ;Üsoi:~Xpr he vie<~fwvta S!Bt\VhidJpennits

it:;e<1bn~a cfa peremptory(ius t'Oge!Inonn or public internationnJt[K:r 1:;ctby

1.vai ivt~~m~;nit_y.

·rhis kndencyisalso ru:Jnikst in judg:mentof the ltalian Court of Cw;smion in
f·iTrinr.FederalR\?fi1ihlic o/Crennin \Vbici\\:as hdd thth1obligatio.n to n::th<.~_:

1mmumty ch a CteJ::r H.t~noes not cx1sw!~CFL~m~causatt ac~t!1< t~:teO<lS i.rt::.c:

crime uner inkr:nationa! hnvSeriousbl'eac ofepc;emptory principksgm<:rning the:

protection of hmnan rightscrirne:linder intcrnation::tllaw. Those prindples btb~~ to

essc·nc(:of the intcrnationai. kg<:lorder and talŒpr(·ccdc:nceover ali oiher principks of public

intçrn.ationa1trew:y and customary [mv, indutho:c ;~n~cr:~m sah:gnnmunity.1>.-r~ry

stak !:obüged to punhh brt:ac:hof principk:s,passin:? judgrnethe Cou.rt of

Cass:xüonaho reJcr to·te~!Kt that it hw; bcen possibkiùr a long tînw to invol\(: the

fùnctionnJ.iimnonity SÜJ(oft1cia.lsin orderprev; ;e,.uhntt nf inknwtioual crime::;

from being broughtto justictSinctthe immunity to l.'l·hichsofllcialaŒ cntitkdis

essc:ntin.l!suh-t:<H;.::of :::tai!mm.mÏ!:(it JH;Jqx~ bing tn prevcnlparties frorn . 16.

cirGu!nv<:~n a s1aç·nimrm.mity by brin::;îactions agaio:;ito~!ice bokkrs),tl1 sh~orl~~

aLo be no grounds f(x maininining:-: rnm<u~iy<i.proceedings rdrting to n.:drci;:ir~iut:v

or cbrn;w:csuff(:r<xlÜiç rc·std!of ;nt international c:nme. The Do:;itionütthe]w:h-~nH.~nl
- ... -- . ..' -. .. ~ ._

in Ferrini v. Federal.Repu.hhc o/Uerm<.mYvvassuppori:cdhy tatejudgm; ;Ct~enCoun of

Cassation.inter alfathe:j udgm-.:niof'21 Cktobcr 2008 in crim[npron~;; .nv.tichths

St!Œcssoïs of lhe vidims of tlJt: pacif!çnti'm of the tornCivitdla sougbt ccwnpen:;ation

fl'ornthe Feckral HepubJic oG~:.:n (x!ne•-36yto the tvhnisü)' Justiç con~n·unication

of :.?Febnmry 201(l).

As \Vdl as 1lŒabovcmention<:.lulings,thel\ar ·i~senting opinionof'jud i~e~nes(~·:;

sünilar totboscdi.scu:;:;ed ;ÜH)\T who loodifferenpo:.>itionanrccogni s:al;i!munity

in the matter. Spedrica.l!y, in ,\larw'ilos v. Fnkrr.û R(qlGermany, in which thG<n~.~ek

Spçôal Suprcmc: Court) pa:;singjudgJw:.:on 17 Scpt<::-rnb2002 (Ann; {9xto theivlinistry

of Ju~: 1tonmc:u:iminn of 26 Fdmmry 20! 0), dcpa:rtedv,:itpro~pec emi~vcef.:omthe

position takcnin tlljuctgr mr~nbtG r('t:Supren r\<n:.i~thç Distomo cas~ wlük tht:

\udg n t:1>:minoriteX!)fit ~hs(sinXi!tion 1hat:\rtk:;l of tb: Basd Con\:(:ntiodcl(:~s
.. .....- . -· ·~ . - - .
not çnvi ~.v:crimes, th(· prohibitioofwhich lw:;.ÜF~smtus of a ins cogens noun and Ü;

fhen.:H_;eierarthically supcrioto any othenorm of inkrnntionalla'\N,Itheiropinion, war

çtimt:scannot be considered an dernent in an;::xnHxconHic:tjusù(vingan exception to the~
~·j4.- :'.1',~',,.tJ~·lAi'\.q~-·..)". U-.. _,1.._·,. \.<•Jo\.••• \,1. ,.'-.~-~.t ~Ï., •·•J''lv~

judgrnent of the Eutopean Cnurt of Ifnm;:l.Rigbts in .U-Adsani v. U1ûted Kingdom,. the

r('asoni.....tht:minorit~.·-d··- i(X~ln<·:·- ::nreGio...nii:lonth;timmunitv,.of a :;tate

(Kuwait) in proœedin ign~s:tin iu~ 1ta{nrelating !o an act {iortun::) committeKu'8HÎi:

(Hnd thus ün this occasion in a stat tat;w.~s not the ~;la otteh< ft'Um) c~;nt on eH1:

imponançc and JK~r<:.~ stau:;oorthe p:.\){Jibit{IlltortnŒ in int<:::r laa.tihc:vmul

stJ\c.i;s.i, ivi:; o. t\ Vtarustil ptohibition on torture taJ.:;x:e(knce ov~ nm' othc·r

nonn. 1n :\..fd::ïhi1.1Jrelmul theminority.fudgesof theEuropean Court of Tiuman Rights

maintai.n<xlthnt, by ac.::cqrthat the British Scei-c·taryStat f)~Northetn lrdand had

i.m.munityin rdationi()the incident in \<;hkh :Ori.tisotidcr opend f!Πin Trishterritory

1,Anm~ 37 rs~n 3d to theMînîstry of JustiŒ.!i co!rununicatioof 2h h.:bruaty.20U} t!N

lrish courts imposea disproporiionak rù>trktlo011the !'ighlojudkial acccss in thlighi crf

i-\rtic6.1. ofth(: European ('onvention fthi}Protection otJ-Im:nRi1;: aldrtu~ndaltK~nta!

Freedoros Uoumal of Laws 1993, t'·lo61, item 284. asarm~nd - ht::rei.nnn··Eun)pt.~an


In~h iteratm<.\someauthor::abo argue that:>;:iiwuldbt:cknied incase~-:

involving ::>(: bn.:ocuesof hwnan rights. f\.sin the court rulings, ·variou:;gronncare

t.:t) ...__ (v(,..·;...._;,{J'.-·~"--",·•.t.-~~~\-'.•'1·-(·'·••~-~_.:~-·••.-<t-·-........ }'.\... '"17.

inmmnîty as a result or actiby the stai:c'!h)~m;an:if i(ntrsrttoyiuternaüonal law.

<\nalogiesan;. drmvn\>.:Üthe pros~~c uf~o:nto!JftnJs f(;bn.:w~ oh}un:>an r[gbls

commitü i:t~dcourse of their c!utusu;tl!u~cornpm Üy{=z:c:iim!hat anad ccmtrary

to pc.~rem nonnsodoc·:;not lwve th~>ta oflulS;ov·~ artdgjnw;·evcr,advocates of th\.:

<:Xtlusionor$t<llin::n:mnitylil çase:; invo:;nionsbrca~h o(h~umnn right:; <ippeto

attach nwst weight tilh ~~onc ofpte hiclïlrchical 1itlperi,)ritcOk'e!Inorm:; inth(~

k·ga1 sy.skrn. ln thre:::pe:>om.eadvoe< of the~c:~;du l]l;itt mmunity in (:a:;e:;

invoh·.ing swiou:breacl of ~!H<r:n rightsatlach panicubr importm t1ç te. ~onn

guaranteeingacce::tothe courts (A nick 6. J oEurt)p ('nwantion).
·;f;>. ,,çs'1'.!."'.}P't l'"'ld,-l·~·:·<jdnll!·'·>0<~JT)'"ni'·ÏH(EUBWnt:i J'(x
~..\..- ....•)..} ·-.. 1 .:t:~~' •\.,1. .'-~...••.., ..,. 1•,....._,.'

hurnan righh, induding tho:::carising in the c:ourse of annc:d c.l'tc)sea:qp.1mcntsare

also re_iectedü:::ignifkant portüfthe Iiteranm~.

While ilwre is no douht ~hltate can waive the jurisdietionat imnV.\vhich it !s

cntitledth::rgumï;:-Jt() ÜK' d=ït~act cando so tacitlin i:::ases cons:i.d<lavx~':en

rig_btlycalkintoqu-:sticlSuch taci\V~ti iviz;nrg,utaisdscither frortb~<a~at açin:

!na rn<mD> :oxllrntiopcrcmptory rwnns orÜ\)!Xitadh~:: o annnternalional ag,r;;x:ment

on theproti; ofçhtm;onrights. 'T.lKf'irst çnncqri: rests on a totallypren~tm·d!t~~

i1Jilstlakeaccountd' tbeÜtctLhata st;rte\; \\'aiver of immn1ust.likc evcr;;~xpr<.~s>-;:ion

of \vil!, d:fi~ i~ çtu(fck::nLlyr.::rann- -~~\r\htie:>ccondi:hard 1oreconcile v•ith

therequiœme ofntcat: ün:vçonccrni.nadlH.:rentn an internationag.ree tcsounlt

be noted thai ·evein the jndgrnent in FE:rnnr }~'ede Rtpublic:ofGern1m t~v:court

distmKed itsdf flum the}l~ü~ snaeahndtncitly\Vaived its irnnmnity. A

sîmdar positio'S<1Staken by the US Conrt ofAppeals in its e.kcisioJui)'!994 inHugo

flrinc:::: v. FeReptrb/ic t?l(jermo.a casearisînout ofthzTioloc:aus(/\mwx S3a to the

?vlini of~;uttc}·s cmnml.micntion o:~ February 20 l0). Thaposit >~.asupportcd by

LiS court dcci:;ionl)fg i\pri!997 in Ifirsd1~'Srote ()/ Israel ond Sra;!f(jermml):

(Annex '56 to tbr;::l'v1inîstry of Jnstiet::'s cornrnunicatio.n of 26 February 20ofü) aud

... _, \\_l. -i';;1.•.l"..! [1.~)_. -"..•·~l,}..., .•:- '-....._,,..~t::•...>~-••"·cq··(,j.-~

:ürdisa~ (a:\rtm54 to the:f\:finoftJnsi : icn;u;nkahon of 26 Fcbru, 201r0.

Conskk:rabk doub tr:;lso raîsed bÜF ;oncq:n -ck>~e nlayd to tiK·;:::onsltfc:o

nbm<.:ofpov..-e:r...of'·'f()I of:~·tti:k~~nit··a'a n::sult of acbyothe süM thatÏ'::

~ J.·.·-) ....'-?-•J..t ........<.· • ·'····l-·•t···,+..)...'--"'',.."'.~-....J.. ~-rt'"n+ .. !8 -·

intenwtiooa1!il\V;;ndgt~ne prrainçi p!lmv c~n lx ~nvobxl a~a;sour çf~:t·ruDtion:ü
Jav,·only ith~ ç_:tof a g<~ pntbe n~>n m;ürtenmtional treal)' or int::.:r1l:;tmm:ry

bw. Furthennon:. applic;aliontheÇf_)rJceinquesti(H1\muid Ü:<Htitl-1:-~xclu ofisan:

imrmmity·OIIgrouHds of'ÜtÎrB '_a:n,cU]~fi?dÜchthe COlT<~Spo tn:lrdncÎSÎOn\\'{fU(d

rc.semtJe t.:liDJlD~:_ omon::prtsas, amJt 1sug 1ylc QU)tm•\\-rF~: ttJe;:;t,po rw~al

d•..•.'·1 •• •'.·_:),;L·-J'·-).,..~-.·....L;.,.'(J _.t-.t• _.. .....-~vv'ifthHtw~~r(:

aet~ep liecbad io imagine havin rgard to the cu·curn:;lauces of instant c;3:·nda

çonsickrhw the nmtkr rntionallythat aPolishcourt \'-'ü'Uld irnn.:;i:-aon the Feçk~nil

R~~pub oC Cce:nany f()tevents thaoccurred O\·\:six:tyGnn; ago. ln this ço!mection, ü

shou!d lK ~on;<;in rni:rtdthal Polantuo hwok~: ~;s{;iHmi~nityin proc:;.::edingsbrought

again.stl iu foreign courts in çomwctiwith its pt)sHva.r nationalisation:}Xpl\)priatit)n

Jq.p.slatiou. ~~xm: onplkis ilÎ :S<!b.~ 'ül b:~:~r: I'~ cork comj in whk:b Theo

C-arband otih:plain.Ci:is;on:çompcnsat ion frorn Pand fiJille cktrvation of property

in the course of a '·pJanne::aoÜs~:è iÜCti(çs~~ptLL91of the· (\'linisoCJustice's
"'.L ..r··.tL.t. .\..!;:~~%.,._.......

{ni\idr.r..fdio!·hierol lhpubhcoj·Germany, th<::re,S ~pk~~c Supgl:::mc·oun.

departing\-Vithprospcetive:ffccfrom th.positionüÜ;<:ny the CrreekSuprenK·Cowt (nils

~u.~:~ .nth0nOfswnw Cit).reasoned thatmnii c~id·!üe;; in tcontextof a \varHl.kt~

varions f(mns, inch.Jding ciisproportiomHtl:rUda<i..f~Œtaliaüon bythe an:ncd i<xce:;of

th~ a;·rcssor. 'Tbat be!ng :;o.Gl\~ euprt·rne Coun\ distinc:üobt~tv, tccoperntion
carrî 1UtindDi:::tm:noand tbt concc•patm(:dcon!lic\Va:mtiikia! and dinol c:orrc:spond

t\.realîtyDespite thc!i·~propon ano na1elytoythal operation, it \ncveetbdc:;an

dermmt inan armed coni1ict. /-\lthough Artic·k :{of th(: Cmî:n~specon thiLnagw~a;d

Cw>toms of \Var on Lund :;ignc·atThe Hague on l8 Cktober 1907 (Juurnal of Law:>!927,.

No 21, itt.ml6l)providesthat a belligerent which violatesprovision:of theConvention

shull bç. llablt.: to pay c:ompell:>i~does not rt)Stricrhc pursuit of daims i<.trsucb

~:ornp~.m Ü lüotghthç courts. 'That i-:is covercd by public int<:::rn.ulw,oundcr

\Yhkb thej urisdküonof courtsin the m:Jtter is re:;!bycthe prirwipk of staimrnunity.

ln the upinion ofihe G-reck SpecSupt\~ Comcrt. at the present sWgtht:ckve1Ppn ofi~nt

publiç inü.:rnat:i.onalla\v tht:r\.gend·al!yaccepkd princip](a1io\\a Î~nn ~:x.eption

to :'>taiti:mnnmity, the pursuit it.~oe ufnlairn:; rch:ting to unlawfnl nets cornrnitted --·

\\'betht.:rin peacetitnî:Urneof \var--·by a fiweign ..::talein the terr:iwry c:f the forum statc

with the participatiof the anned i~_m : :teedeüm.dant stateanc! inkrnationaJ prw:ticc

cuntainsno ckar evidence(\Î. texi:;t ofnsc{han exc:eption.

Tn!ts decisio!.J14 June:~00 i6Jones era!. v. .S'oudiAralda, Gun(:erredrcss

ün torturç committed by :3Ü1t:ffkial:in t}w !{'ITitoryoSaudi ,·\:rab\Ann;:;xAJ to the . Jt) .

1'lini<:-·.fJu-tic - cemn-:.i..l(-.. .f26-F--r.a.v... .l..'i:JeHous tf~u_,rds rec.~_.izedth;;;

dd(mcLmt' s immun ii)and, invok: titnc·a:n<ldiaCourt of Appenl's (k:çi<;1(of /004

· n · !.1 ·· l' ·" "l ·· ' ' 1 " l' · ;'1· • ' · · , ' .
u1 I.Hi/Jzun''·s mn tc .epuhl 1c ol ran (Anw:. ::\,o t1c :,um;try Ot .usw.::t .~;.m~·t:t-:c:tmon

of 26 Fz:bruary 20 l0), bd.d thal alt!wugh th-: prohibüion on tot·t \;lurdo.b~cdty ::t

t' ... -.~-} .!\.11•·1f• . ...J._._.._ \.!,..-~~.:>'lt..l.-. i..·-..{.} -.....~'::;.~... -"~-y-e~·~;

tortur.:;does not a!'hx:tthe prohibition itse!f but only resti:ds!uhü;d:i.cliononntio ourts<!

in :<uthJnarters. State imrnunity\Voutd tlçin i.;ontradiçlion\-vithth<·pwhibiJioD on torture only

if it con1pri as(c~rp!ementar)' procedura1 rule nbliging national (:OUrt:,to adnnt rt~;

application in :~uc ca.:h>b,y~way of <~xcep o itü nprindp(e of the inmnrnity of foreign

staks. Thal, how<:' vs~nol he C'<.J:;e_is flOt th~.:r fbr:::natiooare court to ··\kvelop''

!ntemutiunal lmv·hy UllÎ}HkrallyaHdbnting lo it;1c.ontt.:ntwhicli, \vbik coccesponding to tbc

\'aluesC"llShrüwd in peremptory nonns of internntionalla\·Vand desirable, is not accepkd by

other :~La tltst.ugh suc:h activisnJin the tid.dof national la\v i::with(n th(: lirnits of the
' l' . J ' ' . • . . '}! . , ..11 f..., ' • 1 J .! . l .J l
JW Jeu~ tunct!OO. J.lS unw:(·:;::pte)Jn !ne h~~J oc wkr:t1ai!(lî1a::tV\w.11c: J~t).S\:.on:rLw

.-. -·· }.~~::...·-·· ..•· ~'-"~-.....~". .c~J-l(."-"'<. . ·~\''l'1_.l•l..~l--Jt}-•f~ .._..·-\•....J'····'

stmcs <Jc<::::at~~;m~~\c1. :opte prinçipk of imn:mnity, th. ::u.r~i~~ dfimcriomoün<:ourts

in actions brongirt against E:n\:ig~':t J'!brc·nc> of fus cogens nonns of international law.

HK~ prindpk offbceign states' t:ntitkmenttoinmmuity sbould apply,

The:·ruling of the International Court nf'.lwaic:eof 14Fdwuary 200: m.~ ongo v.

Bdg:ium may also be i\:ad as ancxpn~ss oif1n:v!i\v~that brcach of i11cogens norm:; does

1...;::.··~,.......\_'.,o...-..._''1. -·'""!:.t\..•.1,1. .(.,"'-j~t}''·.t-........'J]t

hcirà ~-m ~ase:conŒrnim2-.....-cac. o. tbo.. nonns. .n t!mt rul:~--:h~lntc'mtiuna] Court of

Justice con:firn:Œd.on the ba~: ofi:ustumary la>v,the immunity of p~~n; hooldi~g high :;rate

office and d:idnof considcr thï p:r.-~:.s~gseeondte\·elop oCriucr!nwn!regarding exçcp!ion

from 1hesaid i:nnmmi!y (!\tm 52~oXthe i\tinistry ofJu:;t[cc's con:ununicatùwt of26 Febnmry


Thus pmt of the Iegal doctrîne,\vhich is divkkd on tbe poin1 at i:~~ strç:H;.::h,!!

therc can be no qu<~st oifo<ncontradk:tion bt~hvc ;.erncipks of :;tn imt~ :nit~ and ius

cogens norm.:; simx t~ey <Jreof i\vo c.iifkre·nkinds: the ïonncT proc(;:dural andÜK~ latter

::;ubstantivelttdlo\YS that an inqx:raii vto lift stuinnnunity in ca~; con c;:.Tlrlgedrcss für

tort umr:<o~t [)dc:duc fr<m~dnorms prohibiting lorturc, ju:;as no!mS permitting theuse of

torüm::C"<!nno Œt ason<tb1yix: dt'!'ivedfl:omprinr::ipk:3of immuni1)TlK ~lçt tbat substnntive

nonn of pubiic intecrn;::tklnl:lwcontains no guarnn tmttxi·can be sanctio ina·fbdeign

~ yt_'t::t• <J.\1.~-~.~t_•.i_~..._,._... \t""l..~-·(.,.,__o.\--{.... Jt:·l....·.1.1. .~~ · \• •c.[··'t

rn~~ kuchs~;ançt üinpnos~l iJbckdistinc.tiohel\veen substantive pl:xmnkes in the field

of humm1 rights, on (he one hand, ~md thl:prtKedu oblgalton !o a<:(:ord prote<::tionîn ,.20 ..

relation t1hos igh~s,on ÜJ< <J~this~p:\ounded111premisc:ofpublic inüTn;üiomtlmv

f(·::;p t~e~coti<n"gI<~oiinniiduaJ stat eüh.mgh it rest:>upon tb~prevention of'

cxaruination oth-k.atityof astatesaction byfim;igc:our ~:~:i,rhnnity doi.:snruk

out resolution of a contlicl, \Vilhtht::partiÜ!çs~lk( by apro~ra,e public


lu A!'.·Adsartiv. (h?l..:.ingd?K Europ~ ~:ur.of Humwi Right::;chx:litDd

ruleth<!lBritiscDurtshad violakd Artk!e 6.oftiK:LuW}X' C<~n.nntion byrd'using, ou
the ground of KUY'ias<.~nütk nwinnHmity., tm'.'<ilompensation thnn Lhast:Hti<)r

tbc·torture Al--i\d:;<mi commütcin its terf.itorybstmt~f1kînlsIn the opinion othe

Court of Human Rig}ns,th: rght oC uccess to juc!idal prokctii:;not abso!uteStalt~

imtnunil;·H:an ÏI!srttwion of public international !rn;:rightfupurpos;;;; namtht:

mainteuance offi:iC'nr>;~la bi(:i~otw~rercgntlmte:;\Jcnsureconsi:;J(·\Vitg1:~neral

prindp ki~sublicinternational::n:v, based on tiw;titutioof immunity. cannotin

prüwiple be judgec!dispn)p()! tttdcü'nton~te rigboCjuclici;accessJn the opinion

of tbe (\mn Dfliuman Righh, then;aN.':nruks of internationL~\ juViial IÜ'Ti.:;orm;
otbt.'mat·;~ tritçou!d>inclineitlOth<:;vit:\v that a :;tate doer\]Oy juri:ithui.onal

inununityîn e.ivprotx~~rd datngg~t;redr;;!\iact oftortul'e.lAicl:Jhinn1'!ndond.

to(\ iJ: uropcim Court of Hmmm Rights .hesta im~tu:ity to be :xnmlmisslbk res1.ric:tion

un the rigbt of judiciai accSimihdy. inKa!ogenymulou er al v. Creece andCit:rnhu~v

(Anncx 69 to th1\-Jini:>ofJu:;1:.nco:rnmunicati.onoi'26 February 2010), rt;iüt:e:tiu[;·
, j j . .. J • • • l 1 . {• , J ... .,. • j l L 1 (' k
t.:ClllC.Us!\~saccm H$ üCGJ~lO In...-k:Aasmn v. ./miN: K.mga1!ru e(ltlat·w ._rrec:.-

administrative autborltkr(~f uoauthlrisc: the seizorrGennan property in c:·reeceto

<.:nüwcpayment of the dan1Htawarded ag<Ün:-termany by decision othtGrcek Suprernc
Court in theDisromo ease could nobe çonsickr<.':dan uniustre:;tric!ion ofridltof
~ - . .. . ~·
judidaJacccss.Inrepl to~he argutnc:nt tthe prohibitio\)crirnes agaînsi humanity is a

i..-cogensnorm \"<hich supersedc:; ngo-vcrninsta rcmunity,iilw!dÜI<1the Vk\Vtlwt

a statc cmmut dairn stnte itnmt.~·c:fore t~~oo r tsnother ::.ta.ein c...e~.~d....~

relatinto red:rcss.for crimes agahumanily d(!(:;sn<.~x su:fycicnacç(·ptam:among

~;t< m!thepresenttim~~-

In itckcisi ioAnda;\ani 1·Unifi.:'dfOngdnnd Kalogcropou!mret a[1·Gren<:

and Ccm;m;_,.·thel:~uro peut±of Human Rights alsorcjr:ctr:d tarwlogy wilhthe
priJ:;ecuti(Jsnüe ().tfic·thr hreaehcof!n.Hnanrighlsçmnrnitted ithec:our ofslH:;:

duti <·~nsargum{ nsuarllaz:companiedby the:dain1 lhat nn a<~ont orJyX~remptory

nonns doe;:not bav' t~h~sa:m'of a so·v(: acc~'ilgtpü3it.ion accor"''tttlJ ve;.~

expressed in the dt'cisiot!wJ-Jouseof Lorcb ·inJon1dal. vSauâï Arabio and\Vitthe

ruling of thCourtof Justice of the E:uropean UnioJ; in its judgment in l.eetal rtou ..21 ..

Fi·cleïl <:,uublhuf Getmi.mythe /\ttomey Cicnera! argued în poihi :pinion in

th<btt~ case, tvit'\thal the ac(t!1(]crman anned fi:n-cesdicon:~t octuiurc

1m,ner~;.v l'u-ud<ii.ultic-sidentif),who:!:liabkbet~; il\Nlldbç(p~:;:;ibk:\(

~tttr lîb~u:bcillioty<::crsons \'..:hoacmaily e<m.:sc·1.:ather than tosta~<::

iu\:Vhith- beoyg.

h mustab) be bonw in mindthatthe ab~;or !<ut:cj~o: sattimmnunitym

.._.(.).,."-.....-..t-•l..•~\..,...,.·~·:.:,J~-.•_,<.i.-·-...·•-·;:.__ ~'•<'of

hnrnan rigim; ShOuldlogkaliy be Ç()\'·iÎth cJGntel~of> ;<:CnlHnity otJ K~J(:

in suchc:ls w-:~:F~nt .a'pt\~S tiwm he inŒmati.onal conJJnl:niity,kcickdly docs not

an::çpderogatioJ:l-o\.:XC(v~irnrnunity. idlingcxmup lf<.i, i:additionto the

abovementionedn~:! :l\rlsOrld\ adrninîstrataut!Jo riittior~tthe sei:.>uïtof

Cknnmt prop< 1!Ünt< s.o~o ças>is the su:;peu:;ion hy the PresidUnitof~tt(sl

oCa J)fovisionpçnnitting scizurepror:heo:diporatiymissions::mdconsubpo:.>of

staks v,.·hichsupport tt:JTovvarc~onsid erta~plication of thal provision \Vüukl
hT·Kh ·tt:·:,.:ll'··''·.·(bj;'Î''['''.,J[.'1l·tt·{~·l~);:n'"'1-'trt·J
~.).. ..._..._~.J,, -'-U-).··::'.t.•-J'I._._-.._..._t''\.·J(d. \.\--.·.,._,
Compn:·:.œ;i vo~;ideratîon of the xwt.liisc:usscd a.tJove, a:;:;ernbkd for the

purpnse of Œc:onstrm:Ü!i(ùntent.:; of the of cuslomm·public intcrmrtiona! l;rw in

Ü)rc:Hlthepre:;entin unthe !ic:of :;t autti~sdi; i_m1tnil,tccb lo:i!lppon tb<::

condu:;ion tht!K ~reinsofficic;;~ro llnŒcsg:ni.:-an exception to stme immLmity

in c:3sc·sc:oncemiredrc:;kH· I:H·c·acf::;hum:tn rigbts occasionunhnvfulacr:s

comnrttl:ed tb~territory of th(: f::; tlhc~tc:gory of nrn:Fxl

ac:ti,:itit'truc!hat acen;ünportion oHtH:::mrtî;;ri:.3lspeeth~decision olht:~

Grcek SuprernCourt in tDistonmcase,Li;ecisioof Ül ·.~rtuf CassationFen·ili. 1·.

Federal Rtpubiic ofGemwnand süit(:mcnintb i~ralure supportthe position tain::n

!hosc deu.siDWi--·may indica:tc fhc beginninî;~m·~ tb~frale m-\'lie<~xcJuiic'S

stakimrm.mi~vin all cac:oncen ...riis >mm~n r....violatio.butlur'r.......t~Ird

<moth <m~rrtant portion t:hm~aeri;::,~srn~ chi(lkcyi~;(ifhn Greek Special

Supreme Comt in AicHF,elV.Federai Repub!ic of ((ennm?J'ck~~: ifte Hmou:3or

Lords i.Inneeral.r.Smuli .4rahthe decision of the .European (T-JumaRightsin

Al~.Ad .('ürenKingdom and thstatemcnl:sin litcratusupport î:ios~in:tnken

in tliose ck:cisioî:canunt bGac>xpi'c'ctlhat such n norma!rt::emergee!.'Thu~;

a!tbougb <:ucha norm may be dc:;iruhk on an axiologY'rhunian rights. it cb·~t

maintained that il i:>already in Any doubtsin will be xe:sühby the

fntt.:rnational (\Justkoïbe~li :mih the Federal RcpublorUc:·nnanybas institukd
proc:(;edinag~ri thstItalia:r-:.c ~npuobletion \Vitthe ck:cisio:inFerrini v.

FederulRepublfcof' Gx?nncmand similar case::, ÜJr alkgçcl bofcan international oblig;rtion di:;reCi<~nwm cyih·m~;t tojudsdicticmal irnmunîty (i\nne:-;6l

to tlw?\ CDTc:Il;llc<!lor26 Fcbtuary2010)

Furthennorc .. ·.snotlckn.....he ..~i iH.ron:.H!of the J:>resentçonç::tf.:)o

human righu.,thesignific:::mceot simmunity mustabo be; bornenmind. Ba~. ~.t~ed

of uational couronthe legal situation of foreign spn~vc, ilc sc-curn:·n·fknsion

betwecu süi!(bv en:>ttring n::f\)~;overei lngsnd1Jng,lw\v~: s1teri,nmnüy (kK·s

no1 nde out thre-solutiofc.:cmnictsbapprop:date publintt:nwtionallaw rm::tlwd:s./.\.:.:

knm:vJ.m.ateriadainlsresuli·~··om:ee~ts of'war artradition..:;dtlein int<.~nlationa1

treat airv~lat comprchensivG :;l:ttlementhefcon:~eqtK of~nîlem·y cNJ:i:lict Thh

manner of settlinsud1 daims i:even tk n1ostappropriak having regardtotb~ stx:if!c

natun:of~;u chnilic:t,

Thus althOlJgÜK~padtlcationofSzc:z.ecynbOcnnan ann,;d fiwcewu:;a flagrant
violationf thelaw of \Varand ohurnanitatialaviJnd...thmlap:t>:.~s ptn~rlqx· .:ti·vc

ckarly brçw_:heab~;olu bidiny norms on theprotection of' rights, proceeding.s

institute~~gai tneFtderal Rtpublic of (1ennareL~. toinigs arisinoutof thm event

call!l()t,in the ligilt c>fthe custornary nonn of public:ll\in Ü))'i..:aet ihe pre:;,-::rll

tinw,b,: ctmsiderexempt horn theprincip!:::;tatejuri.sdîclirnmunityln acc:ordancc~

with the decision otlKEuropean Court t:dHumau Rights, lbJKÔlion does tHJbread1

Artic 6I.o~th•:-En·'-<..a.Co-vent.!.~··HH ....ri,,_::.1.lïOl( b...i iouts•and

that (k;cisi(1ll muabo lx: con"iidercd pertinent on !he basîs Df /\ttic!t ·45,l of ih.:'
Constitrniunsinethe~t~_provisi\)arerss(~nt concurrnt

ln uny t~Ye ttt,j urisdictional immunity cantwi be consid(·red an inadrnissibk

(<.~st ofitetriohnofjudicial acct.wll<:plaintifhave rea:;on atenkÜV(: means

avai.iahk !prot< t;çi~rgbts dlecliwly(seejudgment of theEut{ipcan C'ourtof Human

Righg <lflRT·ebruary 1999 in ff(dte onKcnne(.!;F.(,'erm(my,LE}( No 77226). fbc

ess~:m .C~rlltf1adng so is lo fil(;:a daî mcourthtfÜh ~tntc in \V!Jthebrt<lt:bnf

l,•~··.-••Uo:::,.l.~,.... , F.l'-iJ

E.ecogniiion of ihe ck:t{:nd:mtinHnunitdenote<!lOl··u:tril in1hisnae of

th-l:K'1~ üonJiin (:i;d()'<Vt ihe Cod;~)Cfivil Procedure:·in:ersionp::<~ct cd~ing
Ll\Vof 5 Decnnber 2008 onReYi1~ oithn C\xk of CiviPrch;c dndO ter Lq;·:islmion;

narndy !.i:::sence or juïi:-;d(r::inmluniiy.Thu:> despittütnlruenor th< po~ition

condition..e. te:->i: ~fk:onne~.:ngÙtctor \Vinational jurisdiclion, /ll{})pt3

CCJ? cmmot apply itheinsi::mlc:lst:.court compeknt to hear an anaiogous c;l$<:ursuant to Article 45 CCP, t.:anbet~cçt;p1ccL

'11K 'i< thVttl:Hc]{~s1g of;alociUyncornpdent cour! bytb( ~)npre pur:;ur:.n1!u

i'\Iüc G,·C ..>sll0uklOE~preccc:cù üy exm:nt.nnlnot•t!le cp.Œmwno:nnttorulJuns(!t-::twn,


Snptt;mç Court ckci~i oor3::Aw:{ttst !965. IV CO :20/6lJ-::xNo 5859 and 14 Fdmmry
. . . .... . . .

1985, D CO lJ/85, OSNC 198\ No 12., it; 196), is incorrect andnut uph,~ inprinc:ipk

in pr(:Sfntjurisprucknc:.e.Th(: basi::: rganisatiot)the j udici~.ysk imt;e division of
h<~l. ..'".,.,...·t-·)··'\t.·'--•.-·-.,'•. ..._..••_:;·.. - ..-"-.....t.1..-i-~_..i~••~

;;ubicc:i---lhe (:·:-.of rmtiotnljurisdiction in a given cw:e shou1d not b(: tlw wbjee't of a

ckc[~; biaonmdom court but should be d<~dd bydthe courtcDtn{K~ iü :t:niten c-as>:o.

Funhennore, cv~: i.Ü:1:Supreme Court \Vereoblig:;xtoe\:~mh te ~(jl..H o.n:t~:t;i!luoanl

jurisdi<:tion bt::'lôn'(h:sigm<tingthe competent emin~suthof tlmt cxaminaüon çouldnol

be bindi •••n~t~hco:ut des'!ascomm.'1. :inc.thz l~tter bas a d:_to e.~im üline


Iliollo1.vfrom the presentexmnination UJ C<lssntiutlmt,dc~;p ;iiincorrect

~taü~t on:r;e;:~ntote c;n1eskd (k:t.:i::correspond:·;ith; l;w_~nd that !hep!a:i.ntiiT's

appeal in cns:;ation sbobtid.snh:st:pur:~ tuAnrnce :~y ('CP.::

Document Long Title

