Separate Opinion of Judge Boni (translation)

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1 have voted without reservation in favour of the Advisory Opinion
delivered by the International Court of Justice.
The Court has decided that Western Sahara (Rio de Oro and Sakiet El

Hamra) wasnot a terra nullius.Its population, although consistingmainly of
nomads, was organized in independent tribes under the authority of
democratically electedsheikhs.
The Court has found that legaltiesof allegiance existed between theSultan
of Morocco and some of the tribes living in the territory of Western Sahara.

It has also found that there existed many ties of a racial, linguistic,
religious, cultural and economic nature between the tribes who dwelt in the
Sahara region which today is comprised within the Sahara under Spanish
domination and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
On the other hand it has categorically affirmed thathese ties werenot ties

of territorial sovereignty between the territory of Western Sahara on the one
hand and Morocco and the Mauritanian entity on the other hand.
In adopting this latter solution, the Court has not taken sufficientaccount
of the local context. As regards Morocco, insufficient emphasis has been
placed on the religious tiesinking the Sultan and certain tribes of the Sakiet
El Hamra. For thesetribes,theSultan wasCommander of the Faithful, that is

to Say,the Steward of God on earth for al1matters, whether religious or not.
He was thus regarded not only as religious leader but as director of their
temporal affairs. The legal ties between them were thus not only
religious- which no onedenies-but also political, and had the character of
territorial sovereignty.

In strict logic, 1 should have voted "no" to the second question of the
Advisory Opinion. 1did not do so for the following reasons:
The Court has denied that the ties between Western Sahara and Morocco
were in any way ties of territorial sovereignty. It has urged the General
Assembly to consult the population of those regions on their future in
conformity with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV). Can one

reasonably reproach the Court for having adopted such an attitude, which is
consistent with its role in the present case, viz. to enlighten the General
The solution which 1advocate, and which confers a character of territorial
sovereignty on the ties that existed between Morocco and Western Sahara,

leads to the same conclusion: obligatory consultation of the inhabitants of WESTERNSAHARA (SEPO. PBONI) 174
WesternSahara ontheir future, inpursuance ofGeneral Assemblyresolution
TheGeneral Assemblyhas,itistrue,decidedon occasion that therewasno

needto consultthepopulations of territoriesthat weretobedecolonized.But
it has stated its reasons, namely:
The populations in question werenot peoples and did not therefore qualify
for self-determination.
Consultations wereunnecessary because of special circumstances, of which
the General Assembly isthe solejudge.

Suchreasonscould not be held to apply in the present case. If the General
Assemblyhad had before it an advisoryopinion of the Court declaring that
there were ties ofsovereigntybetweenMorocco and certaineas of Western
Sahara, it wouldhavebeenobligedtoconsultthe inhabitants oftheegionon
the differentoptions provided for in resolution(XV).

(Signed) A. BONI.

Bilingual Content


J'ai votésans réservesl'avisconsultatif émispar le Cour internationale de

La Cour a décidéque leSahara occidental (Rio de Oro etakiet El Hamra)
n'étaitpas un territoire sans maître. Sespopulations, bien que nomades pour
la plupart, étaient organisées entribus indépendantes et placéessous I'auto-
ritéde cheiksélusdémocratiquement.
Elle a constaté que des liens juridiques d'allégeance existaiententre le
sultan du Maroc et certaines des tribus vivant sur le territoire du Sahara

Elle a égalementconstatéqu'il existait de nombreux liens d'ordre racial,
linguistique, religieux, culturel et économiqueentre ces tribus qui habitaient
la régionsaharienne faisant aujourd'hui partie du Sahara sous domination
espagnole et la République islamiquede Mauritanie.
Parcontre ellea affirméd'une façon catégoriqueque cesliens n'étaientpas

des liens de souveraineté territoriale tissésentre le territoire du Sahara
occidental d'une part, le Maroc ou l'ensemblemauritanien d'autre part.
En adoptant cette dernière solution, la Cour n'a pas suffisamment tenu
compte du contexte local. En ce qui concerne le Maroc, l'accent n'a pas été
assezmissur lesliens religieuxqui unissaient le Sultan àcertainestribus de la
Sakiet El Hamra. Pour ces tribus, le Sultan étaitcommandeur des croyants,

c'est-à-dire l'intendant de Dieu sur terre pour toutes les affaires, qu'elles
fussent religieusesou non. 11étaitainsiconsidérénon seulement comme chef
religieuxmaiscommegérantde leursaffairestemporelles. Lesliensjuridiques
qui existaient entre eux étaient donc religieux, ce qui n'est contesté par
personne, mais également politiques et avaient le caractère de souveraineté

En toute logique,j'aurais dû vote« non » à la deuxièmequestionde l'avis
consultatif. Je ne'ai pas fait pour les raisons suivantes:
La Cour a dénié tout caractèrede souveraineté territoriale aux liens aui
unissaient le Sahara occidental au Maroc. Elle a demandéavec insistanceà
l'Assembléegénéralede consulter les populations de ces régionssur leur
avenir conformément à la résolution 1514 (XV) de l'Assemblée générale.

Peut-on raisonnablement reprocher à la Cour d'avoir addpté une telle
attitude qui estconforme àson rôlequi, dans la présenteaffaire,estd'éclairer
Avec la solution queje préconiseet qui confèreun caractère de souverai-
netéterritoriale aux liens qui unissaient le Maroc au Sahara occidental, on
arrive à la même conclusion: consultation obligatoire des habitants du SEPARATE OPINION OF JUDGE BONI


1 have voted without reservation in favour of the Advisory Opinion
delivered by the International Court of Justice.
The Court has decided that Western Sahara (Rio de Oro and Sakiet El

Hamra) wasnot a terra nullius.Its population, although consistingmainly of
nomads, was organized in independent tribes under the authority of
democratically electedsheikhs.
The Court has found that legaltiesof allegiance existed between theSultan
of Morocco and some of the tribes living in the territory of Western Sahara.

It has also found that there existed many ties of a racial, linguistic,
religious, cultural and economic nature between the tribes who dwelt in the
Sahara region which today is comprised within the Sahara under Spanish
domination and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.
On the other hand it has categorically affirmed thathese ties werenot ties

of territorial sovereignty between the territory of Western Sahara on the one
hand and Morocco and the Mauritanian entity on the other hand.
In adopting this latter solution, the Court has not taken sufficientaccount
of the local context. As regards Morocco, insufficient emphasis has been
placed on the religious tiesinking the Sultan and certain tribes of the Sakiet
El Hamra. For thesetribes,theSultan wasCommander of the Faithful, that is

to Say,the Steward of God on earth for al1matters, whether religious or not.
He was thus regarded not only as religious leader but as director of their
temporal affairs. The legal ties between them were thus not only
religious- which no onedenies-but also political, and had the character of
territorial sovereignty.

In strict logic, 1 should have voted "no" to the second question of the
Advisory Opinion. 1did not do so for the following reasons:
The Court has denied that the ties between Western Sahara and Morocco
were in any way ties of territorial sovereignty. It has urged the General
Assembly to consult the population of those regions on their future in
conformity with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV). Can one

reasonably reproach the Court for having adopted such an attitude, which is
consistent with its role in the present case, viz. to enlighten the General
The solution which 1advocate, and which confers a character of territorial
sovereignty on the ties that existed between Morocco and Western Sahara,

leads to the same conclusion: obligatory consultation of the inhabitants of174 SAHARAOCCIDENTAL(OP.IND. BONI)

Sahara occidental sur leur sort, et cela en application de la résolution 1514
(XV) de l'Assembléegénérale.
Certes il est arrivéque l'Assembléegénérale n'ait pascm devoir consulter
les populations des territoirasdécoloniser. Maiselle en a donnélesraisons

qui sont lessuivantes:
Ces populations ne constituaient pas des peuples et, partant, ne pouvaient

prétendre disposerd'elles-mêmes.
Les consultations ne présentaient aucune nécessité enraison des circons-
tances spécialesdont elleseule estjuge.

De telles raisons ne sauraient être admises dans la présente affaire.
L'Assembléegénéralee ,n présenced'un avisde la Cour stipulant qu'ilyavait
des liens de souveraineté entre le Maroc et certaines région$du Sahara
occidental, aurait étcontrainte de consulter leshabitants de la régionsur les
différentesoptions prévuesdans la résolution1514 (XV).

WesternSahara ontheir future, inpursuance ofGeneral Assemblyresolution
TheGeneral Assemblyhas,itistrue,decidedon occasion that therewasno

needto consultthepopulations of territoriesthat weretobedecolonized.But
it has stated its reasons, namely:
The populations in question werenot peoples and did not therefore qualify
for self-determination.
Consultations wereunnecessary because of special circumstances, of which
the General Assembly isthe solejudge.

Suchreasonscould not be held to apply in the present case. If the General
Assemblyhad had before it an advisoryopinion of the Court declaring that
there were ties ofsovereigntybetweenMorocco and certaineas of Western
Sahara, it wouldhavebeenobligedtoconsultthe inhabitants oftheegionon
the differentoptions provided for in resolution(XV).

(Signed) A. BONI.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Separate Opinion of Judge Boni (translation)
