Dissenting opinion of Judge El-Khani (translation)

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[Translation ]

On 20 January 1982the Court adopted an Order settingup, for the first
time,aChamber in accordance withArticle 26,paragraph 2,of the Statute.
This Chamber willbe dealing with aparticular case concerning the course
of the singlemaritimeboundary in the Gulf of Maine between the areas of
continental shelfand fishingzonesappertaining to Canada and theUnited
States of America.
On 25 November 1981 the two Parties' diplomatic representatives at

The Hague presented to the Registrar of the Court a document containing
a Special Agreement signed at Ottawa on 29 March 1979between the
Government ofCanada and the Government of theUnited States,aTreaty
concluded between the two countries on the same date and a Special
Agreement, in the same terms as the first,to submit the samequestion to a
court of arbitration in the event that the InternationalCourt of Justice did
not accede to the request to form the Chamber in question withn the
specified time and in the desired manner. This document also comprised
theinstruments ofratification of theTreaty and of the SpecialAgreements.
An accompanying letter, signed by theAmbassadors of the twocountries,
emphasized that this Chamber had to be formed before the new members
of the Court elected in the triennial election entered upon their terms of
office, that is to say, before6 February 1982.
The representatives of the Parties, after having fixed the number of
members of the Chamber as five following talks with the President of the
Court, further insisted upon the Chamber having aparticular composition
and on the identity of any replacements elected in case of vacancy being
subject to their approval, failing which they would withdraw the case and

discontinue the proceedings before the Court, sending the case to arbitra-
tion instead.
1find that the imposition of an unduly close time-limit for the Cham-
ber's formation and of a particular composition renders the Court no
longer master of its own acts, deprives it of itsfreedom of choice and is an
obstacleto the proper administration ofjustice. Furthermore it diminishes
the prestige of the Court and is harmful to its dignity as the principal
judicial organ of the United Nations. It results in its regionalization by
depriving it of its basic and essential characteristic of universality and
produces theindirect result of there beingmore than onejudge of the same
nationality acting in the name of the Court, one in the Chamber and the
other in the Court, which does not correspond to the Statute. On these
grounds 1find that thisoughtnot toconstitute aprecedent,as it wouldbe a
dan~erous coiirîeto follow in the future. GULF OF MAINE (DISS.OP. EL-KHANI) 13

Having voted in favour of the Chamber being constituted, 1would have
preferred the composition of thishamber to have been referred to the
Court in the newcomposition it willhave twoweeksfrom now.That would
have enabled us to avoid the disadvantages1have mentioned above.
For these reasons 1have voted against this Order.

(Signed) Abdallah EL-KHANI.

Bilingual Content


La Cour a voté, le20janvier 1982,une ordonnance constituant, pourla
première fois, une chambre en conformité àl'article 26, paragraphe 2, du
Statut. Cette chambre auraà connaîtred'une affairedéterminéerelative au
tracéde la frontière maritime unique dans le golfe du Maine divisant le
plateau continentalet leszones depêchesentre leCanada et lesEtats-Unis
Les représentants diplomatiques des deux Parties à La Haye ont pré-
sentéau Greffier de la Cour, le 25 novembre dernier, un document conte-
nant uncompromis signéle 29mars 1979 àOttawaentre le Gouvernement
du Canada et celui des Etats-Unis d'Amérique,un traitésigné à la même

date entre les deux pays, ainsi qu'un compromis, dans les mêmes termes,
soumettant àune cour d'arbitrage cette mêmequestion au casoù la Cour
internationale deJustice n'accède pas,dans ledélaifixet selonla modalité
requise,à la demande de constituer cette chambre. Cedocument compre-
nait aussi les instruments de ratification du traitéet des compromis. La
lettre qui a accompagnéce document et qui a étésignéepar les ambas-
sadeurs des deux pays insiste sur le fait que cette chambre doit être
constituée avant l'entréeen fonction des nouveaux juges élusdans les
élections triennales, c'est-à-dire avant le 6févrierprochain.

Lesreprésentants desdeux Parties ayant fixélenombre desjuges a cinq
par suite de pourparlers avec le Présidentde la Cour ont aussi insisté sur
une composition déterminéede la chambreet d'avoir leur acceptation en

cas de vacance pour les remplaçants, faute de quoi ils retireraient l'affaire
et se désisteraient de l'instance devant la Cour pour la confier l'arbi-

Je trouve que l'imposition d'un temps précipitéet limitépour la consti-
tution de la chambre et d'une composition particulière ôte à la Cour sa
volonté d'action, sa liberté de choix et entrave l'administration d'une
bonne justice. Cela diminue, en outre, le prestige de la Cour et affecte sa
dignité commeorgane judiciaire principal de l'organisation des Nations
Unies. Cela aboutità sa régionalisationenlui ôtant sa qualitéessentielle et
primordiale qui est l'universalité et conduit,d'une façonindirecàeavoir
plus d'unjuge de mêmenationalitéagissant au nom dela Cour, l'undans la
chambre, l'autre dans la Cour, cequi ne correspond pas au Statut.Pour ces
motifsje trouve que cela nedevrait pas constituer un précédentcar il serait

dangereux de le suivre à l'avenir. DISSENTING OPINION OF JUDGE EL-KHAN1

[Translation ]

On 20 January 1982the Court adopted an Order settingup, for the first
time,aChamber in accordance withArticle 26,paragraph 2,of the Statute.
This Chamber willbe dealing with aparticular case concerning the course
of the singlemaritimeboundary in the Gulf of Maine between the areas of
continental shelfand fishingzonesappertaining to Canada and theUnited
States of America.
On 25 November 1981 the two Parties' diplomatic representatives at

The Hague presented to the Registrar of the Court a document containing
a Special Agreement signed at Ottawa on 29 March 1979between the
Government ofCanada and the Government of theUnited States,aTreaty
concluded between the two countries on the same date and a Special
Agreement, in the same terms as the first,to submit the samequestion to a
court of arbitration in the event that the InternationalCourt of Justice did
not accede to the request to form the Chamber in question withn the
specified time and in the desired manner. This document also comprised
theinstruments ofratification of theTreaty and of the SpecialAgreements.
An accompanying letter, signed by theAmbassadors of the twocountries,
emphasized that this Chamber had to be formed before the new members
of the Court elected in the triennial election entered upon their terms of
office, that is to say, before6 February 1982.
The representatives of the Parties, after having fixed the number of
members of the Chamber as five following talks with the President of the
Court, further insisted upon the Chamber having aparticular composition
and on the identity of any replacements elected in case of vacancy being
subject to their approval, failing which they would withdraw the case and

discontinue the proceedings before the Court, sending the case to arbitra-
tion instead.
1find that the imposition of an unduly close time-limit for the Cham-
ber's formation and of a particular composition renders the Court no
longer master of its own acts, deprives it of itsfreedom of choice and is an
obstacleto the proper administration ofjustice. Furthermore it diminishes
the prestige of the Court and is harmful to its dignity as the principal
judicial organ of the United Nations. It results in its regionalization by
depriving it of its basic and essential characteristic of universality and
produces theindirect result of there beingmore than onejudge of the same
nationality acting in the name of the Court, one in the Chamber and the
other in the Court, which does not correspond to the Statute. On these
grounds 1find that thisoughtnot toconstitute aprecedent,as it wouldbe a
dan~erous coiirîeto follow in the future. Ayant voté positivement pour la constitution de la chambre, j'aurais
souhaitéque la compositiondecettechambre soit remisela Courdans sa
nouvelle composition après deux semaines. Cela nous aurait évité les
inconvénients que j'ai mentionnés plus haut.
Pour ces raisons j'ai votécontre cette ordonnance.


Having voted in favour of the Chamber being constituted, 1would have
preferred the composition of thishamber to have been referred to the
Court in the newcomposition it willhave twoweeksfrom now.That would
have enabled us to avoid the disadvantages1have mentioned above.
For these reasons 1have voted against this Order.

(Signed) Abdallah EL-KHANI.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Dissenting opinion of Judge El-Khani (translation)
