Joint declaration of Vice-President Ammoun and Judges Forster and Jiménez de Aréchaga (as appended immediately after the order)

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case,it shall, at an appropriate time before 15 August 1973, review
the matter at the request of either Party in order to decide whether the
foregoing measures shall continue or need to be modified or revoked.

Done in English and in French, the English :ext being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace. The Hague, this seventeenth day of August, one
thousand nine hundred and seventy-two, in four copies, one of which
will be placed in the archives of the Court, and the others transmitted

respectively to the Government of the Republic of Iceland. to the Govern-
ment of the Federal Republic of Germany, and to the Secretary-General
of the United Nations for transmission to the SecurityCouncil.


(Signed) S. AQUARONE,


make the following joint declaration:

We have voted for this Order taking into account that the serious
problems of the contemporary law of the sea which arise in this case
are part of the merits, are not in issue at the present stage of thed-
ings and have not in any way been touched upon by the Order. When
indicating interim measures the Court must only take into account

whether, if action is taken by one of the Parties pending the judicial
proceedings, there is likelihood of irremediable damage to the rights
which have been claimed before it and upon which it would have to
adjudicate. It follows therefore that a vote for this Order cannot have the
slightest implication as to the validity or otherwise of the rights protected

by such Order orof the rights claimed by a coastal State dependent on the
fish stock of its continental shelf or of a fishery zone.e substantive
questions have not been prejudged at al1since the Court will. if it declares
itself competent, examine them. after affording the Parties the oppor-
tlinity of arguing their cases.

Judge PADILLA NERVO appends a dissenting opinion to the Order of the
(InitialledZ. K.

Bilingual Content


case,it shall, at an appropriate time before 15 August 1973, review
the matter at the request of either Party in order to decide whether the
foregoing measures shall continue or need to be modified or revoked.

Done in English and in French, the English :ext being authoritative,
at the Peace Palace. The Hague, this seventeenth day of August, one
thousand nine hundred and seventy-two, in four copies, one of which
will be placed in the archives of the Court, and the others transmitted

respectively to the Government of the Republic of Iceland. to the Govern-
ment of the Federal Republic of Germany, and to the Secretary-General
of the United Nations for transmission to the SecurityCouncil.


(Signed) S. AQUARONE,


make the following joint declaration:

We have voted for this Order taking into account that the serious
problems of the contemporary law of the sea which arise in this case
are part of the merits, are not in issue at the present stage of thed-
ings and have not in any way been touched upon by the Order. When
indicating interim measures the Court must only take into account

whether, if action is taken by one of the Parties pending the judicial
proceedings, there is likelihood of irremediable damage to the rights
which have been claimed before it and upon which it would have to
adjudicate. It follows therefore that a vote for this Order cannot have the
slightest implication as to the validity or otherwise of the rights protected

by such Order orof the rights claimed by a coastal State dependent on the
fish stock of its continental shelf or of a fishery zone.e substantive
questions have not been prejudged at al1since the Court will. if it declares
itself competent, examine them. after affording the Parties the oppor-
tlinity of arguing their cases.

Judge PADILLA NERVO appends a dissenting opinion to the Order of the
(InitialledZ. K. la Cour réexaminera la question en temps voulu, avant le 15 août
1973, à la demande de l'une ou l'autre Partie en vue de décider s'il
y a lie,, de maintenir ces mesures, de les modifier ou de les rapporter.

Fait en anglais et en français, le texte anglais faisant foi, au palais de
la Paix, à La Haye. le dix-sept août mil neuf cent soixante-douze, en quatre
exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposé auxarchives de la Cour et dont les

autres seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la République
d'Islande, au Gouvernement de la République fédérale d'Allemagneet au
Secrétaire généralde l'organisation des Nations Unies pour transmission
au Conseil de sécurité.

Le Président dela Cour,

Le Greffier de la Cour,

(Signé) S. AQUARONE.

CHAGA, juges, font la déclaration commune suivante:

Nous avons voté en faveur de I'ordonnance compte tellu du fait que
les problèmes graves du droit de la mer contemporain qui se posent en
l'espèce relèventdu fond, ne sont pas en cause au stade actuel de la
procédure et ne sont abordés en aucune façon par I'ordonnance. Lors-

qu'elle indique des mesures conservatoires, la Cour ne doit tenir compte
que d'un élément. a savoir si les mesures prises par l'une des Parties
alors qu'une instance est pendante risquent de porter un préjudice
irrémédiable auxdroits qui sont revendiqués devant la Cr Ir, sur lesquels
celle-ci serait appelée à se prononcer. II s'ensuit qu'un vote en faveur de
I'ordonnance ne peut avoir la moindre incidence sur la validité ou I'ab-

sence de validitédes droits qu'elle vise à proténisur les droits reven-
diqués par un Etat riverain tributaire des réserves de poissons de son
plateau continental ou d'une zone de pêche. Cesquestionsde fond ne sont
aucunenient préjugéespuisque la Cour les examinera le cas échéantsi
elle se déclare compétente, après avoir donné aux Parties l'occasion de
faire valoir leurs arguments.

M. PADILLA NERVOj,uge, joint à I'ordonnance l'exposé deson opinion
(Paraphé) Z. K.

(Paraphé) S. A.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Joint declaration of Vice-President Ammoun and Judges Forster and Jiménez de Aréchaga (as appended immediately after the order)
