Declaration of Judge Parra-Aranguren

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Article 62 (Q'tlze Statute r.qfi,rs to the dispositif, tortlze ,findirlg.sor
rc~nsoningsupporting tlir,future Jud'qrnentc!ftlze Court in tlzecu.scJ.

Notwithstanding my vote for the operative part of the Judgment, 1

consider it necessary to state that, in my opinion, Articl62of the Statute
refers only to the dispositifpart of the Judgment in the main case. The
findings or reasoning supporting the future Judgment of the Court in
the main case are not known at this stage of the proceedings. Therefore,
it is impossible to take them into consideration, as the majority main-
tains (para.47), in order to determine whether they may affect the legal

interest of the State seeking for permission to intervene. Consequently,
1 cannot agree with other paragraphs of the Judgment which, after
examining certain documents, conclude that the Philippines legal interest
may not be affected by their interpretation.

(Signecl) Gonzalo PARRA-ARANGUREN.

Bilingual Content


Article 62 (Q'tlze Statute r.qfi,rs to the dispositif, tortlze ,findirlg.sor
rc~nsoningsupporting tlir,future Jud'qrnentc!ftlze Court in tlzecu.scJ.

Notwithstanding my vote for the operative part of the Judgment, 1

consider it necessary to state that, in my opinion, Articl62of the Statute
refers only to the dispositifpart of the Judgment in the main case. The
findings or reasoning supporting the future Judgment of the Court in
the main case are not known at this stage of the proceedings. Therefore,
it is impossible to take them into consideration, as the majority main-
tains (para.47), in order to determine whether they may affect the legal

interest of the State seeking for permission to intervene. Consequently,
1 cannot agree with other paragraphs of the Judgment which, after
examining certain documents, conclude that the Philippines legal interest
may not be affected by their interpretation.

(Signecl) Gonzalo PARRA-ARANGUREN. L'articlc~62 du Stutut renvoie au dispositrf rson uux conclusions ou uu
ruisonnenzentrnotii10ntI'arrêque lu Cour est uppe1i.ù rendre en I'instunce

Bienquej'aie voltéen faveur du dispositif du présentarrêt,il me semble
nécessaired'indiquer que l'article62 du Statut ne vise, selon moi, que le
dispositif de l'arrêtqui doit êtrerendu en l'instance principale. Ni les
conclusions ni le raisonnement sur lesquels la Cour s'appuiera alors ne
sont connus au stade actuel de la procédure. Aussi est-il impossible,
contrairement a ce que soutient la majorité (par. 47), d'en tenir compte
aux fins de déterminers'ils pourraient affecter l'intérêt'ordre juridique
de 1'Etat cherchani a intervenir. Je ne puis, par conséquent, souscrire a

d'autres paragraphes du présentarrêtdans lesquels la Cour, ayant passé
en revue certains documents, conclut que I'intérêd t'ordre juridique des
Philippines n'est pas susceptible d'êtreaffectépar leur interprétation.


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Declaration of Judge Parra-Aranguren
