Application instituting proceedings

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filed in the Registry of the Court
on 26 November 2013
enregistrée au Greffe de la Cour
le 26 novembre 2013
26 November 2013.
I have the honour to accompany the original Application of the Republic of
Nicaragua against the Republic of Colombia for violations of Nicaragua’s sovereign
rights and maritime zones declared by the Court’s Judgment of 19 November
2012 and the threat of use of force by Colombia in order to implement these
violations. This original document and its Annexes dated today is signed by the
Ambassador of Nicaragua to The Netherlands and Agent named for these
with the purpose of its being filed with the Registry in accordance
with Article 52, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court.
This original Application and its Annexes is accompanied by a copy that the
undersigned Agent certifies as identical to the original for purposes of communication
to the other party in accordance with Article 43, paragraph 4, of the Statute.
In addition, I have the honour to accompany 20 copies of the Application and
its Annexes for the discretional use of the Court.
The annexed documents are certified as accurate and identical to the originals,
and the translations are also certified as true and accurate translations into the
English language.
(Signed) Carlos J. Argüello Gómez,
Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua.
General List
No. 155
26 November 2013.
To the Registrar of the International Court of Justice,
The undersigned being duly authorized by the Republic of Nicaragua and being
the Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua at The Hague has the honour to file
the following Application :
1. The Republic of Nicaragua (“Nicaragua”) has the honour to submit to
the Court, in accordance with Articles 36 and 40 of the Statute of the Court and
Article 38 of the Rules of Court, this Application instituting proceedings against
the Republic of Colombia (“Colombia”) in respect of the dispute described below.
I. Subject of the Dispute
2. The dispute concerns the violations of Nicaragua’s sovereign rights and
zones declared by the Court’s Judgment of 19 November 2012 and the
threat of the use of force by Colombia in order to implement these violations.
II. The Facts
3. Seized by an Application filed by Nicaragua on 6 December 2001, the Court,
by a Judgment dated 19 November 2012, decided as follows :
“(1) Unanimously,
Finds that the Republic of Colombia has sovereignty over the islands at
Alburquerque, Bajo Nuevo, East‑Southeast Cays, Quitasueño, Roncador,
Serrana and Serranilla ;
(2) By fourteen votes to one,
Finds admissible the Republic of Nicaragua’s claim contained in its final
submission I (3) requesting the Court to adjudge and declare that ‘[t]he appropriate
form of delimitation, within the geographical and legal framework constituted
by the mainland coasts of Nicaragua and Colombia, is a continental
shelf boundary dividing by equal parts the overlapping entitlements to a continental
shelf of both Parties’ ;
(3) Unanimously,
Finds that it cannot uphold the Republic of Nicaragua’s claim contained in
its final submission I (3) ;
(4) Unanimously,
Decides that the line of the single maritime boundary delimiting the continental
shelf and the exclusive economic zones of the Republic of Nicaragua
and the Republic of Colombia shall follow lines connecting the points with
co‑ordinates :
Latitude north Longitude west
1. 13° 46´ 35.7˝ 81° 29´ 34.7˝
2. 13° 31´ 08.0˝ 81° 45´ 59.4˝
3. 13° 03´ 15.8˝ 81° 46´ 22.7˝
4. 12° 50´ 12.8˝ 81° 59´ 22.6˝
5. 12° 07´ 28.8˝ 82° 07´ 27.7˝
6. 12° 00´ 04.5˝ 81° 57´ 57.8˝
From point 1, the maritime boundary line shall continue due east along
the parallel of latitude (co‑ordinates 13° 46´ 35.7˝ N) until it reaches the
200‑nautical‑mile limit from the baselines from which the breadth of the
sea of Nicaragua is measured. From point 6 (with co‑ordinates
12° 00´ 04.5˝ N and 81° 57´ 57.8˝ W), located on a 12‑nautical‑mile envelope
of arcs around Albuquerque, the maritime boundary line shall continue along
that envelope of arcs until it reaches point 7 (with co‑ordinates 12° 11´ 53.5˝ N
and 81° 38´ 16.6˝ W) which is located on the parallel passing through the
southernmost point on the 12‑nautical‑mile envelope of arcs around East‑Southeast
Cays. The boundary line then follows that parallel until it
reaches the southernmost point of the 12‑nautical‑mile envelope of arcs
around EastSoutheast
Cays at point 8 (with co‑ordinates 12° 11´ 53.5˝ N
and 81° 28´ 29.5˝ W) and continues along that envelope of arcs until its most
eastward point (point 9 with co‑ordinates 12° 24´ 09.3˝ N and 81° 14´ 43.9˝ W).
From that point the boundary line follows the parallel of latitude (co‑ordinates
12° 24´ 09.3˝ N) until it reaches the 200‑nautical‑mile limit from
the baselines from which the territorial sea of Nicaragua is measured ;
(5) Unanimously,
Decides that the single maritime boundary around Quitasueño and Serrana
shall follow, respectively, a 12‑nautical‑mile envelope of arcs measured from
QS 32 and from low‑tide elevations located within 12 nautical miles from QS
32, and a 12‑nautical‑mile envelope of arcs measured from Serrana Cay and
the other cays in its vicinity ;
(6) Unanimously,
Rejects the Republic of Nicaragua’s claim contained in its final submissions
requesting the Court to declare that the Republic of Colombia is not acting in
accordance with its obligations under international law by preventing the
Republic of Nicaragua from having access to natural resources to the east of
the 82nd meridian.” 1
4. The very day when the Judgment was rendered, the Colombian authorities
strongly criticized its contents and attacked the Court itself. Mr. Juan Manuel
the Colombian President stated :
1 Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports
2012 (II), pp. 718‑720, para. 251.
“Today this Court rejected the claims of sovereignty of Nicaragua over our
archipelago. It is a final and unappealable judgment on this issue.
The Court, in its judgment draws a line that begins on the west of the archipelago,
between our islands and the coast of Nicaragua.
While this is positive for Colombia, the Court, when drawing the maritime
delimitation line, made serious mistakes that I must stress, and [those mistakes]
affect us negatively.
Inexplicably — after recognizing the sovereignty of Colombia over the
entire archipelago and holding that it [the archipelago] as a unit generated
continental shelf and exclusive economic zone rights — the Court adjusted the
delimitation line, leaving the Keys of Serrana, Serranilla, Quitasueño and
Bajo Nuevo separated from the rest of the archipelago.
This is inconsistent with what the Court itself acknowledged, and is not
compatible with the geographical conception of what is an archipelago.
All of these are really omissions, errors, excesses, inconsistencies that we cannot
Taking into account the above, Colombia — represented by its Head of
State — emphatically rejects that aspect of the judgment rendered by the Court
The Government respects the rule of law but considers that the Court has
committed serious mistakes in this matter.” 2 (Emphasis added.)
5. In a similar vein, Colombia’s Foreign Minister, María Angela Holguín,
described the ICJ as an “enemy” of the region, claiming its unanimous Judgment
was not based on the law. Foreign Minister Holguín stated that
“the enemy is the Court which did not base its decision on the law, that Judgment
is full of inadequacies and one reads it and cannot believe that the States
parties that conform the Court elected those judges to decide such an important
Judgment” 3.
6. On 27 November 2012, Colombia denounced the Pact of Bogotá, in a letter
from the Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Secretary‑General of the
Organization of American States claiming that,
“I have the honour to address Your Excellency pursuant to Article LVI of
the American Treaty on Pacific Settlement in order to give notice to the
2 “Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the judgment of the International
Court of Justice”, 19 November 2012 (Annex 1) (
Noviembre/Paginas/20121119_02.aspx). See also : “ICJ ruling on San Andrés a ‘serious
judgment error’ : Santos”, Colombia Reports, 20 November 2012 (
icj-ruling-on-san-andres-a-serious-judgment-error-santos/) ; “International Court Gives
Nicaragua More Waters, Outlying Keys to Colombia”, Diálogo, 21 November 2012 (http://
3687), or “Caribbean Crisis : Can Nicaragua Navigate Waters It Won from Colombia ? ”,
Time World, 28 November 2012 (
navigate-waters-it-won-from-colombia/) or BBC, United Kingdom, “Colombia
pulls out of International Court over Nicaragua”, 28 November 2012 (
3 “The Colombian Foreign Minister Calls The Hague an Enemy”, El Nuevo Herald,
28 November 2012 (Annex 2) (
Secretariat of the Organization of American States, which you head,
as the successor to the Pan American Union, that the Republic of Colombia
denounces as of today the ‘American Treaty on Pacific Settlement’, signed on
30 April 1948, whose instrument of ratification was deposited by Colombia on
6 November 1968.
The denunciation of the American Treaty on Pacific Settlement shall be in
effect as of today with respect to procedures initiated after this notice, pursuant
to the second paragraph of Article LVI, which reads : ‘The denunciation
shall have no effect with respect to pending procedures initiated prior to the
transmission of the particular notification.’” 4
7. Colombia’s denunciation of the Pact of Bogotá was explained the next day by
President Santos :
“I have decided that the highest national interests demand that the territorial
and maritime boundaries be fixed through treaties, as has been the legal
tradition of Colombia, and not through judgments rendered by the International
Court of Justice.
This is why yesterday Colombia denounced the Pact of Bogotá. Proper
notice was given to the Secretary-General of the Organization of American
States. It will become effective for procedures that are initiated after the notification.
The decision I have made obeys a fundamental principle : the boundaries
between States should be fixed by States themselves. Land borders and maritime
boundaries between States should not be left to a Court, but rather must be
fixed by States through treaties of mutual agreement.” 5 (Emphasis added.)
8. President Daniel Ortega invited President Santos to meet with him in an
effort to forge a constructive dialogue 6. The meeting was held in Mexico City on
1 December 2012. President Ortega reiterated Nicaragua’s willingness to discuss
issues relating to the implementation of the Court’s Judgment and its determination
to manage the situation peacefully. President Santos rejected the dialogue by
stating that his country would not abide by the Judgment until “we see that Colombian
rights, that have been violated, are re-established and guaranteed in the future” 7.
9. Since the Judgment was rendered on 19 November 2012, Colombia has consistently
resorted to the threat of the use of force.
(a) During a meeting of Governors on the Island of San Andrés on 18 February
2013, President Santos told his audience :
4 See letter from Colombia to Secretary-General of the Organization of American States
dated 27 November 2012 (GACIJ No. 79357) (Annex 3).
5 Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the denunciation of the Pact of
Bogotá, 28 November 2012 (Annex 4) (
6 “Santos and Ortega will meet this Saturday in Mexico City”, La República, 29 November
2012 (Annex 5) (
7 “Government of Colombia will not implement ICJ judgment until the rights of Colombians
are not restored”, El Salvador, 3 December 2012 (http://www.elsalvadornoticias.
“It should be] absolutely and totally clear that : I have given peremptory
and precise instructions to the Navy ; the historical rights of our fishermen are
going to be respected no matter what. No one has to request permission to
anybody in order to fish where they have always fished . . .
Colombia fishermen are going to be able to exercise their historical fishing
rights — that is what we have been saying. We will make sure of that.
This afternoon the Minister of Defence will arrive, the Commander of the
Navy is coming [too] and I am going to reiterate this in front of all the San
Andrés people : You do not have to request permission from anybody in order
to fish where you have traditionally fished.” 8
(b) On 13 August 2013, the newly designated Commander of the Navy, Vice
Admiral Hernando Willis, reaffirmed President Santos’ orders and manifested
that its biggest challenge would be in relation to the waters that were the subject
of the 19 November 2012 Judgment, as it was necessary to “protect the
fishermen in the area where they have historically exercised that task, as well
as to maintain permanent presence” 9.
(c) On 23 August 2013 the Vice-President of Colombia, Mr. Angelina Garzón,
stated that the Judgment of the Court was not binding for Colombia. He
emphasized that “the judgment of the Court of The Hague is unenforceable in
our country” 10.
(d) On 19 September 2013, President Santos ordered the Colombian Navy to
defend the continental shelf “a capa y espada” (cloak and sword). The Commander
of the Navy, Vice-Admiral Hernando Wills, answered the President’s
speech by emphasizing that his forces would comply with the orders of the
Head of State to exercise sovereignty in the entire Colombian Caribbean Sea
including up to the 82 meridian. For her part, the Governor of San Andrés,
Mrs. Aury Guerrero, addressed President Santos saying that “the whole territory,
including the 82 [meridian], is yours and we count on its defence” 11.
10. These declarations by the highest Colombian authorities culminated with
the enactment of a decree that openly violated Nicaragua’s sovereign rights over its
maritime areas in the Caribbean. Article 5 of this Presidential Decree 1946, reads
as follows :
“Article 5
Contiguous zone of the Western Caribbean Sea
insular territories
1. Without prejudice to that which is established in Number 2 of the present
Article, the contiguous zone of the Western Caribbean Sea insular territo‑
8 “Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos during the Summit of Governors in San
Andres”, 18 February 2013 (Annex 6) (
9 “Waters of San Andres, main challenge of new Commander of the Navy”, Blue Radio.
com, 13 August 2013, (
10 “World Court ruling on maritime borders unenforceable in Colombia : Vice President”,
Colombia Reports, 23 August 2013, (
11 “Santos orders to defend the continental shelf with cloak and sword”, El Espectador,
19 September 2013 (Annex 7) (
ries of Colombia extends to a distance of 24 nautical miles measured from
the baselines referred to in Article 3 of this Decree.
2. The contiguous zones adjacent to the territorial sea of the islands that
conform the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia, except
those of the Serranilla and Bajo Nuevo Islands, upon intersecting create a
contiguous zone and uninterrupted zone of the whole of the San Andrés,
Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department over which the
competent national authorities shall exercise their powers as recognized by
international law and the Colombian laws mentioned in Number 3 of the
present article.
With the objective of ensuring the due administration and the orderly
management of the whole San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina
Archipelago, its islands, keys and other formations and their maritime
areas and resources, as well as to avoid the existence of irregular shapes or
contours that make difficult their practical implementation, the lines that
indicate the outer limits of the contiguous zones shall be joined by geodesic
lines. Similarly, these shall be joined to the contiguous zone of Serranilla
Island by geodesic lines that shall follow the direction of parallel
14° 59´ 08˝ N through to meridian 79° 56´ 00˝ W, and from there to the
north, thus conforming the Integral Contiguous Zone of the San Andrés,
Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department.
3. Further to what is established in the above provision, the Colombian State
shall exercise in the established Integral Contiguous Zone, its sovereign
authority and the powers for the implementation and the necessary control
regarding :
(a) Prevention and control of violations of laws and by‑laws regarding the
integral security of the State, including piracy, drug trafficking, as well
as behaviours that endanger security at sea and national maritime
interests, customs, fiscal, immigration and health matters committed
in its insular territories or in their territorial sea. Similarly, violations
of laws and by‑laws regarding environmental protection, cultural
and the exercise of historic rights to fishing held by the
State of Colombia, shall be prevented and controlled.
(b) Punishment of violations of laws and by‑laws regarding the matters
mentioned in (a) above, and that were committed in the insular territories
or their territorial sea.” 12
11. Colombia’s self‑proclaimed maritime boundaries in the Western Caribbean,
pursuant to this Decree, were depicted in the following map, published by the
Colombian Government 13.
12. The violation of Nicaragua’s sovereign rights to its maritime areas in the
Caribbean as established by the Court’s Judgment may be appreciated in the following
graphic, which superimposes the maritime zones proclaimed as Colombian
12 Presidential Decree 1946 of 9 September 2013 (Annex 8) (
13 Map presented by President Juan Manuel Santos, 9 September 2013 http://www.
by its Decree 1946 (in green and purple), on the Court’s sketch-map No. 11, depicting
the course of the maritime boundary established by the Judgment :
13. The same day the Colombian Decree was issued, President Santos explained :
“All the people of our country continue to feel indignant about the International
Court of Justice’s judgment.
Article 101 of our Constitution states that ‘the borders defined as provided
in this Constitution shall be subject to modification only by virtue of treaties
approved by Congress and duly ratified by the President of the Republic.’
On its part, the Constitutional Court, has clearly stated that these treaties
— that is to say, those that refer to the borders and demarcation of
Colombia — should always be approved by our Congress.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  I repeat the decision I have made : The judgment of the International Court of
Justice IS NOT APPLICABLE without a treaty.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6
[B]ased on Colombia’s laws and taking into account clear principles of
international law, by way of this decree and as recognized to us by international
law, we are establishing jurisdictional and control rights over the mentioned
And we declare the existence of an Integral Contiguous Zone through
which we have unified the contiguous zones of all our islands and keys in the
Western Caribbean Sea.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  This integral area allows us to continue to adequately administrate the
Archipelago and its surrounding waters — as an archipelago rather than
unconnected territories, thus being able to control our security and protect
our resources and environment in the zone.
The Integral Contiguous Zone we have established covers maritime spaces
that extend from the south, where the Alburquerque and East‑Southeast Keys
are situated, and to the north, where Serranilla Key is located.
Of course, it includes the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Quitasueño,
Serrana and Roncador Islands, and the other formations in the area.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  In this Integral Contiguous Zone we will exercise jurisdiction and control
over all areas related to security and the struggle against delinquency, and
WGS 84
Mercator Projection (12° 30' N)
This sketch-map has been prepared
maritime boundary
for illustrative purposes only.
Course of the
Sketch-map No. 11:
Great Corn
San Andrés
3 Santa Catalina
PANAMA East-Southeast Cays
Little Corn
Serranilla HONDURAS
Maritime boundary
Approximate eastern limit
AREA of the relevant area
Outline of a bank
Colombia / Jamaica established by the Court
Judgment of the ICJ
Bilateral treaty of 1993
Bilateral treaty of 1976
dated 8 October 2007
Bilateral treaty of 1977
(not in force)
Bilateral treaty of 1980
Bajo Nuevo
Court’s Map No 11
overprinted with Colombia’s “Contiguous Zone” and
24M limit measured from baselines.
Colombia’s Zone Contiguous Integral
over fiscal, customs, environmental, immigration and health matters and
other areas as well.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  First : We decided that without a treaty, the sentence is not applicable.
Second : By declaring the zone an Integral Contiguous Zone we have consolidated
our Archipelago.
Third : We are making progress in the environmental and social protection
of the Seaflower Reserve.
And Fourth : We have stopped Nicaragua’s expansionist ambitions by
declaring the unity of two continental shelves which together extend from San
Andrés to Cartagena.” 14 (Emphasis added.)
14. Later, President Santos persevered in his rejection of the Court’s Judgment.
On 18 September 2013, on the occasion of a military “exercise of sovereignty” in
the Caribbean Sea, off the coasts of San Andrés Island, he stated unambiguously :
[“Colombia considers that the judgment of The Hague is not applicable, and
we will not apply it, just as we said it then and I repeat it today, until we have a
new treaty. And we will not make any action, in any direction, until the Constitutional
Court has not pronounced, after the suit filed by me personally
against the Pact of Bogotá.”] 15 (Emphasis added.)
15. Prior and especially subsequent to the enactment of Decree 1946, the threatening
declarations by Colombian authorities and the hostile treatment given by
Colombian naval forces to Nicaraguan vessels have seriously affected the possibilities
of Nicaragua for exploiting the living and non‑living resources in its Caribbean
exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. When even Nicaraguan
are reluctant to enter certain areas that are patrolled by Colombian
naval vessels, the effect on vital foreign investment is extremely damaging. These
matters will be documented and detailed in the course of these proceedings.
III. The Jurisdiction of the Court
16. The jurisdiction of the Court in this case is based on Article XXXI of the
American Treaty on Pacific Settlement (Pact of Bogotá) of 30 April 1948. This
provision reads as follows :
“In conformity with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International
Court of Justice, the High Contracting Parties declare that they recog‑
14 “Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the integral strategy of Colombia
on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice”, 9 September 2013 (Annex 9) (http://
Colombia-presenta-su-Estrategia-Integral-frente-al-fallo-de-La-Haya.aspx or, for the video,
15 “Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos during the sovereignty exercises
performed in the Caribbean Sea”, 18 September 2013 (Annex 10) (http://wsp.presidencia.
Manuel-Santos-durante-ejercicio-soberania-que-cumplio-en-el-Mar-Caribe.aspx or, for the
nize, in relation to any other American State, the jurisdiction of the Court as
compulsory ipso facto, without the necessity of any special agreement so long
as the present Treaty is in force, in all disputes of a juridical nature that arise
among them concerning :
(a) the interpretation of a treaty ;
(b) any question of international law ;
(c) the existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute the breach
of an international obligation ;
(d) the nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an
international obligation.”
Both Nicaragua and Colombia are Parties to the Pact of Bogotá. No reservation
in force at the present date has been made by either Nicaragua or Colombia under
the Pact.
17. As explained above 16, on 27 November 2012, Colombia gave notice that it
denounced as of that date the Pact of Bogotá ; and in accordance with Article LVI
of the Pact, that denunciation will take effect after one year, so that the Pact will
cease to be in force for Colombia after 27 November 2013.
18. Moreover and alternatively, the jurisdiction of the Court lies in its inherent
power to pronounce on the actions required by its Judgments.
IV. The Legal Ground for Nicaragua’s Request
19. In Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the dispositif of its Judgment of 19 November 2012,
the Court unanimously determined the course of the single maritime boundary
delimiting the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones of the Republic
of Nicaragua and the Republic of Colombia. In conformity with Articles 59 and 60
of the Court’s Statute, this Judgment is final and without appeal and has binding
force between the Parties. By itself, the decision made by Colombia not to comply
with it is a breach of that State’s obligations under international law, which entails
its responsibility 17.
20. Moreover, by its decision not to comply with the Court’s Judgment, Colombia
is also in breach of its obligations, and violates Nicaragua’s rights, under
international law, as reflected in Parts V and VI of the UNCLOS.
21. These breaches are all the more worrying and serious as they are accompanied
by clear threats to use force, in breach of Article 2 (4) of the UN Charter
according to which :
“All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat
or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any
state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United
This provision reflects a peremptory norm of general international law.
16 See para. 6 above.
17 Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), Judgment,
I.C.J Reports 2009, p. 213, para. 148 (“[The] obligation to cease wrongful conduct
derives both from the general obligation of each State to conduct itself in accordance with
international law and from the specific obligation upon States parties to disputes before the
Court to comply with its judgments, pursuant to Article 59 of its Statute.”)
V. Decision Requested
22. On the basis of the foregoing statement of facts and law, Nicaragua, while
reserving the right to supplement, amend or modify this Application, requests the
Court to adjudge and declare that Colombia is in breach of :
—— its obligation not to use or threaten to use force under Article 2 (4) of the UN
Charter and international customary law ;
—— its obligation not to violate Nicaragua’s maritime zones as delimited in paragraph
251 of the ICJ Judgment of 19 November 2012 as well as Nicaragua’s
sovereign rights and jurisdiction in these zones ;
—— its obligation not to violate Nicaragua’s rights under customary international
law as reflected in Parts V and VI of UNCLOS ;
—— and that, consequently, Colombia is bound to comply with the Judgment of
19 November 2012, wipe out the legal and material consequences of its internationally
wrongful acts, and make full reparation for the harm caused by those
23. Pursuant to Article 31 of the Statute of the Court and Article 35, paragraph
1 of its Rules, the Republic of Nicaragua will exercise the power conferred
by Article 31 of the Statute and choose a person to sit as judge and will so inform
the Court in due course.
24. Nicaragua, reserves its right to supplement, amend or modify this Application.
25. The Government of Nicaragua has designated the undersigned as its Agent
for the purposes of these proceedings. All communications relating to this case
should be sent to the Office of the Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua, Statenlaan
52, 2582 GP, The Hague.
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) Carlos J. Argüello Gómez,
Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua,
Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua.
26 November 2013.
The undersigned Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua certifies that the documents
hereunder listed are true copies and conform to the original documents and
that the translations into English made by Nicaragua are accurate translations of
the documents annexed to the Application by the Republic of Nicaragua instituting
proceedings against the Republic of Colombia for violations of Nicaragua’s
sovereign rights and maritime zones declared by the Court’s Judgment of
19 November 2012 and the threat of use of force by Colombia in order to implement
these violations.
(Signed) Carlos J. Argüello Gómez,
Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua.
List of Annexes
Annex 1. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the Judgment of the
International Court of Justice, 19 November 2012.
Annex 2. “The Colombian Foreign Minister calls The Hague an Enemy”, El Nuevo
Herald, 28 November 2012.
Annex 3. Letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia to the Secretary-
General of the Organization of American States, 27 November 2012.
Annex 4. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the denunciation of the
Pact of Bogotá, 28 November 2012.
Annex 5. “Santos and Ortega will meet this Saturday in Mexico City”, La
República, 29 November 2012.
Annex 6. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos during the Summit of
in San Andrés, 18 February 2013.
Annex 7. “Santos orders to defend the continental shelf with cloak and sword”,
El Espectador, 19 September 2013.
Annex 8. Presidential Decree 1946 of 9 September 2013.
Annex 9. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the integral strategy of
Colombia on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice, 9 September
Annex 10. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos during the sovereignty
exercises performed in the Caribbean Sea, 18 September 2013.
Annex 1
Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos
on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice,
19 November 2012 1
Bogotá, 19 November 2012.
“ Today this Court rejected the claims of sovereignty of Nicaragua over our
archipelago. It is a final and unappealable judgment on this issue.
The Court, in its judgment draws a line that begins on the west of the archipelago,
between our islands and the coast of Nicaragua.
While this is positive for Colombia, the Court, when drawing the maritime
delimitation line, made serious mistakes that I must stress, and [those mistakes]
affect us negatively.
Inexplicably — after recognizing the sovereignty of Colombia over the
entire archipelago and holding that it [the archipelago] as a unit generated
continental shelf and exclusive economic zone rights — the Court adjusted the
delimitation line, leaving the Keys of Serrana, Serranilla, Quitasueño and
Bajo Nuevo separated from the rest of the archipelago.
This is inconsistent with what the Court itself acknowledged, and is not
compatible with the geographical conception of what is an archipelago.
All of these are really omissions, errors, excesses, inconsistencies that we cannot
Taking into account the above, Colombia — represented by its Head of
State — emphatically rejects that aspect of the judgment rendered by the Court
The Government respects the rule of law but considers that the Court has
committed serious mistakes in this matter.” (Emphasis added.)
1 Source :
Annex 2
The Colombian Foreign Minister
Calls The Hague an Enemy”,
El Nuevo Herald, 28 November 2012 1
“The enemy is the Court which did not base its decision on the law, that
Judgment is full of inadequacies and one reads it and cannot believe that the
States parties that conform the Court elected those judges to decide such an
important Judgment.”
1 Source :
Annex 3
Letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia
to the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States,
27 November 2012
I have the honour to address Your Excellency pursuant to Article LVI of the
American Treaty on Pacific Settlement in order to give notice to the General Secretariat
of the Organization of American States, which you head, as the successor
to the Pan American Union, that the Republic of Colombia denounces as of today
the “American Treaty on Pacific Settlement”, signed on 30 April 30 1948, whose
instrument of ratification was deposited by Colombia on 6 November 1968.
The denunciation of the American Treaty on Pacific Settlement shall be in effect
as of today with respect to procedures initiated after this notice, pursuant to the
second paragraph of Article LVI, which reads : “The denunciation shall have no
effect with respect to pending procedures initiated prior to the transmission of the
particular notification.”
(Signed) María Angela Holguín Cuellar,
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Annex 4
Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos
on the Denunciation of the Pact of Bogotá,
28 November 2012 1
“I have decided that the highest national interests demand that the territorial
and maritime boundaries be fixed through treaties, as has been the legal
tradition of Colombia, and not through judgments rendered by the International
Court of Justice.
This is why yesterday Colombia denounced the Pact of Bogotá. Proper
notice was given to the Secretary-General of the Organization of American
States. It will become effective for procedures that are initiated after the notification.
The decision I have made obeys to a fundamental principle : the boundaries
between States should be fixed by States themselves. Land borders and maritime
boundaries between States, should not be left to a Court, but rather must be
fixed by States through treaties of mutual agreement.” (Emphasis added.)
1 Source :
Annex 5
“Santos and Ortega Will Meet this Saturday in Mexico City”,
La República, 29 November 2012 1
“I want to shake hands with President Santos and say that I and the people
of Nicaragua want to fix this situation as fraternally as brothers, as these two
people have been throughout the history of Latin America”, said Daniel
Ortega, President of Nicaragua, according to Caracol TV.
Nicaragua’s Ambassador to Mexico, Tamara Hawkins, contacted the
Colombian Ambassador Gabriel José Ortiz, in order to organize the meeting
with President Juan Manuel Santos.
The announcement follows statements by President Santos in which he
said that he “will not apply that judgment of The Hague Court until it is guaranteed
that the rights of the Colombians are well defined”.
1 Source :
Annex 6
Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos
during the Summit of Governors in San Andrés,
18 February 2013 1
“It should be absolutely and totally clear that : I have given peremptory and
precise instructions to the Navy ; the historical rights of our fishermen are
going to be respected no matter what. No one has to request permission to
anybody in order to fish where they have always fished.
Colombia fishermen are going to be able to exercise their historical fishing
rights — that is what we have been saying. We will make sure of that.
This afternoon the Minister of Defence will arrive, the Commander of the
Navy is coming [too] and I am going to reiterate this in front of all the San
Andrés people : You do not have to request permission from anybody in order
to fish where you have traditionally fished.”
1 Source :
Annex 7
“Santos Orders to Defend the Continental Shelf
with Cloak and Sword”,
El Espectador, 19 September 2013 1
That’s the order that he gave to the military forces patrolling the waters in
dispute with Nicaragua.
The President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, ordered to the high
command of the Armed Forces to defend with “cloak and sword” the continental
shelf that Colombia has in the Caribbean Sea.
During the speech by the Navy Commander, Vice Admiral Hernando
Wills, he reiterated that his forces comply with the order of the Head of State
to exercise sovereignty throughout the Colombian Caribbean Sea.
The high command even said that the Colombian frigates operate in the 82
meridian, and added that the judgment of The Hague is inapplicable and that
his duty is to defend all the Colombian maritime space.
Meanwhile, the Governor of San Andrés, Aury Guerrero, reiterated that
the Caribbean waters over which The Hague gave Nicaragua economic rights
have been and are Colombian waters.
“The whole territory, including the 82 [meridian], is yours and we count on
its defence”, said Guerrero to President Santos, addressing him as Head of
1 Source :
Annex 8
Presidential Decree 1946 of 9 September 2013 1
Which serves to regulate Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 of Law 10 of 1978 and 2
and 3 of Law 47 of 1993 as regards territorial sea, the contiguous zone, some
aspects of the continental shelf of the insular Colombian territories in the Western
Caribbean Sea and the integrity of the San Andrés, Providence and Santa Catalina
Archipelago Department,
The President of the Republic of Colombia
In exercise of her constitutional and legal powers, in particular those extended in
Article 189, Roman numeral 11 of the Political Constitution and in the implementation
of stipulations of Law 10 of 1978 and Law 47 of 1993,
That Article 101 of the Political Constitution states that “besides its continental
territory, the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina and Malpelo Archipelago,
as well as their islands, islets, key and banks, are part of Colombia” ;
That the same Article establishes that they “are also part of Colombia the
the territory sea, the contiguous zone, the continental shelf, the exclusive
economic zone, the airspace, the part consisting of the geostationary orbit, the
electromagnetic sphere and the space it affects, in conformity with international
law and Colombian laws due to the absence of international norms” ;
That Article 309 of the Political Constitution converted into a department the
authority corresponding to the “San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina
Archipelago” and established that “the property and rights under any title which
belonged to the authorities and commissaries will continue to be the property of
the respective departments” ;
That Article 310 of the Political Constitution establishes that “besides norms
established in the Constitution and laws regarding other departments, the San
Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department shall be ruled
by special norms on public administration, immigration, fiscal matters, foreign
commerce, exchange, finances and economic development established by the
That Article 3 of Law 47 of 1993 establishes that the territory of the San Andrés,
Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department is conformed by the
islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, by the Alburquerque, East
South Southeast, Roncador, Serrana, Quitasueño, Bajo Nuevo, Bancos de Serranilla
and Alicia the other islands, islets, keys, banks and reefs which conform the
former Special Authority of San Andrés and Providencia ;
That Article 2 of Law 47 of 1993 recognizes the territorial, cultural, administrative,
economic and political unity of the Archipelago by establishing that “the San
1 Source :
Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department is a territorial
entity created by the Constitution and the law and has the right to govern itself
through its own authorities ; to exercise the pertinent competences, to integrate
the national revenue system ; to administrate its resources and establish the taxes
necessary for compliance with its functions” ;
That Article 9 of Law 10 of 1978 established that the Government shall proceed
to establish for the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago
Department and other insular territories the baselines from which shall be measured
the diverse maritime spaces over which the Colombian nation exercises sovereignty,
sovereign rights and jurisdiction in conformity with customary international
law, it orders that these be incorporated into its official maritime cartography
in conformity with international norms on this subject matter ;
That in carrying out that which is established in Article 101 of the Political Constitution
and Law 10 of 1978, and in the context of the Political Constitution, it is
the responsibility of the State to determine the extension of the territorial sea and
the contiguous zone generated by the islands that conform Western Caribbean
insular Colombian territories and the reach of the corresponding maritime jurisdiction
in order to facilitate their adequate administration, the orderly management
of the waters and the exercise of the country’s sovereignty or sovereign rights ;
That according to international customary law and in carrying out that which is
established in Article 101 of the Political Constitution and Law 10 of 1978, the
Republic of Colombia has a right to the formations that comprise the San Andrés,
Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago to generate territorial sea and a contiguous
zone without prejudice to its rights over the exclusive economic zone and
the continental shelf ;
That in conformity with customary international law as regards the contiguous
zone, States may exercise sovereign rights and jurisdiction and control in the areas
of security, drug trafficking, environmental protection, fiscal and customs matters,
immigration, health and other matters ;
That the extension of the contiguous zone of insular territories conforming the
Western Caribbean has to be determined, specifically of those insular territories
that conform the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago, so
that the orderly management of the Archipelago and its maritime spaces may be
guaranteed thereby ensuring protection of the environment and natural resources
and maintenance of comprehensive security and public order ;
That the Colombian State is responsible for the preservation of the Archipelago’s
ecosystems which are fundamental to the ecological equilibrium of the
area and in order to preserve its inhabitants’ historic, traditional, ancestral, environmental
and cultural rights, and their right to survival.
It is decreed
Article 1
Western Caribbean Sea
insular territories of Colombia
1. The Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia are comprised of
the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department and the
rest of its islands, islets, keys and banks.
2. The San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department is
comprised of the following islands :
(a) San Andrés ;
(b) Providencia ;
(c) Santa Catalina ;
(d) The Alburquerque Keys ;
(e) The East Southeast Keys ;
(f) The Roncador Keys ;
(g) The Serrana Keys ;
(h) The Quitasueño Keys ;
(i) The Serranilla Keys ;
(g) The Bajo Nuevo Keys ;
(k) the remaining island, islets, keys, banks, low-tide elevations and reefs adjacent
to each of these islands and which conform the San Andrés, Providencia and
Santa Catalina Archipelago Department.
3. The Republic of Colombia exercises full sovereignty over its insular territories
and it also exercises jurisdiction and sovereign rights over the maritime spaces
these create under the norms of international law, the Political Constitution,
Law 10 of 1978 and this Decree.
Article 2
Maritime spaces created by the Western Caribbean Sea
insular territories of Colombia
In conformity with Article 101 of the Political Constitution, customary international
law, and Laws 10 of 1978, and 47 of 1993, the territorial sea, the contiguous
zone, the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone created by its Western
Caribbean Sea insular territories are a part of Colombia.
The continental shelf and the eastern exclusive economic zone generated by the
Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia that overlap with the continental
shelf and the exclusive economic zone generated towards the northwest
along Colombia’s Atlantic coast.
Article 3
Drawing of baselines in the Western Caribbean Sea
insular territories of Colombia
1. In carrying out that which is established in Law 10 of 1978, the Government
shall determine the points and baselines from which the breadth of the territorial
waters, the contiguous zone and diverse maritime spaces created by the
islands comprising the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia are
2. The drawing shall be carried out in conformity with the criteria recognized in
customary international law including those related to islands situated in atolls or
islands having fringing reefs in which the baseline for measuring the breadth of the
territorial sea is the seaward low water-line of the reef.
3. Straight baselines may be used in the event of situations foreseen in Article 4
of Law 10 of 1978.
4. Waters situated between the baselines and insular territories are considered
internal waters.
Article 4
Territorial waters of the Western Caribbean Sea
insular territories of Colombia
1. The territorial sea of the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia,
over which the Republic of Colombia exercises full sovereignty, extends from
the territory of each one of the islands mentioned in Article l and their inner waters,
to the distance established in number 2 of the present Article.
2. The outer limit of the territorial sea shall be conformed by a line in which the
points that comprise such line are at a distance equal to 12 nautical miles measured
from the baselines.
3. National sovereignty is equally exercised in the airspace above the territorial
sea, as well as in the sea-bed and subsoil of this sea.
4. The ships of any State enjoy the right of innocent passage in the territorial sea,
in conformity with customary international law and other peaceful uses which customary
international law recognizes.
The transit through its territorial waters of warships, submarines, nuclear-powered
ships and any other naval transport carrying nuclear substances or other
substances harmful or potentially dangerous to the environment, is subject to
prior authorization by the competent authorities of the Republic of Colombia.
Note : For the effects of the present Decree and in conformity with that which
was established in Article 1 of Law 10 of 1978, it is understood that one nautical
mile is equivalent to 1.852 kilometres.
Article 5
Contiguous zone of the Western Caribbean Sea
insular territories of Colombia
1. Without prejudice to that which is established in Number 2 of the present
Article, the contiguous zone of the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of
Colombia extends to a distance of 24 nautical miles measured from the baselines
referred to in Article 3 of this Decree.
2. The contiguous zones adjacent to the territorial sea of the islands that conform
the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia, except those of
the Serranilla and Bajo Nuevo Islands, upon intersecting create a continuous zone
and uninterrupted zone of the whole of the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa
Catalina Archipelago Department over which the competent national authorities
shall exercise their powers which are recognized by international law and the
Colombian laws mentioned in Number 3 of the present article.
With the objective of ensuring the due administration and orderly management
of the whole San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago, its islands,
keys and other formations and their maritime areas and resources, as well as to
avoid the existence of irregular shapes or contours that make difficult their practical
implementation, the lines that indicate the outer limits of the contiguous zones
shall be joined by geodesic lines. Similarly, these shall be joined at the contiguous
zone of Serranilla Island by geodesic lines that shall follow the direction of parallel
14°59´ 08˝ N through to meridian 79°56´ 00˝ W, and from there to the north, thus
conforming the Integral Contiguous Zone of the San Andrés, Providencia and
Santa Catalina Archipelago Department.
3. In consistency with what is established in the above provision, the Colombian
State shall exercise in the established Integral Contiguous Zone its sovereign authority
and the powers for the implementation and the necessary control regarding :
(a) Prevention and control of violations of laws and by‑laws regarding integral
security of the State, including piracy, drug trafficking, as well as behaviour
that endangers security at sea and national maritime interests, customs, fiscal,
immigration and health matters committed in its insular territories or in their
territorial sea. Similarly, violations of laws and by-laws regarding environmental
protection, cultural patrimony and the exercise of historic rights to
fishing held by the State of Colombia, shall be prevented and controlled.
(b) Punishment of violations of laws and by-laws regarding the matters enumerated
in (a) above and that were committed in the insular territories or their
territorial sea.
Article 6
Elaboration of maps
The points and baselines referred to in Article 3 of this Decree, shall be published
in the official nautical cartography of the Republic of Colombia which is
elaborated by the General Maritime Directorate, which shall take place within the
three (3) months following issuance of the present Decree. That which is relevant
to it shall be sent to the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute. Due publication
shall be given to these instruments.
The Integral Contiguous Zone established by virtue of Article 3 of this Decree
shall be reflected in the official nautical cartography of the Republic of Colombia
elaborated by the General Maritime Directorate, which should take place within
the two (2) months following publication of the instruments referred to in Article 3
of the present Decree. That which is relevant to it shall be sent to the Agustín
Codazzi Geographic Institute. Due publication shall be given to these instruments.
Once determined, the points and baselines, as well as the other spaces referred to
in the present Decree, shall be established through a decree to be issued by the
national Government.
Article 7
The rights of third States
Nothing established herein shall be understood to affect or limit the rights and
responsibilities derived from the “Treaty on Maritime Delimitation between the
Republic of Colombia and Jamaica” signed between these States on 12 November
1993, nor shall the rights of other States be affected or limited.
Article 8
The present Decree shall govern from the date of its issuance ; it precludes all
norms and regulations which are contrary to its content.
Bogotá, on 9 September 2013.
(Signed) Fernando Carrillo Flórez, (Signed) Juan Carlos Pinzón Bueno,
Minister of the Interior. Minister for National Defence.
(Signed) María Angela Holguín Cuéllar, (Signed) Alejandro Gaviria Uribe,
Minister for Foreign Relations. Health and Social Protection Minister.
(Signed) Mauricio Cárdenas Santamaría, (Signed) Juan Gabriel Uribe Vegalara,
Minister of Finance Minister for the Environment
and Public Credit. and Sustainable Development.
Annex 9
Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos
on the Integral Strategy of Colombia
on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice,
9 September 2013 2
colombia presents its integral strategy regarding
the hague sentence
1. We decided that without a treaty, the sentence is not applicable.
2. We consolidated our archipelago by declaring an Integral Contiguous Zone.
3. We advanced in environmental and social protection in the Seaflower Reserve.
4. We stopped Nicaragua’s expansionist plans by declaring the unification of two
continental sea-beds which jointly extend from San Andrés to Cartagena.
Bogotá, 9 September 2013.
What follows is a public statement from the President of the Republic, Juan
Manuel Santos, on Colombia’s integral strategy regarding the sentence of the
International Court of Justice in The Hague :
“Fellow Colombians :
All the people of our country continue to feel indignant about the International
Court of Justice sentence.
Our Government, which inherited work in a process that had been going on
for more than a decade, was the one to receive the decision and take measures
to face the situation it created.
We did this with several actions we took from the beginning.
We designed and put in motion an ambitious investment plan to the benefit
of San Andrés’ people, including programmes in the areas of health, education,
housing, technology, infrastructure and energy. We also strengthened
protection of the fishing community.
These investments, which we decided together with the people of the island
based on their priorities, are more than twice the historical investment in this
department. They are now a reality and are being carried out quickly.
The objective is to make the Archipelago a sustainable region that extends
development opportunities to its people.
2 Source :
We also denounce the Bogotá Pact, or rather, we withdrew from this treaty
which recognized the jurisdiction of the Court at The Hague.
We have also diligently committed to the development of a juridical and
political strategy for reinforcing and consolidating the rights of Colombians
over the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago.
Toward this end we have had the support of renown national and foreign
lawyers, and we examined and evaluated different opinions, different concepts
and theses which served to design this integral strategy.
Today I would like to inform you of this strategy.
In the FIRST PLACE — and after analysis of the juridical studies and concepts
— I reiterate what I stated the very day the sentence was emitted.
I was elected to defend and uphold the Constitution of Colombia. That was
my oath which I will not and cannot violate.
My constitutional responsibilities include protection and guarantee of the
rights of Colombians, to defend our borders and honour the treaties Colombia
has subscribed with other States.
Article 101 of our Constitution states that ‘the borders defined as provided
in this Constitution shall be subject to modification only by virtue of treaties
approved by Congress and duly ratified by the President of the Republic’.
On its part, the Constitutional Court, has clearly stated that these treaties
— that is to say, those that refer to the borders and demarcation of
Colombia — should always be approved by our Congress.
I repeat the decision I have made : The sentence of the International Court
of Justice IS NOT APPLICABLE without a treaty.
As Head of State, I will defend this position in the pertinent national and
international entities.
In that regard, the Government will make demands before the Constitutional
Court regarding the so-called Bogotá Pact. What is the purpose of this ?
So that it reaffirms the thesis that a sentence of the Court in The Hague cannot
automatically modify Colombia’s maritime demarcation.
I now move on to the SECOND DECISION.
Today I have issued a very important decree whose reach I would like to
explain to you.
National law as well as international law recognize for our islands basic
maritime areas — territorial waters and a contiguous zone — that cannot be
automatically modified.
Those areas cannot be ignored nor shall we allow this.
For that reason, based on Colombia’s laws and taking into account clear
principles of international law, by way of this decree and as recognized to us
by international law, we are establishing jurisdictional and control rights over
the mentioned zone.
And we declare the existence of an Integral Contiguous Zone through
which we have unified the contiguous zones of all our islands and keys in the
Western Caribbean Sea.
We will continue to exercise full jurisdiction and control in this zone.
This integral area allows us to continue to adequately administrate the
Archipelago and its surrounding waters — as an archipelago rather than
unconnected territories, thus being able to control our security and protect
our resources and environment in the zone.
The Integral Contiguous Zone we have established covers maritime spaces
that extend from the south, where the Alburquerque and East-Southeast Keys
are situated, and to the north, where Serranilla Key is located.
Of course, it includes the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Quitasueño,
Serrana and Roncador Islands, and the other formations in the area.
I know these islands and I have toured them, including their islets and keys,
not only when I was Defence Minister, but also forty-five years ago when I was
a naval cadet and I patrolled these waters from the ARC ‘Antioquia’ frigate.
That is why today I want to assure my fellow Colombians : what I patrolled
as a marine and what I defended as minister, I shall protect, to the last consequences,
as president.
In this Integral Contiguous Zone we will exercise jurisdiction and control
over all areas related to security and the struggle against delinquency, and
over fiscal, customs, environmental, immigration and health matters and
other areas as well.
That means our country can rest assured that the San Andrés, Providencia
and Santa Catalina Archipelago is and will continue to be a complete and
integrated archipelago with an active presence of the State in all its maritime
A THIRD DECISION is to resort to all juridical and diplomatic means in
order to reaffirm protection of the Seaflower Reserve in which our fishermen
have carried out their fishing livelihood for centuries.
We are aware of the great ecological value this area — which the UNESCO
declared a World Biosphere Reserve — holds for the Archipelago and the
Nicaragua wanted the UNESCO to extend it greater rights over the Reserve
and Colombia objected.
We celebrate the recent declaration by this organism that it is not its role to
intervene in controversies between nations, contrary to what Nicaragua
On the internal level, we have instructed that we aggressively move forward
with environmental and social projects in order to prevent impact or damage
to our fishermen and the Archipelago’s surrounding waters.
There is a FOURTH front, which is really important and fundamental, on
which we are also working in order to contain Nicaragua’s expansionism in
the Caribbean.
We know that as it did during the process that led to the sentence, Nicaragua
intends to ask the International Court to recognize a continental sea-bed
extending east from the San Andrés Archipelago.
The intent is to deprive us of resources that belong to us. This is so absurd
that it would extend Nicaragua’ s jurisdiction to a point only 100 miles from
the coast of Cartagena.
This is totally unacceptable and — I want this to be absolutely clear —
there is no way, there is no circumstance under which we will allow this !
Colombia has faced and is going to face these expansionist plans with all
the determination and rigour it calls for.
And we are not alone in this decision.
Together with other countries that are Nicaragua’s neighbours, such as
Panama, Costa Rica and Jamaica, which are also affected by its expansionist
ambitions, we will sign a letter of protest which I will personally hand to the
Secretary-General of the United Nations when I intervene in the General
Assembly this month in New York.
In fact — and we must remember this — this sentence from The Hague
totally disregards the demarcation treaties which are in place with these countries
and which we are obliged to comply with.
That is another reason we CANNOT apply the sentence and which forces
us to resort to diplomatic means.
On my part, my fellow Colombians can rest assured that we will firmly
oppose Nicaragua’s expansionist plans in every international entity with very
solid technical and juridical arguments that have been ready for a long time
and which, understandably, I cannot reveal.
I have no doubt — not the smallest doubt — that we will triumph in this
In the decree we have emitted today, we are also reaffirming in juridical
terms that the San Andrés continental sea-bed extending west 200 nautical
miles, is unquestionably joined with Colombia’s Caribbean coast continental
sea-bed, which extends northwest toward San Andrés for at least 200 miles.
This means we have a continuous and integrated continental sea-bed that
extends from San Andrés to Cartagena, over which Colombia has and will
exercise the sovereign rights extended by international law.
Thus, we clearly, firmly and unquestionably close the door to allowing
expansionist intentions.
All the measures we have taken and those I am announcing are part of that
integral strategy which has been carefully designed to defend Colombia’s
Thus, to enforce this strategy, today we have taken four fundamental steps
which we can summarize as follows :
First : We decided that without a treaty, the sentence is not applicable.
Second : By declaring the zone an Integral Contiguous Zone we have consolidated
our Archipelago.
Third : We are making progress in the environmental and social protection
of the Seaflower Reserve.
And fourth : We have stopped Nicaragua’s expansionist ambitions by
declaring the unity of two continental sea-beds which together extend from
San Andrés to Cartagena.
Of course, besides these four measures, we reserve the right to resort to the
resources of the International Court of Justice, and to take other actions.
None of these decisions precludes those that fish in the area as a means of
subsistence for themselves and their families from continuing to do so because
we are also responsible regarding peace and security in the Caribbean.
Compatriots :
You can rest assured that as President and as a Colombian, I shall continue
to protect our rights.
Without the least hesitation I shall continue to protect our sovereignty, our
islands and our seas to the last centimetre of our national territory.
With full commitment, total effort, and all strength, I shall continue to
faithfully comply with our Constitution as I swore to do before God and
before you.
Good night.”
Annex 10
Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos
during the Sovereignty Exercises Performed in the Caribbean Sea,
18 September 2013 1
san andrés island, september 18 september 2013
“Good afternoon.
We are patrolling and exercising sovereignty on Colombian waters, as I did
45 years ago on board the Frigate ‘Antioquia’ of the Armada of the Republic
of Colombia (ARC for its acronym in Spanish). On this occasion, I am on
board the ARC Frigate Almirante Padilla, accompanied by the Frigate ‘20 de
Julio’. And I am not doing it with my peers in Contingent 42 of the Naval
Cadet School, but rather with the entire Colombian State.
From the judicial branch, headed by the President of the Supreme Court of
Justice ; from the legislative branch, headed by the President of the House of
Representatives and the heads of the Presidents of the Second Commissions
of the Senate and House of Representatives ; and the head of Representative
Jack Housni, who represents San Andrés and Providencia in the House of
I am also accompanied by the Honourable Minister of Justice and Law, by
the Honourable Minister of Defence, and the Commanders of our Military
Forces and the Director of the Police.
After this patrol exercise, I want to reaffirm what I said on the ninth of the
current month, on Monday last week :
Colombia deems that the ruling by The Hague is not applicable, and we will
not apply it, as we stated then and I repeat today, until we have a new treaty.
And we will not implement any action, in any direction, until the Constitutional
Court rules, after the lawsuit that I personally introduced against the
Bogotá Agreement.
I also want to reaffirm that we will continue to protect the Seaflower
Reserve, which UNESCO deems as patrimony of humanity.
In this trend of thought, for quite some time, I asked Attorney Sandra
Bessudo to gather all of the existing information, all of the research carried
out by different universities, by the diverse institutions, by the National
Assembly itself and the NGOs, relating to the scientific value of this Reserve,
which belongs to humanity.
She now has this information. And we are going to make a scientific expedition
at the end of this year with the Armada, with different universities, with
the academia. It will be a scientific expedition where we are going to use state-
1 Source :
of-the-art technology : a robot that will dive to 300 metres depth and film for
the first time. No one has ever reached such depths.
Exercises will be implemented with satellite telemetry, shark acoustics, and
fisheries prospection because this area is of great importance for our artisanal
fishermen, (we will study) marine mammals, which will provide information
to support our actions framed in the International Whaling Commission. We
will also implement oceanography studies, coastal erosion and climate change
studies, all of this in co-ordination with UNESCO.
Lastly, I want to refer to the new lawsuit introduced by Nicaragua against
Colombia. We vehemently reject this new lawsuit, which requests the extended
platform that the International Court of Justice in The Hague had already
We consider that this lawsuit is inadmissible, as a lawsuit without any
grounds, as an unfriendly lawsuit, as a reckless lawsuit, a lawsuit without any
possibility for success.
Our platform goes from San Andrés, where we are now, up to Cartagena,
Barranquilla and Santa Marta. This platform is not negotiable under any circumstances
whatsoever. And we will defend it with all vehemence, all forcefulness,
because it is the platform that belongs to us, the Colombians.
So that here, in this place, on this frigate, I reaffirm that we will not allow
this new lawsuit introduced by Nicaragua against Colombia to take hold.
There are no legal grounds for it, no technical grounds, and therefore, I
repeat, we will defend it forcefully and vehemently.
And we will continue patrolling, just as we are doing so today. And we will
continue exercising sovereignty over our territory, over our waters.
We are also in the company of Madame Governor of San Andrés and
She knows that she enjoys full backing from the national Government.
We have provided support in many fronts and we will continue to
provide so that San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina can enjoy
an increasingly better future.
Thank you very much.”


Bilingual Content

INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS filed in the Registry of the Court on 26 November 2013 ALLEGED VIOLATIONS OF SOVEREIGN RIGHTS AND MARITIME SPACES IN THE CARIBBEAN SEA (NICARAGUA v. COLOMBIA) COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE REQUÊTE INTRODUCTIVE D’INSTANCE enregistrée au Greffe de la Cour le 26 novembre 2013 VIOLATIONS ALLÉGUÉES DE DROITS SOUVERAINS ET D’ESPACES MARITIMES DANS LA MER DES CARAÏBES (NICARAGUA c. COLOMBIE) 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 1 10/09/14 12:59 2 2013 General List No. 155 I. LETTER FROM THE AGENT OF NICARAGUA TO THE REGISTRAR OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE 26 November 2013. I have the honour to accompany the original Application of the Republic aof Nicaragua against the Republic of Colombia for violations of Nicaragua’as sover‑ eign rights and maritime zones declared by the Court’s Judgment of 19a Novem‑ ber 2012 and the threat of use of force by Colombia in order to implement these violations. This original document and its Annexes dated today is signeda by the Ambassador of Nicaragua to The Netherlands and Agent named for these proceedings, with the purpose of its being filed with the Registry in aaccordance with Article 52, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court. This original Application and its Annexes is accompanied by a copy that athe undersigned Agent certifies as identical to the original for purposes aof communica‑ tion to the other party in accordance with Article 43, paragraph 4, of the Statute. In addition, I have the honour to accompany 20 copies of the Application and its Annexes for the discretional use of the Court. The annexed documents are certified as accurate and identical to the oariginals, and the translations are also certified as true and accurate translatiaons into the English language. (Signed) Carlos J. Argüello Gómez , Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 2 10/09/14 12:59 3 2013 Rôleogénéral n 155 I. LETTRE ADRESSÉE AU GREFFIER DE LA COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE PAR L’AGENT DU NICARAGUA [Traduction] Le 26 novembre 2013. J’ai l’honneur de vous transmettre le texte original de la requêate de la Répu‑ blique du Nicaragua dirigée à l’encontre de la République dea Colombie concernant des violations des droits souverains et des espaces maritimes du Nicaragaua recon‑ nus à celui‑ci par la Cour dans son arrêt du 19 novembre 2012 et la menace de la Colombie de recourir à la force pour commettre ces violations. Le docaument origi‑ nal et ses annexes, datés de ce jour, ont été signés par l’aambassadeur du Nicaragua auprès du Royaume des Pays ‑Bas, agent désigné aux fins de la présente procédure, en vue de leur dépôt au Greffe conformément au paragraphe 1 de l’article 52 du Règlement de la Cour. Le texte original de la requête et de ses annexes est accompagné da’une copie certifiée conforme de celui‑ci par l’agent soussigné, pour coammunication à l’autre Partie conformément au paragraphe 4 de l’article 43 du Statut. Sont également jointes 20 copies de la requête et de ses annexes pour le libre usage de la Cour. Les documents annexés sont certifiés exacts et identiques aux oraiginaux et les traductions en anglais sont également certifiées exactes. L’agent de la République du Nicaragua, (Signé) Carlos J. Argüello Gómez. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 3 10/09/14 12:59 4 II. APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS 26 November 2013. To the Registrar of the International Court of Justice, The undersigned being duly authorized by the Republic of Nicaragua and baeing the Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua at The Hague has the honour to file the following Application: 1. The Republic of Nicaragua (“Nicaragua”) has the honour to submita to the Court, in accordance with Articles 36 and 40 of the Statute of the Court and Article 38 of the Rules of Court, this Application instituting proceedings againast the Republic of Colombia (“Colombia”) in respect of the dispute adescribed below. I. Subject of the Dispute 2. The dispute concerns the violations of Nicaragua’s sovereign rights and maritime zones declared by the Court’s Judgment of 19 November 2012 and the threat of the use of force by Colombia in order to implement these violations. II. The Facts 3. Seized by an Application filed by Nicaragua on 6 December 2001, the Court, by a Judgment dated 19 November 2012, decided as follows: “(1) Unanimously, Finds that the Republic of Colombia has sovereignty over the islands at Alburquerque, Bajo Nuevo, East‑Southeast Cays, Quitasueño, Roncador, Serrana and Serranilla; (2) By fourteen votes to one, Finds admissible the Republic of Nicaragua’s claim contained in its finala submission I (3) requesting the Court to adjudge and declare that ‘a[t]he appro priate form of delimitation, within the geographical and legal framework con‑ stituted by the mainland coasts of Nicaragua and Colombia, is a continenatal shelf boundary dividing by equal parts the overlapping entitlements to aa con‑ tinental shelf of both Parties’; (3) Unanimously, Finds that it cannot uphold the Republic of Nicaragua’s claim contained in a its final submission I (3); 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 4 10/09/14 12:59 5 II. REQUÊTE INTRODUCTIVE D’INSTANCE [Traduction] Le 26 novembre 2013. A Monsieur le Greffier de la Cour internationale de Justice, Le soussigné, dûment autorisé par la République du Nicaraguaa, dont il est l’am‑ bassadeur à La Haye, a l’honneur de déposer la requête suivante: 1. La République du Nicaragua (ci‑après le « Nicaragua») a l’honneur de sou‑ mettre à la Cour, en vertu des articles6 et 40 de son Statut et de l’article38 de son Règlement, la présente requête introductive d’instance contre la République de Colombie (ci‑après la «Colombie») concernant le différend exposé ci‑dessous. I. Objet du différend 2. Le différend porte sur des violations des droits souverains et des aespaces maritimes du Nicaragua qui lui ont été reconnus par la Cour dans saon arrêt du 19 novembre 2012 ainsi que sur la menace de la Colombie de recourir à la force pour commettre ces violations. II. Les faits 3. Saisie d’une requête déposée le 6 décembre 2001 par le Nicaragua, la Cour a, par un arrêt rendu le 19 novembre 2012, statué en ces termes : «1) A l’unanimité, Dit que la République de Colombie a la souveraineté sur les îles faaisant partie des formations suivantes : Alburquerque, Bajo Nuevo, cayes de l’Est‑Sud‑Est, Quitasueño, Roncador, Serrana et Serranilla; 2) Par quatorze voix contre une, Déclare recevable la demande formulée par la République du Nicaragua au point I. 3) de ses conclusions finales, par laquelle celle‑ci la prie de dire aet juger que, « dans le cadre géographique et juridique constitué par les côtesa continentales du Nicaragua et de la Colombie, la méthode de délimitation à retenir consiste à tracer une limite opérant une division par partas égales de la zone du plateau continental où les droits des deux Parties sur celui‑aci se che‑ vauchent»; 3) A l’unanimité, Ditqu’elle ne peut accueillir la demande formulée par la République du Nicaragua au point I. 3) de ses conclusions finales; 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 5 10/09/14 12:59 6 (4) Unanimously, Decides that the line of the single maritime boundary delimiting the conti‑ nental shelf and the exclusive economic zones of the Republic of Nicaragaua and the Republic of Colombia shall follow lines connecting the points wiath co‑ordinates: Latitude north Longitude west 1. 13° 46´ 35.7˝ 81° 29´ 34.7˝ 2. 13° 31´ 08.0˝ 81° 45´ 59.4˝ 3. 13° 03´ 15.8˝ 81° 46´ 22.7˝ 4. 12° 50´ 12.8˝ 81° 59´ 22.6˝ 5. 12° 07´ 28.8˝ 82° 07´ 27.7˝ 6. 12° 00´ 04.5˝ 81° 57´ 57.8˝ From point 1, the maritime boundary line shall continue due east along the parallel of latitude (co‑ordinates 13° 46´ 35.7˝ N) until it reaches the 200‑nautical‑mile limit from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea of Nicaragua is measured. From point 6 (with co‑ordinates 12° 00´ 04.5˝ N and 81° 57´ 57.8˝ W), located on a 12‑nautical‑mile envelope of arcs around Albuquerque, the maritime boundary line shall continue alaong that envelope of arcs until it reaches point7 (with co‑ordinates 12°11´ 53.5˝ N and 81° 38´ 16.6˝ W) which is located on the parallel passing through the southernmost point on the 12‑nautical‑mile envelope of arcs around East‑Southeast Cays. The boundary line then follows that parallel until it reaches the southernmost point of the 12‑nautical‑mile envelope of arcs around East Southeast Cays at point 8 (with co‑ordinates 12° 11´ 53.5˝ N and 81° 28´ 29.5˝ W) and continues along that envelope of arcs until its most eastward point (point9 with co‑ordinates 12°24´09.3˝N and 81°14´43.9˝W). From that point the boundary line follows the parallel of latitude (co‑a ordinates 12° 24´ 09.3˝ N) until it reaches the 200‑nautical‑mile limit from the baselines from which the territorial sea of Nicaragua is measured; (5) Unanimously, Decides that the single maritime boundary around Quitasueño and Serrana shall follow, respectively, a 12‑nautical‑mile envelope of arcs measureda from QS 32 and from low‑tide elevations located within 12 nautical miles from QS 32, and a 12‑nautical‑mile envelope of arcs measured from Serrana Cay and the other cays in its vicinity (6) Unanimously, Rejects the Republic of Nicaragua’s claim contained in its final submissions requesting the Court to declare that the Republic of Colombia is not actaing in accordance with its obligations under international law by preventing the Republic of Nicaragua from having access to natural resources to the east of the 82nd meridian.” 1 4. The very day when the Judgment was rendered, the Colombian authorities strongly criticized its contents and attacked the Court itself. Mr. Juan Manuel Santos, the Colombian President stated: 1 2012 (II), pp. 718‑720, para. 251.ute (Nicaragua v. Colombia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 6 10/09/14 12:59 7 4) A l’unanimité, Décide que le tracé de la frontière maritime unique délimitant le plaateau continental et les zones économiques exclusives de la République dau Nicara‑ gua et de la République de Colombie suit les lignes géodésiquesa reliant les points dont les coordonnées sont les suivantes : Latitude nord Longitude ouest 1. 13° 46´ 35,7˝ 81° 29´ 34,7˝ 2. 13° 31´ 08,0˝ 81° 45´ 59,4˝ 3. 13° 03´ 15,8˝ 81° 46´ 22,7˝ 4. 12° 50´ 12,8˝ 81° 59´ 22,6˝ 5. 12° 07´ 28,8˝ 82° 07´ 27,7˝ 6. 12° 00´ 04,5˝ 81° 57´ 57,8˝ A partir du point 1, la frontière maritime se poursuit plein est le long du parallèle situé par 13° 46´ 35,7˝ de latitude nord, jusqu’à la limite située à 200 milles marins des lignes de base à partir desquelles est mesurée laa largeur de la mer territoriale du Nicaragua. A partir du point6, situé par12° 00´ 04,5˝ de latitude nord et 81° 57´ 57,8˝ de longitude ouest sur l’enveloppe d’arcs tracée à 12 milles marins d’Alburquerque, elle suit cette enveloppe d’arcs jusqu’au point7, de coordonnées 12°11´ 53,5˝ de latitudenord et81° 38´ 16,6˝ de longitudeouest, situé sur le parallèle passant par le point le plus mériadional de l’enveloppe d’arcs tracée à 12 milles marins des cayes de l’Est‑Sud‑Est. Elle longe ensuite ce parallèle jusqu’au point le plus méridional dea l’enveloppe d’arcs tracée à 12milles marins des cayes de l’Est‑Sud‑Est, soit le point8, situé par 12° 11´ 53,5˝ de latitude nord et 81° 28´ 29,5˝ de longitude ouest, puis se poursuit le long de cette enveloppe d’arcs jusqu’à son point lea plus oriental, soit le point9, situé par 12° 24´ 09,3˝ de latitude nord et 81° 14´ 43,9˝ de lon‑ gitude ouest. A partir de ce point, elle longe le parallèle situé par12° 24´ 09,3˝ de latitude nord, jusqu’à la limite située à 200 milles marins des lignes de base à partir desquelles est mesurée la largeur de la mer territoriale adu Nicaragua ; 5) A l’unanimité, Décide que, autour de Quitasueño et de Serrana, la frontière maritime unique suit une enveloppe d’arcs à une distance de 12 milles marins mesurée, dans le premier cas, à partir de QS 32 et des hauts‑fonds découvrants situés dans un rayon de 12 milles marins de QS 32 et, dans le second, à partir de la caye de Serrana et des cayes avoisinantes ; 6) A l’unanimité, Rejette la demande formulée par la République du Nicaragua dans ses conclusions finales, par laquelle celle‑ci prie la Cour de déclarera que la Répu‑ blique de Colombie manque à ses obligations au regard du droit international en l’empêchant d’avoir accès aux ressources naturelles à al’est du 82 e méri‑ dien.» 1 4. Le jour même du prononcé de l’arrêt, les autorités colombaiennes en ont viv‑e ment critiqué la teneur et ont attaqué la Cour elle‑même. Le praésident de la Colom‑ bie, M. Juan Manuel Santos, a fait la déclaration suivante : 1 p. 718‑720, par. 251.orial et maritime (Nicaragua c.Colombie), arrêt, C.I.J. Recueil2012 (II), 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 7 10/09/14 12:59 8 “Today this Court rejected the claims of sovereignty of Nicaragua ovear our archipelago. It is a final and unappealable judgment on this issue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Court, in its judgment draws a line that begins on the west of the aarchi‑ pelago, between our islands and the coast of Nicaragua. While this is positive for Colombia, the Court, when drawing the maritimae delimitation line, made serious mistakes that I must stress, and [those amis‑ takes] affect us negatively. Inexplicably — after recognizing the sovereignty of Colombia over the entire archipelago and holding that it [the archipelago] as a unit generaated continental shelf and exclusive economic zone rights— the Court adjusted the delimitation line, leaving the Keys of Serrana, Serranilla, Quitasueñao and Bajo Nuevo separated from the rest of the archipelago. This is inconsistent with what the Court itself acknowledged, and is nota compatible with the geographical conception of what is an archipelago. All of these are really omissions, errors, excesses, inconsistencies tha▯t we can- not accept. Taking into account the above, Colombia — represented by its Head of State — emphatically rejects that aspect of the judgment rendered by the Court ▯ today. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Government respects the rule of law but considers that the Court hasa committed serious mistakes in this matter.” 2 (Emphasis added.) 5. In a similar vein, Colombia’s Foreign Minister, María Angela Holguín, described the ICJ as an “enemy” of the region, claiming its unanimaous Judgment was not based on the law. Foreign Minister Holguín stated that “the enemy is the Court which did not base its decision on the law, tahat Judg‑ ment is full of inadequacies and one reads it and cannot believe that thae States parties that conform the Court elected those judges to decide such an imapor‑ tant Judgment” 3. 6. On 27 November 2012, Colombia denounced the Pact of Bogotá, in a letter from the Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Secretary‑Generaal of the Organization of American States claiming that, “I have the honour to address Your Excellency pursuant to Article LVI of the American Treaty on Pacific Settlement in order to give notice to the 2 “Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the judgment of the International Court of Justice”, 19 November 2012 (Annex 1) ( Noviembre/Paginas/20121119_02.aspx). See also : “ICJ ruling on San Andrés a ‘serious judgment error’: Santos”, Colombia Reports, 20 November 2012 ( Nicaragua More Waters, Outlying Keys to Colombia”, Diálogo, 21 November 2012 (http://s ‑ ex‑3687), or “Caribbean Crisis: Can Nicaragua Navigate Waters It Won from Colombia? ”, Time World , 28 November 2012 (‑crisis‑can‑ nicaragua‑navigate‑waters‑it‑won‑from‑colombia/) or BBC, United Kingdom, “Colombia pulls out of International Court over Nicaragua”, 28 November 2012 (‑latin‑america‑20533659). 3 “The Colombian Foreign Minister Calls The Hague an Enemy”, El Nuevao Herald, 28 November 2012 (Annex 2) (‑ colombiana‑califica.html). 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 8 10/09/14 12:59 9 «Aujourd’hui, la Cour a rejeté les revendications de souverainetéa du Nica ‑ ragua sur notre archipel. Il s’agit d’un arrêt définitif eat sans appel sur cette question. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dans son arrêt, la Cour trace une ligne dont le point de départ esat situé à l’ouest de l’archipel, entre nos îles et la côte nicaraguayeanne. C’est là un point positif pour la Colombie, mais, en traçant laa ligne de déli‑ mitation maritime, la Cour a commis de graves erreurs qui nous portent paré‑ judice et qu’il me faut signaler. Inexplicablement — après avoir reconnu la souveraineté de la Colombie sur l’ensemble de l’archipel et conclu que celui‑ci générait en atant que tel des droits à un plateau continental et à une zone économique exclusaiv —e , la Cour a ajusté la ligne de délimitation, séparant ainsi les cayes de aSerrana, Serranilla, Quitasueño et Bajo Nuevo du reste de l’archipel. Cette décision va à l’encontre de ce que la Cour elle‑même aa reconnu, et n’est pas compatible avec la définition géographique d’un aarchipel. Ce sont là autant d’omissions, d’erreurs, d’exagérations ▯et d’incohérences que nous ne pouvons accepter. Compte tenu de ce qui précède, la Colombie, représentée par ▯son chef d’Etat, rejette catégoriquement cet aspect de l’arrêt rendu aujourd’▯hui par la Cour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Le Gouvernement de la Colombie respecte la primauté du droit mais estaime que la Cour a commis là de graves erreurs. »2 (Les italiques sont de nous.) 5. Dans le même ordre d’idées, M meMaría AngelaHolguín, ministre des affaires étrangères de la Colombie, a qualifié la Cour d’« ennemie» de la région, affirmant que l’arrêt adopté à l’unanimité ne reposait pas sur le droit. La ministre a déclaré: «La Cour est notre ennemie. La décision qu’elle a rendue ne repose apas sur le droit. Cet arrêt est émaillé de lacunes et, lorsqu’on le alit, on ne peut pas croire que les Etats parties au Statut de la Cour aient pu élire ces ajuges pour rendre un arrêt aussi important. »3 6. Le 27 novembre 2012, par lettre adressée au secrétaire général de l’Orgaanisa‑ tion des Etats américains par sa ministre des affaires étrangères, la Colombie a dénoncé le pacte de Bogotá : «En application de l’articleLVI du traité américain de règlement pacifique, j’ai l’honneur d’informer le secrétariat général de l’Organisation des Etats 2 Allocution du président Juan Manuel Santos concernant l’arrêt dae la Cour internatio‑ nale de Justice, 19 novembre 2012 (annexe 1) ( Noviembre/Paginas/20121119_02.aspx). Voir aussi « ICJ ruling on San Andres a « serious judgment error»: Santos», Columbia Reports, 20 novembre 2012 (http://colombiareports. Nicaragua More Waters, Outlying Keys to Colombia », Diálogo, 21 novembre 2012 (http://ives dialogo‑ ‑ ex‑3687); « Caribbean Crisis : Can Nicaragua Navigate Waters It Won from Colombia ?», Time World , 28 novembre 2012 (‑crisis‑can‑ nicaragua‑navigate‑waters‑it‑won‑from‑colombia/); BBC, Royaume‑Uni, « Colombia pulls out of International Court over Nicaragua », 28 novembre 2012 ( news/world‑latin‑america‑20533659). 3 «La ministre des affaires étrangères de la Colombie qualifie d’aennemie la Cour de La Haye», El Nuevo Herald, 28 novembre 2012 (annexe 2) (http://www.elnuevoherald. com/2012/11/27/1353049/canciller‑colombiana‑califica.html). 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 9 10/09/14 12:59 10 General Secretariat of the Organization of American States, which you heaad, as the successor to the Pan American Union, that the Republic of Colombiaa denounces as of today the ‘American Treaty on Pacific Settlement’, signed on 30 April 1948, whose instrument of ratification was deposited by Colombiaa on 6 November 1968. The denunciation of the American Treaty on Pacific Settlement shall bea in effect as of today with respect to procedures initiated after this notaice, pursu‑ ant to the second paragraph of Article LVI, which reads: ‘The denunciation shall have no effect with respect to pending procedures initiated prioar to the transmission of the particular notification.’” 4 7. Colombia’s denunciation of the Pact of Bogotá was explained the neaxt day by President Santos: “I have decided that the highest national interests demand that the taerrito‑ rial and maritime boundaries be fixed through treaties, as has been thae legal tradition of Colombia, and not through judgments rendered by the Interna‑ tional Court of Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is why yesterday Colombia denounced the Pact of Bogotá. Proper notice was given to the Secretary ‑General of the Organization of American States. It will become effective for procedures that are initiated aftaer the noti‑ f. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The decision I have made obeys a fundamental principle : the boundaries between States should be fixed by States themselves. Land borders and mari- time boundaries between States should not be left to a Court, but rather▯ must be 5 fixed by States through treaties of mutual agreement.” (Emphasis added.) 8. President Daniel Ortega invited President Santos to meet with him in an a 6 effort to forge a constructive dialogue . The meeting was held in Mexico City on 1 December 2012. President Ortega reiterated Nicaragua’s willingness toa discuss issues relating to the implementation of the Court’s Judgment and itsa determina‑ tion to manage the situation peacefully. President Santos rejected the daialogue by stating that his country would not abide by the Judgment until “we see that Colom ‑ bian rights, that have been violated, are reestablished and guaranteed in the future” . 9. Since the Judgment was rendered on 19 November 2012, Colombia has con‑ sistently resorted to the threat of the use of force. (a) During a meeting of Governors on the Island of San Andrés on 18 Febru‑ ary 2013, President Santos told his audience : 4See letter from Colombia to Secretary‑General of the Organization of American States dated 27 November 2012 (GACIJ No. 79357) (Annex 3). 5Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the denunciation of the Paact of Bogotá, 28November 2012 (Annex4) ( Paginas/20121128_04.aspx). 6“Santos and Ortega will meet this Saturday in Mexico City”L, a República, 29November 2012 (Annex 5) ( ‑y‑ortega‑se‑reunir%C3%A1n‑ est7‑s%C3%A1bado‑en‑ciudad‑dem%C3%A9xico_26792). “Government of Colombia will not implement ICJ judgment until the rigahts of Colom ‑ bians are not restored”, El Salvador, 3 December 2012 (http://www.elsalvador‑ ‑decolombia ‑no‑aplicara ‑fallo ‑cij‑mientras ‑no‑se‑ restablezcan‑derechos‑de‑colombianos/). 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 10 10/09/14 12:59 11 américains (anciennement l’Union panaméricaine), à la tête duquel se trouve Votre Excellence, que la République de Colombie dénonce, à compter dea ce jour, le traité américain de règlement pacifique signé le a30 avril 1948, et ratifié par elle le 6 novembre 1968. Cette dénonciation prend effet dès aujourd’hui pour ce qui concerne les procédures engagées après la transmission du présent avis, conformément au deuxième paragraphe de l’article LVI, qui est ainsi libellé : «La dénonciation n’aura aucun effet sur les procédures en cours entamées avanta la transmission de l’avis en question.»» 4 7. Le lendemain, le président Santos a justifié en ces termes la dénonciation du pacte de Bogotá par la Colombie: «J’ai décidé que les intérêts supérieurs de la nation eaxigeaient que les limites territoriales et maritimes soient établies par voie de traité, comame il est de tradition en droit colombien, et non par des arrêts de la Cour internaationale de Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C’est la raison pour laquelle la Colombie a dénoncé, hier, le paacte de Bogotá. Le secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Etatsaaméricains en a été dûment informé. La dénonciation produira ses effets à l’aégard de toute procé‑ d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J’ai pris cette décision en m’appuyant sur un principe fondamenatal : les frontières entre les Etats doivent être fixées par les Etats aeux‑mêmesL .es fron- tières terrestres et maritimes ne doivent pas être laissées à▯ l’appréciation d’un tribunal, m5is doivent être arrêtées d’un commun accord par ▯les Etats, par voie de traité.» (Les italiques sont de nous.) 8. Le président Daniel Ortega a invité le président Santos à le rencontrer afin 6 derngager un dialogue constructif . La réunion a eu lieu à Mexico le 1 décembre 2012. Le présidentOrtega a réaffirmé que le Nicaragua était disposé à discuter des questions touchant à l’exécution de l’arrêt ade la Cour et déterminé à gérer la situation de manière pacifique. Le président Santos a toutefois refusé le dialogue, déclarant que son pays ne se conformerait à l’arrêat que lorsquele« s droits des Colombiens, qui ont été bafoués, aur[aie]nt été rétablis et leur respect, garanti »7. 9. Depuis le prononcé de l’arrêt, le 19 novembre 2012, la Colombie a constam‑ ment menacé de recourir à la force. a) Lors de la réunion des gouverneurs tenue le 18 février 2013 sur l’île de San Andrés, le président Santos a déclaré : 4 Voir lettre adressée au secrétaire général de l’Organisataion des Etatsaméricains par la Colombie, 27 novembre 2012 (GACIJ n 79357) (annexe 3). 5Déclaration du président Juan Manuel Santos concernant la dénonaciation du pacte de Bogotá, 28novembre 2012 (annexe4) ( Paginas/20121128_04.aspx). 6«MM.Santos et Ortega se rencontreront samedi à Mexico », La República, 29no‑ vembre2012 (annexe5) (‑sy‑ortega‑se‑reunir%C3% A1n7este‑s%C3%A1bado‑en‑ciudad‑dem%C3%A9xico_26792). «Gobierno de Colombia no aplicará el fallo de la CIJ mientras no se reastablezcan derechos de Colombianos », El Salvador, 3 décembre 2012 (http://www. ‑decolombia‑no‑aplicara‑fallo‑cij‑mientras‑no‑ se‑restablezcan‑derechos‑de‑colombianos/). 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 11 10/09/14 12:59 12 “It should be] absolutely and totally clear that : I have given peremptory and precise instructions to the Navy; the historical rights of our fishermen are going to be respected no matter what. No one has to request permission tao anybody in order to fish where they have always fished . . . Colombia fishermen are going to be able to exercise their historical fishing rights — that is what we have been saying. We will make sure of that. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This afternoon the Minister of Defence will arrive, the Commander of thea Navy is coming [too] and I am going to reiterate this in front of all thae San Andrés people: You do not have to request permission from anybody in order to fish where you have traditionally fished.” 8 (b) On 13 August 2013, the newly designated Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Hernando Willis, reaffirmed President Santos’ orders and manifaested that its biggest challenge would be in relation to the waters that were athe sub‑ ject of the 19 November 2012 Judgment, as it was necessary to “protect the fishermen in the area where they have historically exercised that taska, as well 9 as to maintain permanent presence” . (c) On 23 August 2013 the Vice‑President of Colombia, Mr. Angelina Garzón, stated that the Judgment of the Court was not binding for Colombia. He emphasized that “the judgment of the Court of The Hague is unenforceaable in our country” 1. (d) On 19 September 2013, President Santos ordered the Colombian Navy to defend the continental shelf “a capa y espada” (cloak and sword). The Com‑ mander of the Navy, Vice ‑Admiral Hernando Wills, answered the President’s speech by emphasizing that his forces would comply with the orders of thae Head of State to exercise sovereignty in the entire Colombian Caribbean aSea including up to the 82 meridian. For her part, the Governor of San Andrés, Mrs. Aury Guerrero, addressed President Santos saying that “the whole terri‑ tory, including the 82 [meridian], is yours and we count on its defence”a 11. 10. These declarations by the highest Colombian authorities culminated with a the enactment of a decree that openly violated Nicaragua’s sovereign rights over its maritime areas in the Caribbean. Article 5 of this Presidential Decree 1946, reads as follows : “Article 5 Contiguous zone of the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories 1.Without prejudice to that which is established in Number 2 of the present Article, the contiguous zone of the Western Caribbean Sea insular territao ‑ 8 “Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos during the Summit of Govaernors in San Andres”, 18 February 2013 (Annex 6) ( Paginas/20130218_09.aspx). 9 “Waters of San Andres, main challenge of new Commander of the Navy”a,Blue Radio. com, 13 August 2013, (‑de‑san‑andres‑principal‑reto‑ del‑nuevo‑comandante‑de‑la‑armadanacional). 10 “World Court ruling on maritime borders unenforceable in Colombia : Vice Pres ‑ ident”, Colombia Reports, 23 August 2013, (‑judgment‑ une11orceable‑colombia‑vice‑president/). “Santos orders to defend the continental shelf with cloak and sword”a, El Espectador, 19 September 2013 (Annex 7) (‑ ordena‑defender‑plataforma‑continental‑capay‑es‑articulo‑447445). 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 12 10/09/14 12:59 13 «Que cela soit parfaitement clair: j’ai donné des instructions fermes et pré‑ cises à la marine; les droits historiques de nos pêcheurs seront respectés, quoi qu’il arrive. Aucun pêcheur n’a besoin de demander la permissioan à quiconque pour pêcher là où il a toujours pêché… Les pêcheurs colombiens vont pouvoir exercer leurs droits de pêche histo‑ riques, c’est ce que nous avons dit et nous nous y engageons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Le ministre de la défense arrive cet après‑midi, le commandant en achef des forces navales sera là [également] et je le répéterai devanta toute la population de San Andrés: nul n’a à demander à qui que soit la permission de pêcher alà où il a toujours pêché.» 8 b) Le 13 août 2013, le nouveau commandant en chef des forces navales, le vice‑ amiral Hernando Willis, a réitéré les ordres du président Santos et déclaré que le principal défi qui l’attendait avait trait aux espaces maritiames visés par l’arrêt du 19 novembre 2012, puisqu’il fallait «protéger les pêcheurs dans la zone où ils se sont de tous temps livrés à leur activité, tout en maintenant une présence permanente »9. c) Le 23 août 2013, le vice‑président de la Colombie, M. Angelino Garzón, a affirmé que l’arrêt de la Cour n’avait pas force obligatoire apour la Colombie, faisant valoir que « l’arrêt rendu par la Cour de La Haye [était] inapplicable 10 dans [son] pays» . d) Le 19 septembre 2013, le président Santos a ordonné aux forces navales colom‑ biennes de défendre le plateau continental « par le glaive» («a capa y espada»). Le commandant en chef, le vice‑amiral HernandoWills, a répondu au discours du président en affirmant que ses forces se conformeraient aux ordres donnés par le chef de l’Etat en vue de faire respecter la souveraineté dea la Colombie sur toute la mer des Caraïbes qui lui appartient, jusqu’au 82 e méridien inclus. Le me gouverneur de San Andrés, M Aury Guerrero, s’est pour sa eart adressée au président Santos en ces termes: «l’ensemble du territoire, 82 méridien compris, est à la Colombie, et nous comptons sur vous pour le défendre» 11. 10. Ces déclarations émanant des plus hautes autorités colombiennesa ont abouti à la promulgation d’un décret violant ouvertement les droits soauverains du Nica‑ ragua sur ses espaces maritimes dans la mer des Caraïbes. L’articlae 5 du décret présidentiel 1946 est ainsi libellé : «Article 5 Zone contiguë des territoires insulaires dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes 1. Sans préjudice des dispositions énoncées au paragraphe 2 du préasent article, la zone contiguë des territoires insulaires de la Colombie dans la paartie 8 Déclaration du président Juan Manuel Santos au sommet des gouverneaurs tenu à San Andrés, 18 février 2013 (annexe 6) ( Pag9nas/20130218_09.aspx). «Aguas de San Andrés, principal reto del nuevo comandante de la Armadaa Naciona»l, Blue , 13 août 2013 (‑de‑san‑andres‑ pri10ipal‑reto‑del‑nuevo‑comandante‑de‑la‑armada‑nacional). «World Court ruling on maritime borders unenforceable in Colombia : Vice‑Presi‑ dent», Colombia Reports, 23 août 2013 (‑judgment‑ une11«Le président Santos ordonne de défendre par le glaive s’il le faut le plateau caonti ‑ nental», El Espectador,19 septembre 2013 (annexe7) ( politica/santos‑ordena‑defender‑plataforma‑continental‑capa‑y‑es‑articulo‑447445). 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 13 10/09/14 12:59 14 ries of Colombia extends to a distance of 24 nautical miles measured from the baselines referred to in Article 3 of this Decree. 2. The contiguous zones adjacent to the territorial sea of the islands thata conform the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia, excepat those of the Serranilla and Bajo Nuevo Islands, upon intersecting createa a contiguous zone and uninterrupted zone of the whole of the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department over which the competent national authorities shall exercise their powers as recognizeda by international law and the Colombian laws mentioned in Number 3 of the present article. With the objective of ensuring the due administration and the orderly management of the whole San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago, its islands, keys and other formations and their maritime areas and resources, as well as to avoid the existence of irregular shapaes or contours that make difficult their practical implementation, the lines thaat indicate the outer limits of the contiguous zones shall be joined by geoadesic lines. Similarly, these shall be joined to the contiguous zone of Serranailla Island by geodesic lines that shall follow the direction of parallel 14° 59´ 08˝ N through to meridian 79° 56´ 00˝ W, and from there to the north, thus conforming the Integral Contiguous Zone of the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department. 3. Further to what is established in the above provision, the Colombian Staate shall exercise in the established Integral Contiguous Zone, its sovereigan authority and the powers for the implementation and the necessary controal regarding : (a) Prevention and control of violations of laws and by‑laws regarding the integral security of the State, including piracy, drug trafficking, as weall as behaviours that endanger security at sea and national maritime interests, customs, fiscal, immigration and health matters committed in its insular territories or in their territorial sea. Similarly, violaations of laws and by‑laws regarding environmental protection, cultural patrimony and the exercise of historic rights to fishing held by the State of Colombia, shall be prevented and controlled. (b) Punishment of violations of laws and by‑laws regarding the matters mentioned in (a) above, and that were committed in the insular terri‑ tories or their territorial sea.”2 11. Colombia’s self‑proclaimed maritime boundaries in the Western Caribbeaan, pursuant to this Decree, were depicted in the following map, published bay the Colombian Government 13. 12. The violation of Nicaragua’s sovereign rights to its maritime areas ian the Caribbean as established by the Court’s Judgment may be appreciated ian the fol‑ lowing graphic, which superimposes the maritime zones proclaimed as Coloambian 12 Presidential Decree 1946 of 9 September 2013 (Annex 8) ( co/Normativa/Decretos/2013/Documents/SEPTIEMBRE/09/DECRETO%201946%20 DEL%2009%20DE%20SEPTIEMBRE%20DE%202013.pdf) 13 Map presented by President Juan Manuel Santos, 9 September 2013 http://www. ‑del‑presidente‑juan‑manuel‑santos‑sobre‑la‑ estrategia‑integral‑colombia. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 14 10/09/14 12:59 15 occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes s’étend sur une distance de 24 milles marins mesurés à partir des lignes de base mentionnées à l’aarticle3 du pré‑ sent décret. 2. Les zones contiguës adjacentes à la mer territoriale des îles constituant les territoires insulaires de la Colombie dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes, hormis celles des îles de Serranilla et de Bajo Nuevo, forment en se rejoignant une seule zone contiguë, continue et ininterrompue poura l’en‑ semble du département de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia aet Santa Catalina, sur laquelle les autorités nationales compétentes exercearont les pouvoirs qui leur sont reconnus par le droit international et les lois colom‑ biennes visées au paragraphe 3 du présent article. Afin d’assurer la bonne administration et la gestion ordonnée dea l’ensemble de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina, de ses îles, cayes et autres formations, ainsi que de ses espaces maritimes et ressouarces, et d’éviter de créer des formes ou contours irréguliers diffiaciles à respecter dans la pratique, les lignes correspondant aux limites extérieures deas zones contiguës seront reliées par des lignes géodésiques. De la maême manière, celles‑ci seront reliées à la zone contiguë de l’île de Saerranilla à l’aide de lignes géodésiques qui suivront le parallèle situé par 14°a 59´ 08˝ de latitude nord jusqu’au méridien situé par 79°56´ 00˝ de longitude ouest, avant de se diriger vers le nord, formant ainsi la zone contiguë unique du dépaartement de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina. 3. L’Etat colombien exercera sur la zone contiguë unique telle que déafinie au paragraphe ci‑dessus son autorité souveraine et les compétences d’exécu‑ tion et de répression nécessaires pour: a) Assurer la lutte et la prévention en matière d’infractions aux alois ou règlements relatifs à la sécurité de l’Etat, notamment àa la piraterie, au trafic de drogue et aux comportements portant atteinte à la sécuarité en mer et aux intérêts maritimes nationaux, ainsi qu’à tous lesa actes contraires aux lois ou règlements douaniers, fiscaux, sanitaires oua d’im ‑ migration commis dans les territoires insulaires de la Colombie ou dans a leur mer territoriale. De la même manière, les infractions aux loias ou règlements relatifs à la protection de l’environnement, au patraimoine culturel et à l’exercice des droits de pêche historiques de l’Etat colom‑ bien feront l’objet de mesures de lutte et de prévention. b) Réprimer les infractions aux lois ou règlements relatifs aux questaions visées à l’alinéa a) et commises dans les territoires insulaires de la 12 Colombie ou dans leur mer territoriale. » 11. Les frontières maritimes de la Colombie dans la mer des Caraïbes oacciden‑ tale telles que proclamées dans ce décret sont reproduites sur la acarte ci‑dessous, publiée par le Gouvernement de la Colombie 1. 12. Le croquis ci‑dessous permet de prendre la mesure de la violation des droits souverains du Nicaragua sur les espaces maritimes dans la mer des Caraïabes qui lui ont été reconnus par la Cour dans son arrêt de 2012: les espaces maritimes procla‑ 12 Décret présidentiel 1946 du 9 septembre 2013 (annexe 8) ( DEL%2009%20DE%20SEPTIEMBRE%20DE%202013.pdf).BRE/09/DECRETO%201946%20 13 Carte présentée par le président Juan Manuel Santos, 9 septembre 2013 (http://www. ‑del‑presidente‑juan‑manuel‑santos‑sobre‑la‑ estrategia‑integral‑colombia). 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 15 10/09/14 12:59 16 by its Decree 1946 (in green and purple), on the Court’s sketch ‑map No.11, depict‑ ing the course of the maritime boundary established by the Judgment : 13. Thesame day the Colombian Decree was issued, President Santos explained : “All the people of our country continue to feel indignant about the Iantern ‑a tional Court of Justice’s judgment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 101 of our Constitution states that ‘the borders defined as providead in this Constitution shall be subject to modification only by virtue oaf treaties approved by Congress and duly ratified by the President of the Republic.’ On its part, the Constitutional Court, has clearly stated that these treaa ‑ ties — that is to say, those that refer to the borders and demarcation of a Colombia — should always be approved by our Congress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . I repeat the decision I have made: The judgment of the International Court of Justice IS NOT APPLICABLE without a treaty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 16 10/09/14 13:00 17 més comme siens par la Colombie dans son décret 1946 (en vert et aen mauve) ont été superposés au croquis n o11 joint à l’arrêt de 2012 pour illustrer le tracé de la frontière établi par la Cour. 13. Le jour même de la promulgation du décret colombien, le président Santos a déclaré: «Nous sommes encore tous sous le coup de l’indignation qu’a suscitéae en nous la teneur de l’arrêt rendu par la Cour internationale de Justaice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . L’article 101 de notre Constitution dispose que « les limites fixées selon les modalités prévues par [celle‑ci] ne pourront être modifiéeas qu’en vertu de traités approuvés par le Congrès, dûment ratifiés par lae président de la République». La Cour constitutionnelle, quant à elle, a clairement indiqué que aces traités — autrement dit les instruments relatifs aux limites et frontièresa de la Colom ‑ bie — devaient nécessairement être approuvés par le Congrès. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . Et je le redis: sans traité, l’arrêt de la Cour internationale de Justice N’▯EST PAS APPLICABLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 17 10/09/14 13:00 18 Court’s Map No 11 overprinted with Colombia’s “Contiguous Zone” and JOINT Outline of a bank 24M limit measured from baselines. REGIME Approximate eastern limit Serranilla AREA of the relevant area DURA Bajo Nuevo Maritime boundary HONARAUA Colombia / Jamaica established by the Court HONDURAS NI Judgment of the ICJ dated 8 October 2007 Colombia’s Zone Contiguous Integral Bilateral treaty of 1993 Quitasueño Serrana Bilateral treaty of 1976 Bilateral treaty of 1977 (not in force) Bilateral treaty of 1980 JM IC COOMBIA Miskitos Cays 1 A 2 Roncador Providencia/ CARIBBEAN SEA 3 Santa Catalina NICARAGUA 4 San Andrés COLOMBIA LIslandCorn East-Southeast Cays PANAMA B 9 5 7 8 Great Corn 6 Island Alburquerque Cays Sketch-map No. 11: Course of the maritime boundary COSTA RICA This sketch-map has been prepared A for illustrative purposes only. RIA COSTA RICA STNAM Mercator Projection (12° 30' N) C PA WGS 84 [B]ased on Colombia’s laws and taking into account clear principles oaf international law, by way of this decree and as recognized to us by intearna‑ tional law, we are establishing jurisdictional and control rights over the men‑ tioned zone. And we declare the existence of an Integral Contiguous Zone through which we have unified the contiguous zones of all our islands and keys in the Western Caribbean Sea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . This integral area allows us to continue to adequately administrate the a Archipelago and its surrounding waters — as an archipelago rather than unconnected territories, thus being able to control our security and proatect our resources and environment in the zone. The Integral Contiguous Zone we have established covers maritime spaces a that extend from the south, where the Alburquerque and East‑Southeast Keays are situated, and to the north, where Serranilla Key is located. Of course, it includes the San Andrés, Providenciaand Santa Catalina, Qui‑ tasueño, Serrana and Roncador Islands, and the other formations in thae area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . In this Integral Contiguous Zone we will exercise jurisdiction and control over all areas related to security and the struggle against delinquency,a and 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 18 10/09/14 13:00 19 Croquis n11 établi par la Cour auquel ont été surperposées la «zone contiguë» et la limite des 24 milles marins mesurée à partir des lignes de base proclamées par la Colombie ZONE DE Contour d'un banc SerraniiiillllllllaaaME Limite orientale RAS COMMUN Bajo Nuevo approximative HONDUAGU de la zone pertinente NIAR Colombie / Jamaïque Frontière maritime HONDURAS établie par la Cour Zone contiguë unique de la Colombie Arrêt de la CIJ du 8 octobre 2007 Quitasueñotttaaaassssuuuueeeeññññoooonnaaaa Traité bilatéral de 1993 Traité bilatéral de 1976 Traité bilatéral de 1977 (non entré en vigueur) JTraité bilatéral de 1980 CO L UE Cayes OMBIE des Miskitos 1 A 2 RRoncaddor PPrroovviiddeenncciiaa// MER DES CARAÏBES 3 SSSSaaaannnnttttaaaa CCCCaaaattttaaaalllliiiinnnnaaaa NICARAGUA 4 San Andrés Mangle CCCCCCCCaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeesssssPANAMAdddddeeeeeeee llllllll'''''EEEEEEEEssssssstttttttt--SSSSSud-Est Chico B 9 5 7 8 Mangle 6 Grande Cayes d'Alburquerque Croquis n°11: Tracé de la frontière maritime COLOMBIE COSTA RICA Ce croquis a été établi A à seule fin d'illustration. RI A COSTA RICA S NM Projection de Mercator (12° 30' N) C PA WGS 84 [N]ous fondant sur la législation colombienne et … tenant compte de prin‑ cipes clairs de droit international, nous avons précisé par ce déacret les droits que nous reconnaît le droit international en matière de juridiction et de contrôle sur les zones en question. Nous proclamons la création d’une zone contiguë unique réunissant les zones contiguës de toutes les îles et cayes que nous possédons dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . La création de cette zone unique nous permettra de continuer d’admainis‑ trer comme il se doit l’archipel — en tant que tel, et non comme une série de territoires sans rapport entre eux — et les eaux qui l’entourent, en veillant à la sécurité dans la zone et en protégeant nos ressources et notre environnement. La zone contiguë unique que nous avons proclamée couvre les espaceas maritimes qui s’étendent des cayes d’Alburquerque et de l’Esat‑Sud‑Est, au sud, à la caye de Serranilla, au nord. Elle englobe bien sûr les îles de San Andrés, Providencia et Saanta Catalina, Quitasueño, Serrana et Roncador, ainsi que les autres formations alenatour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . Nous exercerons sur la zone contiguë unique notre juridiction et notrae contrôle dans tous les domaines liés à la sécurité et àa la lutte contre la crimina‑ 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 19 10/09/14 13:00 20 over fiscal, customs, environmental, immigration and health matters and other areas as well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . First: We decided that without a treaty, the sentence is not applicable. Second: By declaring the zone an Integral Contiguous Zone we have con‑ solidated our Archipelago. Third: We are making progress in the environmental and social protection of the Seaflower Reserve. And Fourth : We have stopped Nicaragua’s expansionist ambitions by declaring the unity of tw14continental shelves which together extend froam San Andrés to Cartagena.” (Emphasis added.) 14. Later, President Santos persevered in his rejection of the Court’s Judgment. On 18 September 2013, on the occasion of a military “exercise of sovereignty” in the Caribbean Sea, off the coasts of San Andrés Island, he stated uanambiguously : [“Colombia considers that the judgment of The Hague is not applicable, and▯ we will not apply it, just as we said it then and I repeat it today, unt▯il we have a new treaty. And we will not make any action, in any direction, until the Con‑ stitutional Court has not pronounced, after the suit filed by me personally against the Pact of Bogotá.”] 15(Emphasis added.) 15. Prior and especially subsequent to the enactment of Decree 1946, the thrae‑at ening declarations by Colombian authorities and the hostile treatment giaven by Colombian naval forces to Nicaraguan vessels have seriously affected tahe possi‑ bilities of Nicaragua for exploiting the living and non‑living resources in its Carib‑ bean exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. When even Nicaraguan fishermen are reluctant to enter certain areas that are patrolled by Caolombian naval vessels, the effect on vital foreign investment is extremely damaaging. These matters will be documented and detailed in the course of these proceedings. III. The Jurisdiction of the Coaurt 16. The jurisdiction of the Court in this case is based on Article XXXI of the American Treaty on Pacific Settlement (Pact of Bogotá) of 30 April 1948. This provision reads as follows: “In conformity with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Interna‑ tional Court of Justice, the High Contracting Parties declare that they arecog‑ 14 “Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the integral strategya of Colombia on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice”, 9 September 2013 (Annex 9) (http:// ‑Palabras‑Santos‑ Colombia‑presenta‑su‑Estrategia‑Integral‑frente‑al‑fallo‑de‑La‑Haya.aspx or, for the video, 15 “Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos during the sovereignty eaxercises performed in the Caribbean Sea”, 18 September 2013 (Annex 10) (http://wsp.presidencia. ‑Palabras ‑Presidente ‑Juan ‑ Manuel‑Santos‑durante‑ejercicio‑soberania‑que‑cumplio‑en‑el‑Mar‑Caribe.aspx or, for the video, 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 20 10/09/14 13:00 21 lité, ainsi que dans d’autres domaines tels que la fiscalité,a les douanes, l’envi‑ ronnement, l’immigration et la santé. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . Premièrement: Nous avons décidé que l’arrêt était inapplicable en l’▯absence d’un traité. Deuxièmement: Nous avons consolidé notre archipel en proclamant la création d’une zone contiguë unique. Troisièmement : Nous allons continuer à œuvrer pour la protection envi ‑ ronnementale et sociale de la réserve Seaflower. Et quatrièmement: Nous avons mis un frein aux ambitions expansionnistes du Nicaragua en proclamant l’unité des deux 14ateaux continentaux, qui s’étendent de San Andrés à Cartagena.» (Les italiques sont de nous.) 14. Par la suite, le président Santos a persisté dans son rejet de l’aarrêt de la Cour. Le 18 septembre 2013, à l’occasion d’une manifestation militaire « de souverai‑ neté» en mer des Caraïbes, au large des côtes de l’île de Sana Andrés, il a déclaré catégoriquement : [«La Colombie considère que l’arrêt de La Haye est inapplicable. ▯ Et nous n’allons pas l’appliquer, comme nous l’avons dit à l’époque et comme je le redis aujourd’hui, jusqu’à ce que nous ayons un nouveau traité. Nous n’allons prendre aucune initiative, dans aucune direction, tant que la Cour constitutionnelle ne se sera pas prononcée sur la question du pacte de Bogotá dont je la’ai saisie. »]15 (Les italiques sont de nous.) 15. Avant et surtout après la promulgation du décret 1946, les menaces profé‑ rées par les autorités colombiennes et l’hostilité dont ont afait preuve les forces navales colombiennes à l’égard des navires nicaraguayens ont graavement compro‑ mis la possibilité pour le Nicaragua d’exploiter les ressources biaologiques et non biologiques de sa zone économique exclusive et de son plateau contineantal dans les Caraïbes. Le fait que même les pêcheurs nicaraguayens hésitent à pénétrer dans certaines zones où les navires de la marine colombienne effectuent ades patrouilles a un effet extrêmement dommageable sur des investissements étrangears d’une impor‑ tance capitale. Ces questions seront étayées et détaillées aau cours de la procédure. III. La compétence de la Coura 16. La compétence de la Cour en la présente affaire se fonde sur l’article XXXI du traité américain de règlement pacifique signé le 30 avril 1948 (« pacte de Bogotá »), qui se lit comme suit: «Conformément au paragraphe 2 de l’article 36 du Statut de la Cour inter‑ nationale de Justice, les Hautes Parties contractantes en ce qui concernae tout 14 Déclaration du président Juan Manuel Santos concernant la stratéagie globale de la Colombie face à l’arrêt de la Cour internationale de Justice, 9a septembre 2013 (annexe 9) ( ‑Palabras‑ Santos‑Colombia‑presenta‑su‑Estrategia‑Integral‑frente‑al‑fallo‑de‑La‑Haya.aspx ou, pour la vidéo, 15 Déclaration du président Juan Manuel Santos lors des manifestationas de souverai ‑ neté en mer des Caraïbes, 18 septembre 2013 (annexe 10) ( Prensa/2013/Septiembre/Paginas/20130918_09 ‑Palabras‑Presidente‑Juan‑Manuel‑Santos‑ durante‑ejercicio‑soberania‑que‑cumplio‑en‑el‑Mar‑Caribe.aspx ou, pour la vidéo, http:// 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 21 10/09/14 13:00 22 nize, in relation to any other American State, the jurisdiction of the Caourt as compulsory ipso facto, without the necessity of any special agreement so long as the present Treaty is in force, in all disputes of a juridical naturea that arise among them concerning : (a) the interpretation of a treaty; (b) any question of international law; (c) the existence of any fact which, if established, would constitute the braeach of an international obligation; (d) the nature or extent of the reparation to be made for the breach of an international obligation.” Both Nicaragua and Colombia are Parties to the Pact of Bogotá. No resaervation in force at the present date has been made by either Nicaragua or Colombaia under the Pact. 17. As explained above 16, on 27 November 2012, Colombia gave notice that it denounced as of that date the Pact of Bogotá; and in accordance with Article LVI of the Pact, that denunciation will take effect after one year, so thaat the Pact will cease to be in force for Colombia after 27 November 2013. 18. Moreover and alternatively, the jurisdiction of the Court lies in its inherent power to pronounce on the actions required by its Judgments. IV. The Legal Ground for Nicaaragua’s Request 19. In Paragraphs4 and 5 of the dispositifof its Judgment of 19November2012, the Court unanimously determined the course of the single maritime boundaary delimiting the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zones of thea Republic of Nicaragua and the Republic of Colombia. In conformity with Articles 59 and 60 of the Court’s Statute, this Judgment is final and without appeal aand has binding force between the Parties. By itself, the decision made by Colombia not to comply with it is a breach of that State’s obligations under international laaw, which entails its responsibility17. 20. Moreover, by its decision not to comply with the Court’s Judgment, Coalo‑m bia is also in breach of its obligations, and violates Nicaragua’s riaghts, under customary international law, as reflected in Parts V and VI of the UNCaLOS. 21. These breaches are all the more worrying and serious as they are accom ‑ panied by clear threats to use force, in breach of Article 2 (4) of the UN Charter according to which: “All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the athreat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independeance of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.” This provision reflects a peremptory norm of general international lawa. 16 17 Dispute regarding Navigational and Related Rights (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua), Judg- ment, I.C.J Reports 2009, p. 213, para. 148 (“[The] obligation to cease wrongful conduct derives both from the general obligation of each State to conduct itselfa in accordance with international law and from the specific obligation upon States parties to disputes before the Court to comply with its judgments, pursuant to Article 59 of its Statute.”) 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 22 10/09/14 13:00 23 autre Etat américain déclarent reconnaître comme obligatoire dea plein droit, et sans convention spéciale tant que le présent traité restera en vigueur, la juridiction de la Cour sur tous les différends d’ordre juridiquea surgissant entre elles et ayant pour objet : a) l’interprétation d’un traité; b) toute question de droit international; c) l’existence de tout fait qui, s’il était établi, constitueraait la violation d’un engagement international; d) la nature ou l’étendue de la réparation qui découle de la ruapture d’un engagement international.» Le Nicaragua et la Colombie sont tous deux parties au pacte de Bogotáa. Aucune réserve en vigueur à ce jour n’a été formulée par le Naicaragua ou la Colombie à l’égard du traité. 17. Comme exposé plus haut 16, le 27 novembre 2012, la Colombie a procédé à la dénonciation du pacte, dénonciation qui, en application de l’aarticle LVI de celui‑ci, ne deviendra effective qu’au terme d’un an, le pacte dae Bogotá cessant ainsi de produire ses effets par rapport à la Colombie après le 27 novembre 2013. 18. De surcroît et à titre subsidiaire, la compétence de la Cour réaside dans le pouvoir qui est le sien de se prononcer sur les mesures requises par sesa arrêts. IV. Le fondement juridique ade la requête du Nicaraguaa 19. Aux paragraphes 4 et 5 du dispositif de son arrêt du 19 novembre 2012, la Cour a déterminé à l’unanimité le tracé de la frontière maritime unique délimitant le plateau continental et les zones économiques exclusives de la Réapublique du Nicaragua et de la République de Colombie. Conformément aux articlaes 59 et 60 du Statut de la Cour, cet arrêt est définitif, sans recours et oabligatoire pour les parties en litige. La décision de la Colombie de ne pas s’y conforamer constitue, en elle‑même, un manquement de cet Etat aux obligations qui sont les sieannes en vertu du droit international, manquement qui engage sa responsabilité 17. 20. En outre, par sa décision de ne pas se conformer à l’arrêt dae la Cour, la Colombie agit également en violation de ses obligations et des droitsa du Nicaragua découlant du droit international coutumier tel que reflété dans les parties V et VI de la CNUDM. 21. Ces manquements sont d’autant plus graves et préoccupants qu’ils s’accom‑ pagnent de menaces explicites de recours à la force, en violation du paragraphe 4 de l’article 2 de la Charte des Nations Unies, qui se lit comme suit: «Les Membres de l’Organisation s’abstiennent, dans leurs relations inter‑ nationales, de recourir à la menace ou à l’emploi de la force, asoit contre l’inté‑ grité territoriale ou l’indépendance politique de tout Etat, soait de toute autre manière incompatible avec les buts des Nations Unies.» Cette disposition reflète une norme impérative du droit internataional géé nral. 16 17 Différend relatif à des droits de navigation et des droits connexes (Costa RiNica- ragua), arrêt, C.I.J.Recueil 2009, p. 213, par. 148 («[L’]obligation de cessation d’un compor‑ tement illicite découle tout autant du devoir général qu’a chaque Etat de se comporter conformément au droit international que de l’obligation spécifiaque qu’ont les Etats parties aux différends portés devant la Cour de se conformer aux arrêats de celle‑ci, en vertu de l’article 59 de son Statut.») 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 23 10/09/14 13:00 24 V. Decision Requested 22. On the basis of the foregoing statement of facts and law, Nicaragua, whiale reserving the right to supplement, amend or modify this Application, requests the Court to adjudge and declare that Colombia is in breach of: — its obligation not to use or threaten to use force under Article 2 (4) of the UN Charter and international customary law; — its obligation not to violate Nicaragua’s maritime zones as delimiteda in para‑ graph 251 of the ICJ Judgment of 19 November 2012 as well as Nicaragua’s sovereign rights and jurisdiction in these zones; — its obligation not to violate Nicaragua’s rights under customary international law as reflected in Parts V and VI of UNCLOS; — and that, consequently, Colombia is bound to comply with the Judgment ofa 19 November 2012, wipe out the legal and material consequences of its interna‑ tionally wrongful acts, and make full reparation for the harm caused by athose acts. 23. Pursuant to Article 31 of the Statute of the Court and Article 35, para‑ graph 1 of its Rules, the Republic of Nicaragua will exercise the power conferared by Article 31 of the Statute and choose a person to sit as judge and will so informa the Court in due course. 24. Nicaragua, reserves its right to supplement, amend or modify this Applicaa ‑ tion. 25. The Government of Nicaragua has designated the undersigned as its Agent a for the purposes of these proceedings. All communications relating to thais case should be sent to the Office of the Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua, Sataten ‑ laan 52, 2582 GP, The Hague. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Carlos J. Argüello Gómez, Ambassador of the Republic of Nicaragua, Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 24 10/09/14 13:00 25 V. Décision demandée 22. Au vu de l’exposé des éléments factuels et juridiques qui praécède, le Nicar‑a gua, tout en se réservant le droit de compléter ou de modifier laa présente requête, prie la Cour de dire et juger que la Colombie: — manque à l’obligation qui lui incombe en vertu du paragraphe 4 de al’article 2 de la Charte des Nations Unies et du droit international coutumier de s’aabstenir de recourir à la menace ou à l’emploi de la force; — manque à l’obligation qui lui incombe de ne pas violer les espacesm aaritimes du Nicaragua tels que délimités au paragraphe 251 de l’arrêt rendu par la Cour le 19 novembre 2012, ainsi que les droits souverains et la juridiction du Nicaragua sur lesdits espaces; — manque à l’obligation qui lui incombe de ne pas violer les droits adu Nicaragua en vertu du droit international coutumier tel que reflété dans laes partieset VI de la CNUDM; — est en conséquencetenue de se conformer à l’arrêt du19 novembre 2012, d’effa‑ cer les conséquences juridiques et matérielles de ses actes internaationalement illicites, et de réparer intégralement le préjudice causé paar lesdits actes. 23. Conformément à l’article 31 du Statut de la Cour et au paragraphe 1 de l’article 35 de son Règlement, la République du Nicaragua exercera le pouvoiar que lui confère l’article1 du Statut de procéder à la désignation d’un juge appelé à siéger en l’affaire et en informera la Cour en temps utile. 24. Le Nicaragua se réserve le droit de compléter ou de modifier la aprésente requête. 25. Le Gouvernement du Nicaragua a désigné le soussigné en qualitéa d’agent aux fins de la présente procédure. Toute communication relative à l’affaire doit être adressée au domicile de l’agent de la République du Nicaaragua, Statenlaan 52, 2582 GP, La Haye. Respectueusement, L’ambassadeur et agent de la République du Nicaragua, (Signé) Carlos J. Argüello Gómez. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 25 10/09/14 13:00 26 CERTIFICATION 26 November 2013. The undersigned Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua certifies that the adocu‑ ments hereunder listed are true copies and conform to the original documaents and that the translations into English made by Nicaragua are accurate translaations of the documents annexed to the Application by the Republic of Nicaragua inastitut‑ ing proceedings against the Republic of Colombia for violations of Nicaraagua’s sovereign rights and maritime zones declared by the Court’s Judgment aof 19 November 2012 and the threat of use of force by Colombia in order to impale‑ ment these violations. (Signed) Carlos J. Argüello Gómez, Agent of the Republic of Nicaragua. List of Annexes Annex 1. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice, 19 November 2012. Annex 2. “The Colombian Foreign Minister calls The Hague an Enemy”, El Nuevo Herald, 28 November 2012. Annex 3. Letter from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia to the Secretaa‑ry General of the Organization of American States, 27 November 2012. Annex 4. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the denunciation of the Pact of Bogotá, 28 November 2012. Annex 5. “Santos and Ortega will meet this Saturday in Mexico City”, La República, 29 November 2012. Annex 6. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos during the Summit of Governors in San Andrés, 18 February 2013. Annex 7. “Santos orders to defend the continental shelf with cloak and sword”a, El Espectador, 19 September 2013. Annex 8. Presidential Decree 1946 of 9 September 2013. Annex 9. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos on the integral strategy of a Colombia on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice, 9September 2013. Annex 10. Declaration of President Juan Manuel Santos during the sovereignty exercises performed in the Caribbean Sea, 18 September 2013. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 26 10/09/14 13:00 27 ATTESTATION [Traduction] Le 26 novembre 2013. Je soussigné, agent de la République du Nicaragua, certifie que ales documents figurant dans la liste ci‑après sont des copies exactes et conformeas des documents originaux et que leur traduction anglaise, établie par le Nicaragua, est exacte. Les‑ dits documents sont annexés à la requête de la République du Nicaragua introdui‑ sant une instance contre la République de Colombie à raison de vioalations des droits souverains et des espaces maritimes du Nicaragua qui lui ont été reconnus par la Cour dans son arrêt du 19novembre 2012 et de la menace de la Colombie de recourir à la force pour commettre ces violations. L’agent de la République du Nicaragua, (Signé) Carlos J. Argüello Gómez. Liste des annexes [Traduction] Annexe 1. Allocution du président Juan Manuel Santos concernant l’arrêt ade la Cour internationale de Justice, 19 novembre 2012. Annexe 2. «La ministre des affaires étrangères de la Colombie qualifie d’aennemie la Cour de La Haye», El Nuevo Herald, 28 novembre 2012. Annexe 3. Lettre adressée au secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Etats améri‑ cains par la ministre des affaires étrangères de la Colombie, 27aembre 2012. Annexe 4. Déclaration du président Juan Manuel Santos concernant la dénoancia‑ tion du pacte de Bogotá, 28 novembre 2012. Annexe 5. «MM. Santos et Ortega se rencontreront samedi à Mexico », La Repú- blica, 29ovembre 2012. Annexe 6. Déclaration du président Juan Manuel Santos au sommet des gouvera‑ neurs tenu à San Andrés, 18 février 2013. Annexe 7. «Le président Santos ordonne de défendre par le glaive s’il le faaut le plateau continental», El Espectador, 19 septembre 2013. Annexe 8. Décret présidentiel 1946 du 9 septembre 2013. Annexe 9. Déclaration du président Juan Manuel Santos concernant la stratéagie globale de la Colombie face à l’arrêt de la Cour internationalea de Justicsep‑ tembre 2013. Annexe 10. Déclaration du président Juan Manuel Santos lors des manifestatioans de souveraineté en mer des Caraïbes, 18 septembre 2013. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 27 10/09/14 13:00 28 Annex 1 Declaration of Presidenta Juan Manuel Santos on the Judgment of the aInternational Court of Jaustice, 19 November 2012 1 Bogotá, 19 November 2012. “ Today this Court rejected the claims of sovereignty of Nicaragua ovaer our archipelago. It is a final and unappealable judgment on this issue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Court, in its judgment draws a line that begins on the west of the aarchi‑ pelago, between our islands and the coast of Nicaragua. While this is positive for Colombia, the Court, when drawing the maritimae delimitation line, made serious mistakes that I must stress, and [those amis‑ takes] affect us negatively. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inexplicably — after recognizing the sovereignty of Colombia over the entire archipelago and holding that it [the archipelago] as a unit generaated continental shelf and exclusive economic zone rights — the Court adjusted the delimitation line, leaving the Keys of Serrana, Serranilla, Quitasueñao and Bajo Nuevo separated from the rest of the archipelago. This is inconsistent with what the Court itself acknowledged, and is nota compatible with the geographical conception of what is an archipelago. All of these are really omissions, errors, excesses, inconsistencies tha▯t we can- not accept. Taking into account the above, Colombia — represented by its Head of State — emphatically rejects that aspect of the judgment rendered by the Court ▯ today. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Government respects the rule of law but considers that the Court hasa committed serious mistakes in this matter.” (Emphasis added.) 1Source: 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 28 10/09/14 13:00 29 Annexe 1 Allocution du présidenta Juan Manuel Santos concernant l’arrêt dea la Cour internationale d1e Justice, 19 novembre 2012 [Traduction établie par le Greffe à partir de la version anglais▯e de l’original espagnol fournie par le Nicaragua] Bogotá, le 19 novembre 2012. «Aujourd’hui, la Cour a rejeté les revendications de souverainetéa du Nica ‑ ragua sur notre archipel. Il s’agit d’un arrêt définitif eat sans appel sur cette question. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dans son arrêt, la Cour trace une ligne dont le point de départ esat situé à l’ouest de l’archipel, entre nos îles et la côte nicaraguayeanne. C’est là un point positif pour la Colombie, mais, en traçant laa ligne de déli‑ mitation maritime, la Cour a commis de graves erreurs qui nous portent paré‑ judice et qu’il me faut signaler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inexplicablement —après avoir reconnu la souveraineté de la Colombie sur l’ensemble de l’archipel, et conclu que celui‑ci générait ena tant que tel des droits à un plateau continental et à une zone économique exclusaive —, la Cour a ajusté la ligne de délimitation, séparant ainsi les cayes de aSerrana, Serranilla, Quitasueño et Bajo Nuevo du reste de l’archipel. Cette décision va à l’encontre de ce que la Cour elle‑même aa reconnu, et n’est pas compatible avec la définition géographique d’un aarchipel. Ce sont là autant d’omissions, d’erreurs, d’exagérations ▯et d’incohérences que nous ne pouvons accepter. Compte tenu de ce qui précède, la Colombie, représentée par ▯son chef d’Etat, rejette catégoriquement cet aspect de l’arrêt rendu aujourd’▯hui par la Cour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Le Gouvernement colombien respecte la primauté du droit mais estime qaue la Cour a commis là de graves erreurs. » (Les italiques sont de nous.) 1 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 29 10/09/14 13:00 30 Annex 2 The Colombian Foreign Miniaster Calls The Hague an Enemy”, 1 E l NuEvo H Erald , 28 November 2012 “The enemy is the Court which did not base its decision on the law, tahat Judgment is full of inadequacies and one reads it and cannot believe thaat the States parties that conform the Court elected those judges to decide sucah an important Judgment.” 1Source:‑colombiana‑califica.html. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 30 10/09/14 13:00 31 Annexe 2 «La ministre des affaires étarangères de la Colombie qualifie d’aennemie la Cour de La Haye », E l N uEvo H Erald , 28 novembre 2012 1 [Traduction établie par le Greffe à partir de la version anglais▯e de l’original espagnol fournie par le Nicaragua] «La Cour est notre ennemie. La décision qu’elle a rendue ne repose apas sur le droit. Cet arrêt est émaillé de lacunes et, lorsqu’on le alit, on ne peut pas croire que les Etats parties au Statut de la Cour aient pu élire ces ajuges pour rendre un arrêt aussi important. 1Source:‑colombiana‑califica.html. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 31 10/09/14 13:00 32 Annex 3 Letter from the Ministera of Foreign Affairs of Colaombia to the Secretary‑General of the Organizataion of American States, 27 November 2012 I have the honour to address Your Excellency pursuant to Article LVI of the American Treaty on Pacific Settlement in order to give notice to the Gaeneral Sec‑ retariat of the Organization of American States, which you head, as the asuccessor to the Pan American Union, that the Republic of Colombia denounces as of today the “American Treaty on Pacific Settlement”, signed on 30 April 30 1948, whose instrument of ratification was deposited by Colombia on 6 November 1968. The denunciation of the American Treaty on Pacific Settlement shall bea in effect as of today with respect to procedures initiated after this notice, pursauant to the second paragraph of Article LVI, which reads : “The denunciation shall have no effect with respect to pending procedures initiated prior to the transamission of the particular notification.” (Signed) María Angela Holguín Cuellar, Minister of Foreign Affairs. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 32 10/09/14 13:00 33 Annexe 3 Lettre adressée au secréataire général de l’Organaisation des États américains par la ministrea des affaires étrangères ade la Colombie, 27 novembre 2012 [Traduction] En application de l’articleLVI du traité américain de règlement pacifique, j’ai l’honneur d’informer le secrétariat général de l’Organaisation des Etats américains (anciennement l’Union panaméricaine), à la tête duquel se trouve Votre Excel‑ lence, que la République de Colombie dénonce, à compter de ce jour, le traité américain de règlement pacifique signé le 30 avril 1948, et ratifié par elle le 6 novembre 1968. Cette dénonciation prend effet dès aujourd’hui pour ce qui coancerne les procé‑ dures engagées après la transmission du présent avis, conforméament au deuxième paragraphe de l’article LVI, qui est ainsi libel: «La dénonciation n’aura aucun effetsur les procédures en cours entamées avant la transmission de l’avis en ques‑ tion.» (Signé) La ministre des affaires étrangères, María Angela Holguín Cuellar. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 33 10/09/14 13:00 34 Annex 4 Declaration of Presidenta Juan Manuel Santos on the Denunciation of tahe Pact of Bogotá, 28 November 2012 1 “I have decided that the highest national interests demand that the taerrito‑ rial and maritime boundaries be fixed through treaties, as has been thae legal tradition of Colombia, and not through judgments rendered by the Interna‑ tional Court of Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This is why yesterday Colombia denounced the Pact of Bogotá. Proper notice was given to the Secretary ‑General of the Organization of American States. It will become effective for procedures that are initiated aftaer the noti‑ fication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The decision I have made obeys to a fundamental principle: the boundaries between States should be fixed by States themselves. Land borders and mari- time boundaries between States, should not be left to a Court, but rather must be fixed by States through treaties of mutual agreement.” (Emphasis added.) 1 Source: 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 34 10/09/14 13:00 35 Annexe 4 Déclaration du présidenta Juan Manuel Santos concernant la dénonciaation du pacte de Bogotá, 28 novembre 2012 1 [Traduction établie par le Greffe à partir de la version anglais▯e de l’original espagnol fournie par le Nicaragua] «J’ai décidé que les intérêts supérieurs de la nation eaxigeaient que les limites territoriales et maritimes soient établies par voie de traité, comame il est de tradition en droit colombien, et non par des arrêts de la Cour internaationale de Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C’est la raison pour laquelle la Colombie a dénoncé, hier, le paacte de Bogotá. Le secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Etatsa américains en a été dûment informé. La dénonciation produira ses effets à l’aégard de toute procé‑ dure entamée après la transmission de la notification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J’ai pris cette décision en m’appuyant sur un principe fondamenatal : les frontières entre les Etats doivent être fixées par les Etats aeux‑mêmesL .es fron- tières terrestres et maritimes ne doivent pas être laissées à▯ l’appréciation d’un tribunal, mais doivent être arrêtées d’un commun accord par ▯les Etats, par voie de traité.» (Les italiques sont de nous.) 1 Source: 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 35 10/09/14 13:00 36 Annex 5 “Santos and Ortega Will Meeta this Saturday in Mexico C1ty”a, l a rEpública , 29 November 2012 “I want to shake hands with President Santos and say that I and the paeople of Nicaragua want to fix this situation as fraternally as brothers, asa these two people have been throughout the history of Latin America”, said Danieal Ortega, President of Nicaragua, according to Caracol TV. Nicaragua’s Ambassador to Mexico, Tamara Hawkins, contacted the Colombian Ambassador Gabriel José Ortiz, in order to organize the meeating with President Juan Manuel Santos. The announcement follows statements by President Santos in which he said that he “will not apply that judgment of The Hague Court until it is aguar‑ anteed that the rights of the Colombians are well defined”. 1Source: ‑y‑ortega‑se‑reunir%C3%A1n‑este‑s%C3%A1 bado‑en‑ciudad‑de‑m%C3%A9xico_26792. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 36 10/09/14 13:00 37 Annexe 5 «MM. Santos et Ortega se rencoantreront samedi à Mexico », la r Epública , 29 novembre 2012 1 [Traduction établie par le Greffe à partir de la version anglais▯e de l’original espagnol fournie par le Nicaragua] «Je souhaite tendre la main au président Santos et lui dire que la popaulation nicaraguayenne et moi‑même avons à cœur de régler le problèame en toute fraternité, à l’image du lien qui a toujours uni nos deux peuplaes dans l’histoire de l’Amérique latine», a déclaré DanielOrtega, président du Nicaragua, selon Caracol TV. L’ambassadeur du Nicaragua auprès du Mexique, Tamara Hawkins, s’est mis en rapport avec l’ambassadeur de Colombie, Gabriel José Ortiz,a afin d’or‑ ganiser la rencontre avec le président Juan Manuel Santos. Cette annonce fait suite aux déclarations du président Santos seloan les‑ quelles il «appliquera[it] pas l’arrêt de la CIJ tant que les droits des aC‑lom biens ne seraient pas garantis». 1Source: ‑y‑ortega‑se‑reunir%C3%A1n‑este‑s%C3%A1 bado‑en‑ciudad‑de‑m%C3%A9xico_26792. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 37 10/09/14 13:00 38 Annex 6 Declaration of Presidenta Juan Manuel Santos during the Summit of Govaernors in San Andrés, 18 February 2013 1 “It should be absolutely and totally clear that: I have given peremptory and precise instructions to the Navy ; the historical rights of our fishermen are going to be respected no matter what. No one has to request permission tao anybody in order to fish where they have always fished. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colombia fishermen are going to be able to exercise their historical fishing rights — that is what we have been saying. We will make sure of that. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This afternoon the Minister of Defence will arrive, the Commander of thea Navy is coming [too] and I am going to reiterate this in front of all thae San Andrés people: You do not have to request permission from anybody in order to fish where you have traditionally fished.” 1Source: 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 38 10/09/14 13:00 39 Annexe 6 Déclaration du présidenta Juan Manuel Santos au sommet des gouverneuars tenu à San Andrés, 18 février 2013 1 [Traduction établie par le Greffe à partir de la version anglais▯e de l’original espagnol fournie par le Nicaragua] «Que cela soit parfaitement clair: j’ai donné des instructions fermes et pré ‑ cises à la marine; les droits historiques de nos pêcheurs seront respectés, quoi qu’il arrive. Aucun pêcheur n’a à demander à qui que ce saoit la permission de pêcher là où il a toujours pêché. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Les pêcheurs colombiens vont pouvoir exercer leurs droits de pêche histo‑ riques, c’est ce que nous avons dit et nous nous y engageons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Le ministre de la défense arrive cet après‑midi, le commandant en achef des forces navales sera là [également], et je le répéterai devanat toute la population de San Andrés: nul n’a à demander à qui que ce soit la permission de pêchaer là où il a toujours pêché.» 1 Source: 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 39 10/09/14 13:00 40 Annex 7 “Santos Orders to Defend tahe Continental Shelf with Cloak and Sword”, 1 El E spEctador , 19 September 2013 That’s the order that he gave to the military forces patrolling the waaters in dispute with Nicaragua. The President of the Republic, Juan Manuel Santos, ordered to the high command of the Armed Forces to defend with “cloak and sword” the conti‑ nental shelf that Colombia has in the Caribbean Sea. During the speech by the Navy Commander, Vice Admiral Hernando Wills, he reiterated that his forces comply with the order of the Head oaf State to exercise sovereignty throughout the Colombian Caribbean Sea. The high command even said that the Colombian frigates operate in the 82a meridian, and added that the judgment of The Hague is inapplicable and tahat his duty is to defend all the Colombian maritime space. Meanwhile, the Governor of San Andrés, Aury Guerrero, reiterated thata the Caribbean waters over which The Hague gave Nicaragua economic rightsa have been and are Colombian waters. “The whole territory, including the 82 [meridian], is yours and we coaunt on its defence”, said Guerrero to President Santos, addressing him as Heaad of State. 1 Source:‑ordena ‑defender ‑plataforma ‑ continental‑capa‑y‑es‑articulo‑447445. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 40 10/09/14 13:00 41 Annexe 7 «Le président Santos ordonane de défendre par le glaive s’il le fauat le plateau continentaa »l, 1 El E spEctador , 19 septembre 2013 [Traduction établie par le Greffe à partir de la version anglais▯e de l’original espagnol fournie par le Nicaragua] Tel est l’ordre donné par le président de la République, Juaan Manuel San‑ tos, aux forces armées patrouillant dans les espaces maritimes en litige avec le Nicaragua. Le président a ordonné au commandant en chef des forces armées ade défendre « par le glaive s’il le faut » le plateau continental appartenant à la Colombie dans la mer des Caraïbes. Dans son discours, le commandant en chef des forces navales, le vice‑amiral Hernando Willis, a de nouveau affirmé que ses troupes se conformeraient aux ordres donnés par le chef de l’Etat en vue de faire respecter la saouveraineté de la Colombie sur toute la partie de la mer des Caraïbes qui lui appartaient. Le commandant en chef a souligné que les frégates colombiennes opéaraient jusqu’au 82 eméridien, et a ajouté que l’arrêt rendu par la Cour étaita inappli‑ cable et que son devoir était de défendre l’ensemble de l’esapace maritime colombien. me Le gouverneur de San Andrés, M Aury Guerrero, a pour sa part réaffirmé que les espaces maritimes caribéens dans lesquels la Cour a conféraé au Nica‑ ragua des droits économiques ont toujours appartenu à la Colombie.a «L’ensemble du territoire, 82eméridien compris, est à la Colombie, et nous comptons sur vous pour le défendre », a dit MmeGuerrero au chef de l’Etat. 1 Source:‑ordena ‑defender ‑plataforma ‑ continental‑capa‑y‑es‑articulo‑447445. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 41 10/09/14 13:00 42 Annex 8 Presidential Decree 1946 of a9 September 2013 1 Which serves to regulate Articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 of Law 10 of 1978 and 2 and 3 of Law 47 of 1993 as regards territorial sea, the contiguous zone, some aspects of the continental shelf of the insular Colombian territories ina the Western Caribbean Sea and the integrity of the San Andrés, Providence and Sanata Catalina Archipelago Department, The President of the Republic of Colombia In exercise of her constitutional and legal powers, in particular those extended in Article 189, Roman numeral 11 of the Political Constitution and in the implemen‑ tation of stipulations of Law 10 of 1978 and Law 47 of 1993, Considering That Article 101 of the Political Constitution states that “besides its continental territory, the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina and Malpeloa Archipel‑ ago, as well as their islands, islets, key and banks, are part of Colombaia” That the same Article establishes that they “are also part of Colombia the subsoil, the territory sea, the contiguous zone, the continental shelf, athe exclusive economic zone, the airspace, the part consisting of the geostationary orbit, the electromagnetic sphere and the space it affects, in conformity with international law and Colombian laws due to the absence of international norms” ; That Article 309 of the Political Constitution converted into a department the authority corresponding to the “San Andrés, Providencia and Santa aCatalina Archipelago” and established that “the property and rights under aany title which belonged to the authorities and commissaries will continue to be the property of the respective departments” ; That Article 310 of the Political Constitution establishes that “besides norms established in the Constitution and laws regarding other departments, thae San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department shall bae ruled by special norms on public administration, immigration, fiscal mattersa, foreign commerce, exchange, finances and economic development established by tahe legislature”; That Article of Law 47 of 1993 establishes that the territory of the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department is conformed by thae islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, by the Alburquaerque, East South Southeast, Roncador, Serrana, Quitasueño, Bajo Nuevo, Bancos dea Serra‑ nilla and Alicia the other islands, islets, keys, banks and reefs which aconform the former Special Authority of San Andrés and Providencia; That Article 2 of Law 47 of 1993 recognizes the territorial, cultural, administra‑ tive, economic and political unity of the Archipelago by establishing thaat “the San 1 Source: DECRETO%201946%20DEL%2009%20DE%20SEPTIEMBRE%20DE%202013.pdf.nts/SEPTIEMBaRE/09/ 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 42 10/09/14 13:00 43 Annexe 8 Décret présidentiel 1946 dua 9 septembre 2013 1 [Traduction établie par le Greffe à partir de la version anglais▯e de l’original espagnol fournie par le Nicaragua] Réglementant les articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 et 9 de la loi n de 1978, ainsi que les articles 2 et3 de la loi n7 de1993 concernant la mer territoriale, la zone contiguë, certains aspects du plateau continental des territoires insulaires de laa Colombie dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes et l’intégritaé du département de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina, Le président de la République de Colombie, Dans l’exercice des pouvoirs que lui confèrent la Constitution et ala loi, et en par‑ ticulier de ceux que lui confère le paragraphe11 de l’article 189 de la Constitution, et en application des dispositions de la loi n 10 de 1978 et de la loin 47 de 1993, Considérant Que l’article 101 de la Constitution prévoit que, « outre son territoire continen‑ tal, la Colombie comprend l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Cata‑ lina ainsi que Malpelo, de même que les îles, îlots, cayes et baancs qui en dépendent Que ce même article dispose que « font également partie de la Colombie le sous‑sol, la mer territoriale, la zone contiguë, le plateau continentaal, la zone écono‑ mique exclusive, l’espace aérien, le segment de l’orbite géostationnaire, le spectre électromagnétique et l’espace correspondant, conformément aua droit internatio‑ nal, ou, en l’absence de normes internationales, au droit colombien »; Que l’article 309 de la Constitution accorde le statut de département à l’inten‑ dance (intendencia) correspondant à « l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina », et dispose que «les biens et les droits dévolus à quelque titre que ce soit aux intendances et commissariats (comisarías) resteront la propriété des départements correspondants»; Que l’article 310 de la Constitution dispose que, «outre les normes constitution‑ nelles et législatives relatives aux autres départements, le déapartement de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina sera régi par des normes spéciale‑ ment établies par le législateur concernant l’administration puablique, l’immigra‑ tion, les questions fiscales, le commerce extérieur, les échanges, les finances et le développement économique»; Que l’article 3 de la loi n47 de 1993 établit que le territoire du département de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina comprend les îles de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina, ainsi que les cayes de l’Est‑Sud‑Est, Alburquerque, Roncador, Serrana, Quitasueño, Bajo Nuevo, les bancs de Serra‑ nilla et d’Alicia, et les autres îles, îlots, cayes, bancs et récifs constituant l’ancienne intendance spéciale de San Aodrés y Providencia ; Que l’article 2 de la loi n 47 de 1993 reconnaît l’unité territoriale, culturelle, administrative, économique et politique de l’archipel en énonçaant quel« e départe‑ 1 Source: DECRETO%201946%20DEL%2009%20DE%20SEPTIEMBRE%20DE%202013.pdf. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 43 10/09/14 13:00 44 Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department is a tearritorial entity created by the Constitution and the law and has the right to govearn itself through its own authorities ; to exercise the pertinent competences, to integrate the national revenue system ; to administrate its resources and establish the taxes necessary for compliance with its functions” ; That Article 9 of Law 10 of 1978 established that the Government shall proceed to establish for the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archiapelago Department and other insular territories the baselines from which shall abe meas‑ ured the diverse maritime spaces over which the Colombian nation exercisaes sov‑ ereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction in conformity with customarya interna‑ tional law, it orders that these be incorporated into its official maritiame cartography in conformity with international norms on this subject matter ; That in carrying out that which is established in Article101 of the Political Con‑ stitution and Law 10 of 1978, and in the context of the Political Constitution, it is the responsibility of the State to determine the extension of the territaorial sea and the contiguous zone generated by the islands that conform Western Caribbean insular Colombian territories and the reach of the corresponding maritimae juris‑ diction in order to facilitate their adequate administration, the orderlay manage‑ ment of the waters and the exercise of the country’s sovereignty or sovereign rights ; That according to international customary law and in carrying out that wahich is established in Article 101 of the Political Constitution and Law 10 of 1978, the Republic of Colombia has a right to the formations that comprise the Sana Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago to generate territorial sea aand a con‑ tiguous zone without prejudice to its rights over the exclusive economica zone and the continental shelf ; That in conformity with customary international law as regards the contiaguous zone, States may exercise sovereign rights and jurisdiction and control ain the areas of security, drug trafficking, environmental protection, fiscal and cusatoms matters, immigration, health and other matters ; That the extension of the contiguous zone of insular territories conformaing the Western Caribbean has to be determined, specifically of those insular aterritories that conform the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelaago, so that the orderly management of the Archipelago and its maritime spaces maay be guaranteed thereby ensuring protection of the environment and natural resources and maintenance of comprehensive security and public order ; That the Colombian State is responsible for the preservation of the Archi ‑ pelago’s ecosystems which are fundamental to the ecological equilibriaum of the area and in order to preserve its inhabitants’ historic, traditional,a ancestral, envi‑ ronmental and cultural rights, and their right to survival. It is decreed Article 1 Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia 1. The Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia are comprised aof the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Departmenta and the rest of its islands, islets, keys and banks. 2. The San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Departmenta is comprised of the following islands: (a) San Andrés; (b) Providencia; 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 44 10/09/14 13:00 45 ment de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina est une entité ter‑ ritoriale instaurée par la Constitution et la loi et qu’elle peut,a à ce titre, être admi‑ nistré par ses propres autorités, exercer les compétences correaspondantes, contribuer au revenu national, gérer ses ressources et instituer les aprélèvements fiscaux nécessaires à l’exercoce de ses fonctions »; Que l’article 9 de la loi n 10 de 1978 prévoit que le gouvernement fixe, pour le département de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina et les autres territoires insulaires, les lignes de base à partir desquelles sont mesurés les différents espaces maritimes sur lesquels la Colombie exerce sa souveraineté, ses droits souverains et sa juridiction conformément au droit internationaal coutumier, et que celles‑ci doivent figurer sur les cartes marines officielles, coanformément à la réglementation internationale en la matière ; Que, dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des dispositions de l’artic1a0l1 e de la Consti‑ tution et de la loi n 10 de 1978, et à la lumière de ladite Constitution, il incombe àa l’Etat de déterminer la largeur de la mer territoriale et de la zoane contiguë générées par les îles constituant les territoires insulaires colombiens de la apartie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes, ainsi que la portée de la juridiction maritimae correspondante, afin de faciliter leur bonne administration, la gestion ordonnée deas espaces maritimes et l’exercice de la souveraineté ou des droits souverains de la Coalombie ; Que, conformément au droit international coutumier, et dans le cadre ade la mise en œuvre des dispositions de l’article 101 de la Constitution et de la loi n o 10 de 1978, la République de Colombie peut prétendre à ce que les foramations consti ‑ tuant l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina génèrent une mer territoriale et une zone contiguë sans que cela porte préjudice àa ses droits sur la zone économique exclusive et le plateau continental; Que, conformément au droit international coutumier concernant la zonea conti ‑ guë, les Etats peuvent exercer leurs droits souverains, leur juridictaion et leur contrôle, notamment dans les domaines de la sécurité, du trafic de drogue, de la protection de l’environnement, de la fiscalité et des douanes, de l’immigraation et de la san ;té Qu’il convient de déterminer l’étendue de la zone contiguëa correspondant aux territoires insulaires situés dans la partie occidentale de la mer deas Caraïbes, notamment ceux constituant l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Cata‑ lina, de manière à assurer la bonne gestion de l’archipel et dea ses espaces maritimes, et à garantir ainsi la protection de l’environnement et des ressouarces naturelles, ainsi que le maintien de la sécurité globale et de l’ordre publaic ; Que l’Etat colombien est tenu de veiller à la préservation des aécosystèmes de l’archipel, essentiels à l’équilibre écologique de la zonae, afin de préserver les droits historiques, traditionnels, ancestraux, environnementaux et culturels dea ses habi ‑ tants, ainsi que leur droit à la survie, Il est décrété ce qui suit: Article 1 Les territoires insulaires de la Colombie dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes 1. Les territoires insulaires de la Colombie dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes comprennent le département de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providen‑ cia et SantaCatalina ainsi que les autres îles, îlots, cayes et bancs qui en daépendent. 2. Le département de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina est constitué des îles suivantes: a) San Andrés; b) Providencia ; 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 45 10/09/14 13:00 46 (c) Santa Catalina; (d) The Alburquerque Keys; (e) The East Southeast Keys; (f) The Roncador Keys; (g) The Serrana Keys; (h) The Quitasueño Keys; (i) The Serranilla Keys; (g) The Bajo Nuevo Keys; (k) the remaining island, islets, keys, banks, low‑tide elevations and reefs adjacent to each of these islands and which conform the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department. 3. The Republic of Colombia exercises full sovereignty over its insular terarito‑ ries and it also exercises jurisdiction and sovereign rights over the maaritime spaces these create under the norms of international law, the Political Constitaution, Law 10 of 1978 and this Decree. Article 2 Maritime spaces created by the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia In conformity with Article 101 of the Political Constitution, customary interna‑ tional law, and Laws 10 of 1978, and 47 of 1993, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone created by iats Western Caribbean Sea insular territories are a part of Colombia. The continental shelf and the eastern exclusive economic zone generated aby the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia that overlap with athe con ‑ tinental shelf and the exclusive economic zone generated towards the norathwest along Colombia’s Atlantic coast. Article3 Drawing of baselines in the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia 1. In carrying out that which is established in Law 10 of 1978, the Govern‑ ment shall determine the points and baselines from which the breadth of the taerri‑ torial waters, the contiguous zone and diverse maritime spaces created bay the islands comprising the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Coloambia are measured. 2. The drawing shall be carried out in conformity with the criteria recogniazed in customary international law including those related to islands situated ain atolls or islands having fringing reefs in which the baseline for measuring the braeadth of the territorial sea is the seaward low water‑line of the reef. 3. Straight baselines may be used in the event of situations foreseen in Araticle4 of Law 10 of 1978. 4. Waters situated between the baselines and insular territories are considered internal waters. Article 4 Territorial waters of the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia 1.The territorial sea of the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of aColom ‑ bia, over which the Republic of Colombia exercises full sovereignty, extaends from the territory of each one of the islands mentioned in Articlel and their inner waters, to the distance established in number 2 of the present Article. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 46 10/09/14 13:00 47 c) Santa Catalina; d) les cayes d’Alburquerque; e) les cayes de l’Est‑Sud‑Est; f) les cayes de Roncador; g) les cayes de Serrana; h) les cayes de Quitasueño; i) les cayes de Serranilla; j) les cayes de Bajo Nuevo; k) les autres îles, îlots, cayes, bancs, hauts‑fonds découvrants eat récifs adjacents à chacune desdites îles et qui font partie du département de l’arachipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina. 3. La République de Colombie exerce son entière souveraineté sur saes territoires insulaires et exerce également sa juridiction et ses droits souverainas sur les espaces maritimes que ceux‑ci génèrent en vertu du droit international, de la Constitution, de la loi no 10 de 1978 et du présent décret. Article 2 Les espaces maritimes générés par les territoires insulaires de▯ la Colombie dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes Conformément à l’article 101 de la Constitution, au droit international coutu ‑ mier, et aux lois 10 de 1978 et 47 de 1993, la mer territoriale, la zonea contiguë, le plateau continental et la zone économique exclusive générés apar les territoires in‑su laires dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes font partie de la Colombie. Le plateau continental et la zone économique exclusive généréas vers l’est par les territoires insulaires de la Colombie dans la partie occidentale de la maer des Caraïbes chevauchent le plateau continental et la zone économique aexclusive géné‑ rés vers le nord‑ouest le long de la côte atlantique de la Colombiae. Article 3 Le tracé des lignes de base dans les territoires insulaires de la Col▯ombie dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes o 1. Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des dispositions de la loi n 10 de 1978, le gouvernement détermine les points et les lignes de base à partir daesquels est mesu‑ rée la largeur de la mer territoriale, de la zone contiguë et des adivers espaces mari‑ times générés par les îles formant les territoires insulaires de la Colombie dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes. 2. Le tracé est effectué conformément aux critères reconnus paar le droit intern‑a tional coutumier, notamment ceux relatifs aux îles de formation atollaienne ou bor‑ dées de récifs frangeants pour lesquelles la ligne de base à paartir de laquelle est mesu‑ rée la largeur de la mer territoriale est la laisse de basse mer sur ale récif, côté large. 3. Les lignes de base droites peuvent être utilisées dans les cas préavus à l’artic4 le de la loi n 10 de 1978. 4. Les eaux situées entre les lignes de base et les territoiresinsulaires sont consi‑ dérées comme les eaux intérieures. Article 4 Les eaux territoriales entourant les territoires insulaires de la Colomb▯ie dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes 1. La mer territoriale entourant les îles de la Colombie dans la partie aocciden‑ tale de la mer des Caraïbes, sur laquelle la Colombie exerce son entiaère souverai‑ neté, s’étend du territoire de chacune des îles mentionnéaes à l’articlepremier et de leurs eaux intérieures jusqu’à la limite établie au paragrapahe2 du présent article. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 47 10/09/14 13:00 48 2. The outer limit of the territorial sea shall be conformed by a line in wahich the points that comprise such line are at a distance equal to 12nautical miles measured from the baselines. 3. National sovereignty is equally exercised in the airspace above the terraitorial sea, as well as in the sea‑bed and subsoil of this sea. 4. The ships of any State enjoy the right of innocent passage in the territorial sea, in conformity with customary international law and other peaceful uses wahich cus‑ tomary international law recognizes. The transit through its territorial waters of warships, submarines, nuclaear ‑ powered ships and any other naval transport carrying nuclear substances aor other substances harmful or potentially dangerous to the environment, is subjeact to prior authorization by the competent authorities of the Republic of Colombia. Note: For the effects of the present Decree and in conformity with that whaich was established in Article 1 of Law 10 of 1978, it is understood that one nautical mile is equivalent to 1.852 kilometres. Article 5 Contiguous zone of the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia 1. Without prejudice to that which is established in Number 2 of the present Article, the contiguous zone of the Western Caribbean Sea insular territaories of Colombia extends to a distance of 24 nautical miles measured from the baselines referred to in Article 3 of this Decree. 2. The contiguous zones adjacent to the territorial sea of the islands thata con‑ form the Western Caribbean Sea insular territories of Colombia, except tahose of the Serranilla and Bajo Nuevo Islands, upon intersecting create a continauous zone and uninterrupted zone of the whole of the San Andrés, Providencia anad Santa Catalina Archipelago Department over which the competent national authoraities shall exercise their powers which are recognized by international law and the Colombian laws mentioned in Number 3 of the present article. With the objective of ensuring the due administration and orderly manageament of the whole San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago, aits islands, keys and other formations and their maritime areas and resources, as welal as to avoid the existence of irregular shapes or contours that make difficult taheir practi ‑ cal implementation, the lines that indicate the outer limits of the contiguous zones shall be joined by geodesic lines. Similarly, these shall be joined at tahe contiguous zone of Serranilla Island by geodesic lines that shall follow the directaion of parallel 14°59´ 08˝ N through to meridian 79°56´ 00˝ W, and from there to the north, thus conforming the Integral Contiguous Zone of the San Andrés, Providenciaa and Santa Catalina Archipelago Department. 3. In consistency with what is established in the above provision, the Coloambian State shall exercise in the established Integral Contiguous Zone its sovereign author‑ ity and the powers for the implementation and the necessary control regaarding : (a) Prevention and control of violations of laws and by‑laws regarding integaral security of the State, including piracy, drug trafficking, as well as behaaviour that endangers security at sea and national maritime interests, customs, fiscal, immigration and health matters committed in its insular territories or ian their territorial sea. Similarly, violations of laws and by ‑laws regarding environ‑ mental protection, cultural patrimony and the exercise of historic rightas to fishing held by the State of Colombia, shall be prevented and controllaed. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 48 10/09/14 13:00 49 2. La limite extérieure de la mer territoriale est constituée par la aligne dont chaque point est à une distance égale à 12 milles marins des lignes de base. 3. L’exercice de la souveraineté nationale s’étend à l’espace aérien surjacent à la mer territoriale ainsi qu’aux fonds marins et à leur sous‑sol. 4. Les navires de tous les Etats jouissent du droit de passage inoffensifa dans la mer territoriale, conformément au droit international coutumier et auax autres ut‑i lisations des mers à des fins pacifiques prévues par celui‑ci.a Le transit dans les eaux territoriales de navires de guerre, sous‑marinsa, navires à propulsion nucléaire et autres navires transportant des substances raadioactives ou nocives ou potentiellement dangereuses pour l’environnement, est soumais à l’autorisation préalable des autorités compétentes de la Réapublique de Colombie. Note : aux fins du présent décret et conformément aux dispositions dae l’article premier de la loin o10 de 1978, un mille marin équivaut à 1,852 km. Article 5 Zone contiguë des territoires insulaires dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes 1. Sans préjudice des dispositions énoncées au paragraphe 2 du présent article, la zone contiguë des territoires insulaires de la Colombie dans la paartie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes s’étend sur une distance de 24milles marins mesurés à partir des lignes de base mentionnées à l’article 3 du présent décret. 2. Les zones contiguës adjacentes à la mer territoriale des îles caonstituant les territoires insulaires de la Colombie dans la partie occidentale de la maer des Caraïbes, hormis celles des îles de Serranilla et de BajoNuevo, forment en se rejoi‑ gnant une seule zone contiguë, continue et ininterrompue pour l’enasemble du département de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina, sur laquelle les autorités nationales compétentes exerceront les pouvoairs qui leur sont reconnus par le droit international et les lois colombiennes visées au paragraphe 3 du présent article. Afin d’assurer la bonne administration et la gestion ordonnée de l’ensemble de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina, de ses îles, cayes et autres formations, ainsi que de ses espaces maritimes et ressources, et d’éaviter de créer des formes ou contours irréguliers difficiles à respecter dans la pratiaque, les lignes cor‑ respondant aux limites extérieures des zones contiguës seront reliaées par des lignes géodésiques. De la même manière, celles‑ci seront reliées à la zone contiguë de l’île de Serranilla à l’aide de lignes géodésiques qui suivront lea parallèle situé par 14° 59´ 08˝ de latitude nord jusqu’au méridien situé par 79° 56´ 00˝ de longitude ouest, avant de se diriger vers le nord, formant ainsi la zone contiguëa unique du département de l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina. 3. L’Etat colombien exercera sur la zone contiguë unique telle que déafinie au paragraphe ci‑dessus son autorité souveraine et les compétences d’aexécution et de répression nécessaires pour: a) Assurer la prévention en matière d’infractions aux lois ou rèaglements relatifs à la sécurité de l’Etat, notamment à la piraterie, au trafic dea drogue et aux compor‑ tements portant atteinte à la sécurité en mer et aux intérêats maritimes nationaux, ainsi qu’à tous les actes contraires aux lois ou règlements douaniers, fiscaux, sanitaires ou d’immigration commis dans les territoires insulaires ou dans leur mer territoriale. De même, les infractions aux lois ou règlements arelatifs à la protection de l’environnement, au patrimoine culturel et à l’exaercice des droits de pêche historiques de la Colombie feront l’objet de mesures de parévention. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 49 10/09/14 13:00 50 (b) Punishment of violations of laws and by ‑laws regarding the matters enumer‑ ated in (a) above and that were committed in the insular territories or their territorial sea. Article 6 Elaboration of maps The points and baselines referred to in Article 3 of this Decree, shall be pub‑ lished in the official nautical cartography of the Republic of Colombia wahich is elaborated by the General Maritime Directorate, which shall take place waithin the three (3) months following issuance of the present Decree. That which ais relevant to it shall be sent to the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute. Due apublication shall be given to these instruments. The Integral Contiguous Zone established by virtue of Article 3 of this Decree shall be reflected in the official nautical cartography of the Republica of Colombia elaborated by the General Maritime Directorate, which should take place awithin the two (2) months following publication of the instruments referred tao in Article 3 of the present Decree. That which is relevant to it shall be sent to thea Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute. Due publication shall be given to these inastruments. Once determined, the points and baselines, as well as the other spaces raeferred to in the present Decree, shall be established through a decree to be issuead by the national Government. Article 7 The rights of third States Nothing established herein shall be understood to affect or limit the arights and responsibilities derived from the “Treaty on Maritime Delimitation beatween the Republic of Colombia and Jamaica” signed between these States on 12 Novem‑ ber 1993, nor shall the rights of other States be affected or limited. Article 8 Applicability The present Decree shall govern from the date of its issuance ; it precludes all norms and regulations which are contrary to its content. Bogotá, on 9 September 2013. (Signed) Fernando Carrillo Flórez, (Signed) Juan Carlos Pinzón Bueno, Minister of the Interior. Minister for National Defence. (Signed) María Angela Holguín Cuéllar, (Signed) Alejandro Gaviria Uribe, Minister for Foreign Relations. Health and Social Protection Minister. (Signed) Mauricio Cárdenas Santamaría, (Signed) Juan Gabriel Uribe Vegalara, Minister of Finance Minister for the Environment and Public Credit. and Sustainable Development. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 50 10/09/14 13:00 51 b) Réprimer les infractions aux lois ou règlements relatifs aux questions visées à l’alinéa a) et commises dans les territoires insulaires de la Colombie ou dans leur mer territoriale. Article 6 Etablissement des cartes Les points et lignes de base mentionnés à l’article 3 du présent décret devront figurer sur les cartes marines officielles de la République de Colomabie établies par la direction générale des affaires maritimes, et ce, dans un déalai de trois (3)mois à compter de la promulgation du présent décret. Les éléments utiles à cet effet seront communiqués à l’institut géographique Agustín Codazzi. Ces cartes bénéficieront de la publicité voulue. La zone contiguë unique établie en vertu de l’article 3 du présent décret devra figurer sur les cartes marines officielles de la République de Colomabie établies par la direction générale des affaires maritimes, et ce, dans un déalai de deux (2) mois à compter de la publication des cartes mentionnées à l’article3 du présent décret. Les éléments utiles à cet effet seront communiqués à l’ianstitut géographique Agus‑ tín Codazzi. Ces cartes bénéficieront de la publicité voulue. Une fois définis, les points et lignes de base, ainsi que les autreas espaces mention‑ nés dans le présent décret, seront entérinés par décreat pris par le Gouvernement. Article 7 Droits des Etats tiers Aucune disposition du présent décret ne doit être interprétéae comme modifiant ou limitant les droits et obligations découlant du traité de déalimitation des zones maritimes conclu le 12novembre 1993 entre la Colombie et la Jamaïque, ni comme modifiant ou limitant les droits des Etats tiers. Article 8 Applicabilité Le présent décret prend effet à compter de la date de sa promaulgatio ;nil emporte abrogation de toutes les normes réglementaires qui lui sont contraireas . Fait à Bogotá, le 9 septembre 2013. Le ministre de l’intérieur, Le ministre de la défense nationale, (Signé) Fernando C arrillo Florez. (Signé) Juan Carlos P inzón Bueno. La ministre des affaires étrangères, Le ministre de la santé et de la protection sociale, (Signé) Maria Angela H olguín Cuéllar. (Signé) Alejandro G aviria Uribe. Le ministre des finances Le ministre de l’environnement et du crédit public, et du développement durable, (Signé) Mauricio C árdenas Santamaría. (Signé) Juan Gabriel U ribe Vegalara. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 51 10/09/14 13:00 52 Annex 9 Declaration of Presidenta Juan Manuel Santos on the Integral Strategay of Colombia on the Judgment of the aInternational Court of Jaustice, 9 September 2013 2 colombia presents its inategral strategy regardinag the hague sentence 1. We decided that without a treaty, the sentence is not applicable. 2. We consolidated our archipelago by declaring an Integral Contiguous Zone▯. 3. We advanced in environmental and social protection in the Seaflower Rese▯rve. 4. We stopped Nicaragua’s expansionist plans by declaring the unificatio▯n of two continental sea-beds which jointly extend from San Andrés to Cartagen▯a. Bogotá, 9 September 2013. What follows is a public statement from the President of the Republic, Jauan Manuel Santos, on Colombia’s integral strategy regarding the sentence of the International Court of Justice in The Hague : “Fellow Colombians: All the people of our country continue to feel indignant about the Interana‑ tional Court of Justice sentence. Our Government, which inherited work in a process that had been going ona for more than a decade, was the one to receive the decision and take meaasures to face the situation it created. We did this with several actions we took from the beginning. We designed and put in motion an ambitious investment plan to the benefit of San Andrés’ people, including programmes in the areas of healtha, educa‑ tion, housing, technology, infrastructure and energy. We also strengthenaed protection of the fishing community. These investments, which we decided together with the people of the islaand based on their priorities, are more than twice the historical investmenta in this department. They are now a reality and are being carried out quickly. The objective is to make the Archipelago a sustainable region that extenads development opportunities to its people. 2 Source: Santos‑Colombia‑presenta‑su‑Estrategia‑Integral‑frente‑al‑fallo‑de‑La‑Haya.aspx.ras ‑ 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 52 10/09/14 13:00 53 Annexe 9 Déclaration du présidenta Juan Manuel Santos concernant la stratégiae globale de la Colombiea face à l’arrêt de la Coura internationale de Justicae, 9 septembre 2013 2 [Traduction établie par le Greffe à partir de la version anglaise ▯de l’original espagnol fournie par le Nicaragua] la colombie présente saa stratégie globale concaernant l’arrêt de la haye 1. Nous avons décidé que l’arrêt était inapplicable en l’▯absence d’un traité. 2. Nous avons consolidé notre archipel en proclamant la création d’▯une zone contiguë unique. 3. Nous avons continué d’œuvrer pour la protection environnemental▯e et sociale de la réserve Seaflower. 4. Nous avons mis un frein aux ambitions expansionnistes du Nicaragua en pro - clamant l’unité des deux plateaux continentaux, qui s’étende▯nt de San Andrés à Cartagena. Bogotá, le 9 septembre 2013. Le texte ci‑dessous est une déclaration publique du président de la République, Juan Manuel Santos, sur la stratégie globale de la Colombie concernanat l’arrêt de la Cour internationale de Justice. « Mes chers compatriotes, Nous sommes encore tous sous le coup de l’indignation qu’a suscitéae en nous la teneur de l’arrêt rendu par la Cour internationale de Justaice. Ayant hérité d’une procédure pendante durant plus d’une daécennie, notre gouvernement a dû prendre acte de cet arrêt et adopter les mesures qui s’im‑ posaient pour faire face à la situation qui en a découlé. Et nous l’avons fait, dès les premiers instants, de plusieurs maniaères. Nous avons ainsi conçu et mis en œuvre un ambitieux plan d’inveastisse‑ ments au bénéfice des habitants de San Andrés, prévoyant daes programmes dans des domaines tels que la santé, l’éducation, le logement, la technologie, les infrastructures et l’énergie, et avons renforcé la protectiaon et l’aide appor‑ tées à la communauté des pêcheurs. Ces investissements décidés conjointement avec les habitants de l’aarchipel, en fonction de leurs priorités, représentent plus du double de ceuax qui étaient jusqu’à présent consacrés, chaque année, à ce département. Ils sont déjà une réalité, et prennent corps à un rythme soutenu. Notre but est de transformer l’archipel en une région capable d’aoffrir à ses habitants des perspectives de développement. 2 Source: Santos‑Colombia‑presenta‑su‑Estrategia‑Integral‑frente‑al‑fallo‑de‑La‑Haya.aspx.ras ‑ 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 53 10/09/14 13:00 54 We also denounce the Bogotá Pact, or rather, we withdrew from this traeaty which recognized the jurisdiction of the Court at The Hague. We have also diligently committed to the development of a juridical and a political strategy for reinforcing and consolidating the rights of Colombians over the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina Archipelago. Toward this end we have had the support of renown national and foreign lawyers, and we examined and evaluated different opinions, differenta concepts and theses which served to design this integral strategy. Today I would like to inform you of this strategy. In the FIRST PLACE— and after analysis of the juridical studies and con‑ cepts — I reiterate what I stated the very day the sentence was emitted. I was elected to defend and uphold the Constitution of Colombia. That waas my oath which I will not and cannot violate. My constitutional responsibilities include protection and guarantee of tahe rights of Colombians, to defend our borders and honour the treaties Coloam‑ bia has subscribed with other States. Article 101 of our Constitution states that ‘the borders defined as providead in this Constitution shall be subject to modification only by virtue oaf treaties approved by Congress and duly ratified by the President of the Republic’. On its part, the Constitutional Court, has clearly stated that these treaa ‑ ties — that is to say, those that refer to the borders and demarcation of Colombia — should always be approved by our Congress. I repeat the decision I have made: The sentence of the International Court of Justice IS NOT APPLICABLE without a treaty. As Head of State, I will defend this position in the pertinent national aand international entities. In that regard, the Government will make demands before the Constitu ‑ tional Court regarding the so ‑called Bogotá Pact. What is the purpose of this? So that it reaffirms the thesis that a sentence of the Court in The Haguea ca‑ not automatically modify Colombia’s maritime demarcation. I now move on to the SECOND DECISION. Today I have issued a very important decree whose reach I would like to a explain to you. National law as well as international law recognize for our islands basiac maritime areas — territorial waters and a contiguous zone — that cannot be automatically modified. Those areas cannot be ignored nor shall we allow this. For that reason, based on Colombia’s laws and taking into account cleaar principles of international law, by way of this decree and as recognizeda to us by international law, we are establishing jurisdictional and control rigahts over the mentioned zone. And we declare the existence of an Integral Contiguous Zone through which we have unified the contiguous zones of all our islands and keys in the Western Caribbean Sea. We will continue to exercise full jurisdiction and control in this zone. This integral area allows us to continue to adequately administrate the a Archipelago and its surrounding waters — as an archipelago rather than unconnected territories, thus being able to control our security and proatect our resources and environment in the zone. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 54 10/09/14 13:00 55 Par ailleurs, nous avons dénoncé le pacte de Bogotá, c’est ‑à‑dire que nous nous sommes retirés d’un traité qui reconnaît la compétenace de la Cour de La Haye. Nous nous sommes aussi employés à mettre au point une stratégie juridique et politique afin de consolider et de renforcer les droits qui sont leas nôtres sur l’archipel de San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina. Nous avons, pour cela, fait appel à des juristes de renom, non seulemaent en Colombie mais également à l’étranger, et nous avons examinéa et comparé leurs avis, approches et analyses afin de concevoir une stratégie galobale. Aujourd’hui, je veux vous expliquer en quoi consiste cette stratégaie. En PREMIER LIEU et après examen des différents avis et analyses jurai‑ diques, je m’en tiens à ce que j’ai dit le jour même du pronaoncé de l’arrêt. J’ai été élu pour défendre et appliquer la Constitution colombienne. J’en ai fait le serment et je ne faillirai pas. Entre autres devoirs constitutionnels, il m’incombe de protéger eta de garan‑ tir les droits des Colombiens, de défendre nos frontières et de veailler au respect des traités que notre pays a conclus avec d’autres Etats. L’article 101 de notre Constitution dispose que « les limites fixées selon les modalités prévues par [celle‑ci] ne pourront être modifiées qu’en vertu de traités approuvés par le Congrès, dûment ratifiés par le présidaent de la République ». La Cour constitutionnelle,quant à elle, a clairement indiqué que ces traités, autrement dit les instruments relatifs aux limites et frontières de laa Colombie, devaient nécessairement être approuvés par le Congrès. Et je le redis sans traité, l’arrêt de la Cour internationale de JustiN’EST PAS APPLICABLE. En ma qualité de chef de l’Etat, j’entends du reste défendrea cette position devant les instances nationales et internationales compétentes. Dans cette même optique, le gouvernement va en outre saisir la Cour constitutionnelle de la question du pacte de Bogotá. Dans quel but ? Pour que celle‑ci réaffirme que les frontières maritimes de la Colombie ne sauraient être modifiées automatiquement par un arrêt de la Caour de La Haye. J’en viens maintenant à la DEUXIÈME DÉCISION. J’ai pris aujourd’hui un décret qui revêt une grande importaance, et dont je tiens à vous expliquer la portée. Tant le droit national que le droit international reconnaissent que toutaes nos îles ouvrent droit à certaines zones maritimes fondamentales : la mer ter‑ ritoriale et la zone contiguë. Ces zones ne peuvent être méconnues, et nous ne permettrons pas qu’elles le soient. C’est pourquoi, en nous fondant sur la législation colombienne et aen tenant compte de principes clairs de droit international, nous avons précisé par ce décret les droits que nous reconnaît le droit international en matière de juri‑ diction et de contrôle sur les zones en question. Nous proclamons la création d’une zone contiguë unique réunissant les zones contiguës de toutes les îles et cayes que nous possédons dans la partie occidentale de la mer des Caraïbes, dans laquelle nous continuerons àa exercer un plein contrôle et une pleine juridiction. La création de cette zone unique nous permettra de continuer d’admainistrer comme il se doit l’archipel — en tant que tel, et non comme une série de terri‑ toires sans rapport entre eux — et les eaux qui l’entourent, en veillant à la sécurité dans la zone et en protégeant nos ressources et notre aenvironnement. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 55 10/09/14 13:00 56 The Integral Contiguous Zone we have established covers maritime spaces a that extend from the south, where the Alburquerque and East ‑Southeast Keys are situated, and to the north, where Serranilla Key is located. Of course, it includes the San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Qui‑ tasueño, Serrana and Roncador Islands, and the other formations in thae area. I know these islands and I have toured them, including their islets and akeys, not only when I was Defence Minister, but also fort‑yfive years ago when I was a naval cadet and I patrolled these waters from the ARC ‘Antioquia’a frigate. That is why today I want to assure my fellow Colombians: what I patrolled as a marine and what I defended as minister, I shall protect, to the last conse‑ quences, as president. In this Integral Contiguous Zone we will exercise jurisdiction and control over all areas related to security and the struggle against delinquency,a and over fiscal, customs, environmental, immigration and health matters and other areas as well. That means our country can rest assured that the San Andrés, Providenacia and Santa Catalina Archipelago is and will continue to be a complete anda integrated archipelago with an active presence of the State in all its maaritime territories. A THIRD DECISION is to resort to all juridical and diplomatic means in order to reaffirm protection of the Seaflower Reserve in which our fishermen have carried out their fishing livelihood for centuries. We are aware of the great ecological value this area— which the UNESCO declared a World Biosphere Reserve — holds for the Archipelago and the world. Nicaragua wanted the UNESCO to extend it greater rights over the Reservea and Colombia objected. We celebrate the recent declaration by this organism that it is not its arole to intervene in controversies between nations, contrary to what Nicaragua wanted. On the internal level, we have instructed that we aggressively move forward with environmental and social projects in order to prevent impact or damage to our fishermen and the Archipelago’s surrounding waters. There is a FOURTH front, which is really important and fundamental, on which we are also working in order to contain Nicaragua’s expansionism in the Caribbean. We know that as it did during the process that led to the sentence, Nicaara‑ gua intends to ask the International Court to recognize a continental seaaed extending east from the San Andrés Archipelago. The intent is to deprive us of resources that belong to us. This is so absurd that it would extend Nicaragua’ s jurisdiction to a point only 100miles from the coast of Cartagena. This is totally unacceptable and — I want this to be absolutely clear — there is no way, there is no circumstance under which we will allow this! Colombia has faced and is going to face these expansionist plans with alal the determination and rigour it calls for. And we are not alone in this decision. Together with other countries that are Nicaragua’s neighbours, such aas Panama, Costa Rica and Jamaica, which are also affected by its expansiaonist 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 56 10/09/14 13:00 57 La zone contiguë unique que nous avons proclamée couvre les espaceas maritimes qui s’étendent des cayes d’Albuquerque et de l’Esta ‑Sud‑Est, au sud, à la caye de Serranilla, au nord. Elle englobe bien sûr les îles de San Andrés, Providencia et Saanta Catalina, Quitasueño, Serrana et Roncador, ainsi que les autres formations alenatour. Ces îles, îlots et cayes, je les connais, et je m’y suis rendu anon seulement lorsque j’étais ministre de la défense mais déjà il y a 45 ans, lorsque j’étais élève officier et que je patrouillais dans leurs eaux à bord de l’ARC Antioquia. Que mes concitoyens le sachent: ces îles sur lesquelles j’ai veillé en tant que marin et que j’ai protégées en tant que ministre, je les défaendrai, coûte que coûte, en tant que président. Nous exercerons sur la zone contiguë unique notre juridiction et notrae contrôle dans tous les domaines liés à la sécurité et àa la lutte contre la crim‑na lité, ainsi que dans d’autres domaines, tels que la fiscalitéa, les douanes, l’envi‑ ronnement, l’immigration et la santé. Nos concitoyens peuvent avoir l’assurance que l’archipel de San Anadrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina est et demeurera une entité d’un seual tenant, et que l’Etat maintiendra une présence active dans l’ensemble de saes territoires maritimes. Notre TROISIÈME DÉCISION consiste à recourir à tous les moyens jurai‑ diques et diplomatiques pour assurer la protection de la réserve Seaflaower, dans laquelle nos pêcheurs pratiquent leur activité depuis des sièacles. Nous avons pleinement conscience de l’inestimable valeur écologiquae que revêt pour l’archipel et pour le monde entier cette zone que l’aUNESCO a déclarée réserve mondiale de la biosphère. Le Nicaragua a demandé à l’UNESCO de lui reconnaître davantage de droits sur cette réserve. La Colombie s’y est opposée. Nous nous félicitons que cette organisation ait déclaré réceamment qu’elle n’avait pas à intervenir dans les désaccords entre Etats, contraairement à ce que lui avait demandé le Nicaragua. Sur le plan interne, j’ai donné des instructions pour que nous mettions réso‑ lument en œuvre des mesures de protection environnementale et socialea, afin d’éviter que nos pêcheurs, ainsi que les eaux entourant l’archipel, subissent le moindre préjudice. Il existe un QUATRIÈME front, d’une importance capitale, sur lequel nous devons agir pour contenir l’expansionnisme du Nicaragua dans lesa Caraïbes. Nous savons que ce pays envisage de demander à la Cour internationale de Justice de lui reconnaître un droit à un plateau continental étaendu à l’est de l’archipel de San Andrés, comme il l’avait déjà fait dansa le cadre de la procé‑ dure ayant abouti à l’arrêt de La Haye. Une telle prétention aurait pour but de nous priver des ressources quai sont les nôtres et étendrait la juridiction du Nicaragua jusqu’à une centaine de milles marins de notre côte de Cartagena, ce qui est parfaitement absaurde. Cela est totalement inacceptable, et je tiens à ce qu’il soit parfaaitement clair que nous ne le permettrons pas, en aucune circonstance et en aucune manière! La Colombie s’oppose, et s’opposera, à ces visées expansionnistes avec toute la détermination et la fermeté nécessaires. Et nous ne sommes pas seuls dans cette entreprise. Avec d’autres pays voisins du Nicaragua, qui pâtissent, eux aussi,a de ses ambitions expansionnistes — le Panama, le Costa Rica et la Jamaïquae —, 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 57 10/09/14 13:00 58 ambitions, we will sign a letter of protest which I will personally handa to the Secretary‑General of the United Nations when I intervene in the General Assembly this month in New York. In fact — and we must remember this — this sentence from The Hague totally disregards the demarcation treaties which are in place with these coun‑ tries and which we are obliged to comply with. That is another reason we CANNOT apply the sentence and which forces us to resort to diplomatic means. On my part, my fellow Colombians can rest assured that we will firmly a oppose Nicaragua’s expansionist plans in every international entity waith very solid technical and juridical arguments that have been ready for a long time and which, understandably, I cannot reveal. I have no doubt — not the smallest doubt — that we will triumph in this effort. In the decree we have emitted today, we are also reaffirming in juridicala terms that the San Andrés continental sea ‑bed extending west 200 nautical miles, is unquestionably joined with Colombia’s Caribbean coast contianental sea‑bed, which extends northwest toward San Andrés for at least 200 miles. This means we have a continuous and integrated continental sea ‑bed that extends from San Andrés to Cartagena, over which Colombia has and wilal exercise the sovereign rights extended by international law. Thus, we clearly, firmly and unquestionably close the door to allowinga Nicaragua’s expansionist intentions. All the measures we have taken and those I am announcing are part of thaat integral strategy which has been carefully designed to defend Colombia’as interests. Thus, to enforce this strategy, today we have taken four fundamental steaps which we can summarize as follows: First: We decided that without a treaty, the sentence is not applicable. Second: By declaring the zone an Integral Contiguous Zone we have con‑ solidated our Archipelago. Third: We are making progress in the environmental and social protection of the Seaflower Reserve. And fourth: We have stopped Nicaragua’s expansionist ambitions by declaring the unity of two continental sea ‑beds which together extend from San Andrés to Cartagena. Of course, besides these four measures, we reserve the right to resort tao the resources of the International Court of Justice, and to take other actions. None of these decisions precludes those that fish in the area as a meaans of subsistence for themselves and their families from continuing to do so baecause we are also responsible regarding peace and security in the Caribbea n. Compatriots : You can rest assured that as President and as a Colombian, I shall contianue to protect our rights. Without the least hesitation I shall continue to protect our sovereigntya, our islands and our seas to the last centimetre of our national territory. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 58 10/09/14 13:00 59 nous allons signer une lettre de protestation, que je remettrai personneallement au Secrétaire général de l’Organisation des Nations Unies cea mois‑ci, à New York, lorsque je prendrai la parole devant l’Assemblée généraale. De fait — et il convient de le rappeler —, l’arrêt de La Haye méconnaît totalement les traités de limites actuellement en vigueur entre nous et ces pays, traités que nous sommes tenus de respecter. C’est aussi pour cette raison que NOUS NE POUVONS appliquer l’arrêt et que nous sommes contraints de recourir à la voie diplomatique. Les Colombiens peuvent avoir l’assurance que nous allons nous opposera fermement aux prétentions expansionnistes du Nicaragua devant les insatances internationales compétentes, en faisant valoir des arguments techniques et juridiques très solides, que nous avons préparés depuis un momeant déjà mais que je ne peux, vous le comprendrez, révéler. Et je n’ai pas le moindre doute — je dis bien pas le moindre doute — que nous aurons gain de cause. Dans le décret que nous avons pris aujourd’hui, nous réaffirmonsa égale‑ ment que, sur le plan juridique, il ne fait aucun doute que le plateau caontinen‑ tal de San Andrés, qui s’étend sur 200 milles marins vers l’est, ne fait qu’un avec celui de la côte caraïbe de la Colombie, qui s’étend suar au moins 2m00illes marins en direction du nord‑ouest et de San Andrés. Nous possédons donc un seul et même plateau continental de San Andrés jusqu’à Cartagena, sur lequel la Colombie a des droits souverains aqui lui sont reconnus par le droit international et qu’elle entend exercer. Nous opposons un non catégorique aux ambitions expansionnistes du Nicaragua. Toutes les mesures que nous avons prises, de même que celles que je vaiens d’annoncer, s’inscrivent dans cette stratégie globale, conçuae avec le plus grand soin en vue de défendre les intérêts de la Colombie. En mettant en œuvre cette stratégie, nous avons pris aujourd’huai quatre mesures essentielles, qui peuvent se résumer ainsi: Premièrement : Nous avons décidé que l’arrêt était inapplicable en l’aabsence d’un traité. Deuxièmement: Nous avons consolidé notre archipel en proclamant la création d’une zone contiguë unique. Troisièmement: Nous allons continuer à œuvrer pour la protection environ‑ nementale et sociale de la réserve Seaflower. Quatrièmement: Nous avons mis un frein aux ambitions expansionnistes du Nicaragua en proclamant l’unité des deux plateaux continentaux, qui s’étendent de San Andrés à Cartagena. Outre ces quatre mesures, nous nous réservons bien entendu le droit dae recourir aux voies de droit ouvertes devant la Cour internationale de Juastice, ainsi qu’à d’autres moyens d’action. Aucune des décisions prises par la Colombie, à qui il incombe éagalement de maintenir la paix et la sécurité dans les Caraïbes, n’excluta que ceux qui pêchent dans cette zone pour assurer leur subsistance et celle de leur famille pauissent continuer à le faire. Mes chers compatriotes, Soyez assurés que, en tant que président et en tant que Colombien, je conti‑ nuerai à protéger nos droits. Je n’aurai de cesse de protéger notre souveraineté, nos îlesa et nos mers, jusqu’au dernier centimètre de notre territoire national, sans jamaais faillir. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 59 10/09/14 13:00 60 With full commitment, total effort, and all strength, I shall continuea to faithfully comply with our Constitution as I swore to do before God and a before you. Good night.” 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 60 10/09/14 13:00 61 Et je continuerai d’appliquer fidèlement notre Constitution —acomme j’en ai fait le serment devant Dieu et devant vous — avec toute la ferveur de mon engagement et toute la force de mes convictions. Bonsoir.» 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 61 10/09/14 13:00 62 Annex 10 Declaration of Presidenta Juan Manuel Santos during the Sovereignty Eaxercises Performed in thae Caribbean Sea, 18 September 2013 1 san andrés island, septembaer 18 september 2013 “Good afternoon. We are patrolling and exercising sovereignty on Colombian waters, as I daid 45 years ago on board the Frigate ‘Antioquia’ of the Armada of thea Republic of Colombia (ARC for its acronym in Spanish). On this occasion, I am on board the ARC Frigate Almirante Padilla, accompanied by the Frigate ‘20 de Julio’. And I am not doing it with my peers in Contingent 42 of the Naaval Cadet School, but rather with the entire Colombian State. From the judicial branch, headed by the President of the Supreme Court oaf Justice; from the legislative branch, headed by the President of the House of Representatives and the heads of the Presidents of the Second Commissionas of the Senate and House of Representatives ; and the head of Representative Jack Housni, who represents San Andrés and Providencia in the House oaf Representatives. I am also accompanied by the Honourable Minister of Justice and Law, by a the Honourable Minister of Defence, and the Commanders of our Military Forces and the Director of the Police. After this patrol exercise, I want to reaffirm what I said on the ninth oaf the current month, on Monday last week : Colombia deems that the ruling by The Hague is not applicable, and we wiall not apply it, as we stated then and I repeat today, until we have a new atreaty. And we will not implement any action, in any direction, until the Constiatu ‑ tional Court rules, after the lawsuit that I personally introduced againast the Bogotá Agreement. I also want to reaffirm that we will continue to protect the Seaflower a Reserve, which UNESCO deems as patrimony of humanity. In this trend of thought, for quite some time, I asked Attorney Sandra Bessudo to gather all of the existing information, all of the research caarried out by different universities, by the diverse institutions, by the Nataional Assembly itself and the NGOs, relating to the scientific value of thisa Reserve, which belongs to humanity. She now has this information. And we are going to make a scientific exapedi ‑ tion at the end of this year with the Armada, with different universitaies, with the academia. It will be a scientific expedition where we are going toa use sta‑te 1 Source: ‑Palabras ‑ Presidente ‑Juan ‑Manuel ‑Santos ‑durante ‑ejercicio ‑soberania ‑que‑cumplio ‑en‑el‑ Mar‑Caribe.aspx. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 62 10/09/14 13:00 63 Annexe 10 Déclaration du présidenta Juan Manuel Santos lors des manifestations dea souveraineté en mer deas Caraïbes, 18 septembre 2013 1 [Traduction établie par le Greffe à partir de la version anglais▯e de l’original espagnol fournie par le Nicaragua] île de san andrés, le 18 septembre 2013 «Bonjour, Nous sommes en train de patrouiller dans les eaux appartenant à notrea pays, exerçant ainsi la souveraineté de la Colombie, comme je l’aai fait il y a de cela 45 ans à bord de l’Antioquia, frégate de la marine colombienne. Je me trouve donc à bord de la frégate Almirante Padilla, eseortée de la frégate 20 de Julio. Je suis en compagnie de mes camarades du 42 contingent de l’école des aspirants de marine, ainsi que de représentants des autorités coloambien nes. Se trouvent à bord avec moi, pour le pouvoir judiciaire, la présidaente de la Cour suprême de justice ; et, pour le pouvoir législatif, le président de la Chambre des représentants et les présidents des deuxièmes commiassions du Sénat et de la Chambre, et Jack Housni, député de San Andrés y Providencia à la Chambre des représentants. Le ministre de la justice, le ministre de la défense, ainsi que les caomman ‑ dants des forces militaires colombiennes et le directeur de la police soant égale‑ ment présents. A l’issue de cet exercice, je souhaite répéter ce que j’ai dait le 9eptembre dernier: La Colombie considère que l’arrêt de La Haye est inapplicable. aEt nous n’al‑ lons pas l’appliquer, comme nous l’avons dit à l’époque eat comme je le redis aujourd’hui, jusqu’à ce que nous ayons un nouveau traité. Noaus n’allons prendre aucune initiative, dans aucune direction, tant que la Cour constitutionnaelle ne se sera pas prononcée sur la question du pacte de Bogotá dont je l’aai saisie. Je tiens également à réaffirmer que nous continuerons à protéager la réserve Seaflower, qui figure sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l’Uneasco. Dans le même ordre d’idées, j’ai demandé à M me Sandra Bessudo, il y a déjà quelque temps, de rassembler toutes les données disponibles et toutesa les recherches réalisées par diverses universités et institutions, aainsi que par la marine nationale elle‑même et des ONG, au sujet de cette réserve, qui appar‑ tient à l’humanité tout entière. Ces informations sont désormais disponibles. A la fin de cette annéae, une expédition scientifique aura lieu, en collaboration avec la marine colom‑ bienne, différentes universités et la communauté scientifique. Dans le cadre de 1 Source: ‑Palabras‑ Presidente ‑Juan‑Manuel‑Santos‑durante ‑ejercicio ‑soberania ‑que‑cumplio ‑en‑el‑Mar‑ Caribe.aspx. 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 63 10/09/14 13:00 64 of‑the‑art technology: a robot that will dive to 300 metres depth and film for the first time. No one has ever reached such depths. Exercises will be implemented with satellite telemetry, shark acoustics,a and fisheries prospection because this area is of great importance for oura artisanal fishermen, (we will study) marine mammals, which will provide informaation to support our actions framed in the International Whaling Commission. Wae will also implement oceanography studies, coastal erosion and climate chaange studies, all of this in cordination with UNESCO. Lastly, I want to refer to the new lawsuit introduced by Nicaragua againast Colombia. We vehemently reject this new lawsuit, which requests the exteanded platform that the International Court of Justice in The Hague had alreaday rejected. We consider that this lawsuit is inadmissible, as a lawsuit without any a grounds, as an unfriendly lawsuit, as a reckless lawsuit, a lawsuit withaout any possibility for success. Our platform goes from San Andrés, where we are now, up to Cartagena,a Barranquilla and Santa Marta. This platform is not negotiable under any acir ‑ cumstances whatsoever. And we will defend it with all vehemence, all foraceful‑ ness, because it is the platform that belongs to us, the Colombians. So that here, in this place, on this frigate, I reaffirm that we will nota allow this new lawsuit introduced by Nicaragua against Colombia to take hold. a There are no legal grounds for it, no technical grounds, and therefore, aI repeat, we will defend it forcefully and vehemently. And we will continue patrolling, just as we are doing so today. And we waill continue exercising sovereignty over our territory, over our waters. We are also in the company of Madame Governor of San Andrés and Providencia. She knows that she enjoys full backing from the national Gov‑ ernment. We have provided support in many fronts and we will continue toa provide so that San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina can enjoy a an increasingly better future. Thank you very much.” 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 64 10/09/14 13:00 65 cette expédition, nous aurons recours à une technologie de pointe: nous utili‑ serons un robot capable de plonger et de filmer à 300 mètres de fond. Per ‑ sonne n’a jamais atteint une telle profondeur. Nous aurons recours à la télémétrie satellitaire, procédearons au marquage acoustique des requins et évaluerons les ressources halieutiques, cara c’est un secteur très important pour les pêcheurs colombiens traditionnels.a Nous étu‑ dierons aussi les mammifères marins, ce qui nous permettra de collectaer des informations utiles pour les actions entreprises sous l’égide de laa Commission baleinière internationale. Nous réaliserons également, en coordaination avec l’Unesco, des études océanographiques, et nous mènerons des arecherches sur l’érosion des côtes et le changement climatique. Pour finir, je voudrais évoquer la nouvelle instance que le Nicaragaua a introduite contre la Colombie. Nous rejetons catégoriquement cette nouvelle demande qui porte sur le plateau continental étendu, revendication que la Cour internationale de Justice a d’ailleurs déjà écartée.a Nous estimons que cette demande est non seulement irrecevable mais aussia infondée, inamicale, imprudente, et qu’elle est de toute façon avouée à l’échec. Le plateau continental de la Colombie s’étend de San Andrés, où nous nous trouvons actuellement, à Cartagena, Barranquilla et Santa Marta. Il na’est en aucun cas négociable. Il appartient aux Colombiens, et nous le défendrons avec force et détermination. Ainsi, aujourd’hui, sur cette frégate, j’affirme que nous ne peramettrons pas que la nouvelle demande introduite par le Nicaragua contre la Colombie trouve une issue favorable. Elle ne repose sur aucun fondement juridiquea ni technique, et je le dis et le répètenous défendrons notre plateau continental avec force et détermination. Nous continuerons à patrouiller, comme nous le faisons aujourd’huia, et nous continuerons à exercer la souveraineté de la Colombie sur notare terri‑ toire et sur nos espaces maritimes. me M le gouverneur de San Andrés y Providencia est également parmi nous. Comme elle le sait, elle peut compter sur le soutien inconditionnel du Gaouver‑ nement colombien. Nous avons apporté notre aide dans de nombreux domaines, et nous continuerons à le faire afin d’assurer un avenair meilleur à San Andrés, Providencia et Santa Catalina. Je vous remercie.» 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 65 10/09/14 13:006 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 66 10/09/14 13:006 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 67 10/09/14 13:00 IMPRIMÉ EN FRANCE – PRINTED IN FRANCE 6 Nic-Col_11-2013.indd 68 10/09/14 13:00

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Application instituting proceedings
