Supplement to the Application and to the Second Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures of Protection submitted by the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File

To the Judges of the International Court of Just.Lce
The Puace Palace Réponse-Replv
The Hague
The Netherlands 21 August 199:.3

Your Excellencies:

In his "ObscrvaLions" of 9 August 19Q3, the Agent for the rump Yugoslavia

(Serbia and Montenegro), once again attucks the legitimacy of the Government
of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovimt, which ls a Mt~tn nergood standing
of Lhe United Nations Or.ganization, unlike the Responrlent in this case which
is not. In arder to put this matter to rcsL onc.r!and for a.ll, I hcreby trans­
mit to tho Court an official text of Article 220 of the Constitution of the
Republic of Bosnia and Herzegov.lna 1 ta ken from our Official Gar.ett1 and dated
as :recently as 14 Marc.h 199:3, a copy of which ].~attachcd. A rough trans-
( ' lation of the relevant port.lons of Constituti.on Article 220 rcad~ as follows:

Article 220
The Mernbersof the Prestd1mcy are c.Lected by the citizens of the Repub­
llc by direct, universal and secret suffrngt!, in act:ordance with the law.
The Membcrs of the Prc~iden cre elected tor a four- year mandate. They
can be re-elected for the following Lerm ont:e.
The Prcsirlency • the mandate of whü:h."haR c:ome to an end, shall rHmai.n in

office until the new Presidency has been olccted.
The Presidency is made up of seven Members.
The President of the Presidency ts electcd by the Memhers of the Presi­
dency and is one of their number. lie is elec.t.ed for one year andcan be re­
elected for the following term once.
In case of war or state of emcrgenc.y, the mandat!'!of tho Members of the
Prcsidency and of the President shall be continucd until such time as the
conditions for new elections for the Presidency bl! met.

Bccause of the barbarie aggression and ruthle::;folacts of genocide perpe­
trated by the rump Yugoslnvia against the Peopl tnd Statc oE Bosnia and

Hcr~egov then a,nditions for such new elections hnv n~llviously not been met.
Therefore, in accordance with Article 220 of the Constituti.on, the rn<Jndateof
the Members of the current Prosidency and oE the currm1L President, his
Excellency Alija Izetbegovic, r..:unLinue" such t.i.meélSthe conditionsfor
new elections for the Pref;idency be met.u

I hercby submit Constitution Arti.c.le220 élndthe élbovctranslaUon
thereof--which I belieV to~be val idand authenti.c-- to the Court in support
of our Application of 20 March L993 and in support of our second Rcquest for
provisions! measures of 27 July 1993.
Please accept, l~xcellcnci tcs,assurnnc ot~my highl~ ~onsid43ration.

F~~~ A-·~.·
Profcf;sor Franci.s A. Boyle
General Agent for the Republic of Bosnia and

llcrzegovina beforc the International Court of
Hc>telAmbasoadef Amsterdam
via fax


Document Long Title

Supplement to the Application and to the Second Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures of Protection submitted by the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
