Amendment to the Application and to the Second Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures submitted by the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Document Number
Document Type
Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
Document File

ns-·1.1:9.3 2.1.1:::::.. __ _ :2nn::!
~.-·· .. --.-.-...
Annexe to BHY ~~J_: ...:.__;__

_____ )_,..".,---- __August 19 93

TO: The Judges of the International Court of ~ustice

:te ?eace ?alace.
T!"le::e-rherlanàs ..


: ::ereby a.mend:

"Jt=:- Second :-:tecruest :nèication )f ?~cvisional
:-!.easures o:i ':'he Secc-nd 2:equest:" : ;

( ~) . =Jur C·U"Cstanà!nc; ;!eques~ -ill :.mmeàiat:e ~:ear::--.- -::he
3~c=n~ Reques~ :y ~~e ~ou=::

':4). -:·ur- .:::-equest:.~ade en ,..·ecinesciay --l,th.:.ugus-c 2 ]93. !or ill
i1741lediate ~:rder ·..ihou-: :-:ea.ring ':lursuan't. ::) cur ~econd.
~ecc.est :1, acco=dance '.-.'it.;rticle -:'5(1; of :~e :=:ul~ çr:
tt.e =~te~natic~al CcurL ct ;~stice:

-~ ;ubmtcting ~hat ~n additicn ~~ ~he jurisdic:iona ~ases thac
~ave already been se~ tor~h, ~~~ Caurt'3 :u=isdic~ion is also
;rounàeè i:J. a te;-dated 3th 1.992. 3igned by Slcbodan
>!ilosev1c ::.nd :·!ami;:' 3ulatovic, :~e :res pee:::?e ?:-esident:s at

Se.rbi a and !1on'tenegro ( Y!lgos.l.avl a) . :'!'le .!.e::-ce:s ::!.ddressed
tc ~r. ~ebert 3adinter, ~~e ~res1den-c ~~ ~he Ar~itration
C:cnunis s:. en of the Ca nt erence on ·~·.. :avoia •

.-1t? 3 of -:::::e j__e"t-:er i.s an :.lnequivccal accept:ance or the
jur::.sdic-:::.onof th.e Cou:.-: of Justice over all legal
~isputes ~etween :~e former Yugcs!av ~epu~:ics. and SerDla ana
•,~cm::eneç= : ::m:p ~ë'ngosl: :1v.i

~he :-ea.scns fer :::he -~sser-r:.::::: :f :he ~dditiona! ~asis
,:;ur:sdi;::"-::.ccan ::e .:ound ;.~ -:he :;.-r:L:ar:hed >!emora.ndurn, ·..:hi ch_:;.
herecy :::ccrpora~ed =Y =eference ~nd :naae c..n .::.;::.teara?art":
t~is cc~munica~io~.

:~espect:ru :l:submi tted by.

Francis A. Boyle

P=cfessor of Internat1onal Law
General Agent for the Republic of
Bosnia and Herzegovina before
the International court of
Justice..•• '5"!!1;;.u1-i7lJ ·:·oL~G EF.U.11· ::: 00.'_1
'$ll .20 S:IQl!!IO
3S•.-:.=i.;.ci"-·o COLlECE·~ _Aîô :aJou

J'( {-


'fug-u:davia(Ser.nd Munu;:m;JP) !UAo;.;;.:;hcCuuiL'!jurisJi~ uu;r..ui~r

.-\Itic36(1}crveraiLe~ alSPutes&tweea thesix formeYugos.lavRc-puoiiç:;
arisingirom theDissolution uE ·:ugosl.:::::::..#.

:::31 March 193 thCDun a copy orJ

:::uer u.a8.Juuc1992.::u.i!.lrcuJ1c?:::::::utmÙlcAl:Uiual.iComntisswn

~itheInternationalConie:encefe: ?::acein ':u;oslavia. ThWil.sent .!.'la

.>...eb. Mr.Momir Bulutovic?residenci:.iRe...blie oi Monte...r.lOciéac.Miloscvie. ?r;su.1cntR.cpuC.of Seri:lia..
~tison tneoasis of tb:ù iettel:Sosnia-Her ub.~itvrarthis ;:::surt'

.:nri.~; d~ncr11mitnc.ii~.œ er.'~\inderLieGenocide Convention. 3yus

dccia.rari.oJune8. 1992.:''.l~o (Seiba.aidMon~n~~o na:; ~t.:t t:e?l~

Coutt' s iw:i.sdinvcJ·il;_ e,o\ltCc:."tela.nyoi the s:iorntcr

'iug:osiavRc;ouolicsa..'ircr:J th:::{sso.iu:::.:)c. ·;·..:~as:2.zvia.

::1August. 1991. .ë-urooe C:~mmnunny and ;..s member su.gree.dto

.:onv~ an.tnternauon:uJT".ren•rerPe.a n~Yugœ.~.a -nusa.ome:~ce \l.'?S

_,trr:rh~tht":flTI':(1Mrthr'\hYn~nl:î~ t•e!i'ltnthhlî~e.~id enthe

FederalGovernmentof YUiOS1a'r1he presjd.:oitheEC Council. amithe
::::p!c~c ou h. atiC ocmsissioand:!tEC m~mbcs rtat t

·:!!bitmtcommi:;5ion, iG-.ownus.Btlciirrrbitratiafter its Pre:Sl.Cient.

:\1onsteur RobB:~d:n :S :fc:um tor ti~ieormer Yugoshvi:m re~ubl tics

resoive any dlffe1'earising. froth~ :..issurlllcicmYul;(lslavi.::~~'-~';l!

Yugosiavia ArbirratCommiUJon: OpintonsonQ;1~Sf1 Aonst lrom r.hP

DlsuJlunnno.··ugosiav1a_!1LL.:.-L 1488 (1992).
On .May-18.1992.:.he1,;0airof the Cunù::ŒncÎùiP~~, i;"i.a.

Lo.n:i JJ:ringt.On.requc.stcdthe Commssopinion on.thrquestions. The

questions were:

1····------~ 1:/213/9'3'21i2,1,1 1,1i8 COLLEGEOF L-1.w· 4ioo_;,

BS~dUv<! Qdvo ---COLI..!OF[Uli ~01!


"1 ~IntcnnSof internationalistheF=dtmùR=publicuf
Yuzoslavia a new Stcal. oriecoeruùonbythe Member StaŒ.s
of the EuroPeanCommuniryin accorda'N.ihhe.jcinl
Yugoslavia and tGuidelinesothe recognition of new states in

Ea~;t Eumopeandin theSevie[Unionadoptebythe Councilof the
EuropeanC(lmmunitie\n 16Dcc::ember991?
·2 ~tnit n~ininn Nn 1 ofNovcmber1991 theArbitraûon ·
r.nmmiR-w ~i~nfthenpinirit.h;ttthe SF(wao;in thproe:ss

of dissolution·. Can this dissolmion now ha~rŒmplete?d
3 ~l:this is c.ase,nwhat basia":dy wbat me.a~;holnth~
pmblem' of the !iUccessionof state.betweenthdiffe:rent

states emerging t'rom theSb~settled"1 LL.M. 1:)18. 195

Thett!-nfth ~hn::qm•_o;;wnl:~.~ntnthepre.o:;i'fthe Republics oî
BosrùaandHenego\oinaCroa~ Maacedonia.MonŒnegroSerbiaand Sluvcttia

anù ltheprc..siùeofythF~eri &publicofYl)_~os aliovwbam, werc

asked. to send a statcmr::nt :scttit~rm.s·inr.phctlcrpositiocs on

;::achof tlu-equestions.
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) chal.lenged the Arbitration
Commission'scompe.renon thesth.reqt1estiposedby the chairmatome

Commission through taforememioneletter daSeJune1992.The r.vo

presidenmade the followipoims:

" 1,FR Yugo.slavisnot ia;:co'-Ni.heideathat the
.Ju"bitratCommi~.i aÎthoad,isory organ of the Conference on
Yu~osla vhlal.,v~ its opin.i.tho~;tters lliinyou.r

The m<1Illl.: ConllHUIÛtas we.ll cfthe
bodieso~ra.û un~l.etLa.w;p of l:::~u.fcr chu~l;Ce:.s
was stated in the BDeclaratiolupruviùci:eis.Î:andau

facilitarethe proof negotiationberwe::parti t~lh:;.:unni~L
2. Ir .isthe principled positiYugc~laR vhaaU
questtootnvolvedtn the oversettlemenofthe Yui;!oslavcrhiis
shouldberesoJved!nan azreementbecweenFR Yugosla.vand all

the fonner Yugoslavrepublics.
3. FR YHen~1: hwh1aheviewthst ali legal dispwhfch
C'.:mnhP.S<:':thyagr~men tetweenFR Yugo~lav adathe
f~rm( Yu.eMI~ rt>:rn ~hoiuhedtken totheInternational

Court ·Of Jllst::t1h~rinr jrliil~rlanof the United
Nations. ·

2fJS/l.'J.t10:22 COLLEGEOF U.II ~00.)

ll/08'Cil H:.lG "8'l20 G20HSQ ~016


Accordi lnrin~.ew (Ithetact thali tissuesraised in
your!etter are olt:gRI n11FR Yue()~l p:npi!iehacin the
event thagreementis not reaca~no nhgpanicipantîn t.he

c:ouferenee, these questions béAdjudieateby the
International CourtJusticein accordanwithitsStatute."
(cmphasis added)

The Badinter Commissionde.te.nnnl an intt:rlncdf'..c tha~iinas

competentto reply to thequestandrespondedo the questionsin opinions8, 9,

and 10.Opii'Zio8, 9aridJOoftht BadirutCummil-sic31 l.L.M. 1488, 15215

s. TheRepublic cBo:: ~ndiHerzegovina.submits th1s uncquivoçsl

statement, made bYugo.slav(Sdrbiand. ontenegro)is unconditioruù,

immediate, and aueptance jurisdictofthe Tnr~r11: C::nrtion:~l

Jnsrirnw.r ::~.t dli~epfa.ri.~i\ngtheYugoslavcrisis. The declaration
includesanacŒptaneeoftheCourt'sjurisd.icVItiresp tul~~l;l:;~;èuÙc::i


probloms of succcss:on tUnongsùccessor sUites.

6. The dec1ar3.tionis Ul'WI1is languagandintent. Yugoslavia (Serbia
and Montenegro) refustoa.c.c.eptComm.iuion'authonty to rrsoJlr.g~tl

disputeS bf":NiMh~:pn:lC'tri."ine:f•the disol~tio ,Dut di d .gree o ac cet th ec

Coun's jwisdictionoversuchdisputes.In rerrnsof contcxt.the dew~ara.tion

formoù. publicècha...rillinternational arbitration, on

theproperforum for resolutioa dcfincdset of isbctwecn udefined set of
parues.As such, it n~Mot bedismisseas: ~ener3policy~tatem wei1not

binding effect.

"ltStatA by 1tconduct inauces in Htthebelief, whkhi~Hct.ed
upon,that Statewilac.cept, ar wilconte-.t,ljnri~cti ir.tinn
State brings tCourt fodecisionrhenSt:Ht>:

A ought not to be permitted, s:ub,equently. tjurisdictiorl
of lhe Court when that issue h: brought befortÙl'e Court

INTERNATIONALCOURT 3~2 (2od .rev.1~8. 5)
.Bosruaand Hene.govina, thE".inteTn -tnrminnty:lr~elreasanably

relied ome declaration asaccepLancef the Court's junsdicùon re~pe tcl

ailli:!galdi,vuu::; l.ùtc l't=,P.s.isingfrom the Yugosl<1vcrisis.08/l3<'9J 10:23 '8'21i2H l-li8 COLLEGE OF L-I.W.
--------------------- '-
11/0S '$13 li: 10 '5'31 20 620l!50 BS,vciBl:vdP ad.....;_ COLU:GEOF U.W ~011


. . ..
7, Internationallaw does notrequadhc~n tc ny set fonn opruu:durc
for a .suu.sûhlt=r.alùcdl:IDiuoc1eata legallyb.indioblige.tion.More

speçincally: "[t]hare no formarequitementfor aninternationagreement

conferringjurisdietio:oontheCourt,andthe Courthasdeliberatelykepl this aspect

tilisti.cas pm ofgeneralpolicofhci!itatinretou r~the juclicialprocess.
The important thingithttheCourt ~hcm lr~iRtiM iatth.pratle.are in

agreement lhat it shoulddecideease.andnothowthar agreement is ex.prcssed.

Infact misquestiowillonlyaristof [siun~ urùu: loJl:Islioulchallen,eethe
juâsdictlon of the Court on the ground that no such acxi~mea.proccss for

which a special procedure is cstnblished.• Ros:ENNE, TltS WOtu.D
COtJRT:WH.Ao .T Js4t-..i-Iow.ITWoRKS,85{4thed. 1989).·Whenit is the

intc:1tionthe State makillg the declaration that it shouJd beeac:c.ord1ng
to îrterms,tharint~nr rioonnfl~htltier.laratinnthe charofta legal

und.ettaking. the State beine;thenceÏonh~qWn:ly o folluw aWlilliof

comlucL cunsi:sLwlLiÙlctlecl;u-al~.N14deùrTt!.s(France v. Ar.t.stralta,) 1974
I.C.J. 25:\ 267Seealsoarticl2(2),3 a.nd11 oth ~;icnnConvention onthe

Law of Treaties, U.N. Doc. A/Conf. 39/27 c.t289 (1Inthe NuclearTast

c:ISe'Francwas found toh!.vmade a lesallbindingpromisewhen itissued a

publicpress releaannouncingitsintention ceasenuC' te
~r.atem Francr.wasboundto actin a consistemanner with itannounced

intentions. The Coun in Nuclear TescustI'I!Q Uwo~uta.iuelemcatfor a

ÙC~..:l Labesbilnidiun.h~ statmalci.the declaratioa:public statcmcnt
and a.intent tbe bound.Thcsc unil.atcrdcclnrcdobligc:tionsdnot require

nny response or reply from other sutes in order for the decl:1n.tion to take effect.

Once a unilaterdeclarationlmad~ .is subject to the obligation of good faith
pertcrmance similar tht.doc-.tof p.n.cnmr sP.rmminfnr tre:uperformance.


8. ThcJune 8 declaration wilpublir:iliilo;tJJJa!u11~qui Îlintani
u:tÎJç plc:,c~I:a:etl1eNuckar TtJtcase. The June 8 dccla.rWllSprovidcd

toth~ çhairmo.Qf th ~:dinteCommis:~ Yugonh.i.:l (Serbi3 and Montenegro)

knew and intended thitwould befreelycirculated '8.lllongthe members of the

4 ü8i!J/9:J lü:::!J 'B'::!li 2-14 1H8 COLLEGEOF U.W
'.. llJOI'.OJH: ~0 '5'31 20 $20l5SO BS,vdlU.vdadl:'...COU.Ec:EOF L\W ~OlS


Ccmnùssioa. th ~uropeanCommunity) andthe internationalcommunity at large.

In factit wa.the intentionof Yugo:s(. crbiai.Montenegro) tcinfonn ;ùl

involvedofitsnowo.ccep o~tneBe.dinteCommission'srulings :aitssole

:a.cceptanefthejurisdictionof the Inttma.tionaofoJustice averullesal
disputes arising from Yugosiaveri.sis.

9. !he iangu anhe~Jun 8~deClaratireferred to ÙleInternational Court of

Justicas lhe "principal juù.icialù.rganof thNationiŒYsu.;~::üavia(Serbia

and Montcncço) did .soi:naùngthat tho:yhnot~grc totbe cornpctcn.cof
the Ba.dinterCommissîonoverlegadisputeThis referenceto the superior

authority of Court, thereforcmeao.ic buttress thstateposition that any

legal disputes wehenΠforwardlobe submitrrto theCourt; nnt merely tthe

rwn ref'nh mliht!;~.mitsuch dispuŒs at tdiscretion.
10. Having denied thc.:ompelctufÙtc ComJui: sy~i~ucept tie11.~

jurisdictionof the Court,Yugosl(ScrbiaandMonttncgro)would new denyits

acc.cptano;to evade any forumf~solut of hns.edisputes.

11. Thiscourt has acknowledscd tjurisdiçtion undc:rArt~6(1 may be
acceptedby communiqu!· In, Gt'eetiledan appl.ic.aticnwïth

the .CJcontending thabeth c.auntrhAdconsentedt.nthjurisdictioof rhe

Court basedon a joincommuniqué thPrime?'1-finisrs~'~:c aml

Turkt::yiBrussels uMa y 31;·:J97Ae:.o!{urtConti11e11thdf Cas' (Grt:-e'=
v,Turkcy), 1978I.C.J. 4The unsîgnedcommuniqué wasissucddirccùy tothe

pre ·d~r:ga presscon{çrç·ngnngoin.gcuui

unrc:soh•ednegociationsover theirterms()ja .specialagbetureen the two

states to submit the continlhclf disputtheocourt. ThcommuniquA ~T~TP.rl:
[11he twoPrim ~ ini..t..ctc\dedthathoseproblemsshould be tfn:~gnTi: anrl:nre~ardsto the
conlinenrasht.of rhe Aegean !\hythe International Court at The
.Hague. They de~. dhege.neralneo-n.thh~:.o~f isichthe
torthcomingmeetingsof t.representativoftherwo gcwemment~
would take place.

Id.ar40-41. The two PrimeMinister.also decitodconsideLheopinionsof
~ cont".f'.rgelc:onrinentalshinconjunction wifUrthenegoti.ati.o.d.


s 08l!J:9J 10:2-l fi21ï 2-1-1lHS COLLEGEOF U.W
----------'. ..····--............................. [40...
· 11/0'Dl li•il 1t3120 620JSSQ BS.~dS,Vd aPvo ~~ CO~C~ OF LAW !f019


\2. The Court starteitanalysisby lookina.thecfrcumstanŒ:;~urrowuling·
the communiqué.Id. aL42. Aft.aJtaly:Liù:lcontc:ncircumstancesand

inlCTt u rUhc:,uticstheICJheld tharthe communiquédid.not indica8.0

intcnt by the Tu.rkgovernmcntto wzconditionalsubmititsdispute to the Io.s

the dispute wa.sto be submittedjoil'd-onlyaftcr-bcthparties.hadconcluded
their negotiationswith agreemupcm the wrms ofthecomprom1s.unde.r

negotiations. Bernuse t.for.emention.~\11:..~na lnd~fn~her.negotiati.ons

had notyet takcn place, theCourt foundthat Orccce'sapplicatioprem:uur~::. 44.

13. The Iw1cB: declarationisO.istinguisharomthejoint communiqué in

term:sof contçnt, the circumstancesof icsissunnce,\Uldthe subsequentpra.cti.Œof

the parties. In te.nncontentLhelanguageof the June 8 declaratiostrongly
and unequivoc:ally stated. language in tAegecrnSeac~s w::n~~sir :It:r

de.fininor asforŒful.MorMv~ he.AP.gP.n. tcommunique was notsi.gneor

initialeby either Prime 1-ofin.r.978I.C.J.39. AlthoughArlidt:11 ofù1c
Vienn<1Cunvcnùuu vu !rea~ cl~ not.rc:quisignature for international

a,a.teementto binilic, thethatbethpresident~ign thdJune 8

dcel!tation is fu:"rvidence of the fonn:ùitthf~ocumentand the intention of

the partietobe bound byit.The:re is $Uggestioof 1ny conditiQnon titis
acceptance. l1$a formrulde-.clarfp,bicstAtement .ilccig jurisdictionmeÏ

· C:nnn nver a defined·setof is(allegalissueinvolYedinthe averalsenl~menl

of the Yugoslav crisibetwt;.<1ùeii.n;:>ofpar·ûes (Yu1!,osl(Serbia and
Muntcuegro) and thefonner Yueoslavrcpubl i ~)uch,itis ncithca gcn;rul

policystarcmcnt nor!lof the Court's jurisdicover:illegal

disputes "irelatioto anyathersuteacceptingthe sam.obligation.,.
14.. ln terrnof the circurrutaasurtOlltldingi.~:c; themJmœe8

de.cb\ra.riw:~ (reJ;. p.t.r;especifiequestioinforma! internaùonal

arbitratioproceediniSconductedbyth=:Conf~n ur.n~c:eiu.~u_gos1avia

Thus it was aforma1-stn.tcmcof thelegal posiûonof Yugoslavia(Serbia.and

Montencgro) on the international forum 3.ccepteashaving exclusive

jurisdiction ovthelegaldisputes delin.!.a.ted.thecommuniq iuthe

6 ..

OS/lJ .9J 10: :!5 'a:!li2-l-l Ui8 COLLEGE OF L\W ·(19J
.. 11/0S'1)311: U 'UJl 20 6::IOJS5P BS.~4H~V~ QdVO ••- ~ULLh~~Ur ~" ~u.:v


Atgeu.nSeu cas ~lw a.IIOa ~~ncr JJult.yLalcm buuat.mutcdiateand
unqualificdcommitmcntto thejurisdictionof the Court.·In contrast,

communicationspriortoand subsequentothe communiquéin theAcgcar.Sca cnse

suggestedthat the questionsinvolvedhad notbeenclarifiethathe

communiqué was one stepirthecontinumgprocess of negotiationof a speci:tl

i'igrt"L:mth~no:!n,r.·~nimmediareandunqualificdcomminnem tc
accepLthe submissionof tdisputeto the CourtunilarerbylApplication.1978

I.C.J. at43. While requesttheCourt t~xc:r jcrssition Înthe cas.;:,the

Greek governmenteven admittedthat anothagreemenwas ncccs"uy to csLablish

the tcrms prior to ndjudicntion InternationCourt of Jtce.Id.:lt11-1.

Because the issues wcre far Ïrom cleCounthfoundthat Turl:::eynot

consenttoadjudication w1thfurtheragreementsthawctlldoutlinTht'dispnr~..t:i

15. ln tanand r.:ontetheJune Sdeçl~r idliiill.mdcnlicaltthe.

standardlanguageut:ili.ttrcaticsby whicthe parties agree to subrnit ail legal

dispu mte:I~gundcr the rc.lotreP-to'the Courifthe issues cnnnot be

resolvedbyagreement.Yugoslavia(Serb ani~Montenegro)'acceptanceof the
jurisdiction of the 1nte:mationaJCcurtce wasnotconlingent upolate:r

:::~zrf 'ute.m:inmte.ri1arlffectiupon i~suan The .ecla.rati.on

establisheby tt,Conferenc'-Tas thefinal sr.ageof ne goti atio:pr iorto adj udica tic

of any urucsolvclc~ a:lsuesythe InternatioCourtof Justice.

16. The formality th ~ntcrn=.ti.alrbitrationproeçss

àistinguishif~ct ohe Jener was.form:ùstatementto the international
community generalland to the ether foiYugos.lavia"

TI1e for~1tynf tt': prn~erl~in wh~h the letter was issueddîstribured

àernonstrates the bindingnarurhe obligationtheimerna.ticncommunüy.

17. Suu~c4u wrumLuuu.i. ~dLp.ucti.a,;also.relevantdemonstrating
the bindinnatureoftheJune 8declaratioln Temple of Preah Vihca(C<rmbodio.

v.Thc.iland). 196ll.C.9, 22the Courtlookedat the context subsequent

circumstancesu:roundingaThai declaratitodctcnninethatThailandîntende.d

to give thCourtjurisc!ic'.rion.AlsoAe.gMtlSP.C"..'!:.~v cnrmm:unlicar.inn~

enrered intevidencecomradictedthe Grcckgovc:rnmenimeiJlreta:tuf lhe

j08/13/93 10:::!5 '5'21i2.1-4 UiS COLLEGE OF U.ll'

11108'Ol H: U '%!'~0 6203SS51 S.S.vcmtvad'l".:...... COUJ;;CE OF U.W ·


commuoiq 11~~.~~:uuuuwû. icdc.t:dta.Tuukcy had exprcssed

r~luct aohavc the dispute immediarely heard by the court. The Court

considered thesc etwritingta interpret Turkey's intent. The inconsistency of

the statements caused Ùlecoufind thaTurkey did not inrendacceptthe
jurisdictioftheltlternarioConrt ofJn~ti q7RLC.J. at 44.

1R. In thicasethereare nocommunicationtsatconrradicinŒqm;liiliuu ll•c
letter C:\CC~L uatm;CuurlS jul'isdiccYu~osla (vcbaa and

Montenegro) contc:stcdae~ce of jurisdictonlywhcn callcdupon to
·rc.lpond to Applicnnt's sUl.temcntai jurisdiction in the oral arguments on

prelimio3l)' relief. This position, isnot acceptable under international

law:"lw Jhen consenhasbe.egiv~ ln.naynetb~withdrawn, at \eastanother

.'liitAta:!ed onthebasis t:he:andbasinstitutproceedîngsbeforethe

CoURt. 322 (2nd rev. cd. 1985).

19. Inshor ttedeclarationithisç~ç .iffcr.sfrth.on the ..iegean

in vi.rtually every reThecICJ should fied, after analyzcontentand
circumswces of the Jun~letter thitis an immeaiate atmmnriitinn~l

cornmitment byYn.e;ml (~erîaaandMontenegro)rosubrniailunrcsolvcdlegal

disputes arising from the YugoslavtotheCourt'sjurbùicliuu.


Document Long Title

Amendment to the Application and to the Second Request for the Indication of Provisional Measures submitted by the Government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina
