Application instituting proceedings

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[Tuaizslalion by the Registry]
The undersigned, having been duly authorized by the Govern-
ment of the French Republic and having selected as his address
the French Embassy in The Hague ; having regard to Article 13

of the Convention regarding the abrogation of the Capitulations
in Egypt, signed at Montreux on May 8th. 1937; having regard
to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court, has the
honour to submit the following Application :

From May 15th. 1948, the Egyptian Government has placed
in camps about forty French nationals or protected persons.
Some of them have been liberated after April 1949. but, in most
cases, under condition that they would leave Egypt. On
August roth, 1949, four French citizens or protected persons
were still interned, namely :in Huckstep Camp. hl. Gaston Ben-
simon, French citizen, MelleDoris Nadia Hazan, French citizen ;
in the Aboukir Camp, Mohamed Ismat Ragab Badawi, Tunisian ;
in the European Hospital in Alexandria, hl. Jacques Charbit.
French citizen. Concurrently with these measures, the belongings
of French citizens or protected persons have, in some cases, been
sequestrated, in application of an Order of the Egyptian Govern-
ment relating to the conflict in Palestine. In particular, were

sequestrated :
I" the property of M. and Madame Messiqua, residing in
Alexandria (decree of August 8th. 1948) ;

2" the property of M. Jacques Abdou Chemla (decree of
August 8th, 1948) ;

3" the property of M. Victor Ilazan, of Cairo (decree of Sep-
tember 24th, 1948) ;
4' the property of M. Jacques Charbit, of Alexandna (decree of
5' the property of M. Marc Mosseri, of Alexandria (decree of
September 5th, 1948). The sequestration applies ta his persona1
effects and to the firm Mosseri & Co. ;
6" the property of M. Albert Guetta, Tunisian, French protected
person (decree of November 3oth, 1948) ;

7Othe property of M. Alfred Cohen, Tunisian, French protected
.person (decree of July 10th. 1948). Further details will be
given in the present Application, and by way of illustration,
on the measures taken against M. Cohen by the Egyptian
Government. As a Tunisian national, JI.Alfred Cohen has
the status of Frenchprotected person. According to a certificate
of registration dated May 31st, 1943, issued by the French
Bureau in Alexandria, Register IV, registration 379. his
name is entered in the books of the French Consulate at
Alexandria, Register II. C. No. 1623. In addition, M. Cohen
is the holder of passport No. 188/B, delivered by the
French Consulate in Cairo on April 18th, 1946, and valid
until April zrst, 1951.

On July ~rth, 1948, the Egyptian Ministry of Finance seques-
l.rated the property of AT.Alfred Cohen. Other decrees sequestrated
the assets of several companies of ivhich he is a shareholder. These
ineasures applied also to the persona1 helongings of RI. Cohen,
including hissharesin thosc companies. The order of July nth, 1948.
\vas taken by application of a proclamation of the Egyptian Govem-

ment knomn as "Proclamation 26" ....This proclamation, dated
May yst, 1948, is based on a decree of May 13t11,1948, proclaiming
martial law in the entire territory of the Kingdom of Egypt.
Proclamation 26 and the decree of May 13th, 1948, proclaiming
martial law, have been put into force, although the text does not
expressly declare it, in connexion with the military action taken by
the Egyptian Government in Palestine. The purpose of Procla-
mation 26 is clearly made apparent, although by way of indirect
reference, in the Preamble preceding the actual text of the Procla-
mation, and consistirig in a declaration of His Excellency Nokrachi
Pasha, Prime nlinister :

"In connexion with Proclamation 26 providing for the adminis-
tration of property belonging to individuals interned or placed
under surveillance, 1 wish to cal1 attention to the fact that the
Government, convinced that no one, whether Egyptian or foreigner,
livingunder the sky of Egypt, would allow himself to be disloyal to
tliis country, in no way intended to take measures restricting
individual freedom or the exercise of individual rights. The policy
of the Government since the proclamation of martial laiv, and which
it is determined to follow, has been notto take any such measures
whatsoever, except in cases of extreme necessity and for the safe-
guard .of the superior interests of the country and the protection APPLICi\TIOPI INSTITUTING PROCEEDlNGS (13 X 49) IO

of its armies. However, the Government has to its regret recently
seen proofs to the effect that a number of persons and corpora-
tions owning property in Egypt have taken action contrary to the
safety of the State. In those conditions, the Government was
compelled to take urgent measures to prevent them from persisting
in activities dangerous to the safety of Egypt and the ArabitStates
in general. Therefore, 1 hasten to declare that the measures which
the Government has had to take to safeguard the security of the
State will be applied only within the limits of the considerations
which dictated them. so that all, whether Egyptian or foreigner,

will rest assured that no measure whatsoever will he takeii against
them contrary to their frecdom or to the administration of their
property, as long as their activities do not exceed the limits
permitted by law, and do not give rise to suspicion."

The purpose of Proclamation 26 is shown also by statute No. 73
of 1948, adding another case to those in which martial law can
be proclaimed by application of the fundamental legislation on
the matter. Said statute No. 73 of 1948 is specially referred to
in the decree of May 13th, 1948, proclaiming martial law. Article I
of this statute providcs :

ArticleI :"The provisions of stitute No. 15 of1923 onmartial
law, amended by statiitcs Nos. 23 of 1940. 21 of 1941 and
81 of 1944 notwithstanding, martial law may be proclaimed
for the protection of Egyptian armies and to secure their
supplies, their lines and means of comn~unication and other
matters related to their movements and military tasks out-
side the Kingdom of Egypt."

It is not intended for the moment to draw conclusions, one
way or the other, from the reasons given by the Egyptian Go\.em-
ment for the exceptional measures it has taken. It \vas necessary,
however, to mention these reasons here and to lay stress on their
close relation tothe operationstaking place at the time in Palestine.
Proclamation 26 applies to three categories of persons :

I" al1 physical persons interned or placed under surveillance
in application of martial la\v ;
2" al1 corporations, associatiotis or institutions of any kind
whatsoever under control of a person in the first named catcgory,
or in which any such person has important interests ;
3" any non-resident person whose activity is contrary to the
safety and security of the State. .APPLIChTIOS ISSTITUTISG PROCEEDISGS (13 S 49) II

The mcasures taken against Xf.Cohen with regard to his persona1
property cannot come under paragraph z, which applies only to
corporations, nor do they come under paragraph I, conceming
physical persons interned or placed under surveillance.

3Z. Cohenhas neither been interned nor placed under surveillance.
In fact, he left Egypt on May z7th, 1948, taking the plane at Cairo
airport. A regular exit visa was stamped on his passport by the
Egyptian authorities. Now, ohviously, had he been in any way
under surveillance of the Egyptian police, an exit visa would not
have been granted. Consequently, it is only under paragraph 3
concerning non-residents acting contrary to the security of the
State that the Egyptiaii Government can act against AI. Cohen.
It is incumhent, therefore, upon the Egyptian Government to
show evidence that XI.Cohen'sactivities have been contrary to the
security of the Kingdom.

Also, the proclamation of the Egyptian Government declares,
aspreviously stated, that al1persons, whether Egyptian or foreign,
can be assured that no measure will be taken against them as
long as their activities do not exceed the limits permitted by law.

Xow, the Egyptian Government has never shown that XI.Cohen
did anything dangerous to the security of the Egyptian State. On
the other hand, the measure taken against him is contrary to

the principles of internationala\\'and the provisions of the Conven-
tion of Alontreux of JIay Sth, 1937.
Friendly negotiations have been conducted for ncarly fifteen
months to obtain the repeal of the measures taken agaiiist French
citizens and protected pcrsons in Egypt, and notably the release

£romsequestration of JI. Cohen'sproperty. Diplomatic negotiations
having been in vain, the Government of the French Kepublic has
decided to lay the dispute before the International Court of Justice.
In view of the foregoing, and subject to the suhsequent presen-
tation to the Court of aiiy memorials, counter-memorials, and in
general of aiiy documents or evidence. may it please the Court:

to give officia1 notice to the French Government that for al1
notifications aiid communications conceming the present dispute,
the French Government has elected domicile at the French
Embassy at The Hague ; to uotify the present Application, in
conformity with Article 40, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the
Court, to the Egyptiaii Government. To judge and declare, whether
the said Government enters an appearance or not, and after such
time-limits as the Court may fix, in the absence of an agreement
between the Parties :

Bilingual Content














Le soussigné,dûment autorisé par le Gouvernement de la Répu-
blique française, et élisant domicile au siège de l'ambassade de
France à La Haye, vu l'article 13 de la Convention concernant
l'abrogation des capitulations en Égypte, signée à Montreux le
8 mai 1937,vu l'article 40, alI,du Statut de la Cour, a l'honneur
de vous adresser la requêtesuivante :

A partir du 15 mai 1948, le Gouvernement égyptien a procédéà
l'internement dans des camps d'une quarantaine de ressortissants
ou protégésfrançais. Un certain nombre d'entre eux ont été libérés
depuis le mois d'avril 1949, mais sous condition, pour la plupart

d'entre eux, de quitter l'Égypte. A la datIOdaoût 1949, quatre
ressortissants ou protégés français demeuraient intern6s. à savoir :
au camp d'Huckstep, M. Gaston Bensimon, Français, hlellDoris
Nadia Hazan, Française ;au camp d'Aboukir : Mohamed Ismat
Ragab Badawi, Tunisien ; à l'Hôpital européen d'Alexandrie :
M. Jacques Charbit, Français. Concurremment à ces mesures, un
certain nombre de séquestres ont étéétablis sur des biens appar-
tenant à des ressortissants ou protégésfrançais, en application
d'une ordonnance prise par le Gouvernement égyptien en raison du
conflit de Palestine. Ont en particulier fait l'objet d'un séquestre :

I" les biens de M. et Mme Messiqua, résidant à Alexandrie
(arrêtédu 8 août 1948);
2" les biens de M. Jacques Abdou Chemla (arrêtédu 8 août

1948) ;
3" les biens de M. Victor Hazan, du Caire (arrdu 24 septem-
bre 1948) ;
4" les biens de M. Jacques Charbit, d'Alexandrie (arrêtédu



[Tuaizslalion by the Registry]
The undersigned, having been duly authorized by the Govern-
ment of the French Republic and having selected as his address
the French Embassy in The Hague ; having regard to Article 13

of the Convention regarding the abrogation of the Capitulations
in Egypt, signed at Montreux on May 8th. 1937; having regard
to Article 40, paragraph 1, of the Statute of the Court, has the
honour to submit the following Application :

From May 15th. 1948, the Egyptian Government has placed
in camps about forty French nationals or protected persons.
Some of them have been liberated after April 1949. but, in most
cases, under condition that they would leave Egypt. On
August roth, 1949, four French citizens or protected persons
were still interned, namely :in Huckstep Camp. hl. Gaston Ben-
simon, French citizen, MelleDoris Nadia Hazan, French citizen ;
in the Aboukir Camp, Mohamed Ismat Ragab Badawi, Tunisian ;
in the European Hospital in Alexandria, hl. Jacques Charbit.
French citizen. Concurrently with these measures, the belongings
of French citizens or protected persons have, in some cases, been
sequestrated, in application of an Order of the Egyptian Govern-
ment relating to the conflict in Palestine. In particular, were

sequestrated :
I" the property of M. and Madame Messiqua, residing in
Alexandria (decree of August 8th. 1948) ;

2" the property of M. Jacques Abdou Chemla (decree of
August 8th, 1948) ;

3" the property of M. Victor Ilazan, of Cairo (decree of Sep-
tember 24th, 1948) ;
4' the property of M. Jacques Charbit, of Alexandna (decree of
September 5th, 1948);9 REQUETE INTRODUCTIVE D'ISSTANCE (13 x 49)
5' les biens de . Marc Mosseri, d'Alexandrie (arrêté du
5septembre 1948).Le séquestre s'applique aux biens person-

nels de l'intéressé, ainsiqu'à la sociétéhlosseri & ;ie
6" les biens de M. Albert Guetta, Tunisien, protégé français
(arrêtédu 30 novembre 1948) ;
7" les biens de M. Alfred Cohen, Tunisien, protégé français
(arrêtédu 10 juillet1948).Il sera indiqué, à titre d'exemple
et d'une manière plus détaillée,dans la présente requête, les
mesures prises par le Gouvernement égyptien à l'encontre de
ce dernier.M. Alfred Cohen bénéficiedu statut de protégé
français comme ressortissant tunisien. Il est enregistré au

consulat de France à Alexandrie, registre II. C. no 1623,
suivant certificat d'immatriculation daté du 31 inai 1943,
délivré par le bureau français d'Alexandrie, registre IV,
immatriculation 379. Il est, d'autre part, porteur d'un passe-
port no 188/D, émis par le consulat de France au Caire, le
18 avril1946, valable jusqu'au zr avril1951.

Le II juille1948, le ministère des Finances du Gouvernement
égyptien a placé sous séquestre les biens de M. Alfred Cohen.
D'autres arrêtés ont. mis sous séquestre les actifs de diverses
sociétésdont M. Cohen est actionnaire. Les mesures touchaient
également les biens personnels de M. Cohen, y compris ses actions
dans ces sociétés. Cetarrêté du II juillet1948 a étépris en vertu
d'urie proclamation du Gouvernement égyptien dite «proclamation
26i)...Cette proclamation, datée du 31 mai 1948, est fondée sur
le décret du, 13 mai 1948, déclarant l'état de siège dans tout le
royaume d'Egypte. La proclamation 26 et le décret du 13 mai
1948, édictant l'état de siège, ont étépromulgués, bien que leur
texte ne le précise pas expressément, en relation avec l'action

militaire entreprise par le Gouvernement égyptien en Palestine.
Cet objet de la proclamation 26 ressort clairement, bien que sous
forme d'allusions indirectes, de l'exposé des motifs qui précède
son texte proprement dit, et qui consiste daus une déclaration
de S. Exc. Nokrachi Pacha, président du Conseil:

A l'occasion de la proclamation na 26, réglementant la gestion
des biens des personnes internées ou mises sous surveillance,
j'attire l'attentionqu'il n'était nullement dans l'intention du
Gouvernement de prendre des mesures de nature à limiter les
libertés individuelles, ouà porter atteinte à l'exercice des droits
individuels, convaincu qu'aucun de ceux qui vivent sous le ciel
d3Egypte, Égyptiens et étrangers, ne se permettra de manquer
de loyauté envers le pays. La ligne de conduite que le Gouver-
nement s'était tracée depuis la proclamation de l'état de siège
et qu'il est décidéde poursuivre, était de ne prendre aucune
mesure de cet ordre qu'en cas d'extrême nécessité, en vue de APPLICATIOX ISSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (13 x 49)
5' the property of M. Marc Mosseri, of Alexandria (decree of
September 5th, 1948). The sequestration applies ta his persona1
effects and to the firm Mosseri & Co. ;
6" the property of M. Albert Guetta, Tunisian, French protected
person (decree of November 3oth, 1948) ;

7Othe property of M. Alfred Cohen, Tunisian, French protected
.person (decree of July 10th. 1948). Further details will be
given in the present Application, and by way of illustration,
on the measures taken against M. Cohen by the Egyptian
Government. As a Tunisian national, JI.Alfred Cohen has
the status of Frenchprotected person. According to a certificate
of registration dated May 31st, 1943, issued by the French
Bureau in Alexandria, Register IV, registration 379. his
name is entered in the books of the French Consulate at
Alexandria, Register II. C. No. 1623. In addition, M. Cohen
is the holder of passport No. 188/B, delivered by the
French Consulate in Cairo on April 18th, 1946, and valid
until April zrst, 1951.

On July ~rth, 1948, the Egyptian Ministry of Finance seques-
l.rated the property of AT.Alfred Cohen. Other decrees sequestrated
the assets of several companies of ivhich he is a shareholder. These
ineasures applied also to the persona1 helongings of RI. Cohen,
including hissharesin thosc companies. The order of July nth, 1948.
\vas taken by application of a proclamation of the Egyptian Govem-

ment knomn as "Proclamation 26" ....This proclamation, dated
May yst, 1948, is based on a decree of May 13t11,1948, proclaiming
martial law in the entire territory of the Kingdom of Egypt.
Proclamation 26 and the decree of May 13th, 1948, proclaiming
martial law, have been put into force, although the text does not
expressly declare it, in connexion with the military action taken by
the Egyptian Government in Palestine. The purpose of Procla-
mation 26 is clearly made apparent, although by way of indirect
reference, in the Preamble preceding the actual text of the Procla-
mation, and consistirig in a declaration of His Excellency Nokrachi
Pasha, Prime nlinister :

"In connexion with Proclamation 26 providing for the adminis-
tration of property belonging to individuals interned or placed
under surveillance, 1 wish to cal1 attention to the fact that the
Government, convinced that no one, whether Egyptian or foreigner,
livingunder the sky of Egypt, would allow himself to be disloyal to
tliis country, in no way intended to take measures restricting
individual freedom or the exercise of individual rights. The policy
of the Government since the proclamation of martial laiv, and which
it is determined to follow, has been notto take any such measures
whatsoever, except in cases of extreme necessity and for the safe-
guard .of the superior interests of the country and the protectionIO REQUÊTE INTRODUCTIVE D'INSTANCE (13 x 49)
sauvegarder les intérêtssupérieurs du pays et d'assurer la pro-

tection de ses armées. Mais le Gouvernement a constaté dernière-
ment, avec regret, preuves à l'appui, qu'nu certain nombre de
personnes et d'établissements qui possèdent des biens en Égypte
ont commis des actes contre la sûreté de l'État. Force était dans
ces conditions, pour le Gouvernement, de prendre d'urgence les
mesures nécessaires pour empêcher ces personnes de poursuivre
leurs activités préjudiciables à la sûreté de l'Égypte et des pays
arabes en général.Aussi je m'empresse de déclarerque ces mesures,
que le Gouvernement a dû prendre en raison de considérations
dictées par la nécessitéde sauvegarder la sûreté de l'État, ne
seront appliquées que dans les limites des considérations pour

lesquelles ces mesures ont étédictées,afin que tous, tant Égyptiens
qu'étrangers, soient assurés qu'il ne sera pris à leur encontre
aucune mesure, de quelque nature qu'elle soit, portant atteinte
à leur liberté ou à la gestion de leurs biens, tant qu'ils se com-
porteront, dans l'exercice de leurs activités, dans les limites de
la loi et qu'ils ne donneront lieu à aucun soupçon. D

L'objet de la proclamation 26 ressort encore de la loi no 73
de 1948, ajoutant un nouveau cas aux deux dans lesquels l'état
de siège pouvait être déclaréen vertu de la législation de base
en la matière. Cette loi no 73 de 1948 est viséespécialement dans
le décret du 13 mai 1948, édictant l'état de siège.L'article premier
de cette loi dispose en effet :

Article 9remier :K Sans préjudice des dispositions de la loi
no 15 de 1923 réglementant l'état de siège modifiéepar les lois
nls 23 de 1940. 21 de 1941, et 81 de 1944. l'état de siègepeut
êtredéclarépour garantir la sécurité des arméeségyptiennes
et assurer leur approvisionnement et la protection de leurs
moyens de communication et autres questions ayant trait à
leu~s mouvements et travaux militaires hors du royaume

d'Egypte. 1)
Sans tirer pour le moment de conclnsions dans un sens ou dans
l'autre des motifs invoqués par le Gouvernement égyptien à l'appui
des mesures exceptionnelles qu'il a prises, il était nécessaire de les
citer ici et de faire ressortir que ces mesures sont en relation étroite

avec les opérations qui se déroulaient alors en Palestine.
La proclamation 26 vise trois catégories de personnes :
1" tonte personne physique internée ou mise sous surveillance
en exécution de mesures nécessitéespar l'état de siège ;
2' toute société, association ou institution, quel qu'en soit

l'objet, fonctionnant sous le contrôle de l'une despersonnes précitées
ou comportant pour elle des intérêts importants ;
3" toute personne ne résidant pas dans le royaume d'Égypte, et
ayant une activité préjudiciable à la sûreté et à la sécuritéde

of its armies. However, the Government has to its regret recently
seen proofs to the effect that a number of persons and corpora-
tions owning property in Egypt have taken action contrary to the
safety of the State. In those conditions, the Government was
compelled to take urgent measures to prevent them from persisting
in activities dangerous to the safety of Egypt and the ArabitStates
in general. Therefore, 1 hasten to declare that the measures which
the Government has had to take to safeguard the security of the
State will be applied only within the limits of the considerations
which dictated them. so that all, whether Egyptian or foreigner,

will rest assured that no measure whatsoever will he takeii against
them contrary to their frecdom or to the administration of their
property, as long as their activities do not exceed the limits
permitted by law, and do not give rise to suspicion."

The purpose of Proclamation 26 is shown also by statute No. 73
of 1948, adding another case to those in which martial law can
be proclaimed by application of the fundamental legislation on
the matter. Said statute No. 73 of 1948 is specially referred to
in the decree of May 13th, 1948, proclaiming martial law. Article I
of this statute providcs :

ArticleI :"The provisions of stitute No. 15 of1923 onmartial
law, amended by statiitcs Nos. 23 of 1940. 21 of 1941 and
81 of 1944 notwithstanding, martial law may be proclaimed
for the protection of Egyptian armies and to secure their
supplies, their lines and means of comn~unication and other
matters related to their movements and military tasks out-
side the Kingdom of Egypt."

It is not intended for the moment to draw conclusions, one
way or the other, from the reasons given by the Egyptian Go\.em-
ment for the exceptional measures it has taken. It \vas necessary,
however, to mention these reasons here and to lay stress on their
close relation tothe operationstaking place at the time in Palestine.
Proclamation 26 applies to three categories of persons :

I" al1 physical persons interned or placed under surveillance
in application of martial la\v ;
2" al1 corporations, associatiotis or institutions of any kind
whatsoever under control of a person in the first named catcgory,
or in which any such person has important interests ;
3" any non-resident person whose activity is contrary to the
safety and security of the State.II REQUÊTE ~STRODUCT~VE D'ISSTASCE (13 x 49)

La mesure dont M. Cohen est l'objet, sur ses biens personnels,
ne peut l'atteindre en vertu du paragraphe z, qui ne vise que les
personnes morales. Elle ne peut davantage l'atteindre en vertu du
paragraphe I visant toute personne physique internée ou mise sous

En effet, hI. Cohen n'a pas étél'objet d'une mesure d'inteme-
ment. Il n'a pas davantage étémis sous surveillance. Il a, en effet,
quitté l'Égypte le 27 mai 1948, par avion pris à l'aérodrome du
Caire. Un visa régulier de sortie a étéapposésur son passeport par
les autorités égyptiennes. Il est bien évident que s'il avaitétél'objet
d'une mesure de surveillance quelconque de la part de la police
égyptienne, ce visa de sortie ne lui aurait pas étéaccordé. Ce u'est
donc qu'en vertu du paragraphe 3 visant toute personne ne résidant

pas dans le roy;?ume d'kgypte et ayant une activité préjudiciable
à la sûreté de I'Etat, que le Gouvernement égyptien peut prétendre
atteindre hl. Cohen. Il doit donc proiiver une activité de sa part
qui porte préjudice à la sécuritédu royaume.
D'autre part, ainsi qu'il fut indiqué précédemment, dans sa

proclamation, le Gouvernement égyptien déclare que tous, tant
Égyptiens qu'étrangers, doivent êtreassurés qu'il ne sera pris à
leur encontre aucune mesure, tant qu'ils se comporteront, dans
l'exercice de leurs activités,dans les limites de la loi.
Or, le Goiiverne~nent égyptien n'a jamais établi que M. Cohen ait

eu aucune activité contraireà la sécuritéde l'État égyptien. D'autre
part, la mesure qui frappe M. Cohen viole les principes du droit
international, et les dispositions de la Convention de Montreux du
8 mai 1937.
Les démarches amiables ont étémultipliées pendant près de

quinze mois, pour obtenir le retrait des.mesures prises contre les
ressortissants et protégésfrançais en Egypte, ct notainment la
levéedu séquestre mis sur les biens de M. Cohen. Ayant vainement
eu recours à la négociation diplomatique, le Gouvernement de la
République française a décidéde porter ce différend devant la
Cour internationale de Justice. En conséquence, et sous réserve
de tous mémoires,contre-mémoires et, en général,de tous moyens
et preuves à présenter ultérieurement à la Cour, plaise à la Cour:

donner acte au Gouvernement français que, pour toutes notifi-
cations et communications relatives à la présente affaire, il élit
domicile ail siège de l'a~nbassade de France à La Haye, notifier
la présente requête, conformément à l'article40, alinéa 2, du
Statut de la Cour, au Gouvernement égyptien. Dire et juger, tant
en l'absence que présence dudit Gouvernement et après tels délais
que, sous réserve d'un accord entre les parties, il appartiendra

The mcasures taken against Xf.Cohen with regard to his persona1
property cannot come under paragraph z, which applies only to
corporations, nor do they come under paragraph I, conceming
physical persons interned or placed under surveillance.

3Z. Cohenhas neither been interned nor placed under surveillance.
In fact, he left Egypt on May z7th, 1948, taking the plane at Cairo
airport. A regular exit visa was stamped on his passport by the
Egyptian authorities. Now, ohviously, had he been in any way
under surveillance of the Egyptian police, an exit visa would not
have been granted. Consequently, it is only under paragraph 3
concerning non-residents acting contrary to the security of the
State that the Egyptiaii Government can act against AI. Cohen.
It is incumhent, therefore, upon the Egyptian Government to
show evidence that XI.Cohen'sactivities have been contrary to the
security of the Kingdom.

Also, the proclamation of the Egyptian Government declares,
aspreviously stated, that al1persons, whether Egyptian or foreign,
can be assured that no measure will be taken against them as
long as their activities do not exceed the limits permitted by law.

Xow, the Egyptian Government has never shown that XI.Cohen
did anything dangerous to the security of the Egyptian State. On
the other hand, the measure taken against him is contrary to

the principles of internationala\\'and the provisions of the Conven-
tion of Alontreux of JIay Sth, 1937.
Friendly negotiations have been conducted for ncarly fifteen
months to obtain the repeal of the measures taken agaiiist French
citizens and protected pcrsons in Egypt, and notably the release

£romsequestration of JI. Cohen'sproperty. Diplomatic negotiations
having been in vain, the Government of the French Kepublic has
decided to lay the dispute before the International Court of Justice.
In view of the foregoing, and subject to the suhsequent presen-
tation to the Court of aiiy memorials, counter-memorials, and in
general of aiiy documents or evidence. may it please the Court:

to give officia1 notice to the French Government that for al1
notifications aiid communications conceming the present dispute,
the French Government has elected domicile at the French
Embassy at The Hague ; to uotify the present Application, in
conformity with Article 40, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the
Court, to the Egyptiaii Government. To judge and declare, whether
the said Government enters an appearance or not, and after such
time-limits as the Court may fix, in the absence of an agreement
between the Parties : APPLICATION INSTITUTlNG PROCEEDINES (13 X 49) 12

that the rneasurestaken by the Egyptian Government regarding
the persans, property, rights and interestsof French citizens and
protected perçons in Egyptian territov are contrary to the
principles of international law andtothe Convention of Montreux
of May 8th, 1937 regârding the abrogation of the Capitulations
in Egypt ;

that compensation for the damage suffered by the French
Government in the person of the victims of the said rneasures
is due by the Governrnent of Egypt.

The Hague, October 13th, 1949.
(Signed) J.RIVIER,E
Seen for authentificationof
Agent of the Government of the signature of M. Jean
the French Republic. Hivikre, French Ambasador,
Agent of the Governrnent of
Seal : the French Republic.
French Embassy in the
Netherlands. The Hague, October qth, 1949.

For the French Ambassador,
The Vice-Consul,
(Signed) A. DE WITTE.

Seal :
French Embaçsy in the

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application instituting proceedings
