Amendment to the Application and Additional Grounds of Jurisdiction cited by Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Jurisdic:over the present Ap'fllfoundcunthe Scrb-Croat-Slovene
:-:aof191\Jwhich calfor the pnnecnfominoriricJS w\d which providcd. for the

-:mpulssenlemenQf d.ispurethyt:mancnCoun oflntcmatioJustice.


Th~ Courtjmisdictiover tinstanApplicati:groundedamonsother
:. :fjsieitioninthe Treaty betthe AlliamiA.ssoc1ated Poami the

~ir. gfheoSrbs. Cnmts ami Slov(Protectio~inor iicdictSt),

~. n-n-naaye. 1Scpteber1919ThisTreaccatered imo fJuly!

·as registewittheSecretarOÎtheLeagueof Nation:s as Non 21 October

:20It ihereinanreferrLOas thSerb-.,Croa.t-STreaty.

Thepurpose of Serb-Croa ita-Swasroven ~ehererotccuof
~ino prpilios wtthin rKingdomof thSerbs, Croanù Slovcne:::;toniy

-:er:t-:esr<- AsbrcüidihmeeTra.rypreamble. ~trnce.egentofSe-rbîa

x! theSerhiaGovemmenr have agrwet1iuniun. s.nçon5equencthe Kingùom

-~te:s~rb C-ousand Slovenha .en~C\Jnstitand ha<1-"i so~uemnydove:-

.- .mwne::i inht:b'UlC!ipe.oies."

The Scr~-Croa Er-tSwaoovnenÎJnumberu[ ~:ea çtniucs o.fter
·~ ct\·orrbe: een !AhlliU.",-\s:;m:::ilteè. Potarnew ycr~: fumed

.~ :eirorv of t! T.'1ese:-:conL.une-substanrial nunontv
. . .
~t,pul T.epurosnof tl-treatwa.ra ensur~hrghrsuiLhesernino rhitict~.

~.- c·unrseidobe~aricuiyra[ ris}c JBruege".A.giecteFieà ofthe ·

:'l;otectiMinor ievuide~àots de l'homme/HumRig uumal,vol.4. p.

"li rp. 41-tl'-)531.
This stipulaof protectfominor wism kceing\Vithistorical

practicfollowin particuintheB!!ikans, whcrebyacquirlterritougn.~d

to respect che rislnhabitaand in particular inhabilanLs of minoriry groups. C.A.

1 ~~camH '':eyg,eof ~'far trotcsu· of Minority Rights.·· m an Luiiird.ed.• The

:Hematiom\1Protectiou of Human Ri~h tls67), p. 22.

~e Pennanen tourt ofInternational Justice flX!Uiredcompliancc wi[h the

-ns[-World_War1 minorityprmectiontrearies. In MinoriSchools ifAlhan ha~only

;.tsebro~-hto it thainvolved thcsclreaticLhc,Permanent Cuurtconsttued the:-ttatc's

·oligarion requireclose protectionofright M i.oritSchouls in Albania.Permanent

~~ou ortInternationJustiçe,SerieA-B~ advi~o opiyion of 6 April1Y35! pp. 22-

:3. ThePe.rmanenrCourt ~tat eTh. idea underJyinthe treatiefor the protectioof

::inoritissto ~ecur fer certain clemenincorpuraLedina Stat ch~ populationol

..,.i1hiffers from them irace.languageor religiontl1epossihilitof living pcaccabiy

.iongside thar populatiand co-upcr11.L.amü:ably withit, while ctht sam~ lme
~rescr hinchar.u;teristwhic;hdisringuisthem from the majority. an~atisf yling

~:1su spncal needs." Minorit)Schoo!sin Albania! p. 17.

ln itsAnicte:. the Serb-Croa1-SlovcneTreaty Stated lhe basic obligatbeing

.~sum bed the Kingdom of the SerbC .~-.oaatd~Slovenc!i, r1.:amcly."The Serb-Crmu­

-:ion;ne Staunderra ke~~ssu ftllund compl:te protecnonof lifeand liherrytoall

:-:h:!br.of t.1e:kine:dom without ilistinction of binh. naüo!ang\1agerace. or

·eligwn."Tne Tre:1ty furtherle-don theKingdom to en~u rqu-iityof trentment

x:f\JTthe!~w wi thouLàütinctiun atO raŒ. langua orerci'igio(Arride 7),and

--.vded for ":;e.curinvlé!\,.d infact'to "raciaL religioor linguistimmorities ·

Spcc!tïomv ISH.m was mi-idin theSerb-CroaL-Siovene Tr;;atfur lhc 1\-losi~m!anon~rric l0een~ure ·d:.theM~ssulmu n:ths matLclof family taw ;.u1d

:-en:ona! sra.tu'ipruvissuita for~regulating thematte in~accord.ancewith

\1ussulm uag:e."The Kingdom's compilW1Ce With itobligalionsunderthe Treaty wa>:

ra be monitored by the Counci1of the Lcug1.of Nations <Article 11).

2 ......... ..-- ..... --~1...~ .-~1•....
' f •~



IIJthe Serb-Croat-SloveneTreaty,thr; uf l.hSerbs. Croatsand Slovencs

and the Allied and Associated Power~grete har any dispurcover the performance ur

·he K1ngdom:s obhgationof justt:re~[ um einuritiecouid be adjudico.reby the

Penn311entCourt of ImcrnaLona1 Justice:
The Serb-Cro~u-S Statovuehe: agreestlnu anydifferenceuf opinion ilRtc

queslionsuf law or fact:.J.Iisoutof these Anid~ bsc~wc the:nerb·Crou.t.-

5Jove.neStateand any one uf Lt1ePrincipal Allieanà A~:sot: Piowl~eor uny

othcr Power. a metnber ofthe Counci1 ofthe League oî ~atio sn:ilbe.helà tu

he a dispute of an internatiodtaracterumkr Amcje 14 of the Covenam of the.

.League of~ario Tnhs .erh-Croat-Slovene Stathercby conse tnarany such

dispute shallifthe ornerpurty therctdem:mù:::...r=:icrre:o the P~rmancru

Courr of lntemationaJustice.The decision ofthePcrmiinentCourt ~ha ~llfinal

and shaH have the ~amfe ore= lmi cffeca:-;ann.warcunder Arttcle13 of the

Co veni.l:Arti<.'it 11).

Tne dispme that is thsubjecrof the ir.~ t .picalon r~!; o itdifère;cc on a

qu::.stiof fxtth l;t:!nd h1ct.

In additionAnicle 16 ot" L":Serc-C:oat-SloveneTn:OiLYbroadcncd thec1rcleoi

:-.tate.,t:njorightsunderA.rm.:!ll. Anide 16 sum::J:

A Il rii!ht:; ana leges ac:ord.eby theforegoingA 111cieto the Alliedam.t

AssociatecPower5 shaH =-etu.:corded t:'-wuaitil Stat~tembc oir~he League

of ~ations.
Thus. anv state mernber of the Leaguuf ~atiu was: nt;lçd ta rder a di~pu withe

theKingt!om w the Permanent Cuurt ofIntemarionalJu5tice.



Undcr the Statu or~che lnterm:ttiuCoun of Justice"w jhcnc.wcr :trcur:or

conventionin force providesforn:ferenc.ur:a matter ... to thePcnnu.ncnt Courr of

International Justice, rhe maucr shaH. as betwcca lhe parties to· the present Sta.tute, be

referreu to thInternationaCoun of Justice." I.C.StatutcAniclc 37. Tnus. the

jurisdicüonconf~r ryedhe Sc::rb-Croar-SlovenTreaty un LhePermanent Coun

transferred rthi C~ourt.



After ü1e ctemü;eof theLeague of Natiun Lh. GeneralAssembly of the lJnired

Nations conremp!atedthalthe L·nited ,\lattmi~ho Lssume pow~ cntru:: t~tte t.i

Lea~ue b. rrea.ues..v a resolution, the Gt:1eA:s~em :ltyd:

The, G~nera Als~embi willitselexamim:, or willsubrniLto the~:ppropr oraatc

of the United. Nationsa."lrequest f:omtheparties[har theUnited N~tion sould

asslune the ex:rc.:isefuncuo tfpuwscn: r.::r!lrto the League of Natio n~

treaues,international cvenion~ a.rc:::a::nand oth. int:rUmcntshnving a.

polaicaJ characteGeneral As:;embiy of the Lnite~ation Rsslution 24(1).

"T::.msfcr of Certain Functions. ActivandtA:-~: of~c1tLeague of Nation :s,''

29t.hpienarymeeting. 12 february1946, 1..;. Doçument ,V64, p. 35.

Av a resaution of 11:April 946. me League ot' ::.tioA!i)emb1y acccptcd theGcn~--ral

A:o.!t~m oTler'ssn::tlr.:LnlResolution 24(1).

Kcs9lution 24{1wa...partof a more general ii:s:sumptby the United Na1ionsof

League fun:cti ThenO~~.neraAl~s(:m bssumt:tlt.:ontrol ovthephy~ic sasets; othe
League. ft'also assumed theL.:;:aguenforcement roleregarding mandate terrirorica.~

recognized by thisCoun i.n its19~0 and 1971 rulings on the SouthWest Afric:4
mandate. One author.citing Resolution 24(1), sta"Thu~ te princip!c:: cnntinuity


!between theLeague and the Lnitt:~alior wassclcarlyestab1i.!;hed.''AlcxKndcr

Ostrower. L~mgua~ Lew. and D1plomacy(1965). vol. 2p. 685.

Although no state pany ru the Serb-Croat-SJovenc TTeaty a.·dcecithe General

Assembly to assume the U:ague's functinand power r~gardingthe Tr-e:attheGeneral

A~semb .J~ubsr tseutfcrthe League Cuuncll. The trmsfer, followiRe~olution

'.24(1wa. ~utomatic:. despr.hfact thar Rc:suluü2~(1 p)nnittcd.'it o meakc ::1.

requesttn the General Asscmblif they su cho::Justa~ with respect to mandate

renitories and tLeague'sphysicalêJ.Ss t~h~Ge.eralAsscmbJy assumcd for it:sçùf

r:'owen:~ard ieague-funçtionundcr treaties.

The U.N. Secretariain its 1950 srudy othepu~t-Wor Wl:I lmtnonty tre!l.tle.~.

:.lftïmtthat the UniteNations hadreplaced thL=ague nt- :"üttions

supervi ~fihose m::aties. It stated.soectfitrcfcrc to~t;sc rreat îeat.the
. .

L'nited Nations has taken the place oLca~u: of No.tion:sanhas assumcd the

general funcrîonformer!yperformed by th~Lc21gue.Con!'lequcntifa Sture w~re

-'unjcct rabu.oi ;nIve~r~en otitenp311oi anotile~t~L aCd.wc:rcaccused by the

:<ltter nrnmn...oobserve üs obligations l:1 resof minuriLieitiwould be justirïcd

:n placwg the mauer bero ln~ied~atiu or~ga and would benefitfrom the

::roŒc· :1n othf(:'iarterStucy.of :.'Legal Valid.ity of the Underra.kings Concerning

\1inoririest.:.NDocument F./C~.4/ 3 67rl 1950, p. 17. The Secretariat sthat

·-~ mandare sv.stem wa"analogous.":.regilrdsU.~.a..~sur ofiLpü~onufeuncti ton:s~

~"l estem for protectioof minoritiesL",.>;.cumen::E/C-:./36 7p. 15. Thus,the

i_"neti \ auons. by ..-bothunf trs verstatusJ.:a universal 1nte:n.:nionul urgan i::.lltion

::nd of irs Resoluti24fl)assumt:ùthe L:a.gue'rule:: n:gardthe protecuonof

:ninoritiunder the posr-WorluWar 1 minority protectiotr..!a.tiès.

That Resolution24(1)operat o~ditown force to transfefum;tions10 the

GeneralAssemoly was agreecby states during Sixth Committdi:scussioin 1953 of

anothertreatyw1th League ~'Uperv iamicy,nhe Slaveryconvention of1926. The

United Kinguom delegutesaid thatRe~o!ur 24(1. wilhouLfunhcr•u;tioby any U.N.

organ, suft1ccd effecta.transfeof League functions unllc:r LheSla.vcry convention, wtd

5 t-


his vicw elicireno objection. GenerAss.t=mblSi.xl.hCommittce, 369th meeung12

Oclober 1Y53, U.N. Document A/C.6/SR.369,p.48.

Rosn1a-Herzcgovini:a~ u mcmber statenf theUnired Nationsrhus is in t.hc

;;osirion of the !;t:Uesdescin Article11 and 16 of LheSerb-Croat-Slovene Treaty,

:m.mcly the member states of t~a~ue .1mithus its dispwith Yugo,;lavia(Sçrbia
wd MonŒnegro) is oneuvcr whü.:hthis Counha5 jurisdicuon.


The Tre:u. containedno rimelimitatioon its and no dcnunciution

~rovisJ aodnlhus the t.:ontcmplaticthe:fJW'Lieswathitt ~~oul continuein force

:nuet1nîtely.: The Treaty has neverdenc,unccdby anypany. There Üia strong

-:resumption thattre:uythat inot byit:; ternlimitein rime shalcontinue infore::.

The rennina.Iion of rrcatyirs ùenuncüuion or the withdl't)fi;pany, may takè

:Jla oncy as a rcsu!r of the applicanfntheprovisionuf lhe Lreaty oof the present

Convention.Vienna Convention un theL:~ .wTn:ati A rcl. 42(2).

Termination 1govemed by P11r.V, Secnon 3 utùu:Vi~nn Convention,whicn

.;~ h~ only pn~sib waes in which utttrnyobîigatiumay be cenninated(Article)4

:o o4t ~one of th~circumstam:t:the:-e spet.::ifoccurrcdr~:gard tiengcrb-


No party has withdrawn from orJcnounced Ùle Treaty(Artic l4.56). The

;umoer of pante not been reducet.i lLhan the minimumneccs::;a(Article55).

-:!1e pan1e.have no~.:onse tntesdspenstontAnides 57,5~) N.o later trcah11::~

:>een~.:onc! b:et.w~dtndparri e~icing un intcrlO termimue theTreary(Article

59). No sta1 pertyhas t~rmina frredate:-ibrea~ (nice 60). No state p·anhtt~

:nvoked im~o~~ ofipbcirlfiotry(mrclm .1:.Nu ~ta panyeha ~nvoked a

ründamemal change of c.;ircurnsta(Anidc 62).l11erchas beer\ no scvcrsncof

di.lomaticor cnnsularrelationthttwould affecth~ Treaty'npplicatio(Article63).No

new peremptnry norm of international law has emerged that mcontlictwith the

Treaty (Article 64).

6 Desu~tu nuycbe a ba.~ fnrl-âi\tCpanic:to decidelO su~pe nrdrcnnmatc i.t

rcarv. but ùesuetuùt.i ucloperare of irs own ticcurd without actiby me ~rares

)anit!sand hc!J'therehashecn nu suc.:act.ion. The lntemarionLaw Commission

Jtnitred desuetufrontdte Vienna Conv~nti havcn, d.eterminemar dcsucrudc1may

-xa facmal c.:ausoî tllrerm1nation nfa w:aty,"but tha"the JcsaJba~i of~such

::!nninatiowhen 1toccurs, is thcun~t !fnle pa.rtieo abw1don thetreaty,whîch LS

:r>be irnpHed from thCir conduct in nüatiLUthe ~rear Ty1."Commis:lion said tha.t

.-, wt~mld occur drafr Article 51"uru.iwhi..:h trearymay be terrnin:ne·~t

~v ume by consent of aU the parties."'Yearoooof ti"te IntcniaüonLaw Commi~:sion.

~966(2))p. 23ï. ln thefinalversion of the Convention. d.rair Articl~ppea

\rticle54, and the quoredphrastreads "ai anyrime by c.:onsemofali thept~rt aters

:nn~ulra \Vito.he otber contrac:t~~.'' Vienna Con\'enuon on the Luw of

~:-t>: Artcie s4(b).Emphasis aù.ù~ T1. addüion of the emphasizedphrase indicatcd

n:;.;he consentro rerminate mustbe ex.piilr~1. heartacit.H~re no such consultancn

.:1s occ;urred among tcomrac~ inne.s. antt:-tchas been no c;ç,prc:;:by them of

:ons~rnto te:-minr..

Hefore a treaty becomestnvalid !ode:>uerudc"iwihaLha~ -tnbt:proveu is tne

.:!e ;t;~un of the parties ro put an cnlLUa vaiid tn::aty. p(.,Soiüvconciu~ivè

·vtoenc:of intnt must be produceriFor instam::then: must be :suffictynrc::pcatcd

.:Js.w.nccsnf opposnion bypany m lhc applicatioof the trcatin qucsùon. when

T.voKcd bv the orner parties. :iaafinarenuncüuiun by thelatter of thcir rights to

.:l~ onSte per1·ormam.of !.het:-eatTnc !tbru~a efrctvc:n':;IJ:rnat rc~m urm

·ne conducr of the party alone nosirnplyforL'1rfa~ LaL no prac:tical u:;c of the treacy

;:rrovisions has been made ove~..!.temietperim of timt:." AthanassioVamvoukos,

The Terminarion of Tre:ttiein lmernationaLaw: The Dot;lrincs of Rebus Sic Stantibus

.1JlDc::;tletlld9R~) p~ 276.

Thu~ under me Vienna Convemiun un lhe Law of Treatics, which n:flct:ts the

:.:ustomary law, theisno bas1s forfindang thathe Scrb•CI'oat-SlovcneTreatyhas

:::eased heiin force.

7 ..


ln 1950; the United Nations Secretariat fuunùth~ ù1eSerb-Croat-Slovenc Tn::aty

was in force. ln 1948 the United Nations Commùs:sion on Human Rights had nsked the

Ectlnomic and SociaJ Council tuùetermine the ~tat ufsthe po~t-Wor WJar I minoriry

prorectinntreaües, itreque "htL ther i~hcrc involved a juridic;~itua.uon

wlliçh,owing to itsimplicationsand possibleconsequences. :shouldin ill1event be

:Jucidu.tcpossibly rhrough a re4ut::stlùle Econom aid~SochJ Council for W1

udvisorynpmion on this mHtter frorn the lmernutiunilCourt of Ju:;tü;eComrni:s:sionon

numan Riehts, H.econ to theEconomie and Social Cuum.:iion the Second Sc.~s ofio:ne
\,• '
Commission. helù at Geneva. from 2 ro 17 December 1947, ~37 ..~. Pocur.1enr E/600.

t7 Decemhcr l ~47.
Insteau of seeking anadvisury opuuon front this Ccmn. E.C.O.S.O.C.~oli~o a:ited

o pimon from the l-~• Secreralat.~kin it ra stuyithr: questioof "whether and LO

:.vhat extemthe treaties . .reiat1ngtu imerniltionaobligationsunc:it:rrnk.en to .

~rotm emctrme .. sho\Jlù be :egardeas being stili.nforce, at~~~ i~tso f:u as

:hey would t:ntaii between cont..:.tir.g states randlnblig::.ts.the cxbtcnce of whü.:h

·.vould beinde.~n dfetetr ~!-;a:;.u.y::theL~,;a ofgNct:ns.u Tne E.C.O.S.ü.C.

resolution llsteù. illnoothcrs.the Serb-Croat~ Sn:oyv :so:e to be indudcd in

·he ~tud..E.C.0 .S0. C. Resolu t:o116 (VI) C. 1 !\1a.rch 1948, Rc:utons :1dopted hy

'ne Econom ~nc Soc1al Councii ùuring its sbah session frum 2 Februaryto Il Mar~.;h
p. l'ïll'""

The knson that E.C.O.S.C.C. direcΝ ilS requestu the Secretariatru.L"lrh~ to
:his Co un,1na• 1ie1n the factthat many treatic!'! winvol cd,811d rus no weil-

detined.aue~ couliohave been poseù tù lheCourt. As noled by Prof. Dr. 13udi:slav
• 1 .
Vukas, Prufessor of Law at the Cniversicyof Zag,1-çb,Llfact that~erta ofithcse

~re~n migersfor one rea!!on ur anothcr hav~.:e rosbe in force would not requin; .1

similarconclusion regard.ingailof them. But.lislav Vukas"Biljeskao sudbini ugovomih

oàredaba o zastitîmanjina iz vremena Lige narod.a.." Zbumikpravnog fakultetlu Zagrcbu,

vol. 27, nu.4, p. 273 a[ p. 27~ (1977). The fact thal Lhn:qut:slwas made to the Secretaria.-;ugg tat::.~r.sO.S.ü.C.

was asking about the guarantesy!lïn:m r21tt.haabout chevalidityof the treatiessmcc

thtSecretaria-might be involvedin ùcvis aisnb~.tituto League mt~tchincry.

Itt19.:50rhe Secrerariat.response tuthe E.C.O.S.O.C. rcqucst, issued a stUdy

hll~ "dtudy of theLegal Validily of(hel.:ndctak.ingConccrning Minoritics.U.S.

Document E/CN.4/367, 7 April 1950.The Secretaria~ciw: rhat the philosophy

regardlng protection of minorities had broadeneù from pma-World War 1 nnrion that

only the ex-cnemy states wcrc rt:yuinlo ensure minorityrights, tc po~t W.orid WCI

Il notionof ?.generalizcd obligatiform~~ !)tale[Qprotect human rights,induding

:.ho;cof m\norities"Reviewing che siruation ~ witul t~eeforc,'~ai he Secretariat.

··one1~ :d.w com:ud.e thar betwet!1939 and 1947 ~in.:ursa.r 1sce ~ho1c:changeà

:o such an ext~ htl genenlllyspeaking. thsy~at s:ourdnbe cun~ide asehaving

ceasec.tocxist."U.N. Docwnent E/CN.4/36ï.p. 71.

However, theconcll1sionrat ·Lhesvstem" shuulu be cnnsid.c:red. as ha.;eascd
. -
Loc:o;xist.namelthe guaruntee systeformerly prov1ùt!by the League of Nations,d~d

r\otmean thatthe rreatîtthemselve:; Se:~n:t tu.tri otnror\'vicwcd

rhe United.\iati :ssn~cceeùingto rhe rok of tllLeague and thu~ a. ..d~rtuking: the

fuetions tùnT!eriexercisedby !he Le~gu enc,iethe minoritytremies. "Theob!igat ...t,n~

srud rhe Secretariregan.ling the mmmity!Jl"ùtecütrcat iwe~e.undcrttl.kcr\, nor

row4I' the~Leagut: ofNations il.a'legalenritur ~üwar dhs ,\1embersof the League

of Nations indiv1dua!ly. but towarthe lnten1alional community owhich the League of

;../atlom. was then torgan.The L~agu ef:-..'atiflasdi.'iJ.ppca.but the imcrnttt'ionnl

community remains and has setup .snew organ. wllici~the United Nation~ C.N.

Document E/CN.4/:ïo7, p. 14Thus, while the SecreŒriat mmlc lhc obvioufinding thar

the League's enforcemem system bJd cea:~ tocfuncrion. it Jinot r~ic tcetvalidiry of

the ohligationussumed under thepost-World War 1 minurityprotectiontrcatic:s. lnis

Oaude. NationalMinor1ties:An in~~rn: :TOilm n19l55),p. 153.

'lbe Secretariat cited the Gtneral AssemblR~solut 2i()n whîch, a:t notcd.

provil.Lcd for GenerAssembly assumption uf League functions undèr the minoriry

protectiontreaticsa.un indicationths1the Oenerdl A::iscntcnnsidcrcd the"etreatlc:;

9 'U31;:tS4!UJ55ll BS. 't<lB&VdP &llVO ..

still 10 in force.U.N. Document E/CN.-4/367p. 15.Obviuusly. th«Gcucral A::;NçJHI)Jy

would norassen for i~.s a~rl: nlguarantc:einthe enfnrcemenof rrcaricrhatwcrc

no lnnger inforce.

As regar de~cumiuuing vaJjdity of tposr-World War l minor1ty protection

:renries, rhe Secreriuiil ~wdy d.idnotrc~h a general conclwiioapplicabito ttll

:hese tretotties. RatnH.mdy~ each tre4tîndividuaHytO determine whcrhcrit

:-cmained ln force. founù thai.:t: onù1e minoricytrc~r hwciceasedto be 1n

i'orc.:e!hit foundLheSerb-Croal-SiuveneTreatystilvalid.Afti;rcviewing possible

::ircumstancthar might affect the Tn:at4.;unlinuivalidity, tSecretariaconcludcd.

·~s regaras rneordinarycau~c o:seAtinctioof obligationthere do notappcaT tohe

.Ulywhich would have theeffect ufc:xtlugulshlYugoslav obi~ai;ns conccrning the

::JnH~l ofiu nontics."L!.~ Document E'CN .4!36ip. 64.

Thns. the Secretariacom.:lu ~outnLhe Sl!rh-Croat-SlovcnTreatywa~ th\Hno

~ven ta.doccurredthat wuuld bavecau.sedtheT~~ty to lapsc. ,

Secr:t.ariYugos1avia'soblig;.u.ionminorir undt~r1.he Scrb-C:-o:.u-SiovTreaty




The Secr.:tarisaid iniL ~tuàyth'Hthe minurüy Lreil tnuci~g. theSerb­

_._-:-:Jar-SiovcheTrwere nor abrogareby \Vorld \ViJI 11. U.N. Documenl::/CN.4/J67,
1 •
:1.Y. The sb:::-etuiSfttd that the t:~1wret:ot ~upr:rb :y;hedUenitcùNn.Lions

~J1arterwüA itshuman rights provisionThe Sc~.: fondc ~onT ;~ u ~'.on!!ica.L
;hat the L.:nÜeNationsCharterimpticit1y abrogates the the

Elrotec.:tinnof minoritit:s," U.N. Document E/C!\p.21. The Sec..'Tctatulcd ù1at
:-ninoriprotet:tiowa'i to sornc.l~ gunadcr thanthehuman rightsguanLtltCcby the

Charter. .Spe;cificminorttiesunder theminoritYtreatihw "the righttocnjoy spëci.o.l

privih~ (freexample. the rlghto U5e theminoritylanguage inth., cnunsand in

officiadocuments) and tomaimain spr;~ iinilrions (schnolcre,) ••.in orcierto

10 11
enable tlte nûnoritgroup to r::tAinilbindividualchar:u:tcrisrit.::;. Document

E/~.4/36 p.7.9.

Aftt:r Wurld War II, rtghts prutecuunprovisionswerc inscncd into pcatcc rrenues

wilh the defeatedeast Eurup~~ ;aa.tneam,ly, Bulgnria.Rnman..i:1. andHun~il The )'·

Secretariasaiù that frùu~s teaticswas that ''thefonncr

minorities pnnectiun regime hus cc~cd tu '<:'":'!Ofaras concem t~e c::x.-enemy

counrries with which those uearies have been concluded.". U.N.Doc;umenr E/L."N.4/367,p.


Regarding states like Yugoslavia. whit;h was av1c:.ostï::1n;'rVorJdWu. no such

rrearywas concluded. and thus no new minorirics i.U'th~ t ight ~upersec:ic

rhe Scrh-Croat-Slnvenc Treary. Rt:-euuntiuLiuhistory of th= period rcgarding :JtUtcs tho.r

wcre vîcror statesin \Vorlcl W'M 11,one l:omnu::: _uays.ThOI:minority abliga.t <)fon~

Greece, l'oland.and Yugnslavia would appear ro have bccn unaffcctcd py th~ course or·

cvenrs."Alilll Renouf."Imcmational Law - I...!ag.ue oNi:itions- The Prç~c Fnoce or

the Mmonties Trt:alies.·· Canadian ur R~v1~w vol. 28, p.804, atl'·H11 (1950).

Tre:uy obligationsof ctlur unc.betwec:nt111among rhc :;ti:itesparties. Even

:!1ougnthe:Serb-Croat-Slovene Tn:<1tyi'un:;;e~ wnforcerncntit w~ Il tremy

.:.:oncludamong lts pan1es, and they ulom: wen: w a position to tcrmina.tobligations

imder the Treaty. As indicateù.none of t:,estatespanics has ra.kcn such actionThi::;

~il.C istoaricularlvrelcvam to theSeLn::1.4riaanaly.siswhich was bascd nn the

clausla _rebus~le~bUJti Ibwass.on tb: strength uf that conc::cpt that Secretariat

:.:onc1uded thu.with respet~ u certain ofthe n:inority protectiotreaues.the partie:i

mighr be entitledtu assen that thre ha.dheen a 1ap::;oFor example, the Secrc tôati

conside nh~dthe incorporation of therhreeBahü; )unes into theSovicL Union ws~u

"radical change of ctrcumstances" u.1ataffectethe tn:aLicprotc~r iingritic:in tht):1e

states, nccause thestatesthat hm.!assumed obligations no lon~ e"'isted. U.N. Document

E/CN.4/367. p. 4Y.

If, indeed.. th~}a rebus sic,Stanribu~uul Œu invokc:d rr:garcüngccnalinof

the minority treatiesthat did not mean thw. itt.:uulbe rcvokcd rcgardingothm. Vukns,

op. CH. p. 2RO. The Secretariat CJtamineea.chtrcatysçparat.elyThe dKusulo.rcbu ll-:

11 06108 913 11: 23 1!31 20 6203559 BS.vdB&vdPadvo

stantibu*iMa limiteddoctrine. Only a~ubsta rhHniealf factupl i.:ontwill suftice.

Sta[es haveinvokctl theuuctrineonly rnreJyand instancesarc difficulto findof a

recognitionof thedoctrine by liv~ny advencly affc:ctcd.. by W1 indepcndcntdc~i~iort


Tmponamly. a:-;inùicatcuthe dausula rebus. :sic stantibus beyinvokcd only by

a!:'tatepttrty. VienCnnvenLiOfl onthe Law of Treades. Article62. Arti~ 62(3lcstates:

'If ... a pany may invoke a funtl.arucmal·chw1ge ~;in.::\J,taecci!.l:io.Lot·d

\1cNair.Law of TrcaEies 1961), pp. 681-691. The Sc:r..:rc::ntlits1950 Srudy,

Œcognized this far.:t. U.N. DocumenE/C~.4/3 p.37. As inùicalc4.none of the parne:.;

ro the Scrb-Croat-Sluvenc Tre3ty ha'invokcd the clausularcbu!i~·isçmibus.



11tc dissolution of the League of Nationdiù nutaffect the validitoi Ù)e Serb­

Croat-Sinv Trnaty. The Treatywus t:on~lu udc:cdcntly of the League, s.nd

Lea~·ueat:c.otanceof thefùncr1onscontcmpl; :ns.not:t:~onditi noccc::...~~ ·e

Trea.v's\'. L~agm :oundi ù,by resolution uf Nuvembcr19, 1920, uccep[

:hest:! funcrmnantltht!reaft.erfunned them. Howc:vc:r.theTn::a~vdiJ not recitethar

:t'League, enfnrccmenr m::~.:ha wnisesscmüd lo ils va.iidity. Morcoveven 1f the

L:::al!lle ..:; en'fcouldnbe dee:-r::.n t:!'i:>econditionof lhe Trcaty,thi:.:t filet
.·.voukl hre!evi:tonly ir':iStll pa:rttied to lk::wum.:e 0rithdrw from the Trc:aty.

VH::nn:Con'vemion on the Law of Treari Ae~ile 44, and, a:indic;aLCdno Mu.tèparry

has donc so.

'l'he::L,tnrredNatiSecretariat. iüs 1950 Sluùy,round that the exrincuonof the

League, .111dhenr ts;~bilittu guatanteethe minorityprotectionrr=rics, didnot affc~t

the vaHdity of thu!'tn:ades. lt srate''the suppressioof lhe guarantccfonnerly

accompanying ihe obligat iiornsect of minurhie!:has not ex.tinguishod rhu:sc

obligationsthemselves."U.N. Document E/CN.4/367, p. 17.

12 'J1u:: Set'LJ-croal-SloTreary"sprovunon!on League enforccment wèrc of a

"prm.:~d narue.l"ukas, op. cir.• p. 2.78. 'T'hus.concProf. Vukas, the tcnnimuiun

uf Lt:aM.ueenfun.:emendid not rem1inatc thmaterialobligationunder the:Trcaty tc

protect rinority rit!'. Vuktlo~,,cit., 27:-:.

TfliL:um.:lusi1.sthemore nhv1ous ifone considcrsthe; purposc of the Trcaty.

The purpose was humUililarian. Manylreaticof a humanitariW'ch~ile tnerdc both

:-nalc:rand proceduralpnwisiun.!:l. Ortst.a.sre more rch.rc;;tto a.ccepprocc.dura.l

;mwisin tan~ m:uerialprovisi Nuneù.:iess.theeffon of the internationa~ommunity

:,ash~t: mn prornoreaï:ccptwu.uf:Uli;ill;obligati even~ where enforcen1enr

')rovisionwcrc rejecred. ThiCuurt rmillcthispoint regardinrhc Gcnuçid= Convention!

J.notherights prme<.:titn:atynuling. lhConventi "hnmanita.riaand civilizing

ïurpnse."Reservarionsm theCunveonliun nn r.hPreventionand Punishmcnt of the Crime

-dG ~noci daev. op. 18M::ly 1'151), p. 23. On thi b~asi t~i~Coun

;;onclude.tat smres were pennincr.lO ma.k.reservationthal wcrc conshtcntwi thth!!

Convent1on·s object anpurpmtc.loiu..p.2~. 1l)t reservationati~;\ iUthatC:i!jC

.-duteto pn.t.:uiil tl\.s.c

As this Courtstatedm ltle:'\ahia r.:aslhc ac1 tat Lc:tguc o;upcvsior1

::;.Jchinedi~appe3 f..tat~dase itwa:;League: ma~,;hi fr:mtndate tcrritoriesà1à

-:ntn.ffecr obligatiounder them:::a :.aiiJduded refe~n r~esuch machîncry.Lc~t1.l

:~onse4ut :r!li"!tCefSthe Cominueù Pre:scm;;: Souû1 Africain Narnibia{South

'.'st Atnca) ~mwith~tll Securiy CgouncLlResolution 27n(1970), 1971 I.C.J.~up.

_:.:2.·rhCourt h~C Iaae thesamt: poim !n 1950,stati lhl;siJlCel'l1.1.1obligations

·du1not depend on th.e exisrenr.:c otLeague of Natiun:sLhey couid not be bruught Lo

.\nenù. rncrelbecause this supervisororgan \Xa.s t~ex:s.d ntc::.rnationa.l.Sta.tus of

South-\ .1tA'fica.1950 t.C.J.aL p.B 3, A~ pointedout by 0 sttowcr, who citesthe

Coun·s 1971 opinionas relevantm the~UC:l fimuinoritytrc:atictheCoun in the

iY:50 and 1971 ca.~ found that ù1c l..c: f:(tin~urçgi:trdinmandates automuticall)·

devnlvcd umu iHc United Nations. O~trnw op, et.. p.685.

13 .o.·~tur au~v

As regards the m1nnrity~a.Li hes,devolutionwas reinfnrced by the citcd

~csolut ofotnnh the UnitedNatiun!lGcm:ral Assembly and the Lcag~ -Assembly.

lllliSche devolutionwas even mun: dcw· ù1ru1 withrcgani to the mandates rcg1mc.



ll!.c cominuingvalidityof pO!n-Wurltl War I minoriry protcctJontrcatic1:s

Jemonstrated b• the facrtharcertain o1them have bccn invuked ~inc \eorid War II. ro

.;laimrightsfor panicular tninoriry groupRç~ard. ainosE-World Wu l minority

:::rotection trewith Czechoslovakia.the pusiüon wa."i takc~fte Wrorld Wv.r Il by

:-iungarywhich was inreresŒù in lhe situation uthe Hungarian minority irt Slovilküi.

:nat thetreatywas still in force. Bruegel, uciL p. 416.Ch1ude. op. cit.p. 122.

The Serb-Croar-Slovcnc Treaty came intu fun. c:ntigent on the: conüng into

;.m.:e of the. oeat~atv betw~ lhe AJhed and As:;m;ialedPowc~ ~nd Au!irria. ïb~u
. .

::-~ totyconrained minority ri~h L"viision asmcd Htprotectingthe Croat and

Slovenian minonnes m Austna. Those minnrity War II. as

~vtdenceu bv refere o.!hem in i\rtic!e149 oÏ lhc Au~m:: cmn stution of 1929.

.~,- aritlh cnnunued in force afler World "W'ar II am.i Lifù1~/\usnian sülte tre:lur

_1}.55.::gon Schwelb.··· itaneTreuLy .-uuHuman·Rîghts," Internatiomd and.

_.<Jmü:ll'auve LawQuanery, vol..:'p. -u-.~at p.4._4( ."6)~ T1eodor V euer, Das R cent

::::: Vo !'JppenSprachmince:heitenin 6srei'Il:ich (197p.,512. The Au.:srriun

:-e::Hwas ci!edbefore the European Commixsiuu of HumM Rights in a Cii~ fil~d
:.g:ünsr Au.':ima 1962. and Austriaùid not come~ t.he~reata y'slic~bi lrinzy.op

:. Austria.ipp. 808/fiO.Decision of 8 March 1962, Yea.rbook of the European

:'onventinnbn Human Righrs. voL ~. p. l08 (1962).TIru&:sune pracricr~inW corld

..var Iindic taat e1eminority trcaties did nolapse.

14 ------------,-------- -----

06108'93 11:24 'Zt31 20 6203559 BS.>dB&TdPadvo !ilJOl6

' '

The Serb-Croat-SloveneTreary ibinwn on Yugoslavla (Serbia. and Morucncgrol.

ecau~ Y~\l~ost (aebiaaandMomenegro) ha~su~L:e todtlet:cry obJigrujons of

1e Kingdom of theSerbs,Croat:and Slovenes.Yugo~la (vilaiaand Montcncgro)·na!ii

.~!\u hcdtreatubligationof the formerYugo~la Sicialisf.'ederRcpublic of

·ugostavia)The=former Yugu!ihtvia. although 0:~o:ha ilnamc, w~: th. ;ame stutc

~ the J<inSZ"dof the Serbs, CroHrs. und .Slovcnc:i.
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Momcnegrwu~ e::tabJishin

eclaringon J."April1992 rhat it woulbe;aLieof the fonncrYuso~lavia:

The FeU.CraRepubhc nf Yugoslavia,continuinthesl~~ etrnarionaJlegal and polit1cal

~!rsona ofiteySocialist Federal RepublicYugmdavi ~halsricrly abidhy üllthe

·:nmitmems thattheS if{of Yugoslata a.ssumetrn.c:matioj.1t:.~.Do cumc.t

..:4t1;'915. Annl'x Tl. 7 May 19g2.

Also on 27 .~pr 1992, and w tlle same effcct, Yugasla(Sc:oitu1d

iunttn~ eliered a ''~o tareci:7April 1992 trom lb:PermanentMis~t ofn

·.Jgosl toaveil.:nite~atio nds.ressed tht!St:i.:reury-Gcnersto.Iin"Strictly tht ontinuit)' ·of lnte:7tatiopensonality Yug\l~b. tveiatdcral

;;public of YugosJavia :-continu10 fulfil al! the ricanfcrrcutu. !lnd obhgl1tions

.:sumedby,:.1!SocialisFederal Republic Yugo.sht invn~ macionalrelnt ion~

.·;1..n its re!i:.nctShipal!Intemartonal organiZ:ltions aicipaon in nternauonaJ

·~:n rnfis or accedcd ro by Yugosiavia.U.~ D.ocument A/46/915.Anncx 1,7

l:v 1YY2. Althoughthe claiof Y~gosla( vSia:r bniJ'Aontc::negro)of continwith

:t:former YugosJavia has nobe~n acceptedby theVIJiteNntion.s, thci~no quc~tion

aout its commitmentlO abidtby tn:aLîes cf the fonYugoslavin.

The fonnerYugu~hlv (oaialisr fed:rRcpubl of~Yugosh1via)was the:.~tme

~:: anethe Kingdom of UteSerb C:~o.atad Slovenes.In 1929, thename of the$Ulte

-'a!"changc:d from Kingdoof theSerbs.Croat um~.Slovcncstv Kinsdnm of

·ugn~la Avfera.e end nf lhe World War Iloccupationth1~tat w u.n::···nAtrhcd

15 ·-,

·i.":dennPeopte·Republicof YugosJavia\st:Cun:sLilutofnthe r-ed.cratPcoplc·s

,:cpubliC oYugu:;lavi31 J41Ilua1946).The narnc wa:~ub~equc changcd to

:ocialist FcderaRepublic ofYugosl:.lV(~e :nnclitutiof the SocialisFçdcrutcd

~t.~p 1.Y1b1lis,via7 April196~).

J'he tinitcd Nations Secretwiar. in i~rud9on m1noritytre.a.lic:s.found the

erb-Croat-SloveneTreaty tobe bimli on1the Fcdcr~ todlc'sRcpublicof

··ugoslav1concluding, "Aregar he~ordimu")causesufex.tinctioofobligati rcn.:.

:u nol appeato beany which would.have thec:ffect extingu.ishiYugo)i~via's

oligationcom:~rn henprotectioof ninorlliesU.N. Documenr EICN.4n67. p. 64.

Thus, Yu~osla (S1ria and Mnntcnegro)by virruc ol ils 19Y2 declaration

cr;epting treary obligatiothè formeYugu~dav 1ia~p~rt ty the Scrb-Croac



Th~ Serb-Cro:.u-Trear~main isfon.::::. h çalls fcnmpr..l ;uhsosi~· of

.ispu1 t0ehe Pennanem Court of Int:mationaJusiÜ.'hcm.:c tthi ~ourt.Oosniu­

--!erzegovinais a statc to which the Mginvo~ &.:: Caun'jurisdi~ a;piisuThu:s.

'1S~crb-Cru~r-T preVireyforthe jurisdictofnu:b Coun ov~r theinstant


1606108 '9.3 11:25 'Z!31 20 6203559 BS,T'dBAVdadT'O ~018


7\'ft."L:nl"ARTTTl:::lNTf.R:\ATIONAl. IN'STRUl\fENTS


.l:H::GL\.'IG!TI!TRE COVF.::--<.Of 'l'Ur.
I.I·>H;tir. :-.:ATIO:--lS


j ;~ .r:-:

I\1:'\NT.F.'YO. Hh~DSON
»~liir•on:asOR 01'':.--:-z::n.Ntl..o.Wi.O.I.
n .._A.:0 L.of:!1(L)

\. LL'\IE I- 1919-1921


C:..:M\.1;t::JJt)\VMI:!\"TINT cRNATIONAL Pz ac:s.
/JOjA~t.~ p<i'1't-\\'.


French Republic, nnd of whleh . franç t id~nt tes ~pédi iti
authe11tica.tedcopieswillbe ttani­
authentlque!5$ieron=-~m àic~:e~:!s
mitted to each uf the Signa.tcry cw1e dŒ PuLssa sinnil:trc;w~.·
Powe-rs. Traité. • t

No. 5

rREATYbetwee.nthe AWedand. Associated Powers a.ndthe ItingdOZQ·l

of the Serbs, Croats alld SloveDes (Protection of Minoritiet.J
Signed at St. Germain-en-Laye S.eptember Io, rgro. ~~

TRAITt entre les puissances slliées et associées et le Royaume d~~
Serbest Croates !t Slovènes(Protection des minorités), Si&:DJ~
à St. Germa.i.n..en-Laye,lO septeiiJ.brIQlQ. ~
.l::ru.I\o·r2.1'!-::-b.cnvisagsd in Art$1o{ theTraty erStGer~
~ptt:n o.e~rngad i:Ar.:i~~;olht'TreatufTr.ootuof June.4, t9;fnQiW.Ii
on thtrc: Îltte prntectloi~inori itt!lndorJune::$IQU)(r..Su.J),
ô~ prcx.-edollowsciby -eot!ncilu! the J.utX01:!onifdeilliv.·mi.ll;tlri!:llîil

q!.IP..n~enLtagut of NuliOff..lnmraJ,Sr:t-cSuppl!rr.i'ic. (f9~9),
R..".TIVIC.-\The Se.rb-C:oat-Sio5::~1.eced:o t~i &:aty b3
signe~t!\u•iDece:r.:j,:l9I9.3riti.r;..Ts~rù~J::,B (!!);m)ltatiJia.tioal
this tru.ty de~usi= <f.01.i!y: D:it:!ih I:::mpir~,9:0: J:tPilfl,Oet:lw
tc):lt:\iY, l"Jett:uOer TF:-Jnce,Ju!y1921.
!3:DLII)CUPIITl1e textthi$ t.fisôlsopubl!shtdJ12 ;;,t:n}lw. $!..
l. ~·";I''d ) ~ !~oo,'L.l• • ,..
pSla.: 1oviatte.~.. _..,se:'. ' ;J.:::ge::.e..,:;;o.IOs~tU,,,l3·,

Ia fore-=,July 19lO~

Te:c(.En ~f!r.B:h>i.rrey .St \o..7 T9Q);u•r~ .;rnhnuc~")"'~~
1;&pubiif !J3:~~.N:o~.s,Muy ~9lQ~::.

The Vnited Sr;1! of America. Les E::::n:iis d·Arn6dque,J'
• U''hL.' . .- Il
t.'lCorltl:.•.mp1rc, :rance, tay, pire Britannique,!u Fr.wce•l'
and J êl.?:the,P:inrip&iA\liedand ct 1(:Japon, pri1Linaie$ pui:.:lol­
A~ooci~ !tur.r,(.m-:hone hand; :!16es 1t assm:iée.,':e part:
And the.Serb-Croat ~utt.cwf!net 1 E:at Serbc-Croll-.:"'u••-
on tnl!ochcrh01nd; d'autrc part; .
\Vhereas sinceth.ecomme:-.cement Consiidér::s.tue. dcpu:sle
of th~vear HJI3 extensiv:erritc::-iescncetnent de 1'annC:cI?t~,
havl!b·~ ruucd ::ur.heKin~d cim territoires étendU! ont éJOlntl

Serbi and. ·· royaume de Serbie:
\Vherus the s~rb Croa.t and Slo­ Cunj;t,idcr3Jlt que Je&
vene pcoplc:sof rhaforme:-Austro~ Croates et 1~Slovènes d~1
Hungcc.ri::Mon:1rchy h.:.vor their rn.onarr.hiiustro•hongroiseoat.
own free willdetermined tn unite leur propre volonté. résode

1R~ist weihtleSecreuuut ofthe Leque Nï:~ iot39•Octter~f, Serbiinn permanept unioîor avec la~-rb d'cne fa.çon perma·
purposoiforming single sovernente danslbut de formeun E'b.t
independentSule under the indépendant cuniiisous lnom dt!
oitht ~im:~d outh\ Serbs. rnyauxnc: Ueti Seruesl CroatCt
.a.a~;to., xnlnea. Slnv~nca:

the Prince Regent cf Con~idér que il ri:tt:i: régent
andt~e Serbiau Government de St:rlJic et le Gouvermserbe
a&;reetc thi!un,iou,a1:b ontac::e e :téaHs~r..:ucintett~
uencethe Kint:;<.lot lhe qu'encuutié~i il.É!eéormcelt;!
CroGland Slovenl!sha!:ibeeroyaume dt!s Scrlu ;!';ae:s et
tu.teït:thns i!Ssumed sovoSlovènes,yui .aùs:IU1nla.flltlUVe­

ovcr tbt~rriti orhieShIer>!inctsurlesterrit haiié~spar
Cievenpl :ml . cc:p~::;"Jfe::
it n~cessti nirgulate Ct::r..:sa:.:c.'.est ::P.ce!!stlirc
ma:tC:"oiilern:z.tioeni"~de :-l:gcert~i 4\J:tin;d 'ir:têri't
ari~ ut ~f:!-;esaicl a.ddh.i;;r.s intequi sontsoul~· dues
-- ..··and nithi3union, aild faitd~dite as.cqui~i dtit!t­ !!l

s i;df!sirtoùto Serbia Considérantqu'i~f 'éllsrabde
cer~' ohhti.1tionswhi.o;he!ib6relil:Serbde certai obeli~ga~
k by :hèTreo.ty of Herl!tiens auxque!l~ilasouscritpo.:-le
8 to cc:-:srower ami t~ ::iiitde Berlin àe r878vis·â.·vi~
ute ior them \';hligalionsd~r.ertp ~~iiriscse; dcycsu~·
gu~ci Kat:nnsand S'::uer des cuh'ta.tv1s-n-vJs uc
la.Soci ~et'1nions:
Ccmsid~ra nl:: 'Era.t!!1er:.,~,:.
oi its owi:L.wiil d!!sires c:-cate·..:i l,de sa proprevn.
t~t~pe~pul_a uf~iI?n:i:e;.cmté,le déC:ecionner aupopu~a­
nc1t~:tti::n t!le ::c. or t!um=de mu~ leterrito co::e:s~;; nrar!ginn è.-'lnll>F.::J.<.k: c:ueicrat:c,
rnv~he, u:~~u.a: t" ~~n~ GUc:·eH q:o'lls:n.i;~ ::.t.
.!!bilcn:i :; a':Jsqu·ellecortin uc·
mnt à è::rgc~ve:-n é~nsiorr:1~­
ce v.·ir:-:tpn::c~p d:es
a..J.;.w-. .....· ~c~: ax prir!cipetiliherte-tde
thij"lUrp:1thelE;:;hC:1r.· .:\l:Zteffet11:'Ha1.1t Penie5i
Parties :-:.e!.\JPO ain"~•.1~rnc-J •=·a:-:•.1pc-u5leur-8
enipete:.iaric~:' ;"';emuutentio! ·
P~P.Si oite~~_7rr.s: ~::.S Le· Prl:~i C:s~nEt:n Uni·
'Clr:r:.:!..VtPolk, Hen:-v:'/~ml::-i F:u.e: Lvon Po:k, ' Hcnrv \Vhi:e,TJ.~ k.'rElis~:

Maj~:; tf:yJ( :-h~ 5. ~11.~Roi euRoyaume~ reni
Kin~du ri(.r~. ;rtLdn Grande·Bre c:d'Igade .t dcl:i
lrëlar.?.:1d nfthe Drilb1lte!'rit hniani~ues au delà de~
~'"" "cc·:è~e een.9,E:npe:-nrnt :mperer. d!!Indes: .~rr.hur
a: Ani!ur J;'l.: Hnou:,'~James Bnlfour, Andt·ew I3onnr Law.
BonarJ.n.w, Viscr.nMii­ Vicomte :Mi\ner, George ~ic:oll
.._..!'\kulJ3arne ~:.l B~:~.r en:e:..;

..-~·6 Ail,r:t-:rlwardKemp; pour le Canada:Albert Edward
Georgê Fn~ter pour l'AustralieGeorge l-"ester

... :-.i5.

fnr tnion of South .-\!rica ; V.iscour l'!'lio.Sud·Afric V~inc:
c.:ountM:!:1cr: ce~Î Mnilcr:c
for I\"8\Ze.a.fand: Thom.Jvtn.:- pout"b. Nnuvl!lle·Zélande: Thorn;u;; M:J.r:rnie::

fo:!nùÎt Ruruu Siuha; pu1.1rI'Iuth:: BOSi11hu:
The P~csiùr .i;rte .f:-r.;nchL.: Prt-s~:~:tic !a Rentlblirllle·~ Cle:m!~~ -e­.Ut:"'l~ G:e'orlg:i!.~ne.ic~éj;­~.~.
,:she Pi:l-!nLouis·Lucil:!j:O~li!phe~ I'ic:hol'!, Lcui!•L'{~~~~~e"
And ré ardicu,Jules Cambor.; Ar.c!rf!T.!tn:Hcu,Jules Cambon:'

His Maje~z t.eyKinS"of Italy: 5. ~1. leRr'i d'ItaliTvm:nll."'l.'
Tom1ll0l.Tlttoni, VittorSeialoja,"•:.on!!y"1t~on~ .,l~CIJ~..i'Lt-;~·
M4gsiori l1"'eu· (;~g!il:oll~r· or!MO ! ·err~rL:,ghel:::()1n::uui.
rnn1,.. 1 V.l'l~!i~pl; :-v111c~{!~oi: ·

His ~1aje~L ye: E:u?e:or of S. 1\1. :'tnpereurc:u J~pan:
Jap;u:V!.~t.: CI."lU~iK.)atsui. \ (() tliChin da,K. ~·l~ 3l·! f.
H. Ijuin: I.:Jir::
llisM :\iesr:t."K"il.;~.~i'.tc S. ~.l 1~ Roi <.iS~!:~:-i dse~.
::=,!-';the. L.'ë.ndtheS!ove~e--oC:-o3tcctdefi~it,v~~ :\(.'J\•c:·
:\!cho P.ëla~chit.t.·\J Tr~n!·
~::!:\t, Trum~J! ll!l.Znl;er;
..,.,el te:3v<r.ex.~;et"!! .. el!....~rl o..""!"-\ol-.~.'~..oJou-
f:.~OWC'. ::nd'i,1I'!OO:md C:.:ccic1:wuu:-vci.;·c:nus enbe:t~trnc
~v:h -a:e~ag.~C a:fÛllows: Cl!ic':-me()IH r1,nVeOi~cii.t!JO!i•

~~v: ;;~iYiJ.Illr.::.;:
The Princtpal.~lli cdc .--\!ô'sor.i­s p1cipn.leJ"'llli~.;.:i:!:>.~ri.;::i
.!L(1\::wets, rnil~~~nc~.r.! ·~e~-!.-o:!e!, ?!"t:~neo!'!.~ iouè.é'~HI
:;on rtblir;a :i~nu~rJt;: u1Ù::r k::u'u:-;al1::1 ~:wt:{·~d~o:t :.~s
t::--.;~~~ T:;n.~: :~ t::e Serb­ :"!!'esetrai!éDJ.r l'E-:at<;;C'::'h~·

e;o:l i-Sicw Set~ce dci~. t1;: e~r cc:sov~ c·â·clarc.:H qmlE ;1l
re :::erb-lt-Slovne .'-:i;;~t:•ri;::e.r.r:-::.::f·!;es:ti&fl:vc·
mtcly c:scuarg-1":(1ir:-";r.:biiga­::t.:jl.J(:ÙCS UUJi);ti011(."f)W
;~: un!~:--:=üin :\rtic:;r.:rhe H':!Hlàé1!i'Arr:icJ5ru T:~ t.d~
Tr~:J .!Ec:-lin july 1:;!tl~~. Dtdin du13 juîll\I~i·~·

CHAP'!' !!~ CH''J'r, .nr~
~- H::H.11.The St:rG-C:-r-Slr:­ A1n1Cl.!1. L•1:.t1Rerbe.n,-c.·
;;lt'Jv-'e:ngiàgctque ]çstipub.·
vene Stat~ unùl!rl; t1ilkete ;
;lipuitioSi r:nnt,j,int:c,.,ice~ ivns colcJwc.dnn s.leArtkle::ià
~ to 8 oi this L.b.apte~iHl bi~l Hdu prft~e capitn:::soic.rec.·r.Ju­
rC':CO;!;!uuc :cnnmc.:uilu~ltum:lJIP.1'r~
that no law, re~l;ni or.ofi.1l qu·~ur:u lnieaucun rt:J,;h
aucune a.ctioltlciclne ::;c .:'i~,,t
;:t(:I.~hall cunnict. or
with thesstipula.ticns. nor anyll contr:ldic:-tinnouppu~it t~lovrel.c
l&W, t•egula.tic01'OtTleHi:1e:tiunCls.t!i!v~ul ctà.ct&i.u~nu~'!u.ueuJr&:
pre:vill over them. :1Uc1mt'l!gle1nentnucune action
offid n! llé~alencontre::lle»·
AllT.2' 1:r~tJ APrtbe-cru,\L·oC•o
A:~t 2..The Serb-Crnat·~lovene
Stnteundenakcs tuassurefullnnd v~· s'mgcage àaccunlcrà tc.n1e.A
cc.nnplete protectionf li!e ar1d hahitantspleineet r.ntièrprnt .~c
libertyto aU inhilhit:tnor the tinn de lr:ur Hhc:5B:ri
t.·;.~.., withrmt cii.,;itnctofndistinction denais~a 1denncae~~ .-\11ir.habitanc)f the Kiugdom of Tç· !~shabjra.n!s durovaun1e des
~ Serbs,C:-na.:s,nd S~ove. tnhaU:.Serbes, C:-.: C! :aJ!O!t ies
: cnt!llcd !O t!":ef1ec r.:xcn:~se.-::roit. au l:t-;-e exerctant public

:-:eth!!!'puhlic:x ;Jri\- c~{aey, (j:l(p:-tv reiigion ou
sed, religionc:r i.:clid. whoptl'll:·c:=-~~ ·.n:nt:e:,ratique ne sera

.:.a:e.rt~ Ùtt. ~~i1..:\.Lh pU Clh": Y:!':nrom;.; ;;.e! 'o!re:rpub!ic
·cierorpuhlr i.~-,c:-~ls. cr :cs be.m:tn;.Œurs.

At:r. ,;. Subjc:~~ -o= êpcc!ol _.;.x-. ~.=~u :s-·~s ~e::v:":!ités
:-..·isions cf t7.e:.:o:m:c!!·:jfiiJCÙ...........•t'"'"....~.,..............ç;.•
?lt;I":L.~"~:1.~n;ttt•:!-;(';\;:it~.!1c::inTe·Elc.;\·ce,t.mmut r.:um!'rcs­

~~ir ..'lncè.eci~L ~o:•oe: :.... ~ur:!~sa$ . et sio·
;(.•t·~"ve~e ~ar;o::il ;Jl'J}:..:::JvEiH1ed.~:;i~ et sans nucu:1c

::1u.·.i.t;;the :e:=;~:·: t_uuiny:H urrn.::c-,· ~s:·~s:: tsc~u:r-i­55nn
'....i..~....."-~.l~.~...~...,1;~·• ,_::~ li'~.:.-:z;.;b,-go:-s ê!'!an::At1on!.:~.;.:U.i;;:'~l:'t· A(1" '"' ,.-.·""·'u.'"''l"t".11''"'"r.• •
..t ...i,.n-'~-.".•·~··..1i""'' .....••• "'"'"''· .. - •• '..1e-.u ..,..... '..
li( ~putiH~: u':.::..",'~i im;~;:.--:·.~.i...... ~ •...~...•.'~·.""'.....
. ' .. '
.fjm"\y~be ~= •:•;C..l~-; '.:::7 :.:~~..:i;tJ:rtl!"ritoi:e.a.:i
~ H~-u:~r<" ce Lne r.r:~c~ l~L-.itY e!=to~~ ::~ ·ecc:mu comme !:.ü~al-:.t

.~~::-1 t oîrdv:slnr ::-: ble~Y~:.! de !! ei.!!lerbc-croate-Eïio•·line
;;o~n 'i~ 5C':·iJis;J:lrtoi t!1e ....'-•"'w~~•·•~~.-~w.,ÇC,lAu....•l'-''"

::-O:.Cro~ ~t:·.5:!:c~vc t:ct:::!~oilg :-'::·3.l:;;.ril'espcct:ve·
:.ati'swith. ~\.;.r l!i~g.:y c:· :~i '(•";jen ;,tC:"ce:.t0~1 T rï!itcs
J:;an~ ;-e..,;.·~· .:.:-.v:eJyn~l .: '::::C l>riesn~Tair~!

·ea::es wni•h m:?-;_~i.:.--; h::.~i~Jcd.

.•.::mf•~1 • .. •
:·;(:vc-C!!l~:r:-.v.;-;:.;1e!c:-:-~:::1·l·-:.:· :u~=:.-=~:(s;:i:-n..~-Q.e~SU! wv~:.~.:~ -.ver cid:te::n .. :::t't':",·leuii·. a1'
.,~ nf;:.. .,·.,: ... ,.,..--.,..,~"'''. •...·------.. ..........•. • •<Wl
-···v ~..."- lj.....11·1·-.._.~.~- ~.;.i :: o:.:-::d.c.~:lsec~ondi:ion~
~ c:-!lt.lit:-o::li~:-)ln:~-iJ::n.ic ;-r.:\·t:('-;:~'~.d!'tr;:.i dtrp!e,
""1;,.,·...-r;• .._ .,..n·~c:.·..,-_
'I.·\,.-~i '!1.1-~ -.... •o~,.,••t,l,:~;; :url-..i71.~ï:;<;J-c!n~ n!ii ~i:u r
:'l,;\' .,.-.:!r,:;. '." C:0~!1 '-D --·~-~~... .._.....~,. ....~......;[.....
•,., (1r,:l.. ', .: t-,.,,:lo ':;·1 c::";:-;.:.t:c:.-:Je !o. iP.~nm et
••~~ •-J• -• - ~1t1 ......".~
v."'·~~~.,. ,,i,···:..~1~r:-rt•-.--~·•:p1J:; ~-: +~..:e..•ntr•i::.'1:"- ~:elle '"•
~->:)'/ ~;."·· .~::~c:"'~t.-GC: ~-~~~!:·tc~;~~t~~u._?'=ne t1'lCJ~cels -·-·'t
.. . . '....
:~tl: ye::!:!;-.n.;~.,;. . . ' :--:t;..:.i~~'!(
P-· --_,.,... ._ ...<'::t..!)l:1.. - . L::..;t::-_.;.r_::r~n_t exe::- ic~
.-;\:-iiL :1·~t-;: :::.v-·i:::;th~ ."':'h: ;1::0,::-\" O!c\1rnr,a.:ns:!.:. ~-

'.-l...._1•4...~'•••'J..-...~..• jo.,. ......;•e,~~~ -;i~:;._ûvrcntt:-::.ns­ 1'llo'
:~~:;u. {,:~~~:.:~ iL~!'l~e:;ï:::-ur i:::::1ir::!edJi::ta.~n
..."~..,..., •• (o~...... ....f.
·~···-·..-~ ),;.,.··:,'t .~_.'!::!~;tvcJ -u~t;:~~~l:h'.au::-r.t o;.:>:~.
1 r.:cur.1::u:;.1 :·~ta t!"1r:t:::- ~;;f~ .~·D: ::r:s tlc ~on:::cr leser
'\"~le ··- · ....·.. "l" '"'r..:tnr-v:.'l:i•:::=:u~ ,';}~:Jc:.i~!sè~d~~nt
":''· ~~-~jl.....f~.\l.._,.;: •
::11 S.:!:·\.:·:-.'7:~:.:\'0!:tr:.le;url!! r.~rn:: d;~::'-;!t ~erb~­
ey ~'l ;.:':-n· "tnt:hct:l ~~:~ir c:-~~~Lc-:: .::lusvm(·~:r:crco nt

V;!bJe 1ru~. tH:evc:ry:r'i;e:~cri1J·rre:l~t: bre!1smeuo!cs cl trn.Jte
i, :\C'1r:.".pvrct.:~ ::!a:!!~;~:!law:~ Ti:::l!.!~cr lampo. d~éce
:~:s l'c: rjen~ in 't.:'nnecti:.,~n:!iaw.:u::.è:·c!tsnrtie.

:-::.::e rt·rnct'l~m: hm pert y.
i.:,·4· The Sc:-!J-Cr;,;;1t·Siuvt:n!A!If:'.4. I/.Et.l.serhe•crOil.te-61o­

·- n.dmits and der.ia tnnb:~:~ vènc rcconr ~om me ress\Jrtissant~.
· ···:-:-oat-S!ovenation.Al.lip:o :-ernes, croateet slovènes, de plein

1·, jliJ

rr;m'and withoutùe rcquireweu:. ~;{ .:i•·-:Jtoil.n'auCfOr:'i l::~!ri­"tt:. j
·~: i-:-ma!ityper!!l')ci!Aus':'ria:-J~m:m ci: :t-nn! ne.~
!iunca.rliln oHulg!.!':ltn.LI.itmaiiLl:)11~T Q;i.u!'UC'.~p: ~irl:tI'l~e!l i
1·" who -~er bc1·n in '.he !>cid :e!'ri:~ur lo::<.~cr:·ir dè :pi~:~~ut ..~
'' • t 1 • • •• .. J
ot :::.rems hal.Jitun!!resith (.~­tu~·u~~l.oCJO~~t.:<.!.:!:'vJC!IC tJU
p=s;~: rigissinîg:itizt.:m;hip :__ku:-r . :di!: (.>::t.•!n..,àmr..:s.
:iicm:: TI::imr..:.'.ir,h~t~lm l::'l~n·du';, em...-...ckqd..l d~ a mi~'~

Mt!t:'lcre. evvif~t be d~:cai :...:t~::~:-::guc:-.l~;'!'~~ Ter·:~lt·tjêie.:~
::;:_:,mln'i::!.ircer.:~:;:pte:em :3·;,~..;:::tc~c..~·n'ltl~:;.~;,t:t·
i~..'V~1teV "r•• t!'l'•h•·. ."'.,~(·'• - 1 ~ • ~ •
•._...."'.. 1v;;1t- •••"-'·~~•.".'...11~~~~lJoc:'--~t:,~~:-:c-._:.;~~~~,':.
·i ::;,1~i v.ré.i!tl.crciièn~p r.t:..:,oc~::
•;~..t~~Ic..T.c:•r- •t....

-1 1·;..1'\'e!':~ "'•:i.d•\c~l ...1n~ T :. 1t~i) ;.:.<:;u.i
,·-4,. a:':e:ne ccrmn:;-::a:::nrc:e c: ;:::··••• .• "' 1.1•.-,•. Cl.J :'· u.c..........

~:~ Cl~~T~e tn, ..e~e 7lt! ~!1"<)un._.t:;::r~C~"J,:;~.J:e~'f'dO{rt~~li!.I""~T
:~?t-e:eec:i i:n-:c:o:-!JeCùi1pc­ C..:.- :::v<Hltr<!!..-.:u:n~~tentM
:~:: Sc:d.Jrn~' S:n:ne a.u-::,cririe:- .è::cn:'c:~ r-v:~r:d-:1 'llpuy-:;
• 1 • 1 ••~ ~
i: ~:e country in v.:ï.ilrP.~ =.r~ :..:\~;:-~\:-':.q,~lc.::rcJJO!lCClLlt'
....,,.,t"t·~..,~~...'i·~)a.,.-·;c- :,; r.:.inntl:;t_:6.nuuLt: -v~i'e::::e
. 1 :."·-:_~~~..·...•~•w"..~. ....-.."~'-
~t.:.-.:e::-~loY ee:nmn .iltJ'.;;.:~a:llL..·t:: ...11~d ê'·"l::l~:sidë:o~·~::i
i; ·.~-'wi~!thcu C€'. tr.:t:er.:m ~lc~..r:1~:'t:-o~;:.r~::''i~:..ri1tl;:~'.-~
; e:-~ ;s;:c:'l':>-C:·o n-:.i.)-S::we:'l~ .n~ts"~~:'.!:·:•.:îcca;..

1:: r:s1L~::H:::::iëlde\.:;::·:...~•·l~t4i•.ll~..!.~-.•~i,:1 :~....:.,
t.'"::.:-.·hll5b~ \:!..î'!il --~~ ..::. !~..~::,~:;: .!esj)~rer ,...~
...'.~,in,....l~-·~.j.__.,.._) __
WlÎ(·....."'.. 1(~·1...~t:.}1•_.....:-<·r· '.~l~~:·~~eu: ·.= ~~:Î.l~f.!
u:i;: Cc:J'\'r.h~ i::c: · ~::.::::~.".; ~trnu~: :i1Jix~hl: l:i!.'~.
~lï:"::: :abn c.; «t;t:.
. - - ·T' -:.·:. ---..,.;\['"--" ~,"!".!_r~L......,-·~~c....,.o•,.....
.-.J..,, . ne •,•u-~.....··',, ......-·~h.;:. .;..... =l::•;... '\,. '•""•'-''"'
.::: o;:::v:Jr.:w:~'~;ï-:::e:s:.:.o-:ee!~ ::r:~.:J.l-~·::îii,".rp:l':l:'":!;r
~~: .;..c V·tny t;~ ~.~:-~.:(;·:~~ (·:::; :\-·.Lrv~-r:èu -:i:-cd':1~'~
•f~l411r.~-.:...l~-.~..·.~.~.._._-,..,.~.,1!..•~~·hil.... -~'-,l"'t.,'-'"..
:-:~. '·:(<',~r :-"~:- ~..:~ri..s:nc.:::cierii':L· ')~11~~ r·.:; iô.:'ll~r.:;

u:-:o.~. c:onc;uèe:-,t::e,.~.i Jl::t:~~i{~ e: _s~(;\" ",:c:t.:t~~u:;.;~~.;:c
·.:: wi.:1 .--\\.•:.r.. -li_.~•!;....•t·Httl_•......'llo~
:.; ::~.::nr IfUll ~:1:;:~,c:~r..c,:;.~C':r.:::i.n;:rf:.~~(~t.:-:: ~:~:P.r::

wi:P-~ i:•eIot" :ht:v\Viii él.l:tlUir..:::itr~:~::·:r~-~;s:1v~::c.
... .Sc;L~ 1::C:•n· 1a::iüolty. ·
.-\; ~.-rl j'l~rl i:.ns;;:~.hc­ •~..T6.Lan ~r.i:n;t ·e~r~('.çrc.:m~·
tc:-j< r{;t.:;nc:-b-Cron.t-Sio\'er:t:Jv e ~·enr~Z-\!iCCcjplein C.r~it,
:):\u ,;o;<:r~nm. horr: ant.iu î n~!s.:·ist·ul:;,1:C:tnai~i iialilC:C'·

;;.;.: Sr.ctr.siha·:f]\0 f•~• be­iotcr.iu.lirf': d:'Et.-..~crh<.:-crnat(··
t..:oSc:b-Croat IÏ.ronal:. nv~·nc=.l:;toute pr:rson ue
::iprt•v racuneYaiutr 11ionailt:.:

'· de n3.issam:c.
:- ART. 7· An !:ierb·Croat-:ilnvcne ART. 7. Tous 1 t::re:~~rr L..~i~_Ban
~el'hes•croat :;~r-n,eg;.x ovèn~::s
na.tiuna.fhall he equnl befure the
... I~J ~.wd~hal elj(Jy t.i~c ch·il devnnr. m loi ctjl'mirol1des mG~\.~S
i:inpolitical rightv.-ithuudistinc­ droit!lcivi et~vo\ sars cjue:~
tinc:tion de r::tde langa.g('ou.tlt.:
tiona.toir~ce la.guag-eor rcli~ion.
rf'li~~inn. .
Difference nf relfginn,crccù or L:1.dtii"èrc:c1e relh:im", dC~y·
cn:~.fc ssal; iotnprcjudice iln)' ance ou de cnnft. ne.devra;nuLreon .-.
c.,k.("ro::.Slovc.nnat iuna i lU:li:·à aucun ~!>F>nr5 tCirss.a~n·tcroi'lte-
·- ,.

~enrel~tü uo:-e e:!jl>ymer.o~ ~l::;\ ::<.l<.pH<.~()ru l..j~HÜrS~~e
avü or polirj:-i;; ~iîl-i:..~e l'atlc~!.:roi.L:) civipulü.h; •u~~
.. .:niwu1.c ?uLiicempk1ym.ent:s. !!<:Jf..l IJum~l•~atàmü;~i ~o:x:

~·.mt!t ~ir".:ne:J:'!, the.f!.);.~r.nlplOU!L•ii,un:l..iOIhllltH,"l:ii~~U
;:ici'pruù:~; .ndi.u::~l:.>;tl':.a.::·t.=:rcC:i~~H~Lre~oic~l!LOaHi

N 0 :-est.ricsnailb~:mP05Cci:::n Ii!1e-.:(~~ralaicc:·~restri::tion
~he i:-el!!leby ~u;, ..:·-C:-ct::~o:n: i·ie:e t~J}; J~rt1Utrc~-:;or~

5'o,·c.. nationoi.ny lil.ll!].:~ge:s!r~anscr be-c:L~·nlovè d.uat:.
;:-nvau·.t~rccm:-;lcom:::~cï!n l;~k:.::c::soit ciaL"l5 l~s

~::ig iaot!ej.:lrës-:pu;it:at!t n1:;:.~~':;O:..·u=:i.c;c~un'u\a.c·::t~..:.
;.;:"ki::ù.:g::;-..~::=cl:ti:!ic .:oit' c:~·.iatc cie ;c!i·idu11. t:!e
?!' t:c p:.:,_l_i tous:ti~n!_.àc

N':st.wi::h: a!!iiL~•~Jl~!'oi~­~~ .c~"t:J.sttaUn:t~lrm.:!Il;:

rnc:t by ~:è. ~~:·: : . cI;:·tc-;tve'Jc:e~t..c:-be;·otc-so•·èc
Gove!'l e:-.-;tl:;:::':d:l.! ln:-:;\w.:.:il u.;-~~~·!i de!:I.iddlh:l.~!>!

"dcc utc.:o.iti~c~::::begoveu t:; :":3-iSj;CS:1::c-tonCO;U1ell!a::JX
S.::rurc:aL· !-; :fi.~-.:::~~\r-=~L.~C'le!'!•1;:~i!!lu
1,~~~.~....\..••\.o.........'" - •::1cci:::.,~·'a;:n: ~uc ia i.:u:gue.

J.n;_;u ,,.::e ;,. :.:,n_:l.:n.~r::::r. ::~.i:J.o;ad~eit!Lpr:,p:-e
.ar.2g,•.cu.•••r ...o...1,y1~~·.b.;lll::c~;:; :.t-J:emen;;
~Jc.: :-~co;r;:=. (·c~ :e-v~a:.'t;-ibu:1 au". '

...;l~~-:::crU-i.. :~~:::3~l.. c!·:.S:L~=::-:~liO! t.ser!lilesa­:~
~:::l:WlJ:'e_,c;:::".:.L:'~t!I;;"H·=:~~ti:::3 =.-·i!'~cÏtOY:ts ~enst
• - ! . 1 fi•
7.r::;:~tc is~:~::;:c.iï.:..n:.·y :-:-:::~-:-:r:::..:.t':!'o;. 01.1
~.":..L:'tr:.:i;.:Hn.:S~l:::r:n·.·2::.:::~ j:l:::~ .u m~mc rr.a.b:­
"-&"'JMl..•I!•....-0.~L•l. ...• •..:,~~c:rfics t:l~!~,gc··~rnn~ ::!e~

C~!.lJ.~-:' ::.ii:c'vcI.1C·.~:. rr;.~r-r:1.;.n1Ji::!.:lU:::~=~t)r'­
ti:::· l~!ia1~~\..:·.:•~~v=1:!ua: ~::o:. ::.:.::-Lu.:l:--;. 7!:_1;~t~:-::·.::o!uv(·u~"'·
;!~!~t c.;l'i:..~::d..:-.:.~~~!~l·,,~: .:':u:;~L: Lu::ti;;Jof~3 àl

1::ati:~:~,;w:·:':;;e:c::::.H::G ::"-.~-...:::-!~:!rt..:ûrlereU!'i;
:r~i~ç! ~.u"l~u~~:i .n!.!i.!t~~:rn1.:..~1~~·tu:;ts cha:-:ab1es~~­
~~J;:L(;:;:.,;,,.!'"(:Ul":.0. "·-"L~~J:..ocs;:;:;:.:~<-le~J'~c.o!e,!;

-:::IJ!t~L ·::::..-r.::r.::z..c~.e·..:~,·,;;~!=-.-.e:(!"t<.:.o..
~r.c~wr:ri=<:;t :;n: o- :.c:1;e·y (.;ü:ioreusagecie
:hei;-t;!J:rin:1i:-\rin. 1
.. . h."';~:'·;lan.;uJ~~: ciY f::X!Uce~
:\.HT. 'ThP. .=-er:;.(r0nt-Sif.)ve;:c...-.n tnil.tiere d."e.nseignemen-:

C.:.v\!:-n::wiii:m·:1\·:d:;:~.h (JUi;:ic,leGnuvl:!rn!2mCntse!"be-r:roare­
?:.:.b~:.:.:. ~uvtst.i:rnwLis:.:::;.d·t!neac.:r.a.i:.Il!ville(;~
and tii;; t:rrr.:.1rr.J1);ine:·;di::t. ù:cr~sde une proportion

;;ropun·luiui ::::r.::· -Lhl·C;cuc:'l~,.id éc!rssbltsa.ts Si::!Tbt:!S•
nat.iomü("t""!ther li.tan t:htt.d cru:itl.:~- de Iov;ènnesmtr"'!:~
the:uffi:ialangu rcu~r:ient C"j"::. b.:ïgue oiùd.eller~cilités

~dct. ;cui:Eu:cr c.s:it; t:1r...:pl":'l prur~3.!9Ul"er qudans
1~ "Lh~Jism v~rd1w1 Lil~iCw~tr·w:le..:s(·pdtJl1e-,~'in~trul D~:uuu
hn t'.a.Le d"·c11to thr. chHùcin donr.t:dan~ leurpropre J11ngue,aux

iahcnScrll· Croat·Siovcnnï:Ltinn:liFria;1t; ùc c..'Crsessortserbes·
r nJu~ te meùiulllnf t.heiuwn t::ce&·ilivèn~. Ct:!tte sti pula.tlon
~guagc This provision shall notn'empeh;hcra pasJe Gouvernement

Pr-venl the Sc.:-b-Croat-Slovcnc:ic:be-croate d-srlnde nebli· .,
1 1 I.Xn:K."TIO;'\'L.~U!St1A:-.' ;.Jo. e~
l' Govc:rnm ;m ~making t!Je te<u;hgatoi:-e 1'en,;ern~ tde:l.'l.lce.;'l
,, ~n g: theoffi:i:il ol):L•jJ;-·.u~gell l~ns h:!itelt'·r-ole~.
:tt!!c ;;aid ;;ch:;ni.:o,.

l;ll.uWiwl::l !"Eloi:hcïc-.:b~!"e .:Jans ks ..ill e'!~i:='.,:::ots,·:::';
·' is a considcraoor:~û L1u ut Sc:-b­:·{·,;t:n~~:-r:p~ v.r:inc:i;::e!l"rah!c
C!"Clat-S!ovr:n~t;~r belat.i''.!=-s~o;s~atn~.;;.e t."'ttt.l\r.e~
. . .
"!• ·.- tc :-acialr=li.g:lm:!i ling ui:.ü~;,~-;.nirtti.!c:~ :m Il:.;;-:-::!~.
::tinor ri:tcmc::~o.•i~~hi~il!i ul~~a~ st:~·ttu: 1:t U!:~~~~u('':::
~ ·. ;./.~! \:urtecl_.: ;!n:abl~~.:.~ ==~: :s:uordJ·ct <'tu·cr·in1~.1~1=-t
"(' e::joyr.t.;,nt. .piicaLiou oi::,~~~quiü'i r.lrl1nu6nd!t:~';! i·::­
J.i :su: whics :::a~: ~JiOYlt:!.cduut.r:o:uc~:;or::.::\7Lpuur:-aüm:(~trc•
,;J ;-u::::ic;:.;.nd.t15:..: .1..~.ta.;ttib~:~C~!rÎ..i!Jt!snunicsuarlt!
l ' ll•J>'Iroi.Ja 1l:-Ùhl ..'if!:.:C:J~~:i~.tlelr:L..l~!i'_l~liri!1L1!t'~t!·i
' ' :;c::al, rd.::.:":ci-Hi!b!-:~',;:·l'u•;Ll<~.l·w~ t::~ ~- bu~ Ct;>è.u.
fX':"~!';. C.l(!:rV:.
. .
4 Tl~c ?f0'I9.•rl<;1 • :.rt.::.:p tl:n.~t:~:.rtr~::.!t::!o.
.-\1(cIl! )~tH·.~::tc:~0:- ~:an,..~~:::.~;:ilJ:<:<IilieL"<.lUX:~;r.,
lCred tO5-erb:o!.,.u!nth.ln;ti(.):: C·irti::i:.d~àr :.S't' !l<hIi~
1 ~~ :;'\::::J wvt":tl~RlJ\·J.urn(~::S.c~rul C.'-:t.;~::~
! . ~.\...·"-•. ..,..j.. '.... .~ir. .L,p-i!0 • j,:.i·~T~!:;.
:~.& 1'.T'.e So:~r-Cn.r:H·-~i A11rY\;1. :I.;.;:i!t:>er:1e-rr::an·-
. ~ • 1 -.. •• • • 1 ! •
,;;-.HlL!:l:I!LI.l :1":~:.Y\-' ::.:~;s::1~~'.·.:~..::1 :;J:.,::-:: •1c !C't;:"'
··e~un; :!d.:..;...:~~v ~1;.:r:11"~l~:~:-::l;:~;~H1l::~.:-i~fltr.-.;~l'-~i
:-~"~rrt:!o.-~he.:::'"' :...·'"'rii><"lO): ..':liJ.ntdI!r{:·.:~Îl~'~;
~~~ ~·.•"·'~~.r,~:~·C.~...~..,...
l~.t.l(..!.;.! L;,_J:ll::l.:..;,,.~ '-''o•~..,..••'~r•...r-""''Lt- ••"-
·1·::cSe:· ~:r.-Siovcc: .~~:·.: ..c C;; ~c.::-rH.:r_;r:l;-.;.;:-n.:.:l'·
~ha!!'.;!k:-:n.:: :.SFl:ll:~~h~. :0 (J~! r:nV(Ctl ~ ~ ·~~'"..•.J

:·:-.t~;: :~11.-:~srJn~-L-i~~l! :::.::r;i t~:n~R::.<::-r·,·t:mr..
T:-.-:.~:.C:rt::.:.:-S; :::~t·:1ei.;:',;:.-;•r0•:t.:.:-~i~ :.~:w:1··:~e
;.::J-.:tkc'uL·:;::::::·o:~~ctJ:· ~..:i.;...t:;:!U.':prii':" ~~:::-J.i1:.:!:
··. :::r :~:re~:!=l:c:.tiaLurre.~!l·
~:c..~1~ e:-;,:;:~::1~.:m;;.' h1.:1
~\~·.;;.~:: li.:! !;tji-;h.:!r~'"·l:;m!: m !'!'[email protected] 111'iri::"!-·
:1 •, ?:..:t:rn ~a1t:.-::::!i~icssh<1:~.l-,C'(:..·:i~~: :~t..-:r0::~~;-:.-­
•'. :'"......u-:'Cl.·1-'"I'~n ";uL'" ''::dnn1,t <·lC'.:~J t(lipi~'lJ~,~~
-- ~~ •,.. .la..-....L't"\J- .......
:'•)UtlclollÎUIJti (a;.:l~"')=~~;inu::;m~·)i:!au::rir:1.hii!'!nn:·::1
.'1 :::.chc.:· ~.:..:'i:hm"ntl~~uw !;~ r- ~t:Liet 1~u~tJimans
~xi l;,tane ~he.Stll·:~:-.::.en~ e~ :altser 1e( ;ouvP.rnemMt~L'rb'!"·
cG wt.e-,.invnt"!rc(l~f ;.'':br:.!.
.:ovl!mmt!r.!;hannr. refuse a::!' ui
:!!necessary !acili:it!st!1c::re:l­!'t··,r.lcnouve::u~bu1is,: t;erucr:
!on c;new r2i!~i aouC~~.~l<:adriIC:i: t:;ctJriiutC:S:x:lt ,H~~cu~nt~
f< 1uisoitr.e:1e.;•u
t:st~.'uli ua:hm::e:c-:nM.h~r
priva Le est.'1hltr:;ut thistna· aux 'ltres "aulissl:!:.S pV~ de S
t.urc. t't:":te !l;l.t.uro:.
"1 AKT. 11.The Serb-Crua.t•Siovt:m::AltT.ti. L'Ltat scrbe-<.-:re>ü1t=·!_t.r
St:l.ilgre Lhattht! stipulatioin vèuc:a~r q~e,~ri~ ~ ~ P.s (.ll'f".~
>.hforegoin&.:\rtir::ear~)!ithey Rl"ipulntiom; dArtides prùn!t.lcnt~
<!iiecperson:sbdunging to rndal. affer:1.dc:slJCr!ionna1p,t~en nn
hde r ~r.i :ierr:i~etrie:i~~iJZ
rei;ous or lingisc min l"lc~~. 1
censti tu li.gnt.Cls)CJ!în:2rna­ deInn~uc ccsl:itipt:im1cunsr:t •
"!·j tional cnnc:ern and sh:l.lplaced er dt:obli~ !::'ltt~irnlnr~:-:
•• .:.h~ N'lint•~,.,~, .""Pt'lt,(--..·oT .~..,, ni"-Ci,!O1SJ:lg Uti-US ~iJ ll;Jj_ -.·-..;:

Se:ptro, I')t~

fiedwithout the çon$en.L uî the t::!!esne -oourrt;tn modifitcs sans
Cound! ci the :at.ions. 1'a. nm'j e~:f :e la rna ori!ê du

'T'hec ~i-r~d SL;:.cs,t.he Drici:-:i<.:esei!èe :n Société ces ;\1tiens.
Err.pü·e~--:·. l1;..:1nr}.eapan :.~. 1t.::: ni- 1A.:I!ériaue.'Em·
herc:bv a·uee1:t,:a .1d1hold their ;.1 hl"a~::.:nue.iaFr;.nce, :·lti:.lie

,usc~ ir~' -r~:n:;:_mle;,dut! in e:.e Ja?r.:-r/cnga t ;;:eIt!~s:-e­
LheseA:·~, ..::n ;~l!'- du~:.:.rm lU=cr;eU;l~5 tincn tà.t.Cte:::.tJtiîf.•
.;. o. ~~:; tyjif ;h.c
'1 • l l . '-'' ~~Li1 .i;;;a.:Ar-:.k c:c:~~e!"att
Coun\.uol UJC .~: na-::~•.Jt:n.::o:-.sentic duc forme· par
~:.:.j durCct:c:!de!i:i lr.:ildt!i

'ir.S ~l!lr~'·C rn.t:·S.Lo-: L'.2t:l.>t.:rl.le·cron auro-;elov~ne ..n. ~~·.~.•~m :;~.:u.. . ;....\l:: tu:\Iet'!.!brc Cc::;;;cde ia

~--:ou ci:1te:lo.~i:.l rci!.1-1.:.,.-~utc :i:x.~ion:'a:.::ie arŒ'.:ce
! lJ ..~\P.,,,1.1;:H-~lur..'=.:t~..~.··....C"'..ljC"~~ol..k."i'" \....'tl.;-,
~.....,.,t"u.. ,(·• ..:j aJ'~.~·-,1''~-· ; nJî.-: :n~ou:dar.:-:r ci'infrat:•
::~~.t7'~~:;c~~r.;cc.·~:-:rr(1.:.~j,t::\-::·tue ~t.:t çu!eC.:co~o.iica­
unv -~-it"'-;7:o..:i~: duJ:..(i; : !'::1..:"r:r s·~ ee Cc;;- ;J~uri-
C:-:u:'lli:tt u!~~·c:c ::.c:~;;..::;_1:-:'!::c.d~~ï"::e:-es~;; C.onne~
i 1 ' • Il t • •
.'~:u:il::1;VC :-c;,~ll'CCWIl:-! l t.-:-!:':::s~r..: ctilOp.-a.l:.ntn r
:nay éeen.:;:rr..l:lciÏ ~:.:tilti:. :::.;ïJrnblt'"!t e:-ricacc:=dar:.:a.
~!~~"t:to::cc". ~!t..Stil:"'. C:t":.

TheSe!·r..c:-ot·-("vne Sta: u:·- L'!- t :~-;::;.-~!~.a~v·~n.::.-~~.r::e
.....c·~·"-·="1•'~t<~~·.•.~~~~.._:-...~-:: o:..:r:-e t::idE!:civcro:ence

:.:;_;rJl'~'tjt!5-:W:1~l;!1 ;;:· : .~'·z·-:tlÜt:..:-e.q~ue:;t:.:msciecitoi
.:::si~~:-.of~·:;C \.:--!'''::.vt:1 .-.iud11 ..-::::•.:: cu~.a~i::nsant
:::.Se:ri):'(t-:-::c·r:c.Stte a::(.;~~~:c . .:.-:~e!:lC:-I i!'rOVene e·.
:.i.rlC' ":' );-h;-··"i .;Jr•1~ .C
• '~ ~•I'l.AÇt•••-•:r~.•••-......:·:.:- rIl ..~~- ~u re.>i?:-in~.aiie:!
.;s~~ cc::l:-:l"'J -'-~a~~~~,::Ic~ :-'.~:,:.:. :.:-::.c:.:;!sr.tees ou
P:-l-j>;,11 "_.t_•.'1t.......1.1.... -'1 J:.:;.P.::~!:-sc~:i\ll:l:i~:t!::n.~

te1i-:1.•:cf :<ti•: '.a!.~.'!:"•i~:.::s.î.: : i:-5:x.~ t:s·r'~tons,
•'::'.:~.:u:;!;r.:~:~:ntt·r:.:en:u •r-< t
c:Ili1"-~.J1I'..•~·~~-. 1-•u1".••~~ '-':...:;:~n::L·r~:H;...;:-:!r::-.r;;.c-

C::~ve t::!1:!.<>r:.:;~ :;-.:.ion::e:·littc:::-:JnJ.l~eonj ;c:~c:- ~:~n
1..• ~..~-...;~·._.'.i..J ......--..-j ~'·\.n:.:;.:.dt.:.Pa:-::e.S:1ciC::~6
:;~.·::.:: ::....~~:.~=1ch·r.~~ru~ ,~r~ :'\;at:un L'~tJ.-:~e:-be- te.:-ua
._::.;[).:t~ ui.n..::-::"tit::t!:-~t7i!Jv~ l::::ru~~r.:cJi~;::'i é.!cc~nd
ae:-:-. :c,..:._.·.:.:~-~e L.::.,,.,.,.,_
......--"""·l,r...L.~,r ..........-..eo::c:::'lJut:';p~r.: :~ine­
......~..~ .._;....~~..."""•Tu~'·t··-·-::.e.ri,f:i·~ a Ccur :.:rnanc rl'tt!
J,-e~ç-c- :t~:::Î'::.:;- ~:(;--::--de..~;~i'C ::c:::tlO:"'e.lL.-:ciC::c>
~i:.i~~ ~1 1- ; ~.:'~. ~'-j"'-· ,....
· "" ... J.n'~...,1 n~:...e.;nlh. ~ic dei.-::.C:;:'"1er!llammera ~a:-1::.
f,;•-..'-i-·•r.....~.. ) -n'-_,. .......j;pL·'-i-uiiim~m Te!) e=v:icur
:·'\\ :Il~,ti!=~:GYC:~ :.;.;.n .:.1.e:df.c;:o;ÎrenuuE:en Vtlrt:J àe

;;.~:~ 1~1dUrP;..:Ll:.

,C :Ir-:--:-::I-l. CRAI'l.l.'IIm

Aï-r J :,Fr.1ri! ::~:çnn c:.~sion ,.;urt:::.u~qu' la t:onr.luside
c! :!; t !:'· .~\. ::~;t:ticr ~ -.~, r;c\.ï. :~ ;Qi!é:sou cor:ventinn,;,
t:~at:n .. ......,....t.. ...,.... -
.,.s;ct:::n'\-er' tnut t:·!nt.iO:l aaccord
-~:l uhlg-;irm:; u~. wtn dont la Serbie d'une j"Jilrtct J'une
h~rmch.1ncl,:..t;1ny,if1he Pri::d· (,jlJCil7rJUnes Principa PluEis:~~

~t Alliedi1ndA~:;,r Powe~r;,inatsan ces .allit":esassocié d'a:t~e.
"e otharh<~. which we"e in !m·ce part.auraienté:lkparties aut" &.uCt



i' 0~1t.htut Au,;ust. 1914. vr ""h.id1:;:')r4., pnst.t'!l'it à!uc-t~mtmt
h"'vco\oiÎlueeuee~lt. n:.el~lhtdl dtttc ct (·galcmc:nt to:obliL"ati11w;
i?sc fucw ut.:Li~Lii '.!ot;th!.! ~:-i pÙ ~1.1eSr·site,-i: ~i;~·~.s.\·
,· 1 1
1 Ser-b-Cr6M-Siovene Su:e. lrincip~ Pu:i:1tsoauJ•~i.:'e,~,~v­
Ï. t"". nVêl.l.t !:tlcp~~:tIS.!t. r:r­
gu~eri iilplein r!mit:J'E-:::.::ri;<.'·
'i" :
' c:rrra.rr-;;i~.vcn
l; .oo\l:3. The Serb-Croa t-SiI. 'C1~ A~-:- ...)_ L'i,~ ~~ JL•·c:-o;­
i' ,: 3:~t under-takes:rm~=.kc :tt:-e.;t.:!iovc;lc~'c:u~ :<.rg'c-dutae~au­
convcnt.icnor .:.:::1nge:::.entLu=:.nci
t.::.;;-~-. (::,nve 1;:11u~ ..~.d,.~_.;
LJ:o .:kio!1.•:-H.(1rt1whi1l. wîii l;.i::.c" re 11i:
t}•. p:-evc:nne: ~:o= JO..,~:u1l{o:.ay 'e::pê~! i-cie'Falti-pr ~~: ;~.~~
·t,; i'C~c roae:ntJ.:l:":.:~c~ulrablc C:.vC!l ~iŒt)J.=.i.l.~t:i illl:-;-;•,:t
. .
:r. ~:eutmè ft:..hc~.;::- tmt:n:r:er~n- cenc-uc:-.~emic-sausoic.c.~ ia
,,•' .St;:tes th~a-y be concluécti ur:dcr Soc~é d;!::\~t Ainv'~Jdn~tr<ti~t:­
:r· :.LiU11;':nc.nt('I.!UIU :t:~:cnuncn'L' ::es

!j wi:.l.lin ·f1vc yci:-o:i1 tc:.:::li;u~::•:t:-:::~u~1. ~ ~•d1-•n 1~+;~:e
'1 ::'t.o lorr.eth~r.:- tTre:--y.. · :::r:-.<q::ics:.:~an r r.:!Cm:::c::
.,.;!:~ "1f"'Tr',:7"'i''n.·

.' The Serb-C !"Oat-1O'.'e\ta eCl~:-:o ...E-tasr:·:-bc-croatr.:·si•'r~fl·.:C
' '..:lJJt:nw.ko:::; Lu e.w.ti.I;~:~e e-<~ 'ir,>~..1..t"'~·l~o~l~...-.....· :...,
.,. .-\<.!.:\.s5oc ::v·~:....:d :.: 'i~t:~.i~-SJ.51'0C:ift.O Î\'C:~J

' c·.:~.or.~cu ;::::·:vicr~:i~·r.:..> ~\1u.:'retit.
:::;!::l.::;::ay gra::=u::::g ée ;.l:::.!e:p~!"t~ 1üs..l
~he ::ue period c:[Jve yez.r:~<\·;:.::.::rt:l!il;.L~-~~.·!~ui:;1;J'..

S:a tlwith wr.i ;nce :\uçu ~:i4 l'un :tue!c:nn C:;!uE~-:;.:::n-1~·
:he .~lli e;r:t.--1.s;. o':~.o:e:1ç·:u'cq!U.c;:JUhJem'.li·;;wnt L1.;.
.J .. :::1vb!!t:::1:wo.r, y .:.:!~.!esE.t:.5a Il iùs:;;,;;1 ont 1~~~.'i
.. \\'nü.:~ ]i;-;,::: _.:..22:2ui::.:iLgu:.::-uu .J.tuut:.1c::EL·i(~~~ ~::::
r ~·r:n.wir:: ... ~.;;-=::::o.!::rit:·.::.H·.ie ~.:ru Tr ;1LL

... n1é.n1r.s}-:~1.t t~~~ ;:r~n~~~n~:r1;
'1.i J:..:~ ·.:1lr:iux.
j:.Ï ,,;;ti1.1.:='l": IledCii::~;ClU:"~in.:1.t ..u:. ;~.~u:(td ":.;S~=:a.
'~ :::":tgt:!n c:rJtnti:.J:cl:::t:tu.i1u:v1~ ion.gén rl.~ic::~, 1s \ ::-;~:'
•:q ;;iUuve.~t~ee~..:-oa;:-.Siovene ~t.<Jt.;t !.licrl.Jc-craat ~l·!t':!1!:.l::J::t
fi' ~ll~C.!". .t<:.·k<1s:t':he s:1m~ ::lr:" ~!'-mt1rn~T.!'t:~ r<; te:.erl
1Ir !ootingas :ü.;!:i(vt-:s sdv~~~;;t: n-\"n::;r.~H iXo<'.uH! nX1\~~lc!ô
~~ oi the mos: !avo:.:rednrttio t:-~ 1Jnation !a pl\fV~l:"Jrieu~ùr.:::~.~,
vess~c Jsall tl~J\:i:!da:\d .-\:s:su;;i­u:Js Jes E:alü~s ul:s:.stiq~Ll~
.;!.t:eel Powwlücn acc.ord~~:nH.:lrJ.cmr<1ent un tt':lJremenan:-da)..;u~ tn to Sttril•Cr.-Suvcnc aux na vires seues·c flï·ovi1r:·.

vesseJs. As an e:'(ception r:othi~ Pnr exception n,l..
provi~i tln, !'i\th: of :he. Serb·le droit esexpresSC:n'lcret:unnu ..
Cro<~t•S lttv.ernuf anvether l'l::tn.t serbe·cront Pt àv,utovènc
autre .!:talli@ou us!tedrlréKcr•·cr
A!liedorAosociated Pn?.-tn a,ntinc
t:;mari tln1e C!ltingL.rM.ILen m1.· son tnûic de cabvLo.gea11Xu,,.,·ire:>-
tinnalV~~l,Î; $ txj:ll'C5::1iY t'C:!tla.ti"U'!:. ..L•
The Allied and A~~oein Foe d L(: P~is:sunc::esiillit-n:st;u~l~:~
• .rncr
(urLht:agTee uuLLudaim untlcrlhi~ ccm~: n Lùcl plu ~11~1k\r~t~C rd 'tu
Article the benc!'lt rJ( asreeznentspar eet .:\rtidle bi:nC::.tlea~r.~re
which the Sbtes obtainingt~rritory que les ELaLs recevant url terntg! la

lr.rmedv uclomrim.rto the,A.ustro· a JJ~ar tt erfcéadtmnen t à M:.NOIUT:ES1:-."Yt:'OOSLA VIA

}'{u:J)I.Il!\1onar m"a'hçorduce rr.onnrc.hie U$tro--ongroise:,pour.
a' 1égl\1-ct~OU.~ lafi: :be(Y/CC~ :~icnt cm~c~ur eC!lativcmc:-:tau
thepu;:.,11fd,c~\dria ::ei.c
o::-ariccc~~o'! cngee ~esparu de
~:m~er .\tiri:niuuc .
AKr. : ~-Pe!ulin:oLl:e r..:-u~ldiJ~:u.·\x-1·~.En· ane ::dant la (.onu­l

und~ bt- au ~i't:-$c;:; lH-(~~-11i\~w:.<~ )nm,ies •:.u,. neùlae~ociët~
:-;;i.s ci a ,.:~:-;:"'1.c1::~:1tc èc! .at~o dn·sn.convention g-iln~­

:;ecurt:.:u1d n~a 4anr, frn~dom >lt :-"ld~::-. o~-::uretet.lmca:inte.·ü~
l.:Oilum~. 1Jt:";::Hui u L!H ~iti;e :a l:bcr ccecommunication ~t dù
Sc:iJ.(:·nnSiovc::c .-,~;· uIlt'h..~::o;!i, 1'E:.ul~ed;t !at-:d:vè!'!e

take ta .:=.ccir~~:o mf-..:; ~m!J::·c:•t:agi -=;:-Ja
;J~ cr~;.:i:oo~._·•e;::=dc:~:~.;c:., ':oi:-'.co:-:?~ i~:C:1.::.c::.c:-:.J.~es,
w Cli:. ;.!ll~:,; :Jn -:-<~n'Jtr.r::­' 1.' ' ~.. .
1a llJ:!rtt:!'-:r3n~laux :;;c:-so::.r.cs.
f:·oi;.~ .n;\·}c1_:r~l 'I:: _!I:c:J.~.::.i;..n~ci!c:.;r:s.vcJ-ru:-eWOJ.a
uv~: .St1;·\~.l·:.d-.." ::vnt:.:ne ;~~;1t:. c:.::r:1c::sposratlX ~>lta:ot-:

!r.~,;~: !:r;;:~i,.\nüè::oo.<:i.ud;,..:::1 provcnanCtlUà<de:iitbâtionde
~: t:=[x, .lw!e.. J1.a:~:.raoiy '"-S:·,on quclt.:n:"quede:; l;:tatsai!iés
~~tl, \J.·':ù\'r::epc:!:on ";oc:~~~-.:;u:,~:s ercileu: s.c:urcic..n c:::c

•:t.: :csci~.Hiw,e·~,. <.c.ds.::.:;<1.: concc.:. 1t!~iilc:tés. c.!::.s,lli!:'e
'l'lp:ti-:i.\· •d:.u~ ~fcan y otb.:~ =-~stru: atiùrc. ..,
• .1 1'
1 • li.Jo••fly~J .J:~•.!.~I:l:!-.:ütc a: muiu~aue~ favora-
HU plL;~IUJ..J;.J:~C.-l,:,"!:·:-:g~.-L1cyu' a:.!x ~crs:-:s. :":":.1!-rcb.u::d.bc~.
:"acliL'!::i·;:r._ !!";i:..:_ ,J:i;;:-...::.Vilt~:;'Y~!f!:t:Ct CO\T':'H!T'~

.!.uJn-:~11a·.~c:~. :~~:):!'.e;lr!:1l!'!Lc~-o ~ ' ou•cit~·slovcr.::::o
:~...:re-::-::;:.':~on, or1~~:-.c-:-:-
---,- ~n,.·.x'........;r"'1.1'u1'~t.
~~:."-..L Vlf.~· ~....~··t•OI~.......
: :..:-~::~ !:;: 1:vnr:.:1le.
~\ :c:: ;u:;el':;Jtlii~:~ho ,c::i· 'J'(• !eI'lcf:~nairm~JlX!h:.<.1.~,e:~
-~rv .t._~...i.l ·.'~.;.;,·n',.:-....
•·• U1 .~.··-'-· o.,1· •.- -.••. .o.l:!!!:-:-:tC..:e'F.:at ser~.ll t::'-<.:-~.:;d
IJ::.~11r~:'rl!": ::::.::.n:;i:. ·~,~a;;ovè.n"u:.-<.r-<U!t:..tnuJt::.èev· ::::.:~\·,:~::c:l1''t;<~rU:·i"ê-:t·rai~urmr. eble.s:a=aux

t:"liLi:.::J::; Of:·.·:-:.C;orch i:: cc:1d:tc :~~m-.e::i:"u.I.t::m:.r·
tr:-11 -~:!r ;-:t':':\:t.::-:.::....':-: r~s:e;::..::~ -~tm~lt J;;I:-.--:.;:r::es
:'i-:DI.droi-::;: ùt: r!not.•~u-:•~-

~• '.....r:~• ·:·:~..;~;:;:1-:.••• :i.C1cc rarf:;:o:::r~:~;!:::u:e ".IÎt.:
•"le:..r:;;.:v.-cc:~ \;~';1:.-::·::-;~;: ::ï. tln?~t:Ivc:-s 1rL:l: ::.bea
..v.:.·e(',1!" :~t-"~t·i"!t·-ov~il ,:-:::-m-:-l .:t"e:-;tris1v ~c~l.:.

-:~OJ .r.c:.1.:..:..:o::-.l.~c.,l'\Cï:--:mC•..:::-·E:ta-:serbe-c!'re-.;lo­
I ':'l;;•v:'i:"~r'·.:·mJ:.-;ico:>:.::v~;:· et :.r. I~ar allié ou ë.5S<.n.:ié
W'-'."·~"1•,\!·.:'''-\:·l:c -:t'"Jc~i
\.~J111.1L1ie1•.._.,.••w ...1('~•~ :-;ueic::-mtcnrnpur-:.a:ide~ bi:le'U:i
l.!:-;:r.:itc ..l.lie~"iA .'-": -:1C:;;ulct-.::ritvr.Jttt::dieL:!..-;!ut~rc.J
.'..:w~.::·:err:ec:. 6t~b! 1i~cctr.e Puissance:tl! iu~e

~sodt !:ci:ütla demancle.
F:-ceno::('t):~·:: w!!~cittc~ wd La 1iherce-de t:-:ln''étend au.x~
Pu~t~ :l..!!l'I tm d 1i> :::~:vic costaux, léli!graph1qucuu

!l~rvic:e~. ':.~IL•phuuiquc:s.
l-' tnotAllied crù!'~or.j. Ilestcnte!!.dUQU'aucun Etat allié
ated Power c.:ant:l~d t.:I.benc.!Î'.cm~s~oc ni'ur:1ledroitcie réclamer ·'

c( the1:p1"uv1 nnibnhn.~d;Ïany lelJ~·nê c:lC&;cdeîspo~it piur ns
P<lrttll"itcrritoryitt whic:recipro­ une quelr.oJtque !on terrj•
cal tre.:1rmen-is.n"t accordt:d in toire rians laquelle un trait~ment

r~pec or thes.ame ::;uhject !natter.rl~cipro nt'Mj'":i:l.C'Corccu ce
q·ulconcc.:·:l:mi!mc obict. INTER.~TION";t.TI0~A

f within a. periodfve year~ Si,au co~ rnu.npériudde
from tb.e ccming:toforceoi Lhe
~5, à .tJa:"0~.lamiMeen
presenTrentyr:.ogenec:onventionou present tm1té,~~
:u air..resaid shall !:ave beee~l!nê.. c,a;.:ie·ràC\~afiei~ts
cludcd unrletht ~uopic oe.te ~Oil~ .!uue;e.sil~u: dtpi~·es
Le.ilg~. .airn!':i,tSerb-C!•oat:soc:1ed~! Nat1o:t.s, ie
SlovcneSt.:nsh.:uelatlben y Il-:
met t~serbc~ tr~·rsclnav~,ne
:l:.rime there:lft.e: ::o g!vc qt.Œ_JCJmomP.n~ que c:esoit,
1~onth s1.ot ti~te.:Secrctary.aro•t cie m=ttrc r.nu1:'14~:~~U:icllli
Gt!e!'aoi::tLcague o.:\tlolto ~uP:r6~ :n\!"t àir~citin-,
c:-m.J.te·b::llbli;.:ï:ttions u~on~hieunr.~(· raiv<.;zntoil S~·''.·nlllociété
;\ i t•:-.~;
..l.16.~\1 ri~. h~l1:cvlgeli .J...(,.'I"o l'SroitC:nn1-...1
::;(;c:obye:heiure~o i--:g!cslL·geacc:or fil~'eSArticles
~.t~eA!!!ed ami .-\ssod:.::d Pcrcd~: a::xt~uis!\a nll'!l
!i=~ n:,;.::.;c:~lquall ~0 ail l:!.!c~~~e; u'n:~01 lacm;in
::_:ares Me:mbcr! nf !he Lc:ig-ue oi
;ous leE~a- =embr~ c!elSoci~6
~a-::bn9. ~1:.:S.tinn;.
ihc -;::- e~eu:,lntFr-c::i::, Le pr<.:sTri!I rt{:~,o~fan-­
2.=<iÜand in I::1li,,fwhichin ~·. :n.::nc:,,ll'n i-:-.,t doat'fc.uvers::c;e:~rencn.':~Xl:Ct~'= f;.eçaiie.!:ci. eQS de
;halln:-evaiû1ah :e~:-atdeci1t c.;h·er :!!!n:c:<e.:leitela~.
1 ;;:,ail l-i:~f we:-.:.:h1~1'.1.~c-:vq-c~. :rl:nèmc-=~ps-q:e le
• t:::al:~h~Trc~c yiPe:.ce...,·iTn'. ~e-Ji.!avec.:l'.J.u.riche
The dcpo;;i'..r~:.i::: .h-l!.::Lei.:.~· d~6:·tficton sera
_.....,.-.! -.,Jill •. ~.:~~:t'P~:t:-is.

.!-'owcsi\l.·:üthesentd :.!1e :..l.!s?ui:id:r::i~-cn-.rne-.
(,~.:n~ ~:tiimut:iicEurnne wiil :n~: a-son ~i~· gw-s ri'Et..::-cpe
[leemded :::c:n:Luir.forir::.e~m::1r. ii:-:. ~C":::.~Jr;à r:u~r
G.:ve:-:1rtnf ~h?re.X :.puLà:.!:':.r..:otie auCouï·er tneem~:;
::!:: -hi-~ù!p!o~: te:tie:;enta­XC u· i(u~ i:·~i!.~ i:(.:ir,
_ ..,..."4,;,:·~.r.t.n::ciIJ:1lt)llj P<l:i!,
~-.a·o....~,.v'rj• ;..;~e,.1-,"'-"
• !) ....,...• . ·.-- "'"'..-...:J~l:.:r r-.ri(::.::..&11:et. ~~·J
::"lU t.~;;.n ne:~-:;.:tr.~:nr.e::cl:e:i.:t~::;;ievr·~on~r:;ns­",:::pn.~r!;~~!. mt::t~ J'::~~Lr: <..:U:;=ue:à"t:
:.c~;..~ll,,r - .
A pmc.l:~.v efr:aclde~:wiiitL"lprr:r(v~:al trcépltcira.:.r•.
oiï;"l~iil VcJlbtdrOIrlu. i !Îcu.-:ion sel"a clre.~il\ Governmc n t~~i !Il~ Couverncrnf'!nirnn~· re·i!i
::üt to11ltheFi~lato Pw;.:.•a! .i "1!~P:.:issanl.igna·
r.edfiecopyof thep:-uc.:fJ-.oi rai une :np;e;c::mformcpr(.l~-c~­
the deputiofrtii;;-:ns. verbalric~l~p dfrt~tinr ..ation
1nf.r.hwhercoft~cabovc-na::-.e!l:r. foide qlePlt:niootenrraLrCS

P!eniprent.h.i.riesbsigr:edthe su~-numr nl~ igni!-~~pr~en!
present Trc:trv. T:;Ut(:,
UoneouL Sai,tl:crlll!!il..ayt:ll-'aà Saint-L .tP.n~·rJm.n.i.n.'"lY~:.le
the tenthday of Sep.ternbone dix RCptenl.bmil neuf C(l!nt. CIL.\::
t.housa:tdnihundrt!d and ninetcen,f, en y,n sflue.~en1p laJUre
in a sinKle cowhich wiii~'em3inrestera rlépvsédale nrc:vt"Su
depoliiited the arc:hiveof the Gouvfl!r"ucment cla R6pu~li_quc

French Republic, and of whic:h fmn~.a e:sdont le~ t"Xpl'<.'ii11Un!i · copie will be t.:-11!!s-.heJJLqucs$e':'Onrer:-:ià(.cna­
,.-.....~,·gn~•::_~ .tus~~ui;;~a s.inauer5 :d ~
...ti.~. l•''" "" J
! !te..!

~o. b

ON 0:1t~e Control oi Tr~de i..'r.l<\.snd A r:rcun.i.tion.

Sfgned at St. Germain-en-Laye, Sepnunber IO, I9•9·;

r:Atln,.~ elA.tvr1e.ucontrole du tt.rOcs et àes
Signée à St. Ger:~ a.n-Laye, :a septe:nore 1919.'

·s .:,:=1'h:1:v~:nic waï,..;iç-r,.t rc::!.;:ln::.nis niej~dy-:,

a,:Jt~mi(-'(~if.'q.- p~:.r:·\io:.: ~:Ae.~(:l,lr.r~.,1·Seeaisgtheo
i'r::: :i:l:.1);;·o~.0:ir. !J'"i~·:Pr:r'rrJ=~~·;~.:~r~ .v.s :ï.
~ ~-· \1"" :·~~....~-"'\,'l"1.;',...fc.,.,l...0-!...-,."'..tir.'•· .!
ter.;.",/·,,,J,a ."erou,....,~..,;t~...~. .-.- ...iO ._,... .. ::a-........ •1
to trC:l!WC! : Wal :-:r.-.:.~Y:;i:;:.ty!.~1:~:-:o·e ;•r!n.~J::~::t~' ..'1

il;;z~·J~e, .y"c~!~:d:r.Y <::tiI!ui;;:~rvuî:si:::l:~r:~ tra;i..~e-l.i ~
3:JY :.::;~~::3ld:;:;l~:•,.:(':~rrr';:ei.;:~.c:H:]v1.:::-1;;.(rSl~ 1 1
:·~ç~•t:\'c: :.s:!~:ti:.~:~:nc!;:!:y;;a.:.;, :ï:•C!~:tt~,,

. nat~~~~ ~4:.-;\.;'~,tr.~~~\:&"M: :t:!~tuo"i~hc.n ;'L!.VZof~I;~\..,a:,.ù)~JJ J
T.'-. "'·'·'~~·,.1~_.11_,~,.• , -i.,.,:-7,--.·.. ,&. •'"',,~5'.',y•w·.. , ;.

Sft:r:.~ P~a~'u"::::";.lH".'fli~.!I C~p..:a,~Or.t:•r.::;t.Ü1;Ca::r•r"t>!l• .~:1
t::an,r~tct:rr.c:c:~;rf:r::u~; ..C,j:(~.(:;.'!f.-.)t,;:J.). .:",1

In tora.:-.tar.~o1.21z

-:·"'·ahm:1•1::7.·!:"4Ny :\..1:·;:;:9), Crr.d. .:.:.:..

;·!"ht~'•j i'-'~
T...c .... t....c~.,.t•·rnP..IC.::..~:;;::.ts• n;;. :rd'\1e~uc. l~i
Be!~i:B J·;l·v:.....n ..:,~·~::-.11~
...., f ...~'•414 i:.J ~••.1-· . lk:if;iq-a:Flnliv.!'E:::1pibriu~.n·
Pl., ·•lob,·-··~1.r.-... , •n......:>ir :uC~hi::c. C:.:Ll'Equateur,
Creecc. Gu~~cn:al lhi,i the b z-·r~ la1Gce;, t.éma•..

Hedjaz, Itniv..k.p:tn,NH::.!. H:l!t!,~ n~Ja~. .'t~!~C1, T~-pon,!'ia, F~rr.'!o.l~ P!n!:H·i:.ul!Nïc:uag-t:.le flanamn, 1tPerc.HJ.
Rnurnnn.iat~~ .~crh·Cïnn.:-.5h.,\-·enc
:;'r'J;o~ :neP,ortugal.ln Rou·
Stare. Sin.ll:H!:zt:dm-Slovnkî.:i: marne, lr..ta..e:-neron.te.,::,ove::c,
le :Siam el'Etat Tchéco•Slovn4ue:

. \\"herr.the !ongwar nuw e~rlcd. Considér quutl~longue guerre
tn Whieb rtliJmH.iùns lmve =u~~es­ qui vient de .prendre ~t~.!:~.quelle
:iivelbttr.nme invol.;e!m. k-ù tn unt été l::IUCce.'i;SivtOl~: la;

~5e- oilh~&iltureswt:•• .mxe::PAri.!~
R~~Att wit'he-t:tPti:1Lnithe: i.MRUcNntioasNu.2on, Ja:~u 9:rpr.y

Document Long Title

Amendment to the Application and Additional Grounds of Jurisdiction cited by Bosnia and Herzegovina
