Conditional Request of Paraguay for an order conclusively establishing facts

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DESFAITDE FACONCONmUANTE 'OnW ofah REpuhk ofmay, I hmby aubmia Wtional
kqpm fbranUOrdCodusiwIy EsmbWq Facts
1,On 14April1998,h violattiiCourt'Orded p~wisjonaImea-
sum of9April199, pomibkofiab ortbeUnikdStam-~ed Angbi
Prah Brad. Tk

led& I bm& of thViennaConmilon on ConsulRrtlatiinsMr.
Bd% cwq andidPamguayviewasa matteoTlaw,nopwia trotdu
p ~ioorduloobt*ion~IbrIhacbrsrdr.Fu~h,~Yt)leCoart
wna to d6tcrmiikl a shclurof p@dh wererequid on anyof
hmguaCy% tb hwmg ma& byRrsguayfmm othemm would
mffl toaabw prej*
rm3.lbat materialo,~tbat~claimastowhicMr.BdP hthony
wouldhaw h mha, YE% dmn W fe a~ablishdihraeuay's
fm inordetammly thewidmriarypmjudketohmgnslbyvh oT
UdtedSw' -on d Mr.BmA

4.FQrtbsm m fimbiuChepm 5of PaqgIay'Memorid*the
UW $mm' d Mr.Bmd bmchcd ebindinOrderof this
Court.Rmgmy a appropriW-W fmth bd.
5.Sepmte andapartfrthabmch, thcexecutrho violatedh-
damentao-tjon owd bya y tomi inwhichits ispndmg
notm in* a tbtribuSLpcity t,- a T* inbd andw
dkth judgm~ntntb disputesubmit.ed
rimm mth the ~cipof thcqu&y of Thispre-
actiodb8pay,runtthedckminatiomadebythemu^ Itntww also
th he prindpd equalitmanotbbdistarBbythe saptrihrce
dlabk 10om party."2Whi savaila.lColl~hetothat duty,UnitedSkimointdamdwiththe-
&urth judicirocezwbyunilateralyirinactjothamakw certa in-
dew a d
6. Whcytrth~~ d theUnitaStstsobIi@tionsdcrth Odw
ofprwiPiod mesaw it wi-in the-. th Paw- wilnot have
a- toMr.BWs tatimosybemus eheUptteStab &wt to d'
thatOrdarForpuqmm ofh
Unite4Stim iahodd btthtU Pcd Statechet any ldverst
mraguafidatmtor-ti01s~HahhgWfrom&Eha& ofewheOrder,F%v
k in-tly entitlato aor& wed my cvidtlltip""judiet
mightsuffhorn tlcandm thatdepdd it oMr.Bard'smm~,
UaitsStam thafairasthe did he aa towbkbM*.Bds tcati-
monya t hw h relcvaatmmlly, thbearinonpmvisimdmm-
Mr.Brrrdfmm the admittd TiolmofotheViennaCumab~rejarguing
thaornehpFcjudiwaj apmroquisittodid hr &atviolati.nh its
M u ~y-tad*~,IL.oomn~ibu1Is~to
reparatin rmattar lswand tha?hemfirmneedmah aofactuashow
d pFejudiinordertprevaon itsktkk36elaims
Y .InthOrdertheCourltaoknoteof thUded Stnteconmtiooscon-
- dHdios and&&mined that"thehw of- aq suchFgnsdy
can...~h~~pn~brnetio"~.~the~orrrt~taholdshi ridandsmaence
rh- of prejndhtoBerequid,theinjuryPamgu kdiiiitopursue
itclaim unrfertWCM~ C-tion WOW rim. Iat mnt, Fbquay
wouldbeentitledtanapproprialaorder pdg itlm nnyevidehry

9.If thCnn hold.thaRnpy mustmh afd dm? d pnju
diceinordetopmil onits VI anvention claiitbul elso hdd
that,fopurpoaof tbispding thatfad Add beM
emW,W. ThaGun wouldhawauthorittoloordaasa sad=
violalionth OM orof &e 0-1 dutyowedby Statlitiganoorto

p(O~y*.~~~~p~ULMlu.p*~~~ro Na 127,31Ma11926prqfGmm'ra,
dstab :btmrbMwawr I!mayk").").
C)rd~gmmt, eaa s~osrnw Ybw#r &nwa~doonCamtm WlEwrJ
Kbbdmwrrr*ef9Apd1WmLC3rrlo- mIm,pa.553,lat&$ alsokiw arrthoryloenw-d an ordeapwsrlslto.its auhriw,both
exm and iabsro tot,ct tbepdhg inafairanderectima-.
?a Undw nt3uma. tk .courhu authodtto %ah orda,
dueof thW IItalsoBasauthorito%ah alamangemeatosonascled
wikh~c taEngofevidume''to*callupothemts to roduckanydocu-
-1 or lomppl olp*nalionr*midtotake14 mote ...of any
tttu&lodoso Y-
11The alshasauthoritw *framemIm forwing outitsTune
tiow?*hmat 10 thaauthorit,heCoun hr isswd mk add64 the
coadndofks brings thpoddm and-lion ofwidencci
; Cnq2Easa cowldujwtiqmwouldphaveauthoritownlmlte[hwagufa, tbe
befomitinchdi byWng f offam .
/ 13Hlmrq theCoM hasbndouE authority 10determinIbcmeam by
b N whichiwill di utedfuc&Thisauthoritindlldthcauthorityto
I entar w&. r pMy. ~h hurt or-1 evidona,
bithebyd&g ra itor,~hp~tlmadwwpatrtyfmra
"Lnany wherewibm whichd probablyinit- [the
murt'sJ&h iminrly wie the kndedgeof theclaimat ror
theqmbt gowmml, theTsilmto- itmxplahed, maybe
tak rnlo~acouby the[court]inmcbngits de&im.'*Thw wbenapartyhl toproducewidemuiniumntmIg asintsiase,
rendersochcvidmcehpoai'Mtloobt8ina trihd may ordertba,the
ybedd oonddvtlytoWe atablishthedisputefw ,
" 14. a ~0~~nCLjoll~vfo1~thCOrdsrorths~~du~y
offrdcEilaajudiilbody,rasBmatteaoftheComb cxpmssandinher-
ent auhrhy to ventprejudito Pmw resultifmm the Unia
~tatm*-tion oranimpcrladwitnosq COU~ dwu~enteranoh
lion.m y fom anycvihtiwy erlW by Mr.Bdh ~CEP

15.-om, Pam@q qwtr that
(a)ifandtothe thatthCow dmmiaestbatPsmgaaymustmakea
FacrwlshmingoTp ict~meIemtntofitrcEaims~erIheIlsnaa
CwvmtroD oa~~IhtCovndacmtherMoTprrJndica
(b)ifead to theutmr that?he mrt dtt#mlnothatParagua has
tb bwdm !opromany 0th fct &I toItdab as to which
Mr. M's twwim would he bffarckvaettheCourt such
rm ~w.hnprovidsuchotherand Mar dof as wilMly prom
(c)~~he from my evidentiprejudicit&lit hcw asa dt of
hitEr.& dm.

Document Long Title

Conditional Request of Paraguay for an order conclusively establishing facts
