Application Instituting Proceedings

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24th September, 1949.
1.have the honour to refer to the declaration made by the United
Kingdom and by Norway accepting the Optional Clause provided

for in Article 36(2) of the Statute of the International Court of
Justice, and, under the jurisdiction thereby conferred upon the
Court, to submit, in accordance with Article 40 (1)of the Statute
and Article32 (2)of the Rules of Court, an application instituting
proceedings in the name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northem Ireland against the Kingdom of Nonvay in the
following case :
2. Differences have from time to time arisen between the Govem-

ment of the United Kingdom and the Nonvegian Government
relating to thelirnits at sea within which the Nonvegian Govem-
ment are entitled to reserve fishing exclusively to Nonvegian vessels.
In 1933 a certain line (hereinafter for convenience descnbed as the
red line) was agreed to as a modus vivendi between the two
Governments, without prejudice to their respective legal clairns,
although the area enclosed by the red line was greater than that
which, in the opinion of the Government of the United Kingdom,
Norway was entitled to reserve under international law. Under the
modus vivendi it was agreed that British fishing vessels fishing
outside the red line would not be interfered with bythe Norwegian
authorities, and the Government of the United Kingdom would
have no objection to the exclusion of British fishing vessels from
fishinginside the red line.

3. On the 12th July, 1935, a Norwegian Royal decree (which
was slightly amended in one particular by an amending decree of
10th December, 1937) was promulgated delimiting the Norwegian
fisheries zone as regards that part of Norway which is situated
northward of 66' 28.8 north latitude. This Decree of 1935, a copy
of which is annexed to this application, both in the originalwe-
gian and in an English translation (as published in a collection of

laws published for the use of legations and consulates byorder of
the Royal Nonvegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs), was expressed
I ' Deposited with the Court on September zd1949to be based on ancient rigbts and purported todeiimit the Norwegian
fisheries zone. For this purpose it provided certain base-lines,
specified in detail in an annexto the said decsee, The limits of the
Norwepan fisheries zone under the decree isa certain distance to
seaward from these base-lines. This distance is not given in the
1935 Decree itself, butis to be ascertained by reference to eatlier
decrees recited in its preamble. Thus, in the Decree of 1812 w,hich

is recited in the Decree of 1935 and which was then cornmon to
Denmark and Norway, the following ruleis laid down (the text of
the decree iç in Danish) :

"Vi ville hâve fastsat som Regel i alle de Tllfzlde hvot
Sp~rgsrnaal er orn Beçtemmelse af Vor Territorial-Rgikeds
Grandçe udi S~en, at denne skal regnes indtil den scedvanlige
Sa Mils Afstand fra den yderste M eller Holrne fra Landet,
som ikke overskylles af Sam1.''

The unit of measurement refemed to here is equivalent to one-
fifteenth(111 5fa degree oflatitude (i.e4 sea miles, each of which
is one-sixtieth (1160 of a degree of latitude). In the Deçrees of
1869and 1889(alço seferred to in the Decree of 1935) the unit is
refened to by the Norwegian word "rnilom", which might be
translated "Sçandinavian league", which is alço r]rj ofa degree of

latitude. The base-lines of the Decree of 1935 are straight lines
drawn between 48 successive fixed points selected on the mainland,
on islands or rocks, starting from the extrerne eastern boundary
of Nonvay in Varangesfj ord. The Iirnits of the Norwegian fishenes
zone specfied in the. 1935Decree, which are hereinafter referred to
as the 1935 line, include, by reason of the arbitrarily-selected
base-lines, an area considerably more extensive than that comprised
in the red line and even more greatly in excess of the area which
Nonvay is entitled to reserve in accordance with international law.

4. The Governrnent of the United Ringdom at once disputecl, as

it now disputes, the validity undet international law of the lirnitç
of the Norwegian fisherieçzone prescribed in the 1935 iine.In 1938
negotiations took place for a settlernent of thdispute and, pending
such settlement and without prejudice to their respective legal
rights, the Norwegian Government refrained from a fuU enforce-
ment of the 1935line against British fishing vesseh, while the
United Kingdom Goverment continuecl to observe the red line,

l [Trauslatim made Iry Ihs Regaslry1s"our wisto laydown asa rule that
whenever determining l~mits of our territorial soatrsea, this sovereigiity
island or islet farthesthe inainlaiand not covcred by sca"red fromtlie APPLICATION INS1.ITULING PRDCEEDINGS (24 1X 49) IO

5. A draft convention for the settlement of the dispute, which
resulted from the 1938 negotiations,was rejected by the Norwegian
Government and, owing to theoutbreak of the Second World War,
was nat the subject of any decision by the Government of the
United Kingdom.
6. On the 16th September, 1948, the Norwegian Governrnent
informed the Government of the United Kingdom that the Norwe-
gian Governrnent was unable to continue the arrangement referred
to inparagraph 4 above andconsidered it neceççary to enforce fully

the rg35 Ilne. In teply the Government of the United Kingdom
reaffirmed itsview that the limits of theNomegian fisherieç zone
prescribed in the 1935 Decree are incompatible with international
law and refused to accept the 1935 line as applicable to British
fishing vesselç.
7. Svbsequent negotiations have failed ta achieve an agreement
between the two Governrnents and, in conçequence, a dispute
existsbetween them, each rnaintaining in law the positions set out
in the preceding paragtaphs. In these circurnstances the Govern-
ment ofthe United Kingdom has deemed it approprkate to subrnit
the dispute to the Court.

S. The subjeçt of the dispute is the validity or otherwiseunder
international law of the lines of delimitation of the Nonvegian
fisheries zone laid down by the Royal Decree of ~g35for that part
of Nonvay which issituated northward of 66" 28.8 north latitude.
Actuated by the sarne spirit of compromise as led it in 1933 to
agree to the red line modus vivend he Government of the United
Kingdom, for the purpose of the present dispute and without
prejudice to the positionthat it maintains regarding the extent of
Norwegian territorial waters inrnatters other tkan fisheries, is
prepared to agree that the Norwegian fisheries zone shall be
delimited on the assurnption that thezone extends to seaward 4sea
miles from base-lines drawn in accordance mith the:pra'ncipks of
intsrnatiofiabLaw.Itfallows that the question at issue between the
two Governrnents is whether the lines prescribed by the Royal.
Decteeof 1935as the base-lines forthe delimitation of the fisheries
zone have or havenot been drawn in accordance with the applicable
rules of international law.

g. Since 16th September, ~948,the Norwegian Government have
interfered with certainBritish vessels fishininside the 1935 line.
Fusther, the Government of the United Kingdom do not know
whether or not there will be further similar interferences with
British fishing veçsels during thpend when thiç dispute is before
the Court. The Government of the United Kingdom claims darnages
for al1interferences, between16th September, 1948,and the present
date, with British fishing vesseloutside the area whick, according
to the Court's decision, Norway is entitledto reserve exclusively APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (24 IX 49) 11
for Norwegian fishing vessels, assuming that Norway is entitled to
a fisheries zone extending 4 sea miles seaward of base-lines drawn

in accordance with the applicable principles of international law
as laid down by the Court. The Government of the United Kingdom
also reserve the right to clairn in these proceedings in respect of ali
similar interferences occurring between the present date and the
date of the close of the hearings before.the Court. The Government
of the United Kingdom wili submitparticulars of these interferences
at such stage in the proceedings as the Court shall decide to be
convenient .

IO. The Government of the United Kingdom, in submitting this
question to the Court, claims that

(a)the Nonvegian Government, when it prescribes the base-
lines from which the Norwegian fisheries zone is to be
delimited, isbound to have regard to the applicable principles
of international law which define the lirnits of national and
territorial waters with particular reference to bays, islands
and rocks ; these principles wili be set forth in the United
Kingdom Memorial ;

(b) the base-lines prescribed by the Nonvegian Government in
the Royal Decree of 1935, as explained in paragraph 3 above,
consist of straight lines joining points arbitrarily selected
either on or off the Norwegian coast, in violation of the
principles referred to in (a); the United Kingdom Memorial
will indicate in detail in what manner the base-lines violate
these pnnciples ;

(c) as a result, the Royal Decree of 1935unlawfuliy purports to
close to British fishing vessels considerable areas of sea off
the coast of Norway which under international law are high
seas and, as such, open to the fisheries of ailnations.

II. Accordingly the Government of the United Kingdom asks
the Court, after considering the contentions of the Parties

(a) to declare the principles of international law to be applied
in defining the base-lines, by reference to which the Nor-
wegian Government is entitled to delimit a fisheries zone,
extending to seaward 4 sea miles from those lines and
exclusively reserved for its own nationals, and to define
the said base-lines in so far as it appears necessary, in APPLICATION INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS (24 IX 49) 12 '1

the light of the arguments of the Parties,in order to avoid I
further legal difierences between them ;

(b) to award damages to the Govemrnent of the United King-
dom in respect of al1 interferences by the Norwegian
authorities with British fishing vessds outside the zone
which, in accordance with the Court's decision under (a),
the Norwegian Govemment is entitled to seserve for its

12. The undersigned haç been appointed by the Government of
the United Kingdom as its Agent for the purposes of these

(Signed) W. E. BECKETT,
Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office.

1935, 12 juli.

Med gsunnlag i gamal naç-onal hevd,-
I sarnsvar med deigeogra1 se vilkaralangs den norske s$çida,-
tilverje forlivskravafor den norske busetnirigaiden n0sdste luten
av landet,-
og i samh$ve med dei kongelege resolusjonanefr& 22 febmar 18x2,
16 oktober ~869, 5 januar 1881 og g september 1889,-
blir hermed fastsett grenselinene utei sjoen fordet norske fiske-
omrddet iden parten av Noreg som Iigg nordanfor 66' ~3~8 'ordleg
brDesse grenselinene skalbliutrn~lt soleis at defylgj erreidd rned
rette pnnliner Som blir dregne millom faste punkt p% land, gyar
eller skjefrbendepunktet for riksgrensa lengst ausi Varangerfjorden
til Træna i Nordland fylke.
Dei fastepunkta som grunnlineneskal g% imlllom,es nggje uppgjevne
:i særskdt vedlegg til denne resolusj~nen.

J. Endepunktet for riksgrensa, soleiç Som det efastsetti "LiUeggs-
protokoll til Protokoll over grenseopgangen mellem Norge og
Finnland 1925".
2, Den austlegaçte, ytarçte crdden a Kibergneset, som Iigg pa
70. 17~3'n. br. q 31"4,3' i.o. Zr.

3. Den ytarste odden p&austsida av Hornoy, Som ligg pa 70" 23,3'
n. br. og 31" IO,^'1. o. Gr.

4. Staurneset p& Hornoy, som ligg p%70" 23,4' n. br. og 31" 10,2'
1. o. Gr.
5. Kuneset p&Reinoy, som ligg pi 70" 23.9' n. br. og 31" 9,3' 1.o. Gr.
6. Korsneset; Som ligg p&70" 40~5'n. br. og 30" 13~4'1. O. Gr.
7. Molvikskjeret, Som ligg p5 70" 42.3' n. br. og 30" 6,3' 1. 6. Gr.
8. Kj~lneset, som ligg p%70" 51,~' n. br. og 29" 14,8' 1. o. Gr.

g. Skjeret med jarnstytta austanfor det skjeret Som Torrba-bkken
star pa, og som ligg p%71" 6' n. br. og 28" IZ,~' 1. o. Gr.
IO. Skjeret utanfor det skjeret som Torrbi-baken star p&,og som ligg
p&71" 6,1' n. br. og 28" II' 1. o. Gr.
II. Den ytarste odden p& Avloysa ved Nordkyn, som ligg pi 71" 8'
n. br. og 27" 39,g' 1. o. Gr.
12. Knivskjerodden, Somligg p5 71" II,I' n. br. og 25" 40,gr 1.o. Gr.
13. Avloysinga ved nordvestodden av Hjelmsoy, Som ligg p&71" 6,g'
n. br. og 24" 43,7' 1. O. Gr.

14. Stabben, skjeret med jarnstytta nord av Ingoy, Som ligg p&
71" 6,1' n. br. og 24" 4,1' 1. O. Gr.
15. Den nordste Skagholmen, som ligg pi 71" 5,s' n. br. og 23" 59'
1. o. Gr.
16. Torrskjeret som ligg pa 71" 5,s' n. br. og 23" 58,8' 1. o. Gr.
17. Torrskjeret Som ligg pa 71" 5,7' n. br. og 23" 58,6' 1. o. Gr.

18. Den vestlegaste Skagholmen, som ligg p& 71" 5,7' n. br. og
23" 58,4' 1. o. Gr.
19. Rundskjeret (Bondoyskjeret), som ligg p& 70" 51~5' n. br. og
22" 48,7' 1. o. Gr.
20. ~aGskjeret, ved nordvestodden av Sorvy (Fuglen), som ligg p&
70" 40~5'n. br. og 21" 59,1' 1. o. Gr.
21. Vesterfaliet i Gasan, Somliggpa 70"25,2'n. br. og 19"54,g11.o. Gr.
22. Sannifallet, som ligg p&70" 18,3' n. br. og 19" 5,3' 1. o. Gr.

23. Ytre Fiskebken, som ligg pi 70" 12,8' n. br. og 18" 38,1' 1.o. Gr
24. Jubaen, som ligg pi 70" 6,2' n. br. og 18" 23,6' 1. o. Gr.
25. SaltbAen, som ligg pi 69" 52,s' n. br. og 17" 56,4' 1. o. Gr.
-26.N. V. odden av Kjolva, Som ligg p&69" 36' n. br. og 17" 29,4'
1. o. Gr.

27. Tokkebaen, som ligg pa 69" 2g,5' n. br. og 16" 57,3' 1. o. Gr.
28. T~rskjeret N.N.O. av Glimmen, Som ligg pi 69" 21,4' n. br. og
160 II,~' 1. o. Gr.
29. Den noidste av Svebaan, Som ligg p&69" 20~3'n. br. og 16" 2,s'
1. o. Gr.
30. Den vestlegaste av Skreingan, som ligg p& 69" 15,6' n. br. og
15" 48' 1. o. Gr.

31. Den nordste av Flesan, nord av Langeneset, Som ligg p&69" 6,1'
n. br. og 15" IO,I' 1. o. Gr.
32. ~ordodden av Flesa i Floholman utanfor Skogsoy, Som ligg pa
68" 53,4'n. br. og 14"'41,1'1. o. Gr.starting from the final point of the boundary line of the Realm in the
easternmost part of Varangerfjorden and going as far as Trnna in
the county of Nordland.
The fixed points between which the base-lines shall be drawn are
indicated in detail in a schedule annexed to this decree.

I. The final point of the boundary line of the Realm, as laid down
in the "Additional Protocol to the Protocol on the Demarcation
of the Frontier between Norway and Finland of 1925".
2. The most easterly, outermost point on Kibergneset, situated in
70" 17.3' N. lat. and 31" 4.3' E. long. Greenwich.
3. The outermost point on the eastern side of Hornoy, situated in
70" 23.3' N. lat. and 31" 10.5' E. long.
4. Staumeset on Hornoy, situated in 70" 23.4' N. lat. and 31" 10.2'
E. long.
5. Killneseton Reinoy, situated in 70"23.9'N. lat.and 31"9.3' E. long.

6. Korsneset, situated in 70" 40.5' N. lat. and 30" 13.4' E. long.
7. Molvikskjeret, situated in 70" 42.3' N. lat. and 30" 6.3' E. long.
8. Kjolneset, situated in 70" 51.2' N. lat. and 29" 14.8' E. long.
g. The rock with an iron pillar, eastward of the one on which Torr-
baane beacon stands, situated in 71" 6' N. lat.and 28" 12.3'E. long.

IO. The rock outside the one on which Torrbaane beacon stands,
situated in 71" 6.1' N. lat. and 28" II' E. long.
II. The outermost point on Avloysa near Nordkyn, situated in
71" 8' N. lat. and 27" 39.9' E. long.

12. Knivskjerodden, situated in71" 11.1' N. lat. and 25" 40.9' E. long.
13. Avloysinga near the north-western point of Hjelmsoy, situated
in 71~6.9' N. lat. and 24" 43.7' E. long.
14. Stabben, the rock with'an iron pillar northward of Ingoy, situated
in 71" 6.1' N. lat. and 24" 4.1' E. long.
15. The northernmost Skagholmen, situated in 71" 5.8' N. lat. and
23" 59' E. long.
16. The dry rock situated in 71" 5.8' N. lat. and 23" 58.8' E. long.
17. The dry rock situated in 71" 5.7' N. lat. and 23" 58.6' E. long.

18. The westernmost Skagholmen, situated in 71" 5.7' N. lat. and
23" 58.4' E. long.
19. Rundskjeret (Bondoyskjeret), situated in 70" 51.5' N. lat. and
22" 48.7' E. long.
20. Darupskjeret, near the north-western point of S@r@y(Fuglen),
situated in 70" 40.5' N. lat. and 21" 59.1' E. long.
21. Vesterfallet in Gasan, situated in 70" 25.2' N. lat. and 19" 54.9'
E. long.
22. Sannifailet, situated in 70" 18.3' N. lat. and 19" 5.3' E. long.
23. Outer Fiskebaen, situated in 70" 12.8'N. lat. and 18"38.1' E. long. APPLICATION INSTITUTING PBOCEEDINGS (24 ZX 49) 16
24. Jubien, sitvated in 70" 6.2' N. latand 18' 23.6'E. long.

25, SdtbAen, sitvated in 69" 52.8' N. lat. and 17"56.4' E. long.
26. The north-western point of Kifilva,situated in69" 36' N. lat.
and qo 29.4 ' . long.
27. Tokkebaen,situated in 69" 29.5'N. lat. and 16"57.3' E. long.
28. The dry rock N.N.E. of Glirnmen, situated in 69' 21.4' N. lat.
and ~6' 11.4'E. long.
29. The northernmost of Svebaan, sibiated in 69" 20.3'N. lat. and
16" 2.6'E. long.

30. The westernmoçt of Skseingan, situatedin 69" 15.6' N. lat. and
rgO48' E. long.
3~. The northernmost of Flesan, northward of Langeneset, situated
in69" 6.1'N. lat.andrgO 10.1'E. long.
32. The northern point of Flesa in Floholman, outside Skogsoy,situated
in68" 53.4' N. lat. and 14"41.1'E. long.
33. The northern point of the northemmost of Floholman, outside
Asanfjorden, situated in 68" 44.7' N. lat. and 119.5 '. long.
34. Utflesskjeret, situated in 39.4' N. lat. and 14"13.3' E. long.

35. Kverna, situatedin 68" 19.5 N'. Zat. and 13"41'E. long.
36. The northernmost dry rock near Skarvholman, situated in
68" 11'N. lat. and r3" 9.9' E. long.
37. The western point' of the westernrnost Skarvholman, situated in
68" 10.8'N. lat. and 13"9.3' E. long.
38. The western pointof Strandflesa,situated in 68' 8.7N. lat.and
13" 4.2'E. long.
39. Nordbijen, situated i67" 56.5 ' . lat. andrzO 47.4r E. long.

40. Flesa, north-westof VerGy, situated in 67' 42.2' N. lat. and
12"35.4 '. long.
41. Homboen, northward of Skarvholman near Rfist, situatedin
67'32.3' N. lat. and12" 1.5' E. long.
42. TCirrboen,situated in 67"31.5'N. lat. and TI"59.1' E. long.
43. Northern Skjortbaken. situated in 67" 29.N. latand 11" 52.2'
E. long,
44. Havboen, rituated in 67" 25.9' N. laand II'49.8' E. long.

45. Flesjan,situatedin 67" 24.1'N. lat. and11" 51.1'E. long.
46. The western point of the westernmost Brernholmen, near Mykjen,
situated in 66" 46.3' N. Jat. an13" 25.8' E. long.
47. The western point of the westernmost Froholmen, situatedin
66"35.5' N. lat.and rzO 2.3' E. Iong.
48. The western edge of B8varden. situated in 66"28.8'N. lat. and
I 11"56.6' E. long.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Application Instituting Proceedings
