Summary of the Order of 12 July 1973

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Summaries of Judgments, AdNot an official documentrs of the Internationa
l Court of Justice


Orderof12 July 1973

ByOrdersmade on12July 1973ineachofthetwo Fisher- upon by the Governments concerned, based on catch-
iesJurisdiction cases(UnitedKingdomv. IcelandandFed- limitationfiguresdifferent from thoseindicatedas maxima
eralRepublicofGermany v. Iceland)theCorn, by 11votes by the Court and on related restrictions concerning areas
to 3, confirmed thatthe provisionalmeasunzsindicatedinclosedto fishing,numberand type of vesselsallowed and
operative paragraph 1 of the Orders of 17August 1972 formsofcontroloftheagreedprovisions;
should, subjectto the powdrrevocationcr modification -that the Court, pendingthe finaldecision, and in the
conferredon the Courtbype~:cagra7hof Article:61 of itsabsence of such interim arrangement,must remain con-
judgmentineachcase.rativeuntiltheCourthas givenfinal cernedto preserve,ythe indicationof promisionalmeas-
In makingthesetwo Ordeirsthe Courtwascornposedas CourttobelongrespectivelytotheParties.
PresidentLachs; Vice-PresidentAmmoun;Judges For-
ster, Gros,Bengzon,Petdn., Onyeama,Ipacio-Pinto, de
Castro,Morozov,JimenezdeMchaga, SirZIumphrey Wal-
dock,NagendraSinghandRu~da. Imay be recalledthat, in itsOrdersof 17 August 1972,
ToeachofthetwoOrdersJudge Ignacio-Pinto appended madeby 14 votes to1, theCourt, inoperativeparagraph1,
declarationandJudgesGrosaunPetdn appendeddissenting had indicatedinterimmeasuresofprotectiointo the effect,
opinions,indicatingtheirreasonsforcastingcdvevote. intealin,thattheParties shouldeofthemensurethatno
action c~fany kind was taken which migh.taggravateor
extend thedisputes,that Iceland shouldn fromtaking
thesubjectof thelimitsof its exclusivefisheryzoneagainst
Inthe considerationsthecourt mentionsineach Order, vesselsregisteredin the UnitedKingdomor in the Federal
recalls: RepublicofGermany, andthat thevesselsinquestion should
-that negotiations haveiken place are takingplace not take annualcatchesof more than170,000or 119,000
betweenthe Statesconcernedwith a view to reachingan metric tons respective. he two Orders in questionalso
interimarrangementpendinfinalsettlementofthedisputes;containedanoperativeparagrap2 inthefollowingterms:
-that theprovisionalmeasuresindicatedbytheCourtdo "Unless the Court has meanwhiledelivered itsfinal
not excludean interimarran.gementwhich:maybe agreed judgmentinthecase,itshall,atanappropriatetimebefore

Continued on next page 15August1973,review the matteratthe requestofeither Court to confirm the opinionof his Government that the
Partyin ordertodecidewhether thefonsgoing measures Orcaeof 17August1972wouldcontinueto be operativeafter
shallcontinueorneedtobemodifiedorn:voked.*' 15August1973.

On 2 February 1973the Cow delivered.two Judgments By a telegramof 2 July 1973the Governmentof Iceland
findingthatit possessedjurisdictionto deal witheachof the(whichhas notappalintedanagentorrecognizedthecompe-
twocasesand, on 15February1973,itmadetwoOrdersfix- tenceoftheCourt)submittedobservationsontheserequests,
ing the time-limitsforthewrittenproceedin~sn themerits protested againstcc:ntinuationofthe measuresindicated,
ineachcase. maintained thathighly mobile fishingfleetsshould notbe
On 22 June 1973the Agent for the United Kingdom allowedtoinflictaconstant threatofdeteriorationof thefish
requestedthe Courtto confirm thatthe interim measuresof stocksandendangerthe viabilityof a one-source economy,
protection indicatedby the Courtwouldccwtinueuntil the andconcluded thatI:freezethe present dangeroussituation
Court had givenfinal judgmentin thecaseor until further mightcauseirreparableharmtotheinterestsoftheIcelandic
order,andtheAgentfor the FederalRepubliicrequestedthe nation.

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Summary of the Order of 12 July 1973
