Advisory Opinion of 3 March 1950

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ADVISORY OPINION OF MARCH 3rd, 1950 Le présent avis doit êtrecitécomme :uit

nCompétencede l'Assemblpour l'admission aux Nations Unies,
Avis consulta:iC. I. J. Recuei1950,p. 4.))

This Opinion should be citas follow:

"CompetenceofAssemblyregardingadmissionto the United Nations,
Advisory Opini:nI.C.J.Refiort1950 ,. 4."

NO de vente:

March 3rd
YEAR 1950 General Li:t
March 3rd, 1950




Competenre of the Court to interArticle 4, paragraph z, of the

Charter.-Characterof the question.-Abseof recommendationjrom
the Security Counciregarding admissioto the United Nations.-
Power of the Gezeral Assembly regarding admission to membership in

the UnitediVations in the absence of a recommendation of the Security
Council.-Meaning of the term "upon the recommendation of the Security
CouncilM.-Interpretat foantreaty prauision according to its natural

and ordinary meaningin ifs context.-Travapréparatoires.-Inter-
pretation in the light of the general structure of the Charter.-&pli-
cation of Article paragraph2, by the General Assembly andthe

Security Council.


Present: President BASDEVAN ;T Vice-President GUERRER O



composed as above,

gives the following Advisory Opinion :

On November zznd, 1949, the General Assembly of the Cnited
Nations adopted the following Resolution :

"The General Assembly,
Keeping in mind the discussion concerning the admission of new
Members in the Ad Hoc Political Committee at its fourth regular
Requests the International Court of Justice to give an advisory
opinion on the following question :
'Can the admission of a State to membership in the United
Nations, pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Charter,
be effected by a decision of the General Assembly when the
Security Council has made no recommendation for admission
by reason of the candidate failingto obtain the requimajority
or of the negative voteofa permanent Memberupon a resolution
so to recommend ?' "

By a letter of November z5th, 1949, filed in the Registry on
November 28th, the Secretary-General of the United Nations
transmitted to the Registrar a copy of the Resolution of the
General Assembly.
On December znd, 1949, the Registrar gave notice of the
Request for an Opinion to al1 States entitled to appear before the
Court,in accordance with paragraph I of Article 66 of the Statute.
Furthermore, the Registrar informed the Governments of Members
of the United Nations by means of a special and direct com-
munication, as provided in paragraph 2 of Article 66, that the
Court was prepared to receive from them written statements on
the question before January qth, 1950, the date fixed by an
Order of the Court made on December znd, 1949.
By the date thus fixed, written statements were received from

the following States : Byelonissian Soviet Socialist Republic,
Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic,
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United States of America.
A written statement from the Secretary-General of the Lnited
Nations was also received within the time-limit. Furthermore,
the Registrar received written statements from the Governments
of the Republic of Argentina on January 26th, 1950, and of
Venezuela on February znd, 1950, i.e., after the expiration of
the time-limit fixed by the Order of Decernber znd, 1949. They
were accepted by a decision of the President, as the Court was
not sitting, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 4
and 5 of Article 37 of the Rules of Court. The written statementswere communicated to ail Members of the United Nations, who
were informed that the President had fixed Eebruary 16th, 1950,
as the opening date of the oral proceedings.

In accordance with Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, the
Secretary-General sent to the Registry the documents which are
enumerated in the list annexed to the present Opinion l.These
documents reached the Registry on January 23rd, 1950. The
Assistant Secretary-General in charge of the Legal Department
also announced by a letter of January qrd, 1950, that he did
not intend to take part in the oral proceedings, unless the Court
so desired.
The Government of the French Republic and the Government
of the Republic of Argentina, by letters of January 14th and
February 3rd, 1950, respectively, announced their intention to
make oral statements before the Court. On February 14th, 1950,
the Argentine delegation in Geneva informed the Registrar that

the Government of the Republic of Argentina abandoned its
intention to take part in the oral proceedings.
In the course of a public sitting held on February 16th, 1950,
the Court heard an oral statement presented on behalf of the
Govemment of the French Republic by M.GeorgesScelle, Honorarl-
Professorin the Faculty of Law of the 'Cniversity of Paris, member
of the United Nations International Law Commission.

The Request for an Opinion calls upon the Court to interpret
Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Charter. Before examining the
merits of the question submitted to it,the Court must first consider

the objections that have been made to its doing so, either on
the ground that it is not competent to interpret the provisions
of the Charter, or on the ground of the alleged political character
of the question.
So far as concerns its competence, the Court will simply recall
that, in a previous Opinion which dealt with the interpretation
of Article 4, paragraph 1,it declared that, according to Article 96
of the Charter and Article 65 of the Statute, it may give an
Opinion on any legal question and that there is no provision
which prohibits it from exercising, in regard to Article 4 of
the Charter, a multilateral treaty, an interpretative function
falling ivithin the normal exercise of its judicial powers (I.C.J.

Reports 1947-1948, p. 61).
With regard to the second objection, the Court notes that the
General Assembly has requested it to give the legal interpretation
of paragraph 2 of Article 4. As the Court stated in the same
Opinion, it "cannot attribute a political character to a request

lSee p. 35.

6 which, framed in abstract terms, invites it to undertake an
essentially judicial task, the interpretationof a treaty provision".

Consequently, the Court, in accordance with its previous declara-
tions, considers that it is competent on the basis of Articles 96 of
the Charter and 65 of its Statute and that there is no reason why
it should not answer the question submitted to it.
This question has been framed by the General Assembly in the
following terms :

"Can the admission of a State to membership in the United
Nations, pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Charter, be
effected by a decision of the General Assembly when the Security
Council has made no recommendation for admission by reason of
the candidate fading to obtain the requisite majority or of the
negative vote of a permanent Member upon a resolution so to
recommend ?"
The Request for an Opinion envisages solely the case in which
the Security Council, having voted upon a recommendation, has
concluded from its vote that the recoinmendation was not adopted

because it failed to obtain the requisite majority or because of the
negative vote of a permanent Member. Thus the Request refers
to the case in which the General Assembly is confronted with the
absence of a recommendation from the Security Council.
It isnot the object of the Request to determine how the Security
Council should apply the rules governing its voting procedure in
regard to admissions or, in particular, that the Court should
examine whether the negative vote of a permanent Member is
effective to defeat a recommendation which has obtained seven or
more votes. The question, as it is formulated, assumes in such a
case the non-existence of a recornmendation.
The Court is, therefore, called upon to determine solely whether
the General Assembly can make a decision to admit a State when

the Secunty Council has transmitted no recommendation to it.
Article4, paragraph 2, is as follows

"The admission of any such State to membership in the United
Nations will be effectedby a decision of the General Assembly upon
the recommendation of the Secunty Council."

The Court has no doubt as to the meaning of this text. It
requires two things to effect admission : a "recommendation"
of the Security Council and a "decision" of the General Assem-
bly. It is in the nature of things that the recommendation
should come before the decision. The word "recommendation", and
the word "upon" preceding it, imply the idea that the recom-
mendation is the foundation of the decision to admit, and that the
latter restsupon the recornmendation. Both these acts are indispens-
able to form the judgment of the Organization to which the previousparagraph of Article 4 refers. The text under consideration means
that the General Assembly can only decide to admit upon the
recommendation of the Security Council ; it determines the res-
pective roles of the two organs whose combined action is required
before admission can be effected : in other words, the recommen-
dation of the Security Council is the condition precedent to the
decision of the Assembly by which the admission is effected.
In one of the written statements placed before the Court, an
attempt was made to attribute to paragraph 2 of Article 4 a
different meaning. The Court considers it necessary to Say that

the first duty of a tribunal which is called upon to interpret and
apply the provisions of a treaty, is to endeavour to give effect
to them in their natural and ordinary meaning in the context in
which they occur. If the relevant words intheir natural and ordinary
meaning make sense in their context, that is an end of the matter.
If, on the other hand, the words in their natural and ordinary mean-
ing are ambiguous or lead to an unreasonable result, then, and then
only, must the Court, by resort to other methods of interpretation,
seek to ascertain what the parties really did mean when they used
these words. As the Permanent Court said in the case concerning
the Polish Postal Service in Danzig (P.C.I. J., Series B, No. II,

P. 39) :

"It is a cardinal principle of interpretation that words must be
interpreted in thesense which they would normally have in their
context, unlesssuch interpretation wouldlead to somethingunreas-
onable or absurd."

When the Court can give effect to a provision of a treaty by
giving to the words used in it their natural and ordinary meaning,
it may not interpret the words by seeking to give them some other
meaning. In the present case the Court finds no difficulty in ascer-
taining the natural and ordinary meaning of the words in question
and no difficulty in giving effect to them. Some of the written state-
ments submitted to the Court have invited it to investigate the
travaztx préparatoiresof the Charter. Having regard, however, to
the considerations above stated, the Court is of the opinion that

it is not permissible, in this case, to resort to travaux #ré#aratoires.

The conclusions to which the Court is led by the text of
Article 4, paragraph 2, are fully confirmed by the structure of the
Charter, and particularly by the relations established by it between
the General Assembly and the Security Council.

The General Assembly and the Security Council are both principal
organs of the United Nations. The Charter does not place the
Security Council in a subordinate position. Article 24 confers upon
it "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international

8the Court to Say that nowhere has the General Assembly received
the power to change, to the point of reversing, the meaning of
a vote of the Security Council.
In consequence, it is impossible to admit that the General
Assembly has the power to attribute to a vote of the Security
Council the character of a recommendation when the Council itself
considers that no such recommendation has been made.

For these reasons,

by twelve votes to two,

is of opinion that the admission of a State to membership in the
United Nations, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article4of the Charter,
cannot be effected by a decision of the General Assembly when the
Security Council has made no recommendation for admission, by
reason of the candidate failing to obtain the requisite majority or
of the negative vote of a permanent Member upon a resolution so
to recommend.

Done in French and English, the French text being authori-
tative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this third day of March,
one thousand nine hundred and fifty, in two copies, one of vqhich

will be placed in the archives of the Court and the other trans-
mitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.



(Signed)E. HAMBRO
Registrar. Judges ALVAREZ and AZEVEDOd , eclaring that they are unable
to concur in the Opinion of the Court, have availed themselves
of the nght conferred on them by Article57 of the Statute and
appended to the Opinion statements of their dissenting opinion.

(Initialbd) J. B.




I. Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Security Council (SI961
Rev. 3. January 27th, 1948).
2. Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly (A/520. Decem-
ber ~zth, 1947).
3. Rules governing the admission of new Members (Report of

the Committee of the General Assembly) (A/384,p. 4, Septem-
ber ~zth, 1947).
4. Report by the Executive Committee to the Preparatory Com-
mission of the United Nations (PCIEXIII~IR~V. I. Novem-
ber ~zth, 1945).
5. Report of the Preparatory Commissionof the United Nations
(PC/zo. December qrd, 1945).

6. Records of the Security Council Committee of Experts Meet-
ings concerning the Rules on the admission of neu- Members :

1946. SIProcedure 91.
,, 91, Corr. I.
>7 92.
>7 93.
,, 93, Corr. I.

9> 94-
>> 99.
,, 99, Corr. I.

1947. S/C.I/SR.~~.
,, 96, Corr. 1.
,, 101.
,, 102.

,, 103.
,, 104.

1 These documents had already been transmittedto the Court in accordance
with the Resolution of the General Assembly of Sovember 17th, 1947.

35 7. Records of the meetings of the Joint Committees appointed
by the General Assembly and the Security Council on Rules
goveming the admission of new 3Iembers:

,, SR.1, Corr. 1.
,, SR.2.
,, SR.2, Rev. 1.
,, SR.3.
,, SR.3, Rev. I.
,, SR.4.
,, 93.5.
,, SR.6.

,, SR.8, Corr.

,, SR.9.
,, SR.10.
,, sR.11.

8. Report of the Security Council Committee on the admission
of new Members, 1946 (Security Council Oficial Records,
First Year, Second Senes, Supplement No. 4, p. 53).

9. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly on the
admission of new Ptlembers, 1946 (A/1o8, October 15th, 1946).

IO. Records of the Security Council Meetings concerning the
admission of new7Members, 1946.
Security Coztncil Oficinl Records, First Year, Second Series :

No. 1.
,, 2.

Security Cozlncil Jozcrnal, First Year, No. 35.

II. Records of the First Committee Meetings of the Second Part
of the First Session of the General Assembly concerning the
admission of new Ilembers, 1946 : Journal 22, Suppl.
9, 24, ,,
8 25, ,,
,, 26, ,,
3, 27, >,
>, 28, ,,

12. Records of the Plenary Meetings of the Second Part of the
First Session of the General Assembly conceming the adrnis-
sion of new Members, 1946. (Journal No. 66, Supplement
A-A1P.V. 67.)

13. Report of the Security Council Committee on the admission
of new Members, 1947- Secukty Council Oficial Records,
Second Year, Special Supplement No. 3, Lake Success, New
York, 1947.
14. Reports of the Secunty Council to the General Assembly on
the admission of new Members, 1947 (A1406. October gth,
1g47.-A/515. November 22nd, 1947).
15. Records ofthe Secunty CouncilMeetingsconcerningthe admis-
sion of new Members, 1947.

Security Council Oficial Records, Second Year, No. 38 :

16. Records of the First Committee Meetingsof the Second Regular
Session of the General Assembly conceming the admission of
new Members, 1947 :

A/C.r/SR. 59.
,, 59, con. 1.
,, 59, Corr. 2.
>7 97-
,, 98.
>> 99.
,, 100.
,, 101. A/C.I/SR. 102.
,, 102, Corr. 1.
,, 102, Corr. 2.
,, 103.

17. Records of the meetings of the Second Regular Session of the
General Assembly concerning the admission of new hlembers,
'947 :

Inclusion of item in agenda.

Records of firoceedings.

Records of the General Committee, 4znd meeting.
Records of the General Assembly, 131st plenary meeting.

Inclusion of item in agenda.

Application of the Union of Burma for
membership in the United Nations-
Letter dated IO April, 1948, from the
President of the Secunty Council to
the Secretary-General of the United
Nations A1533

Supplementary list of items for the
agenda of the second special session :
item proposed by China-Note by the
Secretary-Genefal A1535Supplementary list of items for the
agenda of the second special session:
item proposed by India-Note by the
Secretary-General Al536

Agenda for the second special session :
Report of the General Committee A1537


Resolutions adopted without reference to a committee-188 (S-2).
Nations.n of the Union of Burma to membership in the United


Inclusion of items in agenda.

Records of firoceedings.

Records of the General Committee, 43rd, 49th and 50th meetings.
Records of the General Assembly, 14znd and 158th plenary meet-

Inclusion of items in agenda.

Provisional agenda for the third session
of the General Assembly Al585
Letter dated 21 July from the Argentine
representative to the Secretary-Gen-
eral requesting the inclusion of items
in the provisional agenda of the third
session of the General Assembly Al586

Adoption of the agenda for the third
session and allocation of agenda items
to committees-Report of the General
Cornmittee Al653

Establishment of an Ad hoc Political
Committee-Report of the General
Cornmittee Al715
Provisional agenda for the third regular
session of the General Assembly-
Note by the Secretary-General A/BUR/97 OPIN. OF 3 III 50 (ADMISSION TO THE UNITED KATIOSS) 40

Allocation of items on the agenda of the
third seçsion-Letter dated 15 Novem-
ber, 1948, from the President of the
General Assembly to the Chairman of
the Ad hoc Political Committee AlAC.2411

Note by the Secretary-General A1597

Reconsideration of the applications of
Albanie, Auçtria, Bulgaria, Finland,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Mongolian
People's Republic, Portugal, Roma-
nia and Transjordan-Special report
of the Security Council to the General

Special report of the Security Council to
the General Assembly Al618

Ad hoc Political Committee.

Recordsof proceedings.

6th meeting.
7th meeting.
8th meeting.
9th meeting.

10th meeting.
11th meeting.
12th meeting.

13th meeting.
14th meeting.
15th meeting.
16th meeting.

zznd meeting.
23rd meeting.

Ad hoc Political Committee.

Australia : draft resolution AIAC.2416
(= A/761, resolution A
under paragraph 19)

Australia :draft resolution A/AC.z4/7
Australia :draft resolution A/XC.z4/8

Australia :draft resolution
Australia :draft resolution

Australia :draft resolution
Belgium :draft resolution
United States of America : draft reso-
Australia :draft resolution

Argentina : draft resolution
Sweden : draft resolution
Bolivia : amendments to the draft reso-
lution proposed by Sweden

India :amendment to the draft resolu-
tion proposed by Sweden (AIAc.24117)
Burma : amendment to the draft reso-
lution proposed by Belgium
Burma : amendment to the Australian
draft resolution conceming Ceylon

Draft resolution submitted by the Sub-
Cornmittee appointed at the 22nd
meeting of the Ad hoc Political Com-
Report of the Ad hoc Political Com-

Plenary meetings of the General Assembly.

Records of proceedings.

175th meeting.
176th meeting.

177th meeting.

Plenary meetings of the General Assembly.

Australia, Burma, India, Pakistan, Phil-
ippines : amendments to draft reso-
lution J proposed by the Ad hocPolit-
ical Cornmittee (A/761) A1771 Plenary meetings of the General Assembly.


Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Ad hoc Political Corn-
mittee-197 (III). Admission of new Members.


Inclztsion of items in agenda.
Records of firoceedings.

Records of the General Committee, 6oth, 61st, 62nd and 63rd

Records of the General Assembly, 191st, ~gznd, 204th and 205th
plenary meetings.

Inclusion of items in agenda.

,Agenda of the third regular session of
the General Assembly-Report of the
General Committee Al829
Report of the General Committee con-
cerning the completion of the work of

the General Assembly Al845
Completion of the work of the General
Assembly, including the date for final
adjournment-Kote by the President A/BUR/IIG

Allocation of items OR the agenda of the
second part of the third session : Let-
ter dated 13 April, 1949, from the
President of the General Assembly to
the Chairman of the First Committee AIC.11437

Allocation of items on the agenda of the
second part of the third session : Let-
ter dated 2 May, 1949, from the Pre-
sident of the General Assembly to the
Chairman of the First Cornmittee A/C.1/444 and Corr. I

Allocation of items on the agenda of the

second part of the third session : Let-
ter dated 2 May, 1949, from the Pre-
sident of the General Assembly to the Chairman of the Ad hoc Political
Committee AiAC.24;jg and Corr. I

Letter dated 7 March, 1949, irom the
President of the Security Council to
the President of the General Assembly
concerning the application of Israel
for membership in the United Nations A,'818

Letter dated 17 March, 1949, from the
President of the Security Council to
the President of the General Assembly
concerning the application of Ceylon
for admission to membership in the
United Nations A1823

_4d hoc Political Committee.

Records of meetings.

42nd meeting.
43rd meeting.

44th meeting.
45th meeting.
46th meeting.

47th meeting.
50th meeting.
51st meeting.

Ad hoc Political Committee.


El Salvador :draft resolution XiAC.24/60
El Salvador : revised draft reçolution A/AC.z4/6o/Rev. I

Argentina : draft resolution AIAc.24161
Lebanon : draft resolution AiAC.24/62

Lebanon : revised draft resolutiori A/AC.24/6zlRe\-. I
Lebanon : revised draft resolution A/AC.24,6z~'Rev. 2

Greece : amendment to the Argentine
draft resolution (A/AC.zq16x) A/AC 24 53

Iraq : draft resc?!üiicl~l A/XC 24 64 OPIN. OF 3 III 50 (ADMISSIO TO THE UNITED NATIONS) 44
Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Australia: amendment to El Salvador
draft resolution(A/AC.z4/60) A/AC.z4/65

Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Denmark : amendment toEl Salvador
draft resolution(A/AC.z4/60) A/AC.z4/66

Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Saudi Arabia: amendment to the
Greek amendment (AlAC.24163)to the
Argentine draft resolution
(A/Ac.z4/61) A/AC.z4/67

Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Saudi Arabia : revised amendment to
the Greek amendment (A/AC.z4/63)to
the Argentine draft resolution
(AlAC.24161) A/AC.z4/67/Rev. I
Australia, Canada, Guatemala, Haiti,
Panama, United States of America
and Uruguay : draft resolution A/AC.z4/68

Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations -
Chile: amendment to the joint draft
resolution of Australia, Canada, Gua-
temala, Haiti, Panama, United States
of America and Uruguay
(A/AC.z4/68) h/AC.z4/6g
Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Peru : amendment to the Chilean
amendment (A/AC.z4/6g)to the joint
draft resolution of Australia, Canada,
Guatemala, Haiti, Panama, United
States of America ad Uruguay
(A/AC.z4/68) A/AC.z4/7z

Report of the Ad hoc Political Com-

Plenary meetings of the GeneralAssembly.

Records of proceedings.

207th meeting.

Plenary meetings of the General Assembly.

273 (III). Admission of Israel to membership in the United


Inclusion of item in agenda.

Recordsof proceedings.
Records of the General Committee, 65th meeting.

Records of the General Assembly, 224th plenary meeting.

Inclusion of item in agenda.

Adoption of the agenda of the fourth
regular session and allocation of items
to Committees-Records of the Gene-
ral Cornmittee Al989

Adoption of the agenda and allocation
of items to Committees-Memoran-
dum by the Secretary-General A/BUR/II~

Admission of new Members-Application
of the Republic of Korea for mem-
bership in the United Nations-Special
report of the Security Council

Application of Nepal for membership in
the United Nations-Special report of
the Security Council A1974

Reconsideration of the applications of
i\lbania, Austria, Bulgaria, Ceylon,
Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
^ciIongolianPeople's Republic, Portu-
gal, Romania and Transjordan for membership in the United Nations- of the Security Council Al982

Ad hoc Political Committee.

Records of proceedings.
25th meeting.

26th meeting.
27th meeting.
28th meeting.
29th meeting.

Ad hoc Political Committee.


Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Austria for admis-
sion to membership in the Cnited
Nations A/AC.~I/L.~
(= A 1066, resolution
Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Ceylon for adrnis-

sion to membership in the cnited
Nations A/-\C.~I/L.IO
(= Ai1066, resolution
Australia : draft resolution coricerning
the application of Finland for atlmis-
sion to membership in the United
Nations A/AC.~I/L.II
(= A/1066, resolution

Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Ireland for admis-
sion to membership in the Cnited
Nations A/AC.~I/L.IZ
(= A/1066, resolution
Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Italy for adrnis-
sion to membership in the Cnited
Nations AI.kc.31jL.13
(= .\11066, resolution

46Australia : draft resolution concerning

the application of Jordan for admis-
sion to membership in the United
Xations A/AC.~I/L.I~
(= A/1066, resolution
Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of the Republic of
Korea for admission to membership
in the United Nations A/AC.~I/L.I~
(= A/1066, resolution

Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Portugal for admis-
sion to membership in the United
Xations A/AC.~I/L.I~
(= A/1066, resolution

Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Nepal for admission
to membership in the Cnited Nations A/AC.~I/L.I~
(= A/1066, resolution
Argentina : draft resolution A/AC.~I/L.I~

Cnion of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution
Note by the Rapporteur (revised draft
resolution by Argentina)

Iraq : draft resolution
Netherlands : amendment to the draft
resolution proposed by Argentina

United States of Arnerica, Saudi Arabia
and Iraq : amendment to the draft
resolution proposed by Iraq
Admission of new >lembers-Report of
the .Ad hoc Political Cornmittee

Plenary meetings of the General d ssembly.
Records oj proceedings.

2j~~t meeting.

Plenary meetings of the Getzeral Assetnbly.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution Al1079

Plenary meetings oj the General Assembly.

296 (IV). Admission of new RIembers.

Records of firoceedings.
261st meeting (excerpt).
279th meeting.

280th meeting.
318th meeting.
351st meeting.
383rd meeting.

384th meeting.
385th meeting.
386th meeting.
409th meeting.
410th meeting.

413th meeting.
414th meeting.
423rd meeting.
427th meeting.
428th meeting.

429th meeting.
430th meeting.
431st meeting.
439th meeting.

440th meeting.
~1st meeting.
++and meeting.
443rd meeting.
444th meeting.



Letter dated 27 February, 1948, from
the Ambassador of Burma addressed
to the Secretary-General conceming
the application of Burma for mem-
bership in the United Nations
Report of the Committee on the admis-
sion of new Members concerning the
membership application of the Union
of Burma S/7of5
Letter dated 3 April, 1948, from the

representatives of France, the Cnited
Kingdom and the United States to the
President of the Security Council con-
ceming the membership applications
of Italy and Transjordan SI709

Letter dated 5 April, 1948, from the
deputy representative of the Ckrai-
nian Soviet Socialist Republic to the

Secretary-General conceming the
membership applications of Albania,
Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy,
the Mongolian People's Republic and
Romania SI712

Letter dated 7 April, 1948, from the
representatives of France, the 'C'nited
Kingdom and the United States to the

President of the Secunty Council con-
ceming membership applications of
Austria, Ireland and Portugal SI715

China : draft resolution submitted at the
279th meeting of the Security Council,
IO April, 1948, conceming the applic-

ation of the Union of Burma for ad-
mission to membership in the L-nited
Xations (adopted at the same meeting) SI717
Cablegram dated 17 May, 1948, from
the Foreign Secretary of the Provi-
sional Government of Israel to the
Secretary-General SI747 and Corr. I

Letter dated 25 May, 1948, from the
Prime Minister and Minister for Ex-
temal Affairs of Ceylon to the Secre-
tary-General transmitting the applic-
ation from the Govemment of Ceylon
for admission to the United Nations
under Article 4 of the Charter SI820

Report of the Committee on the admis-
sion of new Members to the Secunty
Council concerning the application of
Ceylon for membership in the Cnited
Nations SI859
Letter dated 2 August, 1948, from the
Ceylon Govemment representative to
the President of the Security Council
transmitting information conceming
Ceylon SI951

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution submitted at the 351st
meeting ofthe Security Council,18Au-
gust, 1948, concerning the application
of Ceylonfor admission to membership
in the United Nations SI974
Telegram dated 22 September, 1948,
from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of
the People's Republic of Bulgaria to
the Secretary-General regarding Bul-
garia's request for admission to mem-
bership in the United Nations S/1012

Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
tions contained in the Charter, sub-
mitted by the Govemment of the
People'sRepublic of Bulgana on g Oc-
tober, 1948, in connexion with its
application for membership in the
United Nations S/1012/Add. I
Letter dated 27 September, 1948, from
the Hungarian Minister to the Secre-
tary-General concerning Hungary's
application for membership in the
United Sations SI1017Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
gations contained in the Charter, sub-
mitted by the Government of Hungary
on 8 October, 1948, in connexion with
its application for membership in the
United Nations S/ro17/Add. I

Telegram dated 13 October, 1948, from
the Government of the People's
Republic of Albania to the Secretary-
General concerning Albania's applic-
ation for mernbership in the United
Nations SI1033

Cablegram dated 12 October, 1948, from
the Government of the Mongolian
People's Republic to the Secretary-
General concerning the application of
the Mongolian People's Republic for
mernbership in the United Nations SI1035

Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
tions contained in the Charter, sub-
mitted to the Secretary-General on
25 October, 1948, by the Government
of the Mongolian People's Republic in
connexion with its application for
membershig in the United Nations S/rog5/Add. I
Letter dated 12 October, 1948, from the

Government of the People's Republic
of Romania to the Secretary-General
concerning Romania's application for
membership in the United Nations S/IO~I

Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
tions contained in the Charter, sub-

mitted to the Secretary-General on
9 November, 1948, by the People's
Republic of Rornania in connexion
with its application for membership
in the United Nations S/ I05~/Add. I

Letter dated 29 November, 1948, from

the XsraeliMinister for Foreign Affairs
to the Secretary-General concerning Israel's application for membership
in the United Nations and declaration
accepting the obligaticns contained in
the Charter s/193
Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
tions contained in the Charter, sub-
mitted on 2 December, 1948, by the
Governrnent of the People's Republic
of Albania in connexion with its
application for membership in the
United Nations S/IIO~

Letter dated 7 December, 1948, from
the Chairman of the Committee on
the admission of new Members to the
President of the Security Council
conceming Israel's application for
membership in the United Nations S/IIIO and Corr. I

Letter dated g December, 1948, from
the President of the General Assembly
to the President ofthe Security Council
conceming the application of Ceylon
for membership inthe United Nations SI1113

United Kingdom : draft resolution sub-
mitted at the 384th meeting of the
Security Council, 15 December, 1948,
concerning the application of Israel
for admission to membership in the
United Nations S/II~I

Syria :draft reçolution subrnitted at the
385th meeting of the Secunty Council,
17 December, 1948, concerning the
application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations s/1125
France : draft resolution submitted at
the 385th meeting of the Securi?
Council,17December, 1948,conî,e~iiin$
the application of Israel for admis<ion
to membership in the United Nàtions S/IIZ~

Lethe Secretary-General tothe President
of the Security Council transmitting
the text of the resolutions concerning
the admissionofnewMembersadopted by the General Assembly at its
177th meeting, 8 December, 1948 S/11.70

Text of resolution 197 (III) A concerning
the admission of new Members,
adopted by the General Assembly at
its 177th plenary meeting, 8 December,
1948 S/117o/Add. I

Letter dated 19 January, 1949, from
the Acting Foreign Minister of the
Republic of Korea to the Secretary-
General concerning the application of
the Republic of Korea for admission
to membership in the Uriited Kations,
and a declaratioil accepting obliga-

tions urider the Charter SI1238

Telegram dated 9 February, 1949, from
the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the

Democratic People's Republic of Korea
to the Secretary-General concerning
the application of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea for admis-
sion to membership in the United
Nations and note by the Secretary-
General s/1247

Letter dated II February, 1949, from
the represe~tative of the tTnion of
Soviet Socialist Repuhlics to the Pre-
sident of the Sccurity Council con-
cerriing the appiication of the Ilemo-

cratic People's Mepiiblic of Korea
for adniissiori ta i~lembership in the
United Nations SI12 56

Union of Soviet Sociaiist Republics :
drait resollition subniirteci ar the 41otIi
mcetirig of the St.cur:ty Courici,, 16 Fe-
bruary, 1949, conccrriixig tlie .ipl)lic-
ation of thc Democracic PI OI>!C'Z
Republic of Korr.,~ for atlmi~sion ru
nierilbersiiipiiitfic l'iiitec1 dt ivri-, S,'IZS~~

Letter dated 13 Fct~ruxr~~, ri)+).<ictcki5-
seii to the Sccri~rar\.-(rt~iir~r,ilfrrfic
Director-General VI the JIil:~siry of
Foreign .\fiairs of tiic Gu\ (i iiriiciof Nepal concerning Nepal's application
for admission to membership in the
United Nations SI1266

Declaration submitted on IO March,
1949, by the Government of Nepal
relating to the acceptance of the obli-
gations contained in the Charter in
connexion with its application for
membership in the United Nations S/1266/Add. I

Letter dated 24 February, 1949, from
the representative of Israel to the
Secretary-General concerning the
application of Israel for membership
in the United Nations. SI1267

United States of America: draft reso-
lution submitted at the 414th meeting
of the Security Council, 4 March,1949,
concerning the application of Israel
for admission to membership in the
United Nations (adopted at the same
meeting) SI1276
Report to the Security Council by the
Committee on the admission of new

Members concerning the application
of the Republic of Korea for mem-
bership in the United Nations S/IZSI

China : draft resolution submitted at the
423rd meeting of the Security Council,
8 April, 1949, concerning the applic-
ation of the Republic of Korea for

admission to membership in the United
Nations s11305
Argentina :draft resolution submitted at
the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Portugal to membership
in the United Nations s/1331

Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Jordan to membership in
the United Nations s/1333Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the. Security

Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Italy to membership in
the United Nations SI1333
Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the

admission of Finland to membership
in the United Nations. SI1334

Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Ireland to membership in

the United Nations SI1335

Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Austria to membership
in the United Nations SI1336

Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Ceylon to membership
in the United Nations SI1337

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution submitted at the
428th meeting of the Security Council,
21 June, 1949, concerning the appli-
cations of Albania, the Mongolian
People's Republic, Bulgaria, Romania,
Hungary, Finland, Italy, Portugal,
Ireland, Transjordan (Jordan), Austria

and Ceylon for admission to mem-
bership in the United Nations SI1340

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution submitted at the
440th meeting of the Security Council,

9 September, 1949, concerning the
applications of Albania, the Mongolian People's Republic, Transjordan (Jor-
dan), Portugal, Ireland, Hungary,
Italy, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria,
Finland, Ceylon and Nepal for admis-
sion to membership in the United
Nations S/134o/Rev. I

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution submitted at the
442nd meeting of the Security Council,
13 September, 1949, conceming the
applications of Albania, the Mongolian
People's Republic, Bulgaria, Romania,
Hungary, Finland, Italy, Portugal,
Ireland, Transj ordan (Jordan), Austria,
Ceylon and Nepal for admission to
membership in the United Nations S/134o/Rev. 2

Letter dated 16 August, 1949, from the
Chairman of the Committee on the
admission of new Members to the
President of the Security Council SI1378
Report to the Security Council by the
Committee on the admission of new

Members concerning the application
of Nepal for membershipin the United
Nations SI1382
China : draft reçolution submitted at the
439th meeting of the Security Council,
7 September, 1949, concerning the
application of Nepal for admission to
membership in the United Nations SI1385

Committeeon the admission of new Mentbers.
Records of proceedings.

24th meeting.
25th meeting.

26th meeting.
27th meeting.
28th meeting.

29th meeting.30th meeting.

31st meeting.
32nd meeting.
33rd meeting.

34th meeting.

Cornmitteeon the admission of new Members.

Letter dated 22 July, 1949, from the
Director-General, Foreign Affairs,
Kathmandu, Nepal, to the Chairman

of the Committee on the admission
of new Members SIC.2116

Bilingual Content









ADVISORY OPINION OF MARCH 3rd, 1950 Le présent avis doit êtrecitécomme :uit

nCompétencede l'Assemblpour l'admission aux Nations Unies,
Avis consulta:iC. I. J. Recuei1950,p. 4.))

This Opinion should be citas follow:

"CompetenceofAssemblyregardingadmissionto the United Nations,
Advisory Opini:nI.C.J.Refiort1950 ,. 4."

NO de vente:

.e3 mars
no9 ANNÉE 1950

3 mars 1950



Compétence de la Cour pour interpréter l'article 4, pa2,deaphe
la Charte. Caractère de la questioAbsence de recommandation du

Conseil de Sécuritéen matière d'admission aux Nations-UnPou-
voir de l'Assembléegénéraleen matière d'admission aux NaUnies
L'absence d'une reconzmandation du Conseil de Séc-riSens de
l'expression(sur recommandation du Conseil de Sécur)>- Inter-
prétatiolz d'une disposition d'un traité selon Lesens naturel et ordinaire

de cette disposition prise dans son conTravaux préparatoire-.
Interprktatioselon l'économiede la Charte. -Applicde L'article4,
paragraphe 2, par L'Assembléegénéraleet par le Conseil de Sécurité.


Présents: M. BASDEVANT P,résiden; M. GUERRERO, Vice-Prési-

VEDO,juges ; M. HAMBRO,Grefier.


March 3rd
YEAR 1950 General Li:t
March 3rd, 1950




Competenre of the Court to interArticle 4, paragraph z, of the

Charter.-Characterof the question.-Abseof recommendationjrom
the Security Counciregarding admissioto the United Nations.-
Power of the Gezeral Assembly regarding admission to membership in

the UnitediVations in the absence of a recommendation of the Security
Council.-Meaning of the term "upon the recommendation of the Security
CouncilM.-Interpretat foantreaty prauision according to its natural

and ordinary meaningin ifs context.-Travapréparatoires.-Inter-
pretation in the light of the general structure of the Charter.-&pli-
cation of Article paragraph2, by the General Assembly andthe

Security Council.


Present: President BASDEVAN ;T Vice-President GUERRER O



ainsi composée,
donne l'avis consultatif suivant :

A la datedu 22 novembre 1949, l'Assembléegénéraledes Nations
Unies a adopté la Résolution ci-après :
« L'Assembléegénérale,

Ayant présents à L'espritles débats auxquels la question de
l'admission de nouveaux Membres a donnélieu à la Commission
politique spécialeau cours de la quatrième session ordinaire,
Prie la Cour internationale de Justice de donner un avis consul-
tatif sur la question suivante:
aUn État peut-il être admis comme Membre des Nations
Unies, en vertu du paragraphe 2 de l'articl4 de la Charte, par
décision de l'Assemblée générale, lorsque leConseil de Sécurité
n'a pas recommandéson admission soit parce que 1'Etat can-
didat n'a pas obtenu la majoritérequise, soit parce qu'un Membre
permanent a voté contre une résolutiontendant à recommander
son admission ? 1) )1

Par une lettre du 25 novembre 1949, enregistrée au Greffe le
28 novembre, le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies a transmis
au Greffier la copie de la résolution de l'Assemblée générale.

Le 2 décembre ,1949, le Greffier notifia la requête demandant
l'avis à tous les Etats admis à ester en justice devant la Cour,

conformément à l'article 66, paragraphe 1, du Statut; en outre,
le Greffier fit connaître aux Gouvernements des Membres des
Nations Unies, en leur adressant la communication spéciale et
directe prévue au paragraphe 2 de l'article: 66, que la Cour était
disposée à recevoir d'eux des exposés écritsavant le 24 janvier 1950,
date fixée par une ordonnance de la Cour rendue le 2 décem-
bre 1949.
Dans le délai ainsi prescrit, des exposés écrits furent reçus de
la part des États suivants : République socialiste soviétique de

Biélorussie, Égypte, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Tchécoslovaquie,
République soviétique socialiste d'Ukraine, Union des Républiques
socialistes soviétiques. Un exposé écrit du Secrétaire général des
Nations Unies dut reçu également dans le délai prescrit. En outre,
le Greffier reçut des exposés des Gouvernements de la République
argentine le 26janvier 1950 et du Venezuela le 2 février1950,à savoir
après l'expiration du délaifixéparl'ordonnance du 2 décembre 19/19.
Par application de l'article 37, paragraphes 4 et 5, du Règlement
de la Cour, le Président, la Cour ne siégeant pas, a décidéde
les accepter. Les exposés furent communiqués à tous les Membres

des Nations Unies, qui furent avisés que le Président avait THE COURT,

composed as above,

gives the following Advisory Opinion :

On November zznd, 1949, the General Assembly of the Cnited
Nations adopted the following Resolution :

"The General Assembly,
Keeping in mind the discussion concerning the admission of new
Members in the Ad Hoc Political Committee at its fourth regular
Requests the International Court of Justice to give an advisory
opinion on the following question :
'Can the admission of a State to membership in the United
Nations, pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Charter,
be effected by a decision of the General Assembly when the
Security Council has made no recommendation for admission
by reason of the candidate failingto obtain the requimajority
or of the negative voteofa permanent Memberupon a resolution
so to recommend ?' "

By a letter of November z5th, 1949, filed in the Registry on
November 28th, the Secretary-General of the United Nations
transmitted to the Registrar a copy of the Resolution of the
General Assembly.
On December znd, 1949, the Registrar gave notice of the
Request for an Opinion to al1 States entitled to appear before the
Court,in accordance with paragraph I of Article 66 of the Statute.
Furthermore, the Registrar informed the Governments of Members
of the United Nations by means of a special and direct com-
munication, as provided in paragraph 2 of Article 66, that the
Court was prepared to receive from them written statements on
the question before January qth, 1950, the date fixed by an
Order of the Court made on December znd, 1949.
By the date thus fixed, written statements were received from

the following States : Byelonissian Soviet Socialist Republic,
Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic,
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United States of America.
A written statement from the Secretary-General of the Lnited
Nations was also received within the time-limit. Furthermore,
the Registrar received written statements from the Governments
of the Republic of Argentina on January 26th, 1950, and of
Venezuela on February znd, 1950, i.e., after the expiration of
the time-limit fixed by the Order of Decernber znd, 1949. They
were accepted by a decision of the President, as the Court was
not sitting, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 4
and 5 of Article 37 of the Rules of Court. The written statements6 avï~ DU 3 III50 (ADMISSION AUX NA~ONS um)

fixé au 16 février 1950 la date d'ouverture de la prccédure

En application de l'article 65 du Statut delaCour; le Secrétaire
généraltransmit au Greffe les documents qui çont énumérés au
bordereau annexé au présent ariç '. Ces documents parvinrent
au Greffe le 23 janvier 1950. Le Secrétaire généraaldjoint chargé
du Département juridique fit égalementconnaître, parlettre du
23 janvier 1950, qu'il n'avait pas l'intention d'être présenà la
procédure orale, à moins que la Cour n'en exprime le désir.

Le Gouvernement de la République française et le Gouveme-
ment de la République argentine firent connaître, par lettres du
14 janvier et du 3 février1950, respectivement, leur intention de
présenter devant la Cour des exposésoraw. Le 14 février 1950.
la délégationde l'Argentine à Genève informa le Greffier que le
Gouvernement de la Républiqueargentine renonçait à son inten-
tion de participer à la procédureorale.
Lors de l'audience publique, tenue le a6 février 1950, la Cour
entendit l'expoçéoral présentéau nom du Gouvernement de la
République français pear M. Georges SceUe,professeur honoraire
à la Faculté de droit de l'université de Paris, membre dela Com-
mission de droit international des Nations Unies.

La demande d'avis appelle la Cour à interpréter l'article 4,
paragraphe 2, de la Charte. Avant d'aborder l'examen au fond
de la question qui lui est posée, la Cour doit considérer les
objections faites à cet examen, soit parce qu'elle ne serait pas
compétente pour interpréter les dispositions de la Charte. soit
pour la raison du prétendu caractère politique delaquestion.

En ce qui concerne sa compétence, la Cour se borne à rappeler
que, dans un précédent avisqui portait sur l'interprétation de
l'article 4, paragraphe premier, elle a déclaré que,selon l'article 96
de la Charte et l'article 65 du Statut, elle pouvait donner un avis
consultatif sur toute question juridique. et qu'aucune disposition
ne lui interdisait d'exercerà l'égardde l'article 4 dela Charte,
traité multilatéral, une fonction d'interprétation qui relève de
l'exercice normal de ses attributions judiciaires (C.1.J. Recueil
1947-1948, P. 61).
En ce qui concerne la seconde objection, la Cour constate que
l'Assembléegénéralel'a invitée à fixerl'interprétationjuridique du
para.graphe z de l'articl4. Comme elle l'a déjàdit dans le même
avis, la Cour «ne peut attribuer un caractère politique à une

1voir p.35.

6were communicated to ail Members of the United Nations, who
were informed that the President had fixed Eebruary 16th, 1950,
as the opening date of the oral proceedings.

In accordance with Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, the
Secretary-General sent to the Registry the documents which are
enumerated in the list annexed to the present Opinion l.These
documents reached the Registry on January 23rd, 1950. The
Assistant Secretary-General in charge of the Legal Department
also announced by a letter of January qrd, 1950, that he did
not intend to take part in the oral proceedings, unless the Court
so desired.
The Government of the French Republic and the Government
of the Republic of Argentina, by letters of January 14th and
February 3rd, 1950, respectively, announced their intention to
make oral statements before the Court. On February 14th, 1950,
the Argentine delegation in Geneva informed the Registrar that

the Government of the Republic of Argentina abandoned its
intention to take part in the oral proceedings.
In the course of a public sitting held on February 16th, 1950,
the Court heard an oral statement presented on behalf of the
Govemment of the French Republic by M.GeorgesScelle, Honorarl-
Professorin the Faculty of Law of the 'Cniversity of Paris, member
of the United Nations International Law Commission.

The Request for an Opinion calls upon the Court to interpret
Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Charter. Before examining the
merits of the question submitted to it,the Court must first consider

the objections that have been made to its doing so, either on
the ground that it is not competent to interpret the provisions
of the Charter, or on the ground of the alleged political character
of the question.
So far as concerns its competence, the Court will simply recall
that, in a previous Opinion which dealt with the interpretation
of Article 4, paragraph 1,it declared that, according to Article 96
of the Charter and Article 65 of the Statute, it may give an
Opinion on any legal question and that there is no provision
which prohibits it from exercising, in regard to Article 4 of
the Charter, a multilateral treaty, an interpretative function
falling ivithin the normal exercise of its judicial powers (I.C.J.

Reports 1947-1948, p. 61).
With regard to the second objection, the Court notes that the
General Assembly has requested it to give the legal interpretation
of paragraph 2 of Article 4. As the Court stated in the same
Opinion, it "cannot attribute a political character to a request

lSee p. 35.

6 demande, libellée en termes abstraits, qui. en lui déférant l'inter-
prétation d'un texte conventionnel, l'invite à remplir une fonction
essentiellement judiciaire )).
En conséquence, la Cour, conformément à sa jurisprudence, se

considère comme compétente sur la base des articles 96 de la Charte
et 65 de son Statut et estime qu'il n'y a aucun motif pour elle de
s'abstenir de répondre à la question qui lui est posée.
Cette question a étéénoncéepar l'Assemblée généraledans les
termes suivants :

(Un État peut-il être admiscomme Membredes Nations Unies,
en vertu du pnrayraphe 2 de l'article 4 de la Charte, par décision
de 1'Assernbléegénérale, lorsquele Conseil de, Sécurité n'apas
recommandé son admission soit parce que 1'Etat candidat n'a
pas obtesu la majoritérequise, soit parce qu'un Membrepermanent
a votG coiitre une résolution tendant à recommander son admis-
sion ? »

La demande d'avis a en vue seulement le cas où le Conseil de
Sécurité,ayant voté sur une recommandation, a tiré de son vote
la conclusion que la recommandation n'a pas été adoptée faute de
la majorité requise ou par suite de l'opposition d'un Membre per-
manent. La demande se réfèreainsi au cas où l'Assembléegénérale
se trouve en face d'une absence de recommandation du Conseil
de Sécurité.

Ce n'est pas l'objet de la demande de faire déterminer comment
le Conseil de Sécuritédoit, en matière d'admission, appliquer les
règles gouvernant ses votes et, notamment, de faire rechercher
par la Cour si le vote négatif d'un Membre permanent suffit à faire
échec à une recommandation ayant réuni sept votes ou davantage.
La question telle qu'elle est posée implique qu'il y a dans ce cas
absence de recommandation.
La Cour est donc appelée uniquement à déterminer si 1'Assem-

bléegénéralepeut décider l'admission d'un État quand le Conseil
de Sécuriténe lui a présenté aucune recommandation.

L'article 4, paragraphe 2, est ainsi conçu :
((L'admission comme Membre des Nations Unies de tout État
remplissant ces conditions se fait par décision de l'Assemblée
généralesur recommandation du Conseil de Sécurité. »

La Cour n'a aucun doute quant au sens de ce texte. Celui-ci
exige deux choses pour que soit effectuéel'admission :une (recom-
mandation ))du Conseil de Sécuritéet une (décision 1de 1'Assem-
bléegénérale,la recommandation devant, par la nature des choses,

précéder la décision. Le terme ((recommandation)) et le terme
sur »,qui le précède, impliquent l'idée que la recommandation
sert de support à la décision d'admission, que celle-ci s'appuie
sur la recommaridation. Ces deux actes sont indispensables pour
former le jugement de l'organisation auquel se réfère le para- which, framed in abstract terms, invites it to undertake an
essentially judicial task, the interpretationof a treaty provision".

Consequently, the Court, in accordance with its previous declara-
tions, considers that it is competent on the basis of Articles 96 of
the Charter and 65 of its Statute and that there is no reason why
it should not answer the question submitted to it.
This question has been framed by the General Assembly in the
following terms :

"Can the admission of a State to membership in the United
Nations, pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Charter, be
effected by a decision of the General Assembly when the Security
Council has made no recommendation for admission by reason of
the candidate fading to obtain the requisite majority or of the
negative vote of a permanent Member upon a resolution so to
recommend ?"
The Request for an Opinion envisages solely the case in which
the Security Council, having voted upon a recommendation, has
concluded from its vote that the recoinmendation was not adopted

because it failed to obtain the requisite majority or because of the
negative vote of a permanent Member. Thus the Request refers
to the case in which the General Assembly is confronted with the
absence of a recommendation from the Security Council.
It isnot the object of the Request to determine how the Security
Council should apply the rules governing its voting procedure in
regard to admissions or, in particular, that the Court should
examine whether the negative vote of a permanent Member is
effective to defeat a recommendation which has obtained seven or
more votes. The question, as it is formulated, assumes in such a
case the non-existence of a recornmendation.
The Court is, therefore, called upon to determine solely whether
the General Assembly can make a decision to admit a State when

the Secunty Council has transmitted no recommendation to it.
Article4, paragraph 2, is as follows

"The admission of any such State to membership in the United
Nations will be effectedby a decision of the General Assembly upon
the recommendation of the Secunty Council."

The Court has no doubt as to the meaning of this text. It
requires two things to effect admission : a "recommendation"
of the Security Council and a "decision" of the General Assem-
bly. It is in the nature of things that the recommendation
should come before the decision. The word "recommendation", and
the word "upon" preceding it, imply the idea that the recom-
mendation is the foundation of the decision to admit, and that the
latter restsupon the recornmendation. Both these acts are indispens-
able to form the judgment of the Organization to which the previous8 AVIS DU 3 III 50 (ADMISSION AUX NATIONS UNIES)

graphe précédent de l'article 4. Le texte ici considérésignifie que
l'admission ne peut êtredécidéepar l'Assemblée généraleque sur
recommandation du Conseil de Sécurité ;il fixe le rôle respectif des
deux organes dont l'action concordante est exigée pour que soit
effectuée l'admission : en d'autres termes, la recommandation du
Conseil de Sécurité est la condition préalable de la décision de
l'Assemblée par laquelle se fait l'admission.
Dans l'un des exposés écrits qui ont étésoumis à la Cour, on a
tenté d'attribuer au paragraphe 2 de l'article 4 un sens différent.
La Cour croit nécissaire de dire que le premier devoir d'un
tribunal, appelé à interpréter et à appliquer les dispositions d'un

traité, est de s'efforcer de donner effet, selon leur sens naturel et
ordinaire, à ces dispositions prises dans leur contexte. Si les mots
pertinents, lorsqu'on leur attribue leur signification naturelle ec
crdinaire, ont un sens dans leur contexte, l'examen doit s'arrêter
là. En revanche, si les mots, lorsqu'on leur attribue leur signi-
fication naturelle et ordinaire, sont équivoques ou conduisent a
des résultats déraisonnables, c'est alors - et alors seulement -
quela Cour doit rechercher par d'autres méthodes d'interprétation
ce que les parties avaient en réalité dans l'esprit quand elles
se sont servies des mots dont il s'agit. Comme l'a dit la Cour

permanente, dans l'affaire relative au Senice postal polonazs li
Dantzig (C. P. J. I.,SérieB, no II,p. 39) :
((C'est un principe fondamental d'interprétation que les mots
doivent êtreinterprétésselon le sens qu'ils auraient normalement
dans leur contexte, à moins que l'interprétation ainsi donnéene
conduise à des résultats déraisonnables ou absurdes. )I

Quand la Cour peut donner effet à la disposition d'un traité
en donnant aux mots dont on s'est servi leur sens naturel et ordi-
naire, elle ne peut interpréter ces mots en cherchant à leur donner

une autre signification. Dans le cas présent, la Cour n'éprouve
mcune difficulté à établir quel est le sens naturel et ordinaire
des termes pertinents, ni à leur donner effet. Dans quelques-uns
des exposés écrits qui ont étésoumis à la Cour, celle-ci a été
invitée à examiner les travaux préparatoires qui ont précédé
l'élaboration de la Charte. Eu égard, toutefois, aux considérations
qui précèdent, la Cour estime qu'il ne lui est pas permis dans le
cas présent de recourir aux travaux préparatoires.;
Les conclusions auxquelles la Cour est arrivée en considérant
le texte de l'article4, paragraphe 2, se trouvent pleinement confir-

mées par l'économie de la Charte, spécialement par les rapports
que celle-ci a établis entre l'Assemblée généraleet le Conseil de
L'Assemblée générale et le Conseil de Sécurité sont, l'un et
l'autre, des organes principaux des Kations 'Cnies. La Charte ne
place pas le Conseil de Sécurité dans une position subordonnée.
L'article 24 lui confère « la responsabilité principale du maintienparagraph of Article 4 refers. The text under consideration means
that the General Assembly can only decide to admit upon the
recommendation of the Security Council ; it determines the res-
pective roles of the two organs whose combined action is required
before admission can be effected : in other words, the recommen-
dation of the Security Council is the condition precedent to the
decision of the Assembly by which the admission is effected.
In one of the written statements placed before the Court, an
attempt was made to attribute to paragraph 2 of Article 4 a
different meaning. The Court considers it necessary to Say that

the first duty of a tribunal which is called upon to interpret and
apply the provisions of a treaty, is to endeavour to give effect
to them in their natural and ordinary meaning in the context in
which they occur. If the relevant words intheir natural and ordinary
meaning make sense in their context, that is an end of the matter.
If, on the other hand, the words in their natural and ordinary mean-
ing are ambiguous or lead to an unreasonable result, then, and then
only, must the Court, by resort to other methods of interpretation,
seek to ascertain what the parties really did mean when they used
these words. As the Permanent Court said in the case concerning
the Polish Postal Service in Danzig (P.C.I. J., Series B, No. II,

P. 39) :

"It is a cardinal principle of interpretation that words must be
interpreted in thesense which they would normally have in their
context, unlesssuch interpretation wouldlead to somethingunreas-
onable or absurd."

When the Court can give effect to a provision of a treaty by
giving to the words used in it their natural and ordinary meaning,
it may not interpret the words by seeking to give them some other
meaning. In the present case the Court finds no difficulty in ascer-
taining the natural and ordinary meaning of the words in question
and no difficulty in giving effect to them. Some of the written state-
ments submitted to the Court have invited it to investigate the
travaztx préparatoiresof the Charter. Having regard, however, to
the considerations above stated, the Court is of the opinion that

it is not permissible, in this case, to resort to travaux #ré#aratoires.

The conclusions to which the Court is led by the text of
Article 4, paragraph 2, are fully confirmed by the structure of the
Charter, and particularly by the relations established by it between
the General Assembly and the Security Council.

The General Assembly and the Security Council are both principal
organs of the United Nations. The Charter does not place the
Security Council in a subordinate position. Article 24 confers upon
it "primary responsibility for the maintenance of international

8 de la paix et de la sécuritéinternationales »,et la Charte lui octroie
à cet effet certains pouvoirs de décision. Les articles 4, 5 et 6 le
font coopérer avec l'Assemblée généraleen matière d'admission,

de suspension de l'exercice des droits et privilèges inhérents à la
qualité de Membre, ainsi que d'exclusion de l'organisation. Il a
le pouvoir, sans le concours de l'Assembléegénérale,de rétablir
dans ses droits et privilèges le Membre qui aurait fait l'objet d'une
mesure de suspension.
Les organes auxquels l'article 4 a confiéle jugement de l'Orga-
nisation en matière d'admission ont constamment interprété ce
texte en ce sens que l'Assemblée généralene peut décider une
admission que sur la base d'une recommandation émanant du
Conseil de Sécurité. En particulier, le Règlement de l'Assemblée

généralene prévoit l'examen au fond et la décisionsur l'admission
que ((sile Conseil de Sécuritérecommande l'admission )(article 125).
Le Règlement ajoute seulement que, si le Conseil de Sécuritén'a
pas recommandé l'admission, l'Assemblée généralepeut renvoyer
la demande au Conseil de Sécurité pour nouvel examen (arti-
cle 126). Cette dernière voie a étémaintes fois suivie : elle l'a été
encore dans la Résolution 296 (IV), celle-là mêmequi contient la
demande d'avis.

Reconnaître à l'Assemblée généralele pouvoir d'admettre un
État comme Membre en l'absence d'une recommandation du

Conseil de Sécuritéserait priver le Conseil de Sécuritéd'un pouvoir
important que lui confie la Charte et réduire à peu de chose son
rôle dans l'exercice d'une des fonctions essentielles de l'organi-
sation. Ce serait admettre que le Conseil de Sécuritéaurait seule-
ment à faire une étude, à présenter un rapport, à émettre un avis,
à formuler une opinion. Ce n'est pas ce que dit l'article 4, para-
graphe 2.
La Cour ne saurait admettre la suggestion, présentéedans un
des exposésécritssoumis à la Cour, d'après laquelle, pour satisfaire
aux exigences de l'article 4, paragraphe 2, l'Assemblée générale
serait en droit de considérer l'absence d'une reconimandation

comme équivalant à ce que ledit exposé écrit qualifie de (recom-
mandation défavorable »,sur laquelle elle pourrait fonder la décision
d'admettre un État comme Membre de l'organisation.
On s'est aussi référéà un document de la Conférence de San-
Francisco pour invoquer la possibilité d'une recommandation
défavorable votée par le Conseil de Sécurité : en pratique, une telle
recommandation n'a jamais étéfaite. De l'avis de la Cour, l'arti-
cle 4, paragraphe 2, a en vue une recommandation favorable du
Conseil de Sécurité, et cela seulement. Une recommandation
défavorable n'est pas ce que prévoit l'article 4, paragraphe 2.

En s'en tenant aux limites de la demande d'avis, laquelle concerne
l'étendue des pouvoirs de l'Assemblée généralei,l suffit de dire quenulle part n'a étéconféré à l'Assembléegénérale le pouvoirde
rectifier jusqu'à le contredire le sensdu vote du Conseilde Sécurité.
En conséquence,riennepermet d'admettre auprofit del'Assemblée
généralele pouvoir d'attribuer à un vote émispar le Conseil de
Sécuritéle caractère d'une recommandation alors que ce Conseila
estimé queladite recommandation n'étaitpas adoptée.

Par ces motifs,

par douze voix contre deux,

est d'avis qu'un État ne peut êtreadmis comme Membre des
Nations Unies, en vertu du paragraphe2 de l'article 4 de la Charte,
par décisionde l'Assembléegénérale,lorsque le Conseilde Sécurité
n'a pas recommandé son admission,soit parce que l'État candidat
n'a pas obtenu la majorité requise, soit parce qu'un Membre
permanent a voté contre une résolution tendant à recommander
sori admission.

Fait en français et en anglais, le texte français faisant foi, au
Palais de la PaixàLa Haye, le trois mars mil neuf cent cinquante,
en deux exemplaires, dont l'un restera déposéaux archives de la
Unies.t dont l'autre sera transmis au SecrétairegénéraldesNations

Le Président de la Cour,


Le Greffier de la Cour,
(Sigd) E. HAMBRO.the Court to Say that nowhere has the General Assembly received
the power to change, to the point of reversing, the meaning of
a vote of the Security Council.
In consequence, it is impossible to admit that the General
Assembly has the power to attribute to a vote of the Security
Council the character of a recommendation when the Council itself
considers that no such recommendation has been made.

For these reasons,

by twelve votes to two,

is of opinion that the admission of a State to membership in the
United Nations, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article4of the Charter,
cannot be effected by a decision of the General Assembly when the
Security Council has made no recommendation for admission, by
reason of the candidate failing to obtain the requisite majority or
of the negative vote of a permanent Member upon a resolution so
to recommend.

Done in French and English, the French text being authori-
tative, at the Peace Palace, The Hague, this third day of March,
one thousand nine hundred and fifty, in two copies, one of vqhich

will be placed in the archives of the Court and the other trans-
mitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.



(Signed)E. HAMBRO
Registrar. MM. ALVAREZ et AZEVEDOj,uges, déclarant ne pas pouvoir se
rallier l'avis de la Cour et se prévalant du droit que leur confère
l'articl57 du Statut, joignent audit avis l'exposéde leur. opinion
dissidente. Judges ALVAREZ and AZEVEDOd , eclaring that they are unable
to concur in the Opinion of the Court, have availed themselves
of the nght conferred on them by Article57 of the Statute and
appended to the Opinion statements of their dissenting opinion.

(Initialbd) J. B.

(Initialled)E. H. ANNEXE



I. Règlement intérieur provisoire du Conseil de Sécurité(SI961
Rev. 3. 27 janvier 1948).

2. Règlement intérieur de l'Assembléegénérale(A/52o. 12 décem-
bre 1947)-
3. Articles relatifs à l'admission de nouveaux Membres (Rapport
de la Commissionde l'Assembléegénérale)(A/384, p. 4, 12 sep-
tembre 1947).

4. Rapport du Comité exécutif à la Commission préparatoire des
Nations Unies (PC/EX/II~/R~V. I. 12 novembre 1945).

5. Rapport de la Commission préparatoire des Nations Vnies

(PC/zo. 23 décembre 1945).
6. Procès-verbaux des séancesdu Comitéd'experts du Conseil de
Sécurité, visant les articles relatifs à l'admission de nouveaux
Membres :

1946. S/Procédure 91.
)) 91, Corr. I.

)) 92.
)) 93.
)) 93, Corr. I.

)) 99.
)) 99, Corr. I.

1 Ces documents avaient déjà été transmis à la Cour en conformité de la
Résolution de l'Assemblée géntrale du 17 novembre 1947.



I. Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Security Council (SI961
Rev. 3. January 27th, 1948).
2. Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly (A/520. Decem-
ber ~zth, 1947).
3. Rules governing the admission of new Members (Report of

the Committee of the General Assembly) (A/384,p. 4, Septem-
ber ~zth, 1947).
4. Report by the Executive Committee to the Preparatory Com-
mission of the United Nations (PCIEXIII~IR~V. I. Novem-
ber ~zth, 1945).
5. Report of the Preparatory Commissionof the United Nations
(PC/zo. December qrd, 1945).

6. Records of the Security Council Committee of Experts Meet-
ings concerning the Rules on the admission of neu- Members :

1946. SIProcedure 91.
,, 91, Corr. I.
>7 92.
>7 93.
,, 93, Corr. I.

9> 94-
>> 99.
,, 99, Corr. I.

1947. S/C.I/SR.~~.
,, 96, Corr. 1.
,, 101.
,, 102.

,, 103.
,, 104.

1 These documents had already been transmittedto the Court in accordance
with the Resolution of the General Assembly of Sovember 17th, 1947.

7. Comptes rendus des séancesde la Commission mixte de procé-

dure constituée par l'Assemblée généraleet le Conseil de
Sécurité,visant les articles relatifs à l'admission de nouveaux
Membres :


)) SR.1, Corr. I.
)) SR.2.
)) SR.2, Rev. I.

)) SR.3.
1) SR.3, Rev. I.
)) SR.4.
)) SR.5.

)) SR.6.
)) SR.7.
)) SR.8.

)) SR.8, Corr.
)) SR.9.
)) sR.10.

)) sR.11.

8. Rapport du Comitédu Conseil de Sécuritésur l'admission de
nouveaux Membres, 1946 (Procès-verbaztx 08ciels dzt Conseil de

SéczrritéP , remière année, Deuxième série,Supplément no 4,
P 53).

g. Rapport du Conseil de Sécuritéà l'Assembléegénéralesur
l'admission de nouveaux Rlembres, 1946 (A/1o8, 15 octobre

IO. Procès-verbaux des séancesdu Conseil de Sécurité relatives à
l'admission de nouveaux Xembres, 1946.
Procès-verbauxoficiels dzt Conseil de SécztviféP ,remière année,

Deuxième série :
K0 1.

1) 2.
)) 3.
)) 4.

1) 5.
)) 18.
)) 23.

)) 24.
)) 25.

Jozrrnal du Conseil de Sécurité,Première année, no 35.

11. Procès-1-erbausdes séancesde la Première Commission (Assem-
blée générale,Première session, Deuxième partie) relatives

à l'admission de nouveaux JIembres, 1946 : 7. Records of the meetings of the Joint Committees appointed
by the General Assembly and the Security Council on Rules
goveming the admission of new 3Iembers:

,, SR.1, Corr. 1.
,, SR.2.
,, SR.2, Rev. 1.
,, SR.3.
,, SR.3, Rev. I.
,, SR.4.
,, 93.5.
,, SR.6.

,, SR.8, Corr.

,, SR.9.
,, SR.10.
,, sR.11.

8. Report of the Security Council Committee on the admission
of new Members, 1946 (Security Council Oficial Records,
First Year, Second Senes, Supplement No. 4, p. 53).

9. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly on the
admission of new Ptlembers, 1946 (A/1o8, October 15th, 1946).

IO. Records of the Security Council Meetings concerning the
admission of new7Members, 1946.
Security Coztncil Oficinl Records, First Year, Second Series :

No. 1.
,, 2.

Security Cozlncil Jozcrnal, First Year, No. 35.

II. Records of the First Committee Meetings of the Second Part
of the First Session of the General Assembly concerning the
admission of new Ilembers, 1946 : AVIS DU 3 111 50 (ADMISSION AUX NATIONS UNIES)
Journal 22, Suppl.
» 24, ))

)) 25, 1)
)) 26, ))
» 27, ))
)) 28, 1)
)) 2g ))
)) 31 , "

)) 32, ))
)) 37, "
» 38, ))

12. Procès-verbaux des séances plénièresde l'Assembléegénérale
(Première session, Deuxième partie) relatives à l'admission de
nouveaux Membres, 1946. (Journal no 66, Supplément A -
A1P.V. 67.)

13. Rapport du Conseil de Sécuritésur l'admission de nouveaux
Membres, 1947. Procès-verbauxogicielsdu Conseil de Sécurité,
Deuxièmeannée, Supplémentspécialno 3, Lake Success, New-
York, 1947.
14. Rapports du Conseil de Sécurité à l'Assemblée générals eur
l'admission de nouveaux Membres, 1947 (Al406 g octobre

1947. - A/j15. 22 novembre 1947).
Ij. Procès-verbaux des séancesdu Conseil de Sécurité relatives à
l'admission de nouveaux Membres, 1947.
Procès-verbauxoficiels du Conseilde Sécurité , euxièmeannée,

no 38 :
slP.V.136. slP.V.186.

S/P.V.137. S/P.V.1go.
S/P.V.1~1. S/P.V.197.
SjP.V.152. S/P.V.204.
SIP.V.Ij4. SIP.V.205.
slP.v.161. S/P.V.zo6.

slP.V.168. S/P.V.ZZI.
slP.V.178. S/P.V.222.

16. Procès-verbaux des séances de la Première Commission de
l'Assemblée générale (Deuxième sessioonrdinaire) relatives à
l'admission de nouveaux Membres, 1947 :

A/C.I/SR. 59.
>) 59, Con. 1.
)) 59, Con. 2.
1) 97.
)) 98.

)) 99-
)) 100.
1) 101. Journal 22, Suppl.
9, 24, ,,
8 25, ,,
,, 26, ,,
3, 27, >,
>, 28, ,,

12. Records of the Plenary Meetings of the Second Part of the
First Session of the General Assembly conceming the adrnis-
sion of new Members, 1946. (Journal No. 66, Supplement
A-A1P.V. 67.)

13. Report of the Security Council Committee on the admission
of new Members, 1947- Secukty Council Oficial Records,
Second Year, Special Supplement No. 3, Lake Success, New
York, 1947.
14. Reports of the Secunty Council to the General Assembly on
the admission of new Members, 1947 (A1406. October gth,
1g47.-A/515. November 22nd, 1947).
15. Records ofthe Secunty CouncilMeetingsconcerningthe admis-
sion of new Members, 1947.

Security Council Oficial Records, Second Year, No. 38 :

16. Records of the First Committee Meetingsof the Second Regular
Session of the General Assembly conceming the admission of
new Members, 1947 :

A/C.r/SR. 59.
,, 59, con. 1.
,, 59, Corr. 2.
>7 97-
,, 98.
>> 99.
,, 100.
,, 101. A/C.I/SR. 102.
)) 102, Corr. I.
)) 102, Corr. 2.

)) 103.

17. Procès-verbauxdes séancesde l'Assembléegénérale(Deuxième
sessionordinaire)relatives àl'admission de nouveaux Membres,
1947 :
AlP.V.83. AlP.V.89.

s 84. » go.
)) 85. 1) 92.
» 86. » 96.
1) 87. » 117.
)) 88. » 118.


Inscription de la question à L'ordredu jour.
Comptes rendus des débats.

Compte rendu du Bureau, 4zmeséance.
Compte rendu de l'Assembléegénérale, 231~~ séance plénière.

Inscriftion de la question à l'ordre du jozcr.

Demande d'admission de l'Union bir-
mane au sein des Nations Unies -
Lettre en date du IO avril 1948
adressée au Secrétaire général des
Nations Unies par le Président du
Conseil de Sécurité A1533

Liste supplémentaire de questions à
inscrire à l'ordre du jour de la
deuxièmesessionextraordinaire :ques-
tion présentéepar la Chine - Note
du Secrétaire général A1535

38 A/C.I/SR. 102.
,, 102, Corr. 1.
,, 102, Corr. 2.
,, 103.

17. Records of the meetings of the Second Regular Session of the
General Assembly concerning the admission of new hlembers,
'947 :

Inclusion of item in agenda.

Records of firoceedings.

Records of the General Committee, 4znd meeting.
Records of the General Assembly, 131st plenary meeting.

Inclusion of item in agenda.

Application of the Union of Burma for
membership in the United Nations-
Letter dated IO April, 1948, from the
President of the Secunty Council to
the Secretary-General of the United
Nations A1533

Supplementary list of items for the
agenda of the second special session :
item proposed by China-Note by the
Secretary-Genefal A1535Liste supplémentairede points à inscrire
à l'ordre du jour de la deuxième
session extraordinaire:point proposé
par l'Inde - Note du Secrétaire
général Al536
Ordre du jour provisoire de la deuxième
session extraordinaire: Rapport du
Bureau A1537


Résolutions adoptéessans renvoi à une Commission - 188 (S-2).
Admission de l'Union birmane à l'organisation des Nations


Inscription des questionà l'ordredu jour.
Comptes rendzlsdes dkbats.

Comptes rendus du Bureau, 43rne,4gmeet 5omeséances.
Comptes rendus de l'Assembléegénérale, 142meet 158meséances

Inscription des qzcestioàs Z'ordrdzc jour.

Ordre du jour provisoire de la troisième
session de l'Assembléegénérale Al585

Lettre en date du 21 juillet 1948 du
taire généraldemandant l'inscription-
de points à l'ordre du jour provisoire
de la troisième session de l'Assemblée
générale AI586

Adoption de l'ordre du jour de la
troisième session et répartition des
questions entre les commissions -
Rapport du Bureau A1653
Création d'une Commission politique
spéciale- Rapport du Bureau Al715

Ordre du jour provisoire de la troisième
session ordinaire de l'Assemblée géné-
rale- Note du Secrétairegénéral A/BUR/97Supplementary list of items for the
agenda of the second special session:
item proposed by India-Note by the
Secretary-General Al536

Agenda for the second special session :
Report of the General Committee A1537


Resolutions adopted without reference to a committee-188 (S-2).
Nations.n of the Union of Burma to membership in the United


Inclusion of items in agenda.

Records of firoceedings.

Records of the General Committee, 43rd, 49th and 50th meetings.
Records of the General Assembly, 14znd and 158th plenary meet-

Inclusion of items in agenda.

Provisional agenda for the third session
of the General Assembly Al585
Letter dated 21 July from the Argentine
representative to the Secretary-Gen-
eral requesting the inclusion of items
in the provisional agenda of the third
session of the General Assembly Al586

Adoption of the agenda for the third
session and allocation of agenda items
to committees-Report of the General
Cornmittee Al653

Establishment of an Ad hoc Political
Committee-Report of the General
Cornmittee Al715
Provisional agenda for the third regular
session of the General Assembly-
Note by the Secretary-General A/BUR/9740 AVIS DC 3 111 j0 (ADJIISSIOS ;\CS Si\TIOSS CSIES)

Répartition des points de l'ordre du jour
de la tro isièmesession - Lettre en
date du rj novembre 1948 adressée
au Président de la Commission poli-
tique spéciale par le Président de
l'.\ssemblée générale AJAX.24/ I

Xote du Secrétaire général Al597
Souvel examen des demandes d'admis-
sion présentées par l'Albanie, l'Au-

triche, la Bulgarie, la Finlande, la
Hongrie, l'Irlande, l'Italie, la Répu-
blique populaire de Jlongolie, le Por-
tugal, la Roumanie et la Transjordanie
- Rapport spécial du Conseil de
Sécuritéà l'Assemblée générale hi617

Rapport spécial du Conseil de Sécurité
à lJ,\ssemblée générale A/61s

Co~nmissionpolitiqzie spéciale.

Cojnpfes rendus des débnts.

6"~ séance.
Qme séance.

lolne séance.

12me séance.
lyie séance.
qme séance.

1j"'? séance.

2 jme séance.

Comnzission politiqzie spéciale.

Australie : projet de résolution -4/-\C.24/6
(= -41761,résolution
,\ - paragraphe 19)
Australie : projet de résolution .A/.AC.Z~/..~

Australie: projet de résolution h/AC.24/8 OPIN. OF 3 III 50 (ADMISSION TO THE UNITED KATIOSS) 40

Allocation of items on the agenda of the
third seçsion-Letter dated 15 Novem-
ber, 1948, from the President of the
General Assembly to the Chairman of
the Ad hoc Political Committee AlAC.2411

Note by the Secretary-General A1597

Reconsideration of the applications of
Albanie, Auçtria, Bulgaria, Finland,
Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Mongolian
People's Republic, Portugal, Roma-
nia and Transjordan-Special report
of the Security Council to the General

Special report of the Security Council to
the General Assembly Al618

Ad hoc Political Committee.

Recordsof proceedings.

6th meeting.
7th meeting.
8th meeting.
9th meeting.

10th meeting.
11th meeting.
12th meeting.

13th meeting.
14th meeting.
15th meeting.
16th meeting.

zznd meeting.
23rd meeting.

Ad hoc Political Committee.

Australia : draft resolution AIAC.2416
(= A/761, resolution A
under paragraph 19)

Australia :draft resolution A/AC.z4/7
Australia :draft resolution A/XC.z4/8
40Australie : projet de résolution AIAC.2419
Australie : projet de résolution

Australie : projet de résolution
Belgique :projet de résolution
États-unis d'Amérique :projet de réso-

-\ustralie: projet de résolution
Argentine : projet de résolution
Suède : projet de résolution
Bolivie : amendements au projet de
résolution de la Suède (AIAC.24117)

Inde : amendement au projet de réso-
lution de la Suède (A/AC.z4117) A/AC.~/I~
Birmanie : amendement au projet de
résolution présenté par la Belgique
(-4/AC.24/12) A/AC.24/23
Birmanie : amendement au projet de
résolution de l'Australie relatif à
Ceylan (A/AC.24/14) A/AC.24/32

Projet de résolution présentépar la
Sous-Commission crééepar la Com-
mission politique spéciale à sa z2me
séance AlAc-24/35
Rapport de la Commission politique
spéciale A1761

Séancesplénièresde I'Assembléegénérale.

Comptes rendzls des débats.


177" séance.

Séancesplénières de l.'Assembléegénérale.


Australie, Birmanie, Inde, Pakistan,
Philippines : amendements au projet
de résolution J de la Commission
politique spéciale (A/761) Al771

Australia :draft resolution
Australia :draft resolution

Australia :draft resolution
Belgium :draft resolution
United States of America : draft reso-
Australia :draft resolution

Argentina : draft resolution
Sweden : draft resolution
Bolivia : amendments to the draft reso-
lution proposed by Sweden

India :amendment to the draft resolu-
tion proposed by Sweden (AIAc.24117)
Burma : amendment to the draft reso-
lution proposed by Belgium
Burma : amendment to the Australian
draft resolution conceming Ceylon

Draft resolution submitted by the Sub-
Cornmittee appointed at the 22nd
meeting of the Ad hoc Political Com-
Report of the Ad hoc Political Com-

Plenary meetings of the General Assembly.

Records of proceedings.

175th meeting.
176th meeting.

177th meeting.

Plenary meetings of the General Assembly.

Australia, Burma, India, Pakistan, Phil-
ippines : amendments to draft reso-
lution J proposed by the Ad hocPolit-
ical Cornmittee (A/761) A1771 Séances plénièrd ee l'Assemblée générale.


Résolutions adoptées sur les rapports de la Commission politique
spéciale - 197 (III).Admission de nout-eaux Membres.


Inscription des questionsà l'ordredu jozcr.
Comptes rendusdes débats.

Comptes rendus du Bureau, 60me,61me,62meet 63meséances.

Comptes rendus de l'Assembléegénérale,191rne,1g2rne,20qmeet
20jme séances plénières.

Inscription des questionsà Z'ordredu jour.

Ordre du jour de la troisième session
ordinaire de l'Assembléegénérale -
Rapport du Bureau de l'Assemblée
Rapport du Bureau concernant l'achè-
vement des travaux de l'Assemblée
générale Al845
Achèvement des travaux de 1'4ssemblée
générale,et notamment fixation de la
date de clôture- Note du Président A/BLR/II~

Répartition des questions inscrites à
l'ordre du jour de la deuxièmepartie de
la troisième session:Lettre en date du
13 avril 1949 adresséeau Président de
la Première Commission par le Prési-
dent de l'Assembléegénérale A/C-11437

Répartition des questions inscrites à
l'ordre du jour de la deuxième partie
de la troisième session : Lettre en date
du 2 mai 1949 adressée au Président
de la Première Commission par le
Président de l'Assembléegénérale AlC.11444et Corr. I
Répartition des questions inscrites à
l'ordre du jour de la deuxième partie

de la troisième session : Lettre en date
du 2 mai 1949 adressée au Président Plenary meetings of the General Assembly.


Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Ad hoc Political Corn-
mittee-197 (III). Admission of new Members.


Inclztsion of items in agenda.
Records of firoceedings.

Records of the General Committee, 6oth, 61st, 62nd and 63rd

Records of the General Assembly, 191st, ~gznd, 204th and 205th
plenary meetings.

Inclusion of items in agenda.

,Agenda of the third regular session of
the General Assembly-Report of the
General Committee Al829
Report of the General Committee con-
cerning the completion of the work of

the General Assembly Al845
Completion of the work of the General
Assembly, including the date for final
adjournment-Kote by the President A/BUR/IIG

Allocation of items OR the agenda of the
second part of the third session : Let-
ter dated 13 April, 1949, from the
President of the General Assembly to
the Chairman of the First Committee AIC.11437

Allocation of items on the agenda of the
second part of the third session : Let-
ter dated 2 May, 1949, from the Pre-
sident of the General Assembly to the
Chairman of the First Cornmittee A/C.1/444 and Corr. I

Allocation of items on the agenda of the

second part of the third session : Let-
ter dated 2 May, 1949, from the Pre-
sident of the General Assembly to the de la Commission politique spéciale
par le Président de l'Assemblée géné-
rale A/AC.24/59 et Corr. I
Lettre en date du 7 mars 1949 adressée
au Président de l'Assembléegénérale
par le Président du Conseil de Sécu-

rité concernant la demande d'admis-
sion d'Israel à l'organisation des
Nations Unies Al818
Lettre en date du 17 mars 1949 adressée
au Président de l'Assembléegénérale
par le Président du Conseilde Sécurité

concernant la demande d'admission de
Ceylan à l'organisation des Nations
Unies Al823

Commission politique spéciale.

Comptes rendus des débats.



51~e séance.

Commission politique spéciale.


Salvador : projet de résolution
Salvador :projet de résolution revisé

Argentine : projet de résolution
Liban : projet de résolution

Liban : projet de résolution revisé
Liban : projet de résolution revisé
Grèce: amendement au projet de réso-

lution présenté par l'Argentine
Irak : projet de résolution

43 Chairman of the Ad hoc Political
Committee AiAC.24;jg and Corr. I

Letter dated 7 March, 1949, irom the
President of the Security Council to
the President of the General Assembly
concerning the application of Israel
for membership in the United Nations A,'818

Letter dated 17 March, 1949, from the
President of the Security Council to
the President of the General Assembly
concerning the application of Ceylon
for admission to membership in the
United Nations A1823

_4d hoc Political Committee.

Records of meetings.

42nd meeting.
43rd meeting.

44th meeting.
45th meeting.
46th meeting.

47th meeting.
50th meeting.
51st meeting.

Ad hoc Political Committee.


El Salvador :draft resolution XiAC.24/60
El Salvador : revised draft reçolution A/AC.z4/6o/Rev. I

Argentina : draft resolution AIAc.24161
Lebanon : draft resolution AiAC.24/62

Lebanon : revised draft resolutiori A/AC.24/6zlRe\-. I
Lebanon : revised draft resolution A/AC.24,6z~'Rev. 2

Greece : amendment to the Argentine
draft resolution (A/AC.zq16x) A/AC 24 53

Iraq : draft resc?!üiicl~l A/XC 24 6444 AVIS DU 3 III50 (ADMISSION AUX NATIONS UNIES)

Demande d'admission d'Israel à l'Or-
ganisation des Nations Unies -
Australie : amendement au projet de
résolution présentépar le Salvador
(A/AC.z4/6o) AIAC.24165
Demande d'admission d'Israel à l'Or-
ganisation des Nations Unies - Dane-
mark: amendement au projet de
résolution présentépar le Salvador
(A/AC.z4160) AIAC.24166

Demande d'admission d'Israel à l'Or-
ganisation desNations Unies - Arabie
saoudite : amendement à l'amende-
ment de la Grèce (AIAC.24163)au
projet de résolution présentépar l'Ar-
gentine (A/Ac.z4/61) AIAC.24167

Demande d'admission d'Israel à l'Or-
ganisationdesNations Unies - Arabie
saoudite :amendement revisé àl'amen-
dement de la Grèce (AIAC.24163)au
projet de résolution présentépar l'Ar-
gentine (A/AC.z4161) A/AC.z4/67/Rev. I
Australie, Canada, États-unis d'Amé-
rique, Guatemala, Haiti, Panama et
Uruguay : projet de résolution AIAC.24168

Demande d'admission d'Israel à l'Or-
ganisation des Nations Unies - Chili :
amendement au projet de résolution
présenté conjointementpar l'Australie,
le Canada, les États-unis d'Amérique,
le Guatemala, Haïti, Panama et l'Uru-
guay (A/AC.24/68) A/AC.z4/6g

Demande d'admission dYIsrael à l'Or-
ganisation des Nations Unies - Pé-
rou : amendement à l'amendement
du Chili (AIAC.24169)au projet de
résolution présenté conjointementpar
l'Australie, le Canada, les Etats-Unis
d'Amérique, le Guatemala, Haiti, le
Panama et 1'Uruguay (A/AC.z4/68) A/AC.z4/7z
Rapport de la Commission politique
Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Australia: amendment to El Salvador
draft resolution(A/AC.z4/60) A/AC.z4/65

Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Denmark : amendment toEl Salvador
draft resolution(A/AC.z4/60) A/AC.z4/66

Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Saudi Arabia: amendment to the
Greek amendment (AlAC.24163)to the
Argentine draft resolution
(A/Ac.z4/61) A/AC.z4/67

Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Saudi Arabia : revised amendment to
the Greek amendment (A/AC.z4/63)to
the Argentine draft resolution
(AlAC.24161) A/AC.z4/67/Rev. I
Australia, Canada, Guatemala, Haiti,
Panama, United States of America
and Uruguay : draft resolution A/AC.z4/68

Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations -
Chile: amendment to the joint draft
resolution of Australia, Canada, Gua-
temala, Haiti, Panama, United States
of America and Uruguay
(A/AC.z4/68) h/AC.z4/6g
Application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations-
Peru : amendment to the Chilean
amendment (A/AC.z4/6g)to the joint
draft resolution of Australia, Canada,
Guatemala, Haiti, Panama, United
States of America ad Uruguay
(A/AC.z4/68) A/AC.z4/7z

Report of the Ad hoc Political Com-
mittee A1855 Skancesplénièresde l'Assemblée générale.

Comptes rendusdes débats.

Séancesplénières de l'Assembléegénérale.

273 (III). Admission dJIsrael à l'organisation des Nations C-nies.


Inscription de la questionà l'ordre dzr jozlr.
Comptes rendusdes débats.

Compte rendu du Bureau, 65meséance.
Compte rendu de l'Assembléegénérale, 224meséance plénière.

Inscription de la qzlestionà l'ordrdu jour.

Adoption de l'ordre du jour de la qua-
trième session ordinaire et répartition
des points de l'ordre du jour entre les
Commissions - Rapport du Bureau
Adoption de l'ordre du jour et répar-
tition des points de l'ordre du jour
entre les Commissions- Biémorandum
du Secrétaire général A/BUR/I 18

-idmission de nouveaux Membres -
Demande d'admission de la Répu-
blique de Coréeà l'organisation des
Sations Cnies - Rapport spécialdu
Conseil de Sécurité Al968

Demande d'admission du h'épalà l'Or-
ganisation des Wations Unies - Rap-
port spécial du Conseil de Sécurité Al974

Souvel examen des demandes d'admis-
sion présentéespar l'Albanie, 1'Autri-
che, la Bulgarie, Ceylan, la Finlande,
la Hongrie, l'Irlande, l'Italie, la
Transjordanie, la République popu- OPIN. OF 3 III50 (ADMISSION TO THE UNITED NATIONS) 45

Plenary meetings of the GeneralAssembly.

Records of proceedings.

207th meeting.

Plenary meetings of the General Assembly.

273 (III). Admission of Israel to membership in the United


Inclusion of item in agenda.

Recordsof proceedings.
Records of the General Committee, 65th meeting.

Records of the General Assembly, 224th plenary meeting.

Inclusion of item in agenda.

Adoption of the agenda of the fourth
regular session and allocation of items
to Committees-Records of the Gene-
ral Cornmittee Al989

Adoption of the agenda and allocation
of items to Committees-Memoran-
dum by the Secretary-General A/BUR/II~

Admission of new Members-Application
of the Republic of Korea for mem-
bership in the United Nations-Special
report of the Security Council

Application of Nepal for membership in
the United Nations-Special report of
the Security Council A1974

Reconsideration of the applications of
i\lbania, Austria, Bulgaria, Ceylon,
Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
^ciIongolianPeople's Republic, Portu-
gal, Romania and Transjordan for !.mS DU 3 11150 (ADMXSSION AUX NATIONS UNIES)
laire de Mongolie, le Portugal et la
Roumanie - Rapport spécial du
Conseil de Sécurité A1982

Commissionpolitique spéciale.

Comptes rendus des de55ats.



Commissionpolitique sfiéciale.


Australie : projet de résolution concer-
nant la demande d'admission de l'Au-
triche à l'organisation des Nations
Unies AlAc.31lL.9
(= A/1c166, résolution
Australie : projet de résolution concer-
nant la demande d'admission de Cey-
lan à l'Organisation des Nations Unies A/AC.~I/L.IO
(= A/1066, résolution


Australie :projet de résolution concer-
nant la demande d'admission de la
Finlande à l'organisation des Nations
Unies A/AC.~I/L.II
(= A/1066, résolution
Australie :projet de résolution concer-
nant la demande d'admission de l'Ir-

lande à l'organisation des Nations
Unies A/AC.~I/L.IS
(= A/1066, résolution
D )
Australie : projet de résolution cuncer-
nant la demande d'admission de 1'Ita-
lie à l'organisation des Nations G~ies AlAC.311L.13
(= A/1066, résolution
E) membership in the United Nations- of the Security Council Al982

Ad hoc Political Committee.

Records of proceedings.
25th meeting.

26th meeting.
27th meeting.
28th meeting.
29th meeting.

Ad hoc Political Committee.


Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Austria for admis-
sion to membership in the Cnited
Nations A/AC.~I/L.~
(= A 1066, resolution
Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Ceylon for adrnis-

sion to membership in the cnited
Nations A/-\C.~I/L.IO
(= Ai1066, resolution
Australia : draft resolution coricerning
the application of Finland for atlmis-
sion to membership in the United
Nations A/AC.~I/L.II
(= A/1066, resolution

Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Ireland for admis-
sion to membership in the Cnited
Nations A/AC.~I/L.IZ
(= A/1066, resolution
Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Italy for adrnis-
sion to membership in the Cnited
Nations AI.kc.31jL.13
(= .\11066, resolution

46Australie : projet de résolution concer-
nant la demande d'admission de la
Jordanie à l'organisation des Nations
Unies AlAc.311L.14
(= A/1066, résolution

Australie : projet de résolution concer-
nant la demande d'admission de la
République de Coréeà l'organisation
des Nations Unies AlAC.31lL.15
(= A/1066, résolution
Australie : projet de résolution concer-
nant la demande d'admission du Por-

tugal à l'organisation des Nations
Unies AlAc.31lL.16
(= A/1066, résolution
-Australie: projet de résolution concer-
nant la demande d'admission du Xépal
à l'Organisation des Nations Unies A/AC.~I/L.I~
(= A/1066, résolution

Argentine : projet de résolution A/AC.~I/L.I~
Union des Républiques socialistes sovié-
tiques : projet de résolution A/AC.~I/L.I~

Note du Rapporteur (Projet de réso-
lution revisé de l'Argentine) A/AC.~I~L.ZO
Irak : projet de résolution A/AC.~I/L.ZI

Pays-Bas : amendement au projet de
résolution présenté par l'Argentine
Etats-Unis d'Amérique,Arabie saoudite
et Irak : amendement au projet de
résolution présentépar l'Irak
(.~/AC.~I/L.ZI) A/AC.~I/L.Z~

Admission de nouveaux Membres -
Rapport de la Commission politique
spéciale Al1066

Séancesfilénièresde l'Assembléegénérale.

Comptes rendus des débats.

2j I~~ séance.
47Australia : draft resolution concerning

the application of Jordan for admis-
sion to membership in the United
Xations A/AC.~I/L.I~
(= A/1066, resolution
Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of the Republic of
Korea for admission to membership
in the United Nations A/AC.~I/L.I~
(= A/1066, resolution

Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Portugal for admis-
sion to membership in the United
Xations A/AC.~I/L.I~
(= A/1066, resolution

Australia : draft resolution concerning
the application of Nepal for admission
to membership in the Cnited Nations A/AC.~I/L.I~
(= A/1066, resolution
Argentina : draft resolution A/AC.~I/L.I~

Cnion of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution
Note by the Rapporteur (revised draft
resolution by Argentina)

Iraq : draft resolution
Netherlands : amendment to the draft
resolution proposed by Argentina

United States of Arnerica, Saudi Arabia
and Iraq : amendment to the draft
resolution proposed by Iraq
Admission of new >lembers-Report of
the .Ad hoc Political Cornmittee

Plenary meetings of the General d ssembly.
Records oj proceedings.

2j~~t meeting.
2j~nd meeting.48 .%VISDU 3 11150 (ADMISSION AUX NATIONS UNIES)

Séancesplénières del'Assembléegénérale.


Union des Républiques socialistes sovié-
tiques :projet de résolution A/1079

Séancesplénièresde i'Assembléegénérale.

296 (IV).Admission de nouveaux Membres.

Comptes rendzts des débats.

261meséance (extrait).


385- séance.


4qme séance.
4qme séance.

4qme séance.




Plenary meetings of the Getzeral Assetnbly.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution Al1079

Plenary meetings oj the General Assembly.

296 (IV). Admission of new RIembers.

Records of firoceedings.
261st meeting (excerpt).
279th meeting.

280th meeting.
318th meeting.
351st meeting.
383rd meeting.

384th meeting.
385th meeting.
386th meeting.
409th meeting.
410th meeting.

413th meeting.
414th meeting.
423rd meeting.
427th meeting.
428th meeting.

429th meeting.
430th meeting.
431st meeting.
439th meeting.

440th meeting.
~1st meeting.
++and meeting.
443rd meeting.
444th meeting.

445th meeting. Documents.

Lettre en date du 27 février 1948 adres-
séeau Secrétaire généralpar l'ambas-
sadeur de Birmanie, au sujet de la
demande d'admission de la Birmanie

comme Membre des Nations Unies SI687
Rapport du Comité d'admission des
nouveaux Membres sur la demande
d'admission de l'Union birmane à
l'organisation des Nations Unies SI706

Lettre en date du 3 avril 1948 adressée
au Président du Conseil de Sécurité
par les représentants de la France,
du Royaume-Uni et des États-unis,
et relative aux demandes d'admission
à l'organisation des Nations Unies de
l'Italie et de la Transjordanie s/709
Lettre en date du 5avril 1948adresséeau

Secrétaire généralpar le représentant
suppléant de la République socialiste
soviétique d'Ukraine, et relative aux
demandesd'admission à l'organisation
des Nations Unies de l'Albanie, de la
Bulgarie,de la Finlande, dela Hongrie,
de l'Italie, de la République populaire
de Mongolie et de la Roumanie SI712

Lettre en date du 7 avril 1948 adressée
au Président du Conseil de Sécurité
par les représentants de !a France,
du Royaume-Uni et des Etats-Unis,
et relative aux demandes d'admission
à l'Organisation des Nations Unies
de l'Autriche, de l'Irlande et du
Portugal SI715

Chine : projet de résolution concernant
la demande d'admission de la Bir-
manie à l'organisation des Nations
Cnies, soumis à la 2791neséance du
Conseil de Sécurité,le IO avril 1948
(adopté à la mêmeséance) SI717
Télégrammeen date du 17 mai 1948

adressé au Secrétaire généralpar le
ministre des Affaires étrangéres du
Gouvernement provisoire d'Israel Si747 et Corr.I


Letter dated 27 February, 1948, from
the Ambassador of Burma addressed
to the Secretary-General conceming
the application of Burma for mem-
bership in the United Nations
Report of the Committee on the admis-
sion of new Members concerning the
membership application of the Union
of Burma S/7of5
Letter dated 3 April, 1948, from the

representatives of France, the Cnited
Kingdom and the United States to the
President of the Security Council con-
ceming the membership applications
of Italy and Transjordan SI709

Letter dated 5 April, 1948, from the
deputy representative of the Ckrai-
nian Soviet Socialist Republic to the

Secretary-General conceming the
membership applications of Albania,
Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Italy,
the Mongolian People's Republic and
Romania SI712

Letter dated 7 April, 1948, from the
representatives of France, the 'C'nited
Kingdom and the United States to the

President of the Secunty Council con-
ceming membership applications of
Austria, Ireland and Portugal SI715

China : draft resolution submitted at the
279th meeting of the Security Council,
IO April, 1948, conceming the applic-

ation of the Union of Burma for ad-
mission to membership in the L-nited
Xations (adopted at the same meeting) SI717
Cablegram dated 17 May, 1948, from
the Foreign Secretary of the Provi-
sional Government of Israel to the
Secretary-General SI747 and Corr. I

49Lettre en date du 25 mai 1948 adressée
au Secrétaire généralpar le premier
ministre et ministre des Affairesétran-
gères de Ceylan et transmettant la
demande d'admission comme Membre
de l'organisation des Nations Unies,
présentée par le Gouvernement de
Ceylan aux termes de l'article 4 de
la Charte SI820

Rapport du Comitéd'admission de nou-
veaux Membres adresséau Conseil de
Sécuritéau sujet de la demande d'ad-
mission à l'organisation des Nations
Unies présentéepar Ceylan SI859
Lettre en date du 2 août 1948 adressée
au Président du Conseil de Sécurité
par le représentant du Gouvernement
de Ceylan et transmettant des ren-
seignements concernant Ceylan SI951

Union des Républiques socialistes sovié-
tiques : projet de résolution concer-
nant la demande d'admission de
Ceylan à l'organisation des Nations
Unies, soumis à la 351meséancedu
Conseil de Sécurité, le18 août 1948 SI974
Télégramme endate du 22 septembre
1948 adresséau Secrétaire générap lar
le ministre des Affaires étrangèresde
la République populaire de Bulgarie
concernant la demande d'admission
de la Bulgarie comme Membre des
Nations Unies SI1012

Déclaration soumise par le Gouverne-
ment de la République populaire de
Bulgarie, en date du g octobre 1948,
prévues par la Charte, concernant saons
demande d'admission comme Membre
de l'organisation des Nations Unies s/1012/Add. I

Lettre en date du 27 septembre 1948
adressée au Secrétaire généralpar le
ministre de Hongrie, concernant la
demande d'admission de la Hongrie
comme Membre de l'organisation des
Nations Unies S/1017
Letter dated 25 May, 1948, from the
Prime Minister and Minister for Ex-
temal Affairs of Ceylon to the Secre-
tary-General transmitting the applic-
ation from the Govemment of Ceylon
for admission to the United Nations
under Article 4 of the Charter SI820

Report of the Committee on the admis-
sion of new Members to the Secunty
Council concerning the application of
Ceylon for membership in the Cnited
Nations SI859
Letter dated 2 August, 1948, from the
Ceylon Govemment representative to
the President of the Security Council
transmitting information conceming
Ceylon SI951

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution submitted at the 351st
meeting ofthe Security Council,18Au-
gust, 1948, concerning the application
of Ceylonfor admission to membership
in the United Nations SI974
Telegram dated 22 September, 1948,
from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of
the People's Republic of Bulgaria to
the Secretary-General regarding Bul-
garia's request for admission to mem-
bership in the United Nations S/1012

Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
tions contained in the Charter, sub-
mitted by the Govemment of the
People'sRepublic of Bulgana on g Oc-
tober, 1948, in connexion with its
application for membership in the
United Nations S/1012/Add. I
Letter dated 27 September, 1948, from
the Hungarian Minister to the Secre-
tary-General concerning Hungary's
application for membership in the

Déclaration faite le 8 octobre 1948 par
le Gouvernement de la Hongrie, por-
tant acceptation des obligationsénon-
céesdans la Charte, à l'occasion de sa
demande d'admission comme Membre
de l'Organisation des Nations Unies S/1o17/Add. .I

Télégrammeen date du 13 octobre 1948
adressé au Secrétaire généralpar le
Gouvernement de la République popu-
laire d'Albanie concernant la demande
d'admission de l'Albanie comme Mem-
bre de l'organisation des Nations
Unies SI1033

Télégrammeen date du 12 octobre 1948
adressé au Secrétaire généralpar le
Gouvernement de la République popu-
laire de Mongolie, concernant la de-
mande d'admission de la République
populaire de Mongolie comme Membre
de l'organisation. des Kations Unies S/1o35

Déclaration soumise le 25 octobre 1948
par le Gouvernement de la République
populaire de Mongolie, portant accep-
tation des obligations prévues par la
Charte, à l'occasion de sa demande
d'admission comme Membre de l'Or-
ganisation des Nations Unies S/ro35/Add. I

Lettre en date du 12 octobre 1948
adressée au Secrétaire généralpar le
Gouvernement de la République popu-
laire de Roumanie concernant la de-
mande d'admission de la Roumanie
comme Membre de l'organisation des
Nations Unies S/IO~I

Déclaration en date du 9 novembre 1948
adressée au Secrétaire généralpar le
Gouvernement de la République popu-
laire de Roumanie et portant accep-
tation des obligations prévues par la
Charte, à l'occasion de la demande
d'admission de la Roumanie comme
Membre de l'organisation des Nations

Unies S/1051/.4dd. I
Lettre en date du 29 novembre 1948
adressée au Secrétaire généralpar le
ministre des Affaires étrangères d'Is-Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
gations contained in the Charter, sub-
mitted by the Government of Hungary
on 8 October, 1948, in connexion with
its application for membership in the
United Nations S/ro17/Add. I

Telegram dated 13 October, 1948, from
the Government of the People's
Republic of Albania to the Secretary-
General concerning Albania's applic-
ation for mernbership in the United
Nations SI1033

Cablegram dated 12 October, 1948, from
the Government of the Mongolian
People's Republic to the Secretary-
General concerning the application of
the Mongolian People's Republic for
mernbership in the United Nations SI1035

Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
tions contained in the Charter, sub-
mitted to the Secretary-General on
25 October, 1948, by the Government
of the Mongolian People's Republic in
connexion with its application for
membershig in the United Nations S/rog5/Add. I
Letter dated 12 October, 1948, from the

Government of the People's Republic
of Romania to the Secretary-General
concerning Romania's application for
membership in the United Nations S/IO~I

Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
tions contained in the Charter, sub-

mitted to the Secretary-General on
9 November, 1948, by the People's
Republic of Rornania in connexion
with its application for membership
in the United Nations S/ I05~/Add. I

Letter dated 29 November, 1948, from

the XsraeliMinister for Foreign Affairs
to the Secretary-General concerning52 AVIS DU 3 III50 (ADMISSION AUX NATIONS UNIES)
rael et relativà la demande d'admis-
sion d'Israel comme Membre des
Nations Unies ;déclaration acceptant
les obligations énoncéesdans la Charte S/1og3

Déclaration soumise le 2 décembre1948
par le Gouvernement de la République
populaire d'Albanie, portant accep-
tation des obligations prévues par la
Charte, à l'occasion de sa demande
d'admission comme Membre de l'Or-
ganisation des Nations Unies S/IIO~
Lettre en date du 7 décembre 1948
adressée au Président du Conseil de
Sécuritépar le Président du Comité
pour l'admissiondenouveaux Membres
concernant la demande d'admission
d'Israel comme Membre des Nations
Unies S/IIIO et Corr.I
Lettre en date du 9 décembre 1948
adresséepar le Président de l'Assem-
bléegénéraleau Président du Conseil
de Sécuritéau sujet de la demande
d'.admissionde Ceylan comme Membre
de l'organisation des Nations Unies S/III~

Royaume-Uni : projet de résolutioncon-
cernant la demande d'admission d'Is-
rael à l'organisation des Nations
Unies, soumis à la 384meséancedu
Conseil de Sécurité, le 15 décembre
1948 Sj11z1
Syrie :projet de résolution concernant
la demande d'admission d'Israel à
l'organisation des Nations Unies, sou-
mis à la 385meséancedu Conseil de
Sécurité,le 17 décembre 1948 S/IIZ~

France : projet de résolution concernant
la demande d'admission d'Israel à
l'organisation des Nations Unies, sou-
mis à la 385meséancedu Conseil de
Sécurité,le 17 décembre 1948 SI1127
Lettre en date du II décembre 1948
adresséepar le Secrétaire généralau
Président du Conseil de Sécuritéet
transmettant le texte des résolutions
relatives à l'admission de nouveaux

52 Israel's application for membership
in the United Nations and declaration
accepting the obligaticns contained in
the Charter s/193
Declaration of acceptance of the obliga-
tions contained in the Charter, sub-
mitted on 2 December, 1948, by the
Governrnent of the People's Republic
of Albania in connexion with its
application for membership in the
United Nations S/IIO~

Letter dated 7 December, 1948, from
the Chairman of the Committee on
the admission of new Members to the
President of the Security Council
conceming Israel's application for
membership in the United Nations S/IIIO and Corr. I

Letter dated g December, 1948, from
the President of the General Assembly
to the President ofthe Security Council
conceming the application of Ceylon
for membership inthe United Nations SI1113

United Kingdom : draft resolution sub-
mitted at the 384th meeting of the
Security Council, 15 December, 1948,
concerning the application of Israel
for admission to membership in the
United Nations S/II~I

Syria :draft reçolution subrnitted at the
385th meeting of the Secunty Council,
17 December, 1948, concerning the
application of Israel for admission to
membership in the United Nations s/1125
France : draft resolution submitted at
the 385th meeting of the Securi?
Council,17December, 1948,conî,e~iiin$
the application of Israel for admis<ion
to membership in the United Nàtions S/IIZ~

Lethe Secretary-General tothe President
of the Security Council transmitting
the text of the resolutions concerning
the admissionofnewMembersadopted Membres adoptées par l'Assemblée
générale à sa 177meséance, le 8 dé-
cembre 1948 S/1170

Texte de la résolution 197 (III)A, rela-
tive à l'admission de nouveaux Mem-
bres, adoptéepar l'Assembléegénérale
à sa, 177m~éance plénière,le 8 dé-
cembre 1948 S/I 17o/Add. I

Lettre en date du 19 janvier 1949
adressée au Secrétaire généralpar le
ministre des Affaires étrangères par
intérim de la République de Coréeet
relative à la demande de la Répu-
bliqce de Coréed'être admisecomme
Membre de l'Organisation des Nations
Unies, et déclaration portant accep-
tation des obligations de la Chartv SI1238

Télégramme endate du 9 février 1949
adressé au Secrétaire généralpar le
ministre des Affaires étrangères de la
République démocratique populaire
de Coréeconcernant la deinande d'ad-
mission de la République démocra-
tique populaire de Corée-à l'Organi-
sation des Nations Unies et note du

Secrétaire général SI1247
Lettre en date duII février1949adressée
au Président du Conseil de Sécurité
par le représentant de l'Union des
Rhpubliques socialistes soviétiques
concernant la demande d'admission
de la République démocratique popu-
laire de Corée à l'organisation des

Nations Unies SI1256
Union des Républiques socialistes sovié-
tiques : projet de résolutionconcernant
la demande d'admission de la Répu-
blique démocratique populaire de
Coré? à l'organisation des Nations
Unies, sonmis à la qlome séance du

Conseil de Sécurité, le16 février1949 s/1259
Lettre en date du 13 février 1949
adressée au Secrétaire généralpar le
directeur général au ministère des
Affaires étrangères du Népal concer- by the General Assembly at its
177th meeting, 8 December, 1948 S/11.70

Text of resolution 197 (III) A concerning
the admission of new Members,
adopted by the General Assembly at
its 177th plenary meeting, 8 December,
1948 S/117o/Add. I

Letter dated 19 January, 1949, from
the Acting Foreign Minister of the
Republic of Korea to the Secretary-
General concerning the application of
the Republic of Korea for admission
to membership in the Uriited Kations,
and a declaratioil accepting obliga-

tions urider the Charter SI1238

Telegram dated 9 February, 1949, from
the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the

Democratic People's Republic of Korea
to the Secretary-General concerning
the application of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea for admis-
sion to membership in the United
Nations and note by the Secretary-
General s/1247

Letter dated II February, 1949, from
the represe~tative of the tTnion of
Soviet Socialist Repuhlics to the Pre-
sident of the Sccurity Council con-
cerriing the appiication of the Ilemo-

cratic People's Mepiiblic of Korea
for adniissiori ta i~lembership in the
United Nations SI12 56

Union of Soviet Sociaiist Republics :
drait resollition subniirteci ar the 41otIi
mcetirig of the St.cur:ty Courici,, 16 Fe-
bruary, 1949, conccrriixig tlie .ipl)lic-
ation of thc Democracic PI OI>!C'Z
Republic of Korr.,~ for atlmi~sion ru
nierilbersiiipiiitfic l'iiitec1 dt ivri-, S,'IZS~~

Letter dated 13 Fct~ruxr~~, ri)+).<ictcki5-
seii to the Sccri~rar\.-(rt~iir~r,ilfrrfic
Director-General VI the JIil:~siry of
Foreign .\fiairs of tiic Gu\ (i iiriiciof nant la demande d'admission du Népal
comme Membre des Nations Unies SI1266

Déclaration en date du IO mars 1949,
par laquelle le Gouvernement du
Népal, comme suite à sa demande
d'admission dans l'organisation des
Nations Unies, accepte les obligations
de la Charte S/1266/Add. I

Lettre en datedu 24 février1949adressée
au Secrétaire généralpar le représen-
tant d'Israel au sujet de la demande
d'admission d'Israel comme Membre
des Nations Unies SI1267
États-unis d'Amérique : projet de réso-
lution concernant la demande d'ad-

mission dlIsrael à l'organisation des
Nations Unies, soumis à la 4qme sé-
ance du Conseil de Sécurité, le 4mars
1949 (adopté à la même séance) SI1276

Rapport présentéau Conseil de Sécurité
par le Comité d'admission des nou-

veaux Membresconcernant la demande
d'admission comme Membre des Na-
tions Unies formulée par la Répu-
blique de Corée SI1281
Chine : projet de résolution concernant
la demande d'admission de la Répu-
blique de Coréeà l'organisation des

Nations Unies, soumis à la 42smCsé-
ance du Conseil de Sécurité,le 8 avril
1949 SI1305
Argentine : projet de résolution soumis
à la 427me séance du Conseil de
Sécurité,le 16 juin 1949, au sujet de
l'admission du Portugal comme Mem-

bre de l'organisation des Nations
Unies SI1331
Argentine : projet de résolution soumis
à la 427"'~ séance du Conseil de Sé-
curité, le 16 juin 1949, au sujet de
l'admission de la Jordanie comme
Membre de l'organisation des Nations
Unies SI1332

54 Nepal concerning Nepal's application
for admission to membership in the
United Nations SI1266

Declaration submitted on IO March,
1949, by the Government of Nepal
relating to the acceptance of the obli-
gations contained in the Charter in
connexion with its application for
membership in the United Nations S/1266/Add. I

Letter dated 24 February, 1949, from
the representative of Israel to the
Secretary-General concerning the
application of Israel for membership
in the United Nations. SI1267

United States of America: draft reso-
lution submitted at the 414th meeting
of the Security Council, 4 March,1949,
concerning the application of Israel
for admission to membership in the
United Nations (adopted at the same
meeting) SI1276
Report to the Security Council by the
Committee on the admission of new

Members concerning the application
of the Republic of Korea for mem-
bership in the United Nations S/IZSI

China : draft resolution submitted at the
423rd meeting of the Security Council,
8 April, 1949, concerning the applic-
ation of the Republic of Korea for

admission to membership in the United
Nations s11305
Argentina :draft resolution submitted at
the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Portugal to membership
in the United Nations s/1331

Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Jordan to membership in
the United Nations s/133355 AVIS DU 3 III 50 (ADMISSION AUX NATIONS UNIES)

Argentine :projet de résolution soumis
à la 427me séance du Conseil de Sé-
curité, le 16 juin 1949, au sujet de
l'admission de l'Italie comme Membre
de l'organisation des Nations Unies SI1333

Argentine :projet de résolution soumis
à la 427I1leséance du Conseil de Sé-
curité, le 16 juin 1949, au sujet de
l'admission de la Finlande comme
Membre de l'Organisation des Nations
Unies SI1334

Argentine :projet de résolution soumis
à la 427"" séance du Conseil de Sé-
curité, le 16 juin 1949, au sujet de
l'admission de l'Irlande comme
Membre de l'Organisation des Nations

Unies SI1335
Argentine : projet de résolution soumis
à la 4271"~séance du Conseil de Sé-
curité, le 16 juin 1949, au sujet de
l'admission de l'Autriche comme Mem-

bre de l'Organisation des Nations
Unies SI1336
Argentine : projet de résolution soumis
à la 427me séance du Conseil de Sé-
curité, le 16 juin 1949, au sujet de

l'admission de Ceylan comme Membre
de l'organisation des Nations Unies SI1337
Union des Républiques socialistes sovié-
tiques: projet de résolution oncer-
nant les demandes de l'Albanie, de la

République populaire de Mongolie, de
la Bulgarie, de la Roumanie, de la
Hongrie, de la Finlande, de l'Italie,
du Porrugal, de l'Irlande, de la Trans-
jordanie (Jordanie), de l'Autriche et
de Ceylan en vue de leur admission à
l'organisation des Nations Unies,
soumis à la 428m~dance du Conseil
de Sécurité, le 21 juin 1949 SI1340

Cnion des Républiques socialistes sovié-
tiques: projet de résolution concer-
nant les dernandes de l'Albanie, de la
République populaire de Mongolie, de
la Transjordanie (Jordanie), du Por-

55Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the. Security

Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Italy to membership in
the United Nations SI1333
Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the

admission of Finland to membership
in the United Nations. SI1334

Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Ireland to membership in

the United Nations SI1335

Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Austria to membership
in the United Nations SI1336

Argentina : draft resolution submitted
at the 427th meeting of the Security
Council, 16 June, 1949, concerning the
admission of Ceylon to membership
in the United Nations SI1337

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution submitted at the
428th meeting of the Security Council,
21 June, 1949, concerning the appli-
cations of Albania, the Mongolian
People's Republic, Bulgaria, Romania,
Hungary, Finland, Italy, Portugal,
Ireland, Transjordan (Jordan), Austria

and Ceylon for admission to mem-
bership in the United Nations SI1340

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution submitted at the
440th meeting of the Security Council,

9 September, 1949, concerning the
applications of Albania, the Mongolian56 AVIS DU 3 111 50 (ADMISSION AUX NATIONS UNIES)

tugal, de l'Irlande, de la Hongrie, de
l'Italie, de l'Autriche, de la Roumanie,
de la Bulgarie, de la Finlande, de
Ceylan et du Népal en vue de leur
admission à l'organisation des Nations
Unies, soumis à la 440"" séance du
Conseil de Sécurité,le 9 septembre
1949 S/134o/Rev. I

Union des Républiques socialistes sovié-
tiques : projet de résolution concer-
nant les demandes de l'Albanie, de la
République populaire de Mongolie,
de la Bulgarie, de la Roumanie, de la
Hongrie, de la Finlande, de l'Italie,
du Portugal, de l'Irlande, de la Trans-
jordanie (Jordanie), de l'Autriche, de

Ceylan et du Népal en vue de leur
admission à l'Organisation des Nations
Unies, soumis à la 44zmeséance du
Conseil de Sécurité, le 13 septembre
,1949 S/134o/Rev. 2

Lettre en date du 16 août 1949 adressée
au Président du Conseil de Sécurité
par le Président du Comité d'admis-
sion de nouveaux Membfes s/1378
Rapport adressé au Conseil de Sécurité
par le Comitéd'admissionde nouveaux

Membres sur la demande d'admission
du Népalau sein de l'Organisation des
Nations Unies SI1382
Chine : projet de résolution concernant
la demande d'admission du Népal à
l'organisation des Nations Unies, sou-

mis à la 439meséance du Conseil de
Sécurité,le 7 septembre 1949 SI1385

Comitéd'adnzissio~zdes noztveaux Membres.

Comptes rendus des débats.

qmc séance.


56 People's Republic, Transjordan (Jor-
dan), Portugal, Ireland, Hungary,
Italy, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria,
Finland, Ceylon and Nepal for admis-
sion to membership in the United
Nations S/134o/Rev. I

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics :
draft resolution submitted at the
442nd meeting of the Security Council,
13 September, 1949, conceming the
applications of Albania, the Mongolian
People's Republic, Bulgaria, Romania,
Hungary, Finland, Italy, Portugal,
Ireland, Transj ordan (Jordan), Austria,
Ceylon and Nepal for admission to
membership in the United Nations S/134o/Rev. 2

Letter dated 16 August, 1949, from the
Chairman of the Committee on the
admission of new Members to the
President of the Security Council SI1378
Report to the Security Council by the
Committee on the admission of new

Members concerning the application
of Nepal for membershipin the United
Nations SI1382
China : draft reçolution submitted at the
439th meeting of the Security Council,
7 September, 1949, concerning the
application of Nepal for admission to
membership in the United Nations SI1385

Committeeon the admission of new Mentbers.
Records of proceedings.

24th meeting.
25th meeting.

26th meeting.
27th meeting.
28th meeting.

29th meeting.3omeséance.
31"~ séance.


Comitéd'admissimt des nouveaux Membres.


Lettre adressée au Président du Comité
d'admission des nouveaux Membres
le 22 juillet1949, par le directeur
général des Affaires étrangères du
Népal S/C.z/1630th meeting.

31st meeting.
32nd meeting.
33rd meeting.

34th meeting.

Cornmitteeon the admission of new Members.

Letter dated 22 July, 1949, from the
Director-General, Foreign Affairs,
Kathmandu, Nepal, to the Chairman

of the Committee on the admission
of new Members SIC.2116

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Advisory Opinion of 3 March 1950
