Order of 10 March 1998

Document Number
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Incidental Proceedings
Date of the Document
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Bilingual Document File












ORDONNANCEDU 10 MARS 1998 Officia1cita:ion
Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran
v. United States of America), Counter-Claim,
Order of IO Marck 19C.J. Reports 1998, p. 190

Mode officiel de citation
c. Etats-Unis d'Amérique),demande reconventionnelle,
ordonnancedu 10 mars 1998, C.I.eil 1998, p. 190

NOàewnte: 700 1
ISSN 0074-444 Salesnumber

1998 YEAR 1998
No. 90 10 March1998





Present: Vice-President WEERAMANTRA Yc,ting President; President

The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,
After deliberation,

Having regard to Article8 of the Statute of the Court and to
Articles 31, 44, 45 and 80 of the Rules of Court,
Makes thefollowing Order:

1. Whereas, on 2 November 1992, the Government of the Islamic
Republic of Iran (hereinafter"Iran") filedin the Registry of the Court an
Applicationinstituting proceedings against the Government of the United
States of America (hereinafter "the United States") in respect of a dispute191 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

"aris[ing]out of the attack and destruction of three offshore oil pro-
duction complexes,owned and operated for commercial purposes by
the National Iranian OilCompany, by severalwarships of the United
States Navy on 19October 1987and 18April 1988,respectively";

whereas, in its Application, Iran, maintaining thatthose acts constituted
"a fundamental breach" of various provisions of the Treaty of Amity,
Economic Relations and Consular Rights between the United States of
America and Iran, which was signed in Tehran on 15August 1955and

entered into force on 16 June 1957(hereinafter "the 1955Treaty"), and
of international law, invoked Article XXI, paragraph 2, of the 1955
Treaty as the basis of the Court's jurisdiction; and, whereas at the end of
its Application, it set out its claims as follows:

"On the basis of the foregoing, and while reserving the right to
supplement and amend these submissions as appropriate in the
course of further proceedings in the case, the Islamic Republic
respectfully requests the Court to adjudge and declare as follows:

(a) that the Court has jurisdiction under the Treaty of Amity to
entertain the dispute and to rule upon the claims submitted by
the Islamic Republic;
(b) that in attacking and destroyingthe oil platforms referred to in
the Application on 19 October 1987 and 18 April 1988, the
United States breached its obligations to the Islamic Republic,
inter alia, under Articles 1and X (1)of the Treaty of Amity and
international law;

(c) that in adopting a patently hostile and threatening attitude
towards the Islamic Republic that culminated in the attack and
destruction of the Iranian oil platforms, the United States
breached the object and purpose of the Treaty of Amity, includ-
ing Articles 1 and X (l), and international law;

(d) that the United States is under an obligation to make repara-
tions to the Islamic Republic for the violation of its interna-
tional legal obligations in anamount to be determined by the
Court at a subsequent stage of the proceedings. The Islamic
Republic reserves the right to introduce and present to the
Court in due course a precise evaluation of the reparations
owed by the United States; and
(e) any other remedy the Court may deem appropriate";

2. Whereas, on 8 June 1993,within the fixedtime-limit, as extended by
the Order made by the President of the Court on 3 June 1993,Iran filed
its Memorial, at the end of which it made the following submissions: 192 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

"In the light of the facts and arguments set out above, the Gov-
ernment of the Islamic Republic of Iran requests the Court to
adjudge anddeclare:
1. That the Court has jurisdiction under the Treaty of Amity to
entertain the dispute and to rule upon the claims submitted by
Iran ;

2. That in attacking and destroying the oil platforms referred to in
Iran's Application on 19 October 1987 and 18 April 1988, the
United States breached its obligations to Iran, inter alia, under
Articles 1, IV (1) and X (1) of the Treaty of Amity and interna-
tional law, and that the United States bears responsibility for the
attacks; and

3. That the United States is accordingly under an obligation to
make full reparation to Iran for the violation of its international
legal obligations and theinjury thus caused in a form and amount
to be determined by the Court at a subsequent stage of the pro-
ceedings. Iran reserves the right to introduce and present to the
Court in due course a precise evaluation of the reparation owed
by the United States; and

4. Any other remedy the Court may deem appropriate";
3. Whereas, on 16December 1993,within the time-limit fixed for the
filing of the Counter-Mernorial, as extended by the Order made by the
President of the Court on 3 June 1993, the United States, referring to
Article 79 of the Rules of Court, raised a preliminary objection to the
jurisdiction of the Court, at the end of which it requested that the

Court "decline to entertain the case"; and whereas, by a Judgrnent dated
12 December 1996, the Court rejected the "objection . . according to
which the Treaty of 1955 does not provide any basis for the jurisdiction
of the Court" and found
"that it hasjurisdiction, on the basis of Article XXI, paragraph 2, of
the Treaty of 1955, to entertain the claims made by the Islamic

Republic of Iran under Article X, paragraph 1, of that Treaty" ;

4. Whereas, on 23 June 1997,within the new time-limit fixed by the
Order made by the President of the Court on 16 December 1996, the
United Statesfiledits Counter-Memorial, entitled "Counter-Memorialand

Counter-Claim"; whereas it stated, in the introduction to that Counter-
Memorial that, on the one hand, "Part VI sets forth the US counter-
claim in this case, which is based on facts directly at issue in assessing
Iran's claim" and, on the other hand, "As required by Article 80 of the
Court's Rules, this counter-claim is 'directlyconnected with the subject-
matter' of Iran's claim, and 'corneswithin thejurisdiction of the Court'";
whereas, in Part VI of its Counter-Memorial, the United States sets out
the factual background, the reasons for which it considers that the Court OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

has jurisdiction to hear the counter-claim and that the counter-claim
is admissible, and its submission that "Iran's actions against US vessels
violated Article X of the 1955Treaty"; and, whereas at the end of the
Counter-Memorial, it made the following submissions:

"On the basis of the facts and arguments set out above, the Gov-
ernment of the United States of America requests that the Court
adjudge and declare:
1. That the United States did not breach its obligations to the

Islamic Republic of Iran under Article X (1) of the Treaty of
Amity between the United States and Iran, and,
2. That the claims of the Islamic Republic of Iran are accordingly
With respect to its counter-claim, and in accordance with
Article 80 of the Rules of the Court, the United States requests that
the Court adjudge and declare:

1. That in attacking vessels,laying mines in the Gulf and otherwise
engaging in military actions in 1987-1988that were dangerous
and detrimental to maritime commerce, the Islamic Republic of
Iran breached its obligations to the United Statesnder Article X
of the 1955Treaty, and
2. That the Islamic Republic of Iran is accordingly under an obliga-
tion to make full reparation to the United States for violatingthe
1955Treaty in a form and amount to be determined by the Court
at a subsequent stage of the proceedings.

The United States reserves the right to introduce and present to
the Court in due course a precise evaluation of the reparation owed
by Iran."

5. Whereas, by a letter dated 23June 1997,filedat the same time as its
Government's Counter-Memorial, the Agent of the United States
informed the Court of the following:

"In connection with the Counter-Claim, the United States had
requested on March 26 that the Government of Iran enter into nego-
tiations for the payment of compensation to the United States for
damages incurred from Iran's actions, on the ground that they vio-
lated Article X of the 1955 Treaty. By letter dated June 12, Iran
replied to that request, proposing instead that the Parties conduct
negotiations on a broader range of subjects. Iran's proposa1 in this
respect was not acceptable to the United States. Accordingly, the
Parties have not agreed to enter into negotiations regardingthe mat-
ters involved in the US Counter-Claim"; 194 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

and whereas the Registrar communicated a copy of that letter, together
with the Counter-Memorial, to the Agent of Iran;
6. Whereas, in a letter dated 2 October 1997,the Agent of Iran, refer-
ring to that communication, stated as follows:

"In theCounter-Memorial and Counter-Claim ofthe United States
dated 23 June 1997,paragraph 6.10, it was asserted that the Gov-
ernment of the Islamic Republic of Iran has not agreed to enter into
negotiations in relation to the counter-claim. That statement was
not, however, accompanied by the correspondence which has been
exchanged between the Parties.
In order fully to inform the Court on this question, 1attach hereto
copies of [that correspondence]. The Court willseethat, through this
exchange of letters, Iran did agree to discuss al1legal issuesarising
between the United States and Iran in relation to the period covered

by the case before the Court";
whereas, in that letter, he also stated the following:

"1 should further observe that Iran has serious objections to the
admissibility of the United States counter-claim. It is Iran's position
that the counter-claim as formulated by the United States does not
meet the requirements of Article 80 (1) of the Rules. Iran requests a

hearing on this question, as provided for in Article 80 (3) of the
Rules. Iran would wish,prior to that hearing, to submit a brief state-
ment explaining its objections to the counter-claim. In light of the
fact that the Vice-Presidenthas scheduled a meeting with the Agents
of the Parties on 17October 1997to consider further proceedings in
this case, 1would hope that it willbe possible at that meeting to dis-
cuss, amongst other issues, the procedure and modalities for the
hearing under Article 80 (3) in relation to the counter-claim";

and whereas the Registrar sent a copy of that letter and of its enclosures
to the Agent for the United States;
7. Whereas, on 17 October 1997, the Vice-President of the Court,
acting as President in the case by virtue of Article 13,paragraph 1, and
Article 32, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court, held a meeting with the
Agents of the Parties in order to find out their views as to the further

proceedings in the case; whereas the two Agents agreed that their respec-
tive Governments would submit written observations on the question of
the admissibility of the United States counter-claim; and whereas the
Agent of Iran envisaged that his Government would then present oral
observations on the question;
8. Whereas, by a letter dated 20 October 1997,the Agent of the United
States, referring to the views expressed during that meeting, let it be
known that his Government195 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

"under[stood] that any order by the Court [would]limit the filingof
these submissions to the issue set forth in Rule 80 (3) of the Rules of
Court, in other words, to the connection of the counter-claim to
Iran's claim";

and whereas the Registrar communicated a copy of this letter to the
Agent of Iran;
9. Whereas, by a letter dated 21 October 1997,the Registrar, on the
instructions of the Court, invited the Iranian Government to specify in
writing, by 18November 1997at the latest, the legal grounds on which it
relied in maintaining that the Respondent's counter-claim did not meet
the requirements of Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court; and
whereas, in that letter, the Registrar stated that the Government of the
United States would in turn be invited to present its views on the ques-
tion during the month following the filing of Iran's observations; and
whereas the Registrar sent a copy of that letter to the United States the
same day ;
10. Whereas, by a letter dated 27 October 1997, the Agent of Iran
stated as follows:

"Iran does not share the views ofthe United Statesas expressedin
itsletter of 20 October 1997that Iran's submissions are to be limited
to the issues set forth in Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules. As
provided for in Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Rules, a counter-

claim may only be presented provided that it is directly connected
with the subject-matter of the claim of the party and that it comes
under the jurisdiction of the Court. Pursuant to the Registrar's letter
of 21 October 1997,Iran's submissions will be directed to showing
the legal grounds why the counter-claim presented by the United
Statesdoes not meet these requirements, as indicated in Iran's letter
of 2 October 1997.

As the Court is aware, Iran has requested a hearing pursuant to
Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules. Iran understands that the
Court will address this request after receiving the written submis-
sions of the Parties7';

and whereas the Registrar sent a copy of that letter to the Agent of the
United States;
11. Whereas, by a communication from its Agent dated 18November
1997and filedin the Registry on that day, Iran forwarded to the Court a
document entitled "Request for Hearing in Relation to the United States

Counter-Claim Pursuant to Article 80 (3) of the Rules of Court", which
contained its observations on the admissibility of the counter-claim; and
whereas, by a letter dated 18November 1997,the Registrar sent a copy196 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

of that document to the United States Government, and informed the
Iranian Government that he had done so that same day;

12. Whereas, in the introduction to its written observations, Iran
states that in its Judgment of 12December 1996,the Court ruled, on the
one hand, that only Article X, paragraph 1, of the Treaty of Amity was
applicable to the Iranian claim, thereby limiting Iran "to contesting the
legalityofthe attack on the platforms under ArticleX (1) ... and under no
other provision", and, on the other hand, that "the aspect of ArticleX (1)
of the Treaty which relates to the present affair is that relating to free-
dom of commerce between the territories of the Parties", the case being
thus limited to that question; whereas it submits that, "[dlespite the spe-

cific and precise nature of the issues which remained for decision as a
result of the Court's Judgment of 12December 1996,the Respondent has
now chosen to react by lodging a counter-claim of a sweeping and gen-
eralcharacter", in a waywhich isinconsistent "with itspreviouslydeclared
position on claims under the Treaty"; whereas Iran makes the following
criticisms of this "change of position":

"First, the United States seeks to widen the dispute to provisions
of the Treaty of Amity, Articles X (2)-(5),which werenever in ques-

tion in the proceedings to date, and have never been mentioned
before by the United States. Second,the United States also seeks to
widen the dispute to include US claims concerning Iran's overall
conduct throughout the period 1987-1988,when it has always been
its position in the preliminary objection phrase that such overall
conduct, at least in so far as it concerned the United States, was
irrelevant in this case, and specificallybrought its preliminary objec-
tion to limit Iran's claim as far as possible. Third, and mostimpor-
tantly, the United States has effectively refused to seek to resolve
these wider disputes by diplomaticnegotiations, despite Iran's agree-
ment to such negotiations";

and whereas Iran adds that the seven specificattacks described in the
counter-claim, which are alleged to have been carried out against "US
vessels", fa11"wholly outside the scope of the Treaty of Amity, and in
particular the provisions of Article X (1) dealing with freedom of com-
merce between the territories of the High Contracting Parties", and hence
it is claimed that, "following the Court's Judgment of 12December 1996,
there is. . .no basis in the Treaty on which the Court can evaluate the
legality ofthese alleged attacks in this case";
13. Whereas Iran states that it is "convinced that the United States
counter-claim, as formulated, is inadmissible under Article 80, para-
graph 1, of the Rules"; whereas it "therefore asks the Court to hear the
Parties pursuant to Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules, in order to 197 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

decide whether or not the question presented in the United States
counter-claim'shall bejoined to the originalproceedings'"; and whereas
Iran states that "in surnmarizingits objections in its written statement, [it]
reservesthe right to further particularize and develop them in the hearing
for which Article 80, paragraph 3, specificallyprovides";

14. Whereas, in the body of its written observations, Iran maintains
that neither of the two conditions required by Article 80 of the Rules of
Court for a counter-claim to be presented - namely, on the one hand,
that the counter-claim and the original claim must be "directly con-
nected" and, on the other hand, that the counter-claim must "come
within the jurisdiction of the Court" - are met in the present case;

15. Whereas Iran first of al1claims that the United States counter-
claim is not sufficiently specific for the Court to be able to determine
whether it is directly connected with the principal claim; whereas it

points out that "the counter-claim is not limited to the seven incidents
referred to in paragraph 6.08" and argues that "it does nothing more
than allege unspecified Iranian interference with unspecified maritime
trade between the United States and Iran"; and whereas Iran argues
that "no counter-claim may be filed after submission of the Counter-
Memorial", it challenges the right which the United States reserves
"to add further instances of Iranian attacks on US vesselsin the [Persian]
Gulf in 1987-1988", whilst noting that "in any event, in the case of
each such instance which the United States may subsequently seek to
introduce, it would be necessary to apply the test of admissibility under
Article 80 of the Rules";

16. Whereas Iran then states that there is no directconnection between
the counter-claim and the principal claim, either general, or with regard
to the specific cases of attacks which, according to the counter-claim,
were allegedlycarried out on "United States shipping";

17. Whereas, as regards the first point, Iran explains its position as
follows :

"To the extent that the United States Counter-Claim consists of a
general assertion of the violation of freedom of commerce and navi-

gation between the United Statesand Iran, either under Article X (1)
or under Article X (3)-(5), there is not even the appearance of any
legal or factual connection between such a violation and the attacks
on the platforms. The United States did not attack the platforms
because of any alleged Iranian attacks on vessels engaged in trade
between Iran and the United States, whether or not such vessels
were US vesselswithin the meaning of Article X (2)";198 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

18. Whereas Iran, having furthermore analysed each of the specific
attacks on vessels alleged by the Respondent in detail, from the stand-

point of the admissibility of the counter-claim, states that that analysis
"is based on the presentation of these incidents made by the United
States" and "is entirely without prejudice to Iran's position at any sub-
sequent phase of the present proceedings"; and whereas at the end of that
analvsis Iran concludes first of al1 that "no fewer than six incidents
involvedvesselswhich were not ...engaged in commerceor evennaviga-
tion between the territories of the High Contracting Parties" and that
those incidents are accordingly "irrelevant to a counter-claim which is
founded on an assertion of a violation of freedom of commerceand navi-
gation betweenthe two countries" ;whereas Iran concludes secondlythat,
although the seventh vessel (the Texaco Caribbean) was, it could be
argued, "covered by Article X (1) of the Treaty which is the provision by
reference to which the legality of the attack on the platforms is to be
appreciated", that vessel was not a United States flagged vessel and "in
any event, there is no factual or legal link whatever between the alleged
attack on the Texaco Caribbean and the attacks on the platforms"; and
whereas, thirdly, Iran concludes, on the one hand, that

"even assuming that there may be a sufficient legal link (connexité
juridique) between claims of a breach of freedom of commerce
under Article X (1) of the Treaty (which pursuant to the Court's
Judgment of 12 December 1996now forms the sole basis of Iran's
Application) and claims of breaches of freedom of navigation under
Articles X (3)-(9, only two of the incidents involved US vessels
within the meaning of Article X (2) which were even arguably
covered by those paragraphs (Bridgeton and Sea Isle City)"

and, on the other hand, that "[iln any event, none of these incidents, even
on the facts alleged by the United States, raises, even arguably, a case of
violation of ArticleX (3)-(5)";

19. Whereas, whilst restating its position that the United States
counter-claim does not come within the jurisdiction of the Court and is
therefore inadmissible, on this ground also, Iran observes moreover that

"it is... not entirely clear from the language of Article 80, paragraph 3,
of the Rules whether the hearing for which that paragraph provides
extends to cover an objection ...based on lack ofjurisdiction"; whereas
Iran recognizes that, although "a State is normally entitled to question
the Court's jurisdiction over a claim prior to being called on to respond
to the merits of that claim", "proceedings under Article 80 are [not] a
substitute for a preliminary objection", since the hearing for which
Article 80,paragraph 3, provides "is evidently intended to be a brief one,199 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

to which the protective provisions of Article 79 of the Rules do not as
such apply" ;whereas Iran considers that "the decisionthe Court is called
upon to make under Article 80, paragraph 3, concerns exclusively the
question of whether or not the counter-claim should be joined to the
original proceedings" and does not prejudice in any way the right of the
party objecting to the counter-claim"to make any defence relating either
to the admissibility or to the merits of the counter-claim in a subsequent
phase of the proceedings" ;whereas, therefore, Iran "reserves the right,
if necessary, to lodge preliminary objections in respect of the United
Statescounter-claim"; and whereas it notes however that "the fact that a
counter-claim is plainly outside the Court's jurisdiction is relevant for the

purposes of Article 80, paragraph 3" in so far as, on the one hand "a
counter-claim which fails to satisfy the express requirement imposed by
Article 80,paragraph 1,should not bejoined to the original proceedings,
whether the failure relates to lack of connection or lack of jurisdiction",
and, on the other hand, "there may wellbe a link between an evident lack
of jurisdiction and the lack of direct connection" as, Iran alleges, is the
case here;

20. Whereas, in the concluding remarks to its written observations,
Iran alleges that, in general, the State responding to the counter-claim is
"at a significantdisadvantage" sinceit "is apparently confined to a single
written pleading, whereas the counter-claimant will have both the first
and the last written word on the matter" ;whereas Iran maintains that in
this instance "the generalized claim of the United States with respect to

the period of 1987-1988covers a seriesof incidents with respect to which
Iran has important additional claims of its own", and whereas, "[ilf the
United States counter-claim was admitted, Iran would necessarily be
forced to seek leave to introduce such claims", otherwise it would be
"severely prejudiced"; and whereas Iran also argues that "[i]f the case
were to be widened in the way proposed by the United States, this might
also prejudice third States' interests",since "Article 40, paragraph 3, of
the Statute of the Court only provides that a new case is notified to third
States" and that "[no] such provision is made with respect to
counter-claims" :

21. Whereas, by a communication from its Agent dated 18December
1997and receivedin the Registry on that day, the United States submit-

ted to the Court its observations on the admissibilityof the counter-claim
set out in its Counter-Memorial, taking the observations submitted by
Iran into consideration; and whereas, by a letter dated 18 December
1997, the Registrar communicated a copy of the observations of the
United StatesGovernment to the Iranian Government, informingthe lat-
ter, on the one hand, that the Court would decide on future proceedings
on the basis of the documents now before it and, on the other hand, that200 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

the Agents of the Parties would be informed of the decision in due
course; and whereas, the same day, the Registrar transmitted that infor-
mation to the Government of the United States;
22. Whereas, in the introduction to itswritten observations,the United
States submits that Iran's request for a hearing on the matter was made

pursuant to Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court and that:

"Under the Rules of Court, the only legally relevant issue now is
whether there is 'doubt' as to whether the US counter-claim is
'directlyconnected to the subject-matter' of Iran's claim. Here, there
can be no such doubt. There is therefore no basis for Iran's demand
for a hearing or for its insistencethat the counter-claimnot bejoined

to the original proceedings" ;

whereas the United States maintains that Iran "asks the Court . . .to
address issues going far beyond the limits of Article 80 (3), including
sweeping objections to jurisdiction and admissibility of the counter-

claim"; whereas, in the first part of its observations, the United States
submits that Iran "essentially seeks a separate procedure similar to pre-
liminary objections under Article 79" and draws, between the proceed-
ingsprovided for, respectively,in Article 79and in Article 80of the Rules
of Court, analogies which are "false" in so far as "the Party facing the
counter-claim initiated the case and chose the forum"; and whereas it
draws the attention of the Court to the following:

"Moreover, the Court could face great practical difficulties in
seekingto resolveIran's objectionsto admissibilityat this stagein the
context of Article 80 (3). Many of Iran's objections to jurisdiction
and admissibility involve contested matters of fact which the Court
cannot effectively address and decide at this stage, particularly
not in the context of the abbreviated procedures of Article 80 (3)3.

Should the Court decide to consider these issues in the present context, the
greateretail in writing beforethe Court rendered any decision";dress them in

23. Whereas the United States considers that "Iran . . regularly mis-
characterizes the key legal requirements of Article 80"; whereas the
United States points out that under that provision the counter-claim
must be directly connected "to the subject-matter of the claim, not to the
claim itself'; whereas from this it infers that "[a] proper counter-claim
need not be a mirror image of the claim or rest upon precisely the same201 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

theory or facts" but that it "must be sufficiently linked to the facts or
circumstances giving rise to the claim- the 'subject-matter' - to enable
the Court to address both efficientlyin the context of a single proceed-
ing"; whereas it argues that for the Court to rule, within a single pro-
ceeding, on claims where there are substantial common elements "helps
to reduce the burden on the Court. .. guards against inconsistent results,
and helps the Court to reach a just and rational result"; and whereas,

having analysed the case-law of the Court and of its predecessor, it
reaches the conclusion that the decisions of those two Courts reflect"this
practical understanding of the necessary connection between claim and
counter-claim" ;

24. Whereas, in the second part of its written observations,the United
States seeks to show that its counter-claim is "directly connected to the
subject-matter" of Iran's claim; whereas it accuses Iran of putting for-
ward an "artificial and illogical definition of the subject-matter of the
[main] claim" by asking the Court "to consider only the US defensive
actions against [Iran's] platforms" and "to exclude Iran's prior conduct
leading to those actions"; and whereas it maintains that the factual con-

nection between the subject-matter of Iran's case and the United States
counter-claim is direct and compelling since

"the facts and circumstances that caused the United States to engage
Iran's oil platforms - Iranian attacks on, and threats to, merchant
shipping,including US shipping and US nationals - are at the heart
of the US defence to Iran's claims"

and "[tlhese samefacts and circumstancesare likewisethe basis of the US
counter-claim" ;
25. Whereasthe United States goes into greater detail of Iran's alleged
actions which, according to the United States, justified "under. ..the law
of self-defenceand the 1955Treaty's provision", the "defensive actions"
which it took, in October 1987, against the Rostam Platform, then,
in April 1988, against the Sirri and Sassan Platforms; and whereas it
explains that in committing those acts Iran violated the 1955Treaty, not
only because the "seven specificIranian attacks" which it describes dam-
aged its vessels,but also because the consequences of Iran's conduct for

the overall exercise of navigational rights protected by the 1955Treaty
were the following:
"Iran's pattern of armed attacks against neutral shipping created

threatening conditions which interfered with the ability of al1US-
flag and US-owned ships and US nationals to exercise their rights
under the Treaty. Substantial damages resulted, including increases
in the costs of operating both US-flag and US-owned commercial
vessels and the warships protecting them. Insurance and labour202 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

costs increased; steaming times increased; vessels were forced to
carry smaller cargoes in order to pass through the relative safety of
shallower waters" ;

26. Whereas the United States, whilst it maintains that the Iranian
objections to the jurisdiction of the Court to entertain its counter-claim
"are not appropriatefor consideration at this stage [ofthe case]", intends
nonetheless "[to] comment brieflyon some of Iran's argument concerning
the 1955Treaty"; whereas it allegesthat "Iran's jurisdictional arguments
seekto force al1of the US counter-claim into the confinesof Article X (1)
of the 1955Treaty", of which it provides a debatable interpretation, and
whereas "[i]ssuesinvolving the relationship between that Article and the
US counter-claimawait the Court's eventual decisionregardingthe inter-
pretation and application of that Article"; whereas it argues that "Iran's
specificobjections to the application of paragraphs X (2) through X (5)
of the Treaty are without merit", in so far as,interalia", these provisions
are not limited to ships involved in trade between the United States and

Iran" ;and whereas it adds that "the exclusionof warships in ArticleX (6)
is not applicable to Article X (5)", since attacks on United States war-
ships protecting United States commercial vessels must "be viewed as
endangering and denying access to those commercial vesselsas well";

27. Whereas the United States rejects the Iranian contention that the
United States counter-claim "is not admissible because it is not framed
clearly or with sufficient precision"; whereas it asserts that the counter-
claim "has been stated with sufficient precision to be understood by
Iran"; and whereas it observes that, although it has reserved the right to
prove other Iranian ship attacks, "Iran itself has frequently sought to

reserve the right to prove additional matters supporting its claims";

28. Whereasthe United States also denies that there is any basis to the
Iranian argument that it too could have made a counter-claim,pointing
out that "Iran initiated [theseproceedings], asserting claims that it alone
selected" ;and whereas it denies that its counter-claim affectsthe rights of
third parties since "[tlhe other States potentially interested in the . . .
counter-claim have indicated their consent or lack of objection to the
counter-claim" ;

29. Whereas, in the third part of its written observations, the United
States reiterates its conviction that, contrary to what is maintained by203 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

Iran, no hearing is required in the present circumstances; it points out
that the expression "after hearing the Parties", which appears in para-
graph 3 of Article 80 of the Rules "come[s] into operation only if the
Court determines that there is 'doubt' as to the requisite 'connection
between the question presented by way of counter-claim and the subject-
matter' ",which is not the case here; and whereas it adds that "[tlhe prin-
ciples ofjustice and of sound judicial administration require no different
result" since"[tlhe question of connection ... here is simpleand straight-
forward" andthat "[tlhe relevant considerations are fullyexplained in the
papers submitted by the Parties";

30. Whereas, in its concluding observations, the United States submits
that "the Court should now decideto join the questions presented by the
US counter-claim to the original proceeding" since "[bloth claim and
counter-claim arise out of the same circumstances and require the Court
to examine and decide many of the same factual and legal issues";

31. Whereas, having regard to Article 80, paragraph 3, of its Rules,
and having receiveddetailedwritten observations from each ofthe Parties,
the Court is sufficiently well informed of the positions they hold with
regard to the admissibility of the claims presented as counter-claims by
the United States; and whereas, accordingly, it does not appear necessary
to hear the Parties further on the subject;

32. Whereas in this case Iran does not dispute that the United States
claim is presented not as a defence on the merits, but as a "counter-
claim" within the meaning of Article 80of the Rules of Court; whereas it
is not disputed that the claim has been "made in the Counter-Memorial
of the party presenting it, and [appears]as part of the submissions of that
party", in accordance with Article 80, paragraph 2; whereas, however,
Iran denies that the counter-claim meets the requirements of "jurisdic-
tion" and of "direct connection" set out in Article 80, paragraph 1, and
whereas it falls to the Court to determine whether these requirements are
met in this particular case;

33. Whereas the Court has already had occasion to state the reasons
why the admissibility of a counter-claim as such is contingent on those
conditions in the following terms :
"Whereasthe Respondent cannot use a counter-claimas a means of
referringto an international court claimswhichexceedthe limitsof its
jurisdiction as recognizedby the parties; and whereasthe Respondent
cannot use that means either to impose on the Applicant any claim it
chooses,at the risk of infringingthe Applicant'srights and of compro-
misingthe proper administration ofjustice; and whereasit is for that
reason that paragraph 1 of Article 80 of the Rules of Court requires204 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

that the counter-claim'comeswithin thejurisdiction of the Court' and

'that itis directly connectedwith thesubject-matterof the claim of the
other party'" (Application of the Convention on the Preventionand
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,Order of 17 December 1997,
I.C.J. Reports 1997, pp. 257-258,para. 31);

34. Whereas the Court has found, in its Judgrnent of 12 December
1996,that its jurisdiction in the present case covers claims made under
Article X, paragraph 1, of the 1955Treaty, which is worded as follows:
"Between the territories of the two High Contracting Parties there shall
be freedom of commerce and navigation";
35. Whereas, in its Judgment of 12 December 1996, the Court indi-

cated, inter alia,
"it would be a natural interpretation of the word 'commerce', inAr-
ticleX, paragraph 1, of the Treaty of 1955that it includes commer-
cial activities in genera- not merely the immediateact of purchase
and sale, but also the ancillary activities integrally related to com-
merce" (Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of
America), Preliminary Objection, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1996,

p. 819, para. 49).
and whereas it added that:

"Article X, paragraph 1, of the Treaty of 1955 does not strictly
speaking protect 'commerce'but 'freedom of commerce'. Any act
which would impede that 'freedom', isthereby prohibited. Unless
such freedom is to be renderedillusory,the possibility must be enter-
tained that it could actually be impeded as a result of acts entailing
the destruction of goods destined to be exported, or capable of
affecting their transport and their storage with a view to export"
(ibid., para. 50;

36. Whereas the counter-claim presented by the United States alleges
attacks on shipping, the laying of mines, and other military actions said
to be "dangerous and detrimental to maritime commerce7';whereas such
facts are capable of falling within the scope of Article X, paragraph 1, of
the 1955Treaty as interpreted by the Court; and whereas the Court has
jurisdiction to entertain the United States counter-claim in so far as the
facts alleged may have prejudiced the freedomsguaranteed by Article X,
paragraph 1 ;

37. Whereas the Rules of Court do not define what is meant by
"directly connected"; whereas it is for the Court, in its sole discretion, to205 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

assesswhether the counter-claim is sufficientlyconnected to the principal
claim, taking account of the particular aspects of each case; and whereas,
as a general rule, the degree of connection between the claims must be
assessed both in fact and in law;
38. Whereas, in the present case, it emerges from the Parties' submis-
sions that their claims rest on facts of the same nature; whereas they
form part of the same factual complex since the facts relied on -
whether involving the destruction of oil platforms or of ships - are
alleged to have occurred in the Gulf during the same period; whereas the

United States indicates, moreover, that it intends to rely on the same
facts and circumstancesin order both to refute the allegations of Iran and
to obtain judgrnent against that State; and whereas, with their respective
claims, the two Parties pursue the same legal aim, namely the establish-
ment of legal responsibility for violations of the 1955Treaty;

39. Whereas the Court considers that the counter-claim presented by
the United States is directly connected with the subject-matter of the
claims of Iran ;

40. Whereas in the light of the foregoing,the Court considers that the
counter-claim presented by the United States satisfies the conditions set
forth in Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court;

41. Whereas a decision given on the admissibility of a counter-claim
taking account of the requirements set out in Article 80 ofthe Rules in no
way prejudges any question which the Court will becalled upon to hear
during the remainder of the proceedings;
42. Whereas in order to protect the rights which third States entitled

to appear before the Court derive from the Statute, the Court instructs
the Registrar to transmit a copy of this Order to them;
43. Whereas when, in accordance with the provisions of its Rules, the
Court decides, in the interests of the proper administration of justice, to
rule on the respective claims of the parties in a singleset of proceedings,
it must not, foral1that, lose sight of the interest of the Applicant to have
its claims decided within a reasonable period of time;

44. Whereas, during the meetingwhich the Vice-Presidentof the Court
held on 17October 1997with the Agents of the Parties (seeparagraph 7
above), the Agents envisaged a new exchange of written pleadings on the
merits; and whereas the Agent of Iran, when asked about the time his
Government would need in order to present a Reply, if such proved

necessary, indicated that, without prejudice to the question of whether
that pleading should also cover the counter-claim, a time-limitof one year206 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10 III 98)

as from the date of filing of the Counter-Memorial would seem necessary
to reply to it; and whereas at the end of its written observations (see

paragraphs 21 et seq. above), the United States expressed itself as follows
in that connection :
"As to the schedule of future proceeding on the merits of this case,

the United States would not object should Iran ask under Article 45 (2)
of the Rules of Court for permission to submit a Reply to the US
Counter-Memorial to accompany its defence to the US counter-
claim, if the United States is also authorized to filea Rejoinder. The
United States notes, however, that Iran received the US Counter-
Memorial and Counter-Claim late in June 1997, nearly six months
ago. Iran thus already has had as long to study the US document as
the United States had to write it. Therefore Iran should be required

to submit any Reply within six months. The United States should
then be given as much time to prepare its Rejoinder as Iran willhave
had from June 1997to the filing of its Reply";

45. Whereas, taking into account the conclusions it has reached above,
the Court considers that it is necessary for Iran to filea Reply and for the
United States to file a Rejoinder relating to the claims of both Parties;
and whereas it is necessary moreover, in order to ensure strict equality
between the Parties, to reserve the right of Iran to present its views in

writing a second time on the United States counter-claim, in an addi-
tional pleading the filing of which may be the subject of a subsèquent

46. For these reasons,

(A) By fifteen votes to one,

Finds that the counter-claim presented by the United States in its
Counter-Memorial is admissible as such and forms part of the current
proceedings ;
IN FAVOUR : Vice-President Weeramantry, Acting President ; President
Schwebel; Judges Oda, Bedjaoui, Guillaume, Ranjeva,Herczegh, Shi,
Fleischhauer, Koroma, Vereshchetin, Higgins,Parra-Aranguren, Kooij-
mans, Rezek;

AGAINST :Judge ad hoc Rigaux ;207 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

(B) Unanimously,
Directs Iran to submit a Reply and the United States to submit a

Rejoinder relating to the claims of both Parties andJixes the following
dates as time-limits for the filing ofse pleadings:

For the Reply of Iran, 10 September 1998;
For the Rejoinder of the United States, 23 November 1999; and

Reserves the subsequent procedure for further decision.

Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this tenth day of March, one thousand nine
hundred and ninety-eight, in three copies, one of which willbe placed in

the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government
of the IslamicRepublic of Iran and the Government of the United States
of America, respectively.

(Signed) Christopher G. WEERAMANTRY,

(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,

JudgesODAand HIGGINS append separate opinions to the Order of the

Judge ad hoc RIGAUX appends a dissenting opinion to theOrder of the

(Initialled) C.G.W.

(Initialled) E.V.O.

Bilingual Content












ORDONNANCEDU 10 MARS 1998 Officia1cita:ion
Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran
v. United States of America), Counter-Claim,
Order of IO Marck 19C.J. Reports 1998, p. 190

Mode officiel de citation
c. Etats-Unis d'Amérique),demande reconventionnelle,
ordonnancedu 10 mars 1998, C.I.eil 1998, p. 190

NOàewnte: 700 1
ISSN 0074-444 Salesnumber

1998 YEAR 1998
No. 90 10 March1998





Present: Vice-President WEERAMANTRA Yc,ting President; President

The International Court of Justice,

Composed as above,
After deliberation,

Having regard to Article8 of the Statute of the Court and to
Articles 31, 44, 45 and 80 of the Rules of Court,
Makes thefollowing Order:

1. Whereas, on 2 November 1992, the Government of the Islamic
Republic of Iran (hereinafter"Iran") filedin the Registry of the Court an
Applicationinstituting proceedings against the Government of the United
States of America (hereinafter "the United States") in respect of a dispute COUR INTERNATIONALE DE JUSTICE

ANNÉE 1998 1998
Rôle général
10 mars1998 no90




Présents: M. WEERAMANTR vic,e-président,faisant fonction de prési-
dent en l'affaire; M. SCHWEBEL p,ésident de la Cour;
M. RIGAUX j,ge ad hoc; M. VALENCIA-OSPIgNref,fier.

La Cour internationale de Justice,

Ainsi composée,
Aprèsdélibéré enhambre du Conseil,

Vu l'article48 du Statut de la Cour et lesarticlest 80de son

Rend l'ordonnancesuivante:
1. Considérant que,le 2 novembre 1992,le Gouvernementde la Répu-
blique islamiqued'Iran (dénommci-après'«Iran») a dépau Greffe
de la Cour une requête introductive d'instance contrele Gouvernement
des Etats-Unis d'Amérique(dénommés ci-aprèles «Etats-Unis») au
sujet d'un différend191 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

"aris[ing]out of the attack and destruction of three offshore oil pro-
duction complexes,owned and operated for commercial purposes by
the National Iranian OilCompany, by severalwarships of the United
States Navy on 19October 1987and 18April 1988,respectively";

whereas, in its Application, Iran, maintaining thatthose acts constituted
"a fundamental breach" of various provisions of the Treaty of Amity,
Economic Relations and Consular Rights between the United States of
America and Iran, which was signed in Tehran on 15August 1955and

entered into force on 16 June 1957(hereinafter "the 1955Treaty"), and
of international law, invoked Article XXI, paragraph 2, of the 1955
Treaty as the basis of the Court's jurisdiction; and, whereas at the end of
its Application, it set out its claims as follows:

"On the basis of the foregoing, and while reserving the right to
supplement and amend these submissions as appropriate in the
course of further proceedings in the case, the Islamic Republic
respectfully requests the Court to adjudge and declare as follows:

(a) that the Court has jurisdiction under the Treaty of Amity to
entertain the dispute and to rule upon the claims submitted by
the Islamic Republic;
(b) that in attacking and destroyingthe oil platforms referred to in
the Application on 19 October 1987 and 18 April 1988, the
United States breached its obligations to the Islamic Republic,
inter alia, under Articles 1and X (1)of the Treaty of Amity and
international law;

(c) that in adopting a patently hostile and threatening attitude
towards the Islamic Republic that culminated in the attack and
destruction of the Iranian oil platforms, the United States
breached the object and purpose of the Treaty of Amity, includ-
ing Articles 1 and X (l), and international law;

(d) that the United States is under an obligation to make repara-
tions to the Islamic Republic for the violation of its interna-
tional legal obligations in anamount to be determined by the
Court at a subsequent stage of the proceedings. The Islamic
Republic reserves the right to introduce and present to the
Court in due course a precise evaluation of the reparations
owed by the United States; and
(e) any other remedy the Court may deem appropriate";

2. Whereas, on 8 June 1993,within the fixedtime-limit, as extended by
the Order made by the President of the Court on 3 June 1993,Iran filed
its Memorial, at the end of which it made the following submissions: PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 191

«a[yant]pour origine l'attaque et la destruction de trois installations
de production pétrolière offshore, propriétéde la compagnie natio-
nale iranienne des pétroles etexploitéespar elle à des fins commer-
ciales, par plusieurs navires de guerre de la marine des Etats-Unis,
les 19octobre 1987et 18avril 1988,respectivement));

que, dans sa requête, l'Iran, soutenant queces actes constituaient une
((violationfondamentale))de diverses dispositions du traité d'amitié,de
commerce et de droits consulaires entre les Etats-Unis d'Amérique et
l'Iran, signéàTéhéranle 15août 1955et entréen vigueur le 16juin 1957
(dénommé ci-aprèsle ((traitéde 1955 »),ainsi que du droit international,
a invoquécomme base de compétenceleparagraphe 2 de l'articleXXI du

traitéde 1955; et que, au terme de sa requête,il a formuléles demandes

«Sur la base de ce qui précède,et en se réservantle droit de com-
pléteret modifier les présentesconclusions en tant que de besoin au
cours de la suite de la procédureen l'affaire, la Républiqueislamique
prie respectueusement la Cour de dire et juger:

a) qconnaître du différendet statuer sur lesdemandes présentées par

la République islamique;
b) qu'en attaquant et détruisant, les 19 octobre 1987 et 18 avril
1988,les plates-formes pétrolières mentionnées dans la requête,
lesEtats-Unis ont enfreintleursobligations enversla République
islamique, notamment cellesqui découlent del'article premieret
du paragraphe 1 de l'article X du traité d'amitié, ainsi quedu
droit international
c) qu'enadoptant enverslaRépubliqueislamiqueune attitude mani-
festement hostile et menaçante qui a abouti a l'attaque et à la
destruction des plates-formes pétrolières iraniennes, les Etats-
Unis ont enfreint l'objet et le but du traitéd'amitié,notamment
son article premier et le paragraphe 1de son article X, ainsi que
le droit international;

d) que les Etats-Unis sont tenus d'indemniser la Républiqueisla-
mique pour avoir enfreintleurs obligationsjuridiques internatio-
nales, le montant devant être déterminé par la Cour à un stade
ultérieurde la procédure. La Républiqueislamique se réservele
droit d'introduire devant la Cour et de lui présenter,en temps
utile, une évaluationprécise desréparations duespar les Etats-
Unis; et
e) tout autre remèdeque la Cour jugerait approprié));

2. Considérant que,le 8juin 1993,dans le délaifixé à cet effet, tel que
prorogépar l'ordonnance du présidentde la Cour en date du 3juin 1993,
l'Iran a déposéson mémoire,au terme duquel il a présentéles conclu-
sions ci-après: 192 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

"In the light of the facts and arguments set out above, the Gov-
ernment of the Islamic Republic of Iran requests the Court to
adjudge anddeclare:
1. That the Court has jurisdiction under the Treaty of Amity to
entertain the dispute and to rule upon the claims submitted by
Iran ;

2. That in attacking and destroying the oil platforms referred to in
Iran's Application on 19 October 1987 and 18 April 1988, the
United States breached its obligations to Iran, inter alia, under
Articles 1, IV (1) and X (1) of the Treaty of Amity and interna-
tional law, and that the United States bears responsibility for the
attacks; and

3. That the United States is accordingly under an obligation to
make full reparation to Iran for the violation of its international
legal obligations and theinjury thus caused in a form and amount
to be determined by the Court at a subsequent stage of the pro-
ceedings. Iran reserves the right to introduce and present to the
Court in due course a precise evaluation of the reparation owed
by the United States; and

4. Any other remedy the Court may deem appropriate";
3. Whereas, on 16December 1993,within the time-limit fixed for the
filing of the Counter-Mernorial, as extended by the Order made by the
President of the Court on 3 June 1993, the United States, referring to
Article 79 of the Rules of Court, raised a preliminary objection to the
jurisdiction of the Court, at the end of which it requested that the

Court "decline to entertain the case"; and whereas, by a Judgrnent dated
12 December 1996, the Court rejected the "objection . . according to
which the Treaty of 1955 does not provide any basis for the jurisdiction
of the Court" and found
"that it hasjurisdiction, on the basis of Article XXI, paragraph 2, of
the Treaty of 1955, to entertain the claims made by the Islamic

Republic of Iran under Article X, paragraph 1, of that Treaty" ;

4. Whereas, on 23 June 1997,within the new time-limit fixed by the
Order made by the President of the Court on 16 December 1996, the
United Statesfiledits Counter-Memorial, entitled "Counter-Memorialand

Counter-Claim"; whereas it stated, in the introduction to that Counter-
Memorial that, on the one hand, "Part VI sets forth the US counter-
claim in this case, which is based on facts directly at issue in assessing
Iran's claim" and, on the other hand, "As required by Article 80 of the
Court's Rules, this counter-claim is 'directlyconnected with the subject-
matter' of Iran's claim, and 'corneswithin thejurisdiction of the Court'";
whereas, in Part VI of its Counter-Memorial, the United States sets out
the factual background, the reasons for which it considers that the Court PLATES-FORM PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 192

«A la lumière des faits et desarguments exposésci-dessus,le Gou-
vernement de la République islamiqued'Iran prie la Cour de dire et

1. Que la Cour a compétence en vertu du traité d'amitiépour
connaître du différend etstatuer sur les demandes présentéespar
2. Qu'en attaquant et détruisant, les 19 octobre 1987 et 18 avril
1988,lesplates-formes pétrolières mentionnéed sans la requêtede
l'Iran, les Etats-Unis ont enfreint leurs obligations enversran,

notamment celles qui découlent de l'article premier,du para-
graphe 1 de l'articleIV et du paragraphe 1 de l'articleX du traité
d'amitié, ainsique du droit international, et que la responsabilité
de ces attaques incombe aux Etats-Unis;
3. QuelesEtats-Unis sont donc tenus d'indemniser pleinement l'Iran
pour avoir enfreint leurs obligations juridiques internationales,
selon des modalités etun montant à déterminerpar la Cour à un
stade ultérieur dela procédure.L'Iran se réservele droit d'intro-
duire devant la Cour et de lui présenter, en temps utile,une éva-
luation précisedes réparationsdues par les Etats-Unis; et

4. Tout autre remèdeque la Cour jugerait approprié));
3. Considérant que,le 16décembre1993,dans le délaifixépour le dé-
pôt du contre-mémoire,tel que prorogépar l'ordonnance du président de
la Cour en date du 3juin 1993, lesEtats-Unis, seréférantà l'article79du

Règlement,ont soulevéune exception préliminaire à la compétence dela
Cour, au terme de laquelle ils ont priécelle-cide se refuserà connaître
de l'affaire)); et considérant que, par arrêten date du 12 décembre
1996,la Cour a rejeté cette ((exception..selon laquelle le traitéde 1955
ne saurait d'aucune manièrefonder [s]acompétence)) eta dit

((qu'ellea compétence,sur la base du paragraphe 2 de l'article XXI
du traité de 1955, pour connaître des demandes formuléespar la
République islamiqued'Iran au titre du paragraphe 1 de l'article X
dudit traité));

4. Considérant que,le 23juin 1997,dans le nouveau délaifixé à cet
effet par l'ordonnance du président de laCour en date du 16 décembre
1996, les Etats-Unis ont déposé leur contre-mémoire, intitulé ((contre-
mémoire et demande reconventionnelle));qu'ilsont indiqué,dans l'intro-
duction à ce contre-mémoire, d'unepart, que «la demande reconvention-
nelledesEtats-Unis est exposéedans la sixièmepartie et repose surdesfaits
que l'examende la demande iranienne met directement en jeu» et, d'autre
part, que «cette demande reconventionnelleest «en connexitédirecte avec
l'objetde la demande))iranienne et «relèvede la compétencede la Cour)),
comme l'exigel'article 80 du Règlement)); que, dans la sixièmepartie de

leur contre-mémoire,lesEtats-Unis ont procédé à l'exposédu contextefac- OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

has jurisdiction to hear the counter-claim and that the counter-claim
is admissible, and its submission that "Iran's actions against US vessels
violated Article X of the 1955Treaty"; and, whereas at the end of the
Counter-Memorial, it made the following submissions:

"On the basis of the facts and arguments set out above, the Gov-
ernment of the United States of America requests that the Court
adjudge and declare:
1. That the United States did not breach its obligations to the

Islamic Republic of Iran under Article X (1) of the Treaty of
Amity between the United States and Iran, and,
2. That the claims of the Islamic Republic of Iran are accordingly
With respect to its counter-claim, and in accordance with
Article 80 of the Rules of the Court, the United States requests that
the Court adjudge and declare:

1. That in attacking vessels,laying mines in the Gulf and otherwise
engaging in military actions in 1987-1988that were dangerous
and detrimental to maritime commerce, the Islamic Republic of
Iran breached its obligations to the United Statesnder Article X
of the 1955Treaty, and
2. That the Islamic Republic of Iran is accordingly under an obliga-
tion to make full reparation to the United States for violatingthe
1955Treaty in a form and amount to be determined by the Court
at a subsequent stage of the proceedings.

The United States reserves the right to introduce and present to
the Court in due course a precise evaluation of the reparation owed
by Iran."

5. Whereas, by a letter dated 23June 1997,filedat the same time as its
Government's Counter-Memorial, the Agent of the United States
informed the Court of the following:

"In connection with the Counter-Claim, the United States had
requested on March 26 that the Government of Iran enter into nego-
tiations for the payment of compensation to the United States for
damages incurred from Iran's actions, on the ground that they vio-
lated Article X of the 1955 Treaty. By letter dated June 12, Iran
replied to that request, proposing instead that the Parties conduct
negotiations on a broader range of subjects. Iran's proposa1 in this
respect was not acceptable to the United States. Accordingly, the
Parties have not agreed to enter into negotiations regardingthe mat-
ters involved in the US Counter-Claim"; PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 193

tuel, des motifs pour lesquelsils estiment que la Cour a compétencepour
connaître de la demande reconventionnelle et que celle-ciest recevable,
ainsi que de leur thèse selonlaquelle «par ses actions contre les navires
des Etats-Unis, l'Iran a violél'article X du traité de 1955));et que, au
terme dudit contre-mémoire,ils ont présenté les conclusions ci-après:

«Sur la base des faits et arguments exposés ci-dessus,le Gouver-
nement des Etats-Unis d'Amériqueprie la Cour de dire et juger:

1. Que les Etats-Unis n'ont pas enfreint leurs obligations envers

la Républiqueislamique d'Iran au titre du paragraphe 1 de l'ar-
ticle X du traité d'amitié entreles Etats-Unis et l'Iran; et
2. Que les demandes de la Républiqueislamique d'Iran doivent en
S'agissantde leur demande reconventionnelle, et conformément à
l'article 80 du Règlement de la Cour, les Etats-Unis d'Amérique
prient la Cour de dire et juger:

1. Qu'en attaquant lesnavires,en mouillant des mines dans le Golfe
et en menant d'autres actions militaires en 1987 et 1988 qui
étaient dangereuses et dommageables pour le commerce mari-
time, la République islamique d'Iran a enfreint ses obligations
envers les Etats-Unis au titre de l'articledu traité de 1955;et
2. Que la République islamiqued'Iran est en conséquencetenue de
réparerintégralementle préjudice qu'ellea causéaux Etats-Unis
en violant le traitéde 1955,selon des formes et un montant qui
seront déterminépsar la Cour à un stade ultérieur dela procédure.

Les Etats-Unis se réserventle droit de soumettre à la Cour, en
temps voulu, une évaluationprécise dela réparationduepar l'Iran);

5. Considérant que,par lettre du 23juin 1997,déposée en mêmetemps
que le contre-mémoire de son gouvernement, l'agent des Etats-Unis a
porté à la connaissancede la Cour ce qui suit:

«A propos delademande reconventionnelle,lesEtats-Unis avaient
invité,le 26 mars, le Gouvernement de l'Iranà entamer des négocia-
tions en vue de leur payer une indemnité pour les dommages subis
du fait des actes de l'Iran, au motif que ceux-ci étaient contraires
l'articleX du traitéde 1955.Par lettre du 12juin, l'Iran a réponduà

cettedemande en proposant que lesParties procèdent à des négocia-
tions sur une série de sujets plusétendue. La proposition del'Iran à
cet égard n'était pas acceptablepourles~tatsZ~Gs. En conséquence
les Parties ne sont pas convenues d'engager desnégociationssur les
questions auxquelles se rapporte la demande reconventionnelle des

and whereas the Registrar communicated a copy of that letter, together
with the Counter-Memorial, to the Agent of Iran;
6. Whereas, in a letter dated 2 October 1997,the Agent of Iran, refer-
ring to that communication, stated as follows:

"In theCounter-Memorial and Counter-Claim ofthe United States
dated 23 June 1997,paragraph 6.10, it was asserted that the Gov-
ernment of the Islamic Republic of Iran has not agreed to enter into
negotiations in relation to the counter-claim. That statement was
not, however, accompanied by the correspondence which has been
exchanged between the Parties.
In order fully to inform the Court on this question, 1attach hereto
copies of [that correspondence]. The Court willseethat, through this
exchange of letters, Iran did agree to discuss al1legal issuesarising
between the United States and Iran in relation to the period covered

by the case before the Court";
whereas, in that letter, he also stated the following:

"1 should further observe that Iran has serious objections to the
admissibility of the United States counter-claim. It is Iran's position
that the counter-claim as formulated by the United States does not
meet the requirements of Article 80 (1) of the Rules. Iran requests a

hearing on this question, as provided for in Article 80 (3) of the
Rules. Iran would wish,prior to that hearing, to submit a brief state-
ment explaining its objections to the counter-claim. In light of the
fact that the Vice-Presidenthas scheduled a meeting with the Agents
of the Parties on 17October 1997to consider further proceedings in
this case, 1would hope that it willbe possible at that meeting to dis-
cuss, amongst other issues, the procedure and modalities for the
hearing under Article 80 (3) in relation to the counter-claim";

and whereas the Registrar sent a copy of that letter and of its enclosures
to the Agent for the United States;
7. Whereas, on 17 October 1997, the Vice-President of the Court,
acting as President in the case by virtue of Article 13,paragraph 1, and
Article 32, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court, held a meeting with the
Agents of the Parties in order to find out their views as to the further

proceedings in the case; whereas the two Agents agreed that their respec-
tive Governments would submit written observations on the question of
the admissibility of the United States counter-claim; and whereas the
Agent of Iran envisaged that his Government would then present oral
observations on the question;
8. Whereas, by a letter dated 20 October 1997,the Agent of the United
States, referring to the views expressed during that meeting, let it be
known that his Government PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 194

et que copie de cette lettre a écommuniquée,avecle contre-mémoire, à
l'agent de l'Iran par le greffier;
6. Considérant que, dans une lettre en date du 2 octobre 1997,l'agent
de l'Iran, se référant cette communication, s'est expriméainsi:

«Dans le contre-mémoire et la demande reconventionnelle des
Etats-Unis du 23juin 1997,au paragraphe 6.10, il est affirméque le
Gouvernement de la République islamique d'Iran n'a pas accepté
d'entamer des négociationsrelatives à cette demande reconvention-
nelle. Toutefois, cette affirmation n'est pas accompagnéede la cor-
respondance échangée entre les Parties.
Afin d'informer pleinement la Cour de cette question, je joins la
présentedes copies de [cettecorrespondance]. Au vu de cet échange
de lettres, la Cour constatera que'Iran a bien acceptéde discuterde
toutes les questions juridiques opposant les~tats-unis et l'Iran au
cours de la période couverte par l'affaire portée devantla Cour»;

que, dans cette mêmelettre, il a en outre indiquéce qui suit:

«Je ferais également observerque l'Iran met sérieusementen cause
la recevabilitédela demande reconventionnelle desEtats-Unis. Selon
l'Iran, la demande reconventionnelle telleque formuléepar lesEtats-
Unis ne satisfaitpas aux exigencesdu paragraphe 1de l'article 80du
Règlement.L'Iran demande àêtre entendu surla question, comme il

est prévuau paragraphe 3 de l'article 80du Règlement.Avant d'être
entendu, l'Iran souhaiterait soumettre un bref exposéde ses objec-
tionsà l'égard dela demande reconventionnelle. Etant donné que le
vice-présidenta prévu une réunion avec les agents des Parties le
17octobre 1997pour envisager la suite de la procédureen l'affaire,
j'espère qu'il sera possible lors de cette réunion de discuter entre
autres choses de la procédure et des modalitésselon lesquelles les
Parties pourront être entendues conformémentau paragraphe 3 de
l'article 80 pour ce qui est de la demande reconventionnelle));

et que copie de cette lettre et de ses annexes a été transmise'agent des
Etats-Unis par le greffier;
7. Considérant que, le 17 octobre 1997,le vice-président dela Cour,
faisant fonction de président en l'affaire envertu des articles 13, para-
graphe 1,et 32,paragraphe 1,du Règlement,a tenu une réunionavec les
agents des Parties aux fins de se renseigner auprèsd'eux sur la suitede la
procédureen l'affaire; que les deux agents ont acceptéque leurs gouver-

nements respectifs déposentdes observations écritessur la question de la
recevabilitéde la demande reconventionnelle des Etats-Unis; et que
l'agent de l'Iran a envisagéque son gouvernement présente ensuite des
observations orales sur cette question;
8. Considérant que,par lettre en date du 20 octobre 1997,l'agent des
Etats-Unis, se référant auxvues expriméesau cours de cette réunion, a
fait savoir que son gouvernement195 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

"under[stood] that any order by the Court [would]limit the filingof
these submissions to the issue set forth in Rule 80 (3) of the Rules of
Court, in other words, to the connection of the counter-claim to
Iran's claim";

and whereas the Registrar communicated a copy of this letter to the
Agent of Iran;
9. Whereas, by a letter dated 21 October 1997,the Registrar, on the
instructions of the Court, invited the Iranian Government to specify in
writing, by 18November 1997at the latest, the legal grounds on which it
relied in maintaining that the Respondent's counter-claim did not meet
the requirements of Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court; and
whereas, in that letter, the Registrar stated that the Government of the
United States would in turn be invited to present its views on the ques-
tion during the month following the filing of Iran's observations; and
whereas the Registrar sent a copy of that letter to the United States the
same day ;
10. Whereas, by a letter dated 27 October 1997, the Agent of Iran
stated as follows:

"Iran does not share the views ofthe United Statesas expressedin
itsletter of 20 October 1997that Iran's submissions are to be limited
to the issues set forth in Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules. As
provided for in Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Rules, a counter-

claim may only be presented provided that it is directly connected
with the subject-matter of the claim of the party and that it comes
under the jurisdiction of the Court. Pursuant to the Registrar's letter
of 21 October 1997,Iran's submissions will be directed to showing
the legal grounds why the counter-claim presented by the United
Statesdoes not meet these requirements, as indicated in Iran's letter
of 2 October 1997.

As the Court is aware, Iran has requested a hearing pursuant to
Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules. Iran understands that the
Court will address this request after receiving the written submis-
sions of the Parties7';

and whereas the Registrar sent a copy of that letter to the Agent of the
United States;
11. Whereas, by a communication from its Agent dated 18November
1997and filedin the Registry on that day, Iran forwarded to the Court a
document entitled "Request for Hearing in Relation to the United States

Counter-Claim Pursuant to Article 80 (3) of the Rules of Court", which
contained its observations on the admissibility of the counter-claim; and
whereas, by a letter dated 18November 1997,the Registrar sent a copy PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 195

«cro[yait] comprendre que toute décisionde la Cour limitera[it]
l'exposédes positions que présenteront les Parties àla question visée
au paragraphe 3 de l'article80du Règlement, c'est-à-direau rapport
de connexité entre la demande reconventionnelleet la demande de

et que copie de cette lettre a étécommuniquée à l'agent del'Iran par le
9. Considérant que,par lettre en date du 21 octobre 1997, le greffier,
sur les instructions de la Cour, a invitéle Gouvernement iranienà spéci-
fier par écrit,le 18novembre 1997au plus tard, les motifsjuridiques sur

lesquels il s'appuyait pour soutenir que la demande reconventionnelle
formuléepar le défendeur ne satisfaisait pas aux exigences du para-
graphe 1 de l'article 80 du Règlement; et que, dans cette mêmelettre, le
greffier a préciséque le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis serait à son tour
invitéà présenterses vues sur la question dans le mois suivant le dépôt
des observations de l'Iran; et considérant que copie de cette lettre a été
adresséeaux Etats-Unis le mêmejour par le greffier;
10. Considérant que,par lettre en date du 27 octobre 1997,l'agent de
l'Iran a indiquéce qui suit:

«l'Iran ne partage pas l'opinion qu'ont expriméelesEtats-Unis dans
leur lettre du 20 octobre 1997,selon laquelle l'exposédes positions
del'Iran ne doit pas sortir du cadre des questions qu'envisagelepara-
graphe 3 de l'article 80 du Règlement.Ainsi qu'il estprévuau para-
graphe 1 de l'article 80 du Règlement, une demande reconvention-
nelle ne peut êtreprésentéeque si elle est en connexité directeavec
l'objet de la demande de la partie adverse et que si elle relèvede la
compétence dela Cour. Conformément à la lettre du greffier du
21 octobre 1997,l'exposéde l'Iran s'appliquerà montrer quels sont

lesmotifsjuridiques pour lesquelsla demandereconventionnellepré-
sentéepar les Etats-Unis ne satisfaitpas aux exigences de la disposi-
tion susmentionnée, comme l'a indiqué l'Iran dans sa lettre du
2 octobre 1997.
Comme la Cour en est informée, l'Iran a demandé à être entendu
conformémentau paragraphe 3 de l'article 80 du Règlementde la
Cour. L'Iran croit savoir que la Cour se prononcera sur cette
demande après avoir reçu les exposés écrits des positions des
Parties ;

et que copie de cette lettre a étéadresséà l'agent desEtats-Unis par le
11. Considérant que, par communication de son agent datée du
18novembre 1997et déposée au Greffe le même jour,l'Iran a fait tenàr
la Cour un document intitulé ((Demande tendant à ce que les Parties
soiententendues au sujet de la demandereconventionnelle des Etats-Unis
en application du paragraljhe 3 de l'article 80du Règlement dela Cour»,
qui contenait ses observations sur la recevabilitéde ladite demande196 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

of that document to the United States Government, and informed the
Iranian Government that he had done so that same day;

12. Whereas, in the introduction to its written observations, Iran
states that in its Judgment of 12December 1996,the Court ruled, on the
one hand, that only Article X, paragraph 1, of the Treaty of Amity was
applicable to the Iranian claim, thereby limiting Iran "to contesting the
legalityofthe attack on the platforms under ArticleX (1) ... and under no
other provision", and, on the other hand, that "the aspect of ArticleX (1)
of the Treaty which relates to the present affair is that relating to free-
dom of commerce between the territories of the Parties", the case being
thus limited to that question; whereas it submits that, "[dlespite the spe-

cific and precise nature of the issues which remained for decision as a
result of the Court's Judgment of 12December 1996,the Respondent has
now chosen to react by lodging a counter-claim of a sweeping and gen-
eralcharacter", in a waywhich isinconsistent "with itspreviouslydeclared
position on claims under the Treaty"; whereas Iran makes the following
criticisms of this "change of position":

"First, the United States seeks to widen the dispute to provisions
of the Treaty of Amity, Articles X (2)-(5),which werenever in ques-

tion in the proceedings to date, and have never been mentioned
before by the United States. Second,the United States also seeks to
widen the dispute to include US claims concerning Iran's overall
conduct throughout the period 1987-1988,when it has always been
its position in the preliminary objection phrase that such overall
conduct, at least in so far as it concerned the United States, was
irrelevant in this case, and specificallybrought its preliminary objec-
tion to limit Iran's claim as far as possible. Third, and mostimpor-
tantly, the United States has effectively refused to seek to resolve
these wider disputes by diplomaticnegotiations, despite Iran's agree-
ment to such negotiations";

and whereas Iran adds that the seven specificattacks described in the
counter-claim, which are alleged to have been carried out against "US
vessels", fa11"wholly outside the scope of the Treaty of Amity, and in
particular the provisions of Article X (1) dealing with freedom of com-
merce between the territories of the High Contracting Parties", and hence
it is claimed that, "following the Court's Judgment of 12December 1996,
there is. . .no basis in the Treaty on which the Court can evaluate the
legality ofthese alleged attacks in this case";
13. Whereas Iran states that it is "convinced that the United States
counter-claim, as formulated, is inadmissible under Article 80, para-
graph 1, of the Rules"; whereas it "therefore asks the Court to hear the
Parties pursuant to Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules, in order to PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 196

reconventionnelle;et considérant que, par lettre en date du 18novembre
1997, le greffiera transmis copie de ce document au Gouvernement des
Etats-Unis, ce dont il a informéle Gouvernement iranien le même jour;
12. Considérant que, dans l'introduction à ses observations écrites,
l'Iran expose qu'aux termes de son arrêtdu 12décembre1996la Cour a
décidé,d'une part, que seul le paragraphe 1 de l'article X du traité de

1955 s'applique à sa demande, si bien qu'il «ne peut [plus] désormais
contester la licéitédes attaques contre les plates-formes ...au regard
d'autres dispositions» du traité,et, d'autre part, que «c'est sous l'angle
de la liberté de commerce entre les territoires des Parties que le para-
graphe 1de l'articleX du traitése rapporteà [l']instance», l'affaireétant
ainsi limitéeà cette question; qu'il fait valoir que, «[m]algréla nature
déterminée et précise desquestionssur lesquellesil restestatuer, compte
tenu de l'arrêtde la Cour du 12 décembre1996,le défendeur a mainte-
nant décidé de réagir en déposant une demande reconventionnelle de
caractère très étendu et général)e, contradiction«avec la position qu'il
avait adoptée jusqu'alors concernant les réclamations fondées sur le
traité»; que l'Iran adresseà ce ((changement de position)) les critiques

((Premièrement, les Etats-Unis cherchent à étendre le différend
pour y inclure des dispositions du traitéd'amitiéà savoir les para-
graphes 2 à 5 de l'article X, qui n'ont jamais étéjusqu'àcejour en
cause dans l'instance et qu'ils n'ont jamais invoquéesauparavant.
Deuxièmement,les Etats-Unis cherchent aussi àélargirle différend
pour y inclure des demandes relativesàl'ensemble dela conduite de
l'Iran pendant toute la période 1987-1988,alors qu'ils ont toujours

soutenu, lors de la phase de l'affaire relativel'exception prélimi-
naire, que l'ensemblede cette conduite, du moins en ce qui concer-
nait les Etats-Unis, n'était pas pertinent en l'espèceet qu'ils ont
expressément soulevé leur exception préliminaire afin de limiter le
plus possible la réclamation del'Iran. Troisièmement, et c'est très
important, les Etats-Unis ont effectivement refuséde chercher à
résoudreces différends plus amples par des négociations diploma-
tiques, en dépitdu fait quel'Iran acceptait de telles négociation;»

et qu'ilajoute que lessept attaques ponctuelles évoquésansla demande
reconventionnelle, qui auraient étmenéescontre des ((naviresdes Etats-
Unis», tombent ((entièrementen dehors du champ d'application du traité
d'amitié et,en particulier, des dispositions du paragraphe 1de l'article
relativesà la libertéde commerce entre les territoires des Hautes Parties
contractantes)), si bien que le traiténe fournirait, ((suàtl'arrêt de la
Cour du 12décembre1996 ...aucune base sur laquelle la Cour puisse se
fonder pour apprécierla licéitéde ces attaques alléguées enl'espèce));
13. Considérant que l'Iran se dit ((convaincuque la demande recon-
ventionnelle des Etats-Unis, telle qu'elleest formulée,est irrecevable au
regard du paragraphe 1 de l'article80du Règlement »; qu'il«priedonc la
Cour d'entendre lesParties conformémentau paragraphe 3 de l'article 80 197 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

decide whether or not the question presented in the United States
counter-claim'shall bejoined to the originalproceedings'"; and whereas
Iran states that "in surnmarizingits objections in its written statement, [it]
reservesthe right to further particularize and develop them in the hearing
for which Article 80, paragraph 3, specificallyprovides";

14. Whereas, in the body of its written observations, Iran maintains
that neither of the two conditions required by Article 80 of the Rules of
Court for a counter-claim to be presented - namely, on the one hand,
that the counter-claim and the original claim must be "directly con-
nected" and, on the other hand, that the counter-claim must "come
within the jurisdiction of the Court" - are met in the present case;

15. Whereas Iran first of al1claims that the United States counter-
claim is not sufficiently specific for the Court to be able to determine
whether it is directly connected with the principal claim; whereas it

points out that "the counter-claim is not limited to the seven incidents
referred to in paragraph 6.08" and argues that "it does nothing more
than allege unspecified Iranian interference with unspecified maritime
trade between the United States and Iran"; and whereas Iran argues
that "no counter-claim may be filed after submission of the Counter-
Memorial", it challenges the right which the United States reserves
"to add further instances of Iranian attacks on US vesselsin the [Persian]
Gulf in 1987-1988", whilst noting that "in any event, in the case of
each such instance which the United States may subsequently seek to
introduce, it would be necessary to apply the test of admissibility under
Article 80 of the Rules";

16. Whereas Iran then states that there is no directconnection between
the counter-claim and the principal claim, either general, or with regard
to the specific cases of attacks which, according to the counter-claim,
were allegedlycarried out on "United States shipping";

17. Whereas, as regards the first point, Iran explains its position as
follows :

"To the extent that the United States Counter-Claim consists of a
general assertion of the violation of freedom of commerce and navi-

gation between the United Statesand Iran, either under Article X (1)
or under Article X (3)-(5), there is not even the appearance of any
legal or factual connection between such a violation and the attacks
on the platforms. The United States did not attack the platforms
because of any alleged Iranian attacks on vessels engaged in trade
between Iran and the United States, whether or not such vessels
were US vesselswithin the meaning of Article X (2)"; PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 197

du Règlement,en vue de décider ((s'ily a lieu ou non dejoindre [la ques-
tion rése enté dans la demande reconventionnelle des Etats-Unis1 à l'ins-
tance initiale ;et qu'il indiquequ'«[e]nrésumantses objections dans ses
observations écritesl'Iran se réserve ledroit de lespréciser etde les déve-
lopper davantage au cours del'audienceque prévoit expressémenltepara-
graphe 3 de l'article 80));
14. Considérant que, dans le corps de ses observations écrites,l'Iran
soutient qu'aucune des deux conditions posées à l'article 80 du Règle-
ment pour qu'une demande reconventionnelle puisse êtreprésentée - a
savoir, d'une part, que la demande reconventionnelle et la demande ini-
tiale soienten connexité directe))et, d'autre part, que la demande recon-

ventionnelle «relèvede la compétencede la Cour» - n'est remplie en
15. Considérantque l'Iran reproche tout d'abord à la demande recon-
ventionnelle des Etats-Unis de ne pas êtresuffisamment spécifiquepour
que la Cour puissedéterminerqu'elleprésente unlien de connexité directe
avecla demande principale; qu'ilsouligneque «la demande reconvention-
nelle n'estpas limitéeaux sept incidents mentionnésau paragraphe 6.08))
et prétendqu'elle «ne fait rien de plus que d'alléguer une ingérence ira-
nienne non préciséedans un commerce maritime non préciséentre les
Etats-Unis et l'Iran»; et que, faisant valoir qu'«aucune demande recon-
ventionnelle ne peut êtreprésentée aprèlse dépôtdu contre-mémoire)),il
récusele droit que seréserventlesEtats-Unis «de seréférer à des cas sup-
plémentairesd'attaques lancéespar l'Iran contre des navires des Etats-
Unis dans le golfe[Persique]en 1987-1988»,tout en relevant qu'«[e]ntout

étatde cause il serait nécessaired'appliquer le critère de la recevabilité
énoncé àl'article80du Règlement àchaque cas de ce genre que lesEtats-
Unis pourraient essayer d'introduire ultérieurementdans l'affaire»;
16. Considérantque l'Iran expose ensuite qu'il n'existepas de lien de
connexité directeentre la demande reconventionnelleet la demande prin-
cipale, ni d'un point de vue général, ni ence qui est des cas précisd'at-
taques qui, selon la demande reconventionnelle, auraient étémenées
contre «la navigation des Etats-Unis));
17. Considérant que, sur le premier point, l'Iran explique sa position
comme suit:

((Dans la mesure où la demande reconventionnelle des Etats-Unis
consisteà affirmer en termes généraux qu'ily a eu violation de la
liberté de commerce etde navigation entre les Etats-Unis et l'Iran,

au regard soit du paragraphe 1 de l'articleX, soit des paragraphes 3
à 5 de l'article X, il n'y a mêmepas l'apparence de la moindre
connexité dedroit ou de fait entre une telle violation et les attaques
contre lesplates-formes. Les Etats-Unis n'ont pas attaquélesplates-
formes au motif qu'une attaque iranienne aurait été menéc eontre
des navires participant au commerce entre l'Iran et les Etats-Unis,
que ces navires aient étéou non des navires des Etats-Unis au sens
du paragraphe 2 de l'article X»;198 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

18. Whereas Iran, having furthermore analysed each of the specific
attacks on vessels alleged by the Respondent in detail, from the stand-

point of the admissibility of the counter-claim, states that that analysis
"is based on the presentation of these incidents made by the United
States" and "is entirely without prejudice to Iran's position at any sub-
sequent phase of the present proceedings"; and whereas at the end of that
analvsis Iran concludes first of al1 that "no fewer than six incidents
involvedvesselswhich were not ...engaged in commerceor evennaviga-
tion between the territories of the High Contracting Parties" and that
those incidents are accordingly "irrelevant to a counter-claim which is
founded on an assertion of a violation of freedom of commerceand navi-
gation betweenthe two countries" ;whereas Iran concludes secondlythat,
although the seventh vessel (the Texaco Caribbean) was, it could be
argued, "covered by Article X (1) of the Treaty which is the provision by
reference to which the legality of the attack on the platforms is to be
appreciated", that vessel was not a United States flagged vessel and "in
any event, there is no factual or legal link whatever between the alleged
attack on the Texaco Caribbean and the attacks on the platforms"; and
whereas, thirdly, Iran concludes, on the one hand, that

"even assuming that there may be a sufficient legal link (connexité
juridique) between claims of a breach of freedom of commerce
under Article X (1) of the Treaty (which pursuant to the Court's
Judgment of 12 December 1996now forms the sole basis of Iran's
Application) and claims of breaches of freedom of navigation under
Articles X (3)-(9, only two of the incidents involved US vessels
within the meaning of Article X (2) which were even arguably
covered by those paragraphs (Bridgeton and Sea Isle City)"

and, on the other hand, that "[iln any event, none of these incidents, even
on the facts alleged by the United States, raises, even arguably, a case of
violation of ArticleX (3)-(5)";

19. Whereas, whilst restating its position that the United States
counter-claim does not come within the jurisdiction of the Court and is
therefore inadmissible, on this ground also, Iran observes moreover that

"it is... not entirely clear from the language of Article 80, paragraph 3,
of the Rules whether the hearing for which that paragraph provides
extends to cover an objection ...based on lack ofjurisdiction"; whereas
Iran recognizes that, although "a State is normally entitled to question
the Court's jurisdiction over a claim prior to being called on to respond
to the merits of that claim", "proceedings under Article 80 are [not] a
substitute for a preliminary objection", since the hearing for which
Article 80,paragraph 3, provides "is evidently intended to be a brief one, PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 0EIII 98) 198

18. Considérant que,ayant par ailleurs analyséen détail,du point de
vue de la recevabilitéde la demande reconventionnelle, chacune des sept
attaques spécifiquesde navires alléguéespar le défendeur,l'Iran déclare
que cette analyse«se fonde sur la présentation deces incidents faite par
lesEtats-Unis))et «est entièrementsanspréjudice dela position qu'adop-
tera l'Iran lors de toute phase ultérieure de [l']instance»; et considérant
qu'au terme de ladite analyse il conclut en premier lieu quepas moins
de six incidents concernaient des navires qui ne participaient pas..au
commerceni même à la navigation entre les territoires des Hautes Parties
contractantes)) et que ces incidents sont dès lors ((dépourvusde perti-

nence aux finsd'une demandereconventionnellequi sefonde sur une pré-
tendue violation de la libertéde commerceet de navigation entre lesdeux
pays)); qu'il en conclut en deuxième lieu que, si le septième navire (le
Texaco Caribbean) étaitle seul susceptible d'«entr[er] dans le domaine
d'application du paragraphe 1 de l'article X du traité, qui constitue la
disposition au regard de laquelle il convient d'apprécier la licéitéde
l'attaque contre les plates-formes)),ce navire ne battait pas pavillon amé-
ricain et que,«en tout état de cause, il n'existeaucune connexitéde fait
ou de droit entre l'attaque alléguélancéecontre leTexaco Caribbeanet
les attaques lancéescontre les plates-formes)); et que, en troisième lieu,
l'Iran conclut d'une part que,

à supposer mêmequ'ilpuisse y avoir une connexitéjuridique (legal
link) suffisante entre les demandes relativeà une violation de la
liberté decommerce et fondéessur le paragraphe 1 de l'article du
traité (qui forme maintenant, d'après l'arrêt dla Cour du 12 dé-
cembre 1996,la base unique de la requête de l'Iran) et les demandes
relatives des violations de la liberté de navigation et fondéessur
lesparagraphes 3 à5 de l'articleX, deux seulementdes incidents con-
cernaient des navires des Etats-Unis, au sensdu paragraphe 2 de l'ar-
ticleX, dont on pourrait prétendre qu'ils entrent dans le champ

d'application de ces paragraphes (leridgeton et le Sea Isle City))),
et d'autre part que, «de toute manière,mêmesur la base des faits allégués
par les Etats-Unis, il ne saurait être soutenu que l'un quelconque deces
incidents fait apparaître un cas de violation des paragraphes 3 à 5 de
l'article» ;
19. Considérant que, tout en réaffirmant que la demande reconven-

tionnelle des Etats-Unis ne relèvepas de la compétencede la Cour et est
donc, à ce titre aussi, irrecevable, l'Iran fait en outre observer que «les
termes dans lesquels est rédigéle paragraphe 3 de l'article 80 du Règle-
ment n'indiquent pas clairement si l'audience prévuepar ce para-
graphe peut aussi avoir trait une objection ..tirée d'un défaut decom-
pétence));qu'il reconnaît que, si «un Etat a normalement le droit de
contester la compétence dela Cour pour connaître d'une demande avant
d'êtreappelé à présenterses arguments en réponse surle fond)), «la pro-
cédure de l'article 80 [ne saurait] se substituer la soumission d'une
exception préliminaire)),l'audienceprévueau paragraphe 3 de cette dis-199 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

to which the protective provisions of Article 79 of the Rules do not as
such apply" ;whereas Iran considers that "the decisionthe Court is called
upon to make under Article 80, paragraph 3, concerns exclusively the
question of whether or not the counter-claim should be joined to the
original proceedings" and does not prejudice in any way the right of the
party objecting to the counter-claim"to make any defence relating either
to the admissibility or to the merits of the counter-claim in a subsequent
phase of the proceedings" ;whereas, therefore, Iran "reserves the right,
if necessary, to lodge preliminary objections in respect of the United
Statescounter-claim"; and whereas it notes however that "the fact that a
counter-claim is plainly outside the Court's jurisdiction is relevant for the

purposes of Article 80, paragraph 3" in so far as, on the one hand "a
counter-claim which fails to satisfy the express requirement imposed by
Article 80,paragraph 1,should not bejoined to the original proceedings,
whether the failure relates to lack of connection or lack of jurisdiction",
and, on the other hand, "there may wellbe a link between an evident lack
of jurisdiction and the lack of direct connection" as, Iran alleges, is the
case here;

20. Whereas, in the concluding remarks to its written observations,
Iran alleges that, in general, the State responding to the counter-claim is
"at a significantdisadvantage" sinceit "is apparently confined to a single
written pleading, whereas the counter-claimant will have both the first
and the last written word on the matter" ;whereas Iran maintains that in
this instance "the generalized claim of the United States with respect to

the period of 1987-1988covers a seriesof incidents with respect to which
Iran has important additional claims of its own", and whereas, "[ilf the
United States counter-claim was admitted, Iran would necessarily be
forced to seek leave to introduce such claims", otherwise it would be
"severely prejudiced"; and whereas Iran also argues that "[i]f the case
were to be widened in the way proposed by the United States, this might
also prejudice third States' interests",since "Article 40, paragraph 3, of
the Statute of the Court only provides that a new case is notified to third
States" and that "[no] such provision is made with respect to
counter-claims" :

21. Whereas, by a communication from its Agent dated 18December
1997and receivedin the Registry on that day, the United States submit-

ted to the Court its observations on the admissibilityof the counter-claim
set out in its Counter-Memorial, taking the observations submitted by
Iran into consideration; and whereas, by a letter dated 18 December
1997, the Registrar communicated a copy of the observations of the
United StatesGovernment to the Iranian Government, informingthe lat-
ter, on the one hand, that the Court would decide on future proceedings
on the basis of the documents now before it and, on the other hand, that PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 199

position (([étant]destinéeà être de courte durée etles dispositions pro-
tectrices de l'article 79 du Règlement ne s'appliqu[ant] pas comme
telles»; qu'il estime que«la décisionque la Cour doit rendre en applica-
tion du paragraphe 3 de l'article80concerne exclusivementla questionde

savoir sila demande reconventionnelle doit être ou nonjointeàl'instance
initiale))et laisse intact le droit de la partie qui formule des objections
((d'invoquer tout moyen de défense relatifsoit à la recevabilité soitau
fond de la demande reconventionnelle lors d'une phase ultérieure de la
procédure));que,partant, il«se réservele droit, en tant que de besoin, de
déposer des exceptions préliminaires relativesla demandereconvention-
nelle des Etats-Unis)); et qu'il souligne cependant que «le fait qu'une
demande reconventionnelle n'entre manifestement pas dans le domaine
de compétencede la Cour est pertinent aux fins du paragraphe 3 de l'ar-
ticle80» dans la mesure où, d'une part, «[u]ne demande reconvention-
nelle qui ne satisfait pas aux conditions expresses imposéespar le para-
graphe 1 de l'article 80 ne doit pas êtrejointel'instance initiale, que la
carence se rapporte au défaut de connexité oude compétence)),et où,
d'autre part,«un défautmanifeste de compétencepeut êtrelié à l'absence

de connexitédirecte)) comme c'est, d'après l'Iran,le cas en l'espèce;
20. Considérant que, dans les conclusions à ses observations écrites,
l'Iran allègueque, d'une manièregénéralel,e défendeur àl'action recon-
ventionnelle se trouve «dans une situation nettement désavantageuse))
car il «doit apparemment se limiter à un seul exposéécrit, tandis que
l'auteur de la demandereconventionnelle a, sur cette question,la fois le
premier et le dernier mot)); qu'il soutient qu'au cas particulier «la
demande générale desEtats-Unis concernant la période 1987-1988com-
prend une séried'incidents à propos desquels l'Iran a d'importantes
demandes additionnelles à formuler pour son propre compte)), et que,
«[s]ila demande reconventionnelle des Etats-Unis était accueillie, l'Iran
serait nécessairement obligé dedemander l'autorisation d'introduire de
tellesdemandes en l'instance»,sous peine de subir «un préjudice grave»;
et considérantqu'ilfait encorevaloir que, «[s]il'affairedevait êtreélargie

de la manière proposéepar les Etats-Unis, cela risquerait aussi de porter
atteinte aux intérêtsdes Etats tiers)), du fait quel]e paragraphe 3 de
l'article40 du Statut de la Cour prévoit seulementque les Etats tiers sont
avertis de l'introduction d'une nouvelle instance))et7«[alucune dispo-
sition de ce genre n'est prévue en cas de soumission dedemandes recon-
21. Considérant que, par communication de son agent datée du
18décembre1997et reçue au Greffe le même jour, lesEtats-Unis ont fait
tenirà la Cour leurs observationssur la recevabilité dela demanderecon-
ventionnelle formulée dansleur contre-mémoire,compte tenu des obser-
vations présentéespar l'Iran; et considérant que, par lettre en date du
18 décembre1997,le greffier a communiqué copie des observations du
Gouvernement des Etats-Unis au Gouvernement iranien, en informant

celui-ci,d'une part, que la Cour décideraitde la suite de la procédure sur
la base des documents dont elleétait désormaissaisieet, d'autre part, que200 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

the Agents of the Parties would be informed of the decision in due
course; and whereas, the same day, the Registrar transmitted that infor-
mation to the Government of the United States;
22. Whereas, in the introduction to itswritten observations,the United
States submits that Iran's request for a hearing on the matter was made

pursuant to Article 80, paragraph 3, of the Rules of Court and that:

"Under the Rules of Court, the only legally relevant issue now is
whether there is 'doubt' as to whether the US counter-claim is
'directlyconnected to the subject-matter' of Iran's claim. Here, there
can be no such doubt. There is therefore no basis for Iran's demand
for a hearing or for its insistencethat the counter-claimnot bejoined

to the original proceedings" ;

whereas the United States maintains that Iran "asks the Court . . .to
address issues going far beyond the limits of Article 80 (3), including
sweeping objections to jurisdiction and admissibility of the counter-

claim"; whereas, in the first part of its observations, the United States
submits that Iran "essentially seeks a separate procedure similar to pre-
liminary objections under Article 79" and draws, between the proceed-
ingsprovided for, respectively,in Article 79and in Article 80of the Rules
of Court, analogies which are "false" in so far as "the Party facing the
counter-claim initiated the case and chose the forum"; and whereas it
draws the attention of the Court to the following:

"Moreover, the Court could face great practical difficulties in
seekingto resolveIran's objectionsto admissibilityat this stagein the
context of Article 80 (3). Many of Iran's objections to jurisdiction
and admissibility involve contested matters of fact which the Court
cannot effectively address and decide at this stage, particularly
not in the context of the abbreviated procedures of Article 80 (3)3.

Should the Court decide to consider these issues in the present context, the
greateretail in writing beforethe Court rendered any decision";dress them in

23. Whereas the United States considers that "Iran . . regularly mis-
characterizes the key legal requirements of Article 80"; whereas the
United States points out that under that provision the counter-claim
must be directly connected "to the subject-matter of the claim, not to the
claim itself'; whereas from this it infers that "[a] proper counter-claim
need not be a mirror image of the claim or rest upon precisely the same PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 200

les agents des Parties seraient avisésde cette décision en tempsutile; et
que, le mêmejour, le greffier a porté les mêmesrenseignements à la
connaissance du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis;
22. Considérant que, dans l'introduction à leurs observations écrites,
les Etats-Unis exposent que la demande de l'Iran tendant à ce que les
Partiessoiententendues en l'espècea étéformuléeen application du para-
graphe 3 de l'article 80 du Règlementet que:

«Aux termes du Règlementde la Cour, la seulequestionjuridique
pertinente pour l'instant est celle de savoir si «le rapport de
connexité)) entre la demande reconventionnelle des Etats-Unis et
l'objet de la demande de l'Iran ((n'est pas apparent)). En l'occur-
rence, l'existencede ce rapport n'estpas douteuse. Par voie de consé-

quence, la demande de l'Iran tendant à ce que les Parties soient
entendues ou à ce que la demande reconventionnelle ne soit pas
jointe à l'instance initiale ne repose sur aucun fondement));
considérant que,dans la premièrepartie de leurs observations, les Etats-
Unis soutiennent que l'Iran «prie la Cour ..de traiter de questions qui

dépassentde loin les limites du paragraphe 3 de l'article 80, y compris
d'objections trèsgénéralesayant traità la compétencede la Cour et àla
recevabilité dela demande reconventionnelle»; qu'ils font valoir que
l'Iran «cherche essentiellementà obtenir que soit suivie une procédur...
semblable àcelle de l'article 79 relative aux exceptions préliminaires))et
établit entrelesprocéduresvisées,respectivement, aux articles79et 80du
Règlement desanalogies qui sont «fautives» dans la mesure où «la partie
contre laquelle la demande reconventionnelle est présentéeest cellequi a
introduit l'instance et qui a choisi l'organe judiciaire)); et qu'ilsappellent
l'attention de la Cour sur ce qui suit:

«En outre, la Cour pourrait setrouver faceà de grandes difficultés
pratiques si elle cherchaià se prononcer, à ce stade, sur les objec-
tions iraniennes relativesla recevabilité,en se fondant sur le para-
graphe 3 de l'article 80.De nombreusesobjectionsde l'Iran relatives
àla compétenceet àla recevabilitéportent sur des points de fait liti-
gieux, que la Cour ne peut pas traiter et trancher utilement à ce

stade, particulièrementdans lecadre de la procédurelimitéedu para-
graphe 3 de l'article 803.

Si la Cour devait décider d'examinerces questions à ce stade, les Etats-Unis
demanderaient que la possibilité leur soit ales traiter par écritde façon
plus détailléea,vant que la Cour ne rende sa décision));

23. Considérant que les Etats-Unis estiment que «l'Iran dénatureles
exigencesjuridiques essentiellesde l'article 80)); qu'ils soulignent qu'aux
termes de cette disposition la demande reconventionnelle doit êtreen
connexité directe «avec l'objet de la demande et non avec la demande
elle-même))q ;u'ilsen infèrentu'«[il1n'estpas nécessaireque la demande
reconventionnelle soit le reflet de la demande principale ou repose exac-201 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

theory or facts" but that it "must be sufficiently linked to the facts or
circumstances giving rise to the claim- the 'subject-matter' - to enable
the Court to address both efficientlyin the context of a single proceed-
ing"; whereas it argues that for the Court to rule, within a single pro-
ceeding, on claims where there are substantial common elements "helps
to reduce the burden on the Court. .. guards against inconsistent results,
and helps the Court to reach a just and rational result"; and whereas,

having analysed the case-law of the Court and of its predecessor, it
reaches the conclusion that the decisions of those two Courts reflect"this
practical understanding of the necessary connection between claim and
counter-claim" ;

24. Whereas, in the second part of its written observations,the United
States seeks to show that its counter-claim is "directly connected to the
subject-matter" of Iran's claim; whereas it accuses Iran of putting for-
ward an "artificial and illogical definition of the subject-matter of the
[main] claim" by asking the Court "to consider only the US defensive
actions against [Iran's] platforms" and "to exclude Iran's prior conduct
leading to those actions"; and whereas it maintains that the factual con-

nection between the subject-matter of Iran's case and the United States
counter-claim is direct and compelling since

"the facts and circumstances that caused the United States to engage
Iran's oil platforms - Iranian attacks on, and threats to, merchant
shipping,including US shipping and US nationals - are at the heart
of the US defence to Iran's claims"

and "[tlhese samefacts and circumstancesare likewisethe basis of the US
counter-claim" ;
25. Whereasthe United States goes into greater detail of Iran's alleged
actions which, according to the United States, justified "under. ..the law
of self-defenceand the 1955Treaty's provision", the "defensive actions"
which it took, in October 1987, against the Rostam Platform, then,
in April 1988, against the Sirri and Sassan Platforms; and whereas it
explains that in committing those acts Iran violated the 1955Treaty, not
only because the "seven specificIranian attacks" which it describes dam-
aged its vessels,but also because the consequences of Iran's conduct for

the overall exercise of navigational rights protected by the 1955Treaty
were the following:
"Iran's pattern of armed attacks against neutral shipping created

threatening conditions which interfered with the ability of al1US-
flag and US-owned ships and US nationals to exercise their rights
under the Treaty. Substantial damages resulted, including increases
in the costs of operating both US-flag and US-owned commercial
vessels and the warships protecting them. Insurance and labour PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 201

tement sur les mêmesthéorieset faits» mais qu'elle «doit êtresuffisam-
ment liéeaux faits et aux circonstances sur lesquelsrepose la demande -
son «objet» - pour permettre à la Cour de traiter utilement les deux
dans le cadre d'une seule et mêmeinstance)); qu'ilsfont valoir que le fait
pour la Cour de statuer, dans le cadre d'une procédure unique,sur des
demandes présentant d'importants éléments communs((contribue à
réduire la charge...imposée à la Cour ...prévientle risque de résultats
incohérents et permet àla Cour de parvenir à une solution juste et ration-
nelle»; et que, analysant la jurisprudence de la Cour et de sa devancière,
ils parviennent à la conclusion que les décisionsdes deux Cours «reflè-

t[ent] cette interprétation pratique du rapport de connexiténécessaire
entre la demande [principale]et la demande reconventionnelle»;
24. Considérant que, dans la deuxièmepartie de leurs observations
écrites,les Etats-Unis s'attachentà démontrer queleur demande recon-
ventionnelle est «en connexité directe avec l'objet dela demande)) ira-
nienne; qu'ils reprochent àl'Iran de prôner une ((définitionartificielleet
illogique de l'objet de la demande» principale en priant la Courd'«envi-
sage[r]uniquement les actions défensivesdes Etats-Unis contre lesplates-
formes» et d'«exclu[re] de son examen le comportement préalable de
l'Iran ayant conduit à ces actions)); et qu'ils soutiennent que le rapport

deconnexitéfactuelleentre l'objetdela demande principale et la demande
reconventionnelle «est direct et indéniable))car

«les faits et lescirconstancesqui lesont amenéà ouvrir lefeu sur des
plates-formes pétrolières de l'Iran à savoir les attaques et les me-
naces de l'Iran contre des navires marchands, y compris des navires
et des ressortissantses Etats-Unis - sont au cŒur desmoyens de
défense qu'ilsavancent à l'encontre des demandes iraniennes»

et «[cles mêmesfaits et circonstances forment également la base de leur
demande reconventionnelle » :
25. Considérant que les Etats-Unis exposent plus avant les actes
imputés à l'Iran qui, d'après eux,ont justifié,«au regard du droit de légi-
time défense et des dispositionsdu traitéde 1955))'les «actions défen-
sives» qu'ils ont menées,en octobre 1987,contre la plate-forme de Ros-
tam, puis, en avril 1988,contre les plates-formes de Sirri et de Sassan; et
qu'ils expliquent qu'encommettant ces mêmes actesl'Iran a violéle traité

de 1955, non seulement parce que les «sept attaques iraniennes spéci-
fiques)) qu'ils décriventont endommagé des navires, mais aussi parce
que la conduite de l'Iran a eu, sur l'exercicegénéral ddroits de naviga-
tion protégéspar le traité de 1955, lesconséquencessuivantes:

«La stratégie d'attaques arméed se l'Iran contre les navires neutres
a crééune situation d'insécurité, qui portéatteinte à la capacité de
tous les navires battant pavillon américain ou appartenant à des
citoyens américainset de tous les ressortissants américainsd'exercer
les droits qu'ils tenaient du traité.l en est résulté des préjudices
importants, y compris une augmentation des frais de fonctionnement202 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

costs increased; steaming times increased; vessels were forced to
carry smaller cargoes in order to pass through the relative safety of
shallower waters" ;

26. Whereas the United States, whilst it maintains that the Iranian
objections to the jurisdiction of the Court to entertain its counter-claim
"are not appropriatefor consideration at this stage [ofthe case]", intends
nonetheless "[to] comment brieflyon some of Iran's argument concerning
the 1955Treaty"; whereas it allegesthat "Iran's jurisdictional arguments
seekto force al1of the US counter-claim into the confinesof Article X (1)
of the 1955Treaty", of which it provides a debatable interpretation, and
whereas "[i]ssuesinvolving the relationship between that Article and the
US counter-claimawait the Court's eventual decisionregardingthe inter-
pretation and application of that Article"; whereas it argues that "Iran's
specificobjections to the application of paragraphs X (2) through X (5)
of the Treaty are without merit", in so far as,interalia", these provisions
are not limited to ships involved in trade between the United States and

Iran" ;and whereas it adds that "the exclusionof warships in ArticleX (6)
is not applicable to Article X (5)", since attacks on United States war-
ships protecting United States commercial vessels must "be viewed as
endangering and denying access to those commercial vesselsas well";

27. Whereas the United States rejects the Iranian contention that the
United States counter-claim "is not admissible because it is not framed
clearly or with sufficient precision"; whereas it asserts that the counter-
claim "has been stated with sufficient precision to be understood by
Iran"; and whereas it observes that, although it has reserved the right to
prove other Iranian ship attacks, "Iran itself has frequently sought to

reserve the right to prove additional matters supporting its claims";

28. Whereasthe United States also denies that there is any basis to the
Iranian argument that it too could have made a counter-claim,pointing
out that "Iran initiated [theseproceedings], asserting claims that it alone
selected" ;and whereas it denies that its counter-claim affectsthe rights of
third parties since "[tlhe other States potentially interested in the . . .
counter-claim have indicated their consent or lack of objection to the
counter-claim" ;

29. Whereas, in the third part of its written observations, the United
States reiterates its conviction that, contrary to what is maintained by PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 202

des navires de commerce qui battaient pavillon américain ou qui
appartenaient à des ressortissants américainset des naviresde guerre
américainsqui assuraient leur protection. Le coût des assuranceset de

la main-d'Œuvrea augmenté,lestemps de navigation se sont allongés
et lesnavires ont dû transporter des cargaisons réduitesafin de béné-
ficierde la relative sécurqu'offraient les eaux moins profondes));

26. Considérant queles Etats-Unis, tout en maintenant que les objec-
tions del'Iranà la compétencede la Courpour connaître de leur demande
reconventionnelle «ne seprêtentpas à un examen à ce stade de l'affaire)),
entendent par ailleursformuler ((quelquesbrefs commentaires sur certains
des arguments iraniens concernant le traitéde 1955));qu'ilsallèguentque
«l'Iran cherche àenfermer l'ensemblede la demande reconventionnelle ...
dans les limites du paragraphe 1 de l'articleX du traitéde 1955», dont il
fournit une interprétationdiscutable, et que[l]esquestions concernant la
relation entre cet article et la demande reconventionnelle des Etats-Unis
ne pourront être tranchées qu'aprèq sue la Cour se sera prononcée sur
l'interprétation et l'application decet article)); qu'ils font valoir que

objections spécifiquesque l'Iran soulèveà l'encontre de l'application des
paragraphes 2 à 5 de l'articleX du traité sontdépourvues detout fonde-
ment)), dans la mesure où, notamment, «le champ d'application de ces
dispositions ne selimitepas aux naviresparticipant au commerceentre les
Etats-Unis et l'Iran»; et qu'ils ajoutent que «l'exclusion des navires de
guerre que prévoitle paragraphe 6 de l'article X n'est pas applicable au
paragraphe 5 de [cet]article)), les attaques menéescontre des navires de
guerre des Etats-Unis assurant la protection de navires marchands amé-
ricains devant «êtreconsidérées commm e ettant égalementen danger ces
navires marchands et empêchant leur librecirculation»;
27. Considérant que les Etats-Unis rejettent les allégations de l'Iran
selon lesquelles leur demande reconventionnelle «n'est pas recevable
parce qu'ellen'est pas rédigée en termes clairs ou suffisamment précis));
qu'ils affirment que ladite demande «a été énoncée en termes suffisam-

ment clairs pour que l'Iran la comprenne)); et qu'ils font observer que,
s'ils se sont réservéle droit d'apporter la preuve d'autres attaques ira-
niennes contre des navires, «l'Iran lui-mêmea fréquemment cherché à
réserver sondroit d'établir la preuve d'éléments supplémentair esl'ap-
pui de ses demandes)) ;
28. Considérant queles Etats-Unis dénient égalementtout fondement
à la thèse del'Iran suivant laquelle celui-cidevrait pouvoir lui aussi pré-
senter une demande reconventionnelle, en soulignant que «c'est l'Iran qui
[a introduit l'instance]et qui a présentéles demandes de son choix)); et
considérantqu'ils contestent que leur demande reconventionnelle puisse
porter atteinte aux droits des Etats tiers dès lorsque«[l]es autres Etats
potentiellement concernés par la demande reconventionnelle ... ont
indiqué qu'ilsy consentaient ou ne s'yopposaient pas»;
29. Considérant que, dans la troisième partie de leurs observations

écrites,les Etats-Unis réitèrent leur convictionque, contrairement a ce203 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

Iran, no hearing is required in the present circumstances; it points out
that the expression "after hearing the Parties", which appears in para-
graph 3 of Article 80 of the Rules "come[s] into operation only if the
Court determines that there is 'doubt' as to the requisite 'connection
between the question presented by way of counter-claim and the subject-
matter' ",which is not the case here; and whereas it adds that "[tlhe prin-
ciples ofjustice and of sound judicial administration require no different
result" since"[tlhe question of connection ... here is simpleand straight-
forward" andthat "[tlhe relevant considerations are fullyexplained in the
papers submitted by the Parties";

30. Whereas, in its concluding observations, the United States submits
that "the Court should now decideto join the questions presented by the
US counter-claim to the original proceeding" since "[bloth claim and
counter-claim arise out of the same circumstances and require the Court
to examine and decide many of the same factual and legal issues";

31. Whereas, having regard to Article 80, paragraph 3, of its Rules,
and having receiveddetailedwritten observations from each ofthe Parties,
the Court is sufficiently well informed of the positions they hold with
regard to the admissibility of the claims presented as counter-claims by
the United States; and whereas, accordingly, it does not appear necessary
to hear the Parties further on the subject;

32. Whereas in this case Iran does not dispute that the United States
claim is presented not as a defence on the merits, but as a "counter-
claim" within the meaning of Article 80of the Rules of Court; whereas it
is not disputed that the claim has been "made in the Counter-Memorial
of the party presenting it, and [appears]as part of the submissions of that
party", in accordance with Article 80, paragraph 2; whereas, however,
Iran denies that the counter-claim meets the requirements of "jurisdic-
tion" and of "direct connection" set out in Article 80, paragraph 1, and
whereas it falls to the Court to determine whether these requirements are
met in this particular case;

33. Whereas the Court has already had occasion to state the reasons
why the admissibility of a counter-claim as such is contingent on those
conditions in the following terms :
"Whereasthe Respondent cannot use a counter-claimas a means of
referringto an international court claimswhichexceedthe limitsof its
jurisdiction as recognizedby the parties; and whereasthe Respondent
cannot use that means either to impose on the Applicant any claim it
chooses,at the risk of infringingthe Applicant'srights and of compro-
misingthe proper administration ofjustice; and whereasit is for that
reason that paragraph 1 of Article 80 of the Rules of Court requires PLATES-FORM PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 203

que soutient l'Iran, aucune audience n'est requise au cas particulier;
qu'ils soulignent que l'expression((aprèsavoir entendu les parties)),qui
figure au paragraphe 3 de l'article 80 du Règlement,((n'entreen jeu que
si la Cour estime que «le rapport de connexitéentre la demande pré-
sentée commedemande reconventionnelle et l'objet de lademande de la
partie adverse n'est pas apparent»», ce qui n'est pas le cas en l'espèce; et
qu'ils ajoutent que«[l]esprincipes de justice et de bonne administration
de la justice n'appellent aucun résultat différent» puisque[l]a question

du rapport de connexité ..se pose ici en termes simpleset clairs» et que
«[llesélémentp sertinents sont expliquésen détaildans les piècessoumises
par les Parties));
30. Considérant que, dans leurs remarques finales, les Etats-Unis
concluent qu'«il conviendrait pour la Cour de déciderpour l'heure de
joindre à l'instance initialeles questions [qu'ilsont] présenté..à titre
reconventionnel» car «[l]a demande [principale]et la demande reconven-
tionnelle sont fondéessur les mêmescirconstances et appellent la Cour à
examiner et à trancher de nombreuses questions de fait et de droit com-
munes» ;
31. Considérant que, eu égard au paragraphe 3 de l'article 80 du
Règlement, et saisie d'observations écrites détaillée dse chacune des

Parties, la Cour est suffisamment informée des positionsqu'elles défen-
dent quant à la recevabilitédes demandes présentée stitre reconvention-
nel par les Etats-Unis; et qu'il n'apparaît en conséquencepas nécessaire
d'entendre plusavant les Parties à ce sujet;

32. Considérantqu'en l'espècel'Iran ne conteste pas que la demande
des Etats-Unis se présente non commeune défenseau fond, mais comme
une ((demande reconventionnelle» au sens de l'article 80 du Règlement;
qu'il est constant que cette demande a été ((présenté deans le contre-
mémoire dela partie dont elle émaneet figure parmi ses conclusions»,
conformémentau paragraphe 2 de cet article; mais que l'Iran conteste
que ladite demande satisfasse aux conditions de «compétence» et de
«connexité»poséesau paragraphe 1 du mêmearticle, et qu'il échet à la
Cour de déterminersi ces conditions sont remplies au cas particulier;

33. Considérant que la Cour a déjà eu l'occasion d'exposer ences
termes les motifs pour lesquels la recevabilitéd'une demande reconven-
tionnelle en tant que telle est subordonnéeà ces conditions:
((Considérantqueledéfendeurne saurait tirerparti del'actionrecon-
ventionnelle pour porter devant le juge international des demandes
quiexcéderaienlteslimitesdanslesquelleslespartiesont reconnusacom-

pétence;et que le défendeurne saurait davantageimposerpar cettevoie
au demandeur n'importe quelledemande,au risque de porter atteinte
aux droits de celui-ciet de compromettre la bonne administration de
lajustice; et considérantquec'estpour cemotif qu'il estexigé,aura-204 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

that the counter-claim'comeswithin thejurisdiction of the Court' and

'that itis directly connectedwith thesubject-matterof the claim of the
other party'" (Application of the Convention on the Preventionand
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,Order of 17 December 1997,
I.C.J. Reports 1997, pp. 257-258,para. 31);

34. Whereas the Court has found, in its Judgrnent of 12 December
1996,that its jurisdiction in the present case covers claims made under
Article X, paragraph 1, of the 1955Treaty, which is worded as follows:
"Between the territories of the two High Contracting Parties there shall
be freedom of commerce and navigation";
35. Whereas, in its Judgment of 12 December 1996, the Court indi-

cated, inter alia,
"it would be a natural interpretation of the word 'commerce', inAr-
ticleX, paragraph 1, of the Treaty of 1955that it includes commer-
cial activities in genera- not merely the immediateact of purchase
and sale, but also the ancillary activities integrally related to com-
merce" (Oil Platforms (Islamic Republic of Iran v. United States of
America), Preliminary Objection, Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 1996,

p. 819, para. 49).
and whereas it added that:

"Article X, paragraph 1, of the Treaty of 1955 does not strictly
speaking protect 'commerce'but 'freedom of commerce'. Any act
which would impede that 'freedom', isthereby prohibited. Unless
such freedom is to be renderedillusory,the possibility must be enter-
tained that it could actually be impeded as a result of acts entailing
the destruction of goods destined to be exported, or capable of
affecting their transport and their storage with a view to export"
(ibid., para. 50;

36. Whereas the counter-claim presented by the United States alleges
attacks on shipping, the laying of mines, and other military actions said
to be "dangerous and detrimental to maritime commerce7';whereas such
facts are capable of falling within the scope of Article X, paragraph 1, of
the 1955Treaty as interpreted by the Court; and whereas the Court has
jurisdiction to entertain the United States counter-claim in so far as the
facts alleged may have prejudiced the freedomsguaranteed by Article X,
paragraph 1 ;

37. Whereas the Rules of Court do not define what is meant by
"directly connected"; whereas it is for the Court, in its sole discretion, to PLATES-FORM PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 204

graphe 1 de l'article80 du Règlement, que la demande reconvention-
nelle«relèvede la compétencede la Cour»et «soiten connexité directe
avecl'objetde la demandede la partie adverse))Applicationde lacon-
ventionpour lapréventionet la répressiondu crimedegénocide, ordon-
nance du17 décembre 1997C , .I.J. Recueil 1997,. 257-258,par. 31);

34. Considérant que, dans son arrêtdu 12 décembre1996,la Cour a
dit que sa compétence enl'espècecouvrait les demandes formuléesau
titre du paragraphe 1 de l'article X du traité de1955,ainsi libellé:«Il y
aura libertéde commerce et de navigation entre les territoires des deux
Hautes Parties contractantes »;
35. Considérantque, dans son arrêtdu 12 décembre1996,la Cour a
notamment indiqué

«qu'il serait naturel d'interpréter le mot «commerce» au para-
graphe 1de l'article X du traité de1955comme incluant des activités
commercialesengénéral - non seulementles activitésmêmes d'achat
et de vente, mais égalementles activitésaccessoiresqui sont intrinsè-
quement liéesau commerce »(Plates-formespétrolières(République
islamique d'Iran c. Etats-Unis d'Amérique),exception préliminaire,
arrêt,C.I.J. Recueil 1996, p. 819,par. 49);

et qu'elle a ajouté:
«le paragraphe 1 de l'article X du traité de 1955ne protège pas à

proprement parler le «commerce» mais la «libertéde commerce)).
Tout acte qui entraverait cette «liberté» s'en trouve prohibé. Or,
sauf à rendre une telle liberté illusoire, il faut considérer qu'elle
pourrait êtreeffectivemententravéedu fait d'actesqui emporteraient
destruction de biens destinés être exportéso,u qui seraient suscep-
tibles d'en affecter le transport et le stockage en vue de l'exporta-
tion» (ibid., par. 5;)

36. Considérant que la demande reconventionnelle présentéepar les
Etats-Unis invoque des attaques contre le transport maritime, des mouil-
lages de mines et d'autres activitésmilitaires qui seraient ((dangereuseset
nuisibles pour le commerce maritime)); que de tels faits sont susceptibles
d'entrer dans les prévisionsdu paragraphe 1 de l'article X du traité de
1955 tel qu'interprétépar la Cour; et que celle-ci est compétente pour
connaître de la demande reconventionnelle des Etats-Unis dans la mesure
ou les faits alléguésont pu porter atteinte aux libertés garanties par le
paragraphe 1de l'article X;

37. Considérantque leRèglementnedéfinitpas la notion de((connexité
directe)); qu'il appartientla Cour d'apprécier souverainement,compte205 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

assesswhether the counter-claim is sufficientlyconnected to the principal
claim, taking account of the particular aspects of each case; and whereas,
as a general rule, the degree of connection between the claims must be
assessed both in fact and in law;
38. Whereas, in the present case, it emerges from the Parties' submis-
sions that their claims rest on facts of the same nature; whereas they
form part of the same factual complex since the facts relied on -
whether involving the destruction of oil platforms or of ships - are
alleged to have occurred in the Gulf during the same period; whereas the

United States indicates, moreover, that it intends to rely on the same
facts and circumstancesin order both to refute the allegations of Iran and
to obtain judgrnent against that State; and whereas, with their respective
claims, the two Parties pursue the same legal aim, namely the establish-
ment of legal responsibility for violations of the 1955Treaty;

39. Whereas the Court considers that the counter-claim presented by
the United States is directly connected with the subject-matter of the
claims of Iran ;

40. Whereas in the light of the foregoing,the Court considers that the
counter-claim presented by the United States satisfies the conditions set
forth in Article 80, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Court;

41. Whereas a decision given on the admissibility of a counter-claim
taking account of the requirements set out in Article 80 ofthe Rules in no
way prejudges any question which the Court will becalled upon to hear
during the remainder of the proceedings;
42. Whereas in order to protect the rights which third States entitled

to appear before the Court derive from the Statute, the Court instructs
the Registrar to transmit a copy of this Order to them;
43. Whereas when, in accordance with the provisions of its Rules, the
Court decides, in the interests of the proper administration of justice, to
rule on the respective claims of the parties in a singleset of proceedings,
it must not, foral1that, lose sight of the interest of the Applicant to have
its claims decided within a reasonable period of time;

44. Whereas, during the meetingwhich the Vice-Presidentof the Court
held on 17October 1997with the Agents of the Parties (seeparagraph 7
above), the Agents envisaged a new exchange of written pleadings on the
merits; and whereas the Agent of Iran, when asked about the time his
Government would need in order to present a Reply, if such proved

necessary, indicated that, without prejudice to the question of whether
that pleading should also cover the counter-claim, a time-limitof one year PLATES-FORMES PÉTROLIÈRES (ORDONNAN1 C0EIII 98) 205

tenu des particularités de chaque espèce, sile lien qui doit rattacher la
demande reconventionnelle à la demande principale est suffisant; et
que, en règlegénéralel,e degréde connexitéentreces demandes doit être
évalué aussibien en fait qu'en droit;
38. Considérant que, dans la présenteespèce,il ressort des conclusions
des Parties que leurs demandes reposent sur des faits de mêmenature;

qu'elles s'inscriventdans le cadre d'un mêmeensemble factuel complexe,
puisque les faits invoqués- qu'il s'agisse.de la destruction des plates-
formes pétrolières oude celle des navires - sont réputés avoireu lieu
dans le Golfe au cours de la mêmepériode; que les Etats-Unis ont en
outre indiqué qu'ils entendaientse prévaloirdes mêmesfaits et circons-
tances à la fois pour repousser les allégationsde l'Iran et pour obtenir
condamnation de celui-ci;et que lesdeux Parties, par leursdemandes res-
pectives, poursuivent le mêmebut juridique, à savoir l'établissement
d'une responsabilitéjuridique en raison de violations du traité de 1955;
39. Considérant que la Cour estime que la demande reconventionnelle
présentéepar les Etats-Unis est en connexitédirecte avec l'objet des

demandes de l'Iran;

40. Considérant qu'au vu de ce qui précèdela Cour estime que la
demande reconventionnelle présentéepar les Etats-Unis satisfait aux
conditions poséesau paragraphe 1 de l'article 80 du Règlement;

41. Considérant qu'une décision rendue sur la recevabilité d'une

demande reconventionnellecompte tenu des exigences formulées à l'ar-
ticle 80 du Règlementne saurait préjugeraucune question dont la Cour
aurait àconnaître dans la suite de la procédure;
42. Considérant que, aux fins de protégerles droits que les Etats tiers
admis àester devant la Cour tirent du Statut, la Cour donne instruction
au greffier de leur transmettre copie de la présenteordonnance;
43. Considérant que lorsque, conformément aux dispositions de son
Règlement,la Cour décide,dans l'intérêt d'une bonne administration de
lajustice, de seprononcer en une seuleet mêmeinstancesur lesdemandes
respectivesdes Parties, il importe qu'elle neperde pas pour autant de vue
l'intérêt du demandeur à ce qu'il soit statué sur ses prétentions dans un

44. Considérant que,au cours de la réunion quele vice-présidentde la
Cour a tenue le 17 octobre 1997avec les agents des Parties (voir para-
graphe 7 ci-dessus), ceux-ci ont envisagé un nouveléchange d'écritures
sur le fond; et que l'agent de'Iran, interrogé surle délaidont son gou-
vernement estimerait devoir disposer pour présenter,le cas échéant,une
réplique,a indiqué que, sous réservedu point de savoir si cette pièce
devrait aussi porter sur la demande reconventionnelle, un délaid'un an206 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10 III 98)

as from the date of filing of the Counter-Memorial would seem necessary
to reply to it; and whereas at the end of its written observations (see

paragraphs 21 et seq. above), the United States expressed itself as follows
in that connection :
"As to the schedule of future proceeding on the merits of this case,

the United States would not object should Iran ask under Article 45 (2)
of the Rules of Court for permission to submit a Reply to the US
Counter-Memorial to accompany its defence to the US counter-
claim, if the United States is also authorized to filea Rejoinder. The
United States notes, however, that Iran received the US Counter-
Memorial and Counter-Claim late in June 1997, nearly six months
ago. Iran thus already has had as long to study the US document as
the United States had to write it. Therefore Iran should be required

to submit any Reply within six months. The United States should
then be given as much time to prepare its Rejoinder as Iran willhave
had from June 1997to the filing of its Reply";

45. Whereas, taking into account the conclusions it has reached above,
the Court considers that it is necessary for Iran to filea Reply and for the
United States to file a Rejoinder relating to the claims of both Parties;
and whereas it is necessary moreover, in order to ensure strict equality
between the Parties, to reserve the right of Iran to present its views in

writing a second time on the United States counter-claim, in an addi-
tional pleading the filing of which may be the subject of a subsèquent

46. For these reasons,

(A) By fifteen votes to one,

Finds that the counter-claim presented by the United States in its
Counter-Memorial is admissible as such and forms part of the current
proceedings ;
IN FAVOUR : Vice-President Weeramantry, Acting President ; President
Schwebel; Judges Oda, Bedjaoui, Guillaume, Ranjeva,Herczegh, Shi,
Fleischhauer, Koroma, Vereshchetin, Higgins,Parra-Aranguren, Kooij-
mans, Rezek;


compter de la date du dépôt du contre-mémoire paraîtrait nécessaire
pour répondre à celui-ci; et considérant qu'au terme de leurs observa-
tions écrites (voirparagraphes21 et suivants ci-dessus) les Etats-Unis se
sont,à ce sujet, exprimés commesuit:

«Pour ce qui est du calendrier des phaseà venir de la procédure
quant au fond de l'instance, les Etats-Unis ne verraient aucune
objectionà ce que, en application du paragraphe 2 de l'article 45 du
Règlement de la Cour, l'Iran demande la permission de déposer une
réplique au contre-mémoire des Etats-Unis pour compléter les

moyens de défense qu'ilavancera face à la demande reconvention-
nelle des Etats-Unis, pour autant que ces derniers soient autorisés
déposerune duplique. Toutefois, les Etats-Unis relèventque l'Iran a
reçu leur contre-mémoireet leur demande reconventionnelle à la fin
du mois dejuin 1997,il y a prèsde sixmois. L'Iran a donc eu autant
de temps pour étudier la piècedes Etats-Unis que ceux-ci en ont eu
pour l'écrire. En conséquence,la date d'expiration du délaipour le
dépôt d'uneéventuellerépliquede l'Iran devrait être desixmois. Les
Etats-Unis se verraient alors accorder, pour préparer leur duplique,
un délaicomparable àcelui que l'Iran a eu entre le mois dejuin 1997
et la date de dépôt de sa réplique));

45. Considérant que, compte tenu des conclusions auxquelles elle est
parvenue ci-dessus, la Cour estime que le dépôt d'une répliquedeIran et
d'une duplique des Etats-Unis, portant sur les demandes soumises par les

deux Parties, est nécessaire;et qu'il écheten outre, aux fins d'assurer une
stricte égalientre les Parties, de réserverle droit, pouran, de s'expri-
mer une seconde fois par écrit sur la demande reconventionnelle des
Etats-Unis, dans une pièce additionnelle dont la présentation pourrait
faire l'objet d'une ordonnance ultérieure;

46. Par ces motifs,

A) Par quinze voix contre une,
Dit que la demande reconventionnelle présentéepar les Etats-Unis
dans leur contre-mémoireest recevable comme telle et fait partie de l'ins-

tance en cours;
POUR: M. Weeramantry, vice-président, faisantfonction de président en
l'affaire;M. Schwebel,président de la Cour; MM. Oda, Bedjaoui,
Guillaume, Ranjeva, Herczegh, Shi, Fleischhauer, Koroma,
Vereshchetin,Mme Higgins,MM. Parra-Aranguren, Kooijmans, Rezek,
CONTRE: M. Rigaux,juge ad hoc;207 OIL PLATFORMS (ORDER 10III 98)

(B) Unanimously,
Directs Iran to submit a Reply and the United States to submit a

Rejoinder relating to the claims of both Parties andJixes the following
dates as time-limits for the filing ofse pleadings:

For the Reply of Iran, 10 September 1998;
For the Rejoinder of the United States, 23 November 1999; and

Reserves the subsequent procedure for further decision.

Done in English and in French, the English text being authoritative, at
the Peace Palace, The Hague, this tenth day of March, one thousand nine
hundred and ninety-eight, in three copies, one of which willbe placed in

the archives of the Court and the others transmitted to the Government
of the IslamicRepublic of Iran and the Government of the United States
of America, respectively.

(Signed) Christopher G. WEERAMANTRY,

(Signed) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA,

JudgesODAand HIGGINS append separate opinions to the Order of the

Judge ad hoc RIGAUX appends a dissenting opinion to theOrder of the

(Initialled) C.G.W.


B) A l'unanimité,

Prescrit la présentation d'une réplique de'Iran et d'une duplique des
Etats-Unis portant sur les demandes soumisespar les deux Partiestfixe
comme suit lesdates d'expiration des délaispour le dépôtde cespiècesde
procédure :
Pour la répliquede l'Iran, le 10 septembre 1998;
Pour la duplique des Etats-Unis, le 23 novembre 1999;

Réservela suite de la procédure.

Fait en anglaiset en français, le texte anglaisfaisant foi, au Palais de la

Paix, àLa Haye, le dix mars mil neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-huit, en trois
exemplaires,dont l'un resteradéposéaux archivesde la Cour et lesautres
seront transmis respectivement au Gouvernement de la Républiqueisla-
mique d'Iran et au Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amérique.

Le vice-président,
(Signé) Christopher G. WEERAMANTRY.

Le greffier,
(Signé) Eduardo VALENCIA-OSPINA.

M. ODAet MmeHIGGINS ,ges, joignentà l'ordonnance les exposés de
leur opinion individuelle.

M. RIGAUX j, ge ad hoc,jointàl'ordonnance l'exposéde son opinion

(Paraphé) C.G.W.

(Paraphé) E.V.O.

ICJ document subtitle


Document file FR
Document Long Title

Order of 10 March 1998
