Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal) - Fixing of time-limits for pleadings postponed pending negotiations for possible settlement of the dispute

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PeacePalace,2517KJTheHaye. Tel-3924441).CableIntercoTheHague.

Telefax(0-3699 28).Telex32323Communiqué
Members of the Cou-tStaff 13-10-92 for immediate rclease
Post Office Peace Pal13-10-92

No. 92/24

Case concemina MaritimeDelimitation
betweenGuinea-Bissauand Sene~al

Fixinn of time-limitsfor DleadinnsDost~onedDending
nenotiationsfor Dossiblesettlementof the disDute

The following informatns communicatedthe Pressby the
Registryof the International Ctf Justice:

At the timewhen proceedingswere institutedin this case(see Press
CommuniquéNo.1/8, 13 March 1991),proceedingswere still inprogress
in the caseinstitutedGuinea-Bissau againtenegalon
23 August 1989, concerningthe ArbitralAward of 31 July 1989.
Article 31 of the Rules of Courtprovidesthat

"In every case submitto the Court,the Presidentshall
ascertainthe views of the parties withregardto questions of
procedure. For thisrposehe shallsummonthe agentsof the
appointment,and whenever necesthereafter," their

and Article44, paragraph1, of the Rules providesthat

"1.In the lightof the informationobtained by the
Presidentnder Article31 of theseRules,the Courtshall make
the necessary ordto determine, inter alia, the nerda
which they must be filed."leadiand thetime-limitswithin

However,as was made clearin the Applicationinstitutingthe new case,
the questionof the Court'sjurisdictionto entertainit would appear in
a different light accorgo theCourt'sdecisionin the firstcase,on
the validityof the Awardof 31 July 1989. Accordinglthewith
pleadingsin the new case,pending thet'sdecisionin the firstcase.

Judgmentin the first case was on 12 November 1991(see Press
CommuniquéNo. 91/32). After the twornmentsconcerned had had time
to study that Judgment,the Presidentof the Court convened a meeting
with the representatisf the Partieson 28 February1992, at whichhoweverthey requested thatno the-limit be fixed forthe initial
pleadingsin the case,pendingthe outcomeof negotiationson the
question ofmaritimedelimitation; thosenegotiations were to continue
for six months in the firstinstance,afterwhich, if they hadnot been

successful,a furthermeetingwould be held with the President.

No indicationshavingbeen received from the Partiesas to thestate
of theirnegotiations,the President convenea d furthermeeting withthe
Agents on 6 October1992. The Agents statedthat some progresshad been
made towardan agreement, and a joint requestwas made bythe two Parties
that a further periodof threemonths,with a possible further extension
of threemonths,be allowedfor continuation of the negotiations. The
President agreedto this,and expressed satisfaction at the efforts being
made by the Partiesto resolvetheir dispute by negotiation,in the
spiritof the recommendation made in the Judgme oft12 November1991
(seePress Communiqué No. 91/32, p.11).

ICJ document subtitle

- Fixing of time-limits for pleadings postponed pending negotiations for possible settlement of the dispute

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Arbitral Award of 31 July 1989 (Guinea-Bissau v. Senegal) - Fixing of time-limits for pleadings postponed pending negotiations for possible settlement of the dispute
