Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway) - Judgment to be delivered on 14 June 1993

Document Number
Document Type
Number (Press Release, Order, etc)
Date of the Document
Document File


No. 93/13
24 May 1993

e Delimitationin the Area betweenGreenland andJan Maveq

Judnnieatto be deliveredon 14 June 1999

The following informatioi ns communicatedto the Press by the
Registryof the International Court of Justice:

On Mondav 14 June 1993. at 3 r>.m,,the Court will holda public
sittingfor the purposeof deliveringits Judgmentin the above case.


1. The public sittingwill be held in the Great Hallof Justiceof
the PeacePalace. Membersof the Press willbe entitled toattendon
presentationof an admission card,which may be obtained upon
The tablesreserved for thea mre situated onthe far left
of the public entranceof the courtroom.

2.Photographsmay be takenbefore the opening,during the first
five minutesof the sitting; and also fora few minutes towards the
. end. Filming for cinemaor television purposesis howeversubjectto

3. In the Press Room, locatedon the ground floor of the
Peace Palace (Room5), the readingof the Court's decisionwill be
relayedthrougha loudspeaker.

4. After the closeof the sitting,a Press Communiquéwill be
distributedin the Press Room (Room 5).

5. Membersof the Press whowish to make phonecalls mayuse the
public telephones in the Post Office in the basementof the Palace.

6. Mr. A. Witteveen, Secretary i chargeof information matters
(telephone extension233), or, in his absence,Mrs. N.C. El-Erian,
InformationOfficer (telephone extension 234), will be available to deal .'
with any requestsfor informationby membersof the press.

ICJ document subtitle

- Judgment to be delivered on 14 June 1993

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen (Denmark v. Norway) - Judgment to be delivered on 14 June 1993
