Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark) - Solemn declarations of Judges ad hoc Paul Henning Fischer and Bengt Broms

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PeacePalace,2517W TheHague.Tel. (070 -392 44 41).Cables:Intercourt,The Hague.

Telefax(070 -364 9928). Telex32323. Communiqué

for imrnediate release

No. 91/19
1 July 1991

Passage through the Great Belt
(Finland v. Denmark)

The following information is communicated to the Press by the
Registry of the International Court of Justice:

At the public sitting of today, Monday 1 July 1991, which marked the
opening of hearings (on the request for provisional measures, made by
in land in the case concerning Passage through the Great Belt
(Finland v. Denmark), Messrs. Paul Henning Fischer and Bengt Broms, who
have been chosen by :Denmark and Finland respectively to sit as
Judges ad hoc, made the solemn declaration required by the Statute and
Rules of Court.

Biographies of .Judge ad hoc Fischer, who is also sitting as
Judge ad hoc in the case conceming Maritime Delimitation in the Area
between Greenland and Jan Mayen and of Judge ad hoc Brorns are annexed
hereto. Mr. Paul Henning Fischer

Judge ad hoc in the cases concerning
Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark)
Maritime Delimitation in the Area between Greenland and Jan Mayen

Born on 24 Marchi 1919

Bachelor of Laws (1943), Doctor of Laws, University of Copenhagen


Assistant Prof essor of Public Internat ional Law, University of
Copenhagen (1948-1952).

Attaché of the Danish Legation, Stoc'kholm (1944); Secretary and
Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Copenhagen (1946 ) ;
Secretary of Legation, The Hague (1952); Head of Section, subsequently
Head of Division and Deputy Under-Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(1955); Ambassador to Warsaw, in addition accredited to Bucharest and

Sofia (1960) ; Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Aff airs
(1961) ; Ambassador to Paris (1971) ; Ambassador to Bonn (1980-1989).

Alternate Representative , Danish delegation to the fourteenth
session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (1959); Alternate

Representative, Danish delegation to the f ifteenth session of the
General Assembly of the United Nations (1960).

Conciliator under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
(1981); Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (1982).

Publications : "European Coal and S tee1 Comrnunity , International Law
Studies on International Co-operation" and several publications on legal
and international subjects.

Decorations: Grisnd Cross of the Order of Dannebrog and several

foreign Grand Crosses. Mr. Bengt Henry Gabriel Arne Broms

Judge ad hoc in the case concerning
Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark)

Born on 16 October 1929.

Nat ionality : Finnish

LL.B., L.L.M., LL.D, M. Pol. Sc. (~elsinki), Master of Laws
(~ichigan), Diploma in International Law (~antab.), qualified Judge in

Prof essor of Constitutional and International Law (University of
Turku (1962-1970). Professor of International and Constitutional Law
(University of Helsinki) since 1970.

Member of the High Court of Impeachment of the State of Finland

Member of the delegation of Finland to the plenary sessions of the
General Assembly of the United Nations in 1967, 1972-1979, 1981-1988.
Vice-Chairman of the Legal Committee (Sixth Committee) of the

General Assembly (1974). Chairman or Vice-Chairman of legal ad hoc or
Special Cornmittees set up by the General Assembly of the United Nations
sixteen times (1973-1988).

Member of the International Court of Arbitration set up by the

International Chamber of Commerce in Paris (1985). Nominated by the
Government of Finland to the International Centre for the Settlement of
Investment Disputes (ICSID) panels of arbitrators and mediators since
Finland joined the ICSID Convention. Member of the Permanent Court of
Arbitration in The Hague since 1986. Judge and Chairman of Chamber 1 at

the Iran-United States claims Tribunal in The Hague (1988). 1

Member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences.
Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Membre de 1 'Institut de droit international.
Member of the Academia Europaea.

Published 11 books and a large number of articles on international
and constitutional law.

ICJ document subtitle

- Solemn declarations of Judges ad hoc Paul Henning Fischer and Bengt Broms

Document file FR
Document Long Title

Passage through the Great Belt (Finland v. Denmark) - Solemn declarations of Judges ad hoc Paul Henning Fischer and Bengt Broms
